Solutions Student success begins with you 2-Day Workshops
Why Solution Tree Events? 30,000 educators each year can’t be wrong—experience a Solution Tree event for yourself
Experts Our experts bring you closer to your goals and objectives. Harness their experiential knowledge to add depth and relevance to your instructional practice.
Experience Whether you attend a 2-day workshop, institute, or summit, you’re getting a full professional development experience that you can bring back to your school and district.
Excitement You’ll meet educators from around the world who share your concerns, passions, and commitments. And you’ll benefit from inspiring conversations with education’s visionaries.
Excellence Student achievement is at the root of each event we offer. Approach our events with the confidence that our strategies are proven to work.
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A Dynamic Experience You’ll revitalize your learning approach
Whether you attend a 2-day workshop, institute, or summit, you’ll discover essential frameworks for maximizing student performance as revealed by some of education’s trailblazers. Under their seasoned guidance, you’ll discover the latest techniques to carve improved paths to learning. Refer to the icons below to determine the event type as you browse the catalog.
2-Day Workshops Workshops
Institutes Institutes
Summits Summits
Number of presenters
Research-based strategies
Expert guidance
Honest conversations
Capacity Days of training
Panel discussions Interactive team training Customizable content
Intensive, topic-specific breakout sessions Built-in team time
Critical support on key leadership issues
Hybrid events available
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PLC at Work™ Institutes The Professional Learning Communities at Work™ process is increasingly recognized as the most powerful strategy for sustained, substantive school improvement. These institutes give you and your team the knowledge and tools to implement this powerful process in your school or district. Keynoters Mike Mattos, Richard DuFour, Rebecca DuFour, and Robert Eaker
August 12–14 September 18–20 October 1–3 October 28–30 November 12–14
Seattle, WA Albuquerque, NM Charlotte, NC Indianapolis, IN Salt Lake City, UT
2014 June 2–4 June 5–7 June 11–13 June 17–19 July 16–18 August 4–6 August 13–15 September 24–26 October 15–17
Las Vegas, NV St. Charles, MO Minneapolis, MN Orlando, FL San Antonio, TX Lincolnshire, IL Grand Rapids, MI Anaheim, CA Denver, CO
For three days, you will have the opportunity to network with some of the most insightful minds in education, including the architects of the PLC at Work™ process. Presenters are accessible to you throughout the event. The program includes time for questions during the breakout sessions, a panel of experts to address questions from the audience, and time for teams to reflect and seek the advice of the presenters. At the end of team time, you will focus on next action steps, with presenters on hand to guide you.
PLC at Work™ February 26–28, 2014
Phoenix, AZ Whether you are just beginning to build a PLC or need to regroup for your next steps, this summit provides practical knowledge based on the three big ideas that drive a PLC delivered by experts who know the process best.
Build school culture where learning thrives
4 PLC at Work
Common Core NOW August 12–13
Boston, MA
Institute Learning Outcomes
Cassandra Erkens
Timothy D. Kanold
Douglas Fisher
Juli K. Dixon
Robin J. Fogarty
Francis (Skip) Fennell
Mary Kim Schreck
• Examine the student mathematical practices and the teacher instructional and assessment shifts necessary to significantly impact student learning.
• Learn how to call on all students to apply complex reasoning to realworld issues and challenges.
• Gain up-to-date information on the work of the PARCC and Smarter Balanced assessment consortia.
• Acquire strategies proven to help students develop the critical thinking skills demanded by the Common Core.
• Enable students to write logical arguments based on substantive claims, sound reasoning, and relevant evidence.
• Identify classic, contemporary, and informational texts with the complexity necessary to achieve the analysis, research, and comprehension insights of the standards.
• Collect tips and tools for supporting and monitoring the implementation of the standards.
Deeper implementation, stronger results
Wonderful! Your passion, dedication, and expertise are inspiring.”
You’ve unpacked the standards and started the implementation process. Now our experts take you deeper, equipping you with techniques for tackling specific requirements for English language arts and mathematics. Learn how to prepare for major instructional shifts embedded in the standards.
—Monica Yates, teacher, St. Veronica School, Ohio
Common Core
Common Core for English Language Arts 2-Day Workshops Learning Outcomes
Nancy Frey
September 23–24 December 2–3
St. Paul, MN Bellevue, WA
2014 March 27–28
Sacramento, CA
• Identify the conceptual shifts in the CCSS for English language arts.
• Enumerate the anchor standards in reading, writing, speaking and listening, language, and foundational skills.
