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Depósito Legal: AL 521‐2010

Goodbye to our first graduates in Bilingual Secondary Education!!!

ISSN: 2171‐5491

Número 2 ‐ June 2010


We are going to introduce you to... PULPILINE, our bilingual mascot... Pulpiline as a metal figure on a wooden base

It was designed by our veteran 4th year students of Compulsory Secondary Education, who chose it after days of hard deliberation. Special thanks to Virginia and Luis!!! Have a look at it: there is a bilingual subject in every leg and you can read CLIL, which stands for "Content and Language Integrated Learning", which means that you are learning different topics and English at the same time!

Brooch made by Aitana, one of our younger students


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Last year, Abdera Secondary School won the I BILINGUAL COMPETITION IN ALMERÍA held in Roquetas de Mar and organized by Sabinar Secondary School. So, as winners, it was our turn to organize everything for the second edition of this BILINGUAL CONTEST. It took place on 4th June 2010 in the Arts Center in Adra, with 12 schools taking part in the different tests, and lots of authorities coming to the event.

After hard work on the part of all the members in our English‐Spanish Bilingual Program, we prepared activities such as typical cooking, British culture posters, writing, vocabulary, listening... and the final and decisive one: a cultural quiz about British culture and traditions. We have the pleasure of showing you some photos that prove the good time we had. And this year... the WINNER IS... SANTO DOMINGO SECONDARY SCHOOL who will be kindly holding the III BILINGUAL COMPETITION IN ALMERÍA, June 2011.

Au th o r i ti e s d u r i n g th e p r e s e n ta ti o n . F r o m l e f t t o r i g h t : R a qu e l L o z a r , B i l i n g u a l C o o r d i n a to r , C a r m e n C r e s p o , M a y o r e s s o f Ad r a , F r a n c i s c o M a l d o n a d o , E d u c a ti o n D e l e ga t e , D o l o r e s A r r ó n i z , H e a d a t A b d e r a

S o m e c o n te s ta n ts fr o m Ab d e r a

Au th o r i ti e s ta s ti n g th e d e l i c i o u s fo o d . . .

S a n t o D o m i n go s h o w i n g t h e i r t r o p h y a nd d i p lo m a s

V o c a b u l a r y te s t

G u e s s i n g te s t

C o n c e n t r a t i o n d u r i n g t h e c u l t u r a l qu i z

An d th e w i n n e r i s . . .

T h e tr o p h y w e w o n l a s t y e a r

Al l te n r e p r e s e n ta ti v e s fr o m A b d e r a S c h o o l a n d t h e i r E n gl i s h te a c h e r , Ov i d i o H ó r r e o


Are you in love...? Our students in 1st and 2nd CSE are!!! Have a look at the cards they drew in their ART lesson!!!!!!!!!!

Eugenia Aranda - 1º A Aicha Bakkali - 1º A Natalia Moisés - 1º B María Aguilera - 2º A Aitor Rodríguez - 2º A Pablo Jiménez - 2º C Celia Rodríguez - 2º C Mª Mar Fernández - 2º D Ana Tarifa - 2º D Claudia Vasile - 2º D

The older students took a step forward in this romantic project, they wrote their own love poems in English!!!

Who knows if we have a "future Shakespeare" among us!


Romanticism is a movement that starts in the XIX century in Europe and America.This literature has some characteristics, one of them is that the man is the owner of his life; freedom is the most important thing.The Romantic poetry loves to use in the poems Mediterranean places and mysterious and dark landmarks, the man uses the reason‌etc. Authors use some topics, usually love, nature and freedom.They express their feelings: sadness, melancholy, loneliness, happiness, madness, possession, necessity of somebody‌ Some of the main British authors are Lord Byron, Keats, Shelley, Scott, Coleridge, Wordsworth, Walter Scott and Elisabeth Browing, whose poem THE FIRST TIME HE KISSED ME we studied in our English class. We also dealt with ODE TO A NIGHTINGALE, by Keats.





