The Spotlight Kids Junior 2011— 2012
Motto: All For One, One For All, Together the Spotlight Shines Brighter!
To be considered as a member of The Spotlight Kids Junior, please fill out the conflict calendar and sign the Policy and Guidelines Contract. Since space is LIMITED, the director will consider your conflict calendar if there are too may conflicts you will not be able to participate. ALL PAPERWORK IS DUE ON BY: WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 31, 2011.
Step One: Look over Calendar - Mark down all conflicts. Step Two: Look over The Spotlight Kids Junior policies. Sign Policy Contract. Step Three: Fill out questionnaire! Step Four: Turn in all Paperwork by Wednesday, August 31, 2011! Resources
The Spotlight Kids Junior 2011— 2012 MMS POLICY
Policy and Guidelines (Due by: August 31, 2011)
Students must maintain a C average in all subjects, turn in assignments, have a good attitude and adhere to the MMS Behavior Policy at all times. This includes the school day as well as after-school and off campus activities sponsored/and or endorsed by Millhopper Montessori School. Teachers will consider past and present academic and behavior performance including behavior and attitude in after-school and off campus activities sponsored/and or endorsed by Millhopper Montessori School when considering a student. Student’s Initials ____ Parent’s Initials ____
1. I acknowledge if I do not maintain a C average in all subjects, turn in assignments, have a good attitude and adhere to the MMS Behavior Policy at all times as stated above it may result in my dismissal from The Spotlight Kids Performing Arts and may prevent me from returning to the program. Student’s Initials ____ Parent’s Initials ____
I will attend all Spotlight Kids Performing Arts events, meetings and rehearsals. Student’s Initials ____
Parent’s Initials ______
3. I will attend all International Junior Thespian Society events, meetings and rehearsals. Student’s Initials ____ Parent’s Initials ____ (does not pertain to Spotlight Kids Junior)
4. I will be a willing and enthusiastic participant. Student’s Initials ____ Parent’s Initials ____
5. I will remember our club motto. Student’s Initials ____ Parent’s Initials ____
6. I will LEARN ALL MY LINES, CUES AND CHARACTER AND PRACTICE THEM EVERY NIGHT! Student’s Initials ____ Parent’s Initials ____
7. I will respect my fellow thespians, my directors and the program at all times. Student’s Initials ____ Parent’s Initials ____
8. I will be available for additional practice and or meetings when needed. (TBA) Student’s Initials ____ Parent’s Initials ____
9. I acknowledge that two weeks prior to the performance additional rehearsals are added and required during the two weeks. Student’s Initials ____ Parent’s Initials ____
10. I acknowledge and agree that success of the group is dependent upon consistent attendance at rehearsals. Student’s Initials ____ Parent’s Initials ____
11. If there is an obligation that cannot be rescheduled I will advise the directors at least a week in advance of my absence. Student’s Initials ____ Parent’s Initials ____
12. I acknowledge that consistent absences, (illness understandable), may result in dismissal from The Spotlight Kids Performing Arts and may prevent me from returning to the program. Student’s Initials ____ Parent’s Initials ____ By signing, initialing and dating the Spotlight Kids Performing Arts Responsibilities, I acknowledge that I have read the rules and responsibilities and I will adhere to them at all times. Student’s Initials ____ Parent’s Initials ____ Parent’s Name: ___________________________________ Parent’s Signature: _______________________________ Student’s Name: __________________________________ Student’s Signature: _______________________________ Date: _____________________
The Spotlight Kids Junior 2011— 2012
Please make a note of conflicts and return with your signed policy and guidelines contract and as your questionnaire by August 31, 2011.
August Wednesday, August 31:
(paperwork due: Policy and guidelines form, questionnaire, conflicts calendar)
Drama Club meets at 3:30pm-5:00pm in
Mr. Richard’s Classroom
Wednesday, Nov. 2 Wednesday, Nov. 9
Wednesday, Nov. 16
Wednesday, Sept 7:
Wednesday, Nov. 30
Wednesday, Sept. 14: Wednesday, Sept. 21:
Wednesday, Sept. 28:
Wednesday, Dec. 14 (Showcase) TBA
October Wednesday, Oct. 5 Wednesday, Oct. 12 Wednesday, Oct. 19 Wednesday, Oct. 26
The Spotlight Kids Junior 2011— 2012
Questionnaire Form Please fill out and return to Ms. Sylvia, along with conflict calendar and signed policy form by Wednesday August 31th. Thank you! Name: _________________Grade: ________ Contact Information: Home PH: ____________________ Cell PH: _____________________ Email: ______________________ Acting /Singing Experience:
_________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________
Other extra-curricular activities I have: (days) _____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ Please add days you may be out because of other afterschool activities you have _________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ Why do you want to join The Spotlight Kids Junior ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ (use back if you need more writing space—please be specific)
What do you think you add to the team as a member of The Spotlight Kids Junior? ________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ I have read over the rehearsal schedule and understand the time commitment and understand that additional rehearsals will be added, (TBA). I also understand that I will have to work at home on lines and cues. I have filled out my conflicts on the calendar and have signed the policy and guidelines form. I will attend all rehearsals and performances if I get accepted into the SPOTLIGHT KIDS PERFORMING ARTS. I understand that too may absences will result in my dismal from the Spotlight Kids Junior. Student: ___________________________________ Parent: ___________________________________