MMSA-Malta Application for SECSE 2013

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Application for Malta to host SECSE 2013

Southern European Cooperation on Sexual Education

September ‘13 By MMSA- MALTA

Contents: 1. About MMSA 2. About Malta 3. Logistics 4. Methods Exchange 5. Conference Theme & External Speakers 6. Social Programme 7. Plan of Action

1. About MMSA The Malta Medical Students’ Association represents all medical students at the University of Malta (UoM) since 1951. The Malta Medical Students’ Association (MMSA) aims to enhance the medical student life through promoting active participation in the academic system, internal exchanges and training in various fields of the public health sector. The MMSA also aims at empowering society to become functionally involved in holistic health decision making. The MMSA is a full member of the International Federation of Medical Students’ Associations (IFMSA) and European Medical Students’ Association (EMSA). As part of IFMSA, it enjoys international status amongst 108 National Member Organisations encompassing over one million medical students globally. MMSA is also affiliated locally with the National Council of Women and supported actively by the Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Directorate in Malta.

2. About Malta Malta, a group of three small islands in the heart of the Mediterranean, has been attracting conference and incentive groups for years and a great variety of other visitors for centuries. Malta is holidaying as the mood takes you. And with near year-round sun, you can indulge in outdoor living at its best. In just a kilometre or two, you can try a new sport, laze on an island cruise and tour the most important historic sites, and still have time to join in the nightlife. That's the real advantage of a stay here. Here you can span the millennia with an astonishing array of things to discover. And wherever you go, the scenery and architecture provide a spectacular backdrop. The colours are striking, honey-coloured stone against the deepest of Mediterranean blues. The historical capital Valletta has much to offer being the commercial and administrative centre of the nation. The Grand Harbour is a site not to be missed, with marvellous views of the massive bastions protecting the capital and the surrounding Three Cities across the harbour. The Sliema and St.Julian’s area is renowned for its nightlife and cosmopolitan feel. Besides this the coastal north has beautiful beaches for you to work on that summer tan, whilst the urban south boasts of its picturesque villages. During the months of summer you will also be able to enjoy a local ‘festa’, a colourful celebration of fireworks, music and religious devotion dedicated to the village patron. Malta has an abundance to offer, whether you are looking for a perfect place to hold a flawless business meeting or conference, and an ideal destination for a relaxing holiday!

3. Logistics MMSA-Malta is very proud to present this application to be the host of the first SECSE ever to take place this September 2013, especially after receiving many recommendations during the IFMSA MM13, USA. We will ensure that as a host country, all the delegates will be welcomed warmly, accommodated fully and given the best Mediterranean experience on the island!

Our proposal includes 4 full days (3 nights) in a 4 star hotel at a target maximum price of 120 euro per delegate (early registration fee) which will cover the accommodation, dining on a full board basis and use of conference and hotel facilities. There will be 40 – 50 attendees, with 4 delegates per NMO (10 NMO countries) and an extra 10 places for NECSE delegates and facilitators. MMSA has already been in contact with various hotels on the island which can accommodate such conference. All the hotels in question are fully equipped to give each delegate the accommodation and dining they deserve whilst also being in a prime location, with only a few minutes to nearby beaches to set the scene and social programme.

Below please find the links to the hotels we are currently in contact with:   

Seabank Resort & Spa Ramla Bay Resort Paradise Bay Resort Hotel

4. Methods Exchange The Southern European Cooperation on Sexual Education (SECSE) Projects is a platform where IFMSA members of Southern European countries of various peer education sexual and relationship education projects can get together to share teaching and education methods with the aim to improve their NMO peer education programmes related to sexual education whilst also strengthening their skills and motivation to be well-rounded peer educators.

MMSA has a very strong National Peer Education and Training (NPET) standing committee and this is one of the reasons for applying to host SECSE. We believe that as an NMO we can help with the facilitation of sessions and methods exchange. Moreover, we have allocated extra places for NECSE delegates to attend and help with the smooth running of the first IFMSA SECSE. Such methods exchange will consists of:

     

Methods of tackling controversial subjects Teambuilding exercises Games and Activities Small working groups Brainstorming and Discussions Evaluation and Feedback

MMSA also ensures to provide SECSE attendees with any resources and stationery they require to make sessions a success such as projectors, flipcharts, markers, sticky notes etc. The hotel chosen will also have a large conference room to accommodate 50 – 60 people for conference – themed sessions and also 2 to 3 small rooms for when attendees are working in smaller groups of 10 -20 people. This will allow the facilitators and trainers to distribute their sessions according to their ease and liking.

