2016 Marzano Research Fall Comprehensive Catalog

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Leading-edge research working for you Every year a staggering amount of research is published in the field of education. As a busy educator, you simply don’t have time to sift through each article, take notes on the best practices, and translate them into strategies that will improve your teaching. That’s where Marzano Research comes in! We’ll do all of the legwork for you. The end result? Research-based practices you can take straight to the classroom.



Instructional Strategies


Assessment & Grading


Common Core




Student Engagement


Our Associates


Marzano High Reliability Schools™


Teacher Effectiveness


School Leadership


Curriculum, Instruction, & Assessment


Reinventing Schools


Research Services


straight to your inbox


Sign up today!



NE W REL EA SES! More to come in 2016!

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F E AT U RED HIG H R EL IA BI L I T Y S C H O O L S SUMMIT 2016 Join Dr. Marzano and his team in Colorado for the HRS Summit! Whether you want an introduction to the Marzano High Reliability Schools™ framework or are already working to become a high reliability school, we’ve got you covered with this much-anticipated event. Learn more on page 18!

RE INV ENTI N G S C H O O L S In 2014, Marzano Research acquired Reinventing Schools, a recognized leader in competency-based education. The acquisition increases our capacity to provide you with an even wider range of tools and techniques to support your school or district in reaching its goals. Learn more on page 24!

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Signature PD Service The Art and Science of Teaching A Comprehensive Framework for Effective Instruction

• Acquire a common language of instruction.

By Robert J. Marzano

• Master essential instructional routines such as providing clear learning goals and defining levels of proficiency.

• Acquire strategies for delivering new content, and practice them to deepen understanding.

• Discover the importance of applying knowledge by generating and testing hypotheses.

Discover a model for ensuring quality teaching that balances the necessity of research-based data with the need to understand the strengths and weaknesses of individual students. Filled with charts, rubrics, and organizers, this user-friendly guide will help teachers develop their knowledge and skills, so they can achieve that dynamic fusion of art and science that results in exceptional teaching and learning. 220 pages Published by ASCD

The Art and Science of Teaching Workshop

59MCC–BKC250 $26.95 ISBN 978-1-416605-71-3

Signature PD Service Managing the Inner World of Teaching Emotions, Interpretations, and Actions

Managing the Inner World of Teaching Workshop • Gain an awareness of emotional responses and how they affect interpretations and reactions.

By Robert J. Marzano and Jana S. Marzano Cultivate a positive mindset, and choose productive actions by examining your emotions and interpretations in the classroom. By investigating three management phases—awareness, analysis, and choice—teachers can become mindful of factors that influence their interactions with students and learn a process for ensuring positive outcomes. You’ll gain concrete strategies and activities that enhance classroom practice and impact student learning. 168 pages 59MCC–BKL028 $19.95 ISBN 978-0-9903458-3-1

• Understand the power of negative emotions and how to mitigate their effects.

• Discover a three-phase management process designed to promote awareness, analysis, and choice.

• Engage in retrospective and real-time practice exercises for managing the inner world.


Motivating and Engaging Students ONLIN E

Online Course Presenters: Robert J. Marzano and Debra J. Pickering



Discover how to raise students’ energy levels, facilitate constructive emotions, demonstrate a positive demeanor, express enthusiasm, and use humor to create a classroom culture in which all students are accepted and challenged.

Designing Effective Classroom Management By Jason E. Harlacher

Foreword by Robert J. Marzano

CEUs 59MCC–KDS010 $286.00

Discover the components of proactive classroom management. With this practical, step-by-step guide, teachers and school administrators will uncover five components that help improve student achievement and decrease classroom problems. Create clear expectations and rules, establish procedures and structure, reinforce expectations, actively engage students, and manage misbehavior. Learn how to develop individualized behavior plans to help students who continue to struggle. 168 pages

3 Semester Hours 59MCC–KDS011 $505.00

59MCC–BKL029 $24.95 ISBN 978-0-9903458-5-5

Signature PD Service The Highly Engaged Classroom By Robert J. Marzano and Debra J. Pickering

Creating a Highly Engaged Classroom Workshop

• Gain sound instructional strategies for engaging students.

