Education / Instruction / Differentiation
An Innovative Teaching Model for All Learners “ A synthesis of the leading ideas for teaching students from different ability and achievement levels, containing practical strategies, good examples, and helpful charts and organizers. The author takes a sophisticated approach to a challenge that can be daunting.”
“ This book contains a great deal of research, synthesized into a model that’s easy to follow and uses the guidelines of best practices. All teachers will find this format very workable. Its effective ideas for differentiation will work in any regular classroom setting and reach all students.”
— Jay McTighe, coauthor of Understanding by Design
— Donna Walker Tileston, author of What Every Teacher Should Know
Analyze standards to focus the learning. Teach the vocabulary and concepts of a standard. Scaffold and customize content.
The information and techniques in Focused Instruction will benefit teachers working at all levels and in all content areas.
Also in the Teaching in Focus series ( Words First: Learning the Language of the Standards Focused Assessment: Enriching the Instructional Cycle Not Just for the Test: Learning That Lasts Cover art and design by Grannan Design, Ltd.
Gwen Doty delivers seminars nationwide, emphasizing customized strategies based on student readiness. The creator of numerous accredited graduate courses for educators and codeveloper of an online instructional database, Gwen has acquired a depth of experience as a teacher, administrator, and professional development specialist. She is an independent educational consultant. She also raises alpacas in Arizona with her husband.
An Innovative Teaching Model for All Learners
ocused Instruction: An Innovative Teaching Model for All Learners explains how to differentiate learning content, course of action, and final student product while maintaining a student-centered classroom. Each of its 11 steps is based on practices proven to enhance student achievement. With specific tools and sample lessons for supporting diverse learners, this highly systematic process includes how to:
Focused Instruction
Focused Instruction
Focused Instruction An Innovative Teaching Model for All Learners