
Page 1

Northern California

Back to school checklist Talk money with your children Laptop security Women going back to school plus


A directory of school locations and children and family resources


Serving Butte County



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Northern California

Parenthood 3



Corner of Clark & Pearson • 877-4442

Table of Contents Back to school checklist......................6 Ideas on how to get organized for the coming school year

Family fun tips...............................10 Talk money with your children.........................16 It’s never to early to teach your kids good financial habits

Laptop security..........21 Safety 101.....................24 Keeping your students’ things safe on campus

Women going back to school.....29 but not in the classroom

Resource Directories Daycare/Preschools............8 Dance, Music, Theater ....... 12 Extracurricular Activities...........14 Butte County Schools K-12...................... 26 Northern


Publisher: Carol Peterson General Manager: Jerry Urban Production/Graphics Manager: Jeri Luce Production: Glenn Harrington, Christie Lefforge, Cassie McCampbell Advertising/Sales: Jerry Urban Advertising Assistant: Linda Hood NORTHERN CALIFORNIA


Northern California Parenthood is published by Northern California Publications distributed free throughout Northern California 5399 Clark Road, P.O. Drawer 70, Paradise, CA 95967 Phone: (530) 879-7815, FAX (530) 877-1326 Northern California Parenthood emphasizes that our directory resources are listings not recommendations and researched to the best of our ability.

For advertising information call Jerry Urban 879-7815

Copyright 2010 Printed by Paradise Post Printing

find rulers and m sure t in you to le going Need what’ year Below your c schoo plies Office

l o o h c S Back-to


s k c a p k c Ba Binders ks o o b e t o N


Pencils Crayons Paper

HE BACK-TO-SCHOOL BUG is in the air as summer camps start to wrap up, teachers head back to their classrooms and parents start reviewing class lists for this year’s required school supplies. But back-to-school doesn’t have to be a stressful season if parents and teachers prepare early and take advantage of deals and offers. Here are some smart ideas for how to get organized this school year:



Review the clothes closet. Your child has likely grown over the summer and may need some new items. Try everything on (including shoes), to avoid any last-minute surprises, and make a list of what you 6

Northern California


It’s that time of year - getting smart about your BACK-TO-SCHOOL CHECKLIST need to replace. Consider donating anything that doesn’t fit to a charity.


Back new b is on essen need headi into For s totally check b a c design year-o

make sure the first day goes smoothly.


Start planCheck the supplies ning your famiTake advantage list and start stocking up ly schedule for as soon as you can to avoid the school year. of penny specials the last minute rush before Make it a priority being offered at school starts. Make sure to review how your child has everything your children are stores like Office on their school supply list getting to school, Depot beginning such as backpacks, when they’ll be binders, notebooks, and arriving back on July 26. pencils. home, how they’ll Purchasing new school get to any aftersupplies doesn’t have to school activities break the bank when you and when they’ll have time to do know how to find the right deals. homework. Taking the time to Take advantage of penny specials review the schedule as a family being offered at stores like Office before the first bell rings will help to Depot beginning on July 26. You can



of ng ur OL ST

find core supplies like pencils, rulers, glue sticks, folders, scissors and more for just $1 and under. Be sure to check the Sunday circulars in your local paper all summer long to learn about free promotions going on as well. Need some help figuring out what’s hot for back-to-school this year before hitting the stores? Below are some of the top picks your children are going to love this school year (all back-to-school supplies are available at your nearest Office Depot).


Project Backpack - A new backpack is one of the essentials kids need before heading back into school. For something totally unique, check out this b a c k p a c k designed by 17year-old Jerry Delgado, last year’s

winner of Office Depot and Sharpie’s “Project Backpack” design contest. The music inspired backpack will have your kids singing down the hallways.


HP G62 laptop computer The start of school is a perfect time to purchase new computers. The HP G62 is great for everyday student needs and comes equipped with AMD Turion II Dual-Core processor, 3 GB’s of RAM, and a webcam and microphone.


Microsoft Office Home and Student 2010 - Students will want the latest version of Microsoft Office which includes Word, Excel, PowerPoint and OneNote. It’s perfect for use throughout the school year.


Ativa 4 GB flash drives - Flash drives offer a convenient way to access your documents

chool ve to n you deals. ecials Office ou can


Mead fashion binders - Keep homework organized with fun new binders from Mead. Choose from various patterns such as candy colored stripes, retro flowers, or for alternative flair, the new punk plaid line. Teachers need to get ready too. Network with fellow teachers and get ready for the school year at Teacher Appreciation Breakfasts being hosted at stores like Office Depot. While you’re there, stock up on all your back-to-school needs like pocket charts, notepads, bulletin boards, record books, nametags and other classroom supplies in the exclusive teacher aisles. For more info on teacher appreciation breakfast dates and times, visit Courtesy of ARAcontent

All You CanEat Every Sunday & Monday Night 4pm-close $ RESTAURANTS


pplies ng up avoid before sure ything ly list packs, and

anywhere. There are more than 40 patterns/colors to choose from (three styles available for No Fear flash drives).


“Kids grow best in families”

Consider Foster Parenting For more info call:

Chico: 893-1614 Anderson: 365-9197 Lic.#045001075

2525 Dominic Drive, Chico 342-7771

Open 7 days, 6am-10pm

2234 The Esplanade, Chico 343-7000

Open 7 days, 6am-11pm Northern California

Parenthood 7


e r a c y a D

Chico Area Bidwell Academy for Young Children (2-5 years)

120 Mission Ranch Blvd. Chico • 345-2292

Bright Beginnings (0-12 yrs.)

120 Yellowstone Dr. Chico • 345-7100

Castles Day Care & Preschool (0-12 yrs.) 55 Jan Ct. Chico • 892-2273 Chico Child Development Center 2550 Hwy 32, Ste. A Chico • 894-1778

Chico Christian Preschool 2801 Notre Dame Blvd. Chico 879-8989

Care Chico Christian Preschool (2-5 yrs. & 5-13 yrs.)

2801 Notre Dame Blvd. Chico 879-8989

Chico Community Children’s Center Office: 2224 Elm Chico • 891-5363 • After-School Program • Infant Program • Preschool-Age Program • Toddler Program

Chico Community Children’s Center-Eaton Preschool & Toddler Program


Northern California

(3-5 yrs.)

814 Glenn St. Chico • 342-5518

Innovative Preschool Inc. (2-5 years) 2404 Marigold Ave. Chico • 343-2028

KidsPark Chico Nursery School (2-4 years)

1190 E. 1st Ave. Chico • 891-1723

Chico Oaks Adventist Pre-School (2-5 years)

1859 Hooker Oak Ave. Chico • 342-4813

Early Learning Center (3-5 yrs.)

