were out in force for the first fundraising activity for the 2025 Mount Morgan Rodeo. The car boot sale was not as well attended as President Karley Goody hoped for, but she thanked those who committed to turning up and supporting the Rodeo.
Karley also thanked the food vendors and site holders as well as the volunteers, family and committee members who supported the event.
Christmas will continue to be the most wonderful time of the year for Mount Morgan businesses, with Advance Rockhampton proudly supporting the return of the Mount Morgan Buy Local Promotion and committing to sponsor the program until the end of 2027.
Mount Morgan Buy Local encourages residents and tourists to spend money at participating Mount Morgan businesses, to go into the draw to win prize vouchers to be spent in the town. The program is delivered in partnership between Mount Morgan Promotion and Development (MMPAD) Inc and Rockhampton Regional Council’s Economic Development arm, Advance Rockhampton.
Rockhampton Region Acting Mayor Drew Wickerson said the program provides another incentive to shop in Mount Morgan in the leadup to the festive season.
“Last year’s Mount Morgan Buy Local program saw more than 3,000 eligible transactions made, and 28 local businesses participate,” Deputy Mayor Wickerson said.
“Council has recognised the economic value of this program which is why we have chosen, through Advance Rockhampton, to provide sponsorship and inkind support for Mount Morgan Buy Local until the end of 2027.”
Division 5 Councillor, Cherie Rutherford said a visit to Mount Morgan needs to be on the Christmas list of keen shoppers and travellers.
“Mount Morgan has a huge range of businesses in retail, hospitality, tourism and essential services, and there are plenty of hidden gems within its business community,” Cr Rutherford said. “Our commitment to support Mount
Morgan Buy Local for another four years will be welcome news to everyone in community who enjoys finding unique Christmas gifts or enjoying time with family and friends at Mount Morgan’s hospitality venues.”
Mount Morgan Promotion and Development Inc [MMPAD] President, John Steinberger, said the program has delivered longterm benefits for the community since its launch.
“Over the years, Mount Morgan Buy Local would have injected thousands of dollars into the Mount Morgan community,” Mr Steinberger said.
“Thanks to this new commitment from Council and Advance Rockhampton, we can continue to grow this valuable program and shine a light on the innovation and excellence of Mount Morgan’s
business community.”
The Mount Morgan Buy Local program will close on 18 December. Prize winners will be announced at the Mount Morgan Twilight Christmas Concert on 20 December.
Advance Rockhampton is providing $500 in sponsorship, along with in-kind support in the form of marketing assistance and production of promotional material.
To participate in the Mount Morgan Buy Local Draw, just spend $20 or more in a single shop in any of our participating businesses and place your shopping docket in any of the boxes provided by participating businesses. A full list of participating businesses and sponsors is on Page 7 of the Mount Morgan Argus.
Tuesday, 5 November 2024
bookings essential - 4938 2300
$65 per person
Lunch & a glass of Champagne on arrival
LUNCH: Cold Buffet of Leg Ham, Chicken & Prawns
SALADS: Pasta, Potato, Garden & Fruit
PRIZES for Best Fascinator and Best Dressed
The LNP has committed to funding a Future Directions Feasibility Study into tourism development opportunities in Mount Morgan if elected this month. This feasibility study into tourism opportunities will help revitalise this beautiful, historic hinterland community of Mount Morgan, near Rockhampton, as a tourist destination to bring economic sustainability to the region.
This funding will allow Mount Morgan Promotion and Development Inc to explore ways to expand the tourism attractions on offer and the potential to provide avenues for innovative business and employment opportunities.
Mount Morgan is a community with enormous
Wednesday, 23 October 2024 will be our last Morning Tea for the year. It starts at 10 am and is held in St Mary's Hall, Gordon Street, Mount Morgan. (Behind the Anglican Church). The cost is $5. There will be a guest speaker on the day. Raffle and lucky door prizes. Come along and enjoy the morning out catching up and enjoy a delicious morning tea.
On Friday, 29 November 2024 we will have our Christmas Lunch at the Grand Hotel. Entry will be from 11.30 am. The cost to our members is $15 being $10 towards lunch and $5 for the raffle. If they can, members are asked to pay their money at the October Morning Tea or by 15 November 2025 to secure your seat. Our group will cover the balance for the lunch.
