Welcome Week guide 2013

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0 10 events &


to welcome you to MMU

your Student Union officers

welcomeek we


your essential guide

{ mmu.ac.uk/welcome } { mmunion.co.uk/welcome }

welcome I am delighted to welcome our new students to Manchester Metropolitan University. With over 36,000 students choosing to study at MMU you’ll find yourself at the heart of a diverse and vibrant community. During your journey with us you’ll benefit from the experience of our passionate and talented staff, and the quality of our teaching and courses. You’ll also develop friendships that will support you throughout your personal and professional life at University and beyond. Welcome Week is a great starting point, offering you a wide range of social, cultural and sporting activities as well as the chance to meet students from different cultures and backgrounds. Make the most of the opportunities available to you. I wish you every success in your studies and hope that you enjoy Welcome Week and the journey that follows as an MMU student. Professor John Brooks Vice-Chancellor Manchester Metropolitan University

welcome to mmu

welcome week

02 04 06 08 10 11 12

14 living in halls 16 local and commuting students, international students and mature students 18 at my campus


welcome starting university what to expect getting started: the essentials the met card sport at mmu getting started: student support

starting uni essentials  { mmu.ac.uk/welcome }

students’ union president Welcome to MMU! The first weeks are some of the most exciting and hectic times you’ll have at university, but they also provide some of the most lasting memories. Welcome Week is a fantastic opportunity to get involved and make the most of all the activities available to make new friends. As an MMU student, you automatically become a member of the Students’ Union. If you haven’t done so already, make sure you check us out at { mmunion.co.uk }. This is where you can find out about what we do and how you can benefit from services such as our Advice Centre or course reps, find volunteering opportunities, part-time work or get involved in a club or society. There’s so much on offer that we’d hate for you to miss out. Find out what we’re up to, and how you can get involved all year, by reading our blogs, monthly e-newsletters and connecting with us on Facebook and Twitter. Have a great time during Welcome Week and during your time as a student here at MMU. Best of luck for the future, and we hope to see you soon. Hannah Templeman Students’ Union President { mmunion.co.uk } { facebook.com/mmunion } {  @ManMetUnion }

what’s on Manchester 19 day events 22 give it a go 24 night events

Cheshire 26 day events 28 give it a go 29 night events

30 your student union officers 31 map

{ mmunion.co.uk/welcome }  welcome week events


starting university Starting university and perhaps leaving home for the first time can feel both exciting and daunting. For some it’s a rite of passage and a much anticipated life experience. For others it can be a necessary step towards a chosen profession or a way of getting ahead in your current career. Your university experience has the potential to shape you, by introducing you to new ideas, experiences and people – the effects can be life changing. Whatever your motivations for studying, the end result will be determined by what you put into it. Getting the most out of your university experience means participating in the full range of academic and social opportunities available to you, for example; reading widely, attending lectures, engaging in discussions and group work and making new friends. You may find aspects of university life challenging at first but this is all part of the experience. Most students will have some doubts about whether they’ve made the right choice or how well they’re doing during their first year and this is perfectly normal. Having a good network of friends and family and making use of the help and support available at university are important factors for helping you cope with any challenges you face.


starting uni essentials  { mmu.ac.uk/welcome }

Sharing the experience and meeting people from different backgrounds and cultures is part of the joy of university life and there will be lots of opportunities to make new connections. Many students will meet their closest friends on their course but living in halls and participating in clubs and societies and other social activities can be great ways of meeting people too. When you first arrive in halls or at a class, it can feel daunting but just remember: everyone’s in the same boat so make sure you try to get to know as many people as possible in your first few weeks. After a while, things will settle down and closer friendships will develop naturally. Everyone’s different, so just be yourself and you will find people who share your interests and views.

There are lots of ways to make new friends… Welcome Week This programme is designed to give you lots of opportunities to meet new people, have fun and get to grips with university life. We hope we’ve got something in there for everyone, no matter how or where you study.

Facebook & Twitter Join in the conversation – find out who’s going to be on your course or staying in the same halls before you arrive. { facebook.com/welcomemmu } {  @ManMetUnion }

Clubs & Societies MMUnion, your Students’ Union, offers over 100 student-led sports clubs and societies and they are a great way to meet new people and try something different. { w: mmunion.co.uk/studentactivities }

On your course Everyone’s in the same boat in the early days no matter how confident they seem. Make the effort to chat to the people sitting next to you in lectures and seminars and you might end up meeting your best friend!

In halls / accommodation Our welcome reps will be in MMU halls on arrival weekend to help you move and settle in. Be prepared to spend lots of time chatting and getting to know your flatmates as this is an important way of making new friends for lots of students.

{ mmunion.co.uk/welcome }  welcome week events


what to expect

(and what’s expected) Learning at university At university, you will be taught by staff who are experts in their field but you will be expected to do much more study by yourself than at school or college - this is called independent learning. On most courses you will be taught through a mixture of lectures, seminars, practical classes and tutorials, and some courses will also include placements. Lectures are only a starting point for a subject matter, which is then followed up by your own independent study and seminars. Independent learning is a large and important part of university education and it helps you to develop the critical thinking and complex problem solving skills that graduate recruiters are looking for.

Independent learning This is the learning you do outside of lectures and classes and, for most students, is what takes up most of your time. It is essential to do further reading and research beyond core texts and lecture notes to gain an in-depth understanding of your course content. This will help you to get the best results in your assignments and exams. Independent learning also includes group work and assignments that you do with other students, which helps you to develop communication and other skills necessary in life and the workplace.


Reading lists Most courses will have extensive reading lists and suggested information sources to help you to explore the subject matter in depth. You can learn effective reading and note-taking strategies to help you to get the most out of the texts you use, but most important is to ensure you dedicate enough time to doing it in order to get the best results.

Academic writing Writing at university is different from school or college. As you will need to read widely and research a range of views for your work, proper referencing of information sources is essential otherwise you could unintentionally plagiarise someone else’s work or ideas. The Harvard System is widely used at MMU, but not by all subjects so check with your department which referencing system you should use. Referencing workshops will be organised by your student support officer.

