4 minute read
International Children’s Book Day
Sunday, 2 April was International Children’s Book Day and to celebrate Rockhampton Regional Libraries gave away hundreds of free books to children aged 0-5 years! All libraries were open on Saturday,1 April for the giveaway of books purchased with First 5 Forever funding from State Library of Queensland. To find out more about First 5 Forever and activities for under 5’s please ask library staff.
School holiday activities
Are you looking for fun things to do these school holidays? Your library has many fun activities for all ages. Come and experience the wonders of the Great Barrier Reef in a free Virtual Reef Adventure or learn about sustainability with the Waste Warrior Workshops.
Take home craft packs will also be available at the Mount Morgan Library so pop in and grab a kit. Please call the library admin on 4936 8043 to find out more information or to book into activities.
Easter closures will affect Australians now and into the future.
Please be aware that all Rockhampton Regional Libraries will be closed Friday 07 – Monday 10 April for the Easter public holidays.
While the library buildings may be closed, don’t forget that all online services are still available 24/7 for access from your own device.
Pop online and grab yourself an eBook, eAudiobook, eMagazine or check out one of the other great online services.
Rockhampton Regional Libraries are located in Mount Morgan, Gracemere, South Rockhampton and North Rockhampton.
It is free to become a library member. For more information please call the Mount Morgan Library on 4936 8169 or the Rockhampton Regional Library Administration Office on 4936 8043.
As the proposed question has reference to the Executive of government, this makes the body more powerful than any Cabinet Minister.
No Cabinet Minister can apply to the High Court to have legislation struck out because they were not properly consulted. Yet the proposed Voice body will have that power.
More worrying, interpretation of that power will be determined by the High Court, not the Parliament.
The proposed change to the Constitution, will define the rights of Australians based on race.
Recognition of indigenous Australians in the constitutions is one thing. However, for an unelected body to have potential power over all legislation, is something entirely different.
The question remains: as the body will be selected not elected to be the Voice, precisely who will be doing the selection, and could it be against the majority view of indigenous Australians in an area?
This unelected body will have a purview over any legislation that may affect indigenous people, which in Australia is virtually all legislation.
I have consulted widely with both the ‘yes’ and ‘no’ campaigns in a respectful way and have made the decision to vote no.
I have contacted indigenous leaders from communities all across the Flynn electorate. Almost all indicated they knew very little or nothing about the Albanese Government’s Voice proposal.
I believe the Voice will not advance the primary aim of Closing the Gap and dealing with real issues. It will not economically empower Indigenous people.
It will be a Voice for Redfern, not Indigenous communities in rural areas such as Woorabinda.
In the 47th Parliament of Australia, there are 11 Indigenous MPs who have been duly and democratically elected by the people, while currently there is an Indigenous Minister for Indigenous Australians who is responsible for overseeing a federal government department that is worth more than $1 billion.
My view remains the same: we are one people, we are one country, we are all equal.
Proposed Voice to Parliament
The Prime Minister has finally revealed what the Australian people will be asked in the referendum on the Indigenous Voice to Parliament later this year.
I wanted to explain to the Mount Morgan community what the Voice proposal is and if successful, how this
I will be voting no at the referendum and encourage you to have your say.
Meet 9 am - 12 noon Wednesdays Phone John on 0429 055 165

Public Notice
Community Noticeboard To Be Removed
Mount Morgan Promotion and Development has been advised that the Community Noticeboard in Morgan Street will be removed from 23 March 2023.The new shop owner has requested that it be removed.
MMPAD will have all items currently on the noticeboard at the Mount Morgan Railway Museum. Council has advised that a new location is being sourced.
Mount Morgan Promotion and Development Inc

Advises that the Mount Morgan Explore Centre and Railway Museum will be closed on
Open Saturday, 8 April 2023 - 9 am - 4pm
Sunday, 9 April 2023 - 9 am - 4 pm
On behalf of Mount Morgan Promotion and Development Inc have a Safe and Happy Easter.

If you are travelling over the break, please take care.
Easter Trading hours
The Golden Festival Association, Mount Morgan Incorporated, advises that the following event will be held on Friday, 28 April 2023 at the No 7 Dam:
Event Set up time – From 3 pm
Event time: 5- 7.45 pm
Movie: 6.15 – 7.50 pm - Fireworks: 8 pm approx. Pack up time – 8 – 9 pm
Traffic to the area will be greater than normal during this time.
The Golden Mount Festival Association, Mount Morgan Incorporate also advises that the following event will be held on Sunday, 30 April 2023 at the No 7. Dam:

Big Dam Breakfast
Event Set up time – From 6 am – 8 am
Event time: 8 am – 11 am and
Pack Up – 11 am – 12.30 pm
Traffic to the area will be greater than normal during this time.
Eve-lyn Rogers - Treasurer Golden Mount Festival Association, Mount Morgan Inc
Meets on the last Sunday of each month at 10.30 am. Soldiers’ Rooms, 18 Morgan Street, Phone - John Tuxworth 0429 055 165
Meets every third Monday at the Green Shed - Thompson Ave 9.30 am meet for 10 am start.
DINNER MEETING - THURSDAY - GRAND HOTEL 6.00 for 6.30. Interested people are encouraged to attend or send an Expression of Interest to PO Box 2, Mount Morgan