Spring After School Studios
BEGINNING COOKING Ages 3- 1st Grade Wednesday • 3:45 - 4:30 PM Ms. Crystal Sorrow This class will strive to teach a love of the process of cooking. Children will participate in every aspect of creating an edible recipe during each class. Children will measure, count, pour, mix, identify ingredients, and discuss the final product. This class will employ the Montessori techniques of a truly sensorial experience. Students will be introduced to new foods, will learn ingredient names, and will work with a variety of kitchen implements. Some heat cooking will be used, but many recipes will focus on the preparation and will not require heat. This class will be an excellent hands-on experience and will promote self-confidence. Children will be able to eat or bring home their prepared Please send in a container with your child each food at the end of each class.
week for leftovers.
Classes Begin:
Wednesday, January 3, 2017
$350.00 for spring semester (January-April) Includes all ingredients and equipment
Contact Information:
E-mail is the easiest way to communicate with me and for me to communicate with you. My email address is csorrow@millhopper.com
Minimum of five students needed for class to occur.
Children must be 3 years of age AND potty-trained to attend this after school studio. *If your child’s food allergies are severe or numerous please speak to Ms. Crystal directly before registering your child in cooking class. Please remember that we are cooking each week with a number of children and it may not be possible to accommodate all allergies or food considerations.
- Costs are the same amount each month regardless of how many weeks are in a month - The After School Program fee of $6.00 per hour will be charged in addition to the Studio fee - Students will not be able to participate in any after school studios if any tuition payment is past due
SPOTLIGHT SINGERS VOCAL ENSEMBLE (Junior and Senior Groups) Ages 4 – 5th Grade Monday • Juniors 3:30 - 3:55, Seniors 4:00 - 4:30 PM Director: Ms. Christina Eckstein In keeping with the Montessori philosophy, I will be asking some of the younger elementary students to join the junior vocal ensemble. The elementary students will develop confidence and leadership skills as the younger students learn proper techniques that are being modeled by the older students. There will be no extra cost if your child participates in two sessions. Elementary students will be placed in groups depending on musical skill and behavior demonstrated during rehearsals. Families will be notified via email the weekend of January 19th pertaining to ensemble placement. If your answer is YES to the following questions, then the vocal ensemble studio is for you! • • • • •
Do you love to sing? Can you carry a tune? Are you able to move to the beat of the music? Do you have dramatic expression? Do you love bringing joy to others through the performing arts?
Students will be exposed to a wide variety of musical styles and genres in vocal ensemble. In addition to singing, some compositions will lend themselves to great choreography and dramatic presentations. Most importantly, students learn how to work as a team and develop self-confidence as they work towards a common goal. Classes Begin:
Monday, January 22, 2018
3:30-3:55 Jr. Vocal Ensemble 4:00-4:30 Sr. Vocal Ensemble
$200.00 for spring semester: January-May (includes rehearsals, music and accompanist fee)
Application deadline is Friday, January 19, 2018. Families will be notified via e-mail about ensemble placement on the weekend of January 19, 2018
Contact Information:
Ms. Christina Eckstein ceckstein@millhopper.com
Students will eat snack when it is served during the After School Program. - Costs are the same amount each month regardless of how many weeks are in a month - The After School Program fee of $6.00 per hour will be charged in addition to the Studio fee. - Students will not be able to participate in any after school studios if any tuition payment is past due
SEWING Monday 3rd-8th 3:30-5:00 PM Wednesday and Thursday 1st - 8th Grade • 3:30 - 5:00 PM Ms. Susie Long Ms. Susie will offer a Sewing Studio on M ond ay , Wed nes d ay and Thursday afternoons from 3:30-5:00 in Ms. Anita Bender’s classroom. The children will learn many different styles of sewing, including hand sewing (embroidery) and sewing on the sewing machine. Several different projects will be made at varying levels of ability.