Assignments and deadlines For many students the first assignment will be a key milestone in your first year at university. It’s important to know that deadlines are fixed, so make sure you give yourself enough time to do the background reading and research, complete your assignment and check it thoroughly before you hand it in. Once it has been marked, make sure you take on board the feedback you receive for your next assignment and if anything is unclear, ask for more information.

starting uni essentials  { mmu.ac.uk/welcome }

Study support

The MMU Commitment

Most students at some time or another will feel anxious about their academic ability, no matter how confident they appear and this is perfectly natural. The key is not to struggle if this happens to you – talk to your personal academic tutor or get support from the many services that MMU provides, to help you learn and get the most out of your studies. This includes advice and guidance from student support officers and the online resource – ‘skills online’ – which provides resources in time management, help with assignments, working in groups, writing, giving presentations and reading and note taking.

Find out how everyone in the university will work in partnership with you to support your learning and help you succeed { w: mmu.ac.uk/commitment }

Log onto Moodle and choose the skills online option or contact your student support officer for help. { w: mmu.ac.uk/studentsupportofficers } { w: mmu.ac.uk/referencing }

{ mmunion.co.uk/welcome }  welcome week events


getting started: the essentials Enrolment & ID card collection Collecting your MMU student ID card, and having it scanned, completes your enrolment with the University. You must carry your ID card with you at all times on campus, it will allow you access to the library, a range of computer-based resources, and University buildings and facilities – so it’s important that you keep it safe throughout your time at MMU. If you do lose your card you can get a replacement from your nearest Student Hub. If you have applied for a maintenance loan from the Student Loans Company (SLC) you will not receive a payment until you have collected your student ID card. { w: mmu.ac.uk/welcome }

Your MMU ID & password As soon as you become eligible to enrol (usually after exam results are confirmed) we will add you to the MMU computer network and set up an MMU email account for you. Remember to check this account regularly for important messages. You will need your MMU login to access your account. Your login consists of an ID number and password. Your ID number is the 8 digit MMU ID number included on your confirmation letter. Your initial password is based on your date of birth. For example, if you were born on 23 July 1988, your initial password would be 23Jul88. Apply this format to your own date of birth and you should be able to log in to the network. Make sure you change your password to something more secure at the earliest opportunity. Your login will allow access to most MMU systems on and off campus, including the ones provided by the library, Moodle, the MyMMU student portal and the Students’ Union website. Keep your eyes peeled for our IT Rovers, fellow students trained to help and support you with the most common IT queries, recognisable by their blue ‘Ask me for help’ t-shirts. { w: mmu.ac.uk/itservices/students } { t: 0161 247 4646 } { e: it.helpline@mmu.ac.uk } {  @MMU_IT }


starting uni essentials  { mmu.ac.uk/welcome }

Library Services In your first few weeks at MMU your tutor will organise a short session led by a member of library staff who will introduce the basic services including how to log into the IT network, and print documents. Make sure you attend this session as it will show you how to access sources of quality information that are relevant to your course. All libraries have helpdesks that can be contacted by phone, email or in person. Opportunities will arise later in your course to find out how to use more specialised resources for your research through the library’s InfoSkills programmes. These are arranged with the library via tutors on behalf of groups of students. { w: library.mmu.ac.uk }

Accommodation If you haven’t sorted your accommodation yet, get in touch with our Residential Services. Visit { mmu.ac.uk/accommodation } for more information. If you’re a local student studying in Manchester and you would prefer to live in University Halls you can apply via our ‘commuters’ waiting list’ which will open on Friday 27 September 2013. If you live locally and can commute from home but don’t have a contract in privately owned halls you can apply for cancellation places in University Halls. If you haven’t previously applied for halls you’ll need to submit an application at the web address above. If you have already applied just e-mail us from 27 September at { accommodation@mmu.ac.uk } with your name, contact details and name of the halls you wish to be considered for. You don’t have to send us another accommodation application.

{ mmunion.co.uk/welcome }  welcome week events


welcome to your met card Your met card Each new first year full-time undergraduate student joining us in 2013 will receive a met card, which can be used for a range of services including: ■■ Campus accommodation ■■ All MMU sports centres, the Sugden Centre and Manchester Aquatics Centre ■■ Food and drink in University catering outlets ■■ Books and other products from Blackwell’s ■■ Students’ Union shop, cafe and bar * ■■ The Salutation Pub * ■■ MMU printing facilities ■■ Art & Design class materials Keep an eye on the website for new additions to the products and services available. * excludes alcoholic beverages

You can collect your personalised met card at enrolment (providing we have received your photograph). Once activated, your card will be credited with a £20 ‘Welcome to MMU’ gift. Students who are eligible to receive the University’s student support package and selected the met card option during online enrolment will automatically have this credited to the card from October. Look out for special offers with various outlets throughout the year when using your card. It’s a safe and easy way to spend money around campus, without having to carry cash. What’s more, parents, friends or relatives can top-up cards on your behalf via the website, where you can manage your card. { w: mmu.ac.uk/metcard }


starting uni essentials  { mmu.ac.uk/welcome }

sport at mmu Sports clubs The Students’ Union runs over 100 clubs that you can join. These range from competitive sports to recreational activities. The opportunities are endless; and if we don’t have something for you, tell us about it and we can support your interest and help you set up a club.

Sports centres MMU has links with a number of sports and fitness centres, and as one of our students you will receive reduced and exclusive prices.

All Saints Sugden Sports Centre, gym & class membership   12 months............................................ £219   9 months..............................................£205 Manchester Aquatics Centre, gym & class membership   12 months............................................ £219   9 months..............................................£205 Nearest for: All Saints campus

Your student activities officers: left, Mike Palmer (Manchester) right, Becky Dunne (Cheshire) { w: mmunion.co.uk/sport }

Campus sport

Didsbury Sports Centre Gym & class membership   9 months................................................£99   3 months................................................£40

Campus sport provides you with the opportunity to get involved in recreationallevel sport and physical activity, whatever your ability or ambition. It includes leagues, one-off tournaments and coached sessions. So whether you want to try something new, add to your training or find some new competition, campus sport is a great way to meet new people and enjoy some sporting fun.

Nearest for: Didsbury campus, Elizabeth Gaskell campus

Current opportunities include football (11 and 5-a-side), badminton, basketball 5v5, table tennis, touch rugby, squash, tennis and netball.

