Hello to all the wonderful parents and parents-to-be,
I'm thrilled to welcome you to the MamaMagic Milestones Expo in Durban! As a fellow parent and a father of two, I'm not just the Brand Director at MamaMagic; I'm right there with you, navigating the incredible journey of parenthood. This event is more than just an expo – it's a heartfelt celebration of the extraordinary adventure we're all a part of.
From those very first flutters in your belly to the infectious giggles of your little ones, parenthood is a tapestry woven with endless love, challenges, and the most precious moments. The MamaMagic Milestones Expo is a place where you'll find not just products but the embrace of a community that shares your joys and understands your struggles.
We at MamaMagic are parents, too, and we know the profound impact that raising a child has on
your life. This expo is our way of extending a warm hand to hold along this rollercoaster ride. As you step into the vibrant world of the expo, take a moment to absorb the care and dedication poured into creating an event that caters to every nuance of parenting.
We've got you covered, from innovative baby gear that simplifies your life to resources that guide you through those bewildering early days. And beyond the practicalities, what truly makes this expo special is the chance to connect. Parenthood can sometimes feel like a solitary journey, but here, you'll discover a circle of companions who empathise and truly “get it.”
As we embark on this journey together, remember that MamaMagic isn't just an event; it's the hand you can hold when things get tough, the friend you can laugh with over the chaos, and the guiding light when you're unsure of the next step, from “pregnancy to parenthood.”
* Schedule is subject to change.
Rotavirus 1
Hexavalent (DTaP-IPV-Hib-HBV)1
Hexavalent (DTaP-IPV-Hib-HBV)2
Diphtheria, Tetanus, Polio, Pertussis, Hepatitis B, Haemophilius, Influenzae
Diphtheria, Tetanus, Polio, Pertussis, Hepatitis B, Haemophilius, Influenzae
Rotavirus 2
Hexavalent (DTaP-IPV-Hib-HBV)3
Measles 1
Measles 2
Hexavalent (DTaP-IPV-Hib-HBV)4
Infection, Diphtheria, Tetanus, Polio, Pertussis, Hepatitis B, Haemophilius, Influenzae
Diphtheria, Tetanus, Polio, Pertussis, Hepatitis B, Haemophilius influenzae
Tetanus, Diphtheria
Tetanus, Diphtheria
A layette is a collection of essential items parents need to care for their newborn baby during the first few weeks and months of life. It encompasses everything from clothing and bedding to feeding and hygiene supplies. Creating a wellprepared layette ensures you have all the necessary tools to provide a safe, comfortable, and nurturing environment for your new arrival.
Tips for Going Through Your Layette Checklist: Start Early: Prepare your layette before your due date to avoid any last-minute stress or oversights.
Prioritise Essentials: Focus on the must-have items first, such as clothing, diapers, and a safe sleeping space. You can gradually add nonessential items as needed (as your budget allows).
Consider Seasonal Needs: Babies grow quickly, so consider the season your baby will be born in when selecting clothing sizes and types of clothing to have on hand.
Think About Feeding Options: Whether you plan to breastfeed or use formula, ensure you have the necessary supplies, including bottles, breast pumps, or formula, ready in advance.
Quality Over Quantity: Babies outgrow clothing and gear rapidly. Having a few high-quality, versatile items can be more practical than an excessive number of outfits.
Safety First: Check that all items, especially cribs and car seats, meet current safety standards. Install and familiarise yourself with car seats and other equipment beforehand.
Stay Organised: Use storage solutions and label containers to keep your layette items neatly organised and easily accessible.
Seek Practicality: Opt for easy-to-clean and functional items. Consider choosing clothes with snaps instead of buttons for quicker diaper changes.
Remember Personal Preferences: Every family's needs are unique. Tailor your layette checklist based on your lifestyle, preferences, and cultural considerations.
Accept Help: If friends or family offer assistance in preparing your layette, don›t hesitate to accept. Their advice and support can be invaluable.
Regularly Reassess: Adjust your layette accordingly as your baby grows and their needs change.
So, what's on the list?
Onesies (short-sleeve and long-sleeve)
Sleepsuits or footed pyjamas
Socks or booties
Mittens (to prevent scratching)
Hats (for warmth)
Swaddle blankets or receiving blankets
Burp cloths
Nappies (cloth or disposable)
Nappy bag
Changing pad
Bum cream or ointment
Nappy Bin or disposal system
Bottles (if not breastfeeding)
Bottlebrush and steriliser
Formula (if not breastfeeding)
Nursing bras or nursing pads (if breastfeeding)
Breast pump and accessories (if breastfeeding and please speak to your midwife or lactation consultant on when to start using a pump)
Nursing pillow
Burp cloths
Crib, bassinet, or co-sleeper
Fitted crib sheets or bassinet sheets
Waterproof mattress pads
Baby monitor
Swaddle blankets or sleep sacks
Bathing and Grooming:
Baby bathtub
Baby shampoo and body wash
Soft washcloths
Hooded towels
Baby brush or comb
Nail clippers or file (for delicate baby nails)
Health and Safety:
Infant car seat
Stroller or baby carrier
Pacifiers (if desired)
Thermometer (rectal or forehead)
Baby first aid kit (including infant-safe medications)
Baby-proofing supplies (outlet covers, cabinet locks, etc.)