Our monthly meetings will be held on Tuesday, 19 November 2024 and 10 December 2024 starting at 2pm. Our December meeting is a week earlier
potential of economic growth that can drive future investment and employment in the region. While supporting the re-opening of the mine is important, also of importance is the promotion and nurturing of other industries like tourism that can provide locals with employment close to home.
LNP candidate for Mirani, Glen Kelly said this $50,000 feasibility study was part of their focus on working harder for Queenslanders.
“The LNP will restore a government that works for you, with the Right Plan for Queensland’s Future,” Glen Kelly said.
“This funding for a feasibility study for new tourism opportunities will benefit Mount Morgan by identifying new ways to attract visitors, boost the local economy, and create jobs. The study will assess the town’s unique assets, such as its historical importance, geological and paleontogical features, and natural beauty, guiding future investments and sustainable growth in tourism.
Mount Morgan Promotion and Development Inc President, Mr John Steinberger, welcomed the announcement.
"We’re grateful for the support which will allow us to assess how best to showcase Mount Morgan’s unique heritage and natural beauty to visitors. This will help us examine how tourism can bring new life to Mount Morgan, creating jobs and boosting our local economy."
Glen Kelly said Queenslanders could vote for improving tourism in Mount Morgan and a government which worked for them, by voting LNP at this election.
“Only the LNP stands ready to deliver a fresh start for Queensland.”
than usual. These are held in St Mary's Hall, Gordon Street, Mount Morgan. (Behind the Anglican Church).
Once we get through the Christmas holidays, we will welcome in the new year with a Morning Tea on Wednesday, 15 January, 2025. It starts at 10 am. The cost is $5. It will be held in St Mary's Hall, Gordon Street, Mount Morgan. Raffle and lucky door prizes. New and existing members welcome. You must be over 50 years old to join. There is no cost to become a member. We will be looking at having our first bus trip for the year to Bauhinia House to join them with the St Patrick's Day celebrations mid March.
We would like to thank the team at the Mount Morgan Argus for printing our write ups and photos through the year. Getting our news out to our members and letting the community know what we are about is appreciated. Looking forward to what lies ahead. Stay happy and healthy.
Submitted by The Steering Committee - Carol Glover 4938 1995 and Colleen Constable 0427 161 131
The Miles Labor Government is delivering the Mount Morgan Water Supply Pipeline
Project with the Federal Labor Government and Rockhampton Regional Council. It will provide long-term water security for Mount Morgan, 50 jobs and economic growth.
Authorised Kate Flanders Level 1, 16 Peel St South Brisbane QLD
Susan lives at Grasstree Beach and grew up on a sugar cane farm in Sarina. She knows the struggles farming can bring. She went on to be a Nurse and later became a Social Worker. As a mother, grandmother and Mental Health Social Worker, Susan knows the importance of accessing good mental health care. She believes in equality, fairness and the right to have a voice.
Susan is committed to her community and those disadvantaged. She has worked in rural outreach areas including the mines and services to support people experiencing homelessness. For years Susan has run a small team of Mental Health clinicians working in Mental Health and Trauma work and for the disadvantaged and for suicide prevention.
A committed community advocate, Susan wants to see the Miles Labor Government’s cost of living relief continue in Mirani. She has seen firsthand how her community has benefited from $1000 off their electricity bills and has seen families thrive through $200 Fair Play vouchers for kids. She is committed to supporting rural communities, indigenous families and their youth.
She’s proud that the Miles Labor Government has delivered a new Sarina Hospital, a big new multipurpose building for Sarina State High School and the Walkerston Bypass.
She will work with the community to deliver what is important to them and get outcomes for youth support, mental health and tourism in the Mount Morgan District. As your representative for Mirani, Susan will fight for a better, fairer Queensland and protect her community from the LNP’s attack on public health services. Submitted by Susan Teder.
I am the sixth generation to live on our family’s cattle property in Kalapa, where my wife and I are proud to be raising our two daughters.
As a grazier, I understand the challenges of running a business and managing household budgets amid rising costs.
I worked at Stanwell Power Station for 17 years, so I recognize the importance of energy security for our State.
As a long-serving volunteer rural firefighter, I’m passionate about protecting our rural way of life in Central Queensland.
