The Mount Morgan State High School calendar progressively gets busier each year.
This year due to working on the school reviews and other activities, NAIDOC week was celebrated later than usual.
One of the highlights of the celebration was a special morning tea prepared and served by students for Indigenous elders and community members.
Mount Morgan Central State School Captains - Kelisha and Radu were also invited to the celebration.
Following the morning tea, the group discussed ideas about what was needed in the community and the school for the youth.
Ideas presented included a community bus and a youth centre.
Greater connectivity with indigenous spirituality was also mentioned as a way in which to promote indigenous wellbeing and recognition within the school environment.
Other NAIDOC activities included games and boomerang throwing.
Pictured left are Blair, Mysty, Jasmyne, Chris Cronin (OIC Mount Morgan Police), Kelisha, Raelene, Radu, Rosie, Kasia and Doug and Marg.
Above: Unseasonal August rain meant the dam overflowed for the second time this year
Slim Dusty once sang about the rain tumbling down in July, but this year for the Central Queensland region, it was August rain that tumbled down, promoting an overflow of the Number 7 Dam for the second time this year. In January, the water gently flowed over the wall (above left) - the August overflow after more than 170 mm of rain in the catchment area ensured that there was a good flush in the river
The road leading to the Mine (above right) was closed as were the roads at Tipperary and Red Hill. The recent rain was a blessing to ensure that the dam remains at a high level, despite being used for the town water supply.
Bookings preferred: mmpad@mountmorgan.org.au
A Shade of Illusion Workshops with Pauline
9.00am - 10.00am Paint pouring 1st Workshop
10.30am - 11.30am - Paint pouring 2nd Workshop (Over 10 years - maximum 8 people per workshop
12.30pm - 1.30pm painting Friendship Birds 1st Workshop
1.30pm - 2.30pm Friendship Birds 2nd Workshop. This workshop was funded by the Regional Arts Development Fund (RADF) - a joint partnership between Arts Queensland and the Rockhampton Regional Council.
Wild Mount Morgan Clay Workshops with Louise
9.30-11 Recycled Tin Etching
11.30-1pm Eco Printing on calico bags
2-3 Monoprinting from Nature
This workshop funded by Mayor Williams’, Cr Rutherford & Cr Wickerson’s Discretionalry Funds
Wild Wonder Bloom with Alex Four workshops minimum Each workshop 45 minutes duration includes making Flower Crowns and basket weaving
This workshop funded by Mayor Williams’, Cr Rutherford & Cr Wickerson’s Discretionalry Funds
Photography Workshops - with Emily
9:00 - 10:30 - Using what you’ve got to get the best photos (All cameras and phones welcome)
10:30 - 11:30 What makes a good photo and how to get them
11:30 - 1:00 Learning to shoot your subject - Nature
1:00 - 2:30 Learning to shoot your subject - People
Yoga Workshop - Satya Yoga - with Jo Workshop times - 10.30, 11.45 & 1 pm
Max. 12 People
Woodworking with Mount Morgan Men’s Shed Drop into the Mount Morgan Men’s Shed Activity Site Activity suitable for children
event is proudly supported by:
Mount Morgan residents can look forward to a safer road network as major improvement works commence on Razorback Road next month.
A partial closure of the road will commence from Monday, 2 September 2024 to allow for early works. A full closure will then be necessary from Friday, 13 September 2024 through to the end of January 2025 to facilitate road improvement works along an 800 metre section.
The project will involve flattening the sharp curve of Razorback Road, widening the road shoulders, improving drainage and installing new guardrails. Separately, the Mount Morgan Pipeline will also be laid during this road closure period.
Motorists will be diverted via Poison Creek Road and the Burnett Highway, locally known as ‘The Range Road’, will serve as the northern route into Mount Morgan.
Rockhampton Region Mayor Tony Williams said while the closure may cause a temporary inconvenience, the long-term benefits to the community are significant.
“This project will eliminate the dangerous blackspot on Razorback Road, delivering a safer road while ensuring the delivery of a reliable water supply through
the installation of the Mount Morgan pipeline,” Mayor Williams said.
“Given the current safety risks associated with Razorback Road, especially the narrow width and steep incline, it is simply too dangerous to keep one lane open during construction.
“By taking advantage of the road closure for the pipeline installation, we are able to address two significant infrastructure needs at once, while minimising disruption to the community in the long run,” Mayor Williams said.