Changing table or changing pad
Dresser or storage for baby's clothes
Rocking chair, glider or simple, comfortable chair that allows for comfortable feeding)
Dimmable nightlight
Blackout curtains
Baby laundry detergent (their skin is incredibly sensitive)
Nappy bag
Baby books or toys (they won't need this for the first few weeks)
Baby swing or bouncer
Baby carrier or wrap
Remember that every baby and family›s needs are unique, so adjust the checklist based on your preferences and circumstances.
By carefully curating your baby layette and following these tips, you'll be well-equipped to welcome your newborn with confidence, comfort, and peace of mind.
Many people are afraid of the pain that comes with labour, but it can be managed. Doula Donna Bland shares some tips and techniques.
Giving birth is one of the most memorable and rewarding events a woman will ever go through. It can also be the scariest and most daunting, but it doesn’t have to be, and shouldn’t be. With the help of some pain management techniques, women can cope better and often feel empowered, knowing that they were in control of their birth process.
Here are some ideas of how to cope better during labour and birth:
Breathing is an amazingly useful tool to help with relaxation and pain during labour and birth. There are a couple of good breathing exercises you can practise during pregnancy in
preparation for your baby’s birth. In labour, the point of taking long, slow breaths through your nose and out through your mouth, is to not only help you to relax, but also to oxygenate your blood and in turn send this oxygenated blood to your baby via the placenta. This is immensely advantageous for your baby, ensuring a good oxygen supply.
Active birth is one of the best ways to manage pain during labour and birth. Ask any mom who has laboured, how much worse her contractions felt during confinement to a bed, while undergoing routine examinations. Being upright and mobile is far less painful and has
the advantage of using gravity to encourage baby’s head to descend further into the pelvis in preparation for the birth, often shortening the length of the labour. Some of the things you can do to remain active is walk, squat or sit on a Pilates ball. You can also lean on the bed or a chair with your hands/arms and swing your hips from side to side. This movement has the benefit of softening and opening the cervix, while providing some pain relief during contractions.
A warm, homely environment creates a calming effect, making it easier to relax. This can be done in a variety of ways:
Music has a soothing effect
on the body and mind. Make yourself a playlist before your due date so that you have a good assortment of tunes to play during your labour and birth, so that you can play whatever you’re in the mood for on the day. Dimming the lights or lighting some candles can create an inviting atmosphere.
Taking along your favourite pillow or blanket can help make the hospital room seem less clinical and more homely.
Hot and cold compresses are very useful during the birth process. A bean bag warmer or a hot water bottle relaxes muscles and eases pain. This can be used on the lower back or neck and shoulders and be extremely soothing. A cold, wet facecloth with a drop of your favourite essential oil can revitalise and cool you down, particularly during our hot summer months.
Massage is a wonderful way to ease pain, whether it be for lower backache or tense shoulders. Using a base oil like grapeseed or sweet almond oil can be very relaxing and soothe the pain or spasm you may be experiencing. You can even put a drop of aromatherapy oil, like Neroli, with your base oil to help calm you during your contractions.
Water is probably one of the best pain management tools during labour and birth. Think about a time when you’ve had a long day and you want to unwind – what do you do? Many of us, particularly women, run a warm bath, perhaps light some candles and pour ourselves our favourite drink, then enjoy a soak in the tub. The same principle is true for labouring. The warm water soothes a tired, aching body and relaxes the muscles, making
labour less painful.
Relaxation is key! You may wonder how one can relax during a time of pain and the unknown, but the truth is that it is vital to ensure a less painful and more positive birth experience. Scientifically, this is because anxiety promotes the release of adrenaline, a hormone produced to initiate the fight or flight response. During highly stressful situations, our bodies produce adrenaline to help us cope, but over-exposure can be harmful. Adrenaline increases your heart rate, increases blood pressure and alters the body’s metabolism, to name a few.
The biggest concern with the overproduction of adrenaline during the birth process is that it inhibits the release of oxytocin, the hormone responsible for uterine contractions.
Too much adrenaline can cause problems in labour by:
Triggering distress to the baby before birth.
Inhibiting the release of oxytocin, causing contractions to slow down or have an erratic pattern, lengthening labour. In some cases, it can even stop labour completely. This was originally so women could make their way to a place of safety if she felt threatened or danger was imminent.
Creating a sense of panic and therefore increasing pain in the mother.
However, prevention is possible and can be achieved by:
Staying calm, comfortable and relaxed.
Being informed and prepared. Trusting your body and having confidence in your capabilities as a woman.
Having only intermittent
monitoring, providing it is safe to do so.
Placing trust in your caregivers, especially those providing comfort measures and positive support.
Continuous support provides moms with a feeling of safety and confidence, knowing that they are being well cared for. Having your partner or someone you’re close to nearby can prove to be invaluable. However, there are times when your partner may also feel overwhelmed and afraid. A wonderful solution to avoid this is employing a doula. Not only will you have continuous support, but you will have a professional who understands the birth process and can help you manage your pain and achieve your goals. There are statistics available to show the benefits of doula support (see The Cochrane Review at cochranelibrary.com).
