Ed u c a t i o n
B o a rd s
o f
Ed u c a t i o n
S u p e r in t e n d e n t s
“This book is something that every board member and superintendent should have on his or her bookshelf. The insights that Mark and Perry have into the superintendent/ board relationship are right on target. After being a superintendent for nearly twenty years, I still found myself reading and rereading sections of this book. It is excellent.” —Thomas Many, Superintendent, Kildeer Countryside Community Consolidated School District, Buffalo Grove, Illinois
The SCHOOL BOARD FIELDBOOK : Leading With Vision The School Board Fieldbook offers an in-depth, reader-friendly tour through the responsibilities and challenges of being a board of education member. The authors, experienced and award-winning administrators, explain how board members can best work with school administrators and staff to create and fulfill a shared vision of school system excellence. This clearly written, accessible book helps new board members understand the difference between their expectations and their actual duties. In particular, this fieldbook helps new and experienced board members understand the differences between the board’s strategic role in setting a vision, administration’s tactical role in creating a plan to realize that vision, and the faculty and staff’s operational role in implementing the plan at the classroom level. The authors outline some of the pitfalls boards encounter and offer practical strategies for collaborating with school personnel without conflict, creating a system that values continuous improvement, communicating with the public on difficult issues, and monitoring progress. The School Board Fieldbook provides a highly informative conceptual framework for board service and explains:
The SCHOOL BOARD FIELDBOOK : Leading With Vision
“The School Board Fieldbook has five great strengths: (1) Content—a sorely needed perspective on how boards add value; (2) Clarity and specificity—excellent descriptions and definitions; (3) Candor—direct language on sticky issues; (4) Practicality—realistic layout of steps to take and relevant case studies; (5) Succinctness—gets to the point.” —Beth Michaels Primer, Member, Glenview, Illinois Board of Education; Steering Council member, Consortium for Educational Change
• The personal challenges board members face
• The key issues boards confront, including how to hire and evaluate a superintendent, negotiate with unions, handle staff and parent complaints, and more • The 10 signals that a board is in trouble, and what to do about them • How to use data to assess student performance and community satisfaction with the school district’s programs The School Board Fieldbook includes reproducible tools to help boards set and monitor goals for student achievement in order to achieve the “gold standard” of school system excellence. Visit go.solution-tree. com/schoolboards to download these tools and other resources. w w w. s o l u t i o n - t r e e . c o m
Van Clay • Soldwedel
• The three unique roles played by the board, administration, and teachers, and how to build relationships and make data-driven, collaborative decisions
A Joint Publication
Mark Van Clay
Perry Soldwedel