Motivating Students Who Don't Care

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Motivating Students Who Don’t Care S u c c e s s f u l Te c h n i q u e s f o r E d u c a t o r s “I highly recommend this book. It addresses the underlying emotional needs of students and offers practical solutions for addressing the

Motivating Students Who Don’t Care

Education / Student Achievement

underlying causes of underachievement.” — Charles Fay, School Psychologist and Vice President, The Love and Logic Institute, Inc., Golden, CO

Motivating Students Who Don’t Care is a comprehensive and practical guide for reconnecting with our discouraged students and reawakening their excitement and enthusiasm for learning. The five effective processes for motivating students include Emphasizing effort Creating hope Respecting power Building relationships Expressing enthusiasm

Allen N. Mendler, Ph.D., is an educator and psychologist who has worked extensively with children of all ages. As one of the internationally recognized authors of Discipline With Dignity, Dr. Mendler has worked to develop effective strategies for educators and youth professionals to help challenging students succeed.

Each process is fully explained and illustrated with proven strategies from the classroom. Questions for reflection will help you identify motivating strategies from your own experience and apply the five key processes to the challenge of changing your students’ lives.

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S u c c e s s f u l Te c h n i q u e s f o r E d u c a t o r s

“Administrators and teachers

excellent resource to work positively with all students.” — Delia Rubalcaba, Director of Special Education, Wil-Cam Co-op, Raymondville, TX


Cover art and design by Grannan Graphic Design Ltd. Text design and composition by T.G. Design Group Art by Randi Moody

Motivating Students Who Don’t Care

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