Solutions for next steps
Welcome home! CO N T E N T S 3
PLC Resources
Common Core Resources
RTI Resources
Leadership Resources
Online Courses
On-Site PD
We hope you enjoyed our event and came away with the insight and inspiration to begin planning your next steps toward improved student learning. On the following pages, you’ll discover a variety of resources that will help you and your team dive deeper into learning, navigate challenges, and reinforce collaboration on your journey forward.
Here are just a few ways to accelerate your learning: • Enrich your perspective with books and videos. Organize a group book study for even more impactful results. • Team up with us for one-of-a-kind on-site PD, tailored to meet your most critical needs. We’ll custom-match you with an expert to ensure a perfect fit. • Reinforce your collaborative culture with a 2-day workshop. • Leverage technology with online courses that accommodate your busy schedule.
PLC Resources
Common Formative Assessment
Revisiting Professional Learning Communities at Work™
A Toolkit for Professional Learning Communities at Work™
New Insights for Improving Schools
By Kim Bailey and Chris Jakicic Foreword by Richard DuFour and Rebecca DuFour
By Richard DuFour, Rebecca DuFour, and Robert Eaker
Teams that engage in designing, using, and responding to common formative assessments are more knowledgeable about their own standards, more assessment literate, and able to develop more strategies for helping all students learn. In this conversational guide, the authors offer tools, templates, and protocols to incorporate common formative assessments into the practices of a PLC to monitor and enhance student learning. 144 pages
Bestseller This 10th-anniversary sequel to the authors’ bestselling book Professional Learning Communities at Work™: Best Practices for Enhancing Student Achievement merges research, practice, and passion. The most extensive, practical, and authoritative PLC resource to date, it goes further than ever before into best practices for deep implementation, explores the commitment/consensus issue, and celebrates successes of educators who are making the journey. 544 pages
43BCC–BKF538 $24.95 ISBN 978-1-936765-14-0
43BCC–BKF252 $34.95 ISBN 978-1-934009-32-1
On Common Ground The Power of Professional Learning Communities
Building a Professional Learning Community at Work™
Edited by Richard DuFour, Robert Eaker, and Rebecca DuFour By Roland Barth, Rebecca DuFour, Richard DuFour, Robert Eaker, Barbara Eason-Watkins, Michael Fullan, Lawrence W. Lezotte, Douglas B. Reeves, Jonathon Saphier, Mike Schmoker, Dennis Sparks, and Rick Stiggins
A Guide to the First Year
Bestseller This anthology presents the recommendations of education leaders, and each chapter contributes to a sound conceptual framework and offers specific strategies for developing PLCs. These leaders have found common ground in expressing their belief in the power of PLCs although clear differences emerge regarding their perspectives on the most effective strategy for making PLCs the norm in North America.
Get a play-by-play guide to implementing PLC concepts. Each chapter begins with a story focused on a particular challenge. A follow-up analysis of the story identifies the good decisions or common mistakes made in relation to that particular scenario. The authors examine the research behind best practice and wrap up each chapter with recommendations and tools you can use in your school. 240 pages
By Parry Graham and William M. Ferriter Foreword by Richard DuFour and Rebecca DuFour
272 pages; hardcover 43BCC–BKF180 $34.95 ISBN 978-1-932127-42-3
43BCC–BKF273 $29.95 ISBN 978-1-934009-59-8
PLC Resources
Leading by Design An Action Framework for PLC at Work™ Leaders
The School Leader’s Guide to Professional Learning Communities at Work TM
By Cassandra Erkens and Eric Twadell Foreword by Richard DuFour
By focusing on what students learn rather than what they are taught, schools can redefine their mission and begin the transition to a professional learning community. After interviewing and observing principals, administrators, and teachers, the authors identify seven leadership practices that effective PLC leaders share, along with the techniques that have led them to sustainable success. 216 pages
By Richard DuFour and Rebecca DuFour
Are you a K–8 principal ready to implement the PLC at Work™ process? Two experienced practitioners show you how to explore the critical components needed to lay the foundation of a PLC, including how to develop a structure that supports collaborative teams, how to focus on effective monitoring strategies, how to reflect on your communication effectiveness, and more. 120 pages; grades K–8
43BCC–BKF430 $29.95 ISBN 978-1-935542-29-2
