2010 Medical Directory

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B u t t e C o u n t y M e d i c a l D i r e ctory


Northern California Publications



Northern California Publications

B u t t e C o u n t y M e d i c a l D i r e ctory


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B u t t e C o u n t y M e d i c a l D i r e ctory

Northern California Publications

Contents Chiropractic Doctors-DC................................8 Dentists .....................................................10 Family Practice ...........................................14 Hospitals ....................................................15 Physicians & Surgeons ................................26 Pharmacies.................................................24 MD-Pediatrics (Infants, Children & Adolescents) ...................35 The Butte County Medical Directory is made possible in part by the Butte/Glenn Medical Society. Please note their members are in bold throughout the listings.

2 0 1 0

WELCOME to the Butte County Medical Directory 2010 edition. The following pages contain advertisements and listings of local health care providers listed alphabetically by specialty. Although we have endeavored to publish a comprehensive list of physicians and other health care providers throughout Butte County, this directory does not necessarily represent a complete list. Northern California Publications will publish the Medical Directory annually as a part of the quarterly Living Healthy magazines.

Keep it by your phone for handy reference all year long. If you are a medical professional who would like to be included in the next edition, please call (530) 879-7815 or fax to (530) 877-1326 attn: Jerry Urban, General Manager.



Medical DIRECTORY Publisher: Carol Peterson General Manager: Jerry Urban Production/Graphics Manager: Jeri Luce Production: Glenn Harrington • Christie Lefforge, Cassie McCampbell Advertising: Katherine Crosthwaite • Jerry Urban Advertising Assistant: Linda Hood Butte County Medical Directory is published by Northern California Publications distributed free throughout Butte/Tehama County.

PO Drawer 70 • Paradise, CA 95967 Phone: (530) 879-7815 • FAX: (530) 877-1326

For advertising information call (530) 879-7815 Printed by Paradise Post Printing • www.paradisepost.com

Published annually by NORTHERN CALIFORNIA



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A Touch Better Chc..................................518-1646 or 343-0794 Chico Holistic Healthcare 582 Rio Lindo Av Chc ..........................892-1930

ACUPUNCTURE Acupuncture Center Of Chico 1550 Humboldt Rd Chc ......................345-7735 Acupuncture And Herbs 689 E 18th St Chc................................828-2589 American Chi Center For Health 572 Rio Lindo Av Chc ..........................342-2895 Baume Richard LAc 3006 Esplanade Chc............................891-0268 Dagorret Regina DAOM LAc 150 Amber Grove Dr Ste 152 Chc ......345-3382 Dawson Amy I LAc 2623 Forest Av Chc..............................891-1823 DeLaney Colleen LAc 1550 Humboldt Rd Chc ......................345-7735 East West Health Center 1551 Palm Av Chc ................................894-4066 Hammett Jennie LAc Chc ....................680-4177 Healing Center 852 Manzanita Ct Chc ........................892-1196 Heavenly Herbs & Acupuncture 8093 Skyway Pdse ..............................877-7003 Lerner James Higgy LAc 1057 Village Ln Chc ............................343-8932 Schanke Eric LAc Orvl ..........................403-6386 Struthers John LAc 1550 Humboldt Rd Chc ......................345-7735 Traditional Acupuncture Health Center 3006 Esplanade Chc............................891-0268 Turk Michael LAc 1551 Palm Av Chc ................................894-4066 Votaw Jeanette Acupuncture 852 Manzanita Ct Chc ........................892-1196


Enloe Ambulance FlightCare 1531 Esplanade Chc............................332-6774

ALLERGY/IMMUNOLOGY Dotson Anton MD 145 Mission Ranch Bl #110 Chc ........896-2200 Giammarise Patrick DC, IHS 2639 Forest Av Ste 100 Chc ..............899-8741 Incaudo Gary MD 145 Mission Ranch Bl #110 Chc ........896-2200 Wooding Gretchen MD 254 Cohasset Rd Chc ..........................893-9244

ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE & HEALTH PRACTITIONERS Accu-Care Chiropractic 1430 East Av Chc ................................343-1111 Alexander Technique By Marcia Werner 2623 Forest Av Chc..............................343-2900 Alexander Technique By Vita Segalla 233 Orient Chc ....................................345-7027 Alternative Healthcare 197 East Av Chc....................................894-5457 Ashokan Annamalai MD 10 Govenors Lane Chc........................895-9720 6

B u t t e C o u n t y M e d i c a l D i r e ctory

Northern California Publications

Ayars Kristi PT DPT 1263 Esplanade ..................................891-4456 Bejay Moore Energy Healing Practitioner Chc ........................................................894-2129 Brain Works! of Paradise & Chico 5657 Clark Rd Ste 6 Pdse ..................872-1937 Chico Naturopathic Medicine 669 Palmetto Av Chc............................332-9355 Craniosacral Specialists 244 W 9th St Chc ................................899-8863 Dagorret Regina DAOM LAc 150 Amber Grove Dr Ste 152 Chc ......345-3382 Fragoso Chiropractic 2062 Talbert Dr Chc ............................891-9010 Gibson Chiropractic Clinic 120 Amber Grove Dr Chc ....................893-0275 Happy Feet Reflexology 305 W Lindo Av Chc ............................321-6897 Healing Arts Center 1224 Mangrove Av Chc ........................312-6936 Homesley Joseph A DC 2100 Myers Orvl ..................................533-2615 Macrobiotic Foundation Inc 1277 Marian Av Chc ............................566-9765 Macrobiotics America ..........................532-1918 Maiss Babette CMT 150 Amber Grove Dr Ste 152 Chc ......321-5668 Matro Joyce M DC 1881 Esplanade Chc............................894-0234 Natural Care For Wellness 1249 Mangrove Av Chc ........................898-8500 Ogden Gary D DC 164 Pearson Rd Pdse ..........................877-3898 Paradise Center For Healthy Living 5913 Clark Rd Ste C Pdse ..................872-4325 Rodgers Chiropractic 1049 Village Ln Chc ............................343-9826 Schanke Eric LAc Orvl ........................................................403-6386 Shepherd Craig DC CCSP 1049 Village Ln Chc ............................891-6300


Alzheimer’s Association 2105 Forest Av Ste 130 Chc ..............895-9661 Country Commons & Country House 962 Kovak Ct Chc ................................342-7002 Home Instead Senior Care 574 Manzanita Av Chc..........................895-6100 Larkspur Lodge 1900 20th Orvl ....................................538-8200 Oak Knoll Senior Living 1007 Buschmann Rd Pdse..................872-3344 Olive Ridge Care Center 1000 Executive Pkwy Orvl....................533-7335 Prestige Assisted Living 1351 E Lassen Av Chc ........................899-0814 400 Executive Pkwy Orvl......................534-8160


Ambulance Chico 333 Huss Dr Chc ..................................891-4622 Enloe Ambulance Service 1531 Esplanade Chc............................895-9111









Letting people know in advance what your final wishes are will save your loved ones from having to guess, or to decide at a time when making decisions is difficult. Some people have a difficult time discussing these matters. Pre-planning the details may also help save money. First of all, don’t leave your final disposition instructions outlined in a will. In many cases, the will won’t be read for some time after your death.







Leave written instructions

6-9765 2-1918

In most states, the right and responsibility to pay for the reasonable costs of disposing of remains lies with these people, in the following order: spouse; child or children; parent or parents; the next of kin; or a public administrator, who has been appointed by a court. Disputes can be avoided if you outline your wishes and document them. In the written instructions, you should address such things as the name of the mortuary that will handle either the burial or cremation; whether or not you wish to be embalmed; the type of casket or container; and where your remains will be buried or scattered.







Make preferences known about Funeral or Memorial Services



Memorial services—if you want them—can also be discussed in your final disposition instructions. You may also indicate what you want to be placed on the grave marker and the cemetery where you wish to be buried.








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Northern California Publications


B u t t e C o u n t y M e d i c a l D i r e ctory



First Responder EMS Inc 2595 Ceanothus Av Chc ......................345-2012 PO Box 24 Chc ......................................891-4357 Orvl ........................................................533-5101 Pdse ......................................................877-8866 Merit Medi-Trans Chc ........................................................893-8690 Orvl ........................................................589-3101 Pdse ......................................................872-2222 Oroville Ambulance Orvl ........................................................533-5101


Waring Randall MD 121 Raley Boulevard Chc ....................864-1682 Werlhof Victor MD 1531 Esplanade Chc ..........................332-7800

AUDIOLOGISTS Chalmers Crystal AuD 15 Jan Ct Chc........................................899-3277 North State Audiological Services 15 Jan Ct Chc........................................899-3277 Paradise Hearing & Balance Center 2627 Forest Av Chc ..............................894-3300 5500 Clark Rd Pdse ............................872-5500

BIRTH & PARENTING CENTERS & EDUCATION SERVICES Birth Into Being 1088 San Ramon Dr Chc ....................566-0199 Birthdance Midwifery-Home Birth 1198 Oakdale Chc................................345-7994

BIRTH CONTROL INFORMATION CENTERS Planned Parenthood 556 Vallombrosa Av Chc ......................342-8367 Women’s Health Specialists of Calif 1469 Humboldt Rd Ste 200 Chc ........891-1911

BREAST FEEDING-INFORMATION/SUPPLIES Breast Feeding Support Center Chc ........................................................891-2940 Mother Nurture Chc ........................................................893-4666


Stark Brandan DO 100 Independence Cir Chc ..................899-2126

CHIROPRACTIC DOCTORS-DC Accu-Care Chiropractic 1430 East Av Chc ................................343-1111 All Health Pros Chiropractic 1049 Village Ln Chc ............................891-6300 Azevedo Chiropractic Center 254 Cohasset Rd Chc ..........................893-9363 Baker Kelly DC 383 Connors Ct Chc ............................897-4188 Boyle Chiropractic 6585 Clark Rd Ste 300 Pdse ..............877-2620 Bunganich David W DC 166 Cohasset Rd Chc ..........................894-7261 8

B u t t e C o u n t y M e d i c a l D i r e ctory

Chico Back & Neck Pain Center 2060 Talbert Dr Chc ............................345-5335 Chico Chiropractic Center 1140 Mangrove Av Chc ........................345-3043 Chico Creek Chiropractic 360 E 1st Chc ......................................342-8464 Chico Upper Cervical Health Center 383 Connors Ct Chc ............................897-4188 Clear Creek Healing Center Dr Paula Barros DC 3561 Clark Rd Butte Valley..................894-8756 Cox Low Back Clinic 173 E 4th Av Chc ..................................899-2699 Dollinger Chiropractic Clinic 578 Rio Lindo Av Chc ..........................891-1391 Durham Family Chiropractic 9287 Midway Drhm..............................898-9711 Edwards Dr Chiropractic Clinic Of 670 Rio Lindo Av Chc ..........................892-1884 Eissinger Susan DC Chc ........................................................342-1963 Eller Chiropractic 1810 Esplanade Chc............................895-1151 Engler Chiropractic Health Center 676 E 1st Av Chc ..................................345-2556 Englund Chiropractic Office Inc Englund Amber DC QME Englund Vernon DC QME 2335 Lincoln Orvl ................................534-3590 Escott Karen-Chiropractor 389 Connors Ct Chc ............................345-4204 Ewing Mary DC 2611 Forest Av Chc ..............................899-9988 Family Care Chiropractic 2275 Myers Orvl ..................................533-6400 Feather River Chiropractic 2106 5th Av Orvl ..................................533-3730 Fiksdal Bent DC 1430 East Av Chc ................................343-1111 Fitton Jennifer DC 14 burg Ln Chc ....................................345-2544 Foster Chiropractic Clinic 5796 Clark Rd Ste 2 Pdse ..................877-6325 669 Palmetto Av Ste B Chc..................809-1531 Fox Loren R DC 1789 Daryl Porter Wy Orvl ..................534-7537 Fragoso Chiropractic 2062 Talbert Dr Chc ............................891-9010 Giammarise Patrick DC, IHS 2639 Forest Av Chc..............................899-8741 Gibson Chiropractic Clinic 120 Amber Grove Dr Chc ....................893-0275 Granka Chester C DC 1915 Myers Orvl ..................................532-0455 Greitzer Lauri DC 6848 Skyway Pdse ..............................877-9333 Gridley Chiropractic Center 639 Vermont Grdly ..............................846-4056 Healing Connection 173 E 4th Av Chc ..................................899-1993 Homesley Joseph A DC 2100 Myers Orvl ..................................533-2615 Howard Peg DC 2571 California Park Dr Chc ................894-3405

Northern California Publications

Injerd Letaye V DC 2371 Washington Av Orvl ....................533-9122 James Chiropractic Center 2062 Talbert Dr Chc ............................566-1234 Joyce Family Chiropractic 9 Frontier Cir Chc..................................899-8500 Kalen Russ DC CST 244 W 9th Chc......................................899-8863 Kamman Arnie DC 964 Naomi Av Chc................................342-7787 Kemper Chris DC 2550 Lakewest Dr Chc ........................895-9355 Kemper Gene DC 1881 Esplanade Chc............................894-0234 King Michelle DC 21 Williamsburg Ln Chc ......................898-1470 Laufer Alex DC Eller Chiropractic 1810 Esplanade Chc............................895-1151 Leask Stephanie DC 1601 Esplanade Chc............................893-3828 Light Wave Center The 562 Manzanita Av Chc ........................345-6300 Lopes Mark A DC 2107 Forest Av Chc ..............................566-1700 Masula Larry DC 250 Vallombrosa Av Chc ......................342-6441 Matro Joyce M DC 1881 Esplanade Chc............................894-0234 McArthur Gary DC 14154 Skyway Mgla ............................873-3200 McCowan Chiropractic 2060 Talbert Dr Chc ............................345-5335 McDonald Christina DC 1635 Magnolia Av Chc ........................895-0224 McDonald Kremer Candace DC 1635 Magnolia Av Chc ........................895-0224 McDonald Martin Mac DC 1635 Magnolia Av Chc ........................895-0224 Mc Michael DC 2990 Oroville Dam Bl E Orvl................533-3117 Miller James Dr 932 W 8th Av Chc ................................343-3722 North State Chiropractic Neurology & Rehabilitation 250 Vallombrosa Av Chc ......................342-6441 Oates Robert Chiropractic 1057 Village Ln Chc ............................899-9655 Ogden Gary D DC 164 Pearson Rd Pdse ..........................877-3898 Paradise Family & Sports Chiropractic 800 Fir St Pdse ....................................877-9333 Parrott Chiropractic 5849 Almond Pdse ..............................877-9355 Peak Health Chiropractic 6002-A Clark Pdse ..............................876-8484 Penner Deborah A DC 360 E 1st Chc ......................................342-8464 Porter Nancy DC 2565 Ceanothus Av Chc ......................894-2565 Powers Chiropractic Inc 2571 California Park Dr Ste 130 Chc 891-6333 Precision Care Chiropractic 1380 Longfellow Av Chc ......................893-1446

