MMS Summer Camp Newsletter Weeks 1 & 2

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WEEK One: June13 - June17 Week Two: June20 - June24

New sl etter The Improv - AGanza Show was a huge success. It was enjoyed by students, staff, family and friends. Check out details inside this issue.


Ju n e 13- 17

BEACH BONANZA WITH MS. CRYSTAL SORROW, MS. KYRA AKAY AND MS. LISA GLENN Th is w as a w on der f u l f ir st w eek in t h e Begin n er s Class Su m m er Cam p. Ou r r et u r n in g st u den t s h elped cr eat e a w ar m an d w elcom in g en vir on m en t f or f r ien ds n ew t o M M S. Adju st m en t t o class st r u ct u r e an d expect at ion s t ak es t im e, bu t ever yday t h er e ar e less t ear s an d m or e sm iles. Th is w eek 's t h em e w as beach bon an za. Th e st u den t s m ade leis ou t of f oam f low er s, san d h an d pr in t ar t , an d m er m aids. Wedn esday w as a beach t h em ed dr ess u p day, an d M s. Cr yst al t au gh t t h e st u den t s t h e h u la dan ce f or " Tw in k le, Tw in k le, Lit t le St ar ." On Fr iday t h e st u den t s exper ien ced t h eir f ir st Splash Bash w it h w at er f u n in t h e m or n in g. We ar e look in g f or w ar d t o an ou t door t h em ed cam p n ext w eek , Adven t u r e Abou n ds!

Ju n e 20 - 24

Ou t door Fu n MS. CRYSTAL SORROW AND MS. KYRA AKAY AND MS. LISA GLENN This week we had fantastic outdoor adventures! We enjoyed a nature walk on Tuesday in the back field of the school and discovered rocks, acorns, small sticks, and other treasures. In the class garden we discovered different varieties of mint and some lemon balm. Wednesday we made turtle art, and on Thursday we scratched animal ornaments with a stylus, revealing a myriad of colors underneath.Friday was a Splash Bash! Water days are so much fun! Please remember to check out the photos from the week on the MMS facebook page. We can?t wait until next week?s Jedi Training Camp.

Ju n e 13- 17

OCEAN COMMOTION WITH MS. LIZ FALLS AND MR. DOMINICK ASLANIAN Ou r f ir st w eek of Su m m er Cam p h as been gr eat ! Th e ch ildr en r eally seem t o be en joyin g t h em selves an d it is n ice t o h ave ch ildr en f r om all dif f er en t classr oom s t oget h er ! Her e ar e a f ew of t h e act ivit ies w e en joyed t h is w eek : Th e ch ildr en h ave been lear n in g abou t lif e in t h e sea; f act s abou t dolph in s an d w h ales, sh ar k s, oct opI an d r ays as w ell as sea t u r t les, seah or ses, color f u l f ish , cr abs an d jellyf ish ! M an y of t h e ch ildr en h ave loved pu sh -pin n in g dif f er en t sea cr eat u r es, diggin g in t h e san d t o f in d sh ells, m ak in g a special pr oject ou t of a san d dollar as w ell as m ak in g a special gif t f or Fat h er ?s Day! Du r in g lin e t im e t h e ch ildr en h ave en joyed sin gin g an d lear n in g n ew son gs an d list en in g t o book s: Wh ales & Dolph in s: Open you r eyes t o a w or ld of discover y, M iss Sm it h Un der t h e Ocean an d Dolph in s on t h e San d. To en d t h e w eek , t h e ch ildr en h ad f u n at Splash Day! I h ope you en joy t h e pict u r es an d w ill be join in g u s n ext w eek as w e t r avel back in t im e t o t h e lan d of Din osau r s! Have a w on der f u l w eek en d an d w e w ill see you on M on day!

M s. Elizabet h an d M r . Dom in ick

Ju n e 20 - 24


Ju n e 13 - Ju n e 17

OCEAN LIFE WITH MS. JOANNE MCFARLAND AND MS. WIDLINE SENECHARLES We jou r n aled ever y day an d w r ot e abou t ideas su ch as ou r f avor it e ocean an im al (dolph in s w er e a f avor it e!) an d w h at k in d of an im al w h ich w e w ou ld lik e t o sw im . In addit ion t o w r it in g, w e did som e m at h as w ell. We even w or k ed on an ocean r esear ch pr oject in gr ou ps t o lear n m or e abou t t h e w at er . Ou r ar t pr oject s in clu ded a su n cat ch er jellyf ish m ade ou t of t issu e paper , con t act paper , an d r ibbon as w ell as a san d clay h an dpr in t , an d a sh ar k h at . We played gam es w it h an ocean t h em e, t oo! We played gam es su ch as Ocean Bin go, Ocean M at ch in g, an d ocean pu zzles. We w at ch ed a m ovie an d at e popcor n on Wedn esday, an d of cou r se, w e h ad Splash Day on Fr iday! A ver y f u ll an d f u n w eek w as h ad by all!

