Spark a passion for reading and writing in your students. You can count on our new and recent releases to help you meet your state’s standards for literacy and integrate academic language development across all content areas.
Believe it or not, reading does not come naturally to students. It’s a skill that must be explicitly and systematically taught. Reading research emphasizes the importance of vocabulary knowledge, phonemic awareness, phonics, comprehension, and fluency to make meaning out of words.
Solution Tree has resources aligned with this research that will give you the tools to help your students build foundational reading skills.
$35.95 USD | $47.00 CAD
ISBN 978-1-958590-03-4
Literacy, Instruction
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Simply put, read alouds are essential—for all children and all students, across all grade levels, and across all subject areas. I embrace the daily read aloud as the cornerstone of literacy instruction.”
Read Alouds for All Learners
Read Alouds for All Learners: A Comprehensive Plan for Every Subject, Every Day, Grades PreK–8, Molly Ness presents a compelling case for the integration, or reintegration, of the read aloud in schools and a step-bystep resource for preK–8 educators in classrooms.
This book will help you:
Understand the role of read alouds in the science of reading
• Develop understanding of the three-step planning process for a read aloud
• See current read-aloud research and trends among elementary, middle, and high school teachers
• Gain tips targeted for each age group’s social-emotional learning and cognition.
• Capture the importance of read alouds in all content areas
• Create a read-aloud plan for social studies, the sciences, mathematics, physical education, the arts, and electives with hands-on tools
With so much focus on students’ foundational skills, we cannot afford to overlook the unconstrained components of language comprehension. In this free webinar recording, watch as Dr. Molly Ness highlights the research showing the cognitive, linguistic, socio-emotional, and even physiological benefits of read alouds in PreK–8 classrooms.
$40.95 USD | $53.50 CAD
ISBN 978-1-960574-20-6
English Learners, Instruction, Teams
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By Karen Johannesen Brock
With Margarita Espino Calderón
Teachers do not have to choose between serving multilingual learners and providing rigorous instruction for all. Perfect for group study, this book offers guidance for leveraging instructional coaching to strengthen collective teacher ef cacy and con dence so teachers can accelerate learning for all students.
• Understand multilingual learners’ unique needs.
• Maximize growth opportunities for multilingual learners throughout their day—not just in specialized small-group time.
• Learn how to design a professional learning plan tailored to their context.
$40.95 USD | $53.50 CAD
ISBN 978-1-952812-11-8
English Learners, Literacy, Social-Emotional Learning
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By Margarita Espino Calderón and Lisa Tartaglia
With Hector Montenegro
This research-based resource offers general education teachers more ef cient and effective ways to integrate social-emotional learning (SEL), language, and literacy development into all subjects and grade levels to make the most powerful learning impact, not just for English learners but for all students.
• Understand the core tenets of the CASEL framework and how SEL applies to English learners.
• Implement a schoolwide culture shift toward SEL practices.
• Improve student SEL competencies.
Practical Strategies for Integrating the Science of Reading Into Classroom Instruction
By Norene A. Bunt
While there is growing awareness of the ef cacy of the science of reading, teachers may feel overwhelmed by the volume of research on literacy. Using graphic organizers, assessments, and re ection questions, unpack ve core components of literacy instruction within the science of reading framework. This comprehensive guide prepares teachers to con dently implement effective literacy instruction in their classrooms.
• Understand the roles of whole-group, smallgroup, and independent work.
• Learn ve core literacy components within the science of reading framework.
• Consider the history of reading instruction and the research behind the science of reading approach.
Using Personal Narrative to Empower Student Writers, Grades 6–12
By Kourtney Hake and Paige Timmerman
Though personal narrative writing has taken a backseat to other forms of writing in the classroom, this format enables students to send a message, answer questions, ght for change, and re ect on experiences. Kourtney Hake and Paige Timmerman share a step-by-step, build-your-own framework that helps students excel in writing, showing how personal narrative harnesses students’ natural urge to tell stories.
• Approach writing instruction in a scienti c way.
• Learn how to hold a workshop, allowing student writers to explore and receive feedback.
• Take advantage of three-, four-, and ve-week unit plans by trying them in your own classrooms.