Ultimately, I recommend attending childbirth education classes. Not only will you have the opportunity to meet other expectant couples, but it will give you an understanding of the birth process and what to expect on the day, giving you a feeling of empowerment and confidence.
Becoming a parent is one of the most exciting and rewarding things anyone can do. After nine months of pregnancy and a short stay in hospital, you get to bring your baby home – but then reality sets in and you realise that you are responsible for everything this little human needs. Knowing what to expect can help you to navigate these early days.
The first 100 days after a baby is born (also known as the newborn stage) is a crucial time for baby’s earliest developmental milestones, particularly brain development. It is also the time when you, as a parent, get to learn about your new role and adjust to the
changes in your life. So, what can you expect in these first 100 days?
Regardless of whether you are breastfeeding or bottle-feeding, there are plenty of concerns and questions surrounding this topic. A bottle-fed baby will feed every three to four hours on average, whereas a breastfed baby will feed every two to three hours. This is because breastmilk digests more easily, making babies hungrier more frequently. It is recommended therefore, that breastfed babies are fed on demand rather than on schedule. This means that a newborn baby
will feed between eight and 12 times a day.
Immediately after birth, your baby’s first stool, called meconium, will be dark green (almost black). This is from the amniotic fluid that your baby has been consuming in utero.
After a couple of days, the colour and consistency will change to become more yellow and liquid for breastfed babies and a greenish colour for formula-fed babies. Plenty of wet nappies are important to know that the kidneys are functioning well.
Donna Bland | Doula
A new baby is an exciting event, but it also comes with a great deal of uncertainty as you take your little bundle home and have to take care of their every need. Doula Donna Bland has some advice for brand new parents.
Newborn babies cry for a variety of reasons. Your baby may be hungry or have a dirty nappy, but often baby may just want to be held.
Babies also become overstimulated and may need a change in environment. Cuddling, swaddling or gentle swaying may help a fussy baby to settle. Skin-to-skin contact has proven not just to help baby settle, but feed and sleep better.
These days, many parents “wear” their babies in a wrap or a sling. Baby is comforted by hearing your heartbeat and being near you. This practice leads to a release of oxytocin (the love hormone), creating a happier mom and baby.
The average newborn will sleep around 16 hours a day. This may vary from baby to baby, but sleep is vital for a baby to thrive and develop during the first 100 days of life. Although sleep deprivation is guaranteed for new parents, there are some things you can do to get some much-needed sleep.
Sleep when baby sleeps. Night feeds and broken sleep can make coping exceedingly difficult. Catching up when your baby sleeps will help you survive the early days.
If your baby falls asleep easily but struggles to stay asleep, it could be because of the Moro reflex. This is your baby’s startle
reflex and can very often cause a baby to wake, even out of a deep sleep. Swaddling can be especially useful in combatting this problem, by extending sleep periods.
“Wearing” your baby, (as mentioned before) or cosleeping can really help in making your baby feel safe and secure, ensuring better sleep. If you are afraid to co-sleep, why not try having baby in a crib next to your bed where they are still aware of your presence and are accessible for easy feeding?
The first step towards future developmental milestones is for baby to practise intervals of tummy time. It is recommended that a baby spend a few times a day lasting a few minutes, on their tummies either on blanket (always supervised) or on mom or dad’s chest.
They don’t always respond positively initially, but if you persevere, your baby will develop the necessary physical skills, well within the recommended three-month milestone guidelines.
There are copious numbers of articles written about colic and reflux. All newborn babies, particularly in the first 100 days after birth, will experience some sort of gastrointestinal issue. The main reason for this is a highly immature gut system trying to cope with its new function of digesting milk.
Breastmilk is more easily digested and therefore tends to create fewer concerns in this area. Formula-fed babies need to be well burped and not overfed
to prevent the newborn’s stomach from cramping.
Colic and reflux, of course, do exist and present their own challenges, but remember that most newborn babies will suffer with some gastric disturbance during this stage. Speak to a lactation consultant or your clinic sister for advice on comfort measures for baby.
The journey into parenthood is a joyous, exciting time that brings many changes to your life. Moms must deal with physical recovery from the birth process, sleep deprivation, feeding concerns and the rollercoaster of emotions caused by hormonal changes. This can lead to postnatal “blues” or even depression, so having good support at this time is imperative.
If you do not have family or friends who can help you through this time, there are support groups available. If you are struggling in a particular area e.g., feeding, there are professionals who can assist you. Reach out to those available to you so that you can enjoy this precious time.
One hundred days may seem like a long time, but it is amazing how quickly that time goes after your baby is born. Being busy with your new routine and the lifestyle changes it brings can make the first couple of months seem like they have gone in the blink of an eye.
Knowing some of what to expect and having a good support system can help you to enjoy your baby during these first 100 days of life.
Sat 2 Sept 10:00 & 14:00
Sun 3 Sept 10:00 & 14:00
Two fundamental ways in which children learn to engage with the world are through structured play and free play. They develop critical life-long skills through play. As child development expert Syeda Sazia Zaman highlights, “Play is at the core of the child’s development!”