Preferen 1635 M Puckett 2571 Ca Rabo Di 490 Syc Randolp 2335 Li Richins 639 Ver Rodgers 1049 Vi Roettge 1940 Fe Sannar J 945 Ma Shepher 1049 Vi Silver Al 550 Sal Steffens 6334 Pe Stern Irv 2605 M Stornett 173 E 4 Teague Tenckho 173 E 4 The Spe 1281 Ea
















CLINICS Access Center 285 Cohasset Rd Chc ..........................345-1675 Argyll Medical Group 100 Independence Cir Chc ..................899-0295 California Occupational Medical Professionals 1940 Feather River Bl Orvl ..................534-5134 Chico Dialysis 530 Cohasset Rd Chc ..........................895-8966 Chico Family Health Center 680 Cohasset Rd Chc ..........................342-4395 Pediatrics ..........................................342-6150 Dental ................................................342-6065 Chico Hyperbaric Center 1026 Mangrove Av Chc........................899-9361 Chico Surgery Center 615 W East Av Chc ..............................895-1800 Collaborative Health Care 572 Rio Lindo Av Chc ..........................899-1627 Community Comprehensive Care 1611 Feather River Bl Orvl ................534-4530

Community Park Medical Center 771 Buschmann Rd Pdse ....................877-6288 Comprehensive Care Walk-In Clinic 900 Oroville Dam Bl E Orvl ..................534-9183 Convenient Care Health Center 670 Rio Lindo Av Chc ..........................899-7120 Walk-In Care - Chc ............................342-2273 Davita Dialysis Center 2345 Forest Av Chc ............................894-2180 Del Norte Clinic 2800 Lincoln Orvl ................................533-6484 Endometriosis Treatment Center Pdse ......................................................872-2246 Enloe Children’s Health Center 277 Cohasset Rd Chc ........................332-6000 Enloe Prompt Care-California Park 888 Lakeside Village Commons Chc 332-6850 Enloe Prompt Care-Cohasset 560 Cohasset Rd Chc ........................332-4111 Feather River Health Center 5125 Skyway Pdse ..............................872-2000 Feather River Tribal Health Inc 2145 5th Av Orvl ................................534-5394 Gridley Family Care Center 284 Spruce Grdly ................................846-9080 Gridley Family Health Center 520 Kentucky Grdly ............................846-6231 Immediate Care Medical Center Inc Ellis David H DO 376 Vallombrosa Av Chc ....................891-1676 5875 Clark Rd Pdse ............................877-5433






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B u t t e C o u n t y M e d i c a l D i r e ctory




Turner Chiropractic Clinic 1324 Mangrove Av Chc ........................342-2111 Wear Christiane P DC CCSP 670 Rio Lindo Av Chc ..........................896-1000 Weddell Gary DC 1140 Mangrove Av Chc ........................345-3043 Worley David C DC Worley 21 Hanover Ln Chc..............................893-5927 Wulbern Richard DC QME 2335 Lincoln Orvl ................................534-3590



Preference Chiropractic Clinic 1635 Magnolia Av Chc ........................895-0224 Puckett Robert R DC 2571 California Park Dr Chc ................894-3405 Rabo Dina DC 490 Sycamore Grdly ............................846-6262 Randolph Andrew DC 2335 Lincoln Orvl ................................534-3590 Richins Dean V Dr 639 Vermont Grdly ..............................846-4056 Rodgers Chiropractic 1049 Village Ln Chc ............................343-9826 Roettger James W DC 1940 Feather River Bl Orvl ..................533-7827 Sannar Joshua DC 945 Magnolia Grdly..............................846-2511 Shepherd Craig DC CCSP 1049 Village Ln Chc ............................891-6300 Silver Alan A DC 550 Salem Chc ....................................896-0701 Steffenson Chiropractic 6334 Pentz Rd Pdse ............................872-5706 Stern Irvin Dr 2605 Mariposa Av Chc ........................520-8996 Stornetta Stephen DC 173 E 4th Av Chc ..................................899-2699 Teague Loren DC ..................................520-2052 Tenckhoff Chiropractic 173 E 4th Av Chc ..................................899-2699 The Specific Chiropractic Center 1281 East Av Ste. 100 Chc ................893-1446


La Paloma Family Health Center 1574 Kirk Rd Grdly ..............................846-3707 Lyme Disease Diagnostic Center 575 Pearson Rd Pdse ........................877-6666 MSLA A Medical Corporation 564 Rio Lindo Av Chc ..........................566-9263 Magalia-Pines Family Practice Medical Clinic 14662 Skyway Mgla ............................873-1676 Mangrove Medical Group 1040 Mangrove Av Chc ......................345-0064 Nancy’s Prevention Clinic 1279 E 1st Av Chc ..............................342-6262 Northern Valley Indian Health Inc 845 W East Av Chc ..............................896-9400 Oroville Family Health Center 2800 Lincoln Bl Orvl ............................534-7500 Oroville Family Practice Medical Group 2809 Olive Hwy Ste 320 Orvl ............532-8687 Oroville Hospital Medical Clinic 2767 Olive Hwy Orvl ............................532-8220 Paradise Midwifery Services 771 Buschmann Rd Pdse ....................872-7579 Paradise Walk In Medical Clinic 7321 Skyway Pdse ..............................876-8120 Paramex Screening 1450 Sherman Av Chc ........................895-3203 Pediatric Clinic 135 Spruce St Grdly ............................846-1400 Planned Parenthood 556 Vallombrosa Av Chc ....................342-8367 Rai Care Center Village Lane 1030 Village Ln Chc ............................893-3773 Shalom Free Clinic 1190 E 1st Av Chc ..............................342-2445 Truong Thong V DPM 670 Rio Lindo Av Chc ..........................343-1666 Urgent Medical 1810 Esplanade Chc ..........................343-5222 Women’s Health Specialists of Calif 1469 Humboldt Rd Ste 200 Chc ......891-1911 Women’s Resource Clinic 115 W 2nd Av Chc................................897-6100

COLONIC IRRIGATION Health Quest Colon Hydrotherapy 1324 Mangrove Av Chc ........................345-9442 In Harmony 1043 Village Ln Chc ............................899-9889 LeClerc Maxine C 2251 Saint George Ln Chc ..................566-9419

CONTACT LENSES Advantage Optometric Center 2056 Talbert Dr Chc ............................893-1695 Carlson Geoffrey OD 2200 5th Av Orvl ................................533-1975 Chico Vision Care 2109 Forest Av Chc ..............................342-9644 Fallesen Barry OD 235 Spruce Grdly..................................846-2697 Family Eye Care 2565 Ceanothus Av Chc ......................899-3939 Laskey Jerry OD 680 Rio Lindo Av Chc ..........................343-5541 10

B u t t e C o u n t y M e d i c a l D i r e ctory

Myers Douglas R OD Inc 119 Yellowstone Dr Chc ......................891-1146 Spanfelner Amy V OD 119 Yellowstone Dr Chc ......................891-1146

COSMETIC, PLASTIC & RECONSTRUCTIVE SURGERY Eye Life Skin Renewal Center 111 Raley Bl Chc ..................................894-3223 Morgan L Richard MD 18 Williamsburg Ln Chc .......................891-1311

COUNSELING SERVICES A Fresh New Start 2059 Forest Av Chc..............................343-4247 Akimoto Martin LCSW 2571 California Park Dr Chc ................345-4600 Hancock Lisa MS MFTI Chc ........................................................892-1879 Malone Nicholas MFT 1530 Humboldt Rd Chc ......................896-9577 New Beginnings Chc ........................................................891-0973 Paradise Community Counseling Center 5910 Clark Rd Ste W Pdse ..................872-6328 or call ....................................................872-6325 Rarick Nancy RN MFT Chc ........................................................894-5990 Thrival Living 341 Broadway Chc................................891-8911

DENTAL LABORATORIES AM Dental Laboratory 5227 Xeno Pl Pdse ..............................877-5372 Faulkner Dental Lab Crown & Bridge 3225 Oroville Dam Bl Orvl ..................533-7400 Oral Arts Dental Lab 2545 Zanella Wy Chc ..........................343-7200 Sullivan Denture Laboratory 5910 Clark Rd Ste A Pdse ..................872-3844

DENTISTS A Smile Solutions Center 5428 Skyway Pdse ..............................877-4994 Abbott Stephen A DDS 649 W East Av Chc ..............................342-1271 Access Dental Centers 1010 Mangrove Av Chc ........................342-7500 Acosta Michael B DDS 1074 East Av Ste J Chc ........................895-3434 Alexander James Dr DDS 505 Spruce Grdly..................................846-4223 Barnes Eric D DDS 2525 Ceanothus Av Chc ....................343-1685 Barton Kevin D DDS Orthodontics 1290 E 1st Av Chc ..............................342-9097 Beckett Barbro Lauri DDS 1430 East Av Chc ................................893-8913 Beglau Steve A DDS 2250 Myers Orvl ..................................533-7545 Bond Kimball G DDS 181 E 7th Av Chc ................................342-0716 Borg N Michelle DDS 111 Raley Bl Ste 260 Chc ..................342-0104

Northern California Publications

Bowling Bruce D DDS Inc 1080 Sycamore Av Grdly ....................846-3666 Bradford Mark L DDS 2545 Ceanothus Av Chc ....................342-7974 Bradford Ross L DDS Inc 2545 Ceanothus Av Chc ....................342-5653 Brown David C DDS 2575 Ceanothus Av Ste 160 Chc ......343-7306 Brownridge Geo W II DDS 2525 Ceanothus Av Chc ....................343-1685 Bruder Eugene M DDS FAGD 650 Rio Lindo Av Chc ..........................895-0900 Bruno Edward C DDS MSD 1068 East Av Chc ................................345-0600 Carlin Greg DDS 800 Spruce Grdly ................................846-2426 Carter Roy L DDS 6585 Clark Rd Pdse ............................877-2636 Center For Aesthetic & Restorative Dentistry 1660 Humboldt Rd Ste 1 Chc ............894-5454 Chatfield Jeremy A DDS 5975 Almond Pdse ..............................877-2313 Chico Creek Dental Arts 555 Salem Chc ....................................895-3732 Chico Dental Arts 2539 Forest Av Chc ............................342-6064 Chico Dental Group 955 East Av Chc ..................................893-5334 Chico Family Dentistry 680 Cohasset Chc ..............................342-6065 Chico Periodontal Associates 30 Declaration Dr Ste A & B Chc ......898-1234 Clifford Kenneth DDS 80 Declaration Dr Chc ........................899-2634 Couk Richard S DDS 2533 Forest Av Chc ............................895-1244 Crabtree Steven P DDS 771 Buschmann Rd Ste I Pdse............877-1923 Crowson Steven C DMD 1206 Esplanade Chc ..........................891-8951 Dodds Dorian A DDS Inc 2545 Ceanothus Av Chc ....................342-5653 Dudar Brian W DDS 771 Buschmann Rd Pdse ....................877-6288 Elloway Timothy S DDS 5428 Skyway Pdse ..............................877-4994 Eltzroth Eric DDS 140 Independence Circle Ste A Chc ..895-1999 Family Dentistry Jewett Tony C DDS McComb Steven DDS 236 W 3rd St Chc ................................342-8314 Farris Thomas E DDS 2760 Oroville Dam Bl E Orvl ..............534-8180 Farris Tommy E DDS 1307 Esplanade Chc ..........................898-8511 Faulkner Tyler L DDS 3225 Oroville Dam Bl Orvl ..................533-7400 Fillmore Galen M DDS MS 250 Vallombrosa Chc ..........................893-8201 2770 Olive Hwy Orvl ............................533-3053 540 Vermont St Grdly ..........................846-3673 First Avenue Dental 676 E 1st Av Chc ..................................893-0738

Fleming 30 Dec Fowkes 1277 E Gilbert 3579 O Gillett D 7080-A Gridley 285 Co Gustafs 1074 E Hanosh 101 Ra 6161 C Hanosh 7072 S Hardy S 771 Bu Hillock 6127 C Hood B 650 Rio 5657 C Horning 1660 H Huseth 48 Han Jenkins 952 Lu Jhang A 955 Ea

M insu acce inclu Medi-c Med








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Jones Michael R DDS 2411 Notre Dame Bl Chc ....................345-2368 Kearbey Dental Group Kearbey Brandon S DDS Kearbey Malinda B DDS Kearbey Robert E DDS Kearbey Ryan M DDS 2690 Olive Hwy Orvl ............................533-0200 Kearbey Vaughn DDS 3115 Oro Dam Bl Orvl ........................533-6252 Kremer Dental Care 3 Glenbrook Ct Chc ............................892-1234 Kyle David C DDS 2539 Forest Av Chc ............................342-6064 Lakeridge Dental Care 14137 Lakeridge Ct Mgla ..................873-1266 Lakeview Dental Office 2571 California Park Dr Chc ..............345-6888 Landis C Randy DDS OMS 80 Declaration Dr Chc ........................893-3912 2990 Oroville Dam E Bl Orvl ..............533-7900 Landis Kenneth DDS 1055 Village Ln Chc ............................894-3333 Lange Brian C DDS 650 Rio Lindo Av Chc ..........................345-5111 Lange Kenneth E DDS Inc 650 Rio Lindo Av Chc ..........................345-5111 Lange Kimberly DDS 650 Rio Lindo Av Chc ..........................343-3137 Lee Thomas M DDS 13681 Skyway Mgla ............................872-8585

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Lim Christopher M DDS 110 Yellowstone Dr Chc ......................895-3449 Lim Michael J DDS Inc 1279 E 1st Av Chc ..............................891-6611 Lim & Seidenstricker Dentistry 1279 E 1st Av Chc ..............................891-6611 Limhengco Gilbert DMD Inc 2647 Forest Av Chc ............................879-1888 Lowry Sims W DMD 3579 Oroville Dam Bl E Orvl ..............534-5940 MacKay Brent C DDS 5571 Scottwood Rd Pdse ..................877-8694 Madsen Dale W DDS 1279 E 1st Av Chc ..............................343-1081 Manzella Martin DDS 1074 East Av Ste U Chc........................342-8580 McCarthy Karen DDS MS 2485 Notre Dame Bl Chc ..................894-5185 McHenry Jack DDS 2580 Sierra Sunrise Ter Chc ..............345-9506 McKune John W Jr DDS 1330 Mangrove Av Chc ......................342-0816 Metherell W Allwyn DDS 1046 Mangrove Av Chc ......................345-6382 Millard Garry DDS 30 Declaration Dr Chc ........................898-1234 Miller Harvey E DDS 1046 Mangrove Av Chc ......................343-1402 Miner Loyal DDS 274 Cohasset Rd Chc ..........................893-4044 Moon Bill DDS 227 W 6th St Chc ................................342-3525