I have a commonsense approach and a deep commitment to addressing local issues like reducing youth crime, improving access to health services and better funding regional roads, which are far below what we deserve.
The LNP that I represent is focused on building stronger regional economies and secure communities.
My top priority is ensuring Mirani gets its fair share of resources and opportunities after years of being overlooked. As part of an LNP government, I will be at the decision-making table, ensuring Mirani’s voice is heard.
I will advocate for infrastructure investment, job creation, and better services to help our community thrive and move forward.
It’s time for a Fresh Start for Queensland.
Submitted by Glen Kelly
CR24 DELTA Recruit Course was one of three State Emergency Service recruit courses that have been held within the Central Region this year. This course was held in Gladstone at the SES Headquarters over three weekends throughout September and October. These recruit courses, which were introduced this year, enable new members to gain their basic training qualifications allowing them to be utilised operationally within their Groups. Participants gain over twenty qualifications, some of which are nationally recognised.
On this course two Mount Morgan SES members Travis Ireland and Dana Answer completed the training and graduated with the rank of Community Member. A graduation ceremony was held on the last day of the course where participants were presented with their epaulettes and ID Cards along with some other SES “goodies”. Travis being the youngest member on the course was given the honour of cutting the graduation cake along with the two oldest members.
Participants attending the course were from Gladstone, Agnes Water, Baffle Creek, Calliope, Mount Larcom, Rosedale, Baralaba, Emu Park, Yeppoon, Gracemere, Mount Morgan and Rockhampton SES Groups. SES trainers from within the Central Region volunteered their time to impart their knowledge to the recruits. Some travelled from as far away as Bowen to assist with training on the course.
This year alone there has been eighty-four recruits put through the course in the Central Region. The next course will be held in Emerald in November and hopefully recruit numbers for 2024 will surpass one hundred. Congratulations to Travis and Dana!
Don’t forget if you would like to know more about joining SES feel free to contact either myself (Lyn) 0457 865 289 or Riley 0457 871 179.
Submitted by Group Leader - Lyn Porter.
A generation ago, poliomyelitis was a feared disease. paralysing hundreds of thousands of children every year. Most countries have now eliminated the disease, and our generation has the chance to eradicate it entirely.
October 24 is World Polio Day, a time for Rotary members and public health advocates to promote the progress made so far towards a polio free world, and to talk about the actions needed to end polio for good.
Although the last case of poliomyelitis in Australia was in 1972, this devastating disease still threatens children in parts of the world today. Afghanistan and Pakistan are the only two countries left with endemic wild polio but several countries in central Africa are experiencing outbreaks of variant polio.
Positive wastewater samples in London, a case in New York last year, and a recent case in Gaza remind us that polio anywhere is a threat everywhere. Unless we keep vaccination levels high, polio is only a plane ride away.
There is no cure for polio, a viral infection which attacks the nervous system, and can lead to paralysis and even death. However, with vaccination it is preventable. Since launching its PolioPlus program in 1985, Rotarians have worked to eradicate polio globally. When that happens, it will be only the second human disease after smallpox ever to be eradicated.
In 1988, Rotary partnered with the World Health Organization, UNICEF, and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to form the Global Polio Eradication Initiative (GPEI). The Gates Foundation and Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, joined the GPEI later. When the initiative launched, there were 350,000 cases of polio every year. Today, the incidence of polio has plummeted by more than 99.9% with only about 40 cases this year.
Rotary has contributed more than US$2.7 billion to fight polio and countless volunteer hours. Thanks to Rotary and its partners, more than 3 billion children have been immunized, more than 21 million people
Continued on Page 11
have been saved from the paralysis of poliomyelitis and 1.5 million lives saved.
To sustain this progress and to reach every child with the polio vaccine, Rotary has committed to raising US$50 million each year. The Gates Foundation has pledged to match that 2-to-1 so that Rotary has a total of US$150 million annually to spend on global polio eradication efforts.
On World Polio Day, Rotary is calling for public support. Your contributions can help us reach the historic milestone of a polio free world and by sharing factual information you can encourage vaccine acceptance and uptake, preventing polio outbreaks in the future.
