May 2009

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May 2009

supplier directory 45th annual

Company Listings • Trade Associations & Societies Product Sources • Brand Names Show Reports: Musikmesse 2009 NASMD Convention

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Contents Cover design by Laurie Chesna.


MAY 2009 VOL.168 NO. 5

Features 22

Convention Report: Musikmesse 2009 MMR provides a summary of the action in Frankfurt as the Musikmesse and ProLight & Sound convention marked its 30th anniversary amidst challenging global economic conditions.


NASMD Convention Report Comments and news from the National Association of School Music Dealers Convention, held this year in Tucson, Ariz.



iMSO Opens Channels of Communications with Suppliers The recent “Partnership Survey” conducted by Independent Music Store Owners aimed to get the ball rolling in terms of opening up channels of communication between independent MI retailers and manufacturers.

45th Annual MMR Supplier Directory 35 123 125 159


Company Listings Trade Associations & Societies Product Sources Brand Names

Departments 4 6 188

Editorial Upfront New Products

191 193 199

Supplier Scene Classifieds Advertisers’ Index MMR Musical Merchandise Review® (ISSN 0027-4615) founded in 1879, is published monthly by Symphony Publishing, LLC, 21 Highland Circle, Suite 1, Needham, MA 02494 (781)453-9310, publisher of School Band and Orchestra, Choral Director, Music Parents America and JazzEd. All titles are federally registered trademarks and/or trademarks of Symphony Publishing, LLC. Subscription Rates: U.S.A., US possessions, one year $32; two years $40. Canada one year $80; all other countries one year $159. Single issues $5 each. May Supplier Directory $35. Periodical-Rate Postage Paid at Boston, MA and additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER/SUBSCRIBERS: Send address change to Musical Merchandise Review, P.O. Box 8548, Lowell, MA 01853. Periodicals circulation is directed to music dealers and retailers, wholesalers and distributors, importers and exporters and manufacturers of all types of musical instruments and their accessories, related electronic sound equipment, general musical accessories, musical publications and teaching aides. The publishers of this magazine do not accept responsibility for statements made by their advertisers in business competion. No portion of this issue may be reproduced without the written permission of the publisher. Copyright ©2009 by Symphony Publishing, LLC, all rights reserved. Printed in USA.


MAY 2009

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Volume 168, Number 5, May 2009 PUBLISHER Sidney L. Davis

Lemongello Revisited

ASSOCIATE PUBLISHER Rick Kessel EDITOR Christian Wissmuller


ne need go no further than to contrast the musical debut and career of ‘70s crooner Peter Lemongello and present-day phenomenon Susan Boyle to understand both the intensity and versatility of the Internet. Lemongello labored on the fringes of the music business in 1976 when he and some private investors devised a plan to promote the singer through a late-night TV marketing campaign. Using New York City as the launch for a city-by-city strategy, the group promoted Lemongello’s album, Do I Love You 100 times per week. The campaign resulted in the fi rst person to sell a million records through a television direct marketing campaign. Lemongello soon faded from the national scene, but remains a fi xture in a variety of smaller venues ranging from Atlantic City to Branson, Missouri. Susan Boyle recently burst on the music scene in a far more dramatic manner, appearing on England’s version of “American Idol.” The 47-year-old unemployed homebody sang “I Dreamed A Dream” and, within a week, her rendition had been viewed on YouTube more than 47 million times and generated more than 125,000 comments! Boyle’s performance received more than twice the hits of President Obama’s victory speech in Chicago, and had more views than Tina Fey and Governor Palin’s “Saturday Night Live” appearance. Visible Measures, an organization that tracks videos from YouTube, MySpace, and other video-sharing sites, said that all Boyle videos, including recent interviews and a ten-year-old CD, generated a total of 85 million views, 20 million of them within 24 hours. More proof of both the power and versatility of the Internet, and YouTube in particular, was the Web site’s formation of a symphony orchestra comprised of 90 amateur and professional musicians gathered from six continents who performed this past April at Carnegie Hall under the direction of Michael Tilson Thomas. The musicians were chosen after submitting video performances of a new piece written exclusively for the audition process. Closer to home, during the past month, Blueberry Guitars employed eBay as an auction site for 25 guitars. Each guitar was online for 10 days and had a starting price of $1 with a sale to the highest bidder. And, on a fi nal note, MMR recently joined the instant communication era with our LinkedIn Professional Group. When we asked the questions, “Are things picking up at retail?” here is a sampling of responses: “$300 and under products move on a fairly consistent level” – John Giovanni, The Music Room… “February was down but March has kicked back strong” – Jeff Simons, Watermelon Music… “We have seen a huge increase in fretted sales and a sharp decline in amplifiers and step-up band instruments” – Donovan Bankhead, Springfield Music. Join LinkedIn for free, then search for MMR’s Musical Merchandise Professionals and request to join – it’ll take less time than a late-night TV commercial.

ASSOCIATE EDITOR Eliahu Sussman ASSOCIATE EDITOR Denyce Neilson ADVERTISING SALES Iris Fox CLASSIFIED AD SALES Maureen Johan PRODUCTION MANAGER Laurie Guptill GRAPHIC DESIGNERS Andrew P. Ross Laurie Chesna CIRCULATION MANAGER Melanie A. Prescott ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Popi Galileos WEBMASTER Sanford Kearns SYMPHONY PUBLISHING, LLC Xen Zapis • Chairman Lee Zapis • President Rich Bongorno • Chief Financial Officer Corporate Headquarters 26202 Detroit Road, Suite 300, Westlake, Ohio 44145 440-871-1300 PUBLISHING, SALES & EDITORIAL OFFICE: 21 Highland Circle, Suite 1, Needham, MA 02494 (781) 453-9310 Fax: (781) 453-9389



MAY 2009

New All-Nitro Bursts - 1957/2008 Pickups

Š PRS Guitars 2009 Photos by Marc Quigley

Sunburst 22

Smokeburst McCarty

Sunburst 245

Introducing the Sunburst Series Exclusive wire, magnets and finish materials with new burst colors. We think these guitars are special and have a unique voice all their own. Stop by a dealer near you to play one and to Experience PRS.

Upfront FMIC Trademark Applications Denied The Trademark Trial and Appeal Board of the United States Patent and Trademark Office reached a decision on March 25, regarding a body-shape appeal involving Fender Musical Instruments and Stuart Spector Designs, U.S. Music Corporation, ESP Guitars, Sadowsky Guitars, Lakland Musical Instruments, Peavey Electronics, Warmoth Guitar Products, Schecter Guitar Research, Michael Tobias, Tradition Guitars, and others. The Board stated that, “Fender refers to the ‘iconic’ status of these [instrument] outlines in American popular cul-

ture; however, we must resolve a narrow issue: Do consumers associate these twodimensional outlines, depicted in the drawings, as indicators of source? ...We conclude that applicant [Fender] has not established acquired distinctiveness such that these two-dimensional outlines of guitar bodies, standing alone, serve to indicate source.”After five years of hard-fought litigation, which included over twenty thousand pages of evidence

demonstrating countless companies who have manufactured, marketed and sold guitars that use the body shapes, the TTAB concluded, “The evidence overwhelmingly demonstrates that these configurations are so common in the industry that they cannot identify source. In fact, in the case of the [Stratocaster] body outline, this configuration is so common that it is depicted as a generic electric guitar in a dictionary.”

Wyman Piano Teams with ORLA Wyman Piano Company has announced a new strategic alliance with ORLA to distribute the all new ORLA line of digital instruments in the USA. Established in 1965 in Castelfidardo, the musical instrument capital of Italy, ORLA’s reputation is recognized throughout the world for high-quality manufacturing along with superb sounds, features, sleek European styling and ergonomic design.

Wyman Piano Company was founded in 2003 by former Baldwin executives Tim Laskey and George Benson, who have grown Wyman distribution throughout the USA and Canada, the UK, Germany, Japan, and New Zealand. The popularly priced Wyman acoustic piano line consists of eight vertical and four grand models, and grand pianos equipped with a state-of-the-art CD player system.

Shure Acquires Crowley and Tripp Shure Incorporated recently announced the acquisition of Crowley and Tripp Ribbon Microphones from Soundwave Research Laboratories of Ashland, Massachusetts. Under a definitive agreement, Shure now owns all intellectual property, microphone process equipment, product designs, and other important assets related to the Crowley and Tripp line. Shure will manufacture ribbon microphones in its Wheeling, Illinois, facility using the patented Roswellite™ shape-memory acoustic ribbon material developed by Soundwave Research. “Ribbon microphones have always been prized for their warm sound qual6 MMR

ity, but older designs are delicate, which has limited their applications,” said Scott Sullivan, Shure’s senior director of Global Product Management. “With the acquisition of the Crowley and Tripp product line and their Roswellite ribbon technology, Shure is extending the use of ribbon microphones to the stage in addition to their use in the studio.” Shure will manufacture ribbon microphones exclusively in the U.S. Shure will also assume responsibility for ongoing service and support for existing owners of Crowley and Tripp ribbon microphone products.

Wyman Piano will offer the complete line of ORLA digital pianos in both portable as well as traditional home styling, and also two grand models. The new ORLA line up includes the new Stage Ensemble that allows dealers to offer an Ensemble value at an entry level price. Other Ensemble models are available in traditional home style and elegant grand versions, both of which offer exceptional value. Also available is an innovative church keyboard Model CH176, specifically designed for church settings and with church musicians in mind. “We see this Wyman-ORLA alliance as a timely opportunity to broaden our offering with the addition of ORLA digitals to our popular line of Wyman acoustic pianos,” commented George Benson, Wyman national sales manager. “We have been friends with ORLA for many years and have observed the tremendous progress their company has made in developing instruments that are very competitive, especially in today’s marketplace. These new ORLA digitals allow us to continue to deliver on the Wyman promise of quality and value,” said Tim Laskey, Wyman president. For more information, visit or contact George Benson, national sales manager, at (941) 661-0200 or at MAY 2009

Upfront Peavey Enacts Lean Initiative Peavey Electronics Corporation has begun a company-wide Lean initiative that aims to maximize efficiency among its 33 facilities and strengthen the organization’s position in the global marketplace. Lean manufacturing is a philosophy of maximizing efficiency within an organization. Although the movement first gained traction under the term “Lean” in the 1990s, the roots of Lean date to Henry Ford, and later, Toyota. Courtland Gray, chief operating officer of Peavey Electronics, said that Peavey must refine its business model in order to position the company for continued growth. “By embracing Lean practices, we can better understand the flow of production from plant to plant and come up with more

Gibson to Lay Off 50 Nashville-based Gibson Guitar, Inc. recently announced that it would lay off about five percent of its worldwide corporate staff, about 50 people, in response to the economic downturn, which is affecting sales of its musical instruments. “We regret that the company had to reduce our work force to meet the economic challenges faced by our industry,” Gibson Chief Executive Officer Henry Juszkiewicz said in a statement. “We believe our streamlined team of talented people will continue to serve our valuable customers in an increasingly excellent fashion,” he said. “We expect to continue to build the fi nest instruments in the world and lead the industry in quality and innovation.” The company said that worldwide sales of musical instruments in the product categories it competes in have dropped more than 20 percent in the first quarter of 2009, compared with the same period last year. 8 MMR

efficient ways of doing business,” he said. “Our goals are to apply skills efficiently, deploy freed resources where needed, and ultimately become more competitive. Peavey is committing to making a significant upward stride in performance in a short period of time, and that will benefit our customers, employees and community.” Peavey’s Lean program is part of a massive, multi-million dollar reinvestment that Peavey Electronics has made in its infrastructure just since 2008, including a new ERP computer network to streamline the flow of information, enhance communication and unify its global affi liates. With this next phase, Gray said that Peavey employees hold the key to the company’s future. “Our Lean strategy depends on an internal team that will determine how to alter the company’s workflow and processes,” he said. “The team is a stratified rep-

resentation of the Peavey employee family, including manufacturing line workers, plant managers and product engineers. It’s important that our plan is shaped by the people who will ensure its success.” Michael Harbaugh, Operations Manager of the Manufacturing Extension Partnership of Mississippi, a division of the Mississippi Technology Alliance, is working with Peavey on a transformational Lean business model that will ensure that the company retains that spirit of innovation and a competitive edge for years to come. “Manufacturing is the heart and soul of an economy,” Harbaugh added. “The stronger we can make U.S. manufacturing, the stronger and more secure we will be. Lean secures the manufacturing base of America, and by adopting this transformational model, Peavey is helping lead the way.” To find out more, visit

Seymour Duncan to Stay in Calif. Facility Seymour Duncan president Lynn Robison said last year’s reported plan to consider possibly moving the 30-year-old company’s 130-employee operation to somewhere else in the 805 area code has been scrapped. “Last year, we were evaluating what to do,” said Robison, who joined the company in January 2008. “We explored alternatives such as creating a second facility, but we had no plans to close our Goleta [Calif.] facility. The Seymour Duncan company will always have a presence here.” “This is exactly the type of company we want to keep in Goleta,” said Kristen Amyx, president and chief executive officer of the Goleta Valley Chamber of Commerce. She said she heard the company was leaving last year, but is relieved to learn just recently it will be staying. Robison said the decision to stay was largely based on the company’s evaluation of its hand assembly line space needs. He

said that showed the company could do more with its existing space. The company president admitted, as do many South Coast employers, that it has been difficult to retain some of its employees because of the high cost of living. However, he said, no discussions were held with Ventura city officials to open a plant there where many area workers ride and commute to their jobs in Santa Barbara County. Robison said company officials found better ways to use existing space, which made it unnecessary now for another location. He said the decision to stay in Goleta was made just prior to last year’s economic meltdown. “We’re damn glad we did, too,” Robison said. As for how the company is faring in the recession, Robison said, “We’re doing fine,” even though the company did reduce its workforce by 10 employees in January. (Source: The Daily Sound) MAY 2009

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Upfront NAMM Offers Free Sesame Street Materials NAMM announced that it is providing free Sesame Street Music Works materials to all NAMM Member retailers who are looking to boost interest in making music among a new generation of future musicians in their communities. NAMM is offering the following Sesame Street Music Works materials: The Music Works Wonders DVD, • featuring interactive musical activities for 2-6 year olds led by the popular Sesame Street characters “Share the Joy of Making Music with • Your Child” brochures (50-pack) to display in your store at the sales counter or lesson waiting room (with space to customize with your store’s information) Sesame Street Music Works Charac• ter Posters (4-pack) to liven up any store and captivate young customers and their parents Colorful 3’X5’ Big Bird Poster with • a “Children Learn and Grow with Music” message. Some ideas on how to utilize the materials and help drive interested young

music makers and their parents to your retail store include: Create a “kid-friend• ly” environment in your store by displaying an array of materials featuring Sesame Street cast members and their interest in playing music Distribute the materials to • local libraries, daycares, YMCAs and churches along with your store information to peak children’s interest in making music Distribute the materials to local • schools that might have limited or no music programs to heighten awareness about the services and products your store can offer children. According to NAMM president and CEO Joe Lamond, reaching out to the preschool market and parents is important for a number of reasons.

“Recent research tells us that making music in early childhood helps children with language development and other skills,” Lamond said. “Early exposure to music opens up a pathway to making music for life. We encourage all NAMM Member businesses to take another look at how to address this critical segment of the market.” To order your free Sesame Street promotional materials, contact

$1.61 per diluted share – a 6 percent decline from last year’s results. The adjusted earnings exceeded the consensus estimates from analysts surveyed by Thomson Reuters First Call, who projected fourth-quarter earnings of $1.38 per share, excluding the charges. Total revenue came in at $14.72 billion for the most recent quarter, up 9.7 percent from $13.42 billion in the comparable period last year. Same-store sales, however, fell 4.9 percent. For the year, Best Buy reported net income of $1 billion, or $2.39 per diluted share, for fiscal 2008. That’s down nearly

29 percent from $1.41 billion, or $3.12 per share, in fiscal 2008. The decline was largely due to the fourth-quarter charges, as well as an investment-impairment charge in the third quarter. The company generated revenue of $45.02 billion for full-year fiscal 2008, up 12.5 percent from a year ago. Looking forward, Best Buy forecast earnings of $2.50 to $2.90 per share in fiscal 2010, with revenue of $46.5 billion to $48.5 billion. The company said fourth-quarter revenue was better than forecast, and it expects to gain increased market share in the wake of Circuit City’s demise. Best Buy (NYSE: BBY) plans to add 65 stores in 2009 – 45 in the United States and 20 in its international segment.

Best Buy’s Profits Fall Best Buy Co., Inc.’s profit fell 23 percent in the fourth quarter of fiscal 2008, but the company provided a better-than-expected forecast for 2009. Richfield, Minn.-based Best Buy reported net income of $570 million, or $1.35 per diluted share, for the fourth quarter of 2008. That compares to earnings of $737 million, or $1.71 per share, in the same period last year. The decline was largely due to one-time charges, including those related to the company’s recent buyouts and layoffs. Excluding those charges, the company would have had net earnings of $682 million, or 10 MMR

MAY 2009

Upfront Slash Visits Little Kids Rock This past March, Slash of Velvet Revolver and Guns ’N Roses fame dropped in on an Little Kids Rock class at Belvedere (Calif.) Middle School, where he spoke to and jammed with 36 thunderstruck LKR students. “The kids were told only 10 minutes before Slash’s arrival that they’d be treated to meeting him,” says Little Kids Rock (LKR) founder Dave Wish. “When they heard the news, there was a collective gasp from the kids – they were moved to what only can be described as awed silence.” Slash also donated guitars to the group. In the middle of his recent classroom visit, Slash started strumming his monster hit “Sweet Child ’O Mine,” never imagining the Little Kids Rock drummer and bass player would fall in right behind him. By the end of the song he was really smiling, as all the other kids were strumming, save for the little girl who grabbed the mic and sang the song. “It was a beautiful sight and a beautiful sound,” says Wish. “It was electrifying.” It was also all caught on tape by CNN and broadcast on national television, exposing millions of viewers to the power of music

education in schools in general and LKR’s good work specifically. LA’s local ABC affiliate, Channel 7, and the Los Angeles Times also covered the event. “Music is one of the most important, universally liked subjects in schools – just as important as math, English, or history,” Slash told CNN. “It’s the ultimate form of expression, and obviously a great creative outlet for kids.” Wish was interviewed for the piece as well: “Little Kids Rock transforms children’s lives by bringing music education

back into schools, and by teaching them to play and write the music that they like.” Slash was treated to two original tunes composed by LKR students, answered their questions, and jammed with them. “Our mission is to pass the torch of a passion for music making to the kids in our schools who need it the most,” Wish says. “That is precisely what happened that day.” More information can be found at and

MMR ONLINE SURVEY: How did your winter/holiday season retail sales wind up? Better than last year, surprisingly


About the same as last year


As expected (and feared), worse than last year


Went beyond my low expectations – truly terrible!


Fender Launches FMIC Direct Fender Musical Instruments Corporation has launched a new dealer business portal, FMIC Direct ( making it easier and more convenient for dealers to do business with FMIC. Created as an updated and high-performance version of the company’s sales support portal, FMIC Direct offers a single, secure online platform for dealers to effectively manage their business with all FMIC brands including: Fender®, Fender Custom Shop, Squier®, Gretsch®, Guild®, Jackson®, Groove Tubes®, Charvel®, SWR®, Tacoma® and EVH®. “It’s the next step in our company’s strategy to be the customer service leader in 12 MMR

our industry,” said Andy Rossi, senior vice president, Global Marketing, Sales, R&D. “FMIC Direct is designed to be extremely dealer-friendly, with our dealer customers’ most important needs in mind. It’s a

very visible example of the new way we are looking at our customer relationships and continuing to challenge ourselves to meet, and even anticipate their needs.” Features of FMIC Direct also include: Full, online product catalog for each brand; Enhanced product presentation, specifications and features listing; High resolution

product imagery; Advanced search functions, by product, brand, category, color, part number and UPC number; Secure functions to view inventory, invoicing, order status, purchasing history, credit history and more; Direct email and phone contact options. Currently being piloted with a small group of dealers, is planned to launch to all FMIC-brands’ U.S. and Canadian dealers. FMIC Direct is also designed to reach dealers that may not have worked with the company before. “FMIC Direct will help us do more and better business with remote dealers that we may otherwise not be able to reach,” continued Rossi. MAY 2009

Traderegrets Edmond Bauthier Edmond Bauthier, vice president of International Sales for ProMark Corporation and Aquarian, passed away on February 4, 2009 while on business in Belgium. Mr. Bauthier was a 25-year veteran of the music industry beginning a four-year stint as president of Tosco, an Italian cymbal maker. He joined Sabian as vice president of Sales in 1985, a position he held until 1997. Prior to joining Tosco, Mr. Bauthier held a variety of positions in both the steel and textile industries. For more information, please contact Pro-Mark Corporation, 11550 Old Main Street Loop Road, Houston, Texas 77025. E-mail:

Dennis Harburn On Thursday, March 26th, Shure Incorporated announced the passing of Dennis Harburn, managing director of Shure Distribution UK. A native of South London, Dennis had been with the Company for 36 years. Dennis joined the Company in 1972, when it was Shure Electronics Limited (SEL), as a sales rep for London and the South East (UK), but as SEL shifted to independent ownership, he quickly rose through the ranks as assistant sales manager, sales manager, and then sales director before being named managing director in 2000. Dennis is survived by his wife, Nicky, and their three children, Daniel, Paul, and Andrea. A Memorial Service was held on Thursday, March 26.

Harry Benson One of the key players in the growth and expansion of the William Lewis & Sons Violin Company was Harry Benson. He began working with the company in 1926 when Mr. Lewis’ son was president. Over the years Harry worked his way to president himself, and played a vital role in the company’s merger by Chicago Musical Instruments (CMI). Harry passed away on April 9, 2009 at the age of 98.

Joseph Massimino Joseph Massimino passed Away Age 79 on March 30,2009. Joseph was the owner of Massimino Music in Shelby Township, Mich. Massimino Music was one of the oldest and largest Music stores in the Detroit area, founded by Joe’s father, Joseph “Pappy” Massimino in the 1940s.

14 MMR

MAY 2009

People Alfred Music Publishing has welcomed Bryan Bradley as Chief Operating Officer. As a member of Alfred’s executive management team, Bradley’s new role at Alfred will be essential in Bradley continuing the growth and vitality of the organization. Bradley brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to Alfred Music Publishing, including management positions at Disney Music Publishing, Spelling Entertainment and Columbia Television. Bradley has been with Guitar Center for the last seven years, where he began as the Print/Education Products Buyer. He has since held multiple positions at Guitar Center, including Pro Audio/Recording Merchandise Oversight, Professional Marketing, and Technology Product Marketing. Most recently, Bradley was part of Guitar Center’s Strategic Planning Group, working on strategic initiatives for Guitar Center Retail, Musician’s Friend, and Music and Arts. Fender Musical Instruments Corp. (FMIC) recently appointed Larry Thomas to the FMIC Board of Directors. In addition to his board responsibilities, Thomas will also serve as chairman of The Fender Music Foundation. Thomas brings nearly 40 years of music industry experience to FMIC, most recently as chairman and chief executive officer of Guitar Center, Inc., and founder of The Guitar Center Music Foundation. As part of the appointment, Thomas has reintroduced The Guitar Center Music Foundation as The Fender Music Foundation. “I’m proud and honored to have these three industry veterans be part of my new team,” says Mark Ragin, CEO of U.S. Band/St. Louis Music . “As we complete the transition and the move into the original St. Louis Music building, what is our focus now is partnering with our retailers. These three know and understand their business and are the absolute best at what they do.” 16 MMR

Appointed are Jim Eavice ton, president of Knilling and Orchestral Sales; Devin Jim Eaton and Rich Dumstorff Pelton, vice president of Blessing and Educational Sales; and Rich Dumstorff, vice president Combo Product and Inside Sales. The three have already hit the ground running, and Ragin reports a significant increase in new retailers turning to the company for MI products in addition to an increase in business from those who have long done business with his company.

Paul Tillman and Dave Weidenhoffer, both former L-Acoustics, have now come in-house to serve in the company’s newly created regional sales manager positions.

Additionally, Jan Nguyen has stepped into the role of sales and marketing coordinator, with Annette Bilous joining the organization as administrative assistant and receptionist.

Leviton has announced the appointment of Enmanuel Hwong to the newly-created position of Business Development specialist for the Caribbean market. In his new post, Hwong over- Hwong sees the development of new business opportunities and focuses his efforts on expanding the sale of the company’s extensive product offering throughout the Caribbean marketplace. D’Addario & Company, Inc . has announced that David Via has been pro-

moted to vice opresident of Sales & Marketing. As the VP of Sales & Marketing, Via’s mission is to integrate sales and marketing activities to increase sales and brand desirability of the various D’Addario brands. Upon his start, Via has already rearranged D’Addario’s business structure forming competitive business units for the five products categories in which D’Addario does business: D’Addario Fretted, D’Addario Bowed, Rico Reeds, Percussion, and Planet Waves. Each business unit is comprised of combined sales and marketing personnel in order to respond to market requirements with the nimbleness of individual businesses, while leveraging the total corporate resources of D’Addario& Company. In his new role, Via will be reporting to D’Addario president, Rick Drumm.

Lowell Simpson, music industry veteran with over 40 years experience at both the wholesale and retail level, has joined the Wyman Piano Co. as a Regional Sales manager. Lowell has held prominent management positions at both Wurlitzer and Baldwin, and was a district sales manager for the Roland Corporation for 13 years. He spent a number of his 13 years at Wurlitzer working along side Tim Laskey, president and founder of Wyman Piano, and many of his 11 years with Baldwin working with George Benson, Wyman Piano national sales manager. Doug Thiel has also been named a Regional Sales manager. Thiel began his 33-year career in the music business in 1976 with Bob Fletcher at Fletcher Music Centers in Florida, Thiel where he held a number of management positions and opened the first Florida east coast locations for the company. He was responsible for opening Fletcher Music’s Asheville, North Carolina location which was the company’s first expansion outside the Florida market. MAY 2009

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Rodgers Instruments LLC has adopted a new structure for its Sales & Marketing Department. Duane Kuhn, executive vice president, appointed a trio of managers to oversee Anderson sales and marketing operations. Rick Anderson serves as Sales manager with responsibility for domestic and international sales. Roy Hanson, as Product Support manager, oversees Hanson product training materials, field training activities and user support. Jennifer Brandlon, as Marketing Services manager, has responsibility for outreach to new customers with adverBrandlon tising, events, online marketing and telemarketing. Heil Sound announced the appointment of Greg McVeigh as sales manager for their Pro Audio division. For the past two years McVeigh, and his company Guesthouse Projects, has McVeigh been handling Heil’s PR and artist relations’ duties. The new position will be adjunct to those duties and Guesthouse Projects remains an independent public/artist relations fi rm.

Breaking News

Find it in the Hot News section of MMR’s Web site, 18 MMR

MAY 2009


MAY 2009


THE &REEWAY ² R TE F ! G IN O ' E R E´ ¹7

NAMM Battles on All Fronts for Music Education Successful music programs and empowered music teachers lead to a vibrant music industry. NAMM and our Members work daily to keep this important cause top-of-mind with parents, elected ofďŹ cials and the media.


Note from Joeto Our Future


e Key

Music Educators—Th

s as a NAMM Retail My earliest memorie ing the music Member were of servic mento School teachers in the Sacra on that great rly District. I learned ea t music ea gr in teachers resulted ky to luc re we we d programs, an ha We d a close have some of the best. ng st all of them; they hu relationship with mo and were â€? ess ďƒžcial school busin out in the store on “of everyone knew your re he “w r, al Cheers Ba saw a steady members of our music ully do their job, we ssf cce su m the ng lpi was a win-win name.â€? By he and new business. It rs ke ma sic mu w ne educators were stream of how important music ted tra ns mo de d an n situatio ustry. to the health of our ind by side with music ers have worked side of ďƒžghting to NAMM and our Memb in a never-ending job y tur cen a er ov for educators rtnered with MENC, our schools. We’ve pa in ms ra og and pr sic mu keep iation, MAC, NASMD l School Board Assoc na tio nt, Na me the rn A, ve PT go the l and state We’ve lobbied federa many, many others. ks music with a host lin t tha rch oted resea and funded and prom ulted in strong . These efforts have res of educational beneďƒžts portunity to study op ns of children the llio mi ve ga t tha ms progra iation—continue each orts—led by your assoc eff se tho d An . sic mu and every day. members to become incing more industry . Our challenge is conv and music education ers ting music teach or pp su in ers ir rtn the pa t active makers go t the majority of music Gallup polls show tha at your business wh r tte ma program. No start in a school music trace their musical your customers can want a vibrant, category, most likely music teacher. If we ty ali qu a to ck ba es experienc ng those seeds portant to keep planti im is it , try us ind ng thrivi re! Please go to educators everywhe sic mu ay. g tin or pp su d an u can get involved tod com to learn how yo www.supportmusic. Joe Lamond EO NAMM President/C

NAMM’s First Virtual Fly-in, May 12 s Tune in to NAMM’s ďŹ rst “Virtual Fly-inâ€? to show your support for music education advocacy efforts. s Get brieďŹ ngs about music education policy via live Webcast from Washington, D.C. Viewable at on May 12.

s Contact your congressional ofďŹ ce to urge their commitment for music education throughout the year. Let your voices be heard! s Help protect music education for all children. Now and in the future, our industry will be there to serve them as lifelong music makers and tomorrow’s leaders.

STATE ACTION Connect with s Access the many valuable tools provided by NAMM in partnership with MENC. You can use: - advocacy guides - downloadable iers - video PSAs to run in your store - instrument luggage tags - “Why Play Music?â€? iers - music research DVDs s Fact: Almost 1 million advocacy materials have been distributed, mostly to NAMM Members who work with their communities to keep music education strong.

LOCAL ACTION Rocking Local Opportunities— While Reaching Your District School Boards! s Encourage your local schools to take part in the “Best Communities for Music Education in America” survey, which identifies schools committed to music education and creates positive media attention. s Check out what the NAMM Foundation can do for your community—efforts like the “Disney’s High School Musical: The Music in You Grant Program” enables middle and high schools across the United States to put on their own school stage production. s Use local advocacy action alerts posted on, which provide you with easy-to-send e-mail alerts on topics important to saving and protecting our school music programs. These open the lines of communication with your local politicians. Encourage your customers to log on too!

VISIT SUPPORTMUSIC.COM TODAY—LET YOUR VOICE BE HEARD!! As a NAMM Member, you are an important link to music education in your community. is your easy-to-access portal to all the materials you need to advocate for school music. Visit today, and get the word out locally.


May 2009

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Musikmesse 2009 D espite the challenges related to the worldwide economic crisis, the 30th annual Musikmesse and ProLight

& Sound show in Frankfurt, Germany showed surprising resiliency. The gathering is the largest convention of musical instrument and audio/lighting companies in the world and, although the number of exhibitors

was slightly down from last year, this year’s show still featured an extraordinary list of companies, with 1,560

exhibitors at the Musikmesse and 850 at the ProLight & Sound show, representing 47 countries. The U.S. fielded 46

companies at the ProLight & Sound show and 132 at the Musikmesse. Attendance figures from the Messe management indicated approximately 111,000 visitors, a slight increase over last year’s attendance, although the attendance from people outside of Germany was down by 3.5 percent. Some U.S. exhibitors suggested that attendance from American dealers was down significantly. The best represented visitor nations after Germany were The Netherlands, Belgium, Switzerland, France, Italy, Austria, Great Britain, Poland, Sweden, Spain, and the Czech Republic. The most nonEuropean visitors came from the U.S.A., South Korea, the People’s Republic of China, and Japan. The Musik Messe Fairgrounds.

22 MMR

MAY 2009

Jerry Donegan, John Sorensen, and Ron Allman of Zildjian

Rick Fuhry, Garmt Van der Veen, Larry Morton, Rick Walters, Hermann Knoll of Hal Leonard/ DeHaske Publishers.

The mood of exhibitors varied considerably depending upon the category of products represented. As expected, those companies involved in manufacturing and distributing accessory products appeared to be weathering, or even thriving, during the economic storm in comparison to makers of higher priced products in the market. Several exhibitors said that their sales had suffered since October, but that in March, business improved significantly. The shift in the exchange rate of the Euro/Dollar relationship from the $1.55 last year to $1.35 this year did present some stronger buying opportunities for

Tim and Julie Pfouts of SIT Strings.

U.S. companies yet many buyers weren’t quick to take advantage of this situation. A survey by the management of the Messe indicated that 75 percent foreign exhibitors and visitors to Prolight + Sound said the economic situation was satisfactory to good compared with 90 percent last year. A recent addition to the convention is the Musikbiz area which, according to the Musikmesse man-

agement, continues to grow. Exhibitors in this area include companies who are involved with music marketing, music labels, publishing products, recording studios, and more. The winner of the 27th Frankfurt Music Prize, Dr. José Antonio Abreu, musician and founder of the renowned ‘Sistema de las Orquestas Juveniles e Infantiles de Venezuela’, an organization promoting music-

“Several exhibitors said that their sales had suffered since October, but that in March, business improved significantly. “

Randall Williams and Nicholas Palmer of Kyser Music Products.

At the PJLA booth, Diane Xu, Brian Hu, Pete LaPlaca, Don Sessions, and Joe Calzone of Calzone Cases.

Iain Wilson of IBC Trading with Mick Campling of G7th. MAY 2009

The Liverpool 4 drumset by Ludwig which replicates the original design of Ringo Starr’s set during his time with the Beatles. MMR 23

making among children and young people in Venezuela, was given an enthusiastic reception at the ceremony and other public occasions in Frankfurt am Main. The most famous graduate of Abreu’s system is Gustavo Dudamel, who has recently become the conductor of the Los Angeles Philharmonic at the age of This year’s Musikmesse once again attracted the crème de la crème of the music scene to Frankfurt, e.g., guitarists such Al Di Meola, Steve Lukather,

Paul Gilbert, Lee Ritenour, Joe Satriani, Frank Gambale, and Jeff Loomis – the spectrum ranged from jazz via rock and pop, to metal. Bass players of all musical directions, such as Jonas Hellborg, Hadrien Feraud, Etienne Mbappé, Billy Sheehan and Dave Pybus, were also to be seen at the Musikmesse, as were percussionists such as Will Calhoun, Simon Phillips, Chad Wackerman, Mark Schulman, Cindy Blackman, et cetera. Naturally, stars of other branches of the music

world were also in Frankfurt, including Britain’s Paul Archibald – one of Europe’s best trumpeters – and saxophonists Klaus Doldinger and Tony Lakatos. The international Musikmesse and Prolight + Sound trade fairs in Frankfurt am Main will next be held from 24 to 27 March 2010. Before then, Music China and Prolight + Sound Shanghai, will be held at the Shanghai New International Expo Centre (SNIEC) in Shanghai (PR China) from 13 to 16 October 2009.

Rotosounds’ Jason How.

Roy Burns of Aquarian Products.

Shubb Capos’ Gary Mobley.

Tony Blair of Kay Guitar Co.

Mark Schafer of DEG Music Products.

Bob King of Gold Crest/Mighty Bright.

Mike Sales and Kerry Klingborg of Antigua Winds.

Ed Miller and Paul Damiano of Kaman Music Corp.

Big Chico, harmonica artist with Alberto Bertolazzi of Hering Harmonicas/Anafim.

Rod Rose of Schatten Design.

Jon Sebastian formerly of the Lovin’ Spoonful.

Vic Firth of Vic Firth Drumsticks.

Dan Barker of EMD Music.

Phil Hay of Westside Music, London with Harvey Levy and Garth Giesbrecht of Levy’s Leathers and Jonny X of Westside. 24 MMR

Dom Famularo of Sabian.

Husband and wife team of Renu and Vijay Talwar of Talwar Brothers.

Colin Schofield of Premier Percussion.

At the George L’s booth, Sandy Richter and Leesa Lewis. MAY 2009

American Way’s John Musselman and Bill Gibson.

Husband and wife team of Sheryl and Tevis Laukat of Cannonball Musical Instruments.

Michael Farley of Farley’s Essentials.

Steve Shires of S.E. Shires Co.

Bea Bantug of Retail Up!

Barry Pease of Burkhart-Phelan Flutes.

Michael LaBombard and Jody Espina of Jody Jazz.

Marcela Schramlova of Bohemia Piano Co., with Bert Neidhardt of German American Trading.

Andy Zildjian of Sabian.

Guitar Hanger’s Chris Samu.

Guitarist extraordinaire, Joe Satriani at the Vox Amplifiers booth.

John Norris, Chris Labriola, and Jim Clark of Peterson Tuners. MAY 2009

Guy Legere of Legere Reeds.

Vincent Lee and Diane Nguyen of ZZYX/ SnapJack.

Powell Flutes/Sonare Winds booth, Bill Dowdall flute artist, John Rogers, and CEO Steven Wasser.

Hall Crystal Flutes’ Jim Hall.

Barry Heid of Manhasset Stands.

Pete Jeffryes and Alex Hsieh of P. Mauriat with Myung Kim of Chung Musical Instruments, Korea.

Stentor Music – Liz Wilkes.

Dick Marcus independent music exec.

John and Ellen Cavanaugh of Super Sensitive Strings flank Juliana Farha. MMR 25

Gator Cases’ Delana Murphy, Jerry Freed, Michael Golden, with Peter Patrick of Erikson Music Canada.

Ned Steinberger of NS Design with Barry Moorhouse of The Bass Centre, London.

Larry Leithem and Hans Hermann of B-Band Inc.

Vater’s Chad Brandolini, Alan Vater, Dayne Marshall, and Mark Pozzo.

Scott Davies and Brian Dowdle of American DJ. 26 MMR

Kirk and Gary Burgett of PianoDisc/Mason & Hamlin.

Robert and Janet Godin of Godin Guitars.

Father and son team of Irwin and Mike Berg of Humes & Berg.

Trev Wilkinson and Dennis Drumm of JHS Music.

Fusion’s Nicole Szekeves, Amanda Wheatley, Theli Renwick, and Wendy Caldwell.

Lee and Leslie Oskar of Lee Oskar Harmonicas.

Ilias Ntais, Jeff Lace, and Alex Abravanel of Lace Music Products.

Scott Quinn, Paul Unkert and Andy Lee of Unk Guitars.

MAY 2009


2009 NASMD Convention School Music Industry Convenes in Tucson

The grounds at the J.W. Marriott Starr Pass Resort, Tucson, Ariz.

Jeff Bertrand of Bertrand’s Music Enterprises, San Diego, Calif. 28 MMR

Rosi and Dex Johnson of Mississippi Music, Inc., Hattiesburg, Miss. With Musical Innovations’ Tracy Leenman.

NASMD’s Madeleine Crouch.

MAY 2009


umbers slightly down from last year,” and “cautiously optimistic” are becoming two of the most oft-repeated phrases in the MI world this year. While such statements may not represent breaking news at this point, it would be fair to report that the tone at this year’s NASMD Convention truly was optimistic (despite those predictably “slightly down” figures). The almost 30 percent decline in attendance between 2008’s get-together in Orlando and the 2009 meeting in Tucson appears a little bleak on paper, but the attendees we spoke with at this year’s Convention shared a far more upbeat outlook on the state of school music than such stats might suggest. Bearing in mind not only the challenging economy, but also the fact that this year’s gathering coincided with Musikmesse, such attendance figures, while not cause for celebration, suddenly seem far less disheartening. Almost without exception, experienced retailers and suppliers on hand in Tucson noted that a wise read of financial and other conditions affecting any local market – as well as the national and global markets – and responding appropriately will allow savvy businesses to weather the current troubles. As with previous NASMD Conventions, 2009’s event provided a number of lectures and workshops geared towards achieving such goals by addressing issues like effective marketing, cost-effective inventory management, music advocacy, and emerging technologies.

Kawai America’s Brian Chung delivers his keynote address on Thursday morning. MAY 2009

Keynote speakers this year included Kawai America’s Brian Chung, noted music advocate Bob Morrison, and Sir Ken Robinson (whose appearance was made possible through support from NAMM). When not attending to “work,” visitors enjoyed the balmy Arizona weather at the pools or on the golf-course. Equally important, the 2009 gathering provided dealers and manufacturers with the chance to interact and socialize with colleagues and friends, sharing anecdotes, advice, and observations. “Schools and individual customers are operating with a more cost-conscious mind set,” conceded Mark Williamson of Williamson Music Co. in Plano, Texas. “Parents are taking more time to shop. When they purchase or rent, they do not want any surprises concerning money. Because of the decline in the economy, schools are looking into purchasing used instruments for kids whose parents can’t afford to rent or buy instruments. Directors are reviewing their preference lists for less expensive instruments for

Alfred Publishing’s Andrew Surmani.

Chris Rohrecker of Connolly Music, East Northport, N.Y.

“Despite the craziness of our economy and the crisis in most state budgets, the school music market seems to be pretty resilient.”

NASMD vice president Grayson Zeagler of Zeagler Music, Monroe, La. MMR 29

Vernon Ricord and Jerry Portman of Portman’s Music Superstore with Connie Smith of Ward-Brodt Music Co. (center).

Randy Phelps of First National Merchant Solutions.

Francois Kloc of Buffet Crampon USA, Inc. with Jerry Portman of Portman’s Music Superstore, Savannah, Ga.

Fred Theriault of Long & McQuade Ltd., Pickering, Ontario, CANADA.

Allan Greenburg speaks at his Where’s the Cash discussion session.

Eastman Strings: Barbara and Bob Syburg.

Music For All’s Scott McCormick.

30 MMR

Janice and Jim Klingler of American Way Marketing, Elkhart, Ind.

Mark J. Williamson of Williamson Music Co., Plano, Tex.

Jake Dittrich of N-Tune Music and Sound, Odessa, Tex.

Charley Cross of Tarpley Music Company, Inc., Amarillo, Tex. and Shane Nall of NTune Music & Sound, Abilene, Tex.

their kids to rent. Band programs are being held more accountable for their repair and accessory budgets. School districts are cutting staff and band programs, giving the remaining directors less ‘free time’ (conference periods, developmental time, et cetera) thereby affecting the time our road reps can spend calling on the schools.” Andrew Surmani of Alfred Music Publishing offered this assessment of trends in school music retail: “Despite the craziness of our economy and the crisis in most state budgets, the school music market seems to be pretty resilient based on my conversations with teachers, dealers and our overall school music sales. The positive thing is that it doesn’t look like programs are getting cut. Directors’ budgets may be frozen or reduced, but the programs are still going strong. Teachers either have to become more creative on their fundraising, or have to pay for things on their own, such as attending state or local music conferences. One of the main reasons why programs are not being cut is that our industry has done a really good job lately in providing the support to teacher and parents in showing the academic and economic benefits of music programs. If there is an inkling of a program potentially being cut, the advocacy army goes into full battle gear to stop it.” Next year’s NASMD Convention will be held March 24 – 27 at the Marriott Hilton Head Resort, Hilton Head, South Carolina. For more information on the organization or Convention, contact: Madeleine Crouch, NASMD, 14070 Proton Rd. Suite 100, LB 9, Dallas, Texas 75244-3601. Phone: (972) 233-9107 ext. 204. Fax: (972) 490-4219. E-mail: MAY 2009

iMSO Opens Channels of Communication with Suppliers Recently completed survey leads to new levels of partnership

The iMSO just wants to talk – you know, about the relationship. “I’ve believed from the get-go that the job was to figure out what was on their minds and what their perceptions of us are,” says iMSO (Independent Music Store Owners) board member Chris Lovell and owner of Memphis’ Strings and Things. “They” are the manufacturers and suppliers whose products move down the pipeline into independent music stores all over the country and, while it would seem that the lines of communications would have always been open and that a clear understanding of their symbiotic relationship was in place, iMSO has learned what many of the members have long suspected: Misperceptions and misunderstandings abound. The tool to break this loggerhead and change the course is deceptively simple: A bare-bones, one-page, five-part survey asking basic questions of manufacturers. Implemented by the group in January and dubbed the Partnership Survey, the exercise has yielded positive results, say iMSO board members. The biggest take-away was the realization that too many manufacturers seem 32 MMR

Korg was one of the company’s that participated in the iMSO survey. Here is Korg’s vice president of sales Ken Fuente (far left) and director of sales Doug Nestler (middle) with iMSO board members Frank Hayhurst, Chris Lovell, and Gordy Wilcher (left to right) at January’s NAMM show.

to have lost sight of a basic principle that holds true to all retailers, which is that a margin on a product needs to be in the 33 percent range for a storeowner to be profitable and that would have to include shipping. “If you don’t keep 33 percent of the deal after the sale, you’re not staying in business,” Lovell says. “We know it’s going to be hard to pry those margins up, but in the long run, if we can get them to trust that we can make the sale, we’ll all be much healthier.”

Survey Says The group’s overall goal, their reason for existence, is still to communicate what they are now. “The whole idea is for the organization to unite independent dealers and be able to speak with one voice, and we’re trying to keep that message as simple as possible,” Lovell says. Right now there is no way to speak directly to the group of independent dealers, there’s no infrastructure in place. “It’s been a big missing link, and now we’re trying MAY 2009

to remedy that, but right now we’re only 350 dealers out of thousands. We have to build this one brick at a time.” An important brick is their Partnership Survey, which was described to be the beginning of a constructive dialog – no “ranting” allowed. Of course even that wasn’t easy in these post-FCC investigation times we live in. While the vast majority of those asked were “wide open” to participation, some had to discuss the ramifications of completing the questionnaire with their lawyers, even scared off from responding to a simple e-mail on the general topic. Section I of the survey addressed the perceptions of other independent MI dealer groups. Surprisingly, most manufacturers said that existing groups weren’t working very well, though some had in place a few programs that were mutually beneficial. Not surprisingly, the manufacturer’s felt that they, themselves, were doing a great job with their independent dealers, which was also addressed in this section. This was one of the points that iMSO found interesting because their members overwhelming feel improvements can and should be made. For Lovell, while there was a disconnect between how manufacturers viewed themselves and how independent retailers did, even understanding each other’s point of view is strategically vital to moving forward. Section II, about product profitability and turn (strategies, not MAP or pricing), yielded especially tangible results. When the idea of creating proprietary products exclusively for independent retailers was floated, there was great enthusiasm from participating manufacturers about developing specific iMSO-only models. This was something that the manufacturers were ready to do on the spot, and is likely to be something that comes to fruition sooner than later, and arguably the single biggest mutual benefit produced by the survey. Section III, “What are the Keys to Vendors’ Success,” asked for business strategies and plans for the coming year, a breakdown of their distribution channels (big boxes, chains, Internet, indeMAY 2009

“If we had the types of programs we’re talking about today in place 10 years ago, we’d all be in a whole lot better shape.”

pendent retailers), et cetera. Here there were no revelations, with manufacturers all declaring they are working hard to “sell more product through as many channels as possible,” and be competitive in every area they could. Section IV opened up the opportunity for manufacturers to tell iMSO members what they wanted from them. While having a knowledgeable staff has always been the independent’s greatest strength, assurance that quality levels would be maintained and even improved upon was something that appears to be more important to manufacturers than ever. Another common complaint, that independents merchandising techniques could be improved upon, was addressed as well. This allowed iMSO members to say that they, in fact, need help in that area, and participating manufacturers expressed an eagerness to assist in creating marketing programs, providing point of purchase displays, and other ideas to achieve stronger sales. Section V, asking for input and suggestions, did not yield any consensus but some general ideas that can’t be heard often enough like, “become more proactive” and, “get out of the store and meet with the community.”

No One Said, “No” As iMSO shares information from the survey, members are said to be especially looking forward to exploring deeper partnerships through exclusive product and more coordinated marketing. By manufacturers taking an existing model and modifying it exclusively for iMSO members, this would allow an edge. “Almost all were totally into that idea,” Lovell says. “No one said no.” No one said “no” to the idea of marketing to the ideal of participating in marketing and merchandising programs shared by regional Independent groups,

supporting e-mail campaigns, and merchandising aids either. (Many are chomping at the bit to sell products to the group, though that possibility is still just on the drawing board.) Lovell assures all that this survey is just the start of an information highway that is going to be built and go both ways between iMSO members and those who create the products they carry. “The fact that we haven’t had this organization has made for tons of misunderstanding, and a lot of lost opportunities” he says. What’s next? “I honestly believe the manufacturer is ready to listen. They need to know more and its kind of one of these things you don’t know you don’t know it. What I saw more than anything they are willing to sit down and talk. We really built a lot of partnership possibilities with just the survey, and they are looking to us to do a follow up one.” Not that any of it is expected to be easy, he adds. “Part of the problem is we’re an all volunteer organization, and in between doing things like this survey, we have stores to run. “But I can’t emphasize enough that if we had the types of programs we’re talking about today in place 10 years ago, we’d all be in a whole lot better shape.”

Breaking News Find it in the Hot News section of MMR’s Web site, MMR 33

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supplier directory 45th annual

Company Listings ............................. 36

Trade Associations & Societies .......... 123 Product Sources .............................. 125 Brand Names .................................. 159

How to Use the Directory The 45th annual MMR Supplier Directory has been updated to make it as accurate and accessible as possible for the music products industry. New information in based upon a questionnaire mailing sent to supplier companies in the Fall of 2008, as well as information gathered from recent trade show exhibitor listings, industry organization membership compilations, and other reliable sources. The Company Listings section includes company names, nature of business (Manufacturer, Distributor, Importer, Exporter, etc.), mailing addresses, phone and fax numbers, e-mail address, Web site, principal brand names, and a brief description of the companies’ product involvement. Industry Trade Organizations is a compilation of major trade groups within the industry. Associations & Societies lists more specialized and instrument-specific organizations. MAY 2009

Product Sources is designed to inform the reader as to the specific instruments, equipment, and other products and services provided by companies. Example: If you wish to find out if Prescott Industries carries electric basses, you would look for the Prescott listing in the Guitar Family section of Product Sources. Brand Names serves as a cross-reference for the Company Listings. Example: If you want to know what company manufactures or distributes Guptill Strings, check Brand Names under “Guptill Strings” to fi nd the supplying company. Then proceed to the Company Listings for that fi rm’s address, phone, etc. Inquiries or questions regarding the Supplier Directory may be sent to: Directory Editor, MMR, 21 Highland Circle, Suite 1, Needham, MA 02494. E-mail: MMR 35

45th annual supplier directory company listings A

101 Musician 1001 Harris St., Ste. 1 Eau Claire, WI 54703 (702) 942-1787 Fax: (240) 536-2344 A & G Music Products Co. (D,E,I,M) 564 14th St. Oakland, CA 94612 Dick Akright (510) 832-2452 Fax: (510) 268-3757 ³ Parduba Mouthpieces, Rudy Muck Mouthpieces, Zottola Mouthpieces BO, GA A & S Case Co. 5260 Vineland Ave. N. Hollywood, CA 91601 (818) 509-5920 Fax: (818) 509-1397 Shipping & carrying cases A 440 Pianos (D,E,I,M) 855 Garner Rd. Lilburn, GA 30047 Pascal Vieillard (770) 717-8047 Fax: (770) 921-1391 ³ Steinlager KI A Brown Soun Inc 23 Joseph Court San Rafael, CA Ralph Baglio (415) 479-2124 GF, RE, SE A Designs L.L.C. (M) P.O. Box 4255 West Hills, CA 91304 (702) 365-5155 Fax: (702) 365-5145 ³ A Designs RE

a little bit of this ... 760 So Vella Road Palm Springs, CA 92264 Natalie Arouh (760) 864-6634 Fax: (760) 864-6638 GA A-Designs Audio P.O. Box 4255 West Hills, CA (818) 71-6 4153 Fax: (818) 71-6 4154 A-Line Acoustics (D,M) 510 Washington St. Corry, PA 16407 Bud Mayer (716) 524-4084 Fax: (801) 807-3754 ³ A-LIne, EMMA, EZAL, uSoniq, PENTAD, CustomWorks DJ, SE A.D.G. Productions 15517 Cordary Avenue Lawndale, CA 90260 Ron Ray (800) 748-5934 Fax: (310) 379-1568 PV A.I.M. Gifts/Albert Elovitz In 3001 Penn Ave. Pittsburgh, PA 15201 Joe Sasala (412) 683-2900 Fax: (412) 683-3110 A.M. Gigliotti Inc. (M) 20154 Cortez Blvd. Brooksville, FL 34601 Anton Angelo (352) 263-2442 Fax: (352) 263-2443

Company Listing Type: D E I

Distributor Exporter Importer

M Manufacturer P/J Publisher or Jobber

Company Listing Keycodes: BO Band & orchestral insts. & access. CE Computerrelated equip. (hardware & software) & access. DJ DJ equipment GF Guitar family & accessories GA General access. KP Karaoke products

36 MMR

KI Keyboard insts. & access. LE Lighting equip. & accessories PR Percussion PV Publications & videos RE Recording equip. & accessories SE Sound equip. & accessories SY Synthesizers

³ Gigliotti BO A3 Audio LLC 475 Industrial Way Placentia, CA 92870 Doug Turner (714) 223-9444 Fax: (714) 223-9446 ³ A3 SE


Ac-Cetera Inc. (M,D) 3120 Banksville Rd. Pittsburgh, PA 15216 Mark Tarshis (412) 344-8609 Fax: (412) 344-0818 ³ Mic-Eze, Rubber-Neck, Lumin-Eze DJ, GA, PR, RE, SE Acappella Drum (M) 2227 U.S. Hgwy 1 p.m.b.224 N. Brunswick, NJ 08902 (732) 564-0485 Fax: (732) 821-4330 ³ Acapella GA Access Bags and Cases 321 NE High School Rd. Ste. D3, PMB 323 Bainbridge Island, WA 98110 (864) 335-0035 Fax: (206) 842-8308 The Accordion Exchange 1706 Howard Rd. Madera, CA 93637 George Meier (559) 674-0071 Accordions, button boxes, amps Accordions International (D,E,I,M) 1760 South 450 West Salt Lake City, UT 84115 Paul Pasquali (801) 485-5840 Fax: (801) 487-7707 Concerto, Mic-7, Piermaria, Prelude, Burini, Paolo Soprani, Scandalli Accordions Accordions & Keyboards (D) 509-A Florida Ave. Clearwater, FL 33756 John Gaunt (727) 443-4133 ³ Accordions International, Bell, Cavagnolo, Concerto, Duovox, Elka, Excelsior, Guerrini, Iorio, Orla, Solton, Yorkville KI, accordions

AccuGroove (M) 2912 Scott Blvd. Santa Clara, CA (408) 844-8300 Fax: (408) 844-8300 ³ Accugroove DJ, GF, KI, SE

(804) 346-8350 Fax: (804) 346-8808 ³ AlphaSorb, Audioseal Sound Barrier, Bass Traps, Sonex, Sound Diffusor, SoundSuede Wall Panels, Studio in a Box RE, SE

Accutronics/Sound Enhancements (M) 185 Detroit St. Cary, IL 60013 Cal Shuett (847) 639-4646 Fax: (847) 639-4723 ³ Accutronics RE, SE

Acoustical Surfaces 123 Columbia Ct. N Chaska, MN 55318 (612) 448-5300 Fax: (612) 448-2613 Acoustic materials

Ace Karaoke/ Acesonic USA 161 South 8th Avenue City of Industry, CA 91746-3208 (626) 820-0647 Fax: (626) 820-0639 Ace Products Group (D,I,M) 775 Baywood Dr. Ste 100 Petaluma, CA 94(954) Alan Poster (707) 765-1500 Fax: (707) 762-1899 ³ A.P. Audio, Kaces, Reunion Blues, Pacemaker BO, CE, GF, GA, KI, PR, RE, SE Acoustic Control 575 Airport Rd. Gallatin, TN 37066 (615) (206) 0077 Fax: (615) 452-0451 ³ Acoustic SE

Acoustics First Corp. (M) 2247 Tomlyn St. Richmond, VA 23230 Nick Colleran; (804) 342-2900 Fax: (804) 342-1107 ³ Art Diffusor, Blockaid, Cloudscape, Cutting Wedge, Sound Channels, Quadra Pyramid, Sound Shim GA, RE, SE Acoustone Corporation (M) 80 Wythe Ave. Brooklyn, NY 11211 (718) 782-5560 Fax: (718) 782-7367 ³ Acoustone GA, SE


Acoustic Guitar 255 West End Ave. San Rafael, CA 94901 (415) 485-6946 Fax: (415) 485-0831 PV Acoustic Musician P.O. Box 1349 New Market, VA 22844 (540) 740-4005 Fax: (540) 740-4006 GF, PV, RE, SE Acoustica Software 40291 Junction Drive Ste. 204 Oakhurst, CA (559) 692-2224 Fax: (559) 692-2214 Acoustical Solutions Inc. (D,E,M) 2420 Grenoble Road Richmond, VA

Actodyne General Inc. (M) 5561 Engineer Dr. Huntington Beach, CA 92649 Don Lace Jr (714) 898-2776 Fax: (714) 893-1045 ³ Don Lace Series, Lace Electro-furniture, Lace Sensors, McIntyre Amplification, Lace Transensor GF Action Engineering 4761 H Hugh Howell Rd. Tucker, GA 30084 770-934-1584 Active Musical Products Box1135 Waterdown, ON LOR2H0 Canada (905) 689-9532 Fax: (905) 689-9321 Adam Hall Ltd (D,E,I,M) 3 The Cordwainers Temple Farm Industrial Estate Southend-on-sea, Essex SS2 5RU United Kingdom 01702 613922 Fax: 01702 617168 ³ Antoria Guitars, Elektrasonik Guitars, Adam Hall Cases, Defender Cable Protection, Adam Hall Cable, LD Systems, Adam Hall Stands Adam International (D,E,I,M) P.O. Box 63366 North Charleston, SC 29419 (843) 745-8501 ³ Enforcer, JB Player, MBT, RMS, Groove Juice, Hardcase BO, DJ, GF, GA, LE, PR, SE Adder Plus Corp. (M) P.O. Box 449 Wayne, IL 60184 ³ Adder, FelonyX, Malice, Persuader, Syrinx Guitar pickups, voltage control systems ADK Microphones 4130 S.W. 117th Avenue #442 Beaverton, OR 97005-8999 Larry Villela (503) 296-9400 Fax: 360-326-1602 Adler-Heinrich Blockflotenbau P.O. Box 10142 08255 Markneukirchen Germany (922) 046-2464 Fax: (922) 046-5758 Advanced Music Products P.O. Box 33 Livingston, NJ 07039 Les Silva (973) 533-0829 Fax: (973) 922-5139 ³ Bradley BO


Advanced Sonic Concepts, Inc. P.O. Box 237 Chatsworth, NJ 08019 (609) 726-9202 Fax: (609) 751-3681 Advantage Worldwide Wholesale 3319 N. Ridge Ave. Arlington Heights, IL 60004 (847) 398-5480 Fax: (847) 398-5441 BO, GF, GA, PR, SE Adventus Software 3667 Strawberry Hill Ste. 103

MAY 2009

company listings 45th annual supplier directory Halifax, NS B3K5A8 Canada (902) 453-4464 Fax: (902) 453-4168 Jamey Aebersold P.O. Box 1244 New Albany, IN 47151 Matt Eve (800) 456-1388 Fax: (812) 949-2006 AER - USA (D) 1027 N. Coast Hwy., Ste. E Laguna Beach, CA 92651 www.CoynerMusicalInstruments. com Fred Coyner (949) 464-3841 Fax: (949) 464-3851 ³ AER Aerospace Lubricants Inc. (M) 1600 Georgesville rd. Columbus, OH 43228 Steve Gates (614) 878-3600 Fax: (614) 878-1600 ³ Alisyn BO, GF African American Drum Co. (M) 311 Fifth Ave. Eureka, CA 95501 Calvin Hall (707) 445-9029 Fax: (707) 445-9029 ³ African American Drum Co. PR African Rhythm Traders 424 NE Broadway Portland, OR 97232 (503) 288-6950 Fax: (503) 397-4343 PR, PV Aguilar Amplification LLC (M) 599 Broadway, 7th Fl. New York, NY 10012 (212) 431-9109 Fax: (212) 431-8201 ³ Aguilar Amplification GF, SE (630) 766-8230 Fax: (630) 766-8281 ³ Archive, Chronicler, SL Series KI, Electronic organs Airlogic Percussion(M) 9904 Running Brook Dr. Parma, OH 44130 David Ruprecht (440) (888) 8813 Fax: (440) (888) 8031 ³ Airlogic Percussion PR Aiweidy Lighting USA 138 S Sixth Ave City of Industry, CA 91746 (909)569-2816 AKG Acoustics 8500 Balboa Blvd Northridge, CA (818) (920) 3212 Fax: (818) (920) 3208 DJ, RE, SE AKMS Inc. (D,M) P.O. Box 50329 Columbia, SC 29250 K. Amstutz (803) 695-5001 Fax: (803) 695-1997 ³ Brace-Guard Orthodontic brace-guard

Alesis/Numark/Akai 200 Scenic View Dr. Cumberland, RI 02864 Mark Fredrick (401) 658-3131 Fax: (401) 658-3640 CE, DJ, KP, PR, RE, SE, SY Alfred Music Publishing (P) 16320 Roscoe Blvd. Ste. 100 Van Nuys, CA 91406 Rich Lackowski (800) 292-6122 Fax: (800) 632-1928 ³ Alfred’s Basic Guitar Method, Premier Piano Course, Ultimate Play-Alongs, The Complete Idiot’s Guide to, Schaum Publications, Faber, Dover PV

Alhambra Guitars P.O. Box 8935 ASHEVILLE, NC 28814Ruben Flores 8282543380 Fax: (310) 598-9800 Guitars Alien Appartus P.O. Box 761 Horsham, PA (888)533-6012 All-Test Devices Corp. (M) 253 Collins Ave. Williston Park, NY 11596 Richard Mintz (516) (248) 7330 Fax: (516) 741-5031 ³ Atd GF, GA, SE Allcanplay Piano Music (P/J) 4260 Gordon Way La Mesa, CA 91941 Mike Weinberg (619) 697-4904 ³ Allcanplay PV Allegro Acceptance 1111 Bay Hill Dr., Ste 450 San Bruno, CA 94406

Vic Richmond (650) 952-2300 Fax: (800) 644-8494 ³ Allegro Acceptance

Series, George Wright Signature Series, M.P. Miller, Protege, Sebastian, Smart MIDI, Renaissance KI, PV, CE

Allen Audio Inc. (M) 150 Locust St. P.O. Box 36 Macungie, PA 18062-0036 (610) 966-2202 Fax: (610) 965-3098 ³ Allen Audio, Praise Speakers SE

Allen Products Co. (M) 1635 E. Burnett St. Signal Hill, CA 90806 (562) 424-1100 Fax: (562) 424-3520 ³ MultiMount, Steerables, Strong Arm, Swivelmount Music stands & racks LE, RE, SE

Allen Guitars (E,I,M) P.O. Box 1883 Colfax, CA 95713 Randy Allen (530) 346-6590 Fax: (530) 346-6590 ³ Climate Case, Allen GF Allen Organ Co. (M) P.O. Box 36 150 Locust St. Macungie, PA 18062-0036 Jerry O’Brien (610) 966-2202 Fax: (610) 965-3098 ³ Diane Bish Signature

Allied Lutherie Inc. 498 A. Moore Lane Healdsburg, CA 95448 (707) 431-3760 Fax: (707) 431-3762 GF Allied Supply Corp. P.O. Box 288 510 South Hiway H Elkhorn, WI 53121 (262) 723-5455 Fax: (262) 723-2051 Allparts (D,E,I) 13027 Brittmoore Park Dr. Houston, TX 77041 Steve Wark

Acoustics First


Al Cass P.O. Box 412 Milford, MA 01757 Vera Cass (508) 473-3572 Fax: (508) 473-0768

Materials to Control Sound and Eliminate Noise

Albert Augustine Ltd. 151 West 26 Street New York, NY 10001 (917) 661 0220 Fax: (917) 661 0223

Art Diffusor® Model C

Alctron Electronics Co. No. 67, XiuFeng Rd., XiuFeng Ind. Area Gaoqiao Town Ningbo China ³ ALCTRON DJ, GA, RE, SE

AHA Drums 2440 W. Broad St. Athens, GA 30601 (706) 208-8332 Fax: (706) 288-8348 PR

Aldon Enterprises (M) 87 San Benancio Rd. Salinas, CA 93908 Don Eshoff (831) 484-2367 Fax: (831) 484-2367 ³ Pack A Stand BO, GA

Ahlborn-Galanti Organs (D,M) 1164 Tower Ln. Bensenville, IL 60106

Alembic Inc. 3005 Wiljan Ct. Santa Rosa, CA 95407

MAY 2009

Mica Wickersham (707) 523-2611 Fax: (707) 523-2935 ³ Alembic GF




Acoustical materials that Look as good as they Sound ™ Toll Free


Web: MMR 37

45th annual supplier directory company listings (713) 466-6414 Fax: (713) 466-5803 ³ Allparts, Electro-Socket GF Edward Almeida Flutes 17 Arrowhead Dr. Tiverton, RI 02878 Edward Almeida (401) 624-2111 Flutes Alpine Woodwinds Inc. (D) 8716 Production Ave. San Diego, CA 92121 Esther Pena (858) 695-9725 Fax: (858) 578-7799 ³ Alpine BO Altec Lansing 600 Cecil St. Buchanan, MI 49107 Garry Templin (616) 695-6831 Fax: (616) 695-1304 SE Alternate Mode, Inc. (D,M) 53 First Ave. Chicopee, MA 01020 Rod (413) 594-5190 Fax: (413) 592-7987 ³ Kat BO, PR, SE Altieri Instrument Bags 1 Galapago Street Denver, CO 80223-1521 Donna Altieri (303) 291-0658 Fax: (303)296-6477 BO ALTO No. 1 Lane 17, Section 2 Han Shi West Road Taichung 40151 China 886-4-22313737 Fax: 886-4-22346757 SE Altus Flutes America Inc. P.O. Box 90249 Austin, TX 78709 Valerie Simosko (512) 288-7400 Fax: (512) 288-6445 ³ Altus BO

Alvarez Instruments 1400 Ferguson Ave. St. Louis, MO 63133 Jerry Pollock (314) 727-4512 Fax: (314) 727-8929 GF Wayne Freeman (818) 973-1618 Fax: (818) 973-1622 ³ BCIII, BIG by Langley, DMS, Galileo, Recall, Rembrandt, System 9098 Mixing consoles, signal processors

AMA USA Music Publishers P.O. Box 436 Columbia, IL Holger A. Siems (314) 514-1791 Fax: (314) 514-1269 ³ AMA PV

America Longxing Inc. (I,M) 3300 Northern Blvd. Long Island City, NY 11101 Paul (718) 706-0828 Fax: (718) 706-0128 ³ Hunter BO


Amadeus By Wm. S. Haynes 2 Piedmont St Boston, MA 02116 BO (M)

America Sejung Corp. (See ASC Corp.)

Amado Laboratories Inc. (M) 83 Ridge Rd. Rumson, NJ 07760 (732) 842-4987 ³ Amado Waterkey Waterkeys

American Bass 5242 Warrensville Center Rd. Maple Heights, OH 44137 Bob Ahuja (800) 798-9311 Fax: (216) 475-9311 SE

Amati’s Fine Instruments 7605 Production Drive Cincinnati, OH 45237 Michael Schear (513) 679-7747 Fax: (513) 679-7746 ³ Violmaster, Amati BO

American Church Lists 5711 S. 86th Cir. Omaha, NE 68127 (888) 733-1812 Fax: (402) 596-8907 Databases of churches, religious leaders, schools & music ministries. amer


Amati USA Inc. (M,D) 1124 Globe Avenue Mountainside, NJ 07092 Rana Singh (908) 301-1366 Fax: (908) 301-1367 ³ Amati, Cerveny, Amati, Cerveny PR Ambrosonics, LLC (D,M) 229 Rollingbrook Windsor, CT (860) 752-9022 Fax: (860) 688-6495 ³ AMBROSONICS, DSP-45, DSP-45P, Multi-Tonal Guitar Series, MT225, Illuminated Sonic Glow POT’s, Sonic Boost, Sonic Bass, Sonic Treble GF AMEK (M) 2740 W. Magnolia Blvd. Ste. 102 Burbank, CA 91505

38 MMR

American Designs Inc. 1821 Dakota Ave. Flint, MI 48506 Frank Strnad (810) 238-1214 Fax: (810) 235-2798 ³ Strnad SE


American DJ Supply Inc. (M) 6122 S. Eastern Avenue Los Angeles, CA Scott Davies (323) 582-2650 Fax: (323) 582-2610 ³ American DJ, Black Widow, Elation, StarterLighting effects, intelligent lights, lasers American Drum (M) 2800 Seven Hills Blvd. Richmond, VA 23231 George Jacob (804) 226-1778 Fax: (804) 226-1776

³ Blackjacks, Cannonballs, Cue Balls, Eight Balls, Hybrids, Radials PR American Electronics Supply 1200 N. Vine St. Hollywood, CA 90038 Maurice Rosenthal (323) 464-1144 GA, LE, RE, SE American Guardian Protection (E,I,M) 115 Oak Lane Beaver Falls, PA 15010 (724) 843-3776 ³ Liquid Liner Protective coatings American Handle Co. (M) 7343 Edmund St. Philadelphia, PA 19136 Beryle A Goldman (215) 332-8000 Fax: (215) 332-4020 ³ Air Flex American Music & Sound (D) 5304 Derry Ave., Ste. C Agoura Hills, CA (818)597-7711 Fax: (818)597-0411 ³ Allen & Heath, Focusrite, Novation, Vestax, UDG, KV2 Audio,, Hagstrom Guitars, Walden Guitars, Jay Turser CE, DJ, GF, KI, RE, SE, SY American Piano Supply Co. (D,E,I,M,P/J) 242 S. Parkway Box 1068 Clifton, NJ 07014 (973) 777-3600 Fax: (973) 777-0481 ³ Apsco, Hale, Moisture Master, Quikset KI American Plating & Mfg. Co. (M) 3941 S. Keeler Ave. Chicago, IL 60632 Karl Urban (773) 890-4907 Fax: (773) 843-1207 ³ American Fife, American Song Whistle, Pep Products, Stevens Guitar Steels BO American Pro 2 Co. (D,E,I,M) 2300 S. Reservoir St., #113

Pomona, CA 91766 Bob Yang (909) 591-5868 Fax: (909) 591-8877 ³ Pro.2 DJ, KP, RE, SE American Recorder Technologies, Inc. (M) 4486 Runway Street Simi Valley, CA 93063 Alan Adelstein (805) 527-9580 ³ SNAKESKIN, REGRIP, SOUND ALIGNMENT SYSTEMS, The Drummer’s ³ Wrench, Drumsetter, Sonic Stands, Artic GA, RE, SE American School of Piano Tuning 17070 Telfer Dr. Morgan Hill, CA 95037 Gabrielle Borgnino (408) 779-4878 American Way Marketing LLC (D) P.O. Box 1681 Elkhart, IN 46515 (574) 295-6633 Fax: (574) 293-9888 ³ Bar 1, Meyer & Ottolink, Claude Lakey, BG France, Yamaha, Peter Ponzol, Marca, Neotech, Hamilton Ameritage Ltd. P.O. Box 498 Elkhorn, WI 53121 262-723-2669 Fax: (262) 723-2068 Carrying cases Ametron Audio Video 1546 N. Argyle Ave. Hollywood, CA 90028-6410 Fred Rosenthal (323) 464-1144 Fax: (323) 871-0127 BO, CE, DJ, GA, KP, KI, LE, RE, SE Amp-UPlug-N-Play (M) 3422 Fernwood Drive Kissimmee, FL (407) 57-4 3784 ³ AMP-U-PLUG-N-PLAY Ampco Musical Products (D,I,M) 6810 78th St. Kenosha, WI 53142 Brian (262) 697-9398 Fax: (262) 697-0036 ³ Proline Pars LE, SE, DJ, PR

MAY 2009

THEY KNOW WHAT THEY WANT... So why stock anything else? year? From New Beat HiHats to K Custom Hybrids, Zildjian is the proven gold standard of cymbals. No other cymbal line truly defines your store or excites your customers as much. You know that your Zildjian stock will quickly turn time and time again. And for 2009, we have put together an aggressive schedule of promotions that you will not want to miss. Now more than ever, Zildjian is the only serious choice .

Š2009 Avedis Zildjian Company

What other cymbal brand gets this sort of following year after

company listings 45th annual supplier directory Amphenol Audio Products (M) 5808 South Rapp St. Ste. 104 Littleton, CO 80120 (303) 347-8150 Fax: (303) 347-8160 ³ Amphenol, Socapex GA Amplified Design International (M) 1830-6 Vernon St. Roseville, CA 95678 (916) 783-7800 Fax: (916) 784-1050 ³ AB International SE Amplivox Sound Systems (M) 3995 Commercial Ave. Northbrook, IL 60062 Don Roth (847) 498-9000 Fax: (847) 498-6691 ³ Amplivox, Roving Rostrm, Voice Carrier SE ANAFIM Rua Ari Barroso,685 Blumenau-SC-Brazil Brasil +55(47)33380299 Fax: +55(47)33380417 Anchor Audio 2565 W 237TH ST Torrence, CA 90505 (310) 784-2300 Fax: (310) 784-0066 Ancott Associates (P/J) P.O. Box 46532 Cincinnati, OH 45246 Dan Kobida (513) 772-2282 ³ Music Product Directory KI Tom Anderson Guitarworks 2697 Lavery Ct., Unit 27 Newbury Park, CA 91320 Roy Fought (805) 498-1747 Fax: (805) 498-0878 GF Anderson Silver Plating 541 Industrial Pkwy. P.O. Box 961 Elkhart, IN 46515 Mike Anderson (574) 294-6447 Instrument plating Andrew Instrument Co. 4473 Highway 19E Elizabethton, TN 37643

MAY 2009

(423) 543-1152 Fax: (423) 543-1152

+34 96 134 41 22 Fax: +34 96 134 1636

Android Originals LC (M,P) 10220 E. 32nd Street, St. 221 Tulsa, OK 74146 Don Barker (918) 270-4956 ³ Android Originals LC, The Androids Axe GF

Anvil Cases 15650 Salt Lake Ave. City of Industry, CA 91745 Marge Murphy BO, CE, DJ, GF, GA, KI, LE, PR, RE, SE

Ann Hodge Double Reed Supplies (M) 5134 Cub Creek Rd. Roseland, VA 22967 Ann Hodge (888) 685-0548 Fax: (434) 361-1200 ³ Hodge BO

AP International 3301 Rt. 66, Bldg. A Neptune, NJ 07753 Andy Papiccio (732) 918-7001 Fax: (732) 918-7002

APA Audio Group International (D,M) 16411 371st Avenue Green Isle, MN 55338 Tammy Goldsmith (817) 427-4843 Fax: (320) 238-2545 ³ AuPro, Clockaudio, Special Products, Special Projects, Stonewood Audio SE APB-DynaSonics 20 West End Road Totowa, NJ 07512

Chuck Augustowski (973) 785-1101 Fax: (973) 785-1105 ³ Spectra Series, ProRack, MixSwitch SE Aphex Systems (M) 11068 Randall St. Sun Valley, CA 91352 (818) 767-2929 Fax: (818) 767-2641 ³ Dominator II Peak Limiter, Expander/Gate, Tube Compressor/Limiter, Aural

Exciter Type III, Compellor Compressor Limiter, Compressor/Limiter, Tubessence Expressor RE, SE Apogee Electronics Corporation (M) 1715 Berkeley Street Santa Monica, CA 90404 Tony Cariddi (310) 584-9394 Fax: (310) 584-9385 ³ Duet, Ensemble RE, SE

Antakamatics 3500 Fifth Avenue, Ste. 203 Pittsburg, PA 15213 412-(802) 6432 Fax: 412-(802) 7813 Antares Audio Technologies (M) 231 Technology Circle Scotts Valley, CA 95066 (831) 461-7800 Fax: (831) 431-7801 ³ Auto-Tune, AVOX, Harmony Engine CE, RE Anthem Music Group 2 Sterling Road, Unit 2 N. Billerica, MA David Kilkenney (978) 667-3224 Antigua Winds, Inc. (D) 5806 La Colonia San Antonio, TX 78218 (210) 661-6505 Fax: (210) 661-6702 ³ Eldon, Antigua, XP Series, Vosi BO Antique Electronic Supply 6220 S. Maple Ave. Tempe, AZ 85283 (480) 820-5411 Fax: (800) 706-6789 CE, DJ, GF, GA, PV, SE Antonio Aparicio Guitars Villa de Bilboa #31 Pol. Ind. Fuente de Jarro Paterna -VALENCIA 46988 Spain

MMR 41

company listings Applied Acoustic Systems 1435 Bleurry, Ste. 510 Montreal, QC H3A 2H7 Canada Marc-Pierre Verge (514) 871-4963 Fax: (514) (845) 1875 CE Applied Electronics Inc. 722 Blue Crab Road Newport News, VA 23606 (757) 591-9371 Fax: (757) 591 9514 Applied Microphone Technology (M) 104 Hillside Road Sparta, NJ 07871 Ron (908) 665-2727 Fax: (973) 586-2344 ³ Applied Microphone Technology RE, SE Applied Research & Technology 215 Tremont St. Rochester, NY 14608 Phil Bettete (585) 436-2720 Fax: (585) 436-3942 RE, SE Aquarian (E,M) 1140 N. Tustin Ave. Anaheim, CA 92807 Roy Burns (714) 632-0230 Fax: (714) 632-3905 ³ Cymbal Springs, Hi-Energy, Super-Kick, Tru-Bounce, Z-100 Heads, Super-2, Quick Bounce, Response 2, Hi Velocity PR Aquila Systems Inc. P.O. Box 572 Hatboro, PA 19040 Wayne A. Kenton (215) 957-5450 Fax: (215) 957-5450 ARB Musical Instrument Co. 18707 Parthenia, #10 Northridge, CA 91324 (818) 993-3710 Arbogast Piano Equipment 524 S. Main St. Waldo, FL 32694 R.W. Arbogast (561) 689-5145 Fax: (407) 689-9743 Piano equipment

42 MMR

Arboretum Systems, Inc. 75 Aura Vista Pacifica, CA 94044 (650) 738-4750 Archives Music Writing Paper (D,E,M) c/o J. D’Addario & Co., Inc. 595 Smith St. Farmingdale, NY 11735 Tim Hurst (631) 439-3300 Fax: (631) 439-3333 ³ Archives Writing Paper BO, GF, GA, KI, RE Jeffrey Evans (425) 869-0625 Fax: (425) 869-0817 ³ Ars Nova Software, Counterpointer, Practica Musica, Songworks CE

Ashton Music (D,E,I,M) P.O. Box 601 Alexandria NSW 1435 Australia +61 2 96984444 ³ Ashton BO, GF, GA, KI, PR

Art Strings Publishing 2604 Farnell Road Fort Collins, CO 80402 (303) 273-1368 Fax: 303 273-0886

Asian-American Mfg. Co., Inc. P.O. Box 8978 Newport Beach, CA 92658 Tony Blair (949) 752-0050 Fax: (949) 752-0056 BO, GF, GA,KP, KI, PR, SE

Aria USA 9244 Commerce Highway Pennsauken, NJ 08110 Steve Brown (856) 663-8900 Fax: (856) 663-0436 GF

Art Vista (M) 3530 Moore Street Los Angeles, CA 90066 (310) 439-2422 Fax: (310) 313-3432 ³ Art Vista CE

ARK International (D,M) 1921 S. Myrtle Ave Monrovia, CA 91016 (626) 359-0888 Fax: (626) 359-7888 ³ ARK DJ, KP, SE

Artist Showcase Inc. (D,E,M) P.O. Box 10614 Merrillville, IN 46410 Dan Cerajewski (219) 947-4525 Fax: (219) 947-4525 ³ Imperial Series, Sentinel Series, Shiloh Series, Thundercloud Series, Warrior Series, Classic Series, Showcase Series, Stix-tube, Triton Series GF

Arkay Musical Strings Inc. P. O. Box 743 Holbrook, NY 11741 (631) 737-9111 Fax: (631) 737-9104 Armadillo Enterprises (D) 4924 West Waters Avenue Tampa, FL 33634 Jason Stanford (866) 855-2156 Fax: (813) (936) 6433 ³ Nord KI, SY Arpeggio Music Inc. 2120 Darby Rd. Havertown, PA 19083 (610) 449-6900 Fax: (610) 449-8110 ARS Electronics (D) 7110 De Celis Pl. Van Nuys, CA 91406 Marty Senett (818) 997-6200 Fax: (818) 997-6158 ³ Atlantic, GE, Middle, Neutrik USA, Retro Speaker, Shure Bros., Canare, Celestion, Eminence, Switchcraft BO, GF, GA, SE Ars Nova Software (P/J,M) P.O. Box 3370 Redmond, WA 98073-

Arturia 1 Rue de la Gare Saint Martin le Vinoux France ³ Storm CE


ARX Systems 4411 Brookford Ave. Woodland Hills, CA 91364 (818) 225-1809 Fax: (818) 225-1309 ASC (M,I) 5300 East Ontario Mills Parkway Ste. 100 Ontario, CA Jim Donahue (909) 484-7498 Fax: (909) 484-7890 ³ Falcone, George Steck, S101, Canvas, Hobart Cable GF, KI Ashly Audio Inc. 847 Holt Rd. Webster, NY 14580-9103 Jim Stachowski (585) 872-0010 Fax: (585) 872-0739 RE, SE

Aslin Dane (D,E,I,M) 855 C Conklin St. Farmingdale, NY 11735 Bernard Pizzitola (631) 777-5628 Fax: (631) 777-5629 ³ Full Contact System, Aslin Dane, Tulip Acoustics GF, SE Aspen & Associates 1543 Truman St. San Fernando, CA 91340 Aspen Pittman (818) 361-4500 Fax: (818) 365-9884 GF, PR, SE Astin-Weight Piano Mfg. (M) 120 W. 3300 S. Salt Lake City, UT 84115 Ray Astin (801) 487-0641 ³ Astin Pianos Atlas Sound (M) 4545 E. Baseline Rd. Phoenix, AZ 85042 Chris Debosek (800) 873-3333 Fax: (800) (765) 3435 ³ Atlas Sound DJ Atlas Specialty Lighting 1111 W. 22nd St. Hialeah, FL 33010 Roswitha Lerner (305) 885-8941 Fax: (305) (888) 2973 LE ATM Group, Inc. 21000 S. Wilmington Ave Carson, CA 90810 Andrew Martin (310) 834-5914 Fax: (310) 834-3042 ATS Case Company 172 Otis St. Northboro, MA 01532

MAY 2009

Hal Leonard has the titles that will get customers into your store. Your Hal Leonard Sales Reps are ready to help you increase traffic by making sure you’re stocking today’s hottest hits. Call the Hal Leonard E-Z Order Line to learn about our “Hot Off the Press!” program and display.

company listings 45th annual supplier directory (508) 393-9110 Cases Aubert Lutherie (M) 121 ave henri Parisot Mirecourt 88500 France 33-3-29-370613 Fax: 33-3-29-373073 ³ Aubert A Mirecourt BO Audio 2000’s/ H&F Technologies (M) 650 Flinn Ave. Moorpark, CA 93021 Paula McNamee 805-523-2759 Fax: 805- 523-2021 ³ Audio 2000’s BO, DJ, GF, GA, KP, KI, LE, RE, SE

³ Artist Elite, Audio-Technica, Freeway, Midnight Blues, Omniphones, ProPoint, Wireless Essentials, MicroSet™, QuietPoint, UniPoint DJ, KP, PR, RE, SE Audio Toys Inc. (D,M) 8301 Patuxent Range Rd. Jessup, MD 20194 Dan Zimbelman (301) 776-7879 Fax: (301) 776-8117 ³ API, API Legacy, ATI, Audient CE, RE, SE Audiolight (M) 21601 Grand River Ave. Detroit, MI 48219 Russell J. Jewell (313) 531-8892 ³ Audiolight SE

Audio Amateur Corp. (P/J) P.O. Box 576 Peterborough, NH 03458-0876 Laurel Humphrey (603) 924-9464 Fax: (603) 924-9467 ³ Cliolite, Mitey Mike II PV

Audix Corp. (M) 9400 SW Barber St. Wilsonville, OR 97070 Cliff Castle (503) 682-6933 Fax: (503) 682-7114 ³ Audix RE, SE, Microphones

Audio Control Industrial (M) 22410 70th Avenue West Mountlake Terrace, WA 98043 (425) 775-8461 Fax: (425) 778-3166 ³ Audio Control, Iasys

August Forster Jahnstrasse 8 D-02708 Lobau Germany Forster Acoustic pianos

Audio Impressions (M) 5258 Twin Oaks Road Hidden Hills, CA (818) 456-7103 ³ Audio Impressions DVZ RT CE Audio Media Research P.O. Box 1230 Meridian, MS 39301 (601) 483-5365 RE Audio Optics Inc. 1917 DeLaVina St. Santa Barbara, CA 93101 David Wilk (805) 563-2202 Fax: (805) 569-4060 Guitar pickups Audio-Technica U.S., Inc. (M) 1221 Commerce Dr. Stow, OH 44224 Glenn Roop (330) 686-2600 Fax: (330) 686-0719

MAY 2009

Auralex Acoustics 6853 Hillsdale Ct. Indianapolis, IN 46250 Tracy Chandler (317) 842-2600 Fax: (317) 842-2760 DJ, GA, RE, SE Aurora Strings 51 Brookfield Avenue P.O. Box 5217 Bridgeport, CT 06610 (203) 333-3193 Australian Monitor Pty. Ltd. P.O. Box 226 Malvern, PA 19355 (610) 380-1394 Fax: (610) 380-1358 Australian Originals (D,I) 14019 SE Bella Vista Cir Vancouver, WA Lou Robinson (503) (228) 4480 Fax: (360) (253) 8922 ³ Australian Originals,

Yidaki-Doo, Australian Originals PR, PV, SY

Re Zo, DIP, Anti-Vibe, ZHT, ZXT, ZBT BO, PR

Avalon Design (M) P.O. Box 5976 San Clemente, CA 92673 (949) 492-2000 Fax: (949) 492-4284 ³ AD2022, AD2044, AD2055, AD2077, M5, U5, Vt-737sp, Vt-747sp RE

Aviom, Inc. (M) 1157 Phoenixville Pike Ste. 201 West Chester, PA 19380 (610) 738-9005 Fax: (610) 738-9950 ³ Aviom SE

Avant Electronics (M) 1042 N. Mountain Ave. Ste. B495 Upland, CA 91786(909)931-9061 ³ Avantone RE, SE

Avlex Corp (D,I) 6655 Troost Avenue Kansas City, MO 64131-1244 Jack Nead (816) 581-9103 Fax: (816) 581-9104 ³ Avlex, Mipro, Superlux DJ, KP, PR, RE, SE, GA

Avanti Cymbals 630 Las Gallinas Ave. San Raphael, CA 94903 Alan Poster (415) 492-9600 Fax: (415) 492-5959 Avedis Zildjian Co. (M) 22 Longwater Drive Norwell, MA 02061 (781) 871-2200 Fax: (877) 662-3347 ³ A Custom, K, K Custom,

AW Enterprises (E,M) 6543 South Laramie Ave Bedford Park, IL (708)458-8989 Fax: (708) 458-9023 ³ TufCase, Flight Form BO, DJ, GF, GA, KI, RE, SE Axe Hugger (M) 333 1/2 N. Hayworth Ave.

Azden Corp. 147 New Hyde Park Rd. P.O. Box 10 Franklin Square, NY 11010 Ken Busch (516) 328-7500 Fax: (516) 328-7506 DJ, SE

Los Angeles, CA 90048 (323) 333-6904 Fax: (818) 345 1961 ³ Axe Hugger GF, GA AXL Musical Instruments Co. 380 Valley Drive Brisbane, CA 94005 (415) 508-1398 Fax: (415) 508-1396

Azola Basses (M) P.O. Box 1519 Ramona, CA 92065 Jill Azola (760) 789-8581 ³ Azola Gypsy, Azola Lightning Bug, Azola MiniBass, Azola Nouveau, Azola Baby Bass, Bug Bass, Azola Deco Bass BO, GF

Axtra Guitars Inc. 6611-28th Ave. Kenosha, WI 53140 Linda Stolarski (262) 654-7900 Fax: (262) 697-9797 GF Ayotte Drums Inc. 3740 William Street Burnaby, BC V5C 3H7 Canada Randy Turner (604) 736-5411 Fax: (604) 736-9411 ³ Ayotte Keplinger PR


Azumi Flutes P.O. Box 90249 Austin, TX 78709 Valerie Simosko (512) 288-7400 Fax: (512) 288-6445 ³ Azumi Flutes BO


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MMR 45

45th annual supplier directory company listings B B & J Music Ltd. (D,I) Ovation Canada 2360 Tedlo St. Mississauga, ON L5A 3V3 Canada Dale Kroke (905) 896-3001 Fax: (905) 896-4554 ³ Applause, Dean Markley, Hamer, Jasmine, Ovation, Proel, Seiko, SKB, Takamine BO, GF, KI, PR, SE B-52 Professional (M) 3383 Gage Avenue Huntington Park, CA 90255 (323) 277-4100 Fax: (323) 277-4108 ³ B-52, Storm, Bass Bomber, Ecstasy, B-52 MATRIX-1000V2, B-52 Matrix-2000 DJ, GF, SE B-Band, Inc. P. O. Box 342394 Austin, TX Rob Timmons (512) 266-3820 Fax: (818) 601-0129 ³ B-Band BO, GF, SE

46 MMR

B.C. Rich (M) 3015 Kustom Drive Hebron, KY 40148 Gary Baker (x215) (859) 817-7100 ³ B.C. Rich GF B.I.R.V. Co. 880 Skater Rd. Bellingham, WA 98226 (360) 384-6707 B.Rad Percussion (M) 4030 Floyd Highway S. Floyd, VA 24091 (540) 789-7369 ³ Ugly Tips, Talkit VP BO, PR B.S.T. America/Ultrak 1301 Waters Ridge Dr. Lewisville, TX 75057 (972) 353-6500 Fax: (972) 353-6681

(D,I) J.J. Babbitt Co. Inc. (M) 2201 Industrial Pkwy. Elkhart, IN 46516 Bill Reglein (574) 293-6514 Fax: (574) 293-9465

³ J.J. Babbitt, Guy Hawkins, Hite, Meyer, Otto Link, Wolfe-Tayne BO Babicz Guitars USA, Inc. (M) 421 Violet Ave Poughkeepsie, NY 12601 Jeff Carano (845) 790-5250 Fax: (845) 790-5260 ³ Identity, Octane, Tribeca GF BackAxe P.O. Box 7475 Wilton, CT 06897 (203) 834-0517 Fax: (203) 298-5529 ³ BackAxe BO, GF


Baden Guitars (M) 510 Corporate Drive Escondido, CA Josh Jose (760) 738-0370 Fax: (760) 738-0036 ³ Baden Guitars GF

Bag End Loudspeakers (M) 22 N. 272 Pepper Rd. Unit D Barrington, IL 60073 Larry Neubauer (847) 382-4550 Fax: (847) 382-4551 ³ Bag End DJ, GF, KI, RE, SE Michael Balter (847) 541-5777 Fax: (847) 541-5785 ³ Louie Bellson, Mike Balter BO, PR

BagTags Inc. 1109 W. Washington St. Evanston, IL 60202 Will Koepp (847) 424-1900 Fax: (847) 424-1982 BO, GA

Baltimore Drum USA (M) P.O. Box 9564 Baltimore, MD 21237-0564 Keith Larsen (410) 665-8598 Fax: (410) 686-8959 ³ Professional Performing Series, Premium Performance Series PR

Baldwin Piano & Organ Co. (M) 309 Plus Park Blvd. Nashville, TN 37217 801 726 7282 Fax: (615) 884-7219 ³ Acrosonic, Baldwin, Chickering, ConcertMaster, Hamilton, Wurlitzer KI, PV, SY

BAM France (D,M) 143 Lawrence St. Hackensack, NJ 07601 Carol Boutry (201) 342-7700 Fax: (201) 342-4557 ³ BAM, HighTech, BAM L’Original BO

Mike Balter Mallets, LLC (E,M) 15 E. Palatine Rd., Ste. 116 Prospect Heights, IL 60070

Bamber Mouthpieces 4004 Technology Drive South Bend, IN 46628


(574) 251-3500 ³ Bamber Mouthpieces Barbera Transducer 21 Louis St. Staten Island, NY 10304 Richard Barbera (718) 816-3025 Tranducers, electric violins, cellos, violas Barbetta Electronics (M) 5345 Commerce Ave., Ste. 5 Moorpark, CA 93021 Tony Barbetta (805) 529-3607 Fax: (805) 529-0659 ³ Diva KI, RE, SE Barcus-Berry P.O. Box 63366 North Charleston, SC 29419 843-745-8501 Fax: 843-745-8502 BO, GF, KI, PR, SE Bari Woodwind Supplies, LLC (M) 1805 Apex Rd. Sarasota, FL 34240

MAY 2009

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company listings MaryNell@CavanaughCompany. com (941) 371-0016 Fax: (941) 378-3617 ³ Bari Gold, Baristar, Baroque, Bari Original, DKOTA, Esprit, Hawk II, WT II, WT III BO Barker Musical Instruments (M) 1842 SE First St., Ste. F Redmond, OR 97756-9639 Lee Barker (541) 923-2571 Fax: (541) 923-2571 ³ Barker Bass GF Barnes & Mullins Grays Inn House Unit 22. Mile Oak Ind. Estate Oswestry, Shropshire SY10 8GA England Dave Brown Violin rosin Baron Technology, Inc. 62 Spring Hill Road Trumbull, CT 06611 203 452 0515 Fax: 203 452 0663 Bartolini Pickups 2133 Research Dr., #16 Livermore, CA 94550 Bill Bartolini (925) (321) 4148 Fax: (925) 449-7692 Guitar & bass pickups Basix Percussion USA (M) 3451 W. Commercial Ave. Northbrook, IL 60062 (847) 498-9850 Fax: (847) 498-9370 ³ Basix, Drumcraft PR Bass Dynamics 4642 River Bluff Ct Charlotte, NC (704) 562-3564 Bass Player Magazine (P/J) 411 Borel Ave., #100 San Mateo, CA 94402 (650) 358-9500 Fax: (650) 358-8641 ³ Bass Player Publication Bay Woodwind Products (D,E,I,M) 5(321) H Derry Ave. Agoura Hills, CA 91301 Charles Bay

MAY 2009

(818) 706-3309 Fax: (818) 706-3314 ³ Bay, Charles Bay, Jonathan Bay, Gale, Gregory, M.C., Henry and Christian BO BBE Sound Inc. (M) 5381 Production Dr. Huntington Beach, CA 92649 David McLaren (714) 897-6766 Fax: (714) 896-0736 ³ BBE, Barcus-Berry, G & L GF, RE, SE Beacon Banjo Co. Inc. 2277 Glascoe Tpke. Woodstock, NY 12498 Bill Keith (845) 679-8314 Fax: (845) 679-5483 Banjos & accessories Beard Guitars 14122 Marsh Pike Hagerstown, MD 21742 301-733-8271 Fax: 301-791-7811 Beato 1045 East Dominguez Units C & D Carson, CA 90746 Fred Beato (310) 532-2671 Fax: (310) 532-4253 Percussion equipment & cymbals Bechstein America LLC 207 West 58 Street New York, NY (212) 581-5550 Fax: (212) 581-5067 C. Bechstein Pianofortefabrik (M) P.O. Box 120562 D-10595 Berlin Germany Frank Shulze (847) 551-9260 Fax: (847) 551-9074 ³ C. Bechstein, W. Hoffman KI Bee Design Group Headfirst Custom Bass Drum Hea 260 Centre Street Holbrook, MA 02343 (781) 963-4323 Fax: (781) 767-9992 Bee-In Tuner, Inc. (D,M) P.O. Box 136 Massapequa Park, NY (516) 798-5555 Fax: (516) 798-5555 ³ Bee-In Tuner BO, GF

Behringer USA, Inc.(M) 18912 North Creek Pkwy #200 Bothell, WA 98011 (425) 672-0816 Fax: (425) 673-7647 ³ Behringer, Bugera CE, DJ, GF, KI, RE, SE Beijing Deyong Musical Instruments Co. (D,E,I,M) Ste. 1104-1105 B Section Jiaye Mansion No. 6, Fentai District Beijing 10007-9 China 86-10-67672715 Fax: 86-10-67661706 ³ Wisemann, Dalyan, Rillion, JIAXUN BO, GF, GA, PR Belcat Co. Ltd. Linghu-Industrial Park Qiuchang-Town Huizhou-City, Guiangdong 516221 China 82-31-863-0091/2 Benedetto Guitars (M) 10 Mall Terrace Ste. A Savannah, GA 31406 Howard Paul (912) 692-1400 Fax: (912) 692-1403 ³ Benedetto GF The Bentley Piano Co. Ltd. Woodchester Mills Woodchester, Stroud Gloucestershire Gl5 5NW England D.S. Grover (045) 387-3243 Fax: (045) 387-3735 Berg Larsen/ Morrisco BVBA (E,M) Eugeen Joors Str. 57 B-2140 Antwerpen Belgium ³ Berg Larsen BO Berkeley Cases (M) 3-5 Station Road Edgware Middlesex England Don Mackrill ³ Berkeley Cases BO Best Devices Co. 936 Taylor Street Elyria, OH 44035-6233 Neil Hale (216) (651) 8878 Fax: (216) (651) 9788

Lighting equipment & access. Best Products International In (D,E,M) 10370 Swift Stream Pl, Apt 104 Columbia, MD Gerald Cousins (914) 528-1978 Fax: (845) 528-2158 ³ First Chair, Grandpa Mac’s, Horn Flush, Horn Flush, Mad-Max, Zaja Oils BO, GA, KI Beyerdynamic (M) 56 Central Blvd. Farmingdale, NY 11735 631-293-3200 ³ SPL, Beyerdynamic GA, RE, SE

N E W ! HYBRID BARI Saxophone Mouthpieces

A truly unique fusion of hard rubber and metal. The comfort and feel of hard rubber with the dynamics of a metal mouthpiece.

BG Franck Bichon (E,M) 42 Route de Brignais Chaponost 69630 France Franck Bichon 33478568600 Fax: 33478565778 ³ BG Woodwind accessories, ligatures, straps, reeds BG USA 12374 Hunters Haven Lane Jacksonville, FL 32224 Keith Fischer (866) 424-8721 Fax: 904-564-2424 Clarinet & Saxopone Accessories BGW Systems 13130 Yukon Avenue Hawthorne, CA 90250 (323) 278-0001 Fax: (323) 278-0083 ³ BGW CE, GA, SE


Biamp Systems 10074 SW Artic Drive Beaverton, OR 97005 Ron Camden (503) 641-7287 Fax: (503) (626) 0281 ³ Advantage, Biamp, Precedence Sound equipment



Bias Inc. (M) Berkley Integrated Audio Softw 140 Keller Street Petaluma, CA 94952 Christine Berkley (707) 782-1866 Fax: (707) 782-1874 ³ Deck, Peak, Sound Soap CE Biaxe Retrofits P.O. Box 15426

MMR 49

45th annual supplier directory company listings Stamford, CT 06901-0426 (516) 487-1902 Fax: (516) 482-0900 Fretless replicator for bass, sitar replicator for guitar Biema (M) 5718 Kenwick Street San Antonio, TX (210)684-2600 Fax: (210)855-6279 ³ Biema SE Big Bang Distribution (D,E,I,M) 9420 Reseda Blvd., Ste. 350 Northridge, CA 91324 Bob Kasha (818) 727-1127 Fax: (818) 727-1126 ³ AHEAD, Crazy John’s, Cymbal Crown, Drumdial, Fat Cat, Flaire, Flix, Metrophones, Quick Click, SIB, Speed Ball PR Big Bends Nut Sauce P.O. Box 324 Plainwell, MI (269) 685-1866 Fax: 269-685-1365

Big Heart Slide Co. (M) 937 Rashford Dr. Placentia, CA 92870 Shelly (714) 993-1573 Fax: (714) 579-3019 ³ Big Heart GF Bigsby Accessories P.O. Box 2468 Savannah, GA 31402 (912) 748-7070 Fax: (912) 748-6005 GF Bili, Inc. (D,M) 14845 Proctor Ave. Ste. B City of Industry, CA Phil Li (626) 333-8718 ³ Footime BO, CE, DJ, GF, GA, KI Bit Headz, Inc. (M) 2850 South County Trail, Ste. 1 E. Greenwich, RI 02818 Andre Rocke (401) 886-7045 Fax: (401) 886-7049 ³ Steve Reids Global Percussion, Tempo Trantrum, Black & Whites, Osmosis,

Phrazer, Retro AS-1, Unity Player, Unity DS-1, Voodoo CE Black Canyon Distribution P.O. Box 9501 Boise, ID 83707 (208) 345-9885 Fax: (208) 345-2578 Black Diamond Strings (M) 1805 Apex Rd. Sarasota, FL 34240 (941) 371-0016 Fax: (941) 378-3617 ³ National Picks, Pure Jazz BO, GF Black Mountain Instruments (M) 100 Foothill Blvd. Calistoga, CA 94515 David Johnston (707) 942-4240 Fax: (707) 942-0487 ³ Black Mountain GF

Black Swamp Percussion (M) 11114 James St. Zeeland, MI 49454 Eric Sooy (616) 879-0066 x 101 Fax: (616) 738-3105 ³ Sound Art Series tambourine, Sound Art Series BO, PR Blade Guitars (D,M) Close Marketing Distributors 4231 S. Natches Ct., Ste. E Englewood, CO 80110 (303) 781-0990 Fax: (303) 781-6465 ³ Blade, Elite Case Co. GF H.S. Blayman Inc. (M) 1025 Rose Creek Dr. Ste. 620-371 Woodstock, GA 30189 (770) 928-9216 Fax: (206) 984-4992 ³ Vent Peg Clarinet mouthpieces Blitz Manufacturing Co., Inc. (M) 263 America Pl. Jeffersonville, IN 47130 Andy Herf (812) 284-2548 Fax: (812) 285-6070 ³ Blitz GA Blue Book Publications Inc. (P) 8009 34th Ave. South, Ste. #175 Minneapolis, MN 55425 Zach Fjestad 952-(253) 2925 Fax: 952- 853-1486 ³ Blue Book of Acoustic Guitars, Gibson Flying V PV Blue Heron Enterprises P.O. Box 270 1360 Cummings Creek Rd. Carlotta, CA 95528 Ken Jorgenson (707) 768-3336 Fax: (707) 768-3336 Cases & soft cases Blue Microphones (M) 5706 Corsa Ave Ste 102 Westlake Village, CA Dan Harris (818) 879-5200 Fax: (818) 879-7259

³ BLUE Microphones CE, GA, KP, RE, SE Bluesland Amplifiers (M) 396 Dewey St. St. Paul, MN 55104 Woody Stoffer (651) 645-0030 Fax: (651) 647-9603 ³ EC100, KR100, Plexiamps, SteelMaster, BabyBlues, BluesKing, BluesMaster, BluesMonster, HarpMaster GF Bluthner USA LLC. (D,I,M) 5660 W. Grand River Ave. Lansing, MI 48906 James Reeder (517) 886-6000 Fax: (517) 886-1574 ³ Bluthner, Haessler, Irmler, Schiller, Breitmann KI Bluthner Pianos (M) Dechwitzer Strasse 12 Grossposna bei Leipzig 04463 Germany

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company listings 45th annual supplier directory 49 0342 977 513 Fax: 49 0342 9775150 ³ Haessler, Bluthner Acoustic pianos (212) 496-5342 Fax: (212) 496-2780 ³ Born To Rock GF

bo-pep Inc. (M) P.O. Box 144 South Thomaston, ME 04858 John Weeks (207) 596-6595 Fax: (207) 596-6595 ³ bo-pep BO Bobby Dukoff 14368 SW 139 Ct. Miami, FL 33156 Bobby Dukoff (305) 255-3967 Fax: (305) 378-6551 Mouthpieces

Bosendorfer 1771 Post Road East, Ste. 239 Westport, CT 203-520-9064

Bohemia Piano America, Inc. (D) P.O. Box 17789 Tampa, FL 33682 Phil Roldan (813) 961-8405 Fax: (813) 961-8514 ³ Bohemia Piano, Hofmann & Czerny KI Bois Ligatures P.O. Box 90 Mountain Home, AR 72654 (870)421-4996 Bolopick, INC. (D,M) 40 Mulberry St., #3-F New York, NY 10013 Robert Bolo (212) 619-2219 ³ BoloPick GF

Boomerang Musical Products (M) P O Box 3788 Grapevine, TX 76099 Mike Nelson 800 530-4699 Fax: (817) 251-8509 ³ Boomerang DJ, GF, SE

MAY 2009

(626) 610-3404 ³ Brazen GF

Bravo Design P.O. Box 55094 Pittsburgh, PA 15207 Jeff Goldammer (412) 521-7666 Fax: (412) 521-0927 GA

Breedlove Guitar Co. (M) Bend, OR 97701 Dave Danning (541) 385-8339 ³ Breedlove, Green Mountain GF

Brazen Guitars (M) 1518-A W. Industrial Park Sreet Covina, CA 91722

Breezy Ridge Instruments Ltd. (M) P.O. Box 295 Center Valley, PA 18034 (610) 691-3302 Fax: (610) 691-3304 ³ Artiste, G7 Capo, Ol’ Reliable, John Pearse GF, GA Breitkopf & Hartel Walkmuhlistrasse 52 Wiesbaden D-6200 Germany Ulrike Lorenz (611) 450-0800 Fax: (611) 450-0859 Print music pub.

Brian Moore Guitars Inc. (M) 60 Firemens Way Poughkeepsie, NY 12603 (845) 809-5347 Fax: (845) 486-0745 ³ i2000 Series, iGuitar GF Bridgecraft USA Inc. (D,I,M) 14680 Alondra Blvd La Mirada, CA 90638 (714) 523-2222

Bosphorus Cymbals (D) 3939 Royal Dr. NW Ste. 101 Kennesaw, GA 30144 Michael Vosbein (678) 354-1060 Fax: (678) 354-9300 ³ Bosphorus PR Boston Piano Company (M) 1 Steinway Place Long Island City, NY 11105 (718) 721-2600 Fax: (718) 545-1154 ³ Boston KI Bourne Company 5 W. 37th St., 6th Fl. New York, NY 10018 (212) 391-4300 Fax: (212) 391-4306 Sheet music Bow Supply Corp. (M) 1806 Clavey Rd. Highland Park, IL 60035 (847) 831-0075 Fax: (847) 579-1840 ³ Francois Mouton, Henri Mouret, John Norwood Lee, John Guerin, Kramer, W. R. Schuster, Wilhelm Schuster BO

Eric Bolvin Music 816 Blossom Hill Rd. #4 San Jose, CA 95123 Eric Bolvin (408) 236-2009 BO, PV

Born To Rock Design Inc. 470 W. End Ave., #8A New York, NY 10024 Robert Kunstadt

Bose Corporation The Mountain Framingham, MA 01701-9168 Tony Ricci (508) 766-4029 Fax: (508) 872-6640 Speakers

(781) 935-9522 Fax: (781) 935-3058 Flutes & piccolos


Bradley Music Company (D,M) 18080 Boris Dr. Encino, CA 91316 Chris Bradley (818) 881-2258 Fax: (818) 881-6768 ³ Bradley BO, GF, KI, PV, Education Brannen Brothers Flutemakers 58 Dragon Court Woburn, MA 01801 Sarah Graumann

MMR 53

45th annual supplier directory company listings Fax: (714) 523-3499 ³ Glen Burton, De Rosa, BGuitars BO, GF, GA, KI, PR The Brite Stuff (Div. of Shining Example Products Inc.) Manorville, NY 11949 Mark Capozzola Brooklyn Gear (D,E,I,M) 20 Jay Street Ste. 1002 Brooklyn, NY 11201 Adam Levy (718) 858-4900 Fax: (718) 858-2434 ³ Brooklyn Gear Straps, EBS, KSD Basses, Pickboy BO, GF, GA, PR Brookside Press (P) P.O. Box 300168 Jamaica Plain, MA 02130 Larry Fine (617) 522-7182 Fax: (617) 390-7764 ³ The Piano Book, Acoustic & Digital Piano Buyer KI, PV Brown Distributing Co. 2208 S. Broadway

54 MMR


New Ulm, MN 56073 William W. Brown (507) 354-3615 Fax: (507) 354-6028 ³ Excelsior Accordions, Italcinte PR, SY BRTB Canada Inc. (D,E,I,M) 140 Bentley St., Unit #3 Markham, ON L3R 3L2 Canada Paul D (905) 475-8903 Fax: (905) 475-0157 ³ Anaconda, Contour, Fusion, Media, Neutrik, Viper, Xcalibur DJ, GA, KI, SE, CE, GF, LE, RE Brubaker Guitars Inc. 250 Chartley Drive Reisterstown, MD (410) 833-3723 Fax: (410) 833-3723 ³ KxG-1, B-2, K-4, NBS, KxB, Phoenix, Brute Series, xxx ³ Performance Stand, JXB GF

BSS Audio U.S.A. (D) 1449 Donelson Pike Nashville, TN 37217 Tawnya Lassiter (615) 360-0277 Fax: (615) 360-0480 ³ Minidrive, Omnidrive, Soundweb, Varicurve DJ, RE, SE BST America 1301 Waters Ridge Dr. Lewisville, TX 75057 (972) 353-6500 Fax: (972) 353-6490 KP, SE BSX Bass Inc. 2256 Brodhead Road Aliquippa, PA 15001 (724) 378-8697 Fax: (724) 378-4079 Buck Musical Instrument Produc 40 Sand Rd. New Britain, PA 18901 Karl Dieteriehs (215) 345-9442 Fax: 215-348-8761 ³ Buck GF


Budda Amplification 60 Tehama St., 1st Floor San Francisco, CA 94105 Scot Sier (415) 247-2700 GF

³ Global Piccolo, Lillian Burkart, Burkart & Phelan Flute & Piccolos

Buddy Rich Drum Co. (M) 194 Schofield Avenue Dudley, MA (774)272-0591 ³ Buddy Rich PR

Burtek Systems (U.S.A.) Inc. 2805 Mitchell St., #700 Greenville, TX 75402 (903) 455-2001 Fax: (903) 455-2233 ³ Audiotrak, InterM RE, SE

Buffet Crampon (D,M,I) 14125 Beach Blvd. Jacksonville, FL 32250 Mary Marshall (904) 821-0234 Fax: (904) 821-0315 ³ Buffet Crampon, Besson, Antoine Courtois Paris BO Burkart-Phelan(D,E,M) 2 Shaker Rd.#D107 Shirley, MA 01464 Barry Pease (978) (425) 4500 Fax: (978) (425) 9800

Burriss Amps 6302 E. Aster Drive Scottsdale, AZ 85254(480) (905) 0664


C C & J Distributing (D) 2965 N. Germantown Road, #107 Bartlett, TN (901) 383-6575 ³ Hutchins GF C-Audio USA 1449 Donelson Pike Nashville, TN 37217 Paul Freudenberg (615) 360-0480 Fax: (615) 360-0480 ³ GB, Pulse RE, SE


C-Tech 55 Randall Ave. Bridgeport, CT 06606 (203) 338-9668 Fax: (413) 403-3733 C. F. Martin & Co., Inc. (M) 510 Sycamore St. Nazareth, PA 18064 Sandy Seigfried (610) 759-2837 Fax: (610) 759-9500 ³ Martin, Martin Strings GF C.B.I. (Caldwell Bennett Inc.) 6152 County Seat Rd. Oriskany, NY 13424 Kevin Ross (315) 337-8540 Fax: (315) 337-0215 GA, GF, KI, LE, RE, SE CA Guitars (M) 820 E. St. Mary Blvd., Ste. 1 P.O. Box 3100 Lafayette, LA 70502 Dennie Edwards (337) 291-2642

MAY 2009

A New Revolution. The AvantGrand is a hybrid piano that creates a physical bond with the musician, a visceral connection that vibrates through fingers, feet, and soul. This essential acoustic sensation has eluded digital pianos—until now. Only Yamaha, with nearly 110 years of acoustic piano mastery and over 30 years of digital keyboard ingenuity, could produce it. ■The AvantGrand will hit U.S. shores in July 2009. If you would like to represent this revolutionary new instrument, please call your Yamaha Keyboard Division district manager or 714.522.9578.

Giving out good vibrations.

company listings Fax: (337) 235-1067 ³ Legacy, Vortex GF Cable Up 8001 Terrace Avenue Middleton, WI (800) 828-0509 CAD Professional Microphones 6573 Cochran Rd., Bldg 1 Solon, OH 44060 Jeff Beck (800) 762-9266 Fax: (440) 248-4902 DJ, PR, RE, SE Cadence Mfg. Inc. (M) 8031 S. Division Ave. Grand Rapids, MI 49548 (616) 281-8400 Fax: (616) 281-8444 ³ Econo Drawer, Mixer Rack DJ, GA, KI, LE, RE, SY Caig Laboratories Inc. (M) 12200 Thatcher Court Poway, CA 92064 (858) 486-8388 Fax: (858) 486-8398 ³ CaiKleen RBR, CaiLube MCL, DeoxIT, ProGold, R5 Power Booster GA Cakewalk, Inc. (M) 268 Summer St. Boston, MA 02210 Anthony Conte 617- 423-9004 Fax: 617- 423-9007 ³ SONAR, DimensionPro, Rapture, Pyro Audio Creator, Music Creator, Z3TA, SONAR Home Studio CE Cal Switch (D,A/O) 1010 Sandhill Ave. Carson, CA 90746 (310) 632-4300 Fax: (310) 632-4301 ³ Alps, Belden Wire & Cable, Neutrik, Bud, Switchcraft Cables & connectors J.D. Calato (M) 4501 Hyde Park Blvd. Niagara Falls, NY 14305 Carol Calato (716) 285-3546 Fax: (716) 285-2710 ³ Regal Tip PR Calicchio Musical Instruments (E,M)

1320 East 58 Street Tulsa, OK 74105 Christopher Calicchio (918) (743) 4922 Fax: (918) (743) 4931 ³ Calicchio Trumpets California Wholesale Music Co. 1633 University Ave Berkeley, CA 94703 Mark Stevens (510) 540-6928 BO Calton Cases (D,M) 4027 7th St. S.E. Calgary, AB T2G 2Y9 Canada Al Williams (403) 243-4099 Fax: (403) 287-7968 ³ Calton Cases GF Calzone Case Co./ Anvil Cases (D,M) 225 Black Rock Ave. Bridgeport, CT 06605; Vince Calzone (203) 367-5766 Fax: (203) 336-4406 ³ Anvil ATA Series, Calzone Escort Series, Anvil Iron, Anvil Forge, XLT15, iSeries, M.A.C.C. BO, CE, DJ, GF, KI, LE, PR, RE, SE, SY Campbell American Guitars (M) P. O. Box 460 Westwood, MA 02090 Dean Campbell 401-335-3101 Fax: (508) 785-3577 ³ Precix, Transitone, Caldonian, UK-1, RJ GF Campellone Guitars 5 Mapleville Road Greenville, RI 02828 (401) 949-3716 Cannonball Music Instruments 625 E. Sego Lily Dr. Sandy, UT 84070 Tevis Laukat (801) 563-3081 BO CAP Audio Professional Corp. 1060 Cephas Dr. Clearwater, FL 33765 Norbert Heuser (727) 447-9656 Fax: (727) 447-9715 DJ, RE, SE Lou Capece Music 2751 Grove Ave. E. Meadow, NY 11554 Lou Capece (516) 221-5596 Fax: (516) 679-9786 Capella Drumsticks 164 Applegarth Rd. Monroe Township, NJ 08831 Joe Loria (609) 448-1153 Fax: (609) 443-1464 PR Cappello Music Co./ Traps Drums (D) 96 Rowley Road Woodbury, CT Joe Cappello (203) 263-6329 Fax: (203) 263-6329 ³ Traps Drums, Traps Power Pads, The Bass Drum Lift PR Carbonlite Products (M) P.O Box 1454 Safety Harbor, FL 34695 Tim Greene (727) 742-2263 ³ Carbonlite PR Carl Dudash Harpsichords Box 200 Norfolk, CT 06058 Carl Dudash (860) 542-5753 Harpsichords & clavichords Carl Fischer LLC 65 Bleecker St. Floor 8 New York, NY 10012 Loe Kufta (212) 777-0900 Fax: (212) 477-6996 PV Carlin Music Publishing Co. P.O. Box 2289 Oakhurst, CA 93644 Sidney Carlin (559) 658-5352 Band & orchestra music Carousel Publications Ltd. (I,M,P/J) 1304 Route 42

Sparrow Bush, NY 12780 Camille (212) 758-9399 Fax: (212) 758-6453 ³ Melody Dicer, World In Tune PR, PV Carter Steel Guitars 617 W. Kearney St. Ste. 101 Mesquite, TX 75149 (972) 475-2324 Fax: (972) 412-7353 Carver Corporation P.O. Box 137 Woodinville, WA 98072 (425) 482-3400 Fax: (425) 482-3401 Amplifiers Carvin Mfg. Co. 12340 World Trade Dr. San Diego, CA 92128 (858) 487-1600 Fax: (858) 487-7620 Electric guitar & bass, pro sound Casa Veerkamp SA de CV (D,E,I) Av. Toluca 323 Col. Olivar de los Padres Mexico, DF 01780 Mexico +52-555-668-0480 Fax: +52-555-668-0478 ³ Dunlop, Rico, Shadow, Vandoren, Wittner, Amati, Armstrong, Conn-Selmer, Paris, Selmer, Jup, king, Holton, Cometa, Cort, Epiphone, Gibson, King, Holton, Cometa, Cort, Epiphone, Gibson, Jimmy Wess, La Valencia, Savorez, Super Sensitive, Strunal, Tres Pinos, Victor, Laney, Roland, LP Ludwig, Power Beat, Pro Mark, Sabian, Remo, TAMA, Bohemia, Bosendorfer, Hohner BO, GF, GA, KI, PR, PV, RE, SY Casablanca 201 North Braddock Ave. Pittsburgh, PA 15208 Adam Elkettani (412) 247-3370 Fax: (412) 247-3350 PR Case Xtreme (M) 3441 Baker St. San Diego, CA 92117 Bruce Lamb (858) 273-0572 Fax: (858) 273-8410 ³ Clam Case, Fly it Safe Case, Casextreme BO, GF, GA, SE

45th annual supplier directory company listings Cases Inc. 447 E. Gardena Blvd. Gardena, CA 90248 Howard Chatt (323) 770-4444 Fax: (310) 538-9560 Cases & covers Casio Inc. 570 Mt. Pleasant Ave. Dover, NJ 07801 Michael Pepe (973) 361-5400 Fax: (973) 537-8957 KI

Cass Hudson Company P O Box 2707 4011 S. Michigan Street South Bend, IN 46680 (219) 291-5600 Fax: (219) 291-4712 Castalia Publications (P/J) P.O. Box 2503 Petaluma, CA 94953 Scott Morrison (707) 778-7635 Fax: (707) 778-0880 ³ Bass Poster, Chord & Scale, Keg Board Poster, Rock Guitar Poster, Sax Poster,

Table of Keys, Leadmaster, The Guitar Poster GF, GA, KI, PV, Posters, novelties & gifts Castiglione Accordion LLC (D,E,I) 13300 E. 11 Mile Rd., Ste. A Warren, MI 48089 John Castiglione (586) 755-6050 Fax: (586) 755-6339 ³ Bugari, Beltuna, Centaur, Ciao, Castiglione, Hohner, Melodija, Music Tech,

Polytone, Roland, Scandalli, Excelsicr & Pigini, Tyrolean, Guerrini, Paoloscpnani, Baffetti, Castaonani, Dallape, Borsini, Novah, Karntnerland Castle Musical Products 2110 Bath Ave. Brooklyn, NY 11214 Pat Castle (718) 372-9896 Fax: (718) 265-0138 Strings Catania Folk Instruments Inc. (M) 521 Paddy Mountain Rd.

s ’ t t i b b a B It’s jj y r a s r e v i n 90th bArante the sound! Cele

Millmont, PA 17845 Tami Catania (570) 922-4487 Fax: (570) 922-1680 ³ The Bamboo Drum, Catpaws, Fishtix, Gourdolin, The Board Piano, The Gourd piano GF, PR Cavallaro Case Co. (M) 1401 Duff Drive Ste. 100 Fort Collins, CO 970 226 1048 Fax: 970 266 1905 ³ Cavallaro, Small Dog Cases & covers Cavanaugh Company 1805 Apex Road Sarasota, FL 34240-9386 Jim Cavanaugh (941) 379-0016 Fax: (941) 378-3617 ³ Super-Sensitive Musical String Co., Black Diamond Strings, LLC, Bari Woodwind Supplies, LLC CE Distribution LLC (D,I) 6221 South Maple Ave. Tempe, AZ 85283 Orrin Portnoy (480) 755-4712 Fax: (800) 706-6789 ³ Jensen Speakers GF, GA Cecilio Musical Instruments 489 Yorbita Road La Puente, CA 91744 Anie Chea (626) 839-6677 BO

outhpiece k Vintage m the Otto Lin u of helping yo ing 90 years ommemorat

. Introdu. Ccing.. by jj Babbitt usic. make great m • E-mail: M O U T H P I E C E S

58 MMR





Cedar Creek Cases 2545 Turkey Creek Rd. P.O. Box 362 Oilville, VA 23129 (804) 749-8300 Fax: (804) 749-3442 Cases Celestion (M) 10 Timber Lane Marlboro, NJ 07746 Andy Farrow (732) 683-2356 Fax: (732) 683-2358 ³ Vintage 30, FTR Series, LF Drivers, CDX Compression Drivers, Celestion Blue, Celestion Gold, G12 EVH Celestion Claydon Business Park Unit 111 Great Blakenham Ipswich IP6ONL

England +44 1473 835300 Fax: +44 1473 835301 SR Centerstream Publications P. O. Box 17878 Aneheim, CA 92817 Ron Middlebrook (714) 779-9390 Fax: (714) 779-9390 PV Century Guitars P.O. Box 404 Hillsboro, OH (937)393-4391 Fax: (937)393-4391 ³ Century GF Cerper Drum Triggers 4022 W. 32 St. Gainsville, FL 32605 (352) 331-3997 Cerwin-Vega 555 E. Easy St. Simi Valley, CA 93065 Jay Van Pelt (805) 584-9332 Fax: (805) 583-0865 DJ, SE CGM Music 3527 Perryville Rd. Cape Girardeau, MO 63701 (573) 651-0601 Fax: (888) 217-6220 SE, racks & stands Chandler Musical Instruments (M) 975 East Ave., Unit 111 Chico, CA Adrian Chandler 530- 899-1503 Fax: 530- 899-1603 ³ Chandler, Pickguard Wizard, Concho Villa, Super 60 GF Chapin Publishing 14 Elizabeth St. Sag Harbor, NY 11963 Monja Chapin (631) 725-2221 Fax: (631) 725-2221 Drum method publications Charles Colin Music (D,P/J) 315 W. 53rd St. New York, NY 10019 Liz Colin (212) 581-1480 Fax: (212) 489-5186 ³ Coleri Comfort Rim Publications Charles Double Reed Co. 2988 White Mountain Hwy.

MAY 2009

DK:G *%% IDE 7G6C9H 6K6>A67A: ID B::I 6CN HE:8 ;DG 6CN ?D7#

Full Discount Wholesale is the premier supplier of Professional Audio, Video, A/V and Lighting equipment to resellers and contractors.

FDW Offers: Extensive Inventory Low Cost Shipping No Minimum Order Hundreds of the Top Brands Friendly, Experienced Sales Pros Exceptional Customer Service Blind Drop Ship Capability

company listings 45th annual supplier directory North Conway, NH 03(860) Brian Charles (603) 356-9890 Fax: (603) 356-9891 Charles Dumont & Son 1085 Dumont Dr. P.O. Box 1017 Voorhees, NJ 08043 (856) 346-9100 Fax: 856 346 3452 Print music & catalogues Charles Fox Guitars(M) 449 Allan Ct. Healdsburg, CA 95448 Charles Fox (707) 433-8228 Fax: (707) 433-8180 ³ Charles Fox Guitars, Napa, Sierra, Sonoma, X-Guitar GF Chartbuster Karaoke (M) 10840 Chapman Highway Seymour, TN 37865 Kris Lambert (865) 577-5597 Fax: (865) 342-2557 ³ Chartbuster Karaoke KP Chartier LLC (M) P.O. Box 13344 Albuquerque, NM 87192 Greg Chartier (505) 881-0843 Fax: (505) (888) 1064 ³ Chartier, Avant BO Chauvet Lighting (M) 3000 North 29th Ct. Hollywood, FL 33020 Barry Abrams (954) 929-1115 Fax: (954) 929-5560 ³ Chauvet DJ, LE Chem-Pak Inc. (M) 242 Corning Way Martinsburg, WV 25401 Peter Duane 304- 262-1880 Fax: 304-262-9463 ³ Finger Ease, Tone BO, GF, GA Cherry Lane Music Co. Inc. 6 E. 32nd St., Fl. 11 New York, NY 10016 Chris Wessel

MAY 2009

(212) 561-3000 Fax: (212) 251-0840 PV Cherub Technology Co., Ltd. (E,M) Unit D, 8/F, Nanshan Bld No 15 Industry Rd. Shenzhen 578067 China Jack Liang 8675526869866 Fax: 8675526869366 ³ Cherub

Citron Guitars & Basses 282 Chestnut Hill Rd. Woodstock, NY 12498 (845) 679-7138 Fax: (845) 679-3221 GF Civilized World (D,E,I,M) 900 E. Hamilton Avenue Campbell, CA 95008 Chris Campbell (408) 287-4020

³ Rockbox Electronics, Chris Campbell Custom Guitars, Pat Wilkins Custom Guitars, Lag Guitars GF, GA Classic Musical Instruments P.O. Box 580713 Pleasant Prairie, WI 53158 Tom Belotti 262-942-4811 Fax: 262-671-4280 Orchestral String Instruments

Classic Player Piano Corp. 269 Quaker Dr. Seneca, PA 16346 Ed Keefer (814) 676-6683 Fax: (814) 676-9340 Acoustic & player pianos Claude Lakey Mouthpieces P.O. Box 2023 Redmond, WA 98052 Nick Bogden (425) 861-5920


Fax: (425) 861-5630 ³ Claude Lakey Mouthpieces BO Clear Concepts LLC (M) P.O. Box 62466 Lafayette, LA 70596 Cherry Thompson (318) 981-5238 Fax: (318) 981-5238 ³ Tuff Touch Callus Builder Hand excerciser Clearsonic 1223 B. Norton Rd.

Chesbro Music Company (D,M) P.O. Box 2009 Idaho Falls, ID 83403 208-522-8691 Fax: 208- 522-8712 ³ Ibanez, GIG, Vic Firth, Remo, Anthem, Tama, Eleuke BO, GF, GA, PR, PV, RE Chonwoo Corporation Fl2, Daeyoung B/D, 4-6, Samjun-dong Songpa-gu, Seoul 138-837 Korea

Full Range of Quality Stringed Instruments Hagenau, Germany

ChopSaver (Good for the Goose Products, LLC) (M) P.O. Box 20692 Indianapolis, IN 46220 Dan Gosling (317) 259-1447 Fax: (317) 259-1447 ³ Chopsaver BO Chrislin Trading 224 Kittery Point Santa Rosa, CA 95403 Christie Soong (707) 566-8288 Fax: (707) 566-0288 GF, GA Cincinnati Fluteworks Inc. (D,I) 621 Clemmer Ave., #13 Cincinnati, OH 45219 (513) 579-8294 Fax: (513) 579-8305 ³ Mateki Flutes, Trevor James BO Cinemills Corp. 2021 N. Lincoln St. Burbank, CA 91504 Linda Roberts (818) 843-4560 Fax: (818) 843-7834 LE



Toll-Free 888-942-CMIC (2642) Tel: 262-564-0023 MMR 61

45th annual supplier directory company listings Hudson, OH 44236 (330) 650-1420 Fax: (330)247-4126 Cleveland Musical Instruments (M) 3800 Kelley Ave. Cleveland, OH 44114 Chuck Kirschling (216) 391-1234 Fax: (216) 391-8999 ³ Clevelander Drum Co., Orion Cymbals, Phrogg Percussion PR Clevinger Bass (M) Oakland, CA 94610 Jennifer Martin 510-444-2542 Fax: 510-444-2542 ³ Clevinger Deluxe, Clevinger Bassic, Clevinger Solid Acoustic, Clevinger Concerto, Clevinger Opus, Clevinger Poquito Bassboy, Clevinger Bennett, Clevinger Solid Acoustic Concerto, Clevinger Chimera BO, GA

62 MMR

Close Marketing (D,I,M,P/J) 4231 S. Natches Court, Ste. E Englewood, CO 80110 Gordon Close (303) (781) 6464 Fax: (303) (781) 6465 ³ Blade, Elite Case Co., Harvest, Making Music Today & Movin’ On GF, PV CM Automation (M) 20621 Plummer St. Chatsworth, CA 91311 Peter Montessi (818) 709-4732 Fax: (818) 709-4039 ³ Altech Systems, CM Automation CE, DJ, RE, SE CMC Distribution (D) Ketron 1510 Bath Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11(228) - Ted Kraus 718-232-6436 ³ Baffetti, Bell-Duovox, Ketron, Music - Tech DJ, KP, KI, RE, SE, SY

Coast Music (Eastern Canada) (D,M) 21000 Trans Canadian Baie D’Urfe, QC H9X 4B7 Canada (514) 457-2555 Fax: (514) 457-0055 ³ Alabama, Alegria, Amy Birch, Angel Recorders, Augustine, Bausch, Bespeco, Boblen, Bravo, C.N.B., Cannon, Cortez, Dean Markley, EPM, Finger Ease, GHS, Glasser, Herco, Hidersin, Hohner, Leem, Mahalo, Manhasset, Micro, Neotech, Paganini, Rhythm Band, Rythym tech, Roche Thomas, Runyon, Segovia, Shubb, Solar, Super-Sensitive, Techni-Contract, Terry Gould, Thomastik-Infled, Trophy, Venture, Vic Firth, Walden, Westbury, Wittner, Delta Blues, Dunlop, Generation, Hill, Jay Turser, Martin, Pro-Cussion, Profile, Sabian, Univox, Mano Percussion, Trak, Attack, Castalia, Crafter, Falcone, Graph Tech, Grover, Gypsy Rose, Hobart M. Cable, Jupiter, Kun, Samick, Savarez, Schaller, Sonor, Valencia, Vandoren BO, GA, PR

Coast Music (Western Canada) 580 Ebury Place Annacis Island Delta, BC V3M 6M8 Canada (604) 520-0568 Fax: (604) 520-6352 BO, GF, GA, KI, LE, PR, SE CodaBow International Ltd. (D,M) 876 E. Third St. Winona, MN 55987 Jeff Van Fossen 507-454-1509 Fax: 507-454-0400 ³ CodaBow Collection BO Codel Enterprises (D,M) P.O. Box 269 32 Henry Street Bethel, CT 06801 John Lamb 203- 205-0056 Fax: 203- 205-9062 ³ Aslin Dane Guitars, J3 Guitars, Minister GF Coffin Case 11044 Weddington St.


N. Hollywood, CA 91601 (866) 9COFFIN Fax: (818) 760-2145 ³ Black Cross, Coffin Case, Black Kross GF, GA Colin Music 315 W. 53rd St. New York, NY 10019 chascolin/ (212) 581-1480 Fax: (212) 489-5186 Collings Guitars (M) 11210 W. Highway 290 Austin, TX 78737 Steve McCreary (512) 288-7776 Fax: (512) 288-6045 ³ Collings Guitars GF Colorado Case Company, Inc. (M) 1713 East Lincoln Ave, Ste. A6 Fort Collins, CO 80524 Barbara Liebler (800) 340-0809 Fax: 970-266-1905 ³ Colorado Case Co.,

Cavallaro, Small Dog, Case Logic BO, GF, GA, KI Coloriffic PickGuards 2600 Grassland Drive Louisville, KY 40299 Clarence Matney (502) 491-1477 Fax: (502) 491-1410 ³ Coloriffic GF


Comins Guitars P.O. Box 611 Willow Grove, PA 19090 (215) 376-0595 Fax: (215) 784-0314 Community Professional Loudspeakers (M) 333 E. 5th St. Chester, PA 19013 Larry Howard (610) 876-3400 Fax: (610) 874-0190 ³ Community DJ, SE Completely Oblivious 649 Intervale Court

MAY 2009

Stagg’s new range of heavy-duty solid-state backline is powerful enough for any performance and versatile enough for any musical style. These beasts can crush or caress, kiss or kill. All with the reliability inherent in solid state design and a sound that’ll blow you away !

250 GARH: 250W(RMS)/4 Ohm solid state, 2-channel guitar amplifier head. 150 GC412A: Angled 4x12” semi open-back guitar speaker cabinet, 150W/8 Ohm. 150 GC412: Straight 4x12” semi open-back guitar speaker cabinet, 150W/8 Ohm.