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Fleming Jeff DDS MS 30 Declaration Dr Chc ........................898-1234 Fowkes Donald J DDS 1277 East Av Chc ................................893-0750 Gilbert Wm A DDS 3579 Oroville Dam Bl E Orvl ..............534-6403 Gillett David W DMD Inc 7080-A Skyway Pdse............................877-6586 Gridley Family Health Center 285 Cohasset Rd Chc ..846-6231 or 342-6065 Gustafson Rylan DDS MS 1074 East Av Chc ................................891-3456 Hanosh Family Dentistry 101 Raley Bl Chc ..................................894-5856 6161 Clark Rd Pdse ............................872-1020 Hanosh G Scott DDS 7072 Skyway Pdse ..............................877-9800 Hardy Steven L DDS 771 Buschmann Rd Pdse ....................877-6288 Hillock Dental Group 6127 Clark Rd Pdse ............................876-9703 Hood B Scott DDS MS 650 Rio Lindo Av Ste 2 Chc ................343-7021 5657 Clark Rd Ste 5 Pdse ..................877-4951 Horning Philip DDS 1660 Humboldt Rd Ste 1 Chc ............894-5454 Huseth Scott W DDS 48 Hanover Ln Chc ..............................343-0248 Jenkins Bruce DDS 952 Lupin Av Chc ................................342-4300 Jhang Alexander DDS 955 East Av Chc ..................................893-5334


Moores Robert D DDS 7058 Skyway Pdse ..............................872-5156 Muff Michael DDS 1430 East Av Chc ................................898-0676 Murrill Richard E DDS 9416 Cummings Rd Drhm ..................343-8900 Nelsen Family Dentistry 1307 Esplanade Chc ..........................898-8511 North State Family Dentistry 236 W East Av Chc ..............................892-1218 Northern Valley Indian Health Inc 845 W East Av Chc ..............................896-9400 Oroville Family Dentistry 2800 Lincoln Bl Orvl ............................533-6484 Oroville Gentle Dental INC 2445 Oro Dam Bl Ste 8 Orvl ..............533-8204 5975 Almond St Pdse ........................877-2313 Paradise Center For Dentures & Implants 5910 Clark Rd Pdse ............................877-0189 Parrott Brent E DDS 2445 Oro Dam Bl Ste 8 Orvl ..............533-8204 5975 Almond St Pdse ........................877-2313 Pham Amy DDS Prodental Group 2630 Olive Hwy Orvl ............................534-6666 Pruett Richard L DDS 11 Williamsburg Ln Chc ......................894-1977 Rio Lindo Dental Associates 650 Rio Lindo Av Ste 5 Chc ................345-5111 Rogers Steven J DDS 2580 Sierra Sunrise Terrace #220 Chc..345-9506 Roos Erik H DDS 274 Cohasset Rd Chc ..........................893-4044 Rosene Norm DDS 952 Lupin Av Chc ................................342-4300 Ryan Robert N DDS 555 Salem Chc ....................................895-3732 Saad David J DDS 101 Raley Bl Chc ..................................891-3601 Saunders Robin G DDS 110 Yellowstone Dr Chc ......................895-3449 Schipke Dennis DDS 1053 Village Ln Chc ............................342-1876 Seidenstricker Tim DDS 1279 E 1st Av Chc ..............................891-6611 Selby Dan Edward DDS 1459 Humboldt Rd Chc ......................891-1111 Shasta Orthodontics 2485 Notre Dame Bl Chc ..................894-5185 Skyberg Kenneth R DDS 424 Magnolia Grdly ............................846-4815 Smile Makers 2647 Forest Av Chc ............................879-1888 Snider Douglas DDS MS APC 1074 East Av Chc ................................891-3456 Soudan Gary J DDS 2080 Myers Orvl ..................................533-3142 Spaulding Robert DDS 1279 E 1st Av Chc ..............................343-3250 Stillman Joshua DDS 5848 Skyway Pdse ..............................872-5300 Stricker Joseph J DDS 2500 Durham-Dayton Hwy Drhm ......342-2770 Stutznegger E Keith DDS Inc 2862 Olive Hwy Orvl ............................534-8330 12

B u t t e C o u n t y M e d i c a l D i r e ctory

Tawatari Arthur T DDS 1074 East Av Chc ................................893-3683 Thomas H Leroy DDS 650 Rio Lindo Av Chc ..........................895-0900 Tilden Frederick W DDS 1074 East Av Chc ................................345-4780 Tribble Greg R DDS Orthodontics 1290 E 1st Av Chc ..............................342-9097 Truhe Mark A DDS 650 Rio Lindo Av Chc ..........................893-5800 Van Mierlo Bradley L DDS 1459 Humboldt Rd Chc ......................899-7804 Viale Michael DDS 6585 Clark Rd Pdse ............................872-5233 Walker Gary DDS Inc 2730 Cohasset Rd Chc ......................343-5587 Wall Timothy DDS 3579 Oroville Dam Bl E Orvl ..............534-8353 Webb David M DDS 771 Buschmann Rd Pdse ....................877-9308 Weichert H Guy DDS 2760 Oroville Dam Bl E Orvl ..............534-8180 Weinrich Thomas B DDS 1430 Esplanade Chc ..........................894-4050 Western Dental Centers 2471 Cohasset Rd Chc ........................894-9040 1016 Skyway Chc ................................781-1270 White Ronald DDS 1046 Mangrove Av Chc ......................891-1674 Willett Lisa DDS 2485 Notre Dame Bl Chc ..................343-5455 Wilson David K DDS 650 Rio Lindo Av Chc ..........................891-1434 Wilson Jeffrey DDS 2172 Robinson Orvl ............................534-1663 Wilson W Ronald DDS 7070 Skyway Pdse ..............................877-7661 Womack Mark G DDS Inc 952 Lupin Av Ste 110 Chc ..................345-7127 Yellowstone Family Dentistry 110 Yellowstone Dr Chc ......................895-3449 Youthful Smiles 650 Rio Lindo Av Chc ..........................343-3137 Ysasaga Michael DDS 676 E 1st Av Chc ..................................893-0738 Yu Shelly DDS 2571 California Park Dr Chc ..............345-6888

DENTISTS GUIDE-GENERAL DENTISTRY Abbott Stephen A DDS 649 W East Av Chc ..............................342-1271 Beglau Steve A DDS 2250 Myers Orvl ..................................533-7545 Crowson Steven C DMD 1206 Esplanade Chc ..........................891-8951 Eltzroth Eric DDS 2051 Forest Av Chc ............................895-1999 Gilbert Wm A DDS 3579 Oroville Dam Bl E Orvl ..............534-6403 Gillett David W DMD Inc 7080 Skyway Pdse ..............................877-6586 Horning Philip DDS 1660 Humboldt Rd Ste 1 Chc ............894-5454

Northern California Publications

Jewett Tony C DDS 236 W 3rd Chc ....................................342-8314 Kearbey Dental Group 2690 Olive Hwy Orvl ............................533-0200 Lange Kimberly DDS 650 Rio Lindo Av Chc ..........................343-3137 Lee Thomas M DDS 13681 Skyway Mgla ............................872-8585 Madsen Dale W DDS 1279 E 1st Av Ste E Chc ....................343-1081 Manzella Martin DDS 1074 East Av Ste U Chc........................342-8580 McKune John W Jr DDS 1330 Mangrove Av Chc ......................342-0816 Miller Harvey E DDS 1046 Mangrove Av Chc ......................343-1402 Moon Bill DDS 227 W 6th St Chc ................................342-3525 Muff Michael DDS 1430 East Av Chc ................................898-0676 Parrott Brent E DDS 2445 Oro Dam Bl Ste 8 Orvl ..............533-8204 5975 Almond St Pdse ........................877-2313 Pruett Richard L DDS 11 Williamsburg Ln Chc ......................894-1977 Skyberg Kenneth R DDS 424 Magnolia Grdly ............................846-4815 Soudan Gary J DDS 2080 Myers Orvl ..................................533-3142 Stutznegger E Keith DDS Inc 2862 Olive Hwy Orvl ............................534-8330 Tawatari Arthur T DDS 1074 East Av Chc ................................893-3683 Thomas H Leroy DDS 650 Rio Lindo Av Chc ..........................895-0900 Weichert H Guy DDS 2760 Oroville Dam Bl E Orvl ..............534-8180 White Ronald DDS 1046 Mangrove Av Chc ......................891-1674 Wilson David K DDS 650 Rio Lindo Av Chc ..........................891-1434 Ysasaga Michael DDS 676 E 1st Av Chc ..................................893-0738

Fowkes 1277 Ea Gillett D 7080 Sk Lakeview 2571 Ca Lim Mic 1279 E Manzella 1074 Ea Nelsen F 1307 Es Parrott B 2445 Or 5975 Al Rio Lind 650 Rio Ryan Ro 555 Sal Soudan 2080 M Stricker 2500 Du Tilden F 1074 Ea Walker G 2730 Co


Beglau S 2250 M

DENTISTS GUIDE-DENTAL IMPLANTS Parrott Brent E DDS 2445 Oro Dam Bl Ste 8 Orvl ..............533-8204 5975 Almond St Pdse ........................877-2313 Pruett Richard L DDS 11 Williamsburg Ln Chc ......................894-1977

DENTISTS GUIDE-DENTISTRY-COSMETIC Center For Aesthetic & Restorative Dentistry 1660 Humboldt Rd Ste 1 Chc ............894-5454 Chico Center Of Cosmetic Dentistry 2730 Cohasset Rd Chc ......................343-5587 Chico Dental Arts 2539 Forest Av Chc ............................342-6064 Couk Richard S DDS 2533 Forest Av Chc ............................895-1244 Dudar Brian W DDS 771 Buschmann Rd Pdse ....................877-6288 Eltzroth ERIC DDS 2051 Forest Av Chc ............................895-1999












3-8204 7-2313








DENTISTS GUIDE-ENDODONTICS (ROOT CANALS) Beglau Steve A DDS 2250 Myers Orvl ..................................533-7545

Bond Kimball G DDS 181 E 7th Av Chc ................................342-0716 Eltzroth Eric DDS 2051 Forest Av Chc ............................895-1999 Gustafson Rylan DDS MS 1074 East Av Chc ................................891-3456 Hanosh Family Dentistry 101 Raley Bl Chc ..................................894-5856 6161 Clark Rd Pdse ............................872-1020 Kearbey Dental Group 2690 Olive Hwy Orvl ............................533-0200 Kearbey Vaughn DDS 3115 Oro Dam Bl Orvl ........................533-6252 Snider Douglas DDS MS APC 1074 East Av Chc ................................891-3456 Van Mierlo Bradley L DDS 1459 Humboldt Rd Chc ......................899-7804

DENTISTS GUIDE-ORALMAXILLOFACIAL SURGERY (FACE & JAW) Barnes Eric D DDS 2525 Ceanothus Av Chc ....................343-1685 Brownridge Geo W II DDS 2525 Ceanothus Av Chc ....................343-1685 Eltzroth Eric DDS 2051 Forest Av Chc ............................895-1999 Landis C Randy DDS OMS 80 Declaration Dr Chc ........................893-3912 2990 Oroville Dam Bl E Orvl ..............533-7900 Womack Mark G DDS Inc 952 Lupin Av Ste 110 Chc ..................345-7127

DENTISTS GUIDE-ORTHODONTICS (STRAIGHTENING-BRACES) Allwyn Metherell DDS 1046 Mangrove Av Ste C Chc ............345-6382 Barton Kevin D DDS Orthodontics 1290 E 1st Av Chc ..............................342-9097 Bruno Edward C DDS MSD 1068 East Av Chc ................................345-0600 Eltzroth Eric DDS 2051 Forest Av Chc ............................895-1999 Fillmore Galen M DDS MS 250 Vallombrosa Chc ..........................893-8201 2770 Olive Hwy Orvl ............................533-3053 540 Vermont St Grdly ..........................846-3673 Hood B Scott DDS MS 650 Rio Lindo Av Ste 2 Chc ................343-7021 5657 Clark Rd Ste 5 Pdse ..................877-4951 McCarthy Karen DDS MS 2485 Notre Dame Bl Chc ..................894-5185 Pruett Richard L DDS 11 Williamsburg Ln Chc ......................894-1977 Shasta Orthodontics 2485 Notre Dame Bl Chc ..................894-5185 Tribble Greg R DDS Orthodontics 1290 E 1st Av Chc ..............................342-9097

DENTISTS GUIDE-PEDIATRICS (CHILDREN) Borg N Michelle DDS 111 Raley Bl Ste 260 Chc ..................342-0104 Eltzroth Eric DDS 2051 Forest Av Chc ............................895-1999


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Fowkes Donald J DDS 1277 East Av Ste 100 Chc ..................893-0750 Gillett David W DMD Inc 7080 Skyway Pdse ..............................877-6586 Lakeview Dental Office 2571 California Park Dr Chc ..............345-6888 Lim Michael J DDS Inc 1279 E 1st Av Chc ..............................891-6611 Manzella Martin DDS 1074 East Av Chc ................................342-8580 Nelsen Family Dentistry 1307 Esplanade Chc ..........................898-8511 Parrott Brent E DDS 2445 Oro Dam Bl Ste 8 Orvl ..............533-8204 5975 Almond St Pdse ........................877-2313 Rio Lindo Dental Associates 650 Rio Lindo Av Ste 5 Chc ................345-5111 Ryan Robert N DDS 555 Salem Chc ....................................895-3732 Soudan Gary J DDS 2080 Myers Orvl ..................................533-3142 Stricker Joseph J DDS 2500 Durham-Dayton Hwy Drhm ......342-2770 Tilden Frederick W DDS 1074 East Av Chc ................................345-4780 Walker Gary DDS Inc 2730 Cohasset Rd Chc ......................343-5587




Roos Erik H DDS 274 Cohasset Rd Chc ..........................893-4044 Saad David J DDS 101 Raley Bl Chc ..................................891-3601 Tornabene Ann DDS MS 274 Cohasset Rd Chc ..........................893-4044

Skyway House 564 Rio Lindo Av Chc ..........................898-8326 Touchstone Perinatal Program 1390 E Lassen Av Chc ........................332-6090 Tri County Treatment 2740 Oro Dam Bl Orvl ........................533-5272



Chico Periodontal Associates 30 Declaration Dr Ste A & B Chc ......898-1234 Eltzroth Eric DDS 2051 Forest Av Chc ............................895-1999

DENTISTS GUIDE-PROSTHODONTICS (CROWNS, BRIDGES, DENTURES, ETC) Eltzroth Eric DDS 2051 Forest Av Chc ............................895-1999 Parrott Brent E DDS 2445 Oro Dam Bl Ste 8 Orvl ..............533-8204 5975 Almond St Pdse ........................877-2313 Stricker Joseph J DDS 2500 Durham-Dayton Hwy Drhm ......342-2770

