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Northern California
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Is there a spot in your home that needs a unique piece that stands apart from the rest of its surroundings? Finds Design & Decor offers an array of upholstered furniture pieces, eclectic accent pieces and unique accessories to match any decor. We also carry a variety of area rugs, fountains, lighting, wall decor and much more. Our goal is to bring you a wide variety of styles to choose from so you’ll be able to find that perfect piece to compliment your personality. If you haven’t found the item you’ve been looking for, be sure to look through our extensive library of catalogs and we’d be happy to special order that perfect piece for you.
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kidsn’family 3
Northern California
Call Now Toll Free
kidsn’family Northern California
Corner of Clark & Pearson • 877-4442
What to do if your child is being
, a new trend among today’s youth
A 14 CREATE KIDS ROOM that inspires learning and creativity
Festivals & Events
Daycare and Butte County .................................8 Preschool Directory Tehama County ............................10
Butte County .......................19-21
Advertising/Sales: Jerry Urban
General Manager: Jerry Urban
Advertising Assistant: Linda Hood
Production: Glenn Harrington, Christie Lefforge, Cassie McCampbell
For advertising information call Jerry Urban 879-7815
Northern California Kids n Family emphasizes that our directory resources are listings not recommendations and researched to the best of our ability. Copyright 2010 Printed by Paradise Post Printing www.paradisepost.com
kidsn’family 5
Production/Graphics Manager: Jeri Luce
Northern California kidsn’family is published annually by Northern California Publications and distributed free throughout Northern California 5399 Clark Road, P.O. Drawer 70 Paradise, CA 95967 (530) 879-7815, Fax (530) 877-1326
For more information about promoting your business or service in these upcoming magazines, call 530-879-7815
Northern California
Publisher: Carol Peterson
Give game night a
What to do if your child is being
f your child is being bullied,
she’s not alone. About 160,000 children in the United States miss school every day due to fear of attack or intimidation by other students, according to the National Education Association. Bullying is a serious problem that is growing worse, and is taking on new forms through the use of the Internet and mobile phones, say educators. Some estimates say that 25 percent of American children experience direct or indirect bullying daily. Broadly speaking, bullying can involve any number of behaviors, according to Findlaw.com, a leading online source of legal information, including sexual harassment of another student, teasing, excluding a student, calling a student names, physically pushing or attacking, threatening or hazing, spreading rumors, damaging or stealing belongings, or demanding money. Cyber-bullying, a relatively new form of bullying, takes place over the Internet through social media websites and forums, or through mobile devices. Many pre-
teens and teens prefer to communicate with one another through texting on their mobile devices. Because kids can share messages quickly with a large group of students, cyber-bullying can be especially
becoming a bully’s next victim. Bullying has been cited as a factor in teen suicides as well as in a number of on-campus shooting massacres, including the infamous and tragic Columbine High School incident. In that case, media reports suggested that both of the shooters were victims of bullying. Historically, bullying among school children has not been a topic of broad public concern. In fact, some adults may view bullying as a rite of passage for children and youth, as popularized on the big screen and on TV programs. Because of events like Columbine, attention to bullying among children has increased dramatically among school personnel, members of the general public and policymakers. Today, according to Findlaw.com, 43 states have some form of anti-bullying laws in place, complementing anti-bullying policies established at the local level by private and public school boards.
Northern California
Bullying is a serious problem that is growing worse, and is taking on new forms through the use of the Internet and mobile phones... effective in spreading rumors about a student or harassing a student through the sharing of photos. Because this is a relatively new area of harassment, many school districts are still trying to determine the reach of their authority in off-campus cyber-bullying attacks. Bullying can have far-reaching consequences for the victim, the perpetrators and other students, who indirectly become distracted from their studies out of fear of
continues next page
Here are some additional tips from Findlaw.com on what to do if you suspect that your child is the victim of a bully:
Talk to your child A lot of times your child will not want to talk about being bullied because they perceive it as embarrassing and humiliating. If you notice a change in your child’s behavior and attitudes, approach him first. Offer your support and let him know that action will be taken to improve the situation. Your child will most likely be feeling isolated at school and it’s important for him to know that he can confide in you.
Call the police Many states require schools to report bullying incidents to the police, according to Findlaw.com. If your child has been the victim of a physical assault or repeated incidents of bullying, call the local authorities - especially if your school has not contacted local authorities.
Talk with a lawyer If your child has b e e n physically or sexually harassed contact an attorney. Attorneys who specialize in personal injury litigation are probably best suited to represent you and your child. To learn about the law and what to do if your child is being bullied, visit Findlaw.com.
Document facts Take pictures of any injuries and have your child give a detailed description of what happened. Write down the dates and times that these situations occurred and get statements from any other students, teachers or parents who may have observed the bullying. This information may be useful if police and school officials need to get involved to prove how long this has been going on and what the damage has been.
