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CLIL magazine - Abdera Secondary School

A new magazine is

Donativo 1 €uro

born !!!

A magazine where you can publish your best works in English


ra e d Ab S smo E i I ü ng el i l d i B s glé és l n i g n I 009 en 2 e a is t od ayo v t e n m R me a 1t r o r pa me De ú N


entrevista en exclusiva a nerea camacho, después de ganar el goya a la mejor actriz revelación, el pasado 1 de febrero Páginas 6­7

ciclo de conferencias en inglés

The lecture of the month Páginas 8­9

Viajes interactivos para la clase de inglés Página 15


CLIL magazine - Abdera Secondary School


"Education is not preparation for life; education is life itself"

"Skill to do comes of doing"

"Memory is the mother of all wisdom" Samuel Johnson


John Dewey

" ougTrea be c ht t p o m to e o p le ew b ha t e a s i th e a n d f th y a y ey G O r e ou we E T c a he r e H E p a lp w ha bl e of themt th be i ey n t g" o "Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world" Nelson Mandela

"There are no gains without pains"

Benjamin Franklin

by n e r d l c hi y" r u o y ap l i v e s e as c i d n a ot h ing their inlein n o D " mak bert He Ro

"A child educated only at school is an uneducated child" George Santayana


Welcome to the first issue of LINES, the fun and practical magazine for both teachers and students in CLIL contexts. This magazine is made of our students activities, compiled and selected with the help of the teachers in the Bilingual Program. Let us, first of all, tell you about our work in this project:

We started this adventure of teaching different subjects in English four years ago now. We call this CLIL, which stands for "Content and Language Integrated Learning", and consists of learning Maths, Art, PE, Music, Social Studies or whatever subject we want, by means of a foreign language, English in this case. We have our normal lessons, but at least one third of the class is prepared and taught in English. We also have activities such as conversation with the language assistants, lectures about lots of interesting topics, exchanges with British schools and a drama amateur group. In this magazine we want to show you what we do in the lessons and the kind of projects we are envolved in. We hope you enjoy it!

Raquel Lozar Florenciano Editor


02 Quotations and sayings 03 Editorial 04 Opinion

06 Interview to Nerea Camacho 08 The lecture of the month 10 Research

13 My best project 14 Music

15 AICLE and TIC 16 Interviews

20 My English exchange 22 Sports

24 Awards

25 Advertising 26 Puzzles


MY EXPERIENCE IN THE BILINGUAL GROUP I think the bilingual group is very different from the other groups . In this group, the English lessons are more difficult because here everybody must speak in English all the time. This year I have Maths ans Social Sciences in English, but in previous years, my classmates also had Art, Physical Education and Music. Last year, I was in a normal group and, although my level is quite good, I think I'm far from the group's level, but I feel very well. The most difficult thing for me is talking because last year I didn't speak much. I think I will succeed since I understand more than at the beginning of the year. My level is higher than last year. This methodological system is very difficult, but I'm learning a lot. I have to go the the English Department room with two othe friends to speak English with American teachers, they are Patrick and Rebecca. We also have more activities than in other groups, for example, we have drama, a diary, this magazine, etc. Learning English is very important to work and to speak with foreign people because you can speak English all over the world. That is why there are more bilingual groups every year. I recommend everybody to join the bilingual groups. Diego Castillo Barroso - 3ยบ E

This year, I have started in the bilingual group. At the beginning, It was a bit difficult because the English teacher spoke in English all the time. The teacher of other subjects also gave us a lot of vocabulary in English. However now I like it very much because I speak more fluently, I learn more vocabulary and I have got a higher level of English. It is good fun because we are organising a play in English. We also went on a school trip where the guides spoke in English. Now, I can understand English people much better. It is a good experience and I recommend it to everybody. Miguel Montoro Puga - 3ยบ E


Este autor malagueño ha manifestado en distintas ocasiones que sólo escribe las novelas que a él le gusta leer, siendo el placer de la escritura y la capacidad de escribir sus principales ideas. El origen de Huida al Sur está en un hecho que el propio autor presenció hace muchos años en una fonda, donde dos tratantes de ganado acusaban a un marroquí, que trabajaba en el hotel, de haberle robado la cartera a uno de ellos, además le golpeaban e insultaban. Todas las personas, incluso los policias, daban la razón a la denuncia de los dos hombres, hasta que apareció un camarero de la sala donde pasaron la noche anterior trayendo la cartera, resultó que, en medio del follón, se les debió de caer en el otro local. En esta novela nos vamos a encontrar varias historias que irán a parar poco a poco en el Hotel Riverside Palace de Salobreña .