2602 Chico River Rd. Chico • 343-8886

Forever Young Learning Center (2-12 years)

291 E. Lassen Ave. Chico • 345-4858 Community Action Agency of Butte County, Inc.

(2-5 yrs. & 5-13 yrs.)

1270 Eaton Rd. Chico 343-9349

Chico Montessori Children’s House

r e P school

Head Start Preschool Boucher (0-5 years) 1312 Boucher St., Chico • 345-5496 Chapman (3-5 years) 1071 E. 16th St. Chico • 894-1517

(2-12 years)

2483 Notre Dame Blvd. Suite 110 Chico • 894-6800 Kinder Kids (2-6 years) 2845 Esplanade Chico • 342-5433

King’s Christian Children’s Center (2-5 years & 5-12 years)

1137 Arbutus Ave. Chico • 345-3100 Koala-Tee Family Child Care (0-12 years) 3056 Snowbird Dr. Chico • 342-9141

Laura’s Daycare Center & Preschool (2-6 years) 475 E 5th Ave. Chico • 343-1516 (0-12 years)

460 W. East Ave. #210 Chico • 342-7758

Little Folks Preschool (2-6 years)

Little Sprouts

Fairview (0-3 years) 290 East Ave. Chico • 891-3029

Little Treasures Preschool & Infant Care


115 Oak St. Chico • 879-7515

Peanut Butter Palace (2-6 years)

3524 Hicks Lane Chico • 899-0222

Progressive Schoolhouse (5-15 years)

2400 Notre Dame Blvd. Chico • 345-5665

Storybrook (0-12 years)

2855 Burnap Ave. Chico • 894-5437

(2-5 years) ECO Green, organic gardening

15 Overland Ct. Chico • 345-0123

(0-12 years)

2010 Notre Dame Blvd. Chico • 345-3415

Bald Cente

(3-5 y

286 R Berry

Barto (0-2 y

615 P Orov

Barto (2-10

645 P Orov

Calva Child


10 Co Orov

794 East 3rd Ave. Chico • 895-8793


Super Luper Kids

45 In Orov

(0-12 years)

1450 Springfield Dr. #219 Chico • 895-8796

The Enchanted Kingdom (0-12 years) 4 Creative Lane Chico • 891-4654


Little Discoveries

East of Eden (3-5 years) 1577 E. Lassen Ave. Chico • 891-0101 Elm Street (3-5 years) 2205 Elm St. Chico • 895-3629 Mariposa (3-5 years) 2603 Mariposa Chico • 343-0633

Rosedale (3-5 years) 100 Oak Street Chico • 342-3607

Oak Street Children’s Center


Baby Kingdom (6 weeks – 18 mos.)

354 Washington Gridley • 846-3199

Commu Butte C


Bould (1-4 y

675 M Orov

Butte Regio (1-4 y

2167 Orov

Popla (1-4 y

Community Action Agency of Butte County, Inc.

Head Start Preschool

2075 Orov


(1-4 years)

(1-4 y

295 Washington St. Gridley • 846-3123

2900 Orov

Gridley State Preschool (3-5 years)

1567 Booth Dr. Gridley • 846-3850

Kids Castle (18mos.-12 years)

585 Magnolia St. Gridley • 846-3199

South Child

(1-4 y

2959 Orov


(1-4 y

1650 Orov







y of



Oroville Bald Rock Children’s Center (3-5 yrs.)

286 RockerfellerRd. Berry Creek • 532-5882

Barton’s Infant Center

Just Kiddin’Around Day Care


Paradise Adventist Academy

(0-12 years)

955 Thermolito Ave. Oroville • 533-7638

Oakdale Heights Children’s Center 2255 Las Plumas Ave. Oroville • 532-5643

(0-2 years)

(K-12 years)

(3-5 years)


(2-10 years)

645 Pomona Ave Oroville • 533-0573

Discovery Club (6-12 years)

Calvary Lutheran Childrens Center

Contact PRPD 5600 Recreation Dr. 872-6393

(2-5yrs & 6-12 yrs)

10 Concordia Oroville • 534-7082

(5 -12 years)

Palermo State Preschool 7390 Bulldog Way Palermo • 533-4730

Barton’s Nursery School

Paradise Preschool Inc.

5737 Autrey Lane Oroville • 533-1560

(3-5 years)

615 Pomona Ave. Oroville • 533-2434

5699 Academy Paradise • 877-6540

Palermo Children’s Center

6722 Clark Road Paradise • 877-8155

Pee Wee Preschool (2 -12 years)

7196 Skyway Paradise • 877-0633

Our Savior Lutheran Day Care & Preschool (1 - 4 years)

6404 Pentz Rd. Paradise • 877-4447

Rainbow Friends (1 -4 years)

5995 Almond St. Paradise • 876-8907

Dawn’s Family Day Care 45 Inglewood Drive Oroville • 538-9964

Tiny Tots (0 -5 years)

Community Action Agency of Butte County, Inc.

Head Start Preschool Boulder Creek (1-4 years)

675 Mitchell Ave. Oroville • 538-8330 Butte County Head Start Regional Office (1-4 years)

2167-B Montgomery St. Oroville • 532-7564 Poplar (1-4 years)

2075 Poplar Avenue Oroville • 532-1912 Sierra Del Oro (1-4 years)

2900 Wyandotte Ave. Oroville • 533-7528 South Oroville Children’s Center (1-4 years)

2959 Lower Wyandotte Oroville • 538-4074 Table Mt. Children’s Ctr. (1-4 years)

1650 Robinson St. Oroville • 533-6650

PRPD-5600 Recreation Dr. Paradise • 872-6393

Oroville Christian School

Vista Children’s Center

(4-12 years)

(3-5 years)

3785 Olive Hwy. Oroville • 533-2888

Oroville Gymnastics Center & Kids Club (18mos.-12 years)

1875 Feather River Blvd. Oroville • 533-1043

581 Pearson Rd. Paradise • 872-6240

Community Action Agency of Butte County, Inc.

Head Start Preschool (0-5 years)

Small World Child Care & Learning Center

6722 Clark Rd. Paradise • 872-3415

(0-2 years)

1295 Pomona Ave. Oroville • 533-0189 (2-5 years)

1295 Pomona Ave. Oroville • 533-0188

Small Folks Montessori (3-5 years)

150 Oroview Dr. Oroville • 532-0682

First United Methodist Church State Pre-School (3-5 years)

45 Acacia Ave. Oroville • 533-7321

Kids Tyme (0-5 years)

6491 Clark Road Paradise • 877-7069

Kreative Beginnings (6 wks-12 years)

810 College Hill Rd. Paradise • 876-0494

Operation Vacation Latch-Key (after school kids)

7196 Skyway Paradise • 872-3151

Consulting & Information Services Child Care Food Program Chico • 895-0561 Oroville ofc •534-8458

E. Center 2205 Elm Chico • 895-3629

Regional Office 564 Rio Lindo Ave. Chico • 895-3588

Valley Oak Children’s Services Free referral service

287 Rio Lindo Ave. Chico • 895-3572 Northern California

Parenthood 9


to make the most out of everyday

family fun

f you thought a day of family fun would bust your budget and take a lot of time to plan, think again. Contrary to common belief, it is possible to plan fun, family-friendly activities without breaking the bank. Here are some valuable tips to get you on the road to celebrating, saving and offering your family more throughout the year.


