Virtual PLCs at Work®

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Virtual PLCs AT WORK

“The shift to a virtual world was accelerated—not created—by the COVID19 pandemic. While some educators might hope for things to get back to ‘business as usual,’ working virtually has become the usual way we do business. This means if our students are going to learn the skills and behaviors needed to succeed in a virtual world, then educators must continue to develop the skills needed to teach, collaborate, and excel in this space. That is the purpose of this outstanding book!”

—From the foreword by MIKE MATTOS

“This accessible and adaptable book is both timely and timeless; it addresses what educational leaders need to know for the difficult pivots during the

• Understand the PLC process and how to implement it in virtual and hybrid environments

COVID-19 pandemic and provides a

• Discover how to develop and maintain an ideal school culture virtually

engine of improvement regardless of

• Implement and enhance virtual teacher collaboration and student learning

— ANTHONY GRAZZINI, Director of Grants and Accountability, Cicero School District 99, Illinois

laborative teams can continue to be the


• Lead a virtual PLC to greatness

foundation that demonstrates how col-

setting—in person, hybrid, or virtual.”

• Find many reproducible virtual action-planning documents to support their work ISBN 978-1-952812-65-1 90000

Visit to download the free reproducibles in this book.


K–12 school leaders and teacher leaders will:



ith education evolving beyond the four walls of a classroom, authors Paul C. Farmer and Dennis King want to ensure the Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) at Work® process will evolve right along with it. PLCs provide the best possible environment for student learning and growth, but the need for virtual and hybrid classrooms has made it challenging for some PLCs to thrive. In Virtual PLCs at Work: A Guide to Effectively Implementing Online and Hybrid Teaching and Learning, Farmer and King have created a thorough guide for implementing the PLC process in virtual and hybrid classrooms. They steer readers through creation and maintenance of school culture; teacher collaboration; instruction; assessment, intervention, and extension; and leadership in a virtual environment.

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