Se recomienda a lectores de los últimos cursos de la enseñanza secundaria.

Oliver Twist is one of Charles Dickens´s most famous books. The story takes place in London. Oliver Twist runs away from the orphanage and he meets Fagin and his gang in the streets of London. He lives many adventures where his life is in danger.

En este libro se habla de un caballero que produce admiración llamado el Cid Campeador. El Cid Campeador es desterrado de su tierra injustamente y más tarde conquista territorios para dedicar sus victorias al rey. Al final es perdonado por éste. José Luis Valverde Crespo Pedro Casas Iglesias Javier Vargas Barroso

We have already the 5th season of the stroppiest doctor on TV, HOUSE. Though this year HOUSE is fighting against new series as good as Prison Break. I have watched all the seasons and this one seems to me one of the best things that you can see on telly. All the chapters seem to be the same but we have prominent characters, cases that cannot be solved, brilliant ideas at the very last moment... I hope that now they encourage the relationships among all the characters. It would be great. Antonio Miguel López Vargas ‐ 3º E

P: ¿Cómo nació tú vocación hacia el mundo del espectáculo? R: A mí de siempre me ha gustado el mundo del espectáculo, le dije a mis padres que quería ser actriz, ellos me hicieron un book de fotos, y lo mandaron a dos agencias de Madrid para poder hacer un casting. P: ¿Qué pensaste cuando te dijeron que ibas a realizar una película? R: Me puse muy contenta, no me lo creía. P: ¿Y tus padres qué dijeron? R: Se pusieron muy contentos y me felicitaron. P: ¿Qué sentiste cuando recibiste el Goya? R: Pues estaba súper emocionada y súper contenta, no me lo creía. P: ¿Cómo ha influido la película y el Goya en tu vida diaria? R: La gente me conoce más por la calle, pero en la escuela y en mi familia soy igual. P: ¿Qué te resultó lo más difícil de interpretar? R: Representar los sentimientos que me pedían. P: ¿Te costó memorizar el guión? R: No, porque un mes antes de empezar a rodar me dieron un guión para aprendérmelo y conocer al personaje. P: ¿Qué futuro tienes pensado? R: Pues seguir haciendo películas y ganar más premios.

P: ¿A qué te dedicarías si no fueses actriz? R: Me gustaría hacer puericultura. P: ¿Tienes pensado hacer alguna otra película? R: Sí, tengo tres proyectos, pero no hay nada seguro. P: ¿Te gustaría hacer alguna serie? R: No, porque las series te encasillan mucho. P: ¿Cómo reaccionaste cuando te dijeron que te tenías que cortar el pelo? R: Me puse un poco triste, porque estaba acostumbrada a tener el pelo largo, y tenía que cortármelo…, al final fue lo mejor que hice. P: ¿Qué es lo que más te gustó de la película? R: Pues gracias a ella, tener un Goya, conocer a gente que no conocía y quería conocer y hacer lo que me gusta, interpretar. P: ¿Y lo que menos? R: Cortarme el pelo, claro. P: Si fueras a una isla desierta, ¿qué tres cosas te llevarías? R: Un camión lleno de comida, una amiga para no aburrirme y mucha ropa. P: ¿Por qué te acordaste de Balanegra cuando te dieron el Goya? R: Porque en Balanegra estaban mis amigos y la gente de mi pueblo. P: Pues muchas gracias, Nerea, y muchos éxitos. R: Gracias a vosotros y hasta siempre.

Nerea Camacho posa en su casa junto a sus entrevistadores, Salvador Barranco e Isabel Martín, de 3ºE

Page 8. SECTION - RESEARCH The lecture of the month: THE CONSTITUTION El IES Abdera es centro bilingüe desde el curso 2005-06.

Este curso estamos organizando un CICLO DE CONFERENCIAS EN INGLÉS, obligatorias para nuestros alumnos bilingües. Los ponentes son Rebecca Barnett y Patrick Minella, que son los asistentes de lengua inglesa (también llamados lectores) que tenemos este año. Los dos son americanos. Versan sobre distintos temas: MÚSICA, ARTE, LITERATURA, DEPORTES, TALLER DE MATEMÁTICAS... Inauguramos el Ciclo con la Constitución en USA y la Carta Magna en UK, para celebrar nuestro 6 de diciembre. Aquí podéis ver un resumen de la conferencia sobra la Constitución.

