Closing the RTI Gap

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principles, and shows why it is an integral part of school improvement

—Gail Connelly, Executive Director, National Association of Elementary School Principals

■ Examines the RTI model and its

■ Explains why RTI must consider modifications for poverty and culture in the areas of identification, best practices, behavior, and assessment ■ Explores how to make RTI effective and how to avoid common implementation pitfalls

Poverty and Culture Count

our most vulnerable youngsters—learn.”


All children should have equal access to highly “ The author raises the important, critical questions qualified teachers, a educators should consider to maximize powerful RTI strong curriculum, and strategies in helping to close the achievement gap research-based instrucfor children in poverty and from different cultures, tional methods. Closing the RTI Gap addresses the and she provides practical, hands-on solutions for critical questions that must doing so. Additionally, she demonstrates how RTI be answered for response strategies can become an integral component of to intervention to fulfill its school improvement. This book provides a useful promise and close the achievement gap, particularly for students blueprint for all educators in implementing RTI from poverty and minority cultures. as a means to helping all children—including Author Donna Walker Tileston:


Poverty and Culture Count





■ Outlines the priorities—building relationships,

Donna Walker Tileston, EdD, is the founder and president of Strategic Teaching and Learning in Dallas, Texas. A recognized leader in education, Dr. Walker Tileston has extensive experience in teaching, administration, research, writing, software development, and national consulting.

Donna Walker Tileston

focusing on vocabulary, differentiating instruction, and teaching to reach all systems of thinking—for closing the achievement gap at Tier 1, as well as the tasks of decision making, progress monitoring, and intervention at Tiers 2 and 3




Poverty and Culture Count A Joint Publication


Walker Tileston

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