2014 Fall Comprehensive Catalog

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FALL 2014 SPRING 2014

Solutions Books & Videos | Events | On-Site PD | Online PD

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Inspired learning

Solution Tree

Enhance instruction. Maximize learning. You want every student to flourish in the classroom. We’re here to support you with professional development solutions from education’s leading experts. With everything from online courses, books, and videos to world-class events and on-site PD—we’ll move you toward your goals.



pages 5, 72

pages 6, 74

page 16

Available October

Available November

page 27

page 27

Available December

page 30

page 32

Available November

page 35

page 40

Available November

page 41

pages 46, 62

Available December

page 68


Common Core

page 40

page 40

Available October

page 50

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page 82

page 58

Available November Available October

page 70




We are proud of our award-winning titles! Common Core Association of Educational Publishers Winners and Finalists

Professional Learning Communities at Work

4 TM


Professional Learning Communities 25 TM

RTI at Work 26 Foreword Magazine Winners, Honorable Mention, and Finalists

RTI 32 School Improvement 34

Independent Book Publishers Association Winners and Finalists

Independent Publisher Winners

Leadership 40 Assessment 50 Instruction 56 21st Century Skills & Technology 62 TM

Mathematics at Work 68 Learning Forward Winners

Mathematics 70 Literacy 72 English Learners 78

Learning Magazine Winners

Youth at Risk 80 Special Needs 81 Classroom Management & Behavior 82 Plan Books 86 Event Index 88 Book and Video Index 90 Online Course Index 91

JOIN THE C O N V E R S AT I O N PLACE YOUR ORDER Share your ideas, tell your stories, and connect with fellow educators on the topics that are most important to you. Have fun while gaining valuable insights on everything from RTI to PLCs.

Order form inside Visit solution-tree.com Call 800.733.6786 Fax 812.336.7790



Common Core

Common Core

Challenges you’re facing Gaining the know-how to monitor and support the Common Core Aligning resources with the Common Core and filling any gaps Incorporating a higher level of integrated thinking Increasing rigor and relevance in every classroom Integrating the literacy anchor standards and mathematical practices into all academic disciplines

Here’s how we can help


Educator-approved resources

Teaching Common Core English Language Arts Standards (p. 5)

Premier on-site PD

Common Core Coaching Academy (p. 7)

World-class events

The Annual Conference on Standards & Assessment (p. 11)

Common Core




Teaching Common Core English Language Arts Standards


20 Lesson Frameworks for Elementary Grades By Patricia M. Cunningham and James W. Cunningham Ensure students develop proficiency in reading, speaking and listening, writing, and language. Explore 20 lesson frameworks to help teach the Common Core State Standards for English language arts. Discover targeted lessons to help students master critical skills, including how to organize ideas from informational texts, identify similarities and differences, scrutinize words to gain deeper meaning of readings, and write with gradeappropriate language. 208 pages; grades K–5 Benefits •

Pair the gradual release of responsibility model with several lesson frameworks that support the CCSS for English language arts.

Access a variety of tools and resources to help students master the CCSS for English language arts.

Support the CCSS for English language arts goals to improve students’ reading comprehension, writing skills, and desire to read and write.

Adopt or adjust the authors’ lesson frameworks to suit the needs of your classroom, grade level, and curriculum. 48BCA–BKF617 $29.95 ISBN 978-1-936763-25-2

Building a Common Core–Based Curriculum Mapping With Focus and Fidelity By Susan Udelhofen Discover your road map for creating a curriculum based on the Common Core State Standards. Explore various stages of curriculum development, from the preliminary work of building academic support to creating Common Core curriculum maps and tracking school improvement goals. Learn to effectively share information during the curriculum-building process, and engage in significant, collaborative conversations around the curriculum. 128 pages Benefits •

Develop a curriculum founded on the Common Core State Standards.

Learn the three essential structures for curriculum building: active administrative involvement, focused curriculum conversations, and effective assessments.

Foster a collaborative environment in which teachers can share their teaching and learning expectations.

Introduce an ongoing curriculum-mapping process that welcomes continuous conversation and revision. 48BCA–BKF549 $24.95 ISBN 978-1-936764-68-6

Common Core


Common Core


Cultural Literacy for the Common Core Six Steps to Powerful, Practical Instruction for All Learners

By Bonnie M. Davis Foreword by Mary Kim Schreck

Discover a six-step framework for becoming culturally literate that complements the Common Core and encourages students to be at the center of learning. Explore how to develop teacher-student relationships and give voice to the increasingly diverse student body found in today’s classrooms. 224 pages

• Motivate students to take renewed ownership of their learning. • Stimulate creative thinking with culturally responsive instruction. • Cultivate reflective dialogue through diverse lesson materials. • Harness technology to connect to learners in other geographic locations. 48BCA–BKF592 $29.95 ISBN 978-1-936764-40-2

Bringing the Common Core to Life in K–8 Classrooms

20 Literacy Strategies to Meet the Common Core

30 Strategies to Build Literacy Skills

Increasing Rigor in Middle & High School Classrooms

By Eric Jensen and LeAnn Nickelsen

By Elaine K. McEwan-Adkins and Allyson J. Burnett

Discover strategies to promote student mastery of the Common Core State Standards for English language arts across the curriculum. Develop the know-how to activate students’ background knowledge to prepare them for learning and effectively structure teaching to empower all students. 240 pages

With the advent of the Common Core State Standards, some secondary teachers are scrambling for what to do and how to do it. This book provides 20 researchbased strategies designed to help students meet those standards and become expert readers. 328 pages; grades 6–12

48BCA–BKF442 $29.95 ISBN 978-1-936764-64-8

On-Site PD

48BCA–BKF588 $34.95 ISBN 978-1-936764-28-0

Common Core Services Implement the CCSS in a way that makes the most sense for your school or district with a one-day workshop, multiple-day plans, or customized long-term work.

• Effective Teaching Practices to Ensure Students Are CCSS Ready • Assessing the Common Core With Performance Assessments • Implementing the Common Core Anchor Standards at the Secondary Level

The presenter’s big-picture view was really helpful right from the outset. Having day two set up as a series of very meaningful, optional workshops paired with team work time was exactly what our group needed.”


Common Core

Call us to customize your PD plan! 888.763.9045

—Peter Booth, teacher, Champlain Valley Union High School, Vermont




COMMON CORE Coaching Academy

Partner with leading experts to seamlessly integrate the Common Core State Standards into your curriculum. Gain hands-on strategies for classroom, leadership, curriculum, and assessment practices that can be implemented immediately. Your team will complete research through assigned reading after the first day of each session and create assessments as part of homework activities between sessions.

Do you want your teams to:

• Gain the know-how to monitor and support the Common Core? • Align resources with the CCSS and fill any gaps? • Design assessments that meet the expectations of the Common Core? • Incorporate a higher level of integrated thinking, demonstrated by rigor and relevance?

Carefully designed by CCSS experts, this academy: • Develops your school’s or district’s capacity for meeting the demands of the CCSS • Is facilitated by one or more experts who are trained in the CCSS and have considerable experience in education • Includes six days on-site with an expert (three sessions, two days each) and a selection of resources • Offers strategies and activities that can be replicated in any setting • Extends beyond session days with phone and email support

Contact your director of educational partnerships today! solution-tree.com/Director 877.247.8270

Common Core


Common Core

Common Core English Language Arts in a PLC at Work series TM

By Douglas Fisher, Nancy Frey, and Cynthia L. Uline These teacher guides illustrate how to sustain successful implementation of the Common Core State Standards for English language arts in K–12 instruction, curriculum, assessment, and intervention practices within the powerful Professional Learning Communities at WorkTM process. Teachers will discover the fundamental learning targets necessary for college and career readiness and how students can master them for each grade level. Joint Publications With the International Reading Association

Leader’s Guide; 144 pages 48BCA–BKF578 $24.95 ISBN 978-1-936764-13-6

Grades K–2; 184 pages

Grades 6–8; 184 pages

48BCA–BKF580 $29.95 ISBN 978-1-936764-16-7

48BCA–BKF584 $29.95 ISBN 978-1-936764-22-8

Grades 3–5; 184 pages Grades 9–12; 184 pages 48BCA–BKF582 $29.95 ISBN 978-1-936764-19-8

48BCA–BKF586 $29.95 ISBN 978-1-936764-25-9

Common Core State Standards in Literacy, Grades 3–8 Online Course Presenters: Douglas Fisher and Nancy Frey Tackle the demands of the CCSS for English language arts, and differentiate instruction while aligning assessment practices. Work with Dr. Fisher and Dr. Frey to select appropriate texts for students, develop lesson plans focused on close reading and text-based discussion, master the art of checking for understanding through a variety of tasks, and link assessments with instruction.

Included ebook: Common Core English Language Arts in a PLC at WorkTM , Grades 3–5 •

Identify the major goals of the CCSS for English language arts.

Release responsibility to students to foster their learning.

Check for understanding using oral language, questions, writing, projects, performances, and tests. CEUs: 48BCA–KDS032 3 Semester Hours: 48BCA–KDS033

2-Day Workshop November 3–4 San Diego, CA

Common Core for English Language Arts Presenter: Nancy Frey The CCSS for English language arts demand that students learn to justify their responses with evidence and to read increasingly complex text. Learn what changes to curriculum and instruction are necessary to meet the standards and ensure student achievement.

Nancy Frey


Common Core

$279.00 $499.00

• Identify the conceptual shifts in the CCSS for English language arts. • Enumerate the anchor standards in reading, writing, speaking and listening, language, and foundational skills. • Comprehend the components of text complexity, text-dependent questions, and close reading.



solution-tree.com/CommonCore Check out the new Beyond the Common Core (mathematics) series on page 68!

Common Core Mathematics in a PLC at Work series TM

Edited by Timothy D. Kanold By Thomasenia Lott Adams, Harold Asturias, Diane J. Briars, John A. Carter, Juli K. Dixon, Francis (Skip) Fennell, David Foster, Mardi A. Gale, Timothy D. Kanold, Beth McCord Kobett, Matthew R. Larson, Mona Toncheff, Jonathan A. Wray, and Gwendolyn Zimmermann These teacher guides illustrate how to sustain successful implementation of the Common Core State Standards for mathematics. Discover what students should learn and how they should learn it. Tools and strategies will help you develop and assess student demonstrations of deep conceptual understanding and procedural fluency. Joint Publications With the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics

Grades K–2; 216 pages Grades 6–8; 248 pages 48BCA–BKF566 $29.95 ISBN 978-1-936765-97-3

48BCA–BKF574 $29.95 ISBN 978-1-936764-10-5

Leader’s Guide; 176 pages 48BCA–BKF559 $24.95 ISBN 978-1-936765-47-8

Grades 3–5; 224 pages High School; 224 pages 48BCA–BKF568 $29.95 ISBN 978-1-936764-00-6

48BCA–BKF561 $29.95 ISBN 978-1-936765-50-8

Common Core State Standards in Mathematics, Grades 3–8 Online Course Presenters: Diane J. Briars and Timothy D. Kanold

Included ebook: Common Core Mathematics in a PLC at WorkTM , Grades 3–5

Dr. Kanold and Dr. Briars explain both the whys and the how-tos for implementing the CCSS for mathematics in this timely and practical course. You’ll gain strategies for teaching for understanding, tools for planning lessons and evaluating assessments, and classroom-ready tasks that put theory into practice. You’ll also visit classrooms where educators are piloting the CCSS to see their results.

Support the eight mathematical practices.

Maintain high cognitive demand.

Include assessing and advancing questions for formative assessment.

Meet the needs of all learners. CEUs: 48BCA–KDS034 3 Semester Hours: 48BCA–KDS035

Teaching and Assessing Mathematics in a PLC at Work TM

2-Day Workshops October 7–8 November 19–20

Presenters: Timothy D. Kanold and Juli K. Dixon Helping students meet or exceed CCSS-M expectations requires providing them with a vision and process for learning mathematics. Learn how with your teacher team, school, or district at this high-energy, dynamic PLC and CCSS-M workshop led by mathematics thought leaders.

$279.00 $499.00

Acquire a deeper understanding of the CCSS-M impact on student learning and classroom instructional practice.

Implement the powerful PLC teaching-learning-assessing cycle.

Use and design daily lesson-planning protocols that reflect the expectations of rigorous CCSS-aligned mathematics instruction.

Timothy D. Kanold

St. Louis, MO Orlando, FL

Juli K. Dixon

Common Core


Common Core

How to Teach Thinking Skills Within the Common Core Seven Key Student Proficiencies of the New National Standards By James A. Bellanca, Robin J. Fogarty, and Brian M. Pete Bestseller Empower your students to thrive across the curriculum. Packed with examples and tools, this practical guide prepares teachers across all grade levels and content areas to teach the most critical cognitive skills from the Common Core State Standards. 240 pages

• Explore phase I, Talk-Through, during which teachers explicitly teach students a critical thinking skill. • Utilize the content-based lessons included in phase II, Walk-Through, when specific guidance will ensure proper application of the skill. • Learn how to make a direct connection between the selected thinking skill and the new standards with the CCSS performance tasks modeled in phase III. 48BCA–BKF576 $29.95 ISBN 978-1-936764-07-5

Teaching Students to Think Like Scientists

School Leader’s Guide to the Common Core

Strategies Aligned With Common Core and Next Generation Science Standards

Achieving Results Through Rigor and Relevance

By Maria C. Grant, Douglas Fisher, and Diane Lapp

By James A. Bellanca, Robin J. Fogarty, Brian M. Pete, and Rebecca L. Stinson

Using these instructional methods and lesson scenarios, teachers of all disciplines will gain the tools needed to offer students a richer, lasting understanding of science, its concepts, and its place in their lives and the global community. 232 pages

Implement the Common Core State Standards with downloadable reproducibles, lists of resources to support the topics affected, discussion questions, and relevant information to share with your colleagues. Explore the background of the standards and the changes necessary to meet them. 176 pages

48BCA–BKF555 $29.95 ISBN 978-1-936765-38-6

48BCA–BKF597 $24.95 ISBN 978-1-936764-45-7

Collaborating for Success With the Common Core A Toolkit for Professional Learning Communities at Work


By Kim Bailey, Chris Jakicic, and Jeanne Spiller Leverage teamwork to integrate the CCSS into your curriculum, and build on a foundational knowledge of PLCs. You’ll gain a comprehensive understanding of the shifts required to implement the standards in core content areas and find tips and strategies for strong collaborative practices. 232 pages

• Gain a comprehensive understanding of the CCSS for English language arts and mathematics. • Navigate the shifts required by the CCSS for curriculum, instruction, assessment, and intervention. • Learn how collaborative teams within a PLC provide the support necessary for successful transition to the CCSS. 48BCA–BKF556 $29.95 ISBN 978-1-936764-72-3


Common Core




Assessment and the Common Core State Standards Online Course Presenter: Kay Burke

Included ebook: Balanced Assessment

Construct a balanced set of assessment tools that will improve instruction as well as gauge its success. Dr. Burke demonstrates how to repack the Common Core State Standards with a collaborative team, generate checklists and rubrics, share meaningful learning objectives with students, and craft performance tasks that will motivate students in every grade. Gain tools and strategies you can use immediately.

Identify power standards.

Repack the Common Core State Standards as part of a collaborative team.

Collaborate with grade-level or subject-area teams to create common assessments.

Create performance tasks, checklists, and rubrics appropriate to your grade level or subject area. CEUs: 48BCA–KDS013 3 Semester Hours: 48BCA–KDS014

Using Common Core Standards to Enhance Classroom Instruction & Assessment

$279.00 $499.00

Vocabulary for the Common Core By Robert J. Marzano and Julia A. Simms

Bestseller The Common Core State

By Robert J. Marzano, David C. Yanoski, Jan K. Hoegh, and Julia A. Simms

Standards present unique demands on students’ ability to learn vocabulary and teachers’ ability to teach it. The authors address these challenges in this resource, helping you create a successful vocabulary program. 280 pages

With Tammy Heflebower and Phil Warrick

Bestseller Discover how to weave an in-depth understanding of the Common Core into successful classroom practice with this two-part resource. 304 pages 48BCA–BKL015 $34.95 ISBN 978-0-9833512-9-0

48BCA–BKL014 $34.95 ISBN 978-0-9858902-2-3

Published by Marzano Research Laboratory

Published by Marzano Research Laboratory

This was the best conference I have ever attended! It was very well organized, there was a nice blend of keynotes and breakout sessions, and the venue was fabulous.”

The Annual Conference on

—Ashley Troy, elementary literacy consultant, Traverse Bay Area Intermediate School, Michigan

April 13–15 Phoenix, AZ

Standards & Assessment

Phoenix Convention Center

Register early and save!



Early bird pricing ends January 8, 2015

Common Core


Professional Learning Communities at Work


Challenges you’re facing Sustaining progress and successes districtwide Implementing a systemic response for students not learning at acceptable levels Determining why some schools are thriving while others have flatlined or are losing ground Assisting new students without the background knowledge and language skills necessary for classroom success Aligning your resources and time to focus on learning and results

Here’s how we can help


Educator-approved resources

Learning by Doing (p. 15)

Premier on-site PD

District Solutions for PLC at Work

World-class events

PLC at Work Institutes (p. 15)



(p. 22)


Cultures Built to Last Systemic PLCs at Work


By Richard DuFour and Michael Fullan Bestseller Take your professional learning community to the next level! Discover a systemwide approach for re-envisioning your PLC while sustaining growth and continuing momentum on your journey. You’ll move beyond isolated pockets of excellence while allowing every person in your school system—from teachers and administrators to students— the opportunity to be an instrument of lasting cultural change. 104 pages Benefits •

Determine how a systemic approach to PLCs is essential to a collaborative culture.

Achieve the coherence and clarity necessary to maintaining a healthy PLC.

Find a balance between maintaining focus and generating creativity. 48BCA–BKF579 $19.95 ISBN 978-1-936764-74-7

Creating a Professional Learning Community at Work


Foundational Concepts and Practices Online Course Presenters: Rebecca DuFour and Richard DuFour Experience the PLC journey in action! Learn with educators new to the process, as PLC at WorkTM architects Richard DuFour and Rebecca DuFour help them structure their new school as a PLC. Explore the essential questions of a PLC, discover how to engage in authentic collaboration and collective inquiry, and learn how to organize your school or district with a results-based orientation.

Included ebook: Revisiting Professional TM Learning Communities at Work •

Understand the essential components of the PLC at WorkTM process.

Realize the benefits of PLCs for the entire community.

Collaborate authentically to develop missions and visions.

Articulate collective commitments.

Develop SMART goals and plans to achieve them. CEUs: 48BCA–KDS038 3 Semester Hours: 48BCA–KDS039

$279.00 $499.00

Professional Learning Communities at Work



Professional Learning Communities at Work

Revisiting Professional Learning Communities at WorkTM

Professional Learning Communities at WorkTM

New Insights for Improving Schools

Best Practices for Enhancing Student Achievement

By Richard DuFour, Rebecca DuFour, and Robert Eaker

By Richard DuFour and Robert Eaker

Bestseller This 10th-anniversary sequel to the pivotal book Professional Learning Communities at WorkTM offers advanced insights on deep implementation, the commitment/consensus issue, and the human side of PLCs. Gain greater knowledge of common mistakes to avoid and new discoveries for success. 544 pages

Bestseller The book that launched a school improvement movement offers research-based recommendations drawn from best practices still found in schools nationwide. Readers gain specific, practical how-to information about transforming schools into learning-focused, resultsoriented PLCs. 358 pages

48BCA–BKF252 $34.95 ISBN 978-1-934009-32-1

48BCA–BKF032 $29.95 ISBN 978-1-879639-60-7

Building a Professional Learning Community at WorkTM

Getting Started Reculturing Schools to Become Professional Learning Communities

A Guide to the First Year

By Robert Eaker, Richard DuFour, and Rebecca DuFour

By Parry Graham and William M. Ferriter Foreword by Richard DuFour and Rebecca DuFour

Bestseller Get answers to the most common question posed by educators seeking to build and sustain a PLC: Where do we begin? Readers access a solid conceptual framework and concrete illustrations of how schools operate when they are functioning as PLCs. 200 pages

This play-by-play guide to implementing PLC concepts uses a story to focus each chapter. The authors analyze the story, highlighting good decisions and mistakes. They offer research behind best practice and wrap up each chapter with practical recommendations and tools. 240 pages

48BCA–BKF120 $24.95 ISBN 978-1-879639-89-8

48BCA–BKF273 $29.95 ISBN 978-1-934009-59-8

Raising the Bar and Closing the Gap

The PLC at WorkTM Cartoon Book By Martha F. Campbell

Whatever It Takes

Foreword by Richard DuFour and Rebecca DuFour

By Richard DuFour, Rebecca DuFour, Robert Eaker, and Gayle Karhanek

These clever cartoons show the humorous side of working in a professional learning community. The book features introductions by Richard DuFour and Rebecca DuFour, who remind readers to maintain a sense of humor. 144 pages

Bestseller This expansion of Whatever It Takes uses case studies to sharpen the focus on the pyramid of interventions strategy, present new insights, and explain how PLC intervention processes align with RTI legislation. 256 pages

48BCA–BKF473 $19.95 ISBN 978-1-935543-09-1

48BCA–BKF378 $24.95 ISBN 978-1-935249-84-9



Professional Learning Communities at Work





I encourage you, read Learning by Doing and answer the call to action. Once you begin the PLC journey, you will never go back!”

—Marc Johnson, superintendent, Sanger Unified School District, California

Learning by Doing A Handbook for Professional Learning Communities at Work


By Richard DuFour, Rebecca DuFour, Robert Eaker, and Thomas W. Many Bestseller This book is an action guide for closing the knowing-doing gap and transforming schools into PLCs. It includes seven major additions that equip educators with essential tools for confronting challenges. 296 pages; 2nd edition

• Build a shared knowledge of critical vocabulary and the concepts underlying key PLC terms. • Equip yourself with the knowledge and tools necessary to model effective reciprocal accountability. • Make honest assessments of your school by examining conventional practices from a fresh, critical perspective. 48BCA–BKF416 $34.95 ISBN 978-1-935542-09-4

Professional Learning Communities at WorkTM Plan Book

Common Formative Assessment A Toolkit for Professional Learning Communities at WorkTM

By Rebecca DuFour, Richard DuFour, and Robert Eaker

By Kim Bailey and Chris Jakicic

Bestseller Teachers love this plan book! This great organizer, with 40 weekly planning pages and space for eight class periods, is also a process book packed with creative ideas, activities, and inspirational success stories that address crucial, teacher-specific PLC concepts. 103 pages; spiral-bound

Foreword by Richard DuFour and Rebecca DuFour

The catalyst for real student improvement begins with a decision to implement common formative assessments. In this conversational guide, the authors offer tools, templates, and protocols to incorporate common formative assessments into the practices of a PLC to monitor and enhance student learning. 144 pages

48BCA–BKF217 $12.95 ISBN 978-1-932127-95-9

48BCA–BKF538 $24.95 ISBN 978-1-936765-14-0

Build school culture where learning thrives Get committed to your professional learning community by attending a PLC at Work Institute. Learn concepts, strategies, and solutions from the architects behind PLC at Work . TM


Register now for a fall institute near you—seats are selling fast! solution-tree.com/PLCInstitutes September 24–26 Anaheim, CA October 1–3 Tulsa, OK


October 15–17 November 5–7

Denver, CO Charlotte, NC





Can’t travel? Learn about streaming an event right to your school at solution-tree.com/Hybrids

Professional Learning Communities at Work



Professional Learning Communities at Work


Are We a Group or a Team?


Moving From Coordination to Collaboration in a PLC at Work


Featuring Mike Mattos Build a powerful PLC to meet the needs of every student. Discover a step-by-step process for discussing, defining, and implementing the practices and procedures necessary to transition from a low-performing team to a high-performing team. 43-minute DVD; 32-page Facilitator’s Guide (in print and on CD)

Gain advice from real PLC teams that identify the key elements of a high-performing team.