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This trip has not only been a trip to learn literature, but a trip to make good friends. Everything started on 25th march in Sevilla, where our first hostel was. There we made the first contact with our instructors and route partners. We played a game to meet each other. In the game we were assigned a partner from another high school. This person would be our partner during the trip. We danced to meet the other people. After having our first dinner we gave our partners some presents: bracelets, pins ant some tshirts for everybody. We went to celebrate a schoolmate's birthday with our presents. It was time to sleep and our first day had supposely finished. During the week we visited the places related to the poets that we were going to study. In addition the relationship with the "jerezanos" was closer. We didn't feel embarrased when we had to read some poems aloud, I don't know how, but it seemed as if we had met long before. The trip was almost finished, everybody knew that this day was closer. For this reason we enjoyed the trip until the last minute. It was

incredible, especially the last night. When the music started, everybody started to dance. Unfortunately, we were not the only ones in the hostel and at 12 o'clock the music stopped, but the party went on in another room. We sang, told jokes, laughed, signed t-shirts and we even wrote poems dedicated to everybody and to the trip itself. We will never forget that night. The next morning, after having breakfast, the "jerezanos" had to go to their town. We were very sad and started to sing "Que cuando me vaya, no caiga una lรกgrima por mi...". I still don't know how in seven days, 168 hours, 10.080 minutes and 604.800 seconds, it is possible to have so much fun and to make such good friends.

Not only did we study the Generation of 27 in Spain, when we came back to school, we had to do some research about their British and American contemporaries. We studied the literary relation between the UK, USA and Spain during this period, and we read TS Eliot's poetry.

W ind e h t t ing a M or n


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¿Dónde estas Federico? A este lugar triste he salido a tu encuentro al oír la triste historia de tu muerte. Salí a la calle preguntando. ¿Dónde esta Federico? La gente no respondía, pero alguien dijo que aquí te encontraría. Vine para poder decir: ¡Federico está vivo! Pero ahora me he dado cuenta de que no es verdad…

El mar, Símbolo de libertad, Figura de la paz, En él podemos hallar, Emociones irrepetibles, Situaciones increíbles en el azul mar. El amor habita este lugar, De él no podrás escapar, Bajo el poder de Eros caerás. El mar, símbolo de amor, Paz y tranquilidad. Diego Castillo

The bilingual group of 4th CSE from Abdera high school, in Adra, Almería, was chosen to make a literary tour of Andalucia with the aim of getting a better understanding of the Generation of 27, visiting Sevilla, Málaga, Puerto de Santa María and Granada guided by the two monitors Diego and Marisa, who were lovely to us all the time. This project also aimed to improve the relationships between students, as Abdera had to live with students of Alvar Nuñez School in Jerez de la Frontera. We visited historic sites related to the poets of the Generation of 27 and we read their poems and studied a bit of culture about each author in the corresponding site. In Sevilla we learned things about Luis Cernuda, we went to the Ateneo, where we listened to poems read by two poets and also visited different sites where we read the poems of Luis Cernuda. In El Puerto de Santa María (Cádiz), we talked about Rafael Alberti, we read his poems and visited the Arboleda Perdida, where the monitors showed the students the environment and they explained about the fauna and the flora. We also went to Fundación Alberti. In Málaga we learned about the poetry of Vicente Aleixandre and Manuel Altolaguirre, who were born there. We had a great experience at the printing El Sur, founded by them. Finally, we stayed in a hostel in Víznar (Granada), where Diego and Marisa showed the students the two houses of Federico García Lorca and the park of Federico García Lorca where the students had to write a poem about Federico and to read it in the Barranco de Víznar, where we lived a very emotive moment in a small lake, standing over hundreds of deads. At the end of the trip, we had a farewell party all together, and the next day they came back to ordinary life after a very exciting trip, it was an unforgettable and unrepeatable experience. It was really worthy!!!


y ha d e h T . Albert ters and FAMILY ALBUM n i s u a ug h d n co a e m v r i e f l ov e d e G , b n e r r d t he h he e c hi l t o i n t i r t he n o W e f m l . a e s c d n IA a mo r so Br i t a i n u d e o d CTOR f d I e i l v V u is pr o N e r b a nd Q U E E i n 1 83 7 . S h r s a n d s h e s , she u n h e e u a e Q sh on. t h r on e e t h a n 6 3 y i n g Br i t i ca m e i e t a b ce. In n a a l i a r n r P o g o t i c t f or m n g e s t r e en Vi i ng h a m h k c b oug h W u B o d l n t o a r t e t he Al b ved in r s ol d t o o d a . e n m h . y a c r a i ng she s 10 l m or a l o a a m on g B w , s d 0 a e n 4 m b ol h w a 8 s y 1 d s e e s n h n a a u s e o s H at ain Wh he wa r reign S b or n e n e d t h f G r e a t Br i t l l b e . s r 1 a O 0 e l 9 o in 1 wi d he she n n d a I e " e i e s d u : s Q e aid AG E . t ne S he a e N r g A I be the pire, she s 10 when sh R O t i sh m y of Br i a n t h e V I C T the E he was onl ia. wn S d or i s k no good". Queen Vict e's affairs an at e r b e c a m a c t i v e i n st a rri e d he m as S h e w i fe . S h e l fa m i l y