Talk to teachers and the principal Don’t wait. Immediately contact the school and alert school officials to the problems that your child is facing. Many schools are adopting a zero-tolerance policy toward bullying. Alert other adults about this situation as well, including parents of other children and the bus driver. The more people who are aware of bullying, the more chances the act has of being stopped.
Put it in writing
If the same child is bullying other students, persuade parents to report it too. School officials are more likely to respond immediately if they see the problem is affecting several students.
Internal Medicine Dr. Alonso is an Internist specializing in primary care for the adult patient. His practice includes expert care for on-going medical conditions with emphasis on wellness and disease prevention. He received his Doctor of Medicine from Temple University School of Medicine, and he completed his residency at Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center. Dr. Alonso is Board Certified in Internal Medicine.
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kidsn’family 7
Encourage others to speak up
David G. Alonso, M.D.
Northern California
In addition to talking directly to teachers and the school principal, put your concerns into writing to the principal, the superintendent and school board members. While many schools have adopted zero-tolerance policies, some school officials and teachers may not take seriously their own school’s bullying policies, or for that matter, state laws regarding bullying. Putting your concerns in writing sends a strong signal that you mean business.
—ARA Contents
~ 2011 ~
November 2010
January 2011
Tuesday, Nov. 2
Tuesday, January 18,
Imago Theatre: Zoo Zoo
Peking Acrobats
Giant Mime Animals Laxson Auditorium, 898-6333 www.chicoperformances.com
Wednesday, Nov. 10
Mad Science Presents Star Trek Live! Laxson Auditorium, 898-6333 www.chicoperformances.com
Thur–Sun., Dec. 9–12
Nutcracker Classic Holiday Ballet Laxson Auditorium, 898-6333 www.chicoperformances.com
Silver Anniversary Tour Laxson Auditorium, 898-6333 www.chicoperformances.com
February 2011 Tuesday, Feb. 1 Crazy Scientific Wonders! Laxson Auditorium, 898-6333 www.chicoperformances.com
Feb. 19 - March 8
You’re a Good Man Charlie Brown 166 Eaton Rd, Chico, 894-3282 www.chicotheatercompany.com
Wednesday, March 2,
Christmas Preview 4:00-8:00pm, Downtown Chico, 345-6500
December 2010 Letter to Santa Mail no later than Dec. 3rd 895-4711 - CARD www.chicorec.com
Friday, 3rd
Community Tree Lighting
Northern California
5:30pm, City Plaza, Downtown Chico, 345-6500
Balé Folclórico da Bahia Brazilian Carnival! Laxson Auditorium, 898-6333 www.chicoperformances.com
Friday, March 4
Breakfast with Santa 8am-11am 895-4711 - CARD www.chicorec.com
Spencers Theatre of Illusion Illusions & Magic Laxson Auditorium, 898-6333 www.chicoperformances.com
May 2011 Every Friday thru September
Friday Night Concert Downtown Chico City Plaza www.downtownchico.net
Wednesday, May 18
School House Rock Live! Jr. Playhouse Youth Theatre Laxson Auditorium, 898-6333 www.chicoperformances.com
September 2011 Every Saturday Chico Certified Farmer’s Market 7:30am-1pm 2nd & Wall
Sunday, 11th
Taste of Chico 12-4pm Downtown Chico 345-6500 www.downtownchico.com
5 Browns Classical Piano Laxson Auditorium, 898-6333 www.chicoperformances.com
Friday & Saturday, March 11 & 12
Keeping Dance Alive! Repertory Dance Laxson Auditorium, 898-6333 www.chicoperformances.com
April 2011 Saturday, 4th
Tuesday, April 5
Toying with Science
March 2011 Sunday, 21st
Butte County
Every Thursday April-September
Thursday Night Market 6pm-9pm Downtown Chico www.downtownchico.net
Sunday, 11th
Chico Concours D’Elegance Car Show 10-4pm 345-8545 www.chicoconcours.com
Sunday, 11th
Durham Harvest Festival 7:30am - 4pm Durham Community Park 891-4821 ext. 106. www.durhamrotary.org
Sunday, 18th
3rd Annual Push Cart Grand Prix 7am-5pm Chico’s City Plaza., 538-7559. www.chicopushcart.com
Saturday, 24th Chico Palio: Kick-Off for Artoberfest! 10am-3pm Downtown Chico, 228-2860 www.chicopalio.org
Pa Ma
October 2011 Artoberfest Month long event see website for details of events www.artoberfest.org
Terry Cent www
Saturday, 1st
The National Yo-Yo Contest All Day Event, starting at 9am Downtown Chico Park 893-1414 www.nationalyoyo.org
Open Saturday 1st
TJ Farms Pumpkin Patch M-F 2pm-6pm, Sat-Sun 10am-6pm. 3600 Chico Ave., 343-2294
Holid in Pa
Parad 877-4
Dec Sat.,
Saturday, 8th
Forest Ranch Fall Festival and Holiday Bazaar 10-4pm, 16 miles east of Chico on Hwy 32 in downtown Forest Ranch on Nopel Ave., 566-1099
Saturday, 15th
Harvest Sidewalk Sale Begins at 9am, Downtown Chico 345-6500 www.downtownchico.com
Saturday, 22nd
United Way 22nd Annual Bowl-a-thon 9:30am, AMF Orchard Lanes and Orland Bowl 342-7898, ext. 201.