Access practical activities and tools necessary to improve team function and collaboration.

Explore the process for creating a “10” team through activities provided in the Facilitator’s Guide.

Weave the short format into your busy schedule and view the video all at once, alone, or with a team. 48BCA–DVF065 $174.95 UPC 811796010629

Leadership in Professional Learning Communities at WorkTM

Leading Difficult Conversations Featuring Richard DuFour and Rebecca DuFour

Learning by Doing

Bestseller Gain strategies for addressing the conflicts that can result from transforming a school into a professional learning community. Learn how to hold conversations that lead staff to understand that best practice is to work collaboratively and collectively in high-performing teams. 30-minute DVD with presentation; 32-page Facilitator’s Guide (in print and on CD)

Featuring Richard DuFour, Rebecca DuFour, Robert Eaker, and Thomas W. Many Bestseller Watch leaders in action within a PLC. This short program for PLC leaders uses unscripted interviews and footage from schools to illustrate the role of effective leadership, particularly from the principal, in embedding PLC practices and values in a school. 32-minute DVD; 32-page Facilitator’s Guide (in print and on CD)

48BCA–DVF047 $174.95 UPC 811796010537

48BCA–DVF024 $174.95 UPC 811796010292

Passion and Persistence

Through New Eyes

How to Develop a Professional Learning Community

Examining the Culture of Your School Featuring Richard DuFour

By Richard DuFour

Bestseller Explore the differences between a traditional school and a professional learning community from a student’s perspective. Perfect for constructing a fourhour training session, this engaging video includes step-by-step instructions, guiding questions, and group activities. 30-minute DVD; 44-page Facilitator’s Guide

Bestseller Motivate staff with the inspirational video featured in many of Dr. DuFour’s keynote presentations. A display of memorable quotes, calls to action, and quips set to music, Passion and Persistence serves as a reflective pause on the PLC journey. 7-minute DVD 48BCA–DVF008 $24.95 UPC 811796010117


Professional Learning Communities at Work

48BCA–DVF007 $174.95 UPC 811796010018





The Power of Professional Learning Communities at WorkTM Bringing the Big Ideas to Life Featuring Richard DuFour, Robert Eaker, and Rebecca DuFour Bestseller This four-program video series takes you inside eight diverse schools, where teachers and administrators engage in candid conversations and collaborative team meetings. See how successful schools radically improve student learning, and learn the fundamentals of PLCs with this powerful, fun staff development tool. Four 20-minute programs on 4 DVDs; CD with presentations; 70-page Facilitator’s Guide (in print and on CD) 48BCA–DVF052 $595.00 UPC 811796010483

Forged, Not Forced Implementation in Professional Learning Communities Featuring Thomas W. Many Roll up your sleeves and engage in the PLC learning process with this step-by-step, side-by-side presentation on successful PLC implementation. Packed full of specific strategies, examples, stories, and anecdotes, you’ll see why creating a “learning by doing” culture requires modeling a learner’s behavior first. 59-minute DVD with presentation; CD with presentation handouts and supporting resources

Collaborative Teams in Professional Learning Communities at WorkTM Learning by Doing Featuring Richard DuFour, Rebecca DuFour, Robert Eaker, and Thomas W. Many Bestseller This short program shows exactly what collaborative teams do. Aligned with the best-selling book Learning by Doing, the video features unscripted footage of collaboration in action. Learn how teams organize, interact, and find time to meet; what products they produce; and more. 30-minute DVD; 40-page Facilitator’s Guide (in print and on CD) 48BCA–DVF023 $174.95 UPC 811796010285

The Role of PLCs in Advancing 21st Century Skills Featuring Richard DuFour Discover the link between professional learning communities and 21st century skills. Dr. DuFour discusses how to develop a PLC culture by focusing on a commitment to effectively change behavior and to collaboratively develop strategies to teach 21st century skills. 71-minute DVD with presentation; CD with presentation handouts and supporting resources 48BCA–DVF048 $195.00 UPC 811796010476

48BCA–DVF060 $195.00 UPC 811796010568

All Things PLC, All in One Place This website is a collaborative resource for educators and administrators who are committed to enhancing student achievement. We invite you to share your knowledge, ask questions, and get expert insight into the issues educators face each day.

Join today!

allthingsplc.info Professional Learning Communities at Work



Professional Learning Communities at Work


Collaborating for Success With the Common Core A Toolkit for Professional Learning Communities at WorkTM By Kim Bailey, Chris Jakicic, and Jeanne Spiller

The Journey to Becoming a Professional Learning Community

Leverage teamwork to integrate the CCSS into your curriculum, and build on a foundational knowledge of PLCs. You’ll gain a comprehensive understanding of the shifts required to implement the standards in core content areas and find tips and strategies for strong collaborative practices. 232 pages

By Janel Keating, Robert Eaker, Richard DuFour, and Rebecca DuFour Perfect for visual learners, the road map banner and accompanying booklet guide educators through critical issues that may arise during their journey to becoming a PLC. 1 color 7-foot vinyl banner; 2 black-and-white 7-foot paper banners; 3 process booklets

48BCA–BKF556 $29.95 ISBN 978-1-936764-72-3

48BCA–BKF260 $89.95 ISBN 978-1-934009-39-0

The School Leader’s Guide to Professional Learning Communities at WorkTM

Making Teamwork Meaningful

By Richard DuFour and Rebecca DuFour

By William M. Ferriter, Parry Graham, and Matt Wight

Leading Progress-Driven Collaboration in a PLC at WorkTM

Are you a K–8 principal looking to implement the PLC at Work process? Explore the components needed to lay the foundation, including how to develop a structure that supports collaborative teams, how to focus on effective monitoring strategies, and more. 120 pages; grades K–8

Focus on developing people—not just improving test scores. The authors examine how staffing decisions can strengthen professional learning communities and explore actions that can help school leaders safeguard their schools against complacency. 128 pages


48BCA–BKF548 $24.95 ISBN 978-1-936765-29-4

48BCA–BKF489 $19.95 ISBN 978-1-935543-36-7

A Joint Publication With the National Association of Elementary School Principals

Leading by Design

Getting District Results

An Action Framework for PLC at WorkTM Leaders

A Case Study in Implementing PLCs at WorkTM

By Cassandra Erkens and Eric Twadell

By Nicholas Jay Myers

Foreword by Richard DuFour

Foreword by Richard DuFour and Rebecca DuFour

After interviewing and observing principals, administrators, and teachers, the authors identify seven leadership practices that effective PLC leaders share, along with the techniques that have led them to sustainable success. 216 pages

Discover how the largest elementary school district in Illinois became a professional learning community. You’ll walk through each step of the PLC journey to learn how the district approached the most vital components of a successful PLC, such as building shared knowledge, forming collaborative teams, setting priorities, and more. 144 pages

48BCA–BKF430 $29.95 ISBN 978-1-935542-29-2

48BCA–BKF590 $19.95 ISBN 978-1-936764-32-7


Professional Learning Communities at Work





The Collaborative Teacher

The Collaborative Administrator

Working Together as a Professional Learning Community

Working Together as a Professional Learning Community

By Cassandra Erkens, Chris Jakicic, Lillie G. Jessie, Dennis King, Sharon V. Kramer, Thomas W. Many, Mary Ann Ranells, Ainsley B. Rose, Susan K. Sparks, and Eric Twadell

By Austin Buffum, Cassandra Erkens, Charles Hinman, Susan Huff, Lillie G. Jessie, Terri L. Martin, Mike Mattos, Anthony Muhammad, Peter Noonan, Geri Parscale, Eric Twadell, Jay Westover, and Kenneth C. Williams

Foreword by Rebecca DuFour Introduction by Richard DuFour

Transform education from inside the classroom. This book delivers best practices of collaborative teacher leadership, supporting the strategies with research and real classroom stories. 232 pages 48BCA–BKF257 $29.95 ISBN 978-1-934009-36-9


Foreword by Robert Eaker Introduction by Richard DuFour

In a culture of shared leadership, the administrator’s role is more important than ever. This book addresses your toughest challenges with practical strategies and inspiring insight. 264 pages 48BCA–BKF256 $29.95 ISBN 978-1-934009-37-6

PLC at Work


Coaching Academy

Get your action plan for building a thriving PLC. Your master coaches will deliver informative, high-energy, and motivating sessions. You’ll begin with an overview of the PLC at Work process and its benefits and then discover how to implement and maintain the process in your school or district. TM

Carefully designed by the architects of the PLC at Work process— Richard DuFour, Robert Eaker, Rebecca DuFour, and Mike Mattos —this academy: TM

• Develops your school’s or district’s capacity for implementing and sustaining the PLC at Work process TM

• Is facilitated by one or more master coaches who not only are trained in the work of PLCs, but also have done that work in an educational setting that showed at least three years of continued academic student improvement • Includes six days of on-site training over nine to twelve months (three sessions, two days each) and The PLC Toolkit • Offers strategies and activities that can be replicated in any setting • Extends beyond session days with phone and email support

Get started today!

solution-tree.com/Director 877.247.8270

Professional Learning Communities at Work



Professional Learning Communities at Work


TRANSFORM YOUR DISTRICT INTO A HIGH-PERFORMING PLC Global PD is the only technology tool on the market that is based on and completely aligned with the PLC at Work process. Regardless of where educators are on their PLC journey, we believe that Global PD will be a powerful catalyst for the ongoing professional learning essential to the PLC at Work process.” TM


The PLC at WorkTM architects

Learn more! solution-tree.com/GlobalPD 877.247.8270

Brought to you by Solution Tree—home of the PLC at WorkTM process—Global PD is a powerful technology tool based on the findings of leading PLC at WorkTM experts and top K–12 school districts. This innovative software will help your district reinforce PLC best practices and take student learning to the next level.


Professional Learning Communities at Work





Every School, Every Team, Every Classroom

The Five Disciplines of PLC Leaders By Timothy D. Kanold

District Leadership for Growing Professional Learning Communities at WorkTM

Foreword by Richard DuFour


48BCA–BKF495 $29.95 ISBN 978-1-935543-42-8

NA 12 FI LIST 20



The PLC journey begins with a dedication to ensuring the learning of every student. Using many examples and reproducible tools, the authors explain the need to focus on creating simultaneous top-down and bottom-up leadership. Learn how to grow PLCs by encouraging innovation at every level. 240 pages




By Robert Eaker and Janel Keating


Effective leadership in a professional learning community requires practice, patience, and skill. Through engaging examples and accessible language, this book offers a focused framework that will help educators maintain balance and consistent vision as they strengthen the skills of PLC leadership. 210 pages




48BCA–BKF534 $29.95 ISBN 978-1-936765-09-6

A Leader’s Companion

On Common Ground

Inspiration for Professional Learning Communities at WorkTM

The Power of Professional Learning Communities

By Robert Eaker, Rebecca DuFour, and Richard DuFour

Edited by Richard DuFour, Robert Eaker, and Rebecca DuFour

Treat yourself to daily moments of reflection with inspirational quotes collected from a decade of work by renowned PLC experts. The uplifting wisdom inside this book will fuel your passion to be a leader in your PLC. 136 pages; hardcover

By Roland Barth, Rebecca DuFour, Richard DuFour, Robert Eaker, Barbara Eason-Watkins, Michael Fullan, Lawrence W. Lezotte, Douglas B. Reeves, Jonathon Saphier, Mike Schmoker, Dennis Sparks, and Rick Stiggins

Bestseller Examine a colorful cross section of educators’ experiences with PLCs. This collection of insights from education leaders throughout North America highlights the benefits of PLCs. 272 pages; hardcover

48BCA–BKF227 $12.95 ISBN 978-1-934009-05-5

48BCA–BKF180 $34.95 ISBN 978-1-932127-42-3

The PLC Toolkit Powerful Tools for Improving Your School The Essential Resources of Richard DuFour, Robert Eaker, and Rebecca DuFour The PLC Toolkit contains all the tools educators need for producing the structural and cultural changes necessary to transform their schools into PLCs. PLCs help students achieve at higher levels and make teaching a more rewarding and satisfying profession. Research on best practices has shown that a key to improving schools and sustaining that improvement is developing the capacity to function as a PLC. 18 resources, including books, videos, and 1 registration to an online course 48BCA–KTF129


Professional Learning Communities at Work



Professional Learning Communities at Work

Solution Tree



Get started today! solution-tree.com/Director 877.247.8270

year 1 Preparatory phase Document the work you’ve already done, and develop a plan for districtwide implementation.

Build a PLC foundation.

year 2

Create a district guiding coalition. Introduce the PLC at WorkTM process to all of your stakeholders. Develop a shared mission, vision, collective commitments, and goals. Build a sustainable infrastructure and communication process.

Identify essential student outcomes.

Develop teams and a collaborative culture.

Ensure high levels of learning for all students. Focus on the four critical questions that will drive your PLC at WorkTM process. Create a districtwide blueprint for achieving your learning outcomes.

Build a collaborative culture that is committed to collective inquiry, action research, and continuous improvement. Help all students achieve at high levels by working in teams, not in isolation.

Assess student learning. Develop a shared understanding of assessments, implement common formative assessments, analyze evidence of student learning, and use that evidence to learn from one another and respond to the individual needs of students.

year 3

Student intervention and enrichment

Drive the PLC process deeper.

Build a systematic process to provide additional time and support for students who are experiencing difficulty. Use this process to ensure every student has a clear path to deeper learning.

Work with a PLC at WorkTM associate to analyze your progress on district SMART goal attainment, alignment of resources, and evidence of a focus on results.


Professional Learning Communities at Work








• • • • •

123 Teachers 1,640 Students 89% Free and reduced lunch 30% Limited English proficient 15% Special education

• • • •

8% African American 73% Hispanic 1% Asian/Pacific Islander 13% White

U.S. Grant High School is the largest school in Oklahoma City Public Schools, a multicultural district serving approximately 43,000 students.

Implementation Under the leadership of former Principal Tamie Sanders (currently director of secondary Turnaround Schools), U.S. Grant began its journey to become a professional learning community. The staff have focused their efforts on monitoring student learning on a timely basis, creating systems of intervention, and building teacher capacity to work as members of high-performing collaborative teams. Leaders and administrators regularly monitor the protocols of the department collaborative teams. Protocols include: 1. Establish and review SMART goals. 2. Focus on the four critical PLC questions in an effective and efficient manner. 3. Use effective frequent common assessments that truly measure and monitor learning. 4. Analyze data to the student level. 5. Monitor for conflicts and barriers that get in the way of student learning.

English III Year-to-Year Comparison: Percent of students who passed End-of-Instruction (EOI) Assessment

Algebra I Year-to-Year Comparison: Percent of students who passed End-of-Instruction (EOI) Assessment





2010–13 growth

2012–13 growth

2010–13 growth

2012–13 growth

90 90

89 80


70 60






50 40





47 2009–10

20 2010–11



30 23 2009–10




Professional Learning Communities at Work



Professional Learning Communities at Work









MARCH 4 – 6, 2015 PHOEN I X , ARIZO N A










K .



F I S H E R R .


D .






Register today! solution-tree.com/2015PLCSummit #atplc Go online for speaker bios, event reviews, and exclusive hotel discounts!


Professional Learning Communities at Work





Aligning School Districts as PLCs By Mark Van Clay, Perry Soldwedel, and Thomas W. Many

Creating a Coaching Culture for Professional Learning Communities

Foreword by Michael Fullan

By Jane A. G. Kise and Beth Russell

In order for a professional learning community to achieve its full potential across an entire district, central office staff, building leadership, and teachers must all align their work to each other and the three big ideas of a PLC. 168 pages

This practical resource provides activities designed to meet a wide variety of needs so you can choose the ones that fit your leadership style, the learning styles of team members, and the particular needs of the school. 232 pages

48BCA–BKF493 $24.95 ISBN 978-1-935543-39-8

48BCA–BKF350 $29.95 ISBN 978-1-935249-41-2

Differentiated Professional Development in a Professional Learning Community

Protocols for Professional Learning Conversations

By Linda Bowgren and Kathryn Sever

By Catherine Glaude

If differentiated instruction works for diverse student learning needs, why not apply it to teacher learning? A practical guide for designing school or district professional development plans, this book explains a three-step model that is core to the differentiation process. 168 pages

Collegial conversations focused on improving student learning may be the most powerful professional development an educator will experience. Examine four collections of protocols to support professional learning conversations, and use them with your colleagues or with students in the classroom. 96 pages

48BCA–BKF275 $19.95 ISBN 978-1-934009-61-1

Cultivating the Art and Discipline

48BCA–BKF516 $19.95 ISBN 978-1-935543-82-4

A Joint Publication With Building Connections Publishing, Inc. Canadian customers: Visit connect2learning.com to order.

Stream Solution Tree events live to your district Get your entire team on board and committed to the PLC process—with zero travel costs.

Last date for 2014! October 1–3

Tulsa, OK

2015 Hybrid Dates The Summit on PLC at Work


March 4–6

Phoenix, AZ

PLC at Work Institutes TM

June 4–6

St. Charles, MO

June 17–19

San Antonio, TX

June 22–24

Minneapolis, MN

Preview the hybrid experience!


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Professional Learning Communities


RTI at Work


RTI at Work


Challenges you’re facing Creating a systematic response for students who aren’t learning Understanding how to prioritize what’s essential Knowing how to shift your response when students are struggling Developing a schedule that provides targeted time for remediation and enrichment Having the right resources to address specific learning needs

Here’s how we can help


Educator-approved resources

Uniting Academic and Behavior Interventions (p. 27)

Premier on-site PD

RTI at Work Coaching Academy (p. 29)

World-class events

RTI at Work Institutes (p. 31)

RTI at WorkTM







It’s About Time Planning Interventions and Extensions in Secondary School

Edited by Mike Mattos and Austin Buffum Foreword by Richard DuFour

Discover how to revamp and increase interventions to provide compassionate, transformative support to students at all three tiers of the RTI pyramid. Explore strategies for creative and flexible scheduling, and learn how smart intervention can reboot a toxic school culture. Grades 6–12

Learn to build time into the school day to support students who need intervention.

Read accounts of secondary school educators who have successfully implemented response to intervention practices.

Understand the challenges of creating intervention time, and gain tips to overcome them.

Access resources to support your school’s or district’s intervention policies. 48BCA–BKF610 $34.95 ISBN 978-1-936763-05-4


It’s About Time Planning Interventions and Extensions in Elementary School

Edited by Austin Buffum and Mike Mattos Foreword by Rebecca DuFour

Impact student learning through high-quality interventions and enrichment time. Discover powerful strategies to ensure you develop a guaranteed and viable curriculum, create effective common assessments and pacing guides, and pair intervention efforts with technology to meet the needs of today’s students. Grades K–8

Learn to build time into the school day to support students who need intervention.

Read accounts of elementary school educators who have successfully implemented response to intervention practices.

Understand the challenges of creating intervention time, and gain tips to overcome them.

Access resources to support your school’s or district’s intervention policies. 48BCA–BKF609 $34.95 ISBN 978-1-936763-03-0


Uniting Academic and Behavior Interventions Solving the Skill or Will Dilemma

By Austin Buffum, Mike Mattos, Chris Weber, and Tom Hierck Ensure students acquire the academic skills, dispositions, and knowledge necessary for longterm success. Examine what effective academic and behavior supports look like for all learners. Explore a step-by-step process for determining, targeting, and observing academic and behavior interventions.

Realize the role behavior plays in students’ academic performance.

Identify the academic skills and knowledge, academic behaviors, and social behaviors necessary to developing a successful learner.

Learn to simultaneously administer academic and behavior interventions to students at risk.

Gain intervention strategies to foster lifelong learners. 48BCA–BKF595 $24.95 ISBN 978-1-936764-89-1

RTI at WorkTM


RTI at Work


Pyramid Response to Intervention How to Respond When Kids Don’t Learn Online Course Presenters: Austin Buffum, Mike Mattos, and Chris Weber

Included ebook: Pyramid Response to Intervention

Austin Buffum, Mike Mattos, and Chris Weber take you through the critical stages of establishing professional learning communities in schools and districts, using universal screening tools to ascertain students’ learning needs, and devising interventions for students at three tiers.

Facilitate a professional learning community in your school or district.

Locate and utilize universal screening tools to ascertain students’ needs.

Devise appropriate interventions at each of three tiers.

Monitor student progress and revise interventions accordingly. CEUs: 48BCA–KDS004 3 Semester Hours: 48BCA–KDS005

Foreword by Richard DuFour

RTI, Professional Learning Communities, and How to Respond When Kids Don’t Learn

Pyramid Response to Intervention

Pyramid Response to Intervention

RTI, Professional Learning Communities, and How to Respond When Kids Don’t Learn

Four Essential Guiding Principles Featuring Austin Buffum, Mike Mattos, and Chris Weber

By Austin Buffum, Mike Mattos, and Chris Weber Foreword by Richard DuFour

Austin Buffum

Mike Mattos

Chris Weber

Bestseller Accessible language and compelling stories illustrate how RTI is most effective when built on the Professional Learning Communities at Work™ process. Written by award-winning educators, this book details three tiers of interventions— from basic to intensive—and includes implementation ideas. 248 pages

Bestseller Shift to a culture of collective responsibility, and ensure a path of opportunity and success for your students. Focusing on the four Cs vital to student achievement, this powerful four-part program will help you collect targeted information on each student’s individual needs and guide you to build efficient team structures. Four 20-minute DVDs; 88-page Facilitator’s Guide (in print and on CD) 48BCA–DVF057 $595.00 UPC 811796010575

48BCA–BKF251 $27.95 ISBN 978-1-934009-33-8

2-Day Workshops October 9–10 November 5–6 November 13–14 November 17–18

Austin Buffum


$279.00 $499.00

St. Louis, MO San Diego, CA Vancouver, BC Orlando, FL

RTI at Work


Presenters: Austin Buffum and/or Mike Mattos Learn why bureaucratic, paperwork-heavy, compliance-oriented, test-score-driven approaches fail—and then learn how to create an RTI model that works. Acquire four essential guiding principles and a simple process for implementation to help your school make RTI efficient, effective, and equitable.

The workshop was transformative. Our school will be changed for the better because of the things we learned and will implement.”

—Heather Glass, teacher, Children First Academy, Arizona

Mike Mattos

RTI at WorkTM




Simplifying Response to Intervention is refreshing and compelling while profoundly expressing a respectful, systematic approach for improving teaching and learning.”

—Jane Wagmeister, RTI Task Force chair, Ventura County Office of Education, California

Simplifying Response to Intervention Four Essential Guiding Principles By Austin Buffum, Mike Mattos, and Chris Weber Bestseller The sequel to Pyramid Response to Intervention advocates that effective RTI begins by asking the right questions to create a fundamentally effective learning environment for every student. Understand why paperwork-heavy, compliance-oriented, test-score-driven approaches fail. Then learn how to create an RTI model that works. 232 pages

Use the four guiding principles to guide thinking and implementation.

Shift to a culture of collective responsibility, and build team structures for collaboration.

Define essential learnings in a program of concentrated instruction.