• Distinguish between short-term attention and deep engagement.

• Connect classroom goals to students’ personal goals.

• Spark students’ personal interest in learning.

With Tammy Heflebower

Bestseller Student engagement happens as a result of a teacher’s careful planning and execution of specific strategies. This selfstudy text provides in-depth understanding of how to generate high levels of student attention and engagement. Using the suggestions in this book, every teacher can create a classroom environment where engagement is the norm, not the exception. 240 pages 59MCC–BKL005 $29.95 ISBN 978-0-9822592-4-5

marzanoresearch.com | 888.849.0851



Signature PD Service Using Questioning Sequences in the Classroom Workshop Questioning Sequences in the Classroom By Robert J. Marzano and Julia A. Simms Ask targeted questions to enhance students’ reasoning skills and increase rigor in classrooms. Use a four-phase questioning sequence to help students make claims, build sound arguments, and provide evidence to support their points. You’ll discover how to coordinate sequences to elicit students’ prior knowledge, prompt the discovery of new information, and deepen and extend students’ learning in all content areas. 160 pages 59MCC–BKL018 $24.95 ISBN 978-0-9858902-6-1

Designing & Teaching Learning Goals & Objectives By Robert J. Marzano Bestseller Design and teach effective learning goals and objectives by following strategies based on the strongest research available. This book includes a summary of key research behind these classroom practices and shows how to implement them using step-by-step hands-on strategies. Short quizzes help readers assess their understanding of the instructional best practices explained in each section. 152 pages 59MCC–BKL001 $24.95 ISBN 978-0-9822592-0-7

• Increase the rigor of content through questioning sequences that build students’ argumentation skills.

• Understand how to scaffold students’ thinking through appropriate questions about details, categories, elaborations, and evidence.

• Discover research on effective questioning and questioning sequences in the classroom.

• Align questioning practices in the classroom with the cognitive skills required by state standards.

Teaching & Assessing 21st Century Skills By Robert J. Marzano and Tammy Heflebower As the 21st century unfolds, the pace of change in the world is accelerating. The authors believe a combination of cognitive skills (skills students will need to succeed academically) and conative skills (skills students will need to succeed interpersonally) is necessary for the 21st century. This clear, practical guide presents a model of instruction and assessment based on these skills. 264 pages 59MCC–BKL009 $34.95 ISBN 978-0-9833512-0-7


Teaching Reasoning Activities and Games for the Classroom By Laurel Hecker, Julia A. Simms, and Ming Lee Newcomb Foreword by Robert J. Marzano


Teaching Argumentation Activities and Games for the Classroom By Katie Rogers and Julia A. Simms Foreword by Robert J. Marzano

Teach students essential skills with engaging activities. Explore key reasoning skills from the Common Core and Next Generation Science Standards and strategies for teaching them to students. Then, discover fun, research-based games and activities to reinforce students’ reasoning skills. This practical text provides clear guidance for incorporating these tools into your classroom to prepare students for academic and lifetime success. 312 pages

Ensure students develop the argumentation and critical-thinking skills they need for academic and lifetime success. Discover 10 fun, engaging activities and games for teaching argumentation that align with the CCSS. Incorporate these tools into your instruction to help students develop their ability to present and support claims, distinguish fact and opinion, identify errors in reasoning, and debate constructively. 256 pages

59MCC–BKL027 $34.95 ISBN 978-0-9903458-1-7

59MCC–BKL021 $34.95 ISBN 978-1-935249-30-6

Signature PD Service Classroom Games to Enhance Argumentation and Reasoning Skills Workshop

• Identify specific elements of the standards that relate to argumentation and reasoning.

