Redefining Fair

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HOW TO PLAN, ASSESS, AND GRADE FOR EXCELLENCE IN MIXED-ABILITY CLASSROOMS In these times of changing demographics and new insight into how students learn, differentiated instruction and assessment are widely acknowledged as necessary. Outdated beliefs about fairness often stand in the way of effective classroom implementation, however. Damian Cooper looks closely at the assumptions and realities, and provides solutions that are clear, comprehensive, engaging—and fair. Redefining Fair also shows K–12 teachers and administrators how to:

• Respond to resistance to the new assessment methods • Handle curriculum overload and plan a curriculum that focuses on essential skills




• Ensure that report cards convey essential information clearly to parents and students

H o w to

“ Damian Cooper writes about differentiated teaching from three important qualifications: he has done what he asks his readers to do; he has studied the classrooms of many other teachers, so that his sense of classroom reality is broad and deep; and he understands that excellent teaching is not a set of strategies but the determination to do what it takes to make the classroom work for those who have little choice but to spend their days in its boundaries.” —Carol Anne Tomlinson, William Clay Parrish, Jr. Professor, University of Virginia, and author of The Differentiated Classroom.

“ Damian challenges traditional thinking on all the difficult instruction, assessment, and grading issues. . . . A rich array of case studies provides opportunities for teachers to be reflective about teaching and learning—and maybe best of all, it contains a wealth of practical materials teachers can use or adapt.” —Ken O’Connor, Consultant, Assess for Success Consulting, Ontario, Canada

s o l u t i o n - t r e e . co m

Damian Cooper

“ This is a great book! It will be useful for anyone struggling with the question of what is fair in instruction and assessment. . . . Cooper’s advice is broadly applicable, because all classrooms are mixed-ability classrooms.” —Susan M. Brookhart, Senior Associate, Center for Advancing the Study of Teaching and Learning, Duquesne University

PLAN, Assess, a n d Grade fo r Excellence i n Mixed-Ability Classrooms Da m ia n Co o p e r ForEword by Michael Fullan

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