{w: mmu.ac.uk/sport } { facebook.com/mmusport } { @MMUSport }

{ w: www.mmu.ac.uk/sport } { e: sport@mmu.ac.uk } { facebook.com/mmusport } {  @MMUSport }

Competitive pay as you go prices are also available for the gym, classes & court hire.

Cheshire Sports Centre Gym membership   12 months............................................ £165   9 months.............................................. £110   Per term.................................................£45 Nearest for: Cheshire campus

{ mmunion.co.uk/welcome }  welcome week events


getting started: student support Finance

Careers & Employability Service

The University’s student financial support team is available to provide information and advice on financial matters throughout your time at university. They can offer advice on what to do if your loan is delayed and may be able to provide you with a short term loan.

A university education means more than just your final qualification. As a leading University for professions, we help you to get the skills and experience that graduate employers are looking for. We provide a range of activities including career development workshops, job search support and employer presentations to help you get the best job after you graduate.

{ w: mmu.ac.uk/studentfinance } { t: 0161 247 1045 } MMUnion’s Advice Centre can help you make sure you’re getting the right level of funding, apply for funding or correct any mistakes that have been made. They can also help you with any benefits or other sources of financial support that you might be entitled to. { w: mmunion.co.uk/advice } { t: 0161 247 6533 }

We can also help you to find part-time work including on-campus employment through jobs4students and information on volunteering opportunities. If you are studying in Cheshire, also check out the on-campus Jobshop. Graduation might seem a long way off but starting your university career with the end in mind will help you to make the most of your time at university. { w: mmu.ac.uk/careers } { w: mmunion.co.uk/jobsandcareers } { w: mmunion.co.uk/volunteering }

Support for students with a specific learning difficulty or other disability The Learner Development Service provides advice, guidance and support to students who are disabled or have a specific learning difficulty such as dyslexia. Advisers meet with you to discuss your disability related study support needs. They also provide advice on any necessary


starting uni essentials  { mmu.ac.uk/welcome }

screenings or assessments required for you to be able to access disability related study support. Information is communicated to relevant members of staff involved in your teaching and learning, so they are aware of the recommendations for disability related study support. They can also help eligible students to apply for funding for disabilityrelated study support. Advisers also work with academic and other University staff such as the libraries, to raise awareness of disability issues and ensure that appropriate support is available. { w: mmu.ac.uk/learnerdevelopment } { e: learner.development@mmu.ac.uk } { t: 0161 247 3491 }

Support for care leavers MMU is committed to providing care leavers with as much support as possible to help them adapt to life at university. We recognise that you may not need, or want, any extra support, but it’s important to know what you are entitled to – especially if you are settling into a new course and a new place to live. Support available includes a care leaver’s bursary (currently £1000) that is paid to Care Leavers (as defined by the Leaving Care Act) who are under 25 years of age and a UK fulltime undergraduate student. This is paid in addition to the financial support you may get from your Local Authority and from Student Finance England.

{ w: mmunion.co.uk/advice } { t: 0161 247 6533 }

Support with accommodation is also available all year round if you need it and student support officers are based in the faculties to provide support and advice when needed.

Counselling Service

{ w: mmu.ac.uk/studentfinance } { t: 0161 247 1045 }

Sometimes things can happen unexpectedly, which cause us difficulties or worry. If you experience any personal problems or just feel that things are getting on top of you during your time at university, we can offer you the chance to talk to a professionally trained counsellor in confidence about any issue you may have – not just related to your studies. We also run useful workshops and courses on relaxation, stress management and confidence building, which can support your learning and development. { w: mmu.ac.uk/counselling }

Advice Centre Free, independent and impartial, MMUnion’s advice centre is here to offer you help and support with just about any issue affecting you during your time at MMU. From funding and benefits, to housing or problems on your course, our advisers have specialist knowledge and experience to help you get the most out of your time at university. { w: mmunion.co.uk/advice } { t: 0161 247 6533 }

{ mmunion.co.uk/welcome }  welcome week events


living in halls Living in halls of residence can be a fantastic way to meet new people and make friends, but it can also bring its own unique challenges. Get to know your flatmates and be prepared for a little bit of compromise along the way. Everyone’s different and that’s the beauty of it – embrace the change, it’s all part of the experience.

MMU or private halls? MMU halls Manchester ■■ Briarfields ■■ Broomhurst ■■ Cambridge ■■ Cavendish ■■ Daisy Bank ■■ Oxford Court

Cheshire ■■ Barlow ■■ Booth ■■ Davenport ■■ Harley Nominations* ■■ Victoria ■■ Wilmslow Park

MMU halls have wardens and residential advisors who live on site to help you with any problems or questions you might have. * Please refer to the website for information

{ w: mmu.ac.uk/accommodation } Our welcome reps in blue t-shirts will be there on 21 and 22 September to move you in and give you the lowdown on what’s going on during Welcome Week. Want to make life in halls fun for everyone, plan events and activities or raise money for charity? Then join your MMU halls Committee { w: mmunion.co.uk/halls } Nominations open 21 September to 4 October Voting open 7 to 11 October


starting uni essentials  { mmu.ac.uk/welcome }

Private halls ■■ Grafton Street ■■ Liberty Living ■■ Manchester Student Village ■■ Piccadilly Point ■■ Victoria Park ■■ Victoria Point ■■ Weston Court

Private halls are owned and managed by a variety of companies and are located across Manchester. This is a list of the ones close to MMU’s All Saints campus. If you don’t bump into one of our welcome reps, or if your halls aren’t listed here, don’t panic – come along to the union, or the Salutation Pub for our welcome BBQ.

{ w: mmunion.co.uk/welcome }

We have a jam-packed programme of events planned, including loads of Freshers nights (pages 19 - 29). Make sure you get your wristband to join in all the fun. For those of you living in halls away from the All Saints campus, the wristband includes return transport to the union every night. Whatever you’re into, we’ve got an event for you!