DENTURES Sullivan Denture Laboratory 5910 Clark Rd Ste A Pdse ..................872-3844

DIABETES EDUCATIONAL, REFERRAL & SUPPORT SERVICES Andrews Jennifer RD CDE MED call ........................................................518-3368 Diabetes Educational Services 45 Old Chico Wy Chc............................893-8635 Diabetes Management 670 Rio Lindo Av Chc ..........................899-7120 Enloe Diabetes & Nutrition Services 888 Lakeside Village Commons Chc 332-6840 Feather River Hospital Diabetes Education 5974 Pentz Rd Pdse ............................876-7297 Gnass June ..........................................891-9357

DRUG ABUSE & ADDICTION INFORMATION & TREATMENT CENTERS Aegis Medical Systems Inc 590 Rio Lindo Av Chc ..........................345-3491 Alanon ..................................................342-5756 Cherokee House Recovery Services PO Box 2469 Orvl ................................533-5429 Chico Recovery Center Chc..................343-6566 Collins Larry MFT 5 Williamsburg Ln Chc ........................342-9456 Hawkley Jeaneese MA LMFT 1660 Humboldt Rd Chc ......................894-7272 Lake Oroville Fishers Of Men 1412 Half Dome Wy Chc ....................899-1925 Narcotics Anonymous Pdse ................877-6361 New Beginnings ..................................891-0973 Northern California Treatment Services- Outpatient 2259 Wyandotte Av Orvl ....................533-7664 Oroville Recovery Center Women’s Facilities 2472 Oroville-Quincy Hwy Orvl ..........532-4210 14

B u t t e C o u n t y M e d i c a l D i r e ctory

Accurate Drug Testing 1810 Esplanade Chc ..........................895-1151 Paramex Screening 1450 Sherman Av Chc ........................895-3203

ELECTROLYSIS Aesthetics & Electrolysis By Nora 15 Williamsburg Ln Chc ......................342-0414 Chico Electrolysis Center 669 Palmetto Av Chc ..........................519-8111 Electrolysis Studio Phyllis Grimm LVN RE 1664 Montgomery Orvl........................533-3433 Pembroke Colleen RE Electrolysis & Permanent Make Up Chc ................899-2703

EMERGENCY MEDICAL & SURGICAL SERVICES Biggs-Gridley Memorial Hospital 284 Spruce Grdly ................................846-5671 Feather River Hospital 5974 Pentz Rd Pdse ........................877-9361 TDD for the Hearing Impaired ..........877-9058 Oroville Ambulance Orvl ......................533-5101 Paradise Ambulance Service Pdse ......................................................877-8866 Poison Control 24 Hr Hotline ................................800-222-1222 TDD Hotline ..................................800-876-4766


Heinrich Mark DO 2767 Olive Highway Oro ......................532-8349 Russo Peter MD 2767 Olive Highway Oro ......................532-8349

FAMILY PLANNING-INFORMATION CENTERS Gridley Family Health Center 520 Kentucky Grdly ............................846-6231 Planned Parenthood 556 Vallombrosa Av Chc ....................342-8367


Austin Chester MD 845 W East Ave Chc ............................896-4835 Garrison Mark DO 1025 Villiage Ln Chc ..........................566-0132 Harwood Dannielle MD 1645 Esplanade #4 Chc ....................343-1200 Layne Tanya MD 270 Cohasset Rd #120 Chc ..............893-4200 Logan Kenneth MD Chc Miller Larry MD 6585 Clark Rd #440 Pdse ................877-4465 Nelson Marcia MD 114 Mission Ranch Bl Ste 10 Chc ......894-0500

Northern California Publications

Nielsen Albert MD 225 Spruce St Grdly ............................846-5655 Peterson Stephen MD 185 E 7th Ave Ste D Chc ....................342-7564 Rey A.M. MD 114 Mission Ranch Bl Ste 10 Chc ......894-0500 Schmidt John MD 519 Fourth Street Orl ..........................865-5629 Smith Bradley MD 376 Vallombrosa Ave Chc ..................891-1676 Smith Dean MD 1040 Mangrove Ave Chc ....................345-0064 Turner Richard MD 6480 Pentz Rd Ste D Pdse ................877-4911 Tye Ross MD 1361 Cortina Drive Orland ..................865-3400 Vance Jason MD 6480 Pentz Rd Ste B Pdse ................877-9326

HEALTH SERVICES Alzheimer’s Association 2105 Forest Av Ste 130 Chc ..............895-9661 Anticoagulation Clinic 5910 Clark Rd Ste U Pdse ..................872-9729 California Health Collaborative 25 Jan Ct Chc ......................................345-2483 2330 Bird Av Orvl ................................534-1933 Center For Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder 2627 Forest Av Chc ..............................894-0702 Center For Healthy Choices 1216 Sheridan Av Chc ........................894-1548 Chico Family Health Center 680 Cohasset Rd Chc ........................342-4395 Pediatrics ............................................342-6150 Dental ....................................................342-6065 Feather River Health Center 5125 Skyway Pdse ..............................872-2000 Feather River Hospital Outpatient Center 6283 Clark Rd Ste 4 Pdse ..................872-2436 Feather River Hospital Rehabilitation 6283 Clark Rd Ste 1 Pdse ..................872-2003 Fetal Alcohol Center 2627 Forest Av Chc ............................894-0702 7 Commerce Ct Chc ............................894-2092 Heavenly Herbs & Acupuncture 8093 Skyway Pdse ..............................877-7003 Home Health Care Management Inc 1398 Ridgewood Dr Chc......................343-0727 Lumetra Chc ........................................895-8599 Oroville Dialysis Clinic 3012 Olive Hwy Orvl ............................532-6800 Paradise Center For Healthy Living 5913 Clark Rd Ste C Pdse ..................872-4325 Sleep Medicine At Feather River Hospital 1925 Peach Ln Pdse............................876-7242 Superior California PPO Inc 6280 Pentz Rd Pdse ..........................872-6940 Therapeutic Solutions 3255 Esplanade Chc ..........................899-3150

Chico He 1600 M Daly’s H 1376 Lo Digital H 1074 Ea 6032 Cl Miracle 2055 Fo North St 15 Jan C Paradise Debora 2627 Fo 5500 Cl


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HEARING AIDS-DEALERS Advanced Hearing Instruments 572 Rio Lindo Av Ste 202 Chc ............893-4327 Bartlett’s Hearing Instrument Center 2770 Olive Hwy Ste D Orvl ..................533-8912 2201 Pillsbury Rd Chc ........................343-2345











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HEARING AIDS-SERVICE & REPAIR Digital Hearing Aid Centers 1074 East Av #K2 Chc ........................898-9127 6032 Clark Rd Ste C Pdse ..................877-3808 Paradise Hearing & Balance Center Deborah Touchette Au D 2627 Forest Av Chc ............................894-3300 5500 Clark Rd Pdse ............................872-5500


Alexander Technique Judith Johnston 10 Williamsburg Ln Chc ......................342-6028 Alternative Healthcare 197 East Av Chc ..................................894-5457 Barlow Robyn ND 669 Palmetto Av Ste B Chc..................332-9355 Chico Holistic Healthcare 582 Rio Lindo Av Chc ..........................892-1930

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Chico Natural Solution Chc ........................................................899-9976 Chico Naturopathic Medicine 669 Palmetto Av Chc ..........................332-9355 Craniosacral Specialists 244 W 9th Chc ....................................899-8863 Dagorret Regina DAOM LAc 150 Amber Grove Dr Ste 152 Chc ....345-3382 Dawson Amy I LAc 2623 Forest Av Chc ............................891-1823 Health Source Of Chico 2575 Ceanothus Av Chc ....................345-5055 Heavenly Herbs & Acupuncture 8093 Skyway Pdse ..............................877-7003 Light Wave Center The 562 Manzanita Av Chc ........................345-6300 North State Chiropractic Neurology & Rehabilitation 250 Vallombrosa Av Chc ....................342-6441 Preference Chiropractic Clinic 1635 Magnolia Av Chc ........................895-0224 Satori Healing Center ..........................891-6524 Silver Alan A DC 550 Salem Chc ....................................896-0701 Tropea Gregory PhD 265 Humboldt Av Chc ........................342-3699 Turner Chiropractic Clinic 1324 Mangrove Av Chc ......................342-2111



Chico Hearing Aid Center 1600 Mangrove Av Ste 160 Chc ........342-8132 Daly’s Hearing Aid Center 1376 Longfellow Av Chc ......................345-4345 Digital Hearing Aid Centers 1074 East Av #K2 Chc ........................898-9127 6032 Clark Rd Ste C Pdse ..................877-3808 Miracle Ear Center 2055 Forest Av Chc..............................345-0822 North State Audiological Services 15 Jan Ct Chc........................................899-3277 Paradise Hearing & Balance Center Deborah Touchette Au D 2627 Forest Av Chc ..............................894-3300 5500 Clark Rd Pdse ............................872-5500


Cardiac Rehabilitation 888 Lakeside Village Commons Chc ..332-6898 Children’s Health Center 277 Cohasset Rd Chc ......................332-6000 Conference Center 1528 Esplanade Chc ........................332-7370 Diabetes & Nutrition Services 888 Lakeside Village Commons Chc ....................................................332-6840 Employment Opportunities 1625 Magnolia Av Chc ....................332-7014 Endoscopy Clinic 888 Lakeside Village Commons Chc ....................................................332-6810 Enloe Sleep Disorders Clinic 560 Cohasset Rd Chc ......................332-4145 Enloe Surgical & Procedural Assessment Area-ESPAA 888 Lakeside Village Commons Chc ......................................................332-6001 Family HomeCare 1390 E Lassen Av Chc ......................332-6050 FlightCare Membership ....................332-6774 Foundation 249 W 6th Chc ..................................332-4550 Home Medical Equipment 1390 E Lassen Av Chc ......................332-6086 HomeCare Services 1390 E Lassen Av Chc ......................332-6050 Hospice 1390 E Lassen Av Chc ......................332-6060 Human Resources 1625 Magnolia Av Chc ....................332-7344 Infusion Therapy Clinic 265 Cohasset Rd Chc ......................332-6820 Los Molinos Family Health Center 7883 Hwy 99E Ls Mlns ....................384-2372 Marketing & Communications 1448 Esplanade Chc ........................332-6745 Mother & Baby Boutique 251 Cohasset Rd Chc ......................332-3970 Nutrition Counseling 888 Lakeside Village Commons Chc ....................................................332-6840 Occupational Health Center 888 Lakeside Village Commons Chc ....................................................332-6890 Occupational Therapy- Rehabilitation Center 340 W East Av Chc ..........................332-6110 Outpatient Center General Information 888 Lakeside Village Commons Chc ....................................................332-6400 Patient Financial Services 1390 E Lassen Av Chc ......................332-6300 Patient Service Excellence ..............332-7005 Personal Fitting Services ..................332-3815 Physical Therapy-Inpatient Rehabilitation Center 340 W East Av Chc ....332-6138 or 332-6110 Prenatal & Parenting Classes 251 Cohasset Rd Ste 120 Chc ........332-4580 Prompt Care-California Park 888 Lakeside Village Commons Chc ....................................................332-6850 16

B u t t e C o u n t y M e d i c a l D i r e ctory

Prompt Care-Cohasset 560 Cohasset Rd Chc ......................332-4111 Pulmonary Rehabilitation 888 Lakeside Village Commons Chc ....................................................332-6898 Radiation Oncology 265 Cohasset Rd Chc ......................332-7380 Radiology-X-Ray 888 Lakeside Village Commons Chc ....................................................332-6446 Rehabilitation Center General Info 340 W East Av Chc ..........................332-6138 Speech Therapy 340 W East Av Chc ..........................332-6110 Surgery-Outpatient Surgery Center 888 Lakeside Village Commons Chc ....................................................332-6882 TDD Deaf & Handicapped ................332-7347 Touchstone Perinatal Substance Abuse Program 560 Cohasset Rd Chc ......................332-5290 Volunteer Services 249 W 6th Chc ..................................332-4575 Wound-Ostomy 1405 Esplanade Chc ........................332-5085 Feather River Hospital 5974 Pentz Rd Pdse ............................877-9361 TDD for the Hearing Impaired ............................................877-9058 Administration ..................................877-9361 Admitting ............................................877-9361 Anticoagulation Clinic ......................872-9729 Birth Day Place Maternity..................876-2229 Cancer Center ....................................876-3141 Cardiac Catheterization Lab ............877-9361 Cardiac Rehabilitation ......................877-9361 Cardiology ..........................................876-7907 Chaplain/Pastoral Care ....................876-7102 Critical Care Unit ..............................876-7900 Diabetes Education Program ............876-7297 Feather River Health Center 5125 Skyway Pdse ............................872-2000 Feather River Health Foundation & Development ................................872-7166 Feather River Pharmacy 5125 Skyway Pdse ............................876-2525 Home Health Agency ........................872-3378 Home Oxygen & Medical Equipment ..........................................872-0872 Hospice (Paradise Hospice) ............877-8755 Hospice Thrift Shop ..........................872-4255 Human Resources ............................876-7966 Laboratories 5974 Pentz Rd Pdse ........................876-7909 6283 Clark Rd Pdse ........................872-2436 5125 Skyway Pdse ............................876-2530 14137 Lakeridge Ct Mgla ................873-4623 Lifeline Personal Emergency Response Systems ............................876-2145 Lymphedema Clinics 2535 Forest Ste 110 Chc..................345-2181 6283 Clark Rd Ste 1 Pdse ..............872-2003 Medical Imaging (Radiology) ............876-7908 Medical Records ..............................876-7950 Outpatient Center ..............................872-2436

Northern California Publications

Paradise Meals on Wheels ..............877-8707 Patient Financial Services ................876-7910 Physician Referral Service ................876-7243 Public Information ............................876-7283 Rehabilitation Services/ Occupational Therapy ......................872-2003 Physical Therapy ..............................872-2003 Speech Therapy..................................872-2003 Sleep Medicine ..................................876-7242 Volunteer Services ............................876-2134

Oroville Hospital

See our ad on pages 20 & 21 2767 Olive Hwy Orvl ............................533-8500


Courtney Brian MD PO Box 6069 Chc ................................332-5557


Alexander Dental Lab 1051 Hazel Grdly ..................................846-1233 Cady Dental Laboratory 1051 Hazel Grdly ..................................846-3273 Carabelli Dental Lab 2690 Olive Hwy Orvl ............................533-4010 Chrome Works Inc Jerry Robinson CDT 252 Lockheed Av Chc ........................343-2278 Dittemore Denture Dental Lab 1717 Daryl Porter Wy Orvl ..................534-1348 Faulkner Dental Lab Crown & Bridge 3225 Oroville Dam Bl E Orvl ..............532-9204 Jeff Snyder Dental Lab 1388 Longfellow Av Chc ......................893-9099 Just For Grins Dental Lab Inc 1039 Village Ln Chc ............................894-7027 Ovcin Dental Laboratory 771 Buschmann Rd Pdse ....................877-6769 Smile Center The 12580 Sierra Sunrise Terrace #220 Chc ........................................................345-9506 Sullivan Denture Laboratory 5910 Clark Rd Ste A Pdse ..................872-3844 Valley Dental Lab 1388 Longfellow Av Chc ......................891-0457 Vogel Dental Laboratory The 1376 E 1st Av Chc ..............................894-2803 Weil Gregory Dental Ceramics Studio 125 Yellowstone Dr Chc ......................343-6087


Feather River Hospital Clinical Laboratories 5974 Pentz Rd Pdse ............................876-7909 6283 Clark Rd Pdse ............................872-2436 5125 Skyway Pdse ..............................876-2530 14137 Lakeridge Ct Mgla ..................873-4623 Laboratory Corporation Of America 2767 Olive Hwy Orvl ............................533-8577 1704 Mangrove Av Chc ......................345-4696 771 Buschmann Rd Pdse ....................877-8421 Lyme Disease Diagnostic Center 575 Pearson Rd Pdse ........................877-6666 Mangrove Lab & X-Ray 1040 Mangrove Av Chc ......................343-7441 Paramex Screening 1450 Sherman Av Chc ........................895-3203

Patholog 183 E 8 Quest D 670 Rio 801 Eas 250 Coh 100 Ind 111 Ral 680 Coh 1556 Hw 2451 Or 6573 Cl Valley C 100 Ind 251 Coh 1601 Th 645 W E 2800 Li 2809 Ol 2767 Ol 2721 Ol


Hunter L 1645 Es Neil And Chc ......