$40.95 USD | $53.50 CAD
ISBN 978-1-958590-87-4
Literacy, Instruction
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$40.95 USD | $53.50 CAD
ISBN 978-1-960574-22-0
Literacy, Instruction
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$40.95 USD | $53.50 CAD
ISBN 978-1-954631-77-9
Literacy, Instruction, BrainCompatible Learning
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By Karen Gazith
Karen Gazith holds a strong belief that teachers play a critical role in the success of their students. She emphasizes the need for effective instruction for all and intervention for those in need. This guide offers evidence-based practices for reading instruction that transform student pro ciency across all content areas.
• Learn what neuroscience research says about how children learn to read, why some students struggle to read, and how this knowledge informs best practices.
• Understand the big ve of reading and how to apply each element in teaching.
• Gain strategies that target fundamental reading skills, like decoding and uency.
• Master instructional approaches like acceleration, push-in and pull-out, and anchor activities to support students who are off track.
$40.95 USD | $53.50 CAD
ISBN 978-1-951075-49-1
Instruction; Teacher Ef cacy
Watch Webinar SolutionTree.com/ 7Principles
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By Karen Gazith
The most effective teachers are those who are both purposeful and intentional in their daily work. Built on seven well-researched principles, this resource outlines how new and veteran teachers can thoughtfully cultivate a rich learning environment conducive to the success of every student.
• Create a classroom based on learning and equality through evidence-based practices.
• Develop strong instructional strategies and classroom management skills.
• Implement formative assessments into everyday studies for student success.
• Understand the importance of perseverance and grit in the classroom setting.
Featuring Karen Gazith
Your book, TeachingWith Purpose, focuses on implementing evidence-based practices in the classroom. Could you share some key principles from your book and how they apply to the eld of reading instruction?
My experience working in schools has shown me that we do a lot of telling but, unfortunately, not enough teaching. This is most prominent when it comes to reading instruction. Students need to be taught how to read because, unlike speaking, reading is not natural. As such, evidencebased practices like explicit teaching are essential if students are going to learn how to read. In my book, I describe the steps essential to effective literacy instruction. These steps include modelling for students the strategies you want them to master, then gradually releasing responsibility from
the teacher to the student through an “I do, we do, you do one, then you do many” process. In Teaching With Purpose, I also write about the importance of ongoing formative assessment and feedback to students. Students do better when they receive ongoing information about their performance relative to the learning targets. Additionally, teachers are most effective when they have precise and timely information about student mastery of literacy skills. Quick and easy-to-administer check-ins are vital to students’ ongoing reading development.
You’ve recently published a book, The Power of Effective Reading Instruction; What motivated you to explore the intersection of neuroscience research and reading instruction?
For the past ten or so years, I’ve taught a graduate-level course on reading development and challenges. I begin the course by discussing the “big ve” of reading instruction (phonemic awareness, phonics, vocabulary, uency, and comprehension) within a neuroscience of reading development framework. This introduction to the course is transformational for the graduate students, many of whom are teachers because, for years, they learned that there are multiple ways to teach students to read and that each teacher can choose their teaching
preference. This most profoundly relates to the debate between the big ve of literacy focusing on phonics instruction and other approaches, such as balanced literacy that offers multiple strategies to teach students to read like using reading cues like images to guess at words. Highlighting the big ve from a neuroscience perspective gives teachers the rationale for teaching reading according to how the brain learns to read. The feedback I’ve received since writing this book has largely highlighted the importance of this chapter and how the neuroscience of reading has resonated with readers.
$40.95 USD | $53.50 CAD
ISBN 978-1-958590-19-5
Literacy, Instruction, Student Engagement
Watch Webinar SolutionTree.com/ ReadingCulture
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By Lorraine M. Radice
Engaged students achieve better reading success. Grounded in current research, this book provides resources and strategies to help educators improve literacy culture in their schools and inspire a love of reading in their students.
• Understand how access to devices has dampened reading interest among K–12 students and consequently affected literacy.
• Create and launch a reading campaign.
• Build opportunities for visibility and school community participation that celebrate reading.
• Know the role of parents and caregivers in establishing and maintaining reading habits.
• Become familiar with the research behind the role of social media in students’ lives and discover how to use social media to support reading engagement.