Queen Victoria Memorial, in front of Buckingham Palace

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In the palace gardens

Her wedding

The whole family


These are some of the projects the students in 4th A/D worked on, both in English and History. They learned a lot about the INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION, which led to many interesting inventions.

THE VICTORIANS: a multidisciplinary approach

BRITISH EMPIRE By the end of Victoria’s reign, she presided over the largest empire that the world had ever seen. Victoria was responsible for creating the “family of nations” later known as COMMONWEALTH. The British Empire began as a small collection of colonies along the eastern coast of North America, also in Canada. India came under the direct rule of the British Government. Victoria became Empress of India, a title all future monarchs retained until India received its independence in 1947.


Education for poor children was mainly to put them to work, but some learned Reading, Writing and Arithmetic. Sons of rich families went to expensive

schools, such as Eton. They practised sport and learned about geography and history. Conditions in these public schools (private, in fact) were difficult, and bullying was common. Discipline was strict in Victorian schools. Children who did not learn their lessons had to stand in a corner. Teachers were allowed to hit children if they did not behave.

There were many differences between rich and poor people. Many poor people were forced to work long hours, under appalling conditions, for low wages. Many chose to emigrate to Australia, America or Canada. The rich was a new social class; businessmen made vast fortunes from the new advances in technology, though often at the expense of the working classes.


DARWIN is considered one of the parents of the modern scien the Theory of the Evolution of the Species, and he had to face The theory of the evolution of the species denied the origin of

LIVINGSTONE is one of the most important figures of the his and geology. In the Victorian England he was considered to be

CAYLEY was a British mathematician who helped found the mo



Our language assistant, William Burnett, read a LECTURE about VICTORIAN LITERATURE. Arthur Conan Doyle, a famous novelist who wrote Sherlock Holmes. Lewis Carroll, who wrote Alice in Wonderland, a children story, and Willkie Collins, who wrote The Moonstone. Will also spoke about Kipling, who was Poet Laureate and wrote Jungle Book.


DICKENS was the voice of the country and society in the Victorian Age. He wrote many famous novels, like Oliver Twist. When Charles was a child he should work at a factory to pay the debts of his father, moreover he had to live alone because his family was in a prison for the poor. He went to school but it was similar to prisons and he didn’t like it. For this reasons, among other things, he started to criticize the society, the law and the terrible conditions at factories and schools. One of the most important books of Dickens is mainly an autobiography: David Copperfield.


The introduction of gas and electric lighting, the development of the electric telegraph and the telephone are only a few of many inventions which included also cameras and bicycles.

nts of the modern science. His scientific convictions are based on cies, and he had to face his family and his wife, deeply religious. ies denied the origin of the human, of God.

rtant figures of the history of the exploration, zoology, botany e was considered to be a national hero.

ho helped found the modern British school of pure mathematics.


The railway was the most important invention created in England, but it was the arrival of the railways that made the biggest impact on British society. Railways speeded up trade, provided employment, encouraged the growth of the towns and opened up a new world of travel to millions of people. Goods, people, mail and ideas were travelling faster than ever before.


This year our 2ESO students tasted the real flavour of HISTORY!

They have dressed up as monks, read a wide range of texts, taken part in debates and learnt something about one of the most intriguing periods of Spanish history: the Reconquest. Our students looked for web‐based information about the characters who most influenced this age and prepared and oral exposition in the English lesson.


lfonso X (1221–1284) was a Castilian monarch who ruled as the King of Castile, Leon and Galicia. Son of King Ferdinand III, he was born in 1221in Toledo. He married Violante de Aragon, daughter of King James I of Aragon the Conqueror. On the death of his father, he resumed the offensive against the Muslims (in the process of the Reconquest). The king’s most ambitious work was his aspiration to the Holy Roman Empire.