A Child A Counsel 6076 Pe

2-2003 2-2003 2-2003 6-7242 6-2134










A Fresh New Choice 2059 Forest Av Chc..............................343-4247 A Step Forward 4 Williamsburg Ln Ste D Chc ..............345-3952 A Therapeutic Alliance Chc ........................................................891-8876 Aikin-Bogard Karen RN MFT 562 Manzanita Av Chc ........................898-1700 Akimoto Martin LCSW 2571 California Park Dr Chc ................345-4600 Allport Mary V MFT 5 Governors Ln Chc..............................894-8841 Anderson Melodie MFT 60 Landing Cir Chc ..............................894-6722 Bailey Linda LCSW................................893-9230 Bartel Juliet MA MFT 1458 Esplanade Chc............................345-5057 Berge Cheryl MS MFT 2580 Feather River Bl Orvl ..................533-1100 Bills Suzanne LCSW 5 Governors Ln Chc..............................899-8870 Bird Kathy MFT 6393 Skyway Pdse ..............................877-9491 Bowman Andrea MFT 1430 East Av Chc ................................894-1708 Brent Elizabeth LCSW 2535 Forest Av Chc..............................892-0455 Bridgeways ............................................343-5225 Brislain Judy EdD MFT Inc 2545 Ceanothus Av Chc ......................342-2567 Buuck Diane MS MFT 5910 Clark Rd Ste M-8 Pdse ..............877-6937

Pathology Sciences Medical Group 183 E 8th Av Chc ................................891-6244 Quest Diagnostics Inc 670 Rio Lindo Av Ste 500 Chc ..........343-7412 801 East Av Chc ..................................894-8292 250 Cohasset Rd Ste 20 Chc ............893-2919 100 Independent Cir Ste 200 Chc ....343-7238 111 Raley Bl Ste 200 Chc ..................892-1698 680 Cohasset Rd Chc ........................893-3297 1556 Hwy 99 Grdly ............................846-6435 2451 Oro Dam Bl E Orvl ......................533-8823 6573 Clark Rd Ste 200 Pdse ............877-4772 Valley Clinical Laboratory 100 Independence Cir Chc ................893-4795 251 Cohasset Rd Ste 140 Chc ..........897-0114 1601 The Esplanade Ste 1A Chc ......898-9222 645 W East Av Chc ..............................893-8731 2800 Lincoln Bl Orvl ............................534-3817 2809 Olive Hwy Ste 360 Orvl ............532-8145 2767 Olive Hwy Orvl ............................532-8322 2721 Olive Hwy Ste 3 Orvl ..................532-8630

LABORATORIES-TESTING Hunter Labs 1645 Esplanade Chc ..........................893-4303 Neil Anderson & Associates Inc Chc ........................................................891-6304


A Child At Heart Family Counseling Services 6076 Pentz Rd Pdse ............................877-5377




Helping Your Body Heal Itself


Advanced Bowen Therapist Swedish Massage Ionic Cleanse/Detox



Bowen Therapy is a unique, anatomical or structural rebalancing technique based on the body’s ability to adjust and rebalance the muscle groups, which helps correct the structural and dynamic balance of every system in the body. The practitioner begins with a series of prescribed moves in the lower back and hips which immediately leads the body into a relaxed state. This primary stress release, and the relaxation that follows, allows oxygen to circulate more thoroughly throughout the system while releasing toxins and eliminating dysfunctional fluids.



ies 6-7909 2-2436 6-2530 3-4623

3-8577 5-4696 7-8421

Calkins Nancy R MFT 140 Amber Grove Dr Chc ....................864-2268 Calvert Lisa LCSW ................................893-3535 Cameron Carolyn RN MFT 1430 East Av Chc ................................345-3386 Cangiano Denise MFT 1216 Sheridan Av Chc ........................894-1548 Chavez-Humble Benita MA LMFT 1216 Sheridan Av Chc ........................894-1646 Cheryl Darlene LCSW 1370 Ridgewood Dr Chc ......................345-3609 Chico Christian Counseling 1430 East Av Chc ................................893-8380 Clarke Michael W PhD 4 Williamsburg Ln Chc ........................345-3952 Coffman Jann M MA LMFT 568 Manzanita Av Chc ........................894-2426 Collins Larry MFT 5 Williamsburg Ln Chc ........................342-9456 Conger Ginny MFT 2571 California Park Dr Chc ................899-1005 Counseling Solutions 130 Yellowstone Dr Chc ......................879-5991 Covington Kimberley MFT 2220 Saint George Ln Chc ..................899-2850 Cross Valerie MFT 10 Williamsburg Ln Chc ......................899-9326 Dahlmeier Laurie MFT 100 Amber Grove Dr Ste 100 Chc ......898-8446 Danial Ria MA MFT ..............................345-9371 DeDeaux Amyre LMFT 22 Williamsburg Ln Chc ......................566-1458

Here’s just a few of the more common ailments which demonstrate improvement with Bowen Therapy: • • • •

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Call for an Appointment


Bowen Therapy, Massage Therapy

#22 A Williamsburg Lane, on the Esplanade Stonebridge Professional Village • Chico


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(530) 520-9652

Northern California Publications

B u t t e C o u n t y M e d i c a l D i r e ctory



7-8707 6-7910 6-7243 6-7283


Dossey Virginia MFT 1351 Esplanade Chc............................342-1061 Droescher Shelley LCSW 5848 Skyway Pdse ..............................877-2519 Dukes Suzie J MFT ..............................343-5225 Eagan Virginia MFT 2735 Esplanade Chc............................343-3819 Eckes Rose-Marie MFT 1430 Esplanade Ste 17 Chc................898-0219 Eiler Lori LCSW 6076 Pentz Rd Pdse ............................872-1989 Felch Joyce LCSW 1430 East Av Chc ................................891-5429 Flores Daniel MFT 5910 Clark Rd Pdse ............................877-2769 Flowers Steve MFT 6 Governors Ln Chc..............................898-1495 Foursquare Gospel Church 1492 East Av Chc ................................343-0205 Frazzini Joan LCSW 270 E 4 Chc ..........................................520-8829 Gaab Larry M MA MFT..........................342-0460 Gagerman Janice PhD LCSW BCD 1430 Esplanade Chc............................898-1952 George Laura O MA MFT Chc ..............343-4143 Giel Anne MFT 341 Broadway Chc................................893-1795 5910 Clark Rd Pdse ............................872-7035 Gjestson Sally Crawford 1430 East Av Chc ................................893-3002 Gordon Mary RN MFT 9424 Goodspeed Drhm ......................521-6616 Gorter Sandra RN MFT ........................345-5799 Graham P David M F C C 2545 Ceanothus Av Chc ......................894-6651 Haber Thomas S MFT 6393 Skyway Pdse ..............................872-7220 Hancock Lisa MS MFTI Chc ................892-1879 Hansen Russ MFT Chc ........................891-8876 Harlan Timothy M PhD 465 Pomona Av Orvl ............................534-6934 Heckman Douglas MFT Chc ................894-1242 Hignell M Pennisue PhD MFT 9255 Esquon Rd Drhm ........................891-6767 Hime-Everschor Judith MA LMFT Chc ........................................................343-4134 Pdse ......................................................872-1293 Hoffman Terrence LMFT 344 Flume Chc ....................................891-8928 Hyde Dennis MFT 270 E 4th St Chc ..................................342-7049 Ireland David L LCSW 2856 Olive Hwy Orvl ............................533-0185 Jackson Chris Eleanor MFT..................864-6649 Jackson Lori LCSW 468 Manzanita Av Chc ........................343-1590 Jellison Lisa LCSW Chc ........................898-9008 Jenkins Sandy MFCC 1370 Ridgewood Dr Chc ......................899-1245 Jennings Marilynn MA MFT 24 Hanover Ln Chc ..............................345-6087 Jensen Donna LCSW 5796 Clark Rd Pdse ............................877-0244 Jones Sadhana MA MFT ......................343-2601 18

B u t t e C o u n t y M e d i c a l D i r e ctory

Jurgenson Jerry PhD 95 Declaration Dr Chc ........................891-4251 Kennelly Jennifer PhD 2571 California Park Dr Chc ................899-1005 Kenney Michael MFT 319 Orient Chc......................................893-4419 Kirkham Jennifer S MSW LCSW 1660 Humboldt Rd Ste 3 Chc ............899-8062 Leahy Maureen LCSW 1430 East Av Chc ................................894-0225 Lenahan Rebecca LMFT 344 Flume Chc ....................................680-1067 Lenahan Rebecca LMFT 344 Flume Chc ....................................343-0900 Letner Rod Ed D 319 Orient Chc......................................345-4489 Lewis Sharon MFT 319 Orient Chc......................................891-5234 Lewman Diane L Psy D LMFT 344 Flume St Chc ................................591-3477 Lipton Gail MFT 249 W 8th Av Chc ................................566-1110 Liukkonen Julie MS MFT 568 Manzanita Chc..............................898-8228 Lorenz Suzanne LCSW 1215 Mangrove Av Chc ........................343-5792 Luallen Katy MFT 315 Wall Chc ........................................828-1876 Luallen Sue MFT 315 Wall Chc ........................................514-6886 Lucido Grace MFT 341 Broadway Chc................................343-0626 Malone Nicholas MFT 1530 Humboldt Rd Ste 4 Chc ............896-9577 Markell Penni MFCC ............................345-9152 Markey-Dow Patricia LCSW RPT-S 6076 Pentz Rd Pdse ............................877-5377 McHatton Leland E MFT 1430 East Av Ste 4C Chc ....................566-1212 Merritt Bhakti Merritt MFT 341 Broadway Chc................................566-1098 Merritt Bhakti MFT 341 Broadway Chc................................570-9542 Michael Joseph MFT ............................570-5535 Miller Joanna MFT 341 Broadway Chc ..............................345-8337 Miller Lori MFT 1600 Humboldt Rd Chc ......................899-3935 Moline Pamela Drennan MFT 3 Governors Ln Chc..............................342-2878 Moore Nicole LCSW 75 Declaration Dr Chc..........................892-9772 Mott Dean T MA MFT 1430 Esplanade Chc............................342-9326 Murphy Anne MFT 319 Orient Chc......................................899-8874 Naylor Greg MFT ..................................891-6438 Neal Connie J LCSW 5910 Clark Rd Pdse ............................877-1860 Nolan-Gosling Kathy LCSW Chc ........................................................342-5590 Nordeen Margaret MFT ........................891-8977 North Ritch C MFT 1664 Montgomery Orvl........................533-8120

Northern California Publications

Northern Valley Catholic Social Service 10 Independence Cir Chc ....................345-1600 996 Spruce St Grdly ............................846-6175 205 Mira Loma Dr Orvl ........................534-9992 Osborn Anne 610 Arbutus Av Chc ..............................345-7562 Palmer Amber MFT 1430 Esplanade Chc............................899-8401 Pannell James E Jr LMFT 947 Magnolia Grdly ..............................846-6210 or call.................................................... 846-4202 Paradise Counseling Center ................228-1827 Parker Christopher J MA MFT 1660 Humboldt Rd Ste 3 Chc ............894-7116 Perske Chris MFCC 344 Flume Chc ....................................894-7209 Pfeiffer Counseling 1458 Esplanade Chc............................895-9332 Proctor Patrick MFT 21 Hanover Ln Chc ..............................898-1865 Quaytman J A PhD 1216 Sheridan Av Chc ........................893-9241 Quinn Tim MFT 1458 Esplanade Chc............................894-1382 Randall-Mason Kathy MFT 1216 Sheridan Av Chc ........................899-8015 Rarick Nancy RN MFT ..........................894-5990 Reyman Silona PhD MFT 341 Broadway Chc................................894-1821 Rollins Dawn LCSW 5800 Clark Rd Ste 15 Pdse ................872-7939 Rudesill Dale MFT ................................891-5059 Russ Hansen MFT 766 East Av Chc....................................891-8862 Sahly Gary J MFT ..................................872-0405 Salakar-Main Jeanine LCSW 48 Hanover Ln Ste 2 Chc ....................570-9684 Salz Sharon Hilger MFT 1430 East Av Chc ................................892-1876 Scherba Don MFT 1351 Esplanade Chc............................896-1479 Schultz Elisabeth MFT 1370 Ridgewood Dr Chc ......................345-3609 or call ....................................................342-2102 Sheridan Shannon MFT 341 Broadway Chc................................343-9446 Siebal John MSW LCSW 341 Broadway Chc................................342-3733 Sierra Counseling Service 3 Governors Ln Chc..............................342-2878 Sisco Patsy MFT 22 Williamsburg Ln Chc ......................343-0118 Smith Carrie MFT 1660 Humboldt Rd Chc ......................343-9725 Snodgrass Mary Lou MFT 2345 Ceres Av Chc ..............................343-6265 Soares-Dabalos Florence A LMFT 344 Flume Chc ....................................899-0220 Steele Tom PhD MFT............................894-1726 Streets Mark L PhD 1660 Humboldt Rd Chc ......................891-6521 St John Pamela 1430 Esplanade Chc............................898-0219