43BCC–BKF489 $19.95 ISBN 978-1-935543-36-7 A Joint Publication With the National Association of Elementary School Principals
Every School, Every Team, Every Classroom District Leadership for Growing Professional Learning Communities at Work™
The Five Disciplines of PLC Leaders
By Robert Eaker and Janel Keating
Foreword by Richard DuFour
NA 12 FI LIST 20
43BCC–BKF495 $29.95 ISBN 978-1-935543-42-8
43BCC–BKF534 $29.95 ISBN 978-1-936765-09-6
Outstanding leadership in a professional learning community requires practice and patience. Simply trying harder will not yield results; leaders must proactively train to get better at the skills that matter. This book offers a framework to focus time, energy, and effort on five key disciplines. Included are reflection exercises to help readers find their own path toward effective PLC leadership. 210 pages
The PLC journey begins by articulating a moral purpose: a dedication to ensuring that every student learns. Using many examples and reproducible tools, the authors explain the need to focus on creating simultaneous top-down and bottom-up leadership to align district- and school-level policies and procedures. Learn how to grow PLCs by providing direction and encouraging innovation at every level of the district. 240 pages
By Timothy D. Kanold
PLC Resources
Learning by Doing A Handbook for Professional Learning Communities at Work™
Cultures Built to Last Systemic PLCs at Work™ By Richard DuFour and Michael Fullan
By Richard DuFour, Rebecca DuFour, Robert Eaker, and Thomas W. Many
Bestseller Take your professional learning community to the next level! Discover a systemwide approach for re-envisioning your PLC while sustaining growth and continuing momentum on your journey. You’ll move beyond isolated pockets of excellence while allowing every person in your school system— from teachers and administrators to students—the opportunity to be an instrument of lasting cultural change. 104 pages
Bestseller 2nd Edition Through continuous work with educators, the authors have created a more powerful, practical resource for moving forward in the PLC process. This book is an action guide for closing the knowing-doing gap and transforming schools into PLCs. It also includes seven major additions that equip educators with essential tools for confronting challenges. 296 pages 43BCC–BKF416 $34.95 ISBN 978-1-935542-09-4
43BCC–BKF579 $19.95 ISBN 978-1-936764-74-7
Collaborative Teams in Professional Learning Communities at Work™
Through New Eyes
Learning by Doing
Examining the Culture of Your School
Featuring Richard DuFour, Rebecca DuFour, Robert Eaker, and Thomas W. Many
Featuring Richard DuFour
Bestseller This short program shows exactly what collaborative teams do. Aligned with the best-selling book Learning by Doing, the video features unscripted footage of collaboration in action. Learn how team norms are managed; how teams organize, interact, and find time to meet; what products they produce; and what team conversations about the critical questions of student learning “look like.” 30-minute DVD; 40-page Facilitator’s Guide (in print and on CD) 43BCC–DVF023 $174.95 UPC 811796010285
Bestseller Explore the differences between a traditional school and a professional learning community from a student’s perspective. Perfect for constructing a four-hour training session, this engaging video includes step-by-step instructions, guiding questions, and group activities. The program helps educators step outside their everyday routines and explore common practices and conventional wisdom with a critical eye. 30-minute DVD; 44-page Facilitator’s Guide 43BCC–DVF007 $174.95 UPC 811796010018
Common Core Resources
Bringing the Common Core to Life in K–8 Classrooms
Common Core English Language Arts in a PLC at Work™, Grades 3–5
30 Strategies to Build Literacy Skills
By Douglas Fisher and Nancy Frey
By Eric Jensen and LeAnn Nickelsen
Foreword by Rebecca DuFour
Actively engage students in their own learning. Discover strategies to promote student mastery of the Common Core State Standards for English language arts across the curriculum. Explore techniques to lead students in close reading, activate their background knowledge to prepare them for learning, and gain insight into habit formation. You’ll develop the know-how to effectively structure teaching to empower all students.
Explore strategies for integrating the Common Core State Standards for English language arts for grades 3–5 in this interdisciplinary resource, which focuses on areas of instruction, curriculum, assessment, and intervention. You’ll also learn how to implement the CCSS within the powerful PLC at Work™ process. Critical chapter-opening questions guide discussion and help you leverage the CCSS to optimize student learning.