Divisional Councillor Cherie Rutherford, said the end result of the project will come as a relief for residents who use Razorback Road on a daily basis.
“The incline of Razorback road has been a concern for many years, and I am pleased we are able to finally address this issue and reduce the risk of accidents,”
Cr Rutherford said.
“I’d like to thank the community in advance for their understanding and patience while these essential works are undertaken.”
Signage will be placed at both the northern and southern entry points into Mount Morgan.
The Razorback Road improvements works are funded through Council’s Capital Works Program.
A group of dedicated volunteers are working diligently to help combat the impacts of the rising costs of living through the operation of Mount Morgan Trash and Treasure.
Each week the volunteers turn up at the Gordon Street premises to sort clothes, household items and also to help customers snag a bargain from the wide array of sale items.
Making pre-loved items available for purchase was the brain child of Daphne Kennedy (dec) who in 1969 recognised that there was a need for the Blue Nursing Service to visit clients in Mount Morgan. The money raised through the Trash and Treasure assisted with the running costs of the Blue Nurses vehicle.
Along with Thelma Lorraway, Elaine Millers, Mavis James and others the group would raise about $3000 a year to ensure those in Mount Morgan did not go without an essential service. By the time of her passing in the early 2020’s, Daphne had spent the better part of 50 years raising funds for the Blue Nurses which were to become BlueCare.
From its humble beginnings in a little shed at the front of the Uniting Church house, the Trash and Treasure operation had expanded to a shed at the back of the premises, a room in the house to the full house, the sheds and gazebos out the front.
In about 2022, BlueCare closed down many of its thrift stores, but Mount Morgan Trash and Treasure flew under the radar and continued to raise money for BlueCare. When advised that the funds were no longer required by BlueCare, the committee led by Carol Stock, Alison Gilewski and Margaretta Verkerk decided to invest the money back into the community via organisations that are in town or ones such as the Royal Flying Doctor Service and Helicopter Rescue Service.
Earlier this year, the group donated over $9000 to many Mount Morgan organisations, as well as the RFDS and Helicopter Rescue Services.
“We are working for the community,” President Carol Stock said.
“It’s so good to help people, either through the organisations or those we think might need assistance,” she said.
“We are so proud of what we do and the community has been so supportive,” Carol said.
“We work hard to make sure that the clothing items we sell are clean and in good condition– nothing ripped or stained is sold. No damaged items are sold.”
Trash and Treasure...From Page 7
For obvious reasons, donations of underwear are not accepted.
Trash and Treasure are currently negotiating with BlueCare for continued usage of the Gordon Street facility but would eventually like their own premises.
If you are interested in donating or lending a hand, just visit the Trash and Treasure crew at Gordon Street which is open every Friday and the first Saturday of the month between 8.30 am and 12 noon.
Alternatively, if you know a committee member, have a chat with them to see how you can be of assistance.
It is with sadness that I advise of the passing of Fred Sandell recently.
Fred reached the remarkable age of 103 years. He was the accountant at Mount Morgan Limited for a number of years and was also an active member of the Rotary Club of Mount Morgan.
Sincere thoughts to his wife Jean, daughter Mirth and her family.
Bette Broom
Have something you need printed or laminated?
Come down and see the friendly people at MMPAD. Contact us on 4938 2312 for prices or for further information visit us at the Railway Museum.
Trash and Treasure, 21 Gordon Street. Every Friday from 8.30 am to 12 noon. Every first Saturday of the month from 8.30 am to 12 noon. Bags of clothing $5. Any donations please phone Margaretta 0428 179 604
We are seeking comments from people who are struggling to access childcare.
The Parenthood, a national advocacy organisation for parents/carers, is campaigning for better access to childcare in regional, rural and remote Australia.
We have heard that Mount Morgan families have a particular struggle with childcare access and if that’s the case we’d love to hear from you.
We are working on a report to highlight the struggles families and communities face without childcare, and will include comments from people dealing with this issue to show how important it is to improve access.
Please send comments about your experiences or any questions to Maddy at maddy@theparenthood. org.au or on 0430 204 261. Thank you!