Written by Dr Murray Verso - Rotary International Zone 8
Rotary brings together a global network of community leaders dedicated to tackling the world’s most pressing humanitarian challenges. We connect 1.4 million members from more than 46,000 Rotary clubs across the world. Their service improves lives both locally and internationally, from helping those in need in their own communities to working toward a poliofree world.
Submitted by Judith Henderson, President, Rotary Club of Mount Morgan.
Senior Firefighter, Wayne Roser and Mount Morgan RSL Sub Branch President, Howard Simcoe gathered at the Mount Morgan Cenotaph on 10 October to pay tribute and remember the Firefighters who have lost their lives in the line of duty. Sixty firefighters who lost their lives while on duty are remembered on the Queensland Honour Roll.
With the Queensland State Election on 26 October 2024, it is timely for me to share with all Argus readers the following facts.
It was One Nation who chose to dis-endorse me. I was informed of this unexpected news not by phone call or any personal contact (after seven years of service), but by formal written communication, with no further contact received whilst I was at Estimate Hearings. That One Nation decision gave me cause for reflection. After consultation and consideration, I chose to join Katter’s Australian Party. I am excited by the future and what I can deliver to my constituents (as part of the KAP Team) if re-elected. The following local concerns are matters I am currently working on and will continue to advocate for, and on behalf of, the people of Mount Morgan and surrounds:
1. Post Office Access - Entry Ramp – in conjunction with the Post Office owner – and working with the Rockhampton Regional Council (under Heritage Listed Building Guidelines) I will continue to push forward the Post Office access ramp project (also access to the Centrelink Agency).
2. Kindy Program – I am engaged in ongoing collaborative discussions with appropriate service providers, working toward a future with a dedicated Kindy Program (free) to be made available to all Mount Morgan and surrounds children. I will continue to work with the providers and have offered ongoing financial support to assist with delivery of the program.
3. Electorate Office Mount Morgan - I plan to increase the number of opening days. The issues that people have sought assistance with include dealings with many government departments, health – hospital/ dental/mental health; Transport & Main Roads; Ergon; housing; telecommunications, outside agencies and so many others. It is my priority to employ experienced local staff to assist you in resolving matters or provide relevant referral information to support you to deal appropriately with your concerns.
4. Tourism – Fireclay Caverns, Mine/Gold, pouring and Indigenous tourism opportunities – no progress seems to have occurred over the last few years. It’s time these projects came to fruition. I don’t want to only say the words I will continue do my best to get actions and results.
5. Transport – working on a plan to increase regional transports services from regional locations to central towns.
There are so many renewable project development applications (and REZ areas) in Central Queensland now, that almost all small towns will be impacted. I stand with each community in Mirani by attending meetings, writing to relevant local councils/
organisations and offering support to community members to find specialised services that can meet the individual needs of each request. The renewable ‘tsunami’ is coming. By working together, we can prepare. To ensure that our local towns are safe for future generations and to protect our people, way of life, land, water, fauna and flora.
You, the people I work for in our electorate are why I get up each day to do my job. Thank you for sharing honestly with me how things are for you in 2024. The concerns I hear are cost of living (medical/ food/utilities) mortgage stress, homelessness and overcrowding with extra people sharing to cover costs, telecommunication issues (poor mobile phone/ internet coverage), the condition of roads – both local and state, transport. health – access to specialists/ mental health/disability issues; employment and education, banking complaints and this past week the decision re ‘treaty’ land handovers.
I hear you and will continue to raise issues in Parliament, call out State Government Ministers on the performance (or lack thereof) of their departments and raise issues on your behalf with local councils. All of them, and myself, are paid from the taxes of hardworking Queenslander’s – therefore I proudly work for you. I am also committed to continuing my annual funding rounds to engage and promote activities in our electorate.
Instead of wasting money on printing and promoting myself, I invested in my community groups and constituents by donating $917,820.69 (2018-2025) from my Electorate Communication Allowance. During the past seven years, you know you have been able to count on me to represent you and do everything in my power to get results i.e. Mount Morgan Water Supply and Mount Morgan Gold Mine.
On Saturday, 12 and Sunday, 13 October, players took to the fairways (and rough) to compete in the third annual “Conquer the Mountain” Golf Tournament at Mount Morgan Golf Club. The course was in good condition after some rain. Thanks to Doug and his band of hard-working volunteers for their tireless efforts. Great work team. Special mention should be given to bar and kitchen workers who kept all players well hydrated and fed over the weekend.