Distributed by EMD Music. For further information, please contact EMD Music, Inc. s 866 871 5800 Toll Free s 877 231 6653 Toll Free Fax

company listings 45th annual supplier directory Highland, MI 48357(586)531-4281 Composite Acoustics PO Box 93610 Lafayette, LA (337)233-4119 Concerto No.1 Musical Instruments 14145 Proctor Ave. La Puente, CA 91746 (626) 369-7151 Concord International Group, Inc. (D,I,M) 2380 Vantage Drive Elgin, IL 60124 (847) 836-8688 Fax: (847) 836-8288 ³ Alta, Christopher, Concord Accessories, Eminence BO Conklin Guitars & Basses (M,D) P.O. Box 1394 Springfield, MO 65801 Bill Conklin (417) 886-3525 Fax: (417) 886-2934 ³ Crossover, Groove Tools, New Century Series, Sidewinder, M.E.U. GF Conn-Selmer, Inc. (M,D) P.O. Box 310 Elkhart, IN 46515 (574) 522-1675 Fax: (574) 522-0334 ³ Armstrong, Bach, G Leblanc, Glaesel, Holder Folder, IT IN TUNE, Infinite, Joachim, King, Kelon, Leblanc, Ludwig, Laureate, Laurel, Leblanc Premier, Leblanc Millenium Opus, Leblanc Paris, Legend, Lesher, LevelAir, Lewis, Ludwig Accent, Ludwig Jr., Musser, Mark VI, Mega Tone, Noblet-Paris, Normandy, Note Worthy, Omega, Opus, Opus II, Orchestra, Plasti-Folio, Primo, Rao, Regency, Resonite, Rocker II, Rockers, Selmer, Sarasate, Signet, Silver Flair, Silver Sonic, Soloist, Sonata, Standard, Sterling Plus, Stradivarius, Striders, Symphonie, Vanguard, Weather Master, Ludwig BO Connolly Music Company, Inc. (D,I) 8 Vernon Valley Rd. East Northport, NY 11731 Eliza Aldrich (800) 644-5268

MAY 2009

Fax: 631- 757-0021 ³ Thomastic-Infeld, Konig & Meyer, The Realist, Wolf Music Products BO, GF, GA, KI, SE Conquest Sound Inc. (D,E,I,M) 26113 S. Ridgeland Ave. Box 268 Monee, IL 60449 Deb Hawtree (708) 534-0390 Fax: (708) 534-0398 ³ CS and NS, CTL, DBRC2, Hush, Optima, Pro Series, RA Series, RPH 2002, Tour Link DJ, GF, GA, KI, RE, SE

Core One Creative, Inc. (M) 3545 Lomita Blvd, Unit E Torrance, CA 90(505) Ted McCann (310 539-1692 ext 302 Fax: 310 634-1882 ³ Bullet Cable, Core Equipment, Trench, Wirething GF, RE Cort USA 3451 W. Commercial Ave. Northbrook, IL 60062 (847) 498-6491 Fax: (847) 498-5370 GF Cougar Steel Guitar Inc. (M) 1432 N. Abbe Rd. Fairview, MI 48621 (517) 848-5380 Fax: (517) 848-2591 ³ Slidemaster GF

2650 John St., Unit 24 Markham, ON L3R 2W6 Canada counterpoint_musical@ (905) 415-0515 Fax: (905) 415-9232 ³ Pirastro, Stentor, Thomastik, Wittner, Mirage, Skyinbow, House of Troy, P & H Bows, Amati Brass and Woodwinds BO, GA

Counterpoint Musical Services (D,I)

Country Heritage 134 W. Main St.

Clarksville, AR 72830 Beverly King 479 -754-4604 PV Countryman Associates Inc. (M) 195 Constitution Drive Menlo Park, CA 94025 (650) 364-9988 Fax: (650) 364-2794 ³ Countryman, E Gearset, Isomax SE

Consumer Electronics Corp. 12425 Knoll Rd. Elm Grove, WI 53122 (262) 784-9001 Keyboards, synthesizers, karaoke, access. Contact Distribution Ltd. (D) 38 Thornmount Dr., Unit #1 Scarborough, ON M1B 5P2 Canada Bill Coons (416) 287-1144 Fax: (416) 287-1204 ³ ARX Systems, Abiam Products, BSS, Carver Professional, Countryman Associates, ETA, Lowell Mfg., Marantz/Superscope, Production Intercom, Quested Monitors, RenkusHginz SE Container Systems P.O. Box 519 Franklinton, NC 27525 (919) 496-6133 Fax: (919) 496-2873 Cool Music Inc. (D,M) 11 Gilbert Place Staten Island, NY 10309 Mark Ryan 718-356-5271 Fax: 718-356-5284 ³ COOL GF, GA Cora & Peter Kuo Inc. (E,M) P.O. Box 610 Taichung Taiwan R.O.C. CORA KUO 886 4 2372 0100 Fax: 886 4 2372 0463 ³ Mitello, Power Beat GF, PR & brass instruments

MMR 65

45th annual supplier directory company listings Crafter USA (D) 319 Business Lane Ste 500 Ashland, VA 23005 Ryan Colton 804- 798-2006 Fax: 804-798-2116 ³ Crafter, Cruzer, Ashland GF Crafters of Tennessee, LLC (M) 14919 Lebanon Rd. Old Hickory, TN 37138 Mark Taylor (615) 773-7200 Fax: (615) 773-7201 ³ Tut Taylor, Tennessee GF

New York, NY 10163; www. 347-404-5088 Fax: 347-710-8819 ³ Madarozzo, Hoyer BO, GF, GA, PR Creative Bags and Cases Ltd./UK P.O. Box Newcastle-upon-Tyne NE99 1JJ UK 44-20-8816-8368 Fax: 44-20-7691-7323 ³ Madarozzo Cases & bags

Creations/ Jean Jacques 11690 B Philippe Panneton R.D.P. Montreal, QC H1E 4G4 Canada (514) 494-8578 Fax: (514) 494-9871

Creative Concepts Publishing P.O. Box 848 Ojai, CA 93024-0848 Matt Haag (805) 339-2999 Fax: (805) 339-2994 PV

Creative Bags and Cases Ltd (D,M) P.O. Box 4668 #14030

Creative Stage Lighting Co.Inc (D,M) P.O. Box 567

North Creek, NY 12853 George Studnicky (518) 251-3302 Fax: 518-251-2908 ³ Dura-Flex, Entertainment Power Systems, Entertainment Industry Tape, Suspension Solutions LE Crescent River Music 104 Swenson St. Mandeville, LA 70448 Milo Mannino (888) 887-9100 Fax: (504) 626-3260 ³ Tuff Enuff Music stands

Vs Series DJ, SE

³ MQ4212, MQ4H, Multi Quartet GF, SE

Cripple Creek Dulcimers (M) 740 Manitou Ave. Manitou Springs, CO 80829 Bud Ford (719) 685-9655 Fax: (719) 685-1373 ³ Cripple Creek GF


Crest Audio Inc./ Crest Console (M) 5022 Hartley Peaven Dr. Meridian, MS 39305 (601) 486-2000 Fax: (601) 486-1380 ³ CA Series, Century GT, Century GTX, Century LM, Century VX, LG Series, Pro 200 Series, V Series,

Crown International (M) 1718 W. Mishawaka Rd. Elkhart, IN 46517 Scott Robbins (574) 294-8000 Fax: (574) 294-8329 ³ Macro Tech, PZM DJ, SE Cruise Audio Systems Inc. (E,M) 2114 Front St. Cuyahoga Falls, OH 44221 Jim Mothersbaugh (330) 923-0019 Fax: (330) 923-8249

CruzTOOLS Inc. P.O. Box 250 Standard, CA 209-536-0491 Fax: 209-536-0463 ³ CruzTOOLS GF, GA, PV CSC Products Co. 3408 Atlantic Ave. Penfield, NY 14526 (585) 377-8559 Fax: (716) 377-0842 CT Audio Marketing P. O. Box 2408 Banner, NC 28604 (772) 873-8080 CTS/Wireless Components Div. (M) 4800 Alameda Blvd. NE Albuquerque, NM 87113 Roger Milewski (505) 348-4260 Fax: (505) 348-4617

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40 Lafayette Place, Kenilworth, New Jersey 07033 Tel: 908-709-8901 • Fax: 908-709-8908 • Email: 66 MMR

Available from all leading jobbers

³ Piezo Tweeters DJ, SE Cuatro-Palmas Company 331 S. Broadway Salem, OH 44460-3005 (330) 332-8683 Fax: (330) 332-3233 Curbow String Instruments P.O. Box 309 24 Allen Lane Morganton, GA 30560 (706) 374-2873 Fax: (706) 374-2530 Curt Mangan Inc. (D,E,I,M) P.O. Box 1778 Cortez, CO 81321 970 564-5935 Fax: (970) 564-5932 ³ Curt Mangan, Fusion Matched GF Custom Music Co. (D,I) 1930 Hilton Rd. Ferndale, MI 48220-1923 Fred Marrich (248) 546-4135 Fax: (248) 546-8296 ³ B&S Perantucci, EF Dean, Fossati, Geoffrey, Hans Hoyer, Hans Mueller, Haybes, Hirsbrunner, Kori, Loree, Muramatsu, Natsuki, Oscar Schmidt, Puchner, Sanders, Saukyo, Sterling, Walter Kroner BO, PR

D D & D Enterprises 113 Dempsey Dr. Rogersville, MO 65742 d&denterprises Don Castlebury (417) 753-2856 Fax: (417) 753-3885 GA, KI D’Addario & Co. (D,M) 595 Smith St. P.O. Box 290 Farmingdale, NY 11735 (631) 439-3300 Fax: (631) 439-3333 ³ D’Addario Strings, Evans Drumheads, HQ, Planet Waves, Rico;,;; BO, DJ, GF, GA, KB, PR, RE, SE

MAY 2009

45th annual supplier directory company listings D’Addario Canada(D,I) 50 W. Wilmot St., Unit 13 Richmond Hill, ON L4B 1M5 Canada Arnold Davidson (905) 889-0116 Fax: (905) 889-8998 ³ Archives, Astel, BeaverCreek, Chin Chum, D’Addario, Danelectro, Dava, Evans, Gripmaster, Helicore, HQ, Kaces, Kaplan, Peace, Planet Waves, Playsound, Prelude, Pure Sound, Qwik Time, Quik Tune, Rico, Shadow, Solutions, Suzuki, Terry Gould, Tycoon, Typhoon, Vater, Wedgie Products BO, GF, GA, PR D’Agostino Musical Inst. (D,E,I) 1618 E. 56th St. Brooklyn, NY 11234 Pat (718) 692-4919 Fax: 718 677-7158 ³ D’Agostino BO, GF D’Andrea Inc.(D,E,I,M) 115 Eileen Way Syosset, NY 11791

68 MMR

Fred DiTomasso (516) 496-2200 Fax: (516) 496-2425 ³ D’Andrea Picks & Music Gear, Display and Play Cases, Ice Pix, Jodi Head Guitar Wear, Scratch Pad, StageRig, Tone Pins, Brain Picks, Snarling Dogs GF, GA D’Angelico Strings 2813 Wilbur St. Battle Creek, MI 49015 (800) 388 4447 Guitar strings D’Aquisto Strings Inc. 20 E. Industry Court Deer Park, NY 11729 Ted Krause (631) 586-4426 Fax: (631) 586-4472 ³ D’Aquisto GF


D-Tar Duncan Turner Acoustic R (M,D) 5427 Hollister Ave Santa Barbara, CA 9311 Billy Gill (805) 964-9610 Fax: (805) 964-9749

³ Equinox, Mama Bear, Papa Bear, Perfect Timbre, Sadducer, Solstice, Timber-Line GF D.M.Faherty Music Co. P.O. Box 11102 Fort Worth, TX 76110 Miles Faherty (817) 923-9904 Woodwind mouthpieces Daisy Rock Guitars (M) 16320 Roscoe Blvd. Ste. 100 Van Nuys, CA 91406 Tommy Norton (877) MY-DAISY Fax: (818) 895-5322 ³ Daisy Rock, Debutante GF Dampits Inc. P.O. Box 493 Radio City Station New York, NY 10101 Ralph Hollander (212) 581-3047 Fax: (212) 265-9601 Humidifiers Dampp-Chaser Electronics Corp. (M) P.O. Box 1610

Hendersonville, NC 28793 (828) 692-8271 Fax: (828) 692-8272 ³ Piano Life Saver System, System Saver GA, KI Dan’l Guitars, Inc (M) 4107 Tecate Trail Austin, TX (512) 934-1851 ³ Saturn IV, Pfazer, X-CalibR GF Dana B. Goods (D) 4054 Transport St. Unit A Ventura, CA 93003 805-856-1704 Fax: 805-644-6332 ³ ARIA, MTD KINGSTON, T-REX, Lehle, ADK, Red Witch, Mighty Mover, D’AQUISTO, JAM STANDS GF, GA, RE, SE Danelectro Guitars (D) P.O. Box 5030 San Clemente, CA 92674 (949) 498-9854 Fax: (949) 369-8500

³ Danelectro Guitars GF Danish Pro Audio/ TGI North Ame 300 Gage Ave., Unit 1 Kitchener, ON N2M 2C8 Canada Marc Bertrand (519) 745-1158 Fax: (519) 745-2364 SE, RE Danmar 17955 Sky Park Cir., Unit H Irvine, CA 92(714) 6314 Frank De Vito (949) 756-8481 Fax: (949) 756-9214 Drums DANSR, Inc. (D) 818 W Evergreen Ave Chicago, IL 312-475-0464 Fax: 312-475-0958 ³ Vandoren, Denis Wick, Hamilton BO The Dava Co. (M) 11521 Snowheights Blvd NE Albuquerque, NM 87112

Dave Storey (505) 292-4578 Fax: (505) 292-4578 ³ Dava GF, GA Dave Smith Instruments (M) 1210 N Cabrillo Hwy Half Moon Bay, CA (707) 963 7006 Fax: (707)286-5501 ³ Prophet ‘08 Keyboard, Prophet 08 Module SY Dave Wyre Strings (D,E,I,M) 249 Betty Ann Drive North York, ON M2R 1A6 Canada (416) 225-5089 Fax: (416) 225-5265 ³ Wyre’s GF David E. Smith Publications, LLC (P,D) 4826 Shabbona Rd. Deckerville, MI 48427, www. David E Smith (810) 376-9055

MAY 2009

145 PETROF years sounds


Asymmetrically crowned, tapered soundboard extends under all bridges resulting in superior transfer of vibrations.

The (front and rear) duplexes are tuned up to higher harmonic intervals as quints, octaves and their sums.

Ebony bridge caps in the descant (treble) section assures richer, more dynamic high notes.

Petrof is in its fifth generation of creating handmade European pianos and has been 5400 Lawrenceville Hwy, Suite B1 • Lilburn, GA 30047 (770)564.4974 • w w w . p e t r o f p i a n o u s a . c o m

wholly family owned and operated since 1864.

45th annual supplier directory company listings ³ David E. Smith Publications, Majestic Music Publications, Psalm 150, Rich Heffler Music, River Song Production, Ken Bauer Production, Light of the World Music, Stockton Music Services PV David Gage String Instrument R (D,E,I,M) 36 Walker St. New York, NY 10013-3514 Judy Epstein (212) 274-1322 Fax: (212) 274-9634 ³ Czech Case, The Gage Case, The Realist, The Realist Violin BO Davitt & Hanser Music Co. (D,E,I,M) 3015 Kustom Drive Hebron, KY 8598177100 Fax: (859)617-7150 ³ Excel, Hohner, Musino, Remo, Rico, Shure, Woods BO, DJ, GF, GA, KI, LE, PR, PV, RE, SE Day’s Journey Music Co. 462 Nichols Rd.

70 MMR

Skamania, WA 98648 (800) 295-5709 DBL Distributing 16648 N. 94th Street Scottsdale, AZ 85260 Bruce Kuperman (480) 596-8636 Fax: (800) 388-9636 dbx Professional Products 8760 S. Sandy Pkwy. Sandy, UT 84070 (801) 568-7660 Fax: (801) 568-7662 ddrum (M) 4924 West Waters Ave. Tampa, FL 33634 (866) 864-7659 Fax: (813) (936) 6413 ³ Ddrum PR Deakon Roads Guitars P.O. Box 9802 Saskatoon, SK S7K 7Z2 Canada Leann East

(306) 244-3566 Fax: (306) 244-4052 GF Dealer Direct P.O. Box 8798 Newport Beach, CA 92658 Alex Folken (949) 752-0050 Fax: (949) 752-0056 BO, GF, GA, KP, KI, PR, PV RE, SE Dean Guitars 4924 W. Waters Ave. Tampa, FL 33634 Jon Paul (813) 600-3920 Fax: (813) (936) 6409 ³ Dean GF


Dean Markley Strings (M) 3350 Scott Blvd., #45 Santa Clara, CA 95054 Mike Connolly (408) 988-2456 Fax: (408) 988-0441 ³ Dean Markley GF

Dean Musical Instruments (M) 15251 Roosevelt Blvd. Ste 206 Clearwater, FL 34677 Jon Puhl (727) 519-9669 Fax: (727) 519-9703 ³ Ddrum, Nord, Red Sound GF Decals for Pianos(D,M) P.O. Box 20520 Albuquerque, NM 87154 Larry Ashley (505) 296-5499 Fax: (505) 323-0252 ³ Decals For Pianos KI Decals Unlimited 222 McCarrons Blvd. North Roseville, MN (651) 429-4465 Fax: (651) 429-5155 ³ Decals Unlimited Decor Music Inc (D,E,I,M) P.O. Box 4050 Sparks, NV 89432 Lily June

775- 356-8887 Fax: 775- 356-8577 ³ Concord, Dominant String, Horst John BO Deering Banjo Company (M) 3733 Kenora Drive Spring Valley, CA 91977 Barry Hunn 619-464-8252 Fax: 619-464-0833 ³ Tenbrooks, Deering, Goodtime, Vega DEG Music Products Inc. (M) N3475 Springfield Road P.O. Box 968 Lake Geneva, WI 53147 Peg Dembski (262) (248) 8314 Fax: (262) (248) 7953 ³ Dynasty, Signature, Schafer BO, GA, PR, PV, SE Delaney Guitars (M) 5350 Moon Road Powder Springs, GA 30127 (770) 222-4760

³ Delaney, Abel Axe GF Dell’Arte Instruments (M) 852 Pamela Lane El Cajon, CA Alain Cola (619) 596-7739 Fax: (619) 596-7799 ³ Big Tone, Dell’Arte, Dugain GF Deltex Music Corp. P.O. Box 168 Monsey, NY 10952 (845) 356-2098 Fax: (845) (352) 4220 Violins, violas, cellos Demeter Amplification (M) 6990 Kingsbury Rd. Templeton, CA Diane Demeter (805) 467-4100 Fax: (805) 267-4079 ³ Tube Direct, Compulator, Tremulator GF, RE Denon DJ 1000 Maplewood Drive Itasca, IL 60143-


MAY 2009

For over 55 years Keystone has been supplying Battery Clips and Contacts to all industries, including the music industry. We pride ourselves in designing and manufacturing quality products that you can depend on. Some applications include: Guitars, Basses, Acoustic Pickups, Microphones, Amplifiers and Effects Pedals. Play with the best. Get the Keystone connection.

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Call or Click for Catalog M55 Available from our global distributor network

45th annual supplier directory company listings Wayne Dolnick gone (973) 396-7469 Fax: (973) 396-7459 ³ Denon DJ, RE, SE Design4Sound Vertriebs Gmbh Mooslackengasse 17 1190 Vienna Austria 43123060 Fax: 43123060 DF Music Enterprises Inc. (D) 2847 Bond Circle Naperville, IL (630) 267-9828 Fax: (630) 357-7593 ³ Denis Wick, Conn-Selmer, Wisemann BO, CE Digidesign 2001 Junipero Serra Blvd, Ste. 200 Daly City, CA 94014 Suz Howells (650) 731-6300 Fax: (650) 731-6399 Sequencers, software

72 MMR

Digital Audio Labs (M) 13705 26th Ave. N. #102 Plymouth, MN 55441 Eric Jorde (763) 559-9098 Fax: (763) 559-0124 ³ Card D Family, V8 CE, RE Digital Designs International (M) 912 N. Classen Blvd. Oklahoma City, OK 73106 Aysha Almueti (405) 239-2800 Fax: (405) 239-7100 ³ Digital Designs Speakers Digital Edge 2660 3rd St., #201 San Francisco, CA 94107 (415) 285-9860 Fax: (415) 285-9862 CE Digital Music Corp.(M) 3155 Coffey Lane Petaluma, CA 94952 Skip Urmson (707) 782-0600 Fax: (707) 782-9777

³ Voodoo Lab GF Digital Revolution Inc. (D,M) P.O. Box 10741 Rochester, NY 14610 John Wiesenthal (585) 381-7089 ³ Bird of Paradise, Blackbird Capo Dillion Guitars (D,E,I,M) 207 Whiteberry Dr. Cary, NC 27519 John Vinci 919- 387-0067 Fax: 919- 363-8340 ³ Dillion Guitars GF, GA DiMarzio Inc. (M) P O Box 1000387 Staten Island, NY 10310 Larry DiMarzio (718) 981-9286 Fax: (718) 720-5296 ³ CLip Lock Strap, Super Distortion GF Dingwall Guitars Box 9194 Saskatoon, SK S7K 7E8

Canada (306) 242-6201 Fax: (306) 242-6404 DiPinto Guitars (M) 407 E. Girard St. Philadelphia, PA 19125 Chris DiPinto 215-923-2353 Fax: 215-923-5899 ³ DiPinto, K & A GF Paul Shelden Global Productions/ Diplomatte Musical (D,E,I,M) 1405 Sturl Avenue Hewlett, NY 11557 (516) 967-0005 ³ Diplomat, Diplomatte BO Direct Import Assistance Corporation 354 Balmoral Drive Cleveland, OH (216) 973-6790 Fax: 440-461-3631 Direct Music Supply (D,I,E) 2110 Pennsylvania Ave.

Niagara Falls, NY 14305 (716) 285-6903 Fax: (716) 285-8760 ³ Mike Balter, Crown Percussion by Remo, DW Pedals & Stands, Encore, Humes & Berg, NC Zero Rings, PDP Pacific Drums, Stick Handler, Danmar, Holz, Probeat, Regal Tip, Remo, Zildjian PR Direct Sound Headphones (M) 4405 Meramec Bottom Road Ste. J St. Louis, MO John Gresko (314) 845-7667 Fax: (314) 845-8640 ³ Extreme Isolation RE, SE Disc Makers 7905 N. Rt. 130 Pennsauken, NJ 08110-1402 Mark Giffen (800) 468-9353 Fax: (856) 661-3455 Discacciati Benches Via Vicenza 7

I-20036 Meda (Mi) Italy Discrete Drums (M) P.O. Box 361 Villanova, PA 19085 Andy Perry 610-637-9908 Fax: 610-971-4810 ³ Discrete Drums RE Diversi Musical Instruments (M) P.O. Box 74 Woodlyn, PA 19094 Tom Tuson 610-579-9047 ³ Diversi, Diversi SpinTone KI D.J. Miller Music Distributors (D) P O Box 7 Nederland, CO 80301 Dale Miller (303) 545-9650 Fax: (303) 545-9694 ³ Chartbuster, Music Maestro, Pop Hits Monthly, Pocket Songs/MMO, Priddis Music, Sound Choice, Top Hits

MAY 2009


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� The Platinum Plan Plus - to increase commission percentage. � The Annual Rental Bonus Plan - for an additional cash bonus.

� Each Affiliate is able to create a Custom, Competitive, and Profitable price schedule for the

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� An Affiliate’s territory is protected. NEMC will not set up its own retail stores in an Affiliate’s territory. compete against its own Affiliates by renting ‘On-Line’.

For Complete Information: Call Toll Free (800) 526-4593 Ext. 240

Ask For Gene Garb


National Educational Music Company 1181 Route 22, Box 1130 Mountainside, New Jersey 07092

45th annual supplier directory company listings Monthly, VocoPro, RSQ KP DJ Skirts (M) 1481 Timber Drive Elgin, IL Steve Jones (847) 603-8700 Fax: (415) 634-2640 ³ DJ Skirts, Glow Skirts BO, DJ, GA, KP, LE, SE DnR Guitars L.L.C. (M) 3769 Peralta Fremont, CA 94536 510-(713) 0367 Fax: 510-(713) 0160 ³ Brace Ade GF Doc’s Proplugs, Inc. (D,M,E) 719 Swift St., Ste. 56 Santa Cruz, CA 95060 (831) (425) 5920 Fax: (831) (425) 0178 ³ Doc’s Proplug, Doc’s Protune, Doc’s Promold GA DOD/DigiTech 8760 S. Sandy Pky. Sandy, UT 84070 Paul Muniz (801) 566-8800 Fax: (801) 566-7005 ³ DigiTech, Johnson Amplification RE, SE


The Dodge Guitar Co. 2120 Longview Dr. Tallahassee, FL 32303 Rick Dodge (850) 562-4331 Fax: (850) 562-9187

(765) 643-3724 Fax: (765) 643-3724 BO, GF, GA, KI, LE, PR, SE DPA Microphones (D) 2432 N Main St Ste 200 Longmont, CO 80501Shane Beeson (303) 485-1025 Fax: (519) 745-2364 ³ DPA RE, SE DR Handmade Strings (D,M) 7 Palisade Ave. Emerson, NJ 07630 Mark Dronge (201) 599-0100 Fax: (800) 809-8295 ³ Alchemy, Electric Piano, Extra-Life, Fat Beams, Highbeam, Istanbul A6OP, Lo Rider, Mel Menis Signature, Micro B II, Pure-Blues, Rare Phosphor Bronze, Spin II, Sunbeam, Tite Fit, US Organ Module, Zebra GF, KI, PR, Strings Drum Axis (I,M) 22002 Carbon Mesa Road Malibu, CA 90265 Jeff Klinkefus (310) 909-8549 Fax: (801) 730-4337 ³ Drum Rugs, Sticky Grippers PR Drum 305 East Taylor St ste 215 San Jose, CA 95112 (408) 971-9794 Fax: (408) 971-0382 Magazine

Dolsey Ltd (D,I,M) 863 West 44th Street Norfolk, VA 23(508) (757) 423-3037 Fax: (757) 423-5568 ³ Michael Dolsey Designs, Stick Stand, Dolsey GF

Drum Tech (M) 9018 Balboa Blvd. Ste. 107 Northridge, CA 91325 Doug James 413- 538-7586 Fax: 413- 538-8274 ³ DTS, FAT Pedal, HAT Pedal, Pole Pad PR

Dover Publications Inc. 31 East 2nd St. Mineola, NY 11501 Jerry Meskill (516) 294-7000 Fax: (516) 873-1401 PV

Drum Workshop Inc. 3450 Lunar Court Oxnard, CA 93030 (805) 485-6999 Fax: 8054851029 PR

Downham Musical Instrument Sal 2307 Broadway Street Anderson, IN 46012Randy Downham

Drum-A-Long (M) Rhythmic Magic P.O. Box 28 Frazier Park, CA 93225 Richard Schwager

74 MMR (661) 245-5628 ³ Drum-A-Long BO, GA, PR Jim Dunlop (707) 745-2722 Fax: (707) 745-2658 ³ Crybaby, Heil Talkbox, Hot Licks, MXR, Matchpik, Picker’s Pal, Rotovibe, Shy Slide, Straplok, Stubby, Stylus Pick, Teckpick, Tortex, Univibe, Jimi Hendrix Picks, accessories, effects

Drumfun Inc. 269 Old Route 304 New City, NY 10956 (914) 661-8298 Drumnetics Company 7508 Pilot Cove Court Denver, NC Michael VanDyke (704)822-2595 Fax: (704)827-1735 ³ Drumnetics PR


Drumspan/ K.J. Music (A/O,M) P.O. Box 1994 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91729-1994 Keith Jones (909) 989-0246 Fax: (909) 989-0246 ³ Drumspan, Psuedo Drumsticks, Tye-Stix (D,M) 1919 Boston Post Rd. Madison, CT 06443 Marcel P. Blanchet (203) 453-2849 Fax: (603) 754-3967 ³ LP, Peace, Pearl, Remo, Sabian, Tama, Yamaha, Zildjian BO, CE, DJ, KP, LE, PR, PV Ducks Deluxe (M) P.O. Box 35677 Las Vegas, NV 89133 John Duck (702) 878-4948 Fax: (702) 878-4959 ³ Dr. Ducks AX Wax and String Lube, Music Copyright Notebook Kit, Dr. Ducks Jazz/Fat Guitar Strings, Guitar Neck Support Rest, Ducks Deluxe Acoustic Strings GF, PV Dulcimer Shoppe (M) P.O. Box 1230 Mountain View, AR 72560 Betty Woods (870) 269-4313 Fax: (870) 269-5283 ³ McSpadden Mountain Dulcimers Dulcimers Dunlop Manufacturing Inc. (M) 150 Industrial Way P.O. Box 846 Benicia, CA 94510

Duplex Percussion (M) 3800 Kelley Ave. Cleveland, OH 44114 Ron Kulow (216) 391-1234 Fax: (216) 391-8999 ³ Drum Clinic, Drum Corps, Duplex, First Note, Nylo-Tex, Snappy Snares, Sounds Around the World BO, GA, PR, See Grover Musical Products Dusty Strings (M) 3450 16th Ave. W. Seattle, WA 98119 Sue Mooers (206) 634-1656 Fax: (206) 691-3712 ³ Dusty Strings GF DVForge Inc. 83 Industrial Park Drive Hendersonville, TN 37075 (615) 822-9270 Fax: (615) 822-2790 DW Labs P.O. Box 882 Millburn, NJ 07041 Jeff Davis (973) 376-8453 Preamps, effects managers, guitar pedals DY Music USA, Inc. 1132 S. Telegraph Rd Monroe, MI (734) 384-1705 Fax: (734) 384-1705 Dynamic Music Distributing (D) P.O. Box 270655 Milwaukee, WI 53227 Jay Isaacson (262) 786-4130 Fax: (800) 211-5570 ³ Archer, Union BO, DJ, GF, KI, LE, PR, PV, SE

E E. & O. Mari Inc./ La Bella 256 Broadway Newburgh, NY 12550 Robert Archigian

(M) (845) 562-4400 Fax: (845) 562-4491 ³ Series 2001, Criterion, Electrics, Hard Rockin’ Steel, La Bella, Elite, Acoustics, Rollerworld, Multicore BO, GF E-mu Systems Inc. (M) 1600 Green Hills Rd. P.O. Box 66303 Scotts Valley, CA 950676 Advertising Director (831) 438-1921 Fax: (831) 438-8612 ³ Emulator, Proteus CE, RE, SY, Electric percussion, sampling keyboards E-Pad Enterprises (M) 31125 Via Colinas, Ste 908 Thousand Oaks, CA 91362 Ed Eblen (818) 889-EPAD Fax: (818) 886-3725 ³ E-Pad!, Hooked, Drummer’s Woodshed GA, PR E.F. Dean Flutemakers c/o Custom Music Company 1930 Hilton Ferndale, MI 48220 (810) 546-4135 Fax: (810) 546-8296 Handmade flutes & piccolos E.K. Blessing Co. Inc. 1301 W. Beardsley Ave. Elkhart, IN 46514 Randy Johnson (574) 293-0833 Fax: (574) 293-8398 BO E.M. Winston 44B Markfield Drive Charleston, SC Don Rhodes (843) 614-8050 Fax: (843) 614-8051 BO E.T.I. Sound Systems Inc. (M) 3383 Gage Ave. Huntington Park, CA 90255 Avi El-Kiss (323) 277-4100 Fax: (323) 277-4108 ³ B-52, Bass-bomber, Ecstasy, Storm DJ, KP, SE Earthworks, Inc. (M) 37 Wilton Road Milford, NH 03055 Larry Blakely (603) 654-6427 X14 Fax: (603) 654-6107 ³ High Definition Microphones™, DrumKit™

System, KickPad™, LevelPad™ , ZDT™ , Periscope Microphones™, ChoirMic™, Larry Blakely SE Eastern Acoustic Works Inc. 1 Main St. Whitinsville, MA 01588 Karen Anderson (860) 974-3699 Fax: (508) 234-8251 Loudspeaker systems Eastman Guitars and Mandolins (D,E,I,M) 22525 Gateway Center Dr. Clarksburg, MD 20871 240-686-2050 Fax: 240-686-2058 ³ Eastman Strings, Eastman Winds, Eastman Cases, Eastman Guitars, Eastman Mandolins, Wm. S. Haynes Flutes GF Eastman Winds 2138 Pomona Blvd. Pomona, CA 91768 Mike Maas (909) 868-1777 Fax: (909) 868-1773 BO Eastwood Guitars (M) 348 Guelph Street - Unit 17 Georgetown, ON L6Y 1M9 Canada Mike Robinson (416) 294-6165 ³ Eastwood GF Echeverria Guitars Inc. (M) P.O. Box 1314 Sonoita, AZ 85637 Richard Echeverria (770) 968-0491 ³ Echeverria GF Echo Audio (M) 6460 Via Real Carpenteria, CA 93013 Bill Adler (805) 684-4593 Fax: (805) 684-6628 ³ Echo CE, DJ, RE Ed Myers Co. 107 W. Turbo Dr. San Antonio, TX 78216 Rex Bullock (800) (228) 9188 Fax: (210) 342-9979 Woodwind Pads, Repair Parts

MAY 2009

Over the years, Pocket Songs has expanded its song offerings to over 15,000 songs, by all artists in all styles and all periods. Specially noteworthy are five new Ella Fitzgerald albums featuring music of Irving Berlin, Cole Porter, George Gershwin, and Rodgers & Hart. We contracted our All-Star Nashvile Band to provide accompaniments. Frank Sinatra has new albums devoted to his classic repertoire. Again a Nashville Big Band featuring his original arrangements. Over 400 Sinatra songs exist in our Sinatra library. We are a fully authorized distributor of Disney including the two Taylor Swift DVD/CDG releases as well as the High School Musical genre. In addition to our full line of Broadway shows, we also offer classical singers a wide array of opera and arias which include printed sheet music. We have it all for the true vocalist as well as those who want to expand their horizons or just want to have fun.

All of these may be found on our two websites, including audio clips for every song.

Contact Steve Rose to place your orders. Tel: 1

800 669-7464 • 914 592-1188 (in New York State)

45th annual supplier directory company listings Ed Roman World Class Guitars 4721 Dean Martin Drive Las Vegas, NV 89103 (702) 875-4552 Fax: (702) 875-4012 ³ Abstract Guitars & Basses, Baker Guitars, Centurion Guitars, Fab Fakes, J. Frog, JET Guitars, Lowrider Basses, LSR Guitars, Mosrite Guitars, Pearlcaster Guitars, Roman Eastman, Roman Floyd Rose, Roman Acoustic, Scorpion Guitars, Vampire Guitars, Viking Guitars, Ultratone parts Edirol (See Roland U.S.A.)


Edition HAS Music Publishing (P/J) 5100 S. Eastern Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90040-2938 Holger Siems (323) 890-3700 Fax: (323) 890-3701 ³ Edition HAS PV, GA Educational Music Accessories (M) P.O. Box 5273 San Clemente, CA 92674 (949) 481-5873 Fax: (949) 369-3850 ³ Metro Pad PR Educational Programs Pub. 1784 W. Schuylkill Rd. Douglassville, PA 19518 Joe Pappas (610) 327-3050 Fax: (610) 327-4786 Publisher of instrumental music Edward Amplification 41 Corman Place Stoney Creek, ON L8G 4W6 Canada (905) 664-1274 Fax: (905) 664-5319 SE Edwards Music Publishing (P/J) 305 St. Augustine Ave. Tampa, FL 33617 Bill Edwards (813) 985-2689 Fax: (813) 985-0554 ³ Bass Logic, Guitar Tablature, Pianomanuscript, Melodic Finger Style Guitar, Watch Me Play PV

76 MMR

Egnater Custom Amplifiers 3833 W. 12 Mile Rd. Berkley, MI (248)(541) 9100 Fax: (248)(541) 9102 GF Ego Systems Inc (D,M) 501 S Bascom Ave San Jose, CA, J.J. Jenkins (408) 907-7684 Fax: (408) 625-7588 ³ Audiotrak, ESI DJ, KI, RE, SE, SY Eisele Guitars 14 Aulike St. #409 Kailua, HI 96734 Donn Eisele (808) 254-5679 Guitars El Mar Corp. 840 E. Walnut St. Carson, CA 90746 (310) 327-3180 Fax: (310) 327-0491 Cases El-Com Hardware Inc. (D,M) 12691 Monarch St. Garden Grove, CA 92841 Paul Zamberg (714) 378-1717 Fax: (714) 378-1724 ³ Mid-Atlantic, Neutrik Case hardware Eleca International (D,M) 21088 Commerce Point Dr. Walnut, CA 91789 (909) 468-1382 Fax: (909) 468-1652 ³ Dinosaur GF, GA, Electratone, Inc Phoenix, AZ (480) 612-3956 ElectroHarmonix (D,M) 32-33 47th Avenue Long Island CIty, NY (718) 937-8300 Fax: (718) 937-9111 ³ Electro-Harmonix, Vacuum Tubes DJ, GF, GA, RE Electro-Voice Inc. 12000 Portland Avenue Burnsville, MN 55337 James Edlund

(952) 884-4051 Fax: (952) 884-0043 PR, PV, RE, SE Electronic Musician Magazine (P/J) 6400 Hollis St., Ste. 12 Emeryville, CA 94608 (510) 653-3307 Fax: (510) 653-5142 ³ Digital Piano Buyer’s Guide, Electronic Musician, Jam-The EM Guide to Gigging, Personal Studio Buyer’s Guide PV Elixir Strings 201 Airport Rd. Elkton, MD 21921 Fax: (410) 506-7538 ³ Elixer Strings GF


Elkhart Cases P.O. Box 1414 Elkhart, IN 46515 (574) 295-7700 Fax: (574) 295-7761 ³ Durite BO, GF, GA


Elliott Electronics (M) P.O. Box 296 Elkhart, IN 46514 Larry Truman (219) 522-4911 Fax: (219) 295-5180 ³ Elliott Electronics SE Elrick Bass 3814 N. Mozart St. Chicago, IL 60618 (773) 588-2017 EM-BEE Ideas 13291 Kenroyal Dr. St. Louis, MO 63131 Michael W. Brooks 314- 966-4129 Fax: 314- 966-6923 ³ Poly Band Stand BO, GA


Emac Music Inc 1498 Sw First St Boca Raton, FL 33486 Eduardo Macadar (561) 393-1933 Fax: (561) 347-0291 EMD Music Inc. (D) P.O. Box 487 La Vergne, TN 37086 (615) 793-8787 Fax: (877) 231-6653 ³ Stagg BO, GF, GA, KI, PR, SE eMedia Music 664 NE North Lake Way Seattle, WA 98105 Dave Kurtiak (888) 363-3424 Fax: (206) 329-0235 CE Emerald Reed Co. P.O. Box 1422 Port Townsend, WA 98368 David Krabill (800) 359-1279 Fax: (800) 347-5992 Reeds, BO Emerson Musical Instruments (M) P.O. Box 310 Elkhart, IN 46515 (219) 522-1675 Fax: (219) 295-5405 ³ Legacy BO Emery & Webb Insurance Co. (A/O) 989 Main St. Fishkill, NY 12524 John Webb (845) 896-6727 Fax: (845) 896-6877 ³ Travelers Insurance EMG Inc. P.O. Box 4394 Santa Rosa, CA 95402 (707) 525-9941 Fax: (707) 575-7046 GF Eminence Speaker (D,E,I,M) P.O. Box 360 838 Mulberry Pk. Eminence, KY 40019 Jody Rucker (502) 845-5622 Fax: (502) 845- 5653 ³ Eminence, Patriot/Redcost DJ, GF, KP, RE, SE

Encore Etc., Inc. Maestro MD 100 Burtt Road Andover, MA 01810 Cynthia Connelly (978) 533-3015 Fax: (781) 439-0780 ³ Maestro MD Encore Mallets Inc.(M) 437 Southbord Drive, Ste. 100 Lewisville, TX 75057 Dan Lidster (972) 436-6963 Fax: (972) 436-6963 ³ Nancy Zeltsman Marimba Mallets, Nanac Minura Marimba Mallets, Naoko Takada Marimba Mallets, Allen Joanis Sname Snare and Tenor Drum Sticks, Marimba/Vibe Mallets, Doug Walter Marimba/ Vibe Mallets, Nick Petrella, Bryan Carrott PR Engelhardt-Link Inc. 185 King St. Elk Grove Village, IL 60007 (847) 593-5850 Fax: (847) 593-5894 Bass, cello Enrick Company P.O. Box 37 150 E. 1st St. Zumbrota, MN 55992 Vince Small (507) (732) 5215 Fax: (507) 625-6570 Moving dollies Enter Music Publishing Inc 345 E.Taylor St #215 San Jose, CA 95112 (408) 971-9794 Fax: (408) 971-0382

Emmite Drumsticks (M) 71 Sherwood Drive Guelph, ON N1E 6E6 Canada Mary Eva Maine (519) 823-1465 Fax: (519) 821-9983 ³ Emmite PR

Entertainment Music Mktg. Corp (D,I,M) 770-9 Grand Blvd. Deer Park, NY 11729 Jeffrey Saltzman (631) 243-0600 Fax: (631) 243-0605 ³ Beltone, Kohlert, Leon Aubert, Mathias Thoma, Premier, Revere, Starmaker, Verona BO, KP

Emmons Guitar Co. Inc. 1771 E. Webb Ave. P.O. Box 1366 Burlington, NC 27216 Ron Lashley Sr. (336) 227-2782 Fax: (336) 222-1911 Pedal steel & access., amps

Entertainment Resources Group (M) 435 Lawrence Bell Dr. Unit 1b Williamsville, NY 14221-8442 Richard Gastmeier (800) 465-0779 Fax: (800) 753-3547

³ Nu Life, Nu Urban, SZC, SZP, Nu Country, Nu Dance, Nu Music, Nu Rock, Nu Tracks DJ Epifani Custom Sound Systems 68 34th Street, Fl. 3 Brooklyn, NY 11232 Nick Epifani (718) 832-4664 Fax: (718) 965-3770 SE Epilog Laser 16371 Table Mountain Pkwy Golden, CO 80403 (303) 277-1188 Fax: (303) 277-9669 Epiphone Guitar Co. 645 Massman Drive Nashville, TN 37210 Jim Rosenberg (615) 871-4500 Fax: (615) 872-7768 GF EPM Corp. (M) 399 South Edgeware Road Unit 6 St. Thomas, ON N5P 4B8 Canada Thomas Jukna (519) 633-5195 Fax: (519) 633-8314 ³ Quantum Series, AGTSeries Electronic acoustic pickups, GF, GA, RE Erikson Music (D) 21000 Trans Canada Hwy. Baie D’Urfe, QC H9X 4B7 Canada (514) 457-2555 Fax: (514) 457-0055 ³ AKG, Antares, CerwinVega, Focurite, Fostex, KRK, Novation, Stanton, Vestax Erikson Pro Audio (D) 21000 Trans Canada Hwy. Baie D’Urfe, QC H9X 4B7 Canada J. Carman (514) 457-2555 Fax: (514) 457-4986 ³ Aphex, KVZ, Mach, Swefog, Allen & Heath, Martin Lighting Erizias Basses (M) 5278 Fabre #C Montreal, QC H2J 3W5 Canada Pierre Erizias (514) 805-5493

MAY 2009

company listings ³ Erizias Basses GF Erlewine Guitars 4402 Burnet Rd. Austin, TX 78756 Mark Erlewine (512) 302-1225 Fax: (512) 371-1655 Travel guitars, headless electric guitars Ernest Deffner Inc.(D,E,I,M,P) P.O. Box 11663 Alexandria, VA 22312 Faith Deffner 703-941-9300 Fax: 703-941-9301 ³ Titano Accordions, PANcordion Accordions, Pig ini Accordions, Ernest Deffner GA, KI, PV, SE, SY Ernie Ball Inc./Music Man (D,E,M) 151 Suburban Rd. San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 (805) 544-7726 Fax: (805) 544-7275 ³ Earthwood, Ernesto Palla, Music Man, Polypro, Slinky, Ultraflex, Custom Gauge, Ernie Ball GF ESI America 10052 Pasadena Venue, Ste. B Cupertino, CA 95014 (408) 517-0457 Fax: (408) 625-7588 ESP Guitar Co. (M) 10913 Vanowen St., Unit A N. Hollywood, CA 91605 Marsh Gooch (800) 423-9388 Fax: (818) 506-1378 ³ ESP, LTD, Xtone Essential Sound Products PO Box 81998 Rochester, MI 48308-1998 (248) 375-2655 Fax: (248) 375-2701 ETA Systems 1450 Lakeside Drive Waukegan, IL 60085 Victor Pavona (330) 677-4424 Fax: (330) 677-4471 ³ ETA CE, SE


Etros Music LLC (D,E,I) 10362 NW 55th Street Sunrise, FL

MAY 2009

Georges Firmignac (954) 746-2777 Fax: (954) 749-3333 ³ Giannini, Giannini, Axent GF European Crafts/ USA (D,E,I) 3637 Cahuenga Blvd. Hollywood, CA 90068 (323) 851-4070 Fax: (323) 851-0148 ³ Amati, Candelas, DeVillier, Estrella, Pyle, Speedfire 1000, Strunal BO, GF, GA, PR, SE European Musical Imports Inc (D,I) P.O. Box 1071 Township of Washington, NJ 07676 Domenick Mandrafina (201) 497-5079 ³ BSM, George Dennis, Headway Electronics, JT Products, Lehle, ³ MM, T-Rex GF Evans Drumheads (D,E,M) c/o J. D’Addario & Co., Inc. 595 Smith St. Farmingdale, NY 11735 Tom Hurst (631) 439-3300 Fax: (631) 439-3333 ³ EQ System, Hydraulic, MX Series, Orchestral Heads, Power Center, ST, Uno 58 PR Eventide (M) One Alsan Way Little Ferry, NJ 07643 (201) 641-1200 Fax: (201) 641-1640 ³ Eclipse Harmonizer, Orville Harmonizer, Eventide Harmonizer RE, SE Evercast P.O. Box 126 Ringoes, NJ 08551 Terry Dennis (609) 466-8101 Fax: (609) 466-8160 ³ Evercast Everett Guitars (M) 1903 Sandlewood Ln. Atlanta, GA 30341 Kent Everett (770) 454-6618 ³ Everett Laurel A Model, Everett Elan, Everett Laurel O Model GF

Everjoy Music Inc. (D) 63 Peters Canyon Road Irvine, CA (714) 730-1688 ³ Christino BO Everly Music Company (D,I,M) 7303 Atoll Street North Hollywood, CA Jason Everly (818) 503-2700 Fax: (818) 842-5980 ³ Postal Monkey, Cleartone Strings, Everly Strings GF Everyone’s Drumming (D,I,M) P.O. Box 361 Putney, VT 05346 www.everyone’ Matt Broad (802) 387-2249 Fax: (802) 387-2249 ³ Everyone’s Drumming PR, PV Everything Ears 1318 Memorial Drive Ste. 201 Bryan, TX 77(802) (979)776-2088 Evets Corporation P.O. Box 1327 Camarillo, CA 93011 805-389-4605 GF Excetylene Cables (M) P.O. Box 126 Ringoes, NJ (609)466-8101 Fax: (609)466-8160 ³ Excetylene GF Exotic Woods/ Musikraft Inc. (M) P.O. Box 532 Sicklerville, NJ 08081 Gulab Gidwani (856) 728-5555 Fax: (856) 728-6262 ³ Musikraft Guitar parts Experience Hendrix LLC 14501 Interurban Ave. S. Seattle, WA 98168-4657 (206) 241-5464 Fax: (206) 223-0114

F F-Bass 16 McKinstry St. Hamilton, ON L8L 6C1 Canada


George Furlanetto (905) 522-1582 ³ F Bass, SBJ, F Guitar, Big F Boost, F Bass Strings GF F.E. Olds and Son Inc. (M) P.O. Box 2669 Westfield, NJ 07091 (908) 233-5354 Fax: (908) 789-3025 ³ Ernst Georg Dumel, F.A. Reynolds, F.E. Olds & Sons, Frederick Halbsgut, Herman Kreiser, International Strings, Jos. Heinrich Reinhart, Otto B. Hoffstainer, Pro SS, Rudolph Kleinsagen BO, PR


Factory Metal Percussion 9949 Desert View Road Pinon Hills, CA (760) 868-4808 Fall Creek Marimbas (M) P O Box 306 Canandaigua, NY 14424(585) 554-4011 Fax: (585) 554-4017 ³ Fall Creek Marimbas PR Fancy Pans Steel Drums and Per (M) 36250 Enterprise Rd. Creswell, OR 97426Linda Kemer (541) 744-8001 ³ Fancy Pans Steel drums, related products Farley’s Essentials P.O. Box 1090 Gold Hill, OR 97525 Michael Farley (800) 964-9827 Fax: (541) 855-1691 GF, GA, LE

That’s why it sounds so alive. If ambient noise is a problem when you’re hooked to earphones, meet the assassin. The CAD NB2 Noise-Cancelling Professional Earphones kill extraneous noises to improve sound quality — during the set or in kickback mode. Three ear insert sizes for precise fit. And brace yourself: they’re surprisingly affordable.

Farnell Ultra-Lite Guitar Co. (D,M) 180 N. 10 Ave. Upland, CA 91786 Al Farnell (909) 910-7551 ³ Farnell Ultra-Lite GF Farralane Lighting & Audio In 300 Rte. 109 Farmingdale, NY 11735 Peter Liberatos (516) 752-9824 Fax: (516) 752-8781 LE, SE

Because an ear is a terrible thing to waste.


MMR 77

45th annual supplier directory company listings Fat Cat Instrument Co., Inc. (M) 380 Riverside Dr., Ste. 7C New York, NY 10025 Ray Lucia (212) 665-5237 ³ Fat Cat Tuning Slide Grease, Fat Cat Creme, Fat Cat Instant Oil BO Fat Congas 250 W. Mountain Dr. Santa Barbara, CA 93103 (805) 969-6125 Fax: (805) 969-1425 PR, Congas Fatar Studio Series Midi Contr 625 Locust St. Garden City, NY 11530 (516) 794-1888 Fax: (516) (352) 0754 Fatpro Technologies (M) 8513 Elm Ave. Orangevale, CA (916) 988-0406 ³ Fatpro Technologies DJ, GF, GA, RE, SE

78 MMR

Fazioli Pianoforte (D) 5827-A Crystal Hill Rd. N. Little Rock, AR 72118 (501) 753-8616 Fax: (501) 771-2657 ³ Fazioli KI FBT USA Inc. (M) P.O. Box 8144 Berlin, CT 06037 Carol J. Concorde (860) 829-0434 Fax: (860) 829-1026 ³ FBT Jolly, FBT Verve, FBT Modus, Cicognani, FBT Maxx, FBT Hi Maxx, FBT PSR, FBT Formula, Imperium, Brutus DJ, GF, PR, SE FDW - Worldwide (D) 8001 Terrace Avenue Middleton, WI Sean McLoughlin (608) 227-2040 Fax: (608) 831-1890 ³ Violet Design, Sontronics, Nevaton, Cable Up RE, SE

Fender Musical Instruments Corporation (M) 8860 East Chaparral Rd. Ste. 100 Scottsdale, AZ 85250 (480) 596-9690 Fax: (480) 596-1384 ³ Fender, Squier, Guild, Gretsch, Jackson, Charvel, Tacoma, EVH, SWR, Orpheum/Olympia GF, GA, PR, PV, SE Fernandes Guitars U.S.A. Inc. (D,M) 11044 Weddington St. #13 North Hollywood, CA Andres Jaramillo (866) 632-8346 Fax: (973) 335-7779 ³ Fernandes, Tremor, Dragonfly, Gravity, Monterey, Native, Nomad, Ravelle, Sustainer, Vertigo GF Ferree’s Tools Inc. 1477 E. Michigan Ave. Battle Creek, MI 49014-8950 (269) 965-0511 Fax: (269) 965-7719

Fiberoptic Lighting Inc. 950 SE M Street Grants Pass, OR 97526 Hyla Lipson (541) 476-6900 Fax: (541) 476-0796 Fibes Drum Co. 1100 S 8th St. Austin, TX 78704 Tommy Robertson (512) 416-9955 Fax: (512) 444-3299 ³ Fibes PR

Fingerweights LLC (D,M) P.O. Box 746 Round Lake, IL (847) 929-9395 Fax: (847) 929-9396 ³ Fingerweights BO, GF, GA, KI, PR


Fibron Products P.O. Box 430, Sta. C Buffalo, NY 14209-0430 Bruce McAusland (716) 886-2378 Fax: (716) 886-2394 Fiddle Factory (M,D) 1503 S. 9th St. Sheboygan, WI 53081 William Schwartz (920) 458-3575 Fax: (920) 458-6297 ³ Fiddle Factory, Stumpf Fiddle, Stumpf Hommer PR

First Act Inc. 745 Boylston Street Boston, MA 02116 Jeff Walker (617) 226-7888 Fax: (617) 226-7890 ³ V-STACK BO, GF


First Century Publishing P.O. Box 130 Delmar, NY 12054 (518) 439-3544 Fax: (518) 439-0105 Fishman Acoustic Amplification (M) 6 Riverside Drive Andover, MA 01810 Scott Lombardo (978) 988-9199

Fax: (978) 988-0770 ³ Loudbox, Aura, AFX, Matrix, Ellipse, Rare Earth, Neo-D GF Fitness Audio 303 Potrero Street Bldg 45-105 Santa Cruz, CA (831)458-1800 Flatiron Mandolin Co. 657 Massman Dr. Nashville, TN 37210 (615) 871-4500 Fax: (615) 871-9517 Mandolins & access. Flavoreeds, Inc. (M) 3535 N. Anthony Fort Wayne, IN 46805 Walt Ostermeyer (260) 373-2233 Fax: (260) 373-2242 ³ Flavoreeds, Mr. Music BO, GA Flaxwood USA (M) 28 Franklin Street Newburyport, MA (978)255-2334 ³ Flaxwood

MAY 2009

company listings 45th annual supplier directory Florida Music Service P O Box 189 Highlands City, FL (863) 6666-2020 Fax: (863) 666-1920 Floyd Rose Marketing (D,E,I,M) P.O. Box 601 Oakhurst, NJ 07755 (732) 918-7001 Fax: (732) 918-7002 Âł Floyd Rose Bridges, Floyd Rose Guitars GF Fobes Clarinet Products 130 Beverly San Francisco, CA 94132 (415) 585-0636 Fax: (415) 585-0636 Fodera Guitars 68 34th St. Brooklyn, NY 11232 Joe Laurisella (718) 832-3455 Fax: (718) 832-3458 GF Foggy Mountain Guitars (M) 401 Loop 336 W, Ste. B Conroe, TX Tony Baldwin (936) 756-2400 Fax: (936) 756-7445 Âł Foggy Mountain Guitars, “America’s Favorite New Guitar!â€?™ GF Folkcraft Instruments (E,I,M) P.O. Box 302 22133 Main Street Woodburn, IL Richard Ash (800) 433-3655 Fax: (260) 632-6808 Âł Folkcraft, Legend GF Ford Drum Company 13132 Yorba Street Santa Ana, CA (714) 744-2467 Fort Stands & Cases (D,I) 19420 Avenue Clark-Graham Baie D’Urfe’, QC H9X 3R8 Canada (514) 457-7977 Fax: (514) 457-5774 Âł Fort BO, GF, GA, KI, LE, PR, SE

MAY 2009

Foss MFQ Co., inc. 541 W. Sycamore St. Vernon Hills, IL 60061 Marty Davis (847) 680-0784 Fax: (847) 680-1002 Âł SRO, Ensemble, Sound 24 Fostex Corp. 13701 Cimarron Avenue Gardena, CA 90249 Phil Celia (310) 329-2960 Fax: (310) 329-1230 RE Fox Products 6110 S. State Rd. 5 S. Whitley, IN 46787 Alan Fox (260) 723-4888 Fax: (260) 723-6188 BO Frangipani Press P.O. Box 669 Bloomington, IN 47402 Don Thiele Music books Frank Huang International (E,I) 176-3 Central Ave. Farmingdale, NY 11735 Frank Huang (631) (845) 7488 Fax: (631) (845) 7448 Âł Huang, Iolite BO Frank Passa Violins 301 Montego Key Novato, CA 64949 (800) SACCONI Fax: (415) 884-9627 Âł Sacconi BO


Fred Gretsch Enterprises P.O. Box 2468 Savannah, GA 31402 (912) 748-7070 Fax: (912) 748-6005 Âł White Falcon, Techware, Rhythm Maker, Leedy, Concert Star, Song Master, Eldorado, Riviera, Bolero, Fiesta, Tuxedo, Country Gentlemen, Troubador, Rogue, Tornado, Tennessean, Nashville, George Van Eps, B & D, Bacon & Day, Ode, Rex, La Tosca, Silver Bell, Gretsch Drums, Sho-Bud Pedal Steels, Ajaha, Blackhawk, Broadkaster, Chicago, Country Club, Dorado, Eagle, EMCI, Exterminator, Gretsch-Gladstone, Lafayette, Rancher, Viking,

Senorita GF, PR Frederick Harris Music Co. (P) 60 Industrial Parkway, Ste. 882 Cheektowaga, NY 14227 Les Portelli (905) 501-1595 Fax: (905) 501-0929 Âł Christopher Norton Connections, Celebrate Piano!, Celebration Series, Sound Advice, Four Star Sight Reading and Ear Training, Guitar Series, Voice Series Fredrico Percussion (D,M) 152 Lancaster Blvd. Mechanicsburg, PA 17055 Fredrico Brillhart (717) 766-1332 Fax: (717) 766-1332 Âł Wah-Wah Shakers, Zango Shakers PR Freed International Inc. (D,E) 18922 Dale Mabry Hwy. N. Lutz, FL 33548-4928 Crystal Freed (813) 221-4191

Fax: (813) 221-4181 Âł Audio-Dyne, Fender, GoBags, A.R.T., Allen & Heath, Crown, Samson Accessories for BO, GF, KI, LE, SE Freehand Systems, Inc. 95 First St., Ste. 200 Los Altos, CA 94022 (650) 941-0742 Fax: (605) 941-0207 FreeNote Music 2350 Broadway Ste. 240 New York, NY 10024 Jon Catler (212) 580-0602 Fax: (212) 580-0602 GF French American Reed Mfg. Co. (M) 80 Mill Masters Drive Jackson, TN 38305 (731) 664-5545 Fax: (731) 664-8684 Âł My Masterpiece, Populaire BO Fretlord Musical Inst. Lightin 6801 Merion Court

N. Lauderdale, FL 33068 (954) (978) 4553

Fax: (608) 831-1890 DJ, LE, RE, SE

FRM Enterprises (D,E,I,M) 7250 Durochet, Ste. 2 Montreal, QC H3N 1Z9 Canada Frank Romano (514) 274-9793 Fax: (514) 270-9717 Âł FRM Accordions Fuchs Audio Technology (M) 73 Collins Avenue Bloomfield, NJ 07003 Annette Fuchs (973) 680-1200 Fax: (973) 893-0225 Âł Overdrive Supreme, Tripledrive Supreme, Lucky - 7, Black Jack - 21, Train - 45, Jazz Classic, FROST - 100 RE, SE Full Discount Wholesalers 8001 Terrace Ave. Middleton, WI 53562 (608) 831-1946

Furman Sound, LLC. 1690 Corporate Circle Petaluma, CA 94954 (707) 763-1010 Fax: (707) 763-1310 GF, SE Fury Guitar Mfg. Ltd. 902 Ave. J N. Saskatoon, SK S7L 2L2 Canada (306) 244-4063 Fusion Products Company 164A Scholes Ln., Scholes Cleckheaton, West Yorkshire United Kingdom 44-7815161183 Future Primitive Designs P.O. Box 2009 Idaho Falls, ID 83403 (208) 522-8691 Fax: (208) 522-8712 GA Future Sonics (M) P.O. Box 187 Pineville, PA 18946-0187




3UJKR +>

Perfect headphone for serious musicians and studio engineers. Ultra-ďŹ delity high input speakers integrated with 29 dB of passive isolation will not bleed sound into live microphones!

3UJKR +>

An excellent choice for project studios, personal audio, and travel. Using passive isolation technology, this headphone eliminates 25 dB of surrounding ambient sound.

3UJKR .6

Outstanding affordable hearing protection. Can be used for practicing, sport, or work to eliminate 25 dB of surrounding sound. Compact and lightweight with many benefits--even for kids. MMR 79

45th annual supplier directory company listings Daniel East (215) 598-8828 Fax: (215) 598-8827 ³ Earmonitors, Future Sonics Ears DJ, GA, RE, SE FXpansion USA, Inc. (D) 101 Cooper Street Santa Cruz, CA (831) 440-3578 Fax: (831) 427-0493 ³ BFD2, Sample Expansion Packs, Guru, D-CAM Synth Squad CE, PR, RE, SY

G G & G Products Inc. (A/O,D,E) P.O. Box 17495 Sugarland, TX 77479 Ed Gottlieb (281) 495-2300 Fax: (281) 491-4271 ³ G & G Superflex Picks GA G & H Industries Inc. (M) 419 Eleanor Dr. Centreville, MI 49032 Paul Haas (269) 467-4417 Fax: (269) 467-9017 ³ Big Foot, Power Chord DJ, GF, GA, KI, RE G & L Music Sales (M) 5381 Production Dr. Huntington Beach, CA 926491522 Rob Rizzuto (714) 897-6766 Fax: (714) 896-0736 ³ G&L Electric guitars, basses G&G Quality Case Co. Inc. 2025 E. 25th St. Los Angeles, CA 90058 (323) 233-2482 Fax: (323) 233-4645 G7th 50 London Rd. Leicester, LE2 OQD Great Britain 01144(0)1162267492 G-Vox 1080 North Delaware Ave. 8th fl. Philadelphia, PA 10011 (215) 922-0880 Fax: (215) 922-7230

80 MMR

G. Tanury Plating Company 100 Railroad Ave. Johnston, RI 02919 (401) 232-2330 Fax: (401) 232-7269 G. Edward Lutherie, Inc. (D) 1620 Central Ave. NE, Ste 232 Minneapolis, MN 55413 Gary Bartig (800) 741-3045 ³ Eminence, Dahlia BO, GF G.P. Percussion (See M&M Merchandisers) G.T. Electronics 1543 Truman St. San Fernando, CA 91340 (818) 361-4500 Fax: (818) 365-9884 Amps Gabbanelli Accordions (I,M) 4991 W. Bellfort Ave. Houston, TX 77035 Michael Gabbanelli (713) 728-9898 Fax: (713) 728-9393 ³ Gabbanelli Gagner Guitar Publications 10248 W. Orange Dr. Glendale, AZ 85307 Fred Gagner (602) 772-5540 Gf, PV Galaxy Audio (I,M) 601 E. Pawnee Wichita, KS 67211 316-263-2852 Fax: 316-263-0642 ³ Hot Spot, Any Spot, Checkmate, Traveler, Cricket RE, SE Galaxy Guitar Products (M) 3450 N. Hualapai Way, Ste. 2085 Las Vegas, NV 89129 Randy Young (702) 363-5465 ³ Galaxy Guitar U.S.A., Galaxy Guitar Inc. GF Galileo Music Corp. (D,I,M) P.O. Box 633 Falmouth, MA 02541 (508) 457-6771 Fax: (508) 457-6772 ³ Galileo, Princeton, Viscount CE, KI

Gallagher Guitar Co. 7 Main Street Wartrace, TN (931) 389-6455 Fax: (931) 389-6455 ³ Gallagher Guitar GF Gallien-Krueger Inc. 2234 Industrial Dr. Stockton, CA 95206 Bob Gallien 209-234-7300 Fax: 209-234-8420 GF Garrison Guitars (M) 309 Plus Park Blvd. Nashville, TN 37217 Chris Griffiths (800) 444-2766 Fax: (709) 745-6688 ³ Garrison GF Gartlan USA 560 Stokes Rd., Ste.23 #397 Medford, NJ 08055-2905 Bob Gartlan (609) 953 0606 Fax: (609) 953 0938 GA Gary Castelluccio & Associates (D,E,I) 57 Crooks Ave. Clifton, NJ 07011 Gary (973) 772-3333 Fax: (973) 772-5410 ³ Optima, Sukop, Carl Martin, Arkay, Saratrans/proline GF Gatchell Violins Company, Inc. (D,I,M) 1377 W. New Haven Avenue Melbourne, FL 32904 (321) 733-1499 Fax: (321) 725-4904 ³ Keith, Curtis & Clifton, Hermann Luger, Nicolas Parola, Stefan Petrov, Rudolph Fiedler, Viktor Kereske, Ricardo Galaini, Plamen Edrev, SUMI BO Gator Cases (M) 18922 Dale Mabry Hwy N. Lutz, FL 33548-4928 (813) 221-4191 Fax: (813) 221-4181 ³ G-Tour, Gator Cases BO, CE, DJ, GF, GA, KI, LE, PR, PV, RE, SE, SY

Gauger Percussion 15108 Highland Ln. Minnetonka, MN 55343 Gary Gauger (952) 938-0885 Fax: (952) 938-0885 PR Gavin Piano Services,Inc. P.O. Box 10806 White Bear Lake, MN 55110 (651) 644-3111 Fax: (651) 407-0359 GCI Technologies (M) 1 Mayfield Avenue Edison, NJ 08837 Alan Cabasso (732) 346-0061 Fax: (732) 346-0065 ³ Gemini, Cortex-Pro, iKey-Audio DJ, RE, SE GE Money 950 Forrer Blvd. Kettering, OH 45420 (866) 209-4457 Gear Ink 715 Bordeaux New Orleans, LA 70115 (800) 366-8337 Fax: (504) 891-7230 C.A. Geers Piano Co. Inc. 691 N. Main Ave. Cleves, OH 45002 Clifford Geers (513) 941-7666 Fax: (513) 941-5856 Gefen Inc. (M) 6265 Variel Ave. Woodland Hills, CA 91367 Jill Gefen (818) 884-6294 Fax: (818) 884-3108 ³ Extendit CAT-5-1000, Extendit CAT-5 5000, Extendit ADC switcher, Extendit DVI switcher, Extendit DVI splitter CE, RE, SE Gem Sound Corp. 600 E. 156th St. Bronx, NY 10455 Paul Goldenberg (718) 292-5972 Fax: (718) 292-7976 DJ, RE, SE Gemstone Musical Instruments (D,M) P.O. Box 788 Elkhart, IN 46515 Mark Hutchens (574) 295-5280 Fax: (574) 295-8326 ³ Gemeinhardt, Roy Seaman, Brio, Trevor James, Andino, Stephanhouser, W. Nirschl, Weril, Artisan, Sankyo BO Generalmusic Corp. (D,M) 1164 Tower Lane Bensenville, IL 60106 (630) 766-8230 Fax: (630) 766-8281 ³ Ahlborn Galanti, Bachmann, GEM, LEM KI, SY Geneva International Corp. (D,I) 29 E. Hintz Rd. Wheeling, IL 60090 Earl Matzkin (847) 520-9970 Fax: (847) 520-9593 ³ Nordiska, Weinbach KI Genz Benz Enclosures Inc. (M) 7811 E. Pierce St. Scottsdale, AZ 85257 Jeff Genzler (480) 941 0705 Fax: (480) 946 2412 ³ Tube Works George Heinl & Co (D,E,I,M) 201 Church St. Toronto, ON M5B 1Y7 Canada Rick Heinl (416) 363-0093 Fax: (416) 363-0053 ³ Board Buff, Handorff, Heinl, Woodfood BO, GF, GA George L’s Musical Products (D,M) Madison, TN 37116 (615) 868-6976 Fax: (615) 868-4637 ³ George L’s GF, GA, SE George Lowden Guitars Ltd. (M) 27 & 32-34 Down Business Park Downpatrick BT30 9UP UK 44 028-44619161 Fax: 44 028-44617043 ³ Lowden GF

Gepco International Inc. (D,E,M) 1770 Birchwood Ave. Des Plaines, IL 60018 Greg Hansen (847) 795-9555 Fax: (847) 795-8770 ³ Gep-Flex CE, DJ, GA, LE, RE, SE German American Trading Company, Inc. (D) P.O. Box 17789 Tampa, FL 33682 Bert Neidhardt (813) 961-8405 Fax: (813) 961-8514 ³ Adler, Anton Schneider, August Foerster, Bohemia, Discacciati, Fisoma, Goldbrokat, Hopf, Klawus, Lenzer, Musima, Otto Jos. Klier, Ratz & Pschera, Rubner, Silvetta, Weissenberg, Wilhelm Eberle, Meinel BO, KI Getm Getm Wear 8282 Sunset Blvd West Hollywood, CA 90046 (323) 656-3882 Fax: (323) 656-0399 Getzen Company Inc (E,I,M,D) 530 South Highway H Elkhorn, WI 53121 Dave Surber 262-723-4221 Fax: 262-723-4245 ³ GETZEN, Getzen Custom Series, Eterna, Eterna II, Capri, 300 Series, 400 Series, WillSon, Willson Instruments BO GHS Corp. (M) 2813 Wilber Ave. Battle Creek, MI 49015 Ben Cole (269) 968-3351 Fax: (269) 968-6913 ³ Boomers, Infinity, Santana Signature Series, Dave Mustaine Progressives, Eric Johnson Signature Series, Flea Bass Boomers GF Giannini S.A. Av. Tranquillo Giannini 700 Buru Lageado Salto SP 13329-600 Brasil

MAY 2009

company listings 45th annual supplier directory Flavio Giannini GF Giardinelli (D,M) 931 Chevy Way Medford, OR 97504 Jeff Scheiwiller (541) 774-5277 ³ Giardinelli BO, GA, KI, PR Gibson Bluegrass 657 Massman Dr. Nashville, TN 37210 (615) 871-4500 Fax: (615) 871-9517 Banjos & mandolins Gibson Custom Art & Historic 657 Massman Dr. Nashville, TN 37210 (615) 871-4500 Fax: (615) 871-9517 Custom, art & historic guitars & basses Gibson Montana Acoustic Guitar 1894 Orville Way Bozeman, MT 59718 (406) 587-4117 Fax: (406) 587-9109

MAY 2009

Gibson Musical Instruments 309 Plus Park Blvd. Nashville, TN 37217 (615) 871-4500 Fax: (615) 872-7768 GF, SE Gibson Strings & Accessories (M) 1150 Bowes Rd. Elgin, IL 60123 (847) 741-7315 Fax: (847) 741-4644 ³ Brite Wires, Les Paul Signature Strings, Luthier’s Choice, Maestro Tuner, Vintage Re-issue Strings, pickups & access. Gibson USA 641 Massman Dr. Nashville, TN 37210 (615) 391-1580 Fax: (615) 889-5511 Electric guitars & basses Gig Gear International 26 Chapman Road Winnipeg, MB R2Y 1J8 Canada (204) 293-7320

Gig-Fx Inc. 1050 Winter Street Ste. 1000 Waltham, MA 02451 (978) 263-6432 Fax: (978) 266-1050 ³ Chopper, Megawah, Pro-Chop, Kilo-Wah, VOD, Quiet Cable A.M. Gigliotti Inc. (M) 20154 Cortez Blvd. Brooksville, FL 34601 Anton Angelo (352) 263-2442 Fax: (352) 263-2443 ³ Gigliotti BO, GA Giles Guitars 17 A Rita Ln. Bellingham, MA 02019 Allen Giles (508) 966-4055 Fax: (508) 966-2069 Repair Tools Glaesel Stringed Inst. (M) Box 310 Elkhart, IN 46515 Ken Ellington (574) 522-1675

Fax: (574) 295-5405 ³ Glaesel, Seidel BO Glasser Bows 4330 Bullard Ave. Bronx, NY 10466 (718) 994-1613 Fax: (718) 324-1918 ³ Larsen Strings BO

Fax: (714) 554-8592 GF


GLI Sound Systems (M) 2691 W. 15th St. Brooklyn, NY 11224 Morris Shalom (718) 372-7849 Fax: (718) 946-4151 ³ GLI Pro DJ, SE Glotin Chedeville Lelandais 70 rue de la Gare Ezanville 95460 France BO GLS Audio Div. of Orange County Speaker 12141 Mariners Way Garden Grove, CA 92843 Gary Sunda (714) 554-8520

GMP Guitars 510 E. Arrow Hwy. San Dimas, CA 91773 (909) 592-5144 Fax: (909) 599-0798 GF GMS Drum Co. Inc. (M) 855-C Conklin St. Farmingdale, NY 11735 (631) 293-4235 Fax: (631) 293-4246 ³ Grand Master Series, Special Edition Series, dk3 BO, PR Go-En International (D,E,I) P.O. Box 13 Glen Ellen, CA 95442 Mark Kasulen (707) 996-1333 Fax: (707) 996-1333 ³ GO-EN stands, Kiso Guitars, Kiso Klein Guitars, Kiso Ribbecke Guitars, Morinoko GF, CA Godin Guitars (D,M) 19420 Avenue Clark-Graham

Baie D’Urfe, QC H9X 3R8 Canada (514) 457-7977 Fax: (514) 457-5774 ³ Art & Lutherie, Godin, La Patrie, Seagull, Simon & Patrick, Godin, Seagull, Simon & Patrick, Art & Lutherie, Norman, La Patrie, TRIC Cases GF Godlyke Inc. (D,E,I,M) P.O. Box 3076 Clifton, NJ 07012 Andrew Luck (973) 777-7477 Fax: (973) 777-7078 ³ Bixonic, Chunk Systems, Godlyke, Guyatone, Hao, Maxon, Power-All, Emma, Tokai, Nobels GF Peter Goetz & Associates 4610 Willow Ln. NW P.O. Box 1295 Gig Harbor, WA 98335 (253) 851-4644 Fax: (253) 851-4645 KI

MMR 81

45th annual supplier directory company listings Gold Crest, Inc. (I,M) 650 Ward Drive Santa Barbara, CA 93111 Scott Heinz (805) 683-9000 Fax: (805) 683-7661 ³ Coolglo, Sight Reader, Triple L.E.D, Xtra Flex BO, CE, DJ, GF, GA, KI, LE, RE, SE (213) 850-5477 Fax: (818) 753-0232

Gold Line Connector (M) P.O. Box 500 West Redding, CT 06896 Martin Miller (203) 938-2588 Fax: (203) 938-8740 ³ Gold Line, TEF RE, SE

C.A. Gotz Jr. GmbH Landwuster Str. 17 D-08258 Wernitzgrun Germany Klaus Gotz ³ Gotz

Golden Sound Distribution 5111 Carmen Street Torrence, CA (818) 985 9846 Goldfish Guitars, LLC 1300 Oceanside Lane League City, TX 77573 (281) 381-7230 Fax: (409) 515-0578 Good for the Goose Products P.O. Box 20692 Indianapolis, IN 46220 (317) 259-1447 Fax: (317) 259-1447 Goodall Guitars Inc. (M) 541 S. Franklin Street Fort Bragg, CA 95437 Jean Goodall (707) 962-1620 ³ Goodall Guitars GF Goodsell Electric Instrument Co., LLC 781 Wheeler St Studio 8 Atlanta, GA (678) 48-8 8176 Gorilla (E,I,M) 3051 Coleman St. N. Las Vegas, NV 89032 Howard Chatt (702) 648-2444 Fax: (702) 648-2440 ³ Gorilla GF Gorilla Snot Products 4800 Rhodes Avenue #3 Valley Village, CA 91607

82 MMR

Chatfield, MN 55923 (507) 867-3776 Fax: (507) 867-3776 ³ Grassroots GF

Goshen Case Co./ MTS Products 28680 Holiday Pl. P.O. Box 309 Elkhart, IN 46517 (219) 295-3142 Fax: (219) 295-1269 Cases & covers


Gould Guitars & Basses 1315 23rd Ave.#200A San Francisco, CA 94122 Mark (415) 759-5199 Fax: (415) 759-5399 GF GR Industries (M) 295 Trade St. San Marcos, CA 92069 Greg Rupp (858) 637-8523 ³ GR Classic Series GF Gracie Stands (E,M) 7013 Pomelo Dr. West Hills, CA 91307 John Gracie (818) 883-1307 Fax: (818) 347-0438 ³ Gracie BO, GF Graham Reeds (M) 8612 Paseo Alameda NE, Bldg. A Albuquerque, NM 87113 (505) 890-5333 Fax: (505) 888-1064 ³ Graham BO Graph Tech Guitar Labs (M) #5-7551 Vantage Way Delta, BC V4G 1C9 Canada Lee Knowles 604- 940-5353 Fax: 604- 940-4961 ³ Tusq, Black Tusq, String Saven Saddles, SuperBridge, Ghost, Nubone GF Grassroots (D,M) 1129 Root River St. S.W.

Green Dot Audio (D) P.O. Box 290609 Nashville, TN 37229 Mark Nadlin (615) 366-5964 Fax: (615) 366-7069 ³ Edac, Neutrik, Rean, Switchcraft RE, SE Green Monster Music (M,P) 14355 Huston Street, # 218 Sherman Oaks, CA (818) 783-6581 Fax: (818) 783-6581 ³ Monster Guitar Method PV Ron Greene’s Music Dials (D,P/J) 2017 West 2nd Ave. Durango, CO 81301 Ron Greene (970) 259-5214 Fax: (970) 259-524 ³ Ron Greene’s Music Dials PV Greg Bennett Co. P.O. Box 680006 Franklin, TN 37064 (888) 222-9830 Fax: (615) 791-6590 P.O. Box 126 Ringoes, NJ (609)466-4485 Fax: (609)466-8160 GF, GA, PR Grimes Guitars 755-G Kamehameiki Rd. Kula, HI 96790 Steve Grimes (808) 878-2076 Fax: (808) 878-2076 GF Grip Peddler 1100 Calle Cordillera San Clemente, CA 92673 (949) 361-9999 Fax: (949) 361-9998 GF Grizzly Industrial Inc. (D,M) 1821 Valencia St. Bellingham, WA 98229 (570) 546-9663

Fax: (570) 546-7724 ³ Grizzly Industrial GRK Mfg. Co. (D,M) 1200 Dayton St. Hamilton, OH 45011 (513) 863-3131 X14 Fax: (800) 556-6128 ³ Concerto, Mobileer KI Groove Tubes (M) 1543 Truman Street San Fernando, CA 91340 Rick Benson (818) 361-4500 Fax: (818) 365-9884 ³ Groove Tubes GF, RE, SE Grossman Music Corp. 3800 Kelley Ave. Cleveland, OH 44114 (216) 391-1188 Fax: (216) 391-8999 GF, See Grover Musical Products for brands Grotrian Piano Company P.O. Box 5833 Braunschweig 38049 Germany 49 531 210100 Fax: 49 531 2101040 ³ Grotrian KI

Grover Pro Percussion (I,M) 22 Prospect St. Unit 7 Woburn, MA 01801 (781) 935-6200 Fax: (781) 935-5522 ³ Grover Pro Percussion, Silver Fox, Spectrasound, Vancore BO, PR Grubville Guitars P.O. Box 14 Grubville, MO 63041 Glenn Meyers (636) 274-4738 Fax: (636) 285-9833 GF Grundorf Corp. (M) 721 9th Ave. Council Bluffs, IA 51501 (712) 322-3900 Fax: (712) 322-3407 ³ Grundorf, Grund Audio Design, Road-Runner, Mighty Light DJ, GF, GA, KP, KI, LE, RE, SE


Group One Ltd. (D,I,M,E) 70 Sea Lane Farmingdale, NY 11735 Jack Kelly (516) 249-1399 Fax: (516) 249-8870 ³ Blue Sky, Celestion, Digico, MC2, Elektralite, Pulstar, XTA CE, DJ, GF, LE, RE, SE Grover Musical Products (D,E,I,M) 3800 Kelley Ave. Cleveland, OH 44114 Chuck Kirshling (216) 391-1234 Fax: (216) 391-8999 ³ Acoustikraft, Bandstand, Champion, Circus Time, Crestline, Flutophone, Fristnote, Grover, JB Self Lock, Just in Case, K-Lith, Leader, Minstral, Music Time, Non Tip, Paganini, Perma Tension, Petz, Rotomatic, Sta-Tite, Sterisol, Tudor, Tune Kraft, Cambridge BO, GF, GA, PR, PV

Gruven Music Products (M) 14 Meadowridge Business Ctr. PO Box 104 Elk City, OK 73644 Sam Grubs (580) 225-3527 Fax: (580) 225-6703 ³ Gruven GF Guangzhou China Intl. Music Expo C/O Department of Science & Technology 171 Lianxin Rd. Guangzhou 510000 China (86 )20 -83548706 Guild Guitars (See Fender Musical Instruments) Guitar Base/ Guitar Mall 100 Powedermill Rd. Acton, MA 01720 (978) 266-1021 Fax: (978) 264-4346 Guitar Clinic 16 McKinstry Street Hamilton, ON L8L6C1 Canada Marcus Vichert (905) 522-1582 Fax: (905) 528-5667


³ F-Bass, Hammertone, Spicer GF Guitar Hanger 1185 Solano Ave. Ste. 115 Albany, CA 94706(866) 753-8393 Fax: (866) 753-8395 Guitar Parts USA 4833 Morning Drive Amarillo, TX 79108 Dennis Antel (806) 383-5148 Fax: (806) 383-5397 GF Guitar Player 411 Borel Ave., Ste. 100 San Mateo, CA 94402 (650) 358-9500 Fax: (650) 358-9216 PV Guitar World Magazine (P/J) 149 Fifth Avenue 9th Floor New York, NY 10036 Greg Di Benedetto (212) 768-2966 Fax: (212) 723-5490 ³ Guitar Legend, Guitar World Acoustic, Maximum Guitar PV P.O. Box 362 Uniontown, OH 44685 Paul Kline 330-285-0054 GF Gulf Music Sales(D,E,I) 1200 N. Barsten Way Anaheim, CA (714) 666-1569 Fax: (714) 666-0106 ³ Sofia Marie, Sofia Mari Elite, S. M. Elite, Coronado, Orlando USA BO, GF Guptill Music (D) 3621 W. MacArthur Blvd. Ste. 119 Santa Ana, CA 92704 David Guptill (714) 556-8013 Fax: (714) 556-8203 ³ Propick Guitar picks gvox (M) 199 Rte 18 East Brunswick, NJ 08816 (732) 565-3842

MAY 2009

company listings 45th annual supplier directory Fax: (201) 624-7514 ³ Encore, Music Time Deluxe, Master Tracks Pro CE GWW Group, Inc. (D,M) P.O. Box 498 Elkhorn, WI 53121 (262) 723-2669 Fax: (262) 723-2068 ³ Ameritage, GWW, Global Source, Ameritage, Global Source, GWW Cases, Nouveau BO, DJ, Gf GWW Group, Inc. (D,M) P.O. Box 498 Elkhorn, WI 53121 (262) 723-2669 Fax: (262) 723-2068 ³ Ameritage, GWW, Global Source, Ameritage, Global Source, GWW Cases, Nouveau BO, PR

H H & F Technologies Inc. (M) 650 Flinn Ave., #4 Moorpark, CA 93021 Haw-Renn Chen

(805) 523-2759 Fax: (805) 523-2021 ³ Audio 2000’s DJ, GF, GA, KP, KI, LE, RE, SE H.A.Z. Laboratories (M) 39 Hartmans Corner Rd. Washington, NJ 07882 (908) 453-3300 Fax: (908) 453-3310 ³ Mu-Tron GF H.W. Products Inc. 2001 Peralta St., Ste. C Oakland, CA 94607 (510) 893-7447 Fax: (510) 893-7450 Hafler Professional 546 S. Rockford Dr. Tempe, AZ 85281 (800) 366-1619 Fax: (602) 967-3565 Hailun Distribution LLC 5400 Lawrenceville Hwy NW Ste. A2 Lilburn, GA 30047-5927 (770)381-3871

Hal Leonard Corp. (P/J) 7777 W. Bluemound Rd. P.O. Box 13819 Milwaukee, WI 53213 Jim Meinhardt (414) 774-3630 Fax: (414) 774-3259 ³ Artist Pro, Amadeus Press, Applause Theatre & Cinema Books, Boosey & Hawkes, Bretwood-Benson Publications, Berklee Press, Centerstream Publications, Cherry Lane Music, Durand, DeHaske Publications, EMI Christian, E-Z Play Today, Essential Elements, Fast Track, G. Schirmer, Hal Leonard Instrument Play-Along Series, Hal Leonard Piano PlayAlong Series, Hal Leonard Bass Play-Along Series, Hal Leonard Guitar Play-Along Series, Hal Leonard Jazz Play-Along Series, Hal Leonard Student Piano Library, Hal Leonard Pro Vocals Series, Hal Leonard Drum Play-Along Series, Hal Leonard Guitar Method, Homespun Tapes, Hudson Music, Itegrity Music, Limelight Editions, Meredith Music, Musicians Institute

Press, Play Today, Rubank Publications, Salabert, Schott Music, String Letter Publishing, Word Music, Willis Music, Ricordi Halifax & Co. (PVT) Ltd. Industrial Estate Sialkot 51340 Pakistan BO, PR Hall Crystal Flutes Inc. (M) 17220 Sargent Rd. SW Rochester, WA 98579 Jenny Hall (360) 273-6216 Fax: (360) 273-6217 ³ Hall Panpipes, Hall Crystal Flutes, Hall Crystal Piccolos, Hall Guitar Slides, Hall Didjeridu BO, GF Halo Guitars (D,E,I,M) 21621 Stevens Creek Blvd. Cupertino, CA 95014 Waylon Ford (408) 873-8606 Fax: (408) 873-7670 ³ Halo Guitars GF

HaMaR Percussion Publications 333 Spring Rd. Huntington, NY 11743 Harry Marvin (516) 427-7194 Fax: (516) 732-5007 PR, PV HamburGuitar 10188 Cupids Dart St. Las Vegas, NV 89123 Bern. Hamburger (702) 260-9777 ³ HAMBURGuitar Guitars

Fax: (630) 543-0279 ³ Hammond Organs, Leslie Speakers KI


Hamilton Stands Inc. (E,I,M) P. O. Box 710 Lebanon, OH 45036-0710 Bill Carpenter (513) 228-9400 Fax: (513) 228-9402 ³ Encore, Hamilton, Traveler, Maestro, Nu-Era, Hamilton World BO, GF, GA, KP, PR, SE Hammond Suzuki USA Inc. (D,M) 733 Annoreno Dr. Addison, IL 60101-0277 (630) 543-0277

Hanser Music Group (D,M) 3015 Kustom Drive Hebron, KY 41048 (859) 817-7100 Fax: (859) 817-7150 ³ Michael Kelly, B.C. Rich, Kustom Amplification, Rockfield Pickups, Tour Grade, Musino, Warwick, Woods BO, DJ, GF, GA, KI, PR, PV, SE Happy Necks, L.L.C. Los Angeles, CA 90026 (213) 840-7364 Harbro Corp./ Lineartech Audio (D,M) 2691 W. 15th St. Brooklyn, NY 11224 David Harari (718) 946-4134 Fax: (718) 946-4151 ³ GLI Pro SE


Our precision diamond cut reeds are made in the USA from the nest imported cane.

— Hand Selected —

— Premium —

FRENCH AMERICAN REEDS, INC. 80 Mill Masters Drive Phone: 731-664-5545

Jackson, TN 38305 Fax: 731-664-8684 online ordering:

MAY 2009

MMR 83

45th annual supplier directory company listings Hardy’s Musical Instrument Co. Elkhart, IN 46514 John Hardy (574) 264-0414 Fax: (574) 294-3472 Piccolos Harmona Akkordeon GmbH Markneukirchnen Strasse 58 08248 Klingenthal Germany (374) 675-0205 Fax: (374) 675-0371 Harmonic Vision 210 South Fifth Street, Ste 12 St. Charles, IL 60174(630) 584-8513 Fax: (630) 584-7828 Harmonica Music Pub., Inc. P.O. Box 671 Hermosa Beach, CA 90254 Marcos Habif GF, KP Harmony Guitars 532 South Hicks Road Palatine, IL (847)302-5708 Harmony Musical Instruments Regd. Off. Kasi Arcade 4th Floor Chennai 600 017 India Harris Musical Products Inc. (D,E,I,M) 49 Rose Street Stoughton, MA 02072 Marc Despotopulos (781) 341-0776 Fax: (781) 341-0778 ³ Picks by the pound, Sticks by the Pound, US Blues,

Innersoul, D’Orazio, Guitarlamp BO, GF, GA, PR

(303) 919-9822 ³ RC Design GF

Harris Teller Inc. 7400 S. Mason Ave. Chicago, IL 60638 (708) 496-2100 Fax: (708) 496-2130 BO, CE, DJ, GF, GA, KP, KI, LE, PR, PV, RE, SE

Heil Sound Ltd. 5800 North Illinois Farview Heights, IL 62208 Greg McVeigh (618) 257-3000 Fax: (618) 257-3001 SE

Harvey Citron Enterprises (M) 282 Chestnut Hill Road Woodstock, NY 12498 Harvey Citron (845) 679-7138 Fax: (845) 679-3221 ³ Citron GF

Heilman Music P.O. Box 1044 Fairmont, WV 26555 John H. Schooley (304) 366-3758 Fax: (304) 367-4248 PV

Have Inc. 350 Power Ave. Hudson, NY 12534 Kevin Stein 518-828-2000 Fax: 518-828-2008 ³ FLEXYGY GF, GA, KI


Heet Sound Products (M) 611 Ducommun St. Los Angeles, CA 90012 Greg Heet (213) 687-9946 Fax: (213) 625-1944 ³ EBow Electronic bow Heflen Conceptions (D,M) 3404 Blake St. Denver, CO 80205 Brian Heflen

Nogales, AZ 85628 Brent (520) 287-4931 Fax: (520) 287-7049 ³ Prestini Classic, Prestini USA BO HHB USA see Sennheiser ³ HHB-Media

High End Systems Inc. (D,M) 2217 W. Braker Ln. Austin, TX 78758 Bruce Jordahl (512) 836-2242 Fax: (512) 837-5290 ³ Powerline, Status Cue, Studio Spot, Studio Color, Technobeam, Trackspot, Cyberlight, Trackspot LE

Herco Products Company P.O. Box 846 170 Industrial Way Benicia, CA 94510 Jimmy Dunlop (707) 745-2722 Fax: (707) 745-2658 BO, GF Heritage Guitar Inc. (M) 225 Parsons St. Kalamazoo, MI 49007 (269) 385-5721 Fax: (269) 385-3519 ³ Heritage GF Herman Kluge GmbH & Co. KG (M) Wuppermann Str. 21-27 Wuppertal 42275 Germany ³ Ivoplast, Tharam Keyboards, keys Hermes Musical Instruments 2020 N. Aurora Dr., #5



High Note Studios Inc. (D,E,P/J) P.O. Box 3007 Anaheim, CA 92803-3007 ³ Double High C in 37 Weeks Highlander Musical Audio Products 870 Capitolio Way, #3 San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 Holly Wolfstein (805) 547-1410 Fax: (805) 547-1228 GF Hineni Bags and Cases Co. 101 Silver Fox Irvine, CA 92620 (800) 920-9889


³ Hineni BO, GF, GA

Honica, Rockwood GF, GA, PR

Hipshot Music Products 8248 Route 96 Interlaken, NY 14847 David Borisoff (607) 532-9404 GA

Hollenbeck (M) 160 Half Moon St. Lincoln, IL 62656 William Hollenbeck (217) 732-6933 Fax: (217) (732) 6933 ³ Hollenbeck GF

David Hite Inc. (M) 22437 Fountain Lakes Blvd. Estero, FL 33928-1360 DAVID HITE (941) 947-8805 Fax: (941) 947-8807 ³ J & D Hite, Premiere by Hite BO HobgoblinStoney End (M) 920 Hwy. 19 Red Wing, MN 55066 Gary Stone (651) 388-8400 Fax: (651) 388-8460 ³ Gremlin, Hobgoblin, St. Stephens, Stoney End GF Hodge Products, Inc. 5134 Cub Creek Road Roseland, VA 22967 Ann Hodge (434) 361-1945 Fax: (434) 361-1200 BO Hohner, Inc. (D) 1000 Technology Park Dr. Glen Allen, VA 23059 (804) 515-1900 Fax: (804) 515-0189 ³ Lanikai, Hohner, Marine Band, Blues Harp, Sonor, Playful Harmonies, Panther,

HollywoodWinds Inc. 1566 Washington Blvd. Fremont, CA (510) 252-9768 Fax: (510) 252-9849 ³ StickyStop, Kangaroo, PadDeyer, Hollywoodwinds BO Holz LTD (M) 5438 Greenridge Rd. Castro Valley, CA 94552 (510) 581-6400 Fax: (510) 581-6474 ³ Holz Speedcuterz PR Homebrew Electronics 3607 W. Campo Bello Drive Glendale, AZ 85308 Charlie Turner pedals@homebrewelectronics. com (866) 790-2950 Fax: (866) 790-2956 GF Homespun Tapes Ltd. (M) P.O. Box 340 Woodstock, NY 12498 Lisa (845) 246-2550 Fax: (845) 246-5282 ³ Homespun Tapes PV Hondo Guitar Co. P.O. Box 30819 Charleston, SC 29417 (843) 763-9083 Fax: (843) 763-9096 GF Hopkins Guitars 97 Grandview Street Penticton, BC V2A4E5 (250) 493-4318 Hora S.A. str.Salcamilor nr. 3 545300 Reghin, Romania Horizon Music Inc. (M) 3581 Larch Ln. Jackson, MO 63755 (573) 651-6500 Fax: (573) 651-3460

84 MMR

MAY 2009

company listings 45th annual supplier directory ³ Gator Cases, Horizon DJ, GF, GA, KI, LE, RE, SE, Cables Horn & Son String Instruments (D,I,M) 10269 Barr Rd. Cleveland, OH 44141 (440) 526-4000 Fax: (216) 579-4338 ³ Masters Own BO Hornets Drumsticks 6635 N. Baltimore Ave, Ste. 230 Portland, OR (917) 399-8487 Hosa Technology, Inc. (M) 6650 Cabllero Blvd. Buena Park, CA 90620 Jennifer Paquette (714) 522-8878 Fax: (714) 522-4540 ³ Hosa, Zaolla GF, GA, KI, RE, SE Alex Weidner (800) 633-2302 Fax: (877) 633-2302 ³ Crown Strings, Johannes Kohr, August F. Kohr, Gewa Music Products, Negri Cases, SIR Cellos, Royal Oak BO HQ Percussion Products 595 Smith St. Farmingdale, NY 11735 (631) 439-3300 Fax: (631) 439-3333 PR HSA 1717 East 6th Street Mishawaka, IN 46544 Rich Johnson (574) 255-6100 Fax: (574) 255-8131 LE, RE, SE

Hoshino (USA) Inc. Box 995 Bensalem, PA 19020, customerservice@hoshinousa. com (215) 638-8670 Fax: (215) 245-8583 ³ Ibanez, Tama GF, PR

HSS Division of Hohner (D) P.O. Box 9167 Richmond, VA 23227-0167 (804) 515-1900 Fax: (804) 515-0347 ³ Hohner, Rockwood, Sonor, Sonor Orff, Vic Firth, Crafter Guitars & percussion

Hot Licks Productions Inc. P.O. Box 337 Pound Ridge, NY 10576 Cindy (914) 763-8013 Fax: (914) 763-9453

Huang, Inc. 12-A Seabro Ave. North Amityville, NY 11701 (516) 842-1907 Fax: (516) 842-1909

Hot Sticks Manufacturing (M) P.O. Box 356 Waveland, MS 39576 Kevin Pokallus (228) 467-6596 Fax: (228) 466-4819 ³ Hot Sticks, Macrolus, Artisticks PR House of Troy 902 Silver Ridge Rd. Hyde Park, VT 05655 Kent Mitchell customerservice@houseoftroy. com (802) 888-7984 Fax: (802) 888-2942 LE Howard Core Company LLC (D) P O Box 5680 99 Symphony Way Anniston, AL 36205-

MAY 2009

Stonelined Mutes, Tuxedo, Stonelines, Enduro, Enduro Pro, DrumSeeker, Road Boss, Colorfold BO, GF, GA, PR Huss & Dalton 420 Bridge St. Staunton, VA 24401 Mark Dalton (540) 887-2313 Fax: (540) 887-2383 GF Hutchins Guitars of North America P.O. Box 292946 Davie, FL 33329 (954) 581-0377 Fax: (954) 990-4138 GE, SE HW Products 14230 Doolittle Drive San Leandro, CA Angela Koregelos (510) (614) 8722 Fax: (510) (614) 8663 ³ HW Pad-Saver(r), HW Brass-Saver™ , HW FinishSaver™ BO

Hybrid Cases 1121-20 Lincoln Ave. Holbrook, NY 11741 Bruce Papa (631) 563-4648

I Ibanez 1726 Winchester Rd. Bensalem, PA 19020 (215) 638-8670 Fax: (215) 245-8583 IBC Trading Ltd.(D,E,I) 74 Regency Park Newtownards BT23 8ZG N. Ireland 44 (0) 2891 272529 Fax: 44 (0) 28 91 272606 ³ Fishman, G7th, Techra, Standford, Larson BO, GF, GA, KI, PR, SE, SY Ideal Musical Merchandise Co (D,E,I,M) 150 W. 22nd St. New York, NY 10011 Loeb (212) 675-5050 Fax: (212) 989-9275 ³ Ernst H. Roth, G.F.Heberlein, Joseph Richter, Jan Kulik, Joseph Lorenz, Larsen, T.G.

Pfreschner, Wenzel Kohler, A. Morrelli, C.F. Durro, Lowendall BO, GA IK Multimedia (M) 1153 Sawgrass Corporate Parkway Sunrise, FL 33323 (954) 846-9101 ³ AmpliTube™ , T-Rack™, Sample Tank™ , StealthPlug™, Fender Studio, StealthPedal, StompIO, ARC System, Ampeg SVX CE, DJ,RE Ilio Entertainments(D) 5356 Sterling Center Drive Westlake Village, CA 91361 Brad Strickland (818) (707) 7222 Fax: (818) (707) 8552 ³ Spectrasonics, Spectrasonics, Spectrasonics, Synthogy, Synthogy, Vienna Symphonic Library, Vienna Symphonic Library, Vienna Symphonic Library CE, GF Illbruck Acoustics (M) 3800 Washington Ave., N. Minneapolis, MN 55412 Eric Johnson (612) 521-3555 Fax: (612) 521-5639 ³ Sonex Acoustical material Image Line Software Kortrijksesteenweg 281 Saint-Martens-Latem B-9830 Belgium Frank Biesen 0113292811533 Fax: 0113292612255 CE Imaja (M,P/J) P.O. Box 6386 Albany, CA 94706 Greg Jalbert (510) 526-4621 Fax: (510) 559-9571 ³ Bliss Paint, Listen CE Impact Industries Inc. (M) 801 Jefferson St. Wausau, WI 54403 Rob Eriksen 715-(845) 6614 Fax: 715-848-2366

Hudson Music (P) PO Box 270 Briar Cliff, NY 10510 Hal Leonard (800) 524-4425 ³ Hudson Limited, Hudson Music PV Hughes & Kettner Inc. (D) 1840 South Elmhurst Road Mt. Prospect, IL 60056 Dennis (847) 439-6771 Fax: (847) 439-6781 ³ Hughes & Kettner SE Humes & Berg Mfg.Co. Inc. (M) 4801 Railroad Ave. East Chicago, IN 46312 Irwin Berg (219) 397-1980 Fax: (219) 397-4534 ³ E-Z Fold, Galaxy,

MMR 85

45th annual supplier directory company listings ³ Impact Cases, Impact, Black Deluxe, Impact Drums, Encore Bags, 600 Bags, Signature Bags, Impact II BO, KI, PR Impecco Ltd. (D,I,E) P.O. Box 98 Park Ridge, NJ 07656 Doug DiSimone (201) 930-1917 Fax: (201) 930-1822 ³ Alliance, Argentine, Corum, Cristal Soliste, Cristal Corum, Savarez, Traditional GF Independent Audio LLC (D) 43 Deerfield Rd. Portland, ME 04101 Fraser Jones (207) 773-2424 Fax: (207) 773-2422 ³ Cedar Audio, Coles, DACS Ltd, Mutronics Ltd., OKM, Pearl Lab, Sonifex Ltd., dCS, Signex RE Indie Guitars (D,E,I,M) 2107 Second St. W Cornwall, ON K6H 5R6 Canada Paul Bryan (866) 934-6343 Fax: (613) 938-8089 ³ Indie Guitars GF iNet Technologies, LLP (P/J) 2219 E. Main Ave., Ste. A Bismark, ND 58501 Mike Pierce (701) 222-2242 Fax: (701) 223-1580 ³ iGuitar Mall Web page developement Innovative Music Systems Inc 11410 NW 48th Ave Coconut Creek, FL Joe Kohler (954) 270-6172 CE Innovative Percussion 501 Metroplex Drive, Ste. 214 Nashville, TN 37211 George Barrett (615) 333-9388 Fax: (615) 333-9354 BO, PR, PV Insignia International 16231 9th Ave Apt 5C

86 MMR

Whitestone, NY Cham Ber Huang (516) 842-1907 Fax: (516) 842-1909 Trumpets, clarinets, flutes, violins, harmonicas International Brokers Inc. (D,I) 5827-A Crystal Hill Rd. North Little Rock, AR 72113 Steve Witkowski (501) 753-8616 Fax: (501) 771-2657 ³ Fazioli Pianos KI International Harps & Music (A/O,D,P/J) 1841 Broadway Ste. 1103 New York, NY 10023 Mikki Henry (212) 246-0724 Fax: (212) 246-0781 ³ International Music SVC, Lyra Music Co. International Violin Co. 1421 Clarkview Rd., Ste. 118 Baltimore, MD 21209 Ken Wise (410) 832-2525 Fax: (410) 832-2528 BO International Woodwind 2164 Vista Del Mar Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90068 (323) 462-2389 Fax: (323) 462-2390 International Components Corp. 175 Marcus Blvd. Hauppauge, NY 11788 IRWIN FRIEDMAN (631) 952-9595 Interworld Music & Video 2016 Academy Rd. Thetford, VT 05075 Gerry James (802) 785-3081 Fax: (802) 785-2597 PR, PV InTime Design, LLC(M) 747 B Street #2 San Rafael, CA Peter Bellak (415) 455 9268 Fax: (415) 454-3743 ³ Mighty Moe GF Inventronics Inc. (M) 130 Middlesex Road #14 Tyngsboro, MA 01879 (978) 649-9040 ³ Sanderson Accu-Tuner KI Invisible Products c/o The Music People P.O. Box 270648 W. Hartford, CT 06127 Dave Renzz Fax: (203) 233-6888 Stands Ira B. Kraemer 467 Grant Ave. Scotch Plains, NJ 07076 (908) 322-4469 Fax: (908) 322-8613 Bow rehairing Irradiant Inc. 3804 Hawthorn Ct. Waukegan, IL 60087 (847) 672-7294 Fax: (847) 672-7278 ³ Irradiant


Isobooth Com 1631 SE Riviera Dr. Bend, OR 97702 Calvin Mann (541) 385-0198 Fax: (801) 659-2475 RE, SE ISP Technologies, LLC (M) 5479 Perry Dr Ste B Waterford, MI 48329 Shell Waller (248) 673-7790 Fax: (248) 620-6796 ³ Decimator Pro Rack G, Theta Head, Vector SL, Totally Blues, Bass Vector, Decimator Pedal, G String, HDM Series, HDL Series, XMAX Series DJ, GF, SE Istanbul Agop Cymbals America (M) 21610 Lassen Street, Unit 7 Chatsworth, CA Scott Liken (213) 624-4264 Fax: (213) 488-1828 ³ Istanbul Agop Cymbals, Alchemy Cymbals PR iZotope Inc. (D) 1 Kendall Square Bldg. 200 Cambridge, MA (617) 577-7799 Fax: (617) 588-0471 ³ Ozone 3, Spectron, Trash, iDrum, pHATmatik, Radius CE

J J. Jennings Publishing Co. 5012 Kahn St. Carmichael, CA (916) 863-1638 PV J.B. Player International (M) P.O. Box 63366 North Charleston, SC 29419 (800) (845) 1922 Fax: (743) 745-8502 ³ Artista, JBP Artist, Ridgeville, Sledgehammer Series, Professional Series GF J. Fenn Inc. (D,I,M) 12576 Aquilla Rd. Chardon, OH 44024 Judy Glaesel-Fenn (440) 286-1249 Fax: (440) 286-9303 ³ Glasser, Jargar, O.J. Klier, Pirastro, Prim, Super-Sensitive, Thomastik, Walter Mahr, Wittner BO, GA J.H. Sessions & Sons 770 Weathersfield Ave. Hartford, CT 06114 Don Sessions (860) 522-8145 Case & cabinet hardware J.L. Smith & Co. 901 Blairhill Rd. Ste. 400 Charlotte, NC 28217 Jeff Smith (704) 521-1088 Fax: (704) 521-1099 ³ Valentino BO J.M. Linton Woodwinds (M) 1013 Alma St. Elkhart, IN 46514 (574) 264 6045 ³ Linton Woodwinds BO J.R. Music Supply LLC 93 Hazel Street P.O. Box 216 Woonsocket, RI 02895 President (401) 762-2278 Fax: (401) 762-2215 BO, GF J.T. Custom Guitar Shop 2877 Hampton Cir. W Delray Beach, FL 33445 GF JA Musik USA 400 Pine Creek Court


Elkhart, IN 46515 Bill Gibson (574) 295-7466 Fax: (574) 293-9888 ³ B & S Challenger, Hans Hoyer, UMI, Meinl Weston BO Jack Rabbit Technologies P.O. Box 31421 Charlotte, NC (704) 895-4034 Jack Spratt Woodwind Shop (D,I,M,P/J) 11 Park Ave. P.O. Box 277 Old Greenwich, CT 06870 www.jacksprattwoodwindshop. com Jack Spratt (860) 449-8696 ³ Jack Spratt, Lamott, Vita+Kane BO, PV Jam Gear 444 E. Courtland St. Mundelein, IL 60060 (847) 949-0444 Fax: (847) 949-8444 GF, SE Jam Industries Ltd. 21000 Trans Canadian Baie D’Urfe, QC H9X 4B7 Canada Ben Russell (514) 457-2555 Fax: (514) 457-0055 Jamey Aebersold Jazz Aids (D,E,I,P) 1211 Aebersold Dr. New Albany, IN 47150 Gigi Collier (812) 945-4281 Fax: (812) 949-2006 ³ Superscope, Hal Leonard Publishing, Alfred Publishing, Music Sales Publishing, Kendor Publishing, Advance Music Publishing PV, RE JAMM Distributing (M) 2320 Marston Ln. Flossmoor, IL 60422 John Amstadter (708) 799-0550 Fax: (708) 799-5310 ³ Samson Techn., TC Electronis CE, DJ, GF, KI, LE, SE, SE Jamms Musical Supplies Inc. 2462 Webster Ave. Bronx, NY (914) 588-9632

Jamtown (I,P/J) P.O. Box 31514 4911 Whitman Ave., North Seattle, WA 98103 John Hayden (206) 632-9136 Fax: (206) 633-3892 ³ Jamtown Junior PR, PV Paul L. Jansen & Son Inc. 1550 Harrison St. Oshkosh, WI 54901 Paul Jansen (920) 231-5433 Fax: (920) 231-5450 KI Jay-Mart Wholesale P.O. Box 21148 Cleveland, OH 44121 Irv Jacoby (216) 382-7600 Fax: (216) 382-3249 KI JazzKat Amplifiers 1565 Route 37 West Ste. 10 Toms River, NJ (732) 240-0544 Fax: (732) 286-9050 JazzTimes Magazine Inc. 8737 Colesville R., 5th fl Silver Spring, MD 20910 (301) 588-4114 Fax: (301) 588-5531 PV JBL Professional (M) 8500 Balboa Blvd. Northridge, CA 91329 (818) 894-8850 Fax: (818) 830-1220 ³ Eon, Vertec, PRX, LSR, JRX, MRX, SRX, VRX DJ, RE, SE JBovier Stringed Instruments (D,M) P.O. Box 273 Walton, KY Jeff Cowherd (859) 363-1026 ³ JBovier GF Jean Larrivee Guitars Ltd. (M) 780 East Cordova St. Vancouver, BC V6A 1M3 Canada JEAN LARRIVEE (604) (253) 7111 Fax: (604) (253) 5447 ³ Larrivee GF

MAY 2009

company listings 45th annual supplier directory Jeanne, Inc. 14235 Isanti St. NE Ham Lake, MN 55304 (763) 754-6695 BO

³ Jo-Ral BO, GA Jodavi, Inc. 15320-7 Valley View Ave LaMirada, CA 90638(714) 655-7739

Jeffers Handbell Supply Inc. (D,E,I,M,P/J) P.O. Box 1728 Irmo, SC 29063 Jeff Curran (803) (781) 0555 Fax: (803) (781) 3020 ³ TP Music Products PR - Handbells Jellifish Intl Corp PO Box 3481 Oak Brook, IL 60522-3481 (815) 942-0770 Fax: (630) 214-5000 Jensen (see CE Distribution) Jerome Callet Custom Trumpets (D,M) 44 Garden St Staten Island, NY 10314 (718) 477 5803 ³ Jazz Trumpet, Super Chops, Symphonique Trumpets, access. BO Jerry Jones Guitars 913 Church St. Nashville, TN 37203 Jerry Jones (615) 255-0088 Fax: (615) 255-7742 Jet Fretz (M) 6787 Wales Avenue NW North Canton, OH (330) 497-9292 ³ Jet Fretz GF Jet-Tone Inc. 4004 Technology Drive South Bend, IN 46515 (574) 288-1080 Fax: (574) 251-3527 ³ Jet-Tone Mouthpieces


JHS Salem House, Parkinsons Approach Garforth Leeds LS25 2HR United Kingdom 01144 01132865381 Fax: 01144 01132868515 Jo-Ral Mutes (D,E,M) P.O. Box 597 Elkhart, IN 46515 (574) 288-1263 Fax: (574) 251-3559

MAY 2009

Jodi Head Custom Guitar Straps 104 E. 4th St., Ste. G-4 New York, NY 10003-9076 (212) 995-5116 Jody Jazz (M) 811 Barnard Street Ground Floor Savannah, GA Jody Espina (866) 563-9529 Fax: (912) 233-4991 ³ Jody Jazz DV, JodyJazz ESP, JodyJazz HR, JodyJazz Classic Joe Barden Engineering (D,E,M) 9161 Key Common Court Manassas, VA Joe Barden (703) 530-TONE Fax: (703) 938-0460 ³ Joe Barden Pickups GF, pickups

Drum Tech, Antoni, Odyssey, Hornby, JHS GF, GA, PR, SE John Norwood Lee (D,E,M) 410 S. Michigan Ave., Annex Chicago, IL 60605 Beverly Lee (847) 831-0075 ³ John Norwood Lee Professional bows John Pearse Strings P.O. Box 295 Center Valley, PA 18034 Mary Rhoads (610) 691-3302 Fax: (610) 691-3304 GF, GA, PV JoMama Music, LLC (D,M) P.O. Box 4878 Moriarty, NM 87035 Joe Kelemen (505) 832-0464 Fax: (505) 832-2222 ³ JoMama, JoMama Blues Special, Kelemen-Reverb 45, Tone Cone GF, SE Jon Kammerer Guitars 222 Timea St. Keokuk, IA 52632

(319) 526-7651 Fax: (319) 526-7649

³ Jordan BO

Jones Double Reed Products 303 Pacific Avenue Spokane (509) 747-1224 Fax: (509) 838-5153 BO

JPS Labs 4893 Transit Road, Ste. 150 Depew, NY 14043 Joe Skubinski (716) 656-0810 GF, GA, RE

Jones-Fletcher 6206 Waters Avenue, Apt. 214 Savannah, GA 31406(912) 352-4813 Fax: (912) 352-8381 Jopo Music Inc. (M) P.O. Box 4416 N. Hollywood, CA 91617 Joe or Aileen Porcaro (818) 995-6208 Fax: (818) 981-2457 ³ Diamond Tip Drumsticks Jordan Electric Violins (M) 1173 Linden Dr. Concord, CA 94520 John Jordan (925) 671-9246 Fax: (925) 687-6797

JR Music Supply (D) 93 Hazel St. Woonsocket, RI 02895 Richard Ratner 800333EADG Fax: (401) 762-2215 ³ Calin Wultur, Cracovia, Jean Tabary, J.T. Prism Bows BO, GA JT Musical Inc. (D) P O Box 232 South Elgin, IL 60177 Scott (847) 622-7262 Fax: (847) 622-7262 ³ Parts Planet, Proline, Fantas Tixx, Tesla, Go to it, Rock n’ Aroma GF JTG of Nashville(D,M,P/J) P.O. Box 158116

Nashville, TN 37215 John Ellis (615) 665-8384 Fax: (615) 665-9468 ³ My PlayaTune, PlayaTune Plus PR, PV for kids Juice Goose (M) 7320 Ashcroft Ste. 104 Houston, TX 77081 Peter Cook (713) 772-1404 Fax: (713) 772-7360 ³ Juice Goose, Rx Series Jupiter Band Instruments, Inc. (D) 11310 Hwy 290 W Austin, TX 78737 (512) 288-7400 Fax: (512) 288-6445 ³ Jupiter, Majestic, Azumi, Mapex BO, PR Just Jazz Guitar P.O. Box 76053 Atlanta, GA 30358 (404) 250-9298 Fax: (404) 250-9298 PV

Joemeek 23773 Madison St. Torrance, CA 90505 Jaymi Names (310) 373-9129 Fax: (310) 373-4714 RE Johannus Orgelbouw B.V. (M) 2 Keplerlaan Ede 6716 BS The Netherlands ³ Johannus KI John Hornby Skewes & Co. Ltd. (E) Salem House Parkinson Approach, Garforth Leeds LS25 2HR England Alan Smith 44 (0) 1132 865381 Fax: 44 (0) 1132 868515 ³ Fret-King, Vintage, Santos Martinez, Palma, Falcon, Encore ‘Play Now’, Encore, Guitar Tech, Vintage Metal Axxe, Kinsman, Get Yourself Connected, BB Blaster, The Scanner, Performance Percussion,

MMR 87

45th annual supplier directory company listings JVC of America 41 Slater Dr. Elmwood Park, NJ 07407 (201) 794-3900 Fax: (201) 523-2077

K K & K Sound Systems Inc. (M) P.O. Box 626 Coos Bay, OR 97420 Karla Kaudel (541) (888) 3517 Fax: (541) (888) 4846 ³ K&K Sound Systems GF, SE K and S Music 61 Industrial Rd. Berkeley Heights, NJ 07922 (908) 790-0400 BO, KI, PR K&M America 8 Vernon Valley Rd East Northport, NY 11731(631)269-3050 Fax: (631)757-0021 K&M Stands (E,M) Kiesweg 2 97877 Wertheim/Main Germany Gabriela Konig 011-49-93428061 Fax: 011-49-93428061 ³ K&M Stands & Accessories K-IV Enterprises,LLC 59 Flaming Arrow Rd. Mahwah, NJ 07430 (201) 828-9492 Fax: (201) 828-9493 Kahler International Inc. (M) 2525 Jason Court, Ste. 101 Oceanside, CA 92056 (760) 643-0000 Fax: (760) 643-0074 ³ Kahler Professional, Kahler Hybrid, Kahler X-Trem, Brass Factory, Kahler Kustom GF Kala Brand Music Co. (D,E,I) P.O. Box 751149 Petaluma, CA 94975 (707) 775-4073 Fax: (949) 209-5839 ³ Kala Brand, Uke Crazy GF, GA Kamaka Hawaii, Inc. 550 South Street Honolulu, HA 96(813) (808) 531-3165 Fax: (808) 531-3167 GF

88 MMR

Kaman Music Corp. (D,M,E,I) 20 Old Windsor Rd. Bloomfield, CT 06002 Bob Jespersen (860) 509-8888 Fax: (877) KAMANFAX ³ Academy, Adamas, Applause, Becker, CB drums, CB educational percussion, Dixon Hardware, GHS Strings, Genz Benz, Gibraltar Hardware, Hamer USA, Hamer, Hercules Stands, Jasmine, Kessler, Latin Percussion, Matrix, Ovation, Rythmix, Schuster, Slammer, Takamine, Toca Percussion, Gretsch Drums BO, GF, GA, KI, PR, PV, RE, SE Kanstul Musical Instruments In (M) 231 E. Palais Rd. Anaheim, CA 92805 (714) 563-3325 Fax: (714) 563-3328 ³ Chicago Series, Kanstul Custom class, K Series, Mariachi series, Signature Series/ Zigmant Kantsul, Z series BO Karaoke Warehouse 4401 Lyman Drive Hilliard, OH 43026 Cynthia Vaughn (614) 527-2916 Fax: (614) 554-1941 KP Karl Hofner GmbH & Co. (M) Schonbacher Str. 56 Bubenreuth 91088 Germany ³ Paesold, Karl Hofner Stringed & bow, guitar family Karl Klier & Co. Industrie Str. 15 Nauheim 64569 Germany Fingerboards, instrument woods, BO Kat/Alternate Mode Inc. (M) 53 First Ave. Chicopee, MA 01020 Maria Katoski (413) 594-5190 Fax: (413) 592-7987 ³ Mallet KAT Pro/WS, Mallet KAT Pro, Trap KAT PR Kawai America Corp. (D) 2055 E. University Dr. Rancho Dominguez, CA 90220

Joe Deleski (310) 631-1771 Fax: (310) 604-6913 ³ Kawai, Shigeru Kawai KI Kay Guitar Co. (E,I,M) P.O. Box 8798 Newport Beach, CA 92658 Tony Blair (949) 752-0050 Fax: (949) 752-0056 ³ Cable Corp, Kay, Performance Plus, Santa Rosa BO, GF, GA, PR, SE Kayline Processing Inc. (M) 31 Coates St. Trenton, NJ 08611 Harley Hoffman (609) 695-1449 Fax: (609) 989-1094 ³ Kayhide GA, SE KaySound Imports (D,E,I) 2165 46th Avenue Lachine, Quebec H8T 2P1 Canada Mark Kalisky (800) 343-0353 Fax: (514) 633-8872 ³ Kaysound, Passport, Proel CE, stands Kazoobie Inc. (M) 6520 Industrial Ave., Ste. 4 Port Richey, FL (800) 326-0358 Fax: (928) 244-5602 ³ Classic American Kazoo, Hummbucker Electric Kazoo

(650) 941-5567 Fax: (650) 941-5056 ³ Jam Bass DJ, GF, KI, SY Keller Products Inc. (M) P.O. Box 4105 41 Union St. Manchester, NH 03108 James Decknick (603) 627-7887 Fax: (603) 647-2676 ³ VSS, Keller Shells PR

Kent Drum Distributing Co. 1520 Broadway P.O. Box 35 Buffalo, NY 14(212) 0035 Jim Edwin (716) 892-2275 Fax: (716) 891-7932 PR

Kellogg Miller Quikstand P.O. Box 940201 Simi Valley, CA 93094 (866) 784-5783 Fax: (805) 583-4542

The Keyboard Corp P.O. Box 625 809 S. Park Rd. Elizabethtown, KY 42701 Dennis Robey (270) 737-5797 Fax: (270) 737-6640

Kelly Concepts, LLC(M) P.O. Box 57231 Lincoln, NE 68(506) 402-421-1169 ³ The Kelly SHU GA, PR, RE, SE

Keyboard Exchange Int. 6914 Hanging Moss Rd. Orlando, FL 32807 Jim Huss (407) 671-0730 Fax: (407) 671-2272 Rebuilt Hammond organs

Kelly Mouthpieces 674 S. Pioneer Rd. Fond du Lac, WI 54935 (920) 922-9888 Fax: (920) 922-7308 Brasswind Mouthpieces

Keyboard Magazine (P/J) 411 Borel Ave., Ste. 100 San Mateo, CA 94402 (650) 358-9500 Fax: (650) 358-9216 ³ Keyboard Magazine PV

Kemble and Co. Ltd.(M) Mount Ave. Bletchley Bucks MK1 1JE United Kingdom 441908371771 ³ Kemble KI

KC Music Supply LLC (D) 1300 Quebec N. Kansas City, MO 64116(816) 309-8870 Fax: (816) 781-7312 ³ Kyser, Shubb, Kay, Intellitouch, Quick Tune, Performance Plus, Seiko, Trophy, Hercules Stands, TKL, S101 GF, GA, PR

Ken Smith Basses Ltd. (D,M) P.O. Box 199 420 Race St. Perkasie, PA 18944 Ken Smith (215) 453-8887 Fax: (215) 453-8084 ³ BSR, BT, Black Tiger, Burner, CR, Compressors, Crystal Bronze, Crystal Classics, Guitar Burners, Metal Master, Rock Masters, Slap Masters, Slick Round, Smith Classic Wax, Smith QSR Bridges, Smith Pro Formula, Taper Core, BMT, MS GF

Kellar Bass Systems (M) 101 First Street, Ste. # 231 Los Altos, CA 94022 Brad Kellar

Kendor Music Inc. (P) P.O. Box 278 21 Grove St. Delevan, NY 14042 Craig Cornwall

KB Covers 214 Main Street, # 302 El Segundo, CA Greg Sad (310) 684-3099 ³ KB Covers (716) 492-1254 Fax: (716) 492-5124 ³ Doug Beach Music PV

Keystone Electronics (M) 31-07 20th Road Astoria, NY 11105-2017 ³ K-J1, K-J2, K-SB6, K-200 Series, K-250 Series, K-280 Series, K-400 Series, K-500 Series, KA-1, K-P4, K-SB5 Guitar pickups K.H.S. Musical Instrument Co. (E,M) No 162 Chungshan 2nd Rd. Lu-Chow City Taipei County Taiwan R.O.C. 886-2-22825151 Fax: 886-2-22818874 ³ Jupiter, Mapex, Walden, Hercules, Majestic BO, GF, GA, PR Kima Music Products Corp. 4513 Little John St. Baldwin Park, CA 91706 Peter Chou (626) 960-6086 Fax: (626) 337-5628 Kit Tools P.O. Box 307 Kingfield, ME 04947 (207) 684-4533

Fax: (207) 684-4534 Drum Sticks Kiwaya USA (D) 29624 18th Avenue South Federal Way, WA 98003 (253) 941-3180 Fax: (253) 941-3231 ³ Kiwaya, LoPrinzi, Fremont GF Kiwi Wind Products(M) Box 25343 Woodbury, MN 55125 JoAnn Funk (651) 739-4510 Fax: (651) (702) 6283 ³ Kiwi Wind products, NeckPak BO Neil A. Kjos Music Co. (P/J) 4380 Jutland Dr. San Diego, CA 92117 Mark Kjos (858) 270-9800 Fax: (858) 270-3507 ³ All For Strings, Kjos Band, Nancy Telfer Choral Curriculum, Standard Of Excellence PV Klann Organ Supply Box 2398 Waynesboro, VA 22980 James Ivanoff (703) 949-8737 Fax: (703) 943-7106 Grille cloth, organ control sys. Klark Teknik 448 Post Rd. Buchanan, MI 49107 Joel Motel (269) 695-4750 Fax: (269) 695-0470 RE, SE Klear Audio Design 1175 County Rd. 481 West Henderson, TX 75654 David Phipps (903) 657-5666 Fax: (903) 657-6030 SE Klein Electric Guitars (M) P.O Box 1888 Discovery Bay, CA 94514 Lorenzo German (925) 516-9338 Fax: (925) 516-7333 ³ Klein Electric guitars, Nomadic GF Kleinman Guitars 2916 SW. 12th St. Lees Summit, MO 64081

MAY 2009

company listings 45th annual supplier directory Ernest Kleinman (816) 763-3794 Fax: (816) 736-3794 BO, GA KLSTechnology Group (D,I,M) 3471 Beecher Road Flint, MI 48503-4973 John Leferman (734) (425) 6620 Fax: (734) (425) 2103 ³ Club Sean, Moving Heads, Pro MOver DJ, LE Kluson (M) 17570 N. Tamiami Trail N. Ft. Myers, FL (800)449-9348 ³ KLUSON GF Knilling String Instruments 1400 Ferguson Ave. St. Louis, MO 63133 (314) 727-4512 Fax: (314) 727-4710 Koala Publications (D,E,I,P/J) PO Box 21168 St. Petersburg, FL 33742 Steve Hodson (800) 367-7250 Fax: (866) 361-7250 ³ Koala Publications, Windsong Guitars GF, PV Kolstein Music Inc. (D,E,I,M) 795 Foxhurst Rd. Baldwin, NY 11510 www.kolmus Barrie Kolstein (516) 546-9300 Fax: (516) 546-9309 ³ Bass Stroller, DiVacenza, Humistat Quad, Instrument-All, Kolstein, Ultra Supreme, Uni-Air Bass, VariCor Bass, iLi Bass BO Konig & Meyer (see Connolly & Co.) Kordex, Inc. Middlebury, IN 46540-0607 Pat Thatcher (574) 825-7876 Fax: (574) 825-9556 DJ, KP, RE Korg Canada (D,I) 21000 TransCanada Highway Bai D’Urfe, QC H95 3B3

MAY 2009

Canada Steve Knowles (514) 547-2555 Fax: (514) 457-0055 ³ Korg, Toneworks by Korg DJ, GA, KI, RE, SY Korg USA Inc. (D) 316 South Service Rd. Melville, NY 11747, (631) 390-6500 Fax: (631) 390-6501 ³ Korg USA, Marshall Amplification, Vox Amplification CE, DJ, GF, KI, RE, SE, SY

Kustom Amplifications (M) 2395 Arbor Tech Dr Hebron, KY Glenn Derringer (513) 451-5000 Fax: (888) 2-kustom ³ Instrument Amplifiers + P.A. Systems GF, SE Nick Palmer (903) 567-2770 Fax: (903) 567-2704 ³ Dr. Stringfellow, Kyser Old Style, Kyser Power Core, Kyser Pro/Am, Kyser Quick-Change, Kyser Renaissance GF

Kyser Musical Products Inc. 28141 State Hwy. 64 Canton, TX 75103

L & L Sales Co. Inc. P.O. Box 238 Madison, TN 37115


L (D,M) (615) 868-6976 Fax: (615) 868-4637 ³ George L’s GF, GA, SE L.A. Guitar Works (D,E,I,M) 18214 Parthenia Street Northridge, CA (818) 734-1777 Fax: (818) 734-1778 ³ Johnny Red, Joshua Guitars, Q-Parts, Sound Port Technology GF

L.R. Baggs (M) 483 N. Frontage Rd. Nipomo, CA 93444 Mike Newsom (805) 929-3545 Fax: (805) 929-2043 ³ Element, Gigpro, iMix, M1, Para DI, iBeam, Core 1, Para DI, M1, Element, IBeam GF La Bella Strings 256 Broadway Newburgh, NY 12550


Kori Percussion-USA 1930 Hilton Ferndale, MI 48220 (248) 546-4135 Fax: (248) 546-8296 Kradl Inc. 1523 Marquette Rd. Joliet, IL 60435 Russ (815) 741-3989 Fax: (815) 741-4098 ³ Kradl GF


Krank Amplifiers 1220 West Alemeda Tempe, AZ 85282 (480) 967-5803 Kuau Technology Ltd. 12604 NE 178th St. Woodinville, WA 98072-8702 JOHN DECKER (808) 879-0434 Fax: (808) 879-4261 Guitars Kubicki Technologies 57 Crooks Ave. Clifton, NJ 07011 Pat Nelson (201) 772-3333 Fax: (201) 772-5410 Electric bass Kuffner International Inc. (E,I) P.O. Box 141236 Staten Island, NY 10314-1236 HAP KUFFNER (718) 981-9392 Fax: (718) 816-4553 ³ EMG Inc., Tonepros GF Kurzweil Music Systems (M) 19060 S. Domininguez Hills Dr. Rancho Dominguez, CA (310) 637-2000 Fax: (253) 589-3585 ³ Kurzweil KI, PR, SY

MMR 89

45th annual supplier directory company listings Bob Archigian (914) 562-4400 Fax: (914) 562-4491 ³ Criterion, Electrics, Elite, Hard Rockin’ Steel, La Bella Records, Pacesetter, Professional Series, Series 2001, Slappers, Steinberger, Super Steps, Super-Nils BO, GF, PV Lace Music Products (M) 5561 Engineer Drive Huntington Beach, CA 92649

Don Lace (714) 898-2776 Fax: 714 893 1045 ³ Lace GF

Lakland Musical Instruments 2044 N. Dominick Chicago, IL 60614 (773) 871-9637 Fax: (773) 871-6675

Lag Guitars 900 E. Hamilton Ave Campbell, CA (408) 287-4020 GF

Lampcraft P.O. Box 995 Claremont, CA 91711 (909) 229-4410 Fax: (323) 417-4746

Lakey Mouthpieces (see Claude Lakey Mouthpieces)

LandMine Pedal Co 9 Pine St. N Thorold,, ON L2V 3Z9

Canada (905) 227-7941 Fax: (905) 227-7941 Landola Guitars P.O. Box 39 Pietarsaari FIN-68601 Finland ³ Landola, Peders GF 44 1384 633 821 Fax: 44 1384 639 186


Laney Newlyn Road Cradley Heath West Midlands B64 6BE England

Larilee Woodwind Corp. (M) 717 W. Beardsley Ave. Elkhart, IN 46514 (219) 293-2005 Fax: (219) 293-2005 ³ Larilee Oboes & swabs Lark In The Morning P.O. Box 799 Fort Bragg, CA 95437 Bill Taylor (707) 964 5569 Fax: (707) 964-1979 GA Larrivee Guitars Ltd. 780 Cordova St. E. Vancouver, BC V6A 1M3 Canada Matthew Larrivee 805 487-9980 Fax: (604) 253-5447 GF, Acoustic bass & guitars Lasar Music Corp (D,E,M) 500 Wilson Pike Circle, Ste. 204 Brentwood, TN 37027 www.hollandamps.c (615) 377-4913 Fax: (615) 373-4986 ³ Heritage Guitar GF

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Call us today at

1-866-431-6983 fax: 802-888-2942 e-mail: MMR09

90 MMR

Lashbrook Guitars, LLC (M) 912 NE 2nd Avenue Fort Lauderdale, FL 33304 (954) 767-2155 Fax: (954) 767-2154 ³ LTH-1, Naturacoustic GF Lasido (D,M) 19420 Ave. Clark Graham Baie D’Urfe, QC H9X 3R8 Canada Norm Arduini (514) 457-7977 Fax: (514) 457-5779 ³ Godin, LaPatrie, Norman, Seagull, Simon & Patrick GF Latch Lake Music Products (M) 3115 Mike Collins Dr. Eagan, MN 55121 Jeff Roberts (651) 688-7502 Fax: (651) 688-6234 ³ AcoustaGlide, Chrome Dome, Delta Classic, Micking, Xtra boom GF, GA, RE, SE

Latham Music Ltd. P O Box 913 Clemmons, NC Lynne Latham (336) 724-1919 Fax: (336) 794-7955 PV Laul Estonia Piano Factory (D) 7 Fillmore Drive Stony Point, NY 10980 Indrek Laul (845) 947-7763 Fax: (845) 947-7863 ³ Estonia KI Lava Cable P.O. Box 26329 Fayetteville, NC 28314(910) 797-7214 Fax: (910) 864-1296 Bill Lawrence Guitar Co. 125 Business Center Dr. Unit F Corona, CA 92880 951-371-2880 Fax: 951-371-9191 Lawton Percussion (D,M) 1479 Brighton Ave. Arroyo Grande, CA 93420 Marla Lawton (805) 473-9389 Fax: (805) 473-9389 ³ Maru PR Leader Music USA 875 Pennsylvania Avenue #5 Feasterville, PA 19053(215) 36-4 2985 Fax: (215) 36-4 2982 Leathertone Inc. 153 Hamlet Ave. P.O. Box 247 Woonsocket, RI 02895 Howard Rubenstein (401) 765-2450 Fax: (401) 769-8246 Lectrosonics (M) 581 Laser Road N.E. Rio Rancho, NM 87124 Gordon Moore (505) 892-4501 Fax: (505) 892-6243 ³ Lectrosonics SE Lee Filters 2237 N. Hollywood Way Burbank, CA 91505 Randie Poole

MAY 2009

company listings 45th annual supplier directory (818) 238-1220 Fax: (818) 238-1228 LE Lee Oskar Harmonicas (D,E,I,M) P.O. Box 1120 Duvall, WA 98019-1120 (425) 844-9889 Fax: (425) 844-9560 ³ Lee Oskar, Oskamonica GA, Harmonicas William Harris Lee & Co. Inc. 410 S. Michigan Ave. Chicago, IL 60605 William H. Lee (312) 786-0459 Leedy Drums P.O. Box 2468 Savannah, GA 31402 (912) 748-7070 Fax: (912) 748-6005 ³ Leedy PR


Bedford, MA 01730-1441 (781) 280-0300 Fax: (781) 280-0490 ³ 300L, 400L, Lexi Verb, Lexicon Studio, MPX R1, MPX1, PCR90 BO, RE, SE Light Wave Systems(M) 6387-A Rose Lane Carpinteria, CA ³ Light Wave BO, GF Lightronics Inc. 509 Central Dr. Virginia Beach, VA 23454 Gary Hardy (757) 486-3588 Fax: (757) 486-3391 LE Linc Luthier (M) 1318 N. Monte Vista Ave. Ste. 11 Upland, CA 91786 luthier.html Linc Hoke (909) 931-0642 Fax: (909) 931-0642 ³ Linc Luthier GF

Legendary Gear 645 Marshall Avenue Memphis, TN (901) 578 3588 Fax: (901) 578 3580 Legere Reeds ltd. (M) 39 Weatherup Cres. Barrie, ON L4N 7J6 Canada Peter Randell (905) 735-1559 Fax: (905) 735-4097 ³ Legere BO Leprecon/C.A.E. Inc.(M) P.O. Box 430 10087 Industrial Dr. Hamburg, MI 48139 Gary Pace (810) 231-9373 Fax: (810) 231-1631 ³ Leprecon LLC LE

Lindert Guitars Inc.(M) P.O. Box 172 410 Hwy. 150 Chelan, WA 98816 Larry Kupla (509) 687-2412 Fax: (509) 682-1209 ³ Locomotive Series Guitars Line 6 26580 Agoura Rd. Calabasas, CA 91301-2513 Krista Gariano Shue (818) 575-3600 Fax: (818) 575-3601 Amplifiers

Littlite P.O. Box 430 10087 Industrial Dr. Hamburg, MI 48139 Donn Deniston (810) 231-9373 Fax: (810) 231-1631 ³ Littlite CE, GA, LE, SE

(M) BO

Lone Wolf Trucking 1503 Walnut Dr Alamogordo, NM 88310 1-(800) 982-9505 Piano moving

Lizard Spit Inc. P.O. Box 5411 N. Muskegon, MI 49445 (231) 578-6000 Fax: (616) 844-9984 LJ Hutchen Corporation 600 Woodbury Road Plainview, NY (516) 433-7001 Fax: (516)433-0007 ³ LJ Hutchen Corp. BO

L.A. Studio Jazz, New York Jazz


LM Products (M) 1325 Meridian St. Anderson, IN 46016 L J Mechem (800) 876-7651 Fax: (765) 641-1205 ³ Eyeland, Surelock, Standtastic, Playmaster, 6-String, Slider Stands Lollar Guitars P.O. Box 2450 Vashon Island, WA (206) 463-9838 Fax: (206) 463-9802 GF Lomax (E,M) 940 E. McGee St. Springfield, MO (417) 685-0996 Fax: (417) 865-0996 ³ Lomax, Chicago Series,

Long Hollow Leathers (D,M) 1131 W. Main Franklin, TN 37064 James Thompson (615) 794-7147 Fax: (615) 794-7970 ³ Long Hollow Leather GF The Lorenz Corporation 501 East Third St. P.O. Box 802 Dayton, OH 45401-0802 (937) 228-6118 Fax: (937) 223-2042 PV Los Cabos Drumsticks 29 Millennium Drive Hanwell, NB E3C 2N9 Canada Larry Guay (506) 460-8352 Fax: (506) 474-2415 PR

Woodinville, WA 98072 (425) 402-6260 Fax: (425) 806-6383 Lowden Guitar Co. Ltd. (D,I,M) 14950 F.A.A. Boulv. Fort Worth, TX BT2343X Steve McIlwrath (702) 269-0577 Fax: (817) 685-5699 ³ Avalon, Lowden GF Lowrey Organ Co. (M) 825 East 26th St. LaGrange Park, IL 60526 Frank West (708) (352) 3388 Fax: (708) (352) 3464 ³ Lowrey KI LP-Latin Percussion (M) 160 Belmont Ave. Garfield, NJ 07026 Jim Rockwell (973) 478-6903 Fax: (973) 478-1503 ³ CP, LP, LP Music collection, LP RhythMix, LPAspire, Matador, World Beat PR, PV, stands, musical accessories

Lothson Guitars (M) 10580 Keslinger Rd. DeKalb, IL 60115 Larry Lothson 815-756-2031 ³ Lothson, Mohave, Xotic, Bare Knuckle Pickups, Analog Man, ³ Gibson GF

LPD Music International (D) 32575 Industrial Dr. Madison Heights, MI 48071 (248) 585-9630 Fax: (248) 585-7360 ³ Darling Divas, Little Legends, Paracho Elite Guitars, TKO BO, DJ, GF, GA, KI, LE, PR, PV, RE, SE

Loud Technologies 16220 Wood-Red Road NE

LPGI 333 Barron Blvd.