Monday, 31st
Treat Street 2-5pm, Downtown Chico 345-6500 www.downtownchico.net
Chris Light
5:30p Com Dr. a
The Nutc
North Califo Parad Perfo Art C 872-
Big T Para
Start 460 872-
Hour 4-9pm Chur
Butte County
Paradise/ Magalia October 2010 Saturday, October 30th
Community Halloween Terry Ashe Recreation Center, 872-6393 www.paradiseprpd.com
~ 2011 ~ April 2011 Saturday, 23rd
Annual Easter Egg Hunt Aquatic Park 9:30 to 11:30am, Preschool to 6th Grade. PRPD 872-6393.
Sat.-Sun., 9th & 10th
Annual Gem & Mineral Show Paradise Elks Lodge, 6309 Clark Road, 872-1846
at Park
November 2010 Fri.-Sun., 12th-14th
Holiday Preview in Paradise
December 2010
Gold Nugget Days
5:30pm, Paradise Community Park, Black Olive Dr. and Pearson, 872-6291
d Lanes 7898,
The Nutcracker Northern California Ballet Paradise Performing Art Center, 872-1719
Saturday, 4th
Big Truck Light Parade Starts at Izzy’s Burger Spa, 460 Pearson Road, 6-8pm 872-1266.
Thursday, 24th
Christmas Program Hourly Performances 4-9pm Magalia Community Church, Old Skyway
Fishing Derby Open to all boys & girls 15 years & under. 9:30-11:30am Free. Aquatic Park-Fishing Pond. PRPD 872-6393
Saturday, 7th
Paradise Chocolate Fest Chocolate pancake breakfast, contests, art fair and more. A chocolate extravaganza! Terry Ashe Recreation Park. www.chocolatefest.us
July 2011 An Old Fashioned 4th of July Paradise Community Park, Birch and Pearson. 872-6291
Dogtown Faire in Old Magalia An annual celebration at the Old Magalia Community Church grounds, 877-7963
Thursday, July 21st
Pinewood Derby
Paradise Performing Arts Center, 777 Nunneley Road 872-8722.
Blues & Brews Paradise Community Park Black Olive Drive and Pearson Road
Sunday, 2nd
Horse Festival Paradise Horsemen’s Assn. 873-4787 or 876-0882
Oroville October 2010
7-10pm on Friday and Saturday and 7-9pm, Sunday. YMCA, 1684 Robinson Street, Oroville, 533-9622
December 2010 Dec 3 thru Dec 19
September 10, 2011
A Christmas Story the play
Leslie Morrow Memorial Dog Park Dog Faire
Oroville State Theatre. Fri.-Sun. Fri & Sat 7:30pm, Sun 2:00pm.
Moore Road. 872-6393 www.paradiseprpd.com
Every Tuesday
Sat.-Sun., 10th & 11th
Paradise Farmers Market (May-Oct.)