• Uncover specific component skills that students need to learn as they develop a deeper capacity to logically construct and evaluate arguments.

• Gain practical strategies and mini-lesson ideas for teaching the component skills in your classroom.

• Determine ways to incorporate games and activities into your lessons, from on-the-fly sponge activities to longer team-based games.

Becoming a Reflective Teacher By Robert J. Marzano With Tina H. Boogren, Tammy Heflebower, Jessica McIntyre, and Debra J. Pickering

Bestseller Just as successful athletes must identify strengths and weaknesses, set goals, and engage in focused practice to meet their goals, so must teachers. Learn how to combine a model of effective instruction with goal setting, focused practice, focused feedback, and observations to improve your instructional practices. Included are 280 strategies related to the 41 elements of effective teaching proven to enhance student achievement. 256 pages 59MCC–BKL011 $34.95 ISBN 978-0-9833512-3-8

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A School Leader’s Guide to Standards-Based Grading

Standards-Based Reporting and Formative Assessment

By Tammy Heflebower, Jan K. Hoegh, and Phil Warrick

On the Road to a Highly Reliable Organization

With Mitzi Hoback, Margaret McInteer, and Bev Clemens Foreword by Robert J. Marzano

Featuring Robert J. Marzano

Assess and report student performance with standards-based grading rather than using traditional systems that incorporate nonacademic factors. Learn to assess and report performance based on prioritized standards, and gain effective strategies for offering students feedback on their progress. 144 pages

Learn why the 100-point grading scale can stunt a student’s potential, how to design measurement topics, and what opportunities exist to migrate traditional practices into a formative-assessment system. 90-minute DVD with presentation; CD with presentation handouts and supporting resources Published by Solution Tree

59MCC–BKL019 $24.95 ISBN 978-0-9858902-8-5

Signature PD Service Standards-Based Grading for School Leaders Workshop

• Learn to recruit and build teams of educators to prioritize standards and write proficiency scales.

• Discover three kinds of assessments, and learn how educators can use each type as an effective part of a standards-based grading system.

• Understand the unique grading challenges posed by exceptional learners and how to incorporate accommodations and modifications into grading practices.

• Create an action plan for revising report cards to more clearly communicate student progress and achievement.

Coming soon!

Online Software

59MCC–DVF040 $195.00 UPC 811796010377



Signature PD Service Formative Assessment and Standards-Based Grading Workshop Formative Assessment & Standards-Based Grading By Robert J. Marzano Bestseller Learn everything you need to know to implement an integrated system of assessment and grading. The author explains how to design, interpret, and systematically use three different types of formative assessments and how to track student progress and assign meaningful grades. 184 pages

• Understand what research reveals about feedback, assessment, and grading.

• Collaborate in teams to continuously improve assessments and instruction.

• Apply assessment information to gain formative, summative, or instructional feedback.

• Align grading and reporting practices with formative assessment strategies.

Formative Assessment and StandardsBased Grading Online Course Presenters: Robert J. Marzano and Tammy Heflebower Dr. Marzano and Dr. Heflebower walk you through the research and theories that support what kind of feedback, assessment, and grading enhance student learning. Learn how to construct assessments, create rubric-based scales to inform assessments, and monitor students’ progress. CEUs 59MCC–KDS007 $286.00 3 Semester Hours 59MCC–KDS008 $505.00


59MCC–BKL003 $29.95 ISBN 978-0-9822592-2-1


Proficiency Scales for the New Science Standards A Framework for Science Instruction & Assessment By Robert J. Marzano and David C. Yanoski With Diane E. Paynter

Transform an in-depth understanding of the new science standards into successful classroom practice. You’ll learn how to align instruction and assessment with the science standards and create proficiency scales that can be used to plan all types of lessons. Discover hundreds of ready-to-use proficiency scales derived from the Next Generation Science Standards that are applicable to specific areas of science instruction. 160 pages 59MCC–BKL031 $24.95 ISBN 978-0-9903458-9-3