Develop a system of convergent assessment to identify students for intervention, determine their unique needs, monitor their progress, and revise or extend learning based on their progress. 48BCA–BKF506 $29.95 ISBN 978-1-935543-65-7



Coaching Academy

Want to take your response to intervention expertise to the next level? The RTI at Work Coaching Academy will help you form leadership teams to act as informed agents of change. Collaborate with your coach to learn the most effective ways to respond when kids don’t learn and design response strategies specially crafted for your school or district. TM

Carefully designed by the creators of the RTI at Work process—Austin Buffum and Mike Mattos—this academy: TM

• Develops your school’s or district’s capacity for implementing and sustaining the RTI at Work process TM

• Is facilitated by one or more educational experts trained in the RTI at Work process TM

• Includes six days of on-site training (three sessions, two days each), three interactive web conferences, Pyramid Response to Intervention online course, Simplifying Response to Intervention, and Pyramid Response to Intervention (DVD) • Offers strategies and activities that can be replicated in any setting • Extends beyond session days with phone and email support

Contact your director of educational partnerships today! solution-tree.com/Director 877.247.8270

RTI at WorkTM


RTI at Work


Making Time at Tier 2


Creating a Supplemental Intervention Period in Secondary Schools

Featuring Mike Mattos Discover practical strategies to build Tier 2 intervention and enrichment periods into the school day, and learn how to work in collaborative teams to create targeted interventions and overcome implementation challenges to ensure all students are successful. 49-minute DVD; 32-page Facilitator’s Guide (in print and on CD)

Learn how to revise schedules to build intervention periods without extending the school day.

Understand the challenges to creating intervention time, and gain tips to overcome them.

Recognize the elements that define an effective intervention program.

Observe educators discussing and developing systematic interventions to guarantee that all students learn at high levels. 48BCA–DVF066 $174.95 UPC 811796010636

On Solid Ground

Tiers Without Tears

How PLC Practices Create the Foundation for a Successful Intervention Program

A Systematic Approach to Implementing RTI in PLC Schools

Featuring Mike Mattos In this breakout session, Mike shows how professional learning community practices provide the foundation for a successful intervention program and offers practical, effective strategies for beginning to build that foundation. 76-minute DVD with presentation; CD with presentation handouts and supporting resources 48BCA–DVF045 $195.00 UPC 811796010438

Learning CPR Creating Powerful Responses When Students Don’t Learn Featuring Austin Buffum Dr. Buffum advocates for a tiered system of intervention, which provides both the supplemental and intensive support every school needs for a successful RTI program. Learn how to create a highly effective intervention program and gain practical, proven intervention ideas that are timely, targeted, and systematic. 70-minute DVD with presentation; CD with presentation handouts and supporting resources

Featuring Austin Buffum Dr. Buffum shows you how the big ideas of a PLC are foundationally important when implementing RTI, and why the responsibility of every student’s success should fall to special education teachers and general education teachers. 61-minute DVD with presentation; CD with presentation handouts and supporting resources 48BCA–DVF036 $195.00 UPC 811796010322

A Practical Look at Response to Intervention Featuring Mike Mattos In this breakout session, Mike provides an accessible survey of response to intervention systems and explains how RTI, combined with a professional learning community foundation, creates a powerful system for achieving high levels of learning for all students. 78-minute DVD with presentation; CD with presentation handouts and supporting resources 48BCA–DVF046 $195.00 UPC 811796010421

48BCA–DVF035 $195.00 UPC 811796010315


RTI at WorkTM



solution-tree.com/RTIatWork solution-tree.com/RTI

The RTI Toolkit Whether you’re just beginning to build or working to fine-tune a system of intervention, this collection of resources guarantees to extend your knowledge even further. Learn how to control the intensity of the interventions while addressing learning gaps and meeting the needs of individual students. Loaded with dynamic strategies, this toolkit will keep your school culture healthy for years to come. 16 resources, including books, videos, and 1 registration to an online course 48BCA–KTF133

October 27–29 November 19–21


Des Moines, IA Dallas, TX

This was by far one of the best conferences I have ever attended. I feel that my team is well-equipped to implement RTI in our school.”

Austin Buffum

Mike Mattos

Brian K. Butler

Luis F. Cruz

Janet Malone

Laurie Robinson-Sammons

—Paulette Fitzgerald, principal, Claremont Middle School, New Hampshire

Team discounts are available.

Register today!



TM RTI at Work RTI




A Practical Guide to Planning Interventions & Monitoring Progress

By Lee Ann Jung Learn innovative strategies to design and measure effective classroom interventions. The author offers teachers, individualized education program coordinators, and administrators research-based strategies and tools to create and document highly individualized plans that support response to intervention efforts and IEPs.

Learn a process to plan practical, meaningful interventions and measure student progress.

Understand the need for intervention and progress monitoring.

Identify the critical skills students need to develop, and design interventions and IEPs around those skills.

Design long-term goals and short-term benchmarks that track educator and student efforts to address students’ intervention needs. 48BCA–BKF599 $24.95 ISBN 978-1-935249-50-4

Using Formative Assessment in the RTI Framework

RTI in the Early Grades Intervention Strategies for Mathematics, Literacy, Behavior & Fine-Motor Challenges

By Kay Burke and Eileen Depka Understand the basics of RTI and its connection to formative assessment, and adjust instruction to increase levels of student understanding and achievement with the information, tools, and techniques presented in this practical guide. 144 pages

By Chris Weber Explore why intervention and support for struggling students in the early grades are essential to student success. Teachers and support personnel will discover how to implement RTI-based supports in the early grades and learn what this prevention looks like. 208 pages; grades K–3

48BCA–BKF369 $24.95 ISBN 978-1-935249-74-0

48BCA–BKF572 $29.95 ISBN 978-1-936764-04-4

Closing the RTI Gap

Implementing RTI With English Learners

Why Poverty and Culture Count By Donna Walker Tileston

By Douglas Fisher, Nancy Frey, and Carol Rothenberg

Get a clear understanding of poverty and culture, and learn how RTI can close achievement gaps related to these issues. Learn how you can achieve successful implementation in your school. Examine common pitfalls to avoid in the process. 168 pages

A Joint Publication With the National Association of Elementary School Principals





aep N


48BCA–BKF330 $19.95 ISBN 978-1-935249-38-2


Learn why RTI is the ideal framework for supporting English learners. Follow the application and effectiveness of RTI through classroom examples and the stories of four representative students of varying ages, nationalities, and language proficiency levels. 160 pages 48BCA–BKF397 $24.95 ISBN 978-1-935249-97-9




How RTI Works in Secondary Schools

Pyramid of Behavior Interventions

Building a Framework for Success

Seven Keys to a Positive Learning Environment

By Holly Windram, Kerry Bollman, and Sara Johnson

By Tom Hierck, Charlie Coleman, and Chris Weber

After addressing the unique response to intervention challenges faced by those working in a secondary school, the authors outline three imperative components of a successful RTI program and then provide action steps and examples illustrating how to incorporate each within the different RTI tiers. 240 pages; grades 6–12

Students thrive when educators commit to proactively meeting their behavioral as well as academic needs. This book will help teachers and school leaders transform the research on behavior, response to intervention, and professional learning communities into practical strategies they can use to create a school culture and classroom climates in which learning is primed to occur. 132 pages

48BCA–BKF459 $29.95 ISBN 978-1-935542-87-2

48BCA–BKF532 $24.95 ISBN 978-1-936765-06-5

Beyond the RTI Pyramid Solutions for the First Years of Implementation By William N. Bender This book helps schools deepen the RTI experience by extending the processes beyond initial implementation. Examples from real schools show how to apply RTI in reading, math, and behavior at elementary and secondary schools. 232 pages 48BCA–BKF280 $29.95 ISBN 978-1-934009-12-3

RTI & Differentiated Reading in the K–8 Classroom By William N. Bender and Laura Waller Transition from traditional whole-group reading instruction to the 21st century classroom using three innovations that dramatically improve elementary reading instruction: RTI, differentiated instruction, and technology. 208 pages 48BCA–BKF363 $29.95 ISBN 978-1-935249-68-9

RTI in Math

RTI in Middle and High Schools

Practical Guidelines for Elementary Teachers

By William N. Bender

By William N. Bender and Darlene Crane Explore common student difficulties in math, and see a three-tier RTI model in action. The authors provide an overview of research, detailed guidance through each stage of implementation, tools for reflection and growth, and discussion of support strategies beyond the classroom. 216 pages; grades K–5

This targeted resource discusses the innovations of RTI, differentiated instruction, and instructional technologies specifically for middle and high schools. Based on numerous real-world case studies, this book explores solutions for the complex challenges the RTI implementation process brings. 248 pages; grades 6–12 48BCA–BKF271 $29.95 ISBN 978-1-934009-51-2

48BCA–BKF279 $29.95 ISBN 978-1-934009-54-3



School Improvement

School Improvement

The Handbook for SMART School Teams Revitalizing Best Practices for Collaboration By Anne E. Conzemius and Jan O’Neill Foreword by Stephanie Hirsh

Prepare your students for the future while juggling the expectations of multiple stakeholders! A fresh take on the classic first edition, this guide defines and advocates SMART goals—goals that are Strategic and specific, Measurable, Attainable, Results oriented, and Time bound. 352 pages; 2nd edition

Gain a schoolwide understanding of what success is, how to assess it, and when it should be measured.

Engage every member of the school team to reach common expectations and priorities.

Plan and execute effective team meetings. 48BCA–BKF573 $34.95 ISBN 978-1-936764-78-5

More Than a SMART Goal Staying Focused on Student Learning By Anne E. Conzemius and Terry Morganti-Fisher Successful school improvement efforts not only set SMART goals, but also align them with the school improvement process, curriculum, instruction, assessment practices, mandates, and professional development. Understand how to properly use the SMART goal process to effect change. 160 pages

Learn multiple strategies and processes designed to bring coherence and measurement to instructional planning.

Discover five effective guidelines for total system improvement.

Acquire a SMART process for professional learning. 48BCA–BKF482 $24.95 ISBN 978-1-935543-24-4

The Power of SMART Goals Using Goals to Improve Student Learning By Jan O’Neill and Anne E. Conzemius With Carol Commodore and Carol Pulsfus

This easy-to-read guide will help your staff set effective goals that lead to real results. Four success stories illustrate how to transform challenges into opportunities for learning using an approach that is Strategic and specific, Measurable, Attainable, Results based, and Time bound. That’s SMART! 232 pages

Learn about the barriers to goal setting and monitoring.

Discover how to keep goals alive through supportive systems, policies, structures, and skill building.

Examine case studies from real schools that are turning challenges into opportunities for learning and improvement. 48BCA–BKF207 $29.95 ISBN 978-1-932127-87-4


School Improvement





Awaken the Learner Finding the Source of Effective Education

By Darrell Scott and Robert J. Marzano Create a compassionate, caring school environment. Examine how a change in teaching philosophy can help awaken the passion for learning in students. Learn how to promote kindness in the classroom, and explore research-based strategies to enhance teacherstudent and peer relationships. 232 pages

Create safe, welcoming environments that encourage students to be present and positive.

Explore the importance for educators to both instruct and awaken learners.

Distinguish between methodical, metaphorical, and mystical truths, and understand the role each plays in awakening the learner. 48BCA–BKL022 $24.95 ISBN 978-0-9913748-1-6

Published by Marzano Research Laboratory With Rachel’s Challenge

Developing Expert Teachers Featuring Robert J. Marzano Gain a blueprint for how schools and districts can develop teacher expertise. Beginning with the premise that excellent teachers are made, not born, Dr. Marzano walks through research-based techniques on how districts and schools can emphasize professional growth, with ties to teacher evaluation. 130-minute DVD with presentation; CD with presentation handouts and supporting resources 48BCA–DVF051 $195.00 UPC 811796010469

Redefining the Norm Learning for ALL Featuring Anthony Muhammad Dare to confront the status quo with Dr. Muhammad as he reviews the achievement gap problem, the challenges of reform—both cultural and technical— and the historical, sociological, and psychological aspects of school cultures that make implementing PLCs a challenge. 90-minute DVD with presentation; CD with presentation handouts and supporting resources 48BCA–DVF062 $195.00 UPC 811796010599

A Celebration of Learning

Effective Schools

Nothing Happens Until People Are Having Fun

Reforming the System in Place

Featuring Lillie G. Jessie Offering inventive strategies for joyful learning in a professional learning community, Lillie addresses how competition and collaboration can be used to the best effect, and shows how to share and celebrate data among teachers and staff. 58-minute DVD with presentation; CD with presentation handouts and supporting resources 48BCA–DVF044 $195.00 UPC 811796010414

Featuring Lawrence W. Lezotte To advance the learning-for-all mission, Dr. Lezotte identifies the core principles that form the backbone of a successful learning culture, and explores the reasons why school leaders and leadership teams must embrace change and accept responsibility for inspiring reluctant colleagues. 85-minute DVD with presentation; flash drive with presentation handouts and supporting resources 48BCA–DVF030 $195.00 UPC 811796010216

School Improvement


ion Tree

School Improvement

Got Data? Now What? Creating and Leading Cultures of Inquiry By Laura Lipton and Bruce Wellman Complete with survey questions for efficient data collection, group work structures, strategies, and tools—along with essential definitions and descriptions of data types—this compelling guide will help you confront data obstacles and turn struggling committees into powerful communities of learners. 144 pages

• Apply each chapter’s content with the Exercise Your Learning sections. • Learn more about each chapter’s topic in the Extend Your Learning sections, which suggest additional websites and resources. • Discover relevant, team-related anecdotes in each chapter’s Data Story. 48BCA–BKF530 $24.95 ISBN 978-1-936765-03-4

Data-Based Decision Making

Data Dynamics

By Edie L. Holcomb

Aligning Teacher Team, School, & District Efforts

You’re ready to start collecting school data, but what data? How will you find it, and how will you use it once you have it? An informative resource for elementary school principals, this book takes an in-depth look at best data collection practice for schoolwide improvement. 120 pages; grades K–5; 3rd edition 48BCA–BKF469 $19.95 ISBN 978-1-935543-02-2

By Edie L. Holcomb Examine the ways your school can better use student achievement data, nonacademic student data, staff data, and parent/community data to identify areas for improvement. Designed to help administrators and leaders, this book also details how teachers can use good data to monitor and motivate students. 224 pages 48BCA–BKF424 $29.95 ISBN 978-1-935542-23-0

A Joint Publication With the National Association of Elementary School Principals



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School Improvement




In Building a Culture of Hope, Barr and Gibson highlight the tragic failure of education to respond to the growing achievement gap between rich and poor, then give us clear directions for turning those schools into gateways out of poverty.” —Alan Boyle, director,

Leannta Education Associates, United Kingdom

Building a Culture of Hope Enriching Schools With Optimism and Opportunity By Robert D. Barr and Emily L. Gibson Discover a blueprint for turning low-performing schools into Cultures of Hope! The authors draw from their own experiences working with highpoverty, high-achieving schools to illustrate how to support students with an approach that considers social as well as emotional factors. 288 pages

• Understand the relevance of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs to K–12 education. • Discover tested strategies behind the success of high-poverty, high-achieving schools. • Access surveys that gauge the temperature of your school’s culture. 48BCA–BKF503 $34.95 ISBN 978-1-936764-62-4

The Kids Left Behind

Turning Your School Around

Catching Up the Underachieving Children of Poverty

A Self-Guided Audit for School Improvement

By Robert D. Barr and William H. Parrett

By Robert D. Barr and Debra L. Yates

Foreword by Kati Haycock

Learn a step-by-step protocol for the self-guided audit that focuses on the most crucial areas of school improvement identified in The Kids Left Behind, the nationally recognized work by Robert D. Barr and William H. Parrett. 224 pages

Successfully reach and teach the underachieving children of poverty with the help of this comprehensive resource. The authors’ compiled research reveals practical, usable, best-practice strategies you can implement at district, school, and classroom levels. 276 pages

48BCA–BKF295 $29.95 ISBN 978-1-934009-72-7

48BCA–BKF432 $34.95 ISBN 978-1-935542-35-3

Total Instructional Alignment

Five Big Ideas

From Standards to Student Success

Leading Total Instructional Alignment

By Lisa Carter

By Lisa Carter

Foreword by Lawrence W. Lezotte

In this sequel to Total Instructional Alignment, the author reveals the five big ideas at the core of successful schools. Focus on these ideas to simplify decision making, eliminate distractions, and intensify efforts to promote effective teaching and learning. 128 pages

Effective education in the new millennium calls for changing an antiquated system. Learn how you can create a flexible, proactive system by focusing on systemic alignment as well as alignment among standards, curriculum, classroom instruction, and assessment. 136 pages 48BCA–BKF222 $19.95 ISBN 978-1-934009-01-7

48BCA–BKF263 $19.95 ISBN 978-1-934009-23-9

School Improvement


School Improvement

Supporting student success Powered by Solution Tree

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Harbors of Hope

Getting By or Getting Better

The Planning for School and Student Success Process

Applying Effective Schools Research to Today’s Issues

By Wayne Hulley and Linda Dier

By Wayne Hulley and Linda Dier

Create a culture of hope that will improve student achievement and behavior. The proven planning model in this resource will empower you to use the power of purpose to align staff efforts, implement high-yield strategies to enhance student performance, and much more! 232 pages

Learn how 14 schools became exemplary using excellent planning processes and action steps for total school improvement. Building on their work in Harbors of Hope, the authors reveal seven lessons for success based on the correlates of effective schools. 240 pages

48BCA–BKF181 $24.95 ISBN 978-1-932127-44-7

48BCA–BKF262 $24.95 ISBN 978-1-934009-40-6

School Improvement




Change Wars Edited by Andy Hargreaves and Michael Fullan By Michael Barber, Linda Darling-Hammond, Richard Elmore, Michael Fullan, Andy Hargreaves, Jonathan Jansen, Ben Levin, Pedro Noguera, Douglas B. Reeves, Andreas Schleicher, Dennis Shirley, James Spillane, and Marc Tucker

What can organizations do to create profound, enduring changes? International experts prove successful change can be a realistic goal and then explore constructive alternatives to traditional change strategies. Examine their theories-in-action on how to achieve deep change. 304 pages; hardcover

• Discover why the purposeful pursuit of a democratic and professional approach to change is essential for meeting the goals of education systems. • Study the relationship between the government and teaching profession, a central issue in education reform. • Understand the complexity and contours of change and the roles of leaders within racially polarized institutions. 48BCA–BKF254 $34.95 ISBN 978-1-934009-31-4

Delivering on the Promise

The High-Performing School

The Education Revolution

Benchmarking the 10 Indicators of Effectiveness

By Richard A. DeLorenzo, Wendy J. Battino, Rick M. Schreiber, and Barbara B. Gaddy Carrio Learn how a team of visionary educators abandoned traditional time-based education to develop the Re-Inventing Schools Coalition (RISC) Approach to Schooling. This performance- and standards-based system can be replicated anywhere, by anyone, for any student, under any set of circumstances. 224 pages

By Mardale Dunsworth and Dawn Billings First, understand the research on the 10 indicators of high-performing schools. Then, use rubrics to compare your practices and learn what to do to improve. Finally, use tools and strategies to create buy-in, involve all stakeholders, and monitor and report your progress. 384 pages 48BCA–BKF602 $34.95 ISBN 978-1-936764-93-8

48BCA–BKF268 $24.95 ISBN 978-1-934009-42-0

School Improvement for the Next Generation

What Effective Schools Do

By Stephen White and Raymond L. Smith

By Lawrence W. Lezotte and Kathleen McKee Snyder

Learn best practices from successful schools that use next-generation school improvement methods. Focused chapters guide you through the modified planning, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation cycle at the core of this school improvement model. Specific strategies empower you to put the knowledge to use. 192 pages 48BCA–BKF312 $29.95 ISBN 978-1-935249-20-7

Re-Envisioning the Correlates

This guide helps educators implement a continuous school improvement system through application of the seven correlates of effective schools. The authors discuss each correlate, update the knowledge base, and incorporate practical ideas from practitioners in the field. 176 pages 48BCA–BKF336 $24.95 ISBN 978-1-935249-51-1

School Improvement





Score to Soar Moving Teachers From Evaluation to Professional Growth

By John F. Eller and Sheila A. Eller Discover how to guide and enhance the job performance of teachers in your school or district. You’ll learn how to evaluate teacher effectiveness, use multiple forms of data for evaluation, and communicate evaluation findings in a way that fosters professional growth.

Learn the importance of and reasons for teacher supervision.

Access strategies to improve the teacher evaluation process.

Acquire skills to accurately assess and communicate teacher effectiveness.

Gain tips for holding productive conferences with teachers that offer clear direction for improvement. 48BCA–BKF625 $34.95 ISBN 978-1-936763-44-3


A Handbook for High Reliability Schools The Next Step in School Reform

By Robert J. Marzano, Phil Warrick, and Julia A. Simms With David Livingston, Pam Livingston, Fred Pleis, Tammy Heflebower, Jan K. Hoegh, and Sonny Magaña

Transform your schools into organizations that take proactive steps to ensure student success. Using a research-based five-level hierarchy along with leading and lagging indicators, you’ll learn to assess, monitor, and confirm the effectiveness of your schools. 152 pages

• Understand the most crucial factors involved in creating and sustaining a high reliability school. • Recognize and stop problems in the school before they become an issue. • Study examples for tackling common situations that take place at each level of the hierarchy. 48BCA–BKL020 $24.95 ISBN 978-0-9833512-7-6

Published by Marzano Research Laboratory


A School Leader’s Guide to Standards-Based Grading By Tammy Heflebower, Jan K. Hoegh, and Phil Warrick

With Mitzi Hoback, Margaret McInteer, and Bev Clemens Foreword by Robert J. Marzano

Assess and report student performance with standards-based grading rather than using traditional systems that incorporate nonacademic factors. Learn to assess and report performance based on prioritized standards, and gain effective strategies for offering students feedback on their progress. 144 pages

• Distinguish between standards-based and standards-referenced grading, and examine the basis of each. • Understand the research and reasoning for standards-based grading, and read other educators’ accounts of applying it in their schools. • Examine current grading practices, and identify ways to ensure grades accurately reflect students’ strengths and weaknesses. 48BCA–BKL019 $24.95 ISBN 978-0-9858902-8-5

Published by Marzano Research Laboratory







Stop Leading Like It’s Yesterday! Key Concepts for Shaping Today’s School Culture

By Casey Reason Explore the Leading for Excellence and Fulfillment model, and discover practical, research-based strategies that will be relevant to school leaders today and tomorrow. Integrate ready-to-use leadership techniques that will open up an unprecedented world of opportunities for both students and teachers.

Explore the research-based Leading for Excellence and Fulfillment model.

Learn to recognize the Industrial Revolution–based education practices that are outdated and irrelevant to today’s students.

