There’s More to the Story

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to the

“There’s More to the Story is an essential read for elementary educators. Authors Cartledge, Yurick, and Oif Telesman guide teachers on how to positively address the complex issues of diversity and social-emotional development of young children using quality litera-

Using Literature to Teach Diversity and Social-Emotional Skills in the Elementary Classroom

ture. Through practical strategies and creative activities, the authors offer guidance on how to teach critical social skills that build classroom harmony and equip students to foster positive relationships through caring, empathy, assertiveness, and problem solving


• Discover quality children’s books that are diverse and culturally relevant

Visit to download the free reproducibles in this book.

literature to discuss diversity, equity,

Using Literature to Teach Diversity

and inclusion to meet the needs of a rapidly changing and diverse student

and Social-Emotional Skills in

population. This book is not only timely but a much-needed resource for teachers and adults working with children in building strong social-emotional skills in areas such as race, ethnicity, poverty, (dis)ability, religion, and more. The book

the Elementary Classroom

is organized into distinct skill sets with readily available lesson ideas, tools, and reproducibles for extending student learning beyond the literature.” —Shobana Musti, Associate Professor, Pace University School of Education

ISBN 978-1-952812-67-5 90000

9 781952 812675



Oif Telesman

• Create an environment in which students can process and celebrate cultural differences

do a tremendous job using children’s


• Integrate literature-based activities that empower students to work with others and question unfair practices

to the

“In There’s More to the Story, the authors

Amanda L.

• Understand why literature is an effective tool for conveying diversity issues and social-emotional concepts

—Ralph Gardner III, Professor Emeritus, The Ohio State University

t h e r e ’s m o r e


• Focus on key social-emotional skills that elementary students must learn

ences and see each other’s humanity.”


Grades K–5 teachers and administrators will:

while learning to appreciate their differ-


t’s vital that elementary educators equip students with foundational cultural and social-emotional competencies to positively interact in a diverse society. In There’s More to the Story: Using Literature to Teach Diversity and Social-Emotional Skills in the Elementary Classroom, authors Gwendolyn Cartledge, Amanda L. Yurick, and Alana Oif Telesman provide in-depth guidance for introducing aspects of diversity and social-emotional learning to K–5 students through quality, culturally relevant children’s literature. Each chapter contains recommendations for elementary-level books that explore race, ethnicity, gender, (dis)ability, religion, socioeconomic status, and more. The books are paired with activities that teach students to affirm themselves and others, deal with aggression and conflict, and think critically about how issues of diversity impact the world, their classmates, and themselves.

there’s more to the Story

there’s more

Amanda L.

Yurick Alana

Oif Telesman

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