Since 1972, a section of the nobility was faced with the monarch. In addition to his conquests, he is also known for his literary, scientific, historical and legal words. He established Castilian as a language of higher learning and earned nicknames such as the Wise for his own prolific writings. Source: Wikipedia

Aitor Rodríguez Vargas ­ 2º A

The students had a dramatized debate for their History lesson: e had a debate about some chapters from The Name of the Rose, by Umberto Eco. We disguised as monks because the book deals with some monks who go to a monastery. The author explains the works they do in the monastery. They copied books in the "scriptorium", where each monk had his desk and window so that they could copy the books. They also prayed every day. uring the debate, we were sitting on a circle. As we were dressed as monks, we had to behave like monks and talk like monks. We spoke about what we had read, what we liked the most and the least.

T debate.

Nerea Millet Pelegrina ‐ 2º A

he Mass was completely different from others. We focused on our opinion of God. It all started in the morning. Every monk with his clothes, his crucifix, his rosary, his bible... and most important of all, their way of thinking about life. We entered the church and, all sitting in a circle because we are all equal, the bishop began the

WW II lasted from 1939 to 1945 and involved most nations in the world. There were two alliances: the Allies and the Axis. There was mass death of civilians, including the Holocaust and nuclar weapons. The war in Europe ended with the capture of Berlin by Soviet troops and Germany surrendered on 8 May 1945. By that time, the Japanese Navy was defeated by the United States. It ended with the total victory of the Allies over Germany and Japan.

Extra! Extra! Read all about it! SECOND WORLD WAR!!!


We've been told in our history lesson that in 1940, death rained from skies onto British cities. In six months, a bombing campaign killed more civilians* than died on active service. "Blitz" is the short for

blitzkrieg, the "lighting war" employed by the German forces. Its elements were surprise, speed and firepower. When the sirens sounded, people run for shelter. Some of them even had a cooker, electric light and beds. The Blitz was meant to open the way for the Nazi invasion of Britain, but Hitler lost the Battle of London. For 57 consequtive nights, Londoners endured bombings, explosions and horror, but they would not give in. *Ordinary

men, women and children.


THE ORIGIN OF NUMBERS Firstly, people invented the "counting number", which is the number used for counting; if we don’t have anything we have zero things, this is the birth of "zero". Then, people invented the "whole number" that are positive and the zero. Later, they invented "integer numbers", which are positive and negative numbers. With fractions, "rational number" was born, this is the number that you can put in a fraction form. But there is more if you draw a square of size 1, what is the distance across the diagonal? The answer is "the square root of 2" and it’s an irrational number. Later, they joined "rational and irrational number" and "real numbers" born. But does the square root of minus exist? The answer is yes, it is an imaginary number, the letter i. Finally "complex numbers" were born, which are real numbers mixed with an imaginary number like 3 + 2i; but if you think, 3 is a complex number because you can put it like 3 + 0i and 7i is a complex number because you can put it like 7i + 0, so "complex numbers" include the "real numbers" and the "imaginary numbers". EASY, ISN'T IT???!!!

In the math class, the students in 2nd, 3rd and 4th ESO watched a film called DONALD IN MATHMAGIC LAND. Here you are some comments about it:

The film starts when Donald Duck passes through a doorway and he doesn't know that he has entered in Mathmagic Land. This fantasy land contains trees with "square roots", a stream flowing with numbers, and a walking pencil that plays tic‐tac‐toe. A geometric bird recites the first 15 digits of Pi. Donald soon hears the voice of the "True Spirit of Adventure", who will guide Donald on his journey through "the wonderland of mathematics".


Donald learns that mathematics applies to games, including chess, baseball, football, basketball, hopscotch, and three‐cushion billiards. Themes of Lewis Carroll's Through the Looking‐Glass are scattered in the chess scene. In the scene of the billiards, the narrator explains to Donald Duck how to do the calculates to hit the ball by means of the diamonds of the sides.

Donald also learns how the golden rectangle appears in many ancient buildings, such as the Parthenon and Notre Dame cathedral. Paintings such as the Mona Lisa and various sculptures contain several golden rectangles. The use of the golden rectangle is found in modern architecture, such as the United Nations building in New York City.

In our opinion, this film is very educational since watching it, it is possible to learn mathematics, English and cultural contents at the same time. We recommend it to the children who are in the school so that they can realize that mathematics are in all our environment.

ALZHEIMER is a degenerative disease related

to nervous system discovered by Alois Alzheimer. Nowadays we can slow down their effects with some medicines. It is generally diagnosed in people over 65 years old.


