Creating Successful Inclusion Programs

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Creating Successful Inclusion Programs Guidelines for Teachers and Administrators “ The strongest feature of Creating Successful Inclusion Programs is its up-to-date information that is sensitive to the current legislation. An excellent, easy-to-read resource.” — Erin Morrill, Special Education Teacher, Louisville, Colorado

Determining how and where to educate students with disabilities is a complex task. Educators must find a way to balance the principle of appropriate education with the principle of least restrictive environment. Inclusion bridges the gap between regular and special education by minimizing the practice of separating students for special education instruction. Within inclusive classrooms, students with disabilities learn side-byside their nondisabled peers.

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Creating Successful Inclusion Programs Guidelines for Teachers and Administrators

Also included is information on the historical treatment of children with special needs, the legislation leading up to the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), how inclusion programs fit in with the legislation, what constitutes a disability, and a section on frequently asked questions with answers. Martin Henley, Ph.D., is a professor of education at Westfield State College and director of the Pegasus Center for Education. His 27 years in education include teaching sixth grade and special education classes, directing a Head Start program, and administering an inclusive school for autistic students. Henley

Creating Successful Inclusion Programs: Guidelines for Teachers and Administrators provides specific strategies for creating and managing inclusive classrooms and guidelines for navigating the complicated legal and educational landscape of special education.

Creating Successful Inclusion Programs

Special Education

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