Classes Begin:
Monday, January 8, 2018
$350.00 for Fall semester (January-May) Includes supplies & materials
Contact Information:
Ms. Susie Long slong@millhopper.com
- The After School Program fee of $6.00 per hour will be charged in addition to the Studio fee - Students will not be able to participate in any after school studios if any tuition payment is past due - Costs are the same amount each month regardless of how many weeks are in a month
CHESS CLUB 1st - 8th Grade Tuesday • 3:30 - 4:30 PM Mr. Richard Aslanian All students in 1st through 8th grades are welcome to join. The requirements are a commitment to attending chess club and a basic knowledge of the game. Students need to know the names of all pieces and how they move, how to set up a chessboard, and the concept of a checkmate. The purpose of the club is to play, improve skills and to have fun! Some group instruction is provided by our chess coach at the beginning of each session, followed by the students pairing up and playing each other. If you have any questions, please call or e-mail Mr. Richard.
Classes Begin:
Tuesday, January 16, 2018
$100.00 for Spring Semester (January-May)
Contact Information:
Mr. Richard Aslanian raslanian@millhopper.com Studio will cap at 20 students.
Chess Club will not take place on Teacher Work Afternoons. Please be sure to indicate your child’s t-shirt size on the registration form. Note:
- Costs are the same amount each month regardless of how many weeks are in a month - The After School Program fee of $6.00 per hour will be charged in addition to the Studio fee - Students will not be able to participate in any after school studios if any tuition payment is past due
MMS BAND 3rd - 8th Grade Thursday • 3:30 - 5:00 PM Ms. Margaret Dixon & Ms. Danaya Wright
Interested in making music and learning an instrument? Pick an instrument (cannot accommodate string instruments) and join the MMS Band! No experience necessary. Students will learn the basics and get instruction through our very own performer and music educator, along with an experienced MMS parent musician. Instruments can be rented from Great Southern Music Co. for a very reasonable amount, or a student may borrow from a friend or family member. Join us for the fall semester, and get ready to perform!
Classes Begin:
Thursday, January 11, 2018 First class will be a chance to try out various instruments and pick one!
$250.00 for spring semester (January-May) Does not include instrument or stand
Contact Information:
Margaret Dixon Danaya Wright
margaretdixon8@gmail.com wrightdc@law.ufl.edu
10 students are needed for the studio to occur. Note:
- The After School Program fee of $6.00 per hour will be charged in addition to the Studio fee. - Students will not be able to participate in any after school studios if any tuition payment is past due - Costs are the same amount each month regardless of how many weeks are in a month
Middle School Gaming Society 6th - 8th Grade Monday • 4:00 - 5:45 PM Ms. Susan Hansen The Middle School Gaming Society will meet once a month for an hour and a half. We will play fun table top games while working on cooperation, strategy, and critical thinking skills. *There will also be optional small group games with Ms. Susan Hansen on most Fridays from 3:30-4:30 p.m. Table top games are a great way to get together and spend time with people. Middle schoolers should enjoy the opportunity to hang out, not do homework, and PLAY MORE GAMES!
Class Dates:
Last Monday of every month with optional gaming on Fridays
January 29 February 19 March 19 April 30 May 21 Payment Options:
$50.00 for Spring semester (January-May)
Contact Information:
Ms. Susan Hansen shansen@millhopper.com
- Costs are the same amount each month regardless of how many weeks are in a month - The After School Program fee of $6.00 per hour will be charged in addition to the Studio fee - Students will not be able to participate in any after school studios if any tuition payment is past due
RETRO GAMING CLUB 5th - 8th Grade Wednesday • 4:00 - 5:30 PM Mr. Carter Johnson
What’s retro is new again! Come join Mr. Carter as he introduces this generation of gamers to the console that started it all, the original NES. Students will get the opportunity every second and fourth Wednesdays to experience the games of the 8 bit generation. Come test your gaming skills against some of the hardest, longest and beloved classics of the video game era. Patience, teamwork, and problem solving skills will all be necessary to conquer these games. Each month will find students taking on a different genre of the NES. Platformers, sports, flying, RPGs, and of course MARIO will all be on display.