The Constitution is the union of the rules, the rights and the laws of a country.

History in USA The Constitution was written in 1783, it happened after the American War of Independence, it is the supreme law of the land. It defines the powers of each part of the government. The United States government consists of "state government" and "federal government". Before, it had 13 states and now, it has 50.

Nuestros asistentes de inglés, Rebecca Barnett y Patrick Minella, en un momento de su conferencia.

Los alumnos de los grupos bilingües del IES Abdera asisten mensualmente a conferencias impartidas por profesores nativos.

Magna Carta in United Kingdom The word "Magna Carta" is Latin for "Great Paper". The Constitution of UK cannot be amended because no single document exists. This Constitution was written in 1215. It is the great influence in the US, the justice "unwritten".

Fun facts • In USA, Benjamin Franklin is the oldest major in US ever. • The Constitution was written in the same building as the Declaration of Independence. • George Washington wrote the Constitution and he was the first president. • Israel, New Zealand and UK are three countries with "unwritten" constitutions.

Lucía Quintana Medina

Page 9. SECTION - RESEARCH The lecture of the month: ART and MUSIC

La segunda conferencia del ciclo tuvo lugar a principios del mes de febrero. El tema era EL ARTE desde la perspectiva de nuestros alumnos de 1º, 2º y 3º ESO. Aquí podéis ver algunos de los temas:

Stonehenge: Prehistoric

Westminster Abbey:

The Patio de los Vélez in the

Edward Hopper: Diner

Andy Warhol: Pop Art

La tercera, en el mes de marzo, fue MUSIC: SINGING ALONG.

From the fiddle to the drums

From Henry Purcell to B.B. King

Page 10. SECTION - RESEARCH School trip: Úbeda and Baeza

En el mes de noviembre se organizó una excursión bilingüe a las ciudades de Úbeda y Baeza, Patrimonio de la Humanidad. La visita guiada a los distintos lugares y monumentos se hizo tanto en inglés como en español. Los objetivos de esta actividad están contemplados en diferentes asignaturas: LITERATURA, CIENCIAS SOCIALES E INGLÉS.

Plaza del Pópulo, en Baeza, con Isa, Marisa y Luis.

Una representación de los alumnos bilingües de 3º E

Capilla del Salvador, en Úbeda

Isabel Mª Fernández López Mª Isabel Vargas López

Page 11. SECTION - RESEARCH Statistics Project

In the first term of the school year, we prepared a project dealing with Maths, Geography and English.

First, we were given some information about different variables: economical, sociological or geographical topics in our local area. Then, we had to collect all the data and organize it to

draw some conclusions. In groups, and after the analysis, we had to put the results forward

in the class by means of the charts we had studied in Maths. The topic of my research was

"number of books read in my class group during the summer". We had to do a written essay and a mathematical oral presentation.

The “xi” are the books read and the “fi” are the number of people, the rest is mathematical calculations. The maximum number of books is 4, read by 8 people, and the minimum is 8 and 20, both by 1 person. These calculations show that we read books mainly when they are compulsory and not many people read in their free time. Have you ever thought about the number of books you read a month?

Francisco José López López

Page 12. SECTION - RESEARCH My town

We want to show you the most important festivities and bank holidays we have in Adra, our town. Of course, you are more than welcome to come and enjoy them.

San Valentín On this holiday, people in love give a present to those they love: flowers, teddy bears, chocolates... It is on 14 February. San Marcos Is the patron of the farmers. People wear typical clothes and the saint is walked all over the town. It is on 25 April. San Juan People make a lot of bonfires on the beach and they have a swim at 12 o'clock at night. It is on 24 June's eve. La Virgen del Carmen On this holiday, people go to the church for a mass and the Virgin goes out in a procession. It is on 16 of July. La Feria

It is in honor of Virgen del Mar and San Nicolás de Tolentino. There is a funfair, concerts, fireworks... and lots of activities. It is celebrated from 5 to 10 of September. Día de todos los santos It is All Saints Day, something similar to Halloween in the Saxon countries. People go to the cemetery to give flowers to their dead relatives. It is on 1st November.

Cristina Briones Rubio

Cristina Ramos Sánchez

SECTION - RESEARCH Biographies of famous people Muhammad was born in 570 and he died in 632. He lived in Medina, which is in Mecca. He had a wife,

Jadiya, and six children: two boys, AlQasim and Abdulah, and four girls, Zaindom, Ruqayyah, Umm Kulzum and Fátima. He was an employer and a merchant. He created a new religion, ISLAM, in 622.