240 pages
184 pages 43BCC–BKF582 $29.95 ISBN 978-1-936764-19-8
43BCC–BKF442 $29.95 ISBN 978-1-936764-64-8
A Joint Publication With the International Reading Association
20 Literacy Strategies to Meet the Common Core Increasing Rigor in Middle & High School Classrooms By Elaine K. McEwan-Adkins and Allyson J. Burnett
With the advent of the Common Core State Standards and high expectations with regard to content literacy, some secondary teachers are scrambling for what to do and how to do it. This book provides an accessible plan for implementing content literacy and offers 20 research-based literacy strategies designed to help students meet those standards and become expert readers. 328 pages; grades 6–12 43BCC–BKF588 $34.95 ISBN 978-1-936764-28-0
Common Core Mathematics in a PLC at Work™, Grades 3–5 Edited by Timothy D. Kanold By Matthew R. Larson, Francis (Skip) Fennell, Thomasenia Lott Adams, Juli K. Dixon, Beth McCord Kobett, and Jonathan A. Wray Foreword by Rebecca DuFour
Bestseller This teacher guide illustrates how to sustain successful implementation of the Common Core State Standards for mathematics, grades 3–5. Discover what students should learn and how they should learn it at each grade level. Comprehensive research-affirmed analysis tools and strategies will help you and your collaborative team develop and assess student demonstrations of deep conceptual understanding and procedural fluency. 224 pages 43BCC–BKF568 $29.95 ISBN 978-1-936764-00-6 A Joint Publication With the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics
Common Core Resources NEW! Building a Common Core–Based Curriculum Mapping With Focus and Fidelity By Susan Udelhofen Discover your road map for creating a curriculum based on the Common Core State Standards. Explore various stages of curriculum development, from the preliminary work of building academic support to creating Common Core curriculum maps and tracking school improvement goals. Learn to effectively share information during the curriculum-building process, and engage in significant, collaborative conversations around the curriculum. 43BCC–BKF549 $24.95 ISBN 978-1-936764-68-6
Teaching Students to Think Like Scientists Strategies Aligned With Common Core and Next Generation Science Standards
How to Teach Thinking Skills Within the Common Core 7 Key Student Proficiencies of the New National Standards
By Maria C. Grant, Douglas Fisher, and Diane Lapp
By James A. Bellanca, Robin J. Fogarty, and Brian M. Pete
Using these instructional methods and lesson scenarios, teachers of all disciplines will gain the tools needed to offer students a richer, lasting understanding of science, its concepts, and its place in their lives and the global community. 232 pages
Bestseller Empower your students to thrive across the curriculum. Packed with examples and tools, this practical guide prepares teachers across all grade levels and content areas to teach the most critical cognitive skills from the Common Core State Standards. 240 pages
43BCC–BKF555 $29.95 ISBN 978-1-936765-38-6
43BCC–BKF576 $29.95 ISBN 978-1-936764-07-5
Collaborating for Success With the Common Core
School Leader’s Guide to the Common Core
A Toolkit for Professional Learning Communities at Work™
Achieving Results Through Rigor and Relevance
By Kim Bailey, Chris Jakicic, and Jeanne Spiller
Leverage teamwork to integrate the CCSS into your curriculum, and build on a foundational knowledge of PLCs. You’ll gain a comprehensive understanding of the shifts required to implement the standards in core content areas and find tips and strategies for strong collaborative practices. 232 pages 43BCC–BKF556 $29.95 ISBN 978-1-936764-72-3
By James A. Bellanca, Robin J. Fogarty, Brian M. Pete, and Rebecca L. Stinson
Implement the Common Core State Standards with downloadable reproducibles, lists of resources to support the topics affected, discussion questions, and relevant information to share with your colleagues. Explore the background of the standards and the changes necessary to meet them. 176 pages 43BCC–BKF597 $24.95 ISBN 978-1-936764-45-7
RTI Resources Foreword by Richard DuFour
RTI, Professional Learning Communities, and How to Respond When Kids Don’t Learn
Pyramid Response to Intervention RTI, Professional Learning Communities, and How to Respond When Kids Don’t Learn By Austin Buffum, Mike Mattos, and Chris Weber
Austin Buffum
Mike Mattos
Chris Weber
Foreword by Richard DuFour
Bestseller Accessible language and compelling stories illustrate how RTI is most effective when built on the Professional Learning Communities at Work™ process. Written by awardwinning educators from successful PLC schools, this book demonstrates how to create three tiers of interventions—from basic to intensive—to address student learning gaps. You will understand what a successful program looks like, and the many reproducible forms and activities will help your team understand how to make RTI work in your school. 248 pages NA 12 FI LIST 20