Structured play involves activities organised and guided by adults, often with specific goals or objectives in mind. On the other hand, free play involves unstructured activities that allow children to explore and learn on their terms. There are many benefits to both structured and free play.
Structured play can help children develop a wide range of skills, such as teamwork, problemsolving, and physical coordination. Structured play is essential in teaching children about the world around them and how to engage with the world.
Examples of structured play include:
• Building puzzles
• Playing hopscotch
• Making playdough
• Playing and catching a ball in a particular game
• Step-by-step crafts
• Board games and more
Incorporating structured play into everyday life can be fun. Get your little ones involved in baking, gardening or even folding the laundry and give them goals for their tasks.
Exploring the world to discover how things work independently is equally significant. This is where free play comes in. Free play allows children to unleash their imagination and creativity in new and exciting ways unique to them. It will enable them to explore their interests and everything that intrigues them to learn about the world around them in their way and at their own pace.
Examples of structured play include:
• Outdoor play
• Sand and water play
• Building blocks
• Dress up and pretend play
• Child-led play
Encouraging free play at home is simple. Create safe spaces for your children to play, so you’re not constantly hovering over them. Listen to your child and go along with their suggestions. This way, they build confidence in their exploration through play.
This type of play can also help children develop must-have social skills, such as cooperation and communication, as they interact with their little peers. Nursery school might be right around the corner, and this is where they will exercise these lessons learned.
One of the main differences between structured and free play is the level of adult involvement. In structured play, adults are typically very involved, providing guidance and direction to the children. In free play, adults often take a more hands-off approach, allowing the children to explore and learn independently. In other words, moms and dads, you can back off and let them play as they need to.
Parents and caregivers must balance structured and free play in a child’s life. By providing a mix of structured and free play, parents and caregivers can help children develop a wide range of skills and abilities that will serve them well throughout their lives. So, what are you waiting for… let them play.
Child development can be exceptionally detailed and overwhelming. This is the first in a three-part series to demystify child development and milestones by educator Kerry McArthur.
Child development is a process every child goes through. This process involves learning and mastering skills such as sitting, walking, talking, skipping, and tying shoes. Children reach these developmental milestones, during usually predictable time periods.
Children develop skills in five main areas of development: cognitive development, social and emotional development, speech and language development, fine motor skill development and gross motor skill development. We will start this series by looking at cognitive development and language development.
• Their imagination will become more vivid. Imaginary friends will make an appearance along with pretend play with dolls and stuffed animals.
• Your child also will learn to match familiar items to pictures of those items.
• They may enjoy simple puzzles (three to four piece puzzles are great for two-year-olds) building up to 12-15 pieces.
• Your child will be able to name pictures of objects and identify familiar activities in books.
Milestones develop in a sequential fashion. This means that a child will need to develop some skills before they can develop new skills. For example, children must first learn to crawl and to pull up to a standing position before they are able to walk. Each milestone that a child acquires builds on the last milestone developed.
This is the child’s ability to learn and solve problems, such as a two-month-old baby learning to explore the environment with hands or eyes, or a five-year-old learning how to do simple math problems.
Some examples of how your child explores.
• Understand and respond to words
• Identify objects that are similar
• Tell the difference between “me” and “you”
• Imitate the actions and language of adults
• Can point out familiar objects and people in a picture book
• Learn through exploration
• Your child will understand simple stories.
• Your child will learn to count to three and understand what those numbers mean.
• Your child should be able to answer questions like: “What do you do when you are sleepy or hungry?”
• Beginning to learn and understand different basic shapes and colours.
• Your child will, by age five, know how to tell a story with a beginning, middle, and end.
• You will begin to teach your child the difference between right and wrong.
• Your child will have a difficult time knowing the difference between reality and fantasy during this period.
• Playing pretend will ready your child for reading. If a rock can “be” an egg, then a group of letters can stand for a word.
The main thing to remember is that every child is different, every child will develop at their own pace and as long as consistent development is seen, then allow them to grow and explore.
Language development is the child’s ability to both understand and use language, such as a 12-month-old baby saying his first words or a two-year-old naming parts of her body.
12-18 MONTHS
Children at this stage will start saying their first words with meaning, for example “out” or “no” will be said in the correct moment. More and more vocabulary will be added to his vocabulary. You will often think (rightly so) that he can understand more than he can say. They will understand gestures and basic instructions, e.g., run, dance, etc.
Your toddler’s vocabulary is growing and she will start to put words together into short ‘sentences’. She will understand most of what you are saying and you will be able to understand more and more of what she is saying, even if it is mostly garbling.
Language development varies hugely, but your baby should have a few words by 18 months. If not, talk to your health professional.
Your child can speak in longer, more complex sentences now, and is getting better at saying words correctly. He might play and talk at the same time. He will
still confuse time and space but his understanding of how words interact with his environment and how to use them correctly will be growing. Strangers or family members will be able to have more meaningful discussions and they will be able to understand most of what is said.
A full range of vocabulary will initially be between 200 and 300 words with being able to follow a string of two- or three-part instructions. By age three, up to 1 000 words will be understood and used.