Teal Kat 75 Decla Thomps 3 Gover Tullius V 341 Bro Varlinsk or call .. Vasquez Vineyard 1370 Ri Voss Jam 1430 Ea Warner A 1430 Es Weddell 1351 Es Weinrich 3 Gover Weinrich 1550 Hu Wendt K West Lin 1907 M White Ka Whitegiv 562 Ma Wilhelm 1530 Hu Wilhite A Wyman 344 Flu



6-6210 6-4202 8-1827






9-8015 4-5990


2-7939 1-5059

1-8862 2-0405




5-3609 2-2102

Yates Anne MFT 21 Hanover Ln Chc ..............................898-0809

MEDICAL DIAGNOSTIC IMAGING Advance Craniofacial Imaging 2615 Forest Av Chc ............................343-3482 Breast Care Center Of Northern California 1700 Esplanade Chc ..........................332-5715 North State Radiology-Imaging Imaging 1702 Esplanade Chc ..........................898-0500 MRI & CT 1638 Esplanade Chc ..........................894-6200 Business Office 1720 Esplanade Chc ..........................898-0504 North Valley Portable X-Ray 2095 Renz Rd Drhm ..........................895-3178 Paradise Ultrasound 5921 Clark Rd Pdse ............................876-1407

MEDICAL EQUIPMENT & SUPPLIES Anderson’s Medcare & Supplies Olive Medical Building 2721 Olive Hwy Ste 2 Orvl ..................534-1398 Apria Healthcare 3028 Esplanade Chc ..........................891-5226 Aztec Heart Inc 332 Canyon Highlands Dr Orvl ..........533-7069 Chico Medical Supply & Ostomy Center 195 Cohasset Rd Chc ........................899-5550

Crystal Medical Center Pharmacy Inc 2809 Olive Hwy Orvl ............................533-1545 Enloe Home Medical Equipment 1390 E Lassen Av Chc ........................332-6086 Feather River Home Oxygen & Medical Equipment Pdse ......................................................872-0872 Good Feet Store 2031 Forest Av Chc ............................345-5100 Hometown Mobility & Lift 4047 Neal Rd Ste 3 Pdse ....................877-5808 Kinetic Concepts Inc 3881 Benatar Wy Chc ........................893-0896 Lifeline# Personal Emergency Response Systems 5974 Pentz Rd Pdse ............................876-2145 Maximum Comfort 2700 Hegan Ln Chc ............................892-8050 Owens Medical Supply Chc ................899-8687 Paradise Drug & Medical Supply 6240 Clark Rd Pdse ............................877-4981 Patholase Chc ....................................809-3800 Taylor Dennis L DPM 578 Rio Lindo Av Chc ..........................894-6195 Valley Medical Supply 1378 Longfellow Av Chc ......................895-3923

MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES Calkins Nancy R MFT 140 Amber Grove Dr Chc ....................864-2268 Caminar 825 Main Chc ......................343-4421 TTY ........................................................343-9815

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Teal Kathleen MFT 75 Declaration Dr Chc..........................892-9772 Thompson Judith MFT 3 Governors Ln Chc..............................342-8286 Tullius Victoria LCSW 341 Broadway Chc................................342-2558 Varlinsky Ray MA MFT ..........................894-3330 or call ....................................................872-9602 Vasquez Karen LCSW Chc ..................892-9772 Vineyard Sharon MFCC 1370 Ridgewood Dr Chc ......................345-4359 Voss James W PhD MFCC 1430 East Av Chc ................................893-8380 Warner Anne RN MFT 1430 Esplanade Ste 17 Chc................894-6704 Weddell Nancy J MFT 1351 Esplanade Chc............................342-6218 Weinrich Debbie MFW ASW 3 Governors Ln Chc..............................342-2878 Weinrich Debbie MSW 1550 Humboldt Rd Chc ......................894-2126 Wendt Kathryn LCSW ..........................893-1657 West Linda MFT 1907 Mangrove Av Chc ........................891-5078 White Kay MA LMFT Pdse ....................877-5071 Whitegiver Janelle MFT 562 Manzanita Av Chc ........................893-9077 Wilhelm Alan MFT 1530 Humboldt Rd #4 ........................345-8668 Wilhite Allyson E RN MFT ....................345-5320 Wyman Scott MFT 344 Flume Chc ....................................345-0253


5-1600 6-6175 4-9992

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Wee are ready to meet your needs.


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Northern California Publications

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Club Stairways 1297 Park Av Chc ................................345-4514 Victor Treament Centers Inc 7 Governors Ln Chc ....893-0758 or 893-0777

MENTAL RETARDATION & DEVELOPMENTALLY DISABLED SERVICES & PRODUCTS Far Northern Regional Developmental Disabilities Center 1377 E Lassen Av Chc ........................895-8633


MIDWIVES Associates Nurse Midwives 1617 Esplanade Chc ............................345-4471 Birthdance Midwifery-Home Birth 1198 Oakdale Chc................................345-7994 Catterall Lisa CNM-OB-GYN 1617 Esplanade Chc ............................345-4471 Deeken Elizabeth CNM-Ob-Gyn Associates Nurse Midwives 1617 Esplanade Chc ............................345-4471 Dena Moes CNM 574 Manzanita Av Chc..........................828-9435 Paradise Midwifery Services Cheryl Struve CNM 771 Buschmann Rd Pdse ....................872-7579


Addus Healthcare Home Health & Private Duty 562 Manzanita Av Chc ........................342-7248

Arcadia Health Care 2057 Forest Av Chc ............................566-9025 BrightStar Healthcare 4 Williamsburg Ln Chc ........................332-9699 Confident Care Services Inc 1357 Feather River Bl Orvl ................534-4665 Home Health Care Management Inc 1398 Ridgewood Dr Chc ....................343-0727 Interim Homestyle Services 2060 Talbert Dr Chc ............................899-9777 NPH Medical Services 2639 Forest Av Chc ............................899-2255

NURSING HOMES California Park Rehabilitation Hospital 2850 Sierra Sunrise Ter Chc ..............894-1010 Chico Care Center 188 Cohasset Ln Chc ..........................343-6084 Chico Creek Care & Rehabilitation 587 Rio Lindo Av Chc ..........................345-1306 Cottage Guest Home 1059 Nevada Av Thrmlto ....................533-1436 Country Crest 55 Concordia Ln Orvl ..........................533-7857 Cypress Acres Convalescent Hospital 1633 Cypress Ln Pdse ........................877-9316 Evergreen Gridley Healthcare Center 246 Spruce Grdly ................................846-6266 Evergreen Residential Care Facility 230 Spruce Grdly ................................846-6238 Hovlid Skilled Nursing 240 Spruce St Grdly ............................846-9065

Olive Ridge Care Center 1000 Executive Pkwy Orvl ..................533-7335 Paradise Skilled Nursing 7419 Skyway Pdse ..............................877-7676 Pierce Guest Home 589 Obermeyer Av Grdly ....................846-5037 Riverside Convalescent Hospital 375 Cohasset Rd Chc ........................343-5595 Roseleaf Care Homes 4810 Songbird Chc ..............................896-1900 Shadowbrook Health Care 1 Gilmore Ln Orvl ................................534-1353 Twin Oaks Health & Rehabilitation Center 1200 Springfield Dr Chc ....................342-4885

NURSING HOMES- INFORMATION & PLACEMENT BUREAUS Community Care Options 1530 Humboldt Rd Ste 3 Chc ............894-2114

NUTRITIONISTS Andrews Jennifer RD CDE MED ..........518-3368 Chico Creek Chiropractic 360 E 1st Chc ......................................342-8464 Gnass June Chc ....................................891-9357 OPT For Fit Kids 1311 Mangrove Av Chc ......................345-0678 Pacific Nutrition 7837 Skyway Pdse ..............................877-0122

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Probiotics & Beyond toll free ........................................877-858-5785 Rodgers Jane MS RD Pdse ..................872-4345

OCCUPATIONAL THERAPISTS Anderson Occupational Therapy 572 Rio Lindo Av Chc ..........................345-5783 Enloe Outpatient Rehabilitation Services 340 W East Av Chc ..............................332-6138 Ergonomic Consultants ......................589-5894 Integrative Therapy 2627 Forest Av Chc ............................879-9030

OPTICAL GOODS-SALES & SERVICE Associated Chico Eye Specialists 85 Declaration Dr Chc ........................895-3884 Chico Vision Care 2109 Forest Av Chc ............................342-9644 Klink Jeffrey W OD 2860 Olive Hwy Orvl ............................534-9555 Seely Thomas K OD 2056 Talbert Dr Chc ............................893-1695

OPTICIANS Chico Optical 1722 Mangrove Av Chc ......................895-1474 Firstsight Vision Services (inside Wal-Mart) 2044 Forest Av Chc..............................899-1078 Johansson John O MD PhD 2809 Olive Hwy Orvl ............................534-1400 LensCrafters Chico Mall ............................................895-8044 North Valley Eyecare 114 Mission Ranch Bl Chc ................891-1900

OPTICIANS-DISPENSING Sears Roebuck & Co 1982 E 20th Chc ................................342-9855 Optical Dept ........................................342-4180 2140 Feather River Bl Orvl ................534-1900

OPTOMETRISTS-OD Advanced Eye Surgery Center 627 W East Av Chc ..............................342-1800 Advantage Optometric Center 2056 Talbert Dr Ste 100 Chc ............893-1695 Brown Thomas M OD 6139 Center Pdse ..............................877-6442 Carlson Geoffrey OD 2200 5th Av Orvl ................................533-1975 Carter Robert S OD Sonntag-Reeve Eye Center 460 W East Av Chc ..............................899-2244 6009 Pentz Rd Pdse ..........................877-6583 Chico Eye Center 605 W East Av Chc ..............................895-1727 6585 Clark Rd #340 Pdse ................872-3519 Chico Vision Care 2109 Forest Av Chc ............................342-9644 Clarke E David OD 2565 Ceanothus Av Chc ....................899-3939 DiPietro Robert Dr OD 6585 Clark Rd Pdse ............................877-2250 24

B u t t e C o u n t y M e d i c a l D i r e ctory

Eye Life Institute 111 Raley Bl Ste 240 Chc ..................892-2020 6283 Clark Rd Ste 10 Pdse ................877-2020 Eyexam Of California Chico Mall ............................................896-0579 Fallesen Barry OD 235 Spruce Grdly ................................846-2697 Family Eye Care 2565 Ceanothus Av Chc ....................899-3939 Ferretti Michael OD 2162 Robinson Orvl ............................534-8807 Garrettson Bryan OD 175 Cohasset Rd Chc ........................891-1600 Jenkins Gregory R OD 1102 Mangrove Av Chc ......................895-3123 Johnston Glenn OD Family Eye Care 2565 Ceanothus Av Chc ....................899-3939 Klink Jeffrey W OD 2860 Olive Hwy Orvl ............................534-9555 Koury Eugene OD Sonntag-Reeve Eye Center 460 W East Av Chc ..............................899-2244 6009 Pentz Rd Pdse ..........................877-8583 Langlois Alfred E 2168 Esplanade Chc ..........................342-8696 Laskey Jerry OD 680 Rio Lindo Av Chc ..........................343-5541 Lim Edward OD 2109 Forest Av Chc ............................342-7546 McDonald John E OD ..........................891-1119 McPherran Ann OD 5911 Almond Pdse ..............................872-1376 McPherran Randall OD 6283 Clark Rd Pdse ............................877-2020 Myers Douglas R OD Inc 119 Yellowstone Dr Chc ......................891-1146 Oroville Vision Optometric Group 1550 Myers Orvl ..................................533-6604 Paradise Optometry Group 5911 Almond Pdse ..............................872-1376 Parker Edgar A OD 2100 Dr Martin Luther King Jr Pkwy Chc ..893-0288 Richards Charles OD 166 Cohasset Rd Chc ........................345-6363 Rocchi Steven A OD 1550 Myers Orvl ..................................533-6604 Seely Bonnie K OD 2056 Talbert Dr Chc ............................893-1695 Seely Thomas K OD 2056 Talbert Dr Chc ............................893-1695 Shaw Val MD 114 Mission Ranch Bl Chc ................891-1900 Spanfelner Amy V OD 119 Yellowstone Dr Chc ......................891-1146 Spanfelner Michael OD 1550 Myers Orvl ..................................533-6604 Watkins Randall B OD 2109 Forest Av Chc ............................342-8581

ORTHOPEDIC APPLIANCES Butte Prosthetics 2260 Esplanade Chc ..........................893-4255 Cutting Edge Orthopedic 165 Rio Lindo Av Chc ..........................894-6400

Northern California Publications

Good Feet Store 2031 Forest Av Chc ..............................345-5100 Hangar Prosthetics & Orthotics 2275 Myers Orvl ..................................533-7344 Martin Kennon J DPM 6585 Clark Rd Pdse ............................877-6221 Orthopedic Fabricators 2704 Hegan Ln Chc ............................892-0237 Orthopedics Unlimited..........................895-1951 2nd Sole Custom Shoes & Orthotics 5923 Clark Rd Ste F Pdse ..................872-3710 Spectrum Orthotic & Prosthetic Inc 1140 Mangrove Av Chc ......................892-1017

ORTHOTIC DEVICES Martin Kennon J DPM 6585 Clark Rd Pdse ............................877-6221 Tim Woodville’s Orthotics & Prosthetics 591 E 10th Av Chc................................898-1951

OSTOMY EQUIPMENT & SUPPLIES Chico Medical Supply & Ostomy Center 195 Cohasset Rd Chc ........................899-5550 Crystal Medical Center Pharmacy Inc 2809 Olive Hwy Orvl ............................533-1545 Robert’s Drug Store 3010 Myers Orvl ..........533-3103 or 533-9014

OXYGEN Apria Healthcare 3028 Esplanade Chc ..........................891-5226 Feather River Home Oxygen & Medical Equip Pdse ......................................................872-0872 Owens Medical Supply Chc ................899-8687

OXYGEN THERAPY EQUIPMENT Lincare Holdings 492 Rio Lindo Av Chc ..........................895-8414 Pacific Pulmonary Services 2961 Hwy 32 Chc ................................342-1000


Cullen Phyllis MD PO Box 429 Chc ..................................891-0325 Lal Munish MD PO Box 9079 Chc ................................891-0325

PATERNITY TESTING Paramex Screening 1450 Sherman Av Chc ........................895-3203

PHARMACIES Apothecary Options 3006 Esplanade Chc ..........................345-7979 Bidwell Pharmacy & Medical Supply 1200 Mangrove Av Chc ......................891-0388 Chico Pharmacy 251 Cohasset Rd Ste 100 Chc ..........343-4440 Cobblestone Pharmacy 6585 Clark Rd Pdse ............................877-3712 Costco 2100 Dr Martin Luther King Jr Pkwy Chc ..................................................342-8892 Crystal Medical Center Pharmacy Inc 2809 Olive Hwy Orvl ............................533-1545

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Arrogante Revelyn MD 340 W East Ave Ste A Chc ..................342-2777 Filbrandt Phillip MD 340 W East Ave Ste A Chc ..................342-2777 Park Samuel MD 340 W East Ave #A Chc ......................342-2777