Understand how leadership practices influence students’ academic achievement and future success. 48BCA–BKF614 $24.95 ISBN 978-1-936763-19-1

Shifting the Monkey

The Ball

The Art of Protecting Good People From Liars, Criers, and Other Slackers

By Todd Whitaker

By Todd Whitaker Learn how to focus on your best employees first, and help them shift the “monkeys”— complaints, disruptions, and deflections— back to the underperformers. Through a simple and memorable metaphor, the author helps you reinvigorate your staff and transform your organization. 128 pages; hardcover

When a veteran teacher and former student reunite, they confront the separate and unique challenges that have knocked them off course. Through each other, they find their way back on track with a message that will resonate with everyone. 96 pages; hardcover 48BCA–BKF611 $16.95 ISBN 978-1-936763-07-8

30-minute DVD for computer use only

48BCA–BKF612 $16.95 ISBN 978-1-936763-08-5

48BCA–DVN001 $16.95 UPC 815837010005

Leadership Bundle This bundle of five essential books was hand-selected specially for school and district leaders like you who strive to maximize their leadership potential. You’ll gain insight from renowned authors in education including Richard DuFour, Robert J. Marzano, Robert Eaker, and others. 48BCA–KTF131


The Collaborative Administrator

Leaders of Learning

Establish profound, lasting trust among staff in your PLC. 264 pages

Bestseller Put proven, research-based strategies into practice for continuous school improvement. 248 pages

48BCA–BKF256 $29.95 ISBN 978-1-934009-37-6

48BCA–BKF455 $24.95 ISBN 978-1-935542-66-7

District Leadership That Works

School Leader’s Guide to the Common Core

Set nonnegotiable, district-defined goals for achievement and instruction. 176 pages

Implement the Common Core State Standards in a supportive, collaborative environment. 176 pages

48BCA–BKF314 $24.95 ISBN 978-1-935249-19-1

A Joint Publication With McREL

48BCA–BKF597 $24.95 ISBN 978-1-936764-45-7

Working With Difficult & Resistant Staff Develop team-building exercises to counteract staff resistance and foster sustainable change. 144 pages 48BCA–BKF407 $24.95 ISBN 978-1-935542-07-0




Brainwork The Neuroscience Behind How We Lead Others By David A. Sousa Through engaging stories and studies, the author shows you how to leverage the most provocative brain research to increase your productivity, expand your creative vision, and become a stronger leader. By applying an understanding of how the brain perceives, plans, and influences behavior, you’ll transform your leadership and impact. 144 pages; hardcover

• Deal with information overload. • Manage the emotions of a crisis. • Ignore irrelevant information. • Work most effectively with colleagues. • Solve problems by thinking differently. • Cultivate and develop creativity. • Control stress in the workplace. • Nurture a healthy brain. 48BCA–BKN008 $19.95 ISBN 978-0-9833020-3-2

Leaders of Learning

NA 12 FI LIST 20







aep SHE



How District, School, and Classroom Leaders Improve Student Achievement

What Principals Need to Know About the Basics of Creating Brain-Compatible Classrooms

By Richard DuFour and Robert J. Marzano

By David A. Sousa

Bestseller Together, the authors focus on district leadership, principal leadership, and team leadership and address how individual teachers can be most effective in leading students—by learning with colleagues how to implement the most promising pedagogy in their classrooms. 248 pages

Understand the basics for creating a brain-compatible classroom with this brief, accessible guide customized for principals. This book provides an overview of educational neuroscience designed to help principals construct meaningful professional development that enhances teachers’ knowledge and skills about brain-compatible learning. 120 pages; grades K–8

48BCA–BKF455 $24.95 ISBN 978-1-935542-66-7

48BCA–BKF463 $19.95 ISBN 978-1-935542-99-5

A Joint Publication With the National Association of Elementary School Principals

Working With Difficult & Resistant Staff

Leading a Learning Organization

By John F. Eller and Sheila A. Eller

By Casey Reason

Identify, confront, and manage all of the difficult and resistant staff you encounter. This book will help school leaders understand how to prevent and address negative staff behaviors to ensure positive school change. 144 pages

Improve the quality of organizational learning in your school. The author draws on educational, psychological, and neuroscientific research to show how leaders can change the prevailing emotional climate or tone of a school to promote deeper learning at all levels. 192 pages

48BCA–BKF407 $24.95 ISBN 978-1-935542-07-0

The Science of Working With Others

48BCA–BKF283 $24.95 ISBN 978-1-934009-57-4






Supervising the Art and Science of Teaching

Leadership’s Ten Commandments Featuring Kenneth C. Williams

Featuring Robert J. Marzano Dr. Marzano guides you through 10 critical areas of instructional practice, fundamental segments of classroom instruction, and a protocol for monthly reflective practice meetings. 90-minute DVD with presentation; CD with presentation handouts and supporting resources

Kenneth employs research, encourages audience participation, and reflects on his own experience to show you how to lead with integrity and create a collaborative staff. 61-minute DVD with presentation; CD with presentation handouts and supporting resources

48BCA–DVF041 $195.00 UPC 811796010384

Navigating Conflict and Feeling Good About It Featuring Cassandra Erkens This breakout session will help school leaders address conflict to elicit respect, improve rapport, and enable progress. 59-minute DVD with presentation; CD with presentation handouts and supporting resources 48BCA–DVF037 $195.00 UPC 811796010346

Becoming an Authentic Learning Leader Featuring Timothy D. Kanold Practical yet challenging, this humorous and motivational session provides the support and focus needed to sustain effective leadership over time. 71-minute DVD with presentation; CD with presentation handouts and supporting resources 48BCA–DVF063 $195.00 UPC 811796010605

48BCA–DVF042 $195.00 UPC 811796010407

Leadership and Learning Featuring Douglas B. Reeves Dr. Reeves suggests three fundamental shifts in assessment that must take place to achieve 21st century learning. 63-minute DVD with presentation; CD with presentation handouts and supporting resources 48BCA–DVF049 $195.00 UPC 811796010445

Leadership Services

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Leadership The What Principals Need to Know series is copublished with the National Association of Elementary School Principals. This series empowers K–8 principals as instructional leaders by concisely explaining the key aspects of mathematics, reading, differentiated instruction, and more. See all books in the series at solution-tree.com/Principals

What Principals Need to Know About Teaching and Learning Writing By Ruth Culham Discover practical strategies for supporting and assessing writing instruction in all content areas while equipping teachers with instructional practices that emphasize this critical skill, which students need to adapt to the demands of the CCSS and thrive in the 21st century. 136 pages

Assess the teaching and learning of writing in your school or district.

Acquire best practices for step-by-step assessment to evaluate students and staff.

Align your current practices with the Common Core State Standards. 48BCA–BKF557 $24.95 ISBN 978-1-936765-43-0

A Joint Publication With the NAESP and Scholastic

What Principals Need to Know About Teaching and Learning Mathematics

What Principals Need to Know About Teaching and Learning Science

By Timothy D. Kanold, Diane J. Briars, and Francis (Skip) Fennell

By Eric C. Sheninger and Keith Devereaux

This must-have resource offers support and encouragement for improved mathematics achievement across every grade level. With an emphasis on Principles and Standards for School Mathematics and Common Core State Standards, this book covers the importance of mathematics content, learning and instruction, and mathematics assessment. 136 pages 48BCA–BKF501 $24.95 ISBN 978-1-935543-55-8

What Principals Need to Know About Teaching and Learning Reading By Patricia M. Cunningham and James W. Cunningham Principals will discover strategies for improving reading programs using the foundation established by the six truths of reading instruction. Explore comprehensive techniques, troubleshoot problems your teachers may face, and gain valuable approaches to topics such as reading comprehension, vocabulary and literacy, and phonics and fluency. 128 pages; 2nd edition

This accessible resource offers practical strategies for increasing student achievement in science and fostering a school environment that supports the science curriculum. With checklists, assessments, and reproducibles that you can share with stakeholders, discover how to improve science instruction and sustain a strong science program. 136 pages; 2nd edition 48BCA–BKF544 $24.95 ISBN 978-1-935543-58-9

What Principals Need to Know About Differentiated Instruction By Gayle Gregory This valuable resource gives administrators the knowledge and skills needed to enable teachers to implement and sustain differentiation. Learn information and strategies to jump-start, guide, and coach teachers as they respond to the needs of diverse students. 96 pages; 2nd edition 48BCA–BKF536 $19.95 ISBN 978-1-935542-50-6

48BCA–BKF563 $24.95 ISBN 978-1-936765-53-9





solution-tree.com/Leadership Solution Tree has collaborated with the National Association of Elementary School Principals to deliver books dedicated solely to K–8 principals. The Essential for Principals series contains short, focused guides to important leadership issues. See all books in the series at solution-tree.com/EFP

Creating Physical & Emotional Security in Schools By Kenneth C. Williams Give your students a physically and emotionally safe learning environment. Learn how you and your teachers can nurture supportive relationships with students, develop conflict management strategies, prevent different forms of bullying, develop student initiative and resilience, and encourage celebration. 80 pages; 2nd edition

Learn how to integrate conflict management strategies into your school.

Find out how to introduce schoolwide standards for student and staff problem solving and conflict resolution.

Develop an effective whole-school policy that focuses on teaching behavioral expectations. 48BCA–BKF451 $19.95 ISBN 978-1-935542-78-0

Examine the pivotal role family engagement plays in student achievement with this research-based guide. Leaders will find specific strategies to involve families, including 11 ways to create a family-friendly school and advice for connecting with families who are hard to reach. 96 pages; 2nd edition

In this short text, the authors examine how enterprising schools are using social media tools to provide customized professional development for teachers and to transform communication practices with staff, students, parents, and other stakeholders. 104 pages

48BCA–BKF486 $19.95 ISBN 978-1-935543-30-5

Effective Program Evaluation By Mardale Dunsworth and Dawn Billings Educators and administrators are increasingly coming to realize the importance of making decisions based on reliable, accurate data. This short guide provides a clear and easily implemented blueprint for evaluating academic programs, practices, or strategies using a simple framework. 96 pages; 2nd edition 48BCA–BKF461 $19.95 ISBN 978-1-935542-90-2

48BCA–BKF474 $19.95 ISBN 978-1-935249-54-2

NA 12 FI LIST 20



By William M. Ferriter, Jason T. Ramsden, and Eric C. Sheninger




By Ricardo LeBlanc-Esparza and Kym LeBlanc-Esparza


Communicating & Connecting With Social Media


Strengthening the Connection Between School & Home




How to Interview, Hire, & Retain High-Quality New Teachers By John C. Daresh and Bridget N. Daresh The key to student success starts in the classroom. The authors use firsthand experiences and observations to guide readers through effective processes for recruiting, interviewing, hiring, and supporting faculty who best fit the needs of individual schools. 104 pages; 3rd edition 48BCA–BKF447 $19.95 ISBN 978-1-935542-72-8



Leadership The Leading Edge series unites education authorities from around the globe and asks them to confront the important issues that affect teachers and administrators and impact student success. See all books in the series at solution-tree.com/LeadingEdge TM


Deeper Learning Beyond 21st Century Skills

Edited by James A. Bellanca By Suzie Boss, Stacey Caillier, Barbara Chow, David T. Conley, Arthur L. Costa, Ben Daley, Linda Darling-Hammond, Rebecca DuFour, Richard DuFour, Deborah Rosalia Esparza, Charles Fadel, Michael Fullan, Valerie Greenhill, Bena Kallick, Ken Kay, Steven Paine, James W. Pellegrino, Rob Riordan, Helen A. Soulé, Bernie Trilling, Tony Wagner, Yong Zhao, and Steven Zipkes Education authorities from around the globe draw on research as well as their own experience to explore deeper learning, a process that promotes higher-order thinking, reasoning, and problem solving to better educate students and prepare them for college and careers. Hardcover

Discover the vital importance of deeper learning to students’ future success.

Effectively prepare teachers for deeper learning in the classroom.

Successfully promote deeper learning with technology. 48BCA–BKF622 $34.95 ISBN 978-1-936763-35-1

Mind, Brain, & Education Neuroscience Implications for the Classroom Edited by David A. Sousa By Daniel Ansari, Joanna A. Christodoulou, Donna Coch, Stanislas Dehaene, Keith Devlin, Marianna D. Eddy, Matthias Faeth, Kurt W. Fischer, John Gabrieli, Mariale M. Hardiman, Katie Heikkinen, Mary Helen Immordino-Yang, Tricia O’Loughlin, Michael I. Posner, David A. Sousa, Diane L. Williams, and Judy Willis

Understanding how the brain learns helps teachers do their jobs more effectively. Primary researchers share the latest findings in neuroscience, as well as applications, examples, and innovative strategies. 312 pages; hardcover

Change Wars Edited by Andy Hargreaves and Michael Fullan By Michael Barber, Linda Darling-Hammond, Richard Elmore, Michael Fullan, Andy Hargreaves, Jonathan Jansen, Ben Levin, Pedro Noguera, Douglas B. Reeves, Andreas Schleicher, Dennis Shirley, James Spillane, and Marc Tucker

What can organizations do to create profound, enduring changes? International experts prove successful change can be a realistic goal and then explore constructive alternatives to traditional change strategies. 304 pages; hardcover 48BCA–BKF254 $34.95 ISBN 978-1-934009-31-4

48BCA–BKF358 $34.95 ISBN 978-1-935249-63-4

21st Century Skills Rethinking How Students Learn Edited by James A. Bellanca and Ron Brandt By John Barell, Linda Darling-Hammond, Chris Dede, Rebecca DuFour, Richard DuFour, Douglas Fisher, Robin J. Fogarty, Nancy Frey, Howard Gardner, Andy Hargreaves, David W. Johnson, Roger T. Johnson, Ken Kay, Cheryl Lemke, Jay McTighe, Alan November, Bob Pearlman, Brian M. Pete, Douglas B. Reeves, Will Richardson, and Elliott Seif Foreword by Ken Kay

Education luminaries reveal why 21st century skills are necessary, which skills are most important, and how to help schools include them in curriculum and instruction. 408 pages; hardcover

On Excellence in Teaching Edited by Robert J. Marzano By Barrie Bennett, David Berliner, Jere Brophy, Lynn Erickson, Thomas Good, Heidi Hayes Jacobs, Jana Marzano, Robert J. Marzano, Richard Mayer, Jay McTighe, Matthew Perini, Debra J. Pickering, Harvey Silver, Carol Ann Tomlinson, and Grant Wiggins

The world’s best education researchers, theorists, and staff developers provide a comprehensive view of instruction from a theoretical, systemic, and classroom perspective. 392 pages; hardcover 48BCA–BKF278 $34.95 ISBN 978-1-934009-58-1

48BCA–BKF389 $34.95 ISBN 978-1-935249-90-0






Transforming School Culture How to Overcome Staff Division By Anthony Muhammad Foreword by Richard DuFour

Bestseller Busy administrators will appreciate this quick read packed with immediate, accessible strategies. This book provides the framework for understanding dynamic relationships within a school culture and ensuring a positive environment that supports the changes necessary to improve learning for all students. 144 pages

Learn how leaders can overcome staff division to improve relationships and transform toxic cultures into healthy ones.

Examine educators’ motivations for hanging on to paradigms that are contrary to those articulated by their school or district.

Understand the underlying tensions that impact school culture among four different groups of educators: Believers, Fundamentalists, Tweeners, and Survivors. 48BCA–BKF281 $19.95 ISBN 978-1-934009-45-1

Transforming School Culture

Transforming School Culture

Online Course

Understanding and Overcoming Resistance to Necessary Change

Presenter: Anthony Muhammad

Featuring Anthony Muhammad

Included ebook: Transforming School Culture

Dr. Muhammad describes the prevailing beliefs and assumptions of four different types of educators: Believers, Fundamentalists, Tweeners, and Survivors. After arguing that their collective dynamic ultimately determines the culture of a school, he provides specific strategies for working with each group. 85-minute DVD with presentation; CD with presentation handouts and supporting resources

Explore the root causes of staff resistance to change, and learn immediate, accessible strategies that improve school culture. Dr. Muhammad provides the framework for understanding dynamic relationships within a school culture and ensuring a positive learning environment. CEUs: 48BCA–KDS001 3 Semester Hours: 48BCA–KDS002

$279.00 $499.00

48BCA–DVF022 $195.00 UPC 811796010339

The Will to Lead, the Skill to Teach Transforming Schools at Every Level By Anthony Muhammad and Sharroky Hollie The authors acknowledge both the structural and sociological issues that contribute to low-performing schools and offer multiple tools and strategies to assess and improve classroom management, increase literacy, establish academic vocabulary, and contribute to a healthier school culture. 176 pages

Reflect on current practices, and identify areas for improvement.

Spot the factors that can be harmful to school cultures.

Identify your school as high will/low skill, high skill/low will, low will/low skill, or high will/high skill. 48BCA–BKF443 $19.95 ISBN 978-1-935542-54-4




School Leader’s Guide to the Common Core Achieving Results Through Rigor and Relevance By James A. Bellanca, Robin J. Fogarty, Brian M. Pete, and Rebecca L. Stinson Implement the Common Core State Standards with downloadable reproducibles, lists of resources to support the topics affected, discussion questions, and relevant information to share with your colleagues. Explore the background of the standards and the changes necessary to meet them. 176 pages

Understand the CCSS and your role in implementing them into the English language arts and mathematics curricula.

Gain tips and strategies to support teachers, and create long-term professional learning as schools adopt the CCSS.

• Select the best assessment tools to study and track student progress. 48BCA–BKF597 $24.95 ISBN 978-1-936764-45-7

District Leadership That Works

Developing Connective Leadership

Striking the Right Balance

Successes With Thinking Maps ®

By Robert J. Marzano and Timothy Waters

By Larry Alper, Kimberly Williams, and David Hyerle

Bridge the divide between administrative duties and daily classroom impact with a leadership mechanism called defined autonomy. Learn strategies for creating district-defined goals while giving buildinglevel staff the stylistic freedom to respond quickly and effectively to student failure. 176 pages 48BCA–BKF314 $24.95 ISBN 978-1-935249-19-1

A Joint Publication With McREL

Explore leadership from the inside out, and define a visual language for thinking with Thinking Maps ®. Examine personal reflectiveness, interpersonal interactions, schoolwide change processes, and more—all to bring you back to leading connectively and collaboratively. 168 pages 48BCA–BKF367 $24.95 ISBN 978-1-935249-72-6

Thinking Maps® is a registered trademark of Thinking Maps, Inc. The trademark has been used with permission.

The School Board Fieldbook Leading With Vision By Mark Van Clay and Perry Soldwedel Take a reader-friendly tour through the responsibilities and challenges of being a school board member. Award-winning administrators give practical guidance on how to best work with school administrators and staff to create and fulfill a shared vision of school system excellence. 176 pages 48BCA–BKF269 $24.95 ISBN 978-1-934009-44-4

A Joint Publication With the American Association of School Administrators



Learn more on page 20!





April 27–29

Las Vegas, NV


Remarkable leadership, remarkable learning results Whether you are a leader at the district, school, or classroom level, you will be more effective when you clarify the work that needs to be done and create the conditions that allow others to succeed in their specific roles. This summit will expand your capacity for leadership and help you contribute to creating reliable systems that drive best practices in every classroom.

Luis F. Cruz

Rebecca DuFour

Richard DuFour

John F. Eller

Sheila A. Eller

Heidi Hayes Jacobs

Anthony Muhammad

Douglas B. Reeves

Phil Warrick

Todd Whitaker

Kenneth C. Williams

I was blown away with the quality of the presenters and the information!” —Angela Lyon, principal, Stevenson Elementary School, California

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On Your Mark Challenging the Conventions of Grading and Reporting

By Thomas R. Guskey Create and sustain a learning environment where students thrive and stakeholders are accurately informed of student progress. Clarify the purpose of grades, craft a vision statement aligned with this purpose, and discover research-based strategies to implement effective grading and reporting practices. 144 pages

• Question traditional grading and reporting practices, and seek more accurate practices. • Identify the purpose of grading, and ensure school and classroom visions, practices, and policies support it. • Implement research-based grading and reporting practices that promote accurate, useful accounts of student learning. 48BCA–BKF606 $19.95 ISBN 978-1-935542-77-3


Design in Five Essential Phases to Create Engaging Assessment Practice

By Nicole Dimich Vagle Foreword by Douglas Reeves Discover how to work with your school team to create innovative, effective, engaging assessments using a five-phase design protocol. Explore various types of assessment, learn the traits of quality assessment, and evaluate whether your current assessments meet the design criteria. 176 pages

• Create engaging assessments that accurately report students’ progress. • Design assessments that help students learn from their mistakes and motivate them to improve. • Work collaboratively to analyze standards and create common assessments. 48BCA–BKF604 $24.95 ISBN 978-1-936764-95-2


Bringing Homework Into Focus Tools and Tips to Enhance Practices, Design, and Feedback

By Eileen Depka In many classrooms, teachers assign homework out of habit. Learn to design quality homework instead. Prepare students and measure their comprehension by assigning purposeful work, setting clear expectations, and providing feedback as the unit of study unfolds.

Recognize that different kinds of homework assignments advance students’ knowledge and promote their understanding during all stages of the learning process.

Learn the components that influence quality homework design.

Interpret examples of assignments for multiple school subjects to understand how to create impactful questions on any topic. 48BCA–BKF616 $24.95 ISBN 978-1-936763-23-8






The Assessment Toolkit Transform your assessment practice into a powerful tool that inspires student learning. Find tips on how to involve students in the assessment process, integrate assessments into instruction, and ensure reporting practices that accurately measure student achievement. Help your team begin to build its own repertoire of assessments and make inferences about a student’s ability to meet standards and curriculum goals. 16 resources, including books, videos, and 1 registration to an online course 48BCA–KTF132


Assessment and the Common Core State Standards Online Course

From Formative to Summative By Kay Burke

Presenter: Kay Burke Included ebook: Balanced Assessment Construct a balanced set of assessment tools that improve instruction and gauge its success. Dr. Burke demonstrates how to repack the CCSS with a collaborative team, generate checklists and rubrics, share meaningful learning objectives with students, and craft performance tasks. CEUs: 48BCA–KDS013 3 Semester Hours: 48BCA–KDS014

Balanced Assessment

Learn how to integrate formative and summative assessments seamlessly into instruction. Research, rationale, strategies, and examples help teachers develop their own repertoire of assessments to monitor, grade, and gauge a student’s ability to meet standards and curriculum goals. 176 pages 48BCA–BKF272 $24.95 ISBN 978-1-934009-52-9

$279.00 $499.00

Assessment Services We’ll help ensure you have sustainable assessment practices in place from the beginning. Our experts can provide insight into your existing assessment practices and help create a system of common formative assessments powered by targeted feedback that motivates student learning. Partner with us to identify and set learning goals reinforced by a framework of collaboration and reporting.

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• Scales and Rubrics for Evaluating Performances • Grading and Reporting Student Learning • Making Homework Count




Common Formative Assessment A Toolkit for Professional Learning Communities at WorkTM By Kim Bailey and Chris Jakicic Foreword by Richard DuFour and Rebecca DuFour

The catalyst for real student improvement begins with a decision to implement common formative assessments. In this conversational guide, the authors offer tools, templates, and protocols to incorporate common formative assessments into the practices of a PLC to monitor and enhance student learning. 144 pages

Using Formative Assessment in the RTI Framework By Kay Burke and Eileen Depka Understand the basics of RTI and its connection to formative assessment, and adjust instruction to increase levels of student understanding and achievement with the information, tools, and techniques presented in this practical guide. 144 pages 48BCA–BKF369 $24.95 ISBN 978-1-935249-74-0

48BCA–BKF538 $24.95 ISBN 978-1-936765-14-0


Elements of Grading

A Guide to Effective Practice Online Course

A Guide to Effective Practice By Douglas B. Reeves

Presenters: Kristine Nielsen and Douglas B. Reeves Included ebook: Elements of Grading Ensure that your grading systems are accurate, fair, specific, and timely. Learn processes for evaluating your current grading system, discussing contentious grading issues with colleagues, and engaging all stakeholders in the feedback and grading process. CEUs: 48BCA–KDS028 3 Semester Hours: 48BCA–KDS029

Learn several strategies for improving grading practices, while examining the common arguments against reform. With this practical guide, you can improve grading to meet four essential criteria—accuracy, fairness, specificity, and timeliness—and also make the process quicker and more efficient. 152 pages 48BCA–BKF410 $24.95 ISBN 978-1-935542-12-4

$279.00 $499.00

Grading and Learning

Ahead of the Curve

Practices That Support Student Achievement

The Power of Assessment to Transform Teaching and Learning

By Susan M. Brookhart

Edited by Douglas B. Reeves

Grades should reflect and motivate learning. This book is relatable, relevant, and effective in improving educators’ assessment and reporting processes and supporting students’ motivation to learn. Clear, concrete examples help translate state standards into curriculum goals. 168 pages

By Larry Ainsworth, Lisa Almeida, Anne Davies, Richard DuFour, Linda Gregg, Thomas R. Guskey, Robert J. Marzano, Ken O’Connor, Douglas B. Reeves, Rick Stiggins, Stephen White, and Dylan Wiliam

48BCA–BKF457 $24.95 ISBN 978-1-935542-84-1

Bestseller Get the anthology that offers the ideas and recommendations of many of the world’s leaders in assessment. Many perspectives on effective assessment design and implementation culminate in a call for redirecting assessment to improve student achievement and inform instruction. 280 pages; hardcover 48BCA–BKF232 $34.95 ISBN 978-1-934009-06-2






Embedded Formative Assessment is a must-have, must-read, must-put-into-immediate-action book for every teacher, principal, and network leader.”