Days of Living History
Paradise Alliance Church 6491 Clark Road 7:30-noon
Saturday, 1st
Haunted House / Swamp of Death
Gold Nugget Museum 502 Pearson, 872-8722
September 2011
May 2011
Paradise Intermediate School, 877-9356 www.paradisechamber.com
Fri.-Sun. 29th-31st
Miss Gold Nugget Pageant
Noon, Skyway between Center Street and Birch Street. 872-8722
Johnny Appleseed Days
Pow Wow
Thursday, 28th
Gold Nugget Parade
Saturday-Sunday, 1st & 2nd
Sat.-Sun., 9th & 10th
Terry Ashe Recreation Center, 872-6393 www.paradiseprpd.com
Saturday, 30th
October 2011
Gold Nugget Museum 502 Pearson, 872-8722
Saturday, 11th
Light Parade & Craft Fair 6pm, Downtown Oroville Oroville, 538-2542
Continues next page
kidsn’family 9
Fri.-Sun. 17th-19th
Held at various Paradise locations. Parade, craft fair, queen contest, donkey derby & more, 872-8722 www.goldnuggetmuseum.com
Saturday, 7th
Northern California
d hon
Oak Knoll Senior Living Children of all ages, 9:00am. 1007 Buschmann, 872-3344
Thursday-Sunday, April 28th-May 1st
Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony
Easter Egg Hunt
Paradise Business Assn. 877-4461
Sat., 4th
n h on
Sunday, 4th
Tehama County
Red Bluff, Butte County Oroville cont. Corning ~ 2011 ~ February 2011 Saturday, Feb 19th
YMCA’s Jack Splash Kick Off Party 10:00am-2:00pm. FREE kids party includes swimming, catching fish on the fish simulator, boating safety YMCA 533-9622
March 2011
September 2011
October 2010
Saturday, 3rd
Sat., 16th
Friday, 29th
Guided Bird Walk
Dairyville Orchard Festival
VFW Children’s Halloween Party Corning Chamber of Commerce, 824-5957
November 2010 Sat., 27th
Red Bluff Christmas Parade 5:30pm, Downtown Red Bluff, 527-6220
April 2011 Saturday, 23rd
Healthy Kids Day & Egg Hunt 9:00am-1:00pm, Hammon Park. YMCA 533-9622
May 2011 Sat.-Sat., 1st-8th
Feather Fiesta Days
kidsn’family Northern California
December 2010 Fri-Sat., 4th-5th
Christmas at the Mansion Los Molinos 384-2292
Saturday, 4th
Corning’s Hometown Christmas & Light Parade Downtown Corning
Sat., 4th, 11th, 18th
Red Bluff Outlaw Karts
September 2011
Saturday, 12th
Salmon Festival & Street Faire 10am-4pm - Downtown Oroville and Feather River Fish Hatchery, contact Oroville Chamber of Commerce 538-2542
Red Bluff 527-1196
Kiwanis Christmas Festival Red Bluff, 527-8177
Saturday, 11th
Children’s Christmas Festival 9am, Red Bluff Community Center
Saturday, 18th
Pioneer Christmas Party Red Bluff, 529-8599
Red Bluff, 527-6220
Lassen View Elementary School, 529-7000
Friday, 2nd
Fall Sidewalk Sale Red Bluff, 527-6220
Sat. & Sun., 3rd & 4th
Red Bluff Junior Round-Up Red Bluff, 510-9198
Friday, 9th
No. Calif. Miniature Donkey Show Red Bluff, 527-6220
Grand parade, gold rush car show, craft fairs, chili cook off & more. 538-2542
Saturday, 24th
Sat., 15th
Sierra Pacific Pygmy Goat Show
Thursday-Sunday March 31-April 3 Oro Dam Blvd & Veatch St. Rides, games, midway of Fun. YMCA 533-9622
~ 2011 ~
Saturday, 17th
Fair 4-H FFA Horse Show
Saturday, 15th
Western Open Fiddle Championships Kick-off Concert Red Bluff, 527-6220
Saturday, 15th
Return of the Salmon Festival Red Bluff, 527-6220
Thur.-Sat., 22nd-24th
Western Open Fiddle Championships Red Bluff, 529-2787
Red Bluff, 510-9198
Thur.-Sun., 22nd-25th
Tehama District Fair Red Bluff, 510-9198
October 2011 Saturday, 1st
Manton Apple Festival 9am-4pm, Manton School. 474-1113
Fri.-Sun., 23rd-25th
Tehama County Talent Show Red Bluff, 527-6220
Saturday, 22nd
Out of the Woods Community & Studio Students Art Show Red Bluff, 527-6620
Sunday, 2nd
Sunday, 23rd
18th Annual Antique Street Faire
Destruction Derby
Red Bluff, 527-6220
Saturday, 8th
Adobe Ferry Champion Horse Shoe Pitching Contest Red Bluff, 527-6220
Saturday, 15th
Red Bluff Outlaw Karts Red Bluff, 527-6220
Red Bluff, 527-6220
Tuesday, 25th
Children’s Autumn Art Contest Red Bluff, 527-6220
Friday, 28th
VFW Children’s Halloween Party Corning Chamber of Commerce, 824-5957
Paradise Adventist Academy A K-12 School of Academic Excellence
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Northern California
kidsn’family 11
Paradise Adventist Academy is accredited by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges and is open to children of all faiths.
A new trend among today’s today's youth
n an age when children find plenty of entertainment just sitting still, parents find it ever more challenging to get their young ones moving. Computers, video games, television, even cell phones, engage the mind without pushing the body. Childhood obesity is on the rise, physical education programs are on the decline, and not every youngster has a knack for competitive athletics. There is another option for improving fitness. More and more parents across the nation are choosing yoga, a 5,000-year-old practice that is taking center stage in today’s world of children’s sports and enrichment programs. Studios such as Yoga Dreams in Chico offer classes customized to young participants.