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Using Common Core Standards to Enhance Classroom Instruction & Assessment By Robert J. Marzano, David C. Yanoski, Jan K. Hoegh, and Julia A. Simms

Vocabulary for the Common Core

With Tammy Heflebower and Phil Warrick

By Robert J. Marzano and Julia A. Simms

Bestseller Discover how to weave an in-depth understanding of the Common Core into successful classroom practice with this two-part resource. You’ll learn how to power the standards with guided assessment and measure student progress in a way that accurately reflects learning. Included are hundreds of ready-to-use, research-based proficiency scales for both English language arts and mathematics. 304 pages 59MCC–BKL015 $34.95 ISBN 978-0-9833512-9-0

Bestseller The Common Core State Standards present unique demands on students’ ability to learn vocabulary and teachers’ ability to teach it. The authors address these challenges in this resource. Work toward the creation of a successful vocabulary program, guided by both academic and content-area terms taken directly from the mathematics and English language arts standards. 280 pages 59MCC–BKL014 $34.95 ISBN 978-0-9858902-2-3

Signature PD Service CCSS Curriculum Development Workshop

• Determine how to use the priority and supporting standards to have the greatest impact on student learning.

• Align staff understanding and knowledge of the CCSS to eliminate individual interpretation.

• Gain practical strategies for implementing the standards across all content areas.

• Get a clearly articulated curriculum document and template designed to help staff implement the CCSS.

RELATED SERVICE! Alignment Audit We can analyze how well-aligned your curriculum and assessments are with critical concepts in math, ELA, and science, and make recommendations to address gaps or overlaps.


Access FREE tools to expand your knowledge WEBINARS Sign up to watch upcoming webinars or access our on-demand content.

PROFICIENCY SCALE BANK Download and use these customizable materials to improve your classrooms and schools.

ACTION RESEARCH REPORTS Review our statistical analysis, and explore potential implications for classroom teachers and school administrators.


• Classroom Tools

• Reproducibles

• Videos

• Study Guides

Learn more! marzanoresearch.com



Vocabulary for the New Science Standards By Robert J. Marzano, Katie Rogers, and Julia A. Simms Impact science education with direct vocabulary instruction. With this three-part resource, you’ll discover a six-step process for successfully incorporating vocabulary from the science standards into student learning. Identify the crucial aspects of vocabulary education, and learn targeted strategies to actively engage students. Gain access to lists of essential scientific terms that will help you establish an effective, organized vocabulary program. 240 pages

Vocabulary Games for the Classroom By Lindsay Carleton and Robert J. Marzano

Bestseller Make direct vocabulary instruction fun and successful with this simple, straightforward, and easy-to-use book. Hundreds of critical vocabulary terms handpicked by Dr. Marzano cover four content areas and all grade levels. Each game identifies the appropriate grade level and subject area, as well as whether or not the students should already be familiar with the vocabulary. 272 pages 59MCC–BKL007 $34.95 ISBN 978-0-9822592-6-9

59MCC–BKL026 $29.95 ISBN 978-0-9913748-9-2

Signature PD Service Academic Vocabulary Workshop

• Learn a process for creating a list of essential academic and content-specific terms and phrases to use in direct instruction of English language arts, mathematics, science, and other content areas.

• Create systems to assess and track students’ vocabulary knowledge over time.

• Acquire a six-step process for effective vocabulary instruction.