Some of its common symptoms are: ‐ Memory loss ‐ Confusion ‐ Mood swings ‐ Language breakdown I think we all must help people who suffer it. There is also an Alzheimer´s day on 21st September. In conclusion, I think Alzheimer is one of the saddest thing that can happen to someone.

! ! ! S E S A E S I D BULIMIA is an excessive preoccupation for the body. A major concern for our bodies and our figure. The person with bulimia eats a lot, then vomits. People with this disease require support from his family in order to overcome, also need especial medical aid. Some people are cured easily, but others need many treatments and take much longer to recover. Most people with this disease begins slowly and then can´t stop, and vomit everything they eat; these people need more medical attention. Bulimia is an illness similar to anorexia. In conclusion, bulimia is a difficult disease to cure, when you have had it for long, but not impossible; you have to be strong.

My exchange with UK: two perspectives...

English is a very important language nowadays, so it is very important be able to speak it.

Exchanges are a very useful way to learn English.

English people come to Adra for a whole week.

Peterborough is our host city and Thomas Deacons Academy our host school. London, Cambridge, Oxford, York, Lincoln, Stamford...

Exchanges are opportunities you cannot miss!!

Juan Francisco Aguilera

You can make friends for all your life.

It is very difficult when we have to say good bye to them.

When we go to England, we stay at our English friend´s for ten days.

During February half-term a group of students from years 9 to 13 participated in the Spanish exchange. We went to a small fishing town in the South of Spain, called Adra. We stayed with the students from the other school, called Abdera, for one week. We went to other popular tourist destinations during our stay, including Granada. The day trips were very enjoyable but most of us wanted to spend time with the Spanish people. We also went to the school to spend a day with our partner in their lessons. It was very different to TDA as they had shorter lessons and more breaks. Overall we think that TDA has better facilities but the classes in Spain were more fun and sociable. One major difference we found was their sleeping and eating patterns. They went to bed very late and got up very early. Also, they eat dinner at around 10pm, which is completely different to in England. Since the end of the exchange we have been speaking with the Spanish people on msn. This has been a great opportunity to learn more Spanish and more about their culture. We couldn't wait for them to return in September, so Mia and I have decided to travel on our own during the Summer to visit them all for a week. We cannot wait!

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My exchange with USA: Chicago and New York

When my Spanish teacher told us that students from Spain would be coming to our school for two

weeks, I was very excited. I couldn’t wait for the opportunity to meet them. Once they arrived, I knew I would have to rely heavily on the Spanish speaking skills that I had acquired throughout my four years of high school. When the student I was hosting, Miguel, came to stay with me we used both English and Spanish. Just in the first day of being around the Spaniards, I learned so much. At

first, I could hardly understand them. They spoke so fast that I couldn’t recognize any of the words they were saying. However, the more time I spent listening to them talk, the easier it was for me to

figure out what they were saying. Before the Spaniards came, I never would have imagined that my Spanish would have improved so much just by listening to them speak.

DeKalb is a big town, very close to Sycamore. We visited both towns and both schools: DHS (Dekalb High School) and SHS (Sycamore High School). In American schools everybody does a lot of extra activities, and one of the

things that were more excited about was that when they are 16 years old they can drive! The students wear clothes

with the logo and colours of their schools like t-shirts, jumpers, shorts… They have just 7 subjects, and the different years in the school have got a different name like freshmen, sophomore, junior and senior. We went to school every morning with our host, like another student. In the Spanish classes we did some presentations about Adra and explained something about Almeria and Spain. The school is also different because each student can choose the

subjects they want, such as cooking, dance...Parties are also very curious there, they usually gather around the

campfire and eat marshmellows, a candy with chocolate, melted between two cookies, it is very sweet, but it is good.

Some of us went to a very famous party, the prom, and the rest went to the post prom.But we dind't go to school only: we went to CHICAGO and NEW YORK. IT WAS SO COOL!!! We liked it a lot and appreciate what our teachers, Raquel and Javier, did for us.


M U S I C: a n A R T


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h t th i e w r l l a ba s e k h o t B o s u n is Th e The new moon is the smile of my English teacher

This is me, thinking about life...

Hey! Look! These are some of our projects. We love hanging them on the wall and watch. Here you are some examples. Wishes



4th Bilingual CSE 2009足2010

Good bye!!! We'll miss you! IES Abdera Closing ceremony at the Arts Center Adra, June 2010

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