Butler - Campaign Manager
Discover the difference! Meet Angela Douglas: Local area agent 0401 953 882
angela@discoverrealestate.com.au www.discoverrealesate.com.au
MULTI AWARD WINNING Real Estate Agent, ANGELA DOUGLAS is Offering No Obligation, FREE Appraisals for ALL Property types. From Renovator "Delights" to the upper end of the market, Angela Douglas is the ONLY Local Agent. With over 12 years of experience selling in Mt Morgan, she truly KNOWS her home market. Contact her today: 0401 953 882 or angela@discoverrealestate.com.au to book in your appraisal today.
Additional EFTPOS charges - Have you bought a coffee or paid a bill recently? If you used a card, there's a fair chance you were slugged a surcharge. While these fees are small, they really do add up. The Reserve Bank of Australia data tells us that Australians are losing nearly $1 billion each year from card surcharges!
Australia's transition to a cashless society is underway - but not everyone wins when we get rid of cash. Phasing out cash has serious social implications. Paying with cash is a good way to save, particularly for larger purchases. e.g. you can avoid a card surcharge of 1 per cent by paying in cash, you'd then save $10 on a $1,000 purchase.
Keep in mind that some businesses don't accept cash and there's no requirement for them to do so. However, if the business only accepts card payments, and there is no way to avoid paying a surcharge, the ACCC says the extra cost needs to be included in the advertised price. For bills and other scheduled payments, paying via bank transfer or BPay may help you avoid extra fees. To do this, you typically swipe or insert your card and pay using the ‘savings’ option.
Australians are collectively dishing out a whopping $4 billion a year for nothing more than the convenience of paying using tap-and-go services on a phone or card.
Millions of windows users across the globe were hit with strange glitches causing their computers to suddenly shut down or randomly restart. Many businesses, companies and government agencies were impacted by the problem, with mayhem ensuing across the board for banks, airlines, train networks, telecommunication companies and media outlets.
Social media reports say Coles and Woolworths were affected in a number of areas, with staff telling customers they were closed. Commonwealth Bank confirmed its Pay ID payment system was down, while Telstra said its customer phone lines were having issues as well.
The outage hit Victoria’s regional train network as well as airports across the nation. In the US, several US airlines have been grounded due to the problem.
Microsoft said the whole thing was caused by a recent CrowdStrike update, as well as issues with Azure services in the US. Azure is a cloud computing platform that provides services for building, deploying, and managing applications and services.
The chaos this has caused worldwide, should tell EVERYONE why the whole move to try and force us into a totally online, AI driven digital economy, digital and ‘Internet of Things’ reality, would be an absolute, unmitigated DISASTER.
Keep cash and go analogue - not digital! Cash Is King, So pay in cash and save your hard earned dollars..
Mount Morgan Mine Site has a new General Manager, following the departure of Shane Charlton earlier this year.
Andrew Lawry started working at the mine as Project Manager in February.
While onsite most weeks, Andrew’s role involves frequent travel to Brisbane and Perth.
Prior to commencing work with Heritage Minerals at the mine, Andrew had visited Mount Morgan with his family.
“I have always had a keen interest in mining and mining history. The site is an interesting showcase of Australian mining history with the early innovations.
“It’s also unique in its environmental legacy that we’re keen to have positive impacts on,” he said.
Andrew says he is here for the long haul.
“My role is project delivery and also operations so will go well beyond construction,” he said.
Andrew is a metallurgist by profession and has been in project development for about 25 of 35 years of experience.
“I get a real buzz from being part of a team to develop projects and seeing jobs and growth that mining can offer.
“Most recently I completed five years with Ravenswood Gold completing a major expansion of the mine at Ravenswood (this mine originally commenced in the same era as Mount Morgan (1868)).
“I have completed many interesting projects but Mount Morgan has some new technology throw in with the environmental improvements. I’m also a country boy at heart and always enjoy being involved in influencing positive changes particularly in small communities.
“The Mount Morgan role ticks many boxes in those respects – that was the main reason for my recent move. I’m also lucky to have a supportive family that allows me do this type of work,” he said.
In 2011, Home Support Association Inc. (HSA) established Mount Morgan's first dedicated service for individuals with disabilities.
This initiative saw the historic Mount Morgan Railway Station become the operational hub for the HSA's On Track Program at the time of inception, but is no longer operating from this facility
The program offered those aged 18 to 65 living with disability a unique opportunity to integrate and contribute to community life.