RELATED SERVICE! Take vocabulary instruction to the next level with Vocabulary Program Development See page 23



Downloadable video and PDF handout

Awaken the Learner Finding the Source of Effective Education

Strategies for Awakening the Learner

By Darrell Scott and Robert J. Marzano

By Robert J. Marzano and Darrell Scott

Create a compassionate, caring school environment. Examine how a change in teaching philosophy can help awaken the passion for learning in students. Learn how to promote kindness in the classroom, and understand the power of stories in engaging students. Explore research-based strategies to enhance teacherstudent and peer relationships. Discover how to inspire purpose, reach students’ hearts, and cultivate student security, identity, and belonging. 232 pages 59MCC–BKL022 $24.95 ISBN 978-0-9913748-1-6

Engage and motivate every student with compassionate and inspirational teaching. Based on Darrell Scott and Robert J. Marzano’s book Awaken the Learner, this video and accompanying handout detail practical strategies for creating a classroom environment that helps all students reach their potential. Schools and districts can help students succeed on every level by cultivating their senses of security, identity, belonging, and purpose. Includes access to a downloadable video and PDF of the handout, which principals and school leaders can use to facilitate professional development in their schools Contact info@marzanoresearch.com for more information.

RACHEL’S CHALLENGE The partnership between Marzano Research and Rachel’s Challenge represents both organizations’ strong commitment to transform schools into environments that awaken and inspire teachers and students. Combining both historical and research-based perspectives, Marzano Research and Rachel’s Challenge espouse a vision of schools where students feel safe and inspired to identify and achieve their life goals. Their shared mission is to provide practical strategies and guidance that teachers can use to foster kindness and compassion in classrooms, put students at the center of the learning process, and provide rigorous, relevant instruction in the knowledge and skills students need to be successful in the 21st century.

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Chosen for their depth of knowledge and research experience, as well as their expertise as practitioners, our associates are trained in leading workshops, immersed in best-practice research, and highly regarded by educators.

Mario Acosta

Tina H. Boogren

Bev Clemens

Sally Corey

Jane Doty Fischer

Jeff Flygare

Jason E. Harlacher

Tammy Heflebower

Lynne Herr

Mitzi Hoback

Jan K. Hoegh

Jeanie Iberlin

Russell Jenson

Bettina Kates

Sonny Maga単a



Personally trained by Dr. Marzano, each of our experts have the know-how to provide you and your team with the strategies and tools you need to effect profound improvement in student achievement.

Margaret McInteer

Jessica McIntyre

Diane E. Paynter

Kristin Poage

Cameron Rains

Ainsley B. Rose

Tom Roy

Mike Ruyle

Julia A. Simms

Gerry Varty

Phil Warrick

Kenneth C. Williams

David C. Yanoski

marzanoresearch.com | 888.849.0851



Reach the highest levels of school effectiveness Dr. Marzano’s vision for K–12 education is simple: the vast majority of schools can be highly effective in promoting student learning. To show how, he created the Marzano High Reliability Schools™ framework. This framework, based on 40 years of educational research, defines five progressive levels of performance that a school must master to become a high reliability school—where all students learn the content and skills they need for success in college, careers, and beyond.


Safe and Collaborative Culture


Effective Teaching in Every Classroom


Guaranteed and Viable Curriculum


Standards-Referenced Reporting


Competency-Based Education

Celebrate your success! Apply for HRS certification at one or more levels. For schools and districts that have attained one or more levels of reliability, Marzano Research offers formal certification to share with your community and stakeholders. Certification is determined by Marzano Research analysts on the basis of HRS surveys, data collection, and analysis. Not ready to be certified? We can help you get there with targeted PD services.

Level 1


Level 2


Level 3


Level 4


Level 5



A Handbook for High Reliability Schools The Next Step in School Reform By Robert J. Marzano, Phil Warrick, and Julia A. Simms With David Livingston, Pam Livingston, Fred Pleis, Tammy Heflebower, Jan K. Hoegh, and Sonny Magaña

Usher in the new era of school reform. The authors help you transform your schools into organizations that take proactive steps to prevent failure and ensure student success. Using a research-based five-level hierarchy along with leading and lagging indicators, you’ll learn to assess, monitor, and confirm the effectiveness of your schools. Each chapter includes what actions should be taken at each level. 152 pages

Signature PD Service Becoming a High Reliability School Workshop

• Explore the five levels of high reliability schools.