* Eat-in before heading out One way to plan an affordable, fun night with your family is to hit the local bowling alley. Go ahead and feed the kids before heading out as it will save you time and money. And be on the lookout for family-friendly offers that provide discounts on bowling.

* Look for family discounts Check out the websites of your kids’ favorite local museums and theme parks for printable coupons and family-focused promotions. Some museums offer free admission on select days/times of the week and theme parks sell family packages or two-for-one deals. Ask your kids to help you hunt down coupons so they can also learn about saving.


Northern California


* Arrange a neighborhood swap

* Make it a movie night

Plan events with other families that bring both parents and kids together, while helping you save time and money. For example, get together with other families for a barbecue and ask them to bring toys, video games or even clothes that their children have out grown to swap with other parents. Have everyone bring a food item to share and invite the whole family, as they’ll have a great time playing together while “the elders” swap goods.

Set aside one night each month for a movie night. Let each member of the family take turns choosing a film and plan a night around it. Cozy up on the couch and nosh on your favorite party foods - anything from popcorn to pizza. Get ready for the fun-filled night by stocking up on grocery items when they are offered at a reduced price. If you can’t use the items right away, make use of your pantry and freezer space. Frozen pizzas are frequently on sale in the freezer section and make for a great movie night treat. Courtesy of ARAcontent

Uniquee Furnishingss Forr Yourr Home CONSUL RECLINER on sale at $995, through September 6

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FREE Swing Table when you buy a Stressless® recliner July 1 - September 6: Stressless® living is the perfect combination of comfort, function and style. Come in today and experience the unparalleled comfort of Stressless® furniture. You’ll see why Stressless® earns the title, The Innovators of Comfort™. Purchase any Stressless® recliner and receive a FREE Swing Table—true to its name, it swings away when not in use—it’s all about comfort. Stressless® is proudly endorsed by the American Chiropractic Association.

Is there a spot in your home that needs a unique piece that stands apart from the rest of its surroundings? Finds Design & Decor offers an array of upholstered furniture pieces, eclectic accent pieces and unique accessories to match any decor. We also carry a variety of area rugs, fountains, lighting, wall decor and much more.


Our goal is to bring you a wide variety of styles to choose from so you’ll be able to find that perfect piece to compliment your personality. If you haven’t found the item you’ve been looking for, be sure to look through our extensive library of catalogs and we’d be happy to special order that perfect piece for you.

(530)) 892-1905


MANGROVE AVE . • CHICO ( BETWEEN 3 RD AND 5 TH AVENUES ) Storee Hours:: Mon-Frii 10-6;; Satt 10-5;; Closedd Sundays



Parenthood 11

Unique Furnishings

c i s u h e ater e c T n M a D Music


Broadway Music Center 534 Broadway Chico • 345-4222

Chico Creek Dance Centre

Chico School of Rock

Chico Community Ballet Full Force Hip Hop Company

1144 W First St. Chico • 893-9028

Frank Dodini Voice and Music Instruction

Creative Arts Center

7060 Skyway Paradise • 872-4250

Oroville • 532-0436

Dance America Studios

Houser’s Music

HYPE Dance Studio

1944 Bird St. Oroville • 533-9336

1033 Mangrove Ave. Chico • 898-8789

Jerry’s Accordion

Kinetics-Academy of Dance

701 E. Lassen Ave. Chico • 342-0242

72155 Park Ave. Chico • 345-2505

Kindermusik Chico • 892-2359

Lynn’s Dance Arts 495 Sycamore Gridley • 846-1019

Matt Savage Music & DJ Service

Northern California Ballet

• 876-0148

Music Express Inn/ Suzuki Music School

5794 Clark Rd. Paradise • 872-1719

1145 El Monte Ave. Chico • 891-9833

Paradise Dancers 5905 D Clark Rd., Ste 135 Paradise • 877-9771

Stamp Your Feet Performing Arts Center

Music Logic Chico 13 Arbour Dr. Chico • 891-5232

Music Connection 973 East Ave., Suite 2 Chico • 898-0110

1559 1/2 Myers St. Oroville • 534-6233

1144 W. 1st St. Chico • 345-9465

Herreid Music 824 Oroville Ave. Chico • 894-7777

520 W. 12th Ave. Chico • 342-9933

Studio One

PO Box 448 Chico • 894-2526

Musician’s Exchange 6025 Skyway Paradise • 877-1996

Paradise Symphony Society Paradise • 877-8042


Northern California


Robert Speegle Music Instruction

Paradise • 877-5902

Ruhnke Piano & Organ Co. 3130 Hwy 32 Chico • 891-488

Musical Instruments Service & Repair Dave’s Excellent Guitar Repair 5462 Foster Rd., By Appt. Paradise • 876-3245

Celebration Concerts 2947 Jolyn Way Chico • 624-5873

Chico Cabaret 2201 Pillsbury Rd. Ste C1 Chico • 895-0245

Chico Theater Company 166 Eaton Rd. Ste. F Chico • 894-3282

Harlan Adams Theatre CSUC Public Events, Chico • 898-5791

Laxson Auditorium 2nd & Normal St. Chico • 898-5791

Maple Creek Presents North Woodwinds Repairs for All Brass & Woodwinds 820 E 5th Ave. Chico • 891-6877

Rainey Music 2835 San Verbena Way Chico • 343-6276

Roche Piano Service 1469 Filbert Street Chico • 345-0524

Stringed Instrument Works 1636 Davis St. Chico • 896-0612

Theater/ Performing Arts Birdcage 1740 Bird St. Oroville • 533-2473

P.O. Box 3339 Chico • 891-4098

Oroville State Theater 1489 Myers St. Oroville • 538-2470

Paradise Performing Arts Center 777 Nunneley Rd. Paradise • 872-8454

Blue Room Theater Company 139 W. 1st St. Chico • 895-3749

Bright Lights Children’s Theatre PRPD - 6626 Skyway Paradise • 872-6393

Theatre etc. 14 Hillary Lane Chico • 895-8382

Theatre on the Ridge 3735 Neal Road Paradise • 877-5760

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northwoodwinds .com

What would childhood be without the love of a good pet? Weren’t they always the ones that listened to your problems, never told your secrets and were always willing to play? Not to mention all the lessons you learned—about love, how to approach animals safely, responsibility, loyalty and sometimes even loss. If you feel these experiences enriched the adult you are today, why not take your children to the Paradise Animal Shelter to pick out a new family member?