Join the conversation: { facebook.co.uk/welcomemmu } {  @ManMetUnion }

{ mmunion.co.uk/welcome }  welcome week events


welcome week for: Local and commuting students

International students

Lots of our students don’t live in halls and either live locally or commute to classes. If you don’t want to miss out on the chance to meet and socialise with students outside your course then there are lots of activities you can get involved in during Welcome Week, check out pages 19 -29. You can order taxis easily from outside the union to take you across Greater Manchester and Cheshire. We also have lots of early evening events on if you’d rather use public transport to get home, including our welcome BBQ at the salutation pub on Saturday 21 and Sunday 22 September.

To help you feel at home at university, and in the UK, MMU International have organised a Welcome Event, which takes place from Wednesday 18 to Friday 20 September. This is an opportunity to receive an official welcome from the university and meet other new students from around the world. { www2.mmu.ac.uk/international/predeparture-and-arrival/ } The Students’ Union are also here to help you feel as settled as possible – and to help you meet people and have fun! We have over 100 events for you to get involved in, including trips to Manchester United and Alton Towers. You can also sample some delicious British food at the Met Bar or the Salutation Pub. Check out the full programme on pages 19 - 29. { w: mmunion.co.uk/welcome } Join the conversation: { facebook.co.uk/welcomemmu } {  @ManMetUnion }


starting uni essentials  { mmu.ac.uk/welcome }

Mature students Around a third of our students are over the age of 25, including more than 5,000 who have children. This means that you’re probably coming to higher education after a period away from studying. We know that juggling family and social life, work commitments and study can be tough at times. Getting back into it can take a bit of getting used to, so why not take the opportunity to meet other people and share the experience. If you consider yourself a mature student and would like to connect, share tips and advice with people in similar situations, join the Burlington Society on Facebook. The Burlington Society is the social society for over 21s at universities in Greater Manchester. Made up of post-graduates, mature students, researchers, staff and alumni, it is the place to go to get the lowdown on what it means to be a mature student in Manchester.

Welcome Week is all about meeting people and settling in to university life. We’ve got lots of events and activities planned, including BBQs, quizzes, live sport and live music. Check out the full programme on pages 19 - 29. If you have questions or concerns about starting university, from funding and benefits, to housing or health, get in touch with our Advice Centre. Here to offer you help and support with just about any issue affecting you during your time at MMU, the service is free, independent and impartial. { w: mmunion.co.uk/advice }

{ facebook.com/groups/burlington.society }

{ mmunion.co.uk/welcome }  welcome week events


welcome week at my campus

MMU has eight faculties, spread across four campus sites. Our welcome reps will be on hand at each campus to help you find your way around, answer your questions and direct you to anywhere that you need to go. Remember, look out for the blue t-shirts! The union has a building at the All Saints (Manchester) and Cheshire campuses, plus we’ll have pop-up hubs at Didsbury, Gaskell and Cheshire campuses all week. Come and see us to meet your welcome reps, student officers and union staff, find out about union services, and buy your wristband or tickets for all our social events. Come along and get involved! We know that some of you studying at Didsbury and Gaskell campuses just don’t have the time to come up to All Saints to join in all the welcome week activities, so we’re bringing the fun to you with Freshers Fair Roadshows! You’ll find all the details in the full programme on pages 19 - 29. { w: mmunion.co.uk/welcome } Join the conversation: { facebook.co.uk/welcomemmu } {  @ManMetUnion }


starting uni essentials  { mmu.ac.uk/welcome }

day events: manchester

sat 21 sept

sun 22 sept

MMUnion Info Point

MMUnion Info Point

Free Welcome BBQ


Sat 21 Sept


Sun 22 Sept


Sun 22 Sept


09:00 - 18:00


09:00 - 18:00


12:00 - Late






The Salutation Pub

Meet union staff, officers and reps, pick up your wristband, and get answers to your questions!

The Big Move Day One When:

Sat 21 Sept


10:00 - 18:00


Cavendish, Cambridge, Briarfields, Oxford Court, Victoria, Daisybank, Broomhurst

Our welcome reps will be at halls to help you move in, get settled and give you the low down on what’s going on during freshers. Look out for the blue t shirts!

Free Welcome BBQ When:

Sat 21 Sept


12:00 - Late


The Salutation Pub

MMUnion present a free welcome bbq at the Salutation Pub. Open to everybody whether you’re in MMU halls, private accommodation or a local and commuting student, come along and meet new people!

We have loads of great things planned for you during Welcome Week. There are opportunities to go on trips and meet new people. Whatever you enjoy, there will be something for everyone!

Meet union staff, officers and reps, pick up your wristband, and get answers to your questions!

Day two of the MMUnion welcome BBQ – everyone’s invited, come along and meet new people!

ASDA Trip When:

Sun 22 Sept


Broomhurst 12:00 Daisybank 12:30 MMUnion 13:00


The Big Move Day Two

Hop on the bus from your halls or MMUnion.


Sun 22 Sept

LIVE Football


10:00 - 18:00


Sun 22 Sept


Cavendish, Cambridge, Briarfields, Oxford Court, Victoria, Daisybank, Broomhurst


12:00 - Late (Kick off 16:00)

Day two of The Big Move and our welcome reps will be there to help. Look out for the blue t shirts!


All venues – The Salutation, The Met Club and Bar

Manchester derby day! Watch Man Utd v Man City LIVE at the Met. With drinks and food deals, this is not to be missed!

Join the conversation: { facebook.co.uk/welcomemmu } {  @ManMetUnion }

{ mmunion.co.uk/welcome }  welcome week events


day events: manchester mon 23 sept

wed 25 sept

tue 24 sept

MMUnion Info Point

Freshers Roadshow

MMUnion Faculty Hub


Mon 23 Sept


Tue 24 Sept


Wed 25 Sept


09:00 - 18:00


12:00 - 14:00


10:00 - 14:00


Didsbury campus, Birley foyer


Gaskell and Didsbury campus



Meet union staff, officers and reps, pick up your wristband, and get answers to your questions!

MMUnion Faculty Hub When:

Mon 23 Sept


10:00 - 14:00


Gaskell and Didsbury campus

Meet union staff, officers and reps, pick up your wristband, and get answers to your questions – all at your campus!

IKEA Trip When:

Mon 23 Sept




Meet at MMUnion

MMUnion will provide free transport to the local IKEA so you can buy all the things you need for your new home!

MMUnion Info Point When:

Tue 24 Sept


09:00 - 18:00



Meet union staff, officers and reps, pick up your wristband, and get answers to your questions!

