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HRS Level 1: Safe, Supporti ve, and Collaborati ve Culture

High Reliability Schools™ | Level 1 Safe, Supporti ve, Level 1 and Collaborati ve Culture

Level 1 addresses the factors considered foundati onal to the well-being of a school. The most crucial step at Level 1 is for schools to build a safe, supporti ve, and collaborati ve culture by operati ng as a professional learning community (PLC).



Published by Soluti on Tree

The School Wellness Wheel

A Framework Addressing Trauma, Culture, and Mastery to Raise Student Achievement

By Mike Ruyle, Libby Child, and Nancy Dome Contributors: Jason Cummins, Brian Farragher, Crystal Green-Braswell, and Alondra Velasco Ledezma Your school can evolve to address trauma, • Learn how to develop resilience-centered schools that promote well-being, and elevate learning. promote healing and higher levels of wellness and learning. The School Wellness Wheel will show you how. Backed by educati onal, psychological, and medical research, the resource introduces a comprehensive framework for • Discover and grow the three components of the school wellness wheel: (1) mastery-based learning, (2) traumaresponsive schooling, and (3) culturally responsive teaching. supporti ng students’ cogniti ve, social, and • Acquire research-based practi ces to foster a culture of emoti onal needs. mastery and ownership and build positi ve teacher-student 21MGCG-M9A– BKL064 $36.95 relati onships.

ISBN 978-1-943360-61-1

180 Days of Self-Care for Busy Educators

By Tina H. Boogren Rely on 180 Days of Self-Care for Busy Educators to help you lead a happier, healthier, more fulfi lled life inside and outside of the classroom. With Tina H. Boogren’s guidance, you will work through 36 weeks of self-care strategies during the school year.

21MGCG-M9A–BKF920 $31.95 ISBN 978-1-949539-27-1 168 pages

Published by Soluti on Tree

Take Time for You

Self-Care Acti on Plans for Educators

By Tina H. Boogren The key to thriving as a human and an educator rests in self-care. With Take Time for You, you’ll discover a clear path to well-being. The author off ers manageable strategies, refl ecti on questi ons, and surveys that will guide you in developing an individualized self-care plan.

21MGCG-M9A–BKF813 $31.95 ISBN 978-1-945349-71-3 152 pages

Moti vati ng and Inspiring Students

Strategies to Awaken the Learner

By Robert J. Marzano, Darrell Scott , Tina H. Boogren, and Ming Lee Newcomb Discover a results-driven framework—based on a six-level hierarchy of student needs and goals—that you can use to provide engaging instructi on to students.

21MGCG-M9A–BKL025 $36.95 ISBN 978-0-9913748-7-8 192 pages

Collaborati ve Teams That Transform Schools

The Next Step in PLCs

By Robert J. Marzano, Tammy Hefl ebower, Jan K. Hoegh, Philip B. Warrick, and Gavin Grift With Laurel Hecker and Janelle Wills Explore research-based steps and strategies you can use to increase the eff ecti veness of collaborati ve teams and enhance professional learning communiti es.

21MGCG-M9A–BKL034 $36.95 ISBN 978-1-943360-03-1 184 pages

Managing the Inner World of Teaching

Emoti ons, Interpretati ons, and Acti ons

By Robert J. Marzano and Jana S. Marzano Culti vate a positi ve mindset, and choose producti ve acti ons by examining your emoti ons and interpretati ons in the classroom and understanding factors that infl uence your decisions.

21MGCG-M9A–BKL028 $26.95 ISBN 978-0-9903458-3-1 168 pages


The Highly Engaged Classroom

By Robert J. Marzano and Debra J. Pickering With Tammy Hefl ebower Key research and practi cal strategies enable all teachers to create a classroom environment where engagement is the norm, not the excepti on.

21MGCG-M9A–BKL005 $36.95 ISBN 978-0-9822592-4-5 240 pages

Moti vati ng and Inspiring Students

• Learn the four systems that humans operate under at all ti mes and how these systems impact students and teachers in schools. • Delve into the metacogniti ve and self-systems hierarchy of goals, and understand how teachers can address these goals in order to reach students’ hearts, heads, and hands.

PD Topic

Collaborati ve Teams That Transform Schools

• Gain an awareness of the research related to the concept of professional learning communiti es (PLCs). • Explore the context that must surround the establishment and maintenance of collaborati ve teams.

PD Topic

Managing the Inner World of Teaching

• Gain an awareness of emoti onal responses and how they aff ect interpretati ons and reacti ons. • Understand the power of negati ve emoti ons and how to miti gate their eff ects. • Discover a three-phase management process designed to promote awareness, analysis, and choice. • Engage in retrospecti ve and real-ti me practi ce exercises for managing the inner world.

PD Topic

Creati ng a Highly Engaged Classroom

• Gain sound instructi onal strategies for engaging students. • Disti nguish between short-term att enti on and deep engagement. • Connect classroom goals to students’ personal goals. • Spark students’ personal interest in learning.

Finding the Source of Eff ecti ve Educati on

By Darrell Scott and Robert J. Marzano Explore strategies to enhance relati onships, learn ways to awaken student passion for learning, and culti vate student security, identi ty, and belonging.

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Awaken the Learner

• Discover ways to create a culture and climate in your classroom that will awaken students to new possibiliti es. • Explore a model of behavior, decision making, and engagement that illuminates student moti vati on and acti ons in the classroom.

An Educator's Guide to Schoolwide Positi ve Behavioral Interventi ons and Supports

Integrati ng All Three Tiers

By Jason E. Harlacher and Billie Jo Rodriguez Discover how to create an encouraging, producti ve school culture using the Schoolwide Positi ve Behavioral Interventi ons and Supports (SWPBIS) framework.

21MGCG-M9A–BKL030 $36.95 ISBN 978-0-9903458-7-9 232 pages

Culti vati ng Mindfulness in the Classroom

By Jeanie Iberlin With Mike Ruyle Foreword by Robert J. Marzano Discover how to use research-based mindfulness practi ces to help improve your students’ social and emoti onal wellness as they learn and grow.

21MGCG-M9A–BKL035 $31.95 ISBN 978-1-9433600-9-3 152 pages

Designing Eff ecti ve Classroom Management

By Jason E. Harlacher Foreword by Robert J. Marzano With this practi cal, step-by-step guide, teachers and school administrators will uncover fi ve components that help improve student achievement and decrease classroom problems.

21MGCG-M9A–BKL029 $31.95 ISBN 978-0-9903458-5-5 168 pages

PD Topic

An Educator's Guide to Schoolwide Positi ve Behavioral Interventi ons and Supports

• Learn the foundati onal tenets and salient features of SWPBIS. • Understand the four key elements of SWPBIS and what they look like in practi ce.

PD Topic

Culti vati ng Mindfulness in Schools

• Develop an understanding of what mindfulness is and what it is not. • Understand the research that supports integrati ng mindfulness in schools, including the science of mindfulness.

PD Topic

Designing Eff ecti ve Classroom Management

• Understand fi ve principles of eff ecti ve classroom management. • Defi ne and teach classroom expectati ons and rules. • Create classroom structure and procedures.

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