When students use protocols in the classroom, it has a powerful effect on their learning; it promotes engagement and collaboration among all students and increases student ownership in the process of learning. —Melissa Noack, Teacher Protocols provide the scaffolding professionals need to maximize their time together and to become producers of knowledge. —Jane E. Golding, Director of Instructional Support As the person with lead responsibility for the Maine Principals’ Association professional development activities, I have seen the power of protocols in structuring collegial conversations. Protocols are very useful tools for savvy school administrators. —Phyllis A. Deringis, Ph.D., Assistant Executive Director “Cathy Glaude is a wonderful facilitator, and I am thrilled to have a collection of her outstanding protocols available to me to use in workshops and institutes. This book is terrific!” — Anne Davies, Ph.D., Classroom Connections International Catherine A. Glaude, Ph.D., is an experienced educator with a strong background in curriculum, instruction, and assessment. She has taught elementary, middle, and secondary students, as well as university and district classes, and consulted at a state level. Catherine also served as a district-level administrator supporting team, professional, and organization development by offering tools and resources to help educators work toward improving student learning. Currently, she is Principal of Bryantville Elementary School in Pembroke, Massachusetts. solution-tree.com A Joint Publication
Protocols for Professional Learning Conversations
The protocols we have established for team meetings, action research, staff development days, school committee meetings, and administrative team meetings have greatly influenced the collaborative culture of our school system. —Kenneth Murphy, Ph.D., Superintendent
Catherine Glaude
Collegial conversations focused on improving student learning may be the most powerful professional development an educator will experience. Yet how do you foster a culture for these conversations while supporting individuals as they develop their skills in learning from colleagues? This resource book offers a variety of protocols to help teams work together productively.
Protocols for Professional
Cultivating the Art and Discipline
Catherine Glaude, Ph.D.