Find your best friend at the

Paradise Animal Shelter Take Clark Road, toward 70, left on American Way. Open Tues-Sat 11am-3:30pm Northern California

Parenthood 13

i r c r u u l c a a r r t x ctivities



4-H Clubs Butte County

AMF Orchard Lanes 2397 Esplanade Chico • 895-3257

Tall Pines Entertainment Center 5445 Clark Rd. Paradise • 872-2695


2279 Del Oro Ave. #B Oroville • 538-7201

Girl Scouts of Northern California 50 Landing Circle Chico • 343-1904

Rainbow Girls Paradise Kathy Hafer • 877-2508

Children’s Clubs

YMCA - Oroville 1684 Robinson St. Oroville • 533-9622

AWANAS 6491 Clark Road Paradise • 877-7069

Boy Scouts of America— Golden Empire Council 561 East Lindo Ave. #5 Chico • 342-7460

Diving Paradise Dive Center 5757 Skyway Paradise • 872-7707

Canyon Oaks Country Club 999 Yosemite Dr. Chico • 343-2582 Pro-Shop • 343-1116

Tuscan Ridge Golf Course 3100 Skyway • 624-7006 (between Paradise & Chico)



Bidwell Park Golf Course

Athletic Horizons

3199 Golf Course Rd. Bidwell Park Chico • 891-8417

Dingerville USA 5813 Pacific Heights Rd. Oroville • 533-9343

220 Meyers Chico • 893-4967

Oroville Gymnastics Sports Academy 1875 Feather River Blvd. Oroville • 533-1043

Funland Putt • Skate • Golf 2465 Carmichael Drive Chico • 343-1601

Kelly Ridge Golf Course 5131 Royal Oaks Dr. Oroville Pro Shop • 589-0777

Horsemanship Almond Creek Riding Club

Admin. & Clubhouse 601 Wall St. Chico • 899-0335 Chico Teen Center 628 Wall St. Chico • 879-5653 Paradise Teen Center 6241 Skyway Paradise • 872-3662 During School Year-Paradise

Paradise Elementary Ages 6-12 • 872-0562

Ponderosa Elementary Ages 6-12 • 872-1502

Pine Ridge 6th-8th Grade • 873-6592 14

Northern California

Valley Scuba 455 E. 20th Ave. Ste. 40 Chico • 891-5041

Fencing Chico Creek Fencing Center 3880 Benatar Way #8 Chico • 899-8355

Golf-Private Butte Creek Country Club 175 Estates Dr. Chico • 343-7979 Pro-Shop • 343-8292


Lava Creek Golf Course 5325 Clark Rd. Paradise • 872-4653

3544 Elk Ave. Chico • 343-5011

Butte Creek Horse Club Paradise Pines Golf Course 13917 S. Park Dr. Magalia • 873-1111

Durham • 893-3380

Butte Creek Riding Club 2008 Oro-Chico Hwy. Durham • 864-0472

Skyway Golf Park 1 Longest Dr. Chico • 899-8108

Sunset Hills Golf Course Inc. 13301 Garner Ln. Chico • 342-4600

Table Mountain Golf Course 2700 Oro Dam Blvd. West Oroville • 533-3924 Pro Shop • 533-3922



3900 Butte



2465 Chico


Chico Little

328 S Chico


196 W Gridle

Lake O Leagu 1890 Orov

Chico • 891-3314

Almond Tree Farms Boys & Girls Club of the North Valley

Horse Eques


Carla • 877


Azad’ Arts A

313 W Chico

Doon Grade Ranch 16101 Doon Grade Rd. Magalia • 873-8132


805 C Parad

Firefox Horse Shows 3900 Doubletree Rd. 990-3201

Hidden Treasure Equestrian Farm 10082 Jones Ave. Durham • 892-2532


483 E Chico


254 E Chico

Horse Run Equestrian Center Chico 892-8900

Spring Valley Ranch 3900 Doubletree Rd. Butte Valley • 891-8493


Hockey Cal-Skate


2465 Carmichael Chico • 343-1601

Little League Chico Eastside Little League







328 Southgate Chico • 343-1779

Gridley Little League 196 Washington Gridley • 846-3890

Lake Oroville Little League Brandt Field 1890 3rd Ave. Oroville • 533-5563

Paradise Little League Carla Rynbrand • 877-3267

Martial Arts Azad’s Martial Arts Academy 313 Walnut St. Chico • 896-0777

Bushido Center, The 805 Cedar St. Paradise • 877-8100

s Chico Dojo 483 East Ave. Chico • 898-9753

Chico Kodenkan 254 E. First St. Chico • 343-6551

Chico Kuk Sul Do 609 Entler Chico • 343-8966

Downham’s Universal Karate Academy 6149 Skyway Paradise • 872-4291

Epperson Brothers Kenpo Karate Dojo 977 East Ave. Chico • 895-8257

Haley’s Martial Arts Center 265 Cohasset Rd. Chico • 895-3114

Inayon Eskrima Contact: Cory Hanosh 877-1625

Nibukikan Martial Arts Studio 636 Nord Ave. #A Chico • 342-1275

NorCal Martial Arts Academy 2954 Highway 32, #900 Chico • 321-1753

OC’s Tae Kwon Do Center 169 Cohasset Rd. Ste. 2 Chico • 899-1789

Paradise KarateKickboxing 6017 Skyway Paradise • 872-9590

Seishindo Karate 1108 Mangrove Ave. Chico • 345-7112

Smith’s Kenpo Karate 1222 Esplanade Chico • 345-7117

Sternet’s Martial Arts 2420 Park Ave. Chico • 896-0766

Ten Shin Dojo School of Aikido

Chico Rooks 5 Kingston Chico • 343-7665

3028 Esplanade, Ste. C Chico • 893-5821

Chico Youth Soccer Twin Cities Martial Arts Academy 559 Kentucky Gridley • 846-5995

North Valley Soccer 1090 E. 20th St. Chico • 898-8166


Off The Wall Soccer 1090 E. 20th St. Chico • 879-0894

Durham Recreation and Park District 9447 Midway Durham • 345-1921

Oroville Youth Soccer League

Feather River Recreation and Park District 1200 Myers St. Oroville • 533-2011

Oroville Parks and Trees Department 1735 Montgomery St. Oroville • 538-2415

Paradise Recreation and Park District 6626 Skyway Paradise • 872-6393

545 Vallombrosa Ave. Chico • 894-1088 894-8889

106 Morningstar Ave. Oroville • 532-1789

Paradise Ridge Youth Soccer Club • 895-2031

Swimming Chico Aqua Jets PO Box 1131 Chico

YMCA Oroville 1684 Robinson St. Oroville • 533-9622

Skating Cal-Skate 2465 Carmichael Chico • 343-1601

Soccer Butte United Soccer Club • 343-4822

North Valley Swim School 1293 E. First Ave. Chico • 345-6707

Piranhas Swim Team PO Box 193 Paradise

Zoos Barry R. Kirshner’s Wildlife Foundation Education and Conservation By appointment only • 345-1700

Northern California

Parenthood 15


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ids these days. They’re constantly bombarded with information from all directions on every topic imaginable - except how to manage money. In fact, the financial literacy of high school students has fallen to its lowest level ever, according to a survey of high school seniors and college students released last year by the Jump$tart Coalition. The survey reveals that just 17 percent of high school seniors



Northern California


understand basic differences between stocks, savings bonds and savings accounts. Only about 40 percent of them realize that their own health insurance could stop if their parents become unemployed.




