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Matt’s Media Tips 4-23
It just keeps getting better and better
We love feedback. In fact, we take feedback from educators around the world every day. We use that feedback to improve the features and functionality of Discovery Education over the summer. And we’re super excited about the new school year’s enhancements. So much so that we’re giving you, yeah you on the other side of this screen, the chance to get a sneak peek. If you’d like to see all of the new and exciting things coming out this fall please join us for one of these three special webinars: Tuesday, May 8 Tuesday, May 15 Tuesday, May 22
7:00 PM 3:30 PM 7:00 PM
Eastern Standard Time Eastern Standard Time Eastern Standard Time
You can register for anyone of these webinars here by clicking or following this link: http://links.discoveryeducation.com/sneakpeek2012 Getting to the Point - This week’s Tips and Tricks This week I thought I’d focus on a few cool things that you can do with PowerPoint and Keynote presentations. We’ll also examine a presentation format that may be good to use with your secondary students. And we’ll explore two web 2.0 tools that add in sharing and social functionality to your presentations along the way. If you’re reading this edition, you’re probably already familiar with embedding video and audio into your PowerPoint presentations. If that is something new - very cool. Because whether this concept is new or old - we’ve got you covered. Click on the word “Help” in the upper right-hand corner of your Discovery Education screen. Then simply start typing the word “Embed” into your Help search bar. Before you’ve even finished typing our intelligent help section will guess what you want. Click on the words, “Embed videos in PowerPoint” to get onscreen instructions or even a step-by-step how-to video. Already a pro? Fantastic. There’s your next inservice presentation! FYI - Our Help section does that all the time - try typing “Closed Captioning” one time to see lots of neat tips.
Once you’ve completed your presentations try saving them as images. For PC PowerPoint users you’ll need to “Save as JPEG.” PowerPoint will ask you whether you want to do this for the whole presentation or just for specific slides. Once you make your choice you will convert your slide(s) into images. If Mac Keynote is more your thing. Choose File > Export > Images and select all or specific slides and your image format. Then click on the “Next...” button
Why would I ever want to do that?
GeckoandFly.com. N g a n Te n g y u e n . “How To Convert Powerpoint PPT To Jpeg For Apple iPad Presentation.” April 22, 2012. Accessed April 22, 2012 - http://www.geckoandfly.com/9704/how-to-convert-powerpoint-ppt-to-jpeg-for-apple-ipad-presentation/
Because, my friend, once you have saved your slides as images you can upload them into web 2.0 sites like Photopeach.com (see page three of Matt’s Media Tips - 9/26/2011) or Animoto.com (see page two of Matt’s Media Tips 11/14/2011).
Mac 2
If you choose to go this route then you and/or your students will be able to add in really cool soundtracks, special transitions, quizzes, and more. Plus, as if that wasn’t cool enough, you’ll also be able to embed these presentations on blogs, eportfolios, etc. and get comments/feedback.
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Feelin’ good? Ready for the next thing? Cool. This next tip is for PC PowerPoint users only. You can actually trim your embedded audio and video within Powerpoint. As my almost three year-old son would say, “you’ve got to be kidding me!” Nope! It’s true. He also loves to say “Let me show you somb-ting.” So here we go: 1.
Download and embed an audio clip from Discovery Education, and then press Play.
Select the video on the slide.
Under Audio Tools, on the Playback tab, in the Editing group, click Trim Audio.
In the Trim Audio dialog box, do one or more of the following: •
To trim the beginning of the clip, click the start point (shown in the image below as a green marker, on the far left). When you see the two-headed arrow, drag the arrow to the desired starting position for the audio clip.
To trim the end of the clip, click the end point (shown in the image below as a red marker, on the right). When you see the two-headed arrow, drag the arrow to the desired ending position for the audio clip.
Next up. Trimming Video inside PowerPoint. 1.
Download and insert a video from Discovery Education.
Click on the Playback tab underneath the words Video Tools.
Click on the Trim Video and follow the prompts
itechtalk.com. jagadish. Trim Video in PowerPoint 2010. 10-28-2010. Accessed April 22, 2012. http://www.itechtalk.com/thread10941.html
Ok now that we have some tricks under our belts. How about one more tip? There’s a movement “less is more” movement going on right now when it comes to presentations. One of my favorite representations of this idea is called Pecha Kucha. The idea is a simple one. 20 slides. 20 seconds each. The slides are set to change within 20 seconds of each other. No if’s, and’s, or but’s. I love this format. It forces the presenter to not only get their point across effectively and efficiently, it also hyper-focuses him/her during the creation process. They must be much more selective with their slide imagery and amount of text that they use to emphasize their points. I think that this is a great exercise for secondary students and a unique way to tell as story. Check out the Pecha Kucha (http://www.pecha-kucha.org/) site for more information and sample presentations.
