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Submitted by Arlene Roberts - President

So looking at where to have our first social craft day we decided to hold it at the green shed where we could showcase our crafts and we could enjoy the morning. Also on display was a table of items showcasing the Q.C.W.A. healthy eating programme called Country Kitchens. This programme showcases simple and easy ways to enjoy your food and it has 5 steps that are the key messages of the programme.


The ladies came along and had a really relaxed day. Donna Anderson Mount Morgan Q.C.W.A. Branch Vice President had fun knitting and talking to other ladies. Raelene Hayes the Mount Morgan Branch Craft Convenor continued working on a crochet rug that is a branch project. Savannah Alden the branch treasurer is very talented in crocheting and enjoys making small toys. Tammy Alden the branch International Officer had advice and ideas to share. Gille Major the branch Secretary was happy to create a list of future events and talked about cooking. I was happy to take part in discussions, talk about Country Kitchens and catering along with talking about crafts. Barbara Thompson spoke about her skills in knitting. So as you can see we are all skilled in different crafts and cooking. These days are going to be held on the 4th Monday of each month at 10 am at the Green Shed. Yes we have a small raffle for extra fun just for the day. These craft and cooking days are a social function to bring ladies together. You can bring your own craft projects with you or we can provide some craft materials.

In 1942 handcrafts were started in Q.C.W.A. with the first state organiser being a lady by the name of Miss Scholefield. It was around 1949 when the first Capricornia Division Handcraft Chairman was announced and that was Mrs Scafe who held the chairman’s position from 1949-1950. These ladies travelled hundreds of miles in those days to attend handcraft classes. Some teachers even travelled to branches to teach ladies. Their dedication to show the skills they had learnt took them over dirt roads, across creeks and dirt tracks in buggies, on horseback and in the back of trucks. It did not matter as they had promised to teach ladies in branches and that is what they did. These classes were held in many locations including Stanwell, Nursing homes, Mount Morgan, Q.C.W.A. Halls, Y.W.C.A. Buildings and other locations. In later times the members would attend classes in the Archer Street Hall in Rockhampton. Mount Morgan had sewing machine demonstrations in the early years. So as you can see craft and cooking have always been a part of Q.C.W.A.

We would like to invite any lady to come along and meet the members and enjoy the social aspect of just having a common interest and meeting other ladies. Our next social craft day will be on the Monday, 24

April at 10 am at the green shed.

On Saturday, 29 April we will be holding a stall at the Golden Mount Festival. We will be showcasing all aspects of Q.C.W.A. along with our cookbooks which will be on sale. This will include our new branch cookbook which is on jams and preserves. We are also holding a stall at the Mount Morgan Rodeo this year on Sunday, 30 April.

On the Saturday, 13 May we will be catering for ‘’Ride4LifeSuicide Prevention’’ at the Mount Morgan Railway station. There will be 300 riders and support cars. Road bikes, Dirt Bikes and much more.

Ladies we have been a part of our community for 73 years and members have come along and moved away but many have stayed. Yes we are a small branch but we are growing. The one thing we do have is a big heart. We are proud of what we do and as Q.C.W.A. Members we are proud of the association and what it can do to help others.

We often have discussions on community issues and we lobbied to get a permanent town water supply through our state conference. We advocate to improve living conditions, health care, education, better roads, better communication systems, we put together domestic violence packs and we reach out with the hand of friendship. We recently donated funds to our Q.C.W.A. State Disaster Fund to help members and branches and the communities who are affected by floods in the Gulf. We have a state wide public rural crisis fund to help in times of disaster.

Our branch provides local bursaries at the state school and state wide there are bursaries for different areas of education. So the list is endless.

So come along and meet with the members and see what Q.C.W.A. is all about. We meet on the 3rd Monday of every month at 10 am at the green shed. The door is open to any women so come along. If you would like to find out more, please contact me on 0428 457 461 Arlene Roberts Branch President.

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