MMUnion Faculty Hub When:

Tue 24 Sept


10:00 - 14:00


Gaskell campus

Meet union staff, officers and reps, pick up your wristband, and get answers to your questions – all at your campus!

Come along to meet your union and officers and have the chance to win a whole load of prizes. Whole lotta’ fun - prizes to be won!

Meet union staff, officers and reps, pick up your wristband, and get answers to your questions – all at your campus!

Walking Tour of Manchester When:

Tue 24 Sept




Meet at MMUnion

Discover Manchester and all the hidden gems on this official blue badge walking tour. Meet your reps who will then walk into town with you to meet your guide!

Freshers Fair Day 1

toicpk p


Wed 25 Sept


10:00 - 16:00


Sudgen Sports Centre

MMUnion’s Freshers Fair is back and it’s BIGGER and BETTER than ever! One of the highlights of Welcome Week, the fair is packed full of fun and freebies and is not to be missed. With live music, acts and DJs all day including an acoustic performance from Britain’s Got Talent stars Duke!


starting uni essentials  { mmu.ac.uk/welcome }

thu 26 sept

fri 27 sept

MMUnion Faculty Hub

MMUnion Info Point

Freshers Roadshow


Thu 26 Sept


Fri 27 Sept


Fri 27 Sept


10:00 - 14:00


09:00 - 18:00


10:00 - 16:00


Gaskell and Didsbury campus




Gaskell campus, the EG Hall

Meet union staff, officers and reps, pick up your wristband, and get answers to your questions – all at your campus!

Freshers Fair Day 2 When:

toicpk p

Thu 26 Sept


10:00 - 16:00


Sudgen Sports Centre

MMUnion’s Freshers Fair is back and it’s BIGGER and BETTER than ever! One of the highlights of Welcome Week, the fair is packed of fun and freebies and is not to be missed. With live music, acts and DJs all day.

Trafford Centre When:

Thu 26 Sept




Meet at MMUnion

MMUnion will provide free transport to the Trafford Centre for all of your shopping needs! Check out all the shops, restaurants and bars that the Trafford Centre has to offer.

Meet union staff, officers and reps, pick up your wristband, and get answers to your questions!

MMUnion Faculty Hub When:

Fri 27 Sept


10:00 - 14:00


Didsbury campus

Meet union staff, officers and reps, pick up your wristband, and get answers to your questions – all at your campus!

sat 28 sept Alton Towers

Join the conversation: { facebook.co.uk/welcomemmu } {  @manmetunion }

Come along to meet your union and officers and have the chance to win a whole load of prizes. Whole lotta’ fun - prizes to be won!

Manchester United Tour When:

Fri 27 Sept




Meet at MMUnion

Old Trafford Tour and Museum. Take a peek into the biggest football club in the world – right here Manchester! Meet your welcome reps at MMUnion for transport to Old Trafford. £10.50 inc transport. Booking essential at mmunion.co.uk (35 places only)

toicpk p

LIVE Sport Saturday


Sat 28 Sept


Sat 28 Sept




All day


Meet at MMUnion


The Met Bar, MMUnion

End your Welcome Week on a high with a special rate trip to Alton Towers! £15 inc. transport - booking essential at mmunion.co.uk

{ mmunion.co.uk/welcome }  welcome week events

The Met will be showing LIVE sport every weekend, with drinks and food deals, pool tables, games stations and much more.


give it a go: manchester Sun 29 Sept Tue 01 Oct Tue 01 Oct Thu 03 Oct

12:00 - 14:00 20:00 - 22:00

Platt Lane Complex

18:30 - 20:30

Sugden Sports Centre

Welcome session

Wed 25 Sept

19:00 - 21:00

Aquatics Centre


Welcome session

Fri 27 Sept Fri 04 Oct

17:00 - 20:00

Trinity Sports Centre

Chinese Boxing & Combat Sport

Taster session

Thu 03 Oct

18:15 - 20:15

Sugden Sports Centre (Room 1)


Welcome session

Wed 02 Oct Wed 09 Oct

17:00 - 18:00

Old Trafford Cricket Club

Dance Society

Welcome session

Fri 04 Oct

19:00 - 20:00

The Dancehouse, Oxford road


Taster weekend

Sat 28 Sept Sun 29 Sept


Meet Manchester Victoria Station


Welcome session

Mon 30 Sept

19:00 - 20:30

Horse Riding

Welcome session

Tue 01 Oct


Meet MMUnion reception

Islamic Society

Meet & greet

Thu 26 Sept


Cavandish Prayer Room

Jiu Jitsu

Welcome session

Tue 01 Oct

20:00 - 22:15


Welcome session

Mon 30 Sept

18:00 - 20:00

Men’s Rugby Union

Welcome session

Sun 29 Sept


MMU Harriers

Welcome run ‘Bring a Friend’ run

Wed 02 Oct Thu 10 Oct


MMUFS - Snowsports

Beginners session

Wed 23 Sept


Meet MMUnion reception


Climbing Welcome Weekend

Fri 11 to Sun 13 Oct Mon 30 Sept Wed 02 Oct


Meet MMUnion reception

18:00 - 20:00 14:00 - 16:00

Sugden Sports Centre

American Football

Welcome session First Social


Welcome sessions


Belle Vue Leisure Centre (Meet MMUnion reception 18:30)

Sugden Sports Centre (Room 1) Manchester High School For Girls (Fallowfield M14 6HS) Broughton Park RC (Meet MMUnion reception 10:00) Platt Fields Park (First entrance after curry mile)


Welcome sessions

Pool and Snooker

Welcome session and Freshers Cup

Thu 03 Oct


Meet MMUnion reception

Rugby League

Welcome session

Mon 30 Sept


Broughton Park Rugby Club

Self Defence

Welcome social Taster & demo

Thu 26 Sept Thu 03 Oct

20:00 18:00

Meet MMUnion reception

Shaolin Kung Fu

Welcome session

Mon 30 Sept

18:00 - 19:00

Sugden Sports Centre (Room 1)


Welcome sessions

Mon 30 Sept Tue 01 Oct

17:40 - 19:40 17:40 - 19:00

Sugden Sports Centre


starting uni essentials  { mmu.ac.uk/welcome }

Never tried Jiu Jitsu? Fancy playing rugby? Want to meet people who love dance as much as you? Then come and give it a go! Join one of the sessions being hosted by MMUnion’s clubs and societies, or try one of the MMU Sport taster sessions. Full student activity listings are available on our website mmunion.co.uk/studentactivities.