Julia Salinas Navas - 2º C

Justinian (Flavius Petrus Sabbatius) was born in 482 in Tauresium, Dardania, and he died on 13-14 November 565 A.D., when he was 81 years old. He lived in Constantinopla, and he died in Constantinopla too. His mother’s name was Vigilantia, and his father’s name was Sabbatius. His wife was Theodora. He studied philosophy. He conquered part of the Western Roman Empire in his plans for the “restoration of the empire”.

Rafael Tendero - 2º B


All students in the bilingual groups of 1st ESO were happy to accomplish a mission in February. They were asked to reflect on card something new they had learnt this year both in the English and History lessons. They chose the cultural aspects they like most: London and the British symbols. After a contest, they decided that the best projects had been done by María Aguilera, María González, Ainoa López, Mar López and María Sánchez (1st ESO C) and Carmen Figueredo, Nerea Millet, Patricia Peña and Ana Tarifa (1st ESO D).

You deserve an A+. Congrats!


A l b er t oi singers the of

KOSA A­PARTE is a punk­ rock group born in Adra some months ago. Everything started on 27 December, when the drummer bought his first drum set. As other members of the group had guitars and a bass, we decided to form the band. We rehearse in a garage. We meet there to study the lyrics and compose songs.




We are a young group with the wish to play, not only good music, but also songs considered to make no sense and to be empty. It is music for music's sake. Kosa A­Parte has started to write their first lyrics and they really hope other songs to come out soon.

José Juan Leon, Francisco López, Antonio Morillo and Alberto Sáez

National Conservatory of Music



This School of Music is a place where you learn how to play an instrument. There are two in the province of Almería, one in El Ejido and another one in Almería. I am in the seventh year of saxophone. I study harmony, saxophone, orchestra, piano and transposition. In the conservatory of music there are many instruments you can choose: bassoon, saxophone, trumpet, piano, violin, drums… There are three degrees: elementary, intermediate and advanced. The elementary degree lasts for four years, the intermediate is six years long and the advanced is four more years. This is my third year in the intermediate level. Joaquín Prados


Page 15. SECTION - AICLE and TIC

L Mª Jesús Gaitán Peña - Paloma Ayuso Rodríguez

ua g n le e ty d t s e e n r nt a e B t s a i do s c i s c a e os an an eb r h t R , s , a Nue anjera inell por Ju Âş E. M 3 r ext atrick stados ra, de P evi guile r t en s c o A ci n a Fr


Juan Francisco con Patrick Minella

What is your name? Patrick Minella How old are you? I am 23 years old.

Where are you from? I am from Burlington (Connecticut) in the United States. What do you do for a living? I graduated from my university last summer and now I am teaching English in Abdera Secondary School, in Adra. Do you like it? Yes, I like it. Do you think languages are important nowadays? I think languages are very important, especially with increased globalization. How many languages can you speak? English and some Spanish. What countries have you visited? Canada, Mexico, Aruba, Spain, Ireland, United kingdom, Belgium and Holland. Do you like Adra? Yes, because it is a small Spanish town and on the Mediterranean yet it isn´t overrun by tourists. Do you think Spain is important in the world nowadays? Yes, I believe Spain and the European Union as a whole is crucial in changing the world in which we live.


What do you think of the education in Spain? Based on Abdera, I think the education system in Spain is very good . However, I know Abdera has a strong reputation compared to other Spanish high schools. Let us talk about politics. Do you think Spain will be a great economic power? I think Spain will be one of many economic powers in the world. However I think the United States and the EU would have to compete with China and India. How is Spain seen in the USA? I think Spain along with western Europe is seen as a close friend and ally. What do you think of the United States of America? First, it is my home and I love it. As an American it gets tiring listening to foreigners talk badly about the United States. I believe there are many great things about the country. But, at the same time I disagree with many of the government's actions overseas. A bit of religion now, so we won't be politically correct at all. What religion do you believe in? I am catholic, because my parents are both catholic, however I do not like the church. To finish, let us come back to school. What do you think of the bilingual program in our school? I am really impressed by the program and the teachers. So, do you think this project has succeed? Yes, because many of the students have a very good level in English and I think the program will improve every year. What do you think of Abdera Secondary School? I like Abdera a lot; all the teachers and staff are very friendly and welcoming. What do you think of the exchange we have with an English school every year? Do you think it is good for the students? I think is a good opportunity for the children of Abdera to learn English. Patrick, thank you very much for your time. It was a pleasure.