—Linda Kaser, codirector, Network of Performance Based Schools, British Columbia

Embedded Formative Assessment By Dylan Wiliam Bestseller Emphasizing the instructional side of formative assessment, this book explores in depth the use of classroom questioning, learning intentions and success criteria, feedback, collaborative and cooperative learning, and selfregulated learning to engineer effective learning environments for students. 200 pages

Discover five key strategies with research evidence to show the impact of each.

Find over 50 practical techniques for classroom formative assessment.

Learn why educational achievement matters now more than ever. 48BCA–BKF418 $29.95 ISBN 978-1-934009-30-7

Content, Then Process Teaching Learning Communities in the Service of Formative Assessment Featuring Dylan Wiliam In this striking keynote, Dr. Wiliam encourages the building of teacher learning communities (TLCs). He provides practical techniques to embed formative assessment in regular classroom practice and illustrates how TLCs can be established and sustained within schools and districts to support teachers. 86-minute DVD with presentation; CD with presentation handouts and supporting resources 48BCA–DVF058 $195.00 UPC 811796010544

Standards-Based Reporting and Formative Assessment On the Road to a Highly Reliable Organization Featuring Robert J. Marzano Dr. Marzano offers a research-based framework that outlines strategies for designing and scoring formative assessments. You’ll learn why the 100-point grading scale can stunt a student’s potential, how to design measurement topics, and what opportunities exist to migrate traditional practices into a formative assessment system. 90-minute DVD with presentation; CD with presentation handouts and supporting resources 48BCA–DVF040 $195.00 UPC 811796010377

Formative Assessment & Standards-Based Grading By Robert J. Marzano Bestseller Learn everything you need to know to implement an integrated system of assessment and grading. The author explains how to design, interpret, and systematically use three different types of formative assessments and how to track student progress and assign meaningful grades. 184 pages 48BCA–BKL003 $29.95 ISBN 978-0-9822592-2-1

Published by Marzano Research Laboratory

Formative Assessment and Standards-Based Grading Online Course Presenters: Robert J. Marzano and Tammy Heflebower Included ebook: Formative Assessment & Standards-Based Grading Dr. Marzano and Dr. Heflebower walk you through the research and theories that support what kind of feedback, assessment, and grading enhance student learning. Learn how to construct assessments, create rubric-based scales to inform assessments, and monitor students’ progress. CEUs: 48BCA–KDS007 3 Semester Hours: 48BCA–KDS008

$279.00 $499.00

Presented by Marzano Research Laboratory




The Teacher as Assessment Leader

Redefining Fair

Edited by Thomas R. Guskey

How to Plan, Assess, and Grade for Excellence in Mixed-Ability Classrooms

By Cassandra Erkens, William M. Ferriter, Michelle Goodwin, Tammy Heflebower, Tom Hierck, Chris Jakicic, Sharon V. Kramer, Jeffry Overlie, Ainsley B. Rose, Nicole Dimich Vagle, and Adam Young

Meaningful examples, expert research, and real-life experiences illustrate the capacity and responsibility every educator has to ignite positive change. Packed with practical strategies for designing, analyzing, and using assessments, this book shows how to turn best practices into usable solutions. 280 pages

By Damian Cooper Foreword by Michael Fullan

Learn how to define proficiency accurately and differentiate to help all students achieve it. Using stories, strategies, case histories, and sample documents, the author explains how to implement equitable instruction, assessment, grading, and reporting practices for diverse 21st century learners. 200 pages 48BCA–BKF412 $29.95 ISBN 978-1-935542-14-8

48BCA–BKF345 $29.95 ISBN 978-1-934009-49-9

The Principal as Assessment Leader Edited by Thomas R. Guskey By Cassandra Erkens, William M. Ferriter, Tammy Heflebower, Tom Hierck, Charles Hinman, Susan B. Huff, Chris Jakicic, Dennis King, Ainsley B. Rose, Nicole Dimich Vagle, and Mark Weichel

Filled with firsthand experiences from expert practitioners, this book delivers the motivation needed to ignite a shift toward formative assessment and overall school improvement. Topics include building teacher literacy, providing targeted professional development, acquiring appropriate technology, and more. 288 pages

The School Leader’s Guide to Grading By Ken O’Connor Ensure your school’s grading procedures are supportive of learning, accurate, meaningful, and consistent. Discover how the “seven essential Ps” can improve your effectiveness in supporting assessment and communicating student achievement. Learn how to avoid inaccurate grades and what causes them. 112 pages; grades K–8 48BCA–BKF553 $19.95 ISBN 978-1-935542-52-0

A Joint Publication With the National Association of Elementary School Principals

48BCA–BKF344 $29.95 ISBN 978-1-934009-48-2

A Fresh Look at Grading and Reporting in High Schools By Sandra Herbst and Anne Davies Equip yourself with research-based strategies to execute effective classroom assessment. This book is organized around four quadrants: determining the learning destination, researching the expected quality level, planning to collect reliable evidence of learning, and collecting baseline evidence of learning. 112 pages 48BCA–BKF528 $19.95 ISBN 978-1-936764-80-8

A Joint Publication With Building Connections Publishing, Inc. Canadian customers: Visit connect2learning.com to order.

Quality Assessment in High Schools Accounts From Teachers Edited by Anne Davies, Sandra Herbst, and Kathy Busick Discover how to increase the efficacy of your assessment practices and motivate students to take ownership of their learning. Educators from a variety of disciplines share techniques and firsthand strategies for creating systems of assessment that target student needs. 200 pages 48BCA–BKF526 $29.95 ISBN 978-1-935543-97-8

A Joint Publication With Building Connections Publishing, Inc. Canadian customers: Visit connect2learning.com to order.









November 3–5 Victoria, BC


Motivate students, maximize achievement Quality classroom assessments need to be both accurate and valid in order to provide educators with the information they need to assess student understanding. Explore frameworks for rigor and relevance in assessment design that are fair and motivating to all students.

The keynote speakers were top-notch as always with Solution Tree events! The content presented was exactly what my school team needed.

—Jeanne Montigny, principal, École Secondaire l’Essor, Ontario

Karen Damian Branscombe Cooper

Anne Davies

Ken O’Connor

Gerry Varty

Register today! solution-tree.com/AssessmentNOW

Building Common Assessments

2-Day Workshop

Presenter: Cassandra Erkens Learn how to work as collaborative teams to develop common formative assessments. Leave with a framework for working interdependently to create high-quality assessments and to collect meaningful instructional data that informs interventions and enrichment planning.

Ainsley B. Rose

Tom Hierck

November 18–19 •

Understand the rationale for using common formative assessments.

Learn the common formative assessment process from beginning to end.

Focus on the keys to accurate design and effective use of assessments.

Gain supportive tools, such as planning templates and protocols.

Boston, MA

Cassandra Erkens





The Five Dimensions of Engaged Teaching A Practical Guide for Educators By Laura Weaver and Mark Wilding Foreword by Ari Gerzon-Kessler

Engaged teaching recognizes that educators need to offer more than lesson plans and assessments for students to thrive in the 21st century. Equip your students to be resilient individuals, able to communicate effectively and work with diverse people. The authors contend that students must develop their emotional and social skills as thoroughly as their academic skills, and that teachers must cultivate this growth. 224 pages Benefits • Gain practical, classroom-ready teaching techniques that are supported by research. • Discover how to incorporate meaningful classroom practices that support each of the five dimensions. • Learn to collaborate with fellow educators to optimize engaged teaching outcomes. 48BCA–BKF601 $29.95 ISBN 978-1-936764-48-8

You’ve Got to Reach Them to Teach Them Hard Facts About the Soft Skills of Student Engagement By Mary Kim Schreck Navigate the hot topic of student engagement with a true expert. The author explores the many factors involved in bringing out the best in students, such as relationships, emotions, environment, and expectations. Become empowered to demand an authentic joy for learning in your classroom. Real-life notes from the field, detailed discussions, practical strategies, and space for reflection complete this essential guide to student engagement. 232 pages Benefits • Gain practical strategies for increasing student engagement and achievement. • Learn how to create a safe environment that nurtures confidence. • Find a chapter on cultural awareness by Dr. Bonnie Davis of Educating for Change. 48BCA–BKF404 $29.95 ISBN 978-1-935542-05-6






Expert and engaging with clear, vivid descriptions of the principles used in real classrooms, Differentiation and the Brain makes the fields of neuroscience and differentiation accessible without oversimplifying.”

—Rick Wormeli, author and consultant

Differentiation and the Brain How Neuroscience Supports the Learner-Friendly Classroom By David A. Sousa and Carol Ann Tomlinson

Examine the basic principles of differentiation in light of educational neuroscience research that will help you make the most effective curricular, instructional, and assessment choices. Learn how to implement differentiation so that it achieves the desired result of shared responsibility between teacher and student. 216 pages

• Discover ways to better meet the needs of increasingly diverse students. • Learn more about how the brain learns and about approaches to differentiation. • Understand the science behind teaching the best content in the best possible way. 48BCA–BKF353 $29.95 ISBN 978-1-935249-59-7

Differentiation and the Brain Online Course

FREE REPRODUCIBLES You will find reproducibles and over 70 study guides you can use to expand your knowledge and gain new strategies. Explore a wide variety of useful links, forms, and more. Print, copy, and distribute them to colleagues for shared learning, collaboration, and support. solution-tree.com/Free-Repros

Presenters: David A. Sousa and Carol Ann Tomlinson Included ebook: Differentiation and the Brain Discover the major components of a brain-friendly quality curriculum; explore effective practices for assessing student achievement to inform instruction; learn how to respond to student readiness, interests, and learning profiles; and investigate effective management techniques for the differentiated classroom. CEUs: 48BCA–KDS024 3 Semester Hours: 48BCA–KDS025

$279.00 $499.00

Think Big, Start Small

Defensible Differentiation

How to Differentiate Instruction in a Brain-Friendly Classroom

What Does It Take to Get It Right?

By Gayle Gregory and Martha Kaufeldt You don’t have to be a neuroscientist to understand how your students absorb knowledge. This easy-to-understand guide pares down the vast field of neuroscience and provides simple brain-compatible strategies that will make a measurable difference in your differentiated classrooms. 168 pages 48BCA–BKF471 $24.95 ISBN 978-1-935543-06-0

Featuring Carol Ann Tomlinson One-size-fits-all instruction approaches do not serve today’s academically diverse student population, and simply claiming to practice differentiation is not a magic bullet. In this keynote, Dr. Tomlinson calls on teachers to implement differentiation best practices to serve today’s academically diverse student population. 72-minute DVD with presentation; CD with presentation handouts and supporting resources 48BCA–DVF053 $195.00 UPC 811796010506





Teaching Argumentation Activities and Games for the Classroom

By Katie Rogers and Julia A. Simms Foreword by Robert J. Marzano

Discover 10 fun, engaging activities and games for teaching argumentation that align with the CCSS. Incorporate these tools into your instruction to help students develop the ability to present and support claims, distinguish fact and opinion, identify errors in reasoning, and debate constructively.

Obtain games and activities to support instruction and teach argumentation skills.

Help students develop the critical-thinking skills necessary to lead informed lives.

Facilitate classroom discussions about various topics—including difficult ones—to prepare students for democratic life. 48BCA–BKL021 $34.95 ISBN 978-1-935249-30-6

Published by Marzano Research Laboratory

Becoming a Reflective Teacher Online Course

Becoming a Reflective Teacher By Robert J. Marzano

Presenter: Robert J. Marzano Included ebook: Becoming a Reflective Teacher Develop teaching expertise by implementing reflective processes to examine your practice, set growth goals, and use focused practice and feedback to achieve those goals. Dr. Marzano shows how to reflect on your teaching strengths and weaknesses in relation to nine critical questions, provides methods to systematize your reflection process, and explains how to use focused strategies to achieve your goals. CEUs: 48BCA–KDS022 3 Semester Hours: 48BCA–KDS023

With Tina Boogren, Tammy Heflebower, Jessica Kanold-McIntyre, and Debra J. Pickering

Bestseller Learn how to combine a model of effective instruction with goal setting, focused practice, focused feedback, and observations to improve your instructional practices. Included are 280 strategies related to the 41 elements of effective teaching proven to enhance student achievement. 256 pages 48BCA–BKL011 $34.95 ISBN 978-0-9833512-3-8

Published by Marzano Research Laboratory

$279.00 $499.00

Presented by Marzano Rearch Laboratory

Questioning Sequences in the Classroom

Coaching Classroom Instruction

By Robert J. Marzano and Julia A. Simms

With Tom Roy, Tammy Heflebower, and Phil Warrick

Ask targeted questions to enhance students’ reasoning skills and increase rigor in classrooms. You’ll discover a four-phase questioning sequence that helps students make claims, build sound arguments, and provide evidence to support their points. 160 pages 48BCA–BKL018 $24.95 ISBN 978-0-9858902-6-1

Published by Marzano Research Laboratory

By Robert J. Marzano and Julia A. Simms

Find advice on how to offer targeted feedback to teachers, empowering them to identify specific steps to improve their knowledge and skill. Coaches can use the step-by-step guidelines to help teachers improve their performance on the 280 research-based strategies introduced in Becoming a Reflective Teacher. 272 pages 48BCA–BKL013 $34.95 ISBN 978-0-9833512-6-9

Published by Marzano Research Laboratory






Enhancing the Art & Science of Teaching With Technology By Sonny Magaña and Robert J. Marzano Successfully leverage technology to enhance classroom practices with this practical resource. Included are over 100 organized classroom strategies, vignettes that show each section’s strategies in action, and a glossary of classroomrelevant technology terms. Key research is summarized and translated into classroom recommendations. 216 pages

• Gain a greater understanding of the theory and research behind technology and how it enhances teaching practices. • Discover how to seamlessly incorporate technology into your current instruction. • Explore the 41 elements of effective teaching to boost students’ academic achievement. 48BCA–BKL017 $29.95 ISBN 978-0-9858902-4-7

Published by Marzano Research Laboratory

The Highly Engaged Classroom By Robert J. Marzano and Debra J. Pickering With Tammy Heflebower

Bestseller Gain an in-depth understanding of how to generate high levels of student attention and engagement. Using the suggestions in this book, every teacher can create a classroom environment where engagement is the norm, not the exception. 240 pages 48BCA–BKL005 $29.95 ISBN 978-0-9822592-4-5

Published by Marzano Research Laboratory

Motivating and Engaging Students Online Course Presenters: Robert J. Marzano and Debra J. Pickering Included ebook: The Highly Engaged Classroom Dr. Marzano and Dr. Pickering show you how to raise students’ energy levels, facilitate constructive emotions, demonstrate a positive demeanor, express enthusiasm, and use humor to create a classroom culture in which all students are accepted and challenged. CEUs: 48BCA–KDS010 3 Semester Hours: 48BCA–KDS011

$279.00 $499.00

Presented by Marzano Research Laboratory

Designing & Teaching Learning Goals & Objectives

On Excellence in Teaching

By Robert J. Marzano

By Barrie Bennett, David Berliner, Jere Brophy, Lynn Erickson, Thomas Good, Heidi Hayes Jacobs, Jana Marzano, Robert J. Marzano, Richard Mayer, Jay McTighe, Matthew Perini, Debra J. Pickering, Harvey Silver, Carol Ann Tomlinson, and Grant Wiggins

Design and teach effective learning goals and objectives by following strategies based on the strongest research available. This first book in The Classroom Strategies Series summarizes key research behind best practices and translates that research into step-by-step hands-on strategies. 152 pages 48BCA–BKL001 $24.95 ISBN 978-0-9822592-0-7

Published by Marzano Research Laboratory

Edited by Robert J. Marzano

The world’s best education researchers, theorists, and staff developers provide a comprehensive view of instruction from a theoretical, systemic, and classroom perspective. 392 pages; hardcover 48BCA–BKF278 $34.95 ISBN 978-1-934009-58-1




Enriched Learning Projects A Practical Pathway to 21st Century Skills By James A. Bellanca Translate standards-based content into enriched learning projects that build 21st century skills. A valuable tool for teachers, this book helps develop critical thinking and creative skills, highlights useful e-tools, and presents a variety of research-based instructional strategies. 248 pages

• Gain strategies that maximize student chances for higher achievement while meeting standards. • Enrich your instruction with electronic tools that facilitate collaboration, communication, critical and creative thinking, and problem solving. • Get a template and examples for designing and assessing enriched learning experiences. 48BCA–BKF296 $29.95 ISBN 978-1-934009-74-1

Motivating Students 25 Strategies to Light the Fire of Engagement By Carolyn Chapman and Nicole Dimich Vagle Learn why students disengage and how to motivate them to achieve success with a five-step framework. Research-based strategies and fun activities, along with tips and troubleshooting advice, show how to instill a lasting love of learning in students of any age. 240 pages 48BCA–BKF371 $29.95 ISBN 978-1-935249-78-8

By Allen N. Mendler Bestseller Spark enthusiasm in your classroom. Proven strategies and five effective processes (emphasizing effort, creating hope, respecting power, building relationships, and expressing enthusiasm) empower you to reawaken motivation in students who aren’t prepared, don’t care, and won’t work. 80 pages 48BCA–BKF360 $17.95 ISBN 978-1-935249-67-2

Teaching for Diversity

Strategies for Reclaiming Black & Hispanic Students

A Guide to Greater Understanding

Foreword by Asa G. Hilliard III

Bestseller Get an authentic view of academic underachievement, apathy, and rage among America’s Black and Hispanic youth. Become an empowered Merchant of Hope armed with positive strategies for reaching these students and sparking motivation toward achievement. 304 pages; 2nd edition 48BCA–BKF157 $29.95 ISBN 978-1-932127-15-7


Successful Techniques for Educators

From Rage to Hope

By Crystal Kuykendall


Motivating Students Who Don’t Care

By Ricardo L. García Explore the demographic shifts in American life and schools throughout the late 20th and early 21st centuries, and examine the impact of these shifts on education. This book provides a powerful theoretical framework for thinking about and fostering acceptance of diversity and difference. 216 pages; 3rd edition 48BCA–BKF400 $24.95 ISBN 978-1-935542-01-8

A Joint Publication With Phi Delta Kappa International




Making Homework Matter

Backward Design

Featuring Cassandra Erkens

Featuring Jay McTighe

By asking participants to evaluate homework through the eyes of different stakeholders, Cassandra illustrates the value of allowing students to make mistakes, the impact of descriptive feedback from teacher to student, and the critical effect of student involvement in setting and achieving learning targets. 64-minute DVD with presentation; CD with presentation handouts and supporting resources

The Understanding by Design framework reflects the meeting of the ideas of teaching and assessing for understanding with the process for curriculum design. In this keynote, Jay uses that framework as the foundation to help participants distinguish three learning goals and their implications. 60-minute DVD with presentation; CD with presentation handouts and supporting resources 48BCA–DVF055 $195.00 UPC 811796010520

48BCA–DVF039 $195.00 UPC 811796010360

The instructor really tailored our learning to our needs. We have so much to take back with us.” —Susie Bentley, instructional coach, Prairie Ridge Middle School, Iowa


Come with a vision, leave with a plan

21st Century Skills

Redefining Fair

Presenters: William M. Ferriter, Garfield Gini-Newman, Cheryl Lemke, and Will Richardson

Presenter: Damian Cooper

October 24–25

November 17–18

Toronto, ON

Vancouver, BC

Response to Intervention in Math Building Common Assessments Presenter: Cassandra Erkens November 18–19

Boston, MA

Common Core for English Language Arts Presenter: Nancy Frey November 3–4

San Diego, CA

Teaching and Assessing Mathematics in a PLC at WorkTM Presenters: Timothy D. Kanold and Juli K. Dixon October 7–8

St. Louis, MO

November 19–20

Orlando, FL

Presenters: William N. Bender and Darlene Crane November 20–21

Boston, MA

RTI at WorkTM Presenters: Austin Buffum and/or Mike Mattos October 9–10

St. Louis, MO

November 5–6

San Diego, CA

November 13–14

Vancouver, BC

November 17–18

Orlando, FL



21st Century Skills & Technology

21st Century Skills & Technology

Deeper Learning


Beyond 21st Century Skills

Edited by James A. Bellanca By Suzie Boss, Stacey Caillier, Barbara Chow, David T. Conley, Arthur L. Costa, Ben Daley, Linda Darling-Hammond, Rebecca DuFour, Richard DuFour, Deborah Rosalia Esparza, Charles Fadel, Michael Fullan, Valerie Greenhill, Bena Kallick, Ken Kay, Steven Paine, James W. Pellegrino, Rob Riordan, Helen A. Soulé, Bernie Trilling, Tony Wagner, Yong Zhao, and Steven Zipkes Education authorities from around the globe explore deeper learning, a process that promotes higher-order thinking, reasoning, and problem solving to better educate students and prepare them for college and careers. Relying on research as well as their own experience, the authors show how to use intensive curriculum, instruction, assessment, and leadership practices to meet the needs of 21st century learners. Hardcover Benefits •

Discover the vital importance of deeper learning to students’ future success.

Effectively prepare teachers for deeper learning in the classroom.

Successfully promote deeper learning with technology.

Explore ways to foster students’ creativity, problem solving, and sense of entrepreneurship.

Accurately and effectively assess for deeper learning. 48BCA–BKF622 $34.95 ISBN 978-1-936763-35-1

Bringing Innovation to School Empowering Students to Thrive in a Changing World By Suzie Boss Foreword by Chris Lehmann

Are you preparing a new generation of innovators? Activate your students’ creativity and problem-solving potential with breakthrough learning projects. Across all grades and content areas, student-driven, collaborative projects will teach students how to generate innovative ideas and then put them into action. You’ll take learning to new heights and help students master core content. 184 pages Benefits • Learn why innovation is an essential skill for 21st century learners’ success. • Discover the diverse ways innovation can be implemented in the classroom. • Explore innovative examples from outside education to stir creativity. • Understand how innovation can coexist with standards-based instruction. • Gain tips on how to incorporate unstructured time into the school day. 48BCA–BKF546 $24.95 ISBN 978-1-936765-26-3


21st Century Skills & Technology




How to Teach Thinking Skills Within the Common Core Seven Key Student Proficiencies of the New National Standards By James A. Bellanca, Robin J. Fogarty, and Brian M. Pete Bestseller Empower your students to thrive across the curriculum. Packed with examples and tools, this practical guide prepares teachers across all grade levels and content areas to teach the most critical cognitive skills from the Common Core State Standards. 240 pages

Who Owns the Learning? Preparing Students for Success in the Digital Age By Alan November Learn how to harness students’ natural curiosity to develop self-directed learners. Discover how technology allows students to take ownership of their learning, create and share learning tools, and participate in work that is meaningful to them and others. 104 pages 48BCA–BKF437 $19.95 ISBN 978-1-935542-57-5

48BCA–BKF576 $29.95 ISBN 978-1-936764-07-5


DEEPENING CLASSROOM I M PA C T • Learn to use Fullan’s Digital Innovation Index. • Experience digital learning during classroom walkthroughs.

William M. Ferriter

• Discover classroom technology practices from thought leaders. • Gather BYOD and 1:1 implementation plans from successful district leaders.

Michael Fullan

Will Richardson

May 4–6, 2015 | Naples, FL

• Develop action plans for getting community buy-in and financial support.

The Naples Beach Hotel Hosted by COLLIER COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS

Experience BYOD, 1:1, and blended learning in classroom observations, keynotes, and hands-on sessions.

