2 minute read
School Improvement
Timebomb BESTSELLER The Cost of Dropping Out
By Mike Mattos
This DVD addresses the urgency of reducing dropout rates and preparing students for a better future.
23GCTG-S8A–DVF074 $24.95 USD | $32.50 CAD
What Effective Schools Do Re-Envisioning the Correlates
By Lawrence W. Lezotte and Kathleen McKee Snyder
This guide helps educators implement a continuous school improvement system through application of the seven correlates of effective schools.
23GCTG-S8A–BKF336 $35.95 USD | $47.00 CAD
ISBN 978-1-935249-51-1 176 pages
Collective Efficacy in a PLC at Work®
Lessons, Paradoxes, and Research From a Turnaround District
By Matt Navo and Jared J. Savage
Gain the practices and tools necessary to build collective team efficacy and foster lasting change in your school or district.
23GCTG-S8A–BKF973 $40.95 USD | $53.50 CAD
ISBN 978-1-951075-51-4
192 pages
Bring our experts to your school
For a complete list of experts, go to SolutionTree.com/SchoolImprovement
Change Wars
Edited by Andy Hargreaves and Michael Fullan
With Sir Michael Barber, Linda Darling-Hammond, Richard Elmore, Michael Fullan, Andy Hargreaves, Jonathan Jansen, Ben Levin, Pedro Noguera, Douglas Reeves, Andreas Schleicher, Dennis Shirley, James Spillane, and Marc Tucker What can organizations do to create profound, enduring changes? International experts prove successful change can be a realistic goal and then explore constructive alternatives to traditional change strategies.
23GCTG-S8A–BKF254 $43.95 USD | $57.50 CAD
ISBN 978-1-934009-31-4 304 pages; hardcover
` Visit SolutionTree.com/LeadingEdge to find more books in this series.
AllThingsPLC Magazine
Packed with stimulating and practical information, AllThingsPLC Magazine features research-based, specific strategies for developing professional learning communities and engaging, personal commentaries from educators who have implemented the PLC process to great success. Each issue of this unique and dynamic quarterly magazine includes in-depth articles on the “how-to” of PLC implementation and offers advice, websites, books, and other essential PLC resources.
23GCTG-S8A–CPF001 $49.95 USD | $62.50 CAD (one-year subscription; four issues) Bulk discount available. | Available in digital or print. Available in digital format only in Canada. ` Some back issues also available. Visit SolutionTree.com/Insights
Featured Books
Behavior Solutions BESTSELLER
Teaching Academic and Social Skills Through RTI at Work™
By John Hannigan, Jessica Djabrayan Hannigan, Mike Mattos, and Austin Buffum
When students’ behavioral, emotional, and social needs are met, they excel better in school and in life. Take strategic action to begin closing the systemic behavior gap with the guidance of Behavior Solutions. This user-friendly resource outlines how to utilize the PLC at Work® and RTI at Work™ processes to create a three-tiered system of supports that is collaborative, research-based, and practical.
• Become familiar with student behaviors, emotions, and mental states and the challenges they pose to the implementation of educational initiatives.
• Learn why it is necessary for schools to embrace the PLC at Work and RTI at Work processes to ensure students’ behavioral success with a multitiered system of supports (MTSS).
23GCTG-S8A–BKF891 $43.95 USD | $57.50 CAD
ISBN 978-1-947604-71-1
280 pages
Targeting Behavior and Academic Interventions BESTSELLER
A Process to Diagnose and Coordinate Student Supports
By Mike Mattos and Austin Buffum
Students at risk of not acquiring essential academic skills also often experience behavior problems. But how can schools coordinate and combine their academic and behavioral interventions into a united system? In this unscripted video workshop from RTI at Work™ co-creators Austin Buffum and Mike Mattos, teacher teams address this dilemma using the Pro-Solve Process, five questions that help determine the causes and potential solutions.
• High-quality footage demonstrating the Pro-Solve Process in real teacher team settings
• In-depth exploration of the Pro-Solve Process and five guiding questions to effectively implement it step by step
• A facilitator’s guide with tailored activities and strategies to reinforce participants’ knowledge
23GCTG-S8A–DVF072 $174.95 USD | $227.50 CAD
ISBN 978-1-945349-19-5
32-minute DVD; 32-page Facilitator’s Guide (in print and on CD)
Mini-course available
See page 36