Northern California
“Children are playful, expressive, and highly imaginative” says
Maureen Clair, Children’s Yoga Instructor and owner of Yoga Dreams. “A yoga class designed just for little ones offers the oppor tunity to u s e these characteristics in a posit ive frame work while also receiving excellent exercise for mind and body.” Yoga is a whole-body exercise utilizing all muscles in a balanced way, as opposed to many sports, which Clair says may foster long-term instabilities in children as they grow. Therefore, she says, the practice is a great compliment to any other sport your child may be playing. Yoga cleanses and stimulates the systems of the body encouraging better digestion, stronger immune system, and higher functioning in the organs. In young children it encourages a healthy development of the nervous system and brain development as children begin to connect synapses between the left and right sides of the brain. Muscles are lengthened and toned supporting joint and bone health. Perhaps even more important, Clair continues, is the enhancing and enriching of a child’s sense of self
through yoga practice. Yoga inspires confidence, calm, and personal connection, while a structured class can also aid in development of social and leadership skills. Through quiet meditations, games, breathing exercises and circle discussions, children are encouraged to be themselves and learn how to listen to their conscious, to their inner wisdom. “As a yoga teacher of both children and adults,” Clair says, “I have heard adults say countless times how they wish they’d had yoga younger in life because of all the ways the practice has helped them.”
In listing the top five benefits, Clair sees that Yoga Dreams: • encourages creativity and imaginative thinking; • develops balance, focus and strength; • teaches body awareness and healthy lifestyle choices; • offers a non-competitive environment to exercise and grow; • promotes peace and calm. Concludes Clair: “In a world that sometimes feels like a barrage of noise, it makes sense to give our children a space to be quiet, to learn about themselves, to grow, to be nurtured.” For more information about Yoga Dreams’ programs, check www.yogadreams.com Story contributed by: Maureen Clair and Evan Tuchinsky
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Create a kids room that
learning creativity A N D
s the cold weather approaches, kids spend less time outdoors burning off all that wonderful energy. The change in weather also means that everyone - including you - spends more time indoors. Don’t worry. There’s an easy and inexpensive way to turn any room into an environment that fosters your child’s learning and creativity. What’s even better: You are very likely to think, “it’s too quiet in there,” while the kids play intently in their new space. “Teachers know what the research confirms: Color, space and clutter can have a dramatic effect on a child’s attitudes and behaviors. It can also affect their imagination, creativity and ability to learn,” says PaintIdeas.com blogger Angie Stinner. “Fortunately, creating a soothing environment that helps kids learn and grow is easy. It’s also the perfect project to bring parents and children together for a weekend of fun. All you need is a little paint and some inspiration.”
Here are a few tips for creating the perfect area for learning and fun: INSPIRE CREATIVITY. When turning up the creativity in a child’s room, a good place to start is the walls. Research reveals that painting a room in the colors of nature - light green or warm teal - can inspire creativity, as well as create a calm learning environment that promotes a positive state of mind. Light blue (the color of academics) or light pink or rose, are good colors too, especially for very active children who need a calming environment to focus. Before painting, apply three thin coats of Rust-Oleum Magnetic Primer. It transforms any continues next page
continues from previous page
wall into a surface that attracts magnets, so kids can hang their favorite photos, artwork or school papers without tape or push pins. Add a few funky magnets, but not too many. Too much clutter can be distracting and have a negative impact on focus and creativity. LET THEM WRITE ON THE WALLS (or doors or dresser drawers). Educators recognize that giving kids a space to express their creativity or just think out loud is an important component of the learning process. Instead of creating paper clutter or buying a chalk or dry erase board, why not paint a wall, door or dresser drawers with Rust-Oleum Chalkboard or Dry Erase Paint. Chalkboard Paint comes in black, green and a tint base where you can choose from fun colors such as Periwinkle or Raspberry. Both Chalkboard and Dry Erase Paint can be applied over existing paint and instantly turn any surface into a space for math problems, poetry or homework assignments. It’s also great for leaving messages or subtle reminders, like, “time to clean your room.” CREATE A SPACE TO WORK. You don’t have to spend a fortune to give your child the perfect workspace for studying and homework assignments. You can transform a flea market desk - or repurpose a table and chair you already own - with a little spray paint. Try Rust-Oleum Ultra Cover 2X. It’s available in popular colors and offers twice the coverage of competitive general purpose spray paint. Coordinate by spray
painting a bookcase, some picture frames - even the bed’s headboard - to add a little more color to the room. The possibilities are endless. Need more inspiration? Visit www.paintideas.com. It’s the destination for inspiring decorating ideas and creative projects for every room in your home. —ARA Contents
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kidsn’family 15
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ooking to bring the family together for some fun? All that's required are favorite games, some snacks, and most importantly, a commitment to dedicate time to family fun each week.