Parents say they want to be the source of that information, yet they admit they aren’t following

through. Fewer than 50 percent of parents believe they are competent teachers of financial issues according to the Money Lessons Survey posted on “So many parents tell us they don’t know where to start,” says Laura Dierke, financial education program manager with Thrivent Financial for Lutherans, a faithbased financial services organization. “We empower parents to have conversations about money with their children through financial


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education workshops in communities across the country.” “Helping children understand finances is very important, so that when they graduate and live on their own, they can fend for themselves and be financially secure both in their daily lives and their future,” says Nick Fyntrilakis, assistant vice president of Community Responsibility for MassMutual, at Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Co., Springfield, Mass. According to a National PTA article on, “money gives people — both young and old — decision-making opportunities.” “Educating, motivating, and empowering children to become regular savers and investors will enable them to keep more of the money they earn and do more with the money they spend,” the article says. The key with kids is to find some lessons that work and then repeat them until they sink in. Money skills are learned over time, and some of the best lessons are taught by what you do, rather than what you say. Here are some tips to help you educate your children about good money management:

Tips to talk about money


Set a budget - both for yourself and your children. Children follow by example, and you can make a good impression by showing them how you stay within a budget - whether it’s for food, utility bills or fun activities. Help your kids establish a budget, and explain the differences between needs and wants.

MONEY continues next page


Remember cash? With credit cards dominating our wallets, kids simply are not “in touch” with money. Help your kids see what money is by showing them coins and dollars and talking about their worth. Help them understand what money does by using cash for your purchases whenever possible. “We can’t expect kids to understand the value of a dollar when they rarely see visible evidence of money leaving your pockets,” Dierke adds.


Help them establish a savings account. Children accumulate money in many different ways ranging from birthday presents to jobs they’ve organized like walking a neighbor’s dog or mowing lawns. But putting that money into a piggy bank doesn’t do anything. Explain about interest, and find a bank or credit union that offers accounts that don’t charge monthly fees, don’t require a minimum account balance, have good interest rates and are insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Company (FDIC) or the National Credit Union Share Insurance Fund (NCUSIF). Demonstrate the idea of “interest earned” by adding a small amount to what your kids save. Or offer to match the amount they save to help double their effort. Make the effort to talk about the value of saving over time.

ADOPTION Open Your Heart To A Waiting Child Please Call (530) 895-6143

California Department of Social Services 520 Cohasset Rd., Suite 140 • Chico, CA 95926 Serving Residents of Butte, Colusa, Glenn, Lassen, Modoc, Plumas, Sierra, Siskiyou, & Tehama Northern California

Parenthood 17

MONEY from page 17 Try this when shopping with your older kids. When they want to buy something now, ask them to “stop, think and choose.” Stop to consider whether they want or need it, think how the money could be used more resourcefully and choose if the item is more important than other wants and needs.



Make it fun with an app.

Check out Save! The Game, a free app parents can help their children download from iTunes for a fun “needs vs. wants” game. Also, consider speaking to children about establishing a savings plan, and how much of their income they should put away for the future. This is a good time for them to plan for larger upcoming expenses like owning a car, paying college tuition or renting an apartment.


Northern California


Discuss ways your children can add to their income.


Determine if you want to establish an allowance, or encourage them to be an entrepreneur and start their own business: set up a lemonade stand, wash cars, mow lawns and rake leaves, clean garages, babysit, etc. Helping them develop a good work ethic when they’re young will also help them foster excellent employment skills when they join the real world as adults. With online bill pay and electronic bank statements, you have to be intentional about showing your kids the regular income and outflow of your family budget. Make a point of sitting at the computer with them to demonstrate these tasks. These four tips are just a few ways parents get the lessons started at home with younger children. Make


the conversations and real-life examples about money skills and responsibilities part of your life every day to help prepare your children for a bright future.

Encourage them to contribute back to society.


Children may have an organization close to their heart or family they want to support. Narrow down the list of numerous non-profit organizations in the United States to just a couple they might have an interest in. “Talking with your children at a young age about money matters will help them establish good financial skills before they’re ready to enter the world as an adult,” says Fyntrilakis.

Courtesy of ARAcontent

Because Enloe cares about your pregnancy journey, we are giving birth to the Nettleton Mother & Baby Care Center in our new patient tower, opening 2011.

Northern California

Parenthood 19

Paradise Adventist Academy A K-12 School of Academic Excellence

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Paradise Adventist Academy is accredited by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges and is open to children of all faiths.


Northern California


Laptop security tips help keep priceless college memories and files safe

ITH STUDENTS heading off to college, parents nationwide are considering purchasing a new laptop for their kids and are contemplating the costs associated with it. What they often don’t consider is the cost of replacing a college laptop if it is stolen - and this cost can be much higher than you would expect.


A recent Ponemon Institute report valued loss of data from a stolen laptop to be approximately $5,870 - a price much higher than the cost of a new laptop for a college student. According to Absolute Software, a company specializing in computer theft recovery, data protection and computer lifecycle management, dorm rooms are one of the top five places laptop theft occurs. As the laptop has become much more than just a note-taking tool, students have more to lose if their computer gets stolen. Today’s col-

lege students use a laptop for a variety of activities, including writing term papers and storing class materials, personal photos and thousands of dollars worth of movies and music. With many colleges going so far as to require all incoming students to equip themselves with a laptop, students stand to risk hours of lost class time and falling behind at school while coordinating a replacement - especially right before an important assignment or final exam.

better idea of how expensive it really is to replace a stolen laptop, students and parents need to take into consideration all the data stored on the computer. One way to take a physical inventory of a laptop is to use a digital net worth calculator, like the one available at People are often

Laptop security continues next page

“When thinking about the cost of replacing a lost or stolen laptop, college students and their parents often forget to count all the digital assets on that computer - including priceless photos, extensive music collections, as well as stored school files and papers,” says Mark Grace, vice president of consumer business at Absolute Software. “To get a