Welcome session

Sun 29 Sept Tue 01 Oct

20:30 20:00

Aquatics Centre


Taster & demo

Tue 01 Oct


Sugden Sports Centre (Room 1)


Welcome sessions

Wed 02 Oct Thu 03 Oct

13:00 - 15:00

Sports City Regional Tennis Centre

Women’s Basketball

Welcome session

Mon 30 Sept

20:00 - 22:00

Sugden Sports Centre

Biological Sciences Society

Welcome book sale

Fri 27 Sept

11:30 - 15:30

Meet outside John Dalton Refectory

Christian Union

Meet & greet

Tue 24 Sept

13:00 - 15:00

MMU Business School Café


Student survival guide

Mon 23 Sept

13:00 - 15:00

Meet Geoffrey Manton Reception

Critical Lawyers Group

Welcome session

Thu 03 Oct


Sandra Burslem 2.10


Coffee Date With Your Committee

Fri 27 Sept


Meet MMUnion reception

Salem Campus Fellowship Manchester

Welcome session

Tue 08 Oct

18:00 - 20:30

Meet MMUnion reception

Urban Gardening

Meet & greet

Wed 02 Oct Thu 03 Oct


John Dalton Garden


Meet & greet

Thu 26 Sept

18:00 - 23:00

Meet MMUnion reception

MMU Sport Taster Sessions Table Tennis

Fri 27 Sept

17:15 - 19:15

Sugden Sports Centre

Short Tennis

Fri 27 Sept

17:00 - 18:00

Sugden Sports Centre


Mon 30 Sept

17:30 - 18:30

Sugden Sports Centre

5-aside Football

Tue 01 Oct

17:00 - 18:00

Holy Trinity High School

Touch Rugby

Tue 01 Oct

17:00 - 18:00

Holy Trinity High School


Thu 03 Oct

17:00 - 18:20

Sugden Sports Centre


Thu 03 Oct

17:00 - 19:00

Sugden Sports Centre


Thu 03 Oct

17:30 - 19:30

Sugden Sports Centre

{ mmunion.co.uk/welcome }  welcome week events


night events: manchester

toicpk p

Welcome Week wristband available online: mmunion. co.uk/welcome

Atomic Uproar Party

UV Paint Party

The Big Bomb Roller Disco


Sat 21 Sept


Sun 22 Sept


Mon 23 Sept


21:00 - Late


21:00 - Late


21:00 - Late


The Met Club, MMUnion


The Met Club, MMUnion


The Met Club, MMUnion

Kick off freshers at the Atomic Uproar party. Enter a world of CO2, laser shows, and yellow uv and start freshers 2013 with an unforgettable explosion! With an all star line up including A-Team and DJ Jepta

The ORIGINAL Paint Party is back! The ELECRIFYINGLY messy night is full of music, explosions and colour. See you on the dance floor! Brought to you by Radio 1 DJ Huw Stephens this night is not to be missed.

Hop on the party bus at Broomhurst: 21:00 Daisybank: 22:00 With a return shuttle service at 02:00/03:00

Hop on the party bus at Broomhurst: 21:00 Daisybank: 22:00 With a return shuttle service at 02:00/03:00

Who’s ready to roll? The largest roller disco in the North West is coming to MMUnion for a night of funk and fun! Featuring Hot Dub Time Machine. Hop on the party bus at Broomhurst: 21:00 Daisybank: 22:00 With a return shuttle service at 02:00/03:00

the salutation what’s on:

Please drink responsibly, Drinkaware.co.uk | NO photo ID, no Entry - Rights of Admission Reserved. MMUnion reserve the right to change events without prior notice.


Acoustic Sessions


Folk Sessions


Mon 23 Sept


Tue 24 Sept


Wed 25 Sept


18:00 - Late


18:00 - Late


18:00 - Late

The Salutation provides the perfect chilled out vibe for a range of acoustic sessions from local musicians. Come along and see what’s going on!

Can you beat the Quizmaster? Come along and test your knowledge to win some prizes.

The Salutation offers a small and intimate venue for live folk music.

starting uni essentials  { mmu.ac.uk/welcome }

MMUnion has some of the hottest night events planned for you - make sure you buy your wristband to gain entry to all of the events - let’s make Freshers 2013 one to remember! Wristband will gain you entry to all nights at The Met Club as well as your Freshers Survival Kit full of goodies. Join the conversation: { facebook.co.uk/welcomemmu }

toicpk p

HeadPhone Disco Cocktail Night When:

Tue 24 Sept


21:00 - Late


The Met Club, MMUnion

Exactly what is says on the tin! HeadPhone disco and £2 cocktails - all night. From Margarita to Mojito, come and see what’s on offer! Hop on the party bus at Broomhurst: 21:00 Daisybank: 22:00 With a return shuttle service at 02:00/03:00

Funked Foam Party

Ibiza World Tour

Flirt! Freshers Ball: Willy Wonka


Wed 25 Sept


Thu 26 Sept


Fri 27 Sept


21:00 - Late


21:00 - Late


21:00 - Late


The Met Club, MMUnion


The Met Club, MMUnion


The Met Club, MMUnion

Get wet and wild with the first foam party of freshers! The biggest and best in Manchester – this night is not for the faint hearted! Radio 1 Xtra’s The Mac Twins will be on hand warming up the decks. Hop on the party bus at Broomhurst: 21:00 Daisybank: 22:00 With a return shuttle service at 02:00/03:00

Jam Night

Live DJ weekly & Pizza Club


Thu 26 Sept


Fri 27 Sept


18:00 - Late


18:00 - Late

Jam night @ the Salutation gives everyone chance to showcase their musical talents!