It provided a platform for participants to work in tandem with volunteers, fostering skill development and active participation in various community projects.
The program's activities were a familiar sight at Footbridge Corner Community Centre until 2017 when the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) was introduced to the area, marking a new chapter in support and services for individuals with disabilities.
Right: Trevor Peaty, the first service user in the OnTrack Program
Above: Dianne Coburn, Carol Glover, Colleen & Darryl Constable, Barbara Thompson & Dalveen Harris. Below Community Advisory Network Members with Hospital Staff - - back Cheryl McBay (Chair), Noel Barker, Gordon Luck, front Rosie Hoffman, Jayne Farrell, Daisy Gibson - missing from pic are CAN members Jean Morgenstern and Margaret Pearce
Thirty-five people attended the Mount Morgan Multipurpose Health Service Community Advisory Network held at the Mount Morgan School of Arts on Thursday, 22 August 2024.
This was the trienniel community consultation meeting to obtain feedback on the health needs of the wider community.
You’ve worked hard, so now is the time to make sure that your money works hard for you in retirement.
Services Australia provides a free service that can inform and educate about financial matters. The next Financial Information Session (FIS) on Super and Retirement Income Streams will be presented at the Mount Morgan Library on Friday 6 September from 9.30am-10.30am. An informal drop-in session from 10.30am-12noon will then be available if you have questions for the Services Australia Financial Information Service Officer.
The feedback from previous sessions held across the Rockhampton Regional Libraries during the year has always been positive, with visitors embracing the opportunity to learn something new about their finances – and asking lots and lots of questions!
Please let library staff at the Mount Morgan Library if you plan on coming or call our Library Administration office for bookings or enquiries on phone 4936 8043.
Services Australia also provides some short videos on their website on a range of different topics, which also have transcripts provided. If you don’t have a computer, drop into the library to access this content on the four public computers. All you need is a library card to use this technology (and library membership is free).
A quick look through LinkedIn Learning online platform offered by Rockhampton Regional Libraries reveals a surprising amount of video courses under the heading ‘Retirement Planning’. LinkedIn Learning provides a huge variety of learning in business, creative, technology and certifications led by industry experts and is well worth investigating. Although USbased, the content is professionally presented with general information for Australian learners.
Select the amount of time you would like to spend on your learning and check out these great videos:
• Planning for Retirement (1 hour)
• Understanding retirement plan options (5 min.)
• When should you retire? (3 min.)
• How to plan for change (4 min.)
• Financial basics everyone should know ( 1 hour 17 min.)
• Start young for your best retirement (1 hour)
The Mount Morgan Library is located just next door to the Mount Morgan School of Arts and is open Monday, Wednesday and Friday (9:00am-1:00pm, 2:00pm-5:00pm) and every alternate Saturday from 9:00am-12noon.
For more information phone Library Administration on 49368 043 (Mon-Fri, 8:30am-5:00pm) or libraries@ rrc.qld.gov.au
Do you have an interest in local history? Or perhaps would like to be involved in town promotions? Mount Morgan Promotion and Development Inc would like to warmly welcome all interested individuals to become a part of the team! Workforce Australia and Centrelink Mutual Obligations also available. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Please contact Eve-lyn at MMPAD on 4938 2312 or email mmpad@mountmorgan.org.au.
On Sunday, 21 July 2024, the Bouldercombe Progress Association hosted ‘Bouldy Memories’, the most recent historical display by local historian Anne Hinchliffe.
As always, Anne provided great material to prompt memories and start conversations, and took the opportunity to exchange information with long term residents.
Stall holders gave everyone the chance to pick up some excellent buys, while our hardworking ladies provided a sausage sizzle and delicious morning tea.
A highlight of the morning was the ‘opening’ of the restored mural which was produced previously for the local school, and which has been laboriously cleaned and restored by local artist Alyson Fletcher (Talynted Designs).
Some ex-pupils of the school gathered to take part and remember past times.
Thank you to everyone who supported the event and all who helped out - we hope you all enjoyed the morning.
Submitted by Marie Mann - Secretary Bouldercombe Progress Association
What an awesome sight to see the dam overflowing and the river running. Totally not expected to get such heavy rain at this time of the year. It did cause some headaches for those that were cut off for some time.