21st Century Skills & Technology


21st Century Skills & Technology

Contemporary Perspectives on Literacy series Edited by Heidi Hayes Jacobs By Marie Alcock, Frank W. Baker, Veronica Boix Mansilla, Nitasha Chaudhuri, Verneda Edwards, Michael L. Fisher, Steve Hargadon, Madeleine Maceda Heide, Anthony W. Jackson, Ann Ward Johnson, Jennie L. Johnson, Holen Sabrina Kahn, Emily Keating, William Kist, Shabbi Luthra, Jane McGee, Fiona Reynolds, Kristy Sailors, Mark Schulte, Bill Sheskey, Homa Sabet Tavangar, Silvia Rosenthal Tolisano, Jeanne Tribuzzi, and Brandon L. Wiley

Today’s students must be prepared to compete in a global society in which cultures, economies, and people are constantly connected. It is the job of the 21st century educator to make sure students are equipped to meet this challenge. The authors explain three “new literacies”—digital, media, and global—and provide practical tips for incorporating these literacies into the traditional curriculum. 48BCA–KTF130


Leading the New Literacies Integrate teaching practices that incorporate digital, media, and global-based learning with traditional learning to prepare students to succeed in a highly competitive world. Identify new literacy terms, acquaint faculty with new technologies, and more. 184 pages 48BCA–BKF441 $29.95 ISBN 978-1-936764-60-0

Mastering Digital Literacy

Mastering Media Literacy

Mastering Global Literacy

Teach your students to thrive in the 21st century. Understand the purpose of and gain strategies for incorporating digital literacy into the school curricula. 152 pages

Learn how to merge technology and instruction successfully, giving students greater access to knowledge and making learning more meaningful. 128 pages

Bring global issues into the classroom and personalize them using digital tools, and find strategies for implementing globalawareness studies. 136 pages

48BCA–BKF235 $24.95 ISBN 978-1-936764-54-9

2-Day Workshop October 24–25

William M. Ferriter

Vancouver, BC

Garfield Gini-Newman

48BCA–BKF236 $24.95 ISBN 978-1-936764-56-3

48BCA–BKF415 $24.95 ISBN 978-1-936764-58-7

21st Century Skills Presenters: William M. Ferriter, Garfield Gini-Newman, Cheryl Lemke, and Will Richardson Ensure your students are prepared to step up, both as learners and as the new generation of productive global citizens. Learn teacher-friendly strategies to utilize problem-based learning, clear communication, and metacognitive reflection for inspiring and engaging students.

• Connect 21st century skills to student learning and specific lesson design. • Envision new designs for learning made possible through digital tools. • Discover which educational practices and school structures are likely to support the attainment of 21st century learning outcomes. • Understand why the curricular priorities of schools no longer align with student needs.

Cheryl Lemke


Will Richardson

21st Century Skills & Technology




21st Century Skills

21st Century Skills

Rethinking How Students Learn

Online Course

Edited by James A. Bellanca and Ron Brandt By John Barell, Linda Darling-Hammond, Chris Dede, Rebecca DuFour, Richard DuFour, Douglas Fisher, Robin J. Fogarty, Nancy Frey, Howard Gardner, Andy Hargreaves, David W. Johnson, Roger T. Johnson, Ken Kay, Cheryl Lemke, Jay McTighe, Alan November, Bob Pearlman, Brian M. Pete, Douglas B. Reeves, Will Richardson, and Elliott Seif Foreword by Ken Kay

Education luminaries reveal why 21st century skills are necessary, which skills are most important, and how to help schools include them in curriculum and instruction. 408 pages; hardcover

Presenters: James A. Bellanca and Ken Kay Included ebook: 21st Century Skills Help your students learn the skills they need for the 21st century. Gain perspectives and strategies from a variety of experts on how to re-envision learning and prepare students for a globally connected world that must adapt to evolving technology. CEUs: 48BCA–KDS036 3 Semester Hours: 48BCA–KDS037

$279.00 $499.00

48BCA–BKF389 $34.95 ISBN 978-1-935249-90-0

The Global School

Creating a Digital-Rich Classroom

Connecting Classrooms and Students Around the World

Teaching & Learning in a Web 2.0 World

By William Kist

By Meg Ormiston

Prepare students for an increasingly flat world where diverse people from divergent cultures learn and work together rather than in isolation. Learn specific steps to globalize your classroom and encourage higher-order thinking, all wrapped in a 21st century skills framework. 128 pages

Design and deliver standards-based lessons in which technology plays an integral role. This book provides a research base and practical strategies for using web 2.0 tools to create engaging lessons that transform and enrich content. 160 pages

48BCA–BKF570 $24.95 ISBN 978-1-935543-69-5

48BCA–BKF385 $19.95 ISBN 978-1-935249-87-0

The Connected Educator

Why Social Media Matters

Learning and Leading in a Digital Age

School Communication in the Digital Age

By Sheryl Nussbaum-Beach and Lani Ritter Hall Create a connected learning community through social media and rediscover the power of being a learner first. The authors show you how to take advantage of technology to collaborate with other educators and deepen the learning of your students. 208 pages 48BCA–BKF478 $29.95 ISBN 978-1-935543-17-6

By Kitty Porterfield and Meg Carnes Foreword by Daniel A. Domenech

Here’s everything you need to know to begin building a social media platform that nurtures relationships and garners support from your key stakeholders, including stepby-step instructions on how to use three of today’s most popular tools for social media: Twitter, Facebook, and blogs. 160 pages 48BCA–BKF465 $19.95 ISBN 978-1-935542-96-4

A Joint Publication With the American Association of School Administrators

21st Century Skills & Technology


21st Century Skills & Technology

Teaching the iGeneration 5 Easy Ways to Introduce Essential Skills With Web 2.0 Tools By William M. Ferriter and Adam Garry Find the natural overlap between the work you already believe in and the digital tools that define tomorrow’s learning. Each chapter introduces an enduring life skill and a digital solution to enhance traditional skill-based instructional practices. A collection of handouts and supporting materials ends each chapter. 256 pages 48BCA–BKF393 $34.95 ISBN 978-1-935249-93-1

Using Web 2.0 in Teaching and Instruction Online Course Presenters: William M. Ferriter and Adam Garry Included ebook: Teaching the iGeneration Discover how you can use today’s technology to create classroom experiences that encourage your students to learn. Through teacher workshops and middle school classroom demonstrations, the presenters provide practical suggestions for using new technology to teach “old school” skills. CEUs: 48BCA–KDS026 3 Semester Hours: 48BCA–KDS027

Personal Learning Networks

Classroom Habitudes

Using the Power of Connections to Transform Education

Teaching Habits and Attitudes for 21st Century Learning

By Will Richardson and Rob Mancabelli

By Angela Maiers

Follow this road map for using the web for learning. Learn how to build your own learning network. Use learning networks in the classroom and make the case for schoolwide learning networks to improve student outcomes. 168 pages

Learn how to use the content you already teach to challenge students to think critically, collaborate with others, solve new problems, and adapt to change across new learning contexts. Help students build the seven habitudes they need to succeed. 160 pages; grades K–8; revised edition


On-Site PD

48BCA–BKF484 $24.95 ISBN 978-1-935543-27-5

48BCA–BKF542 $24.95 ISBN 978-1-935542-62-9

21st Century Skills Services Develop a plan for implementing new digital tools into the classroom with a one-day workshop, multiple-day plans, or customized long-term work. • Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) and 1:1 InitiativesSolution Tree • Teaching the iGeneration

Call us to customize your PD plan! 888.763.9045


$279.00 $499.00

21st Century Skills & Technology

ASoK ut Ab


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Solution Tree


Service 1

Mathematics Vision, Implementation, and Focus Implement systematic change in your district. This service integrates the lessons from Dr. Kanold’s The Five Disciplines of PLC Leaders and the Common Core Mathematics in a PLC at Work series to significantly improve sustainable districtwide results in mathematics. TM

Service 2

Mathematics Teaching and Learning Impact student learning using the Mathematics at Work 10 high-leverage team actions for effective instruction and assessment. Learn to teach mathematics based on the Standards for Mathematical Practice, and discover how to create and use high-quality assessments, homework, and formative assessment processes in the classroom. TM

Service 3

Coaching Academy: Deep Mathematics Teaching, Assessing, and Learning in a PLC Learn to design high-quality instruction and formative assessment processes based on the Common Core’s eight mathematical practices and the Mathematics at Work 10 highleverage team actions. The coaching academy—a train-the-trainer model—uses the PLC at Work teaching-assessing-learning cycle to achieve the necessary rigor, coherence, and focus of CCSS-M-type assessments. TM


Service 4

Embedded On-Site Coaching: Deep Mathematics Teaching, Assessing, and Learning in a PLC Engage in job-embedded real-time coaching and feedback on how to effectively teach, assess, and align mathematics instruction and formative assessment processes in and out of the classroom. Teachers engage one-to-one with an expert both at their school building site and through virtual interactive coaching about their unit-by-unit work for effective lesson design, homework, and common assessment protocols. View our This service includes classroom observations and deep feedback for success stories at collaborative teams based on the 10 high-leverage team actions of solution-tree.com/ Mathematics at Work . Success TM

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Mathematics at Work



Beyond the Common Core series


Handbooks for Mathematics in a PLC at Work


Edited by Timothy D. Kanold By Thomasenia Lott Adams, Diane J. Briars, Juli K. Dixon, Jessica Kanold-McIntyre, Timothy D. Kanold, Matthew R. Larson, Edward C. Nolan, and Mona Toncheff Designed to go well beyond the focus of your state’s standards, this series offers K–12 mathematics instructors and other educators in PLCs a step-by-step guide for developing a focused curriculum that significantly impacts student achievement. Your team will gain targeted support, uncover research-based strategies, and learn 10 high-leverage team actions they can take to ensure students achieve top levels of mathematics performance. Benefits •

Identify and cultivate the elements of mathematics instruction and assessment that yield the greatest impact on student learning.

Increase student learning through 10 high-leverage team actions for mathematics instruction and assessment.

Understand which actions must occur before, during, and after unit instruction with your collaborative team.

Access reproducibles and appendices to gain instructional strategies aligned with the CCSS.

Learn strategies to increase student achievement within the CCSS. Joint Publications With the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics

Grades K–5

48BCA–BKF626 $29.95 ISBN 978-1-936763-46-7

Grades 6–8

48BCA–BKF627 $29.95 ISBN 978-1-936763-48-1

High School

48BCA–BKF628 $29.95 ISBN 978-1-936763-50-4

What Principals Need to Know About Teaching and Learning Mathematics By Timothy D. Kanold, Diane J. Briars, and Francis (Skip) Fennell Ensure a challenging mathematics experience for every learner, every day. This must-have resource offers support and encouragement for improved mathematics achievement across every grade level of your school. With an emphasis on Principles and Standards for School Mathematics and Common Core State Standards, this book covers the importance of mathematics content, learning and instruction, and mathematics assessment. 136 pages; grades K–8 Benefits •

Self-appraise your expectations and challenges with needs assessments.

Find ways your school or district can attain the vision of the CCSS.

Learn how to create effective teacher teams.

A Joint Publication With the National Association of Elementary School Principals 48BCA–BKF501 $24.95 ISBN 978-1-935543-55-8






Common Core Mathematics in a PLC at Work series TM

Edited by Timothy D. Kanold By Thomasenia Lott Adams, Harold Asturias, Diane J. Briars, John A. Carter, Juli K. Dixon, Francis (Skip) Fennell, David Foster, Mardi A. Gale, Timothy D. Kanold, Beth McCord Kobett, Matthew R. Larson, Mona Toncheff, Jonathan A. Wray, and Gwendolyn Zimmermann These teacher guides illustrate how to sustain successful implementation of the Common Core State Standards for mathematics. Discover what students should learn and how they should learn it at each grade level. Comprehensive and research-affirmed analysis tools and strategies will help you and your collaborative team develop and assess student demonstrations of deep conceptual understanding and procedural fluency. You’ll also learn how fundamental shifts in collaboration, instruction, curriculum, assessment, and intervention can increase college and career readiness in every one of your students. Joint Publications With the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics

Grades K–2; 216 pages Grades 6–8; 248 pages 48BCA–BKF566 $29.95 ISBN 978-1-936765-97-3

Leader’s Guide; 176 pages

48BCA–BKF574 $29.95 ISBN 978-1-936764-10-5

48BCA–BKF559 $24.95 ISBN 978-1-936765-47-8

Grades 3–5; 224 pages High School; 224 pages 48BCA–BKF568 $29.95 ISBN 978-1-936764-00-6

48BCA–BKF561 $29.95 ISBN 978-1-936765-50-8

2-Day Workshops Teaching and Assessing Mathematics in a PLC at Work

Common Core State Standards in Mathematics, Grades 3–8 Online Course


Presenters: Timothy D. Kanold and Juli K. Dixon October 7–8 November 19–20

St. Louis, MO Orlando, FL

Helping students meet or exceed CCSS-M expectations requires providing them with a vision and process for learning mathematics. Learn how with your teacher team, school, or district at this high-energy, dynamic PLC and CCSS-M workshop led by mathematics thought leaders.

Presenters: Diane J. Briars and Timothy D. Kanold Included ebook: Common Core Mathematics in a PLC at WorkTM, Grades 3–5 Dr. Kanold and Dr. Briars explain the whys and how-tos for implementing the CCSS for mathematics in this course. You’ll gain strategies for teaching for understanding, tools for planning lessons and evaluating assessments, and classroom-ready tasks that put theory into practice.

Acquire a deeper understanding of the CCSS-M impact on student learning and classroom instructional practice.

• Support the eight mathematical practices.

Implement the powerful PLC teaching-learning-assessing cycle.

• Maintain high cognitive demand.

Use and design daily lesson-planning protocols that reflect the expectations of rigorous CCSS-aligned mathematics instruction.

• Include assessing and advancing questions for formative assessment. • Meet the needs of all learners. CEUs: 48BCA–KDS034 3 Semester Hours: 48BCA–KDS035

$279.00 $499.00

Mathematics Mathematics at Work




Strategies for Mathematics Instruction and Intervention, K–5


By Chris Weber and Darlene Crane Prepare students to move forward in mathematics learning, and ensure their continued growth in critical thinking and problem solving. In this book, the authors assert that framing mathematics education with an RTI model is essential in order to equip teachers with the instruction, assessment, and intervention strategies necessary to meet the complex, diverse needs of students. Benefits •

Examine ways teachers can collaborate to encourage high-impact mathematics instruction.

Learn student-directed experiences and teacher-directed instruction that combine to reveal the interconnected nature of mathematics.

Use the four phases of mathematical learning to organize units of instruction so students can demonstrate levels of mastery.

Explore how to create assessments for determining students’ difficulties and appropriate supplemental interventions.

Discover indicators that measure the progress of RTI frameworks. 48BCA–BKF620 $29.95 ISBN 978-1-936763-31-3

It’s TIME Themes and Imperatives for Mathematics Education By the National Council of Supervisors of Mathematics Help all students become high-achieving mathematics learners. Gain a strong understanding of mathematics culture, and learn necessary best practices to fully align curriculum and instruction with the CCSS for mathematics. You’ll explore the factors that have traditionally limited mathematics achievement for students and discover practical strategies for creating an environment that supports mathematics learning and instruction. 104 pages Benefits • Learn the critical points in designing curriculum and instruction to effectively meet the CCSS for mathematics. • Utilize teamwork to create a high-performing mathematics curriculum where all students achieve at high levels. • Understand and overcome the challenges that limit mathematics achievement for all students. • Discover how to implement the NCSM framework in a collaborative learning environment. • Examine and improve school, district, and staff beliefs about mathematics achievement. 48BCA–BKF600 $19.95 ISBN 978-1-936764-91-4






RTI in Math

2-Day Workshop

Practical Guidelines for Elementary Teachers

Response to Intervention in Math

By William N. Bender and Darlene Crane

Presenters: William N. Bender and Darlene Crane

Explore common student difficulties in math, and see a three-tier RTI model in action. The authors provide an overview of research, detailed guidance through each stage of implementation, tools for reflection and growth, and discussion of support strategies beyond the classroom. 216 pages; grades K–5

November 20–21

Boston, MA

When planning multitiered interventions, students who struggle with mathematics often get overlooked. Learn why implementing RTI in mathematics is critical. Gain usable solutions and processes based on practical issues and emerging research.

48BCA–BKF279 $29.95 ISBN 978-1-934009-54-3

Making Math Accessible to Students With Special Needs Practical Tips and Suggestions By r4 Educated Solutions These manuals offer tools and guidance to increase confidence and competence so that 99 percent of students will be able to access enrolled grade-level mathematics. Chapters cover federal and state legislation, research-based instructional best practices, and alternative instruction and assessment practices.

Grades K–2; 232 pages 48BCA–BKF288 $29.95 ISBN 978-1-934009-66-6

Grades 3–5; 224 pages 48BCA–BKF289 $29.95 ISBN 978-1-934009-67-3

Grades 6–8; 192 pages 48BCA–BKF290 $29.95 ISBN 978-1-934009-68-0

Grades 9–12; 192 pages 48BCA–BKF291 $29.95 ISBN 978-1-934009-69-7

Joint Publications With r4 Educated Solutions

Making Math Accessible to English Language Learners Practical Tips and Suggestions By r4 Educated Solutions Help English language learners build academic vocabulary and proficiency in meaningful mathematics while keeping the entire class engaged. A great tool for strengthening classroom instruction, these manuals offer research-based strategies that address the affective, linguistic, and cognitive needs of ELLs.

Grades K–2; 176 pages 48BCA–BKF284 $24.95 ISBN 978-1-934009-62-8

Grades 3–5; 192 pages 48BCA–BKF285 $29.95 ISBN 978-1-934009-63-5

Grades 6–8; 192 pages 48BCA–BKF286 $29.95 ISBN 978-1-934009-64-2

Grades 9–12; 216 pages 48BCA–BKF287 $29.95 ISBN 978-1-934009-65-9

Joint Publications With r4 Educated Solutions




Literacy NEW

Using Technology to Enhance Writing Innovative Approaches to Literacy Instruction

Edited by Richard E. Ferdig, Timothy V. Rasinski, and Kristine E. Pytash Sharpen your students’ communication skills while integrating digital tools into writing instruction. Loaded with techniques for helping students brainstorm, plan, and organize their writing, this handbook troubleshoots issues students face when writing in a printed versus digital context and teaches them how to read in multiple mediums. You’ll find tips for sharing writing, getting interactive feedback, incorporating grammar instruction, and more. 272 pages Benefits • Leverage digital technology to facilitate grammar instruction, prewriting and brainstorming exercises, editing, revising, peer review, assessment, and more. • Discover how the natural interplay between reading and writing can strengthen both of these processes. • Help students move writing through multiple storage locations and technologies—from school computers and smartphones to laptops and tablets. • Develop students’ understanding of voice, audience, and the responsibilities of authorship. 48BCA–BKF607 $34.95 ISBN 978-1-936764-97-6


Teaching Common Core English Language Arts Standards 20 Lesson Frameworks for Elementary Grades

By Patricia M. Cunningham and James W. Cunningham Ensure students develop proficiency in reading, speaking and listening, writing, and language. Explore 20 lesson frameworks to help teach the Common Core State Standards for English language arts. Discover targeted lessons to help students master critical skills, including how to organize ideas from informational texts, identify similarities and differences, scrutinize words to gain deeper meaning of readings, and write with grade-appropriate language. 208 pages; grades K–5 Benefits • Pair the gradual release of responsibility model with several lesson frameworks that support the CCSS for English language arts. • Access a variety of tools and resources to help students master the CCSS for English language arts. • Support the CCSS for English language arts goals to improve students’ reading comprehension, writing skills, and desire to read and write. • Adopt or adjust the authors’ lesson frameworks to suit the needs of your classroom, grade level, and curriculum. 48BCA–BKF617 $29.95 ISBN 978-1-936763-25-2






Teaching Students to Read Like Detectives Comprehending, Analyzing, and Discussing Text By Douglas Fisher, Nancy Frey, and Diane Lapp Bestseller Prompt students to become the sophisticated readers, writers, and thinkers they need to be to achieve higher learning. Explore the important relationship between text, learner, and learning, and gain an array of methods to establish critical literacy in a discussion-based and reflective classroom. 176 pages

• Learn how to establish an inquiry-based and reflective classroom. • Explore methods to help students engage deeply with their own ideas. • Gain examples of student and teacher dialogues, teacher modeling, and graphic organizers. • Review sample assignments, organizational routines, and instructional strategies. 48BCA–BKF499 $24.95 ISBN 978-1-935543-52-7

Literacy 2.0

Rebuilding the Foundation

Reading and Writing in 21st Century Classrooms

Effective Reading Instruction for 21st Century Literacy

By Nancy Frey, Douglas Fisher, and Alex Gonzalez

Edited by Timothy V. Rasinski

Students in the 21st century must incorporate traditional literacy skills into a mastery of technology for communicating and collaborating in new ways. This book offers specific teaching strategies for developing students’ skills related to acquiring, producing, and sharing information. 152 pages; grades 6–12 48BCA–BKF373 $24.95 ISBN 978-1-935249-80-1

By Peter Afflerbach, Richard L. Allington, Rita M. Bean, Donald R. Bear, Camille L. Z. Blachowicz, Ruth Culham, Patricia M. Cunningham, Peter J. Fisher, Linda B. Gambrell, James V. Hoffman, Lesley Mandel Morrow, Maureen McLaughlin, Maryann Mraz, P. David Pearson, Timothy V. Rasinski, Timothy Shanahan, William H. Teale, Shane Templeton, Richard T. Vacca, Susan Watts-Taffe, and Junko Yokota

This book presents a deep and thoughtful conversation about what is meant by effective reading instruction for all students. 352 pages; hardcover 48BCA–BKF399 $34.95 ISBN 978-1-935542-00-1

Literacy Services

On-Site PD

Integrate effective, research-based literacy instruction with a one-day workshop, multiple-day plans, or customized long-term work. • Building Vocabulary and Academic Language • Literacy Strategies to Master the Common Core




Common Core English Language Arts in a PLC at Work series TM

By Douglas Fisher, Nancy Frey, and Cynthia L. Uline These teacher guides illustrate how to sustain successful implementation of the Common Core State Standards for English language arts in K–12 instruction, curriculum, assessment, and intervention practices within the powerful Professional Learning Communities at WorkTM process. Teachers will discover the fundamental learning targets necessary for college and career readiness and how students can master them for each grade level. Joint Publications With the International Reading Association

Leader’s Guide; 144 pages 48BCA–BKF578 $24.95 ISBN 978-1-936764-13-6


Grades K–2; 184 pages

Grades 6–8; 184 pages

48BCA–BKF580 $29.95 ISBN 978-1-936764-16-7

48BCA–BKF584 $29.95 ISBN 978-1-936764-22-8

Grades 3–5; 184 pages Grades 9–12; 184 pages 48BCA–BKF582 $29.95 ISBN 978-1-936764-19-8

48BCA–BKF586 $29.95 ISBN 978-1-936764-25-9

Cultural Literacy for the Common Core

Bringing the Common Core to Life in K–8 Classrooms

Six Steps to Powerful, Practical Instruction for All Learners

30 Strategies to Build Literacy Skills

By Bonnie M. Davis Foreword by Mary Kim Schreck

Discover a six-step framework for becoming culturally literate that complements the Common Core and encourages students to be at the center of learning. Explore how to develop teacher-student relationships and give voice to the increasingly diverse student body found in today’s classrooms. 224 pages

By Eric Jensen and LeAnn Nickelsen Discover strategies to promote student mastery of the Common Core State Standards for English language arts across the curriculum. Develop the know-how to activate students’ background knowledge to prepare them for learning and effectively structure teaching to empower all students. 240 pages 48BCA–BKF442 $29.95 ISBN 978-1-936764-64-8

48BCA–BKF592 $29.95 ISBN 978-1-936764-40-2

Common Core State Standards in Literacy, Grades 3–8 Online Course Presenters: Douglas Fisher and Nancy Frey

Included ebook: Common Core English Language Arts in a PLC at WorkTM , Grades 3–5

Tackle the demands of the CCSS for English language arts, and differentiate instruction while aligning assessment practices. Work with Dr. Fisher and Dr. Frey to select appropriate texts for students, develop lesson plans focused on close reading and text-based discussion, master the art of checking for understanding through a variety of tasks, and link assessments with instruction.