Northern California

Parenthood 21

Laptop security


shocked to see how much they have and could potentially lose.” Using the digital net worth calculator, a laptop that originally cost $1,000, with 1,000 music and movie files, 200 photos and videos and 20 school papers and notes stored on it, can skyrocket to $4,010 for a replacement - over four times the original cost. Instead of risking a costly replacement, parents can take several effective measures to ensure their student’s laptop, and the valuable information stored on it, are well protected: • Use visual deterrents, such as a laptop lock. While this isn’t a foolproof security measure, it does make the computer less of an “easy target” for thieves. • Mark your property. Many laptops can be engraved with your name and the computer’s serial number, a further deterrent for thieves. • Purchase and install inexpensive tracking software on your student’s laptop. Software such as Computrace LoJack for Laptops helps police track and retrieve a laptop if it is reported stolen. • Back-up, back-up, back-up. There are now more low-cost back-up options than ever for students, including external hard drives. Backing up a 20page semester thesis or invaluable college memories means that in the event your laptop is stolen, you’ll still have an extra copy. By taking these steps, parents and students can better protect their laptops, ensuring that both the laptop and its stored files are safe. These low-cost tips will also help avoid going through the heartbreak of losing priceless photos, videos and other college memories stored on their laptops. Courtesy of ARAcontent


Northern California


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Northern California

Parenthood 23


Safety 101:

parents need to know to keep students’ things safe on campus

HILE PARENTS have enough to worry about when sending their son or daughter off to college, the safety of their child’s “stuff ” shouldn’t be one of them. However, since theft continues to be one of the most common crimes on American college campuses, parents should - and can - reduce the chances of their students becoming victims by following these campus safety tips.




While backpacks are a popular and practical tool for carrying books and supplies, they’re also an easy target for theft due to their multiple, simple points of entry. Help your student deter theft with a sporty and secure backpack lock, such as Master Lock’s 1548 carabi24

Northern California


neer lock. Students should also be mindful to keep their backpack and other valuables with them at all times, whether in the classroom, library or cafeteria.



Help your student engrave or permanently mark his or her valuables with your student’s first initial and last name. Permanently marking items makes them more difficult to pawn, easier to recognize as stolen and easier to identify and reclaim.



Limit the personal information your student shares on his or her valuables, front door, mailbox, key

chain, backpack and other items. Your student should not share his or her address or complete name in order to avoid additional risk if an item is stolen or misplaced, or if your student’s living space is violated.



Before sending college kids out on their own, teach them how to responsibly use a debit or credit card to allow them to carry less cash. Remember, while most credit cards only hold the card-holder liable for the first $50, cash can’t be replaced. When storing money and other small valuables in high-traffic areas, such as dorms and apartments, students should always lock them up in a cash or document boxes made of durable steel.


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Some things never change - every student should be equipped with a good, old-fashioned padlock to keep his or her belongings locked safely in a locker whenever possible, whether at the gym or in the classroom. What has changed is the variety of padlocks now available, including built-in dial combination locks, set-your-own password locks and key-operated locker locks.



Teach students to always lock up their bikes, regardless of how long they plan to leave the bike unattended. Invest in a quality bike lock - ubars offer the highest security - and show your student how to lock his or her bike through both the wheels and frame and to secure it to an immovable object.



Teach students to always lock their doors and windows to prevent unwanted entry, no matter how long they will be away, and even when they’re inside the room studying or sleeping. Students living in off-campus housing with sliding patio doors should invest in a hinged security bar, such as Master Lock’s 265 security bar.



If your student is flying, invest in a TSA-accepted locking device - the one lock airport screeners won’t cut. These locks allow TSA screeners to inspect and relock baggage without damaging the lock. Students should secure both their checked luggage and carry-on bags with a TSA-approved locking closure.



Check to see if your homeowners insurance covers your student’s belongings while they reside in

either on- or off-campus housing. If not, consult with an insurance agent to determine what additional coverage is necessary.



While it’s a parent’s job to be overprotective, don’t scare your student into thinking college is a completely unsafe atmosphere. Do teach them to be aware of their surroundings walk with confidence and pay attention to what’s going on around them. Preparation and awareness are the keys to safety in any situation. Parents can rest easier once their students depart by providing them with the tools and products they need to keep themselves and their personal belongings safe,” says Rebecca Smith, vice president of marketing for Master Lock. For more information, visit to find a variety of college security solutions.

Butte County

Courtesy of ARAcontent

We Care For What Matters Most.

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Parenthood 25


indergartenK O L O S CH College Champion Christian

Chico Area Academy for Change (Community Day School) 2412 Cohasset Rd., Ste. 2 Chico, CA 95973 (530) 895-4047

Baptist School 13539 Garner Ln. Chico, CA 95973 (530) 343-2949

Bidwell Junior High 2376 North Ave. Chico, CA 95926 (530) 8913080

1184 East Ave. Chico, CA 95926 (530) 345-8008

Chapman Elementary 1071 E. 16th Street Chico, CA 95928 (530) 891-3100

Chico Christian 2801 Notre Dame Blvd. Chico, CA 95928 (530) 879-8989

Chico Country Day School 102 W. 11th Street Chico, CA 95928 (530) 895-2650

Chico Junior High 280 Memorial Way Chico, CA 95926 (530) 891-3066

Chico High School 901 Esplanade Chico, CA 95926 (530) 891-3026

Citrus Elementary 1350 Citrus Ave. Chico, CA 95926 (530) 891-3107

Chico Oaks Adventist School 1859 Hooker Oak Ave. Chico, CA 95926 (530) 342-5043

Emma Wilson Elementary 1530 W. 8th Ave. Chico, CA 95926 (530) 891-3297

Fair View High School 290 East Avenue Chico, CA 95926 (530) 891-3092 26

Northern California


Forest Ranch Charter School 15815 Cedar Creek Rd. P.O. Box 300

Forest Ranch, CA 95942 (530) 891-3154

Hooker Oak Open Structure 1238 Arbutus Ave. Chico, CA 95926 (530) 891-3119

Inspire School of Arts & Science Chico High Campus 901 Esplanade, Chico Freshman - Junior year (530) 891-3090

