E d u c a t i o n / L e a d e r s h i p / Tr u s t
“Although written for principals and school leaders, I see this book as also helpful to superintendents, central office administrators, and even members of a school board. No matter which role a leader has in a school or school district, developing trust is key to building positive relationships that can accomplish the organizational goals.” —Nancy Davenport, president, National Association of Elementary School Principals
he success of school improvement initiatives depends not only on sound T policy but on trusting relationships. Leading With Trust identifies the causes
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Susan Stephenson was a teacher leader, staff developer, and
principal in the Ontario school system. The recipient of two awards for distinction in professional learning, she speaks to audiences across North America on teamwork, leadership, morale, humor, and trust.
s olution-tree.com
Susan Stephenson
of distrust and guides leaders in creating a trusting environment that can support change. The author provides research on trust, inspiring quotes, and individual and team activities for schools no matter what their current level of trust. In a workbook format, Leading With Trust explores: • Ways leaders can learn how trusted they are • Best practices for engaging with staff on trust issues • How to discuss the “undiscussables” • The emotional risks required to build strong teams • The role of trust in continuous school improvement
How to Build Strong School Teams
“At long last, a book that makes a compelling case for the significance of trust in educational institutions. Sue Stephenson writes with a profound understanding of the school culture and the many barriers to success that are encountered. . . . Using, not just reading, this book will transform your school for the better.” —William M. Habermehl, superintendent of schools, Orange County, California
Leading With TRUST
Leading With TRUST
How to Build Strong School Teams
Leading With
TRUST How to Build Strong School Teams
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