5. Conference Theme & External Speakers Sexual Health & Migration As the world becomes more of a global village and migration continues to increase, so do concerns regarding the health of migrants and their access to healthcare services both in their country of origin and where they are now living. Furthermore, concerns regarding the epidemiology of disease and the way in which migration has affected prevalence have also been brought to light over the last years. Language barriers, cultural difference, marginalisation and stigmatisation all make it very difficult to reach migrant populations and ethnic communities through health and social services across Europe. Sexual Health education and outreach is no exception. This poses a risk to Europe as migrant populations are at high risk for infection and being subject to discrimination. Malta’s position in the heart of the Mediterranean, between the continents of Africa and Europe, also leads to a large annual influx of migrants seeking refuge from hardships in their homeland. Approximately 15,000 asylum seekers have landed by boat on our small island nation between 2002 and 2012. These migrants, typically from sub-Saharan Africa, arrive in Malta after treacherous boat journeys across the Mediterranean, in unseaworthy boats, without enough food, water, or fuel. This has subject Maltese doctors to dealing with health related problems which we are not used to, and with issues such as Female Genital Mutilation. Sexual Migration is a term coined to refer to the international relocation that is motivated, directly or indirectly, by the sexuality of those who migrate. This concept moves away from the usual economic drives to relocate, and puts emphasis on the idea of sexuality as a motivation for migration. There may be desire to continue a romantic relationship with a foreign national or perhaps the hopes of exploring sexual desires or gender identity transformation. Sexual migration may also be necessary to avoid persecution, or to search for more hospitable environments – perhaps especially in light of LGBT issues, and Sex workers. With all this in mind Malta has chosen the team of Sexual Health and Migration as the focus for the first SECSE being organised.

We will be organizing a programme delivered by professionals in the field, to address these topics:     

Migration and HIV/AIDS – epidemiology, and accessibility to treatment. Sexual Health Policy – with discussion on policies and their implementation in Malta, Southern Europe and Europe in general. Asylum seekers and Healthcare workers – with special reference to Female Genital Mutilation and Sexual Health issues. Migrants’ Right to Health – what can we change to improve migrants’ health particularly with regards to STIs and reproductive health. Sexual Migration – with emphasis on LGBT issues.

Amongst others, our provisional list of speakers includes: 

Hon. Dr. Godfrey Farrugia

Minister for Health, Malta 

Dr. Tonio Piscopo

Consultant on Internal Medicine and Infectious Disease 

Dr. Charles Mallia Azzopardi

Infectious Disease Consultant at Mater Dei Hospital 

Dr. Tanya Melillo

Principle Medical Officer at the Maltese Department for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention 

Dr. Philip Carabott

Head of the GU clinic at Mater Dei Hospital 

Ms. Gabi Calleja

Coordinator of MGRM, the Malta Gay Rights Movement. 

Dr. Neil Falzon

Human Rights Lawyer, and Head of the Human Rights NGO – Aditus

6. Social Programme In Malta, you can explore 7000 years of history yet live passionately in the present. The sun shines pretty much throughout the whole year and the crystal-clear waters of Mediterranean Sea are never more than a stone’s throw away. There are no long distances insofar as getting around the island is concerned. However, there is much to see and do – ranging from swimming, sailing and water sports, to history and cultural outings, to the vibrant nightlife.

Our approach to life is to enjoy and celebrate it as much as possible, it’s no wonder that our clubbing scene thrives all year round. This includes an all-week affair in a variety of venues, from large clubs to quieter bars and the admission is generally free.

MMSA will see to preparing an unforgettable social here in Malta, this will include:    

Opening Ceremony and Party National Food and Drink Night BBQ and Beach Party Closing Ceremony

7. Plan of Action MMSA- Malta would be the perfect host for SECSE 2013 and the experience would definitely one to kick-start a series of future SECSEs improving and promoting sexual health education in Southern European countries and also in the whole of Europe.

If chosen to be the host, it will be MMSA’s personal goal to deliver one of the best IFMSA international conferences ever. Below please find our plan of action which will be effective immediately if Malta is to be the host for SECSE 2013 this coming September: 1. Set up an MMSA SECSE OC 2013 (by end of April) which will include a Head of OC, Assistant, Treasurer, Sessions Coordinator and Leisure Coordinator 2. Confirm accommodation and sponsors 3. Design and promote the MMSA Invitation Package for SECSE 2013 including a personalised logo, poster and video (by end of June) which will be distributed via IFMSA servers and a personalised MMSA SECSE 2013 facebook page 4. Open early registration for 4 delegates per NMO (first week of July) and late registration (second week of July) 5. Contact and confirm external speakers for the conference-themed sessions and release a detailed agenda (by beginning of August) 6. Plan the whole social programme ensuring 100% satisfaction

MMSA is already in contact with possible future sponsors (listed below) and will continue to search for more sponsors throughout the processing of the application. 

St. James Hospital

Air Malta

Malta International Airport


Bay Radio


General Soft Drinks

Go Mobile




Central Bank of Malta

If chosen to be the host country for SECSE, the newly chosen Treasurer and Assistant in the MMSA SECSE 2013 OC will be responsible to confirm sponsorships with local and international companies whilst also applying for a possible Youth in Action Grant in May.

MMSA- Malta is very exciting to welcome SECSE on our small but welcoming and entertaining island and I hope you will give us this opportunity! You will definitely not be disappointed! For









on or Keith Pace (VP ’12-13) on If chosen we will be using the new official email

Thank you!

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