Balancing the Equation

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Educational Author and Consultant

“Challenging the illusion of mathematical proficiency from decades of mathematics reform, the authors make a compelling, evidence-based case for why mathematics education can and must improve. Both educators and parents are rewarded with practical approaches to teaching, assessing, and understanding mathematics and helping children with mathematics at home.”


“Larson and Kanold present compelling evidence that the needs of  21st century students demand—a new approach to mathematics curriculum and instruction. They explain why educators and parents alike must expect more of students and why meeting those expectations requires a different approach to teaching mathematics than what students from earlier generations experienced. . . . Those who believe that schools must prepare students for their futures, rather than our pasts, will find this book a powerful tool to guide their work. I highly recommend it.”

— DO U G LAS R EEVES Creative Leadership Solutions

K–12 educators and parents will: yy Explore critical reasons to raise expectations for mathematics teaching and learning

yy Define mathematical literacy and key elements of effective mathematics instruction yy Learn how to support the teaching and learning of mathematics to ensure students are college and career ready Visit to download the free reproducibles in this book.

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yy Discover important details about mathematics education in an era of mathematics reform

yy Study the history of the progression, changes, and disputes in mathematics education


Balancing the Equation: A Guide to School Mathematics for Educators and Parents seeks to improve students’ success in mathematics. Matthew R. Larson and Timothy D. Kanold correct misguided, incorrect discourse surrounding mathematics education and refocus the discussion on facts. Offering peer-reviewed research on the instructional elements that can significantly impact student achievement, this guide offers the tools to support effective mathematics learning for all.

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