Getting Started

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Education / School Improvement

Reculturing Schools to Become Professional Learning Communities “Building a professional learning community is work worth doing because it is the only way to truly honor a philosophy of ‘getting better forever’ that is respectful of children, teachers, parents, and other community members.”

—Cyndi Hebenstreit, Principal, Bruce Elementary School

“This is an excellent program that reflects the reality of school culture and the potential that all schools have to build the vision of academic success for students in a pragmatic way.”

—Michael Jeffers, Principal, Independence Public Schools

“We are starting to focus on learning instead of teaching. This will be a powerful decision-making filter!”

—Mary Hansen, Assistant Pupil Services Director, Northbrook School District 28

“This is an excellent way to visualize where a mission and vision can lead.”

—Lorene Zagata, Special Education Teacher, Unionville-Sebewaing Area Schools

leading experts in translating school research into practice.

As the executive vice president and provost of Middle Tennessee State University, Robert Eaker was cited by Phi Delta Kappa as one of the nation’s

All three authors have consulted with school districts throughout the United States and Canada on strategies to create professional learning communities.

Cover art and design by Grannan Graphic Design Ltd.

As the former principal and current superintendent of a 4,000-student suburban high school, Richard DuFour has helped the school become one of the most recognized and celebrated schools in America. As the principal of a 400-student elementary school in rural Virginia, Rebecca DuFour helped her school receive the Governor’s Award for High Achievement.

Eaker, DuFour, DuFour

Getting Started: Reculturing Schools to Become Professional Learning Communities answers the question most often asked by schools that are seeking to transform themselves into professional learning communities: “Where do we begin?” The authors focus on the cultural shifts that must take place as schools move from more traditional ways of doing things to functioning as professional learning communities. They offer suggestions for finding the time for transformation, lessons learned from one school that made the transition, and a special question-and-answer section.

Getting Started: Reculturing Schools to Become Professional Learning Communities

Getting Started

Getting Started Reculturing Schools to Become Professional Learning Communities

Robert Eaker Richard DuFour Rebecca DuFour

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