Class Dates:
Second and Fourth Wednesdays: January 17 February 14 March 14 April 11 May 9
January 31 February 28 March 21 April 25
Payment Options:
$125.00 for spring semester (January-May)
Contact Information:
Mr. Carter Johnson cjohnson@millhopper.com
Studio will cap at 20 students Note:
- Costs are the same amount each month regardless of how many weeks are in a month - The After School Program fee of $6.00 per hour will be charged in addition to the Studio fee - Students will not be able to participate in any after school studios if any tuition payment is past due
AFTERNOON ACADEMICS Ages 3 1/2 to 7 or on an as needed basis Monday - Friday • 3:30 - 4:15 & 4:30 - 5:15 PM Ms. Elizabeth Falls Ms. Elizabeth Falls will be teaching private lessons from 3:30 - 5:15 p.m. each afternoon. Lessons will focus on math and language (pre-reading, reading and handwriting). Lessons are filled on a first come first serve basis and will be offered every afternoon in 45 minute increments. In order to keep the lessons individualized, please note there is a two student maximum per session - 3:30-4:15 and 4:30-5:15p.m.
Classes Begin:
Monday, January 8, 2017
$55.00 per session - billed monthly
Contact Information:
Ms. Elizabeth Falls efalls@millhopper.com
*Please contact Ms. Elizabeth Falls to schedule your child’s session(s).
Afternoon Academics will not take place on Teacher Work Afternoons ( one Tuesday per month). If another day/time is available during the weeks we have Teacher Work Afternoon scheduled, tutoring sessions can be rescheduled for another day that week.
- The After School Program fee of $6.00 per hour will be charged in addition to the Studio fee - Students will not be able to participate in any after school studios if any tuition payment is past due - Costs are the same amount each month regardless of how many weeks are in a month
Spanish Club 4th-8th Grade Monday 3:30-5:00 PM Ms. Stephanie Dunning Ms. Stephanie Dunning will be holding Spanish Club every Monday. Each meeting will begin at 3:30 pm with homework help, after homework we will start club activities. Students will be guiding activities by deciding what they would like to learn, explore and discover. We will be touching on subjects such as: • • • • •
Homework review, questions Verb Conjugations Vocabulary Conversational Skills Cultural aspects such as food, history, dance, ect.
Special snack each week from various Spanish speaking countries on a rotational basis. Meetings will be held in Ms. Martha Dolan’s Classroom
Classes Begin:
Monday, January 8, 2018 (January 8 -May 21) No Spanish Club April 2, 2018
$25.00 per student
Contact Information:
- The After School Program fee of $6.00 per hour will be charged in addition to the Studio fee. - Students will not be able to participate in any after school studios if any tuition payment is past due - Costs are the same amount each month regardless of how many weeks are in a month
Health & Fitness Club 1st thru 8th Grades Monday, Thursday, Friday 4:00-4:45 or 5:00-5:45
Ms. Mikayla Barber Ms. Mikayla Barber will be holding a Health and Fitness Club, students will be introduced to multiple sports and activities. She places an emphasis on teaching children the fundamental skills for movement, agility, strength, endurance and hypertrophy, as well as target specific sport goals. Strength and conditioning training improves many measures of fitness that are important, including soccer, volleyball, basketball and track and field. Her mission is to introduce advanced strength and condition training while focusing on building self esteem, gross motor skills and developing a regular and consistent workout regimen with fun included! •
Circuit Workouts
Core Strengthening
Classes Begin: Monday, January 15, 2018 (January 15 - May 21) Payment: $250.00 per student
Contact Information: mbarber@millhopper.com 352-375-6773
A minimum of four students are needed for the class to occur Note:
- The After School Program fee of $6.00 per hour will be charged in addition to the Studio fee. - Students will not be able to participate in any after school studios if any tuition payment is past due - Costs are the same amount each month regardless of how many weeks are in a month
AFTERSCHOOL TUTORING/HOMEWORK HELP 1st - 5th Grade Monday, Wednesday 3:30 - 4:30 PM Mr. Richard Aslanian Mr. Richard will offer one-on-one or small group skills and homework tutoring after school for 1st through 5th grade students. Students can use these sessions to: • • •
Work on math, science, or social studies skills Work on homework, or specific assignments Prepare and study for a test
Tutoring/Homework Help will be available on Monday and Wednesday from 3:30– 4:30 PM (unexpected changes may occur due to MMS scheduling changes). Sessions will be filled by appointment only, and on a first come/first served basis. Please contact Mr. Richard directly to set up as many sessions as you need, at any time of the year.