You can expect longer, more abstract and more complex conversations now. For example, your child might say things like, “Will a tree grow in my tummy because I ate a seed?”
There will still be confusion between present, past and future tense but this is getting clearer. She will want to start discussing a wider range of topics and her vocabulary will be quite varied.
Up to 1 500 words are being used and by five you will experience sentences made up of four or five words with correct placement of nouns, verbs, pronouns etc.
Always remember, every child is different and will develop at their own pace, so don’t rush them. Consistent development is important, so as long as this can be seen there is little reason for concern, but at any point
that development halts or slows down, please chat to your clinic nurse or paediatrician.
Enjoy your little one for as long as possible. Remember they are only little for short time and before you know it, they will be going off to school.
As parents we tend to focus on what we see as intellectual development. Most children are eager to learn, but education will soon become a huge part of their life. In the preschool years a close family relationship and good examples from caregivers should have more focus than formal learning.
You can encourage cognitive development by helping your child make sense of the world. When they show interest in an object you can help them touch and explore the item and explain what it is and how it can be used. Actively encourage your little one to explore the world. Have patience with them and don’t rush the process of learning.
There’s a dizzying array of toys out there for your children. Occupational therapist and mom TashaLeigh Williams gives advice on what toys will help to boost your toddler’s brain development.
Play is a massive and important part of our children’s lives, which is why finding the right kinds of toys will not only help to reduce toy clutter, but provide an exciting way for them to learn so much! Our little ones’ brains grow at an exponential rate within the first 100 days and these first years are some of the most important for laying that learning foundation.
I have compiled a few top toy categories that will encourage learning through play and boost brain-development. They can either be DIY or worth investing in. There are many toys that can fall within each category, but remember to keep your child’s unique play interests and developmental age in mind when picking out some of these.
It’s amazing to see how these toys can shape development and it has been so much fun and rewarding watching my son discover his unique potential at his own pace, all the while having him teach me just as much.
These toys require more initiative from the child, which in essence develops some awesome characterbuilding skills too, as opposed to being entertained by a
one-functional, pre-scripted toy. While those toys might be great to have around for the odd occasion, consistently providing play opportunities to instil the skills below, is not only fun for the kids, but essential building blocks that may shape their approach to adolescence.
These are toys that don’t have just one purpose, but can be used in a variety of different ways. They activate and boost the creative part of the brain as your child decides which function the toy will have. Since these toys spark imagination and pretend play, they build executive functioning (higherfunctioning skills), including planning and sequencing through play scenarios. Kids love to add their own bits to play scenarios, which develops their sense of empathy and responsibility.
They’re also great for encouraging self-expression
Tasha-Leigh Williams | Occupational therapistand learning to self-regulate, as their emotional development is moulded through pretend-play. These are all important skills needed to navigate childhood and adolescence. When we facilitate and build healthy creative minds, we are building an appreciation for their own design, and thus the design of others.
Toys in this category include loose toy parts, with no particular one-play function, such as blocks or wooden peg people, which makes play versatile.
With our toddlers learning to navigate their first steps independently, push/pull toys make for great gifts! They’re awesome for helping our toddlers strengthen core muscles, and improve balance and co-ordination as they learn to walk independently.
As these physical skills are encouraged, their confidence to explore and take on tasks independently is boosted too, which creates a sense of positive self-esteem.
They also learn a great deal of spatial awareness by navigating their environments and pushing or pulling toys in the desired direction. Spatial awareness is a great building block for mathematics. My son still loves his push-walker at 20 months old, which has a shape-sorter with sound in the front and builds his thinking and problem-solving skills.
Push/pull toys with multipurpose functionality that grows with your child are all the better to invest in.
This is one of our favourite ways to boost brain development and sensory processing. We can get through lots of basic concepts just by using sensory bins with popcorn seeds, coloured rice or lentils. (Don’t forget to monitor, especially when the contents are not taste-safe.)
Sensory toys can range from musical toys to various sensory bins and have endless benefits for boosting brain functioning. The stimulation is a great way to feed into the natural built-in inclination our kids have to explore and master the world around them. They become aware, learn to problem-solve and nerve connections in the brain’s neural pathways are built to master motor and processing skills needed within the environment.
Sensory toys are also an effective way to start building the self-regulation skills and emotional intelligence that are usually only mastered in adulthood, as they can have a great calming effect
on the brain’s sensory processors. What makes this such a win is the ability to build memory skills –what appeals to the senses is bound to cause an emotional response, and thus memory is built. It’s important to observe your child’s unique sensory tolerance – as some children may have a low threshold and are more sensitive to sensory stimuli, while others have a high threshold and require a lot more input to be stimulated at all.
Activity boards can be filled with sensory items or fine-motor lock-and-key items. It’s an awesome way to learn about cause and effect as they pull, clip, tug and open/close items on the activity board, which lays the foundation for developing curious minds and intentional play.
Activty boards are also amazing concentration and attention boosters and the right type of activity board can really keep toddlers busy for quite a while, giving them a chance to develop those problem-solving connections and fine-motor skills.
Books are a brilliant way to feed imagination, develop communication connections and increase vocabulary. From textured books to pop-up books, reading these aloud together facilitates a sense of co-operation and builds socio-emotional awareness, a component to adolescent emotionalintelligence.