“Family play time is so important,” says Ellen Harter Wall of Disney FamilyFun magazine. “When you're playing with your kids, everyone is focused on the here and now, not thinking about school or work. A regular game night gives family members something special to look forward to, encourages healthy competition and often results in laughter, making it a perfect way to end the day.” Once a game night is established, it's fun to give it a makeover once in awhile. “Mix it up a bit,” says Wall. “Our readers often share ways in which they bring creativity to new levels by making game preparation, play time, and even clean up more fun for everyone.” One of the easiest ways to breathe life into a game night is to invest in some new games. LEGO recently introduced a variety of board games that offer something different: the ability to build and customize the games themselves. LEGO Games allow players to construct them before playing, use buildable dice and change and adapt the rules as they see fit, making a different game each time. Games range from Minotaurus, a race-through-the-maze game, to Creationary, which is like playing charades with LEGO bricks, to Pirate Code, a strategic puzzle game.
Beyond what you're playing, it's a good idea to makeover what you're eating, too. Wall suggests the following easy snacks to make game-time munchies fun and delicious: Sweet Victory Punch: Combine 2 cups of cold water, 2/3 cup of fresh lemon juice (from about 2 lemons), 1/3 cup of sugar, and four rinsed mint sprigs in a medium-size glass bowl. Let the mixture set for 30 minutes, then strain the liquid into a serving pitcher and add 1 quart of ginger ale. Serve over ice in tall glasses. Makes about eight servings. Wild Game Chips: To make a herd, use animal-shaped cookie cutters to punch out shapes from a large flour tortilla. Arrange the animals on a baking sheet, lightly coat them with cooking spray, and sprinkle them with salt. Bake at 350 F for 5 to 7 minutes, then serve them with salsa or guacamole. Delectable Dominoes: Spread graham crackers with a thin layer of cream cheese or frosting, then arrange dots of chocolate chips in domino patterns. With the basics covered, up the game night ante with a neighborhood progressive game party where each family is responsible for hosting a game continues next page
kidsn’family 17
Not into crafting yourself? Choose from literally thousands of lovingly handmade items on Etsy. Whatever your method, the simple tip is to think about ways in which to document and remember your family's play time.
Northern California
game nighta
“Games that offer options for customization are a good fit for families with kids at different ages,” adds Wall. “You can change the rules to fit your family.” A fun way to keep track of those rules is to create a Game Night Notebook. Simply cover a plain notebook with fabric or felt, then decorate it with stickers or pipe cleaners. “The notebook is also a great place to jot down high scores and record favorite bits of conversation and memories.”
continued from page 17
stop at their home. “Choose games with group play options and clear winners,” says Wall. “You can prep the snacks or call it potluck, and consider increasing the fun with a game night kit as a prize for the highest scoring family.”
hether it's your house or a neighbor's, getting the kids to help pick up at the end of game night doesn't have to be a struggle. Disney FamilyFun shares the following tips from its readers:
✔ Make a house rule that says the winner owns clean up time. ✔ When setting up a board game, place it on a sheet or tablecloth. When you're finished, gather the
edges and pour the contents back into the box.
✔ Don't use your salad tongs just for leafy greens - hand them over to your kids to use as a game piece pick-up tool. It may take longer, but they'll have more fun. ✔ Toss out tattered boxes and store playing pieces in clear plastic pouches. ✔ However you choose to make your fun, resolve to make it a regular family date. And if your ideas are just too good to keep to yourself, share them on Facebook at LEGO Games or FamilyFun. —ARA Contents
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NEW W OFFICE E IN N ORLAND D OPENING SOON! most insurance accepted • no finance charges • flexible payment plans
Butte County Child Care Consulting & Information Services Child Care Food Program Chico • 895-0561 Oroville ofc •534-8458
E. Center 2205 Elm Chico • 895-3629
Regional Office 564 Rio Lindo Ave. Chico • 895-3588
Valley Oak Children’s Services Free referral service 287 Rio Lindo Ave. Chico • 895-3572
Chico Area
• Preschool Program • Toddler Program
2224 Elm St. Chico • 891-5363
Chico Community Children’s Center-Eaton Preschool & Toddler Program
1270 Eaton Rd. Chico • 343-9349
Chico Montessori Children’s House (3-5 yrs.)
814 Glenn St. Chico • 342-5518
Chico Nursery School (2-4 yrs.)
1190 E. 1st Ave. Chico • 891-1723
Chico Oaks Adventist Pre-School (2-5 yrs.) 1859 Hooker Oak Ave. Chico • 342-4813
Early Learning Center Bidwell Academy for Young Children (2-5 yrs.)
120 Mission Ranch Blvd. Chico • 345-2292
Bright Beginnings (0-12 yrs.)