Ju n e 20 - Ju n e 24

LITTLE SPROUTS WITH MS. JOANNE MCFARLAND AND MS. WIDLINE SENECHARLES We learned about different kinds of plants, and how to care for a garden. Each of us had a garden plot in which we weeded, and planted flowers and vegetables!

We journaled every day and wrote about ideas such as what kind of plant we?d like to be and what plants we would put in our ideal garden. In addition to writing, we did some math as well. We also did some science lessons ? sorting and tallying parts of a flower, and a flower diagram.

Our art projects included a sun catcher butterfly made out of tissue paper, contact paper, and ribbon; a self-watering planter, a garden stepping stone, a Sprout House, and grass crown decorated with flowers and stickers.

We played games with and garden theme, too, such as Garden Bingo, Garden Matching. We watched a movie and ate popcorn on Wednesday, and of course, we had Splash Day on Friday! A very full and fun week!

Ju n e 13 - Ju n e 17

LET IT FLY WITH MR. RICHARD ASLANIAN AND COACH CAM PARKER We will, we will ROCKET! ROCKET! Feel free to sing along with our awesome chant! This week our campers filled the air with a wide variety of flying contraptions that we created with our own hands. From itty bitty straw rockets to our Zuka rockets, we flicked, flung, and tossed until our arms were tired. Not only did we create our contraptions, but we learned the science and history behind the different modes of flight. Thanks to all that spent the week with us and LET IT FLY!

Ju n e 20 - Ju n e 24

THE GREAT OUTDOORS WITH MR. RICHARD ASLANIAN AND COACH CAM PARKER We have had some incredible experiences during our week of outside activities. On Monday, our travels took us to the UF Fisheries where we skimmed the ponds for all kinds of freshwater critters and spent the remainder of the morning fishing in the ponds. While fishing, we witnessed an osprey fly down and capture a fish in its talons. That was an amazing sight to see. After that we went to Possum Creek the students had lunch then found their first geocache of the week. On Tuesday, we spent the day at Fanning Springs. We were completely surprised when two manatees swam up from the river and right into the springs where we were swimming! What a treat! Wednesday saw us visiting Lake Alice and the surrounding area. Our group saw an alligator, several soft shelled turtles, and some bats at the bat house. While geocaching, we were excited to find a baby opossum hiding in a tree, even though he was actually sitting on top of the geocache for which we were searching! After lunch at the Baughman Center, our group headed off to Westside Pool where we spent the afternoon swimming, sliding and jumping off the board and platform. Thursday was spent at Single Vision Endangered Species Educational Center. There we saw lions, bears, reptiles and primates. What a tremendous experience for us to learn and observe first hand. Our week culminated with a trip to Wild Waters in Ocala. Students spent the day riding the water flumes and frolicking in the wave pool and water playground. All in all it was a GREAT WEEK to be outside and enjoy the GREAT OUTDOORS!

Ju n e 13 - Ju n e 17

IMPROVISATION WITH MS. SYLVIA ASLANIAN The Summer Camp Players learned several techniques that helped them to be more confident speakers and actors. Their creativity was limitless as they came up with zany characters, worked with props in a bag, introduced themselves with the assist of three different words, to list a few games. All the games were different each day as they had to come up with scenes and skits in the moment. On Thursday they presented two shows at 11:00am and 2:00pm.

Su m m er Cam p Qu ot es an d Test im on ials Ms. Cr yst al Sor r ow, Ms. Ky r a Akay and Ms. Lisa Gl enn Enaiya:

"I liked Ms. Crystal and playing with my friends.


"I liked playing on the playground!"

Ms. El izabet h Fal l Sand Dominick Asl anian Chris:

"I liked singing songs."


"I loved playing on the playground."

Ms. JoanneMcFar l and and Widel ineSenechar l es Sylvana:

"My favorite parts were the crafts we've made, like the jellyfish out of tissue paper."


"I liked watched the movie, Lilo and Stitch."

Mr . Richar d Asl anian and Coach CamPar ker Harrison:

"My favorite part was building a crossbow and launching checkers."


"I like that you can build rockets. I like Coach Cam and Mr. Richard."

Ms. Sy l v ia Asl anian Jacob:

"My favorite of Improv Camp was to do hilarious acting, especially pantomime.


"I liked doing different pantomimes with my group I liked games like Bus Stop, Gibberish, and Magic Hands."

ever y Fr iday

Next week's Camps

St ar War s Insect s Junior Buil der s Kid's Car pent r y Animat ion St at ion Br ain Games l hopper .com (352) 375- 6773

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