• Comprehend the components of text complexity, text-dependent questions, and close reading.
The CCSS for English language arts demand that students learn to justify their responses with evidence and to read increasingly complex text. Learn what changes to curriculum and instruction are necessary to meet the standards and ensure student achievement.
Common Core State Standards 2-Day Workshop Learning Outcomes
Jan K. Hoegh
Robert J. Marzano
November 7–8
Laurie Robinson
Omaha, NE
Presented by
MARZANO Research Laboratory Hosted by Educational Service Unit #3
6 Common Core
• Learn about the three facets of text complexity and how this relates to the CCSS for English language arts.
• Gain an understanding of instructional and assessment practices that support the CCSS.
• Learn about proficiency scales and how they support CCSS implementation.
Find new confidence that CCSS implementation is doable and meaningful to you and the students you serve. Dr. Marzano and his core leadership team will help your school or district effectively and efficiently transition to these new standards.
Common Core Mathematics in a PLC 2-Day Workshops Learning Outcomes
Timothy D. Kanold
Francis (Skip) Fennell
• Define the gap between current instruction and assessment practice and the expectations of the CCSS for mathematics.
• Understand current expectations of the PARCC or Smarter Balanced assessment consortia.
• Design a transition plan that reflects the paradigm shifts required for successful student experiences with the CCSS for mathematics.
• Commit to implementation of the transition plan for Common Core readiness.
• Use and apply the online resources for the analysis and development of effective mathematics lesson design and high-quality mathematics assessment tools and processes.
Juli K. Dixon
Jonathan A. Wray
Presented by Timothy D. Kanold and Jonathan A. Wray
October 3–4
Bellevue, WA
Presented by Timothy D. Kanold and Juli K. Dixon
October 9–10
Glenview, IL
Presented by Timothy D. Kanold and Francis (Skip) Fennell
December 4–5
San Diego, CA
2014 March 25–26
Sacramento, CA
Gain a plan to focus your time, energy, and resources on ways to successfully implement the CCSS for mathematics by reflecting on current instruction, content, and assessment design. Learn practices to develop a comprehensive framework for improved student achievement.
Annual Conference on
Common Core Standards and Assessment
April 29–May 1, 2014 Glendale, AZ
Meet the demands of the standards Schools throughout the nation face a new challenge of transitioning to the Common Core State Standards. This conference offers a range of assessment strategies and the time to explore, network, and discover the tools that will work best for you. Common Core
Implementing Common Core Standards With Total Instructional Alignment 2-Day Workshops Learning Outcomes
Lisa Carter
October 1–2 October 7–8 2014 April 7–8 April 14–15 April 22–23
Bellevue, WA San Diego, CA
St. Louis, MO Orlando, FL San Diego, CA
• Learn tools and processes to successfully unpack and align the national Common Core Standards through curriculum, assessment, and quality instruction.
• Write clear learning goals that are specific, measurable, and aligned to higher-order thinking.
• Create high-quality assessments designed to frequently measure individual student learning progress.
• Explore vertical and horizontal teams that embed flexible grouping and differentiated instructional practices.
• Align your school system as a culture in which time—not learning—is the variable and standards, curriculum, assessment, and instruction are connected.
• Align and adjust instruction in the classroom and systemwide to meet the individual learning needs of all students.
Prepare for smooth and effective implementation
I love Solution Tree events. You all are a class act.
Plan ahead to ensure a seamless transition from current state standards to the new national Common Core Standards. This workshop is designed to help forward-thinking schools and districts prepare teachers and administrators to smoothly accomplish this transition.
—Heather Peterson, Title I coordinator, Hampton City Schools, Virginia
8 Common Core
Assessment NOW October 21–23
Atlanta, GA
Institute Learning Outcomes
Douglas Fisher
Thomas R. Guskey
Tammy Heflebower
Tom Hierck
Timothy D. Kanold
Robert J. Marzano
Chris Jakicic
Beth Parrott Reynolds
Nicole Vagle
Inspiring conference that helps to refocus our team on the things that are the most important in our school, and that are sometimes overlooked. Rest assured, they will not be overlooked after this!
• Learn how to use common assessments to integrate the CCSS.
• Establish frameworks for reinforcing rigor and relevance in assessment design.
• Create assessment tasks that integrate collaboration, creativity, communication, and higher-level thinking skills.
• Explore item development in assessment design, and create rubrics aligned to performance tasks.
• Discover how to create local rigorous and relevant assessments.
• Identify important shifts in assessment practices for mathematics and English language arts.