120 Yellowstone Dr. Chico • 345-7100
Castles Day Care & Preschool (0-12 yrs.) 55 Jan Ct. Chico • 892-2273
Chico Child Development Center 2550 Hwy 32, Ste. A Chico • 894-1778
Chico Christian Preschool 2801 Notre Dame Blvd. Chico • 879-8989
Chico Community Children’s Center • After School Program • Infant Program
2602 Chico River Rd. Chico • 343-8886
Forever Young Learning Center (2-12 yrs.)
291 E. Lassen Ave. Chico • 345-4858 Community Action Agency of Butte County, Inc.
Head Start Preschool Application Info: 1-866-417-4255
Boucher (0-5 yrs.) 1312 Boucher St., Chico • 345-5496 Chapman Headstart (3-5 yrs.)
1071 E. 16th St. Chico • 894-1517 East of Eaton (3-5 yrs.) 1577 E. Lassen Ave. Chico • 891-0101 Elm Street (3-5 yrs.) 2205 Elm St. Chico • 895-3629 Mariposa (3-5 yrs.) 2603 Mariposa Chico • 343-0633
Innovative Preschool Inc. (2-5 yrs.) 2404 Marigold Ave. Chico • 343-2028
Little Discoveries (0-12 yrs.)
460 W. East Ave. #210 Chico • 342-7758
Little Folks Preschool (2-6 yrs.)
2855 Burnap Ave. Chico • 894-5437
Little Sprouts
(2-12 yrs.)
(2-12 yrs.)
2483 Notre Dame Blvd. Suite 110 Chico • 894-6800
Kinder Kids
(2-6 yrs.)
2845 Esplanade Chico • 342-5433
King’s Christian Children’s Center (2-6 yrs. & 5-12 yrs.)
1137 Arbutus Ave. Chico • 345-3100
Koala-Tee Family Child Care (0-12 yrs.)
3056 Snowbird Dr. Chico • 342-9141
Laura’s Daycare Center & Preschool
ECO Green, organic gardening
15 Overland Ct. Chico • 345-0123
Little Treasures Preschool & Infant Care (0-12 yrs.)
2010 Notre Dame Blvd. Chico • 345-3415
Oak Street Children’s Center 115 Oak St. Chico • 879-7515
Peanut Butter Palace (2-6 yrs.)
3524 Hicks Lane Chico • 899-0222
(2-6 yrs.)
475 E 5th Ave. Chico • 343-1516
continued next page
kidsn’family 19
(2-5 yrs. & 5-13 yrs.)
(3-5 yrs.)
Fairview (0-3yrs.) 290 East Ave. Chico • 891-3029 Rosedale (3-5 yrs.) 100 Oak Street Chico • 342-3607
Northern California
(0-12 yrs.)
DAYCARE & PRESCHOOLS cont. Progressive Schoolhouse
Community Action Agency of Butte County, Inc.
(5-15 yrs.)
Head Start Preschool
2400 Notre Dame Blvd. Chico • 345-5665
(1-4 yrs.)
295 Washington St., Gridley • 846-3123
(0-12 yrs.)
Gridley State Preschool (3-5 yrs.)
794 East 3rd Ave. Chico • 895-8793 (0-12 yrs.)
2959 Lower Wyandotte Road, Oroville • 533-4074 Table Mt. Children’s Ctr.
Community Action Agency of Butte County, Inc.
Oroville Area
4 Creative Lane Chico • 891-4654
(1-4 yrs.)
45 Inglewood Drive Oroville • 538-9964
585 Magnolia St. Gridley • 846-3199
Head Start Preschool Bald Rock Children’s Center
286 Rockerfeller Rd Berry Creek •532-5882
354 Washington Gridley • 846-3199
615 Pomona Ave. Oroville • 533-2434
Just Day C
955 T Orovi
Oakd Child
2255 Orovi
Orov Scho
3785 Orovi
Orov Cente
(18 mo
1875 Orovi
Smal Care Cente
Butte County Head Start Regional Office (1-4 yrs.) 2167-B Montgomery St. Oroville • 532-7564
Barton’s Infant Center (0-2 yrs.)
(6 weeks-18 mos.)
(1-4 yrs.)
1650 Robinson St. Oroville • 533-6650
Boulder Creek (1-4 yrs.) 675 Mitchell Ave. Oroville • 538-8330
(3-5 yrs.)
Baby Kingdom
Sierra Del Oro (1-4 yrs.) 2900 Wyandotte Ave. Oroville • 533-7528 South Oroville Children’s Center
Dawn’s Family Day Care
(18 mos.-12 yrs.)
The Enchanted Kingdom (0-12 yrs.)
Calvary Lutheran Childrens Center 10 Concordia Oroville • 534-7082
Kids Castle
1450 Springfield Dr. #219 Chico • 895-8796
645 Pomona Ave Oroville • 533-0573
(2-5 yrs. and 6-12 yrs.)
