What’s Next?

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“This book provides specific tools and step-by-step resources for teachers and teacher teams to know who already knows the material and then how to challenge these students with strategies often reserved only for students identified for gifted education.” —Joseph S. Renzulli, Distinguished Professor of Educational Psychology, University of Connecticut

—William M. Ferriter, Eighth-Grade Science Teacher and PLC Expert

What will we do if students already know it? Many educators struggle with this fourth critical question of the professional learning community (PLC) process as they look for ways to ensure students who excel continue learning. Thankfully, authors Mark Weichel and Steve Pearce have created a comprehensive resource to integrate question 4 into instruction. What’s Next? Monthly Extensions to Challenge Proficient Students in a PLC at Work® provides teachers with tools that make meeting all students’ learning needs doable.

Monthly Extensions to Challenge Proficient Students in a PLC at Work®

“The fundamental goal of the PLC at Work process is not to ensure that all students meet grade-level standards but to ensure that all students—including those working beyond grade-level standards—learn at the highest levels. That’s what makes What’s Next? required reading for anyone working in a PLC. The authors give readers approachable starting points that they can begin using immediately.”

W H AT ’ S NE X T ?

What’s Next?

Monthly Extensions to Challenge Proficient Students in a PLC at Work®

K–12 teachers will:

• Consider detailed, concrete examples from a wide range of content areas and grade levels • Implement a new strategy as often as every month • Build a dynamic toolbox of strategies to mix and match in the way that works best for their classroom • Use reproducible tools to effectively implement the strategies

Visit go.SolutionTree.com/PLCbooks to download the free reproducibles in this book.

ISBN 978-1-951075-83-5 90000

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• Discover preassessments to help identify question 4 students and strategies to further their learning

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