• Develop common formative assessments to monitor and promote continued learning.
Motivate students, maximize achievement Discover how to connect instructional and assessment practices to prepare your students for success in a highly competitive, global, and information-rich world. At this institute, leading Common Core State Standards and assessment authors will share in-depth expectations of the standards and provide techniques for incorporating formative assessments and analyzing data to drive remediation and enrichment. Learn how to equip students to master the advanced content, complex reasoning, and design of CCSS-aligned assessments.
—Leigh Anne Rainey, assisstant principal, Jonesboro High School, Arkansas
Assessment 9
Building Common Assessments 2-Day Workshops Learning Outcomes
Cassandra Erkens
Sarah Schuhl
Nicole Vagle
• Understand the rationale for using common formative assessments.
• Learn the common formative assessment process from beginning to end.
• Focus on the keys to accurate design and effective use of assessments.
• Gain supportive tools, such as planning templates and protocols.
Presented by Cassandra Erkens
September 24–25 November 12–13 November 18–19
Boston, MA Santa Ana, CA Las Vegas, NV
Presented by Sarah Schuhl
December 4–5
Bellevue, WA
Learn how to work as collaborative teams to develop common formative assessments. Leave with a framework for working interdependently to create high-quality assessments and to collect meaningful instructional data that informs interventions and enrichment planning.
Presented by Nicole Vagle
October 1–2 October 14–15 November 18–19
Hunt Valley, MD Tampa, FL St. Paul, MN
2014 March 10–11 March 17–18 April 1–2 April 1–2 April 7–8
Omaha, NE Seattle, WA Boston, MA Denver, CO San Antonio, TX
Redefining Fair 2-Day Workshop Learning Outcomes
Damian Cooper
November 19–20
10 Assessment
Toronto, ON
• Determine students’ readiness to learn and learning preferences.
• Recognize when to use scaffolding and tiering.
• Understand the crucial difference between teaching students content and teaching them skills.
Learn how to put differentiation into action with instructional solutions that are comprehensive, practical, clear, and effective. Gain strategies and examples of assessment methods to improve student learning and enable all students to realize their potential.
21st Century Skills 2-Day Workshop Learning Outcomes
William M. Ferriter
Cheryl Lemke
Garfield Gini-Newman
• Connect 21st century skills to student learning and specific lesson design.
• Envision new designs for learning made possible through digital tools.
• Discover which educational practices and school structures are likely to support the attainment of 21st century learning outcomes.
• Understand why the curricular priorities of schools no longer align with student needs.
• Link the power of professional learning communities to 21st century skills.
Will Richardson
October 28–29
Ottawa, ON
Ensure your students are prepared to step up, both as learners and as the new generation of productive global citizens. Learn teacher-friendly strategies to utilize problem-based learning, clear communication, and metacognitive reflection for inspiring and engaging students.
Becoming a Reflective Teacher 2-Day Workshop Learning Outcomes
Robert J. Marzano
Tina Boogren
November 5–6
Jan K. Hoegh
Omaha, NE
Presented by
MARZANO Research Laboratory Hosted by Educational Service Unit #3
• Explore 41 self-reflection strategies suited to implement into any classroom environment.
• Identify ways to integrate self-reflection into the foundation of your learning teams.
• Discover your pedagogical strengths and weaknesses, and learn what to do with them.
Uncover why classroom autonomy and collaboration go hand in hand and what sort of framework must exist between teachers in order for success to manifest at every level of learning. Instruction 11
Building Better Schools Together October 17–19
Toronto, ON Learning Outcomes
Wayne Hulley
Karen Branscombe
Anthony Muhammad
Tom Hierck
Kenneth C. Williams
François Massé
• Develop clear goals that effectively direct staff planning.
• Employ high-yield strategies that have the most potential to change outcomes.
• Enhance planning with specific strategies to monitor progress in a cycle of continuous improvement.
Lead your school, impact change For the past 45 years, Wayne Hulley has focused on developing sustainable strategies and processes proven to help students learn better. At this institute, you’ll discover how to build staff commitment, maintain a collaborative culture, and reinforce and support planning initiatives by leveraging relevant data.
Ainsley B. Rose
Leadership NOW Summit
12 Leadership
April 1–3, 2014
Las Vegas, NV Get top-to-bottom training on everything from the key elements of effective leadership to techniques necessary for transforming student learning. Ensure collaborative learning through shared leadership and accountability, and gain tools, tips, and templates proven to impact team effectiveness and student learning.
