School Improvement / Effective Schools
Wayne Hulley
The Planning for School and Student Success Process
— From the Foreword by Lawrence W. Lezotte, Effective Schools Products, Ltd., Okemos, Michigan
Harbors of Hope: The Planning for School and Student Success Process offers a proven way for schools to deal effectively with the “white waters” of change and to create a culture of hope in which students receive the support they need to achieve success. This resource offers practical solutions for improving student achievement, attitudes, attendance, and behavior through a proven planning model that addresses how to: Use the power of purpose to align staff efforts Use critical evidence to establish meaningful goals and track progress Engage the professional learning community in developing plans to improve Implement high-yield strategies to enhance student performance Involve parents and the community in supporting school improvement plans Create a culture of change Follow the cycle of continuous improvement
Harbors of Hope: The Planning for School and Student Success Process combines the authors’ extensive experience with effective school research and the power of the professional learning community to create a uniquely hopeful approach that results in schools that are effective, efficient, and excellent.
The Planning for School and Student Success Process
“Harbors of Hope . . . offers a proven and practical process [that] works and can be effectively managed in any and every school. Three critical terms [describe this] approach to school improvement: effective . . . efficient . . . and excellent.”
Linda Dier
Author Bios
Wayne Hulley is the president of Canadian Effective Schools, Inc. in Burlington, Ontario.
Linda Dier is affiliated with Canadian Effective Schools Inc. as senior consultant and administrator of the Canadian Effective Schools League. Her career in education spans over 30 years, including work as a teacher, school counselor, and administrator. She offers workshops and training to support planning for school and student success. Cover art and design by Grannan Graphic Design, Ltd.
Wayne Hulley Linda Dier
His involvement in school improvement has spanned 35 years of working in schools and school districts throughout North America. He has taught in three major universities and is a senior consultant with the FranklinCovey Company. He offers workshops, seminars, and institutes in school improvement.
The Planning for School and Student Success Process Foreword by Lawrence W. Lezotte