43BCC–BKF251 $27.95 ISBN 978-1-934009-33-8
Four Essential Guiding Principles Featuring Austin Buffum, Mike Mattos, and Chris Weber
Bestseller Shift to a culture of collective responsibility and ensure a path of opportunity and success for your students. Focusing on the four Cs vital to student achievement, this powerful four-part program will help you collect targeted information on students’ individual needs and guide you to build efficient team structures. Four 20-minute DVDs; 88-page Facilitator’s Guide (in print and on CD) 43BCC–DVF057 $595.00 UPC 811796010575
Pyramid of Behavior Interventions
Simplifying Response to Intervention
Seven Keys to a Positive Learning Environment
Four Essential Guiding Principles
By Tom Hierck, Charlie Coleman, and Chris Weber
By Austin Buffum, Mike Mattos, and Chris Weber
Students thrive when educators commit to proactively meeting their behavioral as well as academic needs. This book will help teachers and school leaders transform the research on behavior, response to intervention, and professional learning communities into practical strategies they can use to create a school culture and classroom climates in which learning is primed to occur. 132 pages 43BCC–BKF532 $24.95 ISBN 978-1-936765-06-5
Pyramid Response to Intervention
Bestseller The sequel to Pyramid Response to Intervention advocates that a successful RTI model begins by asking the right questions to create a fundamentally effective learning environment for every student. RTI is not a series of implementation steps, but rather a way of thinking. Understand why bureaucratic, paperwork-heavy, complianceoriented, test-score-driven approaches fail. Then, learn how to create a focused RTI model that works. 232 pages 43BCC–BKF506 $29.95 ISBN 978-1-935543-65-7
Leadership Resources NEW! It’s TIME Themes and Imperatives for Mathematics Education By the National Council of Supervisors of Mathematics Help all students become high-achieving mathematics learners. Gain a strong understanding of mathematics culture, and learn necessary best practices to fully align curriculum and instruction with the CCSS for mathematics. You’ll explore the factors that have traditionally limited mathematics achievement for students and discover practical strategies for creating an environment that supports mathematics learning and instruction. 104 pages 43BCC–BKF600 $19.95 ISBN 978-1-936764-91-4
Shifting the Monkey
The Neuroscience Behind How We Lead Others
The Art of Protecting Good People From Liars, Criers, and Other Slackers
By David A. Sousa
Through engaging stories and studies, the author shows you how to leverage the most provocative brain research to increase your productivity, expand your creative vision, and become a stronger leader. 144 pages; hardcover 43BCC–BKN008 $19.95 ISBN 978-0-9833020-3-2
By Todd Whitaker
Learn how to focus on your best employees first, and help them shift the “monkeys”—complaints, disruptions, and deflections—back to the underperformers. Through a simple and memorable metaphor, the author helps you reinvigorate your staff and transform your organization. 128 pages; hardcover 43BCC–BKF612 $16.95 ISBN 978-1-936763-08-5
The Will to Lead, the Skill to Teach
Transforming School Culture
Transforming Schools at Every Level
How to Overcome Staff Division
By Anthony Muhammad and Sharroky Hollie
By Anthony Muhammad
The authors acknowledge both the structural and sociological issues that contribute to low-performing schools and offer multiple tools and strategies to assess and improve classroom management, increase literacy, establish academic vocabulary, and contribute to a healthier school culture. 176 pages 43BCC–BKF443 $19.95 ISBN 978-1-935542-54-4
Foreword by Richard DuFour
Bestseller Busy administrators will appreciate this quick read packed with immediate, accessible strategies. This book provides the framework for understanding dynamic relationships within a school culture and ensuring a positive environment that supports the changes necessary to improve learning for all students. 144 pages 43BCC–BKF281 $19.95 ISBN 978-1-934009-45-1
Online Courses
Tour the eClassroom!
Powerful PD that works on your schedule Solution Tree online courses offer a dynamic and integrated approach to learning. CEUs or 3 Semester Hours can be earned with any course. We offer a variety of topics on everything from PLCs and assessment to Common Core and RTI—covered by experts such as Richard DuFour, Rebecca DuFour, Robert J. Marzano, Timothy D. Kanold, and Mike Mattos. With interviews, quizzes, reflection questions, and real classroom footage, every course offers an exceptional professional learning experience.
