Why Culture Counts

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Why Culture CountsWhy Culture Donna Walker Tileston

Sandra K. Darling

Donna Walker Tileston Sandra K. Darling Education / Poverty / Diversity

Donna Walker Tileston

Foreword by

Afterword by

“This volume provides an opportunity for the education community to move outside of old paradigms . . . to fully engage populations of students the Teaching Children of Poverty education system has historically failed. ”

St. Mary’s University, Minneapolis Foreword by

Afterword by

“Will assist new and senior teachers in facilitating the learning process of children and youth who, for over 100 years, have been overlooked, misdiagnosed, and—some would say—not cared about.”

Foreword by

BELINDA WILLIAMS —Rosilyn Carroll, academic director, the Center for Excellence in Urban Teaching, Afterword by Foreword by University, St. Paul, Minnesota Foreword Hamline by ROSILYN CARROLL BELINDA WILLIAMS BELINDA WILLIAMS Afterword by

Afterword by

Cover art and design by Grannan Design, Ltd.

Tileston Darling


Teaching Children of Poverty

Sandra K. Darling

Foreword by


Afterword by


Poverty alone is not the cause of low DonnaROSILYN Walker Tileston, Ed.D., is the ROSILYN CARROLL CARROLL achievement in our schools. Using careful author of 23 books, including the bestselling research, Why Culture Counts shows why What Every Teacher Should Know, which it is vital to take into account the needs, won the 2005 Distinguished Achievement beliefs, and values that children of poverty Award from the Association of Educational and diverse learners bring to class every day. Publishers. She has presented at numerous Find out: conferences and is the founder and president of Strategic Teaching and Learning. How to create a culturally responsive classroom Sandra K. Darling, Ph.D., is a leading expert on aligning instructional strategies The difference between collectivist and to content standards. The founder and individualist learners president of Learning Bridges, she has How to differentiate for context, content, coauthored three books on education and product, process, and assessment presents frequently on standards-based How the brain processes learning tasks education, inclusion practices, school How to build resilience in students at risk improvement, strategic planning, and assessment practices. Efforts to improve achievement must focus on curriculum, instruction, and assessment— but to close the achievement gap, we need a model that also attends to the culture of the ISBN 978-1-934009-24-6 learner. This book does both.

Why Culture Counts

Why Culture Counts

—Virginia Riser, designer of Instruction, University of Minnesota Medical College and

Sandra K. Darling



“Educators have been looking for a text that addresses the needs of children at risk due to poverty or immigration. . . . Educators who believe that all children can learn will find this resource most useful.”

Donna Walker Tileston

Teaching Children of Poverty

—Belinda Williams, editor, Closing the Achievement Gap

Sandra K. Darling



Teaching Children of Poverty

Sandra K. Darling

Donna Walker Tileston

Why Culture Why Culture Counts Teaching Children of Poverty Counts

Teaching Children of Poverty

Why Culture Counts Teaching Children of Poverty Counts

Donna Walker Tileston

Foreword by



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