Grayslake, IL 60030 Kimberley Peters (847) 808-0695 Fax: (847) 808-0799 ³ Alchemy, Heart Flag, Phish Stickers, Rockerz Stickers, textile posters LSS Laboratories P.O. Box 1670 Center Harbor, NH 03226 Bob Ludwig (603) 476-2720 Fax: (603) 476-2725 Lighting equip. & access. Lucinda Ellison Musical Instru P.O. Box 386 Capella, CA 95418 Lucinda Ellison (707) 367-0793 PR Ludwig/Musser Percussion P.O. Box 310 Elkhart, IN 46515; Jim Catalano (800) 348-7426 PR Ludwig Music Publishing Co. (P/J) 1044 Vivian Drive Grafton, OH 44044 Chris Donze (440) 926-1100 Fax: (440) 926-2882 ³ Brain Recording of Japan, Elf Recording, H.L. Music of Australia, Kosei Publishing, Ludwig Music PV Luma Prime (SlapStik) (D,M) 13636 Ventura Blvd., Ste. 183 Sherman Oaks, CA 91423

Leviton Mfg. 59-25 Little Neck Parkway Little Neck, NY 11362 Levy’s Leathers Ltd.(M) 190 Disraeli Freeway Winnipeg, MB R3B 2Z4 Canada Harvey Levy (204) 957-5139 Fax: (204) 943-6655 ³ Levy’s GF, GA Lexicon Inc. 3 Oak Park

MAY 2009


MMR 91

45th annual supplier directory company listings www.The Russo Anastasio (323) 864-1856 ³ Slapstik PR Luna Guitars (D,I) 4924 West Walters Avenue Tampa, FL Yvonne de Villers (866) 854-5045 Fax: (813) 936-6447 ³ Luna GF The Lute Hole Co. 5893 S.W. 21st Street Hollywood, FL 33023 (954) 894 2500 Fax: (305) 933-6766 Luthier Music Corp. (D,E,I,M) 341 West 44th St. New York, NY 10036 Tony Acosta (212) 397-6038 Fax: (212) 397-6048 ³ Dieter Hopf, John Price, Luthier, Luthier, VGV Cases GF Luthiers Mercantile Intl. Inc. P.O. Box 774 412 Moore Ln. Healdsburg, CA 95448 Todd Taggart (707) 433-1823 Fax: (707) 433-8802 GF Lynx Studio Technology 711 W. 17th St., Ste. H-3 Costa Mesa, CA (714) 545 7400 Fax: (949) 645-8470 CE, RE, SE Lyon & Healy (D) 168 N. Ogden Ave. Chicago, IL 60607 (312) 786-1881 Fax: (312) 226-1502 ³ Lyon & Healy Harps, sheet music, access.

M M & A Sales Inc. 701 E. Gude Dr. Rockville, MD 20850 Dan Mahoney (301) 424-2500 Fax: (301) 424-9595 GA M & M Distributing Co. 2465 S. Industrial Hwy. Ann Arbor, MI 48106 Charles Avsharian

92 MMR

(734) 665-7715 Fax: (734) 665-0829 BO M&M Merchandisers Inc. (I) 1923 Bomar Avenue Ft. Worth, TX 76021 Chuck Franklin chuck.franklin@mmwholesale. com (817) 339-1400 Fax: (817) 339-1426 ³ G.P. Percussion, Kona Guitars, Trinity River, ZZRyder DJ, GF, GA, LE, SE M-Audio (M) 5795 Martin Road Irwindale, CA 91706 (626) 633-9050 Fax: (626) 633-9078 ³ M-Audio, Axiom, Conectiv, Fast Track, Luna, MicroTrack, MIDISPORT, Nova, Pro Tools M-Powered, ProFire, RTAS, Solaris, Sputnik, Torq, Transit, X-Session, Xponent, GForce impOSCar, GForce M-Tron, GForce Minimonsta Melohman, GForce Oddity, GForce Virtual String Machine, iZotope RX, iZotope Ozone 3, iZotope Spectron, iZotope Trash, Way Out Ware KikAxxe, Way Out Ware TimemARP 2600 DJ, KI, RE, SY Mark Campellone Guitars (M) 5 Mapleville Rd. Smithfield, RI 02828 (401) 949-3716 ³ M.Campellone GF Maas-Rowe Carillons 2255 Meyers Ave. Escondido, CA 92029 (619) (743) 1311 Fax: (619) 747-2677 Keyboard inst. Mackie Designs Inc. (M) 16220 Wood-Red Rd., NE Woodinville, WA 98011 (800) 258-6883 Fax: (425) 487-4337 ³ Mackie Designs/Digital Systems DJ, RE, SE Mad Professor Amplification Kauppakuja 2 14200 Turenki Finland 914-316-2414 ³ Mad Professor GF


Maestro Business Mgmt. System 711 North Carancahua Street Ste. 1500 Corpus Christi, TX 78475 Douglas Funk (361) 993-1790 Fax: (361) 993-1731 CE Magic Parts (D,M) 1221 N. McDowell Blvd. Petaluma, CA 94954 Tom McNeil (707) 769-5100 Fax: (415) 453-1111 ³ Ruby Tubes and speakers Magnamusic Distributors Inc. (D,I) 74 Amenia Union Rd. Sharon, CT 06069 (860) 364-5431 Fax: (860) 364-5168 ³ Aura, Coolsma Mailbox Music 2660 Enterprise Clearwater, FL 33763 (727)799-3862 Fax: (727) 669-9763 Main Strap Connection 557A Correll Ave Staten Island, NY Paul Valvo (718) (317) 1020 Fax: (718) 966-8912 Straps, accessories Majecal Case Co./ Caltron Pkg. (M) 225 Black Rock Ave. Bridgeport, CT 06605 Gary Leblanc (203) 367-5766 Fax: (203) 336-4406 ³ Majecal Majestic Percussion (M) P.O. Box 90249 Austin, TX 78709 John Gronemeyer (512) 288-7400 Fax: (512) 288-6445 ³ Majestic BO, PR Major Music Supply (M) 918A Clement St, Ste. 103 San Francisco, CA 94118 Mike Mulqueen (415) 221-6666 Fax: (415) 221-9666 ³ Revival Acoustics, Vivace Stringed Instruments, Ada-

gio Violins, Makai Uke Co., Verano, Armor Case Co. BO, GF Make Music, Inc (M,D,E,P) 7615 Golden Triangle Drive Ste. M Eden Prairie, MN 55344 Roger Williams (952) 937-9611 Fax: (952) 937-9760 ³ Finale, Finale Allegro, Finale Print Music, Finale Songwriter, Smart Music Studio, Finale NotePad CE Malletech (M) P.O. Box 467 Asbury Park, NJ 07712 (732) 774-0011 Fax: (732) 774-0033 ³ Malletech Manhasset Specialty Co. (M) P.O. Box 2518 Yakima, WA 98907 Barry Heid (509) 248-3810 Fax: (509) (248) 3834 ³ Manhasset Stands Maniac Music Inc. (M) 3937 Cranbrook Drive Indianapolis, IN 46240 Alan Hoover (317) 340-1161 ³ Sustainiac GF Manley Laboratories,Inc. (M) 13880 Magnolia Avenue Chino, CA 91710 EveAnna Manley (909) 627-4256 Fax: (909) 628-2482 ³ Manley RE The Mapes Piano String Co. (M) P.O. Box 700 Elizabethtown, TN 37643 Bill Schaff (423) 543-3195 Fax: (423) 543-7738 ³ International Gold, Mapes Strings Mapex USA Inc. (M) 118 Wheeler Street La Vergne, TN 37086 Joe Vasko

(615) 793-2050 Fax: (615) 793-2070 ³ Black Panther, Orion, Saturn, Pro M, M Birch, VX Series, QR Series, Q Series, Mapex PR Marathon Professional (D,E,I,M) 1113 East 11th Street Los Angeles, CA 90021 (213) 488-0198 Fax: (213) 488-5187 ³ Marathon, ELITE, GENESIS DJ,SE Marc Ingber, Inc. 11725 Gainsborough Rd. Potomac, MD 20854 Marc Ingber (301) 765-7788 Fax: (301) 765-7790 BO, GF, GA, PR Marcinkiewicz Co. Inc. (M) 593 SE 1st Ave. Canby, OR 97013 Joe Marcinkiewicz (503) 263-2456 Fax: (503) 263-2484 ³ Marcinkiewicz Vermeer, Marcinkienwiez Model Custom, Marcinkiewicz, Marcinkiewicz Rembrandt, Rembrandt SC3FLU, Rembrandt SC3PKT, Rembrandt SC4XQ4, The Buzz Zone BO Marco Bass Guitars, Inc. (M) P.O. Box 707 Dallas, OR (503) 831-0425 ³ Marco Bass Guitars, Fretgrove GF Mari Strings Inc. 14 W. 71st St. New York, NY 10023 (212) 799-6781 Fax: (212) 721-3932 Guitar strings Marimba Productions Inc. (P) 1107 11th Ave. Neptune, NJ 07753 (732) 774-0011 Fax: (732) 774-0033 ³ Keyboard Percussion Publications, Studio 4 Music, Marimba Productions Inc., Resonator Records Mark Chudnow Woodwinds (D,I,M) 5 Manchester Ct.

Napa, CA 94558 Mark Chudnow (707) 254-7388 Fax: (707) 254-7389 ³ F. Loree, MCW BO, Woodwinds Mark Leaf Case Co. 501 N. Baer St. McPherson, KS 67460 Chuck Vetter (620) 241-6928 Fax: (620) 241-7195 Cases Mark My Time (M) P.O. Box 9325 Chander Heights, AZ 86227 (480) 786-4481 Fax: (480) 503-8100 ³ Mark-my-time GA Mark of the Unicorn Inc. 1280 Massachusetts Ave. Cambridge, MA 02138 Adam Crary (617) 576-2760 Fax: (617) 576-3609 CE, RE Marketing Insights Inc. (M) 3812 Hawthorn Court Waukegan, IL Frank Lupino Jr. (847) 672-4578 Fax: 224-399-9199 ³ Mitee Cables, ECOLED,, LE Marlin Lesher Reed Co. P.O. Box 1004 Port Townsend, WA 98368 Anne Krabill (800) 272-1948 Fax: (888) 591-5827 Reeds, BO Marshall Amplification (D) 316 S. Service Rd. Mellville, NY 11747 (631) 390-6500 Fax: (631) 390-6501 ³ Marshall SE Marshall Electronics, Inc. (D,M) 1910 E. Maple Avenue El Segundo, CA 90245 (310) 333-0606 Fax: (310) 333-0688 ³ Mogami, MXL DJ, RE Martin Audio Limited (D,M) P.O. Box 44019 Kitchner, On N2N 3G7

MAY 2009

company listings 45th annual supplier directory Canada Robert Hofkamp (519) 578-0213 Fax: (519) 578-1575 ³ Martin Audio Speakers

³ Master, Marz, Don Wright, Planet GF

C.F. Martin & Co. Inc. (M) 510 Sycamore St. Nazareth, PA 18064-0329 (610) 759-2837 Fax: (610) 759-5757 ³ Darco Strings, Martin GF Martin Professional(M) 700 Sawgrass Corp. Pkwy. Sunrise, FL 33325 Anna Lise Laundrup (954) 927-3005 Fax: (954) 929-6405 ³ Mach, Powersoft SE Marz Guitars of California (I,M) 3435 Ocean Park Boulevard #107 Santa Monica, CA 90405 (916) 257-2100

Mason and Hamlin (M) 4111 N. Freeway Blvd. Sacramento, CA 95834 Tom Lagomarsino 916-567-9999 Fax: 916- 567-1941 ³ Mason & Hamlin KI Master Works Dulcimers (M) P.O. Box 167 Bennington, OK 74723 Russell Cook (580) (847) 2273 Fax: (580) 847-2245 ³ Master Works GF Masterwriter (M) 740 State Street, Ste. 203 Santa Barbara, CA 93101 Matthew DeVorzon (805) 892-2656 Fax: (805) 892-2696 ³ Masterwriter CE

Mateki Flutes Cincinnati Fluteworks 621 Clemmer Ave. #13 Cincinnati, OH 45219 (513) 579-8294 Fax: (513) 579-8305 Flutes Maui Ukulele/dba Nahenahe Uke (E,M) P.O. Box 240937 Honolulu, HI 96824 Pamela Petersen (808) 871-6853 Fax: (808) 871-5911 ³ Nahenahe Hawaiian Ukeleles GF, PV, SE The Max Trumpet 315 W. 53rd St. New York, NY 10019 Allan Colin (212) 581-1480 Fax: (212) 489-5186 ³ Max Pocket Trumpet, Pocket Gig Bag, Max Polycarbonite Mouthpiece in sizes: 1.5, 3,5,7.10.5 Trumpets Maxtone Musical Instrument Mfg (E,M) 3F, 400 Taichung-Kang Road Section 1


Taichung Taiwan R.O.C. ³ Fighter, Maxtone, Samko, Sparkle BO,PR May Intl. Drums Mics(D) c/o Drum Worshop 3450 Lunar Ct. Oxnard, CA 93030 Mark Goldstein (805) 485-6999 Fax: (805) 485-1334 ³ MAY PR Mayfair Music Publications 2600 John St., Unit 220 Markham, ON L3R 3W3 Canada John Loweth (905) 475-1848 Fax: (905) 474-9870 GA, PV MBT International (D,E,I,M) P.O. Box 63366 North Charleston, SC 29419 843-745-8501 Fax: 843-745-8502 ³ Adam, Barcus-Berry, Lau-

ren, MBT Lighting & Sound, J.B. Player, MBT Cases DJ, GF, GA, KI, LE, PR, PV, RE, SE McCollum Guitars (M) P.O. Box 806 Colfax, CA 95713 Lance McCollum (530) 346-7657 ³ McCollum GF McFarlin Enterprises Inc. 3324 13th Ave. E. Williston, ND 58801 Bill McFarlin (701) 572-6950 Fax: (701) 572-4683 BO McPherson Guitars(M) 1204 Roberts Rd. P.O. Box 260 Sparta, WI 54656 Dave Ohman (608) 366-1407 Fax: (608) 269-6704 ³ McPherson Guitars GF Mediaform, Inc. 528 E. Lancaster Ave.

Saint Davids, PA 19087 (610) 458-9200 Fax: (610) 458-9554 ³ Smartdrive CE, RE Mediamation INC 2213 Border Ave. Torrance, CA Allison Jamele (310) 320-0696 Fax: (310) 320-0699 Mediasync Corp. (M) 13855 Redwood Ave, Bldg. C Chino, CA Brian Kim (Gone) (909) 287-0609 Fax: 562-404-9951 ³ Rsq KP Mega Lite (M) 5718 Kenwick Street San Antonio, TX (210)684-2600 Fax: (210)855-6279 ³ Mega Lite LE, DJ


INDEPENDENT DEALERS ONLY BOX STORES NEED NOT APPLY! Gibson and PRS quality at less than half the price. Are you tired of having your margins and product mix dictated to you by corporate suits? Indie is the fastest growing line of guitars in the UK and Europe and is now stocking in the US & Canada.

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MAY 2009

MMR 93

45th annual supplier directory company listings Meinl Musik Instruments An den Herrenbergen 24 91413 Neustadt A.D. Aisch Germany 49 9161 7880 Fax: 49 9161 788710 Meinl USA (D,M) 3300 Ambrose Ave. Nashville, TN 37207 Mitch McMichen (615) 227-5090 Fax: (615) 227-0290 ³ Meinl PR Meisel Accesories LLC 51 Boland Drive West Orange, NJ (201) 233-3025 Fax: (973) 731-7965 Mel Bay Publications Inc. 4 Industrial Dr. Pacific, MO 63069 Bill Bay (636) 257-3970 X22 Fax: (636) 257-5062 PV Melancon Guitars 249 W. Main St. Thibodaux, LA 70301 Gerard Melancon (985) 447-4090 Fax: (985) 447-4099 GF Merano Musical Instruments (E,I,M) 10423 Valley Blvd. Unit G El Monte, CA 91731 George Y. Li (626) 575-5126 Fax: (626) 575-5127 ³ Merano, Sevilla BO, GF Meredith Music Publications P.O.Box 344 Galesville, MD 20765 (414) 774-3630 PV Mesa Boogie 1317 Ross St. Petaluma, CA 94954 (707) 778-6565 Fax: (707) 765-1503 Messe Frankfurt, Inc. 1600 Parkwood Circle, Ste. 615 Atlanta, GA 30339

94 MMR

Amy Crane-Walls (770) 984-8016 X409 Fax: (770) 984-8023 Messe Frankfurt(HK) Ltd. 3506 China Resources Bldg. 26 Harbour Road Wanchai, Hong Kong Metric Halo Laboratories M/S 601, Bldg. 8 Castle Point, NY 12511 Matt Nelson (845) 831-8600 Fax: (603) 250-2451 CE, RE, SE Metropolitan Guitars (D,E,M) 3526 E. T.C. Jester Blvd. Houston, TX 77018 David Wintz (713) 957-0470 Fax: (713) 957-3316 ³ Metropolitan Guitars, basses Metropolitan Music Co. (D,E,I,M) 4861 Mountain Rd. Stowe, VT 05672 (802) 253-4814 Fax: (802) 253-9834 ³ Ibex, Resonans, Torte Mutes, Ultra Mutes BO, accessories MI Media LLC (P/J) 22760 Hawthorne Blvd., Ste. 208 Torrance, CA 90505 (310) 465-1588 Fax: (310) 465-1788 ³ Bassics, Fingerstyle Guitar, Stick It PV Miami Parts Import 6991 NW 51st St. Miami, FL 33166 Victor Velez (305) 594-3908 GF, LE, PR, RE, SE MiBAC Music Software (M) P.O. Box 468 Northfield, MN 55057 Helen Ellinger (507) 645-5851 Fax: (507) 645-2377 ³ MiBAC Jazz, MiBAC Jazz CE Micro Musical Products Corp. 180-08 Liberty Ave. Jamaica, NY 11433 (718) 658-1030 Fax: (718) 658-5942


³ Duplexo, Free-Tone, Le Pectole, Nu-Shine, SPIVAK, Shastock, Thermo-flox BO Microboards Technology LLC 8150 Mallors CT. Chanhassen, MN 55317 Aaron Pratt (952) 556-1600 Fax: (952) 556-1620 CE, DJ, KP Microsonic (M) 2960 Duss Ave Ambridge, PA 15003 Michael Solomich (724) 266-9480 ³ Epic DJ, LE, SE Mid-East Mfg. Inc. 7694 Progress Cir. West Melbourne, FL 32904 Steve Kundrat ? (321) 724-1477 Fax: (321) 952-1080 BO, GF, P, PV Midas 448 Post Rd. Buchanan, MI 49107 Phil Katzenberger (616) 695-4750 Fax: (616) 695-0470 RE, SE MIDC Limited (D) 860 Denison St. Unit 11 Markham L3R 3K4, ON Canada 416-607-7030 Fax: (905) 780-0964 ³ Vintage, Vintage Icon, Vintage Medal Ax, Fiet-King, Antoni, Kinsman, GYC, Manuel Rodriguez & Sons, Aquarium Drumheads GF, PR Middle Atlantic Products, Inc. (M) 300 Fairfield Rd. Fairfield, NJ (973) 839-1011 Fax: 973-616-6810 ³ Edit Center, Multidesk Video GA, RE, SE, Studio furniture, racks, microphone pop filters MIDI Solutions Inc. P.O. Box 3010 Vancouver, BC V6B 3X5 Canada John Fast (604) 794-3013

Fax: (604) 794-3396 CE

³ Mike Christian CE, GF, PR, RE, SE, pickups

Midiman 5795 Martin Rd. Irwindale, CA 91706 (626) 633-9050 CE, KI, RE, MIDI interfaces

Millenia Media Inc.(M) 4200 Day Spring Court Placerville, CA 95667 John LaGrous 530-647-0750 Fax: 530-647-9921 ³ Millennia RE, SE

Midisoft 24325 Crenshaw Blvd, #108 Torrance, CA 90(505) (310) 602-5000 Fax: (310) 548-5929 Midwest Folding Products 1414 South Western Avenue Chicago, IL Ken Hufstater (407) 876 4929 Fax: (407) 876 8364 MidWest Music Dist. (D) 7135 Shady Oak Rd. Eden Prairie, MN 55344 Jeff Alvord (952) (925) 1928 Fax: (952) (925) 2541 ³ Burns USA BO, DJ, GF, GA, KI, LE, PR, PV, RE, SE Mighty Bright (I,M) 650 Ward Drive, Ste. A Santa Barbara, CA 93111 Bob King (805) 683-9000 ³ Mighty Bright BO, DJ, GF, GA, KI, LE, RE, SE Mighty Mite (M) 3451 W. Commercial Ave. Northbrook, IL 60062 Jeff Kylloe (847) 498-6483 Fax: (847) 498-5370 ³ Mighty Mite, Motherbucker GF Mike Balter Mallets, LLC (E,M) 15 E. Palatine Road, Sutie 116 Prospect Heights, IL 60070 Michael Balter (847) (541) 5777 Fax: (847) (541) 5785 ³ Mike Balter, Louie Bellson Mike Christian Technology 390 Northrop St. Bridgewater, CT 06752 (860) 354-5150 Fax: (860) 354-7529


Minarik Guitars(D,I,M) 413 Ross Street Glendale, CA 91207 (818) 243-3733 Fax: (818) 243-3779 ³ Minarik Guitars GF Mitchell Guitars 906 17th Ave. Wall, NJ 07719 (732) 681-3430 Fax: (732) 681-9069 ³ Mitchell Acoustic guitars


Mix Magazine (P/J) 6400 Hollis St., Ste. 12 Emeryville, CA 94608 (800) 381-1288 Fax: (802) 388-1290 ³ Mix Master Directory, Mix Edicion en Espanol, Mix PV Miyazawa Flutes/ West Music Co. 1212 5th St. Coralville, IA 52241 (319) 351-2000 Flutes, access., & covers MKS Professional Stage Product 5610 S. Topeka Blvd. Ste. C Topeka, KS 66609 Michael Stratton (785) 862-4723 Fax: (785) 862-5723 ³ Pedal Pad MMB Music Inc. (D,P/J) 3526 Washington Ave. St. Louis, MO 63103-1019 Marcia Goldberg (314) 531-9635 Fax: (314) 531-8384 ³ Studio 49 PR, PV MMO Music Group Inc. (D,M) 50 Executive Blvd. Elmsford, NY 10523, www.pocketsongs.c Irv Kratka (914) 592-1188 Fax: (914) 592-2751

³ Music Minus One, Pocket Songs KP, PV MMS Inc. (E) P.O. Box 3685 Brentwood, TN 37024-3685 (615) 331-3002 Fax: (615) 331-0339 ³ Earthworks, Source Audio, X2 Digital Wireless DJ, GF, RE, SE Modern Drummer Publications 12 Old Bridge Rd. Cedar Grove, NJ 07009 (973) 239-4140 Fax: (973) 239-7139 Modulus Guitars LLC(M) 8 Digital Dr., Ste. 101 Novato, CA 94949 (415) 884-2300 Fax: (415) 884-2373 ³ Flea Bass, VJ, Genesis, Quantum GF Mojave Audio (M) 2711 Empire Ave. Burbank, CA 91504 Dusty Wakeman (818) 847-0222 Fax: (818) 847-0223 ³ Mojave Audio RE Mojo Musical Supply (D) P.O. Box 2105 Glen Ellen, CA 95442 Nate Kramer (707) 773-3990 Fax: (707) 773-3999 ³ Mojo Tone Amp parts, speakers & access. Molinari Industries (D,M) P.O. Box 580 Lake Forest, CA 92630 Tami Heimbach (714) 580-2920 Fax: (714) 454-3746 ³ Bobadilla Cases, Daniel Guitars, Gon Bops Calle GF, PR, cases Moll Custom Instruments 2304 East Cardinal Springfield, MO 65804 (417) 883 9946 Mollard Conducting Batons (D,M) P.O. Box 178 Bath, OH 44210 Bob Mollard

MAY 2009

company listings 45th annual supplier directory (330) 659-7081 Fax: (330) 659-7083 ³ Mollard, Brite Srix, Lancio BO MONO Cases LLC (M) 62 Hillview Ave San Rafael, CA 94901 Brett Zadlo (415) 830-5522 Fax: (415) 532-2386 ³ Mono CE, DJ, GF, GA, PR, RE Monsound SRL (D) Viale Italia 88 Lainate 20020 Italy 39 2 93596500 Fax: 39 2 93596501 ³ MyAudio, DaG, M1750 SE (970) 339-9633 Fax: (970) 339-3236 ³ P. Mauriat BO Montgomery Music Inc. C/O Mayfair Music 2600 John St. #219 Markham, ON L3R 3W3 Canada (716) 636-1034 Fax: (716) 636-1043 Moody Fine Leather Straps 24446 Valencia Blvd, Ste. 7312 Carmel, CA (661) 670-0738 ³ Moody

Monster Cable 455 Valley Dr. Brisbane, CA 94005 (415) 840-2000 Fax: (415) 468-0295 Cable products

Moog Music (M) 554 C Riverside Drive Asheville, NC 28801 Chris Stack (828) 251-0090 Fax: (828) 254-6233 ³ Etherwave, Moogerfooger GF, KI, SE, SY

MonteVerde Music (D) 2970 W. 29th Street Greeley, CO 80631

Mooradian Cover Company (M) 65 Sprague St.

MAY 2009

Hyde Park, MA 02136 Stephen Hoffman (617) 333-6955 Fax: (617) 333-9657 ³ Mooradian BO, GF, SY Morgan Hill Music 375 Digital Drive Morgan Hill, CA 95037 Jeff Strametz (408) 779-3845 Fax: (408) 465-2117 ³ Boulder Creek Guitars, Wedgie, Powerband, Pitch Pocket, Natural 1 GF, GA, PR Morley/Sound Enhancements Inc. (M) 325 Cary Point Drive Cary, IL 60013 Debbie Stewart (847) 639-4646 Fax: (847) 639-4723 ³ Morley GF, SE Morrell Music Dist. Co. 2306 State St. Bristol, TN 37620

Curtis Morell (423) 968-5811 Fax: (423) 968-5409 GA, PV, SE Mosaic Marketing 309 E. Rand Road Ste. 330 Arlington Heights, IL 60004 (847) 483-5018 Fax: (847) 483-5019 Moser Custom Shop (M) 12053 East Trail Lake View Terrace, CA Earlleen Lloyd-Moser (818)834-6616 Fax: (818)302-0006 ³ Moser Custom Shop GF Moses Inc. (M) 32591 Fox Hollow Rd Eugene, OR 97405 Steve Mosher (541) 484-6068 Fax: (541) 684-8579 ³ American Ebony, Moses Graphite Necks BO, GF Moshay Pick Co. 604 N. Alta Dr.

Beverly Hills, CA 90210-3504 Ray Moshay (310) 275-1522 Fax: (310) 550-7353 GF Motherland Rhythm*Art Inc. P.O. Box 4195 Boulder, CO 80306 Dan Rice (303) 350-1172 Fax: (303) 447-2232 PR Mountain Rhythm(M,D) P.O. Box 1356 Lakefield, ON KOL ZHO Canada Darren Goldin (905) 764-6543 Fax: (905) 764-6685 ³ Mountain Rhythm, African Originals, Contemperania, Boomwhackers, SilverFox Drum Stix, Avant, Reference, Dream PR mpathx (M) 209 East William St., Ste. 535` Wichita, KS 67202 (316) 262-8788 Fax: (316) 262-8799 ³ mPATHX, LLC. CE Mr. Music Inc. (D,E,M) 3535 N. Anthony Blvd. Fort Wayne, IN 46805 Dave Ostermeyer (219) 373-2233 ³ Flavoreed BO, Reeds MRP Drums (M) 3688 Illona Lane Oceanside, NY 11572 Mark Ross (516) 568-2820 Fax: (516) 825-4485 ³ Lightspeed Bass Pedals, MRP Drums PR MSR (M) 9 Mono Avenue Fairfax, CA 94930 (949) 297-4514 Fax: (415) 454-2171 ³ Studio Panel System, Spring Trap, Salon Acoustics, Son Acoustics GA, RE, SE

MMR 95

45th annual supplier directory company listings MTS Products Corp. P.O. Box 1338 Elkhart, IN 46515 Scott Mount (574) 295-3142 Fax: (574) 295-1269 BO, DJ, KI, LE, RE, SE MTX (M) 4545 East BaselineRoad Phoenix, AZ 85040 Kelly J. Wells (602) 438-4545 Fax: (602) 438-8692

³ Power Loudspeakers, X Series DJ, SE Multi-Caisses Inc. (M,D) 1135 Taillon St. Quebec, QC G1N 4G7 Canada Mario Ratte (418) 527-2549 Fax: (418) 527-5856 ³ EMS, Multi-Pack, MultiPro, Road Boss, Road Riders, Techno-Pack, Tour Pack Cases & covers

Muramatsu America (E,I) 5063 Adams Road North Bloomfield Hills, MI Ervin Monroe (248) 540-6424 Fax: (248) 645-5446 ³ Muramatsu Flutes Muse Research, Inc. (M) 970 O’Brien Dr Menlo Park, CA 94025www.museresearch,.com

Three Brands. One Focus. Dependability Easy playability Affordable pricing Tonal responsiveness Quality workmanship

Chris Halaby (650) 326-5400 Fax: (650) 326-5401 ³ RECEPTOR 2, RECEPTOR 2 PRO MAX, RECEPTOR 2 Komplete Inside, RECEPTOR 2 TWR CE, KI, RE, SY Music Agency Inc. P.O. Box 868 Arlington, TX 76004-0868 Kathy Leblanc (817) 557-0031

Fax: (888) 557-0135 BO, GF, GA Music Dealers Resource Group, LLC (D,E,I) 1251 Sanborn Ct. Cincinnati, OH 45215 John Broermann (513) 733-0996 Fax: (513) 733-0996 ³ Travel Sonic, Corbin Musical Instruments GF, KI, PR Music For Percussion 170 NE 33rd St. Fort Lauderdale, FL 33334 Bernard Fisher (305) 563-1844 Fax: (305) 563-9006 Percussion, publications & videos Music Freight 13016 Eastfield Road Huntersville, NC 28078 (866) 647-6933 Fax: (407) 650-2889 Music Gifts USA 6403 West Rogers Circle Boca Raton, FL (866) 981-8133 Music House P.O. Box 26887 Santa Ana, CA 92630 (714) 429-2300 Fax: (714) 581-0557 Music Industry Products 2158 W. 11 Mile Rd. Berkely, MI 48072 Herb Adler (800) 521-8550 Fax: (810) 543-6961 The Music Link(D,E,I,M) 380 Valley Drive Brisbane, CA 94005 (415) 570-0970 Fax: (415) 570-0651 ³ Lucida, AXL, Johnson, Recording King, The Loar, Paris Swing Co., Palatino, Coda BO, GF, GA, KI, PR, PV, RE, SE

Trusted brand names from a trusted supplier.

96 MMR

Music Magazine Publishers Assn (A/O,D,P/J) P.O. box 402 Lookout Mountain, TN 423-822-7910 Fax: 423-822-7604 ³ Musicmags PV Music Minus One/ Pocket Songs (M) 50 Executive Blvd. Elmsford, NY 10523

Irv Kratka (800) 669-7464 Fax: (914) 592-3116 ³ Music Minus One, Pocket Songs, Right Tracks, Screen Tracks Cassettes, CDs The Music People (D,I,M,E) 154 Woodlawn Road Berlin, CT 06037 Jim Hennessey (860) 829-9229 Fax: (860) 828-1353 ³ Audio Spectrum, Hot Wires, On-Stage Stands, On-Stage, Zeppelinn DJ, GF, GA, KP, KI, LE, RE, SE, SY Music Player Network 2800 Campus Dr. San Mateo, CA 94403 (650) 513-4300 Fax: (650) 513-4642 Music Products Group 3833 W 12 Mile Rd Berkley, MI 48072(248) 541-9100 Music Sales Group (D,P) 445 Bellvale Road Chester, NY (845) 469-4699 Fax: (800) 345-6842 ³ Amsco Publications, Shawnee Press, Wise Publications, Boston Music, Oak Publications, Ossian, Chester/Novello/Bosworth, Passantino Papers, Omnibus Press PV Music-Search (P/J) 10358 S.E. Knight Portland, OR 97226 Myles Reck (503) 777-9515 Fax: (503) 777-0137 ³ SongDex PV Music Stamp Series (D,M) 470 Faith Drive Mississauga, ON L5R 4E8 Canada Robert Tardik (416) 995-4408 Fax: (905) 502-0921 ³ Music Stamp Series Guitar and Bass fretboard stamps, Tablature Stamps, 5 line notation stamps, banj Music Star Productions 5523 Pennsylvania Blvd Concord, CA 94521-

MAY 2009

company listings 45th annual supplier directory (925) 685-1804 Fax: (925) 349-6593 Music Treasures Co. (D) P.O. Box 9138 Richmond, VA 23116 Dan Tusynski (804) 730-8800 Fax: (804) 730-7200 ³ Austin Sculpture, E.M. Winston, Future Primitive, GRK, Hal Leonard, Halbe, House of Troy, MBT, Ralph Marlin, Reuge, Wren BO, GA, PR Music World Enterprises, Inc (D,E,I) 2555 N. Jerusalem RD East Meadow, NY 11554 Lou Capece - Peter Capece (516) 221-5596 Fax: (516) 679-9786 ³ Danville, Diplao, Grottano, New York Pro, Oxford, Play-On BO, GF, GA, KP, KI, LE Musical Distributors Group (D,I,M,E) 9 Mars Court Boonton, NJ 07005- Jack Thompson (973) 335-7888 Fax: (973) 335-7779 ³ Fostex, Fernandes, Hiwatt, Olympus, EBS, G7th, Coffin Case, gig-Fx, American Recorder DJ, GF, GA, RE, SE Musical Innovations Corp. (D,E,M) 7904 E. Chaparrall Ste. 110, PMB 197 Scottsdale, AZ 85250 Jeff Gorovitz (480) 941-8422 Fax: (480) 941-8522 ³ Click Clarinet tuning barrel MusiChem (M) 7535 Convoy Ct. San Diego, CA 92111 David Elgas (800) 776-6457 Fax: (800) 776-6457 ³ Grease Ultra-Lite, Grease Ultra-Heavy, Hybrid, Pro Oil, Pro-Oil, Slide BO Musician’s Atlas 38 Porter Place

Montclair, NJ 07042 (973) 767-1800 Musician’s Wholesale America 4870 Nolensville Road Nashville, TN 37211 Charles Shrader (615) 512-1989 Fax: (615) 832-7537 ³ Old Hickory, Defender GF MusicLord 23000 Miltary South Kent, WA 98032 Glen Hutter (206) 878-8038 Fax: (206) 878-8038 SE MusicMagazines.Com (P/J) 4418 Pampas Ct. Antioch, CA 94509 (928) 706-8839 Fax: (925) 757-3294 ³ Media Manager, MusicMagazines.Com Magazine, on line source book

Musicorp LLC (D,E,I,M) P.O.Box 63366 N.Charleston, SC 29419 (843) 745-8501 Fax: (843) 745-8502 ³ Barcus-Berry, JB Player, MBT Lighting & Sound, MBT Cases, Percussion Plus, Amigo, Arbor, J. Reynolds, Lauren, Sierra, Stageline BO, DJ, GF, GA, KP, KI, LE, PR, PV, RE, SE, SY Musicparts UK & Pollard Trumpets (D,E,I,M) 23, Stamford Park Road altrincham,manchester Cheshire WA15 9EL United Kingdom 44(0)1619296949 Fax: 44(0)1619297769 ³ Concerto, A & S, Terra, Pollard, Greaves BO Musicware Inc. 9855 SW Choctaw St. Tualatin, OR 97062 Joyce Ryan (425) 881-9797 Fax: (425) 881-9664 ³ Musicware CE


MusiKraft P.O. Box 532 Sicklerville, NJ 08081 (800) 443-9264 Fax: (609) 728-6262 Musiquip 325 Blvd Bouchard Dorval H95 H49 Claudia Lecuyer (514) 780-2079 Fax: (514) 780-2111 ³ Tanglewood GF, KI


Musix Resources (D,I) 2232-A Westborough Blvd. South San Francisco, CA 94080 Cesar M. Virgil De Dios (650) 583-7464 Fax: (650) 583-7491 ³ Megastar KP

Musitek Corp.(D,E,M,P/J) 410 Bryant Cir., Ste. K Ojai, CA 93023 Chris Newell (805) 646-8051 Fax: (805) 646-8099 ³ Midiscan for Mac, Midiscan for Windows Computer software

Musonic Product USA (M) 32 Emerald Court South San Francisco, CA 94080 William Lu (650) 872-1325 Fax: (650) 872-2250 ³ Prima, VIOLMASTER BO, GF

Musitron (M) 3419 Via Lido Newport Beach, CA 92663 Val G. Vanga II (562) 592-4812 Fax: (562) 592-4812 ³ Multitar, Triaxe Adapter GF

MVP Home Entertainment 109 W 134th Street Los Angeles, CA (818) 709-5809 Fax: (818) 709-7846


MW Enterprises Inc. P.O. Box 1274 Boone, NC 28607 Phillip Muncy (828) 963-7083 Fax: (704) 963-8990



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w w w. l p d m u s i c . c o m • e m a i l : s a l e s @ l p d m u s i c . c o m MAY 2009

MMR 97

45th annual supplier directory company listings ³ GS, Muncy, Steuer, Talking Sax BO MXL Microphones (M) 1910 E. Maple Ave. El Segundo, CA 90245 Scott Riedle (800) (800) 6608 X205 Fax: (310) 333-0688 ³ MXL, Mogami RE

N N-Tune 12828 Northup Way Ste. 300 Bellevue, WA 98005 Philip Sudore (425) 241-1112 ³ N-Tune GF


Nady Systems Inc. (M) 6701 Shellmound St. Emeryville, CA 94608-1023 Toby Nady; (510) 652-2411 Fax: (510) 652-5075 ³ Nady, Nady Audio DJ, GF, GA, KP, RE, SE

Nambucca Inc. (D,I) 165 W. 48th St. New York City, NY 10036 Marc Mommaas (646) 366-0241 Fax: (646) 366-0242 ³ Borgani, Le Bayle, Paraschos, Francois Louis BO Nanjing Aileen trading Company (E) Nanjing, China Nanjing 21008 China 0086-25-84533373 Fax: 0086-25-58071583 ³ Aileen BO, GF, GA National Educational Music Co. 1181 Rte. 22 Mountainside, NJ 07092 Ken Maehl (908) 232-6700 Fax: (908) 789-3025 BO, PR National Guitar Workshop (A/O,P/J) 407 Bantam Rd., Ste. 1-A Litchfield, CT 06759 Paula Abate (860) 567-3736 Fax: (860) 567-0374 ³ Day Jams, National Guitasr Workshop, Workshop Arts GF, GA, PR, PV, SE National Music Funding 4095 Avenida De La Plata Oceanside, CA 92056 (702) 260-0251 Fax: (916) 987-1680 Ntl. Piano Inst. Mktg. Servise 4195 Chino Hills Pkwy. #353 Chino Hills, CA 91709 Tony Siciliano (714) 854-9120 Fax: (714) 854-9123 National Reso-Phonic Guitars (M) 871C Via Esteban San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 Marie Gaines (805) 546-8442 Fax: (805) 546-8430 ³ National Reso-Phonic Guitars GF

Native Instruments Schlesische Str. 28 D-10997 Berlin Germany Stefan Ceiste CE, DJ, SY Neato LLC (M) 250 Dodge Ave. East Haven, CT 06512 Linda Redburn (203) 466-5170 Fax: (203) 466-5178 ³ CD Face, Neato Jewel Case, Neato Kit CD labeler, design software, jewel case inserts

858-270-9800 Fax: 858-270-3507 ³ All For Strings, Artists in Strings, Bastien Piano Methods, Foundations For Superior Performance, Nancy Telfer Choral, Standard of Excellence PV NEMC 1181 Route 22 Mountainside, NJ 07092 Gene Garb (908) 232-6700 Fax: (908) 232-3149 BO, PR

Nechville Musical Products (D,M) 9700 Humboldt Avenue Bloomington, MN 55431 Tom Nechville (952) 888-9710 Fax: (952) 884-4500 ³ Nechville Banjos, GF, SE, SY

NemeSys Music Technology Inc. (M) Austin, TX 78759 Suezean Van Buski (512) 219-9181 Fax: (512) 219-9029 ³ Giga Sampler, Giga Studio, Nemesys CE, DJ, KI, RE

Neil A. Kjos Music Company 4382 Jutland Dr. San Diego, CA 92117 David Gereghty

NEO Products Inc. Helmut Guitar Company (D,M) 3209 Park Boulevard Wildwood, NJ 08260 Rich Roland (609) 522-6595 Fax: (609) 522-6595 ³ Helmet Guitars BO, GF


Neotech (M) 304 Andrea Dr. Belgrade, MT 59714 Leslie Jackson (406) 388-1377 Fax: (406) 388-2063 ³ Soft Sax Strap, Slimline Guitar Strap, Super Ax Strap, Mega Bass Strap, Jammin’ Strap, C.E.O. Comfort Strap, Pucker Pouch, Wick-It Sax Strap, Super Harness, Neo Sling BO, GF, GA, PR Neumann/USA (D,M) 1 Enterprise Drive Old Lyme, CT 06371 (860) 434-9190 Fax: (860) 434-1759 ³ Chevin, Innova Son, Neumann, True Systems, Turbo Sound RE,SE Neutrik USA Inc. 195 Lehigh Ave. Lakewood, NJ 08701 Kathi Evans (732) 901-9488

98 MMR


Fax: (732) 901-9608 ³ Ethercon, Patchlink SPL, Powercon, Speakon SPX, Speakon STX, Speak-On GA New Haven Moving Equipment Cor (D,M) 1518 Paloma St. P.O. Box 21817 Los Angeles, CA 90021-0817 Stan Miller (213) 749-8181 Fax: (213) 749-8195 ³ Dreadnaught KI, LE, SE New Mad (New Media Mix Design) P.O. Box 9 978 Oakes Rd. Waterville, VT 05492 (802) 644-5607 ³ Mix A4, Mix A5, Mix F4, Mix F5 GF New Sensor Corp. (D,E,I,M) 32-33 47th Ave. Long Island City, NY 11101 (718) 937-8300 Fax: (718) 937-9111 ³ Celestion, EI, Eminence, Jan USA, Jensen, Sovtek, Electro-Harmonix, Tesla GF, SE Nielson/Sessions Hardware 770 Wethersfield Ave. Hartford, CT 06114 Sandra Pease (860) 522-8145 Fax: (860) 240-7419 DJ, LE, SE Noble & Cooley Co. P.O. Box 131 160 Granby Rd. Granville, MA 01034 Carol Jones (413) 357-6321 Fax: (413) 357-6314 ³ Classic SS, CD Maples, Alloy Classic Snare Nomad Cases (M) 2777 Burger Road Stevensville, ON L0S 150 Canada Bill Filek (905) 382-0140 Fax: (905) 382-0140 ³ Nomad Percussion access. Nordenholz Distributing Co. LTD 8 Vernon Valley Rd. East Northport, NY 11731

MAY 2009

company listings 45th annual supplier directory Kevin Reynolds (631) 628-0105 Fax: (631) 757-0021 BO Norman Guitars 42 Principale St. La Patrie, QC JOB 1YO Canada Yvon Fournier (819) 888-2244 Fax: (819) 888-2803 North American Music (D) 11 Holt Drive Stony Point, NY 10980 Gary Galanti (845) 429-0106 Fax: (845) 429-6920 ³ Hallet, Davis & Co., Hardman, Schulze Pollman North American Pro Audio 5304 Derry Avenue Ste C Agoura Hills, CA 91301 (866) 474-7711 Fax: (818) 597-0411 RE, SE Northwest Network 3029 N. 24th Way

MAY 2009

NS Design P.O. Box 705 Damariscotta, ME 04543 (866) 673-3744 Fax: (401) 539-8819 BO, GF

Boise, ID 83702 Patrick Kurdy (208) 336-4849 Fax: (208) 336-4447 GF, GA, PR Northwoods Guitars Unit #308 20445 62nd Ave. Langley, BC V3A 5E6 Canada (604) 514-7576 Fax: (604) 514-7586 Norton Guitars P O Box 762 Beverly, MA 01915(978) 921-4838 ³ Norton Guitars GF


Notation Technologies 4887 Church Road Doylsestown, PA 18901 (215) 551-1701 Fax: (215) 794-7115 Notion Music Notation Software 201 S. Elm Street, Ste. 300 Greensboro, NC 27401 (336) 275-2994 Fax: (336) 275-9654

Buford, GA 30518 Theodore Hickey, or info@ (770) 945-1033 Fax: (770) 945-1843 SE

NSI Corporation (M) 20497 S.W. Teton Ave. Tualatin, OR 97062-2210 (503) 404-5500 Fax: (503) 404-5600 ³ Luma-Net LE Numark Industries 200 Scenic View Dr. Cumberland, RI 02864 (401) 658-3131 Fax: (401) 658-3640 DJ, SE NuRol Direct P.O. Box 250047 Atlanta, GA 30325 (404) 352-3587 Fax: (404) 352-3589 ³ NuRol Direct CE


O OAP Audio Products 310 Peachtree Ind. Blvd.

Oasis Inc 12006 White Cord Way Columbia, MD (410) 772-5380 Oberheim 645 Massman Dr Nashville, TN 37210-3721 (615) 871-4500 Keyboards, sound modules effects Odyssey Innovative Designs 155 N. Aspan Ave. Azusa, CA 91702 (626) 334-0800 Fax: (626) 334-0226 BO, CE, DJ, GA, LE, SE Ohana Music 3350 E 7th St # 105 [Long Beach, CA Louis Wu

(626) 922-2848 ³ Obana GF The Ohio Timpani Company (M) P.O. Box 33252 Cleveland, OH 44133 Karl Dustman (440) 877-9674 Fax: (440) 877-9675 ³ The Ohio Timpani Co PR Ohio Travel Bag Co. (D,E,I,M) 6481 Davis Industrial Pky. Solon, OH 44139-3547 (440) 498-1955 Fax: (440) 498-9811 ³ Jiffy Rivets Case hardware Old Dog, LLC 9409 Glen Ridge Drive Laurel, MD 20723 Bob Stevens (301) 362-1420 Fax: (301) 362-1421 ³ Road Warrior GF

Oleg Products Co. (D,M) 7843 Noble Ave. Van Nuys, CA 91405 Oleg Garbuzov (818) 904-0030 Fax: (818) 904-0303 ³ Easy Glide, Ergonomic Neck Cushion, Olegature, Sax Enhancers, Maestro/Contempo, Oleg, Powerchip, PowerCut BO Oliver Musica USA Inc. (D,E,I,M) 1045 Armando St., Ste. F Anaheim, CA 92806 Oliver Liu (714) 632-5959 Fax: (714) 632-5900 ³ Muco/Artino, Oliver Music, Tido BO Olivieri Reeds (D,E,M) P.O. Box 1274 Boone, NC 28607 Phil Muncy (828) 963-7083 Fax: (828) 963-8990 ³ Olivieri BO

MMR 99

45th annual supplier directory company listings OLP/HHI 4940 Delhi Pike Cincinnati, OH 45238 Gary Baker (x215) (513) 451-5000 Fax: (800) 451-4944 GF Olsen Audio Group/ Wind Tech (M) 7845 E. Evans Rd. Scottsdale, AZ 85260 Sales dept. (480) 998-7140 Fax: (480) 998-7192 ³ Rapido, The strip, WindTech DJ, GA, KP, RE, SE Olympia Dulcimer Co. (D,M) 803 Lonesome Canyon Lake, TX 78133 Kevin Jones (360) 357-6523 Fax: (360) (352) 0140 ³ Walkabout Dulcimer Guitar family OME Banjos 5680 Valmont Road Boulder, CO 80301 Carlos Ogsbury (303) 449-0041 Fax: (303) 449-1809 ³ Ome GF


Omega Strings 18562 Ranchero Rd. Hesperia, CA 92345 (760) 947-4052 Omnisistem Lights & Effects (D,M) 7819 S. 196th ST. Kent, WA 98032 (253) 395-9500 Fax: (253) 395-9494 ³ PSL of Italy LE On the Wall Productions, Inc. (D) 9441 Old Bonhomme Rd Olivette, MO 63132 Robert Fishbone (314) 692-2900 Fax: (314) 213-3194 ³ Bead Brains, Thunder Tubes, Washboard Tie PR On2 Marketing Inc. (D,M) 160-12417 No. 2 Rd Richmond, BC V7E 2G3 Canada (604) 241-2410 ³ Blackwood, iQ Page Turner BO, PR

100 MMR

OnBoard Research Corp. (M) 1321 Valwood Parkway, Ste. 440 Carrollton, TX 75006 Mark Wilson (214) 239-4005 Fax: (214) 239-4006 ³ Centerpitch, Intellitouch, Beatnik BO, GF, GA, PR Onori Accessories 4785 Galendo Street Woodland Hills, CA 92364 (818) 888-9965 Fax: (818) 888-9917 Opcode 1818 Elm Hill Pike Nashville, TN 37210 (877) 999-4199 CE, KI, RE, SE, SY Open Labs 4020 South Industrial Austin, TX (512) 444-6222 Fax: (512) 233-2963 Opti-Case Inc. (M) 1175 CR 481 West Henderson, TX 75654 David Phipps (903) 657-5666 Fax: (903) 657-6030 ³ Blackhawk, Eagle I & II, Opti-Case BO, DJ, GF, KI, LE, PR, RE, SE, SY Optima Strings (M) 57 Crooks Ave. Clifton, NJ 07011 (973) 772-3333 Fax: (973) 772-5410 ³ Maxima Strings Guitar & bass strings Orange Amplifiers 2065 Peachtree Industrial Ct. Atlanta, GA 30341 404 303-8196 Fax: 404 303-7176 Amplifiers & speaker cabinets Organmaster Shoes D & C Ind. (M) 282 Stepstone Hill Rd. Guilford, CT 06437 Carol Carlson (203) 453-4421 Fax: (203) 245-5969 ³ Opening Night, Organmaster Shoes BO Original Musical Inst. Co 138 12th Ave. Nashville, TN 37203

(615) 256-1523 Fax: (615) 255-4078 Resophonic guitars, basses & access. The Original Swab Co. (M) (651) 300 Topeka Way Castle Rock, CO Daniel Parker (303) 663-4285 Fax: (866) 628-2824 ³ Dr. Dan’s BO, GF, PV Orion Cymbals Rua Emilio Goeldi, 411 Cep: 05065-110 Sao Paulo Brazil 5511 3871-6286 Fax: 5511-3871-6288 Orion Research (P/J) 14555 N. Scottsdale Rd., Ste. 330 Scottsdale, AZ 85254 Roger Rohrs (480) 951-1114 Fax: (480) 951-1117 ³ Orion Blue Book PV Orlando’s Wind Instruments (I) 223 South Hillward Ave. West Covina, CA Gizmo Castaneda (626) 523-0069 Fax: (626) 430-6412 ³ Orlando BO Juan Orozco Ltd., Inc. (D,E,I,M,P) P.O. Box 812 Carr #3 KM 106 Maunabo, PR 00707 Juan Orozco (787) 861-1045 Fax: (787) 861-4122 ³ Aranjuez, Juan Orozco, Aranjuez, Aranjuez GF Orpheus Music Inc.(D) 325 Nolan St San Antonio, TX 78202 Jim Gavigan (210) 637-0414 Fax: (210) 637-0232 ³ Dalyan, L.A. Sax, Pearl, Pearl BO Orsi & Weir (M,D) P.O. Box 973, Amherst, NS B4H 4E1 Canada (902) 661-2202 Fax: (902) 661-2208

³ Orsi & Weir Varese, Orsi BO Oscar Schmidt International 444 E. Courtland St. Mundelein, IL 60060 (847) 949-0444 Fax: (847) 949-8444 GF, SE OSP Worldwide 920 South D Fort Smith, AR Chris Ward (501) 804-9089 Otari Corp. of America (M) 8236 Remmet Ave. Canoga Park, CA 91304 (818) 598-1200 Fax: (818) 594-7208 ³ Concept, Lightwinder, RADAR, Status RE Ovation Instruments 20 Old Windsor Rd. Bloomfield, CT 06002 (860) 509-8888 Fax: (860) 509-8891 Acstc. & elec. gtrs. Overseas Connection (D,I,M) 6901 W. 117th Ave., Unit #10 Broomfield, CO 80020 Steve Karowe (303) 465-9585 ³ Kangaba, Real Africa, Africa PR OVO Systems (M) 5718 Kenwick Street San Antonio, TX (210) 684-2600 Fax: (210) 855-6279 ³ OVO Systems SE Oxford Industries Inc PO Box 54600 AtIanta, GA 30308 (404) 659-2424 Fax: (404) 653-1545 Oxford University Press 198 Madison Ave. New York, NY 10016-4314 Mary Harder - Kaufman (212) 726-6053 Fax: (212) 726-6444 PV Ozite A Foss Mfg. Co., LLC 11 Merrill Industrial Drive Hampton, NH 03843 Marty Davis (847) 680-0784 Fax: (847) 680-1002 GA

P P & D Wholesale (D,I) 1660 Barnum Ave. Stratford, CT 06614 Pete D’Addario (800) 823-5188 Fax: (203) 377-2576 ³ Pro Mark, Remo, Swing Time Percussion, Vater, Camber, Vic Firth practice pads, Active Percussion, Swingtime GF, PR P.Mauriat Saxophones (D,I) MonteVerde 2970 West 29th St. #18 Greeley, CO 80634 Roger Greenberg (970) 339-9633 Fax: (970) 339-9633 ³ P. Mauriat BO Pacific Digital (M) 17811 Mitchell N Irvine, CA 92606 Robert Horton (949) 252-1111 Fax: (949) 252-9397 ³ Drumxtreme DX-150, Drumztrem DX-100, DrumXtreme DX-Midi-Pro, DX-50, DX-Midi Console PR Pacific Drums & Percussion (M) 3450 Lunar Ct. Oxnard, CA 93030 Mark Goldstein (805) 485-6999 Fax: (805) 485-1334 ³ CX Series, LX Series, SX Series PR Pacific Supply & Trading Co. (D) 743 Cochran St., Ste. F Simi Valley, CA 93065-1976 Doug Schwartz (805) 527-5900 Fax: (805) 527-4094 ³ Littlite, SKB Cases, Pelican Cases, Wesco/Superlite, MightyBright, Xantech Commercial Packaged Lighting Systems Inc. (D,M) P.O. Box 285 Walden, NY 12586

Lois Meyer (845) 778-3515 Fax: (845) 778-1286 ³ Lumi-Rail, Stage-Master, Stardust LE Paige Musical Products (M) 4491 W. Sterling Rd. Jonesville, MI 49250 Bryan (517) 849-2202 Fax: (517) 849-9387 ³ Paige, Fender Spring Capo Capos Paiste America Inc. (D,E,I,M) 460 Atlas St. Brea, CA 92821 Tim Harrington (714) 529-2222 Fax: (714) 671-5869 ³ Alpha, Paiste 2002/Rude, Paiste 302, Paiste 402, Paiste 502, Paiste 802, Sound Formula, Signature, Traditional PR Palmer Guitars 6850 SW 81st Terr. Miami, FL 33143 (305) 666-8742 Fax: (305) 666-7625 GF Palmetto Musical Wholesale, Inc. 16 Lolandra Avenue Charleston, SC Pancordion Inc. 230 Herricks Rd. Mineola, NY 11501 Faithr Deffner (516) 746-3100 Fax: (516) 746-7085 Accordions, pickups, amps, sheet music, midis Pantheon Guitars (M) 2 Cedar St. Lewiston, ME 04240 Bonni Lloyd (410-) 54-4433 Fax: (410) 786-2104 ³ Bourgeois Guitars GF Panyard Inc. 1216 California Avenue Akron, OH 44314 Randy Kerns (330) 745-3155 BO, PR, PV Parker Guitars (See U.S. Music Corp.) Eric Oppenheimer

MAY 2009

company listings 45th annual supplier directory Paul Reed Smith Guitars Limited (M) 380 Log Canoe Circle Stevensville, MD (410) 643-9970 Fax: (410) 643-9980 ³ PRS Acoustics, PRS Amplifiers, PRS Guitars GF Pawar Guitars Ltd. (M) 28262 Chardon Rd. (#132-A) Willoughby Hills, OH 44092 (440) 953-1999 Fax: (440) 953-0183 ³ Pawar Positive Tone System GF

James Musser (310) 650-4021 ³ Peaceland Guitar Rings, Souloh CE, GF Peak Music Stands 13430 Alondra Blvd Cerritos, CA (877) 754-4681 Pearl Corporation (D) 549 Metroplex Dr. Nashville, TN 37211 (615) 833-4477 Fax: (615) 833-6242 ³ Adams BO, PR

Peace Musical Co. LLC (I,M) P.O. Box 5306 Hacienda Heights, CA 91745 (626) 581-4510 Fax: (626) 581-4710 ³ Peace drums and accessories BO, GA, PR

Pearl River Piano Group (D,M) 3949 East Guasti Rd., Ste. A Ontario, CA 91761 (909) 673-9155 Fax: (909) 673-9165 ³ Pearl River, Ritmuller KI

Peaceland Music 24725 Pennsylvania Ave. #c20 Lomita, CA 90717 peacelandmusic

Peavey Electronics Corp. (M) 711 A St. Meridian, MS 39301

(601) 483-5365 Fax: (601) 486-1278 ³ 5150, Black Widow, Feedback Ferret, GPS, Kosmos, Millennium, TransTube, Triple XXX, Wolfgang DJ, GF, GA, KI, PR, PV, RE, SE M.V. Pedulla Guitars (D,E,M) P.O. Box 226 83 East Water Street Rockland, MA 02370 Mike Pedulla (781) 871-0073 Fax: (781) 878-4028 ³ Rapture Bass, Thunderbass, Thunderbolt, Thunderbuzz, HexaBuzz, PentaBuzz, Buzz, MVP, Pedulla GF Penn Fabrication Inc. (D,M) 12691 Monarch St. Garden Grove, CA 92841 Phil Stratford (805) 604-0606 Fax: (805) 604-0707 ³ Penn Fabrication LE, case & cabinet hardware

Penn Industries 16 Passaic Ave. Fairfield, NJ 07004 (800) 491-9488 Fax: (973) 276-6246 LE Penny & Giles Inc. (D,I,M) 2716 Ocean Park Blvd., #1005 Santa Monica, CA 90405-5029 www.penny-giles-controls. Neal Handler (310) 452-4995 Fax: (310) 450-9860 ³ Penny & Giles RE

Performance Gear (M) 18 Catherine St. Shillington, PA 19607 Nick (610) 775-5800 Fax: (610) 775-5800 ³ Grow With Me, Stay-Put BO Performance Plus (M) 17091 Daimler St. Irvine, CA 92614 (949) 752-0050 Fax: (949) 752-0056 ³ Performance Plus GF, PR

Per-Mus Publications, LLC P.O. Box 218333 Columbus, OH 43221 James L Moore (614) 336-9665 Fax: (614) 336-9665 PV

Peripole-Bergerault Inc. (D,I,M) P.O. Box 12909 Salem, OR 97309-0909 (503) 362-2560 Fax: (888) 724-6733 ³ Bergerault, Peripole Percussion by Toca, Peripole-Bergerault PR

Percussive Innovations P O Box 720189 Pinon Hills, CA 92372 (760) 868-4808 Fax: (760) 868-4812 PR

Perri’s Leathers Ltd. 45 Casmir Court, Unit 15 Concord, ON L4K 4H5 Canada (905) 761-8549 Fax: (905) 761-9971

³ Perri’s Leathers GF Personal Cooling Concepts LLC P.O. Box 5452 Fort Smith, AR (479) 646-0943 ³ BlowIt Fans PR Pete Engelhart Percussion (D,E) 29 Beechwood Ave. New Rochelle, NY 10801 Pete Engelhart (914) 636-6900 Fax: (914) 636-6947 ³ Jingle Shaker, Reco Reco, Ribbon Crasher Handheld and mountable percussion C.F. Peters Corporation (P/J) 70-30 80th St. Glendale, NY 11385 Frank Billack (718) 416-7800 Fax: (718) 416-7805 ³ Bruckner Verlag, C.F. Peters, Dan Fog, Edition Peters, Engstroem, Heinrichshofen Edition, Kneusslin Editions, Kunzelmann, Litolff, H.,

Wholesalers of:

Juzek Stringed Instruments Bows Cases Strings Accessories

P.O. BOX 1415 STOWE, VT 05672 1.866.846.5461 MAY 2009 MMR 101

45th annual supplier directory company listings Musicland, Norton Msuic Books, Notre Dame Choir Editions, Samfundet Edition, Schwann, Belaieff, M.P., Choudens, Forberg, Hinrichsen Edition, Kahnt C.F. PV Peterson Strobe Tuners (M) 11601 S. Mayfield Ave. Alsip, IL 60803 (708) 388-3311 Fax: (708) 388-3341 ³ Strobostomp, StroboFlip, StroboRock, StroboSoft, BodyBeat, AutoStrobe Series CE, GF Petillo Masterpiece Guitars (D,E,I,M) 1206 Herbert Ave. Ocean, NJ 07712 David Petillo (732) 531-6338 Fax: (732) 531-3045 ³ Petillo Fret, Petillo Strings, Petillo Guitars, Petillo Polishes & Fingerboard Dressing, Petillo Sensor GF Petosa Accordions Inc. (D,E,I,M) 313 NE 45th St. Seattle, WA 98105 Joe Jr. (206) 632-2700 Fax: (206) 632-2733 ³ Petosa KI Petrof USA (D) 5400 Lawrenceviille Hwy Lilburn, GA 30047 770-564-4974 Fax: 770-564-4978 ³ Petrof Phantom Guitar Works, Inc. (M,E,I) 80353 Quincy Mayger Rd. Clatskanie, OR 97016 Jack Meussdorffer (503) 728-4825 Fax: (503) 728-4979 ³ Curly Cords, Mando Guitar, Phantom, String Locks, Teardrop GF Philip Kubicki Technology (M) 726 Bond Ave. Santa Barbara, CA 93103-3131 (805) 963-6703 Fax: (805) 963-0380 ³ Ex Factor, Factor 4, Key Factor 5, Key Factor 4 GF

102 MMR

Phillips Music Corp. 17668 State Hwy. B Kirksville, MO 63501 Tom Phillips (660) 665-5889 BO Phillips Violins & Bows Inc. 128 N. Lakeside Dr. P.O. Box 1318 Lake Worth, FL 33460 Ulrich Phillips (561) 585-5410 Fax: (561) 586-2325 Phoenix Audio LLC(D,M) Irvine, CA (866) 302-1091 ³ Phoenix Audio, Crowther Audio RE Phoenix Musical Instruments P O Box 5130 Santa Cruz, CA 95063(866) 752-9764 Fax: (509)659-355 Phonic America 6103 John RD #7 Tampa, FL 33634 Mark Dunford (813) 890-8872 Fax: (813) 890-6861 CE, DJ, RE, SE Piano Empire (I,D) 13370 E. Firestone Blvd Ste A Sante Fe Springs, CA 90670 Chris Vance (562) 926-1906 Fax: (562) 926-0577 ³ Carl Ebel, Gerhardt Steinburg, Kingsburg, Perzina KI PianoForce (D) 333 N Falkenburg Rd. Tampa, FL Bill Adams (877) 542-8807 Fax: (813) 315-9816 ³ Piano Force KI The Piano Group (D,I) P.O. Box 14128 Bradenton, FL 34280 Larry White (941) 794-5157 Fax: (941) 794-6140 ³ J. Becker, Schubert KI Piano Press P.O. Box Del Mar, CA


(619) 884-1401 ³ Holiday Fun Series, Musical Colors Series, Pieces for Piano Series, The Art of Music, Music Tools Series, Kidtunes, World Music Series, Five-Finger Composers PV Piano Technicians Guild 4444 Forest Ave. Kansas City, KS 66106 913-432-9975 KI Piano Wholesalers Intl. (D) 4001 S.E. 45th Ct.,#5 Ocala, FL 34(480) 0630 Gary Peters (352) 694-7761 Fax: (352) 964-6985 ³ Hamburg & Bach, Kingsburg KI Piano Wizard 7367 Glacier View Road Longmont, CO (303) 530-4227 Fax: (035) 304-217 Piano World 140 Cypress Club Drive, #423 Pompano Beach, FL (860) 741-2625 Fax: (860) 741-2625 PianoDisc (M) 4111 N Freeway Blvd. Sacramento, CA Tom Lagomarsino (916) 567-9999 Fax: (916) 567-1941 ³ Pianodisc, 228CFX, PianoCD, Opus7, iQ, Sync-A Cision, QuietTime, QuietTime Magic Star KI Pianomate Co. P.O. Box 6148 Mobile, AL 33606 (888) 279-4455 Fax: (888) 279-4455 ³ Pianomate KI


Pianotek Supply Company 740 N. Rochester Rd. Clawson, MI 48017 Mark Bisso (248) 588-9055 Fax: (248) 588-9044 ³ Hands Off Reserved for Performance Lock KI

Pic Stik Inc. (M) 562 Lakeland Plz., #226 Cumming, GA 30040 Rick Pia (770) 281-4595 Fax: (801) 761-7308 ³ Pic Stik GF Linda Toleno (201) 327-6400 ³ CD-J 1000MK3, CDJ800MK2, CDJ-200, CDJ400, DVJ-1000, DJM-700, DJM-800, DJM-400, SVM-1000, EFX-1000 DJ

Pick Pockets Inc. (M) P.O. Box 191228 Atlanta, GA 31119-1228 Michael Byers (706) 548-8869 Fax: (706) 548-8869 ³ Pick Pockets Guitar pick keepers

PJLA Music Products (D,E,I,M) 22159N Pepper Rd. P.O. Box 550 Barrington, IL 60010 Peter LaPlaca (847) 382-3212 Fax: (847) 382-4626 ³ Delacole, F.E. Olds and Son, Gard, Hampton, Newport USA, Pomarico, Phaeton, Takt, Van Doran, Vision BO, PR

Pierce Piano Atlas & Decals (P/J) P.O. Box MR 20520 Albuquerque, NM 87154-0520 Bob Pierce (505) 296-5499 Fax: (505) 323-0252 ³ Pierce Piano Atlas PV Pierre Josephs Violins & Basse 125 Locust Ave. Larkspur, CA 94939 (415) 924-2731 Fax: (415) 924-3322 GF Pigini Accordion Co. 230 Herricks Rd. Mineola, NY 11501 Faithe Deffner (516) 746-3100 Fax: (516) 746-7085 Accordions Pignose Industries(M) 2809 Synergy Street North Las Vegas, NV 89030 Howard (702) 648-2444 Fax: (702) 648-2440 ³ Gorilla, Pignose, MR. C’s GF, DJ, SE Pintech USA, Inc. (M) P.O. Box 3869 Greenville, SC 29608 Dan Gilbert 864-242-2150 Fax: (866) 445-0506 ³ Acoustech, Trigger Perfect, Visu-Lite, Nimrods & Dingbats, Practice Lids & XT’s, Zenbals, TC’s, PC’s, E-Road Pro, EJam, E-Gig, E-Session PR Pioneer ProDJ 2265 E. 220th St. Long Beach, CA 90810

PL&H International(M) 13430 Alondra Blvd. Cerritos, CA 90703 (562) 623-9266 Fax: (562) 623-0687 ³ Peak Music Stands BO Planet Waves (D,E,M) c/o J. D’Addario & Co., Inc. 595 Smith St. Farmingdale, NY 11735 Tim Hurst (631) 439-3300 Fax: (631) 439-3333 ³ Gripmaster, Pro-Winder, Planet Waves GF, GA Player Piano Co. Inc. (D,M) 704 E. Douglas Wichita, KS 67202 Durrell Armstrong (316) 263-1714 Fax: (316) 263-5480 ³ Coinola GA,KI Players Music Accessories (D,E,M) P.O. Box 9210 Mesa, AZ 85214 (480) 833-2500 Fax: (480) 833-2999 ³ Players Cleansweep, Duratech Stick AdjustaWeight System, Players Synthetic Cleaning Snakes BO, GF, PR PlayinTime Productions, Inc. (P/J) 4766 San Sebastian Drive Oxnard, CA Wendy Feldstein

(805) 984-2653 Fax: (805) 984-3031 ³ Rhythm Party, Wynton Marsallis, Yamaha Advantage PV PlayPro Software Inc. (M) PO Box 5416 Santa Clara, CA 95056 Laurie Arthur (408) 969-0800 Fax: (408) 969-0200 ³ PlayPro Teaching software Pleyel 30319 Croupillac Ales Cedes France (33)466562504 Fax: (33)466869221 Ploeger Sound Mirror (E,M) 28003 Norcross Dr. Harrison Township, MI 48045 (586) 469-3137 Fax: (586) 469-3137 ³ Ploeger BO Plus 24 (D,E,I,M) 1155 N. La Brea Ave. West Hollywood, CA 90038 Martin Ucik (323) 845-1171 Fax: (323) 845-1170 ³ Brainstorm, Friend-Chip, MAM Music and More, Marian, Sanken, Sek’O, Sommer, Swissonic CE, DJ, KI, RE, SE, SY PMI Audio Group 1845 W. 169th St. Gardena, CA 90247 Alan Hyatt (877) 563-6335 Fax: (310) 373-4714 RE Pocket Songs 50 Executive Blvd. Elmsford, NY 10523 Irv Kratka (914) 592-1188 Fax: (914) 592 2751 Play-along records & tapes, karaoke Poeschl Mfg. Co. P.O. Box 2702 Oshkosh, WI 54901 (920) 231-5197 Fax: (920) 231-3234 GA The Point Technologies (D,E,I,M) 410 Main St. P.O. Box 402 Coalport, PA 16627-0402

MAY 2009

company listings 45th annual supplier directory Charles Fisher (814) 672-5780 Fax: (814) 672-5671 ³ Off-Set, The Point Classic GF, PR Poppenberg & Associates (D,I,M) 7700 East 29th Avenue South Ste. 405 Denver, CO 80238 Arnold C Poppenberg (303) 765-5775 Fax: (303) 765-2499 ³ Sama, Heintzman and Co., Doremi USA KI B. Portnoy Clarinet Accessorie P.O. Box 1345 Brea, CA 92822-1345 Carey Portnoy (800) 810-1088 Fax: (866) 684-5746 GA, Clarinet mouthpieces Powell Flutes/ Hi Notes (M) 1 Clock Tower Pl., Ste. 300 Maynard, MA 01754 Roberta Gillette (978) 461-6111 Fax: (978) 461-6155 ³ Verne Q. Powell, Zonda BO Power Group LTD (D) 7105 A Edwards Blvd Mississauga, ON L5S 1Z2 Canada (905) 405-1229 Fax: (905) 405-1885 ³ Ashdown, MTD, Body Glove, Audix, Icon, Elixir, Rotosound, Monster, Highland Guitar Company, Solo Music Gear, Koss Stereophones, Ultrasone, Stagecraft, String Swing GF, GA, RE, SE, SY Power Lung (D,M) 10690 Shadow Wood Drive Ste. 100 Houston, TX 77043 Carolyn Morse (713) 465-1180 Fax: (713) 465-5742 ³ Powerlung BO Power Technology (M,D) 100 Northill Dr., Bldg. 24 Brisbane, CA 94005 Rob Williams (415) 467-7886 Fax: (415) 467-7386

MAY 2009

³ DSP.FX System, JamAlong CE, RE, SE Power Wrist Builders(M) 1434 Corte De Rosa San Jose, CA 95120 Terry A. Loose (408) 997-9560 ³ Power Wrist Builders PR Powerwerks/HHI 4940 Delhi Pike Cincinnati, OH 45238 Wayne Hartman (513) 451-5000 Fax: (800) 451-4944 ³ Powerwerks LE, RE, SE


Praxis Musical Instruments Inc. (D,I,M) 1431 W Collins Ave Orange, CA Mike Reiland (714) 532-6655 Fax: (714) 532-6661 ³ Sterling By Music Man, Parkwood Guitars, Human Bass USA GF Precision Drum Co. 151 California Rd. Yorktown Heights, NY 10598 George Fulchi (914) 962-4985 Fax: (914) 962-4985 PR Premier Percussion USA Inc. P.O. Box 325 Norwell, MA 02061 Colin Scholfield (781) 659-4969 Fax: (781) 659-4787 PR Premier Guitar 306 Highway 1 South Mount Vernon, IA Dave Westin (515) 574-2211 Fax: (515) 574-2217 GF 44 (0) 870 160 3121 Fax: 44 (0) 870 160 3122 ³ Premier Series, Artist Heritage, Cabria Series, Revolution Series, Modern Classic, Olympic Series, Elite BO, PR Premier Percussion (M) C/O MBT International Charleston, SC Fax: (800) 916-8942 ³ Premier BO, PR Prescription Electronics Inc. P.O. Box 42233 Portland, OR 97242 (503) 239-9106 Guitar family & accessories PreSonus Audio Electronics (M) P.O. Box 84008 Baton Rouge, LA 70884 Laura Odom (225) 344-7887 Fax: (225) 344-8881 ³ ACP22, ACP88, Blue Max, M80, MP20 RE Theodore Presser Co. (P/J,D) 588 North Gulph Rd. King of Prussia, PA 19406 Dwight Monroe (610) 592-1222 Fax: (610) 592-1229 ³ Coronet Press, Editions Chantraine, Presser, Royal Schools of Music/Associated Board, Elkan-Vogel Inc., John Church Co., Merion Music, Oliver Ditson Co. PV Prestini Reed Corp.(M) 2020 North Aurora Dr. #5 Nogales, AZ 85621 Giuseppe Prestini (520) 287-4931 Fax: (520) 287-7049 ³ Prestini USA, hermes BO Priddis Music LLC (M) P.O. Box 345 Pleasant Grove, UT 84062-0345 Rick Priddis (801) 785-0949 Fax: (801) 785-6705 ³ Lost Classics KP Primacoustic (M) 1638 Kebet Way Port Coquitlam, BC V3C 5W9 Canada Jay Porter (604) 942-1001 Fax: (604) 942-1010 ³ Primacoustic, Broadway, Reflex, Australis GA, SE Pritchard Amps 290 Pritchard Lane Berkeley Heights, WV 25411 (304) 258-9113 Fax: (304) 258-4673 Amps Pro Co Sound (M) 225 Parsons St. Kalamazoo, MI 49007 Charles Wicks (800) 253-7360 Fax: (269) 388-9681 ³ Lifelines, Momentum, RAT, Solo DJ, GF, GA, SE Pro-Mark Corp. (M) 11550 Old Main Street Loop Rd. Houston, TX 77025 Pat Brown (713) 314-1100 Fax: (713) 669-8000

³ Pro-Mark PR Pro Stage Gear LLC (Pedaltrain) (M) 216 19th Ave N Nashville, TN 37203-2123 (615) 327-4291 Fax: (615) 599-5795 ³ Pedaltrain Pro Tec International (D,M) 1340 S. Manhattan Ave. Fullerton, CA 92831 Andy Lutz (714) 441-0114 Fax: (714) 441-0625 ³ Liberty, Manhattan, Pro Pac BO, GF, GA, KI, SE Pro-Active Websites (P) 3319 N. Ridge Avenue Arlington Heights, IL (847) 398-5480 Fax: (847) 398-5441 ³ Super Store, Showcase, Generator, b-commerce CE Pro-Sing Karaoke 6365 53rd St. North Ste. B Pinellas Park, FL 33(781) (800) 776-7464 Fax: (888) 388-9740 ProCases Inc. 4626 E. 48th St. Vernon, CA 90058-3228 Shane Zakhor (323) 585-4447 Fax: (323) 585-4448 ³ Eurolite Cases, Econoline Proel USA Inc. (D,M) 1101 Kessler Drive Ste. B El Paso, TX 79907 (915) 591-5848

Fax: (915) 591-5849 ³ Proel, Tamburo GF, GA, KI, LE, PR, RE, SE Professional Music Accessories 405 Neptune Street Morgan City, LA 70380 (985) 395-9648 PRS Guitars (Paul Reed Smith) (M) 380 Log Canoe Cir. Stevensville, MD 21666 Rebecca Eaddy (410) 643-9970 Fax: (410) 643-9980 ³ P.R.S., Paul Reed Smith GF Prudencio Seaz USA Inc. (D) 1498 SW 1st Street Boca Raton, FL (866) 396-1933 Fax: (561) 370-6999 ³ Prudencio Seaz GF PureGold Teaching Tools (P/J) P.O. Box 16622 Tucson, AZ 85732 Heidi Goldman (520) 747-5600 Fax: (520) 571-9077 ³ Flashy Splashy Music Cards, Flashy Splashy Coloring Book, Italian Terms for the Musically Inclined, I’ve Got Rhythm Flash Cards, Name Game Note Cards, Alto Clef Floor Mat, Musical Mish Mosh, Name Game, Take Note KI, PV Puresound (M) 5302 Lennox Ave. Sherman Oaks, CA 91401 (310) 966-1176

Premier Guitar Shows 912 1st Ave. North Fort Dodge, IA 50501(515) 574-2211 Fax: (515) 574-2217 Premier Music International LTD (M) Kibworth Business Park Kibworth Harcourt Leicestershire, EN England

MMR 103

45th annual supplier directory company listings Fax: (310) 473-4255 ³ Blaster, Equalizer, Puresound, Spellball, Ultrasonic PR

Q Q Enterprises 1513 Dog Whistle Lane Wilmington, NC 28411 (910) 796-1438 Fax: (425) 969-9824 QRS Music Technologies Inc.(I,M) 2011 Seward Ave. Naples, FL 34109 Bob Berkman (239) 597-5888 Fax: (239) 597-3936 ³ Gulbransen, QRS Music, Story-Clark KI QMP Sales 1755 Lake Cypress Drive Safety Harbor, FL (866) 668-4452 Fax: (276) 839-508 QSC Audio Products Inc. (M) 1675 MacArthur Blvd. Costa Mesa, CA 92626 Julia Clarke (714) 754-6175 Fax: (714) 754-6174 ³ QSC SE Quinco Inc. 10195 Maymie Rd. Boise, ID 83703 Terry Miller (208) 853-1449 Fax: (208) 853-4731 ³ Traq Tape Cable cover


Quintus Inc. 444 Lake Mary Rd. Flagstaff, AZ 86001 (520) 774-8573 Fax: (520) 774-1649 ³ Quintus BO


Quodlibet, Inc. (D,E,M) P.O. Box 3780 Englewood, CO 80155-3780 Jean Smith (303) 779-3083 Fax: (303) 779-4571 ³ Quodlibet BO

R R & G International 8200 S. Memorial Pkwy. Huntsville, AL 35802 Dee Campobasso

104 MMR

(205) 880-8020 Fax: (205) 880-8077 R & R Cases & Cabinets (M) 1217 Rand St. Des Plaines, IL 60016 Bob Kruptsch (847) 299-8100 Fax: (847) 299-8110 ³ Easy Store Panel, Showtrunks, Tour Series, Travel Series GF, KI, LE, PR, RE, SE, SY R.E. Brune, Luthier (D,E,I,M) 800 Greenwood St. Evanston, IL 60201 Richard Brune (847) 864-7730 Fax: (847) 864-8022 ³ Hannabach Strings GF Rackman 3120 Damon Way Burbank, CA 91505 (818) 846-1317 Fax: (818) 846-0359 DJ, SE Radial Engineering 1638 Kebet Way Port Coquitlam, BC V3C 5W9 Canada Peter Janis (604) 942-1001 Fax: (604) 942-1010 ³ Radial Engineering, Tonebone, BigShot DJ, FG, GA Radian Audio Engineering 600 North Batavia Street Orange, CA 92868 Jim Chase (714) 288-8900 Fax: (714) 288-1133 SE Raezer’s Edge Co. (M) 726 Girard Ave. Swarthmore, Pa 19081 raezer’sedge Rick Raezer (610) 328-5466 Fax: (610) 328-3857 ³ Bass-12, Stealth-12 Speaker enclosure RainSong Graphite Guitars (D,E,M) 12604 NE 178th St. Woodinville, WA 98072 Ashvin R. Coomar (425) 485-7551 Fax: (425) 485-7274 ³ RainSong GF

Randall May International Inc. (M) 1402 McGaw Avenue Irvine, CA 92614 Lauren May (949) 757-1717 Fax: (949) 757-0717 ³ May Drum Miking System Internal drum amplification

(770) 451-2903 Fax: (770) 234-5790 BO

California Custom Covers, No Strings GA, GF

Rawlins Piano Company 28052 Camino Capistrano Laguna Niguel, CA 92677 (949) 493 2537

Randall U.S.A./Div. of U.S. Music 444 E. Courtland St. Mundelein, IL 60060 (847) 949-0444 Fax: (847) 949-8444 SE

Raxxess Metalsmiths (M) 261 Buffalo Ave. Paterson, NJ 07503 Jon Stafford (973) 523-5105 Fax: (973) 523-5106 ³ Config-U-Raxx, Isoraxx, Rotr Rack, Converta-raxx, Raxxess CE, GA, RE, SE

Reed Kotler Music 855 Kifer Rd. Ste. E Sunnyvale, CA 94086 Reed Kotler (408) 245-6980 Fax: (408) 245-6628 BO, CE, GF, GA, KI

Randy Potter, RPT (P/J) 61592 Orion Dr. Bend, OR 97702 Randy Potter (541) 382-5411 Fax: (541) 382-5400 ³ Invertronics, Sanderson Accu-Tuner PV Rane Corporation (M) 10802 47th Ave. W. Mukilteo, WA 98275 Ray Bloom (425) 355-6000 Fax: (425) 347-7757 ³ Rane DJ, SE Rapco Cable (M) 3581 Larch Ln. Jackson, MO 63755 Roger Blankenship (573) 243-1433 Fax: (573) 243-1384 ³ RapcoHorizon, Oculus Designs, Dominator Cables DJ, GF, GA, LE, RE, SE Jack Rasmussen, Luthier (M) 1714 West Crest Dr. Arlington, TX 76013 Jack M.Rassmussen (817) 475-5119 Fax: (817) 801-8876 ³ Jack M. Rasmussen, Mario Balducci BO Ratliff Mandolins P.O. Box 914 Church Hill, TN 37642 Audey Ratliff (423) 357-4381 Fax: (423) 357-4381 GF RATMusic Stands 5198 Holland Ct. Atlanta, GA Steven Beeferman

RC Music Marketing P.O. Box 8655 Truckee, CA 96162 Krystle Manning (530) 582-8889 Fax: (530) 582-8998 GF Real de los Reyes 321 Col. Los Reyes Coyoacan D.F. 04330Mexico 52 (55) 5610-2322 Re’an Products 16 Passaic Ave., Bldg. 9 Fairfield, NJ 07004 Larry Niles (973) 808-0063 Fax: (608) 274-5820 SE Recording Industry Sourcebook (P/J) 6400 Hollis St., Ste. 12 Emeryville, CA 94608 (913) 967-1719 Fax: (913) 967-1901 ³ Sourcebase PV, RE, SE Red Bear Amplifiers 645 Massman Dr. Nashville, TN 37210 (615) 871-4500 Fax: (615) 872-7768 Amps and cabinets Redland Music Products (M) 3030 West Directors Row Salt Lake City, UT 84104 (877) 688-7584 Fax: (888) 848-0038 ³ Redland BO, GF, KI Redwood Music Corp. (E,I,M,D) P.O. Box 763 Chino Hills, CA 91709 (909) 606-6455 ³ Colonial Leather, Kick Ass, Redwood, Alloy51,

Regal Tip/Calato (M) 4501 Hyde Park Blvd. Niagara Falls, NY 14305 WWW.REGALTIP.COM Paul Pinchuk (716) 285-3546 Fax: (716) 285-2710 ³ Regal Tip PR Reliable Hardware Co. (D,E,I,M) 11319 Van Owen St. N. Hollywood, CA 91605 (818) 753-8558 Fax: (818) 767-6118 ³ Pro Series Casters Reliance Research (D,M) 1024 Ashworth Cove Altamonte Springs, FL 32714 W. Ashworth (407) 862-3038 Fax: (407) 862-3904 ³ Robotone GA Remle Musical Products Inc. (E,M) P.O. Box 280341 Northridge, CA 91324 Judith Roan (818) 993-3710 Fax: (818) 993-3241 ³ Beechler, ARB, Tuffbite, Bellite BO Remo Inc. (M) 28101 Industry Dr. Valencia, CA 91355 Sue Kincade (661) 294-5600 Fax: (661) 294-5700 ³ Acousticon, Advanced Acoustion, Ambassador, drumhead durability enhancer, Bravo, Black Max, Cybermax, Controlled Sound, Dynamax, Diplomat, Emperor X, Encore, Ebony, Emperor, Falams, Fiberskyn, Fruit Shake, Goldcrown, Health Rhythms, Kid’s Percussion, Legacy, Lollipop Drum, Mastertouch, Metalized, Muff’l Strips,

Nuskyn, Ocean Drum, Poncho Sanchez, Pinstripe, Powerstroke, Practice Pad, Putty Pad, Quadura, Radiant Design, Remo, Renaissance, Rhythm Club, Rhythh Tools, Rototom, Smooth White, Sound Shapes, Suede, Tendura, Tombek, Tubano, Tuff-E-Nuff, Veggie Shake, Weather King, White Max, Master Edge BO, PR, PV RenkusHeinz Inc. (E,M) 19201 Cook St. Foothill Ranch, CA 92610 (714) 250-0166 Fax: (714) 250-1035 ³ CoEntrant, Complex Conic, Trap SE Renner U.S.A. (D,M) P.O. Box 3440 Carefree, AZ 85377 Lloyd Meyer (480) 575-1700 Fax: (480) 575-1701 ³ Renner KI Resource Publications Inc. (P/J) 160 E. Virginia St., Ste. 290 San Jose, CA 95112 Susan Mancuso (408) 286-8505 Fax: (408) 287-8748 ³ Christian Music Finder, Christian Music Directory CE Retail Up 7913 Taranto Drive Austin, TX Retrospec, Inc. (M) 90 Main St. P.O. Box 466 Phoenicia, NY 12464 Charles Errante (914) 688-7329 Fax: (914) 688-2895 ³ Juice Box, Main Gain, Main Squeeze, Squeeze Box Signal processing, compressor,limiter, amplifiers, mic-preamplifier charl Reunion Blues 11-5th Street No. 106 Petaluma, CA 94952 (800) 950-1095 ³ Reunion Blues BO, GF, PR


Reverend Musical Instruments 27300 Gloede, Unit D

MAY 2009

company listings 45th annual supplier directory Warren, MI 48088 Joe Naylor (586) 775-1025 Fax: (586) 775-2991 GF Rheuben Allen & Associates, LLC (M) 5111 Carmen Street Torrance, CA 818 985-9846 ³ Rheuben Allen, Kenny G, Zephyrwinds, Ronnie Laws Rhino Guitar Amplification 4630 Turf Rd. El Paso, TX 79938 (915) 855-4922 Fax: (915) 855-3080 Rhythm Band Instruments, Inc. (D,M) P.O. Box 126 Fort Worth, TX 76101 Randy Hargis (800) 424-4724 Fax: (800) 784-9401 ³ Kidsplay, Autos, Belleplates, Remo, Sonor, Ringleader, Sweet Pipes, Chromoharp PR, PV, SE Rhythm Fusion Inc. P.O. Box 3226 Santa Cruz, CA 95063 (831) 423-2048 Fax: (831) 423-2073 Rhythm Tech (M) 29 Beechwood Ave. New Rochelle, NY 10801 (914) 636-6900 Fax: (914) 636-6947 ³ Allpha, Crasher, The, DST, Laptop, The, Rhythm Tech, Skratcher, The, iTs PR Rhythmic Magic (M) P.O. Box 28 Frazier Park, CA 93225 Richard Schwagerl (661) 245-5628 Fax: (661) 245-5628 ³ Rhythmic Magic PR Rhythms Exotic Afro Percussion (D,M) P.O. Box 70883 Sunnyvale, CA 94086 Joe Aqu (408) 246-1002 Fax: (408) 246-8310 ³ Udu-Igbah, Oji PR

MAY 2009

Rich Music Co. (D,E,I,M,P/J) 2140 S. Harvard Ave. Tulsa, OK 74114 Bill Rich (918) 747-1407 Fax: (918) 744-5477 ³ D-Tool, Fretrest, Guitool, Vintage Guitar Calendar, Blow Hard Guitar, Trem Tools, Truss Rod Tools GF, PR

RKM Reeds and Strings (M) 24 W. Railroad Ave. Ste. 190 Tenafly, NJ 07670 Rus Kip Moore (201) 816-8220 Fax: (281) 816-8565 ³ Nuvox, RKM Bass Strings, RKM Flava, RKM R1, RKM R2 Reeds & strings

Richardson Electronics Ltd. (D) 40 W. 267 Keslinger Rd. P.O. Box 393 LaFox, IL 60147-0393 (630) 208-2200 Fax: (630) 208-2550 ³ AKG, Audio Technica, Denon, Electrovoice, Gemini, Marantz, Sennheiser, Shure, Sony, Henry GA, RE, SE

RKS Guitars 350 Conejo Ridge Ave Thousand Oaks, CA (805) 988-2144

Rickenbacker International Co. 3895 S. Main St. Santa Ana, CA 92707 (714) 545-5574 Fax: (714) 754-0135 Electric & acoustic guitars, accessories

Road Ready/Cipex 12662 Corral Place Santa Fe Springs, CA 562-906-6185 Roadrunner Cases Inc. (M) 400 W. Alondra Blvd. Gardena, CA 90248 Howard Chatt (323) 770-4444 Fax: (310) 538-9560 ³ Roadrunner CE, DJ, GF, GA, KP, KI, LE, PR, RE, SE, SY

Robe America 13807 NW 4th St. Sunrise, FL Ron Ramirez (954) 615-9100 Fax: (954) 615-9105 ³ Robe LE


Robin Guitars 3526 E. T. C. Jester Blvd. Houston, TX 77018-6023 Dave Wintz (713) 957-0470 Fax: (713) 957-3316 Elec. guitars & basses Roc-N-Soc Inc. (D,E,M) 151 Kelly Park Ln. Waynesville, NC 28786 (828) 452-1736 Fax: (828) 452-1732 ³ Roc-N-Soc GF, PR Roche-Thomas Corp. (M,E) 3162 Cedar Crest Ridge Dubuque, IA 52003 Dave Cox

(563) 556-3556 Fax: (563) 556-0405 ³ Mi-T-Mist, Roche-Thomas BO Rock Hard Inc. (M) 2898 S. Southwood Warsaw, IN 46580 (219) 269-7351 Fax: (219) 269-7275 ³ Play Master, Rock Hard Inc. Rock House (P/J) 315 Columbus Avenue West Harrison, NY Joe Palumbo (914) 686-1903 ³ Rockhouse-Acoustic Guitar, Rockhouse-Bass Guitar, Rockhouse Blues, Rockhouse-Funk Guitar, Rockhouse Advanced Metal, Rockhouse Hands of steel, Rockhouse PV Rockano Productions Ltd. (D,E,M) P.O. Box 153 Stanmore Middlesex HA7 2HF England Kaman/Musicorp 44 1923 896 975 Fax: 44 1923 896 985 ³ Facelift GF Rockbox Electronics (E,I,M) 900 E. Hamilton Avenue Campbell, CA 95008 Chris Campbell (408) 287-4021 ³ Rockbox GF RockenWraps 16212 Bothell Everett Hwy Box #101 Millcreek, WA 98012-1219 (425) 485-3527 Rocktron Guitar Rack Technolog (M) 2813 Wilbur Ave. Battle Creek, MI 49015 (269) 968-3351 Fax: (269) 968-6913 ³ Hush, Banshee, Black Cat Moan, Blue Thunder, Prophesy, Rampage, Velocity, Vendetta, Xpression GF

Rico International (M) 8484 San Fernando Rd. Sun Valley, CA 91352 (818) 767-7030 Fax: (818) 504-7207 ³ Frederick L. Hemke, La Voz, Mitchell Lurie, Plasticover, Rico Royal, Rico, Rico Select Jazz, Valentino, Grand Concert Select BO Ritter USA LLC 135 W. 50th St. New York, NY 10020-1299 (973) 335-7888 Fax: (973) 335-7779 BO, CE, GF, GA, KI, PR Rivera Research & Development (M) 9960 Glenoaks, Ste. A Sun Valley, CA 91(352) Paul Rivera (818) 767-4600 Fax: (818) 394-2097 ³ Rivera Amps & sound equipment RJMG Distribution (D) 17700 Raymer ST., Ste. 1001 Northridge, CA 91325 Russ Jones (818) 993-0606 Fax: (818) 993-0856 ³ Prosoniq CE

MMR 105

45th annual supplier directory company listings Rocky Mountain Music (D) 64 N. Main P.O. Box 381 Nephi, UT 84648 Pascal Braun (435) 623-0758 Fax: (435) 623-4922 ³ Bull, K & M, Limex, Meinl, RMM, Serenelli, Blackbird, Scheider BO, GF, GA, KI, RE Rocky Mountain Slides (M) P O Box 1426 Salida, CO 81201 (719) 530-0696 Fax: (719) 530-0696 ³ Blues Boy, Salidan, Shavario, Monarch, Rail Rock-It, Hot Spike, Poncha Bullet, Columbine, Rock-It Junior GF, GA Roctronics(D,M,P/J,E,I) 100 Roctronics Park Pembroke, MA 02359 Richard Iacobucci (781) 826-8888 Fax: (781) 826-8889 ³ Colormation, Roctronics, Stagemate, Stagetron DJ, LE Rode Microphones, LLC P.O. Box 4189 Santa Barbara, CA Mark Ludmer (310) 787-8733 Fax: (310) 328-7180 RE Rodgers Instruments LLC 1300 N.E. 25th Ave. Hillsboro, OR 97124 Duane Kuhn (503) 648-4181 Fax: (503) 681-0444 KI Roger Nichols Co. P.O. Box 365 Van Nuys, CA 91408 Norma Nichols (818) 786-8068 Fax: (818) 780-9275 Keybd. locks Roland Corp. U.S. (D,M) 5100 S. Eastern Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90040 (323) 890-3700 Fax: (323) 890-3701 ³ BOSS, Edirol by Roland, Roland DJ, FG, KI, PR, RE, SE, SY

106 MMR

Roleay Corp. Marietta, GA 30008 (770) 333-9770 Fax: (770) 333-8025 Rolls Corporation (M) 5968 South 350 West Salt Lake City, UT 84107 Eric Mangum (801) 263-9053 Fax: (801) 263-9068 ³ RFX, Bellari DJ, RE, SE Ron Vaughn (M) P.O. Box 3886 Lawrence, KS 66046 (785) 393-9315 Fax: (785) 594-2808 ³ Asonesprit, Ron Vaughn BO, GA, PR Rosco Equipment Corp. (M) 524 S. Main St. Waldo, FL 32694 (352) 468-3362 Fax: (352) 468-1295 ³ Rosco KI Ross Mallet Instruments, Inc. (M) P.O. Box 90249 Austin, TX 78709 John Gronemeyer (512) 288-7400 Fax: (512) 288-6445 ³ Ross BO, PR Ernst Heinrich Roth D-91088 Bubenreuth Hans Paulus-Strasse 18 Germany (091) 312-2510 Fax: (913) 120-5837 Rotosound USA Inc. (D,E,M) 4605 Lankershim Blvd., Ste. 208 N. Hollywood, CA 91602 Jason How (818) 505-0158 Fax: (818) 505-0582 ³ Rotosound BO, GF, PR Rovner Products (M) P.O. Box 4116 Timonium, MD 21094 (410) 252-7750 Fax: (410) 252-7792 ³ Rovner Products BO Roy Benson USA (I) 3451 West Commercial Ave. Northbrook, IL 60062

(847) 498-9850 Fax: (847) 498-5370 ³ Roy Benson BO

Mark Helman (905) 770-0998 Instructional videos

Royce ProCussion (M) 3451 W. Commercial Ave. Northbrook, IL 60062 Kin Newlin (847) 498-9850 Fax: (847) 498-5370 ³ Royce PR

Runyon Products Inc. 174 Emerik Dr. Lafayette, LA 70506 (337) 948-6252 Fax: (318) 948-3308

Royer Labs (M) 2711 Empire Ave Burbank, CA 91504 John Jennings (818) (847) 0121 Fax: (818) (847) 0122 ³ Royer Labs RE RPG Diffusor Systems (M) (651) C Commerce Street Upper Marlboro, MD 20774 Pamela Marchesano (301) 249-0044 Fax: (301) 249-3912 ³ Pro Foam, Skyline LP, Skyline GA, RE, SE RPM Solutions 620 Sunrise Drive Golden, CO 80401-7233 (800) 759-7160 Fax: (303) 233-0128 RS Berkley Instruments (M) P. O. Box 715 Scotch Plains, NJ 07076 (908) 790-9499 ³ Manhattan, RS Berkeley, Erwin Otto BO, PR RSP Technologies(D,M) 2813 Wilber Ave. Battle Creek, MI 49015 Bill Rowe (248) 601-7625 Fax: (248) 601-3767 ³ RSP Processors, compressors, amps Robokey USA 11750 Casa Grande St. Louis, MO (314) 983-9797 Fax: (205) 350-6785 ³ Robokey, Snake


Rumark Video Inc. 10909 Young St., Ste. 160 Richmond Hill, ON L4C 3E3 Canada

S S and H Manufacturing Co. (M) 316 W. Summit St. Normal, IL 61761 Patsy W. Sherrard (309) 452-1450 Fax: (309) 452-1450 ³ Sherrard “”Roll-Away”” BO, GF S.W. Lewis Orchestral Horns 1770 W. Berteau Chicago, IL 60613 Steven Lewis (312) 348-1112 Fax: (312) 348-1182 French horn mute, French horns Sabian Ltd. 219 Main St. Meductic, NB E6H 2L5 Canada (506) 272-2019 Fax: (506) 272-2040 ³ Sabian BO, PR


Sabine (M) 13301 Hwy. 441 Alachua, FL 32615 (386) 418-2000 Fax: (386) 418-2001 ³ FBX Feedback Exterminator, Metro Tune, NexTune, Smart Spectrum Wireless, AX- Tuner, Phantom Mic Rider BO, GF, GA, SE Saga Musical Instruments (D) 137 Utah Avenue P.O. Box 2841 S. San Francisco, CA 94080 Richard Keldson (650) 588-5558 Fax: (650) 871-7590 ³ Amalio Burguet, Anton Breton, Blueridge, Cremona, Durango, F.Cervini, Gitane, Gold Star, Golden Gate, H.Siegler, Kentucky, Mahalo, Prudencio Saez, Regal, Rover, Saga, Saga, Saga, Shubb, Superior, Travelite, Trinity College, Valencia BO, GA

Saint Blues Guitar Workshop (M) 645 Marshall Avr Memphis, TN (901) 278-5755 Fax: (901) 272-3968 ³ BluesMaster, King Blues Basses GF Saint Fishy’s Distribution LLC 8059 Stage Hills Blvd. Ste. 104 Memphis, TN 38133(901)383-6500 Fax: (901)383-6525 Salvi International Harp (See Lyon & Healy) Salwender International (D,I,M) 1147 W. Collins Ave. Orange, CA 92864 Uwe Salwender (714) 538-1285 ³ Morgaine, Sandberg, Diezel Amplifications, Glockenklang, Human Base, Schlagwerk, Vigier Guitars GF, PR Samick Music Corp. (M,D,I) 1329Gateway Drive Gallatin, TN 37066 (615) (206) 0077 Fax: (615) 452-0451 ³ Conover Cable, Knabe, Kohler, Kohler & Cambell, Samick, Bechstein, Greg Bennett Designs, Hazelton, Silvertone, Sohmer BO, GF, KI, SY Sample Logic LLC (M) 724 Leonard St., Ste. 2B Brooklyn, NY 11222 Joseph Trupiano (917) 597-1085 ³ Sample Logic CE Samson Technologies Corp. (D,M) 45 Gilpin Avenue Hauppauge, NY 631-784-2200 Fax: 631-784-2201 ³ Hartke, Samson, Zoom DJ, RE, SE Sankyo Flutes USA (D,E,I) 56 W. 45th St. New York, NY 10036 Albert Wetherly (212) 719-2917

Fax: (212) 719-2917 ³ Sankyo BO Santa Cruz Guitar Co. (E,M) 151 Harvey West Blvd. #C Santa Cruz, CA 95060 Richard Hoover (831) 425-0999 Fax: (831) 425-3604 ³ Santa Cruz, SCGC GF Santa Rosa Guitar Company (M) 17091 Daimler St. Irvine, CA 92614 (949) 752-0050 Fax: (949) 752-0056 ³ Santa Rosa Guitars Santorella Publications Ltd. (D,P) P.O. Box 60 Danvers, MA 01923 Tony Santorella (978) 750-0566 Fax: (978) 750-0572 ³ Roy Clark GF, PV SAP Music Professional (M) Obozowa 18-24 PL 62-800 Kalisz Poland 48625011940 Fax: 48627661339 ³ SAP Renovation KI Sascom Marketing Group (D) 34 Nelson St. Oakville, ON L6L 3h6 Canada Curt Smith (905) 469-8080 Fax: (905) 469-1129 ³ Lafont RE, SE Sauter Piano Manufacture (M) 223 E. New Haven Ave. Melbourne, FL 32901 Brian Gatchell (407) 725-6770 Fax: (407) 725-6779 ³ Sauter Savarez (M) 5 av. Barthalamy Thimonnier Caluire 69300 France Phillippe Durand 33-4-37-40-32-00 Fax: 33-4-37-40-32-10 ³ Savarez, Alliance, Corum, New Cristal, Corelli, Alli-

MAY 2009

company listings 45th annual supplier directory ance Vivace BO, GF Schafer Bros. Piano Movers Inc P.O. Box 6278 1981 E. 213th St. Carson, CA 90749 (800) 222-2888 Fax: (310) 830-3362 Moving, warehousing & distribution of pianos Schatten Design 627 Colby Dr. Waterloo, ON N2V 1B4 Canada (519) 742-3862 Fax: (519) 742-1843 BO, GF, GA Schecter Guitar Research 1840 Valpreda St. Burbank, CA 91504 Gregg Burns (818) 846-2700 Fax: (818) 846-2727 ³ Schecter Guitar Research, Schecter Diamond Series GF Scher Group/Music Industry Tec 5401 Davis Industrial Pkwy Solon, OH (330) 422-2028 Fax: (336) 510-2727 Scherl & Roth (See Conn-Selmer) Schilke Music Products 4520 James Pl. Melrose Park, IL 60160 Andrew Naumann (708) 343-8858 Fax: (708) 343-8912 BO Schimmel Piano Co. (D) 557B Hackman Rd Lititz, PA 17543 Chip Wise (717) 627-0684 Fax: (717) 626-0657 ³ Schimmel Pianos

Fax: (904) 823-9213 ³ Schoenhut, Jaymar KI Schreiber & Keilwerth Musikinstrumente GmbH (M) Industriestrasse 17 Nauheim 64559 Germany 496152-9758-0 Fax: 496152-9758-155 ³ Schreiber, Keilwerth, York, AW Reeds BO Schulmerich Carillons, Inc. P.O. Box 903 Sellersville, PA 18960-0903 (800) 772-3557 Fax: (215) 257-2771 Score Marketing P.O. Box 34431 Bethesda, MD 20827 (301) (765) 7788 Fax: (301) (765) 7790 ³ Corriciadan Guitar slides Scott Cao Violins 1860 S.Winchester Boulevard Campbell, CA 95008 Scott Cao (408) 378-3665 Fax: (408) 257-3659 BO

Sennheiser Elec Corp (M) 1 Enterprise Dr. Old Lyme, CT 06371 Jeff Alexander (860) 434-9190 Fax: (860) 434-1759 ³ HHB, Sennheiser, Klein & Hummel, Neumann DJ, RE, SE Sensaphonics Hearing Conservation (M) 660 N. Milwaukee Ave. Chicago, IL 60622 (312) 432-1714 Fax: (312) 432-1738 ³ Pro phonic IV, Pro Phonic 2000, Pro Phonic 2x SE

Les Guitares Serge 50 Boutin Sud Breakyville, QC GOS 1E3 Canada (418) 832-6080 GF Servodrive Inc. (M) 1940 Lehigh Ave., Unit C Glenview, IL 60025-0068 Jack Alexander (847) 724-5500 Fax: (847) 724-1953 ³ Servo Drive SE Sescom Inc. 2100 Ward Dr. Henderson, NV 89015-4249 Brenda Miller (702) 565-3400 Fax: (702) 565-4828 RE, SE Seymour Duncan Pickups 5427 Hollister Ave. Santa Barbara, CA 93111 Evan Skopp (805) 964-9610 Fax: (805) 964-9749

³ Antiquity, Basslines, Active EQ, Stack, Vintage, Quarter Pound, Tone Circuits, Steve Bailey Fundamental Fretless, Lightnin’ Rods, Woody, Mag Mic, Seymourized, Phat Cat GF

Shadow Elektroakustik Peter-Handelstr. 2 D-91334 Hemhofen Germany Joe Marinic 49 9195 92990 Fax: 49 9195 929930

Sfarzo String Company (M) 1386 Snowy Egret Court Santa Rosa, CA 95409 Joe Sfarzo (707) 540-6430 Fax: (707) 540-6090 ³ Sfarzo Super Screamers, Sfarzo SFT Super Bass, Sfarzo SFT Screamers, Sfarzo Acoustic Super Bronze, Sfarzo Power 7’s, Sfarzo Calssical Strings, Sfarzo SFT Drop D’s, Sfarzo Signature Series, Sfarzo Red R.R.E.D.

Shadow Electronics of America (M) 17791 Alexander Run Jupiter, FL 33478 (561) 745-0460 Fax: (561) 743-0460 ³ Shadow Electronics Pickups, preamps & transducers

SH Enterprises (M) 4000 Central Dr. Wausau, WI 54401 S. Hutchinson (715) 848-1200 Fax: (715) 848-2223 ³ No Name, Tailer Tuff BO, GF, PR

Shadow Studio Strings (E,I,M) P.O. Box 2448 Wayne, NJ 07474-2448 Herb Hagel (973) 835-8148 Fax: (973) 616-9648 ³ Arakoz Strings, Shadow Studio Strings, Stradivari Strings Shaker Microphone, Inc. (M) P.O. Box 573 Queen Creek, AZ 85242-6707

Scott’s Highland Services Ltd. (D) 143 Stronach Crescent London, ON N5V 3G5 Canada JIM SCOTT (519) 453-0892 Fax: (519) 453-6303 ³ College of Piping, Dunbar bagpipes, Highland Records, MacLeod, McCallum, Pearl, Pipers Choice, Premier, Remo, Shepherd, Teach Yourself to Play BO, PR

Schirmer Inc. (see Hal Leonard Corp.)

SeaSound (M) 2955 Kerner Blvd., Fl. 2 San Rafael, CA 94901 Mel McMurrin (415) 485-5124 Fax: (415) 485-3901 ³ A8, Solo Ex, Transport CE, RE

Schoenhut Piano Company (M) 6(480) B US 1 North St. Augustine, FL 32095 Renne Trinca (904) 810-1945

Seiler Pianofortefabrik Schwarsacher Strasse 40 D-97318 Kitzingen Germany Ursula Seiler Fax: 49-35644 4737

MAY 2009

Selenium Loudspeakers USA (M) 1702 So. Military Hwy Chesapeake, VA 23320 Gordon Gerstheimer (757) 424-7516 Fax: (757) 424-5246 ³ QSL Loudspeakers, Selenium Loudspeakers SE

MMR 107

45th annual supplier directory company listings Dawn Harless (480) 987-8456 Fax: (480) 987-8456 ³ Shaker, Shaker Microphone GF, SE Shane Music Products (M) 3211 Barbara Ln., #2 Fairfax, VA 22031 Tom Turrisi (703) 208-3339 Fax: (703) 641-9211 ³ Jason Reese, Gaetano/ Grace, Shane Targa, SB5 Syclone, Shane Electrics, Studio Pro, Power Slams, Jason Reese Bronze, Shane Electric Sets GF, GA Shark Tooth Pick 1815 E. Wilshire Ave., Ste. 909 Santa Ana, CA 92705 (800) 487-4490 Shawnee Press Inc. P.O. Box 598 Shawnee on Delaware, PA 18356 Dennis Bell (570) 223-7566 Fax: (570) 223-9441 Shellex Klier Germany GmbH Sudenstrasse 15-17 D-64521 Gross Gerau Germany GONTER J. KLIER Sher Music Co. (P) P.O. Box 445 Petaluma, CA 94953 Chuck Sher (707) 763-8134 Fax: (707) 763-2038 ³ The Jazz Theory Book by Mark Levine, The Jazz Piano Book by Mark Levine, The Standards Real Book, The New Real Books 1-3, The Real Easy Books 1-3, The Latin Real Book, The Jazz Singer’s Guidebook by David Berkman, The Real Easy Ear Training Book by Robert Radley, The Serious Jazz Practice Book by Barry Finnerty PV Showcase Custom Cases, Inc. 119 Park South Court Nashville, TN Ken Burbage (615) 256-9119

108 MMR

Fax: (615) 254-0167 BO, CE, DJ, GF, GA, KI, LE, RE, SE Shredhed 204 Ridge Street Charlottesville, VA 2290-2 (888) 954-9119 Fax: (888) 954-9119 SHS International (D,E,I) 1922 W. Banta Rd. Indianapolis, IN 46217 Grant Deaton (800) 475-7686 Fax: (317) 780-0468 ³ Morgan Monroe, ModTone, Devlin, Cool Straps, SHS Audio, INDIANA, Bean Blossom, Tune Tech, Olinda, STAGE-MATE, STONE CASES GF, GA, PR, RE, SE Shubb Capos (M) 578 Martin Avenue Rohnert Park, CA 94928 Gary Mobley (707) 843-4068 Fax: (707) 843-4068 ³ Shubb Pearse, Shubb, Talon, GS GF, GA Shure Incorporated 5800 West Touhy Avenue Niles, IL 60714 (847) 600-2000 Fax: (847) 600-1212 ³ Shure, Beta, PSM, Performance Gear, ULX, SLX, UHF-R DJ, RE, SE Sibelius Software Inc. 1407 Oakland Blvd, Ste. 103 Walnut Creek, CA 94596 (925) 280-0600 Fax: (925) 280-0008 Siegmund Guitars and Amps (M) 10336 Wilsey Ave Tujunga, CA 91042 Chris Siegmund (818) 353-5558 Fax: (818) 353-0218 ³ Micro Tube Double Drive, Midnight Blues, Midnight Special GF, SE Signature Music Group 44850 San Pablo Ave. Palm Desert, CA 92260 (760) 341-3171 Fax: (760) 568-4901

Silver Fox Percussion Inc. 22 Prospect St., Unit 7 Woburn, MA 01801 Neal Grover (781) 935-6200 Fax: (781) 935-5522 ³ Foxstix, Qwiksilver PR


Simba Products P.O. Box 758 413A Richard Blvd Tipton, MO 65081 (660) 433-9919 The Singing Machine Co. (M) 6601 Lyons Rd. Bldg. A-7 Coconut Creek, FL 33073 Terry Marco (954) 596-1000 Fax: (954) 596-2000 ³ Hi 5 Karaoke, Motown Karaoke, Nickelodeon Karaoke, Singing Machine, The KP S.I.T. Strings Corp. (D,M) 815 S. Broadway Akron, OH 44311 Tim Pfouts (330) 434-8010 Fax: (330) 434-6654 ³ Golden Bronze, Power Wound, Power Steel, Rock Brights, Royal Bronze, Silencers GF, GA Sitelite Technologies P.O. Box 1728 Irmo, SC 29063-1728 Jim Jeffers (803) 732-4363 Fax: (803) 732-4435 SKB Corp. (M) 1607 N. O’Donnell Way Orange, CA 92867 Justin Toebe (714) 637-1252 Fax: (714) 283-0425 ³ Corner Cleats, Gig Rig, Gig Wing, Rex6, Roto Roller, Stagefive, SKB BO, CE, DJ, GF, GA, KI, LE, RE, SE, SY Skytronics Electrical Inc. 6850 SW 81st Terrace Miami, FL 33143 Oscar Mederos (305) 740-7454 Fax: (305) 740-7456

SkyWyre Electronics Inc. (D,E,I) 2904 Kent Drive Oklahoma City, OK 73120 Dee Hoyt (940) 691-4203 Fax: (940) 691-4205 ³ Footloose Wireless Switching GF, GA SLAPPA 6006 Old Pineville Road, Unit D Charlotte, NC (704) 679-9932 Fax: (704) 525-2559 Slapstik (M) 13636 Ventura Blvd. Unit # 183 Sherman Oaks, CA (818)907-7413 Fax: (818)392-8682 ³ Slapstik PR Slider Straps (D,E,I,M) P.O. Box 3287 La Mesa, CA 91944-3287 (619) 462-2286 Fax: (619) 462-1831 ³ Esh Basses, Piano Barre, Slider Straps BO, GF, GA, KI, LE, PR, RE, SE Slingerland Drum Co. 741 Massman Dr. Nashville, TN 37210 (615) 871-4500 Fax: (615) 871-9862 Drums, hardware & access. SLS Loundspeakers(M) 3119 South Scenic Avenue Springfield, MO 65807 John Gott (417) 883-4549 Fax: (417) 883-2723 ³ SLS Loudspeakers, Universal Soldiers RE, SE Slug Percussion Products (M) P.O. Box 578306 Chicago, IL 60657-8306 (312) 432-0553 Fax: (312) 432-0552 ³ Batter Badge, Jazz Pro, Muffelt, Powerhead, Tweek, Punch Collar PR SMG, Inc (P) 175 San Angelo Ave #E Santa Barbara, CA 93111 Mariella Kallona (805) 967-7779

Fax: (888) 220-3437 ³ Drumstick Spinology BO, PR, PV Soldano Custom Amplification (M) 4233 21st Avenue West Seattle, WA 98199 Sean Ballou (406) 652-3349 Fax: (206) 781-5173 ³ Soldano GF Sonaré Winds (D,M) 1 Clock Tower Place, Ste. 300 Maynard, MA 01754 Frank Sarcia (978) 461-6111 Fax: (978) 461-6155 ³ Sonare, Keilwerth, York Brass, Schreiber BO Sonex Acoustical Prod. Div/Illb 3800 Washington Ave. N. Minneapolis, MN 55412 ERIC JOHNSON (612) 520-3620 Fax: (612) 521-5639 Acoustical materials Sonic Distribution USA (D) 27 Gilman Terrace, Ste. 1 Somerville, MA 02145 Bob Reardon (617) 623-5581 Fax: (617) 623-5857 ³ Microsonic Music, Rain Recording, Magneto Audio Labs, Critical Hearing Systems CE, RE Sonic Foundry (M) 222 W. Washington Ave.,#775 Madison, WI 53703 Rimas Buinevicius (608) 256-3133 Fax: (608) 256-7300 ³ Sound Force CE Sonic Inc. 3383 E. Layton Ave. Cudahy, WI 53110 (414) 483-5091 Fax: (414) 483-3344 ³ Sonic DJ, SE


Sonic Industries Inc. 1413 Cleveland Ave. East Meadow, NY (516) 248-7330 Fax: (516) 248-7330 GF, PR, SE

Sonic Research Inc 4607 Lakeview Canyon Rd., Ste. 305 Westlake Village, CA (805) 811-0907 Fax: (888) 820-6007 Sonor Drums/ HSS (D) A div. of Hohner Inc. 1000 Technology Park Dr. Glen Allen, VA 23059 Jerry Goldenson (804) 515-1900 Fax: (804) 515-0347 ³ Sonor Percussion Sonora 80-15 247th Street Bellerose, NY 11426 (718) 343-8700 Fax: (718) 343-7979 Sonorus Inc. 366 Washington St. Newburg, NY 12550 Bethani Briston (212) 253-7700 Fax: (212) 253-7701 ³ Audi/o, Studi/o CE, RE


Sontronics See FDW Sony Electronics (M) 1 Sony Drive Park Ridge, NJ 07656 Paul Foschino (201) 358-4201 Fax: (201) 930-6307 ³ Sony Electronics RE Sound Art Industries Co. Ltd. SangWha Bldg. 165-3, Samsung Dong Seoul, Korea 8225011791 Fax: 8225011790 Sound Bridge (M) 3501 Interstate 35 E. Waxahachie, TX 75165 Mike Starnes (972) 937-2030 Fax: (972) 935-0539 ³ Series 2000, Series 3000, Series 4000, Series 5000, Tri-AX SE Sound Choice 14100 S. Lakes Dr. Charlotte, NC 28273 Deidra (704) 583-1616

MAY 2009

company listings 45th annual supplier directory Fax: (704) 583-1871 KP Sound Code Systems 9286 Orrey Pl. Westminster, CA 92683 Tim Edwards (714) 554-0903 Fax: (714) 554-5643 Sound Construction(M) 107 Spence Lane Nashville, TN 37210 Todd Becten (615) 884-2587 Fax: (615) 884-8258 ³ ISO-Box, Custom Console CE, RE Sound Enhancements Products Inc. (M,D) 325 Cary Point Drive Cary, IL 60013 Bill Wenzloff (847) 639-4646 Fax: (847) 639-4723 ³ Accutronics, EBTECH, Morley, Accutronics, Morley, Ebtech, Pedal Pad GF, SE Sound Innovations (M) 2419 E. Harbor Blvd. Ste. 148 Ventura, CA 93001 Tim Edwards (805) 641-0363 Fax: (805) 641-3274 ³ Guitar Kickstand GF Sound Quest Inc. 1140 Liberty Drive Victoria, BC V9C 4Y9 Canada Michael Lambie (250) 478-9935 Fax: (250) 478-9935 ³ Infinity, Midi Quest CE


Sound To Earth Ltd.(M) 5400 Frontage Road Logan, MT 59741 Bruce D. Weber (406) 284-4390 Fax: (406) 284-4413 ³ Weber GF Soundcraft 8500 Balboa Blvd. Northridge, CA 91329 Tim Harrison (818) 920-3212 Fax: (818) 920-3208 DJ, RE, SE Soundscape Digital Tech. (D) 4435 McGrath St., Ste. 308 Ventura, CA 93003

MAY 2009 Guy Combes (805) 658-7375 Fax: (805) 658-6395 ³ Soundscape RE Sound Tech International 444 E. Courtland St. Mundelein, IL 60060 Joe Elkjer (800) (877) 6863 Fax: (847) 949-8444 ³ Light Snake DJ, KP, SE, RE


Source Audio (M,E) 120 Cummings Park Woburn, MA 01801 Hunter Boll (781) 932-8080 Fax: (781) 932-8181 ³ Hot Hand, Soundblox DJ, GF, GA, KI Southern Music Co. 1248 Austin Highway, Ste. 212 San Antonio, TX 78209 Ann (210) 226-8167 Fax: (210) 223-4537 PV Southland Music Distributors, Inc 704 McWay Drive High Point, NC (336) 861-5012 Fax: (336) 861-5072 (562) 773-0917 Spectraflex Cables (M) 83 Lancelot Road Defuniak Springs, FL 32433 Dave Russell (850) 892-3233 Fax: (850) 892-3900 ³ Spectraflex GF Spectrasound Percussion (D,E,M) 7411 Laurel Cyn. Blvd. Ste. 5 N. Hollywood, CA 91605-3160 Chuck Molinari (818) 764-7690 Fax: (818) 764-3005 ³ Spectrasound PR Sperzel (M) 15728 Industrial Parkway Cleveland, OH 44102 Robert Sperzel (216) 281-6868 Fax: (216) 281-6810 ³ Sperzel GF, Machine head specialists Spratt Music Publishers 170 NE 33rd St. Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33334 Jack Spratt (973) 563-1844 Fax: (973) 563-9006 Publications

Square Drum Company LLC(D,E,I,M) 4464 McGrath St., Ste.# 114 Ventura, CA (808) 676-9300 ³ Square Drums BO, PR, RE, SE SRS Enterprises 1839 N. Circle Dr. Colorado Springs, CO 80909 (719) 475-2545 Fax: (719) 475-0359 DJ, SE

Fax: (317) 829-1511 ³ Stage Ninja DJ, GF, LE (805) 578-2305 Fax: (818) 704-9221

Stanton Magnetics, Inc. (M) 3000 SW 42 Street Hollywood, FL 33312 Sarah Lombard (954) 689-8833 Fax: (954) 689-8460 ³ Final Scratch DJ

Stay In Tune Strings Corp. 815 S. Broadway Akron, OH 44311 (330) 434-8010 Fax: (330) 434-6654 Strings

St. Louis Music 1400 Ferguson Ave. St. Louis, MO 63133 (314) 727-4512 Fax: (314) 727-8929 ³ Apollo, Austin, Blessing, Knilling, Perfection BO, GF, GA

Starkey Laboratories (M) 6700 Washington Ave. S. Eden Prarie, MN (952) 915-6252 Fax: (888) 882-2270 ³ Starkey SE

Stage Magic Inc, (M) 5209 Birchleaf Drive Raleigh, NC 27606 Jody Page (919) 828-7652 Fax: (919) 834-4295 ³ PedalSnake GF, GA

Starr Labs (M) 7734 Arjons Road San Diego, CA 92126 Harvey Starr (858) 271-9827 Fax: (858) 271-9844 ³ Ztar, StarrSwitch, Wilson U990, Z-Bar, Z-Bass, Z-Board, Z-Harp GF, SY

Stage Ninja (M) 1060 North Capital Ave. Ste. E350 Indianapolis, IN 46204 (317) 829-1507

Stash Picks Inc. 2650 Jones Way, Ste. 25 Simi Valley, CA Brenton Trotter

Stedman Corporation (M) 4167 Stedman Dr. Richland, MI 49083 Bill Hannapel (888) 629-5960 Fax: (269) 629-4149 ³ Proscreen, Stedman RE Steigerman Music Corp. 4902-217B Street Langley, BC V3A 9K1 Canada (604) 925-3269 Fax: (604) 921-9568 Steinberg North America (M) 6600 Orangethorpe Avenue Buena Park, CA 90620 Alan McPherson (714) 522-9517 ³ Steinberg CE, RE Wilh. Steinberg AG Pianoforte Mozartstrasse 3 Eisenberg TH 07607 Germany

Spain Manufacturing CO. (M) 24 21st Street Watervliet, NY 12189 Ned Spain (518) 273-2668 Fax: (518) 273-2680 ³ CreepNoMore KI Spaun Drum Co. 5505 Daniels Street Chino, CA (909) 364-0100 ³ Spaun Stuart Spector Designs Ltd. 1450 Rte. 212 Saugerties, NY 12477 (845) 246-1385 Fax: (401) 539-8819 ³ Spector GF



Spectr Audio 2953 Obispo Ave Signal Hill, CA 90755-

MMR 109

45th annual supplier directory company listings Steinberger Sound 1050 Acorn Dr. Nashville, TN 37210 Deborah Orsland (615) 872-8420 Fax: (615) 872-8475 Electric guitars, basses Steingraeber & Sohne Pianos (M) 25 S. Wickham Road Melbourne, FL 32904 Brian Gatchell (321) 725-5690 Fax: (321) 725-6779

³ Steingraeber & Sohre KI Steinway & Sons (M) 1 Steinway Pl. Long Island City, NY 11105 (718) 721-2600 Fax: (718) 545-1154 ³ Boston Designed by Steinway, Essex Designed by Steinway KI, Pianos Stellartone 1257 Siskiyou Blvd. #224 Ashland, OR

Don Ayers (541) 488-1159 Fax: (541) 773-9349 Stelling Banjo 7258 Banjo Ln. Afton, VA 22920 Jeff Stelling (804) 295-1917 Fax: (804) 971-8309 Acoustic guitars, banjos, mandolins Stentor Music Company Albert Road North

Reigate RH2 9EZ England Robert Bogin BO, GF, GA, PR Stenzler Musical Instruments (See M&M Merchandisers) Stephens Stringed Instruments 1733 Westlake Ave. N. Seattle, WA 98109 Steve Davies (206) 286-1443 Fax: (206) 286-1728 Acstc./elec. gtrs. & basses

Steptime Ware (D,I) 3957 Irongate Rd. #A Bellingham, WA Ryan Richardson (360) 676-1980 Fax: (360) 647-9111 ³ Acoustica, Ars Nova, Arturia, Garritan Libraries, Harmonic Vision, Heavyocity, Cakewalk, PG Music, ProjectSAM, Tanager Audioworks CE Steve Clayton Inc. 201 Rogue River Pkwy. Talent, OR 97540 Steve Clayton (541) 535-4440 Fax: (541) 535-4449 GF, PV, Guitar picks, slides, straps, polishes Stewart Audio (M) 14397 Cuesta Ct, Ste D1 Sonora, CA 95370 Neil Connolly (209) 588-8111 Fax: (209) 588-8113 ³ Stewart DJ, RE, SE Stewart Guitar Co. (M) P.O. Box 995 Swansboro, NC 28584 Woody Stewart (910) 326-3575 ³ Clip-Joint, Road-Runner, Stow-Away GF Stewart-MacDonald 21 N. Shafer Street Athens, OH 45701 (740) 592-3021 Fax: (740) 593-7922 GA Stick Enterprises Inc. (M,P/J) 6011 Woodlake Ave. Woodland Hills, CA 91367 (818) 884-2001 Fax: (818) 883-0668 ³ Chapman Stick, Grand Stick, The Stick XG, Touchboard, NS/Stick Guitar Bass, Stick, Stick Bass Freboard tapping inst. GF, PV Stoney End (M) 920 Highway 19 Red Wing, MN 55066 Gary Stone (657) 388-8400 Fax: (651) 388-8460 ³ Gramps Tool, Gremlin, Hobgoblin, Stoney End BO, GF

110 MMR

Stork Custom Mouthpieces Rte. 2, Box 1818 Maple Hill Rd. Plainfield, VT 05667 (802) 454-1004 Fax: (802) 454-1361 Story & Clark Piano Co. (M) 269 Quaker Dr. Seneca, PA 16346 Sue Keefer (814) 676-6683 Fax: (814) 676-9340 ³ Hobart M. Cable, Pianomation, QRS, Story & Clark KI String Clean Unit 2, Quarry Farm East Sussex TN32 5RA England 011445808341804 String Letter Publishing (P) 255 West End San Rafael, CA 94901 Jef Linson (415) 485-6946 Fax: (415) 485-0831 ³ Acoustic Guitar, Strings BO, GF, PV String Swing Mfg. Inc. 27515 Hwy. 131 P.O. Box 10 Ontario, WI 54651 Paul Thieman (608) 435-6628 Fax: (608) 435-6120 BO, GF, GA, KI, PR Stringcenter LLC (D,E,I) P.O. Box 402 Mahwah, NJ 07430 Doug Desimone (201) 825-1231 Fax: (201) 825-3672 ³ Alliance, Argentine, Corum Alliance, Corum New Cristal, Cristal Soliste, Savarez, Traditional GF Stringnet Co., Ltd 5-37-2 Honcho Nakanoku 164 -0012 Japan 813 3380 1434 Strings Magazine (P/J) 255 West End Ave. San Rafael, CA 94901 (415) 485-6946 Fax: (415) 485-0831 ³ Strings PV

MAY 2009

company listings 45th annual supplier directory Stringtime Music Co. Route 1, Box 235 Bagley, MN 56621 (218) 694-2761 Fax: (218) 694-3294 Stromberg Guitars (M) 17570 N. Tamiami Trail North Fort Myers, FL (800) 449-9348 X123 Fax: 239-543-5874 ³ Stromberg GF Strum-N-Comfort Picking Systems (M) P.O. Box 10847 Santa Ana, CA 92711 (714) 663-0071 ³ SharkTooth, Kodiak, Strum-N-Comfort GF, GA Strunal America Inc. (D,M) 1124 Globe Ave. Mountainside, NJ 07092 Rana Singh (908) 301-1366 Fax: (908) 301-1367 ³ Strunal BO

Studiomaster Inc (D,M) 22885-D Savi Ranch Pkwy. Yorba Linda, CA 92887 Jim Giordano (714) 998-2102 Fax: (714) 998-2086 ³ Studiomaster RE, SE Sukop Basses 57 Crooks Ave. Clifton, NJ 07011 Gary Castelluccio (973) 772-3333 Fax: (973) 772-5410 GF Summit Audio Inc. (D,E,M) P.O. Box 971 Gardnerville, NV 89410 Paul Grove (805) 517-1984 ³ Bricasti Design, Lauten Audio RE, SE Summit Guitar Pack 611 W 13th Street Port Angeles, WA 98109 Jory Kahn (206) 285-5228

Fax: (413) 677-0373 GF, GA Sunlite Industrial Corp. (D,E,I) 2425 Tyler Avenue El Monte, CA 91733 Roger Kao (626) 448-8018 Fax: (626) 448-9078 ³ Sunlite, Turbo, Strong, Melodie, Alani GF, PR Sunreed Instruments P.O. Box 389 Ascutney, VT 05030 Zacciah Blackburn (802) 674-9585 Folk, ethnic wind instruments Sunrise Pickup Systems 16835 Dollinger Drive Pacific Palisades, CA 90272-3220 Jim Kaufman (818) 785-3428 Fax: (818) 785-9972 Super-Sensitive Musical String Co. (M) 1805 Apex Rd. Sarasota, FL 34240 (941) 371-0016 Fax: (941) 378-3617 ³ Clarity, Octava, Old Fiddler, Old Oak, Pinnacle, Red Label, Red Label Premium, Resitone, Sensicore, Stellat, Stoppin, Super Sensitive Rosin, Supreme, Tone Shaper, Wolf-Be-Gone BO Superscope Technologies Inc. (M) 1508 Batavia Ave. Geneva, IL 60134 (630) 232-8900 Fax: (630) 232-8905 ³ Superscope RE Superslick Products (D,E,M) P.O. Box 1681 Elkhart, IN 46515 Jim Klingler (574) 295-6633 Fax: (574) 293-9888 ³ Freedom, Partner, Paxx, Silken, SuperSlick, Tiger Rag, VO-2000 BO

Surfcity Music 15641 Product Lane A-12 Huntington Beach, CA 92649 Dave Moody or Darren Moody (714) 899-1090 Fax: (714) 899-1091 PR Suzuki Music (M) P.O. Box 710459 Santee, CA 92072-0459 Ron Hobdy (619) 873-2000 Fax: (619) 873-1988 ³ Suzuki BO, GF, KI, PR Sweet Pipes Inc. (P) 2300A Michigan Court Arlington, TX 76016 Jeanne Cox (800) 446-1067 Fax: (800) 576-7608 ³ Da Capo, Sweet Pipes Publiations PV Switchcraft 5555 N. Elston Ave. Chicago, IL 60630 Jim Hoffman (773) 792-2700

Fax: (773) 792-2129 LE, SE SWR Sound Corporation (M) 9130 Glen Oaks Blvd. Sun Valley, CA 91352 Charlie Sweeney (818) 253-4797 Fax: (818) 253-4799 ³ Workingman’s Series SE Sybersound/Party Tyme Karaoke (M) P.O. Box 6464 Malibu, CA 90264 Steve Clarke (310) 457-6082 Fax: (310) 457-6182 ³ Party Tyme Karaoke KP Symetrix Inc. 14926 W. 35th Ave. Lynnwood, WA 98037 Jon Bosaw (425) 787-3222 Fax: (425) 787-3211 RE, SE

The Capo Company

The G7TH Nashville Capo designed for accuracy & speed In Pursuit of Excellence

MAY 2009

MMR 111

45th annual supplier directory company listings Syn-Cordion Musical Inst. Corp (D,M) 95 Cedar Ln. Englewood, NJ 07631-4805 Al Iorio (201) 568-7943 Fax: (201) 568-2307 ³ Iorio, Iorio Accorgan, Syn-Co GA, KI, SE Synergy House (D,I,M) 2629 Manhattan Ave., PMB 186 Hermosa Beach, CA 90254 Chris Shannon Chris.Shannon@LAmusicLLC. com (310) (936) 3454 Fax: (310) 318-2775 ³ Empire, Bends, Liverpool, Synergy, Radel BO, GA, PR