• Identify the major goals of the CCSS for English language arts. • Release responsibility to students to foster their learning. • Check for understanding using oral language, questions, writing, projects, performances, and tests. CEUs: 48BCA–KDS032 3 Semester Hours: 48BCA–KDS033




$279.00 $499.00



Elementary Reading Intervention Strategies, Grades K–6 Online Course Presenter: Elaine K. McEwan-Adkins

Included ebook: 40 Reading Intervention Strategies for K–6 Students

Prepare yourself to intervene immediately and effectively at the first signs of students’ struggles by building a personal menu of research-based strategies. From phonics to comprehension, Dr. McEwan-Adkins shows how to help your students develop essential reading skills.

• Implement proactive strategies to prevent literacy problems. • Deliver reading interventions that address existing literacy problems. • Facilitate elementary school students’ literacy through research-based strategies. • Provide differentiated, systematic, direct instruction in essential reading skills. CEUs: 48BCA–KDS016 3 Semester Hours: 48BCA–KDS017

$279.00 $499.00

40 Reading Intervention Strategies for K–6 Students

20 Literacy Strategies to Meet the Common Core

Research-Based Support for RTI

Increasing Rigor in Middle & High School Classrooms

By Elaine K. McEwan-Adkins This well-rounded collection of reading intervention strategies, teacher-friendly lesson plans, and adaptable miniroutines will support and inform your RTI efforts. Many of the strategies motivate all students as well as scaffold struggling readers. Increase effectiveness by using the interventions across grade-level teams or schoolwide. 352 pages 48BCA–BKF270 $34.95 ISBN 978-1-934009-50-5

Literacy Look-Fors An Observation Protocol to Guide K–6 Classroom Walkthroughs By Elaine K. McEwan-Adkins Understand the indicators of effective literacy instruction, and learn how to identify the look-fors. Literacy leaders will gain the power to bring all students to grade level, or well above, when it comes to literacy attainment. 184 pages 48BCA–BKF422 $29.95 ISBN 978-1-935542-18-6

By Elaine K. McEwan-Adkins and Allyson J. Burnett With the advent of the Common Core State Standards, some secondary teachers are scrambling for what to do and how to do it. This book provides 20 researchbased strategies designed to help students meet those standards and become expert readers. 328 pages; grades 6–12 48BCA–BKF588 $34.95 ISBN 978-1-936764-28-0

Collaborative Teacher Literacy Teams, K–6 Connecting Professional Growth to Student Achievement By Elaine K. McEwan-Adkins Explore the work of collaborative literacy teams from their formation to the employment of successful student-focused strategies. Find professional growth units in each chapter that provide educators with the opportunity to discuss key concepts, self-reflect, and remain focused on student achievement. 232 pages 48BCA–BKF491 $29.95 ISBN 978-1-935542-28-5




From Tired to Inspired Fresh Strategies to Engage Students in Literacy By Mary Kim Schreck In this Common Core State Standards– aligned book, educators will discover research-based tips and strategies to improve literacy from upper elementary to secondary school classrooms. Topics include teaching close reading and writing, engaging students, making literacy instruction meaningful, and more. 208 pages

ONLINE COURSES Enjoy dynamic and integrated learning! solution-tree.com/Course-Walkthrough

48BCA–BKF594 $29.95 ISBN 978-1-936764-37-2

What Principals Need to Know About Teaching and Learning Writing

What Principals Need to Know About Teaching and Learning Reading

By Ruth Culham

By Patricia M. Cunningham and James W. Cunningham

Discover practical strategies for supporting and assessing writing instruction in all content areas while equipping teachers with instructional practices that emphasize this critical skill, which students need to adapt to the demands of the CCSS and thrive in the 21st century. 136 pages; grades K–8 48BCA–BKF557 $24.95 ISBN 978-1-936765-43-0

A Joint Publication With the National Association of Elementary School Principals and Scholastic

Principals will discover strategies for improving reading programs using the foundation established by the six truths of reading instruction. Explore comprehensive techniques, troubleshoot problems your teachers may face, and gain valuable approaches to topics such as reading comprehension, vocabulary and literacy, and phonics and fluency. 128 pages; grades K–8; 2nd edition 48BCA–BKF563 $24.95 ISBN 978-1-936765-53-9

A Joint Publication With the National Association of Elementary School Principals

Vocabulary Games for the Classroom By Lindsay Carleton and Robert J. Marzano Make direct vocabulary instruction fun and successful with this simple, straightforward, and easy-to-use book. Hundreds of vocabulary terms handpicked by Dr. Marzano cover four content areas and all grade levels. 272 pages 48BCA–BKL007 $34.95 ISBN 978-0-9822592-6-9

Published by Marzano Research Laboratory

Power Tools for Adolescent Literacy Strategies for Learning By Jan Rozzelle and Carol Scearce Teachers need the right resources for engaging students in reading. This book is a veritable encyclopedia of literacy strategies secondary teachers can apply to all content areas immediately. It integrates key strategies, research from top literacy experts, and proven intervention practices. 232 pages; grades 6–12 48BCA–BKF261 $29.95 ISBN 978-1-934009-35-2






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At Solution Tree, each online course is developed by leading experts in education including Rebecca DuFour, Richard DuFour, Timothy D. Kanold, Robert J. Marzano, and Mike Mattos. Our courses provide research and real-school practices that most others simply don’t include. From professional learning communities and assessment to Common Core and RTI, we have a plan—and a course—that’s right for you.

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English Learners

English Learners

Teaching Reading & Comprehension to English Learners, K–5 By Margarita Calderón As more English learners enroll in school each year, teachers and administrators are concerned with the large gap in reading and academic standing between ELs and students performing at grade level. This book addresses the language, literacy, and content instructional needs of ELs and frames quality instruction within effective schooling structures and the implementation of RTI. 176 pages Benefits • Understand RTI in relation to ELs. • Gain literacy strategies that are beneficial for not only ELs, but also for all struggling or reluctant readers. • Explore the use of cooperative learning to motivate and engage all students as well as to accelerate ELs’ language, literacy, and knowledge base while learning social skills. 48BCA–BKF402 $24.95 ISBN 978-1-935542-03-2

Teaching Reading and Comprehension to English Learners, Grades K–5 Online Course Presenter: Margarita Calderón Included ebook: Teaching Reading & Comprehension to English Learners, K–5 Align instructional practice for English learners with the Common Core! Dr. Calderón outlines techniques for elementary teachers seeking to improve the reading and comprehension skills of ELs in their classrooms. You will be led through the steps needed to select vocabulary for reading, preteach this vocabulary, and model comprehension strategies like think-alouds and partner reading. Writing and editing strategies complete the picture. Learning Outcomes • Learn a seven-step process to preteach vocabulary. • Implement strategies to teach reading comprehension, including think-alouds and partner reading. • Create strategies to teach writing and editing. • Reflect on your own practices with the goal of improving the reading, writing, and editing skills of ELs. CEUs: 48BCA–KDS019 3 Semester Hours: 48BCA–KDS020


English Learners


$279.00 $499.00



Effective Instruction & Assessment for Reaching English Learners

Implementing RTI With English Learners

Edited by Margarita Calderón

By Douglas Fisher, Nancy Frey, and Carol Rothenberg

By Barbara D. Acosta, Laura Alvarez, Kristina Anstrom, Margarita Calderón, Sarah Capitelli, Jim Cummins, Claude Goldenberg, Joel Gómez, Margo Gottlieb, Elena Izquierdo, Okhee Lee, Liliana Minaya-Rowe, Alba A. Ortiz, Charlene Rivera, Robert E. Slavin, Maria N. Trejo, and Guadalupe Valdés

Learn why RTI is the ideal framework for supporting English learners. Follow the application and effectiveness of RTI through classroom examples and the stories of four representative students of varying ages, nationalities, and language proficiency levels. 160 pages


This book provides educators with a whole-school approach to helping English learners achieve academically while they learn English. 288 pages; hardcover

aep N


48BCA–BKF397 $24.95 ISBN 978-1-935249-97-9


Breaking Through


48BCA–BKF552 $34.95 ISBN 978-1-936765-36-2

Common Language Assessment for English Learners

The School Leader’s Guide to English Learners

By Margo Gottlieb

By Douglas Fisher and Nancy Frey

Learn how to plan, implement, and evaluate common language assessments for your English learners. With this stepby-step guide, teachers, school leaders, and administrators will find organizing principles, lead questions, and action steps all directing you toward collaborative assessment. 192 pages

English learners face a difficult challenge: learning in English. How, then, do you set reasonable expectations for developing proficiency? School leaders will learn how to assess the individual needs of ELs, how to create a quality instructional program, and how to evaluate performance. 96 pages; grades K–8

48BCA–BKF352 $29.95 ISBN 978-1-935249-57-3

48BCA–BKF540 $19.95 ISBN 978-1-936765-17-1

A Joint Publication With the National Association of Elementary School Principals

On-Site PD

English Learners Services Discover powerful practices for teaching English learners with the help of our experts. You’ll gain practical strategies for teaching academic vocabulary, reading, and writing using evidence-based instruction. We’ll help you construct common assessments for ELs, restructure roles so that all teachers are accountable for ELs’ learning, and implement systems for student assessment and placement. • Teaching ELs in a Professional Learning Community • Essentials for Teaching Reading and Comprehension to ELs

Call us to customize your PD plan! 888.763.9045

English Learners


Youth at Risk

Youth at Risk

Boys in Poverty

Teaching Boys in Poverty

A Framework for Understanding Dropout

Online Course

By Ruby K. Payne and Paul D. Slocumb

Presenters: Jim Littlejohn and Ruby K. Payne

Foreword by Michael Gurian

Examine risk factors for dropout among boys living in poverty, especially generational poverty. The book structures issues according to boys’ physical, emotional, cognitive, and social development and also explores the unique problems of sensitive, gay, gifted, ADHD, and postadolescent males. 160 pages 48BCA–BKF383 $24.95 ISBN 978-1-935542-22-3

NA 12 FI LIST 20










Included ebook: Boys in Poverty Ruby K. Payne and Jim Littlejohn provide invaluable insight about boys who grow up in poverty and how to reach them in school, based on research about their physical, cognitive, and emotional development. CEUs: 48BCA–KDS030 3 Semester Hours: 48BCA–KDS031

Breaking the Poverty Barrier

Reclaiming Youth at Risk

Changing Student Lives With Passion, Perseverance, and Performance

Our Hope for the Future

By Ricardo LeBlanc-Esparza and William S. Roulston



Strong leadership, parent involvement, mentoring, data-based intervention, and high expectations are known factors in student success. This book illustrates the specific strategies and critical steps that transformed a school with shockingly low proficiency into a National Showcase School. 216 pages 48BCA–BKF476 $29.95 ISBN 978-1-935543-14-5

By Larry K. Brendtro, Martin Brokenleg, and Steve Van Bockern Foreword by Archbishop Desmond Tutu

Bestseller A balance of wisdom drawn from Native American philosophies and Western psychology, this book offers a unique perspective for connecting with troubled students. It challenges educators to see youth at risk through new eyes and offers compelling, concrete alternatives for reclaiming them. 174 pages; revised edition 48BCA–BKF116 $19.95 ISBN 978-1-879639-86-7

Closing the RTI Gap

Why Culture Counts

Why Poverty and Culture Count

Teaching Children of Poverty

By Donna Walker Tileston

By Donna Walker Tileston and Sandra K. Darling

Get a clear understanding of poverty and culture, and learn how RTI can close achievement gaps related to these issues. Learn how you can achieve successful implementation in your school. Examine common pitfalls to avoid in the process. 168 pages 48BCA–BKF330 $19.95 ISBN 978-1-935249-38-2

A Joint Publication With the National Association of Elementary School Principals

$279.00 $499.00

Foreword by Belinda Williams Afterword by Rosilyn Carroll

Learn a four-step research-based program for differentiating instruction based on the cultural needs, beliefs, and values of diverse learners. The authors show you how to build teacher background knowledge; plan for differentiation; and differentiate context, content, process, product, and assessment. 216 pages 48BCA–BKF255 $24.95 ISBN 978-1-934009-24-6


Youth at Risk



Special NeedsNeeds Special


Inclusion Strategies & Interventions By Toby J. Karten Inclusion means more than just preparing students to pass standardized tests and increasing academic levels. In inclusive classrooms, students with special educational needs are treated as integral members of the general education environment. Gain strategies to offer the academic, social, emotional, and behavioral benefits that allow all students to achieve their highest potential. 208 pages

• Find interventions for particular categories of learners and subjects. • Learn ways to organize an inclusive classroom using principles like RTI, differentiated instruction, understanding by design, universal design for learning, multiple intelligences, multisensory approaches, peer mentoring, and cooperative learning. • Gain an overview of the laws that affect and influence inclusion practices. 48BCA–BKF381 $29.95 ISBN 978-1-935543-23-7

Critical Conversations in Co-Teaching

When Actions Speak Louder Than Words

A Problem-Solving Approach

Understanding the Challenging Behaviors of Young Children and Students With Disabilities

By Carrie Chapman and Cate Hart Hyatt In this practitioner’s guide to building quality collaborative relationships, the authors explain co-teaching models and how co-teaching fits within school improvement initiatives. Through practical examples and real-life stories, they present the critical conversations framework designed to foster dramatic improvements in the way co-teachers communicate. 176 pages 48BCA–BKF428 $24.95 ISBN 978-1-935542-32-2

Creating Successful Inclusion Programs Guidelines for Teachers and Administrators By Martin Henley Gain specific strategies for creating and managing inclusive classrooms and guidelines for navigating the complicated legal and educational landscape of special education. This book includes historical information on special education and explores how inclusion programs fit in with the Individuals With Disabilities Education Act. 144 pages 48BCA–BKF366 $19.95 ISBN 978-1-935249-71-9

By Kim Davis and Susan D. Dixon Build your understanding of behavior as communication, and learn to interpret the messages behind the actions. This book provides information and tools to support all children whose primary way to communicate is through challenging behaviors. 216 pages; grades K–6 48BCA–BKF274 $29.95 ISBN 978-1-934009-60-4

The School Leader’s Guide to Special Education By Margaret J. McLaughlin and Kristin Ruedel You have IEPs and BIPs in place, but are they really working? Find a refresher on the key legal rights of students with disabilities, along with methods for designing and implementing IEPs and BIPs that work, approaches to creating effective instruction and assessment practices, and more. 112 pages; grades K–8; 3rd edition 48BCA–BKF453 $19.95 ISBN 978-1-935542-81-0

A Joint Publication With the National Association of Elementary School Principals

Special Needs


Classroom Management & Behavior

Classroom Management & Behavior


Friendly Schools Plus series By Donna Cross, Shane Thompson, and Erin Erceg

All aspects of students’ school life influence their academic performance and health. Through this evidence-based, schoolwide program, you’ll discover how to effectively reduce bullying and foster a caring culture for students at every grade level. Explore tools to support students academically and socially, help students practice healthy interpersonal behaviors in school and online, and encourage parent and stakeholder school involvement. Benefits • Develop a safe school environment that supports learning and promotes healthy social skills among students. • Explore the relationship between school culture and students’ learning and health. • Discover strategies to support bullied students and discourage bullying. • Implement policies that support positive teacher-student relationships. • Access resources to facilitate and strengthen classroom activities and practices.

Evidence for Practice



248 pages 48BCA–BKB006 $29.95 ISBN 978-1-936763-18-4

Friendly Schools Plus is a schoolwide program to reduce bullying and foster a caring culture for students at every grade level. Contact us to learn about on-site training opportunities for your staff.

Early Childhood

Early Childhood

Middle Childhood

Ages 4–6; 232 pages

Ages 6–8; 264 pages

Ages 8–10; 256 pages

48BCA–BKB001 $29.95 ISBN 978-1-936763-13-9

48BCA–BKB002 $34.95 ISBN 978-1-936763-14-6

48BCA–BKB003 $34.95 ISBN 978-1-936763-15-3

Middle Childhood

Early & Middle Adolescence

Friendly Families

Ages 11–14; 272 pages

48BCA–BKB007 $19.95 ISBN 978-1-936763-37-5

Ages 10–11; 240 pages 48BCA–BKB004 $29.95 ISBN 978-1-936763-16-0


Classroom Management & Behavior

48BCA–BKB005 $34.95 ISBN 978-1-936763-17-7

64 pages




In Pyramid of Behavior Interventions, the authors provide a remarkably simple road map for ensuring success for all students and teachers in ever-changing school systems that have become increasingly complex and diverse.”

—Geoff Colvin, educational consultant, Behavior Associates, Oregon

Pyramid of Behavior Interventions Seven Keys to a Positive Learning Environment By Tom Hierck, Charlie Coleman, and Chris Weber Students thrive when educators commit to proactively meeting their behavioral as well as academic needs. This book will help teachers and school leaders transform the research on behavior, response to intervention, and professional learning communities into practical strategies they can use to create a school culture and classroom climates in which learning is primed to occur. 132 pages

• Explore specific strategies with real-life examples and current research. • Implement a behavior matrix that identifies specific settings, expected behaviors, and application strategies. • Build data-driven dialogue within collaborative teams. • Support schoolwide efforts with a detailed five-step approach. 48BCA–BKF532 $24.95 ISBN 978-1-936765-06-5

Assertive Discipline ®

Assertive Discipline ®

Positive Behavior Management for Today’s Classroom

Positive Behavior Management for Today’s Classroom

By Lee Canter

Featuring Lee Canter

This book contains the best concepts and teacher-tested strategies by the author. New content includes a special emphasis on the needs of new and struggling teachers. The author also introduces a realtime coaching model and explains how to establish a schoolwide Assertive Discipline ® program. 176 pages; 4th edition

Aligned with the fourth edition of the book Assertive Discipline ®, this DVD set features classroom scenes with teachers modeling the Assertive Discipline ® program. The DVDs contain five training sessions and the Facilitator’s Guide in electronic format. Five 20-minute DVDs; 56-page Facilitator’s Guide (in print and on CD)

48BCA–BKF246 $24.95 ISBN 978-1-934009-15-4

48BCA–DVF017 $495.00 UPC 811796010308

Classroom Management for Academic Success

Succeeding With Difficult Students ®

By Lee Canter

New Strategies for Reaching Your Most Challenging Students

This groundbreaking resource details effective management strategies you can implement from day one so that all students achieve in the classroom. Teachertested, research-based strategies create a classroom in which children learn free from the distraction of disruptive behavior. 304 pages

By Lee Canter and Marlene Canter Turn your students’ lives around and reduce your own stress with practical techniques that focus on building positive relationships and shaping constructive classroom behavior. 256 pages 48BCA–BKF505 $34.95 ISBN 978-1-935543-64-0

48BCA–BKF624 $34.95 ISBN 978-1-936763-42-9

Succeeding With Difficult Students ® Workbook By Lee Canter

128 pages

48BCA–BKF244 $24.95 ISBN 978-1-934009-18-5

Classroom Management & Behavior


Classroom Management & Behavior

Power Struggles Successful Techniques for Educators By Allen N. Mendler and Brian D. Mendler Regain the focus of challenging students with this practical resource on classroom management, discipline, and motivation. The dedicated authors re-examine the root causes of student misbehavior and offer a range of easy-to-implement instructions and activities to prevent and defuse future disruptive moments. 96 pages; 2nd edition

• Understand the hostility cycle and how to break it. • Gain in-class and out-of-class strategies for relationship building. • Find out ways defiant students can be successful in the classroom. • Learn effective language for difficult or resistant students. • Use an “interest inventory” to stay attuned to your students’ needs. 48BCA–BKF480 $17.95 ISBN 978-1-935543-20-6

What Do I Do When . . . ?

MORE What Do I Do When . . . ?

How to Achieve Discipline With Dignity in the Classroom

Powerful Strategies to Promote Positive Behavior

By Allen N. Mendler

By Allen N. Mendler

Understand the principles that place dignity at the core of classroom management, and explore what motivates misbehavior. This book also provides unique, effective strategies for dealing with power struggles, working with parents, and making a positive impact on schoolwide discipline. 192 pages

Counter negative student behavior with positive actions that preserve dignity. This practical resource offers educators 60 powerful prevention, intervention, and motivational strategies that have been tested in schools worldwide. Teach responsible behavior, handle power struggles successfully, establish effective rules and consequences, and more! 184 pages

48BCA–BKF230 $24.95 ISBN 978-1-934009-07-9

48BCA–BKF231 $24.95 ISBN 978-1-934009-43-7

Motivating Students Who Don’t Care Successful Techniques for Educators By Allen N. Mendler Bestseller Spark enthusiasm in your classroom. Proven strategies and five effective processes (emphasizing effort, creating hope, respecting power, building relationships, and expressing enthusiasm) empower you to reawaken motivation in students who aren’t prepared, don’t care, and won’t work. 80 pages


Classroom Management & Behavior

Examine the most common reasons students become unmotivated.

Discover five processes for educators trying to help their most difficult students. 48BCA–BKF360 $17.95 ISBN 978-1-935249-67-2




Discipline With Dignity A Plan for Prevention, Action, and Resolution of Challenging Classroom Behaviors Featuring Richard L. Curwin and Allen N. Mendler The long-term goal of the Discipline With Dignity® program is to teach students responsibility, self-discipline, and selfcontrol. With this DVD set, learn a variety of techniques to help students feel connected, competent, and empowered, and teach them to have empathy for others—all while having fun! Three 20-minute DVDs; 114-page Facilitator’s Guide (in print and on CD

Discipline With Dignity for Challenging Youth By Allen N. Mendler and Richard L. Curwin Create positive change in your most challenging students with the help of practical strategies found in this resource. The authors share proven practices for classroom discipline, reveal reasons why students misbehave, and offer 21 effective drug-free ways to help students with ADHD. 192 pages 48BCA–BKF229 $24.95 ISBN 978-1-934009-25-3

48BCA–DVF013 $395.00 UPC 811796010025

The Four Keys to Effective Classroom and Behavior Management

Behave Yourself! Helping Students Plan to Do Better

Building Community, Motivation, Responsibility, and School Safety

By Ambrose Panico

Featuring Richard L. Curwin and Allen N. Mendler

Learn specific strategies for developing behavior intervention plans (BIPs) that lead to long-term, positive change for general and special education students. The author outlines a practical five-step Plan to Do Better approach and provides reproducibles that ease the information-gathering process. 120 pages

Explore four skill areas essential to establishing a safe, supportive learning environment. In this video series, Dr. Curwin and Dr. Mendler demonstrate proven, research-based strategies in dramatized scenes and actual classroom settings. Deliver the material over a two-day in-service period or in extended intervals. Four 20-minute DVDs; 80-page Facilitator’s Guide (in print and on DVD)

Foreword by Richard L. Curwin

48BCA–BKF267 $19.95 ISBN 978-1-934009-41-3

48BCA–DVF064 $595.00 UPC 811796010612

FREE REPRODUCIBLES You will find reproducibles and over 70 study guides you can use to expand your knowledge and gain new strategies. Explore a wide variety of useful links, forms, and more. Print, copy, and distribute them to colleagues for shared learning, collaboration, and support. solution-tree.com/Free-Repros

Classroom Management & Behavior


Plan Books

Plan Books


Professional Learning Communities at Work Plan Book


By Rebecca DuFour, Richard DuFour, and Robert Eaker Bestseller This at-a-glance plan book includes tips, activities, and 40 weeks of planning pages designed to keep you organized and focused on the daily strategies that drive PLCs. It’s oversized with space for eight class periods—the perfect way to plan a great year. 103 pages; spiral-bound

• Get an overview of the three big ideas that shape a PLC, cultural shifts that schools can expect, and keys to building high-performing collaborative teams. • Use forms and reproducibles to work with teams more effectively and to collect and organize information about students and classes. 48BCA–BKF217 $12.95 ISBN 978-1-932127-95-9

The School of Belonging Plan Book

Record Book Plus

By David A. Levine

By Lee Canter

Quickly establish classroom values and principles that guide students to make prosocial choices. This plan book is your foundation for creating a culture of caring in which student achievement soars and antisocial behaviors plummet. 104 pages; spiral-bound; grades 3–8

Bestseller Parents need to be involved in their children’s education every step of the way. Record Book Plus includes open-ended and traditional grading sheets, behavior-management documentation sheets, and parent communication resources with helpful tips and guidelines. 168 pages; spiral-bound; grades K–8

48BCA–BKF218 $12.95 ISBN 978-1-932127-94-2

48BCA–BKF190 $12.95 ISBN 978-1-932127-59-1

Teacher’s Plan Books Plus #1–7 112 pages, spiral-bound, and recommended for grades K–8 By Lee Canter Teacher’s Plan Book Plus #1

Teacher’s Plan Book Plus #4

Teacher’s Plan Book Plus #7

Assertive Discipline ® Strengthen your discipline efforts with weekly behavior-management tips and reminders.