Summer blues? A totally Balearic clubbing experience brings the white isle of Ibiza to MMUnion! Hop on the party bus at Broomhurst: 21:00 Daisybank: 22:00 With a return shuttle service at 02:00/03:00

Do YOU have your golden ticket? Celebrate the end of your first week in Willy Wonka style – the biggest night yet with star DJs, chocolate, fun & freebies – let’s get wonka’d! Fresh Meat star and MMU graduate Zawe Ashton will be hitting the decks along with headline act – a DJ set from the Maccabees! Hop on the party bus at Broomhurst: 21:00 Daisybank: 22:00 With a return shuttle service at 02:00/03:00

The Salutation will be offering pre ball drinks and pizza deals, and a live DJ at a chilled out venue – just the thing for the weekend!

{ mmunion.co.uk/welcome }  welcome week events


day events: cheshire

mon 23 sept

sat 21 sept

sun 22 sept

MMUnion Info Point

MMUnion Info Point

MMUnion Info Point


Sat 21 Sept


Sun 22 Sept


Tue 24 Sept


09:00 - 18:00


09:00 - 18:00


10:00 - 14:00






The Student Zone

Meet union staff, officers and reps, pick up your wristband, and get answers to your questions!

Meet union staff, officers and reps, pick up your wristband, and get answers to your questions!

The Big Move Day One

The Big Move Day Two When:

Sat 21 Sept


10:00 - 18:00


Booth, Barlow, Harley, Davenport

Our welcome reps will be at halls to help you move in, get settled and give you the low down on what’s going on during freshers. Look out for the blue t shirts!


Sun 22 Sept


10:00 - 18:00


Booth, Barlow, Harley, Davenport

Our welcome reps will be at halls to help you move in, get settled and give you the low down on what’s going on during freshers. Look out for the blue t shirts!

ASDA Trip When:

Sun 22 Sept


12:00 (shuttle service)


Pick up Crewe Campus

MMUnion Info Point When:

Mon 23 Sept


10:00 - 14:00


The Student Zone

tue 24 sept

Meet union staff, officers and reps, pick up your wristband, and get answers to your questions!

Meet union staff, officers and reps, pick up your wristband, and get answers to your questions!


Pyramid Poster Sale


Mon 23 Sept


Tue 24 Sept




09:00 - 16:00


Pick up Crewe Campus


The Student Zone

MMUnion provides free transport to the local IKEA so you can buy all the things you need for your new home!

Put your stamp on your room at this massive poster and print sale – there’s something for everyone from music to films, comedy and art.

MMUnion provides free transport to the local ASDA superstore to stock up on all of those fresher essentials!


starting uni essentials  { mmu.ac.uk/welcome }

We have loads of great things planned for you during Welcome Week. There are opportunities to go on trips and meet new people. Whatever you enjoy, there will be something for everyone! Join the conversation: { facebook.co.uk/welcomemmu } {  @ManMetUnion }

wed 25 sept Freshers Fair

toicpk p

thu 26 sept

fri 27 sept

MMUnion Info Point

MMUnion Info Point


Wed 25 Sept


Thu 26 Sept


Fri 27 Sept


10:00 - 14:00


10:00 - 14:00


10:00 - 14:00


Crewe Campus Sports Hall


The Student Zone


The Student Zone

MMUnion’s Freshers Fair is back and it’s BIGGER and BETTER than ever! One of the highlights of Welcome Week, the fair is packed full of fun and freebies and is not to be missed. Sign up and join sports clubs and societies who will be putting on performances, games and taster sessions to give you a sample of what Student Activities is all about at Crewe Campus.

Meet union staff, officers and reps, pick up your wristband, and get answers to your questions!

Meet union staff, officers and reps, pick up your wristband, and get answers to your questions!

Trafford Centre When:

Thu 26 Sept




Pick up Crewe Campus

MMUnion provides free transport to the Trafford Centre for all of your shopping needs! Check out all the shops, restaurants and bars that the Trafford Centre has to offer.

Manchester United Tour When:

Fri 27 Sept




Pick up Crewe Campus

sat 28 sept

Alton Towers

toicpk p


Sat 28 Sept




Pick up Crewe Campus

End your Welcome Week 2013 on a high with a special rate trip to Alton Towers! Meet your welcome reps on campus for transport to the park. £15 inc. transport - booking essential at mmunion.co.uk

Take a peek into the biggest football club in the world! Meet your welcome reps on Crewe campus to get transport to Old Trafford. £10.50 inc transport. Booking essential at mmunion.co.uk (35 places only)

{ mmunion.co.uk/welcome }  welcome week events


give it a go: cheshire ACS

Ice breaker

Thu 26 Sept

15:30 - 18:00

Seeley Building


Taster session

Mon 30 Sept

19:00 -21:30

Crewe Campus Gym


First training session

Tue 01 Oct

19:00 - 20:30

Crewe Campus Sports Hall


Welcome session

Tue 01 Oct

17:00 - 18:30

Crewe Campus Sports Hall

Men’s Basketball

First training session

Mon 30 Sept

20:00 - 21:30

Crewe Campus Sports Hall

Women’s Basketball

First training session

Mon 30 Sept

17:00 - 18:30

Crewe Campus Sports Hall


Taster session

Fri 27 Sept

18:00 - 19:00

Crewe Campus Gym


Taster session

Tue 01 Oct

18:30 - 20:30

Crewe Campus Gym

Christian Union

Wii, games & pudding

Mon 23 Sept

19:00 - 20:00

Francis Wood Room 8

Ladies Football

Taster session

Thu 26 Sept

16:45 - 18:30

Crewe Campus 3G

Men’s Football

Welcome meeting

Thu 03 Oct

19:00 - 20:00

Genesis Theatre

Taster session

Wed 02 Oct

18:00 - 19:30

Giggle Dungeon

Taster session

Fri 27 Sept

18:30 - 19:30


Intro session

Fri 27 Sept

18:00 - 19:30

Crewe Campus Sports Hall

Men’s Hockey


Fri 27 Sept

Check website

SpeedKarting, Warrington

MMUsical Theatre

Welcome session

Wed 25 Sept

17:00 - 19:00

Meet in Student Zone



Mon 30 Sept

19:00 - 20:30

Crewe Campus Sports Hall

New Melodians

Taster session

Wed 02 Oct

15:00 - 16:30

Seeley Building

Poetry in Motion

Taster session

Thu 26 Sept

18:00 - 20:00

Couzens Room 16

Rugby League

Taster session

Wed 25 Sept

Check website

Crewe Campus 3G

Taster session

Thu 26 Sept

Check website

Crewe Campus Halls Grassed Area

Taster session

Wed 02 Oct

14:15 - 16:30

Crewe Swimming Pool, Flag Lane

Taster session

Tue 01 Oct

20:00 - 22:00

Crewe Campus Sports Hall

Women’s Rugby Union Swimming & Waterpolo Volleyball

Crewe Campus Lecture Theatre The Open Space, Axis Arts Centre The Open Space, Axis Arts Centre

