he 9th edition of CavinKare serial lockdowns and restrictions, how
And, that’s exactly how all great
do we get the selection and award
Innovation Award Ceremony
process going? MMA decided to take up
Mr C K Ranganathan, CMD,
2020 was held, for the first time in
the challenge head on and we
CavinKare in his address said, “My
virtual mode and was telecast by
innovatively switched our gears to a
father Chinnikrishnan was a dreamer.
Republic TV on 17 October. Group
100% online process – right from
innovations have happened.”
Executive Director of MMA welcomed
He firmly believed that whatever a rich nomination to the award ceremony,” man enjoys, a common man should be said Group Captain Vijayakumar in his able to afford.” He highlighted the
the guests, award winners and all the
opening remarks. He added, “Such an
struggles his father faced in launching
online award process would have
the sachet and his lack of knowledge
sounded sheer crazy six months ago.
about patenting his innovation. “It was
Captain R Vijayakumar (Retd) VSM and
“In the midst of a pandemic and