Page 18. SECTION - INTERVIEWS What is your name? My name is Rebecca Augustina Barnett. How old are you? I´m twenty three years old.

Where are you from? I´m from Jacksonville, Florida. Do you like your town? No, it is really big.

What do you do for a living? Do you like it? I teach English at Abdera Secondary School and I do like it. Do you think languages are important nowadays? Oh, yes, very much.

How many languages can you speak? Two. Spanish and English. What countries have you visited? I´ve visited England, United States, France, Italy, Mexico and Spain. Do you like Adra? Yes, I like the beach and the people, the promenade … Do you think Spain is important nowadays? Yes, I think it is a different culture and it influences many other cultures. How is Spain seen in the USA? Spain is seen as a rich culture, it is known for its passionate music and fantastic cuisine. Do you think Spain will be a great economic power? Yes. Because of the European Union. Do you think Obama will change the world? No, because one can only do so much in four to eight years.

Juan Francisco Aguilera entrevistan

Page 19

ra entrevistando a Rebecca Barnett

What do you think of the United States of America? I think it is a very big country and a faster way of life. What religion do you believe in? Why do you believe in that religion? Unitarian Universalist. To learn about others religions, cultures, ideas, traditions and it is very liberal. What do you think of the education system in Spain? I think the education is focused on specific jobs. What do you think of the bilingualism? I think is a good way to open your mind to new ways of thinking. Do you think this project has succeeded? Yes, because I think the third year students are doing very well. What do you think of IES Abdera? I think that the school has very hard working teachers. What do you think of the English exchange we do every year? Do you think is good for the students? I think it is a good experience for you all to communicate with someone your own age. Well, Rebecca, thank you very much for your attention. Thank you very much for the interview. It was very good.

Texto: Juan Francisco Aguilera Funes (3º ESO E) Fotos: Cristina Uclés Peña (3º ESO E)



adra-peterborough peterborough-adra

The Abdera exchange has taken place for eight running years. The English group always come in the second term of the school year. Each English student lives with a Spanish family for a week. The school prepares activities for their stay: trips to Almería, Málaga and Granada, Spanish dancing lessons, drama... We also organize different quizes to be completed with information from Adra historical and tourist places. Likewise, the Spanish students and their teachers visit their English friends in June every year. We are taken to London, Cambridge, York, Lincoln and, specially Peterborough, our hosting city. We participate in very British traditions such as bowling, BBQs, cricket, afternoon tea and going out for Sunday lunch. But the most important aspect in this activity is the living together in a typical family in a foreign country.

It was eight years ago when we started the out­of­ school activity "English exchange". Our partner school, Deacons Secondary School, is located in Peterborough, Cambridgeshire. Everything started when both departments agreed that something else could be done to improve and promote the foreign language level of our students.

This picture belongs to one of the many trips organized by the English Department at Abdera Secondary Scholl. It is Virgen del Mar Church, in Almería.

María López Antuña Mª Cristina Uclés Peña Virginia Fernández Martín Pablo Moreno Gallart


We arrived in Peterborough on Monday the 23rd, in the afternoon, and I settled in my friend’s home. On the following day, we visited the school and we saw how lessons are taught there. After this, we visited Peterborough’s Cathedral. We also visited the museum. On the next day, we got on a train to London. We saw Buckingham Palace and the Change of the Guard. We went to Saint James' Park and took lots of photos. Later, we got on a tourist bus and we saw the Big Ben, London Eye, Trafalgar Square, Covent Garden, Whitehall, Downing Street, Houses of Parliament, Westminster’s Abbey, Tower of London, Leicester Square, Oxford Street, Regents Street and Piccadilly Circus. On Thursday, we went to the school again; we stayed there playing football with some friends until we went into town to play bowling. On Friday, we got on a train to Lincoln and visited Lincoln’s Cathedral and Lincoln’s Castle. We spent the whole weekend with the families. On Monday, we went to Cambridge and visited the University of Cambridge. Together with the University of Oxford, this university is one of the best and most important within the United Kingdom.


From 25th March until 1st April, a group of English people between 13­17 years old, came to Adra. They came to Abdera Secondary School. They did different trips: Málaga, Granada and Almería. We went with them to Almería (it is the photo you can see on the left). We had a very good time with them. In Adra, we took them to a pizzeria, to the beach, to the tennis club, to the shopping centre, to the promenade, to parties, pubs, etc. If we could, we would repeat next year. It is an unforgettable experience. We will never forget it.