There are endless opportunities to expand on lifethemes and create category connections from 2D to the real world.
As SA’s leading value fashion retailer for the whole family, Ackermans offers an incredible range of affordable baby fashion and essentials. Our 100% cotton products are gentle against baby’s skin, and nickelfree poppers help protect allergy-prone children. At Ackermans, we know moms, because we are moms.
AMC Cookware
Stand: M5
Stainless Steel Cookware
Baby Banz
Stand: D23
Baby Banz World incorporating Baby & Kidz Banz, offers a range of Carewear for Kids and Babies. Eye protection, sound protection and skin protection. Noise Cancelling Earmuffs, Hats, Costumes, Swim Peaks, Flexible Sunglasses and launching a new range of Chameleon Sunglasses for toddlers. All products meet the highest EU and USA standards.
Baby Bullet by Nutribullet
Stand: C23
Everything you need to make the most nutrient-rich, freshest food for your baby. The Original Baby Bullet Complete Baby Care System is a 22-piece set that helps you make healthy, delicious, all-natural baby food that is perfect for every stage of development.
Stand: N11
Delightful helium-filled balloons your kids will love.
Bestmed Medical Scheme
Stand: B1
Bestmed Medical Scheme is the largest self-administered and 4th largest open medical scheme in South Africa. Bestmed has won several awards and ranked first in independent customer satisfaction surveys over the past three years. The Scheme has a network of over 17 700 healthcare providers countrywide and single digit annual contribution increases.
Candy Crush Candies
Stand: M7
A portion of our turnover is used to fund our charity, Branches of Care. Established in 2020, we have brought joy to kids and adults alike. Our signature item is our creation, invention, and concept, THE GLOWING COTTON CANDY. Get your glowing cotton candy served on light sabers or on magic wands; cotton candy served on sticks/buckets/packets. Enjoy snowcones – topped with clouds of cotton candy and rainbow strips; slushies – topped with clouds of cotton candy and rainbow strips, fresh popcorn and more.
Clowns for Africa
Stand: D25
Clowns for Africa is a party service offering fun entertainment for parties, promotions and corporate functions. We offer creative
balloon modelling and artistic face painting, family-oriented comedy magic shows, party games and more. We use hypoallergenic face paints and model topquality, professionally sculptured balloons in various animal shapes.
Creative Photography & Design
Stand: C4
Creative Photography and Design is a Durban-based studio established by the most mind-blowing team with extensive knowledge and experience in the creative industry. We strive to work with our clients every step of the way. No compromise! We will definitely be seeing you again.
Stand: D12
Cricut™ makes smart cutting machines that work with an easy-to-use app to help you design and personalise almost anything — custom cards, unique apparel, everyday
items, and so much more. The possibilities are endless for customising, organising, and personalising your life.
Cryosave SA
Stand: C7
Our umbilical cord blood and tissue stem cell banking service, provides expectant parents the chance to collect their newborn baby's umbilical cord blood and tissue stem cells at birth and cryogenically store them for future medical use.
Doctors Without Borders
Stand: B14
MSF is a global network of principled medical and other professionals working in small and large teams to respond to the medical needs of people affected by conflict, disasters, and epidemics and those excluded from healthcare. Our actions are guided by medical ethics and principles of impartiality, independence, and neutrality.
Durban & Coast SPCA
Stand: E12
We rescue abused and neglected animals, promote responsible pet ownership, and provide shelter for strays and basic veterinary services for pets of underprivileged people.
Elfies Workshop
Stand: M2
Toys and Accessories
Feed The Babies Fund
Feed The Babies Fund focuses on providing an educative, stimulating, and safe environment for preschool children at unfunded, rural ECD sites in KZN. We support 120 ECD sites and provide 4 000 nutritious breakfasts daily. We upskill practitioners through continuous training in various ECD courses.
Focus On the Family
Stand: C21
Reaching more than 220 million people in 155 nations, we’re a nonprofit organisation dedicated to serving, strengthening and defending families worldwide. Founded in 1997, in the USA and in 1992 in South Africa, we provide practical tools, spiritual resources and emotional support to families at every stage of life.
Forever Cellular Stand: B10
We aim to provide our mothers-to-be with the finest and latest communication and entertainment technologies. Thus making her life convenient and full of fun.
Forever Products
Stand: N7
We aim to make mum›s life easy by introducing playtime toys, giving her more time for herself when her kids are busy with playtime toys. Our maternity dresses› and throws make our mom-to-be extremely comfortable during her pregnancy.
Fotogenic Photography.
Stand: D10
Fotogenic Photography strives to capture the perfect and most memorable images. It is not about taking a photo but
creating feelings and love that is captured forever. It remembers the little things. Fotogenic photography captures the art of photography.
He Or She www.heorshe.co.za
Stand: N5
Captures parents' excitement for their unborn child, offering versatile baby feeding products. Regardless of gender, these items symbolise love, protection, and joy. With innovative, multifunctional designs, they enhance feeding experiences and promote a healthy lifestyle. HE OR SHE empowers parents to embrace their active lives with added happiness from their children.
