—Patricia Kohler-Evans, Associate Professor of Early Childhood and Special Education, University of Central Arkansas
“This no-nonsense, practitioner-focused book clearly illustrates the nuts and bolts of rigorous, research-based processes. It is a must-read for special educators, general educators, and those who supervise them.” —Sylvia Rockwell, Tactical Teaching, Inc.
“A comprehensive look at the process of building co-teaching teams through critical conversations— an excellent practical approach for sustainable success.” —Jill C. Clay, RTI and PLC Leadership Team, Monroe County Community School Corporation, Bloomington, IN
A Problem-Solving Approach Critical Conversations in Co-Teaching: A ProblemSolving Approach is a practitioner’s guide to building a quality collaborative relationship through critical conversations—the communication co-teachers use to build their collaborative practice.
Co-teachers will work through protocols—discussion plans and activities—to: 1
Engage partners—establish a shared vision, establish the partnership, and lay the collaborative foundation
Examine data—focus on results, dig into the data, and use data about students to make instructional improvements
Enhance instruction—add value to instruction when teaching together, making more impact than one teacher could make alone
Expand impact—improve instruction and sustain efforts systemwide
Co-teachers benefit from practical examples and reallife stories that show how co-teaching strategies make a positive difference for students, and they learn how co-teaching fits within several school improvement initiatives: response to intervention, professional learning communities, differentiated instruction, and Universal Design for Learning. Visit go-solution.tree.com/specialneeds to download the reproducibles in this book. S O L U T I O N -T R E E . C O M
Carrie Chapman • Cate Hart Hyatt
The critical conversations framework enhances shared practice using a simple structure and process of talking together. It can create profound differences in the way teachers work together, in the outcomes they can expect from their students, and in their feelings of connectedness to their profession. The framework has paved the way for more effective and efficient shared teaching practice for hundreds of teachers.
Critical Conversations in Co-Teaching
“Chapman and Hart Hyatt have captured the essence of the effective co-teaching relationship for both beginning co-teachers and long-established partners. They use their wealth of experience to remind us of the role that honest, open dialog has in making magic happen in the classroom.”