Kids Who Outwit Adults

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E d u c a t i o n / C o u n s e l i n g / Yo u t h a t R i s k

John R. Seita


—From the foreword by Matt Damon

Brendtro are your guides through the deeper world of youth scare tactics and coping mechanisms. With the penetrating wisdom found in this book, you will:

John R. Seita, Ed.D., overcame a troubled childhood to become an expert on resilience and positive youth development. Today he is on the faculty of the School of Social Work at Michigan State University and has appointments with MSU Extension/4-H and the Michigan Agricultural Experimental Station. He is also an adjunct professor at the School of Child and Youth Care at the University of Victoria in Canada. He has been a program director, director of program evaluation, research associate, and a youth worker in correctional treatment settings.

Seita • Brendtro

In Kids Who Outwit Adults, the authors disclose the ”private logic“ behind kids’ troubled and defiant acts. Weaving together an effective, rewarding approach based on successful and proven resilience models, insights from their years of experience, and heart-wrenching accounts, the authors illuminate the internal strengths and external supports kids need in order to break out of negative behavior patterns. Seita and

• Get beyond the bravado to build a solid trust connection • Uncover each youth’s unique potentials • Build on strengths instead of dwelling on deficit and deviance • Remain positive in the face of hostility • Gain greater understanding of protective strategies, including fight/flight/fool, conceal and confuse, and sabotage • Avoid the pitfalls of the 10 myths of detachment • Calmly navigate antagonistic encounters, control contests, and manipulation games • Gain 12 practical and proven strategies for connecting with our most challenging children and youth

Who Outwit Adults

The strength-based interventions in this groundbreaking book have benefited thousands of youths in trouble—including author John Seita himself. In 1967, Seita was an abandoned, abused youth court-ordered to Starr Commonwealth, a private residential facility. Author Larry Brendtro, a psychologist, was president of Starr. Today they train professionals in the cutting-edge techniques of positive youth development.


“In these times, when so many children and youth suffer from the various forms of violence that pervade our culture, when we hear loud calls for harsher discipline and punitive measures to control young people, we need the insights and wisdom offered in this book.”

Larry K. Brendtro, Ph.D., is former president of Starr Commonwealth and currently serves as dean of Starr’s International Research Council. He is founder of Reclaiming Youth International and has 40 years of experience as a youth worker, teacher, principal, and psychologist. Cover design by Maria McGrorey and Grannan Graphic Design Ltd. Text design by Maria McGrorey.

Foreword by Matt Damon

Larry K. Brendtro

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