Our Dee River Oldies members are counting down to our 'Damper at the Hall Day' on Wednesday 28 August, 2024. It starts at 11 am and is held in St Mary's Hall, Gordon Street Mount Morgan. (Behind the Anglican Church). The cost is $5. There will be damper on arrival followed with savoury mince and rice for lunch. There will be a guest speaker on the day as well as a raffle and lucky door prizes.
Our next bus trip is on Wednesday 11 September, 2024. We leave the bus stop in Morgan Street, Mount Morgan at 9 am to travel to Baralaba. We will have morning tea at the Baralaba Historical Village then on to the Baralaba Hotel for lunch. The cost is $50.
To secure your seat, please pay your money at our Damper Day morning tea.
Check out 'Save the Date' on the back page of the Argus for the dates for our meeting and morning teas. Keep warm and stay healthy.
The Steering Committee
Dee River Oldies Group
Carol Glover 4938 1995 Colleen Constable 0427 161 131
AUG 28: Dee River Oldies Group - ‘Damper Day at the Hall’ starting at 11 am. To be held in St Mary’s Hall, Gordon Street, Mount Morgan. (Behind the Anglican Church). Cost is $5. Guest speaker on the day. Come along and enjoy damper on arrival and then savoury mince and rice for lunch. Raffle and lucky door prizes.
SEPT 1: Mount Morgan Morgan Wattle Day. Mount Morgan Railway Complex. Starts 9 am - finishing 2.30 pm.
SEPT 7-8: Nancy’s two day pop-up Art Exhibition/ Sale, Baree School of Arts 10 am to 3pm.
SEPT 11: Dee River Oldies Group - Bus Trip to Baralaba leaving at 9 am from the Morgan Street bus stop. Cost is $50 which includes Morning Tea at the Baralaba Historical Village, then onto the Baralaba Hotel for lunch. Please pay your money at our Damper Day on 28 August, 2024 or beforehand.
SEPT 14: Baree Markets from 8 am until 12 noon. Baree School of Arts, Creek Street, Baree.
SEPT 15: Sunday. CQ Sand Green Championships, Mount Morgan Golf Club.
SEPT 17: Dee River Oldies Group - Monthly Meeting starting at 2 pm to be held in St Mary’s Hall, Gordon Street, Mount Morgan. (Behind the Anglican Church).
SEPT 25: Dee River Oldies Group - Morning Tea starting at 10 am to be held in St Mary’s Hall, Gordon Street, Mount Morgan. (Behind the Anglican Church). Cost is $5. Raffle and lucky door prizes. Come along and enjoy the morning.
SEPT 28: Happy Days - Mods and Rockers, Mount Morgan Soldiers’ Room from 7 pm.
OCT 8: Well Women’s Clinic - Phone 4912 5100 for bookings.
OCT 19: Car Boot Sale held by Mount Morgan Rodeo Association Inc. Mount Morgan Showgrounds. Gates open at 7 am. Gold Coin donation.
Have something you need printed? or laminated?
Come down and see the friendly people at MMPAD. Contact us on 4938 2312 for prices or for further information visit us at the Railway Museum.
1st & 3rd Thursdays of the monthGrand Hotel - 6 pm for 6.30 pm. Visitors Welcome! E: mount.morgan@rotary9560.org
PHONE 07 4938 1935
Business meetings held 10 am Last Saturday of the month. 1 Cornes Street, Mount Morgan.
EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT Green Shed from 7 pm. Phone 0412 502 937
Mount Morgan RSL Hall open Fridays 9 am - 1.30 pm Pop in for a chat, free coffee/tea, Veteran’s support and info.
1 Cornes Street, Mount Morgan
Lawn Mowing: Grass cut, yards cleared. All usual services. Good rates. Job prompt and reliable. Phone 0408 501 472.
To be held on Sunday, 15 September 2024 at10 am
Mount Morgan Showgrounds
All welcome.
Karley Goody President
To be held on Tuesday, 3 September 6 pm at the Ambulance Station
All welcome.
Helen Roberts - Secretary Winner of fuel Raffle - L. Shannon
All inclusions required by: Tuesday, 3 September 2024 by 4 p.m. Ph: 4938 2312
Email: mmpad@mountmorgan.org.au
If you don’t receive your Argus, please contact us. PAINTER: Semi-retired. W. Cruickshank Phone 0488 104 774 or 0488 105 257.