T T.C. Electronic Inc. (D,M) 12000 Portland Avenue S. Westlake Village, CA 91361 Stacy Moran (805) 373-1828 Fax: (805) 379-2648 ³ DK Audio, DynAudio Acoustics, finalizer, Tube Tech CE, DJ, KP, RE, SE, SY

T.F. Barrett Company 17 Greenhill Pkwy. Brattleboro, VT 05301 Tucker Barrett (802) 722-9063 Fax: (802) 722-3606 Electric violins & violas T.G.I. North America Inc./Tann (D,M) 300 Gage Ave., Ste. 1 Kitchener, ON N2M 2C8 Canada (519) 745-1158 Fax: (519) 745-2364 ³ Tannoy RE, SE Ta Feng Long Musical Inst. P.O. Box 536 Taichung R.O.C. Taiwan R.O.C. GA Tacoma Guitars, USA (M) 4615 East 192nd St. Tacoma, WA 98446 Julian Henslee (253) 847-6508 Fax: (253) 847-1599 ³ Olympia, Orpheum, Tacoma GF

Takemoto Piano Co., Ltd. 1-5-10 Sakaebashi, Sakai-shi abacho Osaka 590-0971 Japan 0081-72-232-3374 Fax: 0081-72-232-5775 KI Talkin’ Guitars 2002 West 78 Street Tulsa, OK 74132(918) 724-2642 Talking Tabs 1411 Trouillian Avenue Winter Park, FL (407) 740-5080 Talwar Brothers EN-42 Sector 5 Salt Lake Calcutta 700-091 India 011-91-33-2357 Fax: 011-91-33-2357-0172 Tamarkin Co., Inc. 177 Rowley St. #2 P.O. Box 615 Winsted, CT 06098 John Macbeth (860) 379-4765 Fax: (860) 379-4834 BO, GF, GA, LE, PR, PV, SE Tanglewood Guitars Musiquip 325 Boul Bouchard Dorval, Quebec H9S 1A9 Canada (514) 780-2070 Fax: (514) 780-2111 Tannoy North America 335 Gage Ave Ste. #1 Kitchener, ON N2M5E1 (519) 745-1158 Fax: (519) 745-2364 ³ Tannoy DJ, KP, RE, SE


Taos Drums (M) 3956 Highway 68 Ranchos De Taos, NM 87557 (505) 758-3786 Fax: (505) 758-9844 ³ Taos Drums Tara Publications 8-I Music Fair Rd. Owings Mills, MD 21117 Mayer Pasternak (410) 654-0880 Fax: (410) 654-0881 PV Tascam 7733 Telegraph Road Montebello, CA 90640

112 MMR (323) 726-0303 ³ Tascam CE, DJ, GF

³ SansAmp, Trademark, Landmark GF, RE, DJ

Tattletale Portable Alarm Systems, Inc.(D) 6269 Frost Road Westerville, OH (614) 540-7233 Fax: (614) 540-2359 ³ Tattletale Taye Inc. (D,M) 13924 Mountain Ave. Chino, CA 91710 Katy Chen (909) 896-3928 ³ Taye GA, PR Taylor Guitars 1940 Gillespie Way El Cajon, CA 92020 (619) 258-6957 Fax: (619) 258-3797 ³ Taylor GF


Telex Communications Inc. 12000 Portland Ave South Burnsville, MN 55337 James Edlund (952) 736-5550 Fax: (952) 736-4582 SE Tenon Industrial Company P.O. Box 217 San Chung City Taipei 24141Taiwan R.O.C. 886-2-2983-338 Fax: 886 2 2983 6385 BO, GF, KI

Taylor Trumpets Unit 3 Elvin Way UK NR3 2BB Andy Taylor BO, GA TC-Works (M) 742-A Hampshire Rd. Westlake Village, CA 91361 Simon Sinclair (805) 373-1828 Fax: (805) 379-2648 ³ PowerCore, Spark! CE, SE, SY TC/US (D) 5706 Corsa Avenue Ste. # 107 Westlake Village, CA (818)665-4900 Fax: (81 )665-4901 ³ TC Electronic, TC-Helico n, Dyaudio Acoustics, Lab. gruppen CE, RE, SE TEAC Professional Division (M) 7733 Telegraph Rd. Montebello, CA 90640 (213) 726-0303 Fax: (213) 727-7635 ³ Tascam Recording equip. Tech 21 790 Bloomfield Ave. Clifton, NJ 07012 Tyme Rogers (973) 777-6996 Fax: (973) 777-9899

TEI Electronics Inc. (D,E) 750 West 18th St. Hialeah, FL 33010 Walter McNulty (305) 887-5197 Fax: (305) 885-4950 ³ Pro Beat, TEI, Silvertone BO, DJ, GF, KI, LE, PR, RE, SE

Terenzio Violins 1019 W. Main St. Valley View, PA 17983 (717) 682-3853 Fax: (717) 682-3853 BO TerraSonde (M) 2434 30th St. Boulder, CO 80301 June Turnbull (303) 545-5848 Fax: (303) 545-6066 ³ Audio Toolbox, Digital Audio Toolbox SE Terry McInturff Guitars (M) 200-C Irving Parkway Holly Springs, NC 27540 Tracy McInturff (919) 552-4586 Fax: (919) 552-0542 ³ TCM Empress, TCM Glory Standard, TCM Monarch, TCM Royal, TCM Taurus, TCM Zodiac, TCM Glory Custom, TCM Polaris Pro GF

(M) Textron Financial 6 Paseo Acebo R.S.M., CA Mike Chinnock MChinnock@TextronFinancial. com

(800) 752-6251 Fax: (949) 753-7894 Thayers P.O. Box 56 Westport, CT 06881 (203) 226-0940 Fax: (203) 227-8183 The Adolph Agency, Inc 4227 South Meridian Ste. C-275 Puyallup, WA (253) 445-1973 Fax: (253) 770-0659 The Enterprising Rabbit (D,E,M,P) 15 Fairfax Avenue Ottawa, ON K1Y0T3 Canada Joan Harrison (613) 729-7663 Fax: (613) 729-7663 ³ Fiddle Friends™ , Tempo Tape™ , Cellobrations: Classics for 4 Cellos - Series, 1,2,3 Play!™ , Measures™ BO, GA, PV The Guitar Wheel Music Master Publishing 55 Springstowne Center, Vallejo, CA 94591 (530) 355-6881 The Magic Fluke Co., LLC (D,P/J) 790 Litchfield Tpke New Hartford, CT 06057jim Beloff (323) 850-6855 Fax: (323) 850-6355 ³ Fluke, Flea Ukulele Ukulele The Music Link (D,E,I,M) 380 Valley Dr. Brisbane, CA 94005 (415) 570-0970 Fax: (415) 570-0651 ³ Axl, Coda, Guardian, Johnson, Lucida, Palatino, Recording King, The Loar, Paris Swing Co., Dell’ Arte, KOLOA, Savannah, Antonio Hermosa BO, GF, GA, KI, PR, PV, RE, SE The Screen Works (M) 2201 West Fulton Chicago, IL David Hull (312) 243-8265 Fax: (312) 243-8290 ³ E-Z Fold GF, KP

MAY 2009

Jazz Education Network


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45th annual supplier directory company listings The Tuba Exchange (D,I) 1825 Chapel Hill Rd. Durham, NC 27707 Vincent Simonetti (800) 869-TUBA Fax: (877) 493-TUBA ³ St. Petersburg, Tuba Exchange BO The Violin Place Inc.(D) 1278 E. Colorado Blvd. Pasadena, CA 91106 Christian Gliga (626) 578-0442 Fax: (626) 578-0525 ³ Gama, Gems, Genial, Genova, Gliga, Gloria BO Theo Wanne Classic Mouthpieces 118 Sudden Valley 8 Par Place Bellingham, WA (360) 303-5428 BO Theodore Presser Co. 588 N. Gulph Road King of Prussia, PA 19406 Dwight Munroe (610) 525-3636 Fax: (610) 527-7841 Publications & videos Thinkware (D) 425 Sequoia Dr., Ste. 114

Bellingham, WA 98226 Michael Flittie (360) 594-4275 Fax: (360) 594-4272 ³ Edirol, Roland ED CE, KP, RE, SE, SY Thomastik-Infeld 8 Vernon Valley Rd. East Northport, NY 11731 Jake Connolly (631) 757-0110 Fax: (631) 757-0021 BO, GF Thunder Drums (E,M) P.O. Box 551 Willits, CA 95490 (707) 984-8130 Fax: (707) 984-8490 ³ Thunder Drums, Thunder Hoops PR, PV Timba Inc. (M) 13648 Excelsior Dr. P.O. Box 3204 Santa Fe Springs, CA 90670 Rich Barrientos (562) 926-5046 Fax: (562) 802-3734 ³ Cubop, Timba PR Timberline Guitars (D,I,M) P.O. Box 292 Poway, CA 92131; Rob Smith

(858) 382-3658 Fax: (858) 549-4289 ³ Timberline Guitars GF Timeless Instruments (M) Box 51 341 Bison St. Tugaske, SK S0H 4B0 Canada (306) 759-2042 Fax: (306) 759-2729 ³ Timeless GF Times Square Lighting 5 Kay Fries Dr. Stony Point, NY 10980 Robert Riccardelli (845) 947-3034 Fax: (845) 947-3047 TKL Products Corp. (D,E,I,M) 2551 Route 1200 P O Box 215 Oilville, VA 23129 Kevin Dougherty (804) 749-8300 Fax: (804) 749-3442 ³ Chopper Series, Mobile Sound Series, Concept Series, Burlington Series, Zero Gravity Series, DJ Series, Pedalboard Series, ACF Series, FX Rack Series, Premier Series BO, CE, DJ, GF, GA, KI, PR

TL Audio/Sascom Marketing Group 34 Nelson St. Oakville, ON L6L 3H6 Canada (905) 469-8080 Fax: (905) 469-1129 AudioCube Todaro’s Music 8 North Lansdowne Avenue Lansdowne, PA 19050 Joseph Todaro (610) 623-3555 Fax: (610) 690-0283 PR Toleeto Fasteners (M) 1658 Precision Park Ln. San Ysidro, CA 92173 Dave Deavenport (619) 662-1355 Fax: (619) 662-1486 ³ Coil ‘N’ Carry, Cord-Lox GA Tolito Musique (M) 2 rue du pont St-Marcel 57000 Metz France 33 387310734 Fax: 33 387310734 ³ Skull Strings, Philippe Bosset GF Tom Anderson Guitarworks (M) 2697 Lavery Court, Unit #27 Newbury Park, CA 91320 Roy Fought (805) 498-1747 Fax: (805) 498-0878 ³ Tom Anderson Guitar Works GF Tom Gauger Percussion 23 Auburn St. Brookline, MA 02146 TOM GAUGER (617) 734-4024 PR Tone King Corp. P.O. Box 1095 Wyandanch, NY 11798 Evelyn Conrad (631) 643-8333 Fax: (631) 643-8005 BO, GF, GA, KP, PR, PV ToneGear 110 First Place, Apt 3 Brooklyn, NY Tony Corona Wholesale P.O. Box 11293 Denver, CO 80211-0293 John Shaw (303) 433-8981 Fax: (303) 433-8980 Toot & Hoot Didgeridoos (M) 4013 Stevi River Rd. Stevensville, MT 59870 Celia Grohmann (406) 777-1169 Fax: (406) 777-1169 ³ Dijiri-Tube PR Top of the Line Basses & Etc. 14810 Walters Rd. Houston, TX 77068 (832) 771-5092 Fax: (281) 927-2611 Toptone 1830 Belcroft Ave. South El Monte, CA 91733 (626) 401-9901 Fax: (626) 401-3688 Cases

Traditional look............Non-traditional Sound! Contact: QMP Sales 866.668.4452 US Distribution: US Band & Orchestra Supplies / St. Louis Music 800.844.9653 114 MMR

Tornavoz Music (D,E,I,M) 1455 19th St. Santa Monica, CA 90404 (310) 586-1180 Fax: (310) 586-1181 ³ Jose Ramirez, Cordoba, Paco de Lucia, Aparicio, Contreras, Loriente, Matsuoka, Sakurai-Kohno, Iberia, Humicase GF, PV

Torres Engineering (D,M,P/J) 1630 Palm Ave. San Mateo, CA 94402 (650) 571-6887 Fax: (650) 571-0849 ³ Inside Tube Amp, Torres GF, GA, SE Tosh Electronics Corp. 1150 Haskins Rd. Bowling Green, OH 43402 Steve Tosh (419) 353-1381 Fax: (419) 353-3013 RE, SE Tough Traveler LTD (D,E,M) 1012 State St. Schenectady, NY 12307 NANCY GOLD (800) GO-TOUGH ³ Drumslinger, Tough Traveler Tracoman Inc. (D,M) 3001 North 29th Avenue Hollywood, FL 33020 Marcel (954) 689-8833 Fax: (954) 929-5201 ³ Litetruss, Mobil Tech, Mix Machines, Red Sound, Stanton, next!, Vestax DJ Tracey Willis Tracey Willis (866) 853-3929 Case hardware TradeLink America 50 Alpine Way Ste 100 South Huntington, NY 11746 (631) 549-5400 Fax: (631) 549-3370 Tradition Guitar (D,E,I,M) 3124 Sandage Ave. Fort Worth, TX 76109 Rusty Bickford (817) 923-6300 Fax: (817) 923-6600 ³ Michelangelo Series GF Transaudio Group (D,E,I) 7320 Smoke Ranch Rd., Ste. G Las Vegas, NV Richard Bowman (702) 365-5155 Fax: (702) 365-5145 ³ A Designs Audio, ATC, Bock Audio, Geoff Daking

MAY 2009

Keep Music Education Strong Learning to play music is so much more than memorizing notes and scales. It helps a child develop creativity and instills self-discipline, commitment and confidence. Your leadership in the community assures that music is a part of quality education for every child. Keep music education strong—go to

believe in music 5790 Armada Drive • Carlsbad, CA 92008 • 760.438.8001 •

45th annual supplier directory company listings & Co, Drawmer, GML, Soundfield, Tonelux, True Systems, Tube-Tech RE, SE Transamerica Commercial Financ 5595 Trillium Blvd. O/SPG Hoffman Estates, IL 60192 (800) 849-9952 Fax: (800) 851-6059 Transperformance LLC (M) 2513 Pinecone Cir. Fort Collins, CO 80525 Karl (970) 482-9132 Fax: (970) 498-8865 ³ Performer, The GF Travel Wellness PO Box 1188 Lyons, CO (866) 823-5072 Traveler Guitar 325 Alabama St. #8 Redlands, CA 92373 Corey Oliver

116 MMR

(800) 476-1591 Fax: (909) 307-2628 GF Trax Distributors (D) 16851 Victory Blvd., #10 Lake Balboa, CA 91406 Ernie Taylor (818) 902-0619 Fax: (818) 902-2126 ³ Fleco, Singing Machine, VocoPro, Disney Karaoke, MMO/Pocketsongs, Pro.2, Chartbuster, Panorama Records, RJ Tech DJ, KP Traynor (See Yorkville) Treeworks Chimes (M) 443 Chestnut St. Nashville, TN 37203 Mitch McMichen (615) 780-2641 Fax: (615) 780-9911 ³ TreeWorks PR Tregan Guitars 97A Brim Blvd. Chambersburg, PA 17201 (717) 262-0010 Fax: (717) 263-5038 ³ Tregan GF Trem King LLC 3124 Sandage Ave. Fort Worth, TX (817) 923-4112 Fax: (817) 923-6600 ³ Trem King GF Tri-Con Music Group Inc. (D,I) 8017 N. Whitney Rd. Fox Point, WI 53217 Jeffery S. Ziebelman (414) 540-0297 Fax: (414) 540-0297 ³ J. Becker, Schubert KI Tri-Technical Systems, Inc. (D) 3162 Cedar Crest Ridge Dubuque, IA 52003 Dave Cox (563) 556-3556 Fax: (563) 556-0405 ³ AIM, Active - e CE

Tric Pick Industries (E,M) 1747 E. Ave. Q, Ste. B-5 Palmdale, CA 93550 (805) 272-4907 Fax: (702) 359-6133 ³ Tric Pick Illuminating guitar picks Trick Percussion Products (M) 17 E University Dr Arlington Heights, IL Michael Dorfman (847) 519-9911 Fax: (847) 519-1979 ³ Trick, Pro1-V, G5007, Polish Trillenium Music Co. (E,M,P) P.O. Box 51059 Sarasota, FL 34232 Don Stewart (941) 377-7375 Fax: (941) 377-9043 ³ Trillenium Music Co., Tunbridge Music PV Trinity River (See M&M Merchandisers)

Tripp Lite (M) 1111 W. 35th St. Chicago, IL 60609 Dennis Mariasis (773) 869-1273 Fax: (773) 869-1935 ³ Isobar, Smartpro, Protect It, SmartOnline, Internet Office, OmniSmart, BC Pro Trophy Music Co. (D,E,I,M,P/J) 3800 Kelley Ave. Cleveland, OH 44114 Ron Kulow (216) 391-1234 Fax: (216) 391-8999 ³ BandStand, First Note, Just in Case, Paganini, Sounds Around the World, Spot Lites, Symphony, Tudor BO, GF, GA, PR, See Grover Musical Products Tropical Music Corp. (D,E) 6850 S.W. 81st Ter. Miami, FL 33143 Oscar Mederos (305) 740-7454 Fax: (305) 740-7456 ³ Biscayne, H. Hoffer, Juggs,

Palmer, Praga, Afrosound Percussion, Mano Percussion, MAS, Pro Lok, Topp Pro Music Gear BO, DJ, GF, GA, KI, PR, SE Trueline Drumsticks (M) P.O. Box 300 98 Mill Street Northfield Falls, VT 05664 Tim Keane (802) 485-4900 Fax: (802) 485-7800 ³ Diamond Grip, Power Grip, Tribal Assault, True Grip, Tribal Assault™ PR Truth Audio (M) 129 Sugar Cove Rd. Santa Rosa Beach, FL 32459 Joel Shannon Wallace (973) 728-2425 Fax: (973) 228-2931 ³ Truth Audio CE, GA, KI, RE, SE Tube Works, Div. Genz Benz E 7811 E. Pierce St. Scottsdale, AZ 85257 (480) 941-0705


MAY 2009

company listings 45th annual supplier directory Fax: (480) 946-2412 ³ MOS Valve Guitar amps & accessories Tubecraft Products 1121-20 Lincoln Ave. Holbrook, NY 11741 Frank Maiella (516) 567-8588 Furniture, stands, consoles, scaffolding Tubular Instruments Co. 266 Pelton Ave. Staten Island, NY 10310 (718) 876-7870 Fax: (718) 876-7870 Tuki Covers (M) 5060 Coosaw Creek Boulevard North Charleston, SC 29420 Gary Grill (843) 760-0450 Fax: (843) 760-9530 ³ Cord Folio, ProSoft Tulsa Guitar & Electronics 1417 S. Harvard Tulsa, OK 74112 David Scrivner (918) 742-4912 Fax: (918) 742-5703 Guitars Tune 1000 Corp. (M) 7710 Hamel Ouest Sainte-Foy, QC G2G 2J5 Canada Annette France (418) 877-8900 Fax: (418) 877-0560 ³ Childrens Sing Along, Soft Concert, Soft Karaoke CE, KP Turbosound 2120 W. Greenview, #1 Middleton, WI 53562 (608) 831-8700 Fax: (608) 831-7100 Sound equipment Twanger Inc. (E,M) 450 WitchCat Rd. Enosburg Falls, VT 05450 Kathy Steele (802) 933-2481 Fax: (802) 933-6355 ³ Twanger PraxAx GF, GA 12 Tone Music Publishing P.O. Box 20564 Dayton, OH 45420 Mike Overly (937) 256-9344 GF, PV Twinkle Enterprises Ltd. #601-17665-66A Avenue

MAY 2009

Surrey, BC V3S 2A7 Canada (604) 576-8326

³ Claystone Drum, Softpaw Stands, Udu Drum Hand percussion

Tycoon Percussion (D,M) 4560 Eucalyptus Ave, Ste. B Chino, CA 91710 (909) 393-5555 Fax: (909) 393-5500 ³ Tycoon Percussion PR Tyler Retail Systems 4625 East Bay Drive, Ste. 201 Clearwater, FL 33764 Scott Tyler 727-536-5588 Fax: 727-535-2936 Tyro By Mitchell Lurie P.O. Box 2109 Issiquah, WA 98027 (425) 221-6175 Fax: (425) 391-2308

U U.S. Band & Orchestra Supplies (D) 1933 Woodson Rd. St. Louis, MO 63114 Mark Ragin (314) 429-3439 Fax: (314) 429-3255 ³ Mt. Vernon, Superial Reeds, Ultimate Ligatures, Timber Wolf BO, GF, GA, KI, PR, PV U.S. Music Corp. (D,E,I,M) 444 E. Courtland St. Mundelein, IL 60060 (847) 949-0444 Fax: (847) 949-8444 ³ Jam Gear, Oscar Schmidt, Randall, SoundTech, Washburn GF, SE

Ultimate Support Systems (M) 5836 Wright Drive Loveland, CO 80538 Levi Bjork (970) 493-4488 Fax: (970) 221-2274 ³ Ultimate Support Systems, Jamstands by Ultimate Support, Body glove, Furman Sound BO, DJ, GF, GA, KI, RE, SE Ultra-Pure Oils P.O Box 373 Philomath, OR 97370 Ken Saul (541) 929-5566 Fax: (541) 929-5566 ³ Ultra-Pure Oils BO


Ultracase (M) 2921 East Miraloma #4 Anaheim, CA 92806 David Eastman (714) 632-7343 Fax: (714) 632-7770 ³ Ultracase GF Ultrasone Inc. (D) 20602 Fox Den Road Wildomar, CA Cathy Kelly (951) 678-9091 Fax: (951) 678-9036 ³ Ultrasone, PROline, HFI, iCans, Naos, Okta, Aurum, RudiStor, Sistema CE, DJ, GA, RE, SE Ultrasound Amplifiers 2150 Delavan Drive, Ste 11 West Des Moines, IA (515) 282-1650 Fax: (515) 282-1680 ³ Ultrasound GF, SE Under Cover Cases 5805 E. 39th Ave. Denver, CO 80207 (303) 322-5155 Fax: (303) 322-8588 Uni-Par Lighting Corp. (D,E,M) 905 Tyree Rd. Paducah, KY 42003 Wilmetta Wimberley (270) 898-8962 Fax: (279) 898-8932 ³ Uni Par LE Unicorn Strings Bowed Psalteri P.O. Box 26066 St. Louis Park, MN 55426 (612) 866-3854 Fax: (612) 866-4235 Unigrip 2000 1646 N. Lincoln St.


Burbank, CA 91506 Paul Zbrezny (818) 840-0280 Fax: (818) 841-5088 ³ Flipsticks, Kicksticks, Unigrip PR Unitec Products Corp. (D,E,M) 1300 Market Ave. Canton, OH 44(714) Rick Gattuso (330) 489-6500 Fax: (330) 456-9403 ³ MTS, Mini Monster, Tufflite, Unitec BO, DJ, KI, SE United Entertainment (P/J) 411 Borel Ave., #100 San Mateo, CA 94402 Scott Dunayer (650) 655-4107 Fax: (650) 358-9966 ³ Guitar Player, Guitar & Bass Buyer’s Guide, Keyboard Player, Music Technology Buyers Guide PV United Sales Agents(USA)/Drum 101 Bernoulli Cir. Oxnard, CA 93030 Don (805) 485-6999 Fax: (805) 485-1334 Drum accessories

United States Music 7775 Fording Bridge Road Kernersville, NC (336) 595-2829 Universal Musical Instrument 732 Broadway New York, NY 10003 (212) 254-6917 Fax: (516) 593-2397 Universal Percussion Inc. 1431 Heck Rd. Columbiana, OH 44408 Tom Shelley (330) 482-5750 Fax: (330) 482-5760 Drums & access. Unk Guitars 26 Main Street Ste 121 Toms River, NJ (732) 286-2333 Up-Front Footwear Inc. (D,M) 925 Scull St. Lebanon, PA 17046 Jeff Savoca (717) 272-7105 Fax: (717) 270-6695 ³ Dinkles BO UREI 8500 Balboa Blvd. Northridge, CA 91329 Steve Armstrong


U.S. Regulation Bugle (M) 41 Shore Drive Huntington Bay, NY 11(743) (631) 549-4108 Fax: (631) 423-6550 ³ U.S. Regulation Bugle Bugle Ubi-Soft Entertainment 625 3rd St. 3rd Fl. San Francisco, CA 94107-1918 (415) 464-4440 Fax: (415) 464-4450 Udu Drum Rte. 67, Box 126 Freehold, NY 12431 (518) 634-2559 Fax: (518) 634-2488


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MMR 117

45th annual supplier directory company listings V

(818) 893-8411 Fax: (818) 893-3639 Limiter/compressor US Band & Orchestra Supplies, (D) 1933 Woodson Road St. Louis, MO 63114 Mark Ragin (314) 429-3439 Fax: (314) 429-3255 ³ E.K. Blessing, Alexander Superial, Mt. Vernon, Ultimate Ligatures BO, GF, GA, PR USA Distribution (D) 2333A Dunwoody Crossing Atlanta, GA 30338(404) 303-1951 Fax: (404) 303-1952 ³ Red Witch GF UV 111 Systems, Inc (M) 21 Governor Avenue Bellingham, MA 02054 (508) 883-4881 ³ Ecocure, Multicare, Spotcure GF

V.J. Rendano Wholesale Music (D,E,I) 755 East 82nd St. Cleveland, OH 44103 Chip DiFiore (800) (321) 4048 ³ Galveston, Monique, Casio, Audio Technique, Shure, GATOR BO, GF, GA, PR, KI V2Go 9528 Rush Street, Ste. 1 South El Monte, CA (626) 582-8098 Vagabond Travel Guitar (M) 34 Learned St. Albany, NY 12207 Kevin (518) 758-1690 ³ Vagabond Travel Guitar GF Valentino Inc. 33 Pringle Court Newbury Park, CA 91320 Pete Valentino (805) 449 1961



Brass & woodwind plastic MI parts, repair kits Valje Drums & Percussion (See LP Music Group) Valuetone Musical Supply Inc. (I,M) 12901 Ramona Blvd Ste 1 Irwindale, CA 91706 Alio (626) 856-0889 Fax: (626) 869-0235 ³ Sonatina BO VAM Acoustics Inc. 5807 Meadowgreen Drive Waterford, MI (248) 630-5443 Vandoren (See Dansr, Inc.) Vater Percussion 270 Centre Street, Unit D Holbrook, MA Alan Vater (781) 767-1877 Fax: (781) 767-0010 Drumsticks, timable sticks, bass drum beaters, mallets Vaughncraft Percussion (D,M) 602 High Street Baldwin City, KS Jack Shearer (785) 594-6776 Fax: (785) 594-6777 ³ Vaughncraft Percussion Vector Instruments (M) 1111 Russia Road Black Rock Nova Scotia B0P 1V0 Canada (902) 538-3271 Fax: (902) 538-3952 ³ Vector BO

Resilient like your fingertip,

so it will not create tuning problems. • 707-876-3001 118 MMR

Vega 9900 E.Baldwin Pl. El Monte, CA 91731 Paul Baughman (626) 442-0785 Fax: (626) 444-1342 ³ Vega Microhones Velke Publishing Co. P.O. Box 393 Glen Echo, MD 20812 John Velke (301) 229-2078 Fax: (301) 229-2007 ³ Things for Strings PV



Veri-Sonic 3383-F Industrial Blvd. Bethel Park, PA 15102 Tom Kikta (412) 831-3343 Fax: (412) 434-0160 Drumsticks, bags

Power, World Classic, Perfect Pair PR

Veritas Instrument Rental Inc. (D) P.O. Box 1068 Pinellas Park, FL 33780 Dawson Flinchbaugh (800) 578-9724 Fax: (727) 541-6790 ³ Josef Reiter, Regent BO, PR VHT Amplification (M) 1201 S. Flower Street Burbank, CA 91502 Steve Fryette (818) 846-4000 Fax: (818) 846-4040 ³ Fryette Amplification GF Vibramate P.O. Box 126 Ringoes, NJ (609) 466-8101 Fax: (609) 466-8160 ³ Vibramate GF


Vibration Technology Ltd. (D,M) 705 Progress Ave. Unit 61 Scarborough, ON M1H 2X1 Canada Harry Gandhi (416) 438-9320 Fax: (416) 438-1772 ³ Sondar, VT Amplifiers DJ, SE Vibro-Tek Industries (D,M) 13-1080 Cliveden Ave. Deltf, BC V3M 6G6 Canada Blake Larsen (604) 951-1677 Fax: (604) 517-1630 ³ Double Whammy GF Vic Firth, Inc. (M) 65 Sprague Street Boston, MA 02136 Mark Dyke (617 ) 364-6869 Fax: (617) 364-2571 ³ Ameican Heritage, American Sound, American Jazz, American Classic, American Custom, Corpsmaster, Spound

Victor Products Inc.(M) 3450 Stoddard Rd. Pensacola, FL 32526 Fred (850) 941-8431 Fax: (850) 941-8431 ³ Victor Capos GF Victory Enterprise Japan 1160 Cal Court Lenoir, NC 28645 (828) 758-0011 Fax: (828) 759-1118 Vigier Guitars (E,M) 27 Z.A. Des Champs Elysees Evry 91000 France Patrice Vigier ³ Vigier Guitars Viking Cases (M) 10480 Oak St. NE St. Petersburg, FL 33716 Bruce Stemler (800) 237-8560 Fax: (727) 577-2082 ³ Viking Carrylite, Viking Norseman, Viking Soft Bag, Viking Vikilite, Viking Crosstown, Viking ATA BO, CE, DJ, GF, GA, KP, KI, LE, PR, RE, SE, SY Villex 5372 Pembury Drive La Palma, CA (714) 228-0490 ³ Villex Vinci Musical Strings 444 E. Courtland Mundelein, IL 60060 (847) 949-0444 Fax: (800) 488-6863 Strings Vintage Guitar Magazine (P/J) P.O. Box 7301 Bismarck, ND 58507 James Jiskra (701) 255-1197 Fax: (701) 255-0250 ³ Vintage Guitar Onine, Vintage Guitar Magazine Violet Design C/O FDW-Worldwide 8001 Terrace Avenue Middleton, WI (608) 831-7330

Violmaster Studio (M) G/F 14 Wood Road Wanchai Hong Kong William Lu (852) 283-30037 Fax: (852) 289-18546 ³ Prima, Violmaster BO Virtual Virtuoso (P/J) Frederick, MD John Wholahan (650) 747-0166 Fax: (650) 747-9529 ³ Performance Assistant, Practice Assistant, Scale Master & MIDI Metronome CE Visiosonic Ltd. (M) 1881 Drew St. #A Clearwater, FL 33(765) 2914 (727) 799-3828 Fax: (727) 799-2747 ³ Gigbox Portable Rackmount System, PCDJ Digital 1200sl, Space Opera CE, DJ Visual Effects Inc. (D,E,I,M) P O Box 3840 Mount Vernon, NY (718) 324-0011 Fax: (718) 324-0300 ³ Phonic Sound, VEI Lighting LE Visual Sound LLC (M) 4922 Port Royal Rd., B-11 Spring Hill, TN 37174 Steve Mikesell (931) 487-9001 Fax: (931) 487-9922 ³ 1Spot, V2 Series GF Vitali Import Co. Inc. (D,I,P/J,E) 13020 Whittier Blvd. Whittier, CA 90602 Lauretta Craven (562) 698-6508 Fax: (562) 698-6508 ³ Aubert Bridges, Corelli, D’Addario Strings, Jargar Strings, LaBella, Pirastro, Teller, Prim Strings, Thomastik BO, PV Vocal Power 9826 Columbus Ave. North Hills, CA 91343 (818) 895-7464 Fax: (818) 893-4270 P.O. Box 6569 Bend, OR 97708

MAY 2009

company listings 45th annual supplier directory Calvin Mann (541) 330-6045 Fax: (801) 659-2475 RE VocoPro 1728 Curtis Court La Verne, CA 91750 (909) 593-8893 Fax: (909) 593-8890 ³ Vocopro KP


VOODOO LAB (E,M) 3165 Coffey Lane Santa Rosa, CA (707) 545-0600 Fax: (707) 545-9777 ³ Voovoo Lab GF Votaw Tool Company 1559 N. National Ave. Springfield, MO 65803 (417) 865-7509 Fax: (417) 862-7165 BO Vox Amplification 316 S. Service Rd. Melville, NY 11747 (631) 390-6500 Fax: (631) 390-6501 ³ Vox, Vox


Voyage-air Guitar 14281 Bertino Road Grass Valley, CA 95945(800) 371-6478 Fax: (530) 272-5613

W W.L. Gore & Assoc. Inc. 1505 N. Fourth St. Flagstaff, AZ 86004 Christy MacIntyre (410) 506-8999 Fax: (410) 506-8749 ³ Elixir Guitar strings


Wagman Primus Group LP (D,I) 10 Runway Rd., Ste. I Levittown, PA 19057 (215) 269-1600 Fax: (215) 269-1611 ³ Key, Double Key Bow hair & bow tips Walkabout Inc. (M) P.O. Box 66058 Los Angeles, CA 90066 Matt Patterson (310) 306-2701 Fax: (310) 306-3732 ³ Triggershoe, Walkabout Mobile MIDI systems

MAY 2009

Walker Piano Service 554 State Rte. 1907 Fulton, KY 42041 Phyllis Walker (270) 838-6889 Fax: (270) 838-6889 KI, Piano key restoration Walking Bird Repair Forms (M) R.C. Box 1688 Richmond, VA 23173 804-285-2216 Fax: 804-285-8247 ³ Walking Bird BO, GF Wallacher Guitar Products (D,E,I,M) 4737 Ortega SDrive, Ste 18 Ventura, CA 93003 John Marino (805) 658-2102 Fax: (805) 658-6801 ³ Wallacher, HowzitHangin GF, GA, RE, SE Walter Piano Corp. 25416 County Rd. 6 Elkhart, IN 46514 Kevin Walter (574) 266-0615 Fax: (574) 266-0889 ³ Charles R. Walter KI


Walton’s Irish Music (D,M,P/J) 9 Skyline Drive Hawethorne, NY 10532 Michelle Henderson (914) 375-4309 Fax: (914) 375-4319 ³ Guiness, Soodlum’s, Walton’s BO, PR, PV Wanne Inc. 8 Par Place W 118 Sudden Valley Bellingham, WA 98229Warburton Music Products 1293 N CR 426, Ste. 121 Oviedo, FL 32(765) Terry Warburton (407) 366-1991 Fax: (208) 246-3410 ³ Warburton, The Ultimate Sax Neck BO (253) 845-0403 Fax: (253) 848-2415 GF Warner Bros. Publications (D,M,P/J) 15800 N.W. 48th Ave. Miami, FL 33014 Fran Vincent (305) 620-1500 Fax: (305) 621-1094 ³ Ultimate Beginners Series, Belwin String Builder PV Warwick GmbH & Co. Music Equip Gewerbegebiet 46 08258 Markneukirchen Germany Wascom 25683 LA Highway 16 Denham Springs, LA 70726 (504) 665-1400 Fax: (504) 667-0530 Washburn Int./U.S. Music Corp. 444 E. Courtland St. Mundelein, IL 60060

(847) 949-0444 Fax: (847) 949-8444 Wave Angle 10816 Beachmont Lane Austin, TX Sean Michaud (512) 301-7090 CE, GF, KP, KI, RE, SE Wave Distribution (D,E,I,M) 1141 Greenwood Lake Tpk. Ringwood, NJ 07456 G. Griffith (973) 728-2425 Fax: (973) 728-2931 ³ Carillon, Fargo, Reel Drums, Distressor GF, RE, SE Waves 2800 Merchant Drive Knoxville, TN 37(912) www.waves.cim (865) 909-9200 Fax: (865) 909-9245 Wayne Guitars P.O. Box 583 Paradise, CA 95967 (530) 872-5123 Fax: (530) 872-2613 GF

WD Music Products (D,E,I,M) 17570 No. Tamiani Trail, Ste. 1 North Fort Myers, FL (239)543-3625 Fax: (239)543-5874 ³ WD, Stromberg, Kluson, Kent Armstrong, Tonepros, GraphTech, L.R. Bags, Bigsby, Sperzel GF Web Only P.O. Box 1095 Hollywood, CA (866) 932-0039 Fax: (323) 297-1592 KI Webber Guitars 1385A Crown St. N. Vancouver, BC V7J 1G4 Canada (604) 980-0315 Fax: (604) 986-0350 Weber Fine Acoustic Instruments (M) 5400 Frontage Road Manhattan, MT (406) 284-4390 Fax: (406) 284-4413 ³ Weber

Wechter Guitars (M) P.O. Box 8738 Fort Wayne, IN 46898 Abe Wechter (260) 407-3826 Fax: (260) 407-3827 ³ Wechter GF Wee House of Supplies 1192 Timber Ln. Chalfont, PA 18914 Angus MacDonald (215) 343-0337 Fax: (215) 343-0337 Weltmeister P.O. Box 381 Nephi, UT 84648 Hans Brown (435) 623-0975 Fax: (435) 623-4922 BO, GF, KI Wenger Corp. 555 Park Dr. P.O. Box 448 Owatonna, MN 55060 (507) 455-4100 Fax: (507) 455-4258

Ready for action. Under the leadership of master piano designer, Lothar Thomma, Ritmüller has combined a classic heritage with the latest in music technology to create a new line of pianos for the 21st Century. Every part has been totally re-engineered. The action for example, is all wood construction with no composite parts. Crafted from European Hornbeam, the Ritmüller action combines the finest in quality details to deliver remarkably responsive, easy to service performance perfection. Call 800.435.5086 to learn more, or visit

Warmoth Guitar Products Inc. 6424 112th St. East Puyallup, WA 98373

MMR 119

45th annual supplier directory company listings Wes-Can Music Supplies Ltd. 8456 129A Street Surrey, BC V3W 1A2 Canada (604) 543-2666 Fax: (604) 591-6969

Dale Douglass (719) 540-9333 Fax: (719) 540-9183 ³ Elite Series SE

Wessell, Nickel & Gross (M) 4111 N. Freeway Blvd. Sacramento, CA (916) 419-2727 Fax: (916) 567-1941 ³ Wessell, Nickel & Gross KI West Coast Music Service 4620 S. Florida Ave., Ste. 105 Lakeland, FL 33813 (888) 422-6323 Fax: (239) 731-0565 PV Westheimer Corp. (D,I) 3451 W. Commercial Ave. Northbrook, IL 60062 Jack Westheimer (847) 498-9850 Fax: (847) 498-5370 ³ Basix, Cort, Mighty Mite, Roy Benson, Royce, Drumcraft BO, GF, KP, KI, PR Westone Laboratories, Inc. (M) 2235 Executive Circle Colorado Springs, CO 80906

Wexler Music Co. (D,E,I,M) 7807 East Greenway Rd., Ste. 8 Scottsdale, AZ 85(260) 1717 B.R. Wexler (480) 675-8888 Fax: (480) 675-8900 ³ A & M, Balter, Blitz, Conrad, Downbeat, Dr. Dan’S, Demand, Dukoff, E.A.R., Haberline, Kafko, Kazoo (Original), King David, Marcsmen, Masterpiece, MTS/Modular, Original Swab, Populaire, Pacific Trends, Reed-O Meter, Shield, Tone Educator, UniTec, Wabash, Whitehall, Whitehall, Windy City, Amati, Blue Note, BuckleGard, Cory, Creepnomore, Gemwood, Pacific Trends, Strunal, Universal BO, CE, DJ, GF, GA, KI, LE, PR Whacky Music Inc. 2085 Mountain Road Sedona, AZ 86336 (928) 282-3860 Fax: (928) 282-3877 Whirlwind Music (M,D) 99 Ling Rd. Rochester, NY 14612 (585) 663-8820 Fax: (585) 865-8930 ³ Director, E Snake, Hot Box, Impz, Leader, Medusa, Mk4, U.S. Audio, Whirlwind SE Whiskey Ridge Productions (M) 5808 83rd Ave. N.E. Marysville, WA 98270 Mark Hibbert (360) 659-5462 Fax: (360) 653-7811 ³ Zap-It GF, PR WhisperRoom Inc. (M) 116 S. Sugar Hollow Rd. Morristown, TN 37813 (423) 585-5827 Fax: (423) 585-5831 ³ WhisperRoom SE Series RE Wiese Mfg. Co. P.O. Box 72 3817 Hickory Grove Rd. Davenport, IA 52804 H.H. Wiese (563) 322-4567 Fax: (563) 386-6973 Music stands Wiggles N’Tunes (M,P/J) 316 Prospect Ave. # 3C Hackensack, NJ 07601 Carolyn Zorn

(201) 488-6711 Fax: (206) 984-0418 ³ Wiggles N’ Tunes GA, PV

(630) 616-8634 Fax: (630) 616-8635 ³ Windy City Mutes

Wilkins Guitar Finishes 15734 Stagg St. Van Nuys, CA 91406 Pat Wilkins (818) 909-7310 ³ Pat Wilkins Custom Guitars GF Willis Music Company 7777 W. Bluemound Road Milwaukee, WI Lettie Birch (414) 774-3630 Fax: (859) 283-1784 BO, GF, GA, KP, KI, PR, PV Wilson Bros. Guitars 450 NE Alder St. Issaquah, WA 98027 (253) 564-4310 Fax: (253) 564-8080 Windsor Oboes 909 Emerald St. Elkhart, IN 46514 Richard L. Windsor (557) 426-2384 ³ Windsor BO


Windy City Mutes 756 Larsen Lane Bensenville, IL 60106 Larry Fletcher

Winkler Woods 3057 Koapaka Street, Ste. F1 Honolulu, HI (808) 833-0871 Wireworks Corp. 380 Hillside Ave. Hillside, NJ 07205 (908) 686-7400 Fax: (908) 686-0483 ³ AV2000


Wisemann Musical Instruments Manfacturin Company (M) No. 89, QingyunDian Zone, Daxing Qu Beijing China 86-10-80213189 ³ Wisemann BO Wittner GmbH & Co. KG (M) P.O. Box 1464 Isny 88308 Germany Sabrina Wittner 49-7562-704-0 Fax: 49-7562-704-28 ³ Maelzel & Taktell, Clarissima, Tonofix GA Wm. Kratt Co. 40 Lafayette Place Kenilworth, NJ 07033 (908) 709-8901 Fax: (908) 709-8908 Pitch pipes


Wm. Lewis and Son (I) 600 Industrial Pkwy. Elkhart, IN 46516 John Stoner (574) 522-1675 Fax: (574) 295-5405 ³ Wm. Lewis BO

Boiling Point ™ Overdrive / Boost

777°," "8° " ÊUÊ ,-Ê Ê{än ÓnÇ {äÓä

120 MMR

Wolfpak, Inc. P.O. Box 597 Elkhart, IN 46515 (574) 251-9016 Fax: (574) 251-3559 ³ WolfPak BO


Wood ‘n Strings P. O. Box 167 Bennington, OK 74723 Russell Cook (817) 472-6991 Fax: (817) 472-7704 ³ Master Works GF


Wood Violins (Mark Wood Music Productions) P.O. Box 2074 Port Washington, NY (516) 767-6677 Woodies UK Limited (M) 1 Deans Walk Durham England DH11HA Adrian Woodland 0191 3848846 ³ Woodies G-Band, Woodies G-BAND II GF, GA Woodstock Percussion Inc. (D,M) 167 Dubois Rd. Shokan, NY 12481 (845) 657-6000 ³ Acme Whistles, Clarke Whistles, Woodstock Collection, Woodstock Chimes Windchimes, whistles, musical gifts Working Musician Products (D) 2601 North Old Stage Rd. Unit 22 Mt. Shasta, CA 91006 Frank Green 530-926-5678 Fax: 530-926-5678 ³ D’Angelico, Working Musician

Wm. Rees Instruments 222 Main St Rising Sun, IN (812) 438-3032

World Class RamTrak 24900 Capitol Redford, MI 48239 (313) 538-1200 Fax: (313) 538-1255

Wm. S. Haynes Co. (M) 12 Piedmont St. Boston, MA 02116 Mike Maas (617) 482-7456 Fax: (617) 482-1870 ³ Haynes BO

World Class Steels, Inc. (M) P.O. Box 851324 Mesquite, TX 75185-1324, www. magnumsteelgu Ann Fabian (972) 475-2324 Fax: (972) 412-7353

MAY 2009

company listings 45th annual supplier directory ³ Carter-Starter, Carter Accesories PAck, Magnum Pro Select GF WorldMax USA (D) 333 Wilhagen Rd. Nashville, TN 37217 Walt Johnston (615) 365-3965 Fax: (615) 365-9850 ³ Black Dog, Worldmax Wren Chest Co. (M) P.O. Box 326 Seneca, SC 29679 Frank Robbins 888 909-9736 Fax: (864) 882-8291 ³ Melody Chest, Wren Chest GA Wright Bros. Sound (M) 1101 Three Maple Dr. Manchester Ctr., VT 05255 Daniel Wright (802) 362-5808 Fax: (802) 362-5809 ³ Camberlite SE Wright Guitar Technology 2709 Norbert Lane Eugene, OR Rossco (541) 343-0872 Fax: (541) 343-0872 ³ SoloEtte GF

X2 4630 Beloit Drive Ste. 20 Sacramento, CA Michealle Coker (530) 477-1139 Fax: (530) 477-8436 GF, GA Xaphoon USA (M) 605 Alondra Drive Huntington Beach, CA 92648 Gary Friedman (818) 400-8902 Fax: (714) 969-6588 ³ Pocket Sax, Maui Xaphoon, Xaphoon BO Xcel Drumsticks (M) N6367 County Road East Oconomowoc, WI 53066 (262) 893-9840 Fax: (262) 593-2189 ³ Xcel PR


Wristies, Inc. (D,M) P O Box 377 Rollinsford, NH (603) 740-9800 Fax: (309) 416-9960 ³ Wristies BO, GF, GA, KI Wyman Piano Company (D,I,M) P.O. Box 506 Colusa, CA Tim Laskey (941) 661-0200 Fax: (206) 350-7912 ³ Wyman, Wyman Pianoforte, ORLA KI

X X Wire Corp. (M) 2929 First Ave. Ste. 505 Seattle, WA 98121 (877) 247-5181 ³ XWire Digital wireless

MAY 2009

X-Tempo Designs, LLC (D,M) P.O. Box 351446 Los Angeles, CA 90035 (323) 655-0512 Fax: (323) (936) 6972 ³ POK CE, DJ, GA

XL Specialty Percussion Inc.(D,E,M,I) P.O. Box 70 13620 Main St. Grabill, IN 46741 Neal Graham (260) 627-8070 Fax: (260) 627-8077 ³ Big Foot, XL Lite, Protechtor Cases, The Claw BO, GA, KI, PR

3rd Floor New York, NY 10003 (718) 797-3671 Fax: (718) 624-7460 Yamaha Corp. of America (D,M) 6600 Orangethorpe Avenue Buena Park, CA 90620 Bob Heller (714) 522-9257 Fax: (800) 926-3580 ³ Steinberg BO, CE, DJ, GF, GA

Yamaha Corp. of America-Band & Orchestra Div. (D,M) 6600 Orangethorpe Avenue Buena Park, CA 90620 Rick Young (714) 522-9011 Fax: (714) 522-9197 ³ Xeno, Yamaha, Allegro, Advantage, Silent Brass, SFZ, Silent Violin, Silent Cello, Clavinova, Disklavier, Avant Grand, Rogers BO

Yuta Musical Inc. (D,E,I,M) 38-44 W. 21st St. 5th Fl. New York, NY 10010-6906 Ronni Ginott (212) 463-8661 Fax: (212) 229-0642 ³ Fish, Gill, HiLo, Sound, Super Sax BO, GA, PR

Our Best-Selling SV-175 Cremona Violin! Cremona bowed instruments have set the pace for the vibrant student and rental markets for over 25 years. Strict adherence to international sizing requirements, domestic educational set-up standards and continuous quality improvement have made Cremona Violins, Violas, Basses and Cellos proven sales leaders. Our best-selling, ebony fitted SV-175 Cremona Premier Violin Outfit has again been upgraded to include the new LaSalle LB-15 Octagonal Bow and the TL-33 deluxe rectangular Travelite case.

Cremona SV-175 Violin Outfit: •Six sizes from 4⁄4 to 1⁄16 •Long lasting ebony fittings •Finetuner tailpiece for precise, easy tuning •Rugged TL-33 Travelite case •All-solid carved, graduated construction •Well-balanced LaSalle LB-15 bow with ebony frog

XP Audio, Inc 2370 South 3600 West Salt Lake City, UT 84119-1126 John Fisher (801) 265-0917 Fax: (801) 265-0978 GF, KI


Young Chang 19060 South Dominguez Hills Drive

Rancho Dominguez, CA 90220- 640 (310) 637-2000 Fax: (253) 589-3585

Meeting the Needs of Students for More Than 25 Years ...

XOX Audio Tools (M) Via Della Torre 11 Milan Italy Paolo Storti 02 3651 5854/55 Fax: 02 3651 6052 ³ The Handle, Billytone, The Duo, Slick Handle GF

Yak*Pak 900 Broadway

Yorkville Sound Inc. (D,E,I,M) 4625 Witmer Industrial Estate Niagara Falls, NY 14305 (716) 297-2920 Fax: (716) 297-3689 ³ Apex, Audiopro, Bassmaster, Elite, Micromix, TX, Traynor, Yorkville, Pulse BO, DJ, GF, GA, KP, KI, LE, RE, SE




Suggested Retail


[800] BUY-SAGA Dealer inquiries invited.

MMR 121

45th annual supplier directory company listings Z Z Right Stuff 762 Inverarry Ln. Deerfield, IL 60015 Jack Kontney (847) 520-4380 ³ Z-Bar GF, RE, SE


Zaja Musical Products, LLC (D,M,P/J) P.O. Box 262 Livingston, NJ 07039 Rich Szabo (973) 994-1902 Fax: (973) 994-2301 ³ Chops T.I.C., Complete Breathing, Master Series, New York Series, Puza

Music, Zaja Oil, Zaja Blue, Zaja Lube, Zaja Pro, Zaja slide BO, GA, PV Zendrum Corp. 2299 Peachtree St. Atlanta, GA 30309 Wyeth Persons (404) 352-1646 Fax: (404) 352-0919 Electronic percussion Zero Crossing (M) 12828 Northup Way, Ste 300 Bellevue, WA Philip Sudore (425) 471-3133 ³ N-Tune

Zeta Music Systems(M) 129 S. Rockford Drive Tempe, AZ 85281 Gregg Kozak (480) 557-5003 Fax: (480) 557-5007 ³ Jazz Violin, Strados, Zeta, Synthary BO, CE, GR, SE, SY Avedis Zildjian Co. (M) 22 Longwater Dr. Norwell, MA 02061 (781) 871-2200 Fax: (887) 662-3347 ³ DIP, Malletech, Zildjian PR

Zinky Electronics P.O. Box 3973 Flagstaff, AZ 86003 Annette Yurchak (928) 522-0800 Fax: (928) 522-0882 GF Zion Guitars (D,I,M) 2302 Atlantic Ave. Raleigh, NC 27604 Ken Hoover (919) 754-9790 Fax: (919) 754-8411 ³ Zion GF Zon Guitars 780 Second st.

Redwood City, CA 94063 Joe Zon CustomerService@zonguitars. com (650) 366-3516 ³ Sonus Zoogee World, Inc. (E,M) 988 Champlain Street Dieppe, NB E1A 1P8 Canada Jeremie Caron (506) 855-4930 Fax: (506) 854-4496 ³ Rickrock, Magic Magnet GF

ZT Amplifiers 2329 Fourth Street Berkeley, CA Mark Cohen (949) 500-4287 GF Zuni Custom Guitars P.O. Box 10 Alto Pass, IL 62(905) Michael Blank (618) 893-4343 Fax: (618) 893-4343 ³ Zuni ZZRyder (See M&M Merchandisers)



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Breaking News Find it in the Hot News section of MMR’s Web site, 122 MMR

MAY 2009

associations & societies 45th annual supplier directory American Accordionists Associations, Inc. 152 Home Fair Drive, Fairfield, CT 06825 USA (203) 335-2045 Fax (203) 335-2048 Linda Soley Reed

American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers (ASCAP) One Lincoln Plaza New York, NY 10023 (212) 621-6000 (800) 95A-SCAP Fax: (212) 724-9064

Frankfurt Music Fair Messe Frankfurt, Inc. 1600 Parkwood, 5th Floor, Suite 515 Atlanta, GA 30339 (770) 984-8016 Fax: (770) 984-8023 Amy Crane

International Society of Bassists 14070 Proton Rd., Suite 100 Dallas, TX 75244 (972) 233-9107 ext. 204 Fax (972) 490-4219 Madeleine Crouch

American Choral Directors Association 545 Couch Dr. Oklahoma City, OK 73102 (405) 232-8161 Fax: (405) 232-8162

American String Teachers Association 4153 Chain Bridge Rd. Fairfax, VA 22030 (703) 279-2113 Fax: (703) 279-2114

Guild of American Luthiers 8222 S. Park Ave. Tacoma, WA 98408-5226 (253) 472-7853 Fax: (253) 472-7853

International Trombone Association P.O. Box 305338 Denton, TX 76203 (888) 236-6241 Fax: (888) 236-6242 Dr. Vern Kagarice

American Federation of Musicians 1501 Broadway Suite 600 New York, NY 10036 (212) 869-1330 Fax: (212) 764-6134

Audio Engineering Society 60 E. 42nd St. Rm 2520 New York, NY 10165-2520 (212) 661-8528 Fax: (212) 682- 0477

American Guild of Music P.O. Box 599 Warren, MI 48090 (248) 336-9388

Broadcast Music, Inc. 320 West 57th St. New York, NY 10019-3790 (212) 586-2000

American Music Therapy Association 8455 Colesville Road, Suite 1000 Silver Spring, MD 20910 (301) 589-3300 Fax: (301) 589-5175

The College Music Society 312 E. Pine St. Missoula, MT 59802 (406) 721-9616 (800)729-0235 Fax: (406) 721-9419 Robby Gunstream

American Viola Society 14070 Proton Rd.,Suite 100 Dallas, TX 75244 (972) 233-9107 ext. 204 Fax (972) 490-4219 Madeleine Crouch Association of Concert Bands of America, Inc. 6613 Cheryl Ann Dr. Independence, OH 44131 (800) 726-8720 (216) 524-1897 Nada Venci American Orff Schulwerk Association P.O. Box 391089 Cleveland, OH 44139-8089 (440) 543-5366 Fax: (440) 543-2687

MAY 2009

Confederation of European Music Industries (CAFIM) Brunnenstr. 31 65191 Wiesbaden Germany (49) 611 954588-6 Fax: (49) 611 954588-5 Winfried Baumbach Drums Corps International P.O. Box 3129 Indianapolis, IN 46206 Tel: (317) 275-1212 Fax: (317) 713-0690 Dan Acheson Electronics Representatives Association 300 W. Adams St., Suite 617 Chicago, IL 60606 (312) 527-3050 Fax: (312) 527-3783 Raymond J. Hall

Guitar & Accessories Marketing Association (GAMA) P.O. Box 757 New York, NY 10033 (212) 795-3630 Fax: (212) 795-3630 International Association of Electronic Keyboard Manufacturers (IAEKM) c/o Yamaha Corp. of America 6600 Orangethorpe Ave. Buena Park, CA 90620 (714) 522-9210 Mike Bates International Clarinet Association P.O. Box 1310 Lyons, CO 80540 (801) 867-4336 Fax: (212) 457-6124 International Harps & Music Society 972 Revo Lane NE Palm Bay, FL 32907. (321) 725-4449 (800) 959-5972 Fax: (321) 722-3473 International Horn Society P.O. Box 630158 Lanai City, HI 96763-0258 (808) 565-7273 Fax: (808) 565-7273 Heidi Vogel, Exec. Secretary

Italian Trade Commission 233 Peachtree St. NE #2301 Atlanta, GA 30303 (404) 525-0660 Fax: (404) 525-5112 Kristin J. Mejia International Trumpet Guild PO Box 1308 Westfield, MA 01086 International TubaEuphonium Association P.O. Box 326 Baltimore, MD 21203 (888) 331-4832 Jazz Education Network 1601 Oakwood, #101 Highland Park, IL 60035 (224) 765-2161 Fax: (224) 765-2706 Mary Jo Papich, President/Co-Founder League of American Orchestras 33 W. 60th St., 5th Floor New York, NY 10023-7905 (212) 262-5161 Fax: (212) 262-5198 Midwest International Band & Orchestra Clinic 828 Davis St., Suite 100 Evanston, IL 60201 (847) 424-4163 Fax: (847) 424-5185

MMR 123

45th annual supplier directory associations & societies MIDI Manufacturers Association (MMA) P.O. Box 3173 La Habra, CA 90632 (714) 736-9774 Fax: (714) 736-9775 Music Distributors Association (MDA) 14070 Proton Rd. Ste. 100 Dallas, TX 75244 (972) 233-9107 Fax: (972) 490-4219 Music Educators National Conference (MENC) 1806 Robert Fulton Dr. Reston, VA 22091 (703) 860-4000 Dr. John Mahlmann Music For All 16 Mount Bethel Road Warren, NJ 07059-5604 (908) 542-9396 Fax: (908) 542-9476 Bob Morrison Music Industries Association of Canada (MIAC) 505 Consumers Rd., Suite 807 Toronto, ON, M2J 4V8 (416) 490-1871 (877) 490-MIAC Fax: (416) 490-0369 Al Kowalenko Music Publishers Association 243 5th Ave., Ste. 236 New York, NY 10016 (212) 327-4044 Music Magazine Publishers Association P. O. Box 402 Lookout Mountain, TN 37350 (423) 822-7910 Fax: (423) 822-7604 Music Teachers National Assn. 441 Vine Street, Ste. 505 Cincinnati, OH 45202 (513) 421-1420 Fax: (513) 421-2503

124 MMR

Musical Instrument Technicians Association International (MITA) 376 Old Woodbury Road Southbury, CT 06488 (800) 942-7870 Fax: (203) 264-9304 NAMM - The International Music Products Association 5790 Armada Dr. Carlsbad, CA 92008 (760) 438-8001 Fax: (760) 438-7327 Joe Lamond The NAMM Foundation 5790 Armada Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008 (760) 438-8001 Fax: (760) 438-7327 National Association of College Wind and Percussion Instructors Truman State University Division of Fine Arts Kirksville, MO 63501 660-785-4442 Fax: (660) 785-7463 Richard Weerts National Association of Professional Band Instrument Repair Technicians (NAPBIRT) P.O. Box 51 Normal, IL 61761 (309) 452-4257 Fax: (309) 452-4825 Bill Mathews National Association of Schools of Music 11250 Roger Bacon Dr., #21 Reston, VA 20190 (703) 437-0700 Fax: (703) 437-6312 Samuel Hope National Association of School Music Dealers (NASMD) 14070 Proton Rd., Suite 100 Dallas, TX 75244 (972) 233-9107 ext. 204 Fax: (972) 490-4219 Madeleine Crouch

National Guild of Piano Teachers P.O. Box 1807. Austin, TX 78767 (512) 478-5775 Richard Allison National Music Museum 414 East Clark St. Vermillion, SD 57069 (605) 677-5306 Dr. Andre Larson National Music Publishers Association (NMPA) 604 W. 26th St. New York, NY 10001 (212) 834-0100 (646) 487-6779 David Israelite National Piano Travelers Association 129 E. Hartford Ave. Phoenix, AZ 85022-2331 (602) 942-5800 FAX: (602) 942-9721 The New York Brass Conference 315 W. 53rd St. New York, NY 10019 (212) 581-1480 Fax: (212) 489-5186

Piano Technicians Guild 4444 Forest Ave. Kansas City, KS 66106 (913) 432-9975 Fax: (913) 432-9986 Retail Print Music Dealers Association 14070 Proton Rd. Suite 100 Dallas, TX 75244 (972) 233-9107 ext. 204 Fax: (972) 490-4219 Madeleine Crouch Society for the Preservation and Encouragement of Barber Shop Quartet Singing in America 7930 Sheridan Rd. Kenosha, WI 53143-5199 (800) 876-SING Fax: (262) 654-5552 John Phillip Sousa Foundation 345 Overlook Dr. W. Lafayette, IN 47906 (765) 463-1738 Al Wright

Percussion Marketing Council P.O. Box 33252 Cleveland, OH 44133 (440) 582-7006 Fax: (440) 230-1346 Karl Dustman Percussive Arts Society (PAS) 32 E. Washington St., Suite 1400 Indianapolis, IN 46204-3516 (317) 974-4488 Fax: (317) 974-4499 Piano Manufacturers Association International 5960 W. Parker Rd., Suite 278, #233 Plano, TX 75093 (972) 625-0110 Fax: (972) 625-0110 Donald W. Dillon

MAY 2009

product sources 45th annual supplier directory ACCORDIONS

Accordions International: Accordions

BRASS INSTRUMENTS Brass Instrument Listing Data Key: B M BG C E FG

Baritone Mellophone Bugle Cornet Euphonium Flugelhorn


French Horn Trumpet Sousaphone Tuba Trombone

Adam International: TMB, E, FH, TP, TB Aerospace Lubricants Inc.: lubicants Aldon Enterprises: Trumpet Stands Allied Supply Corp.: TMB, B, BG, C, E, FG, FH, M, S, TP, TB Amati USA Inc.: TMB, Rotary Valves America Longxing Inc.: B, BG, C, E, FG, FH, M, S, TMB, TP, TB American Plating & Mfg. Co.: All American Way Marketing LLC: B, C, E, FG, FH, M, TMB, TP, TB Antigua Winds, Inc.: TMB, TP Ashton Music: TP B & J Music Ltd.: TP Bay Woodwind Products: FG, TP Beijing Deyong Musical Instruments Co.: B, BG, C, E, FG, FH, M, S, TMB, TP, TB Bridgecraft USA Inc.: Pocket trumpet, FH, TMB, TB Buffet Crampon: TMB, B, C, E, FG, TMB, TP, TB Calicchio Musical Instruments: TP Cannonball Music Instruments: TP Casa Veerkamp SA de CV: B, BG, C, E, FG, FH, M, S, TMB, TP, TB

MAY 2009

Cecilio Musical Instruments: B, FH, TMB, TP Chesbro Music Company: TMB, TP Coast Music (Eastern Canada): TMB, B, BG, C, E, FG, FH, M, S, TP, TB Conn-Selmer, Inc.: TMB, B, C, E, FG, FH, M, S, TP, TB Cora & Peter Kuo Inc.: TMB, B, BG, C, FG, FH, S, TP, TB Counterpoint Musical Services: TMB, B, E, TMB, TP, TB Custom Music Co.: TMP, C, E, FG, FH, M, S, TP, TB D’Agostino Musical Inst.: TP DANSR, Inc.: B, C, E, FG, FH, S, TMB, TP, TB DEG Music Products Inc.: B, BG, E, FG, FH, M, S, TMB, TP, TB DF Music Enterprises Inc.: B, BG, C, E, FG, FH, M, S, TMB, TP, TB Davitt & Hanser Music Co.: TMB, B, BG, C, E, FG, FH, M, S, TP, TB Dealer Direct: ACCESSORIES Downham Musical Instrument Sal: B, C, FH, TMB, TP TMB, B, BG, C, E, FG, FH, M, S, TP Dynamic Music Distributing: TMB, B, BG, C, E, FG, FH, TP, TB E.K. Blessing Co. Inc.: TMB, C, E, FG, M, TP, TB E.M. Winston Band Instru.: All brass instruments EMD Music Inc.: B, C, E, FG, FH, S, TMB, TP, TB Eastman Guitars and Mandolins: B, C, E, FG, FH, S, TMB, TP, TB Eastman Winds: TM, FH, TP Encore Etc., Inc.: Sterilization Service, B, BG, C, E, FG, FH, M, S, TMB, TP, TB European Crafts/USA: All F.E. Olds and Son Inc.: TMB, B, C, E, FG, FH, M, TP, TB Fat Cat Instrument Co., Inc.: B, BG, C, E, FG, FH, M, S, TMB, TP, TB First Act Inc.: TP Frank Huang International: TMB, FH, TP Freeport Music: US G. Holtz Corp.: TMB, B, C, FH, TP, TB

Gemstone Musical Instruments: B, C, E, FH, M, S, TB German American Trading Company, Inc.: TB Getzen Company Inc: B, BG, C, E, FG, TMB, TP Giardinelli: All Gulf Music Sales: S, TMB, TP Harris Teller Inc.: BG, C, TMB, TP Hermes Musical Instruments: B, TP Humes & Berg Mfg.Co. Inc.: B, BG, C, E, FG, FH, M, S, TMB, TP, TB Hybrid Cases: Cases IBC Trading Ltd.: B, BG, C, FH, TMB, TP, TB Ideal Musical Merchandise Co: TMB, B, C, E, FG, FH, M, TP, TB JA Musik USA: C, E, FG, FH, TMB, TP, TB Jerome Callet Custom Trumpets: TMB, FG, TP Jo-Ral Mutes: TMB, FG, FH, TP John Hornby Skewes & Co. Ltd.: C, TP Jupiter Band Instruments, Inc.: B, BG, C, E, FG, FH, M, S, TMB, TP, TB K and S Music: B, BG, C, E, FG, FH, M, S, TMB, TP, TB K.H.S. Musical Instrument Co.: B, C, E, FG, FH, M, S, TMB, TP, TB Kaman Music Corp.: B, BG, C, E, FG, FH, M, S, TMB, TP, TB Kanstul Musical Instruments In: TMB, B, BG, C, E, FG, FH, M, TP, TB Kiwi Wind Products: TMB, TP, TB LJ Hutchen Corporation: books, TMB, TP LPD Music International: TMB LPD Music International: TMB, TP M&M Merchandisers Inc.: TMP, TP MBT International: FH, TP Marcinkiewicz Co. Inc.: C, FG, TP Merano Musical Instruments: TMB, BG, TP Micro Musical Products Corp.: TMB, B, C, E, FH, M, S, TP, TB MidWest Music Dist.: TMB, B, BG, C, E, FG, FH, M, S, TP, TB

MMR 125

45th annual supplier directory product sources Mighty Bright: Lights MonteVerde Music: TP Music Agency Inc.: B, BG, C, E, FG, FH, M, S, TMB, TP, TB Music Treasures Co.: TMB, B, E, FG, FH, M, S, TP, TB Music World Enterprises, Inc: TMB, B, BG, C, FH, TP Musicorp LLC: TMB, B, C, E, FG, FH, S, TMB, TP, TB Musicparts UK & Pollard Trumpets: B, C, E, FG, FH, TMB, TP, TB NEMC: TMB, B, BG, C, E, FG, FH, M, S, TP, TB Nanjing Aileen trading Company: FH, TMB, TP, TB National Educational Music Co.: TMB, B, BG, C, E, FG, FH, M, S, TP, TB Orlando’s Wind Instruments: FG, TMB, TP Orpheus Music Inc.: B, E, TB PJLA Music Products: TMB, B, C, E, FG, FH, S, TP, TB Paul Shelden Global Productions/Diplomat Musical: B, BG, C, E, FG, FH, S, TB Peterson Strobe Tuners: B, BG, C, E, FG, FH, M, S, TMB, TP, TB Phillips Music Corp.: Restoration Ploeger Sound Mirror: C, TP Prestini Reed Corp.: B, BG, C, E, FG, FH, M, S, TMB, TP, TB RS Berkley Instruments: B, BG, C, E, FG, FH, M, S, TMB, TP, TB Ritter Outdoor Ltd.: C, FH, S, TMB, TP, TB Rocky Mountain Music: TP Roy Benson USA: TMB, TB Sabine: Tuners/Metronomes Samick Music Corp.: TMB, B, C, TP, TB Schilke Music Products: piccolo trumpet, C, TP Schreiber & Keilwerth Musikinstrumente GmbH: Tenorhorn, B, C, E, TB Showcase Custom Cases, Inc.: Cases Simat Co. Inc.: TMB, B, BG, C, E, FG, FH, M, S, TP, TB Sonaré Winds: B, C, E, FG, TP, TB St. Louis Music: B, C, E, FG, FH, M, OS, TB, TMB, TP Stentor Music Company: TMB, TP Superslick Products: TMB, B, C, FG, FH, M, S, TP, TB Suzuki Music: TMB, TP Synergy House: Valve Trombone, B, BG, C, E, FG, FH, S, TMB, TP, TB Taylor Trumpets: C, FG, TP Tenon Industrial Company: TP The Max Trumpet: TP The Music Link: TMB, BG, BG, C, C, FH, FH, TMB, TP, TP The Tuba Exchange: B, E, S, TB Trillenium Music Co.: C, FH, TMB, TP

Tropical Music Corp.: TMB, B, BG, S, TP, TB U.S. Band & Orchestra Supplies: B, BG, C, E, FG, FH, M, S, TMB, TP, TB U.S. Regulation Bugle: BG Used 4 less Music: B, C, E, FG, FH, M, S, TMB, TP, TB V.J. Rendano Wholesale Music: BG, C, FG, FH, TMB, TB Valuetone Musical Supply Inc.: FH, TMB, TP Veritas Instrument Rental Inc.: All except BG Walking Bird Forms & Tags: Repair forms Warburton Music Products: Mouthpieces, FG, TP Westheimer Corp.: TMB, TP Wexler Music Co.: TMB, B, BG, C, E, FG, FH, M, S, TP, TB Wisemann Musical Instruments Manfacturin Company: B, BG, C, E, FG, FH, M, S, TMB, TP, TB Wristies, Inc.: Practice & performance glove Yamaha Corp. of America: TMB, B, BG, C, E, FG, FH, M, S, TMB, TP, TB Yamaha Corp. of America-Band & Orchestra Div.: B, C, E, FG, FH, M, S, TMB, TP, TB Yuta Musical Inc.: TMB, B, BG, C, E, FG, FH, M, S, TP, TB Zaja Musical Products, LLC: TMB, B, BG, C, E, FG, FH, M, S, TP, TB


A & G Music Products Co.: Mouthpieces AKMS Inc.: Orthodontic embouchure aid AW Enterprises: Cases & covers Ace Products Group: Cases & covers Adam International: Cases & covers Aerospace Lubricants Inc.: solvent/cleaner Aldon Enterprises: Trumpet stands Allied Supply Corp.: Mouthpieces Altieri Instrument Bags: Cases & covers Amado Laboratories Inc.: Waterkeys Amati USA Inc.: Cases & covers America Longxing Inc.: Cases & covers; Parts for Brass American Guardian Protection I: Protective coating Ametron Audio Video: Cases & covers Antigua Winds, Inc.: Cases & covers, Instrument Stands, Music Stands, and Mutes Anvil Cases: Cases & covers Archives Music Writing Paper: Writing Paper Ashton Music: Cases & covers Audio 2000’s/ H&F Technologies: Stands B & J Music Ltd.: Oil BAM France: Cases & covers BackAxe: Cases & covers Barcus-Berry: Elecgtric Microphone Systems

Beijing Deyong Musical Instruments Co.: Cases & covers Berg Larsen/Morrisco BVBA: Mouthpieces Berkeley Cases: Cases & covers Best Products International In: Maintenance Blade Guitars: Cases & covers Bryan Enterprises Inc.: Cases California Music Distributors: Gig bags Calzone Case Co./Anvil Cases: Cases & covers Case Xtreme: Cases & covers Cases Inc.: Cases & covers Cavallaro Case Co.: Cases & covers Charles Colin Music: Trumpet mouthpieces Chem-Pak Inc.: Valve Lubricant and Side Lubricant Chesbro Music Company: Cases & covers ChopSaver (Good for the Goose Products, LLC): Lip Balm Coast Music (Eastern Canada): Cases & cover Conn-Selmer, Inc.: Cases & covers Connolly Music Company, Inc.: Stands Cora & Peter Kuo Inc.: Cases & covers Counterpoint Musical Services: Care & cleaning supplies Countryman Associates Inc.: Horn Microphones Creative Bags and Cases Ltd: Cases & covers D’Agostino Musical Inst.: Cases & covers D’Andrea Inc.: straps DEG Music Products Inc.: Cases & covers DF Music Enterprises Inc.: Cases & covers, Lubricants, Instrument Guards, 3-in-1 Metronome/Tuner, Denis Wick Mouthpieces,, Mutes, & Accessories DJ Skirts: Appearance Products Davitt & Hanser Music Co.: Cases & covers Dealer Direct: Cases & covers Direct Import Assistance Corporation: Cases & covers, Stands Downham Musical Instrument Sal: Cases & covers Cases & covers Dunlop Manufacturing Inc.: Music pins Dynamic Music Distributing: Cases & covers E.K. Blessing Co. Inc.: Cases & covers

Digital Pianos & Keyboards “From Italy...the Land of Music, History & Design”

Now available in the USA! Portable Digital Pianos & Ensemble Traditional Styled Digital Pianos, Grands & Ensemble Digital Church Keyboard Eight Models to Choose From

“You Just Gotta Hear & See Them” go to Distributed by Wyman Piano Company 126 MMR

Contact: 941.661.0200 MAY 2009

product sources 45th annual supplier directory EMD Music Inc.: Cases & covers, Stands Eastman Guitars and Mandolins: Cases & covers Eastman Winds: Cases & covers El Mar Corp.: Cases Elkhart Cases: Cases & covers Eric Bolvin Music: Mouthpieces F.E. Olds and Son Inc.: Cases & covers Fat Cat Instrument Co., Inc.: Lubricants, maintenance Fingerweights LLC: Fingerweights Flight Form Cases Inc.: Cases & covers Fobes Clarinet Products: Clarinet Mouthpieces and Accessories Freed International Inc.: Cases & covers GWW Group, Inc.: Cases & covers Gator Cases: Cases & covers Gemstone Musical Instruments: Cases & covers Giardinelli: Cases & covers Gold Crest, Inc.: Lighting Gorg International L.L.C.: Stands Goshen Case Co./MTS Products: Cases & covers Gracie Stands: FH Grover Musical Products: Straps H & F Technologies Inc.: Wind Instruments HW Products: cleaning Hamilton Stands Inc.: Stands Harris Teller Inc.: Cases & covers Herco Products Company: Maintenance kit Hineni Bags and Cases Co.: Cases & covers Humes & Berg Mfg.Co. Inc.: Cases & covers Hybrid Cases: Cases & covers IBC Trading Ltd.: Cases & covers Ideal Musical Merchandise Co: Cases & covers Impact Industries Inc.: Cases & covers J.L. Smith & Co.: Tools & Supplies Jet-Tone Inc.: Mouthpieces Jo-Ral Mutes: Mutes John Hornby Skewes & Co. Ltd.: Cases & covers, care kits, mouthpieces

Jones-Fletcher Music Co. Inc.: Bags K and S Music: Cases & covers K.H.S. Musical Instrument Co.: Cases & covers Kaman Music Corp.: Cases & covers Kanstul Musical Instruments In: Cases & covers Kiwi Wind Products: Cases & covers LJ Hutchen Corporation: Cases & covers, books LM Products: Cases & covers LPD Music International: Cases & covers, cleaners Levy’s Leathers Ltd.: Cases & covers M&M Merchandisers Inc.: Cases & covers MBT International: Cases & covers MTS Products Corp.: Cases & covers Main Strap Connection: Straps Majecal Case Co./Caltron Pkg.: Cases & covers Marcinkiewicz Co. Inc.: Mouthpieces Micro Musical Products Corp.: Notes MidWest Music Dist.: Cases & covers Mighty Bright: Lights Molinari Industries: Cases & covers MusiChem: Lubricants Music Agency Inc.: Cases & covers Music Dealers Resource Group, LLC: Cases & covers, Stands Music World Enterprises, Inc: Cases & covers Musicorp LLC: Cases & covers Musicparts UK & Pollard Trumpets: Cases & covers NEMC: Cases & covers Nanjing Aileen trading Company: Cases & covers National Educational Music Co.: Cases & covers Neotech: Mouthpiece Pouches, Trumpet Valve Wrap, French Horn Wrap, Tuba Harness Nordenholz Distributing Co. LTD: Stands On2 Marketing Inc.: Music Stand OnBoard Research Corp.: Tuners Opti-Case Inc.: Cases & covers Ozite A Foss Mfg. Co., LLC: Cases & covers

PJLA Music Products: Cases & covers Pacific Supply & Trading Co.: Cases & covers Paul Shelden Global Productions/Diplomat Musical: Cases & covers, mouthpieces Peterson Strobe Tuners: Tuners Players Music Accessories: cleaning supplies Power Lung: Breathing & fitness training Prestini Reed Corp.: Pads, reeds Pro Tec International: Stands ProCases Inc.: Cases & covers RS Berkley Instruments: Cases & covers Redland Music Products: Cleaning & Care Products Reliable Hardware Co.: Cases & covers Reunion Blues: Cases & covers Ritter Outdoor Ltd.: Cases & covers S and H Manufacturing Co.: Storage Racks for sousaphones & tubas SH Enterprises: Cases & covers SKB Corp.: Cases & covers Samick Music Corp.: Cases & covers Schilke Music Products: Mouthpieces for all brass inst. Schreiber & Keilwerth Musikinstrumente GmbH: Cases & covers Showcase Custom Cases, Inc.: Cases & covers Simat Co. Inc.: Cases & covers Sitelite Technologies: Music stand light Slider Straps: Dual shoulder straps Sonaré Winds: Cases & covers St. Louis Music: Cases & Covers Stentor Music Company: Cases & covers String Swing Mfg. Inc.: display fixtures Superstand: Music Stands TEI Electronics Inc.: Cases & covers TKL Products Corp.: Cases & covers Talwar Brothers: Gig bags, wheeled bags, buffing wheels Taylor Trumpets: Mouthpieces The Enterprising Rabbit: Tempo Tape

Windy City Mutes™ “World’s Best-Sounding Mutes”

Building a brand is hard work. But it’s made easier when the brand is the “World’s Best-Sounding Mutes”. In tune all the time in every venue Windy City Mutes™ the brand for the 21st century.

Windy City Mutes, Inc. 756 Larsen Lane, Bensenville, IL 60106 Email: Phone: 630-616-8634 • Fax: 630-616-8635 Call for brochure today MAY 2009

MMR 127

45th annual supplier directory product sources The Music Link: Cases & covers The Original Swab Co.: Soap & swabs The Tuba Exchange: All Tone King Corp.: Cases Tony Corona Wholesale: Accessories Trophy Music Co.: Lyres Tropical Music Corp.: Cases & covers U.S. Band & Orchestra Supplies: Cases & covers U.S. Regulation Bugle: Cases, covers & Tassel How To Play Bugle Book Ultra-Pure Oils: Valve Oil, Tuning Slide Lubricants Unitec Products Corp.: Cases & covers Used 4 less Music: Cases & covers Valuetone Musical Supply Inc.: Cases & covers Viking Cases: Cases & covers, Cases & covers Votaw Tool Company: Repair Tools & Supplies Walt Miklas Wholesale Music In: Cases & covers Wexler Music Co.: Cases & covers Wisemann Musical Instruments Manfacturin Company: Cases & covers Wolfpak, Inc.: Cases & covers Yamaha Corp. of America: Cases & covers Yamaha Corp. of America-Band & Orchestra Div.: Cases & covers Yuta Musical Inc.: Cases & covers; all brass accessories Zaja Musical Products, LLC: Lubricants


Bass Viola Cello


Violin Viola

Amati’s Fine Instruments: BC, BV, C, VL, VI America Longxing Inc.: BV, C, VL, VI American Way Marketing LLC: BV, C, VL, VI Ashton Music: VI Aubert Lutherie: C, VL, VI B & J Music Ltd.: VI Bee-In Tuner, Inc.: VL, VI Beijing Deyong Musical Instruments Co.: BV, C, VL, VI Black Diamond Strings: BV, VI Bow Supply Corp.: Bows Bridgecraft USA Inc.: C, VI C.A. Gotz Jr. GmbH: BV, C, VL, VI

128 MMR

Casa Veerkamp SA de CV: BV, C, VL, VI Cecilio Musical Instruments: C, VL, VI Chesbro Music Company: BV, C, VL, VI Chrislin Trading: Bows & bow parts, C, VL, VI Classic Musical Instruments: Hofner Clevinger Bass: Double bass Coast Music (Eastern Canada): BV, C, VL, VI CodaBow International Ltd.: BV, BV, C, C, VL, VL, VI, VI Concord International Group, Inc.: Accessories BV, BV, C, C, VL, VL, VI, VI Conn-Selmer, Inc.: BV, C, VL, VI Cora & Peter Kuo Inc.: C, VL, VI Counterpoint Musical Services: BV, C, VL, VI D’Addario Canada: BV, C, VL, VI D’Agostino Musical Inst.: C, VL, VI Davitt & Hanser Music Co.: BV, C, VL, VI Dealer Direct: Accessories, VI Decor Music Inc: BV, C, VL, VI Deltex Music Corp.: Access, & parts for string instruments, C, VL, VI Downham Musical Instrument Sal: C, VL, VI Dynamic Music Distributing: All E. & O. Mari Inc./La Bella: Music Strings, BV, C, VL, VI EMD Music Inc.: VI Eastman Guitars and Mandolins: BV, C, VL, VI Etros Music LLC: Strings European Crafts/USA: BV, C, VI Everjoy Music Inc.: Double bass, C, VL, VI F.E. Olds and Son Inc.: BV, C, VL, VI First Act Inc.: VI Frank Huang International: C, VL, VI Frank Passa Violins: BV, C, VL, VI G. Edward Lutherie, Inc.: VI Gatchell Violins Company, Inc.: Bows, BV, C, VL, VI Gemstone Musical Instruments: C, VL, VI George Heinl & Co: BV, C, VL, VI German American Trading Company, Inc.: BV, C, VL, VI Giannini S.A.: VL, VI Giardinelli: BV, C, VL, VI Glaesel Stringed Inst.: BV, C, VL, VI Grubville Guitars: VI Gulf Music Sales: C, VL, VI Hanser Music Group: C, VL, VI Harris Teller Inc.: BV, C, VL, VI Holland Amplifiers: C, VI Horn & Son String Instruments: bows, BV, C, VL, VI

Howard Core Company LLC: C Hybrid Cases: Cases IBC Trading Ltd.: BV, C, VL, VI Ideal Musical Merchandise Co: BV, C, VL, VI International Harps & Music: Harp International Violin Co.: All J. Fenn Inc.: All J.R. Music Supply LLC: BV, C, VL, VI JR Music Supply: BV, C, VL, VI Jack Rasmussen, Luthier: BV, C, VL, VI John Hornby Skewes & Co. Ltd.: Double bass, C, VL, VI Jordan Electric Violins: Electric Violin, BV, C, VL, VI K and S Music: BV, C, VL, VI Kaman Music Corp.: Bass Bows 3/4 size, C, VL, VI Karl Hofner GmbH & Co.: BC, C, VL, VI Karl Klier & Co.: Fingerboards Kay Guitar Co.: VL Kent Drum Distributing Co.: BV, C, VL, VI Kleinman Guitars: baroque, BV, C, VL, VI Kolstein Music Inc.: Kolstien bows, BV, C, VL, VI Kuffner International Inc.: Electric bass viola LPD Music International: C, VI Lark In The Morning: C, VI Light Wave Systems: C, VL, VI M & M Distributing Co.: BV, C, VL, VI MBT International: C, VL, VI Major Music Supply: C, VL, VI Merano Musical Instruments: BV, C, VL, VI Metropolitan Music Co.: BV, C, VL, VI MidWest Music Dist.: RV, C, VL, VI Mighty Bright: Lights Mooradian Cover Company: Cases & covers Music Agency Inc.: BV, C, VL, VI Music Dealers Resource Group, LLC: VI Music Treasures Co.: BV, C, VL, VI Musicorp LLC: CI, BV, C, VL, VI Musicparts UK & Pollard Trumpets: C, VL, VI NEMC: BV, C, VL, VI NS Design: electric dble. basses, C, VL, VI National Educational Music Co.: BV, C, VL, VI Oliver Musica USA Inc.: BV, C, VL, VI PJLA Music Products: V, BV, VL, VI Paul Shelden Global Productions/Diplomat Musical: Bass, C, VL, VI Pegasus Stringed Instruments: BV, C, VL, VI Peterson Strobe Tuners: BV, C, VL, VI Petillo Masterpiece Guitars: Custom Made, BV, BV, C, C, VL, VL, VI, VI Pierre Josephs Violins & Basse: BV Quintus Inc.: All Ritter Outdoor Ltd.: C, VI Rocky Mountain Music: VL, VI Rotosound USA Inc.: Music strings SHS International: VI Saga Musical Instruments: BV, C, VL, VI Samick Music Corp.: VI Santorella Publications Ltd.: Fiddle, VI Scott Cao Violins: BV, C, VL, VI Stentor Music Company: Double bass, C, VL, VI St. Louis Music: BV, C, VI, VL Strunal America Inc.: BV, C, VL, VI Super-Sensitive Musical String Co.: Viola De Combos, BV, C, VL, VI Superslick Products: BV, C, VL, VI Suzuki Music: VI Synergy House: Sarengi (Indian Ethnic) T.F. Barrett Company: Electric violin & viola TEI Electronics Inc.: BV, C, VL, VI Terenzio Violins: BV, C, VL, VI The Music Link: Upright Bass, C, VL, VI The Violin Place Inc.: C, VL, VI Tropical Music Corp.: All U.S. Band & Orchestra Supplies: BV, C, VL, VI UV 111 Systems, Inc: UV Dryers V.J. Rendano Wholesale Music: BV, C, VL, VI Valuetone Musical Supply Inc.: C, VL, VI Vector Instruments: BV, C, VL, VI Veritas Instrument Rental Inc.: BV, C, VL, VI Violmaster Studio: BV, C, VL, VI

MAY 2009


ssurance — it is what every church or individual customer wants when making a decision to purchase a new organ. At Rodgers Instruments, we are proud to celebrate 50 years of leadership in the classical organ business and 20 years as part of the Roland Corporation. Thousands of churches, homes, educational institutions and concert halls have chosen Rodgers. Why? Sound quality, trust in our local dealers, and the knowledge that Rodgers is a solid company with unparalleled nancial strength to support existing products and innovate the best new instruments. Have you thought about what being a Rodgers dealer can do for your business? These are just a few of the benets of representing Rodgers organs: • Church organs have some of the highest average sale and gross prot margins of any product segment in the musical instrument industry, thereby improving your protability. • Rodgers offers access to complete organ customization online via Rodgers Organ Architect. • Selling a Rodgers organ to a church opens the door to additional keyboard and organ sales to everyone in the congregation. • The partnership of Rodgers and Roland provides an incomparable level of technology innovation and service support. • Associating your company with Rodgers gives you a connection to a highly respected name in the church organ world, adding prestige and credibility to your business.

To discuss what Rodgers can do for your business, contact Duane Kuhn at 503.681.0461 or

Rodgers Instruments LLC 1300 NE 25th Avenue Hillsboro, Oregon 97124 503.648.4181 503.681.0444 fax

45th annual supplier directory product sources Virtual Virtuoso: C, VL, VI Warmoth Guitar Products Inc.: Guitar Westheimer Corp.: VI Wexler Music Co.: BV, C, VL, VI Wm. Lewis and Son: BV, C, VL, VI Yamaha Corp. of America: BV, C, VL, VI Yamaha Corp. of America-Band & Orchestra Div.: BV, C, VL, VI Yuta Musical Inc.: BV, C, VL, VI Zeta Music Systems: BV, C, VL, VI


A & G Music Products Co.: String Basses AW Enterprises: Cases & covers AccuGroove: Speaker cabinets Ace Products Group: Cases & covers Altieri Instrument Bags: Cases & covers America Longxing Inc.: Cases & covers American Guardian Protection I: Protective coating American Way Marketing LLC: Strings Anvil Cases: Cases & covers Ashton Music: Cases & covers Aubert Lutherie: Bridges Avant Electronics: Microphones B & J Music Ltd.: Bows BAM France: Cases & covers BackAxe: Cases & covers Barcus-Berry: Pie20 Transducer Bee-In Tuner, Inc.: Automatic String Tuner Beijing Deyong Musical Instruments Co.: Cases & covers Berkeley Cases: Cases & covers Best Products International In: Maintenance Bow Supply Corp.: Horse hair Breezy Ridge Instruments Ltd.: Artiste strings and rosin Brooklyn Gear: Cases & covers Bryan Enterprises Inc.: straps

C.A. Gotz Jr. GmbH: Cases & covers California Wholesale Music Co.: Strings and Accessories Calton Cases: Cases & covers Calzone Case Co./Anvil Cases: Cases & covers Case Xtreme: Cases & covers Cases Inc.: Cases & covers Cavallaro Case Co.: Cases & covers Cavanaugh Company: Strings Chem-Pak Inc.: Lubricant Chesbro Music Company: Cases & covers Chrislin Trading: Bows Clevinger Bass: Cases & covers, bass bows, & quivers Coast Music (Eastern Canada): Cases & covers CodaBow International Ltd.: Bows for all stringed instruments. Colorado Case Company, Inc.: Cases & covers Concord International Group, Inc.: Cases & covers Conn-Selmer, Inc.: Cases & covers Connolly Music Company, Inc.: Strings, Shoulder Rests, Bows, Rosin, Luthier’s Supplies Cora & Peter Kuo Inc.: Cases & covers Counterpoint Musical Services: Strings, rosin Countryman Associates Inc.: String Microphones Creative Bags and Cases Ltd: Cases & covers D’Addario & Co.: Strings D’Agostino Musical Inst.: Cases & covers D’Andrea Inc.: wood care products Davitt & Hanser Music Co.: Cases & covers Dealer Direct: Cases & covers Decor Music Inc: Cases & covers, and related accessories Direct Import Assistance Corporation: Cases & covers Downham Musical Instrument Sal: Cases & covers Dunlop Manufacturing Inc.: Music pins Dynamic Music Distributing: Cases & covers E. & O. Mari Inc./La Bella: String & bow accessories

EMD Music Inc.: Cases & covers, Rosin Eastman Guitars and Mandolins: Cases & covers El Mar Corp.: Cases Elkhart Cases: Cases & covers Etros Music LLC: Strings European Crafts/USA: Cases & covers Everjoy Music Inc.: Cases & covers, strings & fittings F.E. Olds and Son Inc.: Cases & covers Fingerweights LLC: Fingerweights Flight Form Cases Inc.: Cases & covers Frank Passa Violins: Cases & covers Freed International Inc.: Cases & covers GWW Group, Inc.: Cases & covers Gatchell Violins Company, Inc.: Cases & covers Gator Cases: Cases & covers Gemstone Musical Instruments: Cases & covers George Heinl & Co: Cases & covers German American Trading Company, Inc.: bows Giardinelli: Cases & covers Glaesel Stringed Inst.: Cases & covers Glasser Bows: Bows Gold Crest, Inc.: Lighting Gracie Stands: Instrument Stand Grover Musical Products: Bridges Gruven Music Products: Violin Stands Harris Musical Products Inc.: Strings Harris Teller Inc.: Cases & covers Herco Products Company: Bow hair Hineni Bags and Cases Co.: Cases & covers Holland Amplifiers: Cases & covers Horn & Son String Instruments: Cases & covers Howard Core Company LLC: Cases & covers, Strings & Accessories Humes & Berg Mfg.Co. Inc.: Cases & covers Hybrid Cases: Cases & covers I.C.E. Industries: Rosin IBC Trading Ltd.: Cases & covers

Musical Instrument Makers Since 1883 The Gretsch Company • P.O. Box 2468 • Savannah, Georgia 31402 (912) 748-7070 • fax: (912) 748-6005 •

130 MMR

MAY 2009

product sources 45th annual supplier directory Ideal Musical Merchandise Co: Cases & covers Impact Industries Inc.: Cases & covers International Violin Co.: Cases & covers J. Fenn Inc.: Cases & covers J.R. Music Supply LLC: Cases & covers JR Music Supply: Cases & covers Jack Rasmussen, Luthier: Cases & covers John Hornby Skewes & Co. Ltd.: Cases & covers, bows, shoulder rests, bridges, tailpieces, strings John Norwood Lee: Professional bows John Pearse Strings: Violin strings & humidifiers Jones-Fletcher Music Co. Inc.: Gig bags K & K Sound Systems Inc.: Pickups K and S Music: Cases & covers Kaman Music Corp.: Cases & covers, Bow Hair Karl Hofner GmbH & Co.: Cases & covers Karl Klier & Co.: Fingerboards Kolstein Music Inc.: Cases & covers L.R. Baggs: Violin Pickups LM Products: Straps LPD Music International: Cases & covers La Bella Strings: Strings M & M Distributing Co.: Cases & covers MBT International: Cases & covers MTS Products Corp.: Cases & covers Main Strap Connection: Straps Majecal Case Co./Caltron Pkg.: Cases & covers Mark Leaf Case Co.: Cases & covers Merano Musical Instruments: Cases & covers Metropolitan Music Co.: Cases & covers MidWest Music Dist.: Cases & covers Mighty Bright: Lights Mooradian Cover Company: Cases & covers, double bass covers Multi-Caisses Inc.: Cases & covers Music Agency Inc.: Insurance Music Dealers Resource Group, LLC: Cases & covers

Musicorp LLC: Cases & covers Musicparts UK & Pollard Trumpets: Cases & covers NEMC: Cases & covers NS Design: Stands National Educational Music Co.: Cases & covers Nordenholz Distributing Co. LTD: All strings, parts Oliver Musica USA Inc.: Cases & covers OnBoard Research Corp.: Tuners Opti-Case Inc.: Cases & covers Ozite A Foss Mfg. Co., LLC: Cases & covers PJLA Music Products: Cases & covers Pacific Supply & Trading Co.: Cases & covers Paul Shelden Global Productions/Diplomat Musical: Cases & covers, rosin, bows Pegasus Stringed Instruments: Cases & covers Performance Gear: Cello Chair Peterson Strobe Tuners: Tuners Petillo Masterpiece Guitars: Cases & covers Philip Kubicki Technology: Bass strings Players Music Accessories: shoulder pads Pro Tec International: Stands ProCases Inc.: Cases & covers Redland Music Products: Cleaning & Care Products Reliable Hardware Co.: Cases & covers Retrospec, Inc.: Signal processing Reunion Blues: Cases & covers Ritter Outdoor Ltd.: Cases & covers S and H Manufacturing Co.: Storage Racks SH Enterprises: Cases & covers SKB Corp.: Cases & covers, Cases & covers Sabine: Tuners/Metronomes Saga Musical Instruments: Cases & covers Samick Music Corp.: Cases & covers Savarez: Strings Scott Cao Violins: Cases & covers Shadow Studio Strings: Strings Showcase Custom Cases, Inc.: Cases & covers

Sitelite Technologies: Music stand light Slider Straps: Cases & covers St. Louis Music: Cases & Covers Stentor Music Company: Cases & covers String Swing Mfg. Inc.: Display fixtures Stringcenter LLC: Strings Strunal America Inc.: Cases & covers Super-Sensitive Musical String Co.: Polish TEI Electronics Inc.: Cases & covers TKL Products Corp.: Cases & covers Talwar Brothers: Pegs, Chin rests, Cases & covers Terenzio Violins: Cases & covers The Enterprising Rabbit: Tempo Tape; Shoulder Rests The Music Link: Cases & covers The Original Swab Co.: Polish cloths The Violin Place Inc.: Cases & covers Thomastik-Infeld: Strings Tone King Corp.: Cases Tony Corona Wholesale: All Trophy Music Co.: Rosin Tropical Music Corp.: Cases & covers U.S. Band & Orchestra Supplies: Cases & covers Unitec Products Corp.: Cases & covers Viking Cases: Cases & covers Violmaster Studio: Cases & covers Vitali Import Co. Inc.: Cases & covers Wagman Primus Group LP: Bowhair Walt Miklas Wholesale Music In: Cases & covers Wexler Music Co.: Rosin Wittner GmbH & Co. KG: Finetune-Pegs, tailpieces, stainless steel tailpiece wire Wm. Lewis and Son: Strings Wristies, Inc.: Practice & performance glove Yamaha Corp. of America: Cases & covers Yamaha Corp. of America-Band & Orchestra Div.: Cases & covers Yuta Musical Inc.: Cases & covers; all accessories


MAY 2009

MMR 131

45th annual supplier directory product sources WOODWIND, REED, PIPE Woodwind, Reed, Pipe Listing Data Key: B BS C EH FF FL

Bagpipe Bassoon Clarinet English Horn Fife Flute

MWC Midi Wind Controller O Oboe P Piccolo R Recorder S Saxophone W Whistle

A.M. Gigliotti Inc.: C A.M. Gigliotti Inc.: C, S Adam International: C, FL, S Aerospace Lubricants Inc.: bore oil All-Test Devices Corp.: pickups, FL Allied Supply Corp.: BS, C, FL, O, P, S Alpine Woodwinds Inc.: C, FL, S Altus Flutes America Inc.: FL Amati USA Inc.: BS, C, FL, S America Longxing Inc.: BS, C, FL, O, P, R, S American Designs Inc.: HM American Plating & Mfg. Co.: C, FF, P, S, W American Way Marketing LLC: B, BS, C, EH, FL, O, P, R, S, W Ametron Audio Video: R Antigua Winds, Inc.: C, FL, P, S Ashton Music: C, FL, S Asian-American Mfg. Co., Inc.: R, W Australian Originals: Didgeridoo Azumi Flutes: FL B & J Music Ltd.: C, FL, R B. Portnoy Clarinet Accessorie: C Bari Woodwind Supplies, LLC: C, S Bay Woodwind Products: Low C Bass Clarinets, C, S Berg Larsen/Morrisco BVBA: S Berkeley Cases: B, S

132 MMR

Best Products International In: BS, C, EH, FF, FL, O, P, R, S bo-pep Inc.: FL, S Bobby Dukoff: S Brannen Brothers Flutemakers: Flutes & piccolos Bridgecraft USA Inc.: HM, C, FL, S Buffet Crampon: C, EH, O, S Burkart-Phelan: FL, P Cannonball Music Instruments: S Casa Veerkamp SA de CV: HM, BS, C, EH, FL, O, P, R, S, W Castalia Publications: Sax poster Cecilio Musical Instruments: C, FL, P, S Chartier LLC: reeds for bassoon Chesbro Music Company: C, FL, S Cincinnati Fluteworks Inc.: FL, P Claude Lakey Mouthpieces: C, S Coast Music (Eastern Canada): MWC, B, BS, C, EH, FL, O, P, R, S, W Conn-Selmer, Inc.: BS, C, EH, FL, O, P, S Cora & Peter Kuo Inc.: C, FL, R, S, W Counterpoint Musical Services: C, FL, P, R, S Countryman Associates Inc.: Sax & Flute Microphones Creative Bags and Cases Ltd: Cases & covers Cripple Creek Dulcimers: FL, W Custom Music Co.: BS, C, EH, FL, O, P, S D’Addario Canada: BS, C, O, S D’Agostino Musical Inst.: C, FL, S DANSR, Inc.: BS, C, EH, O, S DF Music Enterprises Inc.: C, FL, S David Hite Inc.: C, S Davitt & Hanser Music Co.: BS, C, EH, FF, FL, O, P, R, S, W Dealer Direct: Accessories Direct Import Assistance Corporation: R Downham Musical Instrument Sal: HM, B, C, FL, O, P, R, S, W MWC, B, BS, C, EH, FF, FL, O, P, R, S, W Dynamic Music Distributing: BS, C, FL, O, P, R, S E.F. Dean Flutemakers: Flutes & piccolos E.K. Blessing Co. Inc.: C, FL, P, S EMD Music Inc.: HM, C, FL, P, S Eastman Guitars and Mandolins: FL Eastman Winds: FL Edward Almeida Flutes: Flute Emerald Reed Co.: BS, EH, O Emerson Musical Instruments: FL, P Encore Etc., Inc.: Sterilization Service, BS, C, EH, FL, O, P, S European Crafts/USA: C, P, R, S, W F.E. Olds and Son Inc.: BS, C, FL, O, P, R, S Fat Cat Instrument Co., Inc.: Cork Grease, BS, C, FL, S First Act Inc.: C, S Flavoreeds, Inc.: C, S Fort Stands & Cases: Other Fox Products: contra bassoon, BS, O Frank Huang International: C, FF, P, S French American Reed Mfg. Co.: woodwind single reeds, C, S Gator Cases: Cases & covers Gemstone Musical Instruments: C, FL, P, S German American Trading Company, Inc.: Harmonica, FL, R, W Giardinelli: C. EH, BS, FL, O, P, S Go-En International: Japanese Shakuhachi Flute, FL Gorg International L.L.C.: Stands Grover Musical Products: Mouthpiece caps Gulf Music Sales: C, FL, S Halifax & Co. (PVT) Ltd.: B Hall Crystal Flutes Inc.: Panpipe, FL, P Hanser Music Group: Harmonica Hardy’s Musical Instrument Co.: P Harris Musical Products Inc.: HM, R Harris Teller Inc.: HM, B, C, EH, FF, FL, R, S, W Hermes Musical Instruments: C, FL, P, S Hobgoblin-Stoney End: FF, FL, R, W Hodge Products, Inc.: Swabs and reed cases Hodge Products, Inc.: BS, C, EH, FL, O, P, R, S Hohner, Inc.: Harmonicas, Melodica, R Holland Amplifiers: FL, S HollywoodWinds Inc.: FL, S Humes & Berg Mfg.Co. Inc.: C, FL, S Hybrid Cases: Cases & covers Ideal Musical Merchandise Co: BS, C, FL, O, P, R, S J.M. Linton Woodwinds: BS, O Jack Spratt Woodwind Shop: B, BS, C, EH, FF, FL, O, P, R Jody Jazz: S John Hornby Skewes & Co. Ltd.: HM, Kazoo, Bird calls, C, FL, R, S, W Jones Double Reed Products: BS, O, S Jupiter Band Instruments, Inc.: C, FL, P, S K and S Music: B, BS, C, EH, FF, FL, MWC, O, P, R, S, W K.H.S. Musical Instrument Co.: C, FL, P, R, S Kaman Music Corp.: HM, BS, C, FL, O, P, R, S, W Kazoobie Inc.: Kazoos, W Kent Drum Distributing Co.: R LJ Hutchen Corporation: C, FL, P, R, S LM Products: Straps LPD Music International: HM, C, FL, R, S, W Larilee Woodwind Corp.: Oboe Lark In The Morning: R, W Lee Oskar Harmonicas: Harmonicas Legere Reeds ltd.: Reeds Linton Woodwinds Inc.: BS, O Lomax: C, S M&M Merchandisers Inc.: harmonicas, C, FL, R, S MBT International: C, FL, R, S MW Enterprises Inc.: BS, C, EH, FL, S Mark Chudnow Woodwinds: EH, O Marlin Lesher Reed Co.: BS, EH, O McFarlin Enterprises Inc.: S Merano Musical Instruments: C, FL, S Micro Musical Products Corp.: B, BS, C, EH, FL, O, P, R, S Mid-East Mfg. Inc.: R, W MidWest Music Dist.: BS, C, EH, FL, O, P, R, S, W

MAY 2009

product sources 45th annual supplier directory Mighty Bright: Lights MonteVerde Music: S Muramatsu America: FL Music Agency Inc.: B, BS, C, EH, FF, FL, MWC, O, P, R, S, W Music Treasures Co.: C, FF, FL, P, R, S, W Music World Enterprises, Inc: C, FF, FL, P, R, S, W Musicorp LLC: HM, BS, C, EH, FF, FL, O, P, R, S, W Musicparts UK & Pollard Trumpets: BS, C, FL, O, P, R, S, W Musiquip: C NEMC: BS, C, EH, FL, O, R, S Nambucca Inc.: S Nanjing Aileen trading Company: C, FL, P, R, S National Educational Music Co.: BS, C, EH, FL, O, P, R, S Oleg Products Co.: C, FL, S Olivieri Reeds: BS, C, O, S Orlando’s Wind Instruments: C, FL, O, P, S Orpheus Music Inc.: FL, P, S Orsi & Weir: C, S P.Mauriat Saxophones: S PJLA Music Products: BS, C, FL, O, P, S Paul Shelden Global Productions/Diplomat Musical: BS, C, FL, O, P, R, S Peace Musical Co. LLC: S Peterson Strobe Tuners: B, BS, C, EH, FF, FL, O, P, R, S, W Phillips Music Corp.: Restoration Ploeger Sound Mirror: S Powell Flutes/Hi Notes: FL, P Power Lung: Breathing Training Prestini Reed Corp.: BS, C, EH, FL, O, P, S RS Berkley Instruments: BS, C, FL, O, P, S Remle Musical Products Inc.: C, S Rheuben Allen & Associates, LLC: S Rhythm Band Instruments, Inc.: HM, R, W Rocky Mountain Music: harmonicas, R, S Roy Benson USA: C, FL, S

Samick Music Corp.: C, FL, P, S Sankyo Flutes USA: FL, P Schreiber & Keilwerth Musikinstrumente GmbH: Mouthpieces, Mutes, BS, C, FL, S Scott’s Highland Services Ltd.: B, W Simat Co. Inc.: MWC, B, BS, C, EH, FF, FL, O, P, R, S, W SonarÊ Winds: BS, FL, P, S St. Louis Music: BS, C, EH, FL, O, P, R, S, W Stentor Music Company: harmonica, B, FF, FL, R, S, W Sunreed Instruments: Bamboo clarinet Superslick Products: C, FL, O, R, S Suzuki Music: C, FL, R, S Sweet Pipes Inc.: R Synergy House: HM, Albert Clarinet, B, FL TEI Electronics Inc.: MWC, B, BS, C, EH, FF, FL, O, P, R, S, W TKL Products Corp.: Cases & covers Tenon Industrial Company: S The Music Link: HM, C, C, FL, FL, R, S, S, W Theo Wanne Classic Mouthpieces: S Theodore Presser Co.: Dolmetsch plastic recorders, R Toot & Hoot Didgeridoos: Didgeridoo Trillenium Music Co.: Music, BS, C, EH, FL, O, P, S Trophy Music Co.: Recorders Tropical Music Corp.: C, FL, R, S U.S. Band & Orchestra Supplies: HM, B, BS, C, FF, FL, O, P, R, S, W UV 111 Systems, Inc: UV Dryers Unitec Products Corp.: MWC, C, FL, O, P, S Used 4 less Music: BS, C, EH, FL, O, P, R, S V.J. Rendano Wholesale Music: C, FF, FL, O, P, S Valuetone Musical Supply Inc.: C, FL, P, S Veritas Instrument Rental Inc.: BS, C, EH, FL, O, P, R, S Walton’s Irish Music: B, FL, W Warburton Music Products: Saxophone Neck System Weltmeister: R Westheimer Corp.: C, FL, S


Wexler Music Co.: B, BS, C, EH, FL, O, P, S, W Windsor Oboes: O Wisemann Musical Instruments Manfacturin Company: BS, C, FL, O, P, S Wm. S. Haynes Co.: Alto Flute, FL, P Woodstock Percussion Inc.: W Xaphoon USA: Pocket Sax Yamaha Corp. of America: BS, C, FF, FL, MWC, O, P, R, S Yamaha Corp. of America-Band & Orchestra Div.: BS, C, FF, FL, O, P, R, S Yuta Musical Inc.: MWC, B, BS, C, EH, FF, FL, O, P, R, S, W


A.M. Gigliotti Inc.: Reeds for Clarinet & Sax AKMS Inc.: Orthodontic embouchure aid AW Enterprises: Cases & covers Ace Products Group: Cases & covers Adam International: Cases & covers Advanced Music Products: Adjustable clarinet barrel Aerospace Lubricants Inc.: Cork and slide grease Aldon Enterprises: Clarinet stands Altieri Instrument Bags: Cases & covers Amadeus By Wm. S. Haynes: FL Amati USA Inc.: Cases & covers America Longxing Inc.: Cases & covers; Parts for Woodwind American Guardian Protection I: Protective coating Ametron Audio Video: Cases & covers Ann Hodge Double Reed Supplies: Silk swabs & double reed cases Antigua Winds, Inc.: Instrument Stands Anvil Cases: Cases & covers Ashton Music: Cases & covers Audio 2000’s/ H&F Technologies: Brass microphone stands B & J Music Ltd.: Maintenance kits BAM France: Cases & covers BG Franck Bichon: Ligatures

Piano Expertise at your fingertips




North American Dist. of The Bass Drum Lift New Power Pads (patent pending) Cappello Music Co., Inc. 96 Rowley Rd ! Woodbury, CT 06798 203-263-6329

MAY 2009

w w w. p t g . o r g s 4ECHNICIAN 2EFERRAL s #ONSUMER "ROCHURES s )NDUSTRY 2ESOURCES The organization of the Registered Piano Technician MMR 133

45th annual supplier directory product sources Bamber Mouthpieces: Saxaphone mouthpieces Barcus-Berry: Electret Microphone System Bari Woodwind Supplies, LLC: reeds Bay Woodwind Products: Sax stands Berg Larsen/Morrisco BVBA: Mouthpieces Berkeley Cases: Cases & covers Best Products International In: Maintenance Bilger Products: Saxophone & clarinet mouthpieces Blade Guitars: Cases & covers Bradley Music Company: Music education products Bryan Enterprises Inc.: straps California Music Distributors: Gig bags Calzone Case Co./Anvil Cases: Cases & covers Cannonball Music Instruments: Swabs, Stands Cases Inc.: Cases & covers Cavallaro Case Co.: Cases & covers Cavanaugh Company: Woodwind Supplies Chartier LLC: Reeds Chem-Pak Inc.: Pad and Bore Conditioner Chesbro Music Company: Cases & covers ChopSaver (Good for the Goose Products, LLC): Lip Balm Colorado Case Company, Inc.: Cases & covers Conn-Selmer, Inc.: Cases & covers Connolly Music Company, Inc.: Stands Cora & Peter Kuo Inc.: Cases & covers Custom Music Co.: Cases & covers D’Addario & Co.: Reeds D’Andrea Inc.: Straps D.M.Faherty Music Co.: All sax & clarinet reeds DEG Music Products Inc.: Cases & covers Davitt & Hanser Music Co.: Cases & covers Direct Import Assistance Corporation: Cases & covers Downham Musical Instrument Sal: Cases & covers Cases & covers Dunlop Manufacturing Inc.: Music pins Dynamic Music Distributing: Cases & covers E.K. Blessing Co. Inc.: Cases & covers EMD Music Inc.: Cases & covers, Stands Eastman Guitars and Mandolins: Cases & covers Elkhart Cases: Cases & covers Emerald Reed Co.: Reed Emerson Musical Instruments: Pads European Crafts/USA: Cases & covers F.E. Olds and Son Inc.: Cases & covers Fat Cat Instrument Co., Inc.: Cork Grease Fingerweights LLC: Fingerweights Flavoreeds, Inc.: Reeds Flight Form Cases Inc.: Cases & covers Fort Stands & Cases: Stands Fox Products: Cases Freed International Inc.: Cases & covers GWW Group, Inc.: Cases & covers Gemstone Musical Instruments: Cases & covers Giardinelli: Cases & covers Glotin Chedeville Lelandais: Pads-Acc-reeds Go-En International: Cases & covers Gold Crest, Inc.: Lighting Gorg International L.L.C.: Stands Goshen Case Co./MTS Products: Cases & covers Graham Reeds: BS Gruven Music Products: Sax Stands

H.S. Blayman Inc.: Clarinet mouthpiece HW Products: cleaning Hamilton Stands Inc.: Stands Harris Musical Products Inc.: Reeds Harris Teller Inc.: Cases & covers Herco Products Company: Maintenance kit Holland Amplifiers: Cases & covers HollywoodWinds Inc.: Key clamps, inst. stands, pad dryer Humes & Berg Mfg.Co. Inc.: Cases & covers IBC Trading Ltd.: Cases & covers J.J. Babbitt Co. Inc.: Mouthpieces for Clarinets & Saxaphones J.L. Smith & Co.: Tools & Supplies Jack Spratt Woodwind Shop: Cases John Hornby Skewes & Co. Ltd.: Cases & covers, reeds, care kits, mouthpices Jones Double Reed Products: Reeds & tools Jones-Fletcher Music Co. Inc.: Bags K & K Sound Systems Inc.: Microphones K and S Music: Cases & covers K.H.S. Musical Instrument Co.: Cases & covers Kaman Music Corp.: Cases & covers Karl Klier & Co.: Wood raw material Kiwi Wind Products: Cases & covers LJ Hutchen Corporation: Cases & covers, books LM Products: Straps LPD Music International: Cases & covers, cleaners Larilee Woodwind Corp.: All woodwind swabs Legere Reeds ltd.: Reeds Levy’s Leathers Ltd.: Cases & covers Linton Woodwinds Inc.: Cases & covers Lomax: Handcrafted clarinet, sax mouthpieces M&M Merchandisers Inc.: Cases & covers MBT International: Cases & covers MIRI Musical Instrument Reeds: Sax & clarinet reeds MTS Products Corp.: Cases & covers MW Enterprises Inc.: Cases & covers Majecal Case Co./Caltron Pkg.: Cases & covers Mark Chudnow Woodwinds: Cases & covers Merano Musical Instruments: Cases & covers Micro Musical Products Corp.: Straps MidWest Music Dist.: Cases & covers Mighty Bright: Lights MonteVerde Music: Cases & Covers Mr. Music Inc.: Reeds Muramatsu America: Cases & covers Music Agency Inc.: Insurance Music Dealers Resource Group, LLC: Cases & covers, Stands Music World Enterprises, Inc: Cases & covers Musical Innovations Corp.: Clarinet tuning barrel Musicorp LLC: Cases & covers, mics & preamps Musicparts UK & Pollard Trumpets: Cases & covers NEMC: Cases & covers Nambucca Inc.: Ligatures Nanjing Aileen trading Company: Cases & covers National Educational Music Co.: Cases & covers Neotech: Woodwind Straps, Pouches, & Accessories Nordenholz Distributing Co. LTD: Stands OnBoard Research Corp.: Tuners Opti-Case Inc.: Cases & covers Orlando’s Wind Instruments: Cases & covers

Orsi & Weir: Clarinet Cases & Mouthpieces PJLA Music Products: Cases & covers Pacific Supply & Trading Co.: Cases & covers Paul Shelden Global Productions/Diplomat Musical: Cases & covers, reeds Peterson Strobe Tuners: Tuners Players Music Accessories: cleaning supplies Ploeger Sound Mirror: Sound reflector Power Lung: Breathing & training Prestini Reed Corp.: Pads, reeds Pro Tec International: Cases & covers ProCases Inc.: Cases & covers RIA: Mouthpieces RKM Reeds and Strings: Reeds RS Berkley Instruments: Cases & covers Redland Music Products: Cleaning & Care Products Reliable Hardware Co.: Cases & covers Remle Musical Products Inc.: Stands Reunion Blues: Cases & covers Rheuben Allen & Associates, LLC: Cases & covers Rhythm Band Instruments, Inc.: Cases & covers Rico International: Reeds Ritter Outdoor Ltd.: Cases & covers Rousseau Music Products Inc.: Sax Rovner Products: Ligature & Mouthpieces SKB Corp.: Cases & covers Sabine: Tuners/Metronomes Samick Music Corp.: Cases & covers Sankyo Flutes USA: Cases & covers Schreiber & Keilwerth Musikinstrumente GmbH: Cases & covers, reeds Scott’s Highland Services Ltd.: Cases & covers Shadow Electronics of America: Pickups Showcase Custom Cases, Inc.: Cases & covers Simat Co. Inc.: Cases & covers Slider Straps: Dual shoulder straps SonarÈ Winds: Cases & covers St. Louis Music: Cases & Covers String Swing Mfg. Inc.: Display fixtures TEI Electronics Inc.: Cases & covers Talwar Brothers: Cases & covers The Enterprising Rabbit: Tempo Tape The Music Link: Cases & covers The Original Swab Co.: Swabs Theo Wanne Classic Mouthpieces: Cases & covers, Mouthpieces Tone King Corp.: Cases Tony Corona Wholesale: All accessories Toot & Hoot Didgeridoos: Cases & covers Trophy Music Co.: Lyres Tropical Music Corp.: Cases & covers U.S. Band & Orchestra Supplies: Cases & covers Unitec Products Corp.: Cases & covers Used 4 less Music: Cases & covers Viking Cases: Cases & covers, Cases & covers Votaw Tool Company: Repair Tools & Supplies Walt Miklas Wholesale Music In: Cases & covers Wexler Music Co.: Reeds Wisemann Musical Instruments Manfacturin Company: Cases & covers Wolfpak, Inc.: Cases & covers Wristies, Inc.: Practice & performance glvoe Yamaha Corp. of America: Cases & covers Yamaha Corp. of America-Band & Orchestra Div.: Cases & covers Yorkville Sound Inc.: Stands Yuta Musical Inc.: Cases & covers Zaja Musical Products, LLC: Lubricants


Allen Organ Co.: SC Ametron Audio Video: P/E, CO, C, D, E, P Amphenol Audio Products: C Antares Audio Technologies: SC, SP Antique Electronic Supply: ST Aphex Systems: Tom plug-in Ars Nova Software: SC, ST

134 MMR

MAY 2009

product sources 45th annual supplier directory Computer-Related Equipment Listing Data Key: C CO D E P/E P

Connectors Computer Disk Drive Expander Patch Editor Printers

SB Software, business SC- Software, composing SP Software, performance ST Software, teaching

Art Vista: SC, SP, ST Audio Impressions: SC Audio Toys Inc.: Console automation, CO, SP BGW Systems: CO Behringer USA, Inc.: Hardware Controller, C Bias Inc.: SC, SP Bit Headz, Inc.: SC, SP Cakewalk, Inc.: C, SC, SP Cal Switch: C Casa Veerkamp SA de CV: SC, SP DF Music Enterprises Inc.: SC, ST Dean Markley Strings: ST Digidesign: Software Digital Audio Labs: CO Digital Edge: P/E, SC, SP, ST Discrete Drums: Drum sample library software, SC, SP P/E, CO, C, D, E, P, SB, SC, SP, ST E-mu Systems Inc.: Recordings Edirol: C, SP Electronic Courseware Systems: SP, ST eMedia Music: ST Erikson Music: SC, SP FXpansion USA, Inc.: SC, SP, ST GLI Sound Systems: DJ, SP Galileo Music Corp.: ST Gefen Inc.: C Gepco International Inc.: C Giardinelli: SC, SP Group One Ltd.: SP gvox: SC, SP, ST Harmonica Music Pub., Inc.: ST Harris Teller Inc.: C Have Inc.: C IK Multimedia: CO, C, SC, SP, ST Ilio Entertainments: Sample libraries, SC, SP Imaja: MIDI-triggered computer graphics, ST iNet Technologies, LLP: Web page developement Innovative Music Systems Inc: SC, SP, ST JAMM Distributing: SC Jeffers Handbell Supply Inc.: SC Joel Sampson MIDI Source: SC, SP, ST KaySound Imports: MIDI controller, SC, SP LPD Music International: ST Lexicon Inc.: SC M-Audio: SC,SP MakeMusic, Inc: SC,SP Mark of the Unicorn Inc.: P/E, SC Masterwriter: SC Mediamation INC: CO Metric Halo Laboratories: SP, ST MiBAC Music Software: SP, ST Microboards Technology LLC: P Mike Christian Technology: SC mpathx: CO, C, SB Muse Research, Inc.: CO Music-Search: SB Musicware Inc.: SC, SP, ST Musitek Corp.: SC, SP, ST Native Instruments: software synthesizer/plug ins, SP Neato LLC: labeling & jewel case inserts, D NemeSys Music Technology Inc.: SC, SP NuRol Direct: SB Numark Industries: MP3 players Opcode: P/E, C, SC, SP, ST Peaceland Music: ST Peavey Electronics: SP Piano Press: SC, SP, ST PlayPro Software Inc.: ST Plus 24: C

MAY 2009

Power Technology: SC, SP Pro-Active Websites: SB RJMG Distribution: audio, SC, SP, ST Rane Corporation: SP Resource Publications Inc.: SB Ritter Outdoor Ltd.: CO Sample Logic LLC: SB SeaSound: DAW Sonic Distribution USA: CO Sonic Foundry: Sample editing, SB, ST Sonorus Inc.: Sound card Sound Quest Inc.: P/E, SC, SP, ST Steinberg North America: SC, SP, ST Steptime Ware: P/E, SC, SP, ST Syn-Cordion Musical Inst. Corp: E T.C. Electronic Inc.: plug-ins, E, SC, SP, ST TC-Works: P/E, E, SC, SP, ST TC/US: SC, SP Tascam: SC Thinkware: audio, SC, SP, ST Tri-Technical Systems, Inc.: SB Tune 1000 Corp.: software, SP Tyler Retail Systems: SB Virtual Virtuoso: ST Visiosonic Ltd.: Hardware for MP3 Software, SP Voyetra Turtle Beach Inc.: SC, SP, ST Wave Distribution: CO, SC, SP Web Only SP Yamaha Corp. of America: SC, SP Zeta Music Systems: SC, ST


AW Enterprises: Cases & proctective covers Ambrosonics, LLC: DSP/MP3/SB Guitar Preamps American Music & Sound: SB Ametron Audio Video: Connectors

Audio Amateur Corp.: Test & measurement Audio Impressions: Virtual Instrument Sample Libraries Avant Electronics: USB mics Bili, Inc.: Page/Score Tuner Blue Microphones: USB Microphones, USB Webcams Cavallaro Case Co.: Carrying bags ETA Systems: AC power conditioning Ebtech: Line Level Shifter sound card interface Echo Audio: Audio interface Edirol: audio interface Epilog Laser: Laser engraving equipment ideal for musical inst. Eventide: Software Plug-ins Galileo Music Corp.: ePiano (Software Piano) Gator Cases: Cases & bags Gefen Inc.: Extenders Gold Crest, Inc.: Lighting Have Inc.: Cables Humes & Berg Mfg.Co. Inc.: Cases Hybrid Cases: Cases iNet Technologies, LLP: Web page developement Jeffers Handbell Supply Inc.: Music Data Base Programs KB Covers: Pro Audio -- Application Keyboards KaySound Imports: Sound modules LM Products: Wall mount stands Littlite: task lighting Lynx Studio Technology: PCI audio cards MXL Microphones: OSB Microphones Majecal Case Co./Caltron Pkg.: Cases Mark of the Unicorn Inc.: Midi & audio interfaces Mediaform, Inc.: CD mpathx: Computer-controlled AC/DC programable surge suppressor & reliable DCpower supply Native Instruments: Midi controller Neato LLC: Neato CD label kit & jewel case inserts Peterson Strobe Tuners: Software Tuner

MMR 135

45th annual supplier directory product sources Phonic America: USB and firewire interfaces Plus 24: Soundcards Pocket Songs: Play-along records & tapes Quinco Inc.: Computer cable cover Raxxess Metalsmiths: Isolation racks SKB Corp.: Cases SeaSound: Hard disk recording interface Sound Construction: Noise suppresion furniture Starr Labs: Midi controllers TC-Works: Hardware Toleeto Fasteners: Cord Lox Tough Traveler LTD: Bags & Backpacks Tri-Technical Systems, Inc.: POS Hardware Tripp Lite: UPS Systems, Surge Suppressors Viking Cases: Cases Wave Angle: Wireless Wexler Music Co.: Cases Whirlwind Music: PCDI computer and DI rest box X-Tempo Designs, LLC: Pedal, Wireless DAW Remote Control

DJ EQUIPMENT DJ Equipment Listing Data Key: AM CD CA CS MP

Amps CD Players Cables Cases Microphones


Mixers Samplers/Effects Speakers Turntables

A Brown Soun Inc: SP A-Line Acoustics: SP AKG Acoustics: HD AST: SP AW Enterprises: Cases Ac-Cetera Inc.: Work Lights, accessories AccuGroove: SP Ace Products Group: CA Aguilar Amplification LLC: Bass Amps & Speaker Cabinets Alctron Electronics Co.: CD, CA, HD, MP Alesis/Numark/Akai: AM Allied Lutherie Inc.: Woods/parts to build guitars Ambrosonics, LLC: DSP Preamps, MP3 Recording Guitars American Designs Inc.: MP American Music & Sound: CD, MX, TU, Bags & Accessories American Pro 2 Co.: MP Ametron Audio Video: AM Ampco Musical Products: AM Amplified Design International: AM Antique Electronic Supply: CA Anvil Cases: CS Atlas Sound: SP Audio 2000’s/ H&F Technologies: AM, CD, CA, CS, HD, MP, MX, SA, SP Audio-Technica U.S., Inc.: CA, CR, HD, MP, ND, TU Avant Electronics: Mic pop filters, shock mounts

Avlex Corp: AM, CA, HD, MP, MX, SP Azden Corp.: MP B-52 Pro: AM B-52 Professional: AM, CD, MX, SP BGW Systems: AM BRTB Canada Inc.: CA Bag End Loudspeakers: SP Barbetta Electronics: AM, SP Bee-In Tuner, Inc.: Acoustic Guitar with Pick-up Behringer USA, Inc.: AM, HD, MP, MX, SP Biema: AM, SP Blue Microphones: MP Boomerang Musical Products: SA C.B.I. (Caldwell Bennett Inc.): CA CAD Professional Microphones: MP, HD CAP Audio Professional Corp.: AM CTS/Wireless Components Div.: SP Cadence Mfg. Inc.: CS Casa Veerkamp SA de CV: CA, HD, SA Cerwin-Vega: SP Chesbro Music Company: HD, MP Clevinger Bass: MIDI Basses & accessories Coffin Case: CS Community Professional Loudspeakers: SP Connolly Music Company, Inc.: Stands Conquest Sound Inc.: Cables Contact Distribution Ltd.: CD Countryman Associates Inc.: MP Crest Audio Inc./Crest Console: AM CruzTOOLS Inc.: Tools & Tool Kits D’Addario & Co.: CA DJ Skirts: Appearance Products DPA Microphones: MP Dan’l Guitars, Inc: Mandocello Dana B. Goods: MP Dat Store: MP Davitt & Hanser Music Co.: AM Dealer Direct: HD Denon DJ: CD Digital Designs International: AM Direct Import Assistance Corporation: CS Downham Musical Instrument Sal: CA, CS, HD, SP AM E.T.I. Sound Systems Inc.: SP EMD Music Inc.: CA, CS, HD, MP, CD Cases, Mic Cases Ebtech: Line Level Shifter + hum eliminator Echo Audio: Computer interface audio Ego Systems Inc: SP Eleca International: MP Electro-Harmonix: Voice Processors, Vocoder, Preamps & Compression Eminence Speaker: SP Entertainment Resources Group: CD Erikson Music: CD European Crafts/USA: AM F-Bass: Preamp pedal FBT USA Inc.: AM, HD, MP, MX, SP

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136 MMR

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FDW - Worldwide: CA, MP Farley’s Essentials: Clip-on lights Fleco Corp.: AM Flight Form Cases Inc.: Cases Full Discount Wholesalers: AM Future Sonics: HD G & H Industries Inc.: Cable/Connectors G. Edward Lutherie, Inc.: Portable Upright Bass GCI Technologies: AM, CD, CR, CS, HD, MP, MX, ND, SA, SP, TU, DJ Software GWW Group, Inc.: CS Gary Castelluccio & Associates: AM, CA, MP, SP Gator Cases: CS Gecko Enterprises: AM Gem Sound Corp.: AM Gepco International Inc.: CA Giardinelli: AM Gold Crest, Inc.: Lighting Group One Ltd.: AM Grundorf Corp.: CS, SP H & F Technologies Inc.: AM Hanser Music Group: AM, HD, MP, MX, SP Harris Teller Inc.: AM, CA, CS, HD, MP, MX, SA, SP Have Inc.: CA, HD, MP, MX Homebrew Electronics: Guitar Effects Pedals Horizon Music Inc.: CA Humes & Berg Mfg.Co. Inc.: CS Hybrid Cases: CS IK Multimedia: software ISP Technologies, LLC: AM Impact Industries Inc.: CS JAMM Distributing: AM JBL Professional: SP John Hornby Skewes & Co. Ltd.: Cables, Headphones, Microphones KB Covers: DJ Software -- Keyboard Shortcuts KLSTechnology Group: AM Kaman Music Corp.: CA, CS, HD, MP, SP Kellar Bass Systems: Controller Kent Drum Distributing Co.: HD Korg Canada: MX Korg USA Inc.: SA Korg USA Inc.: MX Kustom Amplifications: SP LPD Music International: AM, CD, CA, CS, HD, MP, MX, ND, SP, TU Littlite: Task lamps M&M Merchandisers Inc.: AM M-Audio: HD, MP, MX, SA, SP, Software MBT International: AM MMS Inc.: MP MTS Products Corp.: Cases MTX: MX MXL Microphones: MP Mackie Designs Inc.: AM Majecal Case Co./Caltron Pkg.: Cses & Covers Marathon Professional: AM, CD, CA, CS, HD, MP, MX, SP Marshall Electronics, Inc.: CA Martin Audio Limited: SP Mediamation INC: AM Mega Lite: DMX Controller Microboards Technology LLC: CD, HD, MX, SA, TU Microsonic: HD Mighty Bright: Lights Monsound SRL: MX Music World Enterprises, Inc: AM Musical Distributors Group: SA, Handheld Devices Musicorp LLC: CD, CA, CR, CS, HD, MP, MX, ND, SA, SP, TU Nady Systems Inc.: AM, CA, HD, MP, MX, SP Native Instruments: MP3 mixer NemeSys Music Technology Inc.: SA Nielson/Sessions Hardware: Case hardware Numark Industries: AM OAP Audio Products: SP OVO Systems: AM, SP Odyssey Innovative Designs: Accessories Opti-Case Inc.: CS

MAY 2009

product sources 45th annual supplier directory P.R.O. Manufacturing Co. Inc.: AM Peavey Electronics: AM, CA, MP, MX, SP Peavey Electronics Corp.: AM Phoenix Audio LLC: FX Pedal Phonic America: MX Pignose Industries: Amplifiers Pioneer ProDJ: CD, HD, MX, SA, SP, DVD-DJ Players Plus 24: CA Power Group LTD: AM, CA, HD, MP, SP Pro Co Sound: CA ProCases Inc.: CS Quinco Inc.: Cable cover Radial Engineering: Laptop direct box Radian Audio Engineering: SP Rane Corporation: MX, DJ Software & Interface Rapco Cable: Cables Raxxess Metalsmiths: Racks Richardson Electronics Ltd.: AM Roadrunner Cases Inc.: CS Roctronics: Special effects equipment Roland Corp. U.S.: HD, MP, MX, SA Rolls Corporation: AM SHS International: Amps, Headphones, Microphones, speakers SKB Corp.: CS SRS Enterprises: SP Samson Technologies Corp.: AM Sennheiser Elec Corp: HD, MP, SP Servodrive Inc.: SP Shaker Microphone, Inc.: MP Shane Music Products: Jazz Guitars Shure Incorporated: CR, CR, MO, ND Sonic Inc.: CA Sony Electronics: HD, MP Sound Bridge: SP Sound Tech International: AM Source Audio: Accessory St. Louis Music: CA, HD, MP Stanton Magnetics, Inc.: CD Stewart Audio: AM String Swing Mfg. Inc.: display fixtures Strum-N-Comfort Picking Systems: Crossover Pick Summit Audio Inc.: AM, SA Suzuki Music: USB guitar, QChord T.C. Electronic Inc.: SA T.G.I. North America Inc./Tann: SP TEI Electronics Inc.: AM TKL Products Corp.: Cases & covers Tascam: CD, DR, HP, MN, MP Tech 21: Signal Processors, Effects and Amplifiers The Music Link: CA The Music People: AM Toleeto Fasteners: Cord-Lox Tornavoz Music: Guitarron, Vihuela Tracoman Inc.: CD Trax Distributors: AM, CD, HD, MP, MX, SP Tropical Music Corp.: All Tube Works, Div. Genz Benz E: AM U.S. Band & Orchestra Supplies: CA UV 111 Systems, Inc: UV Dryers and Guitar Repair Equipment Ultimate Support Systems: Mic stands, gear stands Ultrasone Inc.: HD Unitec Products Corp.: CS V.J. Rendano Wholesale Music: CS, SP Vibration Technology Ltd.: AM Viking Cases: CS Visual Effects Inc.: MP VocoPro: AM Wechter Guitars: Resonator Guitar Wexler Music Co.: CS Whirlwind Music: CA Wilkins Guitar Finishes: Guitar Finishing Wright Bros. Sound: SP X-Tempo Designs, LLC: Pedal, Wireless DAW Remote Control Yamaha Corp. of America: AM, HD, MX, SP Yorkville Sound Inc.: AM Z Right Stuff: Z-Bar amp mikin g bracket

MAY 2009


a little bit of this ...: BG, NG, PM, PN A 440 Pianos: BN A-Line Acoustics: DO A.M. Gigliotti Inc.: CL Ac-Cetera Inc.: HL, microphone accessories Acappella Drum: BA Ace Products Group: BG Acoustical Surfaces: Acoustical materials Acoustics First Corp.: GC Acoustone Corporation: GC Actodyne General Inc.: Pickups Adam Hall Ltd: CS, CMI, CH, GS, HL, MI, ST, STE, SL, TU Adam International: BG Adder Plus Corp.: Voltage control systems Aerospace Lubricants Inc.: CL Aldon Enterprises: ST Alembic Inc.: IW All One Tribe Drum: BG Allegro Acceptance: Retail Financing Allen Guitars: CMI Allen Products Co.: ST Alternate Mode, Inc.: CMI, ST American Electronics Supply: LP American Handle Co.: Handles American Piano Supply Co.: DC American Plating & Mfg. Co.: CL American Recorder Technologies, Inc.: Tools American Way Marketing LLC: BA, CR, CL, IW, KV, LQ, MO, PP, RD, RP, STE, TF Ametron Audio Video: CS Ampco Musical Products: STE Amplivox Sound Systems: ST, Public address Portable Sound Systems Anderson Silver Plating: Instrument plating Android Originals LC: Artwork Antique Electronic Supply: GC Anvil Cases: CMI Archives Music Writing Paper: PM