House of Hamilton
Stand: B16
A manufacturer of linen, pillows, comforters and cushions. Pregnancy body pillows, nursing pillows and a variety of cot linen. Find us online at Takealot, Makro Marketplace and our own online store.
House of Nuts
Stand: E14
On the stand, using a rotating copper kiln roasting machine, we roast nuts at major events, markets, festivals, malls, etc. The raw nuts are caramelised with vanilla & cinnamon flavours (Cashews, Macadamia, Almond, Pecan, Giant Peanuts). Our raw nuts are selected directly by our expert and well-experienced buyer on farms in Mozambique, Mpumalanga etc, with guaranteed and high-quality products.
Stand: N12
We are a small business located at Musgrave center, we specialise in kids and related products.
Stand: M6
We stock silicone teethers, feeding utensils and classic old-time favourite educational toys. All products are made with non toxic, food-grade silicone. Safe (no leeching properties) to use in microwave, air fryer, oven and dishwasher up to 240 degrees Celsius.
King Trading
Stand: M10
Upholstery and leather cleaner bundle. Degreaser and carpet bundle.
Kitchen Junkies
Stand: B3
Micro Pop is a food-grade silicone bowl that allows you to make oil-free popcorn in your microwave in approx 3 min. Provides a healthy snack for all young and old, safe for children to use. It comes in fun and funky colors.
Stand: C15
Kuraflo manufactures products safe for children, adults, and pregnant women with no harmful chemicals that could cause unwanted side effects. Suitable for sinusitis, colds, flu, allergies, croup and lung conditions. We have the best technology, nebulisers and a skin-healing cream.
Labels 4 School
Stand: N13
LEGO® DUPLO® bricks are double the size of the standard-sized LEGO bricks – that’s twice the length, height and width, making them easier for little fingers to grasp, stack, connect and as they are bigger bricks, this makes it safer for toddlers to play with and have fun!
One of South Africa›s leading personalised label and product providers. Specialising in name labels for school and clothing, personalised school bags, wall art and gift labels.
Playing with LEGO® DUPLO® bricks is a great way to help toddlers, from as young as the age of one, develop their communication, problem-solving, emotional, and cognitive skills, among many others.
Through LEGO® DUPLO® play, children develop emotional skills such as resilience, self-expression, and confidence.
Playing with LEGO® DUPLO® bricks boosts creativity, allowing children to come up with ideas and transforming them into real builds!
Through constructing LEGO® DUPLO® bricks, children learn to grasp and develop hand strength, as well as their understanding of movement and space.
LEGO® DUPLO® play encourages social skills, helping children become more collaborative and communicative.
With LEGO® DUPLO®, children are introduced to numbers, letters, shapes and colours. Children also learn how to concentrate on completing a task through the process of trial and error.
LadyBug Baby
Stand: N6
Lady Bug manufactures baby linen and accessories, curtains handmade products per the customer›s needs. All products are sewn with 100% cotton fabric.
Lego Duplo Play Area
Stand: Stand: B20
LEGO® DUPLO® is a product range of The LEGO® Group, designed for children from 1 ½ to 5 years old. Twice the length, height, and width of traditional LEGO bricks, makes them easier to handle and great fun for young children to play with. Playing with LEGO® DUPLO® allows toddlers to build their confidence and resilience from a young age. #BigBricksForSmallHands.
Stand: B9
Little Tlou
Stand: B18
Tlou Tea is a 100% female-owned South African Premium tea brand. We offer handblended teas. We currently working with a renowned Paediatric Dietician in nutrition to develop our kiddies range to be launched at MamaMagic Milestones Expo. Dr Kath Megan RD(SA) has been instrumental in our process.
Mama Bamba
Stand: Doula Pavilion
Explore the realm of Mama Bamba where we specialise in holistic birthing and maternal wellness. Dive into a world of expert knowledge, courses, and resources that empower you to embrace the profound experience of childbirth. Join us in celebrating the journey of motherhood, one birth at a time. MamaBambaBirths
Marlz Toys @marlz_zn
Stand: M4
Baby gym, mobile rattle, walker, dolls, cars, books, pens, small toys, laptops for kids, art sets, art pens.
Moove Bag
Stand: M9
Moove Bags are 2-in-1 carry bags that flatten out into waterproof play mats. Take it anywhere (the beach, park or trips to a friend›s house), and when playtime is over, simply pull on the drawstring cords to convert to playmat into a convenient carry bag.
Stand: M1
I sell stainless jewellery for men, women and kids. Our jewellery does not tarnish and is completely waterproof.
Nature's Niche
Stand: C19
Nature›s Niche is an all-natural health and wellness brand formulated and developed by Dr Fathima Osman. This range includes herbal products to bring relief and ease to moms and babies, from teething syrups to lactation products. All safe, ethical and natural.
Order of St John www.stjohn.org.za
Stand: C10
St. John provides occupational health training services and comprehensive eye care testing glasses. We also provide medical supplies in the form of first aid kits and consumables.
iTouch Technology
Stand: C12
Our company specialises in selling TENS machines, which are electronic devices that use electrical impulses to activate the body›s natural pain relief mechanisms, stimulating the release of endorphins. More natural and effective pain management, particularly useful in labour for alleviating pain and discomfort. Helps reduce the need for pain medication.