José Juan León

Joaquín Prados

Antonio Benavides Garbín is 15

years old, and now he is traveling all over Spain. He began to train tennis when he was ten. He loves sports a lot.

The most important tournaments in which he has participated are: the Tournament of Andalucia in 2008, where he lost in the third round; the Andalucia Tennis Tour 2008, where he played for Almeria (Adra, Almeria); Granada; Baeza (Jaen), where he went to the final stage. But his best tournaments ever were Super Olé 2008, played in Almería, and the Tournament Blanes, also in Almería. Here he won all the stages!







In this article I am going to sum up my experience in a football team, the Tennis Club C.F. My mission was to defend the goal, together with the goalkeeper, I was a defender. I managed to play about a hundred games, most of which we won. I started to play when I was eight. The match I will never forget was in Roquetas de Mar, my last match. We won 12­6 due to the fact that we had a strategy: curlers. But these 6 goals that Roquetas scored were because they copied our strategy! After this match, our coach invited us to pizzas and the spectators jumped to the pitch to take photos with the team. I had great coach and many friends in the team. It was cool. Luis Jiménez Montoya


XXV Concurso Escolar ONCE El tema del concurso de este año era "El braille, leer y escribir es poder vivir en igualdad", con motivo del bicentenario del nacimiento de Louis Braille (1809­1852). Era, por lo tanto, una manera de rendirle homenaje al inventor del sistema braille. Para participar había que diseñar, en clase de Educación Plástica y Visual, un cartel que expresara lo que para los autores representa el sistema braille en las personas ciegas. De esta forma, se trataba también la historia de la escritura, evidenciando su importancia para el género humano como manera de entender la importancia del braille para los invidentes. En dicho cartel había que expresar la idea central mediante una conjunción de imagen y texto (lema o frase), ejercitando la capacidad de reflexión, la imaginación, el sentido plástico y la expresión escrita. Ha resultado premiado en la categoría C (1º y 2º ESO) un grupo de alumnos de 2º B bilingüe: Luna Mª González Padilla, Juan Carlos López Vargas y Ana Mª García Ortega, así como un grupo de 2º Bachillerato.

Nuestra enhorabuena a todos ellos.

Los tres alumnos de 2º B galardonados con el premio.

Ana Tarifa Cabrera, de 1º ESO D y

Pablo Remacho Aguilera, de 1º ESO C, ganaron el 1er premio en sendos concursos de LECTURA Y BILINGÜISMO.

Ella tuvo que leer un libro, hacer un resumen, contestar a una serie de

preguntas y continuar una historia ya empezada. Él diseñó un marcapáginas con dibujo y texto.


XXV Olimpiada Matemática Thales ­ Albox 2009 Nuestra alumna de 2º ESO, NURIA RODRÍGUEZ BARROSO, ha ganado el PREMIO PACO ANILLO 2009 en la Fase Regional de la XXV Olimpiada Matemática THALES. Este premio se otorga por el problema resulto con mayor imaginación y creatividad. La entrega de premios a los 20 ganadores de la Olimpiada tuvo lugar el pasado 17 de abril en el Salón de Actos del Nuevo Ayuntamiento de Albox.




If you want to be the best at languages, buy SPOKET! It’s necessary for everybody who is bad at languages. If you don’t fancy studying in the morning you can’t study at night with SPOKET! 99£

Miguel Sánchez Ortiz Nicolás López Aguilar


Have you ever been to the States? Even if you haven't, we are sure that you'll be able to find the 6 differences in these maps. Have a go and good luck!

Crossword time!

Page 27

Find the ten MATHEMATICAL words. First, translate them into English.












AMPLIFICAR: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ DECIMAL: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ INTERVALO: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ NUMERADOR: _ _ _ NATURAL: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ DENOMINADOR: _ _ _ _ _ _ TAMAÑO: _ _ _ _ FRACCIÓN: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ POTENCIA: _ _ _ _ _ MUESTRA: _ _ _ _ _ _

Some rebus! What do these hieroglyphics mean?

This is a sport Pedro Casas Iglesias Miguel Sánchez Ortiz

This is a lepidopter

Solutions in the next issue!!!

Nuestro mรกs sincero agradecimiento a las siguientes empresas, que han colaborado con nosotros y sin las que hubiera sido totalmente imposible sacar esta revista.

Thank you ever so much!!!

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