Review unit videos and PowerPoint presentations on the eClassroom stage.
Read and participate in discussions with the Discussions Forums tab.
Navigate through your units with the course outline.
Monitor how far you’ve come with the Progress & Credits tab.
Learn more from your personal course eBook.
Online Courses Creating a Professional Learning Community at Work™ Foundational Concepts and Practices
Presenters: Rebecca DuFour and Richard DuFour Learning Outcomes
• Understand the essential components of the PLC at Work™ process.
Included ebook: Revisiting Professional Learning Communities at Work™
• Realize the benefits of PLCs for the entire community.
CEUs: 43BCC–KDS038 $279.00 3 Semester Hours: 43BCC–KDS039 $499.00
• Collaborate authentically to develop missions and visions. • Articulate collective commitments.
Common Core State Standards in Literacy, Grades 3–8 Presenters: Douglas Fisher and Nancy Frey Learning Outcomes
• Identify the major goals of the CCSS for English language arts.
Included ebook: Common Core English Language Arts in a PLC at Work™ , Grades 3–5
• Release responsibility to students to foster their learning.
CEUs: 43BCC–KDS032 $279.00 3 Semester Hours: 43BCC–KDS033 $499.00
• Check for understanding using oral language, questions, writing, projects, performances, and tests. • Link formative and summative assessments with instruction.
Common Core State Standards in Mathematics, Grades 3–8 Presenters: Diane J. Briars and Timothy D. Kanold Learning Outcomes
• Support the eight mathematical practices. • Maintain high cognitive demand.
Included ebook: Common Core Mathematics in a PLC at Work™ , Grades 3–5 CEUs: 43BCC–KDS034 $279.00 3 Semester Hours: 43BCC–KDS035 $499.00
• Include assessing and advancing questions for formative assessment. • Meet the needs of all learners.
Pyramid Response to Intervention
How to Respond When Kids Don’t Learn Presenters: Austin Buffum, Mike Mattos, and Chris Weber Learning Outcomes
• Facilitate a professional learning community in your school or district. • Locate and utilize universal screening tools to ascertain students’ needs.
Included ebook: Pyramid Response to Intervention CEUs: 43BCC–KDS004 $279.00 3 Semester Hours: 43BCC–KDS005 $499.00
• Devise appropriate interventions at each of three tiers. • Monitor student progress and revise interventions accordingly.
On-Site PD
Learn more!
Achieve your goals with our coaching academies Common Core Coaching Academy Develop your school’s or district’s capacity for meeting the demands of the Common Core State Standards. At this academy, you’ll define and master the new standards, enhancing student learning along the way. Carefully designed by CCSS experts, this academy: • Is facilitated by one or more experts who are trained in the CCSS and have considerable experience in education • Includes six days on-site with an expert (three sessions, two days each) over nine to twelve months • Offers strategies and activities that can be replicated in any setting • Extends beyond session days with phone and email support
Resources included (at right): Common Core English Language Arts in a PLC at Work™ , Leader’s Guide; Common Core Mathematics in a PLC at Work™ , Leader’s Guide; Cultures Built to Last; Leading by Design; School Leader’s Guide to the Common Core; and Teaching Students to Read Like Detectives
On-Site PD PLC at Work™ Coaching Academy Throughout this academy, your master coaches deliver informative, highenergy, and motivating sessions. You’ll begin with an overview of the PLC at Work™ process and its benefits, then discover how to implement and maintain the process in any school or district. Carefully designed by the visionaries of the PLC at Work™ process— Richard DuFour, Robert Eaker, Rebecca DuFour, and Mike Mattos— this academy: • Develops your school’s or district’s capacity for implementing and sustaining the PLC at Work™ process • Is facilitated by one or more master coaches who not only are trained in the work of PLCs, but also have done that work in an educational setting that showed at least three years of continued academic student improvement • Includes six days on-site with an expert (three sessions, two days each) over nine to twelve months • Offers strategies and activities that can be replicated in any setting • Extends beyond session days with phone and email support
Learn more!