Classes Begin:
Monday, January 8, 2018 (January– May)
$40.00 per hour/per student
Contact Information:
There will be a maximum of 3 students allowed per session. Contact Mr. Richard directly to sign up for specific sessions - as few or as many as are needed. Tutoring/Homework Help will not take place on Teacher Work Afternoons. Note:
- The After School Program fee of $6.00 per hour will be charged in addition to the Studio fee. - Students will not be able to participate in any after school studios if any tuition payment is past due - Costs are the same amount each month regardless of how many weeks are in a month
2017-2018 Spring Studio Application Child's Name:
_________________________________________________________________________ (Last) (First) (MI) (Alias)
Child’s Teacher:
____________________ Gender: _________
Child’s Date of Birth: _____/_____/_____
Parent's/Guardian’s Name(s):
Email Address(es):
Parent's/Guardian’s Signature:
- Full payment for each Studio due in advance - Costs are the same amount each month regardless of how many weeks are in a month - The After School Program fee of $6.00 per hour will be charged in addition to the Studio fee - Students will not be able to participate in any after school studios if any tuition payment is past due
Please register my child for the following studio(s): ________
Beginning Cooking - Ages 3 1/2 through 1st Grade - Wednesday 3:45-4:30 PM $350.00 spring semester / January-April
IMPORTANT: If your child has food allergies and/or considerations (ie. vegetarian), please contact Ms. Crystal Sorrow
Vocal Ensemble - Ages 4 through 5th Grade - Monday _____Jr. 3:30-3:55 PM _____ Sr. 4:00-4:30 PM $200.00 spring semester / January-May
Sewing - 1st through 8th Grade - 3:30-5:00 PM ______Monday 3rd-8th Grade _____Wednesday 1st - 8th Grade _____Thursday 1st - 8th Grade $350.00 spring semester / January-May
Chess Club - 1st through 8th Grade - Tuesday 3:30-4:30 PM $100.00 spring semester / January-April T-shirt Size: YS_____ YM_____ YL_____ AS_____ AM_____ AL _____ AXL_____
Band - 3rd through 8th Grade - Thursday - 3:30-5:00 PM $250.00 spring semester / January-May
Gaming Society - 6th through 8th Grade - Monday - 4:00-5:45 PM $50.00 spring semester / January-May
Retro Gaming Club - 5th through 8th Grade - Wednesday - 4:00-5:30 PM $125.00 spring semester / January-May
Afternoon Academics - Ages 3 1/2 through 7 years old or on as need basis $55.00 per session billed monthly
(Please select preferred day(s)/time below and Ms. Elizabeth will confirm with you. Please note day/time selection is not guaranteed.)
_____ 3:30 - 4:15 PM or _____ 4:30 - 5:15 PM _____ Monday _____ Tuesday _____ Wednesday
_____ Thursday
_____ Friday
Spanish Club- 4th through 8th Grade - Monday- 3:30-5:00 PM $ 25 per student- spring semester / January 8-May 21
Health & Fitness Club - 1st through 8th Grade– Monday, Tuesday and Friday _____1st thru 8th Grades (Monday, Thursday, Friday) _____4:00-4:45 OR _____5:00-5:45 PM $ 250.00 per student- spring semester / January 15 -May 21
Afterschool Tutoring and Homework Help - 1st through 5th Grade - 3:30-4:30 PM _____Monday _____ Wednesday $40.00 per hour/per student. Sign up with Mr. Richard Aslanian
Payment Information Your account will be billed Note:
- Costs are the same amount each month regardless of how many weeks are in a month - The After School Program fee of $6.00 per hour will be charged in addition to the Studio fee
- Students will not be able to participate in any after school studios if any tuition payment is past due
Studios and tutoring will be canceled on the Teacher Work Afternoons February 13