General Accessories Listing Data Key: AW BA BG BL BN CC CH CK CL CM CMI CR CS DC DF DO FL FD GC GR GS HL IN IW KV

Awards Batons Bags Blazers Benches Chord charts Case hardware Cork Cleaners Cabinet, music Cases, MI Chairs Cabinet spray & Coating Decals Display fixtures & signs Dollies moving Felts Folders, musics Grille cloth Germicides Guitar, stand/holder Holder, MI & music Inlay needs Instrument woods Keys & valves


Lamps Lacquers Lubricants Mouthpieces MI parts Marquetry needs Metronomes’ Musical novelites & gifts Piano lamps Portfolios, music Paper, music Pens, music Polishes’ Pitchpipes Reeds Riser, stage Repair kits Stools Stands, MI Stands, extenders Tuning forks Thrones Trophies Tranposing aids Tuning aids Veneers

Ashton Music: BG, CMI, CH, GS, HL, MI, MT, ST, STE, TU Asian-American Mfg. Co., Inc.: BG Atlas Sound: ST Audio 2000’s/ H&F Technologies: BG, BN, CMI, CH, DF, GS, HL, ST, STE, SL Auralex Acoustics: Acoustic foam products B & J Music Ltd.: BG BGW Systems: CH BagTags Inc.: AW Bamber Mouthpieces: MO Bari Woodwind Supplies, LLC: MO

MMR 137

45th annual supplier directory product sources Bay Woodwind Products: MO, Bass Clarinet Necks, Adjusted Thumb Rests, Clarinet Barrels, Ligatures, Mouthpieces, & Teeth Cushions Bee-In Tuner, Inc.: Tuning Aids Beijing Deyong Musical Instruments Co.: BG, CMI, MO, RD, ST, STE, SL Best Products International In: CS Big Bang Distribution: MT Black Diamond Strings: PO Blitz Manufacturing Co., Inc.: CL Bolopick, INC.: NG Born To Rock Design Inc.: T-shirts Bravo Design: NG Breezy Ridge Instruments Ltd.: GS Bridgecraft USA Inc.: BG, NG Bryan Enterprises Inc.: BG Buck Musical Instrument Produc: GS, IW, PO, ST C.A. Gotz Jr. GmbH: IW Cadence Mfg. Inc.: CMI Caig Laboratories Inc.: CL California Music Distributors: ST Calzone Case Co./Anvil Cases: CMI Campbell American Guitars: CL Capstone Apparel: Promotional Headwear & Apparel Carl Fischer LLC: DF Carousel Publications Ltd.: PM Casa Veerkamp SA de CV: BA, BN, CL, DO, FL, GS, HL, MT, MP, MO, PM, PP, PO, HD, ST, SL, TH, TU, TF Cases Inc.: CMI Castalia Publications: CC Castiglione Accordion LLC: BG, BN, CMI, CR, SL Cavallaro Case Co.: BG Chem-Pak Inc.: CL, PO, and LU Cherub Technology Co., Ltd.: MT Chesbro Music Company: BG, CMI, CC, CL, CK, GS, HL, MT, MP, MI, MO, NG, PM, PN, PL, PP, PO, RD, RP, ST, SL, TH, TU, TF

A & M Composer Statuettes Admira Classic Guitars Amati Band Instruments & Accessories Mike Balter Mallets Blitz Custom Polishing Cloths Blitz Instrument Care Products Buckle-Gard Clip Light (Music Stand) Conrad Instrument Accessories Cory Instrument Care Products Creepnomore Demand Silk Swabs DJ Music Mobile Cases Downbeat Merchandise Bags Dr. Dan’s Instrument Care DVDs Drum Sticks (Whitehall) Dukoff Mouthpieces E.A.R. Noise Filters Gemwood Conductor Batons (King David) Haberline Cello & Bass Bags Instrument Straps Kafko Brasswind/Guitar/Violin Accessories Kazoo (U.S.A.) Metal Kazoobie (USA) Plastic Kazoo King David Leader & Gift Batons

Civilized World: CL Clear Concepts LLC: NG Coast Music (Eastern Canada): BG Coffin Case: BG Colorado Case Company, Inc.: CMI Concord International Group, Inc.: BG, CH, ST Conn-Selmer, Inc.: BG Consumer Electronics Corp.: Benches Cool Music Inc.: COOL Picks Cora & Peter Kuo Inc.: BA Cort USA: TU Counterpoint Musical Services: CL, GR, LU, MT, MO, PL, PP, PO, RD, TF Creative Bags and Cases Ltd: BG, CMI Crescent River Music: ST Cripple Creek Dulcimers: IN Custom Music Co.: BG D & D Enterprises: BN D’Addario & Co.: CK, MO, RD D’Addario Canada: CC D’Andrea Inc.: CH D.M.Faherty Music Co.: Custom reeds DANSR, Inc.: MO, RD, ST DEG Music Products Inc.: CMI, CH, CL, HL, LU, MP, MO, ST DF Music Enterprises Inc.: CL, LU, MT, MO, RP, STE, TU Dampits Inc.: Humidifier for m.i. Dave Wyre Strings: LU Davitt & Hanser Music Co.: AW Dealer Direct: BG Dean Markley Strings: CL Decals Unlimited: DC Dillion Guitars: BG, GS, PO Direct Import Assistance Corporation: BG, BN, CMI, GS, MO, ST, SL Doc’s Proplugs, Inc.: Earplugs Dolsey Ltd: ST Downham Musical Instrument Sal: AW, BG, BA, BN, CH,

Marcsmen Piano & Organ Lamps Masterpiece Clarinet & Sax Reeds Modular Band Instrument Cases MTS Rack & Combo Cases Music Stand Lamp (Pacific Trends) Original Swab Company Pacific Trends Keyboard Lamps Plastic Kazoos Populaire Clarinet & Sax Reeds Reed-O-Meter Road Tuff Cases Sousaphone & Tuba Cases / All Fit Strunal String Instruments & Accessories Stump Fiddle Tambourines UniTec Cases Wabash Accessories Whitehall Drums Whitehall Instrument Accessories Whitehall Lanyards Whitehall Saxophone Stands Windy City Mutes Woodstock Education Products Woodstock Musical Toys Woodstock Toy Piano

DAVID WEXLER & CO., 7807 E. Greenway Road, Suite #8, Scottsdale, AZ 85260-1717 Tel: (480) 675-8888 • Fax: (480) 675-8900 • Email: “Merchandising Musical Instruments and Accessories since 1920” 138 MMR

CC, CL, CK, FD, GR, GS, HL, LU, MO, NG, PM, PN, PL, PP, PO, RD, RP, ST, SL, TH, TU Drum Tech: TU AW Ducks Deluxe: CL, LU, PO Dunlop Manufacturing Inc.: Harmonica holders Dynamic Music Distributing: BA E. & O. Mari Inc./La Bella: Music strings EM-BEE Ideas: DC, STE EMD Music Inc.: BN, CMI, DO, GS, MT, MP, MO, PL, ST, STE, SL, TH, TF EPM Corp.: Acoustic guitar pickups Ebtech: Problem solvers El-Com Hardware Inc.: CH Eleca International: BG Elkhart Cases: BG Emerson Musical Instruments: Cleaners Encore Etc., Inc.: CL, GR, Brass & woodwind instrument sterilization services Enrick Company: DO Etros Music LLC: BG, CMI, GS, MT, MP, ST, SL, TU, Strings European Crafts/USA: CL Everyone’s Drumming: BG Farley’s Essentials: PP Fat Cat Instrument Co., Inc.: CK, LU Fender Musical Instruments Corporation: CMI, CL, CD, PO, ST, TU Fiberoptic Lighting Inc.: Display Fixtures & Signs First Act Inc.: GS Flavoreeds, Inc.: Reeds Flight Form Cases Inc.: CMI Fort Stands & Cases: GS Foss MFQ Co., inc.: FL, speaker cover, case fabrics Franz Mfg. Co. Inc.: MT Freed International Inc.: BA Furman Sound Inc.: AC Future Primitive Designs: AW. NG G & H Industries Inc.: Cables & Connectors GLS Audio: Bass guitar thumb rest system GRK Mfg. Co.: BN, CM, DO, GC, PL, PO, SL GWW Group, Inc.: BG, MI, BG, MI Galileo Music Corp.: PF, SL Garrison Guitars: TU Gator Cases: BG Generalmusic Corp.: BG George Heinl & Co: BG Gepco International Inc.: MP German American Trading Company, Inc.: BN, CR, SL Giannini S.A.: Musical strings Giardinelli: BG Gibson Strings & Accessories: BG Go-En International: ST Godin Guitars: CMI Gold Crest, Inc.: LP Gorg International L.L.C.: STE Gracie Stands: GS Apparel, Collectibles & Accessories Grizzly Industrial Inc.: IN, GS, IW, VN, guitar making machone & tools Grover Musical Products: BG Grundorf Corp.: CMI, CH, DO, ST Gruven Music Products: GS H & F Technologies Inc.: BN Halifax & Co. (PVT) Ltd.: MO Hall Crystal Flutes Inc.: NG Hamilton Stands Inc.: Sheet music stands Hanser Music Group: BG, BN, CMI, CL, CK, GS, HL, LU, MT, MP, NH, PM, PP, PO, RD, ST, STE, SL, TH, TU, TF Harris Musical Products Inc.: BG, CMI, CL, GS, MP, NG, PP, PO, RD, ST, TU Harris Teller Inc.: AW,BG, BA, BN, CMI, CH, CC, CL, CK, DF, DO, FD, GR, GC, GS, HL, LP, LU, MT, MP, MO, NG, PM, PN, PL, PP, PO, PF, RD, RP, ST, STE, SL, TH, TS, TU, TF Herco Products Company: AW Hineni Bags and Cases Co.: BG, CMI, MI, CH Hipshot Music Products: Tuning Machines, Bridges, dtuners, tremolos Hohner, Inc.: CMI, GS, RP Holland Amplifiers: BG

MAY 2009

product sources 45th annual supplier directory Horizon Music Inc.: CMI Horn & Son String Instruments: BG Hosa Technology, Inc.: CL Hoshino (USA) Inc.: GS, MT, TU House of Troy: Lamps Howard Core Company LLC: Cases & covers, Strings & Accessories Humes & Berg Mfg.Co. Inc.: BG, CM, CMI, CH, CR, DO, FD, RI, ST Hybrid Cases: CMI IBC Trading Ltd.: BG, CM, CMI, CR, DC, DF, FD, GS, HL, MI, IN, PN, PL, PO, RD, RP, STE, SL, TH, TU, TF Ideal Musical Merchandise Co: IW Illbruck Acoustics: Acoustical materials Impact Industries Inc.: BG, CMI, CH, ST, MI iNet Technologies, LLP: Web page developement International Harps & Music: TU International Violin Co.: CMI Inventronics Inc.: TU J. Fenn Inc.: BG J.L. Smith & Co.: CH, CL, CK, FL, GR, LU, MT, PO, RP JPS Labs: Cables; audio JT Musical Inc.: MP, NG Jack Spratt Woodwind Shop: CK Jeffers Handbell Supply Inc.: BA Jemm Company: BA Jerome Callet Custom Trumpets: BG Jet-Tone Inc.: MO Jody Jazz: MO Joe Onofrio Piano Co.: Piano bar John Hornby Skewes & Co. Ltd.: BG, BA, CH, CL, GS, LU, MT, MO, PP, PO, RD, SL, TH, TU Juan Orozco Ltd., Inc.: CMI Juice Goose: Power conditioning K.H.S. Musical Instrument Co.: BG, CH, GS, HL, MI, KV, MO, ST, STE, TU KC Music Supply LLC: CMI, CL, GR, LU, MT, PP, PO, TU Kaman Music Corp.: BG, BA, BN, CK, FL, FD, GS, LU, MO, PL, PP, RD, TH, TS, Statuettes Karl Hofner GmbH & Co.: CMI Karl Klier & Co.: IW Kay Guitar Co.: PP KaySound Imports: BN Kayline Processing Inc.: CS Ken Smith Basses Ltd.: PO Kent Drum Distributing Co.: BG, BA, BN, CL, GR, GS, LU, MT, MO, PL, RD, ST, STE, TH, TF Kiwi Wind Products: BG Kleinman Guitars: CR Korg USA Inc.: BG Korg USA Inc.: TU Kradl Inc.: CL LJ Hutchen Corporation: LU LM Products: STE, ST, Straps LP-Latin Percussion: BG LPD Music International: CMI, CL, CK, GS, HL, LU, MT, MO, NG, PL, PP, PO, RP, ST, TH, TF LPGI: Stickers Lace Music Products: CL Lashbrook Guitars, LLC: Pickups Leathertone Inc.: DF Legere Reeds ltd.: RD Littlite: Music Stand Light Lomax: Hand crafted clarinet,sax mouthpieces Lyon & Healy: BG M & M Distributing Co.: GL M&M Merchandisers Inc.: CL M-Audio: BG, Shirts, hats M.V. Pedulla Guitars: Bass strings MBT International: AW MIRI Musical Instrument Reeds: RD MKS Professional Stage Product: Pedalboards MONO Cases LLC: BG, CMI MSR: Acoustic Treatment MTS Products Corp.: CMI, BG Maestro Business Mgmt. System: Computer software Main Strap Connection: BG Majecal Case Co./Caltron Pkg.: BG

MAY 2009

Manhasset Specialty Co.: ST Mark My Time: MT Mason and Hamlin: Benches Mayfair Music Publications: CC Mel Bay Publications Inc.: CC, HL, MT, PL, SL, TU Micro Musical Products Corp.: CL MidWest Music Dist.: BG Middle Atlantic Products, Inc.: CMI Midwest Folding Products: RI Mighty Mite: BG, MP Molinari Industries: CMI Mollard Conducting Batons: AW, BA, NG Multi-Caisses Inc.: BG Music Agency Inc.: Insurance Music Dealers Resource Group, LLC: BG, BN, CMI, GS, ST, SL, TH, TU Music Sales Group: CC, NG, PM Music Treasures Co.: AW Music World Enterprises, Inc: CL Musicorp LLC: BG, BA, BN, CMI, CL, CK, FD, GR, GS, HL, HV, LP, LU, MT, MP, MO, MG, PM, PL, PP, PO, PF, RD, RP, ST, STE, SL, TH, TS, TU, TF, VN Musicparts UK & Pollard Trumpets: BG, BA, BN, CC, CL, CK, DC, DF, FL, FD, HL, IW, KV, LQ, LP, LU, MT, MP, MO, NG, PM, PN, PL, PP, PO, PF, RD, RP, ST, TU, TF NEMC: CMI Nanjing Aileen trading Company: BG, GS National Educational Music Co.: CMI National Guitar Workshop: AW New Haven Moving Equipment Cor: DO Nielson/Sessions Hardware: CMI Nomad Cases: CMI Nordenholz Distributing Co. LTD: PP, ST, STE, SL, TH, TU, TF North American Music: BN Northwest Network: BG Norton Guitars: BG NuRol Direct: Retail point of sale hardware & software Odyssey Innovative Designs: BG Ohio Travel Bag Co.: CH Old Dog, LLC: GS Olsen Audio Group/Wind Tech: ST On the Wall Productions, Inc.: NG On2 Marketing Inc.: ST OnBoard Research Corp.: TU Opti-Case Inc.: CMI Organmaster Shoes/ D & C Ind.: Concert dress clothes for women Orlando’s Wind Instruments: DC, MO P & D Wholesale: LU PJLA Music Products: BG PL&H International: Music stands

Packaged Lighting Systems Inc.: DF Paiste America Inc.: BG Panyard Inc.: ST Paul L. Jansen & Son Inc.: BN, CM, CR, DO, GC, MT, PL, PO, SL Paul Shelden Global Productions/Diplomat Musical: BA, KV, LU, MT, MO, RD, ST Peace Musical Co. LLC: GS Peavey Electronics: BG, CMI, GS, LU, MP, ST Peavey Electronics Corp.: BG Penn Fabrication Inc.: CH Performance Gear: ST Performance Plus: GS Pete Engelhart Percussion: CMI Peterson Strobe Tuners: MT, TU Petillo Masterpiece Guitars: IN, IW, LQ, MR, PO, VN Piano Press: CC, PM, PN, PF PianoBar: Piano bars Pignose Industries: CL Planet Waves: CL Player Piano Co. Inc.: DC Players Music Accessories: BA Poeschl Mfg. Co.: BN Powell Flutes/Hi Notes: RD Power Group LTD: BG, CMI Power Lung: Practice journals Pro Tec International: BG Proel USA Inc.: BN QRS Music: BN, PL, PP, RP QRS Music Technologies: BN Quinco Inc.: Cable cover tape R & R Cases & Cabinets: CMI RIA: MO RPG Diffusor Systems: Acoustical products Randall May International Inc.: DF Randy Potter, RPT: TU Rapco Cable: Cables Raxxess Metalsmiths: CH Redland Music Products: CL, NG, PO Reliable Hardware Co.: CH Reliance Research: String instrument aging device Rheuben Allen & Associates, LLC: MO, RD Rhythm Band Instruments, Inc.: BG, CC, PP Rhythms Exotic Afro Percussion: CH Richardson Electronics Ltd.: Tubes for amplifiers Ritter Outdoor Ltd.: BG Roadrunner Cases Inc.: CMI Roc-N-Soc Inc.: SL, TH Roche-Thomas Corp.: CL Rock Hard Inc.: Slides/Slide Holders Rockano Productions Ltd.: Guitar Body Overlay

MMR 139

45th annual supplier directory product sources Rocky Mountain Slides: Guitar slides Ron Vaughn: HL Rotosound USA Inc.: music strings S.I.T. Strings Corp.: CL SH Enterprises: Manufacturing a customers needs Sabine: MT, TU Saint Blues Guitar Workshop: BG, CMI Scott’s Highland Services Ltd.: CMI Slider Straps: CMI Sonex Acoustical Prod.Div/Illb: Acoustical materials Southern Music Co.: BA Square Drum Company LLC: NG St. Louis Music: BG, BA, BN, CMI, CH, CL, CK, DF, FL, FD, GR, GS, LP, LU, MT, MP, MO, NG, PL, PP, PO, RD, RP, ST, STE, TH, TU, TF Stedman Corporation: Pop-filter Stentor Music Company: BG Stick Enterprises Inc.: BG String Swing Mfg. Inc.: DF Strum-N-Comfort Picking Systems: NG Summit Guitar Pack: Cases & covers Superslick Products: BA Superstand: Music Stands Surfcity Music: Cases & covers Syn-Cordion Musical Inst. Corp: CH TEI Electronics Inc.: CH TKL Products Corp.: BG Talwar Brothers: BA, BG Taos Drums: BG Tattletale Portable Alarm Systems, Inc.: Equipment Security Taye Inc.: BG, CH, GS, STE, SL, TH Taylor Trumpets: MO The Adolph Agency, Inc: NG, musicians T-shirts The Dava Co.: guitar picks The Enterprising Rabbit: Tempo Tape The Max Trumpet: Air extender throat relaxer The Music Link: BG, BG, BN, CL, DF, DO, GS, HL, MT, MP, PO, TH, TU, TF The Music People: BN The Original Swab Co.: CL, LU, PO, swabs, oil, grease The Tuba Exchange: BG, CMI, LU, MO, RP Theo Wanne Classic Mouthpieces: CMI, MO, ST Theodore Presser Co.: CC Tone King Corp.: AW

Tony Corona Wholesale: AW Toot & Hoot Didgeridoos: BG Tornavoz Music: CL, GS, HL, MI, PM, ST, MI Torres Engineering: GC Tough Traveler LTD: BG, Custom Gift Bags Trax Distributors: BG, CR, Throat Spray Trophy Music Co.: BA Tropical Music Corp.: BG Twanger Inc.: NG U.S. Band & Orchestra Supplies: BG, BA, BN, CH, CL, CK, DF, FD, GR, GS, HL, LQ, LU, MT, MO, PM, PP, PO, PF, RD, RP, ST, STE, TH, TU, TF U.S. Regulation Bugle: BG Udu Drum: Stands for UDU product only Ultimate Support Systems: GS, ST, STE, TH Unigrip 2000: DC Up-Front Footwear Inc.: Marching band shoes V.J. Rendano Wholesale Music: BG, BN, CS, CK, GS, LP, LU, MT, MO, PL, PP, RD, TH Viking Cases: CMI, CH, Cases Visual Sound LLC: Power Supplies Vitali Import Co. Inc.: BG W.L. Gore & Assoc. Inc.: BG Walkabout Inc.: Music instrument carrier systems Walker Piano Service: KV Walking Bird Forms & Tags: Forms, Tags, Labels Walt Miklas Wholesale Music In: BG Warmoth Guitar Products Inc.: DC, IN, IW Weltmeister: BG Westheimer Corp.: BN, CMI, GS, PP, ST, TH Wexler Music Co.: BG Willis Music Company: BG Wireworks Corp.: AV Wittner GmbH & Co. KG: GS, MT, ST, TF Woodstock Percussion Inc.: Wind chimes Working Musician Products: Imprinted Polish cloths Wren Chest Co.: CM Wright Bros. Sound: ST Wristies, Inc.: Fingerless gloves for practice & performance X Wire Corp.: Wireless X-Tempo Designs, LLC: Pedal, Wireless DAW Remote Control Yamaha Corp. of America: BG, BA, BN, CL, CK, FL, FD, GS, HL, MI, KV, LU, MT, MO, PL, PO, RD, RP, ST, SL, TH, TU

WHOLESALE PIANO PARTS Dampp-Chaser Abel Hammers & Parts Bolduc Soundboards Tuning Pins Benches & Covers Tokiwa Action Parts Tools Delignit Pinblocks Casters & Hardware Imadegawa Hammers Felts & Cloth Bolduc Pinblocks Hands Off Lock Lubricants & Adhesives Hammer Hanging


Key Recovering




740 N. Rochester Road . Clawson, MI 48017 140 MMR

Yamaha Corp. of America-Band & Orchestra Div.: BG, BA, CMI, CL, GR, KV, LU, MT, MP, MO, PO, RD, ST, TH Yorkville Sound Inc.: BG Yuta Musical Inc.: AW Zaja Musical Products, LLC: CL

GUITAR FAMILY Guitar Family Listing Data Key: AB AG BJ BL BZ CG D EB EG H HG LT

Acoustic Bass Acoustic Guitar Banjo Balalaika Bouzouki Classical Guitar Dulcimer Electric Bass Electric Guitar Harp Hawaiian Guitar Lute

LY Lyre M Mandolin MG MIDI Guitar Controller PS Psaltery S Sitar SG Steel Guitar U Ukelele UB Upright Electronic Bass Z Zither

12 Tone Music Publishing: EB, EG ASC: AB, AG, BJ, CG, EB, EG, M Acappella Drum: Strings Ace Products Group: AB, AG, BJ, CG, EB, EG, M, U Acoustic Musician: AB, AG, BL, BJ, CG, D, Z Actodyne General Inc.: Replacement guitar bodies & necks Adam Hall Ltd: AB, AG, EB, EG Adam International: AG, BJ, CG, EB, EG Alembic Inc.: EB, EG, UB Alesis/Numark/Akai: EG Alhambra Guitars: AG Allen Guitars: Resophonic, AG, M Allparts: Parts Alvarez Instruments: EH, AB, AG, EG, M Ambrosonics, LLC: AB, AG, EB, EG, MG American Music & Sound: AG, EB, EG Antique Electronic Supply: EG Aria USA: Guitars Ashton Music: AB, AG, CG, EB, EG, U Asian-American Mfg. Co., Inc.: Cuarto, AG, BJ, CG, D, EB, EG, H, M, U Aslin Dane: full contact Tremolo, AB, AG, CG, EB, EG, HG, S, SG Audio 2000’s/ H&F Technologies: Wireless Transmitters & amplifiers Axtra Guitars Inc.: EB, EG Azola Basses: AB, EB, UB B & J Music Ltd.: AB, AG, CG, EB, EG, M, U B-52 Professional: EG B-Band, Inc.: AB, AG, CG B.C. Rich: AG, EB, EG BBE Sound Inc.: EB, EG Baden Guitars: AG Bag End Loudspeakers: AB, EB, EG, UB Barker Musical Instruments: EB, UB Bee-In Tuner, Inc.: AG, EG Behringer USA, Inc.: EG Beijing Deyong Musical Instruments Co.: AB, AG, BJ, CG, EB, EG, M, U Benedetto Guitars: ARCHTOP Guitar Big Heart Slide Co.: AG, EG, SG Black Diamond Strings: AB, AG, BJ, CG, EB, EG, HG, M, SG, U, UB Black Mountain Instruments: D Blade Guitars: EB, EG Blue Book Publications Inc.: amplifiers, AB, AG, CG, EB, EG, M Born To Rock Design Inc.: EB, EG Brazen Guitars: EG Breedlove Guitar Co.: AB, AG, M Breezy Ridge Instruments Ltd.: strings for various instruments Brian Moore Guitars Inc.: EG, MG Bridgecraft USA Inc.: AB, AG, CG, EB, EG, HG, M, U, UB Brubaker Guitars Inc.: EB, EG

MAY 2009

product sources 45th annual supplier directory Buck Musical Instrument Produc: AG, BJ, D, M, U C & J Distributing: EB, EG C. F. Martin & Co., Inc.: AB, AG, U C.F. Martin & Co. Inc.: Archtop resonator, AB, AG, U CA Guitars: AB, AG Campbell American Guitars: EB, EG Carvin Mfg. Co.: EB, EG Casa Talamantes: guitaron viheula, CG Casa Veerkamp SA de CV: AB, AG, BJ, CG, EB, EG, H, MG, M, SG, UB, Z Castalia Publications: Ab, AG, EB, EG Catania Folk Instruments Inc.: Gourdolin, D, M Century Guitars: AG Chandler Musical Instruments: baritone, EG, HG, SG Charles Fox Guitars: AG Chesbro Music Company: AB, AG, CG, EB, EG, M, U Civilized World: AG, EB, EG Clevinger Bass: EB, UB Close Marketing: AG, CG, EB, EG Coast Music (Eastern Canada): AB, AG, BJ, CG, EB, EG, MG, M, U Codel Enterprises: AG, CG, EB, EG Collings Guitars: AG, EG, M Concord International Group, Inc.: Electric Violin, UB Conklin Guitars & Basses: EB, EG, UB Conquest Sound Inc.: cables Cora & Peter Kuo Inc.: AG, CG, EG, LY Cort USA: AB, AG, CG, EB, EG Cougar Steel Guitar Inc.: SG Crafter USA: AB, AG, CG, EB, EG, M Crafters of Tennessee, LLC: resophonic gtrs., AG, BJ Creative Bags and Cases Ltd: AG, CG, EB, EG, U Cripple Creek Dulcimers: AG, D, H, LY, M, PS Curt Mangan Inc.: AB, AG, BJ, CG, EB, EG, M D’Addario Canada: AB, AG, BJ, CG, EB, EG, M, U D’Agostino Musical Inst.: AG, CG, EB, EG, M DW Labs: General Daisy Rock Guitars: AG, EB, EG Dan’l Guitars, Inc: EB, EG Dana B. Goods: UB, AB, AG, CG, EB, EG, U, UB Danelectro Guitars: EB, EG Davitt & Hanser Music Co.: AB, AG, BJ, CG, D, EB, EG, M, SG, U Deakon Roads Guitars: EG Dealer Direct: cuatro, AG, BJ, CG, D, EB, EG, M, SG, U Dean Guitars: Resonator, AB, AG, BJ, CG, EB, EG, M, SG, UB Dean Musical Instruments: AB, AG, BJ, CG, EB, EG, MG, M Deering Banjo Company: BJ Delaney Guitars: EB, EG Demeter Amplification: AM DiPinto Guitars: EB, EG Digital Revolution Inc.: AG, BJ, CG, EG, M, U Dillion Guitars: AB, AG, CG, EB, EG Dillion Guitars: AB, AG, EB, EG Dolsey Ltd: AG, EB, EG, M Downham Musical Instrument Sal: AB, AG, BJ, CG, EB, EG, M Dulcimer Shoppe: D Dusty Strings: D, H Dynamic Music Distributing: AB, AG, BJ, CG, EB, EG, M E. & O. Mari Inc./La Bella: Music strings, AB, AG, BL, BJ, BZ, CG, D, EB, EG, HG, LT, LY, M, PS, S, SG, U, UB, Z EMD Music Inc.: AB, AG, CG, EB, EG, M, U, UB EPM Corp.: Acoustic guitar pickups ESP Guitar Co.: EB, EG Eastman Guitars and Mandolins: AG, CG, EG, M Eastwood Guitars: EB, EG, M Echeverria Guitars Inc.: restoration/repairs, EB, M Egnater Custom Amplifiers: EG Eisele Guitars: arch top guitar, AB, AG, U Eleca International: AG, CG, EB, EG Elite Music Brands: AB, AG, EB, EG, M Epiphone Guitar Co.: AB, AG, BJ, CG, EB, EG, M, SG, U Erizias Basses: AB, AG, EB, EG, UB Erlewine Guitars: AG, EG Ernie Ball Inc./Music Man: EB, EG Etros Music LLC: Strings, Brazilian Ethnic Instruments, AB, AG, CG, MG, M, SG, U

MAY 2009

European Crafts/USA: AB, AG, CG, EB, EG, M, U European Musical Imports Inc: effects Eventide: Guitar Effects Everett Guitars: AG Everly Music Company: AG, CG, EB, EG, SG Exotic Woods/Musikraft Inc.: Electric guitar parts F-Bass: EB, EG Farnell Ultra-Lite Guitar Co.: EB, EG Fender Musical Instruments Corporation: AB, AG, BJ, BZ, CG, EB, EG, HG, MG, M, SG, UB Fernandes Guitars U.S.A. Inc.: EB, EG First Act Inc.: AG, CG, EB, EG Fishman Transducers, Inc.: Preamps, AB, AG, BJ, CG, EB, EG, M Flatiron Mandolin Co.: M Floyd Rose Marketing: EG Fodera Guitars: EB Folkcraft Instruments: D, H, PS, Z

Fred Gretsch Enterprises: AG, EB, EG, SG FreeNote Music: AG, CG, EB, EG Freed International Inc.: AB, AG, CG, EB, EG G & L Music Sales: EB, EG G. Edward Lutherie, Inc.: AB, UB GLS Audio: EB GMP Guitars: EB, EG GR Industries: EB Gabbanelli Accordions: AB Gagner Guitar Publications: AG, EG, HG, SG Galaxy Guitar Products: EB, EG Gallagher Guitar Co.: AG, CG Gallien-Krueger Inc.: AM Garrison Guitars: AB, AG, M Gary Castelluccio & Associates: Guitars, AB, AG, CG, EB, EG, M Gecko Enterprises: AB, AG, EB, EG Genz Benz Enclosures Inc.: Amps

MMR 141

45th annual supplier directory product sources George L’s Musical Products: AB, AG, BJ, CG, EB, EG, HG, M, SG George Lowden Guitars Ltd.: AG Giannini S.A.: Musical strings, AG, BJ, CG, EB, EG, M, SG, U Giardinelli: AB, AG, CG, EG, SG Gibson Bluegrass: BJ, M Gibson Montana Acoustic Guitar: AG Gibson Musical Instruments: AB, AG, BJ, CG, EB, EG, M Gibson USA: EB, EG Go-En International: GC, AB, AG Godin Guitars: AB, CG, EB, EG, M Godlyke Inc.: EB Goodall Guitars Inc.: AG Gracie Stands: Performer Stands Graph Tech Guitar Labs: AB, AG, CG, EB, EG, HG, M, SG, U Grassroots: Hammered Dulcimer, D Grimes Guitars: Arch top guitars, AG, HG Grover Musical Products: Z Grubville Guitars: AB, AG, BJ, EB, HG, M, SG, U Guitar Clinic: EB, EG, M Guitar Parts USA: parts Gift Area Gulf Music Sales: Bajo Sertos, Bajo Quintos, AG, CG, SG HSS Division of Hohner: AB, AG, BJ, EB, EG, M Halo Guitars: AB, AG, EB, EG HamburGuitar: EG , EB, M Hanser Music Group: AB, AG, CG, EB, EG, M, UB Harris Musical Products Inc.: EB, EG Harris Teller Inc.: AB, AG, BJ, BZ, CG, D, EB, EG, H, M, S, U, UB Harvey Citron Enterprises: EB, EG Have Inc.: Cables Heflen Conceptions: EF Heritage Guitar Inc.: AB, AG, BL, BJ, BZ, CG, D, EB, EG, H, HG, LT, LY, MG, M, PS, S, SG, U, Z

142 MMR

Hobgoblin-Stoney End: BJ, BZ, D, H, M Hohner, Inc.: AB, AG, BJ, CG, EB, EG, HG, M, U Holland Amplifiers: AB, AG, BJ, CG, EB, EG, H Hollenbeck: AG, EG Hondo Guitar Co.: AG, BJ, CG, EB, EG Horizon Music Inc.: Cables Hoshino (USA) Inc.: AG, EB, EG Hutchins Guitars of North America: AG, BJ, EB, EG, M, SG Hybrid Cases: Cases I.C.E. Industries: AG IBC Trading Ltd.: AB, AG, BL, BJ, BZ, CG, D, EB, EG, H, HG, LT, LY, MG, M, PS, S, SG, U, Z Impecco Ltd.: CG, H, HG, LT, M, U Indie Guitars: AB, AG, EB, EG iNet Technologies, LLP: Web page developement International Violin Co.: CG J.B. Player International: AB, AG, BJ, CG, EB, EG J.R. Music Supply LLC: CG JAMM Distributing: AB, AG, CG, EB, EG, MG JBovier Stringed Instruments: BJ, M JR Music Supply: AG JTG of Nashville: Keyboards in a musical book for kids Jean Larrivee Guitars Ltd.: AB, AG, CG, U JoMama Music, LLC: Electric Guitar Amplifiers Joe Barden Engineering: EB, EG John Hornby Skewes & Co. Ltd.: AB, AG, BJ, CG, EB, EG, M, U John Pearse Strings: D Jordan Electric Violins: UB Juan Orozco Ltd., Inc.: CG, U K and S Music: AB, AG, BJ, CG, EB, EG, SG K.H.S. Musical Instrument Co.: AB, AG, CG, EB, EG KC Music Supply LLC: AG, BJ, CG, D, EB, EG Kala Brand Music Co.: U Kamaka Hawaii, Inc.: U

Kaman Music Corp.: AB, AG, BJ, CG, D, EB, EG, HG, M, SG, U Karl Hofner GmbH & Co.: AG, CG, EB Karl Klier & Co.: Fingerboards Kay Guitar Co.: Access., AG, BJ, CG, D, EB, EG, M, U Kellar Bass Systems: Neck-back bass synth for guitars Ken Smith Basses Ltd.: EB Kent Drum Distributing Co.: AB, AG, BL, BJ, BZ, CG, D, EB, EG, H, HG, LT, LY, M, U Keytar Inc.: EG Kiwaya USA: U Klein Electric Guitars: EB, EG Kradl Inc.: AB, AG, BJ, CG, EB, EG, M, SG Kubicki Technologies: EB Kuffner International Inc.: EB, EG, UB L & L Sales Co. Inc.: AB, AG, BJ, CG, EB, EG, HG, M, SG L.R. Baggs: Acoustic guitar LPD Music International: AB, AG, BJ, CG, D, EB, EG, LY, M, S, U La Bella Strings: AB, AG, BL, BJ, BZ, CG, D, EB, EG, HG, LT, LY, M, PS, S, SG Lace Music Products: EB, EG Lag Guitars: AG, EB, EG Landola Guitars: AB, AG, CG, M Lark In The Morning: AB, AG, BL, BJ, BZ, CG, D, H, HG, LT, LY, M, PS, S, U, Z Larrivee Guitars Ltd.: ukelele, AB, AG, CG Lasar Music Corp: AG, BJ, EG, M Lashbrook Guitars, LLC: EG Lasido: syhth access guitars, AG, CG, EB, EG, M Les Guitares Serge: Hand-made guitars Levy’s Leathers Ltd.: Guitar Straps Light Wave Systems: UP, EB, EG Linc Luthier: AB, EB, EG, UB Lindert Guitars Inc.: EB, EG Lollar Guitars: EG Lothson Guitars: EG Lowden Guitar Co. Ltd.: AG Luna Guitars: AB, AG, CG, EB, EG, U Luthier Music Corp.: CG Luthiers Mercantile Intl. Inc.: CG, EB, EG, LT, M, SG Lyon & Healy: H M. V. Pedulla Guitars: EB M.V. Pedulla Guitars: EB MBT International: AB, AG, BJ, CG, D, EB, EG, M, U MIDC Limited: AB, AG, BJ, CG, EB, EG, M, U MMS Inc.: Effects Major Music Supply: AG, M, U Maniac Music Inc.: EG Mann Made USA: EB, EG Marco Bass Guitars, Inc.: EB, EG Mark Campellone Guitars: Archtop, AG Marz Guitars of California: Electric Cello, AG, CG, EB, EG, HG, SG Master Works Dulcimers: D, PS, Z Maui Ukulele/dba Nahenahe Uke: HG, SG, U McCollum Guitars: Harp guitar, AB, AG, BZ, CG McPherson Guitars: AG Melancon Guitars: EB, EG, MG Merano Musical Instruments: AG, BZ, EG, HG, M, SG, U Metropolitan Guitars: EB, EG Mid-East Mfg. Inc.: BL, BZ, D, H, LT, LY, PS, S MidWest Music Dist.: AB, AG, BJ, CG, EB, EG, M, U Mighty Mite: Repair & replacement parts for guitars & basses Mike Christian Technology: EB, EG Minarik Guitars: AG, EB, EG Mitchell Guitars: AB, AG Modulus Guitars LLC: EB, EG Molinari Industries: CG Morgan Hill Music: AB, AG, HG, SG, U Moser Custom Shop: EB, EG Moses Inc.: AB, EB, EG Music Agency Inc.: AB, AG, BL, BJ, BZ, CG, D, EB, EG, H, HG, LT, LY, MG, M, PS, S, SG, U, UB, Z Music Dealers Resource Group, LLC: AB, AG, BJ, CG, EB, EG, M, U Music Stamp Series: Fretboard and Tablature stamps Music Treasures Co.: CG, EB, EG, U

MAY 2009

product sources 45th annual supplier directory Music World Enterprises, Inc: AB, AG, BJ, CG, D, EB, EG, HG, MG, M, SG, U, UB Musical Distributors Group: AG, CG, EB, EG Musician’s Wholesale America: AG Musicorp LLC: AB, AG, BJ, CG, D, EB, EG, LY, M, U Musiquip: AG, BL, BZ, D, EB, EG Musitron: AG N-Tune: EB, EG NEMC: AG, CG NEO Products Inc. - Helmut Guitar Company: EG Nanjing Aileen trading Company: AB, AG, BL, BJ, CG, EB, EG, HG, M, SG, U National Educational Music Co.: AG, CG National Guitar Workshop: AB, AG, BJ, CG, EB, EG, M, SG, UB National Reso-Phonic Guitars: AG, HG, M, SG, U Nechville Musical Products: BJ, EG, MG New Mad (New Media Mix Design): M Northwest Network: AB, AG, BJ, CG, EB, EG, M Norton Guitars: EB, EG OLP/HHI: EB, EG Ohana Music: AG, HG, M, SG, U Olympia Dulcimer Co.: BZ, D, M Optima Strings: Guitar & bass strings Original Musical Inst. Co: Resophonic guitars Oscar Schmidt International: AG, BJ, CG, EB, EG, M PRS Guitars (Paul Reed Smith): EB, EG Pantheon Guitars: AG Parker Guitars: AG, CG, EB, EG Paul Reed Smith Guitars Limited: EB, EG Pawar Guitars Ltd.: EG Peavey Electronics: AG, EB, EG, SG Peavey Electronics Corp.: AG, EB, EG Penn Fabrication Inc.: Components Petillo Masterpiece Guitars: All String Instruments Phantom Guitar Works, Inc.: mandoguitar, EB, EG, M Philip Kubicki Technology: custom basses, EB Pierre Josephs Violins & Basse: AB, UB Pignose Industries: Amplifiers, EG PlayPro Software Inc.: Guitar & bass instruction Power Group LTD: AB, AG, CG, EB, EG Power Lung: Vocalist Performance Enhancer Praxis Musical Instruments Inc.: AB, AG, EB, EG Premier Guitar: AB, AG, EB, EG Prescription Electronics Inc.: EG Prudencio Seaz USA Inc.: CG R.E. Brune, Luthier: CG, LT RainSong Graphite Guitars: AG Ratliff Mandolins: M Reverend Musical Instruments: EG Reverend Musical Instruments: EG Rhythm Band Instruments, Inc.: CG, H, U, Z Rickenbacker International Co.: AB, EB, EG, M Rigel Instruments Ltd.: M Ritter Outdoor Ltd.: AB, AG, BL, BJ, BZ, CG, EB, EG, M, U, Z Rivera Research & Development: Acoustic guitar Roadrunner Cases Inc.: EG Robin Guitars: EB, EG Rocky Mountain Slides: Lap/Steel, AG, EG, HG, S, SG Roscoe Guitars: EB, EG S.I.T. Strings Corp.: G, AB, BJ, BZ, CG, D, EB, EG, M, SG SHS International: AB, AB, AG, AG, BJ, BJ, CG, EB, EB, EG, EG, M, M, U, U Saga Musical Instruments: AG, BJ, BZ, CG, D, EB, EG, M, U Saint Blues Guitar Workshop: EB, EG Salwender International: switchers, AB, AG, CG, EB, EG, MG Samick Music Corp.: AB, AG, BJ, CG, EB, EG, M, U Santa Cruz Guitar Co.: AG Santa Rosa Guitar Company: AG, CG, U Santorella Publications Ltd.: AG, BJ, EG Schecter Guitar Research: AG, EB, EG Shadow Electronics of America: MIDI guitar controller Shane Music Products: AB, AG, CG, EB, EG Siegmund Guitars and Amps: Resonator Guitar, AG, EG SkyWyre Electronics Inc.: Wireless Electronic Switching for guitar/amps food pedals. Slider Straps: EB

MAY 2009

Soldano Custom Amplification: Guitar Amplifiers & Speakers Sound To Earth Ltd.: M Source Audio: MG Sperzel: AB, AG, BL, BJ, BZ, CG, HG, M, SG, U, UB St. Louis Music: AG, BJ, CG, D, EB, EG, M Starr Labs: Midi guitar Steinberger Sound: EB, EG Stentor Music Company: mandolas, AB, AG, BL, BJ, BZ, CG, D, H, M, U, Z Stewart Guitar Co.: EG Stewart-MacDonald: AG, BJ, CG, D, EB, EG, M, SG, U, Z Stick Enterprises Inc.: Fretboard tapping inst., EB, EG Stoney End: BJ, D, H, M Stringcenter LLC: strings, AG, BJ, CG, H, HG, LT, LY, M, U Stromberg Guitars: EG Strunal America Inc.: AG, CG, M Stuart Spector Designs Ltd.: EB Sukop Basses: EB Sunlite Industrial Corp.: AB, AG, CG, EB, EG, U Surfcity Music: AC, AB, BJ, CG, EB, EG, HG, M Suzuki Music: AG, CG, EB, EG Synergy House: Tanpura, D, S TEI Electronics Inc.: AB, AG, BJ, CG, EB, EG, HG, LY, M, SG, U, UB Tacoma Guitars, USA: AB, AG, BJ, CG, M Taylor Guitars: Baby Taylor, AB, AG Tenon Industrial Company: AG, CG, EG, M, U Terry McInturff Guitars: EG The Dodge Guitar Co.: EB, EG The Magic Fluke Co., LLC: U The Music Link: E, AB, AG, BJBZ, CG, D, EB, EG, M, SG, U, UB, Z The Point Technologies: Tremolos, EG Timberline Guitars: AB, AG Timeless Instruments: AB, AG, BZ, CG, D, H, LY, M Todaro’s Music: U Tom Anderson Guitarworks: Pickups, EG Tom Anderson Guitarworks: Elec. guitar pickups, EG Tone King Corp.: U Tony Corona Wholesale: AB, AG, BL, BJ, BZ, CG, D, EB, EG, H, HG, LT, LY, MG, M, PS Tornavoz Music: Guitarron, Vihuela, AG, CG, U Torres Engineering: AG, CG, EB, EG Tradition Guitar: M & Double guitars, AB, AG, BJ, CG, EB, EG Traveler Guitar: Travel instruments, AB, AG, EG Tregan Guitars: EB, EG Trillenium Music Co.: Music, AG, CG Tropical Music Corp.: BZ, EB, EG, M, U U.S. Band & Orchestra Supplies: AG, BJ, CG, D, EB, EG, M, U U.S. Music Corp.: AB, AG, BJ, CG, EB, EG, H, M V.J. Rendano Wholesale Music: AB, AG, BJ, BZ, CG, D, EB, EG, H, LT, LY, M, S, U, Z VHT Amplification: Guitar Amplifiers VOODOO LAB: AB, AG, EB, EG, MG Vagabond Travel Guitar: AG Vector Instruments: UB Vibramate: EG Vitali Import Co. Inc.: AB, BL, BJ, BZ, CG, M WD Music Products: AB, AG, BJ, CG, D, EB, EG, M, SG, U Walt Miklas Wholesale Music In: AG, CG, EB, EG, M, U Warmoth Guitar Products Inc.: EB, EG Weber Fine Acoustic Instruments: mandolas, octave mandolins, mandocellos, arch top guitars, resonator guitars, AG, BZ, M, SG Wechter Guitars: Resonator Guitar, AG, EG, MG Weltmeister: MG Westheimer Corp.: AB, AG, BJ, CG, EB, EG, M, SG, U Wexler Music Co.: AG, CG, M Wilkins Guitar Finishes: EB, EG Wood ‘n Strings: Hammer dulcimer, PS, Z Woodies UK Limited: AG, BJ, CG, EG Working Musician Products: AG World Class Steels, Inc.: pedal steel guitar Wright Guitar Technology: AG, BJ, CG, EG, SG X Wire Corp.: Wireless

XOX Audio Tools: AG, EG XP Audio, Inc: amplifiers Yamaha Corp. of America: AG, CG, EB, EG Yuta Musical Inc.: AB, AG, BL, BJ, D, EB, EG, H, HG, M, S, U, Z Zero Crossing: EB, EG Zeta Music Systems: EB, UB Zion Guitars: EG, MG Zon Guitars: EB Zuni Custom Guitars: EG


AER - USA: Acoustic Amplifiers AW Enterprises: Cases & covers AccuGroove: Speaker cabinets Ace Products Group: Cases & covers Adam Hall Ltd: Cases & covers Adam International: Cases & covers Adder Plus Corp.: Pickups Aerospace Lubricants Inc.: Fingerboard oil All-Test Devices Corp.: AG Allen Guitars: Cases & covers Allied Lutherie Inc.: bone, truss rods, tuning machines Allparts: Parts Altieri Instrument Bags: Cases & covers Alvarez Instruments: Strings American Guardian Protection I: Protective coating American Music & Sound: stands Ametron Audio Video: Cases & covers Amp-U-Plug-N-Play: Mini Guitar Amps Anvil Cases: Cases & covers Aria USA: Accessories Artist Showcase Inc.: Cases & covers Ashton Music: Cases & covers Asian-American Mfg. Co., Inc.: Cases & covers Aslin Dane: Cases Aspen & Associates: Accessories Audio 2000’s/ H&F Technologies: Stands

Now Represented by



Visit our Web Site at POPPENBERG & ASSOCIATES 7700 East 29th Ave., Suite 405 Denver, CO 80238-2920 MMR 143

45th annual supplier directory product sources Axe Hugger: Cases & covers B & J Music Ltd.: Picks B.C. Rich: Cases & covers BAM France: Cases & covers BackAxe: Cases & covers Barcus-Berry: Pickups Bartolini Pickups: Guitar pickups Bee-In Tuner, Inc.: Automatic String Tuner Beijing Deyong Musical Instruments Co.: Cases & covers Big Heart Slide Co.: Premiuim Slides Bigsby Accessories: Vibrato tailpieces Black Diamond Strings: National Picks Black Mountain Instruments: Cases & covers Blade Guitars: Cases & covers Blue Heron Enterprises: Soft cases-custom available Bluesland Amplifiers: Amps Bolopick, INC.: Guitar Pick Boomerang Musical Products: Electronic accessory (phrase sampler) Born To Rock Design Inc.: Cases & covers Bradley Music Company: Music education products Breedlove Guitar Co.: Cases & covers Breezy Ridge Instruments Ltd.: Strings and accessories Brubaker Guitars Inc.: Guitar Performance Stand Bryan Enterprises Inc.: straps Budda Amplification: Guitar Amplifiers, Effect Pedals C. F. Martin & Co., Inc.: Cases & covers, Fretted Instrument Strings C.B.I. (Caldwell Bennett Inc.): Cables C.F. Martin & Co. Inc.: Cases & covers, fretted instrument strings California Music Distributors: Gig bags Calton Cases: Cases & covers Calzone Case Co./Anvil Cases: Cases & covers Campbell American Guitars: Fretboard Cleaner Case Xtreme: Cases & covers Cases Inc.: Cases & covers Cavallaro Case Co.: Cases & covers Chandler Musical Instruments: Cases & covers, guitar pickguards Chem-Pak Inc.: Guitar string Lubricant and Guitar Polish Chesbro Music Company: Cases & covers Chrislin Trading: Bone nuts & saddles Civilized World: Guitar Amplifiers, Effect Pedals Clear Concepts LLC: Hand excerciser Close Marketing: Cases & covers Coast Music (Eastern Canada): Cases & covers Codel Enterprises: Cases & covers Coffin Case: Cases & covers, Pedals Colorado Case Company, Inc.: Cases & covers Coloriffic PickGuards: Pickguards Conklin Guitars & Basses: Cases & covers Conquest Sound Inc.: Cables Cool Music Inc.: Guitar picks Cora & Peter Kuo Inc.: Straps Core One Creative, Inc.: Cases & covers Cort USA: Cases & covers, Cases & covers Counterpoint Musical Services: Strings Countryman Associates Inc.: D.I. Boxes Crafter USA: Cases & covers, Electronic Tuners, Microfiber Polishing Cloths, Bridge Pin Removers Cripple Creek Dulcimers: Cases & covers CruzTOOLS Inc.: Tools & Tool Kits D’Addario & Co.: Strings, straps, smart tools, instrument care products D’Addario Canada: Cases & covers D’Agostino Musical Inst.: Cases & covers D’Andrea Inc.: Picks D’Angelico Strings: Guitar strings D’Aquisto Strings Inc.: Strings D-Tar Duncan Turner Acoustic R: Acoustic guitar pickups DOD/DigiTech: Amps DR Handmade Strings: Guitars strings Daisy Rock Guitars: Guitar Amplifiers, Cases & covers, Cables, Picks Danelectro Guitars: Cases & covers Davitt & Hanser Music Co.: Cases & covers Dealer Direct: Cases & covers

144 MMR

Dean Guitars: Cases & covers Dean Markley Strings: Electric, Acoustic, & Bass Guitar Strings Dean Musical Instruments: Cases & covers Demeter Amplification: Effects Pedals DiMarzio Inc.: Pick-ups DiPinto Guitars: Cases & covers Digital Music Corp.: Pedal effects Digital Revolution Inc.: Capos Dillion Guitars: Cables, straps, straplocks, cases, covers, all access. Dillon Wittman Tuner: Guitar & bass electronic tuners Direct Import Assistance Corporation: Cases & covers, stands DnR Guitars L.L.C.: Brace~ade Support System Dolsey Ltd: Revolving Guitar Display Downham Musical Instrument Sal: Cases & covers Ducks Deluxe: Polish Strings Dulcimer Shoppe: Dulcimer strings Dunlop Manufacturing Inc.: General Dynamic Music Distributing: Cases & covers E. & O. Mari Inc./La Bella: All music strings EMD Music Inc.: Cases & covers, Strings, Stands EMG Inc.: Pickups EPM Corp.: Pickups Eastman Guitars and Mandolins: Cases & covers Eastwood Guitars: Cases & covers El Mar Corp.: Cases Eleca International: Cases & covers Electro-Harmonix: Electric Guitar Strings, Guitar Effects Processors, Effect Pedals Elite Music Brands: Cases & covers Elixir Strings: strings Elkhart Cases: Cases & covers Epiphone Guitar Co.: Cases & covers Ernie Ball Inc./Music Man: Strings Etros Music LLC: Cases & covers, Strings European Crafts/USA: Cases & covers Everly Music Company: Cases & covers Excetylene Cables: Cables Exotic Woods/Musikraft Inc.: Fret wire truss rods F-Bass: Effect Pedals FBT USA Inc.: Guitar Amplifiers Farley’s Essentials: Tuners-Tools Fender Musical Instruments Corporation: Cases & covers Fernandes Guitars U.S.A. Inc.: Pics Fingerweights LLC: Fingerweights First Act Inc.: Cases & covers Fishman Acoustic Amplification: Pickups and Preamps Fishman Transducers, Inc.: Pickups Flight Form Cases Inc.: Cases & covers Floyd Rose Marketing: Guitar hrdware Fodera Guitars: Cases & covers Folkcraft Instruments: Cases & covers Fort Stands & Cases: Stands Fred Gretsch Enterprises: Bigsby Vibrato Freed International Inc.: Strings Furman Sound, LLC.: Pedal Board G & G Products Inc.: Guitar picks G & H Industries Inc.: Plugs & active cable GHS Corp.: Strings GWW Group, Inc.: Cases & covers Galaxy Guitar Products: Cases & covers Garrison Guitars: Cases & covers Gary Castelluccio & Associates: Cases & covers Gator Cases: Cases & cover Genz Benz Enclosures Inc.: Effects pedals George Heinl & Co: Cases & covers Giardinelli: Cases & covers Gibson Montana Acoustic Guitar: Cases & covers Gibson Musical Instruments: Straps Gibson Strings & Accessories: Strings Godin Guitars: Cases & covers Godlyke Inc.: Effects Gold Crest, Inc.: Lighting Gould Guitars & Basses: strings Gracie Stands: Performer Stands. Folding Stands Gracie Stands: Performer Stand Gig- Bags Graph Tech Guitar Labs: Nuts, saddles, pick-up systems

Grassroots: Cases & covers Grip Peddler: Grip peddler Grover Musical Products: Machine heads Grubville Guitars: Cases & covers Grundorf Corp.: Cases & covers Gruven Music Products: Stands Guitar Parts USA: parts Guptill Music: Finger & thumb picks H & F Technologies Inc.: Guitar Stands H.A.Z. Laboratories: Effects pedals Hall Crystal Flutes Inc.: Guitar Slides Hamilton Stands Inc.: Stands Hanser Music Group: Cases & covers Harris Teller Inc.: Cases & covers Have Inc.: Cables & stands Herco Products Company: Guitar picks Highlander Musical Audio Products: pickups Hineni Bags and Cases Co.: Cases & covers Hohner, Inc.: Cases & covers Holland Amplifiers: Cases & covers Hollenbeck: Cases& covers Homebrew Electronics: Effects pedal Horizon Music Inc.: Cases & covers Hosa Technology, Inc.: Cables Hoshino (USA) Inc.: Cases & covers Humes & Berg Mfg.Co. Inc.: Cases & covers I.C.E. Industries: Cases & covers IBC Trading Ltd.: Cases & covers ISP Technologies, LLC: Guitar Amplifiers, Effect Pedals Impact Industries Inc.: Cases & covers Indie Guitars: Cases & covers JPS Labs: Cables JT Musical Inc.: Parts Jean Larrivee Guitars Ltd.: Cases & covers John Hornby Skewes & Co. Ltd.: Cases & covers, strings, stands, picks, effects pedals, straps, tuners, guitar parts, pickups, capos John Pearse Strings: Strings & accessories Jones-Fletcher: Cases & covers; Gig Bags Jones-Fletcher Music Co. Inc.: Bags Juan Orozco Ltd., Inc.: Cases & covers K & K Sound Systems Inc.: Pickups K and S Music: Cases & covers K.H.S. Musical Instrument Co.: Cases & covers KC Music Supply LLC: Cases & covers Kahler International Inc.: Guitar Hardware and Bridges Kala Brand Music Co.: Cases & covers Kaman Music Corp.: Cases & covers, Effects/Stomp Boxes Karl Hofner GmbH & Co.: Cases & covers Kay Guitar Co.: Cases & covers KaySound Imports: Guitar stands Ken Smith Basses Ltd.: Gig bags Kent Drum Distributing Co.: Cases & covers Keystone Electronics: Pickups Kiwaya USA: Ukulele Straps, Strings, Pegs, & Picks Kluson: Tuning Keys Kordex, Inc.: cable Korg USA Inc.: Cases & covers Kradl Inc.: Cases & covers Kuffner International Inc.: pickups Kyser Musical Products Inc.: Capos L.R. Baggs: Acoustic Guitar Pickups & preamps LPD Music International: Cases & covers, straps, cleaners, tuners, machine heads La Bella Strings: Strings Lace Music Products: Pickups Lag Guitars: Cases & covers, Guitar Accessories Landola Guitars: Cases & covers Larrivee Guitars Ltd.: Access. Lasido: Cases & covers Latch Lake Music Products: Slides Leathertone Inc.: Plastic sheeting for pickguards Levy’s Leathers Ltd.: Cases & covers Light Wave Systems: Optical pickups Lindert Guitars Inc.: Cases & covers Lollar Guitars: Electric Guitar Pickups Long Hollow Leathers: Straps: Guitar Lothson Guitars: Amplifiers, Pickups, Effects Pedals Lowden Guitar Co. Ltd.: Cases & covers

MAY 2009

product sources 45th annual supplier directory Luthiers Mercantile Intl. Inc.: Raw materials M&M Merchandisers Inc.: Cases & covers M. V. Pedulla Guitars: Cases, Bass Guitar Strings MBT International: Cases & covers MIDC Limited: Cases & covers MKS Professional Stage Product: Pedalboards MONO Cases LLC: Cases & covers MTS Products Corp.: Cases & covers Mad Professor Amplification: AM, PD Magic Parts: Tubes and Speakers Main Strap Connection: Straps Majecal Case Co./Caltron Pkg.: Cases & covers Major Music Supply: Cases & covers Maniac Music Inc.: effects Mann Made USA: Hardware Marco Bass Guitars, Inc.: Pickups Mark Leaf Case Co.: Cases & covers Marz Guitars of California: Cases & covers Maui Ukulele/dba Nahenahe Uke: Cases Merano Musical Instruments: Cases & covers Micro Musical Products Corp.: Polish MidWest Music Dist.: Cases & covers Mighty Bright: Lights Mighty Mite: Repair and replacement parts Mike Christian Technology: Pickups Mojo Musical Supply: Amp parts Mooradian Cover Company: Cases & covers, gig bags Mooradian Cover Company: Cases & covers Morgan Hill Music: Picks Moser Custom Shop: Cases & covers,vintage guitar parts Moshay Pick Co.: Guitar picks Multi-Caisses Inc.: Cases & covers Music Agency Inc.: Cases & covers Music Dealers Resource Group, LLC: Cases & covers, Stands Music Products Group: Amplifiers Music Treasures Co.: Cases & covers Music World Enterprises, Inc: Cases & covers Musical Distributors Group: Guitar Amplifiers, Effect Pedals Musician’s Wholesale America: Cases & covers Musicorp LLC: Cases & covers Musiquip: Cases & covers N-Tune: Tuner NEMC: Cases & covers Nady Systems Inc.: Guitar Amplifier, Effects Pedals National Educational Music Co.: Cases & covers National Guitar Workshop: Cases & covers Nechville Musical Products: Cases & covers Neotech: Guitar, Bass, Banjo, Mandolin Straps New Sensor Corp.: Pedals Nielson/Sessions Hardware: Cases & covers Nordenholz Distributing Co. LTD: strings Northwest Network: Cases & covers Norton Guitars: Cases & covers OLP/HHI: Cases & covers Ohana Music: Cases & covers Old Dog, LLC: Guitar stands OnBoard Research Corp.: Tuners Opti-Case Inc.: Cases & covers Optima Strings: Guitar & bass strings Oscar Schmidt International: Cases & covers P & D Wholesale: Cases & covers P.R.O. Manufacturing Co. Inc.: Amplifiers Pacific Supply & Trading Co.: Cases & covers Paige Musical Products: Capo Peaceland Music: Guitar rings, slides Peavey Electronics: Cases & covers Peavey Electronics Corp.: Cases & covers Pegasus Stringed Instruments: Cases & covers Performance Plus: Cases & covers Perri’s Leathers Ltd.: Guitar straps, Cases & covers Peterson Strobe Tuners: Tuners Petillo Masterpiece Guitars: Cases & covers,custom made by hand Phantom Guitar Works, Inc.: String locks Pick Pockets Inc.: Guitar pick keepers Pignose Industries: Amplifiers

MAY 2009

Planet Waves: Guitar straps Players Music Accessories: cleaning supplies Power Group LTD: Cases & covers Premier Guitar: Cases & covers, Effects Pro Co Sound: Cables, Distoration Pedals Pro Stage Gear LLC (Pedaltrain): cases Pro Tec International: Stands ProCases Inc.: Cases & covers Proel USA Inc.: Stands R & R Cases & Cabinets: Cases & covers R.E. Brune, Luthier: Cases & covers RKM Reeds and Strings: Strings Radial Engineering: Effect pedals Rapco Cable: Cables Red Bear Amplifiers: Amplifiers Redland Music Products: Cleaning & Care Products Redwood Music Corp.: Strings Retrospec, Inc.: Signal processing Reunion Blues: Cases & covers Rickenbacker International Co.: Strings Rio Grande Pickups: Guitar pickups Ritter Outdoor Ltd.: Cases & covers Rivera Research & Development: Guitar amplifiers Roadrunner Cases Inc.: Cases & covers Robokey USA: Speed Winder Roc-N-Soc Inc.: Stools Rock Hard Inc.: Strap Rockbox Electronics: Guitar Amplifiers, Effect Pedals Rocky Mountain Slides: Guitar slides & tone bars Roland Corp. U.S.: Guitar & bass effects Rotosound USA Inc.: music strings S and H Manufacturing Co.: Storage racks S.I.T. Strings Corp.: Strings SH Enterprises: Cases & covers SHS International: Cases & covers SKB Corp.: Cases & covers Sabine: Tuners/Metronomes Saga Musical Instruments: Covers & cases Saint Blues Guitar Workshop: Cases & covers Salwender International: Cases & covers Samick Music Corp.: Cases & covers, stands Savarez: Strings Score Marketing: Glass guitar slides Seymour Duncan Pickups: Pickups Sfarzo String Company: Guitar Strings Shadow Electronics of America: Pickups for all of the guitar family Shadow Studio Strings: Strings Shane Music Products: Guitar Amplifiers, Cases & covers, Strings Showcase Custom Cases, Inc.: Cases & covers Shubb Capos: Capos & slides Sitelite Technologies: Music stand light Slider Straps: Dual shoulder straps Sonic Industries Inc.: Piezo pickups Sound Enhancements Products Inc.: Pedals, Cases & covers Sound Innovations: Guitar Stand Sound To Earth Ltd.: Cases & covers Source Audio: Guitar Effect Spectraflex Cables: Cables St. Louis Music: Guitar amps, effect pedals, cases & covers Stage Magic Inc,: Cables Stage Ninja: Cables Stentor Music Company: Cases & covers Steve Clayton Inc.: Guitar picks String Swing Mfg. Inc.: display fixtures Stringcenter LLC: Nail kits Stromberg Guitars: Cases & covers Strum-N-Comfort Picking Systems: Crossover Pick & Music Theme Gifts Strunal America Inc.: Cases & covers Summit Guitar Pack: Cases & covers Sunlite Industrial Corp.: Cases & covers Switchcraft: Switches TEI Electronics Inc.: Cases & covers TKL Products Corp.: Cases & covers Tacoma Guitars, USA: Cases & covers Talwar Brothers: Buffing wheels, bridge pins, inlays, Cases & covers

Tascam: Trainers Taylor Guitars: Cases Tech 21: Amplifiers The Dava Co.: Picks The Mapes Piano String Co.: Strings The Music Link: Cases & covers The Music People: Guitar stands The Original Swab Co.: Cleaners & polish cloths Thomastik-Infeld: Strings Toleeto Fasteners: Cord Lox Tolito Musique: Strings Tone King Corp.: Cases Tony Corona Wholesale: Cases & covers Tornavoz Music: Cases, covers, strings Torres Engineering: Cases & covers Tough Traveler LTD: Cases & covers Tradition Guitar: Cses & Covers Transperformance LLC: Self tuning install Traveler Guitar: Effects Trem King LLC: Tremelo Tric Pick Industries: Battery powered illuminating guitar pick Trick Percussion Products: Polish Trophy Music Co.: Humidifier Tropical Music Corp.: Cases & covers Tube Works, Div. Genz Benz E: Guitar and bass amplifiers Twanger Inc.: Proxflx models U.S. Band & Orchestra Supplies: Cases & covers USA Distribution: Guitar effects UV 111 Systems, Inc: UV Dryers and Guitar Repair Equipment Ultimate Support Systems: Guitar & bass stands Ultracase: Stage Stands Ultrasound Amplifiers: Guitar Amplifiers Unitec Products Corp.: Cases & covers V.J. Rendano Wholesale Music: Cases & covers VOODOO LAB: Effect Pedals, Vacuum Tube Guitar Preamp, MIDI Switching Systems, Signal Routing Systems, Power Suppplies Vibro-Tek Industries: Double whammy bar Victor Products Inc.: Capo Vigier Guitars: Strings Viking Cases: Cases & covers Visual Sound LLC: Effects Pedal

Carter Steel Guitars P.O. Box 851324 Mesquite, TX 75185-1324 USA Info: 1-972-475-2324 FAX: 1-972-412-7353 Made in the USA

MMR 145

45th annual supplier directory product sources Vitali Import Co. Inc.: Construction & repair parts W.L. Gore & Assoc. Inc.: Strings WD Music Products: Effect Pedals Walt Miklas Wholesale Music In: Cases & covers Warmoth Guitar Products Inc.: Guitar components, Pickups & Electronics Wave Angle: Wireless Wechter Guitars: Cases & covers Westheimer Corp.: Cases & covers Wexler Music Co.: Care & maintenance prodcuts Whirlwind Music: Selector Cables, Selector Whiskey Ridge Productions: Stringwinders Wilkins Guitar Finishes: Polish, Strings Wittner GmbH & Co. KG: Capos, Guitar Stand Wristies, Inc.: Practice & performance glove X Wire Corp.: Wireless X2 Wireless Yamaha Corp. of America: Cases & covers Yorkville Sound Inc.: Amps ZT Amplifiers: Guitar Amplifiers Zero Crossing: Tuner Zinky Electronics: Amplifiers Zon Guitars: Strings Zoogee World, INc.: Picks & pick guards

KARAOKE PRODUCTS Karaoke Products Listing Data Key: KS

Karaoke Software


Karaoke Hardware

ARK International: KH AW Enterprises: Cases AccuGroove: Speaker cabinets Alesis/Numark/Akai: KH American Pro 2 Co.: KH Ametron Audio Video: KH Audio 2000’s/ H&F Technologies: KH Audio-Technica U.S., Inc.: Microphones BST America: KH Blue Microphones: Microphones C.B.I. (Caldwell Bennett Inc.): Cables Chartbuster Karaoke: Karaoke Digital Media, KS Consumer Electronics Corp.: KH D.J. Miller Music Distributors: KH, KS DJ Skirts: Appearance Products Dealer Direct: Stands KH, KS E.T.I. Sound Systems Inc.: KH Elliott Electronics: KH Eminence Speaker: Speakers Fleco Corp.: KH Full Discount Wholesalers: KH Gold Crest, Inc.: Lighting H & F Technologies Inc.: KH Hamilton Stands Inc.: Mic stands Harris Teller Inc.: KS Kordex, Inc.: cable MMO Music Group Inc.: KS Majecal Case Co./Caltron Pkg.: KH Mediasync Corp.: KH, KS Microboards Technology LLC: KH Mighty Bright: Lights Music Maestro: KS Music Minus One/Pocket Songs: KS Musicorp LLC: KH Musix Resources: KH, KS Party Tyme Karaoke/Sybersound: KH, KS Priddis Music LLC: KH, KS Rosco Equipment Corp.: Stair climbing piano dolly Sound Choice: Karaoke Soundtracks, KH, KS Sound Tech International: KH Stage Ninja: KH The Singing Machine Co.: Accessories, KH, KS Thinkware: KS Trax Distributors: Title Database, KH, KS Tune 1000 Corp.: KS Ultimate Support Systems: Mic stands Viking Cases: Cases

146 MMR

VocoPro: KH Web Only KS


Amplified Piano Celeste Carillon Chimes Clavichord Console Piano Digital Piano Electronic Piano Electric Piano


Expander Grand Piano Harpsichord Pipe Organ Player Piano Reed Organ Spinet Piano Studio Piano Virginal

A 440 Pianos: ECP, CP, DP, EP, GP, PP, SP, STASC: CP, DP, GP Accordions & Keyboards: AC Ace Products Group: ECP, AP, DP Ahlborn-Galanti Organs: EO, EX Allen Organ Co.: EO, EX, PO, SP Ampco Musical Products: Stands Armadillo Enterprises: DP Artfield Piano Ltd.: CP, ST Asian-American Mfg. Co., Inc.: AC Astin-Weight Piano Mfg.: CP, GP, ST Baldwin Piano & Organ Co.: ECP, CP, DP, EP, GP, PP, SP, ST Behringer USA, Inc.: DP Belarus Piano Inc.: CP, GP, ST Best Products International In: AC, DP, GP, H, PP, SP, ST Bluthner Pianos: Gp, ST Bluthner USA LLC.: Professional Upright Pianos, GP, ST Bohemia Piano America, Inc.: GP, ST Boston Piano Company: GP, ST Bridgecraft USA Inc.: AC, AP, DP, EP, ECP Brodmann Piano: CP, GP, PP, ST Brookside Press: CP, DP, GP, SP, ST C. Bechstein Pianofortefabrik: GP, ST CMC Distribution: AC, AP, DP, EX Carl Dudash Harpsichords: CL, H Casa Veerkamp SA de CV: AC, AP, C, CH, CL, CP, DP, EP, EO, ECP, EX, GP, H, ST Casio Inc.: Portable Keyboards, DP Castalia Publications: Keyboard posters Castiglione Accordion LLC: AC, EP, EX Coast Music (Eastern Canada): AC Consumer Electronics Corp.: DP D & D Enterprises: CP, GP, PP, SP, ST Dampp-Chaser Electronics Corp.: CP, GP, ST Davitt & Hanser Music Co.: AC, CH, DP, EP, EO Dealer Direct: AC Decals Unlimited: Piano Decals, GP Decals for Pianos: ECP, CP, DP, EP, EO, GP, H, PO, PP, RO, SP, ST Diversi Musical Instruments: EO Downham Musical Instrument Sal: AC, AP, EP, ECP AC, AP, CA, C, CH, CL, CP, DP, EP, EO, EX, GP, H, PO Edirol: keyboard controls Ernest Deffner Inc.: AC, Digital Accordions European Crafts/USA: AC, CH F.E. Olds and Son Inc.: CP, GP, PP Fazioli Pianoforte: GP Flight Form Cases Inc.: Cases & covers Freed International Inc.: ECP, AP, CP, DP, EP GRK Mfg. Co.: Benches Gabbanelli Accordions: AC Galileo Music Corp.: ECP, DP, GP, PP Generalmusic Corp.: ECP, AP, DP, EP, EO, EX, PO Geneva International Corp.: GP, PP, ST German American Trading Company, Inc.: AC, GP, ST Grotrian Piano Company: GP, SP, ST Hammond Suzuki USA Inc.: EO, EX Hanser Music Group: DP Harris Teller Inc.: AC, AP, ECP Herman Kluge GmbH & Co. KG: Practice keyboards

Horizon Music Inc.: Cables Hyundai Pianos: CP, GP, PP, ST International Brokers Inc.: GP JAMM Distributing: ECP Johannus Orgelbouw B.V.: EO Kaman Music Corp.: AC Kawai America Corp.: CP, DP, GP, ST Kemble and Co. Ltd.: CP, GP Kent Drum Distributing Co.: AC Keyboard Exchange Int.: Hammond B-3 Keytar Inc.: Keytar Korg Canada: DP Korg USA Inc.: USB MIDI contollers, DP, EO Kurzweil Music Systems: DP LPD Music International: AC, DP, ECP Lark In The Morning: AC, CH Laul Estonia Piano Factory: GP Littlite: Task lamp Lowrey Organ Co.: EO MBT International: DP MTS Products Corp.: Cases Maas-Rowe Carillons: CA, CH Mason and Hamlin: CP, GP, PP, ST Merano Musical Instruments: AC MidWest Music Dist.: AC, CH Mighty Bright: Lights Moog Music: EP Muse Research, Inc.: DP, ECP, EX Music Agency Inc.: AP, CA, C, CH, CL, CP, DP, EP, EO, ECP, EX, GP, H, PO, PP, RO, SP, ST, V Music World Enterprises, Inc: AC, AP, CH, DP, EP Musicorp LLC: AC, CH, DP, EP, ECP NEMC: ECP, AP, CP, DP, GP, PP National Educational Music Co.: ECP, AP, CP, DP, GP, PP National Guitar Workshop: ECP, AP, DP, EP North American Music: CP, GP, PP, ST Pearl River Piano Group: CP, GP, SP, ST Peter Goetz & Associates: CP, GP, PP, ST Petrof USA: CP, GP, ST Piano Empire: upright pianos, CP, GP, ST Piano Technicians Guild: CP, GP, H, SP, ST Piano Wholesalers Intl.: GP, ST PianoBar: Piano Bar PianoDisc: PP PianoForce: PP Player Piano Co. Inc.: PP, RO Plus 24: keyboard mixer, EX Poppenberg & Associates: CP, PP, ST PureGold Teaching Tools: Teaching Materials QRS Music: GP, PP QRS Music Technologies: Verticle or Upright piano, GP, PP, ST QRS Music Technologies Inc.: player piano units, CP, GP, PP Renner U.S.A.: GP Rhythm Band Instruments, Inc.: DP, ECP Rodgers Instruments LLC: EO, PO Roland Corp. U.S.: AC, DP, EO, GP, H Ross Mallet Instruments, Inc.: CH SAP Music Professional: GP Samick Music Corp.: ECP, AP, CP, DP, GP, SP, ST Sauter Piano Manufacture: CP, GP, ST Schimmel Piano Co.: GP, ST Schoenhut Piano Company: Toy piano, GP, SP Starr Labs: Midi keyboard Steingraeber & Sohne Pianos: GP, ST Steinway & Sons: GP Stentor Music Company: AC Story & Clark Piano Co.: CP, GP, PP, ST Suzuki Music: AP, CP, DP, ECP, GP, PP, SP Syn-Cordion Musical Inst. Corp: AC TEI Electronics Inc.: AC, AP, CL, DP, EP, EO Takemoto Piano Co., Ltd.: CP, GP, PP, SP, ST The Music Link: AC, GP The Piano Group: CP, GP The Singing Machine Co.: ECP Tri-Con Music Group Inc.: CP, GP, ST Tropical Music Corp.: AC UV 111 Systems, Inc: UV Dryers and Guitar Repair Equipment

MAY 2009

product sources 45th annual supplier directory V.J. Rendano Wholesale Music: AC, AP, CH, EP, ECP Walter Piano Corp.: CP, GP, ST Weltmeister: AC Wessel, Nickel, & Gross: Piano action parts Wexler Music Co.: Cleaners Wyman Piano Company: CP, DP, EO, GP, PP, SP, ST XP Audio, Inc: Amplifiers Yamaha Corp. of America: AP, C, CH, CP, DP, EP, ECP, GP, PP, SP, ST Yamaha Corp. of America-Band & Orchestra Div.: C


AW Enterprises: Cases & covers Accordions & Keyboards: Sheet music Ace Products Group: Cases & covers Altieri Instrument Bags: Cases & covers American Guardian Protection I: Protective coating American Music & Sound: stands American Piano Supply Co.: Cases & covers Ametron Audio Video: Cases & covers Anvil Cases: Cases & covers Archives Music Writing Paper: Writing Paper Armadillo Enterprises: Stands, music racks Asian-American Mfg. Co., Inc.: stands Audio 2000’s/ H&F Technologies: Stands & benches BRTB Canada Inc.: Sound card BackAxe: Cases & covers Baldwin Piano & Organ Co.: Music Software Barcus-Berry: Pickups Best Products International In: Cleaning & maintenance Bradley Music Company: Keyboard instructional tools Bull Frog/MTS Products: Mixrak studio furniture C.B.I. (Caldwell Bennett Inc.): Cables Cadence Mfg. Inc.: Cases & covers California Music Distributors: Keyboard stands Calzone Case Co./Anvil Cases: Cases & covers Cases Inc.: Cases & covers Casio Inc.: Cases & covers Castiglione Accordion LLC: Cases & covers, Accordions Coast Music (Eastern Canada): Cases & covers Colorado Case Company, Inc.: Cases & covers Conquest Sound Inc.: Cables Consumer Electronics Corp.: Cases & covers Counterpoint Musical Services: Cleaning & polishing products Countryman Associates Inc.: D.I. Boxes Creative Bags and Cases Ltd: Cases & covers D’Andrea Inc.: chord computer DR Handmade Strings: Organ modules Dampp-Chaser Electronics Corp.: Piano climate control systems Davitt & Hanser Music Co.: Cases & covers Dealer Direct: Cases & covers Decals for Pianos: keyboard decals Direct Import Assistance Corporation: Cases & covers, stands, benches Downham Musical Instrument Sal: Cases & covers Cases & covers EMD Music Inc.: Cases & covers, Stands Ebtech: Line level shifter Ego Systems Inc: MIDI controller El Mar Corp.: Cases Elkhart Cases: Cases & covers Eminence Speaker: Speakers Excetylene Cables: Cables FRM Enterprises: Accordion parts Fort Stands & Cases: stands & benches Freed International Inc.: Cases & covers Full Discount Wholesalers: Cases & covers G & H Industries Inc.: Plugs & active cable GRK Mfg. Co.: Cases & covers, Piano Cover, Movers, Benches, Lamps GWW Group, Inc.: Cases & covers Gator Cases: Cases & covers Giardinelli: Cases & covers Gold Crest, Inc.: Lighting Grundorf Corp.: Cases & covers H & F Technologies Inc.: Stands

MAY 2009

Harris Teller Inc.: Cases & covers Have Inc.: Cables Herman Kluge GmbH & Co. KG: Keys for all acoustic key instruments Hineni Bags and Cases Co.: Cases & covers Holland Amplifiers: Cases & covers Horizon Music Inc.: MIDI cables Hosa Technology, Inc.: Cables House of Troy: Piano lamps Humes & Berg Mfg.Co. Inc.: Cases & covers Impact Industries Inc.: Cases & covers Joe Onofrio Piano Co.: Piano bar John Hornby Skewes & Co. Ltd.: Stands Jones-Fletcher Music Co. Inc.: Bags K and S Music: Cases & covers Kaman Music Corp.: Cases & covers KaySound Imports: Keyboard stands Kordex, Inc.: cable Korg USA Inc.: Cases & covers LM Products: Stands LPD Music International: Cases & covers Levy’s Leathers Ltd.: Cases & covers Littlite: Task lamps M&M Merchandisers Inc.: keyboard stands MBT International: Cases & covers MONO Cases LLC: Cases & covers MTS Products Corp.: Cases & covers Majecal Case Co./Caltron Pkg.: Cases & covers MidWest Music Dist.: Cases & covers Mighty Bright: Lights Molinari Industries: Cases & covers Mooradian Cover Company: Cases & covers Multi-Caisses Inc.: Cases & covers Music Agency Inc.: Cases & covers Music Dealers Resource Group, LLC: Cases & covers, Stands Music World Enterprises, Inc: Cases & covers Musicorp LLC: Cases & covers, adapters, cables, pedals, & cases Nielson/Sessions Hardware: Cases & covers Nordenholz Distributing Co. LTD: Stands Northwest Network: Cases & covers Opti-Case Inc.: Cases & covers Organmaster Shoes/ D & C Ind.: Organist shoes for pedaling Ozite A Foss Mfg. Co., LLC: Cases & covers Pacific Supply & Trading Co.: Cases & covers Paul L. Jansen & Son Inc.: Cases & covers Performance Plus: Keyboard stand Peterson Strobe Tuners: Tuner PianoDisc: Player Systems Pianomate Co.: Instant play Pianotek Supply Company: Piano Parts & Supplies Players Music Accessories: Polishing cloths Poppenberg & Associates: Benches Pro Tec International: Stands ProCases Inc.: Cases & covers Proel USA Inc.: Stands

PureGold Teaching Tools: Teaching Materials R & R Cases & Cabinets: Cases & covers Redland Music Products: Cleaning & Care Products Renner U.S.A.: Benches Retrospec, Inc.: Signal processing Ritter Outdoor Ltd.: Cases & covers Roadrunner Cases Inc.: Cases & covers Rocky Mountain Music: Cases & covers SH Enterprises: Cases & covers SKB Corp.: Cases & covers Schafer Bros. Piano Movers Inc: Piano moving Showcase Custom Cases, Inc.: Cases & covers Sitelite Technologies: Music stand light Slider Straps: Cases & covers Source Audio: Effects Spain Manufacturing CO.: Pedal Stabilizers Stage Magic Inc,: Cables String Swing Mfg. Inc.: display fixtures Sunlite Industrial Corp.: Keyboard Stand Syn-Cordion Musical Inst. Corp: Cases & covers TKL Products Corp.: Cases & covers The Enterprising Rabbit: Tempo Tape The Mapes Piano String Co.: Strings The Music Link: Cases & covers Toleeto Fasteners: Cord-Lox Tone King Corp.: Cases & covers Tropical Music Corp.: Cases & covers Truth Audio: Playback monitors U.S. Band & Orchestra Supplies: Cases & covers Ultimate Support Systems: Keyboard Stands & benches Unitec Products Corp.: Cases & covers Viking Cases: Cases & covers, Cases & covers WD Music Products: Cases & covers Walker Piano Service: Keytop replacement Walt Miklas Wholesale Music In: Cases & covers Wave Angle: Wireless Web Only Player piano discs Wessell, Nickel & Gross: Piano Parts & Piano Action Parts Westheimer Corp.: Cases & covers Wexler Music Co.: Creepnomore Whirlwind Music: Cables Wristies, Inc.: Practice & performance glove Wyman Piano Company: Piano Benches XL Specialty Percussion Inc.: Cases & covers Yamaha Corp. of America: Cases & covers Yamaha Corp. of America-Band & Orchestra Div.: Cases & covers Yorkville Sound Inc.: Amps & stands


Adam Hall Ltd: CB Adam International: CB, CN, D, F, FC, G, PL, RL, T Allen Products Co.: T American DJ Supply Inc.: intelligent lights, CB, CN, D, F, FC, G, PL, RL, T American Electronics Supply: CB, CN, D, F, FC, G, PL, RL, T

MMR 147

45th annual supplier directory product sources Lighting Equipment Listing Data Key: CB CN D F FC

Cable Controller Dimmer Filters Foot Controllers


Gels Par Lamp Rope Lamp Truss

Ametron Audio Video: CB, CN, D, F, FC, G, PL, RL, T Ampco Musical Products: CB, CN, D, F, FC, G, PL, RL, T Atlas Specialty Lighting: replacement lamps, G, PL Best Devices Co.: par ans, CN C.B.I. (Caldwell Bennett Inc.): CB Cal Switch: connectors, CB Chauvet Lighting: Inteligent Lighting LED, CB, CN, D, FC, G, PL, RL, T Cinemills Corp.: Various Cora & Peter Kuo Inc.: CB Counterpoint Musical Services: Piano Lamps Creative Stage Lighting Co.Inc: CB, CN, D, F, G, PL, T DJ Skirts: Appearance Products Dealer Direct: STANDS, T Downham Musical Instrument Sal: CB, CN, D, F, FC CB, CN, D, F, FC, G, PL, RL, T Dynamic Music Distributing: All except F Edirol: video mixers, CN Eleca International: T Full Discount Wholesalers: CB, CN, D, F, FC, G, PL, RL, T Gecko Enterprises: CB, CN, D, G, PL, RL, T Gepco International Inc.: CB Gold Crest, Inc.: Personal lighting Group One Ltd.: LED Harris Teller Inc.: CB, CN, D, F, FC, G, PL, T Have Inc.: Cables High End Systems Inc.: automated lighting, CN, F Holland Amplifiers: DN, CB, D, F Horizon Music Inc.: CB Hybrid Cases: Cases Imaja: Computer graphics Irradiant Inc.: Lighting, LED, lasers, speakers, T JAMM Distributing: CN, D, G, PL, RL Kaman Music Corp.: Light Stands LPD Music International: Lighting effects, CB, CN, FC, G, PL, RL LSS Laboratories: CB, CN, D, FC Leprecon/C.A.E. Inc.: Racks, CN, D Lightronics Inc.: CB, CN, D, FC, G, PL Littlite: Task lamps M&M Merchandisers Inc.: CB, D, G, PL MBT International: CB, CN, D, FC, G, PL, RL, T MBT Lighting and Sound: All MTS Products Corp.: Cases & covers Marketing Insights Inc.: replacement lighting, CB Mega Lite: LED Fixtures, CB, CN, T MidWest Music Dist.: T Mighty Bright: Lights Music Treasures Co.: PL Music World Enterprises, Inc: CB Musicorp LLC: CB, CN, D, F, FC, G, PL, RL, T Musiquip: PI, D, RL NSI Corporation: Fixtures, CN, D, FC Nady Systems Inc.: LED Pro Stage Lighting, CN, D New Haven Moving Equipment Cor: Rigging-straps and slings Omnisistem Lights & Effects: Lasers, CN, PL P.R.O. Manufacturing Co. Inc.: CN, FC, G, PL Packaged Lighting Systems Inc.: CB, CN, D, F, FC, G, PL, RL, T Penn Fabrication Inc.: staging, CB, G, PL, T Penn Industries: PL, T Plus 24: CB Powerwerks/HHI: Power supplies Pro Co Sound: CB Proel USA Inc.: T Rapco Cable: CB Roctronics: Lasers, CB, CN, D, F, FC, G, PL, RL, T St. Louis Music: CB, CN, D, F, FC, G, PL, LED lamps TEI Electronics Inc.: CB, CN, D, F, FC, G, PL, RL, T

148 MMR

The Music People: CB, CN, D, G, PL, T Times Square Lighting: CN, D, F, FC, G, PL, RL, T Tropical Music Corp.: PL Uni-Par Lighting Corp.: CB, CN, D, F, FC, G, RL, T Visual Effects Inc.: CN, D, FC, PL, RL, T Whirlwind Music: CB Yorkville Sound Inc.: CB, CN, D, F, FC, G, PL


AW Enterprises: Cases & covers Ace Products Group: Cases & covers Adam Hall Ltd: Stands, Cases & covers Adam International: Cases & covers American DJ Supply Inc.: Cases American Electronics Supply: Cases & covers American Guardian Protection I: Protective coating Ametron Audio Video: Cases & covers Ampco Musical Products: Cases & covers Anvil Cases: Cases & covers Audio 2000’s/ H&F Technologies: Stands BRTB Canada Inc.: AC Best Devices Co.: Stands Cadence Mfg. Inc.: Cases & covers Calzone Case Co./Anvil Cases: Cases & covers Case Xtreme: Cases & covers Cases Inc.: Cases & covers Cool Music Inc.: Flash Pins Cora & Peter Kuo Inc.: Lighting stands Creative Bags and Cases Ltd: Cases & covers Creative Stage Lighting Co.Inc: Cases & covers DJ Skirts: Appearance Products Downham Musical Instrument Sal: Cases * covers Cases & covers Dynamic Music Distributing: Cases & covers EMD Music Inc.: Stands Erikson Pro Audio: lights Farley’s Essentials: clip on light Flight Form Cases Inc.: Cases & covers Full Discount Wholesalers: Cases & covers GWW Group, Inc.: Cases & covers Gator Cases: Cases & covers Gold Crest, Inc.: Personal lighting Grundorf Corp.: Cases & covers HSA: Rolltop desks Harris Teller Inc.: Cases & covers Hineni Bags and Cases Co.: Cases & covers Holland Amplifiers: Cases & covers Humes & Berg Mfg.Co. Inc.: Cases & covers IBC Trading Ltd.: Cases & covers Imaja: Computer graphics Impact Industries Inc.: Cases & covers LPD Music International: Cases & covers MBT International: Cases & covers MBT Lighting and Sound: Cases & covers MONO Cases LLC: Cases & covers MTS Products Corp.: Cases & covers Majecal Case Co./Caltron Pkg.: Cses & Covers Mighty Bright: Lights Molinari Industries: Cases & covers Multi-Caisses Inc.: Cases & covers Musicorp LLC: Cases & covers NSI Corporation: Fixtures New Haven Moving Equipment Cor: Rigging-straps and slings Nielson/Sessions Hardware: Cases & covers Odyssey Innovative Designs: Cases & covers Opti-Case Inc.: Cases & covers Ozite A Foss Mfg. Co., LLC: Cases & covers Pacific Supply & Trading Co.: Cases & covers Penn Fabrication Inc.: Couplers Power Lung: Breathing Performance Enhancer Pro Tec International: Cases & covers ProCases Inc.: Cases & covers Proel USA Inc.: Stands Quinco Inc.: Electric wire cover R & R Cases & Cabinets: Cases & covers Reliable Hardware Co.: Cases & covers Ritter Outdoor Ltd.: Cases & covers Roadrunner Cases Inc.: Cases & covers

Robe America: Cases & covers SKB Corp.: Cases & covers Showcase Custom Cases, Inc.: Cases & covers Sitelite Technologies: Music stand light Slider Straps: Cases & covers Stage Ninja: Cables Toleeto Fasteners: Cord-Lox Tough Traveler LTD: Cases & covers Ultimate Support Systems: Lighting Trees stands Uni-Par Lighting Corp.: Cases & covers Unitec Products Corp.: Cases & covers Viking Cases: Cases & covers Walt Miklas Wholesale Music In: Cases & covers Yorkville Sound Inc.: Cases & covers


Brushes Bass Drum Cymbal Concertina Drumhead Drumkit Drumkit Hardware Drum Machine Drumshell Drumstick Electronic Perc Harmonica Hand Perc. Jaw Harp Kit Drum Latin Drum

LDH Latin Drumhead LS Latin Stand M Mallet MB Marimba MC Microphone MD Marching Drum MMPMarching Mallet Perc. PP Practice Pads & Kits SB Stick Bags SD Snare Drum T Timpani TH Timpani Head TP Thumb Piano VB Vibraphone XL Xylophone

Ac-Cetera Inc.: Mic placement holders Acappella Drum: DST, B, HP, M, PP Adam International: DKH, B, C, DM, DH, DK, M, MC, PP, SD, SB, T African American Drum Co.: DKH, BD, B, DK, HP, MD, SD, SB African Rhythm Traders: DS, HP Airlogic Percussion: DKH Alesis/Numark/Akai: DM, EP All One Tribe Drum: HP Alternate Mode, Inc.: MMP, EP, M, MMP, MB, VB, XL American Designs Inc.: MC American Drum: DST, M American Plating & Mfg. Co.: MD American Recorder Technologies, Inc.: Drum Rug Ametron Audio Video: MC Ampco Musical Products: DST, B, DH, M, PP, SB Applied Microphone Technology: MC Aquarian: Cymbal Springs, DH, DST, PP, SB Ashton Music: DKH, DK, DST, MC, PP Asian-American Mfg. Co., Inc.: DKH, CN, C, DH, DK, HM, JH, LD, LS, MC, PP, SD Australian Originals: Didgeridoo Avant Electronics: MC Avedis Zildjian Co.: DST, B, C, M Avedis Zildjian Co.: B, C, DST, SB Avlex Corp: MC, MC Ayotte Drums Inc.: DKH, BD, C, DH, DK, KD, SD B & J Music Ltd.: DKH, AC, C, DH, DK, HP, HM, JH, LD, LS, PP, SB B.Rad Percussion: M, PP Baltimore Drum USA: DKH, BD, DK, KD, SD Basix Percussion USA: Padded Bags, BD, C, DKH, DK, HP, SD Beato: BG, C Beijing Deyong Musical Instruments Co.: BD, C, DM, DH, DKH, DK, DS, DST, HP, HM, KD, LD, LDH, LS, MD, MMP, MB, PP, SB, VB, XL Big Bang Distribution: DST, B, DM, M, PP, SB Black Swamp Percussion: Tambourines, HP, M, SD, SB Bosphorus Cymbals: C Bridgecraft USA Inc.: Marching drums, DK, HP, KD, LD, SD, T Brown Distributing Co.: AC, CN Buddy Rich Drum Co.: DST, KD, PP, SD, SB California Music Distributors: HP, SB

MAY 2009

product sources 45th annual supplier directory Cana-Sonic by Ancris: Drumheads Cappello Music Co./Traps Drums: DK, EP, MD Carbonlite Products: DKH Casa Veerkamp SA de CV: BD, B, CN, C, DM, DH, DK, DST, EP, HP, LD, LDH, LS, M, MD, MMP, MB, PP, SD, TH, T, VB, XL Casablanca: HP Cases Inc.: Cases & covers Catania Folk Instruments Inc.: bamboo drum, HP, M, MB, TP Cecilio Musical Instruments: DK Chesbro Music Company: BD, B, C, DH, DKH, DK, DS, DST, HP, HM, JH, KD, LD, LDH, LS, M, MMP, MC, PP, SD, SB Cleveland Musical Instruments: DKH, C, HP, SD, T Coast Music (Eastern Canada): DKH, BD, B, C, DH, DK, DS, HP, HM, KD, LD, LS, M Coffin Case: SB Conn-Selmer, Inc.: DKH, BD, B, DH, DK, KD, LD, LS, M, MD, MB, PP, SB Cora & Peter Kuo Inc.: LDH, BD, B, C, DH, DK, DS, HP, KD, LD, LS, M, SD Countryman Associates Inc.: MP Cripple Creek Dulcimers: XL CruzTOOLS Inc.: Drum Key Custom Music Co.: M, MB, VB, XL D’Addario & Co.: LDH, DH, PP D’Addario Canada: DST, B, DH, HP, HM, LD, M, PP, SB, TH DEG Music Products Inc.: BD, DH, MD, MMP, MB, MC, PP, SD, SB, T, VB, XL Danmar: DKH, HP Davitt & Hanser Music Co.: DKH, BD, B, CN, C, DH, DK, HP, HM, JH, KD, M, MC Dealer Direct: DKH, CN, C, DH, DK, HP, HM, JH, LD, LS, MC, PP, SD Diggit: PP Direct Import Assistance Corporation: SB Direct Music Supply: DKH, BD, B, DH, DK, DS, HP, KD, LD, LS, M, MD Downham Musical Instrument Sal: BD, B, CN, C, DM, DH, DKH, DK, DS, DST, HP, JH, KD, LD, LDH, LS, M, MD, MMP, MC, PP, SD, SB ddrum: BD, C, DH, DKH, DK, DS, EP, KD, SD, SB Drum Axis: SB Drum Tech: Tuning System, DKH, EP Drum Workshop Inc.: DKH, DK, PP, SD Drum-A-Long: DK, KD, PP, SD DKH, BD, B, CN, C, DM, DH, DK, DS, EP, HP, HM, JH, KD Drumspan/K.J. Music: All Duplex Percussion: B, C, HP, JH, LD, LS, M Dynamic Music Distributing: DKH, B, C, DH, DK, HP, HM, KD, M, MC, PP, SD, SB E-Pad Enterprises: DST, PP EMD Music Inc.: DST, HP, LD, LS, M, MMP, MC, PP, SB Educational Music Accessories: PP Emmite Drumsticks: DST Encore Mallets Inc.: DST, M European Crafts/USA: DKH, BD, B, CN, C, DH, DK, EP, HP, HM, JH, KD Everyone’s Drumming: DH, HP F.E. Olds and Son Inc.: MMP, DK, M FBT USA Inc.: Hand-made Snare Drums, SD FXpansion USA, Inc.: EP Fall Creek Marimbas: tuning and repair, MB, VB, XL Fancy Pans Steel Drums and Per: MMP, M Fat Congas: Congas Fender Musical Instruments Corporation: C, DKH, DK, DST, HP, LD, LS Fibes Drum Co.: DK, KD, SD Fiddle Factory: one-man band First Act Inc.: DST, BD, C, DK, HP, HM, MC, SD Fishman Transducers, Inc.: Drum triggers Fred Gretsch Enterprises: DK, DK, SD Fredrico Percussion: Frottoir, HP, LD GMS Drum Co. Inc.: DKH, BD, DK, DS, KD, SD Gary Castelluccio & Associates: C, DKH, DK, DST, SB Giardinelli: DKH DST, BD, B, CN, C, DH, DK, HP, HM, KD, M, MB, MC Grover Musical Products: DKH, C, M, MD, PP Grover Pro Percussion: DST, BD, B, DK, M, MB, SD, SB, T, VB, XL

MAY 2009

H & F Technologies Inc.: Drum Stand HQ Percussion Products: PP HSS Division of Hohner: DKH, BD, C, DK, HP, SD, XL Halifax & Co. (PVT) Ltd.: DST, C, DH, HP, KD, LD Hanser Music Group: B, C, DH, DKH, DK, DST, HP, JH, M, MC, PP, SB Harris Musical Products Inc.: DST, B, C, HP, M, SB Harris Teller Inc.: DKH, BD, B, CN, C, DM, DH, DKH, DK, DS, DST, EP, HP, HM, JH, KD, LD, LDH, LS, M, MD, MMP, MB, MC, PP, SD, SB, TP, TH, T Hobgoblin-Stoney End: HP Hohner, Inc.: Orff, BD, B, CN, C, DH, DKH, DK, DS, DST, EP, HP, KD, LD, LDH, MB, MC, PP, SD, SB, VB, XL Hoshino (USA) Inc.: DKH, DKH, DK Hot Sticks Manufacturing: DST Humes & Berg Mfg.Co. Inc.: SB IBC Trading Ltd.: BD, B, CN, C, DM, DH, DKH, DK, DS, DST, EP, HP, HM, JH, KD, LD, LDH, LS, MD, MMP, MC, PP, SD, SB, TP, TH, T, VB, XL Ideal Musical Merchandise Co: AC, CN, JH Impact Industries Inc.: DKH, BD, DKH, DK, DS, KD, M, MD, MMP, SD, SB Innovative Percussion: DST, M, PP, SB Istanbul Agop Cymbals America: C JAMM Distributing: MC JTG of Nashville: Percussion for children Jamtown: Marimba, HP Jemm Company: PP John Hornby Skewes & Co. Ltd.: DKH, BD, B, C, DH, DKH, DK, DST, HP, JH, LD, M, MC, PP, SD, SB, XL Jopo Music Inc.: DST Jupiter Band Instruments, Inc.: BD, M, MD, MMP, MB, T, VB, XL K and S Music: BD, B, CN, C, DM, DH, DKH, DK, DS, DST, EP, HP, HM, JH, KD, LD, LDH, LS, M, MD, MMP, MB, MC, PP, SD, SB, TP, TH, T, VB, XL K.H.S. Musical Instrument Co.: , BD, B, C, DH, DKH, DK, DST, HP, HM, M, MD, MMP, PP, SD, SB, T, VB, XL KC Music Supply LLC: DST, JH, MC, SB Kaman Music Corp.: DKH, BD, B, CN, C, DH, DKH, DK, DST, EP, HP, JH, KD, LD, LDH, LS, M, MD, MMP, MC, PP, SD, SB, TH, XL Kat/Alternate Mode Inc.: EP Kay Guitar Co.: Harmonica access., HM Keller Products Inc.: DS, DS Kelly Concepts, LLC: DKH Kent Drum Distributing Co.: DKH, BD, B, CN, C, DM, DH, DKH, DK, DS, DST, EP, HP, HM, JH, KD, LD, LDH, LS, M, MD, MMP, MB, MC, PP, SD, SB, TP, TH, VB, XL LJ Hutchen Corporation: books, DK LP-Latin Percussion: LDH, HP, LD, LS, SB, TP LPD Music International: DKH, BD, B, CN, C, DH, DKH, DK, DST, HP, HM, JH, LD, LS, M, MMP, MC, PP, SD, SB Lark In The Morning: DH, HP, HM, JH, LD, M, MB, TP, XL Lawton Percussion: HP Leedy Drums: DKH, BD, DH, DK, SD Los Cabos Drumsticks: B, DST, M, PP Lucinda Ellison Musical Instru: EP, HP, TP Ludwig Musser Percussion: DKH, BD, B, DH, DK, DS, KD, M, MD, MB, PP, SD, SB

Ludwig/Musser Percussion: BD, B, DH, DKH, DK, DS, DST, KD, M, MD, MMP, MB, PP, SD, SB, TH, T, VB, XL Luma Prime (SlapStik): DST MBT International: DKH, BD, B, C, DM, DH, DK, HP, HM, JH, M, MD, MC MIDC Limited: DH MMB Music Inc.: Orff Instruments MONO Cases LLC: Cases & covers, SB MRP Drums: DKH, BD, DK, DS, KD, LD Majestic Percussion: BD, T Malletech: Glockenspiel, M, MB, SB, XL Mapex USA Inc.: DKH, DH, DKH, DK, DST, KD, MD, SD May Intl. Drums Mics: MC Meinl USA: LDH, C, HP, LD, LDH, LS, SB Merano Musical Instruments: HM Mid-East Mfg. Inc.: DH, HP MidWest Music Dist.: DKH, BD, B, C, DH, DK, HP, HM, JH, KD, LD, LS, M Mighty Bright: Lights Mike Balter Mallets, LLC: Chimes & Gongs, BD, B, C, M, MMP, MB, SB, T, VB, XL Molinari Industries: LDH, LD, LS Morgan Hill Music: C, DST Motherland Rhythm*Art Inc.: African percussion, DS, HP, MC, TP, XL Mountain Rhythm: LDH, C, DK, DST, HP, LD, LDH, LS, MC, SD Music Agency Inc.: BD, CN, C, DH, DKH, DK, HP, MD, XL Music Dealers Resource Group, LLC: DKH, DK, PP, SD Music Treasures Co.: DST, C, HP, HM, JH, M, MC, SD, SB, XL Music World Enterprises, Inc: DKH, BD, B, CN, C, DM, DH, DK, DS, EP, HP, HM, JH, KD Musicorp LLC: BD, B, C, DM, DH, DKH, DK, DS, DST, EP, HP, HM, JH, KD, LD, LS, M, MD, MMP, MC, PP, SD, SB Musiquip: DK., BD, B, CN, DH NEMC: MMP, BD, C, DK, HP, MD, MB, SD, T, VB, XL National Educational Music Co.: MMP, BD, C, DK, HP, MD, MB, SD, T, VB, XL National Guitar Workshop: D, BD, B, C, DH, HP, HM, MC, SD Noble & Cooley Co.: BD, DK, SD Northwest Network: DKH, BD, B, C, DH, DK, HP, LD, PP, SD, SB On the Wall Productions, Inc.: Novelty ties, HP On2 Marketing Inc.: B, M, SB Overseas Connection: African drums, DH, HP P & D Wholesale: DKH, BD, B, C, DH, DK, DST, HP, KD, LD, LDH, M, MD, MMP, PP, SD, SB, TH, T PJLA Music Products: DH, KD, PP Pacific Digital: DKH, DM, DH, DK, EP, PP Pacific Drums & Percussion: DKH, DK, PP, SD Paiste America Inc.: gongs, C, M Panyard Inc.: Steel Drums, HP, M, MMP Peace Musical Co. LLC: DKH, BD, B, C, DH, DK, HP, LD, MC, PP, SD Pearl Corporation: DKH, BD, CN, C, DH, DK, DS, HP, KD, LD, LS, M, MD, MB

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45th annual supplier directory product sources Peavey Electronics Corp.: DKH, BD, C, DK, MC, SD Performance Plus: DKH, C, DK, MC, SD Peripole-Bergerault Inc.: Orff percussion, HP, M, MB, VB, XL Pete Engelhart Percussion: HP Petosa Accordions Inc.: AC, CN Pintech USA, Inc.: BD, C, DH, DKH, DK, EP, PP, SD Players Music Accessories: DST Plus 24: DM, EP, MC Power Group LTD: DH, DKH, DK, DST, MC Power Wrist Builders: Practice Drumsticks, Drumsticks, DST, PP, SB Precision Drum Co.: DKH, BD, C, DH, DK, DS, HP, KD, LD, MD, SD Premier Music International LTD: BD, DH, DKH, DK, DS, KD, M, MMP, MB, PP, SD, TH, T, VB, XL Premier Percussion: DKH, BD, B, DH, DK, DS, KD, M, MD, MB, PP, SD, SB Premier Percussion USA Inc.: DKH, BD, B, DH, DK, DS, KD, M, MD, MB, PP, SD Pro-Mark Corp.: B, DST, M, MMP, PP, SD, SB Proel USA Inc.: DKH, DK PureGold Teaching Tools: Rhythm Flash Cards Puresound: MD, SD RS Berkley Instruments: BD, SD Regal Tip/Calato: DST, B, DST, M, PP, SB Remo Inc.: DKH, BD, DH, DK, DS, HP, KD, LD, LS, SD, TH Rhythm Band Instruments, Inc.: HP, M, XL Rhythm Tech: HP, LD, PP Rhythmic Magic: Learning tools, PP Rhythms Exotic Afro Percussion: BD, DST, HP, M, SD, TP Rimshot: DST Robokey USA: Speedy Drum Key Roc-N-Soc Inc.: Drum Thrones Rock Hard Inc.: Drum Keys Roland Corp. U.S.: EP Ron Vaughn: Percussion Hardware, Blocks, Key Chimes,B, DKH, DS, DST, HP, LD, M, MMP, SB Ross Mallet Instruments, Inc.: MB, VB, XL Royce ProCussion: DKH, BD, C, DK, DS, LD, SD SH Enterprises: DST, M, SB SHS International: MC Sabian Ltd.: CB Saga Musical Instruments: Bodhran-Irish drum, CN, DH Salwender International: HP Samson Technologies Corp.: MC Scott’s Highland Services Ltd.: DST, BD, DH, HP, MD, PP, SD Silver Fox Percussion Inc.: DST, M Slapstik: B, DST, HP Slider Straps: SB Slug Percussion Products: DK DKH, DH Sonor Drums/HSS: DKH, BD, C, DH, DK, MB, PP, SD, SB, TH, T, VB, XL Spaun Drum Co.: DKH, DK, SD Spectrasound Percussion: HP Square Drum Company LLC: BD, DK, DS, MD, MMP, PP, SD St. Louis Music: B, BD, C, CN, DH, DK, DKH, DST, HM, HP, JH, KD, LD, LDH, LS, M, MC, MD, MMP, PP, SB, SD, TH Starr Labs: Midi percussion Stedman Corporation: MC Stentor Music Company: Bodhrans, SD Sunlite Industrial Corp.: BD, C, DH, DKH, DK, DS, DST, HP, KD, LDH, M, MD, PP, SD Surfcity Music: DKH, BD, B, CN, C, DH, DK, DS, KD, LD, MD, PP Suzuki Music: HP, HM, M, MC, T, XL Synergy House: Tabala (Indian), DST TEI Electronics Inc.: DKH, BD, B, CN, C, DM, DH, DK, DS, EP, HP, HM, JH, KD TRX Cymbals Inc.: C Talwar Brothers: Castanets Taos Drums: DST, BD, DH, DK, HP Taye Inc.: DH, DKH, DK, DS, DST, KD, MD The Music Link: DKH, BD, CN, C, DH, DKH, DK, HP, HM, LD, PP, SD, SB The Ohio Timpani Company: T The Point Technologies: DKH

150 MMR

Thunder Drums: American Indian, BD, DH, DK, DS, HP Timba Inc.: HP, LD, LS Timeless Instruments: Bodhran Todaro’s Music: Bombo Legiero Tone King Corp.: DKH, AC, B, CN, DH, DK, HP, HM, JH, KD, LD, M, MC Tony Corona Wholesale: DKH, AC, BD, B, CN, C, DM, DH, DK, DS, EP, HP, HM Tough Traveler LTD: Custom Bags, SB Treeworks Chimes: Chimes, HP Trick Percussion Products: BD, DKH, DK, DS, SD Trophy Music Co.: DST, B, C, HP, HM, JH, LD, M, MD, SB Tropical Music Corp.: DKH, BD, C, DH, DK, EP, KD Trueline Drumsticks: DST Tycoon Percussion: HP U.S. Band & Orchestra Supplies: BD, B, CN, C, DM, DH, DKH, DK, DST, EP, HP, JH, LD, MD, MMP, PP, SD, SB, TH UV 111 Systems, Inc: UV Dryers and Guitar Repair Equipement Udu Drum: Hand percussion Unigrip 2000: DST, B, M, SB United Sales Agents(USA)/Drum: DST V.J. Rendano Wholesale Music: BD, B, CN, C, DM, DH, DKH, DS, MD, MC Vaughncraft Percussion: DS, HP, M Veri-Sonic: DST, B, M, SB Veritas Instrument Rental Inc.: BD, DK, SD Vic Firth, Inc.: Practice Pads, BD, B, DST, M, MMP, PP, SB Walkabout Inc.: marching MIDI percussion, EP, MD Walt Miklas Wholesale Music In: DKH, BD, B, C, DK, PP, SD, SB Walton’s Irish Music: bodhran drum, HP Weltmeister: HM Westheimer Corp.: BD, C, DK, SD Wexler Music Co.: DST, M, SB Working Musician Products: DST WorldMax USA: Drummer Supplies, SD XL Specialty Percussion Inc.: Marching Accessories, C, MD, MMP Xcel Drumsticks: DST Yamaha Corp. of America: MMP, BD, B, C, DH, DKH, DK, DST, EP, HP, KD, MD, MB, PP, SD, SB, TH, T, VB, XL Yamaha Corp. of America-Band & Orchestra Div.: Concert Bells, BD, B, DH, DST, HP, M, MD, MMP, MB, PP, SD, SB, TH, T, VB, XL Yuta Musical Inc.: DKH, AC, BD, B, CN, C, DH, DK, HP, HM, JH, LD Zendrum Corp.: Drum controllers


AW Enterprises: Cases & covers Ac-Cetera Inc.: Mic placement holders Ace Products Group: Cases & covers Adam Hall Ltd: Cases & covers Adam International: Cases & covers African American Drum Co.: Cases & covers All One Tribe Drum: Cases Alternate Mode, Inc.: Cases & covers Altieri Instrument Bags: Cases & covers American Guardian Protection I: Protective coating American Piano Supply Co.: Tipani felt Ametron Audio Video: Cases & covers Anvil Cases: Cases & covers Ashton Music: Cases & covers Audio 2000’s/ H&F Technologies: Racks Avant Electronics: Drum clamps Avedis Zildjian Co.: Cases & covers Avedis Zildjian Co.: Cases & covers Ayotte Drums Inc.: Cases & covers B & J Music Ltd.: Replacement parts/hardware Barcus-Berry: Pickups Basix Percussion USA: Cases & covers Beijing Deyong Musical Instruments Co.: Cases & covers Big Bang Distribution: Cases & covers Black Swamp Percussion: Cases & covers Blade Guitars: Cases & covers Bryan Enterprises Inc.: Cases C.B.I. (Caldwell Bennett Inc.): Cables California Music Distributors: Gig bags Calzone Case Co./Anvil Cases: Cases & covers

Cappello Music Co./Traps Drums: Cases & covers Case Xtreme: Cases & covers Cavallaro Case Co.: World percussion carrying bags Chesbro Music Company: Cases & covers Coast Music (Eastern Canada): Cases & covers Coffin Case: Cases & covers Colorado Case Company, Inc.: Cases & covers Conn-Selmer, Inc.: Cases & covers Connolly Music Company, Inc.: Stands Cora & Peter Kuo Inc.: Cases & covers Creative Bags and Cases Ltd: Cases & covers D’Addario & Co.: Drum keys, patches D’Andrea Inc.: Care products DEG Music Products Inc.: Cases & covers Danmar: All accessories for DK & smaller hardware Davitt & Hanser Music Co.: Cases & covers Diggit: Stickweights Direct Import Assistance Corporation: Cases & covers Direct Music Supply: Cases & covers Downham Musical Instrument Sal: Cases & covers Drum Axis: Drum Rugs Drum Tech: Drum Tuning System Cases & covers Drumnetics Company: Bass drum pedal Dynamic Music Distributing: Cases & covers E-Pad Enterprises: Practice Pads EMD Music Inc.: Cases & covers El Mar Corp.: Cases Elkhart Cases: Cases & covers European Crafts/USA: Cases & covers Everyone’s Drumming: Bells FDW - Worldwide: MC Fancy Pans Steel Drums and Per: Cases & covers Fatpro Technologies: Pro Audio Accessories Fingerweights LLC: Fingerweights Flight Form Cases Inc.: Cases & covers GWW Group, Inc.: Cases & covers Gary Castelluccio & Associates: Cases & covers Gator Cases: Cases & covers Giardinelli: Cases & covers Gold Crest, Inc.: Lighting Gracie Stands: Cymbal Stand Apparel, Collectibles & Accessories Grover Musical Products: Tension roos Grundorf Corp.: Cases & covers H & F Technologies Inc.: Stands Hamilton Stands Inc.: Stands Harris Musical Products Inc.: Bags, Stick, & Cymbal Harris Teller Inc.: Cases & covers Have Inc.: Mics Hineni Bags and Cases Co.: Cases & covers Hohner, Inc.: Cases & covers Holland Amplifiers: Cases & covers Holz LTD: bass drum porthole reinforcement Humes & Berg Mfg.Co. Inc.: Cases & covers Hybrid Cases: Cases & covers IBC Trading Ltd.: Cases & covers Impact Industries Inc.: Cases & covers John Hornby Skewes & Co. Ltd.: Cases & covers Jones-Fletcher Music Co. Inc.: Bags K & K Sound Systems Inc.: Vibraphone amplification syst. K and S Music: Cases & covers K.H.S. Musical Instrument Co.: Cases & covers Kaman Music Corp.: Cases & covers Kelly Concepts, LLC: Mic Mounting Systems LJ Hutchen Corporation: Cases & covers LP-Latin Percussion: Cases & covers LPD Music International: Cases & covers Leathertone Inc.: Plastic drum coverings Levy’s Leathers Ltd.: Cases & covers Ludwig Musser Percussion: Cases & covers Ludwig/Musser Percussion: Cases & covers M&M Merchandisers Inc.: Cases & covers MBT International: Cases & covers MONO Cases LLC: Cases & covers MRP Drums: Bass drum pedals MTS Products Corp.: Cases & covers Majecal Case Co./Caltron Pkg.: Cases for all Percussion Malletech: Cases & covers

MAY 2009

product sources 45th annual supplier directory Meinl USA: Cases & covers MidWest Music Dist.: Cases & covers Mighty Bright: Lights Mike Balter Mallets, LLC: Cases & covers Mike Balter Mallets, LLC: Cases & covers Molinari Industries: Cases & covers Motherland Rhythm*Art Inc.: Cases & covers Multi-Caisses Inc.: Cases & covers Music Agency Inc.: Cases & covers Music Dealers Resource Group, LLC: Cases & covers Musicorp LLC: Cases & covers NEMC: Cases & covers National Educational Music Co.: Cases & covers Neotech: Djembe Harness Strap Nielson/Sessions Hardware: Cases & covers Northwest Network: Cases & covers OnBoard Research Corp.: Rhytmic analyzers Opti-Case Inc.: Cases & covers Ozite A Foss Mfg. Co., LLC: Cases & covers P & D Wholesale: Cases & covers PJLA Music Products: Stick bags Pacific Drums & Percussion: Cases & covers Pacific Supply & Trading Co.: Cases & covers Panyard Inc.: Cases & covers Pearl Corporation: Cases & covers Performance Plus: Cymbal bags Perri’s Leathers Ltd.: Cases & covers Personal Cooling Concepts LLC: Personal cooling system for drummers Pete Engelhart Percussion: Crashers Peterson Strobe Tuners: Tuner Players Music Accessories: Maintenance kits Power Group LTD: Cases & covers Power Lung: Marching Fitness Power Wrist Builders: Practice sticks Premier Percussion: Cases & covers Pro Tec International: Cases & covers

MAY 2009

ProCases Inc.: Cases & covers Proel USA Inc.: Bags Puresound: Snare wires R & R Cases & Cabinets: Cases & covers RS Berkley Instruments: Cases & covers Randall May International Inc.: Marching carriers Redland Music Products: Cleaning & Care Products Retrospec, Inc.: Signal processing Reunion Blues: Cases & covers Rhythm Tech: Mountain clamps Rhythms Exotic Afro Percussion: Cases & covers Ritter Outdoor Ltd.: Cases & covers Roadrunner Cases Inc.: Cases & covers Ron Vaughn: Cases & covers Royce ProCussion: Cases & covers SH Enterprises: Cases & covers SKB Corp.: Cases & covers Sabine: Tuners/Metronomes Saga Musical Instruments: Cases & covers Scott’s Highland Services Ltd.: Cases & covers Shadow Electronics of America: Triggers Showcase Custom Cases, Inc.: Cases & covers Sitelite Technologies: Music stand light Slider Straps: Cases Slug Percussion Products: Felts Sonic Industries Inc.: Cymbal tone enhancers Spectrasound Percussion: Cases & covers for Mark Trees St. Louis Music: Cases & Covers String Swing Mfg. Inc.: Display fixtures Sunlite Industrial Corp.: Cases & covers Surfcity Music: Cases & covers TEI Electronics Inc.: Cases & covers TKL Products Corp.: Cases & covers Talwar Brothers: Gig bags, Cases & covers The Accordion Exchange: Button boxes The Music Link: Cases & covers The Point Technologies: Double bass drum pedals

Tone King Corp.: Cases & covers Tony Corona Wholesale: Cases & covers Toot & Hoot Didgeridoos: Cases & covers Tough Traveler LTD: Cases & covers Treeworks Chimes: Chime Cases Trick Percussion Products: Polish Tropical Music Corp.: Cases & covers U.S. Band & Orchestra Supplies: Cases & covers Unigrip 2000: Cases & covers Unitec Products Corp.: Cases & covers United Sales Agents(USA)/Drum: Drum cases Viking Cases: Cases & covers, Cases & covers Walkabout Inc.: Electric percussion carrier systems Walt Miklas Wholesale Music In: Cases & covers Westheimer Corp.: Cases & covers Wexler Music Co.: cases Whiskey Ridge Productions: Drum key Wristies, Inc.: Practice & performance glove XL Specialty Percussion Inc.: Cases & covers, Marching Carriers Yamaha Corp. of America: Cases & covers Yamaha Corp. of America-Band & Orchestra Div.: Cases & covers Yuta Musical Inc.: Cases & covers; all accessories

PUBLICATIONS, VIDEOS & RECORDINGS 12 Tone Music Publishing: DVD/instructional, IH, M, VI A.D.G. Productions: IH, M AMA USA Music Publishers: IH, M Acoustic Guitar: MPF, IH, M, MC Acoustic Musician: IH African Rhythm Traders: West African cds, E, VI Alfred Music Publishing: CF, E, IR, IH, M, MPF, MC, PPF, PS, VC, VI Allcanplay Piano Music: IH, M Allen Audio Inc.: IR, IH, M, VC, VI Allen Organ Co.: MPF, CF, IR, IH, VC, VI

MMR 151

45th annual supplier directory product sources Publications & Videos Listing Data Key: CF E IH IR M

Classical Folio Ethnic Consumer Publ. Instructional/How-To Inspirational/ Religious Method

MC Musician-Oriented MPF Mixed Pop Folio PPF Personality Pop Folio PS Pop Sheet Music VC Video Cassette; Other VI Video/Instructional

Ancott Associates: Keyboard product directory Android Originals LC: Guitar Artwork Antique Electronic Supply: VC Asian-American Mfg. Co., Inc.: IH, M, VC, VI Audio Amateur Corp.: Manuals (Tubes), IH Australian Originals: IH, VI Baldwin Piano & Organ Co.: benefits of Music material, VC Bass Player Magazine: MC Bilger Products: CF, VI Black Squirrel Music,Inc.: CF, IR Blue Book Publications Inc.: Guitar Reference Values (pricing) Bourne Company: Sheet music Breezy Ridge Instruments Ltd.: VI Breitkopf & Hartel: Music publishers Brookside Press: IH, MC C.F. Peters Corporation: CF, M California Music Distributors: MPF, CF, IH, M, MC, PS, VC, VI Carl Fischer LLC: CF, E, IR, IH, M, PS, VI Carlin Music Publishing Co.: Band and orchestral Music Carousel Publications Ltd.: E, IH, M Casa Talamantes: VI Casa Veerkamp SA de CV: IH, M, MPF, MC, PPF, PS, VI Casablanca: E Castalia Publications: Educational posters Centerstream Publications: E, IR, IH, MC, VC, VI Chapin Publishing: Drum methods Charles Colin Music: M for brass & jazz, IH Cherry Lane Music Co. Inc.: Educational, IH, MC Chesbro Music Company: CF, IR, IH, M, MPF, PPF, PS, VI Close Marketing: Guitar Methods Cougar Steel Guitar Inc.: IH Country Heritage: Resonator Guitar Publications and Recordings, IH, VC, VI Creative Concepts Publishing C: CP, E, IR, IH, M, PS DEG Music Products Inc.: IH, M, VI David E. Smith Publications, LLC: IR, IH, M, M Davitt & Hanser Music Co.: IH, M, VC, VI Dealer Direct: IH, M, VI Dover Publications Inc.: orchestra scores, CF Downham Musical Instrument Sal: IR, M, MC, PPF, PS, VI Drum-A-Long: IH, M MPF, CF, E, IR, IH, M, MC, PS, VC, VI Drumspan/K.J. Music: All Ducks Deluxe: IH Dynamic Music Distributing: VI Edition HAS Music Publishing: M, MC Educational Programs Pub.: CF, IH, M Edwards Music Publishing: IH, M, VC, VI Electro-Harmonix: VI Electro-Voice Inc.: Ev Electronic Musician Magazine: IH, MC, VC, VI eMedia Music: IH, M, VC, VI Eric Bolvin Music: Song Books, CF, E, M, MPF Ernest Deffner Inc.: Accordion Music, CF, E, IR, IH, M, MPF, PPF, PS Everyone’s Drumming: E, IH, VI Fender Musical Instruments Corporation: FrontLine, IH Fingerweights LLC: Fingerweights Video Frederick Harris Music Co.: IH, M Gagner Guitar Publications: IH Giardinelli: IH, M Gold Crest, Inc.: Lighting Green Monster Music: IH, VC, VI Guitar Player: MC Guitar World Magazine: MC HaMaR Percussion Publications: CF, M

152 MMR

Hal Leonard Corp.: MPF, CF, E, IR, IH, M, MC, PS, VC, VI Hanser Music Group: IH, M, VI Harris Teller Inc.: MPF, CF, E, IR, IH, M, MPF, MC, PPF, PS, VC, VI Heilman Music: CF, MC High Note Studios Inc.: M Holland Amplifiers: PS Homespun Tapes Ltd.: IH, VC, VI Hudson Music: IH, VI, VI Humes & Berg Mfg.Co. Inc.: CF IK Multimedia: IH, VI iNet Technologies, LLP: Web page developement Innovative Percussion: CF, M International Harps & Music: CF Interworld Music & Video: E, IH, M, VC, VI JR Publications: IH, M JTG of Nashville: Musical publications for children Jack Spratt Woodwind Shop: IH Jamey Aebersold Jazz Aids: Jazz Play-a-longs, IH, M, VI Jamtown: IH, VI JazzTimes Magazine Inc.: MC Jeffers Handbell Supply Inc.: Relate to Handbells John Hornby Skewes & Co. Ltd.: VI John Pearse Strings: IH, VI Juan Orozco Ltd., Inc.: CF Kaman Music Corp.: VI Kendor Music Inc.: CF, IH, M Kent Drum Distributing Co.: Drum Books Keyboard Magazine: MC Koala Publications: E, IH, M, VC, VI Kradl Inc.: IH, VI LPD Music International: E, IH, M, VI La Bella Strings: La Lark In The Morning: E, IH, M Latham Music Ltd.: All for strings, CF, IR, PS Ludwig Music Publishing Co.: CF, IH, M Lyon & Healy: Sheet music M & M Distributing Co.: VC, VI M&M Merchandisers Inc.: IH, PS, VI MI Media LLC: MC MMB Music Inc.: CF, IH, MC MMO Music Group Inc.: jazz CDs, CF, IH, M Marcinkiewicz Co. Inc.: IH Marimba Productions Inc.: Concert percussion sheet music and recordings, M Master Works Dulcimers: Folk Instrument Instructional Materials, IH Mayfair Music Publications: PPF, CF, E, IH, M, PS Mel Bay Publications Inc.: CF, E, IR, IH, M, MPF, MC, PPF, PS, VC, VI Meredith Music Publications: IH, IH, M, M, MC Mid-East Mfg. Inc.: E MidWest Music Dist.: IH Mighty Bright: Lights Mix Magazine: IH, VC, VI Music For Percussion: Ensemble Percussion Music Maestro: KS Music Magazine Publishers Assn: music magazines, MC Music Minus One/Pocket Songs: IH, KS Music Sales Group: DVD, CF, E, IR, IH, M, MPF, MC, PPF, PS, VC, VI Music Treasures Co.: IH, M, VI Music-Search: Print Music Musicorp LLC: IH, M, MPF, MC, PS, VC, VI Musicparts UK & Pollard Trumpets: CF, IR, IH, M, MPF, MC, PPF, PS, VI National Guitar Workshop: IH, VI Neil A. Kjos Music Co.: CF, E, IR, IH, M, MC Northwest Network: IH, M On the Wall Productions, Inc.: Animusic DVD Orion Research: Blue Books Oxford University Press: CF, E, IR, IH, M, MC Paiste America Inc.: VI Panyard Inc.: IH, PS, VC, VI Peavey Electronics: M Per-Mus Publications, LLC: Percussion Solos & Ensembles, CF, IR, IH, M Piano Press: supplementary, CF, E, IR, IH, MPF, PS, VC PianoDisc: Player Piano Software & Videos

Pierce Piano Atlas & Decals: piano atlas PlayinTime Productions, Inc.: PPF, E, IH, M, MC, VI Power Lung: Practice Training Premier Guitar: IH, MC, VC, VI PureGold Teaching Tools: teaching tools, M Randy Potter, RPT: piano tuning instruction, IH, VI Recording Industry Sourcebook: directory guide, MC Remo Inc.: VI Resource Publications Inc.: Music directory Rhythm Band Instruments, Inc.: IH, VI Rock House: musical instruction on DVD, IH, M, VI Roctronics: Stage Lighting Video Ron Greene’s Music Dials: IH, M SMG, Inc: IH, M, MC, VI Santorella Publications Ltd.: DVD’s, CF, E, IR, IH, M, MPF, PPF, PS, VC, VI Scott’s Highland Services Ltd.: E, IH Shawnee Press Inc.: choral, E, IR, IH, M Sher Music Co.: Jazz Fake Books, IH, M, MPF, VI Southern Music Co.: MPF, CF, E, IR, IH, M, MC, PS, VC, VI Spratt Music Publishers: CF, IR, IH, M St. Louis Music: M Steve Clayton Inc.: Chord charts Stick Enterprises Inc.: IH, M, VC, VI String Letter Publishing: M, MC, VC, VI Strings Magazine: CF, MC Strum-N-Comfort Picking Systems: Book, CD & Crossover Pick, IH, M Sweet Pipes Inc.: Recorder, IH, M Syn-Cordion Musical Inst. Corp: IH, VC, VI Tara Publications: IR The Adolph Agency, Inc: IR, IH, MC, VI The Enterprising Rabbit: CF The Lorenz Corporation: CF, IR, IH, M The Magic Fluke Co., LLC: MPF, IH, M, VI The Music Link: IH, VI The Music Sales Group: MPF, CF, E, IR, IH, M, MC, PS, VC, VI The Original Swab Co.: IH, VI Theodore Presser Co.: CF, E, IR, IH, M Tone King Corp.: E, IH, M, VI Tony Corona Wholesale: VB, VC, VI Tornavoz Music: CF, IH, MPF, MC, VC, VI Tough Traveler LTD: Music Bags & Music Backpacks Trillenium Music Co.: Wind chamber music, CF, CF, IR, M U.S. Regulation Bugle: M Udu Drum: for UDU product only, IH United Entertainment: MC Velke Publishing Co.: CF, IH, M, MC Vintage Guitar Magazine: MC Walt Miklas Wholesale Music In: M Walton’s Irish Music: E, IH, M, VI Warner Bros. Publications: MPF, CF, E, IR, IH, M, PS, VI Watch & Learn Inc.: DVD-instructional, IH, M, VC, VI Web Only IR, IH, M, MPF, VI Wexler Music Co.: VI Willis Music Company: CF, IR, IH, M, MC, VI Windplayer Publications: IH, VI Working Musician Products: MC Zaja Musical Products, LLC: Instructional tapes, CF, IH, M Zimmermann/Lienau USA out of business: CF, IH, M


AMA USA Music Publishers: CD’s w/books Bradley Music Company: Bradley’s “”Music Rule”” C.F. Peters Corporation: Choral octavos Edition HAS Music Publishing: IH Gold Crest, Inc.: Book Light Hal Leonard Corp.: reference books Jody Jazz: IH, M, VI Kendor Music Inc.: Jazz Ensemble, String Orchestra LP-Latin Percussion: Books Latham Music Ltd.: Demo recording only Ludwig Music Publishing Co.: Clssical Sheet Music Lyon & Healy: Music Mighty Bright: Lights Power Lung: Breathing Training, Voice 7 instrument training Remo Inc.: DVD Play-along with instruments Superscope Technologies Inc.: Cases & covers

MAY 2009

product sources Torres Engineering: Tube amp books Tough Traveler LTD: Video Bags Trillenium Music Co.: Teaching materials Velke Publishing Co.: School music oriented Viking Cases: Cases Wexler Music Co.: Instrument maintenance DVDs

RECORDING EQUIPMENT Recording Equipment Listing Data Key: C4 C8 C16 CB HP MN MP MS MX

4-track recorder 8 track recorder 16-track recorder Cable Headphone Monitor Microphone Mic Stand Mixer

OE Outboard Effect OR4 Open reel 4-track recorder OR8 Open reel 8-trackrecorder OR16 Open reel 16-track recorder PB Patch Bay SZ Synchronizer

A Designs L.L.C.: MP, OE AMEK: MX ARS Electronics: MP Ac-Cetera Inc.: Mic placements holders and goosenecks Accutronics/Sound Enhancements: Reverb Adam Hall Ltd: MS, MX Adam International: MP Alesis/Numark/Akai: CD, MX, OE Allen Organ Co.: Allen Audio Ambrosonics, LLC: MP3 Recording Guitars American Designs Inc.: MP American Electronics Supply: C16, C4, MS, MP, MX, OE, PB, SZ American Music & Sound: RS, MP American Pro 2 Co.: MS, MP, MX American Recorder Technologies, Inc.: CB, MS, MP Ametron Audio Video: C16, C4, MS, MP, MX, OE, PB Amphenol Audio Products: CB Amplivox Sound Systems: MS Antares Audio Technologies: OE, RS Aphex Systems: OE Apogee Electronics Corporation: Audio Converters/ Interfaces, CB, DR, MP Applied Microphone Technology: Microphone Preamp, MP Applied Research & Technology: preamplifiers, OE Ashly Audio Inc.: MX Asian-American Mfg. Co., Inc.: MI, MS Astatic Microphones: MS, MP Atlas Sound: mic stands Audio 2000’s/ H&F Technologies: CB, MS, MP Audio Toys Inc.: studio rack equipment, MX Audio-Technica U.S., Inc.: HP, MP Audix Corp.: MP Avalon Design: MP, OE Avant Electronics: reference monitors, MP Avlex Corp: MI, HP, CB, MS, MX, OE Azden Corp.: MI B & J Music Ltd.: MS, MP Bag End Loudspeakers: MN Bass Player Magazine: C16, C4, MS, MP, MX, OE Behringer USA, Inc.: HP, MN, MP, MX, OE, PB, RS Best Devices Co.: Power conditioner Beyerdynamic: signal processer, MS, MP Bias Inc.: RS Blue Microphones: CB, MS, MP Burtek Systems (U.S.A.) Inc.: MX C-Audio USA: MX CAD Professional Microphones: MP Cakewalk, Inc.: CB, DR, RS Cal Switch: PB California Music Distributors: MS Casa Veerkamp SA de CV: DR, RS Chesbro Music Company: HP, CB, MS, MP Coffin Case: Cases & covers Connolly Music Company, Inc.: MS Conquest Sound Inc.: direct boxes, PB Countryman Associates Inc.: MP DEG Music Products Inc.: MMN, MP, MX