Nord Country School 5554 California St. Chico, CA 95973 (530) 891-3138

Oakdale School Home Study K-12 2376 North Ave. Chico, CA 95926 (530) 895-4129

Parkview Elementary 1770 East Eighth St. Chico, CA 95928 (530) 891-3114

Pleasant Valley High 1475 East Ave. Chico, CA 95926 (530) 891-3050

John McManus Elem. 988 East Ave. Chico, CA 95926 (530) 891-3128

King’s Christian School 1137 Arbutus Ave. Chico, CA 95926 (530) 345-1377

Little Chico Creek Elementary 2090 Amanda Way Chico, CA 95928 (530) 891-3285

Loma Vista 2404 Marigold Ave. Chico, CA 95928 (530) 879-7400

Marigold Elementary 2446 Marigold Ave. Chico, CA 95926 (530) 891-3121

Marsh Jr. High School 2253 Humboldt Rd. Chico, CA 95928 (530) 895-4110

Neal Dow Elementary 1420 Neal Dow Ave. Chico, CA 95926 (530) 891-3110

Progressive Schoolhouse 2400 Notre Dame Blvd. Chico, CA 95928 (530) 345-5665

Rosedale Elementary 100 Oak St. Chico, CA 95928 (530) 891-3104

Shasta Elementary 169 Leora Court Chico, CA 95973 (530) 891-3141

Sierra View Elem. 1598 Hooker Oak Ave. Chico, CA 95926 (530) 891-3117

Durham Durham Elementary 9421 Putney Dr. Durham, CA 95938 (530) 895-4695

Durham High School 9455 Putney Dr. Durham, CA 95938 (530) 895-4685

Durh Study

9455 Durh (530


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Durham Independent Study 9455 Putney Dr. Durham, CA 95938 (530) 895-4685

Durham Intermediate 9416 Putney Dr. Durham, CA 95938 (530) 895-4690

Mission High School 9455 Putney Dr. Durham, CA 95938 (530) 895-4685

Esperanza Continuation High 581 B Jackson St. Gridley, CA 95948 (530) 846-4383

Gridley High School 300 E. Spruce Gridley, CA 95948 (530) 846-4791

Manzanita Elem. K-8 627 E. Evans-Reimer Rd. Gridley, CA 95948 (530) 846-5594

Montessori Elem. 3105 Esplanade Chico, CA 95973 (530) 343-4308

Notre Dame Catholic School 435 Hazel Chico, CA 95928 (530) 342-2502

Gridley/Biggs Alternative Education Complex 581 Jackson St. Gridley, CA 95948 (530) 846-4383

McKinley Elementary 1045 Sycamore St. Gridley, CA 95948 (530) 846-5686

Migrant Education Office @ Gridley High (530) 846-2651

Richvale Elementary 5236 Church St. Richvale, CA 95974 (530) 882-4273

Sycamore Middle School

Biggs Community Day School

1125 Sycamore St. Gridley, CA 95948 (530) 846-3636

300 B St. Biggs, CA 95917 (530) 868-1281

Woodrow Wilson Elementary

Biggs Elementary 100 B St. Biggs, CA 95917 (530) 868-5870

Biggs High School 300 B St. Biggs, CA 95917 (530) 868-1281

Biggs Middle School 300 B St. Biggs, CA 95917 (530) 868-5870

Biggs Public Charter School 996 Spruce/199 E. Hazel Gridley, CA 95917 (530) 846-4333

409 Magnolia Gridley, CA 95948 (530) 846-3675

Oroville Bird Street Elementary 1421 Bird St. Oroville, CA 95965 (530) 532-3001

Butte College 3536 Butte Campus Dr. Oroville, CA 95965 (530) 895-2511

Central Middle School 2565 Mesa Ave. Oroville, CA 95966 (530) 532-3002

Challenge Charter High School

Ophir Elementary 210 Oakvale Ave. Oroville, CA 95966 (530) 532-3005

2425 Myers Street Oroville, CA 95965 (530) 538-2359

Oroville Adult School

Concow Elementary

78 Table Mountain Oroville, CA 95965 (530) 538-5350

11679 Nelson Bar Rd. Oroville, CA 95965 (530) 533-6033

Oroville Christian School

Eastside School 2775 Yard St. Oroville, CA 95965 (530) 532-3003

3785 Olive Hwy Oroville, CA 95966 (530) 533-2888

Feather Falls Elementary

Oroville High School 1535 Bridge Street Oroville, CA 95966 (530) 538-2320

2651 Lumpkin Rd. Oroville, CA 95966 (530) 589-1810

Poplar Avenue School

Feather River Adventist School

2075 Poplar Oroville, CA 95965 (530) 538-2910

27 Cox Lane Oroville, CA 95965 (530) 533-8848

Prospect High School 2060 Second Street Oroville, CA 95965 (530) 538-2330

Golden Hills School 2400 Via Canela Oroville, CA 95966 530-532-6000

Sierra Avenue School 1050 Sierra Ave. Oroville, CA 95965 (530) 538-2920

Helen Wilcox Elementary 5737 Autrey Lane Oroville, CA 95966 (530) 533-7626

Sierra Del Oro 2900 Wyandotte Oroville, CA 95966 (530) 532-5690

Ishi Hills Middle School 1 Ishi Hills Way Oroville, CA 95966 (530) 532-3078

Spring Valley Elem. 2771 Pentz Rd. Oroville, CA 95965 (530) 533-3258

Las Plumas High 2380 Las Plumas Ave. Oroville, CA 95965 (530) 538-2310

St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic School

Nelson Avenue School 2255 6th St. Oroville, CA 95965 (530) 538-2940

Oakdale Heights Elementary School 2255 Las Plumas Ave. Oroville, CA 95966 (530) 532-3004

1380 Bird St. Oroville, CA 95965 (530) 534-6969

Stanford Avenue Elementary 1801 Stanford Ave. Oroville, CA 95966 (530) 532-3006 continues next page Northern California

Parenthood 27

Schools continued from page 27

Wyandotte Ave. Elementary School 2800 Wyandotte Ave. Oroville, CA 95965 (530) 532-3007

Palermo Independent Home Study Program 2261 Esperanza Ave. Palermo, CA 95968 (530) 533-5608

Palermo Community Day School 2775 Yard St. Palermo, CA 95968 (530) 538-4708

Palermo Union Elementary/Middle 7350 Bulldog Way Palermo, CA 95968 (530) 533-4708

Magalia Adventist School 15204 Skyway Magalia, CA 95954 (530)873-9168 or 877-9405

Honcut Elementary

Paradise Adventist Academy

68 School St. Palermo, CA 95968 (530) 742-5284

5699 Academy Dr. Paradise, CA 95969 (530) 877-6540

Paradise area Achieve Charter K-5 771 Elliott Rd. Paradise, CA 95969 (530) 872-4100

Cedarwood Elem. K-5 6400 Columbine Rd. Magalia, CA 95954 (530) 873-3785

Children’s Community Charter School K-8 6830 Pentz Rd. Paradise, CA 95969 (530) 877-2227