Main results for the two days (45 holes) were as follows:- Men’s 45 hole nett winner was Tyron Black (Mount Morgan GC) with a score of 173.5; Men’s 45 hole nett runner up was Louie Antcliff (Yeppoon GC) with 175.5 and Men’s 45 hole gross winner was Josh Antcliff (Mount Morgan GC) with 182 after a playoff with Glen Watt (Rockhampton GC).
Ladies 45 hole nett winner was Keri Wilson (Yeppoon GC) with a score of 172.5; Ladies 45 hole nett runner up was Nadine Battilana (Yeppoon GC) with 178 and Ladies 45 hole gross winner was Kylie Myles (Wowan GC) with 193.
Various other gross, nett, long drive, nearest the pin and accuracy prizes were awarded over the two days.
All players support our club in every major event we hold and their continued support is very much appreciated. An enormous thank you should go to our event sponsors for without their support, this event would not be possible: Patcol Group (Scott Thomas), Thomo’s Betta Home Living (Chris Thomasson), Siegert Plastering (Brock Siegert), Antcliff Painting Specialists (Lance Antcliff), LG Building Projects (Lance Goodman) and Newsome’s Tyre & Mechanical (Daryl Newsome).
It was a very successful weekend and we look forward to the 2025 event.
Submitted by Roger Brewster (Secretary) Mount Morgan Golf Club Inc.
If you have a few minutes or hours to spare, there’s nothing more enjoyable than sitting down in airconditioned surroundings and challenging a friend to a board or card game, tackling a game of chess – or playing on the Xbox or Nintendo Switch in one of our Council Libraries.
During International Games Month in November (and all during the year), take your pick from a nice selection of games and game activities to play inhouse at each of our branches. These have recently been refreshed, so you may be pleasantly surprised at what’s on offer. Each library has well-loved board games such as chess, checkers, snakes and ladders, scrabble, dominoes and solitaire – as well as some games of strategy and dexterity.
Mount Morgan Library and Gracemere Library have Nintendo Switch games which can be used in-house such as Crash team racing nitro fuelled; Pokemon: let’s go, Evee!; Super Mario odyssey; Minecraft; LEGO® Star Wars: the Skywalker saga and Animal crossing (at the Mount Morgan Library) – and Sonic colours; Legend of Zelda; Pokemon Scarlet; Minecraft; Super Mario Bor.U: deluxe and Super Smash bros (at the Gracemere Library)
If you drop into the Northside Library the Xbox is a popular space for friendly rivalry, with games such as Cars 3, Atari classics, Zoo tycoon and LEGO® Movie 2 available to play. Join the action of Switch Gaming on the first Friday of the month at the Northside Library – or join the action of Virtual Reality at the Southside Library every Wednesday afternoon from 3:30pm-4:30pm.
Our next Library competition is aimed at getting your grey matter working and using various library resources to correctly match over forty animal names to their pictures. It’s simple, right? If you think you know your fauna or want to find out more – then this
competition is for you. Check out the World Animal Day display at each library branch and complete the entry form before 20 November. The prize for this competition is the winner’s choice of $30 gift voucher from QBD Books, Big W or Kmart.
If you love delving into the world of living things and nature, then the Gale Interactive Science database is an impressive online tool with interactive 3D models that help readers better visualise and understand concepts across many areas of science, including biology. Users can explore and manipulate the models in guided sessions and take self-assessments in this fantastic resource. Get up close and personal with the spongy proboscis on a fly - or discover the digestive system of a cow with a colourful expanded 3D view. Can you label where the trachea, lungs and mandible are on a cow? A quick quiz at the end of each section is designed to consolidate understanding of a topic. Find out more about the range of online resources available at Rockhampton Regional Libraries by dropping into any library branch – or calling the Library Administration on 4936 8043. The Mount Morgan Library phone number is 4936 8169.
Do you have an interest in local history? Or perhaps would like to be involved in town promotions? Mount Morgan Promotion and Development Inc would like to warmly welcome all interested individuals to become a part of the team! Workforce Australia and Centrelink Mutual Obligations also available. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Please contact Eve-lyn at MMPAD on 4938 2312 or email mmpad@mountmorgan.org.au.