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530.899.2126 CVS 801 East Av Chc ..................................345-1347 1496 East Av Chc ................................896-5401 260 Spruce St Grdly ............................846-3682 1074 Oroville Dam Bl E Orvl ..............534-1550 6800 Skyway Pdse ..............................876-0184 Feather River Pharmacy 5125 Skyway Pdse .............................876-2525 Medicine Shoppe The 2445 Oroville Dam Bl E Orvl ..............532-9555 Olive Pharmacy 2721 Olive Hwy Orvl ............................534-9811 Owens Pharmacy 3760 Morrow Ln Chc ..........................899-8877 Paradise Pines Medical Center Pharmacy 14137 Lakeridge Ct Mgla ..................873-0460 Raley’s Pharmacy 211 W East Av Chc ..............................899-3790 2485 Notre Dame Bl Chc ..................895-0895 2325 Myers Orvl ..................................533-6876 Rite Aid Pharmacies 220 W East Av Chc ..............................343-9495 650 Mangrove Av Chc ........................891-6722 1583 Hwy 99 Grdly ............................846-3334 14115 Lakewood Cir Mgla ..................873-0800 2700 Oro Dam Rd Orvl ......................533-8083 6646 Clark Rd Pdse ............................872-2700 Robert’s Drug Store 3010 Myers Orvl ..........533-3103 or 533-9014 Safeway Pharmacy 1366 East Av Chc ................................899-2322 1596 Hwy 99 Grdly ............................846-7360 6020 Clark Av Pdse ............................877-7001 Table Mountain Pharmacy 2445 Oro Dam Bl Orvl ........................532-9555 Terrace Pharmacy 1283 E 1st Av Chc ..............................342-0171 Walgreens Drug Stores 860 East Av Chc ..................................899-0887 1042 Nord Av Chc ..............................566-1358 2703 Oroville Dam Bl E Orvl ..............534-1283 7576 Skyway Pdse ..............................876-8222 26

B u t t e C o u n t y M e d i c a l D i r e ctory

Anderson Occupational Therapy 572 Rio Lindo Av Chc ..........................345-5783 Avail Physical Therapy 2555 Ceanothus Av Chc ......................892-2810 Ayars Kristi PT DPT 1263 Esplanade ..................................891-4456 Bidwell Physical Therapy 670 Rio Lindo Av Ste 600 Chc ............896-1216 Butte Premier Physical Therapy 1390 E 9th Chc ....................................891-8220 Chico Physical Therapy Associates Inc 260 Cohasset Rd Chc ..........................891-1366 Coast Physical Therapy & Sports Medicine 1046 Mangrove Av Chc........................892-2966 6573 Clark Rd Ste B Pdse ..................877-5770 Engler Chiropractic Health Center 676 E 1st Av Chc ..................................345-2556 Enloe Rehabilitation Center 340 W East Av Chc ..............................332-6138 Feather River Home Health Agency 6626 Clark Rd Ste P Pdse ..................872-3378 Feather River Hospital Rehabilitation 6283 Clark Rd Ste 1 Pdse ..................872-2003 Genesis Rehabilitation & Wellness 555 Flying V Chc ..................................342-0700 Gridley Physical Therapy & Sports Medicine 1516 Hwy 99 Grdly ..............................846-8018 Nelson Valerie Wuchenich 2224 5th Av Orvl ..................................534-5452 Oasis Physical Therapy Inc 1293 E 1st Av Chc................................345-4446 PMR Physical Therapy Robert Egert MD 552 Vallombrosa Av Chc ......................343-8438 Physical Therapy & Wellness Center 2555 Ceanothus Av Chc ......................892-2810 Physio Therapy Associates 1044 Mangrove Av Chc........................343-1908 Pillsbury Physical Therapy Christopher Pillsbury MPT OCS Will Wilbur MSPT OCS Kelly Guinane DPT Scott Deadmond MPT Travis Retzer DPT Kristin Smith PT Cindy Arrington PTA 2623 Forest Av #120 Chc ..................343-2778 14144 Lakeridge Ct Ste 5 Mgla ........873-2818 2721 Olive Hwy Ste 1 Orvl ..................533-4199 7224 Skyway Pdse ..............................876-1006 RP Rehab & Physical Therapy 3100 Oro Dam Bl Orvl ..........................534-4568 RPT Physical Therapy 250 Cohasset Rd Chc ..........................345-1368

Northern California Publications

Ridge Physical Therapy & Wellness Center 5537 Black Olive Dr Pdse....................877-7744 Table Mountain Physical Therapy Inc 2000 5th Av Orvl ..................................533-2233 US Physical Therapy 101 Raley Blvd Chc ..............................898-9850 Valponi Physical Therapy 1430 Esplanade Chc............................894-0221

PHYSICIAN ASSISTANTS Carlson Rachel W PA-C- Paradise Medical Group 6480 Pentz Rd Ste B Pdse ..................877-9326 Hamm Gary PA-C - Gridley Medical Group 225 Spruce Grdly..................................846-5655 Macklin Cynthia PA-C - Paradise Medical Group 6480 Pentz Rd Ste B Pdse ..................877-9326 On O Jay PA-C 251 Cohasset Rd Chc ..........................342-3686 Peterson Debbie PA-C 185 E 7th Av Chc..................................342-7564


Badour Courtney C DO Ridge Primary Care 6585 Clark Rd Pdse ............................877-0762 Brown James C Jr DO Gridley Medical Group 225 Spruce Grdly ....................846-5655 Keech John A Jr DO 265 Cohasset Rd Chc ........................899-8000 Stark Brandan DO 100 Independence Cir Chc ..................899-2126 Wagner Daniel DO 114 Mission Ranch Bl Chc ................894-0500 Weiner Jerrold DO MSW 2571 California Park Dr Chc ..............345-9777 Whitaker David DO 5730 Canyon View Dr Pdse ................872-1618


Abildgaard William H MD 2780 Oro Dam Bl East Orvl ..............533-3571 Abouesh Ahmed MD 3255 Esplanade Chc ..........................899-3160 Afrasiabi Rahmat MD North Valley Allergy & Asthma Medical Center 95 Declaration Dr Chc ........................896-7450 Ainsworth Ronald E MD 771 Buschmann Rd Pdse ....................877-8640 Alino Alice MD 2809 Olive Hwy Orvl ............................533-4422 Allergy Associates 145 Mission Ranch Bl Chc ................896-2200 Aldrich M Patterson PhD 341 Broadway Ste 315 Chc ................898-1312 Altman David Elliot MD 20 Constitution Dr Chc ........................898-1100 Anderson Deborah MD 771 Buschmann Rd Pdse ....................877-2243 Anderson Douglas E MD FACC 6009 Pentz Rd Pdse ..........................872-1578 Archer Julie A MD 1645 Esplanade Chc ..........................896-0386 Argyll Medical Group 100 Independence Cir Chc ................899-0295 Billing ....................................................899-0142

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Arnott Timothy MD 6161 Clark Rd Pdse ............................876-1100 Arregui Pablo MD 605 W East Av Chc ..............................895-1727 Arrhythmia Center Of Northern California 1430 Esplanade Chc ..........................893-8806 Asarian John MD 10 Governor’s Lane Chc ....................343-8522 Ashokan Annamalai MD 10 Govenors Lane Chc........................985-9720 Associated Chico Eye Specialists 85 Declaration Dr Chc ........................895-3884 Aung, Kae T MD 6470 Pentz Rd Ste B Pdse ..................876-7820 Azevedo Alan J MD 1600 Esplanade Chc ..........................897-4500 Baird Michael C MD 1531 Esplanade Chc ..........................332-7380 Bashir Muhammad T MD 285 Cohasset Rd Chc ........................892-2300 Batin Ronald S MD FCCP 6009 Pentz Rd Pdse ..........................872-3175 Benaron Lisa MD 572 Rio Lindo Av Chc ..........................899-1627 Bidwell Pediatrics 1601 Esplanade Chc ..........................895-8101 Bippart Peter MD 2809 Olive Hwy Ste 220-240 Orvl ....532-8636 Bishop Roy L MD 100 Independence Cir Chc ................899-0130 Boice James B MD 183 E 8th Av Chc..................................891-6244 Boutros George MD 7068 Skyway Pdse ..............................877-2323 Bowen Aaron R MD 2721 Olive Hwy Orvl ............................533-1554 Brasch Andrew MD 6283 Clark Rd Pdse ............................877-2578 Brazil Leonard J MD 1600 Esplanade Chc ..........................897-4500 Brooks Joseph T MD 1430 Esplanade Chc ..........................345-5278 Brown Elisa C MD FAAP 194 Cohasset Rd Chc ........................893-2303 Brown Kevin MD 100 Independence Cir Chc ..................899-2107 Brown Michael N DPM 2103 Forest Av Chc ............................895-3668 Burke Bruce L MD 251 Cohasset Rd Chc ........................895-3333 California Occupational Medical Professionals 1940 Feather River Bl Orvl ..................534-5134 Cannon Benjamin MD 251 Cohasset Rd Chc ........................898-0520 Carden Michael MD Inc 6585 Clark Rd Pdse ............................872-9977 Carlson Rhonda MD 670 Rio Lindo Av Ste 700 Chc ..........899-3575 Carter James E MD Inc 1560 Humboldt Rd Chc ......................891-6331 Casey Kirk MD 100 Independence Cir Chc ................899-0134 Castro David M MD 1600 Esplanade Chc ..........................897-4500 28

B u t t e C o u n t y M e d i c a l D i r e ctory

Caviness Dewayne E MD 1040 Mangrove Av Chc ......................345-0064 Caviness Randall MD 1279 E 1st Av Chc ..............................891-9531 Chang Smith Medical Associates Inc Charlene Chang MD 2809 Olive Hwy Orvl ............................532-7650 Charpentier Janese FNP 572 Rio Lindo Av Chc ..........................899-1627 Chiapella Joseph A MD 1423 Magnolia Av Chc ........................896-7455 Chico Cardiology Associates 185 E 7th Av Chc ................................343-0200 Chico Family Health Center 680 Cohasset Rd Chc ........................342-4395 Pediatrics ............................................342-6150 Dental ....................................................342-6065 Chico Hematology Oncology Medical Associates 265 Cohasset Rd Chc ........................893-2323 Chico Hospitalist Group 1209 Esplanade Chc ..........................896-7455 Chico Orthopaedic Surgery & Sports Medical Associates 111 Raley Bl Chc ..................................891-6375 Chico Otolaryngology Group 135 Mission Ranch Bl Chc ................342-2411 Chico Pain Clinic 274 Cohasset Rd Chc ..........................891-0325 Chico Pediatric Medical Group Inc 10 Governors Ln Chc............................343-8522 Chico Spine & Vascular 251 Cohasset Rd Chc ........................898-0520 Ching Brian MD 2809 Olive Hwy Orvl ............................533-5044 Ching M Robert MD Inc 2809 Olive Hwy Orvl ............................533-5044 Chopan Sultan M MD 2809 Olive Hwy Orvl ............................533-6670 Clark C D MD ......................................589-4305 Clark Edgar MD 6585 Clark Rd Pdse ............................877-8855 Clark Williard H 13441 Adrian Dr Mgla ........................873-8105 Clay John P MD 2767 Olive Hwy Orvl ............................534-1334 Cochrane Ophthalmology Associates 2981 Olive Hwy Orvl ............................533-4500 Collins F David MD FACS 647 W East Av Chc ..............................894-7552 Convenient Care Health Center 670 Rio Lindo Av Chc ..........................899-7120 Walk-In Urgent Care ............................342-2273 Corp Craig C MD 194 Cohasset Rd Chc ........................893-2303 Cummings Brock MD 6283 Clark Rd Pdse ............................876-0410 Daniyan Samuel A MD 5910 Clark Rd Pdse ............................877-5437 Daron Ludwing MD 251 Cohasset Rd Ste 310 Chc ............891-1651 Darwin Amy MD 6480 Pentz Rd Pdse ............................877-8855 Davis Gregory L MD FACOG Inc 111 Raley Bl Chc ..................................332-9703

Northern California Publications

Davis-Reed Linda MD 270 Cohasset Rd Chc ........................895-1396 Dawson Anne K MD 265 Cohasset Rd Chc ..........................332-3917 Demetry Charlotte S MD 2809 Olive Hwy Orvl ............................533-7401 Ding David TI MD 6083 Maxwell Dr Pdse ........................877-4488 Dixon Whitney MD Inc 1307 Esplanade Chc ..........................899-9616 Doherty William P PhD MD 1307 Esplanade Chc ..........................899-9616 Dolinar Amy MD 1601 Esplanade Chc ..........................895-8101 Dorsey-Tyler Kevin MD 2 Governors Ln Chc..............................891-4523 Dotson Anton MD 145 Mission Ranch Bl Chc ................896-2200 Dovre Per A MD Inc 6283 Clark Rd Ste 8 Pdse ..................872-2229 Eddlemon Eugene MD 111 Raley Bl Chc ..................................345-9455 Ellis David H DO 376 Vallombrosa Av Chc ....................891-1676 Egert Robert MD 552 Vallombrosa Av Chc ....................343-8438 Esplanade Women’s Care 1315 Esplanade Chc ..........................332-9288 Filbrandt Phillip R MD 340 W East Av Chc ..............................342-2777 Fine Matthew MD 2809 Olive Hwy Ste 350 Orvl ............532-8654 Fletcher Steven F MD 2809 Olive Hwy Ste 310 Orvl ............532-8161 Foltz Sally J MD 1166 Esplanade Chc ..........................894-0200 Ford Eric A MD 8 Governors Ln Chc..............................894-8800 Forner Stephen D MD 1405 Magnolia Av Chc ........................894-3330 Foster Terrance MD 670 Rio Lindo Av Chc ..........................899-7120 Freistadt Hans MD FACOG 2809 Olive Hwy Orvl ............................533-0773 Fritzler Mark D MD 645 W East Av Chc ..............................898-8405 Gannon Daniela MD 643 W East Av Chc ..............................899-2981 Garretson Charles A MD 2721 Olive Hwy Orvl ............................533-1554 Garrison Douglas DO 1025 Village Ln Chc ............................566-0132 Gilbert Benjamin MD 605 W East Av Chc ..............................895-1727 Granlund Kirk F MD 1600 Esplanade Chc ..........................897-4500 Gridley Family Health Center 520 Kentucky Grdly ............................846-6231 Gridley Medical Group 225 Spruce Grdly ................................846-5655 Gutierrez Rigoberto O MD 2809 Olive Hwy Ste 370 Orvl ............538-9410 Hadley Dean MD 6283 Clark Rd Pdse ............................872-0220 Hagewood Jack D MD 578 Rio Lindo Av Chc ..........................891-4255