$35.95 USD | $47.00 CAD
ISBN 978-1-954631-79-3
Literacy, Instruction
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Essential Literacy Skills to Support Achievement in Every Content Area
By Peg Grafwallner
All learning is built on a foundation of essential literacy skills. With this book, educators will gain the tools needed to apply these literacy skills in every subject to support developing students in becoming better readers, writers, thinkers, and speakers.
• Expand your teaching methods to include literacy skills.
• Introduce literacy into daily lesson planning.
• Embed reading comprehension into any subject area.
• Create a positive classroom culture through relevant and relatable vocabulary strategies.
• Scaffold instruction using literacy strategies to boost subject-area comprehension.
Guiding Teams to Get Going and Get Better in Grades K–6 Reading
By Paula Maeker and Jacqueline Heller
Authors Paula Maeker and Jacqueline Heller are practitioners who share the belief that all students can be literate at high levels. Explore their practical, research-af rmed framework for how teams can better sustain change and improve as literacy educators.
• Analyze and improve current literacy practices, curriculum, and instructional focus within the context of a PLC at Work.
• Create or curate common formative team literacy assessments for learning targets.
• Structure a supportive master schedule that allows for daily team collaboration and systemwide response.
• Understand the components of a comprehensive literacy instructional block.
• Create progress-monitoring tools and focused reading interventions and extensions.
By Jennifer McCarty Plucker
Grounded in practices that promote adolescent literacy, inquiry, motivation, inspiration, and engagement, Inspiring Lifelong Readers provides secondary teachers with tried-and-true, evidence-based strategies. Discover how you can advance literacy learning so your students become competent, con dent, and engaged readers.
• Access practical strategies and reproducible tools to support literacy instruction.
• Implement the inquiry approach and workshop framework to effectively advance the literacy skills of all readers.
• Curate a classroom library of diverse, inclusive books and other texts that pique students’ interests.
$40.95 USD | $53.50 CAD
ISBN 978-1-949539-58-5
Literacy, Professional Learning Communities, PLC at Work
Watch Webinar SolutionTree.com/ HighLevel
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Register for the 2-Day Workshop SolutionTree.com/ Irving
$40.95 USD | $53.50 CAD
ISBN 978-1-949539-87-5
Literacy, Instruction, Student Engagement
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$43.95 USD | $57.50 CAD
ISBN 978-1-951075-67-5
Literacy, Instruction, Student Engagement
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50+ High-Impact Strategies to Integrate Reading, Discussing, and Writing in K–8 Classrooms
By LeAnn Nickelsen and Melissa Dickson
In this strategy-packed resource, beginning and veteran teachers alike will nd insights and practices they can use immediately. The authors dovetail their proven instructional process of chunk, chew, check, change with before-, during-, and after-reading strategies in this must-have guide for powerful literacy instruction. No matter what content area you teach, this book will help you develop the strategic reader in every student.
• Learn how to incorporate the literacy triangle’s three points—reading, discussing, and writing— into instruction for any subject.
• Cut through the con ict caused by the reading wars and gain clarity on the science behind effective, well-rounded literacy instruction.
• Help students enjoy reading, gain comprehension, and build reading stamina.
$36.95 USD | $48.50 CAD
ISBN 978-1-949539-89-9
Literacy, Instruction
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Secondary Students to Become Lifelong Readers, Writers, and Communicators
By Billy Eastman and Amy Rasmussen
Imagine a thriving English classroom—one that’s active, experiential, collaborative, and rigorous. Authentic Literacy Instruction will help you not just imagine this classroom, but also create it. Use the book’s doable action plan to reinvigorate your practices and tap into the passions and strengths of every student.
• Understand what the four foundational positive mindsets look like in a student and how to nurture each.
• Determine whether classroom and school policies, procedures, and practices match the desired outcomes.
• Receive surveys that help gauge student mindsets.
Struggling to support English and multilingual learners in your classroom? Discover four practical strategies to boost engagement and achievement that benefit all students. From vocabulary and close reading to fostering dialogue and writing, this blog provides actionable methods for creating an inclusive learning environment.
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Transform your literacy instructional practices
Our resources provide you with effective literacy instruction that integrates the science of reading, strategies for utilizing data, and best practices for planning and implementing read-aloud routines for lasting success.