Resource included: The PLC Toolkit
RTI at Work™ Coaching Academy Want to take your response to intervention expertise to the next level? This academy will help you form leadership teams to act as informed agents of change. Collaborate with your RTI coach to select the perfect participants. Carefully designed by the creators of the RTI at Work™ process— Austin Buffum and Mike Mattos—this academy: • Develops your school’s or district’s capacity for implementing and sustaining the RTI at Work™ process • Is facilitated by one or more experts who are trained in the work of the RTI at Work™ process and have considerable experience in education • Includes six days on-site with an expert (three sessions, two days each) over nine to twelve months and three interactive web conferences • Offers strategies and activities that can be replicated in any setting • Extends beyond session days with phone and email support Resources included (at right): Pyramid Response to Intervention online course, Simplifying Response to Intervention, and Pyramid Response to Intervention (DVD)
Learn more! @SolutionTree
The key to unlocking powerful interventions What does successful response to intervention look like when all the pieces come together? With access to recognized experts, you’ll discover how to lead the RTI process at the site and district levels. Learn how to create a proactive process to identify students who need help, place them in the proper intervention, monitor their progress, and determine when they no longer need additional support.
October 27–29 November 19–21
Des Moines, IA Dallas, TX
Austin Buffum
Mike Mattos
Janet Malone
Laurie RobinsonSammons
LEARNING OUTCOMES • Understand the critical components and implementation of a behavioral RTI system. • Utilize a site leadership and intervention team to support schoolwide interventions. • Design master schedules that provide core instruction, interventions, and elective options for students at risk.
This conference was beyond
• Identify effective Tier 3 interventions for students struggling with reading, writing, number sense, and English language.
to learn strategies to give to
• Determine the best ways to utilize schoolwide support staff in the RTI process, including psychologists, counselors, special education teachers, and intervention specialists.
expectations! I came hoping teachers for reteaching and came away with a vision for schoolwide team building and shared responsibility to ensure all students learn.”
—Beatrice Benjamin, school improvement coordinator, Taylor School District, Michigan
Speakers are subject to change.
Events 2-Day Workshop
2-Day Workshops
November 3–4 San Diego, CA
October 9–10 St. Louis, MO November 5–6 San Diego, CA November 17–18 Orlando, FL
Austin Buffum
Mike Mattos
RTI at Work™ Presenter: Austin Buffum or Mike Mattos
Common Core for English Language Arts Nancy Frey
Learn why bureaucratic, paperwork-heavy, compliance-oriented, test-score-driven approaches fail—and then learn how to create an RTI model that works. Acquire four essential guiding principles and a simple process for implementation to help your school make RTI efficient, effective, and equitable.
Presenter: Nancy Frey The CCSS for English language arts demand that students learn to justify their responses with evidence and to read increasingly complex text. Learn what changes to curriculum and instruction are necessary to meet the standards and ensure student achievement.
2-Day Workshop November 18–19 Boston, MA
2-Day Workshops October 7–8 St. Louis, MO November 19–20 Orlando, FL
Timothy D. Kanold
Juli K. Dixon
Building Common Assessments Cassandra Erkens
Teaching and Assessing Mathematics in a PLC at Work™ Presenters: Timothy D. Kanold and Juli K. Dixon Helping students meet or exceed CCSS-M expectations requires providing them with a vision and process for learning mathematics. Learn how with your teacher team, school, or district at this high-energy, dynamic workshop led by mathematics thought leaders.
Presenter: Cassandra Erkens Learn how to work as collaborative teams to develop common formative assessments. Leave with a framework for working interdependently to create high-quality assessments and to collect meaningful instructional data that informs interventions and enrichment planning.
2-Day Workshop November 20–21 Boston, MA
Response to Intervention in Math William N. Bender
Learn more!
Presenters: William N. Bender and Darlene Crane When planning multitiered interventions, students who struggle with mathematics often get overlooked. Learn why implementing RTI in mathematics is critical. Gain usable solutions and processes based on practical issues and emerging research.
Darlene Crane
Host a workshop! Take the lead and bring a content-rich workshop straight to your team! As host, you’ll provide educators in your area the chance to improve their practices. You get to choose the location—either your school or a local venue—and can buy up to 30% of the location’s capacity at a 30% discount. Want more seats than that? No problem! You’ll get first choice on the remaining seats at the original price.
Call your director of educational partnerships 877.247.8270 @SolutionTree
555 North Morton Street Bloomington, IN 47404
Please recycle.
Impact Student Learning With New PLC Technology › Manage team activities online, and create streamlined common formative assessments.
› Quickly identify trends via rich, graphical reports that track students in need of intervention or enrichment.
› Strengthen PLC processes through ongoing professional development and virtual coaching.
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