• Learn how to select leading and lagging indicators to address in your school.

• Discover new ways to use collaborative teams to address common issues regarding curriculum, assessment, instruction, and achievement of all students.

• Contextualize the research on effective instruction and supervision practices to transform your organization into a high reliability school.

59MCC–BKL020 $24.95 ISBN 978-0-9833512-7-6

Join the HRS Network

An exclusive membership for schools and districts

Schools and districts who join the HRS Network will: • Gain access to over 100 resources for implementing the five levels of reliability.


• Develop expertise through professional development. • Receive one free registration for the annual HRS Summit. • Conduct HRS surveys for administrators, teachers, parents, and students.

marzanoresearch.com | 888.849.0851



Build, grow, and sustain schoolwide success

Maximize student learning The Marzano High Reliability Schools™ framework, based on 40 years of research, defines five progressive levels of performance that a school must master to become a high reliability school—where all students learn the content and skills they need for success in college and careers. This summit is the perfect opportunity to learn more about the framework, whether you want an introduction to the model or are already working to become a high reliability school. You’ll also have the opportunity to engage in facilitated idea and strategy sharing with schools and districts from around the world.

Robert J. Marzano

Phil Warrick

Tammy Heflebower

Jan K. Hoegh

July 7–8 | Denver, Colorado Hyatt Regency Denver Tech Center

Register today! | marzanoresearch.com/HRSSummit


Centennial, Colorado

2016WORKSHOPS Advanced Questioning Strategies for the Classroom

March 10 Robert J. Marzano and Julia A. Simms

Identifying What’s Most Important to Teach June 8 October 20

Robert J. Marzano and Julia A. Simms Robert J. Marzano and Julia A. Simms

June 30 Robert J. Marzano and Julia A. Simms

Advancing Student Reasoning

Implementing a Comprehensive Vocabulary Program April 7

Robert J. Marzano and Diane E. Paynter

May 19 Robert J. Marzano and Julia A. Simms

Best Practices in Classroom Management

June 28–29 Robert J. Marzano and Jason E. Harlacher

Getting Started in Competency-Based Education March 8–9 Robert J. Marzano and Rick M. Schreiber October 18–19 Robert J. Marzano and Rick M. Schreiber

Growing Teacher Effectiveness Through Instructional Coaching

Maximizing Classroom Engagement September 22

Robert J. Marzano and Mitzi Hoback

Motivating and Inspiring Students

April 26–27 Robert J. Marzano and Darrell Scott

New Advances in Classroom Instruction

June 6–7 Robert J. Marzano and Tina H. Boogren

February 4 Robert J. Marzano and Phil Warrick

Solutions for Standards-Based Grading

Helping New Teachers Succeed

May 10–11 Robert J. Marzano, Tammy Heflebower, and Jan K. Hoegh

January 27–28 Robert J. Marzano and Jan K. Hoegh

February 2–3 Robert J. Marzano and Tina H. Boogren

How to Assess Student Growth in the Classroom April 5–6 Robert J. Marzano and Jan K. Hoegh

September 20–21 Robert J. Marzano and Tammy Heflebower

Identifying Levels of Mastery: Proficiency Scales

Transforming Schools Through Collaborative Teams: The Next Step in PLCs May 17–18 Robert J. Marzano and Phil Warrick

Understanding Emotions in Teaching and Learning April 28 Robert J. Marzano and Jana S. Marzano

January 29 Robert J. Marzano and Jan K. Hoegh

May 12 Robert J. Marzano and Jan K. Hoegh *Speakers are subject to change.

Ready to sign up? Register now!




Signature PD Service Supporting Beginning Teachers Workshop Supporting Beginning Teachers

• Identify ways to integrate reflection into your collaborative work in teams.

By Tina H. Boogren

• Self-assess your proficiency in applying each of the 41 elements of effective teaching.