Stand: C17
The Pegasus Bluebox all-in-one natural medicine kit contains 28 homoeopathic remedies to treat the whole family, including pets. It travels well, is easy to use, and treats colic, coughs and colds, teething, diarrhoea, ‘snotty-nose-syndrome’, injuries, sinusitis, etc. It’s safe for pregnancy, breastfeeding and newborn infants. Every home should have one!
Portia M
Stand: C2
Portia M is an award-winning cosmetic brand that specialises in skin care solution. Our products are recommended for stretch marks, uneven skin tone, and oily dehydrated and acne-prone skin. Portia M started with one product in 2011, we now have over 40 facial and body skin care products that are sold in over 2000 retail stores
PURITY supports all parents and little ones along their journey so that little ones can grow up to realise their full potential. PURITY continues to support parents and little ones with a complete range of trusted wellbeing and nutrition products from pregnancy through to little one’s formative years.
Rainbow & Spinning Puzzles
Stand: D8 & E15
Educational toys for kids
RSA Retail Savings Bonds
Stand: B17
RSA Retail Savings Bonds are investments with the Government of South Africa which earn a variable, fixed or inflation-linked interest for the term of the investment. Our products are designed to be as accessible as possible for the general public to invest money and earn guaranteed returns at no cost to them.
Snapz Dummy Straps & Teethers
Stand: E11
SNAPZ 3-in-1 Dummy Straps attach to dummies, teethers and toys. Our straps are functional, cute and designed by a mom. We also stock 100% BPA-free Silicone Teethers and super soft dummies. SNAPS sensory toys, The Breast Mom Breastfeeding Cover and the cutest range of baby›s first outfit sets.
Street Hurley Centre
Stand: C11
Street Lit is an initiative of the Denis Hurley Centre, working out of the order of St. John- Durban. It is an award-winning entrepreneurship project providing purpose, income, skills, and support to a dozen rehabilitated homeless and formerly homeless people who sell quality secondhand donated books to the public.
Taylormade Kids Inc
Stand: B15
Taylormadekids Inc is a small business which I created based on my passion for children›s clothing. All my garments are imported. I have created a unique fashion brand for unique kids. We specialise in beautiful kids› couture wear. We stock a variety of styles from newborn to age 6 years.
The Ahmed Al-Kadi Private Hospital Limited www.ahmedalkadi.com
Stand: B4
Home of the AAK Royal Maternity
Experience, AAK Royal Baby and over eight Centres of Excellence. A conveniently located hospital with a high standard of nursing care, expert healthcare professionals, excellent facilities and equipment, and a quality-focused clinical hospitality service, then this is the hospital for you.
The Bean People
Stand: N2
“We provide children worldwide with a magical South African bath time adventure.“ All our bath toys are handmade. All the ingredients are natural and safe. No oils or chemicals are used. The colourants we use are food grade and will not stain the child or the bath. Hours of fun are guaranteed.
The Comfy Co.
Stand: M3
Made by women for women, promoting self-love & self-care to all women. We believe a woman is her most beautiful self when she feels confident and comfortable in her skin. Specialists in luxury sleepwear and gowns. Comfortably radiate unmatched energy; our sleepwear ensures you feel like your best self.
The Life Crompton Hospital
Stand: C3
Life Healthcare KZN hospitals have been proven to be the premium hospitals of choice for pregnant mothers. Our facility boasts state-of-the-art infrastructure and patient service excellence. Life Healthcare takes pride in its Neonatal Intensive care facility to give our patients peace of mind that their little loved ones are in safe hands.
Trinity Pharma
Stand: B6
With the ideal PH of 5.5 Sebamed builds and protects the barrier of your skin. Medically tested and trusted for years, SebaMed is for Babies with sensitive and problematic skin. Treat yourself and your little one to this luxuriously gentle skincare range. Safe from newborns to toddlers. Soap and SLS free
Ushaka Marine World
Stand: B7
Ushaka Marine World is a world-class entertainment theme park & tourism destination which consists of Wet ‘n Wild, sea world, kids world, sea & dangerous creatures located at Durban›s Golden Mile, bringing together cultures into a safe space, secure and clean environment that resonates the sound of fun, laughter & togetherness.
WOMBS Childbirth Companions
Stand: Doulas Pavillion
WOMBS is a training body for doulas in South Africa. Our doulas are trained to support pregnant mums before, during and after birth. Also known as childbirth companions.
WWF South Africa
Stand: B13
We are the world›s leading independent conservation organisation. WWF works to look after our natural resources for future generations— oceans, land, and wildlife — so we can continue to benefit from food, water, and a healthy climate.
Zinplex Junior
Stand: B11
Zinplex has been a trusted brand for the whole family for over 20 years, ranging from bestselling immune boosters like the Zinplex Junior Syrup, recommended by many paediatricians and skincare products like our Zinplex Junior Baby Bum Cream, Baby Bum Spray and Baby Soap Bar. *Due
Friday 11am and 3pm
Saturday & Sunday 12pm & 4pm
We’ll be there for every little step.
to find a purity product suitable for your child