Discovery Education Webinar Schedule
2Screens - Presentation Expert is a feature rich document manager and viewer, complete with integrated web browser and whiteboard. It works seamlessly with TV-out, AirPlay, cloud storage, whiteboard and far more. This App is for the iPad and iPhone only and is $4.99. You can access the it in the App store by clicking here. If Android is more your thing. Then check out Join.me. It offers simple screen sharing. You can attend your next online meeting on your mobile device with the join.me mobile viewer. View someone’s screen and collaborate in real time, on your time, 100% Free. Click here to download the tool.
Time (EST)
7pm 8pm
Discovery Education Middle School Science 101. This webinar provides a map into Discovery Education’s inquiry-based curriculum tool for science education. Learn how to navigate the sections to interact, watch, and read, using virtual labs, videos, and articles. You will also learn how to use assignment builders and assessments to guide and measure your students’ understanding and mastery.
4pm 5pm
Techbook Admin Webinar. This training will cover: Navigation of the My Admin Site Managing User Accounts (students and teachers) Managing Student Access Running Usage Reports
7pm 8pm
Educator Webinar with NASA’s Leland Melvin. Join Leland Melvin, NASA?s Associate Administrator for Education, to hear first-hand about his incredible career as an astronaut and his current role leading the agency’s education efforts. He will discuss the innovative ways NASA is inspiring student interest in STEM fields and share the many valuable programs and resources available to educators through NASA.
7pm 8pm
Literacy Connections Using Digital Media Presented by Brad Fountain. Promoting literacy in the classroom is no longer JUST part of the reading lesson. The importance of developing the literate learner falls on all educators and is taught during all lessons. This is often referred to as the instructional shifts needed to effectively implement the Common Core State Standards in ELA/Literacy. In this session we will explore DE resources and literacy tools that can enhance the development of many types of literacy regardless of subject or grade level.
Sing About Differentiated Instruction Using Songs, First Student Media Contest of the Year, ShowMe and Educreations whiteboard apps
Miss a week? Catch back up here! 4/16/2012
It’s all about the Theme. We’ll explore several different ways to find unique thematic content. Three most voted upon stories revealed. Studyblue mobile flashcard app highlighted Scratch and Pop. Six-Word Story finalists revealed. Links between Discovery Education and Scratch.mit.edu, Popplet.com and EduTechr mobile app explored. Mi Content es Su Content. Bookmarking and sharing your Discovery Education content across your school and district, two great contests, and two text-to-sign mobile apps
In a Class of Their Own Setting up Discovery Education Classrooms, Discovery Education Live Webinars, Quizlet App.
Building out the New Year Five of my favorite things you can do with the Discovery Education Builders, Rover App for DE Students
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What is a DEN Star Member?
Special Holiday Edition 13 Tips from Educators around the US and Canada, Videolicious App 50 Ways to Use Discovery Education Tips and tricks galore iSwifter - Flash for iPads What I am Thankful for Building out your PLN Wordspree and Math Acorn Apps Things I Stole From the Community DEN Tips, Four really cool you can do with Google. TED and Animoto apps
First Six Weeks Aggregated
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Spooky Edition Digital Storytelling, Web 2.0 Piqua City Community Night, Crazy Pumpkin and Halloween Card Creator Apps
Stick it to IT Collaborative Note Taking Site Educator Spotlight - Jennifer Everett, ToonTastic and PuppetPals Apps
The Discovery Educator Network (DEN) is a global community of educators passionate about teaching with digital media, sharing resources, collaborating, and networking. With over 100,000 members providing professional development to over 600,000 educators worldwide, the DEN connects teachers both on-line and in-person. Discovery Educators have exclusive access to a wide range of resources, professional development activities, networking opportunities, exclusive Discovery Educator events and more. Find out how you can be part of this dynamic and supportive community. Become a DEN Star today! Help Me Make Matt’s Tips and Tricks Even Better I am always looking for ways to improve Matt’s Tips and Tricks and your feed back is invaluable to me. With that in mind I’ve created a short 15 question survey. I would love to hear your ideas and thoughts. If you can take a moment to fill out this super fast survey it will go a long way to making each edition better than the next!