• Learn how to use video data, student survey data, and student achievement data to improve your practice.

• Explore specific classroom situations in which reflective practices can be applied.

Foreword by Robert J. Marzano

Give new teachers the time and professional guidance they need to become expert teachers. Investigate key research, and examine the four types of support—physical, emotional, instructional, and institutional—that are crucial during a teacher’s first year in the classroom. Discover essential strategies for K–12 mentors, coaches, and school leaders to develop an effective mentoring program schoolwide. 120 pages 59MCC–BKL023 $19.95 ISBN 978-0-9838152-3-5

Coaching Classroom Instruction By Robert J. Marzano and Julia A. Simms With Tom Roy, Tammy Heflebower, and Phil Warrick

A must-have resource for coaches, leaders, and teams, this book covers approaches for boosting professional growth and macrostrategies that are responsive to student needs. Learn how to offer targeted feedback to teachers, empowering them to identify how they can improve their knowledge and skill. Step-by-step guidelines will help teachers increase their performance on the 280 research-based strategies from Becoming a Reflective Teacher. 272 pages 59MCC–BKL013 $34.95 ISBN 978-0-9833512-6-9

Enhancing the Art & Science of Teaching With Technology By Sonny Magaña and Robert J. Marzano Successfully leverage technology to enhance classroom practices with this practical resource. The authors demonstrate the importance of educational technology, which is quickly becoming an essential component in effective teaching. Included are over 100 organized classroom strategies, vignettes that show each section’s strategies in action, and a glossary of classroom-relevant technology terms. Key research is summarized and translated into classroom recommendations. 216 pages 59MCC–BKL017 $29.95 ISBN 978-0-9858902-4-7



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Leaders of Learning

Supervising the Art and Science of Teaching

How District, School, and Classroom Leaders Improve Student Achievement

A New Approach to Lesson Observation and Lesson Design

By Richard DuFour and Robert J. Marzano Bestseller For many years, the authors have been fellow travelers on the journey to help educators improve their schools. Their first coauthored book focuses on district leadership, principal leadership, and team leadership and addresses how individual teachers can be most effective in leading students—by learning with colleagues how to implement the most promising pedagogy in their classrooms. 248 pages Published by Solution Tree

59MCC–BKF455 $29.95 ISBN 978-1-935542-66-7

Featuring Robert J. Marzano This fully loaded presentation delivers Dr. Marzano’s best and most effective strategies for lesson design and observation. After outlining 10 critical areas of instructional practice, he guides you through practical design questions, fundamental segments of classroom instruction, expectations regarding teaching behavior, three critical interventions, four phases of effective teaching, and a protocol for monthly reflective practice meetings. 90-minute DVD with presentation; CD with presentation handouts and supporting resources Published by Solution Tree

Signature PD Service

Signature PD Service

School Leader Development Workshop

• Examine the research linking principal leadership to student achievement.

• Learn strategies to develop the capacity and effectiveness of educators.

• Provide principals the tools and support they need to lead a successful professional learning community.

• Discover what kind of training is most effective for PLC leaders.

59MCC–DVF041 $195.00 UPC 811796010384

Coaching for Teachers

• Establish current levels of performance.

• Identify measurable goals for improved performance.

• Acquire new skills and strategies to meet the goals.

• Practice to become proficient in the new strategies.

• Measure growth and celebrate success.

marzanoresearch.com | 888.849.0851



Personalized results for your school We offer a variety of customized educational services to keep you on track. Work closely with us to analyze, measure, and align practices in your school.

Alignment Audit We can analyze how well-aligned your curriculum and assessments are with the critical concepts in math, ELA, and science, and make recommendations to address overlaps or gaps.

Standards-Based Assessment Consulting Let us guide teacher teams through the process of writing assessments that align with your proficiency scales, while building skill and capacity.