Parents on Your Side ® Gain the parental support you need for your school’s behavior and academic programs.

Reading and Literacy A to Z ® Improve your students’ reading and literacy skills with practical guidelines and activities.

48BCA–BKF194 $12.95 ISBN 978-1-932127-68-3

Teacher’s Plan Book Plus #2

Teacher’s Plan Book Plus #5

Assertive Discipline ® Integrate advanced behaviormanagement ideas into your curriculum.

Motivating Today’s LearnerTM Motivate your students with activities for stimulating lessons and homework assignments.

48BCA–BKF195 $12.95 ISBN 978-1-932127-71-3

Plan Books

48BCA–BKF200 $12.95 ISBN 978-1-932127-73-7

48BCA–BKF198 $12.95 ISBN 978-1-932127-72-0

Teacher’s Plan Book Plus #3

Teacher’s Plan Book Plus #6

Homework Without Tears ® Develop the most effective homework assignments to complement your lesson plan.

Practical Tips for New Teachers ® Become a more successful teacher with dozens of practical preparation strategies.

48BCA–BKF196 $12.95 ISBN 978-1-932127-69-0


48BCA–BKF197 $12.95 ISBN 978-1-932127-70-6

48BCA–BKF199 $12.95 ISBN 978-1-932127-67-6



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Plan Books


Event Index 2-Day Workshops 21st Century Skills October 24–25

Vancouver, BC

Presenters: William M. Ferriter, Garfield Gini-Newman, Cheryl Lemke, and Will Richardson Ensure your students are prepared to step up, both as learners and as the new generation of productive global citizens. Learn teacher-friendly strategies to utilize problem-based learning, clear communication, and metacognitive reflection for inspiring and engaging students.

Building Common Assessments November 18–19

Boston, MA

Presenter: Cassandra Erkens Learn how to work as collaborative teams to develop common formative assessments. Leave with a framework for working interdependently to create high-quality assessments and to collect meaningful instructional data that informs interventions and enrichment planning.

Common Core for English Language Arts November 3–4

San Diego, CA

Presenter: Nancy Frey The CCSS for English language arts demand that students learn to justify their responses with evidence and to read increasingly complex text. Learn what changes to curriculum and instruction are necessary to meet the standards and ensure student achievement.

Redefining Fair November 17–18

Toronto, ON

Presenter: Damian Cooper Learn how to put differentiation into action with instructional solutions that are comprehensive, practical, clear, and effective. Gain strategies and examples of assessment methods to improve student learning, and enable all students to realize their potential.

Response to Intervention in Math November 20–21

Boston, MA

Presenters: William N. Bender and Darlene Crane When planning multitiered interventions, students who struggle with mathematics often get overlooked. Learn why implementing RTI in mathematics is critical. Gain usable solutions and processes based on practical issues and emerging research.

RTI at Work Workshop TM

October 9–10

St. Louis, MO

Presenters: Austin Buffum and/or Mike Mattos

November 5–6

San Diego, CA

November 13–14

Vancouver, BC

November 17–18

Orlando, FL

Learn why bureaucratic, paperwork-heavy, compliance-oriented, test-score-driven approaches fail—and then learn how to create an RTI model that works. Acquire four essential guiding principles and a simple process for implementation to help your school make RTI efficient, effective, and equitable.

Teaching and Assessing Mathematics in a PLC at Work TM

October 7–8 November 19–20


St. Louis, MO

Presenters: Timothy D. Kanold and Juli K. Dixon

Orlando, FL

Helping students meet or exceed CCSS-M expectations requires providing them with a vision and process for learning mathematics. Learn how with your teacher team, school, or district at this high-energy, dynamic PLC and CCSS-M workshop led by mathematics thought leaders.

Event Index



Institutes/Summits The Annual Conference on Standards & Assessment Presenters: Tim Brown, Cassandra Erkens, Douglas Fisher, Thomas R. Guskey, Timothy D. Kanold, Angela LaBounty, Jay McTighe, Meg Ormiston, Mary Kim Schreck, and Susan Udelhofen

April 13–15, 2015 Phoenix, AZ

Strengthen your approach to assessment with research-based, equitable techniques for satisfying 21st century learning requirements. Join our experts to discover how to create standards-based assessments that will monitor students’ progress and enrich the learning process.

Assessment NOW Canada Presenters: Karen Branscombe, Damian Cooper, Anne Davies, Tom Hierck, Ken O’Connor, Ainsley B. Rose, and Gerry Varty

November 3–5 Vancouver, BC

Quality classroom assessments need to be both accurate and valid in order to provide educators with the information they need to assess student understanding. Explore frameworks for rigor and relevance in assessment design that are fair and motivating to all students.

Digital Learning Institute Presenters: William M. Ferriter, Michael Fullan, and Will Richardson

May 4–6, 2015 Naples, FL

Integrate technology-rich learning into your school or district. Through this interactive event, you’ll learn how to incorporate BYOD, 1:1, and blended learning practices into classrooms to energize and engage students. Your team will observe real classrooms in the Collier County Public School system.

Leadership NOW Presenters: Luis F. Cruz, Rebecca DuFour, Richard DuFour, John F. Eller, Sheila A. Eller, Heidi Hayes Jacobs, Anthony Muhammad, Douglas B. Reeves, Phil Warrick, Todd Whitaker, and Kenneth C. Williams

April 27–29, 2015 Las Vegas, NV

Get top-to-bottom training on everything from the key elements of effective leadership to techniques necessary for transforming student learning. Ensure collaborative learning through shared leadership and accountability, and gain tools, tips, and templates proven to impact team effectiveness and student learning.

PLC at Work Hybrid Events TM

Presenters: Rebecca DuFour, Richard DuFour, Robert Eaker, and Mike Mattos* Challenged to train everyone on a tight budget? Stream the learning straight to your team with a hybrid event. Your entire staff will hear full-length keynotes and delve deep into interactive breakout sessions—all from the comfort of your own campus.

October 1–3 Tulsa, OK March 4–6, 2015 Phoenix, AZ June 4–6, 2015 St. Charles, MO June 17–19, 2015 San Antonio, TX June 22–24, 2015 Minneapolis, MN

PLC at Work Institutes TM

Presenters: Rebecca DuFour, Richard DuFour, Robert Eaker, and Mike Mattos* TM

The Professional Learning Communities at Work process is increasingly recognized as the most powerful strategy for sustained, substantive school improvement. These institutes give you and your team the knowledge and tools to implement this powerful process in your school or district.

September 24–26 Anaheim, CA October 1–3 Tulsa, OK October 15–17 Denver, CO November 5–7 Charlotte, NC

RTI at Work Institutes TM

Presenters: Austin Buffum, Mike Mattos, Brian K. Butler, Luis F. Cruz, Janet Malone, and Laurie Robinson-Sammons*

October 27–29 Des Moines, IA November 19–21 Dallas, TX

Learn how to create a proactive process to identify students who need help, place them in the proper intervention, monitor their progress, revise interventions as needed, and determine when students no longer need additional support.

The Summit on PLC at Work


Presenters: Richard DuFour, Rebecca DuFour, Robert Eaker, Mike Mattos, Margarita Calderón, Luis F. Cruz, Juli K. Dixon, Douglas Fisher, Thomas R. Guskey, Timothy D. Kanold, and Casey Reason

March 4–6, 2015 Phoenix, AZ

Inspiring. Impactful. Innovative. The Summit is the can’t-miss event of the year for your team. Loaded with dynamic keynotes and powerful breakout sessions, this premier event ensures you’ll leave with a concrete action plan for bringing your vision of a strong, collaborative PLC to life. *Presenters vary by event.

Event Index


Book and Video Index 20 Literacy Strategies to Meet the Common Core .............. 6, 75 21st Century Skills .......................................................... 46, 65 40 Reading Intervention Strategies for K–6 Students ............. 75

A Ahead of the Curve .............................................................. 52 Aligning School Districts as PLCs .......................................... 25 Are We a Group or a Team? .................................................. 16 Assertive Discipline® ............................................................ 83 Assessment Toolkit, The ........................................................ 51 Awaken the Learner ............................................................. 35

B Backward Design ................................................................. 61 Balanced Assessment ........................................................... 51 Ball, The ............................................................................... 41 Becoming an Authentic Learning Leader ............................... 43 Becoming a Reflective Teacher .............................................. 58 Behave Yourself! .................................................................. 85 Beyond the Common Core series .......................................... 68 Beyond the RTI Pyramid ........................................................ 33 Boys in Poverty ..................................................................... 80 Brainwork ............................................................................ 42 Breaking the Poverty Barrier ................................................. 80 Breaking Through ................................................................. 79 Bringing Homework Into Focus ............................................. 50 Bringing Innovation to School ............................................... 62 Bringing the Common Core to Life in K–8 Classrooms ....... 6, 74 Building a Common Core–Based Curriculum ........................... 5 Building a Culture of Hope ................................................... 37 Building a Professional Learning Community at WorkTM ......... 14

C Celebration of Learning, A .................................................... 35 Change Wars .................................................................. 39, 46 Classroom Habitudes ............................................................ 66 Classroom Management for Academic Success ...................... 83 Closing the RTI Gap ........................................................ 32, 80 Coaching Classroom Instruction ............................................ 58 Collaborating for Success With the Common Core ........... 10, 18 Collaborative Administrator, The ...................................... 19, 41 Collaborative Teacher Literacy Teams, K–6 ............................. 75 Collaborative Teacher, The ..................................................... 19 Collaborative Teams in Professional Learning Communities at WorkTM ................................................... 17 Common Core English Language Arts in a PLC at WorkTM series ............................................ 8, 74 Common Core Mathematics in a PLC at WorkTM series ....... 9, 69 Common Formative Assessment ...................................... 15, 52 Common Language Assessment for English Learners ............. 79 Communicating & Connecting With Social Media .................. 45 Connected Educator, The ...................................................... 65 Contemporary Perspectives on Literacy series ........................ 64 Content, Then Process ........................................................ 53 Creating a Coaching Culture for Professional Learning Communities .................................................... 25 Creating a Digital-Rich Classroom ......................................... 65 Creating Physical & Emotional Security in Schools ................. 45 Creating Successful Inclusion Programs ................................. 81 Critical Conversations in Co-Teaching ................................... 81 Cultural Literacy for the Common Core ............................. 6, 74 Cultures Built to Last ............................................................ 13

D Data-Based Decision Making ................................................ 36 Data Dynamics ..................................................................... 36 Deeper Learning ............................................................. 46, 62 Defensible Differentiation ..................................................... 57 Delivering on the Promise ..................................................... 39 Design in Five ....................................................................... 50 Designing & Teaching Learning Goals & Objectives ................ 59 Developing Connective Leadership ........................................ 48 Developing Expert Teachers .................................................. 35 Differentiated Professional Development in a Professional Learning Community ...................................................... 25 Differentiation and the Brain ................................................. 57 Discipline With Dignity .......................................................... 85 Discipline With Dignity for Challenging Youth ........................ 85 District Leadership That Works ........................................ 41, 48


Book and Video Index



Effective Program Evaluation ................................................ 45 Effective Schools .................................................................. 35 Elements of Grading ............................................................. 52 Embedded Formative Assessment ......................................... 53 Enhancing the Art & Science of Teaching With Technology ..... 59 Enriched Learning Projects .................................................... 60 Every School, Every Team, Every Classroom ........................... 21

Making Homework Matter .................................................... 61 Making Math Accessible to English Language Learners ......... 71 Making Math Accessible to Students With Special Needs ....... 71 Making Teamwork Meaningful .............................................. 18 Making Time at Tier 2 ........................................................... 30 Mastering Digital Literacy ..................................................... 64 Mastering Global Literacy ..................................................... 64 Mastering Media Literacy ..................................................... 64 Mind, Brain, & Education ...................................................... 46 More Than a SMART Goal ..................................................... 34 MORE What Do I Do When . . . ? ........................................... 84 Motivating Students ............................................................. 60 Motivating Students Who Don’t Care .............................. 60, 84

F Five Big Ideas ....................................................................... 37 Five Dimensions of Engaged Teaching, The ............................ 56 Five Disciplines of PLC Leaders, The ....................................... 21 Forged, Not Forced ................................................................ 17 Formative Assessment & Standards-Based Grading ................ 53 Four Keys to Effective Classroom and Behavior Management, The ........................................................... 85 Fresh Look at Grading and Reporting in High Schools, A ........ 54 Friendly Schools Plus series ................................................... 82 From Rage to Hope .............................................................. 60 From Tired to Inspired ........................................................... 76

G Getting By or Getting Better ................................................. 38 Getting District Results ......................................................... 18 Getting Started .................................................................... 14 Global School, The ................................................................ 65 Got Data? Now What? ......................................................... 36 Grading and Learning ........................................................... 52

H Handbook for High Reliability Schools, A ............................... 40 Handbook for SMART School Teams, The ............................... 34 Harbors of Hope ................................................................... 38 Highly Engaged Classroom, The ............................................ 59 High-Performing School, The ................................................. 39 How RTI Works in Secondary Schools .................................... 33 How to Interview, Hire, & Retain High-Quality New Teachers ................................................................. 45 How to Teach Thinking Skills Within the Common Core .... 10, 63

I Implementing RTI With English Learners .......................... 32, 79 Inclusion Strategies & Interventions ...................................... 81 It’s About Time (Elementary) ................................................. 27 It’s About Time (Secondary) ................................................... 27 It’s TIME ............................................................................... 70

J–L Journey to Becoming a Professional Learning Community, The .............................................................. 18 Kids Left Behind, The ............................................................ 37 Leader’s Companion, A ......................................................... 21 Leadership and Learning ....................................................... 43 Leadership Bundle ................................................................ 41 Leadership in Professional Learning Communities at WorkTM ................................................... 16 Leadership’s Ten Commandments ......................................... 43 Leaders of Learning ........................................................ 41, 42 Leading a Learning Organization .......................................... 42 Leading by Design ................................................................ 18 Leading Difficult Conversations ............................................. 16 Leading the New Literacies ................................................... 64 Learning by Doing ................................................................ 15 Learning CPR ....................................................................... 30 Literacy 2.0 .......................................................................... 73 Literacy Look-Fors ................................................................. 75

N–P Navigating Conflict and Feeling Good About It ...................... 43 On Common Ground ............................................................ 21 On Excellence in Teaching ............................................... 46, 59 On Solid Ground .................................................................. 30 On Your Mark ....................................................................... 50 Passion and Persistence ........................................................ 16 Personal Learning Networks ................................................. 66 PLC at WorkTM Cartoon Book, The ......................................... 14 PLC Toolkit, The .................................................................... 21 Power of Professional Learning Communities at WorkTM, The .. 17 Power of SMART Goals, The .................................................. 34 Power Struggles ................................................................... 84 Power Tools for Adolescent Literacy ....................................... 76 Practical Guide to Planning Interventions and Monitoring Progress, A ..................................................................... 32 Practical Look at Response to Intervention, A ........................ 30 Principal as Assessment Leader, The ...................................... 54 Professional Learning Communities at WorkTM ....................... 14 Professional Learning Communities at WorkTM Plan Book ................................................................. 15, 86 Protocols for Professional Learning Conversations ................. 25 Pyramid of Behavior Interventions ................................... 33, 83 Pyramid Response to Intervention ......................................... 28

Q–R Quality Assessment in High Schools ...................................... 54 Questioning Sequences in the Classroom .............................. 58 Raising the Bar and Closing the Gap ..................................... 14 Rebuilding the Foundation .................................................... 73 Reclaiming Youth at Risk ...................................................... 80 Record Book Plus ................................................................. 86 Redefining Fair ..................................................................... 54 Redefining the Norm ............................................................ 35 Revisiting Professional Learning Communities at WorkTM ........ 14 Role of PLCs in Advancing 21st Century Skills, The ................. 17 RTI & Differentiated Reading in the K–8 Classroom ............... 33 RTI in Math .................................................................... 33, 71 RTI in Middle and High Schools ............................................. 33 RTI in the Early Grades .......................................................... 32 RTI Toolkit, The ..................................................................... 31

S School Board Fieldbook, The ................................................. 48 School Improvement for the Next Generation ........................ 39 School Leader’s Guide to English Learners, The ...................... 79 School Leader’s Guide to Grading, The .................................. 54 School Leader’s Guide to Professional Learning Communities at WorkTM, The ............................................ 18 School Leader’s Guide to Special Education, The .................... 81 School Leader’s Guide to Standards-Based Grading, A ........... 40 School Leader’s Guide to the Common Core ............. 10, 41, 48 School of Belonging Plan Book, The ...................................... 86 Score to Soar ........................................................................ 40 Shifting the Monkey ............................................................. 41 Simplifying Response to Intervention ..................................... 29 Standards-Based Reporting and Formative Assessment .......... 53 Stop Leading Like It’s Yesterday! ........................................... 41 Strategies for Mathematics Instruction and Intervention, K–5 ................................................................................ 70 Strengthening the Connection Between School & Home ........ 45 Succeeding With Difficult Students® ...................................... 83 Supervising the Art and Science of Teaching .......................... 43



Online Course Index T

21st Century Skills

Teacher as Assessment Leader, The ........................................ 54 Teacher’s Plan Books Plus #1–7 ............................................ 86 Teaching Argumentation ....................................................... 58 Teaching Common Core English Language Arts Standards . 5, 72 Teaching for Diversity ........................................................... 60 Teaching Reading & Comprehension to English Learners, K–5 ................................................................................ 78 Teaching Students to Read Like Detectives ............................ 73 Teaching Students to Think Like Scientists ............................. 10 Teaching the iGeneration ...................................................... 66 Think Big, Start Small ........................................................... 57 Through New Eyes ................................................................ 16 Tiers Without Tears ............................................................... 30 Total Instructional Alignment ................................................ 37 Transforming School Culture ................................................. 47 Turning Your School Around .................................................. 37

Presenters: James A. Bellanca and Ken Kay

U–Y Uniting Academic and Behavior Interventions ........................ 27 Using Common Core Standards to Enhance Classroom Instruction & Assessment ................................................ 11 Using Formative Assessment in the RTI Framework .......... 32, 52 Using Technology to Enhance Writing .................................... 72 Vocabulary for the Common Core ......................................... 11 Vocabulary Games for the Classroom .................................... 76 What Do I Do When . . . ? ..................................................... 84 What Effective Schools Do .................................................... 39 What Principals Need to Know About Differentiated Instruction ...................................................................... 44 What Principals Need to Know About Teaching and Learning Mathematics ........................................ 44, 68 What Principals Need to Know About Teaching and Learning Reading ............................................... 44, 76 What Principals Need to Know About Teaching and Learning Science ...................................................... 44 What Principals Need to Know About Teaching and Learning Writing ................................................ 44, 76 What Principals Need to Know About the Basics of Creating Brain-Compatible Classrooms ....................... 42 When Actions Speak Louder Than Words ............................... 81 Who Owns the Learning? ..................................................... 63 Why Culture Counts ............................................................. 80 Why Social Media Matters .................................................... 65 Will to Lead, the Skill to Teach, The ....................................... 47 Working With Difficult & Resistant Staff .......................... 41, 42 You’ve Got to Reach Them to Teach Them ............................. 56

........................................ 65

Gain ideas, recommendations, and strategies from a variety of experts on how to prepare students for a globally connected world.

Assessment and the Common Core State Standards ..........................................11, 51 Presenter: Kay Burke

Presenters: Robert J. Marzano and Tammy Heflebower Learn how to construct assessments, create rubric-based scales to inform both formative and summative assessments, and monitor and affect students’ progress. Presented by Marzano Research Laboratory


Develop assessment tools and strategies for the Common Core State Standards that will improve instruction as well as gauge its success.

Becoming a Reflective Teacher

Formative Assessment and Standards-Based Grading ..................... 53

....... 58

Presenter: Robert J. Marzano Develop teaching expertise by using reflective processes to examine your practice, set growth goals, and use focused practice and feedback to achieve those goals. Presented by Marzano Research Laboratory

Common Core State Standards in Literacy, Grades 3–8 ............................... 8, 74 Presenters: Douglas Fisher and Nancy Frey

A Guide to Effective Practice ..................... 52 Presenters: Kristine Nielsen and Douglas B. Reeves Learn processes for evaluating your current grading system, discussing contentious grading issues with colleagues, and engaging all stakeholders in the feedback and grading process.

Motivating and Engaging Students .. 59 Presenters: Robert J. Marzano and Debra J. Pickering Discover how to raise students’ energy levels, demonstrate a positive demeanor, express enthusiasm, and use humor to engage and motivate students. Presented by Marzano Research Laboratory

Tackle the demands of the Common Core State Standards for English language arts, and differentiate instruction while aligning assessment practices.

Pyramid Response to Intervention .... 28

Common Core State Standards in Mathematics, Grades 3–8 ................. 9, 69

RTI experts take you through the critical stages of establishing PLCs, using universal screening tools, and devising interventions at three tiers.

Presenters: Diane J. Briars and Timothy D. Kanold Watch and learn how teachers in professional learning community classrooms successfully implement and apply the new standards in mathematics instruction.

Creating a Professional Learning Community at WorkTM ............................... 13 Foundational Concepts and Practices Presenters: Rebecca DuFour and Richard DuFour Experience the PLC journey in action! Learn with educators as PLC at Work™ architects help them structure their new school as a PLC.

Differentiation and the Brain ........... 57 Presenters: David A. Sousa and Carol Ann Tomlinson Discover the components of a brain-friendly quality curriculum, along with a model for teachers to set up a differentiated classroom.

Elementary Reading Intervention Strategies, Grades K–6 ............................. 75 Presenter: Elaine K. McEwan-Adkins Gain research-based strategies to use one-on-one or with small groups of struggling students to help them become confident readers.

How to Respond When Kids Don’t Learn Presenters: Austin Buffum, Mike Mattos, and Chris Weber

Teaching Boys in Poverty ...................... 80 Presenters: Jim Littlejohn and Ruby K. Payne Learn how poverty impacts the development of boys, and then use leadingedge teaching strategies to keep them engaged and in school.

Teaching Reading and Comprehension to English Learners, Grades K–5 ................................. 78 Presenter: Margarita Calderón Discover how to align instruction with the CCSS to ensure strong reading and comprehension skills become a solid foundation for young ELs.

Transforming School Culture

............ 47

Presenter: Anthony Muhammad Explore the root causes of staff resistance to change, and learn immediate, accessible strategies that improve school culture.

Using Web 2.0 in Teaching and Instruction ................................................. 66 Presenters: William M. Ferriter and Adam Garry Discover how you can use today’s technology to create classroom experiences that encourage your students to learn.

Online Course Index



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