Meets on the last Sunday of each month at 10.30 am. Soldiers’ Rooms, 18 Morgan Street, Phone - John Tuxworth 0429 055 165
Business meetings held 10 am Last Saturday of the month. 1 Cornes Street, Mount Morgan.
Trash and Treasure, 21 Gordon Street. Every Friday from 8.30 am to 12 noon. Every first Saturday of the month from 8.30 am to 12 noon. Bags of clothing $5. Any donations please leave at 21 Gordon Street during opening hours
1st & 3rd Thursdays of the monthGrand Hotel - 6 pm for 6.30 pm. Visitors Welcome! E: mount.morgan@rotary9560.org
Thank you to Doris Tremaine dedicated leader of the Golden Mount Social Group for her floral and table setting expertise, all helpers, music members, family and friends for the party, gifts, cards and good wishes. Thank you to all! Freda, Rhonda and Gary McDougall
OCT 23: Dee River Oldies Group - Morning Tea starting at 10 am to be held in St Mary’s Hall, Gordon Street, Mount Morgan. (Behind the Anglican Church). Cost is $5. Raffle and lucky door prizes. Come along and enjoy the morning.
OCT 26: Mexican Fiesta: Day of the Dead. Mount Morgan Soldiers’ Rooms, 18 Morgan Street. From 7 pm. Bar operating. Snacks and refreshments available.
NOV 2: Mount Morgan Arts and Crafts Cent Sale at the Baree Hall, Creek Street Baree. Doors open 12 noon with eyes down at 2 pm.
NOV 2: Mount Morgan Halloween Walk. Meet under Mafeking Bell, Morgan Street at 3 pm.
NOV 3: Country Music Afternoon. 12 noon until 4 pm. Afternoon tea provided. Raffle and Lucky Door. Soldiers’ Rooms, 18 Morgan Street.
NOV 9: Baree Markets from 8 am until 12 noon. Baree School of Arts, Creek Street, Baree.
NOV 19: Dee River Oldies Group - Monthly Meeting starting at 2 pm to be held in St Mary’s Hall, Gordon Street, Mount Morgan. (Behind the Anglican Church).
NOV 27: Heritage Minerals Community Information Session to be held at the Soldiers Hall, Morgan St, Mount Morgan. 5pm – 6.30pm with light refreshments afterwards.
NOV 29: Dee River Oldies Group - Christmas Lunch at the Grand Hotel, Mount Morgan. Entry from 11.30am. Cost to members is $15 being $10 for lunch and $5 for the raffle. Please pay at October Morning
NOV 30: Tropical Hawaiian Luau. Mount Morgan Soldiers’ Rooms, 18 Morgan Street. From 7 pm. Bar operating. Snacks and refreshments available.
DEC 10: Dee River Oldies Group - Monthly Meeting starting at 2 pm to be held in St Mary’s Hall, Gordon Street, Mount Morgan. (Behind the Anglican Church). This is being held a week earlier than usual.
DEC 14: Baree Markets from 8 am until 12 noon. Baree School of Arts, Creek Street, Baree.
DEC 18: Buy Local Promotion finishes.
DEC 20: Mount Morgan Twilight Christmas Concert. Mount Morgan Railway Station. Gates open 4.30 pm, concert starts at 5.00 pm. More details to come.
For Sale: 2010 Ford Ranger. Automatic with hard canopy, bull bar, tow bar, new radiator, new timing belts. Has blown gasket $3,500. Phone 0412 821 544.
MOUNT MORGAN SHOWGROUNDS EVERYONE WELCOME. For further information Contact Noel on 0418 729 122
13-10-1964 Today you would have turned 60, but here we are - aged and grey. Yet in our hearts you remain forever 30. Love - Mum, Dad, Nev, Bruce, Sis, Brian and Boys. Mount Morgan Trash & Treasure Inc.
Friday, 8 November 2024. At 12.10 pm 21 Gordon Street, Mount Morgan All Members requested to attend. Alison Gilewski – Secretary.
inclusions required by: Tuesday, 29 October 2024 by 4 p.m. Ph: 4938 2312
mmpad@mountmorgan.org.au If you don’t receive your Argus, please contact us.