Instructional Framework Development Our experts can provide your team with guidance for planning units and lessons and a common language for engaging in conversations around effective pedagogy across all grade levels and subject areas.

Proficiency Scale Review Our staff will review and provide feedback on a set of proficiency scales according to criteria, including appropriate differentiation between levels of knowledge, unidimensionality of elements, and clarity of expression.


Introduction to CompetencyBased Systems

Vocabulary Program Development

In this 90-minute interactive web conference, our specialists will introduce you to the basic elements of a competency system and discuss key decision points related to the shift from time-based to performance-based learning.

Work with us to design effective vocabulary instruction for your school or district. We will guide you through every step of designing and implementing a customized program of direct vocabulary instruction that provides your students with the vocabulary and knowledge that they need to succeed.


Competency Education Readiness Assessment Our specialists will conduct a site visit to help you define your starting point and next steps for designing and implementing a personalized, competency-based system.

Learn more!


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A division of Marzano Research In 2014, Marzano Research acquired Reinventing Schools, a recognized leader in competencybased education. The acquisition increases our capacity to provide you with an even wider range of tools and techniques to support your school or district in reaching its goals. We are excited to introduce these services that support schools and districts as they design and implement competency-based systems. Our team of experts has practical experience designing, implementing, evaluating, and refining competency-based teaching and learning systems. They are ready to assist your organization in realizing your unique vision of excellence.

Wendy J. Battino

Heather Bross

Douglas Finn III

Laura Hilger

Daniel Joseph

Rebecca Mestaz

Michelle Finn


You’ve chosen to change the system. Now how do you do it? First, design what you want your competency-based system to look like. Second, implement your design. Next, evaluate how you are doing and refine your practice. Reinventing Schools has been using a framework of leadership, shared vision, personalized mastery, and continuous improvement to help schools create student-centered, competency-based learning systems for nearly 20 years. We provide support through site visits, an array of professional development services, and comprehensive coaching for leaders and teachers.

Design Address key questions and critical decisions related to design.


• Assess your readiness for implementing a competency-based system.

• Learn how leadership, shared vision, personalized mastery, and continuous improvement provide a framework to support the design of your competency-based system.

• Understand key decision points for designing a system focused on student mastery of knowledge and skills.

• Learn how leaders and stakeholders share the responsibility of using the vision to drive all decisions.

Discover practical strategies for making a competency-based, student-centered system work.

Evaluate and Refine Support continuous improvement.

• Establish systems for identifying essential standards, creating an assessment system, and defining record-keeping and reporting tools.

• Develop a common instructional model that engages students in real-life learning and allows teachers to meet the needs of individual students.

• Understand the importance of celebrating the progress of individuals and the system.

• Identify strengths and opportunities for improvement.

• Refine your design and implementation to improve outcomes for all students.

marzanoresearch.com | 888.849.0851



How can Marzano Research help your organization? The experienced team at Marzano Research can support your school or organization through project planning, program evaluation, literature reviews, data analysis, report writing, and presentation of results.

Does your grant proposal need a highly qualified evaluator? Our team has years of evaluation experience to support the development and implementation of your education research projects.

Do you need a review of research? We can search, obtain, review, and summarize research to help you identify the most promising programs and strategies.


Our research team offers:

• Formative and summative program evaluation • Development of evaluation plans for grant proposals

• Progress monitoring and reporting

• Creation of logic models and performance indicators

• Synthesis and analysis of data from multiple sources

• Comprehensive literature reviews

• Consulting on evaluation systems for teacher and leader effectiveness

• Qualitative and quantitative data collection and analysis

• Survey development and administration

• Experimental and quasi-experimental designs

• Schoolwide Tiered Models: Multi-Tiered Systems of Support, Response to Intervention, Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports

• Professional Development

• School Accountability

Topic areas of expertise:

• Curriculum and Instruction

• Early Childhood Education

• Education Policy

• Educator Evaluation

• Formative Assessment

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