MMU Sport Taster Sessions Badminton

Mon 30 Sept

17:00 - 18:30

Crewe Campus Sports Hall


Tue 01 Oct

16:00 - 17:30

Crewe Campus Sports Hall

5-aside Football

Wed 02 Oct

13:00 - 15:00

Crewe Campus 3G

Mixed Netball

Thu 03 Oct

17:00 - 18:00

Crewe Campus Sports Hall


Thu 03 Oct

17:00 - 18:00

Crewe Campus Sports Hall


starting uni essentials  { mmu.ac.uk/welcome }

night events: cheshire

toicpk p

The Warm Up

Freshers Launch Party

Open Mic Night

Giggle Dungeon


Sat 21 Sept


Sun 22 Sept


Mon 23 Sept


Tue 24 Sept


21:00 - Late


21:00 - Late


20:00 - Late


18:00 - Late


The Student Zone


The Student Zone


The Student Zone


The Student Zone

Kick off freshers 2013 at the warm up! Drinks deals, live music and karaoke… come across with your new flatmates and meet new people.

The official launch party is here! Hosted by Radio 1 Xtra DJs the Mac twins and Radio 1 DJ Matt Edmondson, this no to be missed night brings you stage games, music, drinks deals and much more!

toicpk p

Love Weds: #ILW

Flirt! Friday feat. Twin B


Wed 25 Sept


Fri 27 Sept


21:00 - Late


21:00 - Late


The Student Zone


The Student Zone

The weekly Wednesday madness is back! Wear your #ILW t-shirt and take part in the biggest interactive night of the week – meet new friends and win some prizes!

Are YOU ready to flirt? Closing freshers 2013 with the biggest party of all, join us for Flirt! Featuring Radio 1 Xtra DJs Twin B, this army themed night is not to be missed – ATTTTTTEN-TION!

The Open Mic team are back! We’ll be giving you the opportunity to show off your talents as part of our open mic section, before three great bands come out to play! So come on down, sign up, and rock the night away!

Stand Up Comedy - Freshers addition! The Giggle Dungeon Academy is back: bigger and better! We promise to grab you by the funny bone and jiggle and jerk it around until you are fully satisfied.

Welcome Week wristband & tickets available online: mmunion.co.uk/ welcome Last guaranteed entry for wristband holders is 11pm. Doors close at 12am(midnight). Please drink responsibly, Drinkaware.co.uk | NO photo ID, no Entry - Rights of Admission Reserved. MMUnion reserve the right to change events without prior notice.

Join the conversation: { facebook.co.uk/welcomemmu } {  @manmetunion }

{ mmunion.co.uk/welcome }  welcome week events


your student union officers

Hannah Templeman

Kayode Damali

Katie Parker


Vice President (Cheshire)


Twitter: @mmu_president

Twitter: @mmuc_vpcheshire

Twitter: @mmu_community







Jen Adamson

Mike Palmer

Becky Dunne


Student Activities (Manchester)

Student Activities (Cheshire)

Twitter: @mmu_activities

Twitter: @mmuc_activities



Twitter: @mmu_education Email:





starting uni essentials  { mmu.ac.uk/welcome }



Warrington 6 M5








Manchester M6 2


M56 M6


Macclesfield M6


Crewe Wrexham

our campuses in manchester and cheshire The University’s central All Saints campus is situated close to Manchester city centre. The Cheshire campus is 36 miles (58km) from Manchester. It is signposted from Junction 16 of the M6 motorway. The campus is a short walk away from the mainline railway station and is well served by public transport – just 1 hour 40 minutes from London by train.

Stoke-on-Trent M6


Students’ Union We have two Students’ Union buildings, one at the All Saints campus and one at the Cheshire campus. MMUnion 99 Oxford Road Manchester M1 7EL MMUnion Cheshire Crewe Green Road Crewe, Cheshire

Finding your way around All Saints campus

1 All Saints

Key to All Saints campus

i 2 Bellhouse

Central University Administration and Services All Saints Snack Bar



Business School & Student Hub

i Student Hub Hub CafĂŠ and Hub Kitchen b H iu 4 Cambridge Halls of

Manchester Metropolitan University All Saints Oxford Road Manchester M15 6BG All Saints campus Reception Tel: 0161 247 1324


b H5u

Cavendish Halls of Residence

6 Cavendish Hollings Faculty Halls of Residence

Ca St ven re di et sh

To Birley Fields, Oxford Court Halls and Victoria Halls

Cambr idge S treet New Students’ Union Building 2014 The Salutation Pub




Or mo nd Str eet

Ro sam on dS tre et

We st

6 5 15

i 14

i 8 12

Ca ve nd ish Str eet


Lower Ormon d St

All Sain ts Park

Oxfor d Roa d

This map is available in alternative formats online and in print. Visit mmu.ac.uk/travel/allsaints

Gr osv en or Str eet

Aquatics Centre


Oxfor d Roa d

Sugden Sports Centre

7 Chatham

12 Mabel Tylecote Faculty of Humanities, Languages and Social Science Capitol Theatre/Drama

8 Geoffrey Manton Faculty of Humanities, Languages and Social Science i Student Hub Atrium Café b H iu

13 Manchester School of Art Manchester School of Art Art School Café

9 Grosvenor

bManchester Hu

i 14 Ormond

School of Art

10 John Dalton


University Administration and Services

15 Righton

Faculty of Science and Engineering i Student Hub Food Zone b H iu 11 John Dalton West Faculty of Science and Engineering u b

Hollings Faculty i Student Hub

16 bSandra Burslem





Manchester Law School


Ma nc un ian Wa yA 57 M






Str eet

Sir Kenneth Green Library


Ch est er



Students’ Union Oxford



City C entre

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