Expand your capacity for leadership
Simplifying RTI Institutes Learning Outcomes
Austin Buffum
Mike Mattos
Laurie Robinson
Chris Weber
October 22–24 2014 April 29–May 1 October 27–29
Kansas City, MO
Toronto, ON Des Moines, IA
• Create a school/district culture that focuses on student learning.
• Build a highly effective, collaborative core program.
• Focus core instruction on rigorous core curriculum.
• Unpack the CCSS into focused student learning targets.
• Design, analyze, and utilize common assessments to improve core instruction and guide interventions.
• Plan for embedded intervention time.
• Engage and empower students in the learning process.
• Target interventions to meet individual student needs.
• Understand the critical components and implementation of a behavioral RTI system.
• Utilize a site leadership and intervention team to support schoolwide interventions.
• Design master schedules that provide core instruction, interventions, and elective options for students at risk.
• Identify effective Tier 3 interventions for students struggling with reading, writing, number sense, and English language.
The key to unlocking powerful interventions I can truly say this event transformed us. We walked away not only with a clear picture of how [RTI] could look in our schools, but the inspiration to do it with integrity.”
Learn how to create a proactive process to identify students who need help, place them in the proper intervention, monitor their progress, revise interventions as needed, and determine when students no longer need additional support.
—Susan Kinney, assistant to the superintendent for staff development and student intervention, Boyertown Area School District, Pennsylvania
RTI 13
Pyramid Response to Intervention 2-Day Workshops Learning Outcomes
Austin Buffum
Mike Mattos
Presented by Austin Buffum
October 3–4 October 7–8 October 16–17 November 20–21
Hunt Valley, MD Glenview, IL Tampa, FL Las Vegas, NV
Presented by Mike Mattos
October 9–10 November 20–21 December 2–3
San Diego, CA St. Paul, MN San Diego, CA
2014 March 12–13 March 19–20 April 3–4 April 9–10
Omaha, NE Seattle, WA Boston, MA San Antonio, TX
14 RTI
• Identify students needing additional support, determine appropriate interventions, monitor progress, and revise a student’s program as needed.
• Extend student learning and support students who have already mastered grade-level curriculum.
• Create a more focused, doable Tier 1 core curriculum.
• Utilize universal screening tools to identify students for extra help before they fail.
• Determine when formal special education placement is appropriate.
• Explore how the three big ideas of a PLC—focus on learning, build a collaborative culture, and create a results orientation—make PLC and RTI natural partners.
Proven techniques to address learning gaps Response to intervention is our best hope to ensure high levels of learning for all children. RTI’s underlying premise is that schools should not delay providing help for struggling students until they fall far enough behind to qualify for special education, but instead should provide timely, targeted, systematic interventions to all students who demonstrate need. Understand why RTI is most effective when implemented on the foundation of a professional learning community. Learn how to create three tiers of interventions—from basic to intensive—to address student learning gaps. Learn what a successful program looks like, and understand how to make RTI work in your school.
Response to Intervention in Math 2-Day Workshops Learning Outcomes
William N. Bender
• Learn how to use assessments for universal screening and benchmarking in mathematics.
• Gain strategies specific to middle and high schools for using RTI in mathematics.
• Understand how differentiated instruction strengthens Tier 1 instruction for all grade levels.
Darlene Crane
September 25–26 November 12–13
2014 April 9–10 April 16–17 April 24–25
St. Paul, MN San Antonio, TX
St. Louis, MO Orlando, FL San Diego, CA
When planning multitiered interventions, students who struggle with mathematics often get overlooked. Learn why implementing RTI in mathematics is critical. Gain usable solutions and processes based on practical issues and emerging research.
Pyramid of Behavior Interventions 2-Day Workshop Learning Outcomes
• Develop shared knowledge of the research behind behavior and behavior supports.
• Design districtwide policies aligned to research on positive support and reinforcement.
• Begin to build the components of a comprehensive pyramid of behavior interventions.
Tom Hierck
November 21–22
Toronto, ON
Create a learning environment where all students are set up for success. Walk through the essential implementation steps created by combining the principles of Professional Learning Communities at Work™ and pyramid response to intervention with the tenets of effective behavioral interventions.
RTI 15
555 North Morton Street Bloomington, IN 47404
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Solution Tree
2-Day Workshops Come with a vision, leave with a plan.
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• Equip yourself with research-based strategies, tools, and tips, plus best practices for using them. • Experience Solution Tree quality. Our trademark professionalism and commitment to excellence are guaranteed to make your workshop great.
• Unleash a doable, yet dynamic action plan you can use to move forward.
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