Cornerstone Christian School 6500 Clark Rd. Paradise, CA 95969 (530) 877-3532

HomeTech Charter School K-12 7126 Skyway Paradise, CA 95969 (530) 872-1171

Paradise Adult School 622 Pearson Paradise, CA 95969 (530) 872-6424/ 872-9708

Lighthouse Christian School 1573 Bille Rd. Paradise, CA 95969 (530) 872-9029

Paradise Charter Middle School 6473 Clark Rd. Paradise, CA 95969 (530) 877-7277

Paradise Elementary K-5 588 Pearson Road Paradise, CA 95969 (530) 872-6415

Paradise High School 5911 Maxwell Dr. Paradise, CA 95969 (530) 872-6425

Paradise Intermediate 6-8 5657 Recreation Drive Paradise, CA 95969 (530) 872-6465

Pines Academy 14098 Skyway Magalia, CA 95954 (530) 873-1412

Pine Ridge School K-8 13878 Compton Dr. Magalia, CA 95954 (530) 873-3800

Ponderosa Elementary 6593 Pentz Rd. Paradise, CA 95969 (530) 872-6470

Ridgeview High School 13665 Old Skyway Magalia, CA 95954 (530) 872-6478

Special Services PUSD District Office 6696 Clark Rd. Paradise, CA 95969 (530) 872-6411, Ext. 244

Outlying area Bangor Elementary 7549 Oro Bangor Hwy. Bangor, CA 95914 (530) 679-2434

Berry Creek Elementary 286 Rockefeller Rd. Berry Creek, CA 95916 (530) 589-1633

Educational & Parenting Resources Butte County Library Literacy Services 1820 Mitchell Ave. Oroville, CA 95966 (530) 538-7198

Brislain Learning Center 2545 Ceanothus Ave. Chico, CA 95928 (530) 342-2567

Butte College 3536 Butte Campus Dr. Oroville, CA 95965 (530) 895-2511

Butte College Child Development Center 3536 Butte Campus Dr. Oroville, CA 95965 (530) 895-2865

Butte County Mothers of Multiples Tina Dewey (530) 894-5123

Butte County Office of Education 1859 Bird Street Oroville, CA 95965 (530) 532-5763 continues on page 30


Northern California


Women are going back to school ... but not in the

classroom HILE MANY PARENTS already take an active role in their children's education, today more and more moms are going back to school themselves, particularly in the tight economy. The U.S. Census Bureau recently reported that women were on track to surpass men in earning advanced degrees. And they are increasingly doing so online, at a significantly lesser cost than the average brickand-mortar institution. More than 4.6 million students took at least one online course this


past year. Online degree programs are helping working mothers gain an edge in their careers, while allowing stay-at-home moms to expand their knowledge and experience to prepare for returning to work, all on their own schedule. A good case in point is Rebecca Roch, a single mother of three, who put her education and career on hold to care for her children. In 2007, she was awarded service-connected disability while serving in the Army National Guard. The award was a blessing in disguise.

"I was given the opportunity to continue my education, something I thought I would never be able to do," Roch says. Roch enrolled at American Military University, an online university that is part of the accredited American Public University System, to pursue a master's degree in business administration with a concentration in security management. Her ultimate goal was to secure a position with the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs to give back to those who had helped

ONLINE DEGREES Northern California

Parenthood 29


her so much, and to better financially support her family. The online format fit Roch's life in so many ways. While working as an employment counselor she found time to study during her lunch hour. She snuck in study time when her children were doing their homework in the evening, on family vacations and even at Cub Scout meetings. She formed tight bonds with her online classmates who were based all over the world. "I loved that aspect. I didn't feel like I would miss out on information like you would in a traditional classroom, where you would have to raise your hand and wait your turn. It was just an open exchange of ideas and information," she says. Roch recently graduated with her master's degree and has secured her dream job with Veterans Affairs. She is the first in her family to earn a master's degree. "I absolutely loved it. And I have been able to give my children more goals to strive for and more dreams to dream," Roch says. Accredited online institutions like American Public University System, comprised of American Public University and American Military University, offer the same, high-quality curriculums and rigor of a traditional brick-and-mortar university, and many are expanding their educational offerings, with bachelor's and advanced degrees in liberal arts, business and information


Educational & Parenting Resources continued from page 28

(CAVE) Community Action Volunteers in Education, CSU Chico BMU 309 at CSU Chico Chico, CA 95929-0750 (530) 898-5817

Chico Speech and Language Center 2627 Forest Avenue Chico, CA 95928 (530) 894-0702 30

Northern California

Child Development Classes (530) 895-2542

Corporate Training Group 2261 St. George Ln. Chico, CA 95926 (530) 342-2500

Creative Apple 2201 Pillsbury Rd., Ste 170 Chico, CA 95926 (530) 345-0122

Lyon Books & Learning Center 121 W. 5th Street Chico, CA 95928 (530) 891-3338

Marriage and Family Therapist (530) 345-7562


technology. The affordability of online programs, at $750 per undergraduate course and $900 per graduate course, ensures students can advance their education without breaking the bank. More women like Roch are turning online to obtain their degrees because of the flexibility and affordability they provide, allowing them to better juggle family and work life while pursuing their career goals.

M.O.P.S. - Moms of Pre-Schoolers 6491 Clark Road Paradise, CA 95969 (530) 877-7069

Paradise Ridge Family Resource Ctr. 6249 Skyway Paradise, CA 95969 (530) 872-3896

Parent Education Network (PEN) 2070 Talbert Dr. Chico, CA 95928 (530) 893-0391

Stillworks Teaching Essential Life Skills 4 White Hall Pl. Chico, CA 95928 (530) 879-9126

Courtesy of ARAcontent

Sylvan Learning Ctr. 1058 Mangrove Ave., #1 Chico, CA 95926 (530) 891-1115

Teen Parent Services 10 Independent Circle Chico, CA 95973 (530) 345-1600

Young Parent Program 290 East Ave. Chico, CA 95926 (530) 891-3094

Youth for ChangeEducational Services 7204 Skyway Paradise, CA 95969 (530) 872-2103

Wise Owl 1038 Esplanade Chico, CA 95928 (530) 342-0444

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The Butte College Foster/Kinship Care Education Program Offers

Year Round Parent Education For the most up-to-date information, workshop schedules will be provided on our website. Hard copy workshop schedules are always available on site at:

The Butte College Foster/Kinship Care Education Training Center Program Director: Kathy Lovelace 2491 Carmichael Dr. Suite 300 Chico, CA 95928 (Off Park Ave. and behind “Original Pete’s Pizza-Pasta-Grill”)

All Trainings are FREE and Open to Anyone!!

Phone: 530-897-6235 Fax: 530-897-6242

For convenient access to the most current workshop information please bookmark or save to favorites the web page and check back often for updates and class schedules.

“The more we know, the more they grow”

☺☺☺ Choose Your Attitude AND Make It A Great Day!! ☺☺☺


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