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Breaking Through Effective Instruction & Assessment for Reaching English Learners

Edited by Margarita Espino Calderón

With Barbara D. Acosta, Laura Alvarez, Kristina Anstrom, Margarita Espino Calderón, Sarah Capitelli, Jim Cummins, Claude Goldenberg, Joel Gómez, Margo Gottlieb, Elena Izquierdo, Okhee Lee, Liliana Minaya-Rowe, Alba A. Ortiz, Charlene Rivera, Robert E. Slavin, Maria N. Trejo, and Guadalupe Valdés

This book provides educators with a wholeschool approach to helping English learners achieve academically while they learn English.

23GCTG-S8A–BKF777 $43.95 USD | $57.50 CAD

ISBN 978-1-943874-98-9 288 pages

` Visit SolutionTree.com/LeadingEdge to find more books in this series.

Teaching Reading & Comprehension to English Learners, K–5

By Margarita Espino Calderón

Raise achievement for English learners through new instructional strategies and assessment processes. This book addresses the language, literacy, and content instructional needs of ELs and frames quality instruction within effective schooling structures and the implementation of RTI.

23GCTG-S8A–BKF402 $35.95 USD | $47.00 CAD

ISBN 978-1-935542-03-2 Grades K–5; 176 pages

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