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MMA took a significant step towards digital transformation with the launch of its Digital Library on November 29, 2021. This forward-thinking initiative was highly appreciated by MMAMembers.
Throughout the year, the MMA-KAS Digital Library expanded its offerings to benefit members. Over 3,500 ebooks were added, providing a wide range of resources for members to access and explore. Additionally, the library incorporatedavastcollectionof1.4millionelectronictheses and dissertations from over 320 universities worldwide. This extensive repository of academic work enables members to accessvaluableresearchandscholarlymaterials.
The introduction of the MMA Digital Library signifies the organization's commitment to embracing technological advancements and providing convenient and comprehensive resources to its members. This initiative opens up a world of knowledge and information, empowering MMA members to enhance their learning and stay up to date with the latest academic research from acrosstheglobe.