MAY 2009

DOD/DigiTech: Harmony processors DPA Microphones: MP DW Labs: Preamps, MX Dana B. Goods: MN Danish Pro Audio/TGI North Ame: MP Dat Store: C16, C4, MP, MX, OE, PB, SZ Davitt & Hanser Music Co.: C16, C4, MS, MP, MX, OE, PB Dealer Direct: MI, MS, MP, MX Demeter Amplification: LM, SI, MP, OE Denon DJ: CD, MX Digital Audio Labs: C16 Direct Sound Headphones: HP Discrete Drums: RS Downham Musical Instrument Sal: MS, MX CD, MS, MP, MX, OE, PB Dynamic Music Distributing: C16, C4, MS, MP, MX, OE, PB E-mu Systems Inc.: DAW EMD Music Inc.: MI, MS, MP Earthworks, Inc.: Microphone Preamp, MP Ebtech: Recording problem solvers Edirol: DR, MX Electro-Harmonix: CB, MP, MP, OE Electro-Voice Inc.: MP, OE Erikson Music: DR, MS, MX FBT USA Inc.: HP, MX FDW - Worldwide: CB, MS, MP FXpansion USA, Inc.: RS Fatpro Technologies: di’s, phanton power, MX Fleco Corp.: MP Fostex Corp.: C16, C4, MP, MX, PB Furman Sound Inc.: MN (Headphone systems), PB Galaxy Audio: MN, MP Gary Castelluccio & Associates: CB, MS, MP, MX, RS Gem Sound Corp.: MI, MX, OE Gold Line Connector: Equalizer Green Dot Audio: custom cables, PB Groove Tubes: Microphone Preamp, MP Group One Ltd.: MN, MX Grundorf Corp.: Cases & Racks H & F Technologies Inc.: MI, MS H.A.Z. Laboratories: OE HHB USA: CD, MP, MX, OE Hanser Music Group: HP, MS, MP, MX Harris Teller Inc.: CD, CB, MS, MP, MX, OE, PB Have Inc.: HP, MI, MS, PB, CB, MX, PB Heil Sound Ltd.: MP Hohner, Inc.: MS, MP Holland Amplifiers: CL6, C4, MS, MP, OE, PB Homebrew Electronics: OE Horizon Music Inc.: PB Hosa Technology, Inc.: Direct box, MS, PB Hybrid Cases: Cases IK Multimedia: USB Interfaces, CB Independent Audio LLC: MS, MP, MX, OE, PB, SZ Isobooth Com: Isolation booth sound room JAMM Distributing: C16, C4, MS, MP, MX JBL Professional: MN Jamey Aebersold Jazz Aids: CD John Hornby Skewes & Co. Ltd.: Headphone, CB, MS, MP Kaman Music Corp.: CD, MP, MS Kent Drum Distributing Co.: HP, MS Klark Teknik: OE Korg Canada: C16, C4, OE Korg USA Inc.: DR Korg USA Inc.: C16 LPD Music International: HP, CB, MS, MP, MX, OE, PB Latch Lake Music Products: Stand accessories, MS Lexicon Inc.: OE Littlite: Task lamps Lynx Studio Technology: Digital audio converters M-Audio: HP, MN, MP, MX, OE MIDC Limited: CB MMS Inc.: MP MSR: Acoustic Treatment MXL Microphones: CB, MP, MP Mackie Designs Inc.: Hard Disk Recorder, MX Manley Laboratories,Inc.: MS, MP, MX, OE Mark of the Unicorn Inc.: SZ

Breaking News

Find it in the Hot News section of MMR’s Web site, MMR 153

45th annual supplier directory product sources Marshall Electronics, Inc.: MI Mediaform, Inc.: CD Microboards Technology LLC: HP, CD Microsonic: HP MidWest Music Dist.: MI, MS Midas: XL-42 pre-amp, MX Mighty Bright: Lights Millenia Media Inc.: MP, OE Mojave Audio: MI, MP Moog Music: OE Muse Research, Inc.: OE Music World Enterprises, Inc: MS, MP, MX, OE, PB Musical Distributors Group: HP, MN, CD, CW, DR, MP, MX, OE, RS Musicorp LLC: CD, CB, MS, MP, MX, OE, PB Nady Systems Inc.: HP, MN, CB, MS, MP, MX, OE, PB National Guitar Workshop: CD Neumann/USA: MI, MP Neutrik USA Inc.: PB OVO Systems: AM, SP, SPE, SW, CB Opcode: SZ Otari Corp. of America: C16, C4, MX Peavey Electronics: MS, MP, MX, OE Peavey Electronics Corp.: MI, MP, MX, OE Penny & Giles Inc.: faders & potentioneters, PB Performance Plus: MS Phoenix Audio LLC: MP, MX, OE Phonic America: MX, OE Plus 24: DR, MP, MX, OE, PB Power Group LTD: CB, MS, MP Power Technology: OE Pro Co Sound: CB Proel USA Inc.: MS QRS Music: Piano optical recording equip. RSP Technologies: MX Radial Engineering: direct boxes, MP Rapco Cable: Cables, PB Retrospec, Inc.: OE Richardson Electronics Ltd.: C4, MS, MP, MX Ritter Outdoor Ltd.: MP Rivera Research & Development: direct box (tube), OE Roland Corp. U.S.: HP, MI, MN, MS, MX Royer Labs: MP SHS International: MS, MP, MX Samson Technologies Corp.: DR, MS, MP, MX, PB Sascom Marketing Group: OE Sennheiser Elec Corp: HP, CD, MP Sescom Inc.: transformers Shaker Microphone, Inc.: MP Shure Incorporated: MI, MS, MP, MX Slider Straps: MS Sonic Distribution USA: Headphone, Acoustic Treatment, MP Sonorus Inc.: A/D & D/A converters Sony Electronics: HP, Portable Recorders, MS, MP Sound Construction: Mixing desk Sound Tech International: Analog to Digital Converter Soundscape Digital Tech.: Digital audio workstation St. Louis Music: CB, HP, MI, MS, PB Starkey Laboratories: HP Stedman Corporation: MP Steinberg North America: RS Steptime Ware: RS Studiomaster Inc: MP, MX, OE Summit Audio Inc.: MP, MX, OE Superscope Technologies: 2 track recorders/CD recorders, C4 Superscope Technologies Inc.: Tape decks, CD T.C. Electronic Inc.: OE TC/US: Monitor, OE, RS TEAC Professional Division: C16, C4, MX, PB, SZ TEI Electronics Inc.: C16, C4, MS, MP, MX, OE Tascam: MX, RS Tech 21: OE The Music Link: MI, MS The Music People: C16, C4, MS, MP, MX, OE, PB Thinkware: MP, MX Tone King Corp.: MS, MP Tough Traveler LTD: Custom Bags

154 MMR

Transaudio Group: MN, AD/DA Converter , CB, MP, MP, MX, OE Trax Distributors: MS Tripp Lite: Surge Suppressors Tropical Music Corp.: C16, C4, MS, MX, PB, SZ U.S. Band & Orchestra Supplies: MS Ultrasone Inc.: Headphone Amplifiers Vocal Booths Wave Distribution: DR, OE Whirlwind Music: CB, PB WhisperRoom Inc.: Sound Rooms X-Tempo Designs, LLC: Pedal, Wireless DAW Remote Control Yamaha Corp. of America: DR, HP, MN, MX, OE, RS Yorkville Sound Inc.: MS, MP Z Right Stuff: Z-Bar amp miking bracket


AW Enterprises: Cases & covers Ac-Cetera Inc.: Mic placement holders and goosenecks Ace Products Group: Cases & covers Acoustics First Corp.: Acoustical materials Adam Hall Ltd: Stands, Cases & covers Allen Products Co.: Equipment stands Ambrosonics, LLC: DSP, P3/USB Recording Preamps American Electronics Supply: Cases & covers American Guardian Protection I: Protective coating American Recorder Technologies, Inc.: Monitor Stands Ametron Audio Video: Cases & covers Anvil Cases: Cases & covers Applied Microphone Technology: Studio, Beltpack, “w”ireless series microphones Auralex Acoustics: Acoustic foam products Avant Electronics: Mic shock mounts, pop filters B & J Music Ltd.: Cases & covers BRTB Canada Inc.: CB CGM Music: Racks Cadence Mfg. Inc.: Cases & covers Calzone Case Co./Anvil Cases: Cases & covers Case Xtreme: Cases & covers Cases Inc.: Cases & covers Conquest Sound Inc.: Back panel systems Creative Bags and Cases Ltd: Cases & covers Downham Musical Instrument Sal: Cases & covers Cases & covers E.T.I. Sound Systems Inc.: Cases & covers Eminence Speaker: Speakers Flight Form Cases Inc.: Cases & covers G & H Industries Inc.: 1/4”” & TT plugs GCI Technologies: Digital Field Recorders, Studio Monitors GWW Group, Inc.: Cases & covers Gator Cases: Cases & covers Gold Crest, Inc.: Lighting Goshen Case Co./MTS Products: Cases & covers HSA: Rolltop desks Harris Teller Inc.: Cases & covers Have Inc.: Cables Hineni Bags and Cases Co.: Cases & covers Humes & Berg Mfg.Co. Inc.: Cases & covers Illbruck Acoustics: Acoustical materials Impact Industries Inc.: Cases & covers J.T. Custom Guitar Shop: Pickguards JPS Labs: Cables Kelly Concepts, LLC: Mic Mounting Systems Littlite: Task lamps MONO Cases LLC: Cases & covers MSR: Acoustic Treatment MTS Products Corp.: Cases & covers Majecal Case Co./Caltron Pkg.: Cases & covers Metric Halo Laboratories: Processing & measurement software Mighty Bright: Lights Molinari Industries: Cases & covers Multi-Caisses Inc.: Cases & covers Musical Distributors Group: Cases & covers Nielson/Sessions Hardware: Cases & covers North American Pro Audio: Recording consoles

Odyssey Innovative Designs: Cases & covers Olsen Audio Group/Wind Tech: Studio “”pop”” filters Opti-Case Inc.: Cases & covers Ozite A Foss Mfg. Co., LLC: Cases & covers Pacific Supply & Trading Co.: Cases & covers Peavey Electronics Corp.: Cases & covers Peterson Strobe Tuners: Tuner Powerwerks/HHI: Power supplies Pro Tec International: Cases & covers ProCases Inc.: Cases & covers Quinco Inc.: Cable cover R & R Cases & Cabinets: Cases & covers RPG Diffusor Systems: Acoustical panels RSP Technologies: Surround encoding/decoding Raxxess Metalsmiths: Isoraxx Reliable Hardware Co.: Hardware Retrospec, Inc.: Compressor Roadrunner Cases Inc.: Cases & covers SKB Corp.: Cases & covers SeaSound: Hard disk recording interface Showcase Custom Cases, Inc.: Cases & covers Slider Straps: Cases Sonex Acoustical Prod.Div/Illb: Acoustical materials Sony Electronics: Cases & covers Sound Construction: Studio furniture Steinberg North America: Controllers, IO String Swing Mfg. Inc.: Display fixtures TKL Products Corp.: Cases & covers Toleeto Fasteners: Cord-Lox Tone King Corp.: Cases & covers Tough Traveler LTD: Case & Covers Tropical Music Corp.: Cases & covers Tube Works, Div. Genz Benz E: Tube direct box U.S. Band & Orchestra Supplies: Cases & covers Ultimate Support Systems: Monitor stands, mic stands Ultrasone Inc.: Headphones Unitec Products Corp.: Cases Viking Cases: Cases & covers Walt Miklas Wholesale Music In: Cases & covers Wave Angle: Wireless Wexler Music Co.: Lighting WhisperRoom Inc.: Sound Rooms X Wire Corp.: Wireless X-Tempo Designs, LLC: Pedal, Wireless DAW Remote Control

SOUND EQUIPMENT Sound Reinforcement Listing Data Key: AM CB CE DL EG FP HP LM MP MS MX

Amplifier Cable Chorus Effect Delay Expander Gate Flanger/Phaser Headphone Limiter Microphone Mic Stand Mixer

NM Noise Level Meter PC Pitch Change Device PD Pedal SE Special Effect SI Signal Processor SM Stage Monitor SP Speaker SPC Speaker Cone SPE Speaker Enclosure TR Transducer

A Brown Soun Inc: SW, SPE, SP, SM A-Line Acoustics: SW, AM, SPE, SM A3 Audio LLC: SW, SP, SM AER - USA: SW, SPE, SM AKG Acoustics: HP, MP, MX, SI ALTO: EP, SW, AM, LM, MS, MP, MX, SI, SPC, SPE, SP, SM AMEK: mic preamplifier, LM, MX APA Audio Group International: intercom, HP, MP, MX APB-DynaSonics: MX ARK International: AM, MP, MX, SP ARS Electronics: SPC, AM, MP, SP AST: SPC, SP, TR Ac-Cetera Inc.: Wired goosenecks AccuGroove: SPE Accutronics/Sound Enhancements: Reverb Ace Products Group: CB, HP Acoustic Control: SPE, AM, MX, SI, SP, SM

MAY 2009

product sources 45th annual supplier directory Acoustic Musician: AM, MP, MX Acoustical Solutions Inc.: Acoustical Materials Acoustical Surfaces: Acoustical materials Acoustics First Corp.: Acoustical materials Acoustone Corporation: Grille cloth Actodyne General Inc.: SPE, AM Adam International: AM, CB, CE, DL, HP, MS, MP, MX, PD, SP, SE, TR Aguilar Amplification LLC: Effects Processor, AM, SI, SPE Alctron Electronics Co.: CB, HP, MS, MP, SPC, SP Alesis/Numark/Akai: EP, AM, HP, MP, MX, SI, SP All-Test Devices Corp.: pickups Allen Audio Inc.: SPE, DL, EG, LM, MX, SI, SM Allen Products Co.: Speaker mounts & rigging Altec Lansing: AM, LM, MX, SI, SP, SM American DJ Supply Inc.: AM, HP, MS, MP, MX, SP American Designs Inc.: MP American Electronics Supply: SPC, AM, CB, CE, DL, EG, HP, LM, MP, MX, NM, SI, SP American Pro 2 Co.: HP, MS, MP, MX American Recorder Technologies, Inc.: CB, MP Ametron Audio Video: AM, CB, DL, EG, FP, HP, LM, MS, MP, MX, NM, PD, SI, SE Ampco Musical Products: SPE, AM, CB, MP, MX, SI, SM Amphenol Audio Products: Connectors, CB Amplified Design International: E.Q.’S, AM, SI Antares Audio Technologies: PC, SI, SE Antique Electronic Supply: SPC, AM, SP, SE Aphex Systems: EG, LM, SI Applied Microphone Technology: MP Applied Research & Technology: CE, DL, EG, FP, LM, PC, SI, SE Ashly Audio Inc.: AM, LM, MX, SI Ashton Music: EP, AM, CB, HP, MP, MX, PD, SP Asian-American Mfg. Co., Inc.: EP, AM, CB, HP, MS, MP, PD, SI, SE, TR Aspen & Associates: Accessories

Astatic Microphones: MS, MP Atlas Sound: mic stands, SP Audio 2000’s/ H&F Technologies: EP, AM, CB, HP, LM, MS, MP, MX, PC, SP, SE, SM Audio Control Industrial: AM, SI Audio Toys Inc.: MX, SI Audio-Technica U.S., Inc.: CB, CB, HP, HP, MP, MP Audiolight: SPE Audix Corp.: MP Avant Electronics: Mic pop filters, shock mounts, MP, SP Aviom, Inc.: MX Avlex Corp: EP, CB, HP, LM, MS, MP, MX, SP Azden Corp.: HP, MP, SP B & J Music Ltd.: AM, CB, CE, DL, EG, FP, HP, LM, MS, MP, MX, PD, SP, SE, SMB-52 Pro: SPE, AM, SP, SM, TR B-52 Professional: SW, AM, MX, SPE, SP, SM, TR BBE Sound Inc.: SI BGW Systems: AM, SP BRTB Canada Inc.: CB BSS Audio U.S.A.: AM, DL, EG, LM, NM, SI BST America: CD, AM, MP, SP, SE Bag End Loudspeakers: SPC, AM, SI, SPC, SPE, SP, SM, TR Barbera Transducer: Tranducers Barbetta Electronics: SW, AM, SPE, SP Barcus-Berry: Preamp, TR Bass Player Magazine: AM, CB, CE, DL, EG, FP, HP, LM, MS, MP, MX, NM, PD, SI, SP Behringer USA, Inc.: EP, SW, AM, HP, LM, MP, MX, SI, SP, SE, SM Best Devices Co.: Power conditioners Beyerdynamic: HP, MS, MP Biamp Systems: AM, DL, LM, MX, SI Biema: SW, AM, CB, SPE, SP Big Bang Distribution: HP Blue Book Publications Inc.: SPE, AM Blue Microphones: MP Boomerang Musical Products: SE

Bose Corporation: Speakers Bridgecraft USA Inc.: AM Bryston Vermont Ltd.: Amplifiers Bull Frog/MTS Products: SPC, SP, SM Burtek Systems (U.S.A.) Inc.: equalizers, AM, MX C-Audio USA: AM C.B.I. (Caldwell Bennett Inc.): CB CAD Professional Microphones: MP CAP Audio Professional Corp.: SPE, AM, SP, SM CE Distribution LLC: SP, SP CGM Music: SPE, AM, MS, MP, MX, SM CTS/Wireless Components Div.: SP Cal Switch: connectors, CB California Music Distributors: MS Carver Corporation: Amplifiers Carvin Mfg. Co.: Pro sound Castiglione Accordion LLC: AM, HP, MS, MX Celestion: SPE, SP, SM Cerwin-Vega: SP, SM Chesbro Music Company: CB, HP, MS, MP Codel Enterprises: AM Community Professional Loudspeakers: SW, SP, SM Conquest Sound Inc.: snakes, CB Contact Distribution Ltd.: All Cora & Peter Kuo Inc.: AM, CB, CE, DL, FP, MS, MP, PD Countryman Associates Inc.: MP Crest Audio Inc./Crest Console: EP, AM, LM, MX, SI, SP, SE, SM, TR Crown International: AM, MP Cruise Audio Systems Inc.: SPE, AM D’Addario & Co.: CB D’Addario Canada: EP, AM, CB, MP, PD, SE, TR D’Andrea Inc.: CB DEG Music Products Inc.: SW, AM, SP DJ Skirts: Appearance Products DOD/DigiTech: SPE, AM, CE, DL, FP, PD, PC, SI, SE DPA Microphones: MP




150 W EST 22ND STREET, 2ND FLOOR NEW YORK , NY 10011 T EL 212-675-5050 • FAX 212-989-9275 Celebrating Our 55th Year MAY 2009

MMR 155

45th annual supplier directory product sources DW Labs: PD, SI Daedalus Cabinets: SPE, SP, SM Dana B. Goods: MP Danish Pro Audio/TGI North Ame: MP Dat Store: HP, MP, MX David Gage String Instrument R: Transducer for acoustic bass, TR Davitt & Hanser Music Co.: AM, CB, CE, DL, EG, FP, HP, LM, MS, MP, MX, NM, PD, SP, SM Dealer Direct: EP, AM, CB, HP, MS, MP, MX, PD, SI, SP, SE, TR Dean Musical Instruments: AM Denon DJ: HP, MX DiMarzio Inc.: CB Digital Designs International: SPC, SP, TR Direct Import Assistance Corporation: MS Direct Sound Headphones: HP Downham Musical Instrument Sal: EP, LV, SW, AM, CB, HP, MS, MP, NM, PD, PC, SI, SP, SE, SM EP, AM, CB, HP, LM, MS, MP, MX, NM, PD, PC, SI, SE, SM Dynamic Music Distributing: AM, CB, CE, DL, EG, FP, LM, MS, MP, MX, SI, SP, SE, SM E.T.I. Sound Systems Inc.: SPE, SP, SM, TR EMD Music Inc.: Speaker Stands, AM, CB, HP, MS, MP, SP EPM Corp.: Acoustic guitar pickups and electronics, TR Earthworks, Inc.: AM, MP, SI Ebtech: Sound reinforcement problem solvers Edirol: MX Edward Amplification: SPE, AM Egnater Custom Amplifiers: AM Ego Systems Inc: SW, CB, SP Eleca International: AM, CB, CE, DL, HP, MS, MP, MX, PD, SP Electro-Harmonix: EP, LM, PD, SPC Electro-Voice Inc.: SPC, AM, DL, EG, FP, LM, MP, MX, SI, SP, SE, SM, TR Elliott Electronics: SPE, SP Eminence Speaker: SW, SP, TR Epifani Custom Sound Systems: SPE Epiphone Guitar Co.: AM Erikson Music: SW, CB, MS, MP, MX, SI, SP Erikson Pro Audio: EP, LM, MX, SI, SP Ernest Deffner Inc.: AM, CB, MP, SP Eventide: SI Excetylene Cables: CB FBT USA Inc.: SW, Powered Speakers, Line Arrays, AM, HP, MP, MX, MX, SPE, SP FDW - Worldwide: CB, MS, MP Fatpro Technologies: MX Fender Musical Instruments Corporation: AM, MS, MP, MX, PD, SM First Act Inc.: AM, CB Fishman Acoustic Amplification: EP, AM, PD, TR Fleco Corp.: AM, MP, SI, SP Fort Stands & Cases: MS Freed International Inc.: AM, CB, MP, MX, SP Fuchs Audio Technology: AM Full Discount Wholesalers: AM, CB, DL, EG, HP, LM, MS, MP, MX, NM, PC, SI, SP, SE, SM Furman Sound Inc.: SI Furman Sound, LLC.: Power Conditioners, SI Future Sonics: personal monitors, HP, TR Galaxy Audio: MP, NM, SP, SM Gallien-Krueger Inc.: AM, SPE, SP Gary Castelluccio & Associates: TN, AM, CB, HP, LM, MS, MP, MX, SPE, SM Gecko Enterprises: AM Gem Sound Corp.: EP, AM, CB, HP, LM, MP, MX, PC, SI, SP, SE, SM Genz Benz Enclosures Inc.: SPE George L’s Musical Products: CB Gepco International Inc.: CB Gibson Musical Instruments: AM Gig-Fx Inc.: EP, CB, PD, SI Gold Line Connector: RTA’s, NM Grizzly Industrial Inc.: AM Group One Ltd.: AM, SW, SPC Grundorf Corp.: SW, MS, SPE, SP, SM

156 MMR

H & F Technologies Inc.: EP, AM, CB, HP, MS, MP, MX, PC, SI, SP, SE H.A.Z. Laboratories: EP, PD, SI, SE HHB USA: EP, AM, LM, MX, SI Hammond Suzuki USA Inc.: Speakers Hanser Music Group: SW, AM, HP, MS, MP, MX, SPE, SP, SM Harbro Corp./Lineartech Audio: dual DC Player, AM, MP, MX, SP, SE Harris Musical Products Inc.: AM Harris Teller Inc.: EP, AM, CB, HP, LM, MS, MP, MX, NM, PD, PC, SI, SPC, SPE, SP, SE, SM, TR Have Inc.: AM, CB, HP, MS, MP Heet Sound Products: Electronic bow for guitar Heil Sound Ltd.: MS, MP Highlander Musical Audio Products: MX Hohner, Inc.: AM, MS, MP Holland Amplifiers: CE DL, AM, CB, FP, HP, MS, MX, PD, SP Homebrew Electronics: EP, PD Horizon Music Inc.: CB, SP, SM Hosa Technology, Inc.: CB, HP, MS Hughes & Kettner Inc.: SPE, AM, SP Hybrid Cases: Cases I.C.E. Industries: CB, HP, PD IBC Trading Ltd.: SW, AM, CB, HP, LM, MS, MP, MX, NM, PD, SPC, SPE, SP, SE, SM, TR ISP Technologies, LLC: SW, Line Arrays, AM, PD, SPE, SP, SM Image Communications: SP Isobooth Com: Isolation vocal booth sound room JAMM Distributing: AM, CE, DL, EG, FP, HP, LM, MS, MP, MX, SP JBL Professional: SW, SP, SM JT Musical Inc.: CB JoMama Music, LLC: AM, SP John Hornby Skewes & Co. Ltd.: AM, CB, CE, DL, HP, MS, MP, PD, SP, SM K & K Sound Systems Inc.: pre amp, MP, TR K and S Music: AM, CB KC Music Supply LLC: EP, AM, CB, MS, MP, PD, TR Kaman Music Corp.: SPE, AM, CB, HP, MS, MP, MX, PD, SPE Kay Guitar Co.: AM Kayline Processing Inc.: SPE Klark Teknik: SI Klear Audio Design: EG, LM, SI, SM Klipsch Professional: SPC, SP, SM, TR Korg USA Inc.: EP, LM, PD Kustom Amplifications: SPE, AM, MP, MX, SM L & L Sales Co. Inc.: CB L.R. Baggs: AM, TR LPD Music International: EP, SW, AM, CB, HP, LM, MS, MP, MX, PD, SI, SP, SE, SM, TR Lasar Music Corp: AM Latch Lake Music Products: Stand accessories, MS Lexicon Inc.: AM, CE, DL, EG, FP, PD, PC, SI, SP, SE Lindert Guitars Inc.: AM Line 6: AM Lothson Guitars: Amplifier & pedal Lynx Studio Technology: Digital audio convertes M-Audio: HP, MP, MX MBT International: EP, AM, CB, HP, MS, MP, MX, PD, SP, SM, TR MBT Lighting and Sound: EP, AM, CB, HP, MS, MP, MX, SP, SE, SM MIDC Limited: CB MMS Inc.: MP MSR: Acoustic Treatment MTX: SPE, MX, SP, SM, TR Mackie Designs Inc.: AM, MX, SP Marathon Professional: EP, SW, AM, CB, HP, LM, MS, MP, MX, SI, SP, SM Marshall Amplification: AM, CE, PD, SE Marshall Electronics, Inc.: MP Martin Audio Limited: SPC, AM, SP, SM, TR Martin Professional: AM, SP, SM Metric Halo Laboratories: Multichannel firewire based audio interface, EG, LM, NM, SI

Microboards Technology LLC: HP, MX Microsonic: HP, SM MidWest Music Dist.: MS, MP Midas: MX Mighty Bright: Lights Molinari Industries: Cases & covers Monsound SRL: SW, AM, MS, MP, MX, SP, SM Morley/Sound Enhancements Inc.: PD Multi-Caisses Inc.: Cases Muse Research, Inc.: SI Music Dealers Resource Group, LLC: AM, MS Music Products Group: SPE, AM, SP Music World Enterprises, Inc: EP, AM, CB, HP, MS, MP, MX, PD, PC, SP, SE, TR MusicLord: SPE, AM, SM Musicorp LLC: AM, CB, HP, LM, MS, MP, MX, NM, PD, SP, SM, TR Nady Systems Inc.: EP, SW, AM, CB, HP, LM, MS, MP, MX, NM, PD, SI, SP, SE, SM Nanjing Aileen trading Company: AM, PD National Guitar Workshop: EP, AM, CB, HP, LM, MS, MP, MX, NM, SI, SP, SE, SM Neutrik USA Inc.: Connectors New Sensor Corp.: SPC, CB, CE, DL, FP, MX, PD, PC, SP, SE Northwest Network: AM, CB, CE, DL, EG, FP, MS, MP, MX, SP, SM Numark Industries: AM, HP, MP, MX, SP OAP Audio Products: SW, SP, SM Olsen Audio Group/Wind Tech: MS Orange Amplifiers: AM P.R.O. Manufacturing Co. Inc.: AM, CB, MP, MX, SP, SM Paul Reed Smith Guitars Limited: AM Peavey Electronics: EP, LV, SW, AM, CB, LM, MS, MP, MX, SI, SPC, SPE, SP, SE, SM, TR Peavey Electronics Corp.: SPC, AM, CB, EG, MS, MP, MX, PD, SI, SP, SE, TR Penn Fabrication Inc.: Case & cabinet hardware Performance Plus: speaker stands, AM, CB, MS, MP, TR Petillo Masterpiece Guitars: For string instruments, TR Phonic America: EP, AM, LM, MS, MX, NM, SI, SP, SE, SM Pierre Josephs Violins & Basse: Magnetic pick-up, TR Pignose Industries: AM Plus 24: EP, CB, MP, MX Power Group LTD: AM, CB, HP Power Lung: Vocalist Performance Enhancer Power Technology: SI PreSonus Audio Electronics: mic-pre, LM, SI Premier Guitar: Effects Processor, AM, CB, PD, SP, SE Prescription Electronics Inc.: CE, PD, SE Primacoustic: acoustic treatment Pro Co Sound: CB ProMusica: SPE, AM, LM, SI, SP, SM Proel USA Inc.: CB, HP, SP QSC Audio Products Inc.: AM RSP Technologies: SI Radial Engineering: Direct boxes, PD, SI Radian Audio Engineering: SPC, SP, SM, TR Raezer’s Edge Co.: SPE Randall May International Inc.: MP Randall U.S.A./Div. of U.S. Music: SPE, AM, PD, SP Rane Corporation: LM, MX, SI Rapco Cable: CB Re’an Products: Patch pedals Renkus-Heinz Inc.: AM, SP, SM Retrospec, Inc.: LM, PD, SI Rhythm Band Instruments, Inc.: HP, SP Richardson Electronics Ltd.: CB, HP, LM, MS, MP, MX, SI Rivera Research & Development: SPE, AM, CB, LM, PC Rock Hard Inc.: In-line Ltd., CE, DL, SI Rocktron Guitar Rack Technolog: EP, AM, PD, SI Rode Microphones, LLC: MP Royer Labs: MP Rush Sound: Powered Speakers SHS International: SW, AM, CB, HP, MS, MX, PD, SPE, SM SLS Loundspeakers: SPC, SP, SM, TR SRS Enterprises: SPC, SP SWR Sound Corporation: SPE, AM, SP

MAY 2009

product sources 45th annual supplier directory Sabine: EP, LV, LM, MP, SI Salwender International: AM, SP Samson Technologies Corp.: LV, AM, CB, HP, LM, MS, MP, MX, SP, SM Sascom Marketing Group: SI Schatten Design: TR Selenium Loudspeakers USA: SPE, SP, TR Sennheiser Elec Corp: HP, MP, SP Sensaphonics Hearing Conservation: In-ear monitors Servodrive Inc.: Ground loop humeliminator, SP Sescom Inc.: Transformers Seymour Duncan Pickups: EP, PD Shadow Electronics of America: Transducer Shaker Microphone, Inc.: AM, MP Shure Incorporated: in-ear monitor, CB, MS, MS, MP, MP, MX, MX, SI, SI Siegmund Guitars and Amps: AM, PD SkyWyre Electronics Inc.: EP, Wireless Switching for Amps/Effects, AM Slider Straps: MS Sonic Distribution USA: MP Sonic Inc.: SPE, SP, SM Sony Electronics: EP, HP, MP Sound Bridge: SPE, SP, SM Sound Enhancements Products Inc.: EP, PD, SI Sound Tech International: SPE, AM, CB, MX, SI, SP, SM Spectraflex Cables: CB Square Drum Company LLC: SW, SPE, SP St. Louis Music: CB, HP, MP, MS Stage Ninja: CB Stanford Acoustics: SP Starkey Laboratories: in-ear monitor, HP Stedman Corporation: MP Stewart Audio: AM Studiomaster Inc: graphic equalizer, AM, MP, MX Summit Audio Inc.: EP, AM, LM, MP, SI Superscope Technologies: SI Superscope Technologies Inc.: MX Surfcity Music: PD, SE Switchcraft: Switches Symetrix Inc.: AM, DL, EG, LM, SI Syn-Cordion Musical Inst. Corp: AM, CB T.C. Electronic Inc.: SPE, CE, DL, EG, FP, LM, NM, PD, PC, SI, SP, SE, SM T.G.I. North America Inc./Tann: SP, SM TC-Works: CE, DL, EG, FP, LM, NM, PC, SI, SE TEI Electronics Inc.: AM, CB, CE, DL, EG, FP, HP, LM, MS, MP, MX, PD, SP, SE, SM TOA Electronics Inc.: AM, MP, SI, SP, SM Tannoy North America: SPC, SP, SM, TR Telex Communications Inc.: LV, AM, MP, MX, SI, SP, SM, TR TerraSonde: Sound analysis equipment The Music Link: CB, MS, MP, PD, SP The Music People: SPC, AM, CB, CE, DL, EG, FP, HP, MS, MX, NM, PC, SI, SP, SM The Singing Machine Co.: MP Thinkware: CB, HP, MP, MX, PD, SP Tone King Corp.: CB, CE, DL, FP, MS, MP, SE, SM, TR Tony Corona Wholesale: AM, CB, CE, DL, MS, MP, TR Torres Engineering: SPC, AM, CB, CE, DL, FP, HP, MS, MP, MX, PD, SP, SE, SM Tosh Electronics Corp.: SPE, MX, SP Tracoman Inc.: vocoder, HP, MP, MX, PC, SE Transaudio Group: LM, MX, SI, SP Trax Distributors: SPE, AM, HP, MS, MP, MX, SP Tropical Music Corp.: AM, CB, CE, DL, HP, LM, MS, MP, MX, SI, SE, SM Truth Audio: SP Tube Works, Div. Genz Benz E: AM U.S. Band & Orchestra Supplies: CB, MS U.S. Music Corp.: AM, MX, SP, SM Ultimate Support Systems: MS Ultrasone Inc.: HP Unitec Products Corp.: SP, SM V.J. Rendano Wholesale Music: AM, CB, MX, SI, SP, SM Vega: wireless mics, MP Vibration Technology Ltd.: AM, SP

MAY 2009

Villex: Bass pickups, TR Visual Effects Inc.: DL, MS, MP, MX, SI, SE Visual Sound LLC: PD VocoPro: AM, MP, MX, PC, SI, SP Vox Amplification: wah wah pedal, AM Walt Miklas Wholesale Music In: CB, MS, MP Westone Laboratories: in-ear musicians monitors, HP, SM Westone Laboratories, Inc.: Hearing protection, in-ear monitors, HP, SM Wexler Music Co.: Music Stand Lamps, SP Whirlwind Music: Direct boxes, CB, MS Wireworks Corp.: CB Wright Bros. Sound: SPE, SP Yamaha Corp. of America: AM, EP, HP, MX, SI, SM, SP, SPE, SW Yorkville Sound Inc.: SPC, AM, CB, HP, MS, MP, MX, PD, SI, SP, SE, SM Z Right Stuff: Z-Bar amp miking bracket, MS Zeta Music Systems: AM Zinky Electronics: EP, AM


A-Line Acoustics: Rigging Hardware & Dollies ALTO: Cases & covers APA Audio Group International: Cases & covers ARS Electronics: Cases & covers AW Enterprises: Cases & covers Ac-Cetera Inc.: Mic Placement holders and goosenecks Ace Products Group: Cases & covers Adam Hall Ltd: Cases & covers Allen Products Co.: Speaker stands American DJ Supply Inc.: Cases & covers American Electronics Supply: Cases & covers American Guardian Protection I: Protective coating American Recorder Technologies, Inc.: Rack Accessories Ametron Audio Video: Cases & covers Amplivox Sound Systems: Cases & covers Anvil Cases: Cases & covers Ashton Music: Cases & covers Audio 2000’s/ H&F Technologies: Cases & covers, trusses Auralex Acoustics: Acoustic foam products B & J Music Ltd.: Stands B-52 Pro: Cases & covers BGW Systems: Cases & covers BRTB Canada Inc.: Recording and broadcast snakes Cadence Mfg. Inc.: Cases & covers California Music Distributors: Speaker stand Calzone Case Co./Anvil Cases: Cases & covers Cases Inc.: Cases & covers Coffin Case: Cases & covers Conquest Sound Inc.: Direct boxes Countryman Associates Inc.: D.I. Boxes Creative Bags and Cases Ltd: Cases & covers Cruise Audio Systems Inc.: Cases & covers DJ Skirts: Appearance Products DPA Microphones: Mic holders & access. DW Labs: Line preamp Davitt & Hanser Music Co.: Cases & covers Direct Import Assistance Corporation: Cases & covers, speaker stands Downham Musical Instrument Sal: Cases & covers Cases & covers Dunlop Manufacturing Inc.: General E.T.I. Sound Systems Inc.: Cases & covers ETA Systems: AC power conditioning Elliott Electronics: Cases & covers Eminence Speaker: X-overs Fatpro Technologies: Mixer, di, phanton power Fishman Transducers, Inc.: DI Flight Form Cases Inc.: Cases & covers Fort Stands & Cases: Spk stands Freed International Inc.: Cases & covers Full Discount Wholesalers: Cases & covers GWW Group, Inc.: Cases & covers Gator Cases: Cases & covers Genz Benz Enclosures Inc.: Mixer cases Gold Crest, Inc.: Lighting Gracie Stands: Microphone Stand

Gruven Music Products: Amp Stands H & F Technologies Inc.: Cases & covers HSA: Rolltop desks Hamilton Stands Inc.: Mic stands Harris Teller Inc.: Cases & covers Have Inc.: Cables, connectors Hineni Bags and Cases Co.: Cases & covers Holland Amplifiers: Cases & covers Humes & Berg Mfg.Co. Inc.: Cases & covers Impact Industries Inc.: Cases & covers InTime Design, LLC: Ampstrap JoMama Music, LLC: Tubes K and S Music: Cases & covers Kaman Music Corp.: Cases & covers KaySound Imports: Speaker stands Kayline Processing Inc.: Vinyl coverings Kelly Concepts, LLC: Mic Mounting Systems Kordex, Inc.: CB Lace Music Products: AM Littlite: Console Lights MBT International: Cases & covers MBT Lighting and Sound: Cases & covers MONO Cases LLC: Cases & covers MSR: Acoustic Treatment MTS Products Corp.: Cases & covers Majecal Case Co./Caltron Pkg.: Cases & covers Marathon Professional: Cases & covers Marshall Amplification: Cases & covers Middle Atlantic Products, Inc.: Cases & covers Mighty Bright: Lights Multi-Caisses Inc.: Cases & covers Music Dealers Resource Group, LLC: Speaker Stands Music World Enterprises, Inc: Cases & covers Musicorp LLC: Cases & covers Nady Systems Inc.: Cases & covers National Guitar Workshop: Cases & covers Neotech: Wireless Transmitter Pouches

Concerto DA-200 Digital Acoustic Accordion

Accordions of all types Straps-Cases-Accessories Nova MIDI kits-Mic-7 Pick-ups

Accordions International 1760 South 450 West Salt Lake City, UT 84115

For more information about the new Concerto DA-200 or any of our products visit us on the World Wide Web at: or call us at (801) 485-5840 MMR 157

45th annual supplier directory product sources New Haven Moving Equipment Cor: Rigging- straps and slings Nielson/Sessions Hardware: Cases & covers North American Pro Audio: Pro. sound reinforcement Northwest Network: Cases & covers Odyssey Innovative Designs: Cases & covers Olsen Audio Group/Wind Tech: Mic windscreens & access. Opti-Case Inc.: Cases & covers PL&H International: Speaker stands Pacific Supply & Trading Co.: Cases & covers Penn Fabrication Inc.: Case & cabinet hardware Powerwerks/HHI: Power supplies Pro Tec International: Cases & covers ProCases Inc.: Cases & covers QSC Audio Products Inc.: Performance Quinco Inc.: Cable cover RPG Diffusor Systems: acoustical products Raxxess Metalsmiths: Racks and access. Reliable Hardware Co.: Cases & covers Retrospec, Inc.: Compressor Ritter Outdoor Ltd.: Cases & covers Roadrunner Cases Inc.: Cases & covers SKB Corp.: Cases & covers Showcase Custom Cases, Inc.: Cases & covers Slider Straps: Cases Sonic Industries Inc.: Pickups Sound Enhancements Products Inc.: Audio solutions Sound Tech International: Cases & covers St. Louis Music: Cases & Covers Stedman Corporation: Pop-filter Superscope Technologies: CD TKL Products Corp.: Cases & covers The Music Link: Cases & covers Tone King Corp.: Accessories Tony Corona Wholesale: Connectors Torres Engineering: Cases & covers Tropical Music Corp.: Cases & covers Tube Works, Div. Genz Benz E: Tube direct box U.S. Band & Orchestra Supplies: Cases & covers Ultimate Support Systems: Microphone & Speaker Stands Unitec Products Corp.: Cases & covers Viking Cases: Cases & covers Walt Miklas Wholesale Music In: Cases & covers Wave Angle: Wireless Wexler Music Co.: stand lamps X Wire Corp.: Wireless X-Tempo Designs, LLC: Pedal, Wireless DAW Remote Control Yamaha Corp. of America: Cases & covers Yorkville Sound Inc.: Speaker stands

SYNTHESIZERS Synthesizer Listing Data Key: AK DK EM MC

Analog Keyboard Digital Keyboard Expander Module Master MIDI Controller


Sampling Keyboard SQ Sequencer

AND Music Corporation: AK, DK, MC, SK Alesis/Numark/Akai: DK, MC, SK, SQ Alternate Mode, Inc.: MC American Music & Sound: MC Armadillo Enterprises: DK Ashton Music: DK Australian Originals: Didgeridoo (the original) Brown Distributing Co.: EM CMC Distribution: DK, EM Casa Veerkamp SA de CV: DK, EM, MC, SK, SQ Castiglione Accordion LLC: EM, MC Consumer Electronics Corp.: DK, SK Dave Smith Instruments: AK, DK, EM Davitt & Hanser Music Co.: DK Dean Musical Instruments: DK Digidesign: Sequencers AK, DK, EM, MC, SK, SQ

158 MMR

Dynamic Music Distributing: AK, DK E-mu Systems Inc.: Sound modules, DK Edirol: MC Ego Systems Inc: MC Electro-Harmonix: Vocoder (Voice Box) Ernest Deffner Inc.: EM, MC FXpansion USA, Inc.: Soft Synths Galileo Music Corp.: MC Graph Tech Guitar Labs: Guitar midi controler Hybrid Cases: Cases IBC Trading Ltd.: DK Ilio Entertainments: Soft Synths Kellar Bass Systems: Bass synthesizer Korg Canada: AK, DK, EM, SK Korg USA Inc.: Workstations, AK, DK, EM, MC, SK Korg USA Inc.: AK, DK, EM, MC, SK Kurzweil Music Systems: DK, SK LPD Music International: DK M-Audio: DK, MC Midiman: MC Mighty Bright: Lights Moog Music: AK, MC Multi-Caisses Inc.: Cases Muse Research, Inc.: EM, SK Native Instruments: Software synthesizers NemeSys Music Technology Inc.: Sampling software Opcode: SQ Peavey Electronics Corp.: Keyboard amplifiers Plus 24: EM, MC Power Group LTD: AK, DK Radial Engineering: Effect pedals Roland Corp. U.S.: AK, DK, EM, MC, SK, SQ Samick Music Corp.: DK Starr Labs: MC Syn-Cordion Musical Inst. Corp: EM, MC T.C. Electronic Inc.: Software synths The Music People: DK Thinkware: DK, EM, MC, SQ Tracoman Inc.: analog effects, AK, MC Tropical Music Corp.: DK, SQ Ultimate Support Systems: Keyboard stands & benches Walkabout Inc.: Mobile MIDI controller systems Yamaha Corp. of America: DK, EM, SK Zeta Music Systems: Violin & cello controllers, MC


AW Enterprises: Cases & covers Ace Products Group: Cases & covers American Guardian Protection I: Protective coating American Music & Sound: Cases & covers Ametron Audio Video: Cases & covers Amphenol Audio Products: Connectors Antigua Winds, Inc.: Music Stands Anvil Cases: Cases & covers Armadillo Enterprises: Cases & covers Ashton Music: Cases & covers Avant Electronics: Drum clamps, pop filters & shock mounts B & J Music Ltd.: Stands Baldwin Piano & Organ Co.: Sound modules Bee-In Tuner, Inc.: Only true automatic string tuner Best Products International In: Cleaning C.B.I. (Caldwell Bennett Inc.): Cables Calzone Case Co./Anvil Cases: Cases & covers Case Xtreme: Cases & covers Cases Inc.: Cases & covers Conquest Sound Inc.: MIDI Cables Countryman Associates Inc.: D.I. Boxes Creative Bags and Cases Ltd: Cases & covers D’Andrea Inc.: Chord computer Davitt & Hanser Music Co.: Cases & covers Direct Import Assistance Corporation: Cases & covers, stands Cases & covers EMD Music Inc.: Digital Tuners

Ernest Deffner Inc.: Cases & covers Excetylene Cables: Instrument Cables F-Bass: Strap, Instrument Cable Fingerweights LLC: Fingerweights Flight Form Cases Inc.: Cases & covers Fort Stands & Cases: stands GWW Group, Inc.: Cases & covers Gator Cases: Cases & covers Grundorf Corp.: Cases & covers Have Inc.: Cables Hineni Bags and Cases Co.: Cases & covers Humes & Berg Mfg.Co. Inc.: Cases & covers Hybrid Cases: Cases Impact Industries Inc.: Cases & covers Kaman Music Corp.: Cases & covers Korg USA Inc.: Cases & covers Korg USA Inc.: Cases & covers LM Products: Stands MONO Cases LLC: Cases & covers MTS Products Corp.: Cases & covers Majecal Case Co./Caltron Pkg.: Cases & covers Mighty Bright: Lights Molinari Industries: Cases & covers Mooradian Cover Company: Cases & covers Multi-Caisses Inc.: Cases & covers Music Dealers Resource Group, LLC: Cases & covers Nielson/Sessions Hardware: Cases & covers Odyssey Innovative Designs: Cases & covers Opti-Case Inc.: Cases & covers Pacific Supply & Trading Co.: Cases & covers Panyard Inc.: Apparel PikCARD USA Inc.-COLLECTION: Guitar Picks for Your Wallet Power Wrist Builders: Aluminum Drumstick Key chains Pro Tec International: Stands ProCases Inc.: Cases & covers R & R Cases & Cabinets: Cases & covers Redland Music Products: Cleaning & Care Products Reliable Hardware Co.: Cases & covers Renner U.S.A.: BN Roadrunner Cases Inc.: Cases & covers SKB Corp.: Cases & covers Showcase Custom Cases, Inc.: Cases & covers Slider Straps: Cases & covers Source Audio: Effects Spain Manufacturing CO.: Pedal Stabilizer Strum-N-Comfort Picking Systems: Music Theme Jewelry Syn-Cordion Musical Inst. Corp: Cases & covers TKL Products Corp.: Cases & covers The Music Link: Cases & covers Tripp Lite: Surge Suppressors & Spower Strips Tropical Music Corp.: Cases & covers Truth Audio: Playback monitors Tube Works, Div. Genz Benz E: Tube direct box U.S. Band & Orchestra Supplies: Cases & covers UV 111 Systems, Inc: UV Dryers and Guitar Repair Equipment Ultimate Support Systems: Synthesizer Stands Unitec Products Corp.: Cases & covers Viking Cases: Cases & covers Walt Miklas Wholesale Music In: Cases & covers Wave Angle: Wireless Wexler Music Co.: Creepnomore XL Specialty Percussion Inc.: Cases & covers Yamaha Corp. of America: Cases & covers Yorkville Sound Inc.: Amps & stands Z Right Stuff: Z-Bar amp miking bracket

Breaking News Find it in the Hot News section of MMR’s Web site, MAY 2009

brand names 45th annual supplier directory Alphabetically listed by brand name, followed by the company or companies involved in the manufacture (M), distribution (D), importing (I),exporting (E), publisher/ jobber (P/J) of a given brand. Also, where possible, the market (i.e., world, U.S., Canada, Europe, etc.) is indicated. Refer to the COMPANY LISTINGS (section 1) for address, phone, etc. 1,2,3 Play!™: Card Game The Enterprising Rabbit (D,E,M,P) World 1Spot: Power Supplies Visual Sound LLC (M) World 228CFX: Player System PianoDisc (M) World 300 Series, 400 Series, WillSon: Trumpets, Cornets, & Trombones. Tubas, Euphoniums, & French Horns from Switzerland. Getzen Company Inc (E,I,M) World 300L: Digital effects processor Lexicon Inc. (M) World 400L: Digital effects processor Lexicon Inc. (M) World 5150: guitar amplifiers (tube) Peavey Electronics Corp. (M) Canada 6-String: Guitar Straps LM Products (M) World 600 Bags: Drum bags Impact Industries Inc. (M) World 6505: Guitar amplifier Peavey Electronics (M) World


A & M: Composer statuettes Wexler Music Co. (D,E,I,M) World A & S: Brasswind & Woodwind Musicparts UK & Pollard Trumpets (D,E,I,M) United Kingdom A Custom: Cymbal Avedis Zildjian Co. (M) World A Designs: Microphone Pre-amp, MP-2A, Pacifica, P-1, EM-Red, EM-Blue, EM-Gold, EM-Silver, REDDI, ATTY A Designs L.L.C. (M) World A Designs Audio: Mic Pres and EQs Transaudio Group (D,E,I) United States A-LIne: Line Array Speaker Enclosure A-Line Acoustics (D,M) United States A. Morrelli: Stringed instruments Ideal Musical Merchandise Co (D,E,I,M) World A.P. Audio: ELEC., SOUND REINFORCEMENT CABLE Ace Products Group (D,I,M) China A.R.T.: Effects Freed International Inc. (E) Caribbean A3: Speaker systems A3 Audio LLC (M) United States A8: hard disk recording interface SeaSound (M) World AB International: Commercial audio ampl. Amplified Design International (M) World Abel Axe: electric guitar Delaney Guitars (M) Canada Abiam Products: Racks mount products Contact Distribution Ltd. (D) Canada Abstract Guitars & Basses: Electric guitars, 150 different models of neck-thru-body guitars Ed Roman World Class Guitars Academy: Stringed instruments Kaman Music Corp. (D,M) United States Acapella: Percussion products Acappella Drum (M) World Accordions International: Accordions Accordions & Keyboards (D) United States Accugroove: Speaker cabinets AccuGroove (M) Accutronics: Spring Reverb, Accuverb Accutronics/Sound Enhancements (M) World Accutronics: Spring Reverb Sound Enhancements Products Inc. (D,M) World ACF Series: TKL Products Corp. (D,E,I,M) Acme Whistles: Whistles Woodstock Percussion Inc. (D,M) United States AcoustaGlide: guitar slide Latch Lake Music Products (M) World Acoustech: Acoustic to electronic conversion Pintech USA, Inc. (M) Australia Acoustic: Sound reinforcement pro audio Acoustic Control (M) World Acoustic & Digital Piano Buyer: Directory Brookside Press (P) World Acoustic Guitar: Magazine/Website/E-Newsletters String Letter Publishing (P) World Acoustica: Recording Software Steptime Ware (D,I) Canada Acousticon: drum shell material Remo Inc. (M) World Acoustics: Acoustic guitar strings, electric guitar and bass strings E. & O. Mari Inc./La Bella (M) World Acoustikraft: Bridges Grover Musical Products (D,E,I,M) World Acoustone: Grille cloth Acoustone Corporation (M) World ACP22: 2 channel compressor w/limiter/gate PreSonus Audio Electronics (M) World ACP88: 8 channel compressor/limiter/gate PreSonus Audio Electronics (M) World Acrosonic: Acoustic Pianos Baldwin Piano & Organ Co. (M) World Active - e: Web Hosting & E Commerce Tri-Technical Systems, Inc. (D) Canada Active EQ: Seymour Duncan Pickups Active Percussion: Drums & Percussion, Drum Hardware P & D Wholesale (D,I) United States

MAY 2009

AD2022: Dual mono mic preamp Avalon Design (M) World AD2044: Dual mono/stereo compressor Avalon Design (M) World AD2055: Dual mono equalizer Avalon Design (M) World AD2077: Dual mono mastering equalizer Avalon Design (M) World Adagio Violins: Violins Major Music Supply (M) United States Adam: Percussion, hardware MBT International (D,E,I,M) World Adam Hall Cable: Bulk and Premade Audio Cable Adam Hall Ltd (D,E,I,M) World Adam Hall Cases: Instrument and Rack Hard Cases Adam Hall Ltd (D,E,I,M) World Adamas: carbon graphite acoustic & electric guitars Kaman Music Corp. (D,M) World Adams: Concert percussion Pearl Corporation (D) United States Adder: Pickup control Adder Plus Corp. (M) World ADK: Microphones Dana B. Goods (D) United States Adler: Recorders German American Trading Company, Inc. Canada Advance Music Publishing: Books, CD’s, DVD’s Jamey Aebersold Jazz Aids (D,E,I,P) Canada Advanced Acoustion: drum shell material Remo Inc. (M) World Advantage: Audio electronic Biamp Systems (M) World Advantage: Student Quality Band Instruments Yamaha Corp. of America-Band & Orchestra Div. (D,M) United States Africa: Percussion Overseas Connection (D,I,M) World African American Drum Co.: Custom Drum Kit African American Drum Co. (M) World African Originals: Djembes from Africa Mountain Rhythm (D,M) World Afrosound Percussion: Latin percussion Tropical Music Corp. (D,E) Caribbean AFX: Acoustic Effects Pedals Fishman Acoustic Amplification (M) World AGT-Series: Acoustic guitar transducers EPM Corp. (M) World Aguilar Amplification: Bass Amplifiers, Speaker Cabs, Bass Effects, Preamps Aguilar Amplification LLC (M) World

AHEAD: Drumsticks Big Bang Distribution (D,E,I,M) Canada Ahlborn Galanti: Church organ Generalmusic Corp. (D,M) Canada Aileen: stringed instruments Nanjing Aileen trading Company (E) United States AIM: POS & Business Software Tri-Technical Systems, Inc. (D) Canada Air Flex: Handle American Handle Co. (M) United States Airlogic Percussion: Bass drum pedals, hi-hat stands Airlogic Percussion (M) World Ajaha: Fred Gretsch Enterprises AKG: Microphones, headphones Richardson Electronics Ltd. (D) United States AKG: microphones, headphones Erikson Music (D) Canada Alabama: Banjos, mandolins Coast Music (Eastern Canada) (D) Canada Alani: Ukulele etc. Sunlite Industrial Corp. (D,E,I) World Alchemy: Cymbals DR Handmade Strings (D,M) Canada Alchemy: Stickers LPGI (M) United States Alchemy Cymbals: Cymbals Istanbul Agop Cymbals America (M) United States Alctron: Alctron Electronics Co. Alegria: Violins, violas, cellos Coast Music (Eastern Canada) (D) Canada Alembic: Elec. bass, guitar, strings, pickups, hardware, preamps, Alembic Inc. (M) World Alfred Publishing: Books, CD’s, DVD’s Jamey Aebersold Jazz Aids (D,E,I,P) Canada Alfred’s Basic Guitar Method: Guitar/Bass Alfred Music Publishing (P) World Alisyn: USK, bore oil, HDK oil, fingerboard oil, solvent, cleaner, Aerospace Lubricants Inc. (M) World All For Strings: Print Neil A. Kjos Music Company World All One Tribe Drum: All One Tribe Drum (E,M) World Allcanplay: Piano books Allcanplay Piano Music (P/J) United States Allegro: Intermediate Quality Band Instruments Yamaha Corp. of America-Band & Orchestra Div. (D,M) United States Allegro Acceptance: Retail Financing Allegro Acceptance United States



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MMR 159

45th annual supplier directory brand names


Allen: Guitars, Mandolins, Resophonics Allen Guitars (M) Japan Allen & Heath: Mixing consoles Erikson Pro Audio (D) Canada Allen & Heath: Mixers, DJ Mixers American Music & Sound (D) United States Allen & Heath: Freed International Inc. (E) Caribbean Allen Audio: UPA100 Audio Management Matrix, Allen Audio Inc. (M) World Allen Joanis Sname Snare and Tenor Drum Sticks: Encore Mallets Inc. (M) Alliance: Classical guitar strings Savarez (M) Alliance: Classical guitar strings Impecco Ltd. (D,I) United States Alliance: Classical guitar strings Stringcenter LLC (D,E,I) United States Alliance Vivace: Violin strings Savarez (M) Allison Acoustics: Monitors Stanford Acoustics (M) Canada Alloy Classic Snare: Aluminum Alloy Snares 4 3/4x14, 6x14, 6x13 Noble & Cooley Co. World Alloy51: Electric strings Redwood Music Corp. (M) United States Allparts: Guitar Parts Allparts (D,E,I) World Allpha: Congas & Bongos Rhythm Tech (M) World Alpha: Drumset/hand cymbals Paiste America Inc. (D,E,I,M) World AlphaSorb: Wall Panels Acoustical Solutions Inc. (D,E,M) World Alpine: Saxophones, flutes, clarinets Alpine Woodwinds Inc. (D) Canada Alps: Cal Switch (D) United States Alta: Electric Violin Concord International Group, Inc. (D,I,M) World Altech Systems: 1XE, midi, interface IX, SX, SB Cables CM Automation (M) World Alto Clef Floor Mat: Floor mat kit PureGold Teaching Tools (P/J) Canada Altus: Flutes Altus Flutes America Inc. (M) World Alumabass: Bull Frog/MTS Products (M) World AMA: Printed music, CD’s w/book for guitar, bass, drums (methods) AMA USA Music Publishers (D) Canada Amadeus Press: Reference Books Hal Leonard Corp. (P/J) World Amado Waterkey: Brasswind waterkey Amado Laboratories Inc. (M) World Amalio Burguet: Spanish Classical Guitars Saga Musical Instruments (D) United States Amati: Violin, viola, cello, and bass Amati’s Fine Instruments (D) Canada Amati: Instrument stands & access. Wexler Music Co. (D,E,I,M) World Amati: Woodwind & brass Amati USA Inc. (D,M) Canada Amati: Band instruments European Crafts/USA (D) United States Amati Brass and Woodwinds: Band instruments Counterpoint Musical Services (D,I) Canada Amati, Armstrong, Conn-Selmer, Paris, Selmer, Jup: All related to Band. Casa Veerkamp SA de CV (D,E,I) Mexico Ambassador: drumhead Remo Inc. (M) World Ambrosonics: Electric Guitars Ambrosonics, LLC (D,M) Canada Ameican Heritage: Drumsticks Vic Firth, Inc. (M) World America’s Favorite New Guitar!: Foggy Mountain Guitars (M) United States American Classic: Drumsticks Vic Firth, Inc. (M) World American Custom: Drumsticks Vic Firth, Inc. (M) World American DJ: Various lighting effects American DJ Supply Inc. (M) World American Ebony: Stringed instruments Moses Inc. (M) Europe American Fife: Accessories American Plating & Mfg. Co. (M) Canada American Jazz: Drumsticks Vic Firth, Inc. (M) World

160 MMR

American Recorder: Recording Accessories Musical Distributors Group (D,I,M) United States American Song Whistle: Accessories American Plating & Mfg. Co. (M) Canada American Sound: Drumsticks Vic Firth, Inc. (M) World Ameritage: Carrying cases GWW Group, Inc. (D,M) World Amigo: Acoustic Guitars Musicorp LLC (D,E,I,M) World Amp-U-Plug-N-Play: Amp-U-Plug-N-Play (M) Ampeg SVX: bass amp and FX software IK Multimedia Canada Amphenol: Connectors Amphenol Audio Products (M) AmpliTube™: Guitar amp & FX software IK Multimedia (M) Canada Amplivox: Portable Sond Systems Amplivox Sound Systems (M) World Amsco Publications: Printed Music/DVDs Music Sales Group (D,P) World Amy Birch: Rosin Coast Music (Eastern Canada) (D) Canada Anaconda: Passive splitters and isolated splitters BRTB Canada Inc. (D,E,I,M) Canada Analog Man: Effects Pedals Lothson Guitars (M) United States Andino: Clarinets Gemstone Musical Instruments (D,M) Android Originals LC: Guitar and other Artwork Android Originals LC (M,P) Angel Recorders: Educational music products Coast Music (Eastern Canada) (D) Canada Antares: software Erikson Music (D) Canada Anthem: Guitar Chesbro Music Company (D) United States Anti-Vibe: Drumstick Avedis Zildjian Co. (M) World Antigua: Saxophones, Clarinets, Flutes, Piccolos, Trombone, Trumpets. Antigua Winds, Inc. (D) World Antiquity: Seymour Duncan Pickups Antoine Courtois Paris: Cornets, trumpets, flugelhorns, trombones Buffet Crampon (D,I,M) Canada Anton Breton: Violin Family Instruments, Parts & Accessories Saga Musical Instruments (D) Canada Anton Schneider: Violins German American Trading Company, Inc. Canada Antoni: Violin family instruments John Hornby Skewes & Co. Ltd. (E) World Antoni: Violins MIDC Limited (D) Canada Antoria Guitars: Electric & acoustic guitars & basses Adam Hall Ltd (D,E,I,M) World Anvil ATA Series: road cases Calzone Case Co./Anvil Cases (D,M) Anvil Forge: road cases Calzone Case Co./Anvil Cases (D,M) Anvil Iron: road cases Calzone Case Co./Anvil Cases (D,M) Any Spot: Wireless Monitors, Microphones, and speakers Galaxy Audio (I,M) World Aparicio: Tornavoz Music Apex: Microphones & accessories Yorkville Sound Inc. (D,E,I,M) World Aphex: compressors Erikson Pro Audio (D) Canada API: Full line rack equipment Audio Toys Inc. (D,M) World API Legacy: Legacy mixing console Audio Toys Inc. (D,M) World Applause: Electric/acoustical guitar B & J Music Ltd. (D,I) Canada Applause: Acoustic & electric guitars Kaman Music Corp. (D,M) World Applause Theatre & Cinema Books: Reference Books Hal Leonard Corp. (P/J) World Applied Microphone Technology: Applied Microphone Technology (M) Apollo: Drums St. Louis Music Apsco: Piano stage trucks & covers American Piano Supply Co. (D,E,I,M,P/J) World Aquarium Drumheads: Drumheads MIDC Limited (D) Canada

Arakoz Strings: Bowed Instruments Shadow Studio Strings (E,I,M) Canada Aranjuez: Classic Guitar, cases, strings Juan Orozco Ltd., Inc. (D,E,I,M,P) ARB: Saxophone mouthpieces Remle Musical Products Inc. (E,M) Arbor: Electric Guitar & Bases Musicorp LLC (D,E,I,M) World ARC System: acoustic correction software plub-in for D A W plus condenser mic IK Multimedia (M) Canada Archer: Elec. & acoustic guitars, Elec. & acoustic basses, Dynamic Music Distributing (D) United States Archive: Classic organs Ahlborn-Galanti Organs (D,M) Canada Archives: music writing products D’Addario Canada (D,I) Canada Archives Writing Paper: Manuscript pads, guitar tablature, spiral bound, double Archives Music Writing Paper (D,E,M) World ARE: Acoustic Amplifiers AER - USA (D) United States Area 51, Jim Dandy: Effects, Guitars/ Accessories Mechanical Music Corporation (M) World Argentine: Acoustic guitar strings Stringcenter LLC (D,E,I) United States Argentine: Classical guitar strings Impecco Ltd. (D,I) United States ARIA: Electric & Acoustic Guitars; Electric Bass; Ukulele Dana B. Goods (D) United States ARK: Wired & wirless mic sys., mixers, amplifiers, speakers, ARK International (D,M) Canada Arkay: Guitar strings Gary Castelluccio & Associates (D,E,I) Canada Armor Case Co.: Guitar Cases, Ukulele Cases Major Music Supply (M) United States Armstrong: Conn-Selmer, Inc. (M) World Ars Nova: Music Theory Software Steptime Ware (D,I) United States Ars Nova Software: Music Software Ars Nova Software (P/J) Canada Art & Lutherie: Acoustic Guitars Godin Guitars (D,M) World Art Diffusor: Acoustical diffuser Acoustics First Corp. (M) World Art Vista: Company Brand Name Art Vista (M) World Artbeat: All One Tribe Drum (E,M) World Artic: Wire & Cables American Recorder Technologies, Inc. (M) United States Artisan: Strings Gemstone Musical Instruments (D,M) Artist Elite: Microphones and wireless systems Audio-Technica U.S., Inc. (M) World Artist Heritage: Mid-Price Drumsets Premier Music International LTD (M) World Artist Pro: reference books Hal Leonard Corp. (P/J) World Artista: Guitars J.B. Player International (M) World Artiste: violin strings, rosins Breezy Ridge Instruments Ltd. (M) World Artisticks: Drumsticks Hot Sticks Manufacturing (M) World Artists in Strings: Print Neil A. Kjos Music Company (P) World Arturia: Virtual Instrument Software Steptime Ware (D,I) United States ARX Systems: Signal processing Contact Distribution Ltd. (D) Canada Ashdown: Amps Power Group LTD (D) Canada Ashland: Acoustic Guitars (full, half, and threequarter) Crafter USA (D) United States Ashton: Ashton Music (D,E,I,M) Aslin Dane: Electric guitars, basses, acoustic guitar, amplifier Aslin Dane (D,E,I,M) World Aslin Dane Guitars: Electric guitars, basses, and amps Codel Enterprises (D,M) United States Asonesprit: Percussion Ron Vaughn (M) World Astatic: Microphones Astatic Microphones (M) World

Astel: Instrument cables D’Addario Canada (D,I) Canada Astin: Acoustic piano Astin-Weight Piano Mfg. (M) World ATC: Studio Monitors Transaudio Group (D,E,I) United States Atd: Piezo Pickups All-Test Devices Corp. (M) World ATI: Paragon II mixing console Audio Toys Inc. (D,M) World Atlantic: Racks & panels ARS Electronics (D) United States Atlas Sound: Microphone stands Atlas Sound (M) World Attack: Coast Music (Eastern Canada) Aubert A Mirecourt: Bridges Aubert Lutherie (M) Aubert Bridges: violin family bridges Vitali Import Co. Inc. (D,I,P/J) World Audi/o: A/D & D/A converters Sonorus Inc. (M) World Audient: Mixing consoles Audio Toys Inc. (D,M) United States Audio 2000’s: Pro-Audios, Karaoke Machines, Music, Sound Reinforcements, PA Systems, Trusses, Recordings, Wireless Systems, and Cables Audio 2000’s/ H&F Technologies (M) World Audio 2000’s: All in one Karaoke, DVD, CDG, VCD & CD players, Karaoke, H & F Technologies Inc. (M) World Audio Control: Amps, Signal Processors Audio Control Industrial (M) World Audio Impressions DVZ RT: Orchestral Sample Libraries Audio Impressions (M) World Audio Spectrum: Microphones The Music People (D,I,M) World Audio Technique: Microphones V.J. Rendano Wholesale Music (D,E,I) United States Audio Toolbox: Handheld sound analyzer TerraSonde (M) Europe Audio-Dyne: Microphones Freed International Inc. (D,E) World Audio-Technica: Microphones and audio products Audio-Technica U.S., Inc. (M) World Audio-Technica: Microphones, headphones Richardson Electronics Ltd. (D) United States Audiolight: Speaker cabinets Audiolight (M) United States Audiopro: Mixers & power amps Yorkville Sound Inc. (D,E,I,M) World Audioseal Sound Barrier: Acoustical Materials Acoustical Solutions Inc. (D,E,M) World Audiotrak: Background music products Burtek Systems (U.S.A.) Inc. (I) Canada Audiotrak: digital audio & midi soundcard, interfaces Ego Systems Inc (D,M) Canada Audix: Pro Audio Power Group LTD (D) Canada Audix: Microphones, studio monitors, powered speakers Audix Corp. (M) World August F. Kohr: Howard Core Company LLC (D) United States August Foerster: Pianos German American Trading Company, Inc. Canada Augustine: Classical guitar strings Coast Music (Eastern Canada) (D) Canada AuPro: Adapt-a-pak adaptor kits, cases, earphones & headphones APA Audio Group International (D,M) United States Aura: recorder Magnamusic Distributors Inc. (D,I) Canada Aura: Acoustic Imaging Technology Fishman Acoustic Amplification (M) World Aural Exciter Type III: Model 250 Aphex Systems (M) World Aurum: Headphones Ultrasone Inc. (D) Canada Austin: Acoustic/electric guitar, banjo, mandolin St. Louis Music Austin Sculpture: Statues Music Treasures Co. (D) United States Australian Originals: Didgeridoo Australian Originals (D,I) World Australis: Primacoustic (M) World

MAY 2009

brand names 45th annual supplier directory Auto-Tune: Pitch Correction Antares Audio Technologies (M) Autos: recorders Rhythm Band Instruments, Inc. (D,M) United States AutoStrobe Series: Mechanical Strobe Tuners Peterson Strobe Tuners (M) World AV2000: Cable Assembly Wireworks Corp. (M) United States Avalon: Acoustic guitars Lowden Guitar Co. Ltd. (D,I,M) Canada Avant: Electronics, mix cubes, mics Mountain Rhythm (D,M) Canada Avant: clarinet and sax reeds, cane/synthetic Chartier LLC (M) World Avant Grand: Keyboards Yamaha Corp. of America-Band & Orchestra Div. Avantone: Mics, Mixcube reference monitors, drum clamps, pop filters, shock mounts Avant Electronics (M) World Aviom: AN-16/i-M Mic Input Module, A-16 II Personel Monitor Mixer, Aviom, Inc. (M) World Avlex: Microphones, audio electronics, and accessories Avlex Corp (D,I) United States AVOX: Antares Vocal Toolkit Antares Audio Technologies (M) AW Reeds: Schreiber & Keilwerth Musikinstrumente GmbH (M) AX- Tuner: Contact Tuner Sabine (M) World Axe Hugger: Guitar stand access. Axe Hugger (M) United States Axent: Acoustic Guitar, Classical Guitar and General Accessories. Etros Music LLC (D,E,I) Caribbean Axiom: M-Audio (M) AXL: Electric Guitars, Amps, Accessories The Music Link (D,E,I,M) Canada Ayotte Keplinger: Snare Drums Ayotte Drums Inc. (M) World Azola Baby Bass: upright electric bass Azola Basses (M) World Azola Deco Bass: Electric/acoustic bass guitar Azola Basses (M) World Azola Gypsy: upright electric bass Azola Basses (M) World Azola Lightning Bug: upright electric bass Azola Basses (M) World Azola MiniBass: upright electric bass Azola Basses (M) World Azola Nouveau: Acoustic/Electric Bass Guitar Azola Basses (M) World Azumi: Flutes Jupiter Band Instruments, Inc. (D) World Azumi Flutes: Flute Azumi Flutes (M) World


B & D: Fred Gretsch Enterprises B & S Challenger: Trumpets, cornets, flugelhorn, trumbones JA Musik USA (D) Canada B&S Perantucci: Tuba, euphonium, french horn, trumpet Custom Music Co. (D,I) Canada B-2: Electric Guitar Brubaker Guitars Inc. United States B-52: Speakers E.T.I. Sound Systems Inc. (M) World B-52: Guitar Amp, Pro-Audio DJ B-52 Professional (M) World B-52 MATRIX-1000V2: Active Systems B-52 Professional (M) World B-52 Matrix-2000: Active Systems B-52 Professional (M) World B-Band: Acoustic Guitar Pickups, Drum Mics B-Band, Inc. (D,I) Canada b-commerce: Business e-commerce Pro-Active Websites (P) World B.C. Rich: Guitars & basses B.C. Rich (M) World B.C. Rich: Electric guitar and bass Hanser Music Group (D,M) World BabyBlues: 10-watt gtr. amp Bluesland Amplifiers (M) World Bach: Conn-Selmer, Inc. (M) World Bachmann: Digital pianos Generalmusic Corp. (D,M) Canada BackAxe: Guitar, string & bass covers BackAxe (M) United States Bacon & Day: Fred Gretsch Enterprises Baden Guitars: Acoustic Guitar Baden Guitars (M) World Baffetti: Accordions CMC Distribution (D) United States Baffetti: Accordions Castiglione Accordion LLC (D,E,I) Canada Bag End: Loudspeakers, Infra Subs, E-Trap, Minima-One, Bass Cabinets Bag End Loudspeakers (M) World Baker Guitars: Electric guitars, 2 models arch-top high quality mass produced guitars Ed Roman World Class Guitars Baldwin: Acoustic Pianos Baldwin Piano & Organ Co. (M) World Balter: Malletts Wexler Music Co. (D,E,I,M) World BAM: Cases for stringed and wind instruments BAM France (D,M) Canada BAM L’Original: Music Instrument Cases BAM France (D,M) Canada Bamber: Mouthpieces Bamber Mouthpieces (M) World BandStand: Brass & reed access. Trophy Music Co. (D,E,I,M,P/J) World Bandstand: Lamps, brass access. Grover Musical Products (D,E,I,M) World Banshee: Talk box Rocktron Guitar Rack Technolog (M) World Bar 1: Reedst Mouthpieces American Way Marketing LLC (D) Canada

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Barcus-Berry: Transducer Preamp, System + Acoustic Electric Violins Musicorp LLC (D,E,I,M) World Barcus-Berry: Sound reinforcement MBT International (D,E,I,M) World Barcus-Berry: Pickups BBE Sound Inc. (M) World Bare Knuckle Pickups: Guitar pickups Lothson Guitars (M) World Bari Gold: saxaphone metal mouthpiece Bari Woodwind Supplies, LLC (M) United States Bari Original: synthetic reeds Bari Woodwind Supplies, LLC (M) United States Bari Woodwind Supplies, LLC: Cavanaugh Company Baristar: synthetic reeds Bari Woodwind Supplies, LLC (M) United States Barker Bass: Vertical Electric Bass Barker Musical Instruments (M) World Baroque: clarinet & saxophone mouthpiece Bari Woodwind Supplies, LLC (M) United States Basix: Drumkits, drums, drum hardware, & cymbals Westheimer Corp. (D,I) United States Basix: Drum Kits, Drums, and Hardware Basix Percussion USA (M) United States Bass Bomber: Pro-Audio, Bass Guitar B-52 Professional (M) World Bass Logic: Book & video bass method Edwards Music Publishing (P/J) World Bass Player: Consumer publications Bass Player Magazine (P/J) World Bass Poster: Educational Poster Castalia Publications (P/J) World Bass Stroller: Wheels for bass Kolstein Music Inc. (D,E,I,M) World Bass Traps: Acoustical Materials Acoustical Solutions Inc. (D,M) World Bass Vector: Bass Cabinets ISP Technologies, LLC (M) Bass-12: Speaker cabinet Raezer’s Edge Co. (M) Canada Bass-bomber: Speakers E.T.I. Sound Systems Inc. (M) World Bassics: Magazine & CD MI Media LLC (P/J) World Basslines: Seymour Duncan Pickups Bassmaster: Bass amplification Yorkville Sound Inc. (D,E,I,M) World Bastien Piano Methods: Print Neil A. Kjos Music Company (P) World Batter Badge: Vented impact pads Slug Percussion Products (M) Canada Bausch: Violin bridges Coast Music (Eastern Canada) (D) Canada Bay: Mouthpieces, Ligatures, Mouthpieces and teeth cushions, and Woodwind and Brasswind Instruments Bay Woodwind Products (D,E,I,M) World BB Blaster: Guitar & bass amps John Hornby Skewes & Co. Ltd. (E) World BBE: Signal processor BBE Sound Inc. (M) World BCIII: Broadcast console AMEK (M) World Bead Brains: skull shaped small shakers On the Wall Productions, Inc. (D) World Beatnik: Rhythmic analyzer OnBoard Research Corp. World BeaverCreek: acoustic guitars D’Addario Canada (D,I) Canada Bechstein: Pianos Samick Music Corp. (D,I,M) World Becker: stringed instruments Kaman Music Corp. (D,M) United States Bee-In Tuner: Violin, Viola, Acoustic Guitar with pick-up, Electric Guitar, Violin & Viola Tailpiece Bee-In Tuner, Inc. (D,M) Canada Beechler: Saxophone and clarinet mouthpieces Remle Musical Products Inc. (E,M) Behringer: Audio Products Behringer USA, Inc. (M) World Belaieff, M.P.: Printed music C.F. Peters Corporation (P/J) Canada Belarus: Belarus Piano Inc. (D,I) United States Belden Wire & Cable: Cal Switch (D) United States Bell: Accordions Accordions & Keyboards (D) United States Bell-Duovox: Accordions CMC Distribution (D) United States Bellari: Tube audio equipment Rolls Corporation (M) World Belleplates: Belleplates Rhythm Band Instruments, Inc. (D,M) United States Bellite: Stainless steel mouthpieces Remle Musical Products Inc. (E,M) Beltone: Band instruments & access. Entertainment Music Mktg. Corp (D,I,M) Canada Beltuna: accordions Castiglione Accordion LLC (D,E,I) Canada Belwin String Builder: String/orchestra instruction Warner Bros. Publications (D,M,P/J) World Bends: Harmonica Synergy House (D) Canada Benedetto: Archtop Guitar Benedetto Guitars (M) World Benito Huipe: Acoustic guitars Casa Talamantes (I) Canada Berg Larsen: Saxophone mouthpieces Berg Larsen/Morrisco BVBA (E,M) World Bergerault: Professional mallet, keyboard percussion, orff percussion Peripole-Bergerault Inc. (D,I,M) Canada

Bergmann: Acoustic Pianos AND Music Corporation (D) Canada Berkeley Cases: Instrument cases Berkeley Cases (M) World Berklee Press: Instructional and technique publications Hal Leonard Corp. (P/J) World Bespeco: Keyboard stands & access. Coast Music (Eastern Canada) (D) Canada Besson: Cornets, trumpets, trombones, baritones, alto horns, euphoniums, tenor horns, tubas Buffet Crampon (D,I,M) Canada Beta: Microphones Shure Incorporated World Beyerdynamic: Microphones, headphones, wireless systems Beyerdynamic (M) World BFD2: software FXpansion USA, Inc. (D) Canada BG: Ligatures, Caps, Straps, Reeds, Access BG Franck Bichon (E,M) World BG (France): Rousseau Music Products Inc. (D,M) Canada BG France: Woodwind American Way Marketing LLC (D) United States BGuitars: acoustic and electric guitars and basses Bridgecraft USA Inc. (D,I,M) Canada BGW: amplifiers, subwoofer systems, rack mount accessory products BGW Systems (M) World Biamp: Audio electronics Biamp Systems (M) World Biema: Professional Audio Biema (M) World BIG by Langley: Recording console AMEK (M) World Big F Boost: Preamp Box F-Bass (M) World Big Foot: 1/4”plugs G & H Industries Inc. (M) World Big Foot: Floor Leg Tip XL Specialty Percussion Inc. (D,E,M) World Big Heart: Real Bottlenecks, Resonators, Boney Fingers, Big Heart Slide Co. (M) World Big Tone: Pickups Dell’Arte Instruments (M) Canada Bigsby: tremolos WD Music Products (D,E,I,M) World BigShot: ABY, EFX, Mix Radial Engineering World Billytone: Baritone Guitar signed by Billy Sheehan XOX Audio Tools (M) World Bird of Paradise: Capo, Rotatable Slide Digital Revolution Inc. (D,M) World Biscayne: Guitars & Drums Tropical Music Corp. (D,E) World Bixonic: Effects Godlyke Inc. (D,E,I,M) World Black & Whites: Digital stereo pianos Bit Headz, Inc. (M) World Black Cat Moan: Wah-wah Rocktron Guitar Rack Technolog (M) World

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45th annual supplier directory brand names


Black Cross: CASES Coffin Case (M) World Black Deluxe: Cases Impact Industries Inc. (M) World Black Diamond Strings, LLC: Cavanaugh Company Black Dog: Worldmax Snare Drum WorldMax USA (D) Canada Black Jack - 21: Guitar Amplifiers Fuchs Audio Technology (M) World Black Kross: Cases Coffin Case (M) World Black Max: drumhead Remo Inc. (M) World Black Mountain: Dulcimers Black Mountain Instruments (M) World Black Panther: Snare Drums Mapex USA Inc. (M) United States Black Tiger: Electric Bass Guitars Ken Smith Basses Ltd. (D,M) World Black Tusq: nuts, saddles, Bridge Pins Graph Tech Guitar Labs (M) World Black Widow: speakers Peavey Electronics Corp. (M) Canada Black Widow: Lasers American DJ Supply Inc. (M) Canada Blackbird: Harmonicas Rocky Mountain Music (D) Canada Blackbird Capo: Capo Digital Revolution Inc. (D,M) World Blackhawk: Opti-Case Inc. (M) United States Blackhawk: Fred Gretsch Enterprises Blackjacks: Mallets American Drum (M) World Blackwood: Drumstick On2 Marketing Inc. (D,M) United States Blade: Electric Guitars & Basses Close Marketing (D,I,M,P/J) Canada Blade: Electric guitars & basses Blade Guitars (D,M) Canada Blaster: snare wires Puresound (M) World Blessing: Brass horns St. Louis Music Bliss Paint: MIDI-controlled animation Imaja (M,P/J) World Blitz: Cleaning cloth for guitars, wood, brass, silver Blitz Manufacturing Co., Inc. (M) Canada Blitz: Cleaning & maintenance products Wexler Music Co. (D,E,I,M) World Blockaid: Noise barrier Acoustics First Corp. (M) World Blow Hard Guitar: Inflatable guitars Rich Music Co. (D,E,I,M,P/J) World BlowIt Fans: Personal cooling system for drummers Personal Cooling Concepts LLC Canada Blue Book of Acoustic Guitars: Reference and Value Guides Blue Book Publications Inc. (P) Canada Blue Max: Compressor w/pre-sets (M) World Blue Microphones: Recording Microphones, Mic Pre-amps, Microphone Cables, USB Microphones, USB Webcams, iPod Stereo Recorder. Blue Microphones (M) World Blue Note: Instrument straps Wexler Music Co. (D,E,I,M) World Blue Sky: Monitor speakers Group One Ltd. (D,I,M) World Blue Thunder: Signal processor Rocktron Guitar Rack Technolog (M) World Blueridge: Guitars Saga Musical Instruments (D) World Blues Boy: Finger Slide Rocky Mountain Slides (M) World Blues Harp: Harmonica Hohner, Inc. (D) United States BluesKing: 25-watt gtr. amp Bluesland Amplifiers (M) World BluesMaster: Electric basses Saint Blues Guitar Workshop (M) World BluesMaster: 50-wattt gtr. amp Bluesland Amplifiers (M) World BluesMonster: 30-watt gtr. amp Bluesland Amplifiers (M) World Bluthner: Upright & grand pianos Bluthner Pianos (M) World Bluthner: Acoustic Pianos Bluthner USA LLC. (D,I,M) United States

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BMT: Electric bass guitars Ken Smith Basses Ltd. (D,M) World bo-pep: Thumb Guide, Finger Saddle, Saxophone Strap bo-pep Inc. (M) United States Board Buff: Cleaner George Heinl & Co (D,E,I,M) Canada Bobadilla Cases: Polyethelene, ABS, ATA cases Molinari Industries (D,M) World Boblen: Cases Coast Music (Eastern Canada) (D) Canada Bock Audio: Microphones Transaudio Group (D,E,I) Canada Body glove: Bags for keyboards, drums, & guitars Ultimate Support Systems (M) Canada Body Glove: Guitar cases Power Group LTD (D) Canada BodyBeat: Vibrating Metronome Peterson Strobe Tuners (M) World Bohemia: Pianos German American Trading Company, Inc. Canada Bohemia Piano: Upright and Grand Pianos Bohemia Piano America, Inc. (D) Canada Bolero: Fred Gretsch Enterprises BoloPick: Guitar Pick, Holder, Neckchain & Keychain Bolopick, INC. (D,M) United States Boomerang: Boomerang Plus Phrase sampler, Gig bags Boomerang Musical Products (M) Canada Boomers: Electric Guitar Strings GHS Corp. (M) World Boomwhackers: Tuned percussion Mountain Rhythm (D,M) Canada Boosey & Hawkes: classical music Hal Leonard Corp. (P/J) Asia Borgani: Saxophones Nambucca Inc. (D,I) Canada Born To Rock: Electric guitar & bass Born To Rock Design Inc. (M) World Borsini: Accordions Castiglione Accordion LLC (D,E,I) Canada Bosphorus: cymbals Bosphorus Cymbals (D) Canada BOSS: Guitar & bass effects Roland Corp. U.S. (D,M) World Boston: Acoustic pianos Boston Piano Company (M) World Boston Designed by Steinway: Acoustic piano line Steinway & Sons (M) World Boston Music: Printed Educational Music Music Sales Group (D,P) World Boulder Creek Guitars: Acoustic guitar Morgan Hill Music World Bourgeois Guitars: Acoustic guitars Pantheon Guitars (M) Asia Brace Ade: Brace ~ade DnR Guitars L.L.C. (M) United States Brace-Guard: Orthondontic embouchure aid for braces AKMS Inc. (D,M) World Bradley: Music Rule Bradley Music Company (D,M) World Bradley: Adjustable clarinet barrel, sax support Advanced Music Products (D) World Brain Picks: nylon picks with a patented grip D’Andrea Inc. (D,E,I,M) World Brain Recording of Japan: Audio Compact Discs Ludwig Music Publishing Co. (P/J) Canada Brainstorm: Timecode prodcuts Plus 24 (D,E,I,M) World Brancher (France): Clarinet & Sax mouthpieces, reeds, neckstraps. ARK Corp. (D) United States Brass Factory: Guitar and Bass Bridges Kahler International Inc. (M) World Bravo: Guitars Coast Music (Eastern Canada) (D) Canada Bravo: marching drums Remo Inc. (M) World Brazen: Electric Guitar Brazen Guitars (M) United States Breedlove: Acoustic guitar, mandolin Breedlove Guitar Co. (M) World Breitmann: Acoustic Pianos Bluthner USA LLC. (D,I,M) United States Bretwood-Benson Publications: sacred publicatons Hal Leonard Corp. (P/J) Canada

Bricasti Design: Reverb Summit Audio Inc. (D,E,M) United States Brinkmann: Belarus Piano Inc. (D,I) World Brio: Flutes Gemstone Musical Instruments (D,M) Brite Srix: Mollard Conducting Batons (D,M) Brite Wires: Guitar strings Gibson Strings & Accessories (M) World Broadkaster: Fred Gretsch Enterprises Broadway: Scatter blocks, control columns & cubes Primacoustic (M) World Brooklyn Gear Straps: Guitar stras Brooklyn Gear (D,E,I,M) World Bruckner Verlag: Printed Music C.F. Peters Corporation (P/J) Canada Brute Series: Electric Bass Brubaker Guitars Inc. Australia Brutus: Class A Guitar Amps FBT USA Inc. (M) United States Bryan Carrott: Vibe mallets Encore Mallets Inc. (M) BSM: Guitar effects European Musical Imports Inc (D,I) Canada BSR: Electric bass guitars Ken Smith Basses Ltd. (D,M) World BSS: Analog/Digital Siganl Process Contact Distribution Ltd. (D) Canada BT: Electric bass guitars Ken Smith Basses Ltd. (D,M) World Buck: Bodhrans, Ukeleles, Component Parts for Banjos, Guitars, Mandolins, Hommered Dulcimers, Flute and Bodhran carrying bags, Leather Instrument Straps, Triangular Hand Drums, and Musical Bones Buck Musical Instrument Produc (M) Canada Buckle-Gard: Belt buckle cover, no scratch Wexler Music Co. (D,E,I,M) World Bud: Cal Switch (D) United States Buddy Rich: Buddy Rich Drum Co. (M) World Buffet Crampon: clarinet, oboe, saxophone, flute Buffet Crampon (D,M) United States Bug Bass: Electric upright bass Azola Basses (M) World Bugari: accordion Castiglione Accordion LLC (D,E,I) Canada Bugera: Guitar & Bass Amps Behringer USA, Inc. (M) World Bull: Guitar bags & straps Rocky Mountain Music (D) Canada Bullet Cable: instrument cables Core One Creative, Inc. (M) Australia Bullfrog DT & Traps: Bull Frog/MTS Products (M) World Burini: Accordion Accordions International (D,E,I,M) United States Burkart & Phelan: Flutes Burkart-Phelan World Burlington Series: TKL Products Corp. (D,E,I,M) Burner: Electric bass guitar, strings for bass & acoustic, classical Ken Smith Basses Ltd. (D,M) World Burns USA: electric, acoustic guitar MidWest Music Dist. (D) United States Buzz: Bass Guitar M. V. Pedulla Guitars (D,E,M) World


C. Bechstein: Pianos C. Bechstein Pianofortefabrik (M) World C.E.O. Comfort Strap, Pucker Pouch: Clarinet, English Horn, & Oboe Strap Neotech (M) World C.F. Durro: Carbon fiber bows Ideal Musical Merchandise Co (D,E,I,M) World C.F. Peters: Printed Music C.F. Peters Corporation (P/J) Canada C.N.B.: Cases Coast Music (Eastern Canada) (D) Canada CA Series: Power amplifiers Crest Audio Inc./Crest Console (M) Canada Cable Corp: Guitar Cables, Speaker Cables, Microphone Cables, Kay Guitar Co. (E,I,M) World Cable Up: Cables FDW - Worldwide (D) World

Cabria Series: Value-Priced Drumsets Premier Music International LTD (M) World CaiKleen RBR: Rubber Cleaner & Rejuvenator Caig Laboratories Inc. (M) World CaiLube MCL: Moving contact lubricant for faders, switches & Caig Laboratories Inc. (M) World Caldonian: Electric Guitar Campbell American Guitars (M) Japan Calicchio: Trumpets Calicchio Musical Instruments (E,M) World California Custom Covers: Pickup covers Redwood Music Corp. (M) United States Calin Wultur: Violin, viola, cello, bass JR Music Supply (D) Canada Calton Cases: Custom fitted fiberglass cases for most stringed instruments Calton Cases (D,M) Australia Calzone Escort Series: road cases Calzone Case Co./Anvil Cases (D,M) Camber: Cymbals P & D Wholesale (D,I) United States Camberlite: Speaker cabs Wright Bros. Sound (M) World Cambridge: Recorders Grover Musical Products (D,E,I,M) World Canare: Cable ARS Electronics (D) United States Candelas: Latin string instruments European Crafts/USA (D,E,I) United States Cannon: Percussion Coast Music (Eastern Canada) (D) Canada Cannonballs: Mallets American Drum (M) World Canvas: Guitars ASC (M) World Capri: Trumpets, Cornets, & Trombones Getzen Company Inc (E,I,M) World Carbonlite: Carbon fiber drum racks Carbonlite Products (M) World Card D Family: PC sound cards Digital Audio Labs (M) World Carillon: audio computer Wave Distribution (D) Canada Carl Ebel: Acoustic Pianos Piano Empire (I) United States Carl Martin: Guitar & bass pedals Gary Castelluccio & Associates (D,E,I) United States Carter Accesories PAck: pedal steel guitar volume pedal, cords, bar and picks World Class Steels, Inc. (M) World Carter-Starter: beginner pedal steel guitar World Class Steels, Inc. (M) World Carver Professional: Amplifiers Contact Distribution Ltd. (D) Canada Case Logic: Flute Cases Colorado Case Company, Inc. (M) World Casextreme: Case Xtreme (M) Casio: Keyboards V.J. Rendano Wholesale Music (D,E,I) United States Castalia: Coast Music (Eastern Canada) Castaonani: Accordions Castiglione Accordion LLC (D,E,I) Canada Castiglione: accordions Castiglione Accordion LLC (D,E,I) Canada Catpaws: Musical Spoons Catania Folk Instruments Inc. (M) World Cavagnolo: Accordions Accordions & Keyboards (D) United States Cavallaro: Brass & Woodwind Cases Colorado Case Company, Inc. (M) World Cavallaro: Case covers for all music instruments Cavallaro Case Co. (M) World CB drums: Kaman Music Corp. (D,M) World CB educational percussion: Educational percussion products Kaman Music Corp. (D,M) World CD Face: Design software Neato LLC (M) World CD Maples: Custom drumkits-maple ply Noble & Cooley Co. World CD-J 1000MK3: CD Player Pioneer ProDJ Canada CDJ-200: CD Player Pioneer ProDJ Canada CDJ-400: CD Player Pioneer ProDJ Canada CDJ-800MK2: CD Player Pioneer ProDJ Canada

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brand names 45th annual supplier directory CDX Compression Drivers: Celestion Cedar Audio: Audio restoration Independent Audio LLC (D) Canada Celebrate Piano!: Piano Method Frederick Harris Music Co. (P) Celebration Series: Piaon Repertoire Series Frederick Harris Music Co. (P) Celestion: Speaker New Sensor Corp. (D,E,I,M) World Celestion: Guitar Speakers Group One Ltd. (D,I,M) Canada Celestion: Speaker ARS Electronics (D) United States Celestion Blue: Celestion Celestion Gold: Celestion Cellobrations: Classics for 4 Cellos - Series: Cello Arrangements The Enterprising Rabbit (D,E,M,P) World Centaur: AMPS Castiglione Accordion LLC (D,E,I) Canada Centerpitch: intonation tool OnBoard Research Corp. (M) World Centerstream Publications: Print Music publications Hal Leonard Corp. (P/J) World Centurion Guitars: Electric guitars, 1 Model Arch-top Hand Made Single Craftsman made Ed Roman World Class Guitars Century: Hand-made acoustic guitars Century Guitars Century GT: Mixing consoles Crest Audio Inc./Crest Console (M) Canada Century GTX: Mixing consoles Crest Audio Inc./Crest Console (M) Canada Century LM: Mixing consoles Crest Audio Inc./Crest Console (M) Canada Century VX: Mixing consoles Crest Audio Inc./Crest Console (M) Canada Cerveny: Rotary Valves Brass Amati USA Inc. (D,M) Canada Cerveny: Rotary Valves Brass Instruments Amati USA Inc. (M) United States Cerwin-Vega: speakers, subwoofers Erikson Music (D) Canada Chafin Custom: Electric guitars Elite Music Brands (D,M) World Champion: Uke, banjo, violin pegs Grover Musical Products (D,E,I,M) World Chandler: Electric guitars Chandler Musical Instruments (M) World Chapman Stick: 10-12 Fretboard tapping instruments Stick Enterprises Inc. (M) Australia Charles Bay: Clarinets, saxophones, mouthpieces, and ligatures Bay Woodwind Products (D,E,I,M) World Charles Fox Guitars: Acoustic guitars Charles Fox Guitars (M) World Charles R. Walter: Console, grand & studio pianos Walter Piano Corp. (M) Canada Chartbuster: Karoake software D.J. Miller Music Distributors (D) United States Chartbuster: Karaoke Discs Trax Distributors (D) United States Chartbuster Karaoke: Chartbuster Karaoke (M) Chartier: oboe & bassoon double reeds Chartier LLC (M) World Charvel: Guitars Fender Musical Instruments Corporation (M) World Chauvet: Profesional Lighting Chauvet Lighting (M) World Checkmate: SPL Meters Galaxy Audio (I,M) World Cherry Lane Music: Print Music Puiblications Hal Leonard Corp. (P/J) World Cherub: tuner, metronome, pickup Cherub Technology Co., Ltd. (E,M) World Chester/Novello/Bosworth: Classical Printed Music Music Sales Group (D,P) World Chevin: Amplifiers Neumann/USA (D) United States Chicago: Fred Gretsch Enterprises Chicago Series: Lomax (E,M) Chicago Series: Trumpets, flugelhorn Kanstul Musical Instruments In (M) World Chickering: Acoustic Pianos Baldwin Piano & Organ Co. (M) World Childrens Sing Along: Childrens software karaoke, standard midi file w/ lyric Tune 1000 Corp. (M) World Chin Chum: padded chin rest D’Addario Canada (D) Canada ChoirMic™: Earthworks, Inc. (M) Chopper: Effects Pedal Gig-Fx Inc. World Chopper Series: TKL Products Corp. (D,E,I,M) Chops T.I.C.: Lip Balm Zaja Musical Products, LLC (D,M,P/J) World Chopsaver: Lip Care / Balm ChopSaver (Good for the Goose Products, LLC) (M) Canada Chord & Scale: Table reference card Castalia Publications (P/J) World Choudens: Printed music C.F. Peters Corporation (P/J) Canada Chris Campbell Custom Guitars: Electric Guitar, Electric Bass Civilized World (D,E,I,M) United States Chrisitan Musician Magazine: The Adolph Agency, Inc World Christian Music Directory: Directory (bound) Resource Publications Inc. (P/J) World Christian Music Finder: Directory (software) Resource Publications Inc. (P/J) World

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Christino: Violins, Violas, Cellos, Double Basses, bows, and cases Everjoy Music Inc. (D) United States Christopher: Orchestra String Instruments Concord International Group, Inc. (D,I,M) World Christopher Norton Connections: Contemporary Piano Repertoire Series Frederick Harris Music Co. (P) Chrome Dome: guitar slides Latch Lake Music Products (M) World Chromoharp: Chorded Zither Rhythm Band Instruments, Inc. (D,M) World Chronicler: Classic organs Ahlborn-Galanti Organs (D,M) Canada Chunk Systems: Bass Effects Godlyke Inc. (D,E,I,M) World Ciao: accordions Castiglione Accordion LLC (D,E,I) Canada Cicognani: Guitar & Bass Guitar amps FBT USA Inc. (M) United States Circus Time: Slide whistles Grover Musical Products (D,E,I,M) World Citron: Elec. guitars & basses Harvey Citron Enterprises (M) World Clam Case: Case Xtreme (M) Clarissima: Tuning Forks Wittner GmbH & Co. KG (M) Clarity: Rosin Super-Sensitive Musical String Co. (M) World Clarke Whistles: Whistles Woodstock Percussion Inc. (D,M) United States Classic American Kazoo: Plastic Kazoos Kazoobie Inc. (M) World Classic Series: Guitar straps Artist Showcase Inc. (D,E,M) United States Classic SS: Steam-bent solid shell snare drums in maple, oak, & cherry piccolo, 5x14, 7x14 Noble & Cooley Co. World Claude Lakey: Mouthpieces American Way Marketing LLC (D) Canada Claude Lakey Mouthpieces: Saxaphone & clarinet mouthpieces Claude Lakey Mouthpieces (M) World Clavinova: Keyboards Yamaha Corp. of America-Band & Orchestra Div. Claystone Drum: Udu Drum (M) United States Cleartone Strings: Premium treated acoustic and electric guitar strings Everly Music Company (D,I,M) World Clevelander Drum Co.: Timpani, mallets, concert snaredrums Cleveland Musical Instruments (M) World Clevinger Bassic: 4 String Electric Bass Clevinger Bass (M) World Clevinger Bennett: 4,5 stringed bass Clevinger Bass Clevinger Chimera: 4 st bass Clevinger Bass Clevinger Concerto: 4, 5, 6 st bass Clevinger Bass (M) World Clevinger Deluxe: 4,5,6 st bass Clevinger Bass (M) World Clevinger Opus: 4, 5, 6 string bass Clevinger Bass (M) World Clevinger Poquito Bassboy: 4 stringed bass Clevinger Bass (M) World Clevinger Solid Acoustic: 4, 5, 6, stringed bass Clevinger Bass (M) World

Click: Clarinet tuning barrel Musical Innovations Corp. (D,E,M) World Climate Case: Insulated Cases & Covers Allen Guitars (E,I,M) United States Cliolite: Software (Loudspeaker) Audio Amateur Corp. (P/J) Canada CLip Lock Strap: Guitar straps DiMarzio Inc. (M) World Clip-Joint: Neck connector system Stewart Guitar Co. (M) Canada Clockaudio: Gooseneck microphones, boundary microphones & choir boom APA Audio Group International (D,M) United States Cloudscape: Acoustical baffles Acoustics First Corp. (M) World Club Sean: lighting KLSTechnology Group (D,I,M) Canada CM Automation: Motor Mix, PM 64, PM 216, DB8 CM Automation (M) World Coda: Drums & Percussion The Music Link (D,E,I,M) Canada CodaBow Collection: Bow CodaBow International Ltd. (D,M) World CoEntrant: Loudspeakers Renkus-Heinz Inc. (E,M) World Coffin Case: Cases Coffin Case (M) World Coil ‘N’ Carry: Cable Strap w/handle Toleeto Fasteners (M) World Coinola: Music roll spool frame Player Piano Co. Inc. (D,M) World Coleri Comfort Rim: Mouthpiece Charles Colin Music (D,P/J) World Coles: Ribbon Mics Independent Audio LLC (D) United States College of Piping: Books Scott’s Highland Services Ltd. (D) World Collings Guitars: Acoustic Guitars, Electric Guitars, Mandolin. Collings Guitars (M) Australia Colonial Leather: Guitar straps Redwood Music Corp. (E,I,M) United States Colorado Case Co.: All Cases Colorado Case Company, Inc. (M) World Colorfold: Orchestra Stands Humes & Berg Mfg.Co. Inc. (M) World Coloriffic: Guitar pickguards Coloriffic PickGuards (M) World Colormation: Animated Luminous display Roctronics (D,M,P/J) World Columbine: Finger Slide Rocky Mountain Slides (M) World Commonwealth: Cases Mechanical Music Corporation (M) World Community: Loudspeakers Community Professional Loudspeakers (M) Asia Compellor Compressor Limiter: Model 320A Aphex Systems (M) World Complete Breathing: Instructional tape Zaja Musical Products, LLC (D,M,P/J) World Complex Conic: Horns Renkus-Heinz Inc. (E,M) World Compressor/Limiter: Model 651 Aphex Systems (M) World Compressors: Bass strings Ken Smith Basses Ltd. (D,M) World Compulator: Guitar Effect Pedal Demeter Amplification (M) Canada Concept: Otari Corp. of America (M) World

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45th annual supplier directory brand names


Concept Series: TKL Products Corp. (D,E,I,M) Concert Star: Fred Gretsch Enterprises ConcertMaster: Computerized Player Piano Systems Baldwin Piano & Organ Co. (M) Canada Concerto: Adjustible Piano Artist Bench GRK Mfg. Co. (D,M) Canada Concerto: Digital acoustic accordion Accordions International (D,E,I,M) World Concerto: Brasswind & Woodwind Musicparts UK & Pollard Trumpets (D,E,I,M) Europe Concerto: Accordions Accordions & Keyboards (D) United States Concho Villa: Guitar Bags Chandler Musical Instruments (M) World Concord: Violins, Violas, Cello Cases Decor Music Inc (D,E,I,M) Canada Concord Accessories: cases Concord International Group, Inc. (D,I,M) World Conectiv: M-Audio (M) Conference in a Box: Training DVD’s for worship teams The Adolph Agency, Inc World Config-U-Raxx: Studio furniture system Raxxess Metalsmiths (M) United States Conn Pianos: Acoustic Pianos Artfield Piano Ltd. (M) Canada Conn-Selmer: Accessories DF Music Enterprises Inc. (D) United States Conover Cable: Acoustic & player pianos Samick Music Corp. (M) Canada Conrad: Instrument accessories Wexler Music Co. (D,E,I,M) World Contemperania: Brazilian percussion Mountain Rhythm (D,M) Canada Contour: cables BRTB Canada Inc. (D,E,I,M) Canada Contreras: Tornavoz Music (D,E,I,M) Controlled Sound: drumhead Remo Inc. (M) World Converta-raxx: Mixer Rack Raxxess Metalsmiths (M) World Cool: Picks Cool Music Inc. (D,M) World Cool Straps: Guitar straps SHS International (D,I) Canada Coolglo: Music Light Gold Crest, Inc. (I,M) World Coolsma: recorder Magnamusic Distributors Inc. (D,I) Canada Corbin Musical Instruments: Acoustic Guitars, Mandolins, Banjos, Electric Guitars, Bass Guitars Music Dealers Resource Group, LLC (D,E,I) United States Cord Folio: Cord Organizer Bag Tuki Covers (M) World Cord-Lox: Velcro Cable Wraps Toleeto Fasteners (M) World Cordoba: Classical Flamenco Tornavoz Music (D,E,I,M) Core 1: Acoustic Guitar Manufacturer L.R. Baggs (M) World Core Equipment: diamond plate gear cases Core One Creative, Inc. (M) Australia Corelli: Strings for bowed instruments Savarez (M) Corelli: violin family strings Vitali Import Co. Inc. (D,I,P/J) United States Corner Cleats: Velcro case customizer SKB Corp. (M) United States Coronado: Acoustic Guitars Gulf Music Sales (D,E,I) Mexico Coronet Press: Print music Theodore Presser Co. (P/J) World Corpsmaster: Marching Snare Stick & Mallets Vic Firth, Inc. (M) World Corriciadan: Guitar slide Score Marketing World Cort: Acoustic and electric guitars, & basses Westheimer Corp. (D,I) United States Cortex-Pro: Professional Digital DJ Equipment GCI Technologies (M) World Cortez: Guitar Straps Coast Music (Eastern Canada) (D) Canada Corum: Classical guitar strings Savarez (M) Corum: Classical guitar strings Impecco Ltd. (D,I) United States

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Corum Alliance: Classical guitar strings Stringcenter LLC (D,E,I) United States Corum New Cristal: CLassical guitar strings Stringcenter LLC (D,E,I) United States Cory: Instrument care products Wexler Music Co. (D,E,I,M) World Counterpointer: Music Education Softare Ars Nova Software (P/J) Canada Country Club: Fred Gretsch Enterprises Country Gentlemen: Fred Gretsch Enterprises Countryman: mocrophones and D.I. Boxes Countryman Associates Inc. (M) World Countryman Associates: Microphones Contact Distribution Ltd. (D) Canada CP: Hand percussion, sound effects, student percussion, stands LP-Latin Percussion (M) World CR: Electric bass guitar Ken Smith Basses Ltd. (D,M) World Cracie: Performer Stand, Instrument Folding Stand. Slant-Column Stan Gracie Stands (E,M) World Cracovia: Violin, viola, cello, bass JR Music Supply (D) Canada Crafter: Coast Music (Eastern Canada) Crafter: Acoustic guitars Crafter USA (D) United States Crafter: Guitars HSS Division of Hohner (D) United States Crasher, The: Sound Effect Rhythm Tech (M) World Crazy John’s: Polishes Big Bang Distribution (D,E,I,M) Canada Creepnomore: Prevents digital keyboard pedal creep Wexler Music Co. (D,E,I,M) World CreepNoMore: Pedal Stabilizer Spain Manufacturing CO. (M) Canada Cremona: Violin Family Saga Musical Instruments (D) World Crestline: Manuscript paper Grover Musical Products (D,E,I,M) World Cricket: Polarity/Continuity test Self Galaxy Audio (I,M) World Cripple Creek: Mt. dulcimers, hamered dulcimers, guitars, mandolins Cripple Creek Dulcimers (M) World Cristal Corum: Classical guitar strings Impecco Ltd. (D,I) United States Cristal Soliste: Classical guitar strings Stringcenter LLC (D,E,I) United States Cristal Soliste: Classical guitar strings Impecco Ltd. (D,I) United States Criterion: Value line guitar and bass sets, electric guitar sets, music string sets E. & O. Mari Inc./La Bella (M) World Criterion: Music strings La Bella Strings (M) World Critical Hearing Systems: Sound Reinforcement Sonic Distribution USA (D) World Crossover: Elec. guitar Conklin Guitars & Basses (M) World Crown: Amps, microphones Freed International Inc. (E) Caribbean Crown Percussion by Remo: congos and banjos Direct Music Supply (D,I) Canada Crown Strings: Cello Strings Howard Core Company LLC (D) United States Crowther Audio: Guitar FX Pedal Phoenix Audio LLC (D,M) United States Cruzer: Electric Guitar & Bass Crafter USA (D) United States CruzTOOLS: CruzTOOLS Inc. Crybaby: Dunlop Manufacturing Inc. (M) Canada Crystal Bronze: Strings for acoustic, classical & electric guitar Ken Smith Basses Ltd. (D,M) World Crystal Classics: Strings for acoustic, classical & electric guitars Ken Smith Basses Ltd. (D,M) World CS and NS: speaker, speaker cables Conquest Sound Inc. (D,E,I,M) World CTL: microphone cables Conquest Sound Inc. (D,E,I,M) World Cubop: Latin Drums Timba Inc. (M) World Cue Balls: Mallets American Drum (M) World

Curly Cords: curly electric guitar cables Phantom Guitar Works, Inc. (M) World Curt Mangan: Strings, Guitar, Bass, Mandolin, Banjo Curt Mangan Inc. (D,E,I,M) United States Custom Console: Studio furniture/recording desk Sound Construction (M) World Custom Gauge: Custom guage strings Ernie Ball Inc./Music Man (E,M) World Custom Shop Parts: Guitar parts Elite Music Brands (D,M) World CustomWorks: A-Line Customized Services A-Line Acoustics (D,M) United States Cutting Wedge: Acoustical Foam Acoustics First Corp. (M) World CX Series: Drums Pacific Drums & Percussion (M) World Cyberlight: Automated luminaire High End Systems Inc. (D,M) World Cybermax: drumhead Remo Inc. (M) World Cymbal Crown: Cymbal topper Big Bang Distribution (D,E,I,M) Canada Cymbal Springs: Cymbal Mounts Aquarian (E,M) World Czech Case: upright acoustic road bass David Gage String Instrument R (D,E,I,M) World


D’Addario: Strings for most instruments D’Addario Canada (D,I) Canada D’Addario Strings: Fretted & bowed insrument strings D’Addario & Co. (D,M) World D’Addario Strings: Orchestral & fretted strings Vitali Import Co. Inc. (D,E,I) World D’Agostino: Acoustic guitar D’Agostino Musical Inst. (D,E,I) World D’Andrea Picks & Music Gear: Guitar & instrument picks, music accessories D’Andrea Inc. (D,E,I,M) World D’Angelico: Licensed to build archtop guitars Working Musician Products (D) World D’Aquisto: Guitar Strings, bass strings, classical strings, banjo strings, mandolin strings D’Aquisto Strings Inc. (M) World D’Aquisto: Electric Guitars Dana B. Goods (D) United States D’Orazio: M.I. strings Harris Musical Products Inc. (D,E,I,M) Canada D-CAM Synth Squad: software FXpansion USA, Inc. (D) Canada D-Tool: Drum tool Rich Music Co. (D,E,I,M,P/J) World Da Capo: recorders Sweet Pipes Inc. (P) Canada DACS Ltd: Ring modulators, MicAmp, Patchbay Independent Audio LLC (D) Canada Daedalus: Speaker systems, rack case Daedalus Cabinets (M) United States DaG: plastic speakers Monsound SRL (D) Spain Dahlia: 4 & 5 String Violins G. Edward Lutherie, Inc. (D) World Daisy Rock: Electric Guitar, Acoustic Guitar, Electric Bass Daisy Rock Guitars (M) World Dallape: Accordions Castiglione Accordion LLC (D,E,I) Canada Dalyan: tubas, euphoniums, Baritone Orpheus Music Inc. (D) Canada Dalyan: Low brass (tuba/eup.) Beijing Deyong Musical Instruments Co. (D,E,I,M) Germany Dan Fog: Publishers of music C.F. Peters Corporation (P/J) Canada Danelectro: pedals, tners, guitars D’Addario Canada (D,I) Canada Danelectro Guitars: Elec. guitar & basses Danelectro Guitars (D) Canada Daniel Guitars: Classical guitars Molinari Industries (D,M) United States Danmar: Percussion access. Direct Music Supply (D,I) Canada Danville: Banjos, dobros, amps Music World Enterprises, Inc (D,E,I) Canada Darco Strings: Fretted instrument strings C.F. Martin & Co. Inc. (M) World

Darling Divas: Electric & acoustic guitars, amps, cases, & bags LPD Music International (D) World Dava: Guitar picks D’Addario Canada (D,I) Canada Dava: Dava guitar picks The Dava Co. (M) World Dave Mustaine Progressives: Electric Guitar Strings GHS Corp. (M) World David E. Smith Publications: Sacred Instrument Music David E. Smith Publications, LLC (P) World Day Jams: education National Guitar Workshop (A/O,P/J) World DBRC-2: 2 channel RCA direct box Conquest Sound Inc. (D,E,I,M) World dCS: A/D, D/A, D/D Convert. Independent Audio LLC (D) United States Ddrum: Acoustic & electronic drums ddrum (M) United States Ddrum: Elec. percussion Dean Musical Instruments (M) United States De Rosa: percussion band instruments Bridgecraft USA Inc. (D,I,M) Canada Dean: Acoustic & electric guitars & basses Dean Guitars (M) World Dean Markley: Guitar & bass amps B & J Music Ltd. (D,I) Canada Dean Markley: Electric, Acoustic, & Bass Guitar Strings Dean Markley Strings (M) World Dean Markley: Guitar strings, pickups Coast Music (Eastern Canada) (D) Canada Debutante: Electric Guitar, Acoustic Guitar Daisy Rock Guitars (M) World Decals For Pianos: piano decals Decals for Pianos (D,M) World Decals Unlimited: Piano Decals Decals Unlimited World Decimator Pedal, G String: noise reduction pedal ISP Technologies, LLC (M) Decimator Pro Rack G: noise reduction ISP Technologies, LLC (M) Deck: Professional multitrack digital audio editing & mixing Bias Inc. (M) World Deering: Acoustic banjos Deering Banjo Company (M) World Defender: Bags & cases Musician’s Wholesale America United States Defender Cable Protection: Heavy Duty Cable Crossovers Adam Hall Ltd (D,E,I,M) World DeHaske Publications: Band - Solos & Ensembles Hal Leonard Corp. (P/J) Canada Delacole: metal sax mouthpieces PJLA Music Products (D,E,I) World Delaney: electric guitar, electric bass Delaney Guitars (M) Canada Dell’Arte: Acoustic jazz guitars Dell’Arte Instruments (M) World Delta Blues: Harmonicas Coast Music (Eastern Canada) (D) Canada Delta Classic: Guitar slide Latch Lake Music Products (M) World Demand: Silk swabs Wexler Music Co. (D,E,I,M) World Denis Wick: Mouthpieces, Mutes, & Accessories DF Music Enterprises Inc. (D) United States Denis Wick: Mutes & mouthpieces DANSR, Inc. (D) Canada Denon: Tape & CD players Richardson Electronics Ltd. (D) World Denon: Audio/ Dj electronics Denon DJ (M) United States DeoxIT: Deoxidizer, cleaner & preservative for metal elec. Caig Laboratories Inc. (M) World DeVillier: Band & Orchestra Instruments European Crafts/USA (D,E,I) United States Devlin Guitars: Electric guitars SHS International (D,I) Canada Diamond Grip: DrumSticks Trueline Drumsticks (M) World Diamond Tip: Jopo Music Inc. (M) World Diane Bish Signature Series: Digital organs Allen Organ Co. (M) World Dieter Hopf: Classical / Flamenco Guitars Luthier Music Corp. (D,E,I,M) Canada

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brand names 45th annual supplier directory Diezel Amplifications: Guitar amplifiers Salwender International (D,I,M) Canada Digico: mixing consoles Group One Ltd. (D,I,M) United States Digital Audio Toolbox: Handheld digital sound analyzer TerraSonde (M) Europe Digital Designs: Studio monitors, dj speaker systems Digital Designs International (M) World Digital Piano Buyer’s Guide: Annual buyer’s guide Electronic Musician Magazine (P/J) Canada DigiTech: Effects, preamps harmony DOD/DigiTech (M) World Dijiri-Tube: Digeridoo Toot & Hoot Didgeridoos (M) World Dillion: Acoustic & elec. guitars, basses & access. Dillion Guitars (D,I,M) United States Dillion Guitars: Electric & acoustic electrics Dillion Guitars (D,E,I,M) Europe DimensionPro: Software (Instrument) Cakewalk, Inc. (M) World Dinkles: Marching band shoes Up-Front Footwear Inc. (D,M) World Dinosaur: Electric guitar & basses, guitar & bass amps, acoustic Eleca International (D,M) World DIP: Drumsticks/mallets Avedis Zildjian Co. (M) World DIP: Drumstick Avedis Zildjian Co. (M) World DiPinto: Electric guitars and basses DiPinto Guitars (M) World Diplao: Violins Music World Enterprises, Inc (D,E,I) Canada Diplomat: Woodwinds & brass Paul Shelden Global Productions/ Diplomat Musical (D,E,I,M) Asia Diplomat: drumhead Remo Inc. (M) World Diplomatte: Woodwinds & brass Paul Shelden Global Productions/ Diplomat Musical (D,E,I,M) Asia Director: direct box Whirlwind Music (M) World Discacciati: Piano benches German American Trading Company, Inc. Canada Discrete Drums: Series One Pro, Series Two Pro, Easthbeat, Heavy Mental, Discrete Percussion, Turbulent Fifth Monsters, Ruff Drumz Bitch. Discrete Drums (M) World Disklavier: Keyboards Yamaha Corp. of America-Band & Orchestra Div. Disney Karaoke: CD&G Karaoke Discs Trax Distributors (D) United States Display and Play Cases: musical instrument display case D’Andrea Inc. (D,E,I,M) World Distressor: Signal processor Wave Distribution (D,E,I,M) World Diva: Reference Monitors Barbetta Electronics (M) United States DiVacenza: Violins, violas, cello, bass violins Kolstein Music Inc. (D,E,I,M) World Diversi: Drawbar Organ Diversi Musical Instruments (M) World Diversi SpinTone: Rotary speaker Diversi Musical Instruments (M) World Dixon Hardware: Drum hardware/accessories Kaman Music Corp. (D,M) United States DJ Series: TKL Products Corp. (D,E,I,M) DJ Skirts: Appearance Products DJ Skirts (M) World DJM-400: Mixer Pioneer ProDJ Canada DJM-700: Mixer Pioneer ProDJ Canada DJM-800: Mixer Pioneer ProDJ Canada DK Audio: Test & measurement T.C. Electronic Inc. (D,M) United States dk3: Concert snare GMS Drum Co. Inc. (M) World DKOTA: saxophone hard rubber mouthpiece Bari Woodwind Supplies, LLC (M) United States DMS: Digital audio/post console AMEK (M) World Doc’s Promold: Ear mold for electronics Doc’s Proplugs, Inc. (D,E,M) World Doc’s Proplug: Musician’s earplug Doc’s Proplugs, Inc. (D,M) World Doc’s Protune: Ear mold for earphones Doc’s Proplugs, Inc. (D,M) World Dolsey: Spinning Guitar Display Dolsey Ltd (D,I,M) United States Dominant: Bowed strings Thomastik-Infeld (M) World Dominant String: Strings Decor Music Inc (D,E,I,M) United States Dominator Cables: Cables Rapco Cable (M) World Dominator II Peak Limiter: Model 720 Aphex Systems (M) World Don Lace Series: Actodyne General Inc. (M) World Don Wright: Acoustic guitar Marz Guitars of California (I,M) United States Dorado: Fred Gretsch Enterprises Doremi USA: Used pianos Poppenberg & Associates (D,I,M) United States Double High C in 37 Weeks: Range development program for trumpet players High Note Studios Inc. (D,E,P/J) World Double Key: Bow hair Wagman Primus Group LP (D,I) Canada Double Whammy: Electric guitar & bass Vibro-Tek Industries (D,M) World Doug Beach Music: Jazz Ensemble Kendor Music Inc. (P) World Doug Walter Marimba/Vibe Mallets: Encore Mallets Inc. (M)

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Downbeat: Merchandise paper & poly bags Wexler Music Co. (D,E,I,M) World DPA: Microphones & accessories DPA Microphones (D) Canada Dr. Dan’S: Instrument care videos Wexler Music Co. (D,E,I,M) World Dr. Dan’s: Care and maintenance products The Original Swab Co. (M) World Dr. Ducks AX Wax and String Lube: Cleaning, Polishing, Moisturizing Lube Ducks Deluxe (M) World Dr. Ducks Jazz/Fat Guitar Strings: Electronic Guitar Strings Ducks Deluxe (M) World Dr. Lixx Accessories: Capos & cloth cleaner SHS International (D,I) Canada Dr. Stringfellow: Care Products Kyser Musical Products Inc. (M) World Dragonfly: Electric guitar Fernandes Guitars U.S.A. Inc. (M) World Drawmer: Signal Processors Transaudio Group (D,E,I) United States Dreadnaught: Furniture movers pads and form fit covers, dollies, speaker New Haven Moving Equipment Cor (D,M) Canada Dream: Cymbals, gongs Mountain Rhythm (D,M) World Drum Clinic: Repair & replacement parts Duplex Percussion (M) World Drum Corps: Marching malletts Duplex Percussion (M) World Drum Rugs: Drum Rug Drum Axis (I,M) United States Drum Tech: Drum parts John Hornby Skewes & Co. Ltd. (E) World Drum-A-Long: drumset practice pad kit Drum-A-Long (M) World Drumcraft: Professional lacquer drumkits & hardware Westheimer Corp. (D,I) United States Drumcraft: Professional Lacquer Drum Kits and Hardware Basix Percussion USA (M) United States Drumdial: Drum tuner Big Bang Distribution (D,E,I,M) Canada drumhead durability enhancer: Remo Inc. (M) World DrumKit™ System: Earthworks, Inc. (M) Drummer’s Woodshed: Drum Practice Pads E-Pad Enterprises (M) United States Drumnetics: Bass drum pedal Drumnetics Company (M) DrumSeeker: Percussion Bags Humes & Berg Mfg.Co. Inc. (M) World Drumsetter: Drum Rug American Recorder Technologies, Inc. (M) United States Drumslinger: Guitar bags, Cymbal bags, Drum Bags, Drumstick bags, Computer bags, Printer bags. Tough Traveler LTD (D,E,M) World Drumspan: The New Drum Cover Drumspan/K.J. Music (A/O,M) Canada Drumstick Spinology: Two DVD Set SMG, Inc (P) World Drumxtreme DX-150: USB digital drum kit Pacific Digital (M) Canada DrumXtreme DX-Midi-Pro: Midi Digital drum kit Pacific Digital (M) Canada Drumztrem DX-100: USB digital drum kit Pacific Digital (M) Canada

DSP-45: DSP Guitars Ambrosonics, LLC (D,M) Canada DSP-45P: DSP Guitar Preamp Ambrosonics, LLC (D,M) Canada DSP.FX System: Signal processor Power Technology (M) World DST: Drum Set, Tambourine Rhythm Tech (M) World DTS: One-Touch Drum Tuning System Drum Tech (M) World Ducks Deluxe Acoustic Strings: Acoustic and Classical Guitar Strings Ducks Deluxe (M) World Duet: Audio Interface Apogee Electronics Corporation (M) World Dugain: Guitar pickups Dell’Arte Instruments (M) Canada Dukoff: Saxophone Mouthpieces Wexler Music Co. (D,E,I,M) World Dunbar bagpipes: Bagpipes & chanters Scott’s Highland Services Ltd. (D) World Dunlop: Guitar picks, capos, slides, bottlenecks Coast Music (Eastern Canada) (D) Canada Dunlop, Rico, Shadow, Vandoren, Wittner: All related to band. Casa Veerkamp SA de CV (D,E,I) Mexico Duovox: Accordions Accordions & Keyboards (D) United States Duplex: Percussion access. Duplex Percussion (M) World Duplexo: straps Micro Musical Products Corp. (M) World Dura-Flex: Cable Creative Stage Lighting Co.Inc (D,M) Canada Durand: classical music Hal Leonard Corp. (P/J) Canada Durango: Guitars Saga Musical Instruments (D) World Duratech Stick Adjusta-Weight System: drum stick weights Players Music Accessories (D,E,M) World Durite: Plastic cases Elkhart Cases (M) Canada Dusty Strings: Harps & hammered dulcimers Dusty Strings (M) World DVJ-1000: DVD Turntable Pioneer ProDJ Canada DW Pedals & Stands: drum hardware Direct Music Supply (D,I) Canada DX-50: Drumhead Pacific Digital (M) Canada DX-Midi Console: Midi drum console Pacific Digital (M) Canada Dyaudio Acoustics: Studio Monitors TC/US (D) Canada Dynamax: drumhead Remo Inc. (M) World Dynasty: Brass & Persussion Accessories; Sound Reinforcement DEG Music Products Inc. (M) World DynAudio Acoustics: Near & mid field monitors T.C. Electronic Inc. (D,M) World


E Gearset: ear worn mikes Countryman Associates Inc. (M) World E Snake: digital snake Whirlwind Music (M) World E-Gig: Electronic Drum Kit Pintech USA, Inc. (M) Australia E-Pad!: Drum Practice Pads E-Pad Enterprises (M) United States E-Road Pro, EJam: Electronic Drum Kit Pintech USA, Inc. (M) Brazil E-Session: Electronic Drum Kit Pintech USA, Inc. (M) Australia E-Z Fold: Projection screens, roll carts, paper stands, lecterns, tech surrounds The Screen Works (M) World E-Z Fold: Risers Humes & Berg Mfg.Co. Inc. (M) World E-Z Play Today: songbooks Hal Leonard Corp. (P/J) World E. Rousseau: Rousseau Music Products Inc. (D,M) World E.A.R.: Noise filters Wexler Music Co. (D,E,I,M) World E.M. Winston: Band instruments, stringed instruments E.M. Winston Band Instru. (D,E) World

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45th annual supplier directory brand names


E.M. Winston: Band/orchestra instruments Music Treasures Co. (D) United States Eagle: Fred Gretsch Enterprises Eagle I & II: Opti-Case Inc. (M) United States Earmonitors: custom-fit professional personal monitors Future Sonics (M) World Earthwood: Acoustic guitar, banjo, & mandolin strings Ernie Ball Inc./Music Man (D,E,M) World Earthworks: Microphones and microphone preamps MMS Inc. (E) World Eastman Cases: Fiberglass and Carbon Fiber Cases Eastman Guitars and Mandolins (D,E,I,M) World Eastman Guitars: Handcrafted Guitars Eastman Guitars and Mandolins (D,E,I,M) World Eastman Mandolins: Handcrafted Mandolins Eastman Guitars and Mandolins (D,E,I,M) World Eastman Strings: Orchestral Strings Eastman Guitars and Mandolins (D,E,I,M) World Eastman Winds: Brass and woodwind Instruments Eastman Guitars and Mandolins (D,E,I,M) World Eastwood: Eastwood Guitars (M) World Easy Glide: Saxophone straps Oleg Products Co. (D,M) Canada Easy Store Panel: amp racks R & R Cases & Cabinets (M) United States Ebony: drumhead Remo Inc. (M) World EBow: Electronic bow for guitars Heet Sound Products (M) World EBS: Bass Amps & Pedals Musical Distributors Group (D,I,M) United States EBS: bass gear Brooklyn Gear (D,E,I,M) World Ebtech: Audio Solutions Sound Enhancements Products Inc. (D,M) World EBTECH: Audio Solutions Sound Enhancements Products Inc. (M) World Ebtech: Hum eliminator & line level shifter Ebtech (M) World EC100: 100-watt gtr. amp Bluesland Amplifiers (M) World Echeverria: Electric guitars Echeverria Guitars Inc. (M) United States Echo: Indigo DJ, Indigo IO, Indigo, Mia MIDI, Gina24, Layla Laptop Echo Audio (M) World Eclipse Harmonizer: Effects harmonizer Eventide (M) World Ecocure: Energy Efficient UV Dryer UV 111 Systems, Inc (M) World ECOLED: Replacement lighting Marketing Insights Inc. (M) United States Econo Drawer: Cadence Mfg. Inc. (M) Canada Econoline: ATA Style Cases ProCases Inc. World Ecstasy: Speakers B-52 Professional (M) World Ecstasy: Speakers E.T.I. Sound Systems Inc. (M) World Edac: Multipins Green Dot Audio (D) United States Edirol: computer music periferals Edirol (D,M) World Edirol: Computer based hardware + software Thinkware (D) United States Edirol by Roland: Digital mixers, midi controllers Roland Corp. U.S. (D,M) World Edit Center: Studio editing furniture Middle Atlantic Products, Inc. (M) United States Edition HAS: accessories,educational,original compositions, tapes, cd’s Edition HAS Music Publishing (P/J) Canada Edition Peters: Publisher of music C.F. Peters Corporation (P/J) Canada Editions Chantraine: Organ-At-Home, BK & CD series Theodore Presser Co. (D,P/J) Canada EF Dean: flute Custom Music Co. (D,I) Canada EFX-1000: Effects Pioneer ProDJ Canada EI: Vacuum Tubes New Sensor Corp. (D,E,I,M) World Eight Balls: Mallets American Drum (M) World Elation: Lighting effects American DJ Supply Inc. (M) Canada

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Eldon: Flute, Clarinet, Saxophone, Trumpet, and Trombone Antigua Winds, Inc. (D) Canada Eldorado: Fred Gretsch Enterprises Electric Piano: Organ Modules DR Handmade Strings (D,M) Canada Electrics: Top of line Electric Guitar Strings E. & O. Mari Inc./La Bella (M) World Electrics: Music strings La Bella Strings (M) World Electro-Harmonix: Guitar pedals, vacuum tubes New Sensor Corp. (D,E,I,M) World Electro-Harmonix: Musical Effect Pedals & Processors Electro-Harmonix (D,M) United States Electro-Socket: Guitar Part Allparts (D,E,I) United States Electronic Musician: Magazine Electronic Musician Magazine (P/J) Canada Electrovoice: Microphones, monitors Richardson Electronics Ltd. (D) United States Elektralite: Intelligent Lights/Contr. Group One Ltd. (D,E,M) World Elektrasonik Guitars: Electric & acoustic guitars & basses Adam Hall Ltd (D,E,I,M) World Element: Acoustic Guitar Pickup L.R. Baggs (M) World Eleuke: Ukelele Chesbro Music Company (D) United States Elf Recording: Audio Compact Discs Ludwig Music Publishing Co. (P/J) World ELITE: Marathon Professional (D,M) Elite: Classical/ Spanish guitar sets, double bass strings, electric bass sets E. & O. Mari Inc./La Bella (M) World Elite: Speaker systems Yorkville Sound Inc. (D,E,I,M) World Elite: Timpani Premier Music International LTD (M) World Elite: Music strings La Bella Strings (M) World Elite Case Co.: Gig bags/guitars/basses Close Marketing (D,I,M,P/J) United States Elite Case Co.: Gig bags, instr. bags Blade Guitars (D,M) Canada Elite Series: Custom in Ear-Musicians Monitors (ES1/ES2/ES3) , custom fit musician’s ear plug (ES49) Westone Laboratories (M) World Elite Series: In-ear musicians’ monitors Westone Laboratories, Inc. (M) World Elixer Strings: strings for acoustic guitar, electric guitar, bass guitar, Elixir Strings (M) World Elixir: Strings W.L. Gore & Assoc. Inc. (M) Australia Elixir: Strings & cables Power Group LTD (D) Canada Elka: Accordions Accordions & Keyboards (D) United States Elkan-Vogel Inc.: Print Music Theodore Presser Co. (P/J) World Elliott Electronics: Concert audio speakers Elliott Electronics (M) United States Ellipse: Pickup & Preamp Systems Fishman Acoustic Amplification (M) World EMCI: Fred Gretsch Enterprises EMG Inc.: pickups Kuffner International Inc. (E,I) World EMI Christian: sacred publicatons Hal Leonard Corp. (P/J) Canada Eminence: Speaker New Sensor Corp. (D) World Eminence: Portable Upright Bass G. Edward Lutherie, Inc. (D) World Eminence: Speakers ARS Electronics (D) United States Eminence: Professional Loudspeakers Eminence Speaker (D,E,I,M) World Eminence: Electric upright bass Concord International Group, Inc. (D,I,M) World Emma: Effects Godlyke Inc. (D,E,I,M) Canada EMMA: Line Array Speaker Enclosure A-Line Acoustics (D,M) United States Emmite: Drumsticks Emmite Drumsticks (M) World Emperor: drumhead Remo Inc. (M) World

Emperor X: drumhead Remo Inc. (M) World Empire: Ethnic Indian Strings, Ethnic Indian Percussion Synergy House (D,I,M) World EMS: Rack mount cases Multi-Caisses Inc. (M) Canada Emulator: Samplers E-mu Systems Inc. (M) World Encore: drum heads Direct Music Supply (D,I) Canada Encore: Electric and acoustic guitars John Hornby Skewes & Co. Ltd. (E) World Encore: Chairs & music stands Hamilton Stands Inc. (E,I,M) World Encore: Music Notation Software gvox (M) World Encore: drumhead collection Remo Inc. (M) World Encore ‘Play Now’: Guitar outfits John Hornby Skewes & Co. Ltd. (E) World Encore Bags: Drum bags Impact Industries Inc. (M) World Enduro: Percussion Cases Humes & Berg Mfg. Co. Inc. (M) World Enduro Pro: Percussion Cases Humes & Berg Mfg.Co. Inc. (M) World Enforcer: Percussion hardware Adam International (D,E,I,M) World Engstroem: Publisher of music C.F. Peters Corporation (P/J) Canada Ensemble: Speaker cover Foss MFQ Co., inc. Canada Ensemble: Audio Interface Apogee Electronics Corporation (M) World Entertainment Industry Tape: Tape Creative Stage Lighting Co.Inc (D,M) Canada Entertainment Power Systems: Power Distribution Creative Stage Lighting Co.Inc (D,M) Canada Eon: Powered speakers JBL Professional (M) World Epic: musician monitor Microsonic (M) United States EPM: Transducer pickups systems Coast Music (Eastern Canada) (D) Canada EQ System: Bass Drumheads Evans Drumheads (D,E,M) World Equalizer: Snare wires Puresound (M) World Equinox: Parametric equalizer preamp D-Tar Duncan Turner Acoustic R (M) World Ergonomic Neck Cushion: Sax strap cushion Oleg Products Co. (D,M) Canada Eric Johnson Signature Series: Electric Guitar Strings GHS Corp. (M) World Erizias Basses: Basses Erizias Basses (M) Canada Ernest Deffner: Accordion Parts & Accessories Ernest Deffner Inc. (D,E,I,M,P) World Ernesto Palla: Nylon classic guitar strings Ernie Ball Inc./Music Man (M) World Ernie Ball: Strings & accessories Ernie Ball Inc./Music Man (E,M) World Ernst Georg Dumel: String instruments F.E. Olds and Son Inc. (M) World Ernst H. Roth: Stringed instruments Ideal Musical Merchandise Co (D,E,I,M) United States Erwin Otto: String instruments RS Berkley Instruments (M) Esh Basses: Electric Bass Guitar Slider Straps (D,E,I,M) Canada ESI: digital audio & midi soundcard, interfaces Ego Systems Inc (D,M) Canada ESP: Electric guitars & electric basses ESP Guitar Co. (M) World Esprit: clarinet & saxophone mouthpiece Bari Woodwind Supplies, LLC (M) United States Essential Elements: Band, orchestral, jazz & choral methods Hal Leonard Corp. (P/J) World Essex Designed by Steinway: Acoustic piano line Steinway & Sons (M) World Estonia: Acoustic grand pianos Laul Estonia Piano Factory (D) Canada Estrella: Acoustic Guitar European Crafts/USA (D,E,I) United States ETA: Rack Mounted Power Distribution Contact Distribution Ltd. (D) Canada

