“How to Interview, Hire, and Retain High-Quality New Teachers is at once informative, personal, professional, and most engaging. John and Bridget Daresh have hit a home run by providing principals and prospective principals with a one-hundred-page training session and practical guide. Readers will be pleased!” —Richard Sorenson, Chairperson and former Texas Associate Superintendent for Human Resources, Educational Leadership and Foundations Department, University of Texas at El Paso
“This is a must-have resource for aspiring or current principals who want to ensure the implementation of best practices before, during, and after the hiring of a teacher. The book is filled with practical strategies that are clearly defined and easy to replicate. This is the best resource we have found to address our school leader competencies related to the recruitment, hiring, and induction of teachers.” —Tricia McManus, Director of Leadership Development, Hillsborough County Public Schools, Florida “Every school and district leader should read this book to gain insight into the real challenges that new teachers face and the myriad of practical and helpful tools, such as time-saving reproducible lists of prewritten interview questions. Daresh and Daresh’s book will prove indispensable for anyone determined to set the highest standards in teacher quality.” —Debra Livingston, Superintendent of Schools, Fall Mountain Regional School District, Charlestown, New Hampshire
With this how-to guide, K–8 principals will: •
Gain insight into productive recruitment and interviewing procedures
Understand what constitutes effective mentoring and induction programs to support new teachers
Learn how to form a recruitment process around the school’s values and vision to find the best matches to fill teaching positions at their schools
ISBN 978-1-935542-72-8 90000 >
Visit go.solution-tree.com/leadership to download the reproducibles in this book. 9 781935 542728
As the key to student success starts in the classroom, principals face the challenge of finding and keeping highly qualified teachers who will work to ensure learning for all. In this third edition of How to Interview, Hire, and Retain High-Quality New Teachers, authors John C. Daresh and Bridget N. Daresh use their firsthand experiences and observations to guide readers through effective processes for recruiting, interviewing, and hiring faculty who will best fit individual schools’ needs. Readers will gain suggestions for implementing induction and mentoring programs to help support and ensure the success of teachers navigating a new school culture, classroom management issues, and curricula so they may be retained in their new positions.
H O W T O I N T E R V I E W , H I R E , & R E TA I N H I G H - Q U A L I T Y N E W T E A C H E R S
, w e i v r e t How to In tain e R & , e r i H y t i l a u Q h Hig s r e h c a e New T
How to Interview, Hire, & Retain High-Quality New Teachers J O H N C . DA R E S H A Joint Publication