1567 Booth Dr. Gridley • 846-3850
Super Luper Kids
Poplar (1-4 yrs.) 2075 Poplar Avenue Oroville • 532-1912
Barton’s Nursery School (2-10 yrs.)
(0-2 yr
1325 Orovi
(2-5 yr
1295 Orovi
Smal Mont
150 O Orovi
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Northern California
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We care for fa in nts, too!
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45 Ac Orovi
Paler Cente
5737 Orovi
Paler Presc
7390 Paler
2255 Las Plumas Ave. Oroville • 532-5643
Oroville Christian School (4-12 yrs.) 3785 Olive Hwy. Oroville • 533-2888
Oroville Gymnastics Center & Kids Club (18 mos.-12 yrs.)
1875 Feather River Blvd. Oroville • 533-1043
Small World Child Care & Learning Center (0-2 yrs.)
1325 Pomona Ave. Oroville • 533-0189 (2-5 yrs.)
1295 Pomona Ave. Oroville • 533-0188
Small Folks Montessori (3-5 yrs.) 150 Oroview Dr. Oroville • 532-0682
First United Methodist Church State Pre-School
5600 Recreation Drive Contact PRPD • 872-6393 Community Action Agency of Butte County, Inc.
Head Start Preschool
Tiny Tots
(0-5 yrs.)
PRPD - 5600 Recreation Dr. Paradise • 872-6393
6404 Pentz Rd. Paradise • 877-4447
Vista Children’s Center (3-5 yrs.)
Rainbow Friends (1-4 yrs.)
581 Pearson Rd. Paradise • 872-6240
5995 Almond St. Paradise • 876-8907
(0-5 yrs.)
6722 Clark Rd. Paradise • 872-3415
Kids Tyme
Use your Flex Spending Account
(0-5 yrs.)
6491 Clark Road Paradise • 877-7069
Call for more de
Kreative Beginnings
(6 wks.-12 yrs.)
810 College Hill Rd. Paradise • 876-0494
Operation Vacation Latch-Key
Complete Vision & Eye Health Exams For Kids to Adults Treatment of Eye Infections & Diseases
David Clarke, O.D.
(After school kids)
State-of-the-art Facility
7196 Skyway Paradise • 872-3151
onsite Lab
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Paradise Adventist Academy (K-12 yrs.) 5699 Academy Paradise • 877-6540
Latest Frame Styles to Match Your Budget & Lifestyle
Glenn Johnston, O.D.
Paradise Preschool Inc. (5-12 yrs.)
We Can Fill Any Doctor’s Prescription MOST INSURANCE & MEDICARE WE BILL FOR YOU Call Our Professionals Today for an Appointment
6722 Clark Road Paradise • 877-8155
Pee Wee Preschool (2-12 yrs.)
7196 Skyway Paradise • 877-0633
East Ave. PVHS
899-3939 www.chicofamilyeye.com 2565 Ceanothus Ave., Suite 155 Chico, CA 95973
(3-5 yrs.)
45 Acacia Ave. Oroville • 533-7321
Palermo Palermo Children’s Center (3-5 yrs.)
Palermo State Preschool (3-5 yrs.) 7390 Bulldog Way Palermo • 533-4730
kidsn’family 21
5737 Autrey Lane Oroville • 533-1560
Northern California
d. 9
Oakdale Heights Children’s Center
(6-12 yrs.)
Ceanothus Ave.
te 4074 s Ctr.
955 Thermolito Ave. Oroville • 533-7638
Discovery Club
Our Savior Lutheran Day Care & Preschool (1-4 yrs.)
Magnolia Ave.
Cohasset Rd.
Just Kiddin’ Around Day Care (0-12 yrs.)
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kidsn’family 23
CHICO 376 Vallombrosa Ave. (530) 891-1676 7am-9pm Everyday
Northern California
No Appointments Necessary.
The Butte College Foster/Kinship Care Education Program Offers
Year Round Parent Education For the most up-to-date information, workshop schedules will be provided on our website. http://www.butte.edu/careerservices/fosterkinship/ Hard copy workshop schedules are always available on site at:
The Butte College Foster/Kinship Care Education Training Center Program Director: Kathy Lovelace 2491 Carmichael Dr. Suite 300 Chico, CA 95928 (Off Park Ave. and behind “Original Pete’s Pizza-Pasta-Grill”)
All Trainings are FREE and Open to Anyone!!
Phone: 530-897-6235 Fax: 530-897-6242
Northern California
For convenient access to the most current workshop information please bookmark or save to favorites the web page and check back often for updates and class schedules.
“The more we know, the more they grow”
☺☺☺ Choose Your Attitude AND Make It A Great Day!! ☺☺☺