ETA: AC power distribution ETA Systems (M) Eterna: Trumpets, Trombones, Cornets, & Flugelhorns Getzen Company Inc (E,I,M) World Eterna II: Trumpets, Cornets, & Trombones Getzen Company Inc (E,I,M) World Ethercon: RJ45 connectors Neutrik USA Inc. (M) United States Etherwave: Theremin Moog Music (M) World Eurolite Cases: Various DJ Cases ProCases Inc. World Evans: Drum heads, orchestral skins, marching drum heads, D’Addario Canada (D,I) Canada Evans Drumheads: Drumheads & percussion access. D’Addario & Co. (D,M) World Eventide Harmonizer: Effect Processor Eventide (M) World Evercast: Marketing & Internet Services Evercast World Everett Elan: High end acoustic guitars Everett Guitars (M) United States Everett Laurel A Model: Medium sized handmade guitar Everett Guitars (M) United States Everett Laurel O Model: Small sized handmade guitar Everett Guitars (M) United States Everly Strings: guitar strings Everly Music Company (D,I,M) World Everyone’s Drumming: Custom made hand drums Everyone’s Drumming (D,I,M) Canada EVH: Guitars Fender Musical Instruments Corporation (M) World Ex Factor: Extended string bass Philip Kubicki Technology (M) World Excel: percussion, guitars, amps, P.A., and accessories Davitt & Hanser Music Co. (D,E,I,M) World Excelsicr & Pigini: Accordions Castiglione Accordion LLC (D,E,I) Canada Excelsior: Accordions Accordions & Keyboards (D) United States Excelsior Accordions: Standard & midi accordions Brown Distributing Co. (D,I) United States Excetylene: Instrument Cables Excetylene Cables (M) World Expander/Gate: Model 622 Aphex Systems (M) World Extendit ADC switcher: Switcher Gefen Inc. (M) World Extendit CAT-5 5000: Extender Gefen Inc. (M) World Extendit CAT-5-1000: extender Gefen Inc. (M) World Extendit DVI splitter: Hub Gefen Inc. (M) World Extendit DVI switcher: switcher Gefen Inc. (M) World Exterminator: Fred Gretsch Enterprises Extra-Life: Acoustic guitar strings DR Handmade Strings (D,M) World Extreme Isolation: Headphones Direct Sound Headphones (M) Australia Eyeland: Eyeland Luxury Straps LM Products (M) World EZAL: Line Array Adjustment Hardware A-Line Acoustics (D,M) United States


F Bass: Electric Bass, High Fidelity Instrument Cable, Strap, Leather F-Bass (M) World F Bass Strings: Bass Strings F-Bass (M) World F-Bass: Electric bass Guitar Clinic (M) World F. Loree: Oboe/ English horn Mark Chudnow Woodwinds (D,I) World F.A. Reynolds: Band & orchestra F.E. Olds and Son Inc. (M) World F.Cervini: Violin Family Saga Musical Instruments (D) World F.E. Olds & Sons: Band & Orchestra F.E. Olds and Son Inc. (M) World F.E. Olds and Son: Band and orchestra instruments PJLA Music Products (D,E,I,M) World

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brand names 45th annual supplier directory Fab Fakes: Electric guitars, replicated recreations of famous rockstar signature or stage played instruments Ed Roman World Class Guitars Faber, Dover: Piano/Band/Orchestra/Guitar Alfred Music Publishing Canada Facelift: Guitar Body Overlays Rockano Productions Ltd. (D,E,M) Canada Factor 4: 34”” scale 4 string bass Philip Kubicki Technology (M) World Falams: drumhead Remo Inc. (M) World Falcon: Acoustic guitar John Hornby Skewes & Co. Ltd. (E) World Falcone: Acoustic pianos ASC (M) World Falcone: Coast Music (Eastern Canada) Fall Creek Marimbas: Glockenspiels (orch. bells), mallet percussion tuning Fall Creek Marimbas (M) World Fancy Pans: Steel drum instruments Fancy Pans Steel Drums and Per (M) United States Fantas Tixx: Drum sticks JT Musical Inc. (D) Canada Fargo: processor Wave Distribution (D) World Farnell Ultra-Lite: milennium, EXP, EXG, EXT, EXB4, EXB5, G-2 Farnell Ultra-Lite Guitar Co. (D,M) World Fast Track: Music instruction Hal Leonard Corp. (P/J) World Fast Track: M-Audio (M) Fat Beams: Bass guitar straps DR Handmade Strings (D,M) World Fat Cat: Snare straner Big Bang Distribution (D,E,I,M) Canada Fat Cat Creme: Tuning Slide Grease & Cork Grease Fat Cat Instrument Co., Inc. (M) World Fat Cat Instant Oil: Non toxic Brass instant oil Fat Cat Instrument Co., Inc. (M) World Fat Cat Tuning Slide Grease: Tuning Slide Grease Fat Cat Instrument Co., Inc. (M) World FAT Pedal: Electronic Trigger Pedal Drum Tech (M) World Fatpro Technologies: 4X2 expandable mixer; 1ch & 4 chan Di’s; 1, 2, & 4 chann. ac 48v phanton power supplies; mono & stereo battery 48v phantom power Fatpro Technologies (M) Fazioli: Acoustic pianos, grands Fazioli Pianoforte (D) Canada Fazioli Pianos: Grand pianos International Brokers Inc. (D,I) United States FBT Hi Maxx: Powered & Passive Speakers FBT USA Inc. (M) United States FBT Jolly: Passive and powered speakers FBT USA Inc. (M) United States FBT Maxx: Powered & Passive Speakers FBT USA Inc. (M) United States FBT Modus: Powered and Passive Line arrays FBT USA Inc. (M) United States FBT PSR, FBT Formula: Powered and Passive Speakers, Mixers FBT USA Inc. (M) United States FBT Verve: Powered and passive speakers FBT USA Inc. (M) United States FBX Feedback Exterminator: Automatic Feedback Controller Sabine (M) World Feedback Ferret: Digital feedback eliminator Peavey Electronics Corp. (M) Canada FelonyX: Pickup Adder Plus Corp. (M) World Fender: Guitars, amps, access. Freed International Inc. (D,E) Caribbean Fender: Guitars, Amplifiers, Pro Audio, Strings, Picks & Accessories, Clothing & Collectibles Fender Musical Instruments Corporation (M) World Fender Spring Capo: Spring Capo Paige Musical Products (M) United States Fender Studio: USB Interface for guitar/bass with guitar/bass amp software IK Multimedia (M) Canada Fernandes: Fernandes Guitars U.S.A. Inc. (D,M) Canada Fernandes: Guitars Musical Distributors Group (D,I,M) United States Fiberskyn: drumhead Remo Inc. (M) World Fibes: Acoustic Drums Fibes Drum Co. (M) World

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Fibracell: Sax & clarinet reeds MIRI Musical Instrument Reeds (M) World Fiddle Factory: one-man band, stupp fiddle, kazoos (with imprints) Fiddle Factory (M) World Fiddle Friends™: Violin/Viola Shoulder Rests The Enterprising Rabbit (D,E,M,P) World Fiesta: Fred Gretsch Enterprises Fiet-King: Electric guitars & basses MIDC Limited (D) Canada Fighter: Percussion, guitar, brass & wind instruments Maxtone Musical Instrument Mfg (E,M) World Final Scratch: MP3 DJ software/hardware Stanton Magnetics, Inc. (M) World Finale: Music notation software MakeMusic, Inc (M) World Finale Allegro: Music Notation Software MakeMusic, Inc (D,M) World Finale NotePad: Music Notation Software MakeMusic, Inc (D,E,M,P) World Finale Print Music: Music Notation Software MakeMusic, Inc (D,M) World Finale Songwriter: Music Notation Software MakeMusic, Inc (D,M) Canada finalizer:MultiBand dynamics processor T.C. Electronic Inc. (D,M) World Finger Ease: Lubricants Coast Music (Eastern Canada) (D) Canada Finger Ease: String lubricant Chem-Pak Inc. (M) World Fingerstyle Guitar: Magazine & CD MI Media LLC (P/J) World Fingerweights: Training Device Fingerweights LLC (D,M) World First Chair: Cleaning, polishing, lubricants, mouthpiece sanitizers Best Products International In (D,E,M) World First Note: Musical novelties Trophy Music Co. (D,E,I,M,P/J) World First Note: Rhythm & novelty percussion Duplex Percussion (M) World Fish: Tambourines Yuta Musical Inc. (D,E,I,M) World Fishman: Acoustic Amplification IBC Trading Ltd. (D,E,I) World Fishtix: Fish shaped percussion spoons Catania Folk Instruments Inc. (M) World Fisoma: Strings German American Trading Company, Inc. Canada Five Pin Press: Software Joel Sampson MIDI Source (D,M) Canada Five-Finger Composers: Sheet music Piano Press (D) World Flaire: Snappy Snares Big Bang Distribution (D,E,I,M) Canada Flashy Splashy Coloring Book: Coloring books with music symbols PureGold Teaching Tools (P/J) Canada Flashy Splashy Music Cards: Music symbol rhyming flash cards PureGold Teaching Tools (P/J) Canada Flavoreed: Clarinet & alto sax reeds Mr. Music Inc. (D,E,M) World Flavoreeds: Woodwind reeds, flavored reeds Flavoreeds, Inc. (M) World Flaxwood: Electric Guitars Flaxwood USA (M) Canada Flea Bass: Electric bass Modulus Guitars LLC (M) World Flea Bass Boomers: Bass Guitar Strings GHS Corp. (M) World Flea Ukulele: The Magic Fluke Co., LLC Fleco: Wireless microphone system, PA systems-wireless, Digital key Fleco Corp. (I,M) World Fleco: Karaoke Hardware Trax Distributors (D) United States Flexygy: Audio Cables & Snakes Have Inc. (D,M) World Flight Form: Cases for mixers, printers, computers, guitar, keyboards, prcussion, pro audio, b& o,touring, plasma/lcd screen, mics, rack, DJ equip. AW Enterprises (E,M) Canada

Flight Form: Reusable shipping cases Flight Form Cases Inc. (M) World Flipsticks: Specialty Sticks Unigrip 2000 (M) Germany Flix: Fibre bushes/bundled Big Bang Distribution (D,E,I,M) Canada Floyd Rose Bridges: Guitar hardware Floyd Rose Marketing (D,E,I,M) World Floyd Rose Guitars: Electric guitars Floyd Rose Marketing (D,E,I,M) World Fluke: Ukulele The Magic Fluke Co., LLC (D,P/J) World Flutophone: Educational Grover Musical Products (D,E,I,M) World Fly it Safe Case: Case Xtreme (M) Focurite: preamp, compresser Erikson Music (D) Canada Focusrite: Recording software, micrphone preamp. American Music & Sound (D) United States Foggy Mountain Guitars: Steel & Nylon String Guitars Foggy Mountain Guitars (M) United States Folkcraft: dulcimers Folkcraft Instruments (E,I,M) World Footime: Page/Score Tuner Bili, Inc. (D,M) Canada Footloose Wireless Switching: Wireless switching that allows channel switching and bringing effects in and out wireless either by using our wireless food pedal or our wireless instrumental remote transmitter. Provides 200 feet of linear freedom on stage and puts all those nasty wires off stage. Affordable and a must for every guitar and bass player. SkyWyre Electronics Inc. (D,E,I) Canada Forberg: Printed music C.F. Peters Corporation (P/J) Canada Fort: Musical Instrument Stands, Piano Benches, Fort Stands & Cases (D,I) Canada Fort Bryan: straps, band accessories Bryan Enterprises Inc. (M) World Fossati: oboe, english horn Custom Music Co. (D,I) Canada Fostex: recording equipment Erikson Music (D) Canada Fostex: Recording Musical Distributors Group (D,I,M) United States Foundations For Superior Performance: Print Neil A. Kjos Music Company (P) World Four Star Sight Reading and Ear Training: Sight-reading & Ear-training Method Frederick Harris Music Co. (P) Foxstix: Marching tom & bass mallets Silver Fox Percussion Inc. (M) Australia Francois Louis: Ligature, mouthpiece cap Nambucca Inc. (D,I) Canada Francois Mouton: Bass viola, cello, violin, viola bows Bow Supply Corp. (M) World Franz: Metronomes & pitchpipes Franz Mfg. Co. Inc. (M) World Frederick Halbsgut: String instruments F.E. Olds and Son Inc. (M) World Frederick L. Hemke: Reeds Rico International (M) World Free-Tone: Mutes Micro Musical Products Corp. (M) World Freedom: woodwind swabs Superslick Products (D,E,M) World Freeway: Wireless microphone systems AudioTechnica U.S., Inc. (M) World Fremont: Cases & Strings Kiwaya USA (D) World Fret-King: Electric guitar John Hornby Skewes & Co. Ltd. (E) Fretgrove: Electric Basses & Guitars Marco Bass Guitars, Inc. (M) Fretrest: Guitar work station Rich Music Co. (D,E,I,M,P/J) World Friend-Chip: Digital patchbays Plus 24 (D,E,I,M) Canada Fristnote: Musical toys Grover Musical Products (D,E,I,M) World FRM: Accordion Parts FRM Enterprises (D,E,I,M) World

Frost Rosin: Violin, cello rosin I.C.E. Industries (D) World Fruit Shake: percussion instruments Remo Inc. (M) World Fryette Amplification: Guitar Amplifiers VHT Amplification (M) World FTR Series: Celestion Full Contact System: Tremolo bridge Aslin Dane (D,E,I,M) World Furman: AC power equipment Furman Sound Inc. (M) World Furman Sound: Power Conditioning Ultimate Support Systems (M) Canada Fusion: cotton braided cables BRTB Canada Inc. (D,E,I,M) Canada Fusion Matched: Strings, Guitars, Bass, Mandolins, Banjos Curt Mangan Inc. (D,E,I,M) World Future Primitive: Jewelry Music Treasures Co. (D) United States Future Primitive: jewelry Chesbro Music Co. (D) United States Future Sonics Ears: universal-fit, professional personal monitors Future Sonics (M) World FX Rack Series: TKL Products Corp. (D,E,I,M)


G & G Superflex Picks: Guitar picks G & G Products Inc. (A/O,D,E) World G & L: Electric guitars & basses G & L Music Sales (M) World G & L: Electric guitars & basses BBE Sound Inc. (M) World G Leblanc: Conn-Selmer, Inc. (M) World G-Tour: touring cases Gator Cases (M) United States G. Schirmer: Classic publications Hal Leonard Corp. (P/J) World G.B.S. Production: Saxophes ARK Corp. (D) Canada G.F.Heberlein: Stringed instruments Ideal Musical Merchandise Co (D,E,I,M) World G.P. Percussion: Drums, percussion M&M Merchandisers Inc. (I) Canada G12 EVH: Celestion G5007: Snare throw-off Trick Percussion Products (M) World G7 Capo: capo Breezy Ridge Instruments Ltd. (M) United States G7th: Capos IBC Trading Ltd. (D,E,I) World G7th, Coffin Case: Guitar Cases Musical Distributors Group (D,E,M) United States Gabbanelli: Accordions & Acoustic Bass Guitars Gabbanelli Accordions (I,M) Canada Gaetano/Grace: C;assical Shane Music Products (M) United States Galaxy: Rigid cases with cloth outer shell Humes & Berg Mfg.Co. Inc. (M) World Galaxy Guitar Inc.: Guitar/bass flight transport system Galaxy Guitar Products (M) United States Galaxy Guitar U.S.A.: Guitar rack system and tech work station Galaxy Guitar Products (M) United States Gale: Mouthpieces Bay Woodwind Products (D,E,I,M) World Galileo: Recording console AMEK (M) World Galileo: Digital pianos Galileo Music Corp. (D,I,M) Canada Gallagher Guitar: Acoustic Guitar Gallagher Guitar Co. World Galveston: Acoustic Guitar V.J. Rendano Wholesale Music (D,E,I) United States Gama: violin, viola, cello The Violin Place Inc. (D) Canada Gard: leather gig bags PJLA Music Products (D,E,I,M) United States Garrison: Acoustic guitar, mandolins, octave mondolins Garrison Guitars (M) Australia Garritan Libraries: Sound Libraries Steptime Ware (D,I) Canada GATOR: Cases V.J. Rendano Wholesale Music (D,E,I) United States Gator Cases: Gator Cases (M) World

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45th annual supplier directory brand names


Gator Cases: MI cases Horizon Music Inc. (M) United States GB: Amplifier C-Audio USA (M) World GE: Tubes ARS Electronics (D) United States GEM: Keyboards, Pianos Generalmusic Corp. (D,M) Canada Gemeinhardt: Flutes and piccolos Gemstone Musical Instruments (D,M) Gemini: Professional DJ Equipment GCI Technologies (M) World Gemini: DJ equipment Richardson Electronics Ltd. (D) United States Gems: violin, viola, cello The Violin Place Inc. (D) Canada Gemwood: King David Conductor Batons Wexler Music Co. (D,E,I,M) World Generation: Pennywhistles Coast Music (Eastern Canada) (D) Canada Generator: Business e-commerce Pro-Active Websites (P) World Genesis: Marathon Professional (D,M) Genesis: Electric guitars & basses Modulus Guitars LLC (M) World Genial: violin, viola, cello The Violin Place Inc. (D) Canada Genova: violin, viola, cello The Violin Place Inc. (D) Canada Genz Benz: Amps Kaman Music Corp. (D,M) World Geoff Daking & Co: Mic Pre, EQ, Compressor Transaudio Group (D,E,I) World Geoffrey: flute Custom Music Co. (D,I) Canada George Benson Strings: Jazz guitar strings Thomastik-Infeld (M) World George Dennis: Amp switchers European Musical Imports Inc (D,I) Canada George L’s: Plugs, cables, pickups, strings, steel gtr. bars, access. George L’s Musical Products (D,M) World George L’s: Plugs, cables, pickups, strings, access. L & L Sales Co. Inc. (D,M) World George Steck: Pianos ASC (I,M) World George Van Eps: Fred Gretsch Enterprises George Wright Signature Series: Digital theatre organs Allen Organ Co. (M) World Gep-Flex: Multi-pair audio cable Gepco International Inc. (D,E,M) World Gerhardt Steinburg: Acoustic Pianos Piano Empire (I) United States Get Yourself Connected: Cables, Microphones, & headphones John Hornby Skewes & Co. Ltd. (E) World Getzen: Brasswinds Getzen Company Inc (E,I,M) World Getzen Custom Series: Trumpets, Trombones, Cornets, & Flugelhorns Getzen Company Inc (E,I,M) World Gewa Music Products: Howard Core Company LLC (D) United States GForce impOSCar: M-Audio (M) GForce M-Tron: M-Audio (M) GForce Minimonsta Melohman: M-Audio (M) GForce Oddity: M-Audio (M) GForce Virtual String Machine: M-Audio (M) Ghost: Acoustic and Mini Pick up systems Graph Tech Guitar Labs (M) World GHS: Guitar strings & access. Coast Music (Eastern Canada) (D) Canada GHS Strings: strings Kaman Music Corp. (D,E,I,M) United States Giannini: Acoustic and Classical Guitars, Ethnical Instruments & Strin Etros Music LLC (D,E,I) Caribbean Giannini: Acoustic Guitar, Classical Guitar, Mandolin, AC Bass, Ethnic Instruments and Strings. Etros Music LLC (D,E,I) Caribbean Giardinelli: Mouthpieces Giardinelli (D,M) World Gibraltar Hardware: Drum hardware, accessories Kaman Music Corp. (D,M) World Gibson: Warranty Center for Gibson Guitars Lothson Guitars United States

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Gibson Flying V: Reference and Value Guide Book Blue Book Publications Inc. (P) Canada GIG: Percussion Chesbro Music Company (D,M) United States Gig Rig: Transport rack systems SKB Corp. (M) United States Gig Wing: Side Table SKB Corp. (M) United States gig-Fx: Guitar Pedals Musical Distributors Group (D,I,M) United States Giga Sampler: Software Sampler NemeSys Music Technology Inc. (M) World Giga Studio: Software Sampling Workstation NemeSys Music Technology Inc. (M) World Gigbox Portable Rackmount System: MP3 Hardware Visiosonic Ltd. (M) World Gigliotti: Clarinet, Saxophone A.M. Gigliotti Inc. (M) World Gigliotti: Clarinet Mouthpieces, swabs, capligature sets A.M. Gigliotti Inc. (M) World Gigpro: Acoustic Guitar Preamp L.R. Baggs (M) World Gill: Recorders Yuta Musical Inc. (D,E,I,M) World Gitane: Gypsy Jazz Guitars Saga Musical Instruments (D) World Glaesel: Violas, violins & cellos Glaesel Stringed Inst. (M) United States Glaesel: Conn-Selmer, Inc. (M) World Glasser: Violin bows Coast Music (Eastern Canada) (D) Canada Glasser: Bows & parts J. Fenn Inc. (D,I,M) United States Glen Burton: acoustic and electric guitars and basses Bridgecraft USA Inc. (D,I,M) Canada Glenn Edward: Band Instruments G. Holtz Corp. (I) Canada GLI Pro: Harbro Corp./Lineartech Audio (D,M) World GLI Pro: DJ equipment GLI Sound Systems (M) World Gliga: violin, viola, cello The Violin Place Inc. (D) Canada Global Piccolo: Burkart-Phelan (D,E,M) World Global Source: Carrying cases GWW Group, Inc. (D,M) World Glockenklang: Bass amps Salwender International (D,I,M) Canada Gloria: violin, viola, cello The Violin Place Inc. (D) Canada Glow Skirts: Appearance Products DJ Skirts (M) World GML, Soundfield: Signal Processors, Microphones Transaudio Group (D,E,I) United States Go to it: Parts (Fretted) JT Musical Inc. (D) Canada Go-Bags: Gig bags Freed International Inc. (D,E) World GO-EN stands: Guitar stands Go-En International (D,E,I) World Godin: Electric guitars, basses, mandolin Lasido (D,M) World Godin: Electric Guitars Godin Guitars (D,M) World Godlyke: Bass Guitars Godlyke Inc. (D,E,I,M) World Gold Line: Realtime Analyzers, Digital Equalizers, Feed Back Gold Line Connector (M) World Gold Star: Banjos Saga Musical Instruments (D) World Goldbrokat: Strings German American Trading Company, Inc. Canada Goldcrown: drum collection Remo Inc. (M) World Golden Bronze: Acoustic Guitar Strings S.I.T. Strings Corp. (D,M) World Golden Gate: Parts & Accessories Saga Musical Instruments (D) World Gon Bops Calle: Latin drums Molinari Industries (D,M) World Gonzalez: Clarinet & Saxophone Reeds & Accessories Davie Cane Co. (D,I,M) World

Goodall Guitars: Acoustic guitars Goodall Guitars Inc. (M) Asia Goodtime: Acoustic banjos Deering Banjo Company (M) World Gorilla: Amplifiers Pignose Industries (M) World Gorilla: Amplifiers Gorilla (E,I,M) World Gotz: Violins, bows C.A. Gotz Jr. GmbH (E,M) World Gourdolin: Mandelin with Bard Catania Folk Instruments Inc. (M) World GPS: power amplifiers Peavey Electronics Corp. (M) Canada GR Classic Series: Electric Basses GR Industries (M) United States Gracie: Performer Stand; Instrument Folding Stand Gracie Stands (E,M) World Graham: Oboe and bassoon reeds Graham Reeds (M) World Gramps Tool: Banjo Stoney End (M) World Grand Concert Select: Reeds Rico International (M) World Grand Master Series: Drum set GMS Drum Co. Inc. (M) World Grand Stick: 12 String fretboard tapping instrument Stick Enterprises Inc. (M,P/J) World Grandpa Mac’s: Cleaners of polishes Best Products International In (D,E,M) World Graph Tech: Coast Music (Eastern Canada) Grassroots: Hammered dulcimer Grassroots (D,M) United States Gravity: Electric bass Fernandes Guitars U.S.A. Inc. (M) World Grease Ultra-Heavy: Tuning slide grease MusiChem (M) Canada Grease Ultra-Lite: Tuning slide grease MusiChem (M) Canada Greaves: Brasswind & Woodwind Musicparts UK & Pollard Trumpets (D,E,I,M) United Kingdom Green Mountain: Acoustic travel guitar Breedlove Guitar Co. (M) World Greg Bennett Designs: Guitars Samick Music Corp. (D,I,M) World Gregory, M.C.: Mouthpieces Bay Woodwind Products (D,E,I,M) World Gremlin: Instruments Hobgoblin-Stoney End (M) World Gremlin: String instruments Stoney End (M) Canada Gretsch: Guitars, Amplifiers, Clothing & Collectibles Fender Musical Instruments Corporation (M) World Gretsch Drums: Fred Gretsch Enterprises Gretsch Drums: Drums, drum sets, accessories Kaman Music Corp. (D,M) World Gretsch-Gladstone: Fred Gretsch Enterprises Gripmaster: finger exerciser D’Addario Canada (D,I) Canada Gripmaster: Hand Excerciser Planet Waves (D,E,M) World Grizzly Industrial: woodworking, guitar making machines, tools, wood, and accessories Grizzly Industrial Inc. (D,M) Canada GRK: Piano benches Music Treasures Co. (D) United States Groove Juice: Percussion/guitar maintenance Adam International (D,E,I,M) World Groove Tools: Electric Guitars & Basses Conklin Guitars & Basses (M) World Groove Tubes: Groove Tubes (M) Grotrian: Grand pianos & upright pianos Grotrian Piano Company (M) Canada Grottano: Violins Music World Enterprises, Inc (D,E,I) Canada Grover: Coast Music (Eastern Canada) Grover: Machine heads Grover Musical Products (D,E,I,M) World Grover Pro Percussion: Tambourine, Triangle, Woodblock orchestral snare drums, Grover Pro Percussion (I,M) World Grow With Me: Cello Chair, Instrument Stands Performance Gear (M) Canada Grow with Me: Cello Chair Performance Gear (M) Canada

Grund Audio Design: Professional Loudspeakers Grundorf Corp. (M) United States Grundorf: Cases and racks Grundorf Corp. (M) United States Gruven: Instrument Stands Gruven Music Products (M) World GS: Reeds, clairnet & sax MW Enterprises Inc. (D,I) Canada GS: Dobro Bar Shubb Capos (M) World Guerrini: Accordions Castiglione Accordion LLC (D,E,I) Canada Guerrini: Accordions Accordions & Keyboards (D) United States Guild: Guitars Fender Musical Instruments Corporation (M) World Guiness: Penny whistle Walton’s Irish Music (D,M,P/J) Europe Guitar & Bass Buyer’s Guide: Guitar & bass consumer buyers guide United Entertainment (P/J) World Guitar Burners: Electric Guitar Strings Ken Smith Basses Ltd. (D,M) World Guitar Kickstand: Guitar Stand Sound Innovations (M) World Guitar Legend: Magazine Guitar World Magazine (P/J) World Guitar Neck Support Rest: Guitar String Changing Stand Ducks Deluxe (M) World Guitar Player: Guitar consumer music pub. United Entertainment (P/J) World Guitar Series: Third Edition Guitar Repertoire Series Frederick Harris Music Co. (P) Guitar Tablature: Writing paper Edwards Music Publishing (P/J) World Guitar Tech: Guitar parts & accessories John Hornby Skewes & Co. Ltd. (E) World Guitar World Acoustic: Magazine Guitar World Magazine (P/J) World Guitarlamp: Guitarlamps Harris Musical Products Inc. (D,E,I,M) Canada Guitool: Guitar tool Rich Music Co. (D,E,I,M,P/ J) World Gulbransen: Acoustic pianos, nickelodeons, digital hymnal, supplies QRS Music Technologies (M) United States Gulbransen: Digital Hymnal QRS Music Technologies Inc. (I,M) World Gulbransen: Pianos, digital hymnal, other instr. QRS Music (D,M) Australia Guru: software FXpansion USA, Inc. (D) Canada Guy Hawkins: Saxophone & clarinet mouthpieces J.J. Babbitt Co. Inc. (M) World Guyatone: Effects Godlyke Inc. (D,E,I,M) World GWW: Carrying cases GWW Group, Inc. (D,M) World GYC: Cables MIDC Limited (D) Canada Gypsy Rose: Coast Music (Eastern Canada)


H. Hoffer: Band Instruments Tropical Music Corp. (D,E) World H.L. Music of Australia: Classical Sheet Music Ludwig Music Publishing Co. (P/J) Canada H.Siegler: Violin Family Instruments and Bows Saga Musical Instruments (D) World Haberline: String instrument accessories Wexler Music Co. (D,E,I,M) World Haessler: Upright & grand pianos Bluthner Pianos (M) World Haessler: Acoustic Pianos Bluthner USA LLC. (D,I,M) United States Hagstrom Guitars: Electric Guitars American Music & Sound (D) United States Hal Leonard: Books Music Treasures Co. (D) United States Hal Leonard Bass Play-Along Series: songbook/CD series Hal Leonard Corp. (P/J) World Hal Leonard Drum Play-Along Series: Songbook/CD Series Hal Leonard Corp. (P/J) World

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brand names 45th annual supplier directory Hal Leonard Guitar Method: Guitar Instruction Hal Leonard Corp. (P/J) World Hal Leonard Guitar Play-Along Series: CD/songbook series Hal Leonard Corp. (P/J) World Hal Leonard Instrument Play-Along Series: songbook/CD series Hal Leonard Corp. (P/J) World Hal Leonard Jazz Play-Along Series: songbook/CD series Hal Leonard Corp. (P/J) World Hal Leonard Piano Play-Along Series: songbook/CD series Hal Leonard Corp. (P/J) World Hal Leonard Pro Vocals Series: songbook/Cd series Hal Leonard Corp. (P/J) World Hal Leonard Publishing: Books, CD’s, DVD’s Jamey Aebersold Jazz Aids (D,E,I,P) Canada Hal Leonard Student Piano Library: piano instruction Hal Leonard Corp. (P/J) World Halbe: Statues Music Treasures Co. (D) United States Hale: Tuning & regulating tools American Piano Supply Co. (D,E,I,M) World Hall Crystal Flutes: Flute Hall Crystal Flutes Inc. (M) World Hall Crystal Piccolos: Piccolo Hall Crystal Flutes Inc. (M) World Hall Didjeridu: Didjeridu Hall Crystal Flutes Inc. (M) World Hall Guitar Slides: Guitar Slide Hall Crystal Flutes Inc. (M) World Hall Panpipes: Panpipe Hall Crystal Flutes Inc. (M) World Hallet, Davis & Co.: Pianos North American Music (D) Canada Halo Guitars: Electric guitars and bass Halo Guitars (D,E,I,M) World Hamburg & Bach: Acoustic pianos Piano Wholesalers Intl. (D) Mexico HAMBURGuitar: Electric guitar HamburGuitar (M) World Hamer: Electric guitar/bass Kaman Music Corp. (D,M) World Hamer: Electric guitar & bass B & J Music Ltd. (D,I) Canada Hamer USA: electric guitar/bass Kaman Music Corp. (D,E,I,M) World Hamilton: Acoustic Pianos Baldwin Piano & Organ Co. (M) World Hamilton: Stands American Way Marketing LLC (D) United States Hamilton: Stands Hamilton Stands Inc. (E,I,M) United States Hamilton: Music & instrument stands DANSR, Inc. (D) Canada Hammertone: Octave 12 guitar Guitar Clinic (M) World Hammond Organs: Church, homw classical & proline Hammond Suzuki USA Inc. (D,M) Canada Hampton: Saxaphones PJLA Music Products (D,E,I,M) World Handorff: Strings, violins George Heinl & Co (D,E,I,M) Canada Hands Off Reserved for Performance Lock: Piano Lock Pianotek Supply Company World Hannabach Strings: Classical guitar strings R.E. Brune, Luthier (D,E,I,M) United States Hans Hoyer: french horn Custom Music Co. (D,I) Canada Hans Hoyer: French horn JA Musik USA (D) Canada Hans Mueller: bassoon, oboe, french horn, tuba, euphonium Custom Music Co. (D,I) Canada Hao: Effects Godlyke Inc. (D,E,I,M) Canada Hard Rockin’ Steel: Music strings La Bella Strings (M) World Hard Rockin’ Steel: Guitar and bass strings, electric bass strings E. & O. Mari Inc./La Bella (M) World Hardcase: Drum & equipment cases Adam International (D,E,I,M) Canada Hardman: Pianos North American Music (D) Canada Harmonic Vision: Music Arc Theory Software Steptime Ware (D,I) United States Harmony Engine: Vocal Modeling Harmony Generator Antares Audio Technologies (M) HarpMaster: 25-watt harp amps Bluesland Amplifiers (M) World Hartke: Bass amps/cabs Samson Technologies Corp. (D,M) World Harvest: Classical & Acoustic Guitars Close Marketing (D,I,M,P/J) United States HAT Pedal: Electronic Hat Pedal Drum Tech (M) United States Hawk II: saxophone metal mouthpiece Bari Woodwind Supplies, LLC (M) United States Haybes: flute Custom Music Co. (D,I) Canada Haynes: Flute, Piccolo, Alto Flute Wm. S. Haynes Co. (M) World Hazelton: Pianos, Band instruments Samick Music Corp. (D,I,M) World HDL Series: High Definition Line Arrays ISP Technologies, LLC (M) HDM Series: High Definition Stage Monitor ISP Technologies, LLC (M) Headway Electronics: Acoustic guitar pickups European Musical Imports Inc (D,I) United States Health Rhythms: drumming for health programs Remo Inc. (M) World Heart Flag: Textile poster LPGI (M) United States Heavyocity, Cakewalk: Evolve Sound Library Steptime Ware (D,I) Canada

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Heil Talkbox: Dunlop Manufacturing Inc. (M) Canada Heinl: Strings, polish, varnishes, violins, violas, cellos George Heinl & Co (D,E,I,M) Canada Heinrichshofen Edition: Printed music C.F. Peters Corporation (P/J) Canada Heintzman and Co.: Acoustic pianos Poppenberg & Associates (D,I,M) United States Helicore: violin family products D’Addario Canada (D,I) Canada Helmet Guitars: Electric Guitars NEO Products Inc. - Helmut Guitar Company (D,M) Canada Henri Mouret: bass viola,cello,violin,viola bows Bow Supply Corp. (M) World Henry: Audio accessories Richardson Electronics Ltd. (D) World Henry and Christian: Mouthpieces and ligatures Bay Woodwind Products (D,E,I,M) World Herco: Instrument access. Coast Music (Eastern Canada) (D) Canada Hercules: Stands K.H.S. Musical Instrument Co. (E,M) Canada Hercules Stands: KC Music Supply LLC (D) Hercules Stands: Instrument stands Kaman Music Corp. (D,M) United States Heritage: Electric Guitars Heritage Guitar Inc. (M) World Heritage Guitar: Acoustic & elec. guitars Lasar Music Corp (D,E,M) World Herman Kreiser: String instruments F.E. Olds and Son Inc. (M) World Hermann Luger: Bowed stringed instruments Gatchell Violins Company, Inc. (D,I,M) United States hermes: Pads for woodwind inst. Prestini Reed Corp. (M) Herouard et Benard: Clarinet & Sax Ligatures, mouthpieces. ARK Corp. (D) Canada HexaBuzz: Bass Guitar M. V. Pedulla Guitars (D,E,M) World HFI: Headphones Ultrasone Inc. (D) Canada HHB: CD Recorder Burner Sennheiser Elec Corp (M) United States HHB-Media: Recording media HHB USA (D,M) Canada Hi 5 Karaoke: Karaoke Music/Hardware & Youth Electronics The Singing Machine Co. (M) China Hi Velocity: Snare Drumhead Aquarian (E,M) World Hi-Energy: Snare Drumheads Aquarian (E,M) World Hidersin: Violin rosin Coast Music (Eastern Canada) (D) Canada High Definition Microphones™: Earthworks, Inc. (M) Highbeam: Electric guitar strings, guitar straps DR Handmade Strings (D,M) World Highland Guitar Company: Guitars Power Group LTD Canada Highland Records: Recordings & video Scott’s Highland Services Ltd. (D) World HighTech: case BAM France (D,M) Canada Hill: Rosin Coast Music (Eastern Canada) (D) Canada HiLo: Tambourines Yuta Musical Inc. (D,E,I,M) World Hineni: MI bags, cases Hineni Bags and Cases Co. (M) World Hinrichsen Edition: Printed music C.F. Peters Corporation (P/J) Canada Hirsbrunner: Tuba & Euphoniums Custom Music Co. (D,I) Canada Hite: saxaphone and clarinet mouthpieces J.J. Babbitt Co. Inc. (M) World Hiwatt: Guitar Amplifiers Musical Distributors Group (D,I,M) United States Hobart Cable: Pianos ASC (I,M) World Hobart M. Cable: Pianos Story & Clark Piano Co. (M) World Hobart M. Cable: Coast Music (Eastern Canada) Hobgoblin: Instruments Hobgoblin-Stoney End (M) World Hobgoblin: string instruments Stoney End (M) Canada Hodge: Silk Woodwind Swabs & double-reed cases Ann Hodge Double Reed Supplies (M) World Hofmann & Czerny: Pianos Bohemia Piano America, Inc. (D) Canada Hohner: All related to Band. Casa Veerkamp SA de CV (D,E,I) Mexico Hohner: Harmonicas Davitt & Hanser Music Co. (D,E,I,M) Canada Hohner: Harmonicas, accordions Coast Music (Eastern Canada) (D) Canada Hohner: Guitars HSS Division of Hohner (D) United States Hohner: Many Hohner, Inc. (D) United States Hohner: Accordions Castiglione Accordion LLC (D,E,I) Canada Holder Folder: Sheet Music Folder Conn-Selmer, Inc. (D,M) World Holiday Fun Series: Songbooks, CD’s Piano Press (D) World Holland: Guitar/bass-tube amplifiers Holland Amplifiers (M) Japan Hollenbeck: Archtop acoustic & electric guitars, semi-hollow guitars Hollenbeck (M) United States Hollywoodwinds: Saxophone , flute HollywoodWinds Inc. Holz: drumhead templates Direct Music Supply (D,I) Canada Holz Speedcuterz: Bass Drum Port Hole Cutter AdjustableReusable Holz LTD (M) World

Homespun Tapes: DVD, Audio, Video instructon Hal Leonard Corp. (P/J) World Homespun Tapes: Instructional Videos Homespun Tapes Ltd. (M) World Honica: Accordion Hohner, Inc. (D) United States Hooked: Drum Practice Pads E-Pad Enterprises (M) United States Hopf: Zithers German American Trading Company, Inc. Canada Horizon: Cables, snakes, interfacing, wire, cable, connectors Horizon Music Inc. (M) United States Horn Flush: Brass cleaning system Best Products International In (D,E,M) World Hornby: Recorders John Hornby Skewes & Co. Ltd. (E) World Horst John: Violins, Violas, Cello Bows Decor Music Inc (D,E,I,M) Canada Hosa: Audio-video-computer cables & adapters Hosa Technology, Inc. (M) World Hot Box: Direct Box Whirlwind Music (M) World Hot Hand: Guitar Effect Source Audio (M) World Hot Licks: Dunlop Manufacturing Inc. (M) Canada Hot Spike: Tone bar Rocky Mountain Slides (M) World Hot Spot: Personal Vocal Monitor Galaxy Audio (I,M) World Hot Sticks: Drumsticks Hot Sticks Manufacturing (M) World Hot Wires: Cables The Music People (D,I,M) World House of Troy: Piano lamps Music Treasures Co. (D) United States House of Troy: Piano lamps Counterpoint Musical Services (D,I) Canada HowzitHangin: Guitar Accessories Wallacher Guitar Products (D,E,I,M) Canada Hoyer: Guitars Est. 1874 Creative Bags and Cases Ltd (D,M) World HQ: practice pads D’Addario Canada (D) Canada HQ: Percussion practice pads D’Addario & Co. (M) World Huang: harmonica Frank Huang International (E,I) World Hudson Limited: Instructional DVD & Print Hudson Music (P) World Hudson Music: Instructional DVD & Print Hudson Music (P) World Hudson Music: DVDs & Videos Hal Leonard Corp. (P/J) World Hughes & Kettner: Distributors Hughes & Kettner Inc. (D) United States Human Base: Bass guitar Salwender International (D,I,M) Canada

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45th annual supplier directory brand names


Human Bass USA: Electric Bass Guitars Praxis Musical Instruments Inc. (D,I,M) United States Humes & Berg: drum cases Direct Music Supply (D,I) Canada Humicase: Guitar cases Tornavoz Music Humistat Quad: Bow & violin case Kolstein Music Inc. (D,E,I,M) World Hummbucker Electric Kazoo: Electric Kazoo Kazoobie Inc. (M) World Hunter: Band & Orchestra America Longxing Inc. (I,M) Caribbean Hush: Noise reduction Rocktron Guitar Rack Technolog (M) World Hush: instrument cables Conquest Sound Inc. (D,E,I,M) World Hutchins: Electric Guitars & Electric Basses C & J Distributing (D) United States HW Brass-Saver™: Brush HW Products World HW Finish-Saver™: cloth HW Products World HW Pad-Saver(r): de-moisturizer HW Products World Hybrid: Piston valve oil MusiChem (M) Canada Hybrids: Mallets American Drum (M) World Hydraulic: Evans drumheads Evans Drumheads (D,E,M) World


I’ve Got Rhythm Flash Cards: Jumbo rhythm flash cards, color coded PureGold Teaching Tools (P/J) Canada I.C.E Lines: Cables I.C.E. Industries (D) United States i2000 Series: Electric guitar Brian Moore Guitars Inc. (M) World Iasys: Test Equipment Audio Control Industrial (M) World Ibanez: Guitar Chesbro Music Company (D,M) United States Ibanez: Guitars, Basses, Electronics Hoshino (USA) Inc. United States Ibanez: Acoustic & elec. guitars Chesbro Music Co. (D) United States iBeam: Acoustic guitar preamps, pickups L.R. Baggs (M) World Iberia: Tornavoz Music Ibex: Luthier tools Metropolitan Music Co. (D,E,I,M) World iCans: Headphones Ultrasone Inc. (D) Canada Ice Pix: unique picks & guitar accessories D’Andrea Inc. (D,E,I,M) World Icon: Pro Audio Power Group LTD (D) Canada Icon: Electric guitar/bass Roscoe Guitars (M) World Identity: Acoustic Guitar Babicz Guitars USA, Inc. (M) World iDrum: Drum machine iZotope Inc. (D) World iGuitar: Electric guitar Brian Moore Guitars Inc. (M) World iGuitar Mall: Web page iNet Technologies, LLP (P/J) World iKey-Audio: Professional Recording and Studio Sound Equipment GCI Technologies (M) World iLi Bass: Covers, cases, gears Kolstein Music Inc. (D,E,I,M) World Illuminated Sonic Glow POT’s, Sonic Boost: Volume & Tone POT’s that Light Up! Ambrosonics, LLC (D,M) Canada iMix: Acoustic Guitar Pickup System L.R. Baggs (M) World Impact: Music Cases and Accessories Impact Industries Inc. (M) Canada Impact Cases: Cases Impact Industries Inc. (M) World Impact Drums: Drums Impact Industries Inc. (M) World Imperial Series: Guitar straps Artist Showcase Inc. (D,E,M) United States Imperium: Guitar Amps FBT USA Inc. (M) United States Impz: direct box Whirlwind Music (M) World Indiana Guitar: Banjos, mandolins, & guitars SHS International (D,I) Canada Indie Guitars: Indie Guitars Indie Guitars (D,E,I,M) United States

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Infeld Superalloy: electric guitar/bass Thomastik-Infeld (M) World Infinite: Clarinets Conn-Selmer, Inc. (D,M) World Infinity: Guitar Strings GHS Corp. (M) World Infinity: Real time audio & midi device creator Sound Quest Inc. (M) World Innersoul: Guitar Pick Pendants Harris Musical Products Inc. (D,E,I,M) World Innova Son: Live mixing consoles Neumann/ USA (D) United States Inside Tube Amp: Publication Torres Engineering (D,M,P/J) World Instrument Amplifiers + P.A. Systems: Kustom Amplifications (M) World Instrument-All: Clean & polish kits Kolstein Music Inc. (D,E,I,M) World Intellitouch: KC Music Supply LLC (D) Intellitouch: Tuner OnBoard Research Corp. (M) World InterM: Pro-audio products Burtek Systems (U.S.A.) Inc. (I) Canada International Gold: The Mapes Piano String Co. (M) World International Music SVC: Harp music International Harps & Music (A/O,D,P/J) Australia International Strings: Stringed instruments F.E. Olds and Son Inc. (M) World Internet Office: UPS Systems Tripp Lite (M) World Intuner: Dillon Wittman Tuner (M) World Invertronics: tunig device Randy Potter, RPT (P/J) World Iolite: wind & string insruments Frank Huang International (E,I) Canada Iorio: Accordions Accordions & Keyboards (D) United States Iorio: Accordions Syn-Cordion Musical Inst. Corp (D,M) Canada Iorio Accorgan: Electronic accordion SynCordion Musical Inst. Corp (D,M) Canada iQ: Player System PianoDisc (M) World iQ Page Turner: Music Stand On2 Marketing Inc. (D,M) Canada Irmler: Acoustic Pianos Bluthner USA LLC. (D,I,M) United States Irradiant: Lighting, trussing, LED, lasers, speakers Irradiant Inc. (M) iSeries: musical instrument cases Calzone Case Co./Anvil Cases (D,M) ISO-Box: Hard drive noise suppresion housing Sound Construction (M) World Isobar: Surge Suppressors Tripp Lite (M) World Isomax: Microphones Countryman Associates Inc. (M) World Isoraxx: Acoustic isolation rack Raxxess Metalsmiths (M) World Istanbul A6OP: Cymbals DR Handmade Strings (D,M) Canada Istanbul Agop Cymbals: Cymbals Istanbul Agop Cymbals America (M) United States IT IN TUNE: Band Recruiting Services ConnSelmer, Inc. (D,M) World Italcinte: Accordion straps Brown Distributing Co. (D) United States Italian Terms for the Musically Inclined: Italian term flash cards with rhymes PureGold Teaching Tools (P/J) Canada Itegrity Music: sacred publications Hal Leonard Corp. (P/J) Canada iTs: Tension Rod Rhythm Tech (M) World Ivoplast: Key-covering Herman Kluge GmbH & Co. KG (M) World iZotope Ozone 3: M-Audio (M) iZotope RX: M-Audio (M) iZotope Spectron: M-Audio (M) iZotope Trash: M-Audio (M)


J & D Hite: All clarinets and saxophones David Hite Inc. (M) Australia J SX: guitar amp Peavey Electronics (M) World

J. Becker: Acoustic upright piano & baby grand Tri-Con Music Group Inc. (D,I) Canada J. Becker: Acoustic Piano The Piano Group (D) Canada J. Frog: Electric guitars, 6 models reissued of the famous George Lynch skull n bones Ed Roman World Class Guitars J. Reynolds: Acoustic & electric Guitras+ basses, banjos + mandolins Musicorp LLC (D,E,I,M) World J.B. Player: Guitars, basses MBT International (D,E,I,M) World J.J. Babbitt: Clarinet & saxophone mouthpieces J.J. Babbitt Co. Inc. (M) World J.T. Prism Bows: JR Music Supply (D) Canada J3 Guitars: Acoustic and electric guitars,electric basses, and amps Codel Enterprises (D,M) United States Jack M. Rasmussen: violins, violas, cellos, mandlins Jack Rasmussen, Luthier (M) Canada Jack Spratt: Reeds Jack Spratt Woodwind Shop (D,I,M,P/J) World Jackson: Guitars Fender Musical Instruments Corporation (M) World Jam Bass: Neck-back synth bass for guitars Kellar Bass Systems (M) World Jam Gear: Music accessories U.S. Music Corp. (D,E,I,M) World Jam Stands: Guitar Stands, Mic Stands, Keyboard Stands Dana B. Goods (D) United States Jam-The EM Guide to Gigging: In-magazine supplement Electronic Musician Magazine (P/J) Canada JamAlong: Guitar Interface Power Technology (D,M) World Jammin’ Strap: Guitar & Bass Strap Neotech (M) World Jamstands by Ultimate Support: Stands for musical instruments, gear, and gear sheets Ultimate Support Systems (M) Canada Jamtown Junior: Rhythm Kit with Activities Jamtown (I,P/J) World Jan Kulik: Stringed instruments Ideal Musical Merchandise Co (E,I) World Jan USA: Vacuum Tube New Sensor Corp. (D,E,I,M) World Jargar: Strings J. Fenn Inc. (D,I,M) United States Jargar Strings: Orchestral strings Vitali Import Co. Inc. (D,E,I) World Jasmine: Electric/acoustic guitar B & J Music Ltd. (D,I) Canada Jasmine: Acoustic & electric guitars/bass Kaman Music Corp. (D,M) World Jason Reese: Acoustic Guitar Shane Music Products (M) United States Jason Reese Bronze: Acoustic Strings Shane Music Products (M) United States Jay Turser: Electric Guitars, Electric Basses. American Music & Sound (D) United States Jay Turser: Guitars Coast Music (Eastern Canada) (D) Canada Jaymar: Toy Piano Schoenhut Piano Company (M) World Jazz Classic, FROST - 100: Guitar Amplifiers Fuchs Audio Technology (M) World Jazz Pro: Titanium beater Slug Percussion Products (M) Canada Jazz Rounds: bass strings Thomastik-Infeld (M) World Jazz Trumpet: Trumpets Jerome Callet Custom Trumpets (D,M) World Jazz Violin: Violin, cello, bass Zeta Music Systems (M) World JazzFlats: Bass guitar strings Thomastik-Infeld (M) World JB Player: Guitars, acoustic basses, basses Adam International (D,E,I,M) World JB Player: Acoustic guitars + basses, banjos + mandolins Musicorp LLC (D,E,I,M) World JB Self Lock: Locking machine heads Grover Musical Products (D,E,I,M) World

JBovier: Mandolins, Banjo JBovier Stringed Instruments (D,M) World JBP Artist: Guitars J.B. Player International (M) World Jean Tabary: Carbon fiber bows JR Music Supply (D) Canada Jensen: Speaker New Sensor Corp. (D,E,I,M) World Jensen Speakers: Speakers CE Distribution LLC (D,I) United States Jet Fretz: Guitar Frets Jet Fretz (M) United States JET Guitars: Electric guitars, 3 models high end built by Jeff Terwillenger Ed Roman World Class Guitars Jet-Tone: Trumpet, flugelhorn & trombone mouthpieces Jet-Tone Inc. (M) World JHS: Accessories John Hornby Skewes & Co. Ltd. (E) World Jiaxun: Marimba Beijing Deyong Musical Instruments Co. (D,E,I,M) Europe Jiffy Rivets: Rivets Ohio Travel Bag Co. (D,E,I,M) World Jimi Hendrix: Dunlop Manufacturing Inc. (M) United States Jimmy Wess, La Valencia, Savorez, Super Sensitive: All related to Band. Casa Veerkamp SA de CV (D,E,I) Mexico Jingle Shaker: Pete Engelhart Percussion (D,E) World Jo-Ral: Brass mutes for trumpet, french horn & trombone Jo-Ral Mutes (D,E,M) World Joachim: Orchestral Instrument Strings ConnSelmer, Inc. (D,M) World Jodi Head Guitar Wear: guitar/bass straps D’Andrea Inc. (D,E,I,M) United States Jody Jazz DV: Saxophone Jody Jazz (M) World JodyJazz Classic: Saxophone & Clarinet Mouthpieses Jody Jazz (M) World JodyJazz ESP: Saxophone Jody Jazz (M) World JodyJazz HR: Saxophone Jody Jazz (M) World Joe Barden Pickups: T-Style, S-Deluxe & Standard & HB, HB Two/Tone pickups Joe Barden Engineering (D,E,M) World Johannes Kohr: Howard Core Company LLC (D) United States Johannus: Electronic organ Johannus Orgelbouw B.V. (M) World John Church Co.: Print music Theodore Presser Co. (P/J) World John Guerin: Violin, viola, cello, bass viola bows Bow Supply Corp. (M) World John Norwood Lee: bass viola,cello,violin,viola bows Bow Supply Corp. (M) World John Norwood Lee: Violin, viola, cello, bass professional bows John Norwood Lee (D,E,M) World John Pearse: Strings, Ksaire humidifying system, Lil’ Nipper, the EDGE Breezy Ridge Instruments Ltd. (M) Canada John Price: Classical / Flamenco Guitars Luthier Music Corp. (D,E,I,M) World Johnny Red: Electric guitars L.A. Guitar Works (D,E,I,M) World Johnson: Acoustic, Electric, Bass Guitars, Amps, Folk Instruments The Music Link (D,E,I,M) Canada Johnson Amplification: Combo amps/ speaker cab DOD/DigiTech (M) World JoMama: Amplifiers JoMama Music, LLC (D,M) World JoMama Blues Special: Guitar Amplifiers JoMama Music, LLC (D,M) World Jonathan Bay: Mouthpieces and Ligatures Bay Woodwind Products (D,E,I,M) World Jordan: Electric Violin, Electric Viola, Electric Cello, Electric Upright Bass. Jordan Electric Violins (M) World Jos. Heinrich Reinhart: String instruments F.E. Olds and Son Inc. (M) World Jose Ramirez: Classical guitar Tornavoz Music (D,E,I,M) Canada Josef Reiter: String instruments Veritas Instrument Rental Inc. (D) United States

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brand names 45th annual supplier directory Joseph Lorenz: Stringed instruments Ideal Musical Merchandise Co (E,I) World Joseph Richter: Violin, viola, cello, bass bows Ideal Musical Merchandise Co (D,E,I,M) World Joshua Guitars: Acoustic guitars L.A. Guitar Works (D,E,I,M) World JRX: Speaker systems JBL Professional (M) JT Products: Guitar effects European Musical Imports Inc (D,I) Canada Juan Orozco: Classical Guitars Juan Orozco Ltd., Inc. (D,E,I,M,P) World Juggs: Percussion Tropical Music Corp. (D,E) World Juice Box: Direct input amplifier, all tube, (D.I.) active-rack mounted Retrospec, Inc. (M) Europe Juice Goose: Power Conditioning Juice Goose (M) Canada Jupiter: Coast Music (Eastern Canada) Jupiter: Woodwinds & Brass Jupiter Band Instruments, Inc. (D) World Jupiter: Band & orchestra and woodwind instruments K.H.S. Musical Instrument Co. (E,M) Canada Just in Case: Case parts Grover Musical Products (D,E,I,M) World Just in Case: Case parts Trophy Music Co. (D,E,I,M,P/J) World JXB: Electric Jazz Bass Brubaker Guitars Inc. United States


K: Cymbal Avedis Zildjian Co. (M) World K & A: Electric guitars and basses DiPinto Guitars (M) United States K & M: Music stands Rocky Mountain Music (D) Canada K Custom: Cymbal Avedis Zildjian Co. (M) World K Series: Trumpet, trombone, cornet, flugel Kanstul Musical Instruments In (M) World K&K Sound Systems: Pickups, Microphones for Musical Insteuments K & K Sound Systems Inc. (M) Canada K&M: Instrument Stands, Music Stands, Equipment, Accessories K&M Stands (E,M) World K-200 Series: Keystone Electronics (M) United States K-250 Series: Keystone Electronics (M) United States K-280 Series: Keystone Electronics (M) United States K-4: Electric Guitar Brubaker Guitars Inc. United States K-400 Series: Keystone Electronics (M) United States K-500 Series: Keystone Electronics (M) United States K-J1: Keystone Electronics (M) United States K-J2: Keystone Electronics (M) United States K-Lith: Manuscript paper Grover Musical Products (D,E,I,M) World K-P4: Keystone Electronics (M) United States K-SB5: Keystone Electronics (M) United States K-SB6: Keystone Electronics (M) United States KA-1: Keystone Electronics (M) United States Kaces: guitar bags D’Addario Canada (D,I) Canada Kaces: GUITARS, DRUMS, KEYBOARD, STICK, ALL PERCUSSION, AMPS Ace Products Group (D,I,M) Asia Kafko: Guitar, band & orchestra access. Wexler Music Co. (D,E,I,M) World Kahler Hybrid: Guitar & Bass Bridges Kahler International Inc. (M) World Kahler Kustom: Guitar & Bass Bridges Kahler International Inc. (M) World Kahler Professional: Guitar & Bass Bridges Kahler International Inc. (M) World Kahler X-Trem: Guitar & Bass Bridges Kahler International Inc. (M) World Kahnt C.F.: Printed music C.F. Peters Corporation (P/J) Canada Kala Brand: Ukulele, Guitars Kala Brand Music Co. (D,E,I) World Kangaba: Drums Overseas Connection (D,I,M) Canada Kangaroo: Silk swab HollywoodWinds Inc. World Kanstul Custom class: Trumpet, trombone, tuba, Frenchhorn, euphonium, baritone Kanstul Musical Instruments In (M) World Kaplan: violin family products D’Addario Canada (D,I) Canada Karl Hofner: Stringed instruments Karl Hofner GmbH & Co. (M) World Karntnerland: Accordions Castiglione Accordion LLC (D,E) Canada Kat: Electronic Miramba, Vibe/xglo, and Drum Controllers Alternate Mode, Inc. (D,M) World Kawai: Acoustic and digital pianos Kawai America Corp. (D) Canada Kay: KC Music Supply LLC (D) Kay: Acoustic Guitars, Electric Guitars, Electric/Acoustic Guitar Kay Guitar Co. (E,I,M) World Kayhide: Case & amp vinyl coverings Kayline Processing Inc. (M) World Kaysound: MIDI controllers/sound modules KaySound Imports (D,E,I) United States Kazoo (Original): Kazoo (USA) metal Wexler Music Co. (D,E,I,M) World

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KB Covers: Keyboard Shortcut Silicone Covers KB Covers World Keg Board Poster: Educational Poster Castalia Publications (P/J) World Keilwerth: Schreiber & Keilwerth Musikinstrumente GmbH (M) Keilwerth: Saxophones Sonaré Winds (D,M) Canada Keith, Curtis & Clifton: Bowed stringed instruments Gatchell Violins Company, Inc. (D,I,M) United States Kelemen-Reverb 45: Guitar Amplifiers JoMama Music, LLC (D,M) World Keller Shells: Drum Shells Keller Products Inc. (M) World Kelon: Xylophones & Marimbas Conn-Selmer, Inc. (D,M) World Kemble: Kemble and Co. Ltd. (M) Ken Bauer Production: Sacred Instrumental Music David E. Smith Publications, LLC (P) World Kendor Publishing: Books, CD’s Jamey Aebersold Jazz Aids (D,E,I,P) Canada Kenny G: Rheuben Allen & Associates, LLC (M) World Kent Armstrong: pickups WD Music Products (D,E,I,M) World Kentucky: Mandolin Saga Musical Instruments (D) Canada Kessler: Stringed instruments Kaman Music Corp. (D,M) United States Ketron: Audio Players, Digital Pianos, Synthesizers, Modules CMC Distribution (D) United States Key: Bow hair Wagman Primus Group LP (D,I) Canada Key Factor 4: 34” scale 4 string bass Philip Kubicki Technology (M) World Key Factor 5: 34” scale 5 string bass Philip Kubicki Technology (M) World Keyboard Magazine: Consumer publication Keyboard Magazine (P/J) World Keyboard Percussion Publications: Percussion sheet music Marimba Productions Inc. (P) World Keyboard Player: Keyboard & technology consumer music pub. United Entertainment (P/J) World Keytar: Keyboard Guitar Keytar Inc. (M) United States Kick Ass: Soldid Bell brass slide and glass slides Redwood Music Corp. (E,I,M) United States KickPad™: Earthworks, Inc. (M) Kicksticks: Bass drum rods Unigrip 2000 (M) South America Kid’s Percussion: kid’s percussion instruments Remo Inc. (M) World Kidsplay: Hardbells and percussions Rhythm Band Instruments, Inc. (D,M) World Kidtunes: Songbook, CD, poster Piano Press (D) World Kilo-Wah: Effects Pedal Gig-Fx Inc. World King: Baritome euphoniums, brass, french horn tuba trumpets Conn-Selmer, Inc. (M) World King Blues Basses: Electric basses Saint Blues Guitar Workshop (M) World King David: Conductor and gift batons Wexler Music Co. (D,E,I,M) World king, Holton, Cometa, Cort, Epiphone, Gibson: All related to Band. Casa Veerkamp SA de CV (D,E,I) Mexico King, Holton, Cometa, Cort, Epiphone, Gibson: All related to Band. Casa Veerkamp SA de CV (D,E,I) Mexico Kingsburg: Pianos Piano Empire (D,I) United States Kingsburg: Acoustic pianos Piano Wholesalers Intl. (D) Mexico Kinsman: Cases & bags MIDC Limited (D) Canada Kinsman: Bags & cases John Hornby Skewes & Co. Ltd. (E) World Kiso Guitars: Acoustic Guitars Go-En International (D,E,I) Canada Kiso Klein Guitars: Jazz Guitars Go-En International (D,E,I) Canada Kiso Ribbecke Guitars: Jazz Guitars Go-En International (D,E,I) Canada Kiwaya: Ukulele Kiwaya USA (D) Canada Kiwi Wind products: Saxophone neck & mouthpiece Kiwi Wind Products (M) World Kjos Band: Band Materials Neil A. Kjos Music Co. (P/J) World Klawus: Instrument cases German American Trading Company, Inc. Canada Klein & Hummel: Speakers Sennheiser Elec Corp (M) United States Klein Electric guitars: Klein Electric guitars Klein Electric Guitars (M) World Kluson: Tuning Machine Kluson (M) Kluson: Tuning machines WD Music Products (D,E,I,M) World Knabe: Acoustic & player pianos Samick Music Corp. (M) Canada Kneusslin Editions: Printed Music C.F. Peters Corporation (P/J) Canada Knilling: Orchestra/stringed inst. St. Louis Music Koala Publications: Instructional books Koala Publications (D,E,I,P/J) Canada Kodiak: Crossover Thumb Pick Strum-N-Comfort Picking Systems (M) World

Kohler: Digital pianos & keyboards Samick Music Corp. (M) Canada Kohler & Cambell: Acoustic & piano players Samick Music Corp. (M) Canada Kohlert: Band Inst. & Access. Entertainment Music Mktg. Corp (D,I,M) Canada Kolstein: Kolstein Music Inc. (D,E,I,M) World Kona Guitars: electric guitars, acoustic guitars M&M Merchandisers Inc. (I) Canada Konig & Meyer: Stands and Stand Accessories Connolly Music Company, Inc. (D,I) United States Konig & Meyer: Gorg International L.L.C. (D,I) United States Korg: Keyboards, tuners, guitar effects, digital piano Korg Canada (D,I) Canada Korg USA: synthesizers,digital recording studios, digital pianos, mode Korg USA Inc. (D) United States Kori: flute, Marinebas Xylophones Custom Music Co. (D,I) Canada Kosei Publishing: Audio Compact Discs Ludwig Music Publishing Co. (P/J) Canada Kosmos: low frequency and stereo image enhancement processor Peavey Electronics Corp. (M) Canada Koss Stereophones: Headphones Power Group LTD (D) Canada KR100: 100-watt gtr. amp Bluesland Amplifiers (M) World Kradl: Guitar picks Kradl Inc. (M) World Krakauer Pianos: Acoustic pianos Artfield Piano Ltd. (M) Canada Kramer: bass viola, cello, violin, viola bows Bow Supply Corp. (M) World KRK: studio monitors Erikson Music (D) Canada KSD Basses: Ken Smith designed bass Brooklyn Gear (D,E,I,M) World Kun: Coast Music (Eastern Canada) Kunzelmann: Publisher of music C.F. Peters Corporation (P/J) Canada Kurzweil: Digital pianos, synthesizers/samplers Kurzweil Music Systems (M) United States Kurzweil: Keyboards AND Music Corporation (D) Canada Kustom Amplification: Amplifiers Hanser Music Group (D,M) World

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MMR 171

45th annual supplier directory brand names


KV2 Audio: Speakers, subwoofers American Music & Sound (D) United States KVZ: speakers Erikson Pro Audio (D) Canada KxB: Electric Bass Brubaker Guitars Inc. Australia KxG-1: Electric Guitar Brubaker Guitars Inc. United States Kyser: KC Music Supply LLC (D) Kyser Old Style: Finger picks Kyser Musical Products Inc. (M) World Kyser Power Core: Strings Kyser Musical Products Inc. (M) World Kyser Pro/Am: Capo Kyser Musical Products Inc. (M) World Kyser Quick-Change: Capo Kyser Musical Products Inc. (M) World Kyser Renaissance: Capo Kyser Musical Products Inc. (M) World


L.A. Sax: saxaphone Orpheus Music Inc. (D) World L.A. Studio Jazz: Lomax (E,M) L.R. Bags: Acoustic guitar pickups WD Music Products (D,E,I,M) World La Bella: Music strings E. & O. Mari Inc./La Bella (M) World La Bella Records: New record label La Bella Strings (M) World La Patrie: Classical Guitars Godin Guitars (D,M) World La Tosca: Fred Gretsch Enterprises La Voz: Reeds & access. Rico International (M) World Lab. gruppen: Power amplifiers TC/US (D) Canada LaBella: violin family strings Vitali Import Co. Inc. (D,I,P/J) United States Lace: Guitars, pickups Lace Music Products (M) Lace Electro-furniture: Actodyne General Inc. (M) World Lace Sensors: Actodyne General Inc. (M) World Lace Transensor: Actodyne General Inc. (M) World Lafayette: Fred Gretsch Enterprises Lafont: Signal processors Sascom Marketing Group (D) World Lag Guitars: Electric Guitar, Acoustic Guitar Civilized World (D,E,I,M) United States Lamott: Instruments, cane, reeds Jack Spratt Woodwind Shop (D,I,M,P/J) World Lancio: Mollard Conducting Batons (D,M) Landmark: Bass Amplifiers Tech 21 (M) World Landola: Acoustic bass, acoustic & classical guitars, mandolin Landola Guitars (M) World Laney: Amplification Chesbro Music Co. (D) United States Lanikai: Ukuleles Hohner, Inc. (D) United States LaPatrie: Classic guitars Lasido (D,M) World Laptop, The: Portable Drum Rhythm Tech (M) World Larilee: Larilee Woodwind Corp. (M) World Larrivee: Acoustic guitar bass, ukelele Jean Larrivee Guitars Ltd. (M) World Larry Blakely: Earthworks, Inc. (M) Larsen: Strings Ideal Musical Merchandise Co (D,E,I,M) United States Larsen Strings: Strings for bowed instruments Glasser Bows (D) United States Larson: Acoustic guitars IBC Trading Ltd. (D,E,I) World Laser Karaoke: Karaoke hardware & software Pioneer New Media Technologies (M) World Latin Percussion: Hand percussion instruments/accessories Kaman Music Corp. (D,M) World Laureate: Woodwind Instruments Conn-Selmer, Inc. (D,M) World Laurel: Orchestral String Instruments ConnSelmer, Inc. (D,M) World Lauren: Band & orchestra instruments Musicorp LLC (D,E,I,M) World

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Lauren: Band instruments & access. MBT International (D,E,I,M) World Lauten Audio: Microphone Summit Audio Inc. (D,E,M) United States LD Systems, Adam Hall Stands: PA and Sound Recording Equipment Adam Hall Ltd (D,E,I,M) World Le Bayle: Straps, mouthpieces Nambucca Inc. (D,I) Canada Le Pectole: Swabs Micro Musical Products Corp. (M) World Leader: Batons Grover Musical Products (D,E,I,M) World Leader: guitar cable Whirlwind Music (M) World Leadmaster: Fret markers Castalia Publications (P/J) World Leblanc: Conn-Selmer, Inc. (M) World Leblanc Millenium Opus: Musical Instruments Conn-Selmer, Inc. (D,M) World Leblanc Paris: Band Instruments Conn-Selmer, Inc. (D,M) World Leblanc Premier: Musical Instruments ConnSelmer, Inc. (D,M) World Lectrosonics: Wireless Microphones Lectrosonics (M) World Lee Oskar: Harmonica Lee Oskar Harmonicas (D,E,I,M) World Leedy: Fred Gretsch Enterprises Leedy: Drums Leedy Drums (M) Canada Leem: Guitar cables, connectors Coast Music (Eastern Canada) (D) Canada Legacy: Acoustic guitar CA Guitars (M) World Legacy: drum collection Remo Inc. (M) World Legacy: Flutes Emerson Musical Instruments (M) World Legend: Hammer dulcimers Folkcraft Instruments (E,I,M) World Legend: Band Instruments Conn-Selmer, Inc. (D,M) World Legere: Synthetic woodwind reeds Legere Reeds ltd. (M) World Lehle: Amp switchers European Musical Imports Inc (D,I) Canada Lehle: Switchers Dana B. Goods (D) United States LEM: Audio Generalmusic Corp. (D,M) Canada Lenzer: Strings German American Trading Company, Inc. Canada Leon Aubert: String instruments and access. Entertainment Music Mktg. Corp (D,I,M) Canada Leprecon LLC: Theatrical lighting equipment Leprecon/C.A.E. Inc. (M) World Les Paul Signature Strings: Guitar strings Gibson Strings & Accessories (M) World Lesher: Oboes, Bassoons, Accessories ConnSelmer, Inc. (D,M) World Leslie Speakers: Speakers Hammond Suzuki USA Inc. (D,M) World Level-Air: Musical Instrument Mouthpieces Conn-Selmer, Inc. (D,M) World LevelPad™: Earthworks, Inc. (M) Levy’s: Guitar straps & gig bags Levy’s Leathers Ltd. (M) Canada Lewis: Orchestral String Instruments ConnSelmer, Inc. (D,M) World Lexi Verb: Pro tools plug-in (software) Lexicon Inc. (M) World Lexicon Studio: Desktop audio hardware Lexicon Inc. (M) World LF Drivers: Celestion LG Series: Loudspeakers Crest Audio Inc./ Crest Console (M) Canada Liberty: student practice mutes Pro Tec International (D,M) World Lifelines: Cables Pro Co Sound (M) World Light of the World Music: Sacred Instrumental Music David E. Smith Publications, LLC (P) World Light Snake: Cable Line Including analog to digital converter Sound Tech International (M) World Light Wave: Optical pickup systems Light Wave Systems (M) World Lightnin’ Rods: Seymour Duncan Pickups Lightspeed Bass Pedals: Bass drum pedals MRP Drums (M) World

Lightwinder: Otari Corp. of America (M) World Lillian Burkart: Flutes, piccolos Burkart-Phelan World Limelight Editions: Reference Books Hal Leonard Corp. (P/J) World Limex: Accordion & guitar MIDI’s Rocky Mountain Music (D) Canada Linc Luthier: Guitars, basses, uprights, baritones Linc Luthier (M) World Linton: Oboes/Bassoons Linton Woodwinds Inc. (M) Linton Woodwinds: Oboes & Bassoons J.M. Linton Woodwinds (M) Canada Liquid Liner: Protective coating American Guardian Protection I (E,I,M) World Listen: Music education software Imaja (M,P/J) World Litetruss: Truss systems Tracoman Inc. (D,M) United States Litolff, H.: Publisher of music C.F. Peters Corporation (P/J) Canada Little Legends: Children’s instruments LPD Music International (D) World LittleFretty: Guitar Fretocizer+Little (M) Canada Littlite: Task lamps Littlite (M) World Littlite: Gooseneck Lamps Pacific Supply & Trading Co. (D) United States Liverpool: Drumsticks, Accessories Synergy House (D) Canada LJ Hutchen Corp.: Band instruments LJ Hutchen Corporation (M) United States Lo Rider: Bass guitar strings DR Handmade Strings (D,M) World Locomotive Series: Electric guitar & bass Lindert Guitars Inc. (M) Canada Lollipop Drum: kid’s percussion instruments Remo Inc. (M) World Lomax: Lomax (E,M) Long Hollow Leather: Leather musical instrument straps Long Hollow Leathers (D,M) Canada LoPrinzi: Ukulele Kiwaya USA (D) World Loree: oboe, english horn Custom Music Co. (D,I) Canada Loriente: Tornavoz Music Lost Classics: CDG Karaoke Priddis Music LLC (M) United States Lothson: Electric guitar, custom made Lothson Guitars (M) World Loudbox: Acoustic Amplifiers Fishman Acoustic Amplification (M) World Louie Bellson: Drumset Mallets Mike Balter Mallets, LLC (E,M) World Lowden: Acoustic guitars Lowden Guitar Co. Ltd. (D,I,M) Canada Lowden: Acoustic guitar George Lowden Guitars Ltd. (M) World Lowell Mfg.: Racks & accessories Contact Distribution Ltd. (D) Canada Lowendall: Stringed instruments Ideal Musical Merchandise Co (D,E,I,M) World Lowrey: Electronic organ Lowrey Organ Co. (M) World Lowrider Basses: Electric basses, 2 models traditional Bolt On Ed Roman World Class Guitars LP: Community drums, hand percussion stands, congas, bongos, LP-Latin Percussion (M) World LP: Congas (D,M) United States LP Music collection: Mini percussion, hand percussion, community drums, LP-Latin Percussion (M) World LP RhythMix: Children’s percussion LP-Latin Percussion (M) World LPAspire: Community drums, hand percussion, congas, bongos, timbales LP-Latin Percussion (M) World LSR: Studio monitor speakers JBL Professional (M) LSR Guitars: Electric guitars, over 60 models of headless bolt on & neck-thru guitars Ed Roman World Class Guitars LTD: Electric guitars & electric basse ESP Guitar Co. (M) World

LTH-1: Electric Guitar Lashbrook Guitars, LLC (M) Lucida: Flamenci and classical guitars, mariachi guitars The Music Link (D,E,I,M) Canada Lucky - 7: Guitar Amplifiers Fuchs Audio Technology (M) World Ludwig: Conn-Selmer, Inc. (M) World Ludwig: Drums Conn-Selmer, Inc. (M) World Ludwig Accent: Percussion Instruments ConnSelmer, Inc. (D,M) World Ludwig Jr.: Percussion Instruments ConnSelmer, Inc. (D,M) World Ludwig Music: Maestro Score Bag Ludwig Music Publishing Co. (P/J) Canada Luma-Net: Architectural lighting control network NSI Corporation (M) Canada Lumi-Rail: Illuminated handrail Packaged Lighting Systems Inc. (D,M) World Lumin-Eze: Work lights Ac-Cetera Inc. (D,M) World Luna: Acoustic & electric guitars & basses Luna Guitars (D,I) World Luna: M-Audio (M) Luthier: Classical / Flamenco Strings Luthier Music Corp. (D,E,I,M) World Luthier: Classical / Flamengo Guitars Luthier Music Corp. (D,E,I,M) Canada Luthier’s Choice: Guitar care products Gibson Strings & Accessories (M) World LX Series: Drums Pacific Drums & Percussion (M) World Lyon & Healy: Harp Lyon & Healy (D) United States Lyra Music Co.: Publisher of harp music International Harps & Music (A/O,D,P/J) Australia


M Birch: Drum Sets Mapex USA Inc. (M) United States M-Audio: M-Audio (M) M.A.C.C.: road cases Calzone Case Co./Anvil Cases (D,M) M.A.R.C.A.: Clarinet & Sax Reeds ARK Corp. (D) Canada M.Campellone: Guitars Mark Campellone Guitars (M) Canada M.E.U.: Electric upright bass Conklin Guitars & Basses (D,M) World M.P. Miller: Classical custom organs Allen Organ Co. (M) World M1: Acoustic Guitar Pickup L.R. Baggs (M) World M1: Acoustic Guitar Pickup L.R. Baggs (M) World M1750: speakers, monitors, subwoofers Monsound SRL (D) Europe M5: Mono microphone preamp Avalon Design (M) World M80: 8 chan.mic pre w/Jensen transformers PreSonus Audio Electronics (M) World Mach: Speakers Martin Professional (M) World Mach: Loudspeakers-installation, touring & dj controllers Erikson Pro Audio (D) Canada Mackie Designs/Digital Systems: Mixers, didgital mixers Mackie Designs Inc. (M) World MacLeod: Bagpipes & chanters Scott’s Highland Services Ltd. (D) World Macro Tech: Crown International (M) World Macrolus: Drumsticks Hot Sticks Manufacturing (M) World Mad Professor: Guitar Amplifiers & Pedals Mad Professor Amplification (M) World Mad-Max: Polycarbonate mouthpieces Best Products International In (D,E,M) World Madarozzo: Designer musical instr. bags, cases, guitars & access. Creative Bags and Cases Ltd./UK Madarozzo: Gig Bag and Case Couture Creative Bags and Cases Ltd (D,M) World Maelzel & Taktell: Metronomes Wittner GmbH & Co. KG (M) Maestro: Conductor’s stands Hamilton Stands Inc. (E,I,M) World

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brand names 45th annual supplier directory Maestro MD: Sterilization system for brass & woodwind instruments Encore Etc., Inc. United States Maestro Tuner: Guitar tuners Gibson Strings & Accessories (M) World Maestro/Contempo: Saxophone mouthpieces Oleg Products Co. Canada Mag Mic: Seymour Duncan Pickups Magic Magnet: Magnetic sheet music holder Zoogee World, INc. (M) World Magneto Audio Labs: Pro Audio Devices Sonic Distribution USA (D) World Magnum Pro Select: professional level pedal steel guitar World Class Steels, Inc. (M) World Mahalo: Ukeleles Coast Music (Eastern Canada) (D) Canada Mahalo: Ukuleles Saga Musical Instruments (D) United States Main Gain: Rack mounted-all tube eq and mic-pre Retrospec, Inc. (M) Europe Main Squeeze: Limiter-all tube-mond & stereo Retrospec, Inc. (M) Europe Majecal: Cases Majecal Case Co./Caltron Pkg. (M) Canada Majestic: Timpani, Bass Drums Majestic Percussion (M) World Majestic: Timpani & Mallet Jupiter Band Instruments, Inc. (D) World Majestic: Timpani, chimes, mallets K.H.S. Musical Instrument Co. (E,M) Canada Majestic Music Publications: Sacred Instrumental Music David E. Smith Publications, LLC (P) World Makai Uke Co.: Ukeleles Major Music Supply (M) United States Making Music Today & Movin’ On: Guitar lesson Books Close Marketing (D,I,M,P/J) United States Malice: Pickup Adder Plus Corp. (M) World Mallet KAT Pro: Mallet midi controller Kat/Alternate Mode Inc. (M) World Mallet KAT Pro/WS: Mallet midi controller/w sounds Kat/ Alternate Mode Inc. (M) World Malletech: Marimbas, Xylophones, Glockenspiels, mallets Malletech (M) World Malletech: Drumsticks/mallets Avedis Zildjian Co. (M) World MAM Music and More: Analog effects, midi, mixers Plus 24 (D,E,I,M) Canada Mama Bear: digital guitar preamp D-Tar Duncan Turner Acoustic R (D,M) World Mando Guitar: Electric mandoguitar Phantom Guitar Works, Inc. (E,I,M) World Manhasset: Music & orchestral music stands Coast Music (Eastern Canada) (D) Canada Manhasset: Music stands Manhasset Specialty Co. (M) World Manhattan: Percussion RS Berkley Instruments (M) Manhattan: Mutes Pro Tec International (D,M) World Manley: Vacuum tube processors Manley Laboratories,Inc. (M) World Mann Made USA: Guitar bridges & hardware Mann Made USA (M) World Mano Percussion: Congas, quintos, tumbadoras, bongos, djembes, access. Coast Music (Eastern Canada) (M) Mano Percussion: Latin percussion Tropical Music Corp. (D,E) Caribbean Manuel Rodriguez & Sons: Classical guitars MIDC Limited (D) Canada Mapes: The Mapes Piano String Co. (M) World Mapex: Hardware Mapex USA Inc. (M) United States Mapex: Drums K.H.S. Musical Instrument Co. (E,M) Canada Mapex: Concert & Marching Drums Jupiter Band Instruments, Inc. (D) World Marantz: Tape & CD players Richardson Electronics Ltd. (D) World Marantz/Superscope: CD Playeers, Recorders, Portables, Minidiscs Contact Distribution Ltd. (D) Canada Marathon: PA, DJ, flight ready cases, audio products Marathon Professional (D,E,I,M) Canada Marca: Reeds American Way Marketing LLC (D) United States Marcinkienwiez Model Custom: Trumpet, cornet Marcinkiewicz Co. Inc. (M) World Marcinkiewicz: Brasswind mouthpieces Marcinkiewicz Co. Inc. (M) World Marcinkiewicz Rembrandt: Trumpets Marcinkiewicz Co. Inc. (M) World Marcinkiewicz Vermeer: Marcinkiewicz Co. Inc. (M) World Marco Bass Guitars: Electric Basses & Guitars Marco Bass Guitars, Inc. (M) Marcsmen: Piano & organ lamps Wexler Music Co. (D,E,I,M) World Mariachi series: Trumpets Kanstul Musical Instruments In (M) World

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Marian: Soundcards Plus 24 (D,E,I,M) Canada Marimba Productions Inc.: Percussion sheet music, percussion music CD’s Marimba Productions Inc. (P) World Marimba/Vibe Mallets: Encore Mallets Inc. (M) Marine Band: Harmonica Hohner, Inc. (D) United States Mario Balducci: violins, violas, cellos, string bass Jack Rasmussen, Luthier (M) Canada Mark VI: Saxophones Conn-Selmer, Inc. (D,M) World Mark-my-time: Digital metronome Mark My Time (M) Australia Marshall: Electric guitar amps, acoustic guitar amps & effects pedals Marshall Amplification (D) United States Marshall Amplification: Amplifiers, FX pedals Korg USA Inc. (D) United States Martin: Acoustic guitars, ukes, fretted instrument strings C.F. Martin & Co. Inc. (M) World Martin: Guitar strings & access. Coast Music (Eastern Canada) (D) Canada Martin: Acoustic Guitar C. F. Martin & Co., Inc. (M) World Martin Audio: Loudspeakers Martin Audio Limited (D,M) Canada Martin Lighting: Lighting & bulbs Erikson Pro Audio (D) Canada Martin Strings: Fretted Instrument Strings C. F. Martin & Co., Inc. (M) World Maru: hand percussions Lawton Percussion (D,M) Australia Marz: USA electric bass, USA steel guitar, Double Neck electric guitar Marz Guitars of California (I,M) United States MAS: Speaker cabinet stands Tropical Music Corp. (D,E) Caribbean Mason & Hamlin: Acoustic Piano Mason and Hamlin (M) World Master: USA Acoustic guitar, USA Electric guitar, USA electric bass Marz Guitars of California (I,M) United States Master Edge: Drumset Remo Inc. (M) WorldMaster Series: Duet Books Zaja Musical Products, LLC (D,M,P/J) World Master Tracks Pro: MIDI Sequencing Software gvox (M) World Master Works: Hammer Dulcimers, Bowed Psalteries, Zithers, Folk Music Accessories, Folk Music Instruction Materials. Master Works Dulcimers (M) World Master Works: Hammer Dulcimer, Bowed Psaltery, zither Wood ‘n Strings (D) World Masterpiece: Clarinet & sax reeds Wexler Music Co. (D,E,I,M) World Masters Own: Polish & strings Horn & Son String Instruments (D,I,M) World Mastertouch: drum collection Remo Inc. (M) World Masterwriter: Software Masterwriter (M) World Matador: Hand percussion stands, congas, bongos & timbales LP-Latin Percussion (M) World Matchpik: Dunlop Manufacturing Inc. (M) Canada Mateki Flutes: Flutes Cincinnati Fluteworks Inc. (D,I) Canada

Mathias Thoma: String instruments & access. Entertainment Music Mktg. Corp (D,I,M) Canada Matrix: Undersaddle Pickup Systems Fishman Acoustic Amplification (M) World Matrix: Metronomes and Tuners Kaman Music Corp. (D,M) World Matsuoka: Tornavoz Music Maui Xaphoon: Pocket Sax Xaphoon USA (M) Canada Maxima Strings: Gold & chrome plated strings for electric & acoustic Optima Strings (M) United States Maximum Guitar: Magazine Guitar World Magazine (P/J) World Maxon: Effects Godlyke Inc. (D,E,I,M) Canada Maxtone: Percussion, guitar, brass & wind instruments Maxtone Musical Instrument Mfg (E,M) World MAY: Internal Drum Miking System May Intl. Drums Mics (D) World May Drum Miking System: Randall May International Inc. (M) World MBT: Lighting & sound equip. Adam International (D,E,I,M) World MBT: Lighting’s sound Music Treasures Co. (D) United States MBT Cases: Cases MBT International (D,E,I,M) World MBT Cases: Cases Musicorp LLC (D) World MBT Lighting & Sound: Lighting and sound equiptment Musicorp LLC (D,E,I,M) World MBT Lighting & Sound: Lighting & sound equip. MBT International (D,E,I,M) World MC2: Power amplifiers Group One Ltd. (D,I,M) United States McCallum: Bagpipes & chanters Scott’s Highland Services Ltd. (D) World McCollum: Acoustic guitars McCollum Guitars (M) World McIntyre Amplification: Actodyne General Inc. (M) World McPherson Guitars: Acoustic guitar McPherson Guitars (M) World McSpadden Mountain Dulcimers: Dulcimer Shoppe (M) United States MCW: Oboe Mark Chudnow Woodwinds (D,I,M) World Measures™: Card Game The Enterprising Rabbit (D,E,M,P) World Media: Midi cables BRTB Canada Inc. (D,E,I,M) World Media Manager: Guide to music magazines-source book MusicMagazines.Com (P/J) United States Medusa: Audio snakes Whirlwind Music (M) World Mega Bass Strap: Guitar, Bass, & Banjo Strap Neotech (M) World Mega Lite: Mega Lite (M) Mega Tone: Wind Instrument Mouthpieces Conn-Selmer, Inc. (D,M) World Megastar: Karaoke Systems, amplifiers, speakers & self Musix Resources (D,I) World Megawah: Effects Pedal Gig-Fx Inc. World Meinel: Recorders German American Trading Company, Inc. (D) Canada

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Meinl: German wood Recorders Rocky Mountain Music (D) Canada Meinl: Percussion, Cymbals Meinl USA (D,M) Canada Meinl: Percussion Chesbro Music Co. (D) United States Meinl Weston: Euphoniums and tubas JA Musik USA (D) Canada Meinl-Weston: Tubas/Euphoniums MeinlWeston (D,M) United States Mel Menis Signature: Cymbals DR Handmade Strings (D,M) Canada Melodic Finger Style Guitar: Acoustic Guitar book Edwards Music Publishing (P/J) World Melodie: Guitar etc. Sunlite Industrial Corp. (D,E,I) World Melodija: Accordions Castiglione Accordion LLC (D,E,I) Canada Melody Chest: Music Cabinets Wren Chest Co. (M) Canada Melody Dicer: Piano composition game Carousel Publications Ltd. (I,M,P/J) World Merano: String Brass & Woodwind Merano Musical Instruments (E,I,M) China Meredith Music: Percussion/Teacher Ref. Books Hal Leonard Corp. (P/J) World Merion Music: Print music Theodore Presser Co. (P/J) World Metal Master: Bass Strings Ken Smith Basses Ltd. (D,M) World Metalized: drum finish Remo Inc. (M) World Metro Pad: Percussion practice pad Educational Music Accessories (M) World Metro Tune: Combination Tuner, Metronome, Tone Generator Sabine (M) World Metrophones: Headphones Big Bang Distribution (D,E,I,M) Canada Metropolitan: Electric basses & guitars Metropolitan Guitars (D,E,M) World Meyer: Clarinet & saxophone mouthpieces J.J. Babbitt Co. Inc. (M) World Meyer & Ottolink: Mouthpieces American Way Marketing LLC (D) Canada Mi-T-Mist: mouthpiece freshener Roche-Thomas Corp. (M) Canada MiBAC Jazz: Jazz Accompaniment Software MiBAC Music Software (M) World Mic-7: Accordion mics Accordions International (D,E,I,M) World Mic-Eze: Microphone holders Ac-Cetera Inc. (M) World Mic-Intuner: Dillon Wittman Tuner (M) World Michael Dolsey Designs: Electric Guitar Dolsey Ltd (D,I,M) United States Michael Kelly: Electric & Acoustic Instruments Hanser Music Group (D,M) World Michael Kelly: Mandolins, basses, guitars Elite Music Brands (D,M) World Michelangelo Series: Electric guitars and basses Tradition Guitar (D,E,I,M) World Micking: Professional Mic Stands Latch Lake Music Products (M) World Micro: Brass maintenance kits & access. Coast Music (Eastern Canada) (D) Canada Micro B II: Organ modules DR Handmade Strings (D,M) World Micro Tube Double Drive: Tube Pedal Siegmund Guitars and Amps (M) World Micromix: Powered box mixers Yorkville Sound Inc. (D,E,I,M) World MicroSet™: Headworn Microphones AudioTechnica U.S., Inc. (M) World Microsonic Music: In-ear Monitors Sonic Distribution USA (D) Canada MicroTrack: M-Audio (M) Mid-Atlantic: Rack hardware El-Com Hardware Inc. (D,M) United States Middle: Racks & panels ARS Electronics (D) United States Midi Quest: Universal SysX Editor/Librarian Sound Quest Inc. (M) World Midiscan for Mac: Musitek Corp. (D,E,M,P/ J) World

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Midiscan for Windows: Musitek Corp. (D,E,M,P/J) World Midisport: M-Audio (M) Midnight Blues: Microphones Audio-Technica U.S., Inc. (M) World Midnight Blues: Tube Amplifier Siegmund Guitars and Amps (M) World Midnight Special: Tube Amplifier Siegmund Guitars and Amps (M) World Mighty Bright: LED Lights Mighty Bright (I,M) World Mighty Light: Cases and Racks Grundorf Corp. (M) United States Mighty Mite: Guitar parts Mighty Mite (M) World Mighty Mite: Guitar parts Westheimer Corp. (D,I) World Mighty Moe: Ampstrap InTime Design, LLC (M) United States Mighty Mover: Folding Dolly Dana B. Goods (D) United States MightyBright: Gooseneck Lamps Pacific Supply & Trading Co. (D) United States Mike Balter: Malletts Direct Music Supply (D,I) Canada Mike Balter: Percussion, Keyboard, Timpani, Bass Drum, Chime, and Gong Mallets; Percussion Cases. Mike Balter Mallets, LLC (E,M) World Mike Christian: Pickups and electronics Mike Christian Technology (M) World Millennia: recording equipment Millenia Media Inc. (M) World Millennium: bass guitars Peavey Electronics Corp. (M) Canada Minarik Guitars: Electric Guitar, Electric Bass, Acoustic Guitar Minarik Guitars (D,I,M) Canada Mini Monster: Speaker Enclosures Unitec Products Corp. (D,E,M) Canada Minidrive: Speaker management system BSS Audio U.S.A. (D) World Minister: Travel electric guitars and basses Codel Enterprises (D,M) Australia Minstral: Banjo Bridges Grover Musical Products (D,E,I,M) World Mipro: Microphones, Wireless Microphones, Wireless Microphone Systems, Portable AC/DC Public Adress Systems, Wireless In-ear Monitor Systems, and accessories Avlex Corp (D,I) United States Mirage: band instruments Counterpoint Musical Services (D,I) Canada Mitchell: Acoustic guitar Mitchell Guitars (M) Canada Mitchell Lurie: Reeds Rico International (M) World Mitee Cables: Cables Marketing Insights Inc. (M) United States Mitello: Cora & Peter Kuo Inc. (E,M) World Mitey Mike II: test/portable microphone Audio Amateur Corp. (P/J) World Mix: Magazine Mix Magazine (P/J) World Mix A4: ovalhole A-style mandolin New Mad (New Media Mix Design) United States Mix A5: f-hole A-style mandolin New Mad (New Media Mix Design) United States Mix Edicion en Espanol: Magazine Mix Magazine (P/J) Mexico Mix F4: ovalhole F-style mandolin New Mad (New Media Mix Design) United States Mix F5: f-hole F-style mandolin New Mad (New Media Mix Design) United States Mix Machines: Turntable accessories Tracoman Inc. (D,M) United States Mix Master Directory: Annual pro audio/ studio guide Mix Magazine (P/J) Canada Mixer Rack: Cadence Mfg. Inc. (M) Canada MixRak: Bull Frog/MTS Products (M) World MixSwitch: Console Switching Device APBDynaSonics World Mk4: microphone cable Whirlwind Music (M) World MM: Harp harness European Musical Imports Inc (D,I) Canada MMO/Pocketsongs: Karakoe & Minus One Folios Trax Distributors (D) United States

Mobil Tech: Sound andlighting stands Tracoman Inc. (D,M) United States Mobile Sound Series: TKL Products Corp. (D,E,I,M) Mobileer: Piano Movers GRK Mfg. Co. (D,M) Canada Modern Classic: Snare Drums Premier Music International LTD (M) World Mogami: High-end Cable MXL Microphones (M) United States Mogami: Cable Marshall Electronics, Inc. (D,M) Caribbean Mohave: Amplifiers Lothson Guitars (M) World Moisture Master: Piano, organ & closet humidifiers American Piano Supply Co. (D,E,I,M) World Mojave Audio: Studio microphones Mojave Audio (M) World Mojo Tone: Speakers, transformers, vacuum tubes, misc. asst. parts Mojo Musical Supply (D) World Mollard: Mollard Conducting Batons (D,M) Momentum: Digital Snake Pro Co Sound (M) World Monarch: Finger Slide Rocky Mountain Slides (M) World Monique: Band instruments V.J. Rendano Wholesale Music (D,E,I) United States Mono: guitar, bass, & percussion cases MONO Cases LLC (M) Australia Monster: Cables Power Group LTD Canada Monster Guitar Method: Guitar Instructional DVD Series Green Monster Music (M,P) Canada Monterey: Electric guitar Fernandes Guitars U.S.A. Inc. (M) World Moody: Guitar, bass leather straps Moody Fine Leather Straps Canada Moogerfooger: Anolog effects Moog Music (M) World Mooradian: All Products Mooradian Cover Company (M) United States Mooradian: Covers, case covers, gig bags Mooradian Cover Company (M) United States Morgaine: electric guitars Salwender International (D,I,M) Canada Morgan Monroe: Banjos, mandolins, & guitars SHS International (D,I) Canada Morinoko: Japanese Harp Go-En International (D,E,I) Canada Morley: Wah Pedals Sound Enhancements Products Inc. (D,M) World Morley: Wah pedals Morley/Sound Enhancements Inc. (M) World MOS Valve: Guitar and bass amplifiers Tube Works, Div. Genz Benz E (M) World Moser Custom Shop: Guitars & basses Moser Custom Shop (M) Canada Moses Graphite Necks: Bolt on buitar & bass necks Moses Inc. (M) Europe Mosrite Guitars: Electric guitars, 7 classic models since 1954 Ed Roman World Class Guitars Motherbucker: Pick ups Mighty Mite (M) World Motown Karaoke: Karaoke Music The Singing Machine Co. (M) United States Mountain Rhythm: Djembes, congas Mountain Rhythm (M) World Moving Heads: lighting KLSTechnology Group (D,I,M) Canada Mozart: Clarinet & Saxophone Reeds & Accessories Davie Cane Co. (D,I,M) World MP20: 2 chan.mic pre w/Jensen transformers PreSonus Audio Electronics (M) World mPATHX, LLC.: SmartRack that provides AC power & DC power & date over on physiological cable & connector mpathx (M) Canada MPX R1: MIDI remote controller Lexicon Inc. (M) World MPX1: Digital effects processor Lexicon Inc. (M) World MQ4212: Amplifier Cruise Audio Systems Inc. (E,M) World MQ4H: Amplifier Cruise Audio Systems Inc. (E,M) World

MR. C’s: Instrument Cleaners Pignose Industries (M) World Mr. Music: Woodwind reeds, plain care reeds Flavoreeds, Inc. (M) World MRP Drums: acoustic drum sets and snares MRP Drums (M) World MRX: Speaker systems JBL Professional MS: Bass Ken Smith Basses Ltd. (D,M) World Mt. Vernon: Cases & Stands U.S. Band & Orchestra Supplies (D) World MT225: 225 Single Coil Sounds & Pickup Switching Ambrosonics, LLC (D,M) Canada MTD: Bass Guitar Power Group LTD (D) Canada MTD KINGSTON: Electric Basses Dana B. Goods (D) United States MTS: BI & Orchestra Cases, Congo Rack KB Cases Unitec Products Corp. (D,E,M) United States MTS/Modular: Band instrument & combo cases Wexler Music Co. (D,E,I,M) World Mu-Tron: Mu-Tron III+, Bi-Phase+ H.A.Z. Laboratories (M) World Muco/Artino: shoulder rest Oliver Musica USA Inc. (D,E,I,M) Canada Muff’l Strips: drumhead muffling device Remo Inc. (M) World Muffelt: Dampening strips Slug Percussion Products (M) Canada Multi Quartet: Amplifier Cruise Audio Systems Inc. (E,M) World Multi-Pack: Musical instrument carrying cases Multi-Caisses Inc. (M) Canada Multi-Pro: Musical intrument shipping cases Multi-Caisses Inc. (M) Canada Multi-Tonal Guitar Series: 5-Position Programmable Pickup Switching Ambrosonics, LLC (D,M) Canada Multicare: UV Guitar Repair Unit UV 111 Systems, Inc (M) World Multicore: Electric bass and acoustic bass strings E. & O. Mari Inc./La Bella (M) World Multidesk Video: Studio editing furniture Middle Atlantic Products, Inc. (M) United States MultiMount: Speaker mount Allen Products Co. (M) World Multitar: Acoustic guitar Musitron (M) World Muncy: Clarinet reeds MW Enterprises Inc. (D,I) Canada Muramatsu: flute Custom Music Co. (D,I) Canada Muramatsu: Professional flute Muramatsu America (E,I) Canada Musi*Key: Print music reference guide Chesbro Music Co. (D,E,I,M) World Music - Tech: Accessories CMC Distribution (D) United States Music Copyright Notebook Kit: Ducks Deluxe (M) World Music Creator: Software Cakewalk, Inc. (M) World Music Maestro: Karaoke software D.J. Miller Music Distributors (D) United States Music Maestro: Karaoke CD’s Music Maestro (M) United States Music Man: Electric instruments Ernie Ball Inc./Music Man (D,E,M) World Music Minus One: Play along cassette & compact discs Music Minus One/Pocket Songs (M) United States Music Minus One: sheet music, accompaniment CD MMO Music Group Inc. (D,M) World Music Product Directory: Keyboard product reference Ancott Associates (P/J) World Music Sales Publishing: Books, CD’s, DVD’s Jamey Aebersold Jazz Aids (D,E,I,P) Canada Music Stamp Series: Guitar, Bass, Mandolin, Banjo fretboard & tab stamps Music Stamp Series (D,M) World Music Tech: MIDI Castiglione Accordion LLC (D,E,I) Canada Music Technology Buyers Guide: Music & technology consumer buyer’s guide United Entertainment (P/J) World

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brand names 45th annual supplier directory Music Time: Musical toys Grover Musical Products (D,E,I,M) World Music Time Deluxe: Music Notation Software gvox (M) World Music Tools Series: Laminated charts Piano Press (D) World Musical Colors Series: Coloring books Piano Press (D) World Musical Mish Mosh: Matching music symbol card game PureGold Teaching Tools (P/J) Canada Musicians Institute Press: Instruction and technique publications Hal Leonard Corp. (P/J) World Musicians Thread: T-shirts for musicians The Adolph Agency, Inc World Musicland: Printed Music C.F. Peters Corporation (P/J) Canada MusicMagazines.Com: Online source book MusicMagazines.Com (P/J) United States Musicmags: consolidated music magazine distribution program Music Magazine Publishers Assn (A/O,D,P/J) Canada Musicware: Piano, Sing!, interactive songbook, nightingale, music lab, Musicware Inc. (M) World Musikraft: Guitar bodies & necks Exotic Woods/ Musikraft Inc. (M) World Musima: Stringed instruments German American Trading Company, Inc. Canada Musino: violins, violas and cellos Davitt & Hanser Music Co. (D,E,I,M) World Musino: Stringed Instruments Hanser Music Group (D,M) World Musser: Conn-Selmer, Inc. (M) World Mutronics Ltd.: Envelope follower Independent Audio LLC (D) Canada MVP: Bass Guitar M. V. Pedulla Guitars (D,E,M) World MX Series: Marching Drumheads Evans Drumheads (D,E,M) World MXL: Microphones Marshall Electronics, Inc. (D,M) World MXL: Studio Microphones MXL Microphones (M) United States MXR: Dunlop Manufacturing Inc. (M) Canada My Masterpiece: Single reeds for clarinets & saxophones French American Reed Mfg. Co. (M) World My PlayaTune: Books with keyboards for children JTG of Nashville (D,M,P/J) World MyAudio: mixer, dj mixer, polypropylene speakers, wooden speakers, wooden monitors, wooden sub woofers, analogue amps, digital amps, wireless mic system, accessorie Monsound SRL (D) France


N-Tune: Onboard guitar/bass tuner Zero Crossing (M) United States N-Tune: Onboard guitar/bass tuner N-Tune (M) United States Nady: Pro Audio Gear Nady Systems Inc. (M) United States Nady Audio: Pro Audio Gear Nady Systems Inc. (M) World Nagoya Suzuki: Violin, Viola Pegasus Stringed Instruments (D) World Nagoya Suzuki Artist Series: Violin Pegasus Stringed Instruments (D) World Nahenahe Hawaiian Ukeleles: Maui Ukulele/dba Nahenahe Uke (E,M) Canada Name Game: Oversized grand staff kit PureGold Teaching Tools (P/J) Canada Name Game Note Cards: Treble & bass clef flashcards PureGold Teaching Tools (P/J) Canada Nanac Minura Marimba Mallets: Encore Mallets Inc. (M) Nancy Telfer Choral: Print Neil A. Kjos Music Company (P) World Nancy Telfer Choral Curriculum: Printed Music Neil A. Kjos Music Co. (P/J) World Nancy Zeltsman Marimba Mallets: Encore Mallets Inc. (M) Naoko Takada Marimba Mallets: Encore Mallets Inc. (M)

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Naos: Headphones Ultrasone Inc. (D) Canada Napa: Acoustic guitar Charles Fox Guitars (M) World Nashville: Fred Gretsch Enterprises National Guitasr Workshop: education National Guitar Workshop (A/O,P/J) World National Picks: Metal Fingerpicks Black Diamond Strings (M) United States National Reso-Phonic Guitars: Mechanical amplified guitars, mandolins, ukulele National Reso-Phonic Guitars (M) Australia Native: Electric guitar Fernandes Guitars U.S.A. Inc. (M) World Natsuki: flute Custom Music Co. (D,I) Canada Naturacoustic: Piezo Bridge Lashbrook Guitars, LLC (M) Natural 1: Pedal and pickups Morgan Hill Music World NBS: Electric Bass Brubaker Guitars Inc. United States NC Zero Rings: sound/tone control for drums Direct Music Supply (D,I) Canada Neato Jewel Case: Jewel case inserts Neato LLC (M) World Neato Kit: CD labeler Neato LLC (M) World Nechville: Heli-mount banjo, Meteor electric banjo Nechville Musical Products (D,M) World NeckPak: Saxohpone neck & pouch Kiwi Wind Products (M) World Negri Cases: Howard Core Company LLC (D) United States Nemesys: Sampling software NemeSys Music Technology Inc. (M) World Neo Sling: Saxophone Sling Neotech (M) World Neo-D: Passive Magnetic Soundhole Pickups Fishman Acoustic Amplification (M) World Neotech: Straps American Way Marketing LLC (D) United States Neotech: Instrument & bag straps Coast Music (Eastern Canada) (D) Canada Neumann: Microphones Sennheiser Elec Corp (M) United States Neumann: Microphones Neumann/USA (M) United States Neutrik: Cal Switch (A/O,D) United States Neutrik: Connectors El-Com Hardware Inc. (D,M) South America Neutrik: audio connections BRTB Canada Inc. (D,E,I,M) Canada Neutrik: Connectors, patchbays test equipment Green Dot Audio (D) United States Neutrik USA: Connectors ARS Electronics (D) United States Nevaton: Microphones FDW - Worldwide (D) Canada New Century Series: Electric guitars & basses Conklin Guitars & Basses (D,M) World New Cristal: Classical guitar strings Savarez (M) New York Jazz: Lomax (E,M) New York Pro: Guitars & Percussion Music World Enterprises, Inc (D,E,I) Canada New York Series: Trumpet mouthpieces Zaja Musical Products, LLC (D,M,P/J) World Newport USA: band instruments PJLA Music Products (D,E,I) World next!: DJ/remix gear Tracoman Inc. (D,M) World NexTune: Instrument Tuners Sabine (M) World Nick Petrella: Xylophone mallets and suspended cymbal mallets Encore Mallets Inc. (M) Nickelodeon Karaoke: Karaoke The Singing Machine Co. (M) Canada Nicolas Parola: Bowed stringed instruments Gatchell Violins Company, Inc. (D,I,M) United States Nimrods & Dingbats: Electronic Drum Triggers Pintech USA, Inc. (M) Australia No Name: SH Enterprises (M) United States No Strings: Acoustic strapholder Redwood Music Corp. (M) United States Nobels: Effects & Accessories Godlyke Inc. (D,E,I,M) Canada

Noblet-Paris: Wind Instruments Conn-Selmer, Inc. (D,M) World Nomad: Electric travel guitar & bass Fernandes Guitars U.S.A. Inc. (M) World Nomad: Drum cases Nomad Cases (M) World Nomadic: Piezo guitars Klein Electric Guitars (M) World Non Tip: Banjo Bridges Grover Musical Products (D,E,I,M) World Nord: Keyboard & synthesizers Armadillo Enterprises (D) Canada Nord: Synths Dean Musical Instruments (M) United States Nordiska: Accoustic pianos Geneva International Corp. (D,I) United States Norman: Acoustic Guitars Godin Guitars (D,M) World Norman: Acoustic guitars Lasido (D,M) World Normandy: Wind Instruments Conn-Selmer, Inc. (D,M) World Norton Guitars: Electric Guitar, Bass Norton Guitars (M) World Norton Msuic Books: Publisher of music C.F. Peters Corporation (P/J) Canada Note Worthy: Publication Conn-Selmer, Inc. (D,M) World Notre Dame Choir Editions: Printed Music C.F. Peters Corporation (P/J) Canada Nouveau: Carrying Cases GWW Group, Inc. (M) World Nova: M-Audio (M) Novah: Accordions Castiglione Accordion LLC (D,E,I) Canada Novation: Synthesizers, gig bags. American Music & Sound (D) United States Novation: recording keyboard Erikson Music (D) Canada NS/Stick Guitar Bass: 8 String fretboard tapping instument Stick Enterprises Inc. (M,P/J) World Nu Country: DJ only CD compilations Entertainment Resources Group (M) Canada Nu Dance: DJ only CD compilations Entertainment Resources Group (M) Canada Nu Life: DJ only CD compilations Entertainment Resources Group (M) Canada Nu Music: DJ only CD compilations Entertainment Resources Group (M) Canada Nu Rock: DJ only CD compilations Entertainment Resources Group (M) Canada Nu Tracks: Regional & Tropical DJ only CD compilations Entertainment Resources Group (M) Canada Nu Urban: DJ only CD compilations Entertainment Resources Group (M) Canada Nu-Era: Microphone stands Hamilton Stands Inc. (E,I,M) World Nu-Shine: Polishes Micro Musical Products Corp. (M) World Nubone: nuts and saddles Graph Tech Guitar Labs (M) World NuRol Direct: Point of sale hardware & software NuRol Direct (D) Canada Nuskyn: drumhead Remo Inc. (M) World Nuvox: RKM Reeds and Strings (M) United States Nylo-Tex: Bell malletts Duplex Percussion (M) World


O.J. Klier: Instruments J. Fenn Inc. (D,I,M) United States Oak Publications: Blues/Folk Printed Music Music Sales Group (D,P) World Obana: Ukulele, Guitar, Accessories Ohana Music Australia Ocean Drum: drum Remo Inc. (M) World Octane: Electric Guitar Babicz Guitars USA, Inc. (M) World Octava: Violin, Viola, Cello, Bass SuperSensitive Musical String Co. (M) World Oculus Designs: Home theater cables Rapco Cable (M) World Ode: Fred Gretsch Enterprises

Odyssey: Brass and Woodwind instruments John Hornby Skewes & Co. Ltd. (E) World Off-Set: Double bass drum pedal The Point Technologies (D,E,I,M) World Oji: Rattle, special effects Rhythms Exotic Afro Percussion Canada OKM: microphones Independent Audio LLC (D) Canada Okta: Headphones Ultrasone Inc. (D) Canada Ol’ Reliable: capos, hi-rider fingerpicks, D’Angle guitar holder Breezy Ridge Instruments Ltd. (M) World Old Fiddler: Violin Super-Sensitive Musical String Co. (M) World Old Hickory: Acoustic Guitar Musician’s Wholesale America United States Old Oak: Rosin Super-Sensitive Musical String Co. (M) World Oleg: Saxophone, flute head-joint Oleg Products Co. Canada Olegature: Oleg Products Co. (D,M) Canada Olinda: Classical guitars SHS International (D,M) Canada Oliver Ditson Co.: Print music Theodore Presser Co. (D,P/J) World Oliver Music: Shoulder rest, violin fittings, fiberglass bow, carbon Oliver Musica USA Inc. (D,E,I,M) Canada Olivieri: Clarinet & sax reeds Olivieri Reeds (D,E,M) United States Olympia: Acoustic guitars, basses, mandolins Tacoma Guitars, USA (M) World Olympic Series: Entry-level drumsets Premier Music International LTD (M) World Olympus: Handheld Recorders Musical Distributors Group (D,I,M) United States Ome: Banjos OME Banjos (M) United States Omega: Wind Instruments Conn-Selmer, Inc. (D,M) World Omnibus Press: Music Bios & Trade Publications Music Sales Group (D,P) World Omnidrive: Speaker management systems BSS Audio U.S.A. (D) World Omniphones: Headphones Audio-Technica U.S., Inc. (M) World OmniSmart, BC Pro: UPS Systems Tripp Lite (M) World On-Stage: Sticks The Music People (D,I,M) World On-Stage Stands: Musical instrument stand & accessories The Music People (D,I,M) World Opening Night: Concert dress clothes for professional orchestra women, Organmaster Shoes/ D & C Ind. (M) United Kingdom Opti-Case: Opti-Case Inc. (M) United States Optima: 24K gold guitar strings Gary Castelluccio & Associates (D,E,I) Canada Optima: Microphone cables Conquest Sound Inc. (D,E,I,M) World Opus: Clarinets Conn-Selmer, Inc. (D,M) World Opus II: Clarinets Conn-Selmer, Inc. (D,M) World Opus7: Player Sytstem PianoDisc (M) World Orchestra: Orchestral String Instruments Conn-Selmer, Inc. (D,M) World Orchestral Heads: Timpani & Orchestral Snare Drumheads Evans Drumheads (D,E,M) World Organmaster Shoes: Men’s and women’s shoes for organ pedaling Organmaster Shoes/ D & C Ind. (M) World Original Swab: Instrument swabs Wexler Music Co. (D,E,I,M) World Orion: Drum Sets Mapex USA Inc. (M) United States Orion Blue Book: 2006 Orion Guitars, 2006 Orion ProSound, 2006 Orion Video Orion Research (P/J) United States Orion Cymbals: Cymbals Cleveland Musical Instruments (M) United States ORLA: Digital Pianos Wyman Piano Company (D,I,M) World Orla: Midi modules Accordions & Keyboards (D) United States Orlando: Brass, woodwinds Orlando’s Wind Instruments (I) United States

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45th annual supplier directory brand names


Orlando USA: Band Instruments Gulf Music Sales (D,E,I) Mexico Orpheum: Banjo Tacoma Guitars, USA (M) World Orpheum/Olympia: Guitars Fender Musical Instruments Corporation (M) World Orsi: Saxophones Orsi & Weir (D) World Orsi & Weir Varese: Professional Clarinets Orsi & Weir (M) World Orville Harmonizer: Effects processor Eventide (M) World Oscar Schmidt: french horn, oboe, bassoon Custom Music Co. (D,I) Canada Oscar Schmidt: Stringed instruments U.S. Music Corp. (D,E,I,M) World Oskamonica: Mini harmonica Lee Oskar Harmonicas (D,E,I,M) World Osmosis: Sample conversion Bit Headz, Inc. (M) World Ossian: Irish/Scottish Printed Music Music Sales Group (D,P) World Otto B. Hoffstainer: String instruments F.E. Olds and Son Inc. (M) World Otto Jos. Klier: Stringed instruments German American Trading Company, Inc. Canada Otto Link: Clarinet & saxophone mouthpieces J.J. Babbitt Co. Inc. (M) World Ovation: Electric/acoustic guitar B & J Music Ltd. (D,I) Canada Ovation: Acoustic & electric guitars/bass Kaman Music Corp. (D,M) World Overdrive Supreme: Guitar Amplifiers Fuchs Audio Technology (M) World OVO Systems: Audio OVO Systems (M) World Oxford: Violins + Woodwinds Music World Enterprises, Inc (D,E,I) Canada Ozone 3: Mastering effects system iZotope Inc. (D) World


P & H Bows: Violin Family Bows Counterpoint Musical Services (D,I) Canada P. Mauriat: Saxophones & Trumpets MonteVerde Music (D) World P. Mauriat: Saxophones MonteVerde Music (E,M) World P. Mauriat: Saxophones P.Mauriat Saxophones (D,I) Canada P.R.S.: Electric guitars PRS Guitars (Paul Reed Smith) (M) Europe Pacemaker: Metronome Ace Products Group (D,I,M) World Pacesetter: Music strings La Bella Strings (M) World Pacific Trends: music stand clip lights Wexler Music Co. (D,E,I,M) World Pacific Trends: Piano & Organ Lamps Wexler Music Co. (D,E,I,M) World Pack A Stand: Clarinet & trumpet stands Aldon Enterprises (M) World Paco de Lucia: Classical Flamenco Tornavoz Music (D,E,I,M) PadDeyer: Woodwinds swab HollywoodWinds Inc. World Paesold: Stringed instruments Karl Hofner GmbH & Co. (M) World Paganini: Violin access. Trophy Music Co. (D,E,I,M,P/J) United States Paganini: Rosin Grover Musical Products (D,E,I,M) World Paganini: Violin rosin Coast Music (Eastern Canada) (D) Canada Paige: Capo, Pik Gripz Paige Musical Products (M) United States Paiste 2002/Rude: Drumset Cymbals Paiste America Inc. (D,E,I,M) World Paiste 302: Drumset/hand cymbals Paiste America Inc. (D,E,I,M) World Paiste 402: Drumset/hand cymbals Paiste America Inc. (D,E,I,M) World Paiste 502: Drumset/Hand cymbals Paiste America Inc. (D,E,I,M) World Paiste 802: Drumset cymbals Paiste America Inc. (D,E,I,M) World

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Palatino: Violin Family Instruments The Music Link (D,E,I,M) Canada Palma: Classical guitar John Hornby Skewes & Co. Ltd. (E) World Palmer: Classic Acoustic Guitar, Brass Instruments Tropical Music Corp. (D,E) World PANcordion Accordions: Italian-made Accordions Ernest Deffner Inc. (D,E,I,M,P) World Panorama Records: Karaoke Discs Trax Distributors (D) United States Panther: Accordion Hohner, Inc. (D) United States Paolo Soprani: Accordion Accordions International (D,E,I,M) United States Paoloscpnani: Accordions Castiglione Accordion LLC (D,E,I) Canada Papa Bear: digital guitar preamp D-Tar Duncan Turner Acoustic R (D,M) World Para DI: Acoustic Guitar Preamp L.R. Baggs (M) World Para DI: Acoustic Guitar Preamp L.R. Baggs (M) World Paracho Elite Guitars: Latin Stringed instruments LPD Music International (D) World Paraschos: Wooden sax necks, bocals, headjoints Nambucca Inc. (D) Canada Parduba Mouthpieces: Brass A & G Music Products Co. (D,E,I,M) World Paris Swing Co.: Gypsy Jazz Mandolins The Music Link (D,E,I,M) Canada Parkwood Guitars: Solid Wood Acoustic Guitars Praxis Musical Instruments Inc. (D,I,M) United States Partner: woodwind reeds Superslick Products (D,E,M) World Parts Planet: Fretted instrument parts JT Musical Inc. (D) Canada Party Tyme Karaoke: Karaoka CD & Gs Party Tyme Karaoke/Sybersound (M) Canada Passantino Papers: Manuscript Paper Music Sales Group (D,P) World Passport: Music software KaySound Imports (D,E,I) United States Pat Wilkins Custom Guitars: Electric Guitars, Electric Basses Wilkins Guitar Finishes Pat Wilkins Custom Guitars: Electric Guitar, Electric Bass Civilized World (D,E,I,M) United States Patchlink SPL: 48 pt balanced 1/4"" patchpanel Neutrik USA Inc. (M) United States Patriot / Redcost: guitar speakers Eminence Speaker (D,E,I,M) World Paul Reed Smith: Electric Guitars, Basses & Accessories PRS Guitars (Paul Reed Smith) (M) Europe Pawar Positive Tone System: Patented Electronic system for elec. guitars Pawar Guitars Ltd. (M) United States Paxx: brass and woodwind mouthpieces Superslick Products (D,E,M) World PCDJ Digital 1200sl: MP3 Mixing Software for Professionals Visiosonic Ltd. (M) World PCR90: Digital effects processor Lexicon Inc. (M) World PDP Pacific Drums: drum sets & hardware Direct Music Supply (D,I) Canada Peace: Drums (D,M) United States Peace: guitar stands, footstools, band instrument stands D'Addario Canada (D) Canada Peace drums and accessories: Drums, percussion accessories Peace Musical Co. LLC (I,M) World Peaceland Guitar Rings: Guitar Rings, Slides Peaceland Music Peak: 2 track sample editing software Bias Inc. (M) World Peak Music Stands: Peak Music Stands and instrument stands PL&H International (M) United States Pearl: Drums (D,M) United States Pearl: Marching drums Scott's Highland Services Ltd. (D) China Pearl: Piccolo Orpheus Music Inc. (D) Canada Pearl: Flute Orpheus Music Inc. (D) Canada

Pearl Lab: Rectangular Dual Capsule Mics Independent Audio LLC (D) Canada Pearl River: Vertical and grand pianos (acoustic) Pearl River Piano Group (D,M) Canada Pearlcaster Guitars: Electric guitars, 3 models traditional style bolt on Ed Roman World Class Guitars Pedal Pad: Pedalboards MKS Professional Stage Product Pedal Pad: Pedal Boards Sound Enhancements Products Inc. (D,M) United States Pedalboard Series: TKL Products Corp. (D,E,I,M) PedalSnake: All in one stompbox cable Stage Magic Inc, (M) World Pedaltrain: Effects pedalboards and cases Pro Stage Gear LLC (Pedaltrain) (M) World Peders: Acoustic bass, acoustic & classical guitars, mandolins Landola Guitars (M) World Pedulla: Bass Guitar, Bass Strings, Bass Accessories M. V. Pedulla Guitars (D,E,M) World Pefromance Gear Stands: woodwind and brasswind stands Performance Gear (M) Canada Pegasus: Violin, Viola, Cello, Bass Pegasus Stringed Instruments (M) World Pelican Cases: Cases Pacific Supply & Trading Co. (D) United States Penn Fabrication: Case & cabinet hardware Penn Fabrication Inc. (D,M) World Penny & Giles: Faders & potentiometers Penny & Giles Inc. (D,I,M) Canada PentaBuzz: Bass Guitar M. V. Pedulla Guitars (D,E,M) World PENTAD: Speaker Enclosure A-Line Acoustics (D,M) United States Pep Products: Accessories American Plating & Mfg. Co. (M) Percussion Plus: Drum Sets, Hardware, Cymbols + Accessories Musicorp LLC (D,E,I,M) World Perfect Pair: Weight & Pitch Paired Drumsticks Vic Firth, Inc. (M) World Perfect Timbre: acoustic guitar pickup D-Tar Duncan Turner Acoustic R (M) World Perfection Pegs: Geared tuning pegs St. Louis Music Performance Assistant: Practice Software for String Students Virtual Virtuoso (P/J) World Performance Gear: Microphones Shure Incorporated World Performance Percussion: Drum kits, Percussion, & accessories John Hornby Skewes & Co. Ltd. (E) World Performance Plus: Musical Instruments & Electronics Kay Guitar Co. (E,I,M) World Performance Plus: KC Music Supply LLC (D) Performance Plus: Cases, tuners, pegwinders, pitchpipes, pickups, transducers, Performance Plus (M) World Performer, The: Self-tuning systems for electric & acoustic guitars Transperformance LLC (M) World Peripole Percussion by Toca: Hand percussion Peripole-Bergerault Inc. (D,I,M) Canada Peripole-Bergerault: Early childhood, gen. music ed percussion Peripole-Bergerault Inc. (D,I,M) Canada Periscope Microphones™: Earthworks, Inc. (M) Perma Tension: Banjo Pegs Grover Musical Products (D,E,I,M) World Perri's Leathers: Guitar straps Perri's Leathers Ltd. Personal Studio Buyer's Guide: Annual buyer's guide Electronic Musician Magazine (P/J) Canada Persuader: Pickup Adder Plus Corp. (M) World Perzina: Pianos Piano Empire (D,I) United States Peter Ponzol: Mouthpieces and Reeds American Way Marketing LLC (D) United States Petillo Fret: Guitars & Bass Petillo Masterpiece Guitars (D,E,I,M) World

Petillo Guitars: Handmade Stringed Musical Instruments Petillo Masterpiece Guitars (D,E,I,M) World Petillo Polishes & Fingerboard Dressing: Guitars, Bass, & other stringed instruments Petillo Masterpiece Guitars (D,E,I,M) World Petillo Sensor: Guitar, Bass & Bowed Instruments Petillo Masterpiece Guitars (D,E,I,M) World Petillo Strings: Guitars & Bass Petillo Masterpiece Guitars (D,E,I,M) World Petosa: Accordions Petosa Accordions Inc. (D,E,I,M) World Petrof: Acoustic pianos Petrof USA (D) South America Petz: Rosin Grover Musical Products (D,E,I,M) World Pfazer: Electric Guitar Dan'l Guitars, Inc (M) United States PG Music: Band-in-a-Box Music Software Steptime Ware (D,I) United States Phaeton: Trumpets PJLA Music Products (D,E,I,M) World Phantom: Electric guitar and bass Phantom Guitar Works, Inc. (E,I,M) World Phantom Mic Rider: Phantom-powered Digital Signal Processor Sabine (M) World Phat Cat: Seymour Duncan Pickups pHATmatik: Loog and groove inst. iZotope Inc. (D) World Philippe Bosset: Classic Guitar Strings Tolito Musique (M) France Phish Stickers: Stickers LPGI (M) United States Phoenix: Electric Bass Brubaker Guitars Inc. Australia Phoenix Audio: Pro Audio Recording Equipment Phoenix Audio LLC (D,M) World Phonic Sound: Pro Sound Equipment Visual Effects Inc. (D,E,I,M) United States Phrazer: Digital loop composer Bit Headz, Inc. (M) World Phrogg Percussion: Snare drums & hardware Cleveland Musical Instruments (M) United States Piano Barre: Acoustic Piano Mic Support Slider Straps (D,E,I,M) World Piano Force: Acoustic Player System PianoForce (D) World Piano Life Saver System: piano climate control system Dampp-Chaser Electronics Corp. (M) World PianoCD: Player System PianoDisc (M) World Pianodisc: Player System PianoDisc (M) World Pianomanuscript: Writing Paper Edwards Music Publishing (P/J) World Pianomate: Keyboard playing assist. Pianomate Co. (M) World Pianomation: Piano-based, entertainment systems QRS Music Technologies (M) Australia Pianomation: Player system Story & Clark Piano Co. (M) World Pianomation: Player piano systems QRS Music (D,M) Australia Pic Stik: Guitar Pick holder Pic Stik Inc. (M) United States Pick Pockets: Guitar pick keepers Pick Pockets Inc. (M) World Pickboy: Guitar picks, conductor batons, music gifts Brooklyn Gear (D,E,I,M) World Picker's Pal: Dunlop Manufacturing Inc. (M) Canada Pickguard Wizard: Guitar Pickguards Chandler Musical Instruments (M) World Picks by the pound: Picks and accessories Harris Musical Products Inc. (D,E,I,M) World Pieces for Piano Series: Sheet music Piano Press (D) World Pierce Piano Atlas: piano atlas Pierce Piano Atlas & Decals (P/J) World Piermaria: Acoustic accordion Accordions International (D,E,I,M) United States Piezo Tweeters: Global CTS/Wireless Components Div. (M) World Pig ini Accordions: Italian-made Accordions Ernest Deffner Inc. (D,E,I,M,P) Canada

MAY 2009

brand names 45th annual supplier directory Pignose: Amplifiers, Guitars Pignose Industries (M) World Pinnacle: Violin, Viola, Cello, Bass Super-Sensitive Musical String Co. (M) World Pinstripe: drumhead Remo Inc. (M) World Pipers Choice: Bagpipe Access. & reeds Scott's Highland Services Ltd. (D) World Pirastro: Violin family strings Counterpoint Musical Services (D,I) Canada Pirastro: Strings J. Fenn Inc. (D,I,M) United States Pirastro: violin family strings Vitali Import Co. Inc. (D,I,P/J) United States Pitch Pocket: Tuners Morgan Hill Music World Plamen Edrev: Bowed stringed instruments Gatchell Violins Company, Inc. (D,I,M) United States Planet: Imported electric guitar, imported electric bass Marz Guitars of California (I,M) United States Planet Waves: Music accessories & cabling D'Addario & Co. (D,M) World Planet Waves: Guitar & Bass Straps, Polish, Cloths, Humidifier, Planet Waves (D,E,M) World Planet Waves: guitar straps, parts, cables D'Addario Canada (D,I) Canada Plasti-Folio: Sheet Music Holders Conn-Selmer, Inc. (D,M) World Plasticover: Reeds Rico International (M) World Play Master: Acoustic Sign Hook, Barile Slide Holder Rock Hard Inc. (M) World Play Today: Music instruction Hal Leonard Corp. (P/J) World Play-On: Strings Music World Enterprises, Inc (D,E,I) Canada PlayaTune Plus: Books with keyboards for children JTG of Nashville (D,M,P/J) World Players Cleansweep: woodwind pad savers Players Music Accessories (D,E,M) World Players Synthetic Cleaning Snakes: brass instrument cleaner Players Music Accessories (M) World Playful Harmonies: Toys Hohner, Inc. (D) United States Playmaster: Strap Hooks LM Products (M) World PlayPro: Teaching software for guitar & bass PlayPro Software Inc. (M) World Playsound: musical toys D'Addario Canada (D) Canada Plexi-amps: Plexi-amp cabs Bluesland Amplifiers (M) World Ploeger: Sound mirror for saxophone Ploeger Sound Mirror (E,M) United States Pocket Sax: Xaphoon USA (M) Canada Pocket Songs: Music Minus One/Pocket Songs (M) United States Pocket Songs: MMO Music Group Inc. (D,M) World Pocket Songs/MMO: Karaoke discs D.J. Miller Music Distributors (D) United States POK: Wireless DAW Remote Control X-Tempo Designs, LLC (D,M) Pole Pad: Electronic Percussion Pad Drum Tech (M) World Polish: Polish products Trick Percussion Products (M) World Pollard: Trumpets, Oils, Leadpipes, Bells Musicparts UK & Pollard Trumpets (D,E,I,M) World Poly Band Stand: Big band style music stand EM-BEE Ideas (M) World Polypro: Guitar straps Ernie Ball Inc./Music Man (M) World Polytone: AMPS Castiglione Accordion LLC (D,E,I) Canada Pomarico: clarinet mouthpieces PJLA Music Products (D,E,I,M) United States Poncha Bullet: Tone Bar Rocky Mountain Slides (M) World Poncho Sanchez: Remo signature artist Remo Inc. (M) World Pop Hits Monthly: karaoke software D.J. Miller Music Distributors (D) United States Populaire: Clarinet & sax reeds Wexler Music Co. (D,E,I,M) World Populaire: Single reeds for clarinets & saxophones French American Reed Mfg. Co. (M) World Postal Monkey: Electric & acoustic guitar cases Everly Music Company (D,I,M) World Power Bass: Elec bass strings Thomastik-Infeld (M) World Power Beat: Cora & Peter Kuo Inc. (E,M) World Power Center: Drumheads Evans Drumheads (D,E,M) World Power Chord: Active guitar cable G & H Industries Inc. (M) World Power Grip: DrumSticks Trueline Drumsticks (M) World Power Loudspeakers: PA speakers MTX (M) United States Power Steel: Electric Guitar & Bass Strings S.I.T. Strings Corp. (D,M) World Power Wound: Electric guitar strings S.I.T. Strings Corp. (D,M) World Power Wrist Builders: Solid aluminum and solid brass drumsticks Power Wrist Builders (M) World Power-All: Power Supplies Godlyke Inc. (D,E,I,M) World Powerband: Drumsticks Morgan Hill Music World Powerchip: Oleg Products Co.

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Powercon: AC power connectors Neutrik USA Inc. (M) United States PowerCore: PCI DSP Turbo TC-Works (M) World PowerCut: Saxophone Oleg Products Co. Canada Powerhead: Foot pedal beater Slug Percussion Products (M) Canada Powerline: Automated luminaires High End Systems Inc. (D,M) World Powerlung: Breathing Training, Breathing Training for Performance, Practice Journals, Power Lung (D,M) Canada Powersoft: Amps Martin Professional (M) United States Powerstroke: drumhead Remo Inc. (M) WorldPowerwerks: Power supplies Powerwerks/HHI (M) Canada Practa Pal: Jemm Company (M) World Practica Musica: Music Education Software Ars Nova Software (M,P/J) Canada Practice Assistant: Practice Software for String Students Virtual Virtuoso (P/J) World Practice Lids & XT's: Practice Pads & Cymbals Pintech USA, Inc. (M) Australia Practice Pad: practice pad Remo Inc. (M) World Praga: Strings and brass Tropical Music Corp. (D,E) Caribbean Praise Speakers: Ensemble, Cubi, Foundation, PP5 Allen Audio Inc. (M) World Pramberger: Acoustic Pianos AND Music Corporation (D) Canada Precedence: Biamp Systems (M) World Precix: Electric Guitar Campbell American Guitars (M) Japan Prelude: Digital and acoustic accordion Accordions International (D,E,I,M) World Prelude: Recorders D'Addario Canada (D,I) Canada Premier: percussion Premier Percussion (M) World Premier: Marching percussion Scott's Highland Services Ltd. (D) Canada Premier: Guitars & guitar access. Entertainment Music Mktg. Corp (D,I,M) Canada Premier Piano Course: Piano Alfred Music Publishing (P) World Premier Series: TKL Products Corp. (D,E,I,M) Premier Series: Profesional Drumsets Premier Music International LTD (M) World Premiere by Hite: Clarinet mouthpiece, alto & tenor sax mouthpiece David Hite Inc. (M) Australia Premium Performance Series: Drum set Baltimore Drum USA (M) Japan Presser: Print music Theodore Presser Co. (D,P/J) World Prestini Classic: Pro-line saxophones Hermes Musical Instruments (M) World Prestini USA: Woodwind, brass musical instruments Prestini Reed Corp. (M) World Prestini USA: Step-up saxophones Hermes Musical Instruments (M) World Priddis Music: Karaoke discs D.J. Miller Music Distributors (D) United States Prim: Strings J. Fenn Inc. (D,I,M) United States Prim Strings: Orchestral strings Vitali Import Co. Inc. (D,E,I) World Prima: Stringed Instruments Violmaster Studio (M) World Prima: Stringed Instruments Musonic Product USA (M) United States Primacoustic: Broadway, Recoil Stabilizer Primacoustic (M) World Primo: Flute Headjoints Conn-Selmer, Inc. (D,M) World Princeton: Digital pianos Galileo Music Corp. (D,I,M) Canada Pro 200 Series: Power amplifiers Crest Audio Inc./Crest Console (M) Canada Pro Beat: Speakers & accessories, band, percusion, music instruments TEI Electronics Inc. (D,E) Caribbean Pro Caddy Rax: Drink Holder Mechanical Music Corporation (M) World Pro DJ: DJ hardware Pioneer New Media Technologies (M) World Pro Foam: sound absorbing foam RPG Diffusor Systems (M) United States Pro Lok: Music stands Tropical Music Corp. (D,E) Caribbean Pro M: Drum Sets Mapex USA Inc. (M) United States Pro Mark: Drumsticks, malletts P & D Wholesale (D,I) United States Pro MOver: lighting KLSTechnology Group (D,I,M) Canada Pro Oil: Piston valve oil MusiChem (M) Canada Pro Pac: Instrument cases Pro Tec International (D,M) World Pro Phonic 2000: Custon in-ear monitor Sensaphonics Hearing Conservation (M) Canada Pro Phonic 2x: Custom in-ear monitor Sensaphonics Hearing Conservation (M) Canada Pro phonic IV: Custon in-ear monitor Sensaphonics Hearing Conservation (M) Canada Pro Series: Snakes Conquest Sound Inc. (D,E,I,M) World Pro Series: Reliable Hardware Co. (D,E,I,M) World

Pro SS: Saxophones F.E. Olds and Son Inc. (M) World Pro Tools M-Powered: M-Audio (M) Pro-Chop: Effects Pedal Gig-Fx Inc. World Pro-Cussion: Drums Coast Music (Eastern Canada) (D) Canada Pro-Mark: Drumsticks, mallets, & percussion accessories Pro-Mark Corp. (M) World Pro-Oil: Piston valve oil MusiChem (M) Canada Pro-Winder: Clipper/String Winder Planet Waves (D,E,M) World Pro.2: Microphone, karaoke mixer American Pro 2 Co. (D,E,I,M) Canada Pro.2: Microphones & Headphones Trax Distributors (D) World Pro1-V: Bass Drum Pedals Trick Percussion Products (M) World Probeat: drum kit, drum parts, drum shells Direct Music Supply (D,I) Canada Production Intercom: Intercom Systems/Headsets Contact Distribution Ltd. (D) Canada Proel: Stands, cables KaySound Imports (D,E,I) United States Proel: Stands & cables B & J Music Ltd. (D,I) Canada Proel: Music & Sound Accessories Proel USA Inc. (D,M) United States Professional Performing Series: Drum set Baltimore Drum USA (M) Japan Professional Series: Guitars J.B. Player International (M) World Professional Series: Music strings La Bella Strings (M) World Profile: Parts, stands, access. Coast Music (Eastern Canada) (D) Canada ProFire: M-Audio (M) ProGold: Conditioner, preservative & lubricant for plated elec. Caig Laboratories Inc. (M) World ProjectSAM: Sound Libraries Steptime Ware (D,I) Canada PROline: Headphones Ultrasone Inc. (D) Canada Proline: Cables JT Musical Inc. (D) Canada Proline Pars: Par Fixture Ampco Musical Products (D,I,M) United States Prophesy: Signal processor Rocktron Guitar Rack Technolog (M) World Prophet '08 Keyboard: Keyboard Dave Smith Instruments World Prophet 08 Module: Analog Synthesizer Module Dave Smith Instruments (M) World Propick: Finger & thumb picks Guptill Music (D) Canada

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MMR 177

45th annual supplier directory brand names


ProPoint: Microphones Audio-Technica U.S., Inc. (M) World ProRack: Rack Mount Mixers APB-DynaSonics World Proscreen: Pop filter Stedman Corporation (M) Canada ProSoft: Padded covers Tuki Covers (M) World Prosoniq: Audio software RJMG Distribution (D) Canada Protechtor Cases: Drum Cases XL Specialty Percussion Inc. (D,E,I) World Protect It: Surge suppressors & power strips Tripp Lite (M) World Protege: Classical digital organs Allen Organ Co. (M) World Proteus: Sound modules E-mu Systems Inc. (M) World PRS Acoustics: acoustic guitars Paul Reed Smith Guitars Limited (M) World PRS Amplifiers: amplifiers Paul Reed Smith Guitars Limited (M) World PRS Guitars: Electric Guitars Paul Reed Smith Guitars Limited (M) World Prudencio Saez: Spanish Classical Guitars Saga Musical Instruments (D) World Prudencio Seaz: Classical Guitars Prudencio Seaz USA Inc. (D) Caribbean PRX: Speaker systems JBL Professional (M) Psalm 150: Sacred Instrument Music David E. Smith Publications, LLC (P) World PSL of Italy: Effects lighting Omnisistem Lights & Effects (D,M) United States PSM: Personal Stereo Monitors Shure Incorporated World Psuedo Drumsticks: Practice Drumsticks Drumspan/K.J. Music (A/O,M) Canada Puchner: oboe, bassoon Custom Music Co. (D,I) Canada Pulse: Amplifier C-Audio USA (M) World Pulse: Speaker systems Yorkville Sound Inc. (D,E,I,M) World Pulstar, XTA: LED Lighting Group One Ltd. (D,I,M) United States Punch Collar: Slug Percussion Products (M) Canada Pure Jazz: Flatwound strings for electric + bass guitars Black Diamond Strings (M) World Pure Sound: custom snare wires D'Addario Canada (D,I) Canada Pure-Blues: Electric guitar strings DR Handmade Strings (D,M) World Puresound: Snare wires Puresound (M) World Putty Pad: practice pad Remo Inc. (M) World Puza Music: Jazz Band arrangements Zaja Musical Products, LLC (D,M,P/J) World Pyle: Power amp, speakers, cd players European Crafts/USA (D,E,I) United States Pyro Audio Creator: Software (Instrument) Cakewalk, Inc. (M) World PZM: Crown International (M) World


Q Series: Drum Sets Mapex USA Inc. (M) United States Q-Parts: Guitar access. L.A. Guitar Works (D,E,I,M) World QR Series: Drum Serts Mapex USA Inc. (M) United States QRS: Software, rolls Story & Clark Piano Co. (M) World QRS Music: player piano systems, music for player pianos QRS Music Technologies Inc. (I,M) World QRS Music Technologies, Inc: Acoustic pianos, player pianos, music software, music rolls, QRS Music Technologies (M) United States QSC: Power Amplifiers QSC Audio Products Inc. (M) World QSL Loudspeakers: Transducers Selenium Loudspeakers USA (M) World Quadra Pyramid: Sound diffuser Acoustics First Corp. (M) World Quadura: drum finish Remo Inc. (M) World

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Quantum: Bass Guitar Modulus Guitars LLC (M) World Quantum Series: Acoustic guitar pickups and electronics EPM Corp. (M) World Quarter Pound: Seymour Duncan Pickups Queen: Reeds RIA (D,M) World Quested Monitors: Studio monitors Contact Distribution Ltd. (D) Canada Quick Bounce: 6" Practice Pad Aquarian (E,M) World Quick Click: Metronomes Big Bang Distribution (D,E,I,M) Canada Quick Tune: KC Music Supply LLC (D) Quiet Cable: Cable Gig-Fx Inc. World QuietPoint: Microphones Audio-Technica U.S., Inc. (M) World QuietTime Magic Star: Piano Mute System PianoDisc (M) World Quik Tune: guitar and chromatic tuners D'Addario Canada (D,I) Canada Quikset: Fast acting tuning pin tightener American Piano Supply Co. (D,E,I,M) World Quintus: Violin, cello, bassess with unitized graphite const. Quintus Inc. (M) World Quodlibet: FHRED, SAX-ON, BHEN, SAMI Quodlibet, Inc. (D,E,M) Caribbean Qwik Time: metronomes D'Addario Canada (D) Canada Qwiksilver: Marching tom & bass mallets Silver Fox Percussion Inc. (M) Australia


R5 Power Booster: Contact Cleaner Caig Laboratories Inc. (M) World RA Series: microphone cables Conquest Sound Inc. (D,E,I,M) World RADAR: Otari Corp. of America (M) World Radel: Ethnic Indian Electronic Instruments Synergy House (D) Canada Radial Engineering: JDI Radial Engineering World Radials: Mallets American Drum (M) World Radiant Design: drum/drumhead finish Remo Inc. (M) World Radius: Natural time & pitch control iZotope Inc. (D) World Rail Rock-It: Tone bar Rocky Mountain Slides (M) World Rain Recording: Audio & Video Computers Sonic Distribution USA (D) Canada RainSong: Acoustic guitar RainSong Graphite Guitars (D,E,M) World Ralph Marlin: Ties Music Treasures Co. (D) United States Rampage: Guitar amps Rocktron Guitar Rack Technolog (M) World Rancher: Fred Gretsch Enterprises Randall: Amplifiers U.S. Music Corp. (D,E,I,M) World Rane: DJ mixers, eq's, crossovers, signal processors Rane Corporation (M) World Rao: Orchestral Instrument Strings ConnSelmer, Inc. (D,M) World RapcoHorizon: Cables, interfacing devices, snakes, metalwork Rapco Cable (M) World Rapido: Stand connector Olsen Audio Group/ Wind Tech (M) Canada Rapture: Software (Instrument) Cakewalk, Inc. (M) World Rapture Bass: Bass Guitar M. V. Pedulla Guitars (D,E,M) World Rare Earth: Active Magnetic Soundhole Pickups Fishman Acoustic Amplification (M) World Rare Phosphor Bronze: Acoustic guitar strings DR Handmade Strings (D,M) World RAT: Distortion Pedal Pro Co Sound (M) World Ratz & Pschera: Accessories German American Trading Company, Inc. Canada Ravelle: Electric guitar Fernandes Guitars U.S.A. Inc. (M) World Raxxess: Raxxess Metalsmiths (M) World RC Design: Electric Guitars Heflen Conceptions (D,M) World

Re Zo: Cymbal Avedis Zildjian Co. (M) World Real Africa: Drums Overseas Connection (D,I,M) World Rean: TT patchbays, 1/4"" patchbays Green Dot Audio (D) United States Recall: Live sound console AMEK (M) World Receptor 2: Plug-in Player Muse Research, Inc. (M) World Receptor 2 Komplete Inside: Receptor with NI Komplete 5 pre-installed Muse Research, Inc. (M) World Receptor 2 PRO MAX: Plug-in Player Muse Research, Inc. (M) World Receptor 2 TWR: Total Workstation Rack Receptor Muse Research, Inc. (M) World Reco Reco: Pete Engelhart Percussion (D,E) World Recording King: Banjos, All Guitars The Music Link (D,E,I,M) Canada Red Label: Violin, Viola, Cello, Bass SuperSensitive Musical String Co. (M) World Red Label Premium: Violin, Viola SuperSensitive Musical String Co. (M) World Red Sound: DJ & MI Dean Musical Instruments (M) United States Red Sound: BPM driven effects Tracoman Inc. (D,M) United States Red Witch: Effect Pedals Dana B. Goods (D) United States Red Witch: Guitar effects pedals USA Distribution (D) United States Redland: Instrument care and maintenance Redland Music Products (M) World Redwood: Guitar accessories including Redwood Gold acoustic guitar Redwood Music Corp. (D,M) United States Reed-O Meter: Reed strength measuring device Wexler Music Co. (D,E,I,M) World Reedpro: Rousseau Music Products Inc. (D,M) World Reel Drums: drum samples Wave Distribution (D) World Reference: Speakers Mountain Rhythm (D,M) Canada Reflex: Fulltrap & maxtrap Primacoustic (M) World Regal: Resophonic Guitars Saga Musical Instruments (D) World Regal Tip: Drumsticks, Brushes, Mallets, Percussion J.D. Calato (M) World Regal Tip: sticks, brushes, mallets, practice pads Direct Music Supply (D,I) Canada Regal Tip: Drumsticks, Brushes, Mallets & Percussion Accessories Regal Tip/Calato (M) World Regency: Musical Instruments Conn-Selmer, Inc. (D,M) World Regent: Brass instruments Veritas Instrument Rental Inc. (D) United States REGRIP: Cable Management American Recorder Technologies, Inc. (M) United States Rembrandt: Recording console AMEK (M) World Rembrandt SC3FLU: Fluegelhorn Marcinkiewicz Co. Inc. (M) World Rembrandt SC3PKT: Pocket trumpet Marcinkiewicz Co. Inc. (M) World Rembrandt SC4XQ4: 1/2 Tone Trumpet Marcinkiewicz Co. Inc. (M) World Remo: Percussion Chesbro Music Company (D) United States Remo: drum accessories Davitt & Hanser Music Co. (D,E,I,M) Canada Remo: company name Remo Inc. (M) World Remo: Drum heads P & D Wholesale (D,I) United States Remo: Drums and percussions Rhythm Band Instruments, Inc. (D,M) United States Remo: Heads (D) United States Remo: Marching drums & head Scott's Highland Services Ltd. (D) Canada Remo: drumheads, world percussion, kids percussion, practice pads Direct Music Supply (D,I) Canada

Renaissance: Digital theatre organs, Classical digital organs Allen Organ Co. (M) World Renaissance: Drumhead Remo Inc. (M) World Renkus-Hginz: Loud Speaker Systems, Amplifiers, Powered Contact Distribution Ltd. (D) Canada Renner: Piano Action Parts & hammerheads Renner U.S.A. (D,M) Canada Resitone: Rosin Super-Sensitive Musical String Co. (M) World Resonans: Violin shoulder rests Metropolitan Music Co. (D,E,I,M) World Resonator Records: Percussion music CD's Marimba Productions Inc. (P) World Resonite: Wind Instruments Conn-Selmer, Inc. (D,M) World Response 2: Two Ply Tom Heads Aquarian (E,M) World Retro AS-1: Analog synthesizer Bit Headz, Inc. (M) World Retro Speaker: Speakers, guitar amps ARS Electronics (D) United States Reuge: Music boxes Music Treasures Co. (D) United States Reunion Blues: Gig bags Reunion Blues (M) World Reunion Blues: all instruments Ace Products Group (I,M) World Revere: Band instruments & drums access. Entertainment Music Mktg. Corp (D,I,M) Canada Revival Acoustics: Acoustic guitars, mandolins Major Music Supply (M) United States Revolution Series: Marching Drums Premier Music International LTD (M) World Rex: Fred Gretsch Enterprises Rex6: Mighty Gig Rig Rack Extender SKB Corp. (M) United States RFX: MIDI foot pedals Rolls Corporation (M) World Rheuben Allen: Rheuben Allen & Associates, LLC (M) World Rhino: Cases Mechanical Music Corporation (M) World Rhythh Tools: percussion instruments Remo Inc. (M) World Rhythm Band: Percussion, Brass access. Coast Music (Eastern Canada) (D) Canada Rhythm Club: drums for kids Remo Inc. (M) World Rhythm Maker: Fred Gretsch Enterprises Rhythm Party: CD-DVDs PlayinTime Productions, Inc. (P/J) World Rhythm Tech: Tambourine and percussion accessories Rhythm Tech (M) World Rhythmic Magic: Drum-A-long Rhythmic Magic (M) World RIA: Mouthpieces RIA (D,M) World Ribbon Crasher: Pete Engelhart Percussion (D,E) World Ricardo Galaini: Bowed stringed instruments Gatchell Violins Company, Inc. (D,I,M) United States Rich Heffler Music: Sacred Instrumental Music David E. Smith Publications, LLC (P) World Rickrock: Guitar accessories-picks, key chains, charms, zipper pulls, necklaces pendants, pick guards Zoogee World, INc. (E,M) World Rico: Reeds Rico International (M) World Rico: Reeds D'Addario & Co. (M) World Rico: reeds, mouthpieces D'Addario Canada (D) Canada Rico: Reeds Davitt & Hanser Music Co. (D,E,I,M) Canada Rico Royal: Reeds, mouthpieces Rico International (M) World Rico Select Jazz: Reeds Rico International (M) World Ricordi: classical music Hal Leonard Corp. (P/J) Canada Ridgeville: Guitars J.B. Player International (M) World Right Tracks: Music Minus One/Pocket Songs (M) United States

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brand names 45th annual supplier directory Rillion: reeds Beijing Deyong Musical Instruments Co. Europe Ringleader: Hardbell DVD's Rhythm Band Instruments, Inc. (D,M) World Ritmuller: Vertical and grand pianos (acoustic) Pearl River Piano Group (D,M) Canada Ritter Junior: Musical instrument bags Ritter Outdoor Ltd. (D,M) World RitterClassic: Musical instrument bags Ritter Outdoor Ltd. (M) World RitterEvilution: Keyrings, buttons, bracelets Ritter Outdoor Ltd. (D,M) World RitterRevolution: Musical instrument bags Ritter Outdoor Ltd. (D,M) World River Song Production: Sacred Instrumental Music David E. Smith Publications, LLC (P) World Rivera: Guitar amplifiers & sound equipment Rivera Research & Development (M) World Riviera: Fred Gretsch Enterprises RJ: Electric Bass Campbell American Guitars (M) Japan RJ Tech: Karaoke Players Trax Distributors (D) United States RKM Bass Strings: RKM Reeds and Strings (M) United States RKM Flava: RKM Reeds and Strings (M) United States RKM R1: RKM Reeds and Strings (M) United States RKM R2: RKM Reeds and Strings (M) United States RMM: Saxophones Rocky Mountain Music (D) Canada RMS: PA systems, amps, cables Adam International (D,E,I,M) World Road Boss: Rack cases Multi-Caisses Inc. (D) Canada Road Boss: Flite Cases Humes & Berg Mfg.Co. Inc. (M) World Road Riders: Rack cases Multi-Caisses Inc. (D) Canada Road Warrior: Guitar stand Old Dog, LLC Europe Road-Runner: Electric guitar Stewart Guitar Co. (M) Canada Road-Runner: Cart Grundorf Corp. (M) United States Roadrunner: Cases Roadrunner Cases Inc. (M) World Robe: show lighting Robe America (M) United States Robokey: 4X Fast Drum Key Robokey USA (M) World Robotone: String instrument aging device Reliance Research (D,M) World Roc-N-Soc: Thrones Roc-N-Soc Inc. (D,E,M) World Roche Thomas: Brass oils, cleaners Coast Music (Eastern Canada) (D) Canada Roche-Thomas: Instrument cleaning, Lubricating products RocheThomas Corp. (E,M) World Rock Brights: Bass strings S.I.T. Strings Corp. (D,M) World Rock Guitar Poster: Educational poster Castalia Publications (P/J) World Rock Hard Inc.: The Plex, PL-2 Limiter Rock Hard Inc. (M) World Rock Masters: Bass strings Ken Smith Basses Ltd. (D,M) World Rock n' Aroma: Novelty JT Musical Inc. (D) Canada Rock-It Junior: Tone Bar Rocky Mountain Slides (M) World Rockbox: Guitar Amplifiers, Effects, Accessories Rockbox Electronics (E,I,M) United States Rockbox Electronics: Guitar Amplifiers, Effects, Accessories Civilized World (D,E,I,M) United States Rocker II: Drums Conn-Selmer, Inc. (D,M) World Rockers: Percussion Musical Instruments Conn-Selmer, Inc. (D,M) World Rockerz: Rock & alternative music stickers LPGI (M) United States Rockfield Pickups: Guitar & Bass Pickups Hanser Music Group (D,M) World Rockhouse: Learn Rock guitar-Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced Rock House (P/J) Australia

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Rockhouse Advanced Metal: Riffs, Arpegius, & speed Rock House (P/J) Australia Rockhouse Blues: Rhythms, Riffs, and Secrets Rock House (P/J) Australia Rockhouse Hands of steel: Exercise routines for guitar Rock House (P/J) Australia Rockhouse-Acoustic Guitar: Level 1 & 2 Rock House (P/J) Australia Rockhouse-Bass Guitar: Level 1 & 2 Rock House (P/J) Australia Rockhouse-Funk Guitar: Advanced Rock House (P/J) Australia Rockwood: Drums, Guitar Hohner, Inc. (D) United States Rockwood: Guitars HSS Division of Hohner (D) United States Roctronics: Lighting & special effects Roctronics (D,E,I,M,P/J) World Rogers: Drums Yamaha Corp. of America-Band & Orchestra Div. Rogue: Fred Gretsch Enterprises Roland: Keyboards, synthesizers, digital pianos, electronic percussion, guitar amps, bass amps, keyboard amps Roland Corp. U.S. Roland: Accordions Castiglione Accordion LLC (D,E,I) Canada Roland ED: Computer based hardware + software Thinkware (D) United States Roland, LP Ludwig, Power Beat, Pro Mark: All related to Band. Casa Veerkamp SA de CV (D,E,I) Mexico Rollerworld: E. & O. Mari Inc./La Bella (M) World Roman Acoustic: Acoustic Cutaway Guitars highly ornate custom made, 1 basic model Ed Roman World Class Guitars Roman Eastman: Acoustic electric blue thin-line solid wood ( no plywood) guitars, 2 models built in partnership with Eastman guitars Ed Roman World Class Guitars Roman Floyd Rose: Electric Guitars, reissue of Floyd Rose 1980's models, 4 models Ed Roman World Class Guitars Ron Greene's Music Dials: One page visual reference guides & teaching aids for guitar, Ron Greene's Music Dials (D,P/J) Canada Ron Vaughn: Percussion Ron Vaughn (M) World Ronnie Laws: Rheuben Allen & Associates, LLC (M) World Rosco: Stair climbing piano dolly Rosco Equipment Corp. (M) World Roscoe: Electric guitas/bass Roscoe Guitars (M) World Ross: Vibraphones, Marimbas, Xylophones Ross Mallet Instruments, Inc. (M) United States Roto Roller: System dolly SKB Corp. (M) United States Rotomatic: Machine heads Grover Musical Products (D,E,I,M) World Rotosound: music strings Rotosound USA Inc. (D,E,M) World Rotosound: Strings Power Group LTD (D) Canada Rototom: drums Remo Inc. (M) World Rotovibe: Dunlop Manufacturing Inc. (M) Canada Rotr Rack: Swivel rack system Raxxess Metalsmiths (M) United States Rover: Banjos and Mandolins Saga Musical Instruments (D) World Roving Rostrm: P.A. Lectern Amplivox Sound Systems (M) World Rovner Products: Ligatures and mouthpieces Rovner Products (M) World Roy Benson: Band & orchestral instruments Westheimer Corp. (D,I) United States Roy Benson: Trombone, Trumpet, Clarinet, Flute, Alto Saxo, Soprano sax, and tenor sax Roy Benson USA (I) United States Roy Clark: Acoustic, Electric, & Cutaway guitars, Banjo 5 String, Fiddles, Bog Note Method, Banjo Method, Fiddle Method, 1st Guitar Lesson DVD Santorella Publications Ltd. (D,P) World Roy Seaman: Piccolos Gemstone Musical Instruments (D,M)

Royal Bronze: Acoustic guitar strings S.I.T. Strings Corp. (D,M) World Royal Oak: Rosins & Strings Howard Core Company LLC (D) United States Royal Schools of Music/Associated Board: Exam publications, print music Theodore Presser Co. (D,P/J) Canada Royce: Drumkits and cymbals Westheimer Corp. (D,I) United States Royce: Drum kits, drums, hardware, stands & parts Royce ProCussion (M) World Royer Labs: Ribbon Microphones Royer Labs (M) World RPH 2002: active direct box Conquest Sound Inc. (D,E,I,M) World RS Berkeley: Band instruments RS Berkley Instruments (M) RSP: RSP Technologies (D,M) World Rsq: Karaoke player Mediasync Corp. (M) Canada RSQ: Karaoke machines D.J. Miller Music Distributors (D) United States RTAS: M-Audio (M) Rubank Publications: Instrumental Instructions Hal Leonard Corp. (P/J) World Rubber-Neck: Goosenecks Ac-Cetera Inc. (M) World Rubner: Accessories German American Trading Company, Inc. Canada Ruby: Magic Parts (D,M) World RudiStor: Headphone Amps Ultrasone Inc. (D) Canada Rudolph Fiedler: Bowed stringed instruments Gatchell Violins Company, Inc. (D,I,M) United States Rudolph Kleinsagen: String instruments F.E. Olds and Son Inc. (M) World Rudy Muck Mouthpieces: Brass Mouthpieces A & G Music Products Co. (D,E,I,M) World Runyon: Saxophone straps Coast Music (Eastern Canada) (D) Canada Rush Sound: Powered Loudspeakers Rush Sound (M) World Rx Series: Power Conditioning Juice Goose (M) Canada Rythmix: hand percussion instruments/accessories Kaman Music Corp. (D,E,I,M) World Rythym tech: Tambourines, latin percussion access. Coast Music (Eastern Canada) (D) Canada


S. M. Elite: Violins, Violas, Cellos, Basses Gulf Music Sales (D,E,I) Mexico S101: Guitars ASC (M) World S101: KC Music Supply LLC (D) Sabian: Cymbals (D,M) United States Sabian: Cymbals, gongs & access. Coast Music (Eastern Canada) (D) Canada Sabian: Cymbals Sabian Ltd. (M) World Sabian, Remo, TAMA, Bohemia, Bosendorfer: All related to Band. Casa Veerkamp SA de CV (D,E,I) Mexico Sacconi: Tail Piece adjusters Frank Passa Violins (D,M) World Sadducer: acoustic guitar pickup D-Tar Duncan Turner Acoustic R (D,M) World Saga: Mandolin and Banjo Kits Saga Musical Instruments (D) World Saga: Electric Guitar Kits Saga Musical Instruments (D) World Saga: Banjos Saga Musical Instruments (D) World Sakurai-Kohno: Tornavoz Music Salabert: Classical music Hal Leonard Corp. (P/J) Canada Salidan: Finger Slide Rocky Mountain Slides (M) World Salon Acoustics: Decorative Acoustic Absorber MSR (M) Canada

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45th annual supplier directory brand names


Sama: Piano restoration Poppenberg & Associates (D,I,M) United States Samfundet Edition: Printed Music C.F. Peters Corporation (P/J) Canada Samick: Pianos Samick Music Corp. (M) World Samick: Coast Music (Eastern Canada) Samko: Percussion, guitar, brass & wind instruments Maxtone Musical Instrument Mfg (E,M) World Sample Expansion Packs: software FXpansion USA, Inc. (D) Canada Sample Logic: Amience Impacts Rhythms (A.I.R.) Sample Logic LLC (M) United States Sample Tank™: Sample Workstation Virtual Instrument IK Multimedia (M) Canada Samson: Wireless audio Freed International Inc. (E) Caribbean Samson: Audio/wireless Samson Technologies Corp. (D,M) World Samson Techn.: Mics, audio, hartke JAMM Distributing (M) United States Sandberg: bass guitars Salwender International (D,I,M) Canada Sanders: bassoon, french horn, tuba, euphonium Custom Music Co. (D,I) Canada Sanderson Accu-Tuner: tuning device Randy Potter, RPT (P/J) World Sanderson Accu-Tuner: Electronic Tuning Aid Inventronics Inc. (M) World Sanken: Micro-phones Plus 24 (D,E,I,M) Canada Sankyo: Flutes Sankyo Flutes USA (D,E,I) Canada Sankyo: Flutes Gemstone Musical Instruments (D,M) South America SansAmp: Tube Amplifier Emulator/Pre-Amps Tech 21 (M) World Santa Cruz: Acoustic Guitar Santa Cruz Guitar Co. (E,M) World Santa Rosa: Acoustic & electric guitars Santa Rosa Guitar Company (M) World Santa Rosa: Acoustic Guitars, Electric Guitars, Electric Bass Guitars, Kay Guitar Co. (E,I,M) World Santana Signature Series: Electric Guitar Strings GHS Corp. (M) World Santos Martinez: Classical guitar John Hornby Skewes & Co. Ltd. (E) World SAP Renovation: Piano Rebuilding SAP Music Professional (M) Australia Sarasate: Violins & Violas Conn-Selmer, Inc. (D,M) World Saratrans/proline: Gig bags for all instruments Gary Castelluccio & Associates (D,E,I) Canada Saturn: Drum Sets Mapex USA Inc. (M) United States Saturn IV: Electric Bass Dan'l Guitars, Inc (M) United States Saukyo: flute Custom Music Co. (D,I) Canada Sauter: Pianos Sauter Piano Manufacture (M) World Savarez: Classical guitar strings Stringcenter LLC (D,E,I) United States Savarez: Classical guitar strings Impecco Ltd. (D,I) United States Savarez: Coast Music (Eastern Canada) Savarez: Classical guitar strings Savarez (M) Sax Enhancers: Saxophone Oleg Products Co. (D,M) Canada Sax Poster: Educational poster Castalia Publications (P/J) World SB5 Syclone: Electric Bass Shane Music Products (M) United States SBJ, F Guitar: Electric Guitar, Solid-body Jazz F-Bass (M) World Scale Master & MIDI Metronome: Practice Software Virtual Virtuoso (P/J) World Scandalli: Accordions Castiglione Accordion LLC (D,E,I) Canada Scandalli: Accordion Accordions International (D,E,I,M) United States SCGC: Acoustic guitars & Ukueles Santa Cruz Guitar Co. (M) World

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Schafer: Brass & Percussion Accessories; Sound Reinforcement DEG Music Products Inc. (M) World Schaller: Coast Music (Eastern Canada) Schaum Publications: Piano Alfred Music Publishing (P) Canada Schecter Diamond Series: Schecter Guitar Research Schecter Guitar Research: Schecter Guitar Research Scheider: German Wood Recorders Rocky Mountain Music (D) Canada Schiller: Acoustic Pianos Bluthner USA LLC. (D,I,M) United States Schimmel: Acoustic piano Schimmel Piano Co. (D) Canada Schlagwerk: Percussion Salwender International (D,I,M) Canada Schoenhut: Toy Piano; 49-Key Stringed Piano Schoenhut Piano Company (M) World Schott Music: Classical Music Hal Leonard Corp. (P/J) Canada Schreiber: Bassoon SonarĂˆ Winds (D,M) Canada Schreiber: Schreiber & Keilwerth Musikinstrumente GmbH (M) Schubert: Accoustic piano The Piano Group (I) Canada Schubert: Acoustic upright piano Tri-Con Music Group Inc. (D,I) Canada Schulze Pollman: Pianos North American Music (D) Canada Schuster: Stringed instruments Kaman Music Corp. (D,M) United States Schwann: Publishers of music C.F. Peters Corporation (P/J) Canada Scorpion Guitars: Electric Bolt on Rock Guitars, 14 models Ed Roman World Class Guitars Scratch Pad: Guitar/Bass Straps D'Andrea Inc. (D,E,I,M) World Screen Tracks: Music Minus One/Pocket Songs (M) United States Seagull: Acoustic guitars Lasido (D,M) World Seagull: Acoustic Guitars Godin Guitars (D,M) World Sebastian: MIDI software Allen Organ Co. (M) World Segovia: Guitars Coast Music (Eastern Canada) (D) Canada Seidel: Violins, violas & cellos Glaesel Stringed Inst. (M) United States Seiko: KC Music Supply LLC (D) Seiko: Metronomes & tuners B & J Music Ltd. (D,I) Canada Sek'O: Soundcards, software Plus 24 (D,E,I,M) World Selenium Loudspeakers: Transducers Selenium Loudspeakers USA (M) World Selmer: Clarinets, Saxophones, Bassons, Flutes, and Oboes Conn-Selmer, Inc. (M) World Sennheiser: Microphones & Headphones Sennheiser Elec Corp (M) United States Sennheiser: Microphones, headphones Richardson Electronics Ltd. (D) World Senorita: Fred Gretsch Enterprises Sensicore: Violin, Viola, Cello, Bass SuperSensitive Musical String Co. (M) World Sentinel Series: Guitar straps Artist Showcase Inc. (D,E,M) United States Serenelli: Italian accordions Rocky Mountain Music (D) Canada Series 2000: ENtry level MI Sound Bridge (M) World Series 2001: Classical Guitar Strings E. & O. Mari Inc./La Bella (M) World Series 2001: Music strings La Bella Strings (M) World Series 3000: Mid level pro series Sound Bridge (M) World Series 4000: Modular pro powered series Sound Bridge (M) World Series 5000: Hi-end co-axial mid touring series Sound Bridge (M) World

Servo Drive: Basstech 7, Contrabass, Contra Twin Servodrive Inc. (M) World Sevilla: Guitar family Merano Musical Instruments (E,I,M) China Seymourized: Seymour Duncan Pickups Sfarzo Acoustic Super Bronze: Acoustic Guitar Strings Sfarzo String Company (M) Sfarzo Calssical Strings, Sfarzo SFT Drop D's: Classical Guitar Strings, Electric Strings Sfarzo String Company (M) Sfarzo Power 7's: Electric Strings 7 Set Sfarzo String Company (M) Sfarzo Red R.R.E.D.: Polymer String Treatment Sfarzo String Company (M) Sfarzo SFT Screamers: Electric Strings/ Nickel Wound Sfarzo String Company (M) Sfarzo SFT Super Bass: Electric Bass Strings Sfarzo String Company (M) Sfarzo Signature Series: Electric "Studio" Strings Sfarzo String Company (M) Sfarzo Super Screamers: Electric Strings/ Nickle Wound Sfarzo String Company (M) SFZ: Marching Snare Drums Yamaha Corp. of America-Band & Orchestra Div. (D,M) United States Shadow: pickups and transducers D'Addario Canada (D,I) Canada Shadow Electronics: Shadow Electronics of America (M) World Shadow Studio Strings: Fretted instruments Shadow Studio Strings (E,I,M) World Shaker: Dynamic Harmonica Microphone Shaker Microphone, Inc. (M) Australia Shaker Microphone: Crystal Microphone; Mad cat Microphone; Mad dog Microphone; Retro Rocket Microphone; W.S.B Microphone Shaker Microphone, Inc. (M) Australia Shane Electric Sets: Electric Strings Shane Music Products (M) United States Shane Electrics: Electric Guitars Shane Music Products (M) United States Shane Targa: Electric Shane Music Products (M) United States SharkTooth: Crossover Thumb Pick Strum-NComfort Picking Systems (M) World Shastock: Mutes Micro Musical Products Corp. (M) World Shavario: Finger Slide Rocky Mountain Slides (M) World Shawnee Press: Sacred/Choral Music Music Sales Group (D,P) World Shepherd: Bagpipes & chanters Scott's Highland Services Ltd. (D) World Sherrard ""Roll-Away"": Instrument storage racks & music folio cabinets S and H Manufacturing Co. (M) Canada Shield: Whistles & lanyards Wexler Music Co. (D,E,I,M) World Shigeru Kawai: Acoustic grand pianos Kawai America Corp. (D) Canada Shiloh Series: Guitar straps Artist Showcase Inc. (D,E,M) United States Sho-Bud Pedal Steels: Fred Gretsch Enterprises Showcase: e-commerce Turn-Key Website Pro-Active Websites (P) World Showcase Series: Guitar straps Artist Showcase Inc. (D,E,M) United States Showtrunks: Fiberglassed Trunks R & R Cases & Cabinets (M) United States SHS Audio: P.A. Speakers SHS International (D,I) Canada Shubb: Capos Shubb Capos (M) World Shubb: KC Music Supply LLC Shubb: Capos Saga Musical Instruments (D) World Shubb: Guitar & banjo access. Coast Music (Eastern Canada) (D) Canada Shubb Pearse: Guitar Steels Shubb Capos (M) World Shure: Microphones, mixers Richardson Electronics Ltd. (D) United States Shure: Microphones V.J. Rendano Wholesale Music (D,E,I) United States

Shure: Microphones Shure Incorporated World Shure: microphones Davitt & Hanser Music Co. (D,E,I) Canada Shure Bros.: Microphone & amp ARS Electronics (D) United States Shy Slide: Dunlop Manufacturing Inc. (M) Europe SIB: Drum Mikes & Holders Big Bang Distribution (D,E,I,M) Canada Sidewinder: Elec. guitar & basses Conklin Guitars & Basses (D,M) World Sierra: Acoustic guitar Charles Fox Guitars (M) World Sierra: Acoustic Guitars Musicorp LLC Sight Reader: Music Light Gold Crest, Inc. (I,M) World Signature: Drumset/hand cymbals Paiste America Inc. (D,E,I,M) World Signature: Brass& Percussion Accessories; Sound Reinforcement DEG Music Products Inc. (M) World Signature Bags, Impact II: Drum bags Impact Industries Inc. (M) World Signature Series/ Zigmant Kantsul: Trumpet, cornet, flugel, tenor/alto Kanstul Musical Instruments In (M) World Signet: Musical Instruments Conn-Selmer, Inc. (D,M) World Signex: Patch bags Independent Audio LLC (D) United States Silencers: Acoustic guitar strings S.I.T. Strings Corp. (D,M) World Silent Brass: Wind Instrument Accessory Yamaha Corp. of America-Band & Orchestra Div. (D,M) United States Silent Cello: Stringed Instruments Yamaha Corp. of America-Band & Orchestra Div. (D,M) United States Silent Violin: Stringed Instruments Yamaha Corp. of America-Band & Orchestra Div. (D,M) United States Silken: woodwind swabs Superslick Products (D,E,M) World Silver Bell: Fred Gretsch Enterprises Silver Flair: Wind Instruments Conn-Selmer, Inc. (D,M) World Silver Fox: Drum sticks & malletts Grover Pro Percussion (I,M) World Silver Sonic: Wind Instruments Conn-Selmer, Inc. (D,M) World SilverFox Drum Stix: Drum stix Mountain Rhythm (D,M) Canada Silvertone: Band instruments Samick Music Corp. (M) World Silvertone: Acoustic, electric guitars, electric bass TEI Electronics Inc. (D,E) Caribbean Silvetta: Accordians, recorders German American Trading Company, Inc. Canada Simon & Patrick: Acoustic guitars Lasido (D,M) World Simon & Patrick: Acoustic Guitars Godin Guitars (D,M) World Sing-A-Long Piano Bar: Piano bar PianoBar (M) United States Singing Machine: Karaoke Hardware & Software Trax Distributors (D) United States Singing Machine, The: Karoake Music The Singing Machine Co. (M) World SIR Cellos: Howard Core Company LLC (D) United States Sistema: Headphone Amp Ultrasone Inc. (D) Canada SKB: Cases B & J Music Ltd. (D,I) Canada SKB: Brand SKB Corp. (M) United States SKB Cases: Cases Pacific Supply & Trading Co. (D) United States Skratcher, The: Mounted Cabasa Rhythm Tech (M) World Skull Strings: Guitar strings Tolito Musique (M) France Skyinbow: electric violins Counterpoint Musical Services (D,I) Canada Skyline: sound diffuser RPG Diffusor Systems (M) World

MAY 2009

brand names 45th annual supplier directory Skyline LP: sound diffuser RPG Diffusor Systems (M) United States Skyscraper: Electric guitar/bass Roscoe Guitars (M) World SL Series: Classic organs Ahlborn-Galanti Organs (D,M) Canada Slammer: electric guitar/bass Kaman Music Corp. (D,M) World Slap Masters: Bass strings Ken Smith Basses Ltd. (D,M) World Slappers: Music strings La Bella Strings (M) World Slapstik: Drumstick Slapstik (M) World Slapstik: Drumstick Luma Prime (SlapStik) (D,M) World Sledgehammer Series: Guitars J.B. Player International (M) World Slick Handle: Version of the Handle created by request Earl Slick XOX Audio Tools (M) World Slick Round: Bass strings Ken Smith Basses Ltd. (D,M) World Slide: Trombone slide oil MusiChem (M) Canada Slidemaster: 6 STG Pedal Steel Guitar Cougar Steel Guitar Inc. (M) World Slider: Guitar Straps LM Products (M) World Slider Straps: Dual Shoulder Straps Slider Straps (D,E,I,M) World Slimline Guitar Strap: Guitar, Bass, & Banjo Strap Neotech (M) World Slinky: Electric, and acoustic guitar strings Ernie Ball Inc./Music Man (D,E,M) World SLS Loudspeakers: Loud speakers SLS Loundspeakers (M) World SLX: Wireles Mic Systems Shure Incorporated World Small Dog: Stringed Cases Colorado Case Company, Inc. (M) World Small Dog: Guitar, world percussion Cavallaro Case Co. (M) United States Smart MIDI: MIDI hardware Allen Organ Co. (M) World Smart Music Studio: REhearsal Software with accompaniments MakeMusic, Inc (M) United States Smart Spectrum Wireless: Wireless Microphones Sabine (M) World Smartdrive: CD-R/duplicator Mediaform, Inc. (M) World SmartOnline: UPS Systems Tripp Lite (M) World Smartpro: Uniterruptable power supply Tripp Lite (M) World Smith Classic Wax: Polishes Ken Smith Basses Ltd. (D,M) World Smith Pro Formula: Polishes Ken Smith Basses Ltd. (D,M) World Smith QSR Bridges: Quick String Release, Bass Bridges Ken Smith Basses Ltd. (D,M) World Smooth White: drumhead Remo Inc. (M) World Snake: Fast Guitar Winder Robokey USA (M) World Snakeskin: Cable Management American Recorder Technologies, Inc. (M) United States Snappy Snares: Snares Duplex Percussion (M) World Snarling Dogs: Wah Pedals, Stomp boxes, guitar & bass accessories D'Andrea Inc. (D,E,I,M) World Socapex: Connectors Amphenol Audio Products (M) Sofia Mari Elite: Accordions Gulf Music Sales (D,E,I) Mexico Sofia Marie: Accordions Gulf Music Sales (D,E,I) Mexico Soft Concert: Performance software Tune 1000 Corp. (M) World Soft Karaoke: Software karaoke Tune 1000 Corp. (M) World Soft Sax Strap: Saxophone Strap Neotech (M) World Softpaw Stands: Udu Drum (M) United States Sohmer: Pianos Samick Music Corp. (D,I,M) World Solar: Cymbals Coast Music (Eastern Canada) (D) Canada Solaris: M-Audio (M) Soldano: Guitar Amplifiers Soldano Custom Amplification (M) World Solo: Distortion Pedal Pro Co Sound (M) World Solo Ex: Hard disk recording interface SeaSound (M) World Solo Music Gear: Guitars Power Group LTD Canada SoloEtte: Frame Design Guitars Wright Guitar Technology (M) World Soloist: Wind Instruments Conn-Selmer, Inc. (D,M) World Solstice: 2 channel mixer D-Tar Duncan Turner Acoustic R (M) World Solton: Midi Modules, keyboards Accordions & Keyboards (D) United States Solutions: tuners, metronomes, and drumsticks D'Addario Canada (D,I) Canada Sommer: Cables Plus 24 (D,E,I,M) Canada Son Acoustics: Acoustic Absorber Panels MSR (M) Canada Sonar: Software Cakewalk, Inc. (M) World Sonar Home Studio: Software Cakewalk, Inc. (M) World

MAY 2009

Sonare: Bb Trumpet, C Trumpet, Flutes, & Piccolos SonarĂŠ Winds (D,M) Sonata: Woodwind Instruments Conn-Selmer, Inc. (D,M) World Sonatina: Wind and string Valuetone Musical Supply Inc. (I,M) Canada Sondar: Guitar Amp, PA Amp Vibration Technology Ltd. (D,M) Canada Sonex: Acoustical materials Illbruck Acoustics (M) World Sonex: Acoustical Materials Acoustical Solutions Inc. (D,E,M) World Song Master: Fred Gretsch Enterprises SongDex: Print Music, Reference Books Music-Search (P/J) World Songworks: Music Composition Software Ars Nova Software (M,P/J) Canada Sonic: Loudspeakers, equipment racks Sonic Inc. (M) World Sonic Bass: Light Up Bass POT Ambrosonics, LLC (D,M) Canada Sonic Stands: Speaker Stands American Recorder Technologies, Inc. (M) United States Sonic Treble: Light Up Treble POT Ambrosonics, LLC (D,M) Canada Sonifex Ltd.: Audio Loggers, Portable Hard Disk Recorder Independent Audio LLC (D) United States Sonoma: Acoustic guitar Charles Fox Guitars (M) World Sonor: Orff Barred Instruments Rhythm Band Instruments, Inc. (D,M) United States Sonor: Drums Hohner, Inc. (D) United States Sonor: Percussion Sonor Drums/HSS (D) Canada Sonor: Coast Music (Eastern Canada) Sonor: Drums HSS Division of Hohner (D) United States Sonor Orff: Music education HSS Division of Hohner (D) United States Sontronics: Microphones, Microphone Pre-amp, Microphone Stands FDW - Worldwide (D) Canada Sonus: Electric Bass Guitars Zon Guitars World Sony: Microphones, mixers, CD players Richardson Electronics Ltd. (D) United States Sony Electronics: Professional Audio Sony Electronics (M) United States Soodlum's: Instructional books Walton's Irish Music (D,M,P/J) Europe Souloh: World's 1st Software Educational Plug-in Peaceland Music Sound: Percussion Yuta Musical Inc. (D,E,I,M) United States Sound 24: Sound Deadening Foss MFQ Co., inc. Canada Sound Advice: Theory and Ear-training Series Frederick Harris Music Co. (P) Sound Alignment Systems: Laser positioning tools American Recorder Technologies, Inc. (M) United States Sound Art Series: Concert snare drums Black Swamp Percussion (M) World Sound Art Series tambourine: Tambourine Black Swamp Percussion (M) World Sound Channels: Wall fabric Acoustics First Corp. (M) World Sound Choice: Karaoke discs D.J. Miller Music Distributors (D) United States Sound Diffusor: Acoustical Materials Acoustical Solutions Inc. (D,M) World Sound Force: Sonic Foundry (M) World Sound Formula: Drumset/hand cymbals Paiste America Inc. (D,E,I,M) World Sound Port Technology: Acoustic Guitars L.A. Guitar Works (D,E,I,M) World

Sound Shapes: drums Remo Inc. (M) World Sound Shim: Bass trap Acoustics First Corp. (M) World Sound Soap: Dedicated broadband noise reduction software Bias Inc. (M) World Soundblox: Effects Source Audio (E,M) World Sounds Around the World: Ethnic percussion Duplex Percussion (M) World Sounds Around the World: Ethnic percussion Trophy Music Co. (D,E,I,M,P/J) World Soundscape: SSHDR-1 Plus digital audio workstation Soundscape Digital Tech. (D) United States SoundSuede Wall Panels: Acoustical Materials Acoustical Solutions Inc. (D,M) World SoundTech: Sound reinforcement equipment U.S. Music Corp. (D,E,I,M) World Soundweb: Digital Signal processor BSS Audio U.S.A. (D) World Source Audio: Performance Signal Processors MMS Inc. (E) World Sourcebase: Recording industry sourcebook on cd-rom Recording Industry Sourcebook (P/J) World Sovtek: Vacuum tubes New Sensor Corp. (D,E,I,M) World Space Opera: MP3 Hrware for Professional Visiosonic Ltd. (M) World Spark!: Digital audio editor/matrix TC-Works (M) World Sparkle: Percussion, guitar, brass & wind instruments Maxtone Musical Instrument Mfg (E,M) World Spaun: Custom Drums & Drum Hardware Spaun Drum Co. (M) World Speak-On: lockable loudspeaker connectors Neutrik USA Inc. (M) United States Speakon SPX: new lockable loudspeaker connectors Neutrik USA Inc. (M) United States Speakon STX: touring lockable loudspeaker connectors Neutrik USA Inc. (M) United States Special Edition Series: Drumset GMS Drum Co. Inc. (M) World Special Products: Waterproof aerobics condenser headset microphone APA Audio Group International (D,M) United States Special Projects: Super cardiod performer condenser headset microphone APA Audio Group International (D,M) United States Spector: Electric bass guitar Stuart Spector Designs Ltd. (M) World Spectra Series: Audio Consoles APB-DynaSonics World Spectraflex: Cables Spectraflex Cables (M) World Spectrasonics: Atmosphere Ilio Entertainments (D) Canada Spectrasonics: Trilogy Ilio Entertainments (D) Canada Spectrasonics: Sample Stylus RMX Ilio Entertainments (D) Canada Spectrasound: Mark trees Chimes Grover Pro Percussion (I,M) World Spectrasound: Mark Trees/ Bar chimes Spectrasound Percussion (D,E,M) World Spectron: Frequency domain effects iZotope Inc. (D) World Speed Ball: Drum Beaters Big Bang Distribution (D,E,I) Canada Speedfire 1000: Drums European Crafts/USA (D,E,I) United States Spellball: Bass drum beater Puresound (M) World Sperzel: Trim-lok, ""D"" Thing, Trim-Nut, Standard Pro, Classic, Sperzel (M) World Sperzel: locking tuners WD Music Products (D,E,I,M) World Spicer: Mandolin Guitar Clinic (M) World

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45th annual supplier directory brand names


Spin II: Organ modules DR Handmade Strings (D,M) World Spivak: Notes Micro Musical Products Corp. (M) World SPL: Recorders, signal processor Beyerdynamic (M) United Kingdom Spot Lites: Miniature instruments Trophy Music Co. (D,E,I,M,P/J) United States Spotcure: UV Guitar Repair Unit UV 111 Systems, Inc (M) World Spound Power: Bass Drum & Gong Mallets; Chime Hammers Vic Firth, Inc. (M) World Spring Trap: Bass Trap MSR (M) Canada Sputnik: M-Audio (M) Square Drums: Cabinet enhanced percussion Square Drum Company LLC (D,E,I,M) Canada Squeeze Box: Compressor, limiter all tube in a pedal.stagebox Retrospec, Inc. (M) Europe Squier: Guitars, Amplifiers Fender Musical Instruments Corporation (M) World SRO: Speaker cover Foss MFQ Co., inc. Canada SRX: Speaker systems JBL Professional (M) ST: Drumheads Evans Drumheads (D,E,M) World St. Petersburg: Tubas The Tuba Exchange (D,I) Canada St. Stephens: Bodhran Hobgoblin-Stoney End (M) World Sta-Tite: Machine heads Grover Musical Products (D,E,I,M) World Stack: Seymour Duncan Pickups Stage Ninja: Cable Systems, Power products, Lighting Accessories, Neutral connectors Stage Ninja (M) Canada Stage-Master: Dimming systems Packaged Lighting Systems Inc. (D,M) World Stagecraft: Music stands Power Group LTD (D) Canada Stagefive: Professional Pedal Board SKB Corp. (M) United States Stageline: Instrument & music stands Musicorp LLC Stagemate: Stage Lighting Controls Roctronics (D,M,P/J) World StageRig: Equipment Handler- Combo Amp Rack & Hand Truck D'Andrea Inc. (D,E,I,M) World Stagetron: Stage Lighting Controls Roctronics (D,M,P/J) World Stagg: Electric Guitars/Basses EMD Music Inc. (D) United States Standard: Percussion Instruments ConnSelmer, Inc. (D,M) World Standard Of Excellence: Printed Music Neil A. Kjos Music Co. (P/J) World Standard of Excellence: Print Neil A. Kjos Music Company (P) World Standford: Acoustic guitars IBC Trading Ltd. (D,E,I) World Standtastic: Keyboard Stands LM Products (M) World Stanford Acoustics: Loudspeakers Stanford Acoustics (M) Canada Stanton: DJ mixers, needles, turntables Erikson Music (D) Canada Stanton: Phono cartridge, needles & headphones Tracoman Inc. (D,M) World computer software American Music & Sound (D) United States Stardust: Chandeliers Packaged Lighting Systems Inc. (D,M) World Starkey: In-Ear Monitors Starkey Laboratories (M) Asia Starmaker: Karaoke Entertainment Music Mktg. Corp (D,I,M) Canada StarrSwitch: Onboard guitar electronics Starr Labs (M) World Starter: Intelligent lights American DJ Supply Inc. (M) World Status: Otari Corp. of America (M) World Status Cue: Lighting console High End Systems Inc. (D,M) World Stay-Put: Endpin Holder for Cello & String Bass Performance Gear (M) Canada

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Stay-Put: Performance Gear (M) Canada Stealth-12: Speaker cabinet Raezer's Edge Co. (M) Canada StealthPedal, StompIO: USB Interface Pdeal, cable 1/4 inch IK Multimedia (M) Canada StealthPlug™: USB Interface cable/ 1/4 IK Multimedia (M) Canada Stedman: Microphones Stedman Corporation (M) Canada SteelMaster: 175-watt steel amp Bluesland Amplifiers (M) World Steerables: Speaker mount Allen Products Co. (M) World Stefan Petrov: Bowed stringed instruments Gatchell Violins Company, Inc. (D,I,M) United States Steinberg: Music production software Yamaha Corp. of America (D,M) United States Steinberg: Software Steinberg North America (M) Steinberger: Music strings La Bella Strings (M) World Steingraeber & Sohre: Concertgrand, Grand, & Upright Pianos Steingraeber & Sohne Pianos (M) Canada Steinlager: Acoustic pianos A 440 Pianos (D,E,I,M) Canada Stellat: Violin, Viola, Cello, Bass SuperSensitive Musical String Co. (M) World Stentor: String instruments Counterpoint Musical Services (D,I) Canada Stephanhouser: Saxophones Gemstone Musical Instruments (D,M) Sterisol: Germicide Grover Musical Products (D,E,I,M) World Sterling: tuba, euphonium, french horn Custom Music Co. (D,I) Canada Sterling By Music Man: Electric Guitars & Bass Guitars Praxis Musical Instruments Inc. (D,I,M) World Sterling Plus: Musical Instruments ConnSelmer, Inc. (D,M) World Steuer: Reeds, Clarinet & Saxs MW Enterprises Inc. (D,I) Canada Steve Bailey Fundamental Fretless: Seymour Duncan Pickups Steve Reids Global Percussion: Digital percussion module Bit Headz, Inc. (M) World Stevens Guitar Steels: Guitar American Plating & Mfg. Co. (M) Canada Stewart: Amps & Accessories Stewart Audio (M) World Stick: 10 String fretboard tapping instrument Stick Enterprises Inc. (M,P/J) World Stick Bass: 8 string fretboard tapping instrument Stick Enterprises Inc. (M,P/J) World Stick Handler: stick wrap Direct Music Supply (D,I) Canada Stick Handler: Drum Stick Grip Tape Mechanical Music Corporation (M) World Stick It: Magazine & CD MI Media LLC (P/J) World Stick Stand: Display Stands Dolsey Ltd (D,I,M) United States Sticks by the Pound: Drumsticks Harris Musical Products Inc. (D,E,I,M) World Sticky Grippers: Srum Stop Drum Axis (I,M) United States StickyStop: Key clamp, cleaning paper HollywoodWinds Inc. Stix: guitar picks Ice-Pix (M) World Stix-tube: Drumstick case Artist Showcase Inc. (D,E,M) United States Stockton Music Services: sacred instrumental music David E. Smith Publications, LLC (D,P) World Stonelined Mutes: Mutes for all brass Humes & Berg Mfg.Co. Inc. (M) World Stonelines: Mutes for all brass. Humes & Berg Mfg.Co. Inc. (M) World Stonewood Audio: Intercom systems APA Audio Group International (D,M) United States Stoney End: Harp Stoney End (M) World

Stoney End: Harp, dulcimer Hobgoblin-Stoney End (M) World Stoppin: Cello, Bass, EndPin Floor Pretector Super-Sensitive Musical String Co. (M) World Storm: Speakers E.T.I. Sound Systems Inc. (M) World Storm: Virtual music studio Arturia (M) Australia Storm: Speakers B-52 Professional (M) World Story & Clark: Acoustic pianos QRS Music (D,M) Australia Story & Clark: Acoustic piano Story & Clark Piano Co. (M) World Story & Clark: Accoustic pianos QRS Music Technologies (M) United States Story-Clark: pianos, acoustic QRS Music Technologies Inc. (I,M) Canada Stow-Away: Electric guitar Stewart Guitar Co. (M) Canada Stradivari Strings: Bowed instruments Shadow Studio Strings (E,I,M) World Stradivarius: Band Instruments Conn-Selmer, Inc. (D,M) World Strados: Violin, cello, bass Zeta Music Systems (M) World Straplok: Dunlop Manufacturing Inc. (M) Canada Striders: Percussion Instruments Conn-Selmer, Inc. (D,M) World String Letter Publishing: Guitar and String Publications Hal Leonard Corp. (P/J) World String Locks: locking saddles Phantom Guitar Works, Inc. (E,I,M) World String Saven Saddles: Electric Guitar Saddles Graph Tech Guitar Labs (M) World String Swing: Store Display Music instrument Holders Power Group LTD Canada Strings: Magazine Strings Magazine (P/J) World Strings: Magazine/Website/E-Newsletters String Letter Publishing (P) World Strnad: Harmonica pick-up American Designs Inc. (E,M) World StroboFlip: Virtual Strobe Tuner Peterson Strobe Tuners (M) World StroboRock: Virtual Strobe Tuner Peterson Strobe Tuners (M) World StroboSoft: Software Strobe Tuner Peterson Strobe Tuners (M) World Strobostomp: Virtual Strobe Tuner Peterson Strobe Tuners (M) World Stromberg: guitars WD Music Products (D,E,I,M) World Stromberg: Archtop Guitars Stromberg Guitars (M) World Strong: Guitar etc. Sunlite Industrial Corp. (D,E,I) World Strong Arm: TV/Monitor mount Allen Products Co. (M) World Strum-N-Comfort: Heart Stone Pick, Guitar Pin Jewelry, Banjo Clip Jewelry, Heart Locket & Pendant, Treble Clef Pendant, Universal Picking Technique Method Book, with CD & Crossover Thumb Pick Strum-N-Comfort Picking Systems (M) World Strunal: String instrument access. Wexler Music Co. (D,E,I,M) World Strunal: String instruments European Crafts/ USA (D,E,I) United States Strunal: Double Bass, Violins, Violas (all sizes), Classical Guitars (all sizes). Strunal America Inc. (D,M) Canada Strunal, Tres Pinos, Victor, Laney: All related to Band. Casa Veerkamp SA de CV (D,E,I) Mexico Stubby: Dunlop Manufacturing Inc. (M) Canada Studi/o: Digital sound card Sonorus Inc. (M) World Studio 4 Music: Percussion sheet music Marimba Productions Inc. (P) World Studio 49: Orff instruments MMB Music Inc. (D,P/J) United States Studio Color: Automated wash luminaire High End Systems Inc. (D,M) World

Studio in a Box: Acoustical Materials Acoustical Solutions Inc. (D,M) World Studio Panel System: Modular, Room Acoustic Treatment Systems MSR (M) Canada Studio Pro, Power Slams: Cases & Bags, Bass Strings Shane Music Products (M) United States Studio Seven Mics: Stagemate stands SHS International (D,I) Canada Studio Spot: Automated luminaire High End Systems Inc. (D,M) World Studiomaster: Professional audio equip. Studiomaster Inc (D,M) United States Stumpf Fiddle: One man band Fiddle Factory (D,M) World Stumpf Hommer: Kazoos Fiddle Factory (M) World Stylus Pick: Dunlop Manufacturing Inc. (M) Canada Suede: drumhead Remo Inc. (M) World Sukop: Electric basses Gary Castelluccio & Associates (D,E,I) World SUMI: Shoulder rest Gatchell Violins Company, Inc. (D,I,M) United States Sunbeam: Bass guitar strings DR Handmade Strings (D,M) World Sundown Amps: Bass Amps SHS International (D,I) Canada Sunlite: Guitar, Drum Instruments Sunlite Industrial Corp. (D,E,I) World Super 60: Guitar electronics Chandler Musical Instruments (M) World Super Ax Strap: Buitar, Bass, & Banjo Strap Neotech (M) World Super Chops: Trumpets Jerome Callet Custom Trumpets (D,M) World Super Distortion: Guitar pickups DiMarzio Inc. (M) World Super Harness: Saxphone Harness Neotech (M) World Super Sax: Straps Yuta Musical Inc. (D,E,I,M) World Super Sensitive Rosin: Rosin Super-Sensitive Musical String Co. (M) World Super Steps: Music strings La Bella Strings (M) World Super Store: e-commerce Turn-Key Website Pro-Active Websites (P) World Super-2: Drumheads Aquarian (E,M) World Super-Kick: Bass Drumheads Aquarian (E,M) World Super-Nils: Music strings La Bella Strings (M) World Super-Sensitive: Violin strings Coast Music (Eastern Canada) (D) Canada Super-Sensitive: Strings J. Fenn Inc. (D,I) United States Super-Sensitive Musical String Co.: Cavanaugh Company SuperBridge: Electric Guitar Bridges Graph Tech Guitar Labs (M) World Superflexible: Bowed strings Thomastik-Infeld (M) World Superial Reeds: Reeds U.S. Band & Orchestra Supplies (D) United States Superior: Instrument Cases and Bags Saga Musical Instruments (D) World Superlux: Microphones, Audio Electronics, Speaker Systems, Cables, Stands, and Accessories Avlex Corp (D,I) United States Superscope: CD recorders/burners Jamey Aebersold Jazz Aids (D,E,I,P) Canada Superscope: Portable sound systems, security products, CD recorders Superscope Technologies Inc. (M) World SuperSlick: lubricants and greases for brass and woodwinds Superslick Products (D,E,M) World Superstand: Music Stand Superstand (E,I,M) World Supreme: Cello, Bass Super-Sensitive Musical String Co. (M) World Surelock: Locking Straps LM Products (M) World

MAY 2009

brand names 45th annual supplier directory Suspension Solutions: Rigging Hardware Creative Stage Lighting Co.Inc (D,M) Canada Sustainer: Pick-up driver Fernandes Guitars U.S.A. Inc. (M) World Sustainiac: Sustainer for guitars Maniac Music Inc. (M) Canada Suzuki: Acoustic & digital pianos, harmonicas, portable keyboards, band instruments, guitars Suzuki Music (M) Suzuki: Harmonicas D'Addario Canada (D,I) Canada SVC Electronics: ProMusica (D,I) United States SVM-1000: Video-Audio Mixer Pioneer ProDJ Canada Sweet Pipes: Music Publications Rhythm Band Instruments, Inc. (D,M) World Sweet Pipes Publiations: Recorder Publications Sweet Pipes Inc. (P) Canada Swefog: Smoke machines Erikson Pro Audio (D) Canada Swing Time Percussion: P & D Wholesale (D,I) World Swingtime: Percussion P & D Wholesale (D,I) United States Swissonic: Converters, clock Plus 24 (D,E,I,M) Canada Switchcraft: TT patchbays connectors Green Dot Audio (D) United States Switchcraft: Jacks & conn. ARS Electronics (D) United States Switchcraft: Cal Switch (A/O,D) United States Swivelmount: Speaker mount Allen Products Co. (M) World Swizz Army: Swizz Armycable tester Ebtech (M) World SWR: Amplifiers Fender Musical Instruments Corporation (M) World SX Series: Snare Drums Pacific Drums & Percussion (M) World Symphonie: Wind Instruments Conn-Selmer, Inc. (D,M) World Symphonique: C & Bb trumpets Jerome Callet Custom Trumpets (D,M) World Symphony: COnductors batons Trophy Music Co. (D,E,I,M,P/J) World Syn-Co: Cables Syn-Cordion Musical Inst. Corp (D,M) Canada Sync-A Cision, QuietTime: Player System Accessory PianoDisc (M) World Synergy: Student Brass Instruments Synergy House (D,I,M) World Synthary: MIDI controller Zeta Music Systems (M) World Synthogy: Ivory Ilio Entertainments (D) Canada Synthogy: Italian Grand Ilio Entertainments (D) Canada Syrinx: Pickup Adder Plus Corp. (M) World System 9098: Micpre, comp.limiter & dual micpre AMEK (M) World System Saver: system Dampp-Chaser Electronics Corp. (M) World SZC: DJ only CD compilations Entertainment Resources Group (M) Canada SZP: DJ only CD compilations Entertainment Resources Group (M) Canada


T-Rack™: Mastering/mixing software IK Multimedia (M) Canada T-Rex: Guitar effects European Musical Imports Inc (D,I) Canada T-REX: Effect Pedals Dana B. Goods (D) United States T.G. Pfreschner: Stringed instruments Ideal Musical Merchandise Co (D,E,I,M) World Table of Keys: Reference card Castalia Publications (P/J) World Tacoma: Guitars Fender Musical Instruments Corporation (M) World Tacoma: Acoustic guitars, basses, mandolins Tacoma Guitars, USA (M) World Tailer Tuff: SH Enterprises (M) United States

MAY 2009

Takamine: acoustic and electric guitar/bass Kaman Music Corp. (D,M) World Takamine: Electric/acoustic gutar B & J Music Ltd. (D,I) Canada Take Note: Write on/wipe off music manuscript board PureGold Teaching Tools (P/J) Canada Takt: Conductor Batons PJLA Music Products (D,E,I,M) United States Talking Sax: Reeds, saxaphone MW Enterprises Inc. (D,I) Canada Talkit VP: High-tech talking drums B.Rad Percussion (M) Talon: Electric Guitar Stand Shubb Capos (M) World Tama: Drums Chesbro Music Co. (D) United States Tama: Percussion Chesbro Music Company (D) United States Tama: Drums & Hardware Hoshino (USA) Inc. United States Tama: Drums (D,M) United States Tamburo: Drums Proel USA Inc. (D,M) United States Tanager Audioworks: Recording Software Steptime Ware (D,I) Canada Tanara: Guitars Chesbro Music Co. (D,E,I,M) United States Tanglewood: Acoustic Guitar Musiquip (D) Canada Tannoy: Loudspeakers Tannoy North America (D) Canada Tannoy: Speakers, monitors T.G.I. North America Inc./Tann (D,M) Canada Taos: Taos Drums (M) World Taper Core: Bass strings Ken Smith Basses Ltd. (D,M) World Tascam: Tascam Tascam: DA-38 TEAC Professional Division (M) Canada Tastee-Reeds: Reed Flavoring Dip Mechanical Music Corporation (M) World Tattletale: Portable Alarm Tattletale Portable Alarm Systems, Inc. (D) Canada Taye: Drum, Hardware, Accessories Taye Inc. (D,M) World Taylor: Steel-string acoustic guitars Taylor Guitars (M) World TC Electronic: Effects Processing TC/US (D) Canada TC Electronis: Recording products JAMM Distributing (M) United States TC-Helico n: Products for voice TC/US (D) Canada TCM Empress: Electric guitar Terry McInturff Guitars (M) World TCM Glory Custom: Electric guitar Terry McInturff Guitars (M) World TCM Glory Standard: Electric guitar Terry McInturff Guitars (M) World TCM Monarch: Electric guitar Terry McInturff Guitars (M) World TCM Polaris Pro: Electric guitar Terry McInturff Guitars (M) World TCM Royal: Electric Guitars Terry McInturff Guitars (M) World TCM Taurus: Electric Guitars Terry McInturff Guitars (M) World TCM Zodiac: Electric guitar Terry McInturff Guitars (M) World Teach Yourself to Play: The Great Highland self tuition kits Scott's Highland Services Ltd. (D) World Teardrop: Electric guitar & bass Phantom Guitar Works, Inc. (E,I,M) World Techni-Contract: Adapters Coast Music (Eastern Canada) (D) Canada Techno-Pack: Plastic case Multi-Caisses Inc. (M) Canada Technobeam: Automated luminaire High End Systems Inc. (D,M) World Techra: Guitar accessories IBC Trading Ltd. (D,E,I) World Techware: Fred Gretsch Enterprises Teckpick: Dunlop Manufacturing Inc. (M) Canada

TEF: TEF Acoustic Analyizers Gold Line Connector (M) World TEI: DJ equipment, lighting equip. & access. TEI Electronics Inc. (D,E) Caribbean Teller: violin family bridges Vitali Import Co. Inc. (D,I,P/J) World Tempo Tape™: Removable Highlighter Tape The Enterprising Rabbit (D,E,M,P) World Tempo Trantrum: Digital vintage instruments, digital breakbeats Bit Headz, Inc. (M) World Tenbrooks: Acoustic banjos Deering Banjo Company (M) World Tendura: drumhead Remo Inc. (M) World Tennessean: Fred Gretsch Enterprises Tennessee: Banjos, guitars Crafters of Tennessee, LLC (M) World Terra: Brasswind & Woodwind Musicparts UK & Pollard Trumpets (D,E,I,M) United Kingdom Terry Gould: Guitar slides, capos D'Addario Canada (D,I) Canada Terry Gould: Capos Coast Music (Eastern Canada) (D) Canada Tesla: Vaccum Tube New Sensor Corp. (D,E,I,M) World Tesla: Pickups JT Musical Inc. (D) Canada Tharam: Key-covering Herman Kluge GmbH & Co. KG (M) World The Androids Axe: Guitar Artwork (experimental bodies & electronics) Android Originals LC (M,P) United States The Art of Music: Poetry anthologies Piano Press (D) World The Bamboo Drum: Acoustic Drum Catania Folk Instruments Inc. (M) World The Bass Drum Lift: Cappello Music Co./Traps Drums (D) Canada The Board Piano: Thumb piano Catania Folk Instruments Inc. (M) World The Buzz Zone: Instructional book Marcinkiewicz Co. Inc. (M) World The Claw: Marching Mallet Holder XL Specialty Percussion Inc. (D,E,I) World The Complete Idiot's Guide to: Guitar/Vocal/ Keyboard Alfred Music Publishing (P) World The Drummer's Wrench: Drum tool American Recorder Technologies, Inc. (M) United States The Duo: A Hybrid Acoustic/Electric Guitar XOX Audio Tools (M) World The Gage Case: Shipping trunk for Bass & Cello. David Gage String Instrument R (D,E,I,M) World The Gourd piano: Thumb piano Catania Folk Instruments Inc. (M) World The Guitar Poster: Educational poster Castalia Publications (P/J) World The Handle: Electric Guitar XOX Audio Tools (M) World The Jazz Piano Book by Mark Levine: Textbook Sher Music Co. (P) World The Jazz Singer's Guidebook by David Berkman: Method Book Sher Music Co. (P) World The Jazz Theory Book by Mark Levine: Textbook Sher Music Co. (P) World The Kelly SHU: The Kelly SHU ProThe Kelly SHU Composite Kelly Concepts, LLC (M) The Latin Real Book: Latin Fake Book Sher Music Co. (P) World The Loar: Archtop Acoustic Guitars, Mandolins The Music Link (D,E,I,M) Canada The New Real Books 1-3: Jazz Fake Books Sher Music Co. (P) World The Ohio Timpani Co: Timpani, Timpani Sticks The Ohio Timpani Company (M) World The Piano Bar: Piano bar Joe Onofrio Piano Co. (M) World The Piano Book: Book Brookside Press (P) World The Point Classic: Free Floating Tremolo The Point Technologies (D,E,I,M) World The Real Easy Books 1-3: Jazz Fake Books Sher Music Co. (P) World

The Real Easy Ear Training Book by Robert Radley: Method Book Sher Music Co. (P) World The Realist: Orchestral Transducers Connolly Music Company, Inc. (D,I) United States The Realist: Transducer for string bass, cello & violin David Gage String Instrument R (D,E,I,M) World The Realist Violin: Acoustic Violin with Amplification David Gage String Instrument R (D,E,I,M) World The Scanner: Radio Microphone Systems John Hornby Skewes & Co. Ltd. (E) World The Serious Jazz Practice Book by Barry Finnerty: Method Book Sher Music Co. (P) World The Standards Real Book: Jazz Fake Books Sher Music Co. (P) World The Stick XG: All stick models-extended graphite Stick Enterprises Inc. (M) Australia The strip: cable tie Olsen Audio Group/Wind Tech (M) Canada The Ultimate Sax Neck: Saxophone Neck System Warburton Music Products World Thermo-flox: Cleaners Micro Musical Products Corp. (M) World Theta Head: Guitar Head ISP Technologies, LLC (M) Things for Strings: Music for strings Velke Publishing Co. (P/J) Canada Thomastic-Infeld: Strings Connolly Music Company, Inc. (D,I) United States Thomastik: Violin family strings Counterpoint Musical Services (D,I) Canada Thomastik: Strings J. Fenn Inc. (D,I,M) United States Thomastik: Orchestral strings Vitali Import Co. Inc. (D,E,I) World Thomastik-Infled: Strings Coast Music (Eastern Canada) (D) Canada Thunder Drums: Hand-made Drums Thunder Drums (E,M) Europe Thunder Hoops: Solid Oak Drum Hoops Thunder Drums (E,M) Europe Thunder Tubes: sound effects device On the Wall Productions, Inc. (D) World Thunderbass: Bass Guitar M. V. Pedulla Guitars (D,E,M) World Thunderbolt: Bass Guitar M. V. Pedulla Guitars (D,E,M) World Thunderbuzz: Bass Guitar M. V. Pedulla Guitars (D,E,M) World Thundercloud Series: Guitar Straps Artist Showcase Inc. (D,E,M) United States Tido: Shoulder rest, polishing cloth polish, strings, tuners Oliver Musica USA Inc. (D,E,I,M) Canada Tiger Rag: swabs for brass and woodwind Superslick Products (D,E,M) World Timba: Latin Drums & Accessories Timba Inc. (M) World Timber Wolf: Drumsticks U.S. Band & Orchestra Supplies (D) World Timber-Line: acoustic guitar pickup D-Tar Duncan Turner Acoustic R (M) World Timberline Guitars: Acoustic Guitar, AcousticElectric Guitar, Acoustic Bass, Timberline Guitars (D,I,M) World Timeless: Acoustic Guitar, Harps, Bouzouki, Classic Guitar Timeless Instruments (M) World Titano Accordions: Italian-made Accordions Ernest Deffner Inc. (D,E,I,M,P) Canada Tite Fit: Electric guitar strings DR Handmade Strings (D,M) World TKL: KC Music Supply LLC (D) TKL: Bags & cases I.C.E. Industries (D) United States TKO: Percussion LPD Music International (D) World Toca Percussion: hand percussion insturments/ access. Kaman Music Corp. (D) World Tokai: Electrc Guitar Godlyke Inc. (D,E,I,M) Canada Tom Anderson Guitar Works: Electric Guitars, electric guitar pickups Tom Anderson Guitarworks (M) World

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Tombek: percussion instrument Remo Inc. (M) World Tone: Musical Instrument Accessories Chem-Pak Inc. (M) World Tone Circuits: Seymour Duncan Pickups Tone Cone: Speakers JoMama Music, LLC (D,M) World Tone Educator: Educator bell sets Wexler Music Co. (D,E,I,M) World Tone Pins: bradd bridge pins for acoustic guitar D'Andrea Inc. (D,E,I,M) World Tone Shaper: Bow Guide Super-Sensitive Musical String Co. (M) World Tonebone: PlexiTube and Edge Radial Engineering World Tonelux: Custom Mixing Consoles Transaudio Group (D,E,I) United States Tonepros: bridges Kuffner International Inc. (E,I) World Tonepros, GraphTech: Locking Hardware; graphite guitar parts WD Music Products (D,E,I,M) World Toneworks by Korg: Guitar effect Korg Canada (D,I) Canada Tonofix: String Adjusters Wittner GmbH & Co. KG (M) Top Hits Monthly: Karaoke discs D.J. Miller Music Distributors (D) United States Topp Pro Music Gear: PA microphones, stands Tropical Music Corp. (D,E) Caribbean Tornado: Fred Gretsch Enterprises Torq: M-Audio (M) Torres: Amplifiers/tube, guitars access., amp. kit, guitars Torres Engineering (D,M,P/J) World Torte Mutes: Mutes for violin, viola, cello Metropolitan Music Co. (D,E,I,M) World Tortex: Dunlop Manufacturing Inc. (M) Canada Totally Blues: Guitar Pedal ISP Technologies, LLC (M) Touchboard: Name of product line of stock instruments Stick Enterprises Inc. (M,P/J) World Tough Traveler: Guitar bags, Cymbal bags, Drum bags, Drumstick bags, Computer bags, Printer bags. Tough Traveler LTD (D,E,M) World Tour Grade: Cases, Bags, & Stands Hanser Music Group (D,M) World Tour Link: snakes Conquest Sound Inc. (D,E,I,M) World Tour Pack: Rack cases Multi-Caisses Inc. (D) Canada Tour Series: Cases R & R Cases & Cabinets (M) United States TP Music Products: Music Teaching Items Jeffers Handbell Supply Inc. (D,E,I,M,P/J) World Traben Bass Co.: Bass guitars Elite Music Brands (D,M) World Trackspot: Automated luminaire High End Systems Inc. (D,M) World Trackspot: Automated luminaires High End Systems Inc. (D,M) World Trademark: Guitar Amplifiers Tech 21 (M) World Traditional: Drumset/hand cymbals Paiste America Inc. (D,E,I,M) World Traditional: Classical guitar strings Stringcenter LLC (D,E,I) United States Traditional: Classical guitar strings Impecco Ltd. (D,E,I) United States Train - 45: Guitar Amplifiers Fuchs Audio Technology (M) World Trak: Drums, hardware, drumsticks, access. Coast Music (Eastern Canada) (M) Transit: M-Audio (M) Transitone: Electric Guitar Campbell American Guitars (M) Japan Transport: MMC Transport Controller SeaSound (M) World TransTube: guitar amplifiers Peavey Electronics Corp. (M) Canada Trap: True Array Principle loudspeakers RenkusHeinz Inc. (E,M) World

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Trap KAT: Drumset midi controller Kat/Alternate Mode Inc. (M) World Traps Drums: Electronic and Acoustic Drums Cappello Music Co./Traps Drums (D) Canada Traps Power Pads: Acoustic, electronic conversion pads Cappello Music Co./Traps Drums (D) Canada Traq Tape: Cable hold down tape Quinco Inc. (D,M) Canada Trash: 64 bit amp & distortion modeling iZotope Inc. (D) World Travel Series: Cases R & R Cases & Cabinets (M) United States Travel Sonic: Drums, Bags, Stands, & Cases Music Dealers Resource Group, LLC (D,E,I) United States Traveler: Sheet music stands Hamilton Stands Inc. (E,I,M) World Traveler: Battery operated wireless P.A. system Galaxy Audio (I,M) United States Travelers: Business Insurance for the music industry Emery & Webb Insurance Co. (A/O) United States Travelite: Instrument cases Saga Musical Instruments (D) World Traynor: Guitar amps Yorkville Sound Inc. (D,E,I,M) World TreeWorks: Chimes Treeworks Chimes (M) World Tregan: Electric Guitars Tregan Guitars Canada Trem King: Vibrato System for Electric Guitar Trem King LLC World Trem Tools: Lock bridge tool Rich Music Co. (D,E,I,M,P/J) World Tremor: Electric bass Fernandes Guitars U.S.A. Inc. (M) World Tremulator: Guitar Effect Pedal Demeter Amplification (M) Canada Trench: guitar/bass straps Core One Creative, Inc. (M) Australia Trevor James: Flutes Cincinnati Fluteworks Inc. (D,I) Canada Trevor James: Flutes, piccolos, saxophones Gemstone Musical Instruments (D,M) South America Tri-AX: Touring Array Sound Bridge (M) World Triaxe Adapter: Acoustic guitar Musitron (M) World Tribal Assault: Drumsticks Trueline Drumsticks (M) World Tribeca: Acoustic Guitar Babicz Guitars USA, Inc. (M) World TRIC Cases: Cases Godin Guitars (D,M) World Tric Pick: Battery powered illuminating guitar pick Tric Pick Industries (E,M) World Trick: AL13 Shell Drums Trick Percussion Products (M) World Trigger Perfect: Accoustic drum triggers Pintech USA, Inc. (M) Australia Triggershoe: Shoe trigger Walkabout Inc. (M) Canada Trillenium Music Co.: Wind Chamber Music Trillenium Music Co. (E,M,P) United States Trinity College: Guitars and Celtic Mandolins Saga Musical Instruments (D) World Trinity River: Acoustic guitars M&M Merchandisers Inc. (I) Canada Triple L.E.D: Music Light Gold Crest, Inc. (I,M) World Triple XXX: guitar amplifiers Peavey Electronics Corp. (M) Canada Tripledrive Supreme: Guitar Amplifiers Fuchs Audio Technology (M) World Triton Series: Guitar straps Artist Showcase Inc. (D,E,M) United States Trophy: Banjo bridges, guitar access. Coast Music (Eastern Canada) (D) Canada Trophy: KC Music Supply LLC (D) Troubador: Fred Gretsch Enterprises Tru-Bounce: 12" Practice Pad Aquarian (E,M) World True Grip: TG Drumsticks Trueline Drumsticks (M) World

True Systems: Mic Preamplifier Neumann/USA (M) United States True Systems: Mic Preamps Transaudio Group (D,E,I) World Truss Rod Tools: Lock bridge tool Rich Music Co. (D,E,I,M,P/J) World Truth Audio: Passive & active close-field monitors, passive & active mid- Truth Audio (M) World TRX: Cymbals TRX Cymbals Inc. (D) Tuba Exchange: Tubas & euphoniums The Tuba Exchange (D,I) Canada Tubano: percussion instrument Remo Inc. (M) World Tube Compressor/Limiter: Model 661 Aphex Systems (M) World Tube Direct: Direct Box Demeter Amplification (M) Canada Tube Tech: Tube signal processors T.C. Electronic Inc. (D,M) United States Tube Works: Genz Benz Enclosures Inc. (M) Canada Tube-Tech: Tube Mic Pres, EQ's, Compressors Transaudio Group (D,E,I) Canada Tubessence Expressor: Model 661 Aphex Systems (M) World Tudor: Recorders Grover Musical Products (D,E,I,M) World Tudor: Recorders Trophy Music Co. (D,E,I,M,P/ J) United States TufCase: Cases for guitar, cellular phones, two way radios AW Enterprises (E,M) Canada Tuff Enuff: Music stand for jazz bands Crescent River Music (M) Canada Tuff Touch Callus Builder: Guitar access. Clear Concepts LLC (M) World Tuff-E-Nuff: drum finish Remo Inc. (M) World Tuffbite: Saxophone and clarinet mouthpieces, mouthpiece protectors Remle Musical Products Inc. (E,M) Tufflite: Bags Unitec Products Corp. (D,E,M) United States Tulip Acoustics: Acousitc guitar Aslin Dane (D,E,I,M) World Tunbridge Music: Wind Chamber, Guitar, Orchestra, Opera, Orchestral Specialty, Band, & Stage Band Music Trillenium Music Co. (E,M,P) United States Tune Kraft: Papers bages Grover Musical Products (D,E,I,M) World Tune Tech: Electric tuners SHS International (D,I) Canada Turbo: Guitar etc. Sunlite Industrial Corp. (D,E,I) World Turbo Sound: Speakers Neumann/USA (D) United States Tusq: Nuts, saddles, and Bridge pins Graph Tech Guitar Labs (M) World Tut Taylor: Resophonic guitars Crafters of Tennessee, LLC (M) World Tuxedo: Padded instrument bags Humes & Berg Mfg.Co. Inc. (M) World Tuxedo: Fred Gretsch Enterprises Twanger PraxAx: Pickup practice tool Twanger Inc. (E,M) World Tweek: Drumkey-clip Slug Percussion Products (M) Canada TX: Speaker systems Yorkville Sound Inc. (D,E,I,M) World Tycoon: latin percussion D'Addario Canada (D,I) Canada Tycoon Percussion: Hand Percussion Tycoon Percussion (D,M) Tye-Stix: Multi Colored Drum Stick Drumspan/ K.J. Music (A/O,M) Canada Typhoon: electric guitars and basses D'Addario Canada (D) Canada Tyrolean: Accordions Castiglione Accordion LLC (D,E,I) Canada


U.S. Audio: Audio Electronics (Mixers, Press Equipment) Whirlwind Music (D,M) World U.S. Regulation Bugle: Bugle U.S. Regulation Bugle (M) World

U5: Active direct box Avalon Design (M) World UDG: DJ Bags & Accessories American Music & Sound (D) United States Udu Drum: Clay drum Udu Drum (M) United States Udu-Igbah: Membrane ceramic drum Rhythms Exotic Afro Percussion (D,M) Canada Ugly Tips: Practice pad tips/malletheads for drumsticks B.Rad Percussion (M) UHF-R: Wireless Mic Systems Shure Incorporated World UK-1: Electric Guitar Campbell American Guitars (M) Japan Uke Crazy: Ukulele Accessories Kala Brand Music Co. (D) World Ultimate Beginners Series: Instructional video & book/cd sets Warner Bros. Publications (D,M,P/J) World Ultimate Ligatures: Ligatures U.S. Band & Orchestra Supplies (D) United States Ultimate Play-Alongs: Guitar/Bass/Drum/ Keyboard Alfred Music Publishing (P) World Ultimate Support Systems: Stands for Musical Instruments & Gear Ultimate Support Systems (M) United States Ultra Mutes: Mutes for basses Metropolitan Music Co. (D,E,I,M) World Ultra Supreme: Rosin Kolstein Music Inc. (D,E,I,M) World Ultra-Pure Oils: Valve Oil, Tuning Slide Lubes Ultra-Pure Oils (M) World Ultracase: Guitar stands, Work Boxes Ultracase (M) World Ultraflex: Instrument, mic, & speaker cables Ernie Ball Inc./Music Man (M) World Ultrasone: Headphones Ultrasone Inc. (D) Canada Ultrasone: Headphones Power Group LTD (D) Canada Ultrasonic: Snare drum Puresound (M) World Ultrasound: Acoustic Guitars Amplifiers Ultrasound Amplifiers World Ultratone parts: Obscure hard to find parts, Hamer Sustainer Bridge, Rickenbacker 12 string bridge, Mosrite parts, Steinberger parts, the grenade pre-amo, replacement necks for Ibanez, Charvel, BC Rich, Gibson, Fender, Hamer, & more Ed Roman World Class Guitars ULX: Wireles Mic Systems Shure Incorporated World UMI: Euphoniums and tubas JA Musik USA (D) Canada Uni Par: Lighting products Uni-Par Lighting Corp. (D,E,M) World Uni-Air Bass: Bass carrier Kolstein Music Inc. (D,E,I,M) World Unigrip: Drumsticks Unigrip 2000 (M) Canada Union: Drumsets & hardware Dynamic Music Distributing (D) United States UniPoint: Microphones Audio-Technica U.S., Inc. (M) World Unitec: Cases Unitec Products Corp. (D,E,M) World UniTec: DJ Music mobile cases, instrument & rack cases Wexler Music Co. (D,E,I,M) World Unity DS-1: Digital sampler Bit Headz, Inc. (M) World Unity Player: Digital sample player Bit Headz, Inc. (M) World Universal: Sousaphone & Tuba cases Wexler Music Co. (D,E,I,M) World Universal Series: Universal fit in-ear musician's monitors (UM1/UM2) Westone Laboratories (M) World Universal Soldiers: Loudspeakers SLS Loundspeakers (M) World Univibe: Dunlop Manufacturing Inc. (M) Canada Univox: Microphones, amps, headphones Coast Music (Eastern Canada) (D) Canada Uno 58: Evans drumheads Evans Drumheads (D,E,M) World US Blues: Guitars, amps, accessories Harris Musical Products Inc. (D,E,I,M) World

MAY 2009

brand names 45th annual supplier directory US Organ Module: Organ modules DR Handmade Strings (D,M) World uSoniq: Monitor/FOH Enclosure A-Line Acoustics (D,M) United States


V Series: Mixing consoles Crest Audio Inc./Crest Console (M) Canada V-STACK: GUITAR PEDALS First Act Inc. (M) Canada V2 Series: Effects Pedals Visual Sound LLC (M) World V8: DAW for the pc Digital Audio Labs (M) World Vacuum Tubes: Vacuum Tubes, Music Electronic Components, Speakers Electro-Harmonix (D,M) Vagabond Travel Guitar: Acoustic travel guitar Vagabond Travel Guitar (M) World Valencia: Coast Music (Eastern Canada) Valencia: Classical Guitars Saga Musical Instruments (D) World Valentino: Pads, repair kits Rico International (M) World Valentino: Pads J.L. Smith & Co. China Vampire Guitars: Electric guitars, 16 models (Gothic Division of Abstract Guitars) Neck thru body guitars Ed Roman World Class Guitars Van Doran: reeds, mouthpieces PJLA Music Products (D,E,I) United States Vancore: Mallet instruments Grover Pro Percussion (I,M) United States Vandoren: Coast Music (Eastern Canada) Vandoren: Reeds, mouthpieces, access. DANSR, Inc. (D) United States Vanguard: Musical Instrument Cases Conn-Selmer, Inc. (D,M) World VariCor Bass: Stings Kolstein Music Inc. (D,E,I,M) World Varicurve: Equalization system BSS Audio U.S.A. (D) World Vater: Drumsticks, malletts P & D Wholesale (D,I) United States Vater: drumsticks, drum brushes, drum accessories D'Addario Canada (D,I) Canada Vaughncraft: Hand percussion Vaughncraft Percussion (D,M) World Vecnet: Internet services UE Communications (A/O) World Vector: Electric violins, violas, celli, & upright basses Vector Instruments (M) World Vector SL: Guitar Subwoofer ISP Technologies, LLC (M) Vega: Wirless microphones Vega (M) World Vega: Acoustic banjos Deering Banjo Company (M) World Veggie Shake: shaker Remo Inc. (M) World VEI Lighting: Special Effects Lighting Visual Effects Inc. (D,E,I,M) World Velocity: Guitar amps Rocktron Guitar Rack Technolog (M) World Vendetta: Tube guitar amps Rocktron Guitar Rack Technolog (M) World Vent Peg: Clarinet mouthpiece H.S. Blayman Inc. (M) Canada Venture: Brass cleaners Coast Music (Eastern Canada) (D) Canada Verano: Classical Guitars Major Music Supply (M) United States Verne Q. Powell: Professional handmade flutes & piccolos Powell Flutes/Hi Notes (M) Canada Verona: String instruments and access. Entertainment Music Mktg. Corp (D,I,M) Canada Vertec: Speaker systems JBL Professional (M) World Vertigo: Electric guitar Fernandes Guitars U.S.A. Inc. (M) World Vestax: DJ Mixers, CD Players, Turntables. American Music & Sound (D) United States Vestax: DJ mixers, turntables Erikson Music (D) Canada Vestax: DJ equipment Tracoman Inc. (D,M) United States VGV Cases: Classical / Flamenco Cases Luthier Music Corp. (D,E,I,M) Canada Vibramate: Electric Guitar Hardware Vibramate (M) World Vic Firth: Percussion Chesbro Music Company (D) United States Vic Firth: Drum sticks HSS Division of Hohner (D) United States Vic Firth: Drumsticks, mallets Coast Music (Eastern Canada) (D) Canada Vic Firth practice pads: P & D Wholesale (D,I) United States Victor Capos: Victor Products Inc. (M) World Vienna Symphonic Library: Symphonic Cube Ilio Entertainments Canada Vienna Symphonic Library: Vienna Instruments Ilio Entertainments (D) Canada Vienna Symphonic Library: Vienna Special Edition Ilio Entertainments (D) Canada Vigier: Vigier Guitars (E,M) World Vigier Guitars: Electric Guitars Salwender International (D,I,M) Canada Viking: Fred Gretsch Enterprises Viking ATA: ATA Shipping Case Viking Cases (M) United States Viking Carrylite: 1/8" Plastic Semi-molded carrying case Viking Cases (M) United States

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Viking Crosstown: Carpet Covered Cases Viking Cases (M) United States Viking Guitars: Electric Guitars, 1 model arch-top hand made single craftsman made Ed Roman World Class Guitars Viking Norseman: Lightweight carrying case Viking Cases (M) United States Viking Soft Bag: Nylon bags Viking Cases (M) United States Viking Vikilite: ATA lightweight shipping case Viking Cases (M) United States Viktor Kereske: Bowed stringed instruments Gatchell Violins Company, Inc. (D,I,M) United States Villex: Villex Vintage: Acoustic guitars MIDC Limited (D) Canada Vintage: Seymour Duncan Pickups

Vintage: Electric guitar, acoustic guitar John Hornby Skewes & Co. Ltd. (E) World Vintage 30: Celestion (M) World Vintage Guitar Calendar: Calendar Rich Music Co. (D,E,I,M,P/ J) World Vintage Guitar Magazine: monthly publication Vintage Guitar Magazine (P/J) World Vintage Guitar Onine: website Vintage Guitar Magazine (P/J) World Vintage Icon: Electric guitars & basses MIDC Limited (D) Canada Vintage Medal Ax: Electric guitars & basses MIDC Limited (D) Canada Vintage Metal Axxe: Electric guitars John Hornby Skewes & Co. Ltd. (E) World Vintage Re-issue: Guitar strings Gibson Strings & Accessories (M) World

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Violet Design: Microphones FDW - Worldwide (D) Canada Violmaster: Violin, viola, cello, and bass Amati's Fine Instruments (D) Canada VIOLMASTER: Stringed Instruments Musonic Product USA (M) United States Violmaster: Stringed Instruments Violmaster Studio (M) World Viper: Recording and broadcasting snakes BRTB Canada Inc. (D,E,I,M) Canada Viscount: Digital piano, drawboard organs, keyboard accessories Galileo Music Corp. (D,I,M) Mexico Vision: band instruments PJLA Music Products (D,E,I,M) United States Visu-Lite: Electronic Cymbals Pintech USA, Inc. (M) Australia Vita+Kane: Reeds Jack Spratt Woodwind Shop (D,I,M,P/J) World Vivace Stringed Instruments: Violins, Cellos, Violas Major Music Supply (M) United States VJ: Electric bass Modulus Guitars LLC (M) World VO-2000: valve oil Superslick Products (D,E,M) World Vocopro: Karaoke hardware VocoPro (M) Canada VocoPro: Karaoke machines D.J. Miller Music Distributors (D) United States VocoPro: Karaoke Hardware Trax Distributors (D) United States VOD: Effects Pedal Gig-Fx Inc. World Voice Carrier: Public Address Amplivox Sound Systems (M) World Voice Series: Third Edition Voice Repertoire Series Frederick Harris Music Co. (P) Voodoo: Software drum machine Bit Headz, Inc. (M) World Voodoo Lab: Line of effects pedals Digital Music Corp. (M) World

Voovoo Lab: Accessory products for guitar, bass, and other stringed instruments. VOODOO LAB (E,M) World Vortex: Acoustic bass guitar CA Guitars (M) World Vosi: Saxophones, flutes, clarinets, piccolos, trumpets, and trombones Antigua Winds, Inc. (D) Canada Vox: Guitar amps. Vox Amplification (D) United States Vox: Bass amplifier Vox Amplification (D) United States Vox Amplification: Guitar amps, modeling effects Korg USA Inc. (D) United States VRX: Speaker systems JBL Professional (M) Vs Series: Mixing consoles Crest Audio Inc./Crest Console (M) Canada VSS: Drum Shells Keller Products Inc. (M) World VT Amplifiers: Guitar & bass mixer amplifiers Vibration Technology Ltd. (D,M) Canada Vt-737sp: Mic preamp, EQ, comp Avalon Design (M) World Vt-747sp: Stereo comp, EQ Avalon Design (M) World VX Series: Drum Sets Mapex USA Inc. (M) United States


W. Hoffman: Pianos C. Bechstein Pianofortefabrik (M) World W. Nirschl: Brass Gemstone Musical Instruments (D,M) W. R. Schuster: Violin, viola, cello, bass viola bows Bow Supply Corp. (M) World Wabash: Fretted instr. access. Wexler Music Co. (D,E,I,M) World Wah-Wah Shakers: Hand percussion Fredrico Percussion (D,M) World Walden: Guitars K.H.S. Musical Instrument Co. (E,M) Canada


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Walden: Guitars Coast Music (Eastern Canada) (D) Canada Walden Guitars: Acoustic Guitars American Music & Sound (D) United States Walkabout: Mobile MIDI percussion systems Walkabout Inc. (M) Canada Walkabout Dulcimer: Dulcimer Olympia Dulcimer Co. (D,M) World Walking Bird: Forms, Tags, Labels Walking Bird Forms & Tags (M) Canada Wallacher: Guitar Hangers Wallacher Guitar Products (D,E,I,M) Canada Walter Kroner: bassoons & contra-bassoons Custom Music Co. (D,I) Canada Walter Mahr: Violins J. Fenn Inc. (D,I,M) United States Walton's: Bodhran drum, penny whistles, instructional videos & books, Walton's Irish Music (D,M,P/J) Europe Warburton: Trumpet Mouthpieces; Trombone Mouthpieces; Tuba Mouthpieces Warburton Music Products World Warrior Series: Guitar straps Artist Showcase Inc. (D,E,M) United States Warwick: Bass Guitars Hanser Music Group (D) United States Washboard Tie: novelty metal ties On the Wall Productions, Inc. (D) World Washburn: Acoustic & electric guitars & basses U.S. Music Corp. (D,E,I,M) World Watch & Learn: Instructional videos, books, cds & dvds Watch & Learn Inc. (D,M,P/J) China Watch Me Play: Learn to play children's books Edwards Music Publishing (P/J) World Way Out Ware KikAxxe: M-Audio (M) Way Out Ware TimemARP 2600: M-Audio (M) WD: Pickguards; bodies & necks WD Music Products (D,E,I,M) World Weather King: Drumhead Remo Inc. (M) World Weather Master: Percussion Drumheads Conn-Selmer, Inc. (D,M) World Weber: Mandolin Family, Arch Top Guitars, Resonator Guitars Weber Fine Acoustic Instruments (M) Australia Weber: Mandolin family Sound To Earth Ltd. (M) World Wechter: Acoustic, Electric, & Midi Guitars Wechter Guitars (M) World Wedgie: Guitar picks Morgan Hill Music World Wedgie Products: picks, pick holders D'Addario Canada (D,I) Canada Weinbach: Acoustic pianos Geneva International Corp. (D,I) United States Weissenberg: Woodwind instruments German American Trading Company, Inc. Canada Wenzel Kohler: Cellos and bass violins Ideal Musical Merchandise Co (D,E,I,M) World Weril: Brass Gemstone Musical Instruments (D,M) United States Wesco/Superlite: Hand Trucks Pacific Supply & Trading Co. (D) United States Wessel, Nickel, & Gross: Piano action parts Wessel, Nickel, & Gross (M) World Wessell, Nickel & Gross: Wessell, Nickel & Gross (M) World Westbury: Drums, Hardware & access. Coast Music (Eastern Canada) (D) Canada Wharfedale: ProMusica (D,I) United States Wheelz: mallet/percussion cart Performance Gear (M) Canada Whirlwind: Cables, Connectors, and Assorted Audio Interconnects Whirlwind Music (D,M) World WhisperRoom SE Series: Portable sound rooms WhisperRoom Inc. (M) World White Falcon: Fred Gretsch Enterprises White Max: drumhead Remo Inc. (M) World Whitehall: Drumsticks Wexler Music Co. (D,E,I,M) World Whitehall: Instrument accessories Wexler Music Co. (D,E,I,M) World Wick-It Sax Strap: Saxophone Strap Neotech (M) World Wiggles N' Tunes: Wiggle Play curriculum Wiggles N'Tunes (M,P/J) Canada

Wilhelm Eberle: Stringed instruments German American Trading Company, Inc. Canada Wilhelm Schuster: Violin, viola, cello, bass viola bows Bow Supply Corp. (M) World Willem Boehm: Violin, Cello Pegasus Stringed Instruments (D) World Willis Music: Piano, Band, Gtr Publications Hal Leonard Corp. (P/J) World Willson Instruments: Getzen Company Inc (D) United States Wilson U990: Midi keyboard Starr Labs (M) World Windsong Guitars: CDs and DVDs, fret instruments Koala Publications (D,E,I,P/J) United States Windsor: Oboes Windsor Oboes (E,M) South America WindTech: Windscreens Olsen Audio Group/ Wind Tech (M) World Windy City: Trumpet Mutes Wexler Music Co. (D,E,I,M) World Windy City Mutes: Trumpet & Trombone Mutes Windy City Mutes World Winston: Access. E.M. Winston Band Instru. (D,E) World Wireless Essentials: Microphones and cables for wireless microphone systems Audio-Technica U.S., Inc. (M) World Wirething: picks Core One Creative, Inc. (M) Australia Wise Publications: Printed Music Music Sales Group (D,P) World Wisemann: Brass & Woodwind Instruments DF Music Enterprises Inc. (D) United States Wisemann: Woodwind & brasswind Beijing Deyong Musical Instruments Co. (D,E,I,M) Europe Wisemann: Woodwind & brasswind Wisemann Musical Instruments Manfacturin Company (M) Europe Wittner: Stands, tailpieces, tuning forks, adjusters J. Fenn Inc. (D,I,M) United States Wittner: Metronomes and violin accessories Counterpoint Musical Services (D,I) Canada Wittner: Metronomes, violin access. Coast Music (Eastern Canada) (D) Canada Wm. Lewis: Violin, viola, cello, bass Wm. Lewis and Son (I) United States Wm. S. Haynes Flutes: Handcrafted Artists quality flutes Eastman Guitars and Mandolins (D,E,I,M) World Wolf Music Products: Shoulder Rests Connolly Music Company, Inc. (D,I) United States Wolf-Be-Gone: Eliminates Wolf Sounds SuperSensitive Musical String Co. (M) World Wolfe-Tayne: Clarinet & saxophone mouthpieces J.J. Babbitt Co. Inc. (M) World Wolfgang: electric guitars Peavey Electronics Corp. (M) Canada WolfPak: Cases Wolfpak, Inc. (M) World Woodfood: Cleaner George Heinl & Co (D,E,I,M) Canada Woodies G-Band: Partial Capo Woodies UK Limited (M) Germany Woodies G-BAND II: Partial capo Woodies UK Limited (M) Germany Woods: acoustic guitars Davitt & Hanser Music Co. (D,E,I,M) World Woods: Acoustic Instruments Hanser Music Group (D,M) World Woodstock Chimes: Windchimes Woodstock Percussion Inc. (D,M) World Woodstock Collection: Musical gifts Woodstock Percussion Inc. (D,M) World Woody: Seymour Duncan Pickups Word Music: sacred publications Hal Leonard Corp. (P/J) Canada Working Musician: Musical books/biographies Working Musician Products (D) World Workingman's Series: Amplifiers and speaker enclosures SWR Sound Corporation (M) World Workshop Arts: books and video media National Guitar Workshop (A/O,P/J) World

MAY 2009

brand names 45th annual supplier directory World Beat: Community drums, hand percussion, sound effects, whistles, LP-Latin Percussion (M) World World Classic: World Music Percussion Products Vic Firth, Inc. (M) World World In Tune: Global music program Carousel Publications Ltd. (I,M,P/J) World World Music Series: Songbook/ CD's Piano Press (D) World Worldmax: Drum Parts WorldMax USA (D) Canada Worship Musician Magazine: The Adolph Agency, Inc World Wren: Piano cabinets Music Treasures Co. (D) United States Wren Chest: Music Cabinets Wren Chest Co. (M) Canada Wristies: Fingerless gloves Wristies, Inc. (D,M) World WT II: saxophone metal mouthpiece Bari Woodwind Supplies, LLC (M) United States WT III: saxophone metal mouthpiece Bari Woodwind Supplies, LLC (M) United States Wurlitzer: Acoustic Pianos Baldwin Piano & Organ Co. (M) World Wyman: Acoustic Pianos Wyman Piano Company (D,I,M) World Wyman Pianoforte: Acoustic Pianos Wyman Piano Company (D,I,M) World Wynton Marsallis: Published Music + DVDs PlayinTime Productions, Inc. (P/J) World Wyre's: Musical strings Dave Wyre Strings (D,E,I,M) Canada


X Series: Interactive mixers MTX (M) United States X-CalibR: Electric Guitar Dan'l Guitars, Inc (M) United States X-Guitar: Acoustic Guitar Charles Fox Guitars (M) World X-Session: M-Audio (M) X2 Digital Wireless: Digital Wireless Systems MMS Inc. (E) World Xantech Commercial: Control Systems Pacific Supply & Trading Co. (D) United States Xaphoon: Pocket sax Xaphoon USA (M) Canada Xcalibur: Top of the line cables BRTB Canada Inc. (D,E,I,M) World Xcel: Drumsticks, powersticks, speedsticks, heavyhitters and superstrikers Xcel Drumsticks (M) United States Xeno: Professional Quality Trumpets & Trombones Yamaha Corp. of America-Band & Orchestra Div. (D,M) United States XL Lite: Marching Carriers XL Specialty Percussion Inc. (D,E,M) World XLT15: road cases Calzone Case Co./Anvil Cases (D,M) XMAX Series: Subwoofers ISP Technologies, LLC (M) Xotic: Effects pedals Lothson Guitars (M) World XP Series: Saxophones, Flutes, Clarinet, Trumpets, and Trombone Antigua Winds, Inc. (D) Canada Xponent: M-Audio (M) Xpression: Signal processor Rocktron Guitar Rack Technolog (M) World Xtone: Semi-hollow Body electric guitars ESP Guitar Co. (M) World Xtra boom: Mic stand and accessories Latch Lake Music Products (M) World Xtra Flex: Music Light Gold Crest, Inc. (I,M) World XWire: Digital wireless X Wire Corp. (M) United States xxx Performance Stand: Brubaker Guitars Inc. United States

World Zaja Oils: Oils & lubricants Best Products International In (D,E,M) World Zaja Pro: Valve & rotor oil Zaja Musical Products, LLC (D,M,P/J) World Zaja slide: slide grease Zaja Musical Products, LLC (D,M,P/J) World Zango Shakers: Hand Percussion Fredrico Percussion (D,M) World Zaolla: Audio cables w/ silver conducters Hosa Technology, Inc. (M) World Zap-It: String winder, drum key Whiskey Ridge Productions (M) Canada ZBT: Cymbal Avedis Zildjian Co. (M) World ZDT™: Earthworks, Inc. (M) Zebra: Acoustic guitar strings DR Handmade Strings (D,M) United States Zenbals, TC's, PC's: Electronic Cymbal Lines Pintech USA, Inc. (M) Australia Zephyrwinds: Rheuben Allen & Associates, LLC (M) World Zeppelinn: Guitar Parts The Music People (D,E,M) World Zero Gravity Series: TKL Products Corp. (D,E,I,M) Zeta: String instruments Zeta Music Systems (M) World ZHT: Cymbal Avedis Zildjian Co. (M) World Zildjian: Drumsticks, cymbals, cymbal & stick bags Avedis Zildjian Co. (M) World Zildjian: Cymbal & assoc. (D,M) United States Zildjian: Cymbals, sticks Direct Music Supply (D,E,I) Canada Zion: Electric guitar (fifty, ninety, radiocaster, classic, Zion Guitars (D,I,M) World Zonda: Clarinet, alto sax, tenor sax reeds Powell Flutes/Hi Notes (M) World Zoom: Digital processing Samson Technologies Corp. (D,M) World Zottola Mouthpieces: Brass Mouthpieces A & G Music Products Co. (D,E,I,M) World Ztar: MIDI guitar Starr Labs (M) World Zuni: Custom Electric Zuni Custom Guitars World ZXT: Cymbal Avedis Zildjian Co. (M) World ZZRyder: Electric guitar, minielectric guitar M&M Merchandisers Inc. (I) Canada


Qualitty Products. Quaalitty Se Service.


50 West Wilmot Street, Unit 13 Richmond Hill, Ontario L4B 1M5 Tel: 905.889.0116 Fax: 905.889.8998 Email:

Breaking News


Yamaha: All Products Yamaha Corp. of America-Band & Orchestra Div. (D,M) United States Yamaha: All instr.-band (D,M) United States Yamaha: Accessories American Way Marketing LLC (D) United States Yamaha Advantage: band method curriculum PlayinTime Productions, Inc. (P/J) World Yidaki-Doo: Didgeridoo Australian Originals (D,I) Canada York: Schreiber & Keilwerth Musikinstrumente GmbH (M) York Brass: Cornet, Baritone, Flugelhorn, Tenor, Euphonium, & Tuba SonarÈ Winds (D,M) Canada Yorkville: Amps, lights, access. Yorkville Sound Inc. (D,E,I,M) World Yorkville: Amps Accordions & Keyboards (D) United States Young Chang: Acoustic piano AND Music Corporation (D) Canada


Z series: Trumpet, trombone, cornet Kanstul Musical Instruments In (M) World Z-100 Heads: Coated Heads Aquarian (E,M) World Z-Bar: Midi percussion controller Starr Labs (M) World Z-Bar: Miking bracket Z Right Stuff (M) World Z-Bass: Midi bass Starr Labs (M) World Z-Board: Midi keyboard Starr Labs (M) World Z-Harp: Midi harp Starr Labs (M) World Z3TA: Software (Instrument) Cakewalk, Inc. (M) World Zaja Blue: Valve & rotor oil Zaja Musical Products, LLC (D,M,P/J) World Zaja Lube: Slide lube Zaja Musical Products, LLC (D,M,P/J) World Zaja Oil: Scented valve oil Zaja Musical Products, LLC (D,M,P/J)

MAY 2009

Find it in the Hot News section of MMR’s Web site, MMR 187

Newproducts Wyman Distributing New ORLA Digital Pianos Wyman Piano Company is now distributing all of the new ORLA line of digital pianos in the U.S. Wyman will offer the complete line of ORLA digital pianos in both portable and traditional home styling, and also two grand models. The new ORLA line up includes the Stage Ensemble that allows dealers to offer an Ensemble value at an entry level price. Other Ensemble models are available in traditional home style and grand versions. Also available is a church keyboard model CH176, specifically designed for church settings, with church musicians in mind.

Hal Leonard’s New Releases from Bobby Owsinski and Dennis Moody In his new book, How to Make Your Band Sound Great, musician, producer, and engineer, Bobby Owsinski focuses on both the band as a whole and each individual player, and he offers information essential to bands in any genre of music. Owsinski covers everything from playing more dynamically, playing at different volume levels while still achieving the same intensity, improving your stage presence to writing better songs. The book also includes a 60-minute DVD where Owsinski gives in-depth analysis and step-by-step guidance to an actual working band. Also newly released from Hal Leonard is The Drum Recording Handbook. With decades of experience between them, authors Bobby Owsinski and Dennis Moody reveal the secrets of great drum sound in this step-by-step manual. The Drum Recording Handbook uncovers the secrets of amazing drum sounds that you 188 MMR

can record yourself, even with inexpensive gear. Before even setting up a microphone, the authors tackle the ins and outs of drum construction and tuning and give you advice on what to do to make the kit sound better. Mic-ing techniques, room treatments, and the best ways to avoid phase cancellation are addressed. The book also includes exclusive interviews with Bernie Dresel, Johnny Hernandez, Ricky Lawson, Brian MacLeod, and Dave Weckl, who offer expert session advice. The Drum Recording Handbook includes an instructional DVD with tips on mic placement for every piece of the kit, as well as a tutorial on proper mixing techniques, and an interview on tuning with Mike White, one of Los Angeles’ top session drummers.

duce noise and hum. The PA-9 automatically converts any input voltage from 100-240 VAC to 9 VDC, allowing it to be used anywhere around the world. The Power-All features professional-grade construction and comes with a lifetime warranty.

Stage Magic Lowers Cost of PedalSnake Stage Magic Inc. announced that their patented PedalSnake product has become more affordable. The cost of PedalSnake

Godlyke’s Power-All Deluxe Kit The PA-9 Power-All Deluxe Kit from Godlyke is a 2000 milliamp, single outlet power supply designed specifically for guitar effects users. The Power-All Deluxe Kit provides nine volts DC at 2000 milliamps – more than enough current to

Pigtails has gone down along with Power Plug Adapters. Pigtails are the short cables that plug into BaseSnake channels to make ¼” GuitarLines (called GLines), or the 2.1mm PowerLines (called PLines), which have connectors like most Boss power plugs.

Gator’s Wireless System Microphone Bag

power dozens of effects pedals, including up to 4 Line 6 Modelers. The Power-All Deluxe Kit can power 11 pedals out of the box, and comes complete with a variety of jumper cables that allow connection of phone plug, reverse polarity, digital, and battery-only pedal types. The new 18-gauge output cable allows for longer power runs without an extension cord. The Power-All’s special circuit design is said to offer the lowest noise floor of any digital power supply on the market. The PA-9 now comes with a ferrite-core fi lter built onto its output cable to further re-

Gator has taken the same concept of the GM-1W single wireless system bag and released the new, more compact GM1WEVA. This wireless system case holds

MAY 2009

most common sized half rack wireless units, receiver, handheld microphone, power supply, belt pack transmitter, and lapel mics all in a new slim, rigid 5mm EVA rubber foam designed solution. Zipper access allows the antenna to be in place and functional while still housed in the bag.

The Bee In Tuner System The Bee In Tuner is an automatic, frequency responsive, mechanical tuning device for violin, viola, and guitar. The Bee In Tuner system features a tailpiece with fine tuners on each string which can be adjusted by hand. A tuner wand will listen to the pitch

of each string and automatically adjust the fine tuner to the proper pitch. The Bee In Tuner for guitar uses a similar wand design but has a specially designed head that will adapt to any shaped guitar-tuning machine. The tuning wand contains standard tuning plus five alternate tunings and can be used on any six-string electric or acoustic guitar (with pickup). The Hornet model contains new features designed specifically for professional musicians and guitar technicians. Custom tunings can be made on request.

JodyJazz’s The Music of George Garzone DVD The Music of George Garzone & The Triadic Chromatic Approach from JodyJazz is a two DVD disc set - a comprehensive, intimate portrait of MAY 2009

legendary tenor man and jazz educator, George Garzone. Features include lessons, performances, trading play-alongs, PDF supplements, interviews, and more. Featured musicians include: George Garzone: saxophone; Mike Mainieri: vibraphone; Frank Tiberi: saxophone; Bob Gullotti: drums; and John Lockwood: bass. This DVD set is designed to be used by intermediate to the most advanced players.

Mono’s EFX Series Bags for DJ Laptops The EFX Series is the newest addition of products to the Mono case collection. The series consists of the 365 DJ Pack for laptop-based DJs, and The Producer – an adaptable gear bag designed for on the fly versatility. The EFX series features minimalist design, slim profiles, rugged construction, steel-riveted handles and straps, and waterproof outer shells. Mono’s 2009

product launch also includes M80 Dual cases for two guitars or two basses and the new M80 Semi-Hollow case.

Sica Bass Speakers from CE Distribution Sica bass speakers are available in three distinct new series: Premium Lite, Standard Lite, and Classic. The Premium Lite series are made using neodymium magnets and 10, 12 and 15 inch aluminum frames. The Standard Lite line uses neodymium magnets and steel baskets in 10,

12 and 15 inch diameters. The Classic series offers 12 and 15 inch speakers using a standard ceramic magnet and steel basket.

Manhasset’s Wall & Harmony Stands The Wall Stand (Model # 56) from Manhasset is designed for those applications where circumstances involve limited space and not enough room to conveniently use conventional stands. The Wall Stand is attached to the wall using a wall-mounted base plate. The actual stand can easily be connected and disconnected to the base plate. The Wall Stand can be moved to an infinite number of positions. The extension puts the desk axis point 10-inches from the connecting and base plate. This stand can be used in practice rooms, sound studios, above keyboards and pianos, or other locations where space is limited, or where a fi xedlocation stand is desired. The Harmony Stand (Model # 81) is designed for functionality and has a floor stacking base for convenient storage. For example, since their bases stack together so tightly, it takes only six feet to store 25 stands, and 50 stands can be stored in about 10 linear feet of space. The Harmony Stand comes with a durable ABS plastic desk, but can also be purchased with the MMR 189

Newproducts traditional Manhasset aluminum desk. The stand incorporates Manhasset’s “Magic Finger Clutch” - no-knob height adjustment. The height ranges from 26” to 48” (measuring from the desk ledge to the ground) and has an overall height of about 60” (to the top of the desk). This stand is also available with the shorter Concertino shaft.

Ludwig’s New Element Lacquer Series Drums Ludwig’s Element Lacquer Series Drums feature six-ply shells boasting inner and outer plies of marbled birch and a poplar core. For a limited time, Ludwig is offer-

New Pedals from Visual Sound Visual Sound’s Open Road Overdrive pedal features an interactive tone circuit, effecting not only high-end roll-off, but gain structure as well. At any setting, at any volume, Open Road is said to produce organic amp-like tones. The Truetone Clean Boost pedal can be used with another pedal, just put Truetone after that pedal for a volume boost, a solo boost, or to make a certain part stand out. Punch in and punch out without affecting your tone.

D’Addario Violin Fingerboard Appliqué The D’Addario Violin Fingerboard Appliqué was developed by noted music educator Peter Stoney. The Appliqué uses a tactile approach allowing the player to feel the touch point for the proper note and is available in two styles: an “Optic” version with the touch lines colored gold to provide an additional visual cue, and a solid black “Tactile” version that is nearly invisible on the fingerboard. The Appliqué installs quickly in just a few minutes and is easily removed without damaging the fingerboard. The Appliqué is available for violins in 4/4, 3/4, and 1/2 scale sizes. 190 MMR

ing the five-piece Element Lacquer shell packs with a sixth drum free. Element is fortified with 2.5mm power snare hoops, available in four configurations and four high-gloss lacquer finishes, and accented by the new Classic Keystone Lug. The Element Series Drums carry a MSRP $1,045.

Hot Wires’ DB500 Passive Direct Box Hot Wires expands its In-Line Audio Series with the introduction of the DB500 Passive Direct Box. The DB500 is an affordable DI designed to transform any high-impedance signal into a low-impedance signal suitable for long cable runs or direct connection to a mixing console. The DB500 is intended for the recording or reinforcement of bass guitars, keyboards, DJ mixers, acoustic guitars, or any equipment that does not feature an XLR output, or any situation in which a direct audio connection is preferable to using a live microphone. The DB500 is a passive design that does not require batteries or phantom power to operate. It utilizes a high quality transformer to match impedance between Hi-Z 1/4” and Low-Z

XLR connections. Two parallel 1/4” jacks act as inputs/direct pass thrus, allowing the DB500 to be inserted into an audio chain without affecting the signal, yet still sending audio to the transformer for balancing. The balanced low-impedance signal is output through the single XLRM connector, from which it is typically sent to a stage snake box such as the In-Line Audio SNK164100, and then out to a mixing console or recorder. The DB500 also features a clearly marked ground lift switch. The switch breaks the ground on XLR pin 1, often solving ground-loop hums and noise problems. With its all-metal construction, the DB500 is rugged enough for the road and is covered by a two-year limited warranty. The DB500 lists for $49.99.

Mike Balter Mallets Sounds of the Studio Series The Emil Richards Sounds of the Studio Series includes specialty mallets developed exclusively by Mike Balter in conjunction with Emil Richards. The Slap Mallets feature an elongated cushioned head producing a distinctive slap on marimba and vibes. The head is 3” tall by 1 7/8” wide with a 15 3/8” overall length, and a 5/16” natural birch shaft with a foam grip. Model ERSM retails for $60 per pair. The Crotale Mallets feature a ½” brass head on a very thin 7 ½” handle. When played on orchestra bells these mallets have a full, light tone. The mallets are also suitable for triangles. Model ERCR retails for $36 per pair. The Super Rub Mallets produce a rubbing sound effect on an array of instruments: snare drum; bass drum; timpani; gongs; cymbals; conga drums; and cow bells. The mallets are 8 ½” in overall length. Model ERSR retails for $24 a set. The Conga Mallets’ head has a flat surface producing a full solid tone. They feature a ½” maple shaft with a vinyl grip, and are 11” in overall length. Model ERCM retails for $58 per pair. MAY 2009

Supplierscene Leenman Awarded Friend of Music Business Award Tracy Leenman, CEO of the recentlyformed Musical Innovations, received the SCMEA Friend of Music Business Award at the South Carolina Music Educators Conference annual In-Service Convention in Charleston, S.C. This award is given annually to thank, honor, and recognize a member of the business community who has shown exemplary support for local music education programs. Nominees must be recommended by a music educator, a school administrator, and a student or parent who benefitted from the nominee’s contributions. Mrs. Leenman was nominated by David Allison and Maria Lee, band directors at Summit Parkway Middle School in Columbia; Sig Tanner, principal at Summit Parkway; Linda Phipps, a second grade teacher; and a parent of two band students. Mrs. Leenman has been a member of SCMEA since 1994 and has served on their executive board as music industry representative and chairperson of the SCMEA since 1997. She has been active in the music industry, supporting school music programs at the state and national level for over 15 years. Musical Innovations, which she formed in 2008, is based in Greer and provides musical products and services to music educators, music retailers, music students, and their families. In addition to providing in-service clinics and workshops to educators, administrators, and community groups, Musical Innovations also provides consulting services and musical products to music retailers. The company has also recently begun selling musical instruments, accessories, and print music to area music students and educators. For more information, visit

sor of Trombone at the Eastman School of Music, as the newest Antoine Courtois Paris Trombone Performing Artist. Professor Marcellus was recently at the Buffet Crampon USA headquarters in Jacksonville, Fla., to select his trombones - an AC440BR tenor trombone and an AC430TLR tenor trombone. Dr. Marcellus is a legend in the trombone performance and pedagogy world and is a world-renowned trombone virtuoso and teacher. To find out more, visit

new Web site. The new site has a multisource search engine and the photos are expandable. You can visit the new Web site at www.

Sweetwater’s Adrian Belew Signature Model

Tri-Technical Systems Celebrates Silver Anniversary

Guitarist Adrian Belew (King Crimson, Frank Zappa, Talking Heads) chose Sweetwater in Fort Wayne, Ind., as the

location for debuting his new Parker Adrian Belew Signature model guitar. In addition to a special presentation and concert for Sweetwater’s Sales Engineers, Belew played a free concert, open to the public, in Sweetwater’s state-of-the-art Performance Theatre. To find out more, visit

Marcellus Named Antoine Courtois Paris Brass Artist

New Web Site for Mandolin Bros.

Antoine Courtois Paris Brass, distributed in North America by Buffet Crampon USA, announced John Marcellus, Profes-

Mandolin Brothers, Ltd., the New Yorkbased guitar, mandolin, and banjo shop, has announced the launching of their

MAY 2009

Tri-Technical Systems is celebrating its 25th Anniversary. Tri-Tech continues to work towards providing a software solution to help retailers grow their business more efficiently and profitably, while at the same time providing customer support. To continue to expand Tri-Tech’s product offerings, a new product line, PC/POLL Systems, was acquired in 2006. The PC/POLL software includes polling and programming tools to help businesses collect and utilize information from electronic cash registers (ECRs). Like TriTech, PC/POLL began in 1984 and has followed a similar model of developing products with users in mind. The PC/POLL software can be found within all 50 states and 20 countries worldwide. Distribution of these products is done through an extensive cash register dealer network. For more information, visit

Cascio Interstate Music Presents the Bucks Wild! Drumline Cascio Interstate Music has partnered with the Milwaukee Bucks in an effort to provide an opportunity for Bucks fans to be further entertained at select games by the Milwaukee Bucks Wild! Drumline. The 21-person percussion ensemble made its debut during the first quarter break at a Bucks game back in February. MMR 191


The group was selected via an open audition that was advertised on the Milwaukee Bucks Web site. The 21 percussionists feature – eight on snare drums, three on tenor drums, five on bass drums, and five on cymbals. Cascio Interstate Music has outfitted the entire squad with Pearl equipment and instruments. More information about Cascio is available at

Visual Sound’s Stimulus Pricing on Pedals Visual Sound has announced new lower prices on six models in their V2 Series line of effect pedals. The new pricing

will remain in effect until the current economic crisis is over. According to Bob Weil, president of Visual Sound, “We recognize that although all of our pedals are reasonably priced, they’re still a bit expensive for a lot of musicians during these difficult times. Now, we are offering four models for under $100, along with all our other V2 Series pedals that are still within reach of most guitar players.” The pedals affected by the stimulus pricing are: Son of Hyde (distortion) - $99.95; Route 808 (overdrive) - $99.95; Comp 66 (compression) - $99.95; Angry Fuzz (fuzz octave) - $119.95; Liquid Chorus (chorus) - $119.95; Double Trouble (dual overdrive) - $149.95; Truetone (clean boost) $99.95; Open Road (overdrive) - $119.95 All the Visual Sound pedals can be seen and heard at

world, excluding North America, which is handled through Flaxwood’s own U.S. subsidiary, Flaxwood USA. Starting immediately, IBCT will seek international distribution partners for these innovative, high quality instruments. Flaxwood represents a range of guitars featuring: full, rich tone; extended sustain; wide frequency response and dynamic range; troublefree tuning and flawless intonation. The guitars sit at the quality, niche end of the market. IBC Trading has built sales for brands such as Fishman, G7th, Lowden Guitars, and Breedlove Guitars. For more information, contact Dave Ingham at IBC Trading Ltd.

IBC Trading and Flaxwood Partner for Worldwide Sales IBC Trading is the new international sales arm of Flaxwood Guitars from Finland. IBCT will manage sales and distribution strategies throughout the

Mapex Awarded at Musikmesse At the annual Musikmesse convention in Frankfurt, Germany the Mapex Meridian Maple won the 2009 MIPA award for Best Drum Set. MIPA (Musikmesse International Press Award) is a press organization comprised of over 112 magazines from all over the world. Representatives from these publications voted for the best products of 2009 in over 40 categories. In addition to the Meridian Series nomination, Mapex was also nominated in the drum hardware category for the all-new 700 Series Hardware. The Musikmesse convention is held annually in Frankfurt and features exhibits from over 300 manufacturers from 47 countries. The four-day festival attracts over 78,000 visitors. For more information, visit 192 MMR

MAY 2009

Classifieds Classified Advertising To place an ad, please call Maureen at 800-964-5150 x34 or email

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Personalized Guitar Strap Personalized Guitar Straps are embroidered, affordable, cool and professional looking - making them a long lasting guitar gift for that special guitar player.

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Payment by: Visa, MC, Amex or Check Classifieds must be paid in advance. Symphony Publishing 21 Highland Circle, Suite 1, Needham, MA 02494 Fax: (781) 453-9389

For Classified Sales Call Maureen • 800-964-5150 ext. 34 •

Business Opportunities

MAY 2009

MMR 193

Visit the Classifieds on the Web:

Business Opportunities

• Band and Orchestra Rentals • New and Like New Educator-Approved Brand Name Instruments • Personalized Rent-To-Own Program • No Franchise Fee or Inventory Investment • No Shipping Costs • High Commissions Paid the 1st of Every Month • Exceptional Service

Dealers Wanted

Breaking News

Guitar Show Operators

Promote your show dates and reach every guitar dealer in the US through the classified pages of MMR. Call Maureen 800-964-5150 ext 34 194 MMR

Find it in the Hot News section of MMR’s Web site, MAY 2009

Visit the Classifieds on the Web:

For Sale

Help Wanted URL and Website For Sale THIS IS A VERY POPULAR WEBSITE FOR SELLING UKULELES. Price includes $100,000. in inventory $500,000 For info 808-870-5953

MUSIC STORE FOR SALE ON MAUI Have you ever dreamed of living in Hawaii? This could be your chance! Full Line Music Store in Paradise. All inventory and xtures included. Most major lines are represented. Established in 1979 $500,000 plus inventory For info 808-870-5953 FOR SALE Beautiful central Florida Well-known music store, Located 24 years on East Coast! All inventory/xtures, turnkey! Major brands, full-line. No real property. 8 + studios Owners have aging parents. Call PM only. Partner/investor okay. 321-725-3047

For Classified Sales Call Maureen

800-964-5150 ext. 34

Help Wanted Great Opportunity Will train energetic person to run a small\music store and give them an option to purchase. Southern California locale. Contact Joel at (949) 290-2945 MAY 2009

Experienced Piano Salesperson

Bechstein America is now accepting applications for retail piano sales positions in the Manhattan, New York Bechstein Centre. Please apply in condence by forwarding your resume to the attention of David Skidmore at: C. Bechstein 207 W 58th Street, New York, NY 10019 fax 212-581-5067 or email to:

Guitar Show Operators

Promote your show dates and reach every guitar dealer in the US through the classified pages of MMR. Call Maureen

800-964-5150 ext 34 MMR 195

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Help Wanted

One of the fastest growing Drum & Percussion companies in the Musical Products industry is seeking qualified candidates to fill their US Sales Manager position. Primary responsibilities include establishing and managing key accounts, as well as leading a team of inside sales associates. This position will be based in Southern California. Overnight travel required. Candidates should possess the following: • •

• •

Music industry experience Ability to train and motivate others Proven track record of sales accomplishments Well-developed verbal and written communication skills Self-motivated Excellent time management skills Computer literacy


STEINWAY PIANOS: Sales and Management positions. Represent the industry’s most desired products, in Canada’s most lucrative, exclusive territory with area’s leading piano house. Unique opportunity for ambitious, energetic person w. proven sales experience.

Wristies® fingerless gloves Warmth for hands-dexterity for fingers! Find out why so many musicians are wearing them for practice and performance.

Print Music-Bookstore: Assoc. mgr. in charge of daily op’s, inventory control, sales activities. Music background & some relevant exp. required. eMail Resumes:

Wholesale, retail and quantity discounts available. 800-811-8290



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Send resume and salary history to

196 MMR

MAY 2009

Visit the Classifieds on the Web:

Merchandise Oboes & Bassoons

We create the finest hand-crafted Oboes & Bassoons. Also replacement 5K Bassoon Bocals.

Linton Woodwinds Corporation, Jack Linton 1013 Alma St. Elkhart, IN 46514 U.S.A. PH: 1-866-220-2909 Fax: 574-266-7658 E-Mail:

Repair Tools




Asian High Quality No other supplier offers superior service before, during and after the sale. You get what you pay for!


1-800-782-2694 North American Music 11 Kay Fries Drive Stony Point, NY 10980 Fax: (845) 429-6920


FAST TURN-AROUND ON STOCK REPAIRS NATIONWIDE NAPBIRT member, 26 Years Experience Contact: Dan Rieck, 801-733-4243

BAND INSTRUMENT REPAIR VIDEO Save $$$ on repair expense. Earn extra income. Journeyman repairman offers “How To” videos on the repair of brass and woodwind instruments. For information write to: B.I.R.V. Co. 880 Slater Rd. Bellingham, WA. 98226 (360) 384-6707

Repair Tools For 60 years we have provided musical instrument repair tools to technicians and musicians around the world. We have a wide selection of pads and other supplies in addition to our repair tools. Contact us today for a FREE CATALOG.

CLASSIFIEDS on the MOVE! check for daily updates!

MMR 197

Visit the Classifieds on the Web:

Repair Tools

Vintage Instruments BOW REHAIRING Expert Bow Service

Order forms,Pricing and Shipping label at: Violin bows as low as $10.00 per bow in quantity incl. shipping (see website for details.) Large inventory of replacement parts both new and vintage. IRA B. KRAEMER & Co. Wholesale Services Division

“An industry leader since 1967” 467 Grant Avenue, Scotch Plains, N.J. 07076 Tel: 908-322-4469 Fax: 908 322-8613 e mail:

Reps Wanted INDEPENDENT SALES REPS Sales Reps Wanted Band & Orchestra Instruments Most territories open A Great Job! AMERICA LONGXING


(800) 222-2888

(310) 830-3362 (FAX) •

(718) 706-0828 Ask for Paul

Wanted To Buy Wanted USED TUBAS

Sales Representatives Wanted!! Michigan-based Brass, Woodwind and accessories line. Join a great new organization with an “artist-endorsed” product. Competitive Commissions with incentive. Contact: 734-384-1705


with Lone Wolf Trucking

is a “grand” idea!

An independent, long-distance Mover specializing in coast-to-coast residential Relocation.

1-800-982-9505 Alamogordo, New Mexico. 88310

ICC MC-256289

Store For Sale Music Store Owner Retiring

For Classified Sales Call Maureen 800-964-5150 ext. 34 198 MMR

High trafc area, very successful. We are a full line music store, 10,000 sq. ft. free standing building, Band instrument rental program 14 lesson rooms with over 400 students major lines guitars, drums and accessories, Established 21 years, includes tuning business, piano moving with truck and band and instrument repair dept. Can be subdivided: 4,000 sq. ft. and 6,000 sq. ft. Call 631 495-3223 New York


WE, BUY, SELL, TRADE and ship worldwide. Written APPRAISALS available. GRUHN GUITARS, 400 Broadway, Nashville, TN 37203

(615) 256-2033

fax (615) 255-2021

Guitar Show Operators

Promote your show dates and reach every guitar dealer in the US through the classified pages of MMR. Call Maureen

800-964-5150 ext 34 MAY 2009




A A & G Music Products Co. Accordions International Acoustics First Corp. Al Cass Alfred Music Publishing Allied Supply Corp. Allparts Amati’s Fine Instruments America Longxing Inc. American DJ Supply Inc. American DJ Supply Inc. American Plating & Mfg. Co. American Way Marketing LLC American Way Marketing LLC Anderson Silver Plating Antigua Winds, Inc. Atlantic Music Centers

130 157 37 173 51 165 171 67 50 19 13 38 42 185 139 41 45

B J.J. Babbitt Co. Inc. Bee-In Tuner, Inc. Black Mountain Instruments Blitz Manufacturing Co., Inc. Bluthner USA LLC. Breezy Ridge Instruments Ltd.

58 50 155 54 53 159

C CAD Professional Microphones Lou Capece Music Cappello Music Co./ Traps Drums Carter Steel Guitars Casa Veerkamp SA de CV CE Distribution LLC Cecilio Musical Instruments Chem-Pak Inc. Classic Musical Instruments Collings Guitars Concord International Group, Inc. Creative Bags and Cases Ltd

77 56 133 145 147 68 62 70 61 132 9 70

D D’Addario & Co. D’Addario Canada Dampit David E. Smith Publications, LLC, Decals Unlimited Dillion Guitars MAY 2009

65 187 159 177 179 78



Diplomat Musical Direct Import Direct Sound Headphones Corporation Dunlop Manufacturing Inc.

PAGE 128 79

79 18

47 95 83 63 72 60 130 83 151

44 40 192 169 85

E/F E. & O. Mari Inc./La Bella Eko Guitars Eleca International EMD Music Inc. Epilog Laser FDW-W Fred Gretsch Enterprises French American Reed Mfg. Co. FRM Enterprises

G GCI Technologies GHS Corp. Gold Crest LLC Gracie Stands Grover

H H & F Technologies Inc. Hailun Distribution LLC Hal Leonard Corp. Holz LTD Hora S.A. House of Troy Howard Core Company LLC Humes & Berg Mfg.Co. Inc.

27 93 43 84 95 90 91 34

I IBC Trading Ltd. IBC Trading Ltd. Ideal Musical Merchandise Co Indie Guitars

111 78 155 93

153 149

J J.M. Linton Woodwinds Jack Rabbit Technologies Jamey Aebersold Jazz Aids JHS Jody Jazz Jones Double Reed Products

81 87 14

K/L Kala Brand Music Co.

97 MMR 199



Kaman Music Corp. Kawai America Corp. Ken Smith Basses Ltd. Keystone Electronics Kyser Musical Products Inc. LM Products LPD Music International

PAGE 96 cov 3 137 71 141 98 97

M M&M Merchandisers Inc. Manhasset Specialty Co. Marketing Insights Inc. Metropolitan Music. Micro Musical Products Corp. Mono Cases LLC Music Agency Inc.

103 105 107 101 181 109 151

N NAMM National Educational Music Co. National Music Funding NS Design

20-21 73 116 110

P/Q P & D Wholesale Peak Music Stands Pearl River Piano Group Petrof USA Piano Technicians Guild Pianotek Supply Company Pocket Songs Poppenberg & Associates B. Portnoy Clarinet Accessories PRS Guitars (Paul Reed Smith) QMP Sales

126 116 119 69 133 140 75 143 136 5 114

186 135 120 187 129

R Randy Potter, RPT Remle Musical Products Inc. Rockbox Roc-N-Soc Inc. Rodgers Instruments LLC

200 MMR


Schilke Music Products Schoenhut Piano Company Score Marketing Scott’s Highland Services Ltd. Sennheiser Elec Corp Shane Music Products Shubb Capos SKB Corp. St. Louis Music String Swing Mfg. Inc. Super-Sensitive Musical String Co.

PAGE 125 112 134 163 cov 2 127 118 59 15 11


7 46 1 48 122 18

T Talwar Brothers Tenon Industrial Company TKL Products Corp. Tone King Corp. ToneGear Tycoon Percussion

U/V Ultrasound Amplifiers Supplies V.J. Rendano Wholesale Music Vater Percussion Vic Firth, Inc. Vic Firth, Inc. Visual Sound LLC

17 131 52 89 57 cov 4

122 111 99 138 138 117 127 64 66 126

W Walking Bird Repair Forms Wanne Inc. Warburton Music Products WD Music Wexler Music Co. Wilkins Guitars Windy City Mutes Wittner GmbH & Co. KG Wm. Kratt Co. Wyman Piano Company

Y/Z Yamaha Corp. of America Avedis Zildjian Co.

S Saga Samson Technologies Corp.


55 39

121 3

MAY 2009

The Premier Piano of Japan

t h e

e d u c a t e d

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p i a n o s

conservatorio superior de musica de palma (spain) ecole de musique (france) egå gymnasium (denmark) etta and joseph miller performing arts center ikast gymnasium (denmark) interlochen center for the arts kungsholm gymnasium (sweden) kyoto city university of arts laugalækjarskóli (iceland)

c h o i c e.

s e l e c t e d

listaháskóli islands (iceland) musashino academia musicae (japan) music academy mlinaric vladimir (slovenia) music school nova gorica (slovenia) music school slovenske konjice (slovenia) music school trebnje (slovenia) musikhochschule nürnberg-augsburg (germany) national center for the performing arts (china) national taipei university of education national taichung university of education national university of ireland maynooth newington college nordiska musikgymnasiet (sweden) norges musikkhøgskole (norway) pacific union college reinhardt college scots college (australia)

b y :

seitoku university (japan) shanghai conservatory of music shorter college showa academia musicae (japan) staatliche hochschule für musik freiburg (germany) taipei municipal university of education tallinna muusikakeskkoolile (estonia) terni conservatory (italy) tokyo college of music tokyo gakugei university university of houston university of nevada - las vegas university of western australia waseda university (japan) westminster school atlanta wheaton college xi’an conservatory of music (china)

Shigeru Kawai Piano Company 2055 E. University Drive Rancho Dominguez, CA 90220 310-223-0900

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