Harwood 1600 Es Hawkley 225 Spr 7062 Sk Hayes G 240 Spr Hayes W 2780 Or Heath H 376 Rio Heckma 5974 Pe Heithec 135 Mis Holzman 572 Rio Houliha 605 W E Howard 265 Coh Howard 2721 Ol Hsu Lar 254 Coh Hunt Ly 771 Bus Illa Robe 1601 Es Immedia 376 Vall 5875 Cl
















Harwood David M MD 1600 Esplanade Chc ..........................897-4500 Hawkley Redge M DPM 225 Spruce St Grdly 7062 Skyway Pdse ..............................872-3038 Hayes George T MD 240 Spruce Grdly ................................846-4299 Hayes Williston S MD 2780 Oroville Dam Bl E Orvl ..............533-7727 Heath H C MD FACOG 376 Rio Lindo Av Chc ..........................895-8585 Heckman Ted MD 5974 Pentz Rd Pdse ............................876-3141 Heithecker Donald H MD Inc 135 Mission Ranch Bl Chc ................342-2411 Holzman Madelyn MD 572 Rio Lindo Av Chc ..........................893-1127 Houlihan Heidi E 605 W East Av Chc ..............................895-1727 Howard John R Jr MD 265 Cohasset Rd Chc ........................893-2323 Howard Nathaniel Jr MD 2721 Olive Hwy Orvl ............................534-6517 Hsu Larry MD Inc 254 Cohasset Rd Chc ........................893-9244 Hunt Lyle B MD Inc 771 Buschmann Rd Pdse ....................877-4983 Illa Roberto MD 1601 Esplanade Chc ..........................345-1157 Immediate Care Medical Center Inc 376 Vallombrosa Av Chc ....................891-1676 5875 Clark Rd Pdse ............................877-5433

Incaudo Gary A MD 145 Mission Ranch Bl Chc ................896-2200 Johansson John O MD PhD 2809 Olive Hwy Orvl ............................534-1400 Johansson Karl H MD 2809 Olive Hwy Orvl ............................532-8636 Johnson Kurt E MD 1040 Mangrove Av Chc ......................345-0064 Jones Helmuth MD 6127 Clark Rd Pdse ............................872-1745 Kahn Jeffrey S MD 121 W 2d Av Chc ................................895-8888 Kawazu Taiji MD 130 Independence Cir Chc ................343-0285 Keech John A Jr DO 265 Cohasset Rd Chc ........................899-8000 Khorsandi Marc MD 111 Raley Bl Chc ..................................895-8600 153 Pearson Rd Pdse ........................877-0400 Komas Nicholas M MD Inc 111 Raley Bl Chc ..................................891-6375 Kong-Sibal Jeannette MD 100 Independence Cir Chc ................899-0143 Konkin Taylor A MD 1600 Esplanade Chc ..........................897-4500 Korock Stanley W MD 9 Governors Ln Chc..............................891-4300 Kremen Alan MD 2721 Olive Hwy Orvl ............................532-4400 Kremer John A MD 2485 Notre Dame Bl Chc ..................899-9500

Kretschmar Joseph M MD 153 Pearson Rd Pdse ........................877-0400 111 Raley Bl Ste #120 Chc ................895-8600 Krone Louise MD 100 Independence Cir Chc ................899-0143 Kusumoto Walter MD 1430 Esplanade Chc ..........................893-8806 La Paloma Family Health Center 1574 Kirk Rd Grdly ..............................846-3707 Lacey James P MD MPH FACS 135 Mission Ranch Bl Chc ................342-2411 Lal Munish MD 274 Cohasset Rd Chc ..........................891-0325 Landaker Stephen D MD 1600 Esplanade Chc ..........................897-4500 Lang Gregory S MD 2971 Olive Hwy Orvl ............................534-6300 Layne T E MD 270 Cohasset Rd Chc ........................893-4200 Lazaro Steve MD 1665 Esplanade Chc ..........................895-0423 Lee Joseph MD Ridge Primary Care 6585 Clark Rd Pdse ............................877-0762 Leon Hugo A MD 1040 Mangrove Av Chc ......................345-0064 Levay Joseph T DO 6585 Clark Rd Pdse ............................877-8855 Licuanan Rhea Y MD 6470 Pentz Rd Pdse ..........................877-7606 Lim Herbert H MD 114 Mission Ranch Bl Chc ................894-0500





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Lobosky Jeffrey M MD 251 Cohasset Rd Chc ........................895-3333 Logan James MD 5125 Skyway Pdse ..............................872-2000 5910 Clark Rd Pdse ............................877-5437 Ludington Lance MD 5730 Canyon View Dr Pdse ................877-9301 Magalia-Pines Family Practice Medical Clinic 14662 Skyway Mgla ............................873-1676 or call ....................................................873-4285 Magnusson Peter MD FACC 185 E 7th Av Chc ................................893-4393 Main Ronald H MD 198 Cohasset Rd Chc ........................342-0123 Mallory Susan MD Pediatrics 5125 Skyway Pdse ..............................872-2000 5910 Clark Rd Pdse ............................877-5437 Mangrove Medical Group 1040 Mangrove Av Chc ......................345-0064 Mansell Donald E MD 153 Pearson Rd Pdse ........................877-0400 111 Raley Bl Ste #120 Chc ................895-8600 Massa Christopher S MD 185 E 7th Av Chc ................................343-5828 Matthews Joseph M MD Inc 2 Governors Ln Chc..............................891-4523 Mazen Walter S Jr MD 1665 Esplanade Chc ..........................895-0423 Mazj Sam MD 265 Cohasset Rd Chc ........................893-2323 McCann Norman MD 669 Palmetto Av Chc ..........................891-4811 McDermott Francis MD 1660 Humboldt Rd Chc ......................899-3370 McKnight Jr Thomas E DO MPH 2735 Esplanade Chc ..........................896-0260 McLarty M Ruth MD FACS 6283 Clark Rd Pdse ............................877-5400 McLaughlin Barbara E MD 5796 Clark Rd Pdse ............................877-2281 Mellum Scott MD 101 W 2d Av Chc ................................894-8944 Mendoza Linda L MD 251 Cohasset Rd Chc ........................893-4965 Miller Larry D MD FABFP 6585 Clark Rd Pdse ............................877-4465 Mimbs Jeffrey S DO 251 Cohasset Rd Chc ........................895-3333 Mission Ranch Primary Care 114 Mission Ranch Bl Chc ................894-0500 Moffett Eugene V MD Inc 185 E 7th Av Chc ................................343-0200 Moore Marcia A MD FACC 1601 Esplanade Chc ..........................343-5006 Morcos-Gannon Daniela MD 643 W East Av Chc ..............................899-2981 More Gary D MD 198 Cohasset Rd Chc ........................342-0123 Morgan L Richard MD 18 Williamsburg Ln Chc ......................891-1311 Morris Stephen G MD Inc 1600 Esplanade Chc ..........................897-4500 Mundorff Thomas N MD 2721 Olive Hwy Orvl ............................533-1554 Myers Kevin D MD 9 Governors Ln Chc..............................345-5900 30

B u t t e C o u n t y M e d i c a l D i r e ctory

Nagel James S MD 1560 Humboldt Rd Chc ......................893-0105 Nayduch J Ross MD 114 Mission Ranch Bl Chc ................894-0500 Ndulue Chuk MD 135 Spruce Grdly ................................846-1400 Neal Eric MD 2809 Olive Hwy Orvl ............................533-0774 Nelson Marcia F M D 114 Mission Ranch Bl Chc ................894-0500 Neuman Lance DPM 6585 Clark Rd Ste 320 Pdse ..............877-3338 Neuschatz Thomas MD Inc 1560 Humboldt Rd Chc ......................892-1939 Nickel Lowell D MD 2809 Olive Hwy Orvl ............................533-5044 Nielsen Albert MD Gridley Medical Group 225 Spruce Grdly ................................846-5655 North Valley Endoscopy Center 888 Lakeside Village Commons Chc 894-9050 North Valley EyeCare 114 Mission Ranch Bl Chc ................891-1900 North Valley Maxillofacial Surgery 2990 Oroville Dam Bl Orvl ..................533-7900 North Valley MRI & CT Center 1638 Esplanade Chc ..........................894-6200 North Valley Pediatric Associates 194 Cohasset Rd Chc ........................893-2303 North Valley Radiation Oncology 265 Cohasset Rd Chc ........................332-3917 2809 Olive Hwy Orvl ............................532-9644 Billing ....................................................891-8787 North Valley Surgical Associates 251 Cohasset Rd Ste 120 Chc ..........891-1651 Northern Valley Indian Health Inc 845 W East Av Chc ..............................896-9400 Northstate Cardiology Consultants 2721 Olive Hwy Ste 11 Orvl ................534-6517 198 Cohasset Rd Chc ........................342-0123 Northstate Neurosurgical Associates 251 Cohasset Rd Chc ........................895-3333 Northstate Pulmonary Associates 130 Independence Cir Chc ................343-5864 Ooi James P M D 383 Connors Ct Chc ............................345-5897 Open System Imaging 670 Rio Lindo Av Chc ..........................342-8121 Ordorica Edward MD 1531 Esplanade Chc ..........................332-7380 Oroville Cancer Center 2809 Olive Hwy Orvl ............................532-9644 Oroville Family Health Center 2800 Lincoln Bl Orvl ............................534-7500 Oroville Internal Medicine Medical Group Inc 2721 Olive Hwy Orvl ............................533-1554 Orthopedic Associates Of Northern California 1600 Esplanade Chc ..........................897-4500 Orthopedic Specialty Practice 2767 Olive Hwy Orvl ............................532-8132 Paradise Medical Group 6470 Pentz Rd Pdse ..........................872-6650

Northern California Publications

Paradise Podiatry Group 6585 Clark Rd Ste 120 Pdse ............877-6221 Paradise Surgical Associates 771 Buschmann Rd Pdse ....................877-4983 Paradise Walk In Medical Clinic 7321 Skyway Pdse ..............................876-8120 Pardini Daniel MD 270 Cohasset Rd Chc ........................895-1396 Park Samual M MD 340 W East Av Chc ..............................342-2777 Pathology Sciences Medical Group 183 E 8th Av Chc ................................891-6244 Paul Vimali MD 85 Declaration Dr Chc ........................894-6600 Pearce Stephen F MD Inc 8 Governors Ln Chc..............................894-8800 Pearson Jack A MD 5125 Skyway Pdse ..............................876-2515 Peterson Stephen D MD 185 E 7th Av Chc ................................342-7564 Poa Li MD 1430 Esplanade Chc ..........................894-3278 Potter David C MD 265 Cohasset Rd Chc ........................893-2323 Powell Raymond A MD 392 Connors Ct Chc ............................891-0982 Puig Miguel MD 1430 Esplanade Chc ..........................894-3278 Rana Mohammad MD 165 Rio Lindo Av Chc ..........................892-9991 Rehab Medicine Associates 340 W East Av Chc ..............................342-2777 Resk Thomas K MD PO Box 3215 Chc ................................343-9816 Retina Center Of Chico 19 Ilahee Ln Chc ................................899-2251 Rey Arnold M Corky MD 114 Mission Ranch Bl Chc ................894-0500 Ricci Michael J MD 774 East Av Chc ..................................894-0311 Richey Donald F MD 251 Cohasset Rd Ste 240 Chc ..........342-3686 Ridge Primary Care 6585 Clark Rd Pdse ............................877-0762 Roth Thomas L MD 114 Mission Ranch Bl Chc ................894-0500 Rothfeld Joel M PhD MD 120 Independence Cir Chc ................342-2091 Sajben F Paul M D 251 Cohasset Rd Chc ........................342-3686 Sakal Lijun MD 14662 Skyway Mgla ............................873-1676 Sarbu Mona I MD 1020 Village Ln Chc ............................899-7090 Schlaff Fred MD 1660 Humboldt Rd Chc ......................894-2570 Schneider Scott MD FACS 135 Mission Ranch Bl Chc ................342-2411 Schooling Christine K MD 1645 Esplanade Chc ..........................896-0386 Schooling Michael B MD 1645 Esplanade Chc ..........................896-0386 Schrader Lydia L MD FACS 196 Cohasset Rd Chc ........................879-0300 Schroll Aldebra MD 100 Independence Cir Chc ..................899-2126

Schwart 198 Coh 2721 Ol Scwabe 631 W E Selby Ta 1166 Es Shanno 2721 Ol Shaw Va 114 Mis Shieh C 2721 Ol Sibel Jos 285 Coh Simchu 251 Coh Singh D 2721 Ol Singh H 1488 Ea Singh N 2721 Ol Skau Ra 2809 Ol Skypark 2485 No Smith B 5875 Cl 376 Vall Smith C 2760 Or
















Schwartz Steven A MD 198 Cohasset Rd Chc ........................342-0123 2721 Olive Hwy Orvl ............................534-6517 Scwabe Mark MD FACOG 631 W East Av Chc ..............................342-0595 Selby Tadd L MD 1166 Esplanade Ste 3 Chc ................893-0771 Shannon Roy C MD 2721 Olive Hwy Orvl ............................533-1554 Shaw Val MD 114 Mission Ranch Bl Chc ................891-1900 Shieh C J MD 2721 Olive Hwy Orvl ............................534-3037 Sibel Jose V MD 285 Cohasset Rd Chc ..........................892-2300 Simchuk Erik MD 251 Cohasset Rd Chc ..........................891-1651 Singh D J MD 2721 Olive Hwy Ste 12-B Orvl ............532-8609 Singh Harchetan MD 1488 East Av Chc ................................342-1310 Singh Narinder MD 2721 Olive Hwy Orvl ............................534-0346 Skau Randell MD 2809 Olive Hwy Ste 310 Orvl ............532-8161 Skypark Walk In Medical Center 2485 Notre Dame Bl Chc ..................899-9500 Smith Bradley M MD 5875 Clark Rd Pdse ............................877-5433 376 Vallombrosa Av Chc ......................891-1676 Smith Chelsea A DPM 2760 Oro Dam Bl Ste A Orvl ..............534-0601

Smith Dean P MD Inc 1040 Mangrove Av Chc ......................345-0064 Smith J Philip MD 670 Rio Lindo Av Chc ..........................899-7120 Smith Lauren G MD 572 Rio Lindo Av Chc ..........................893-1127 Smith Vaughn MD 2721 Olive Hwy Orvl ............................532-1820 Sonntag-Reeve Eye Center 460 W East Av Chc ..............................899-2244 6009 Pentz Rd Pdse ..........................877-6583 Soofi Jin MD 1660 Humboldt Rd Chc ......................899-3370 Sprague Monroe A MD FACS 135 Mission Ranch Bl Chc ................342-2411 Stabel Eye Clinic John E Stabel MD 2109 Forest Av Ste 20 Chc..................892-4815 Stanley Robert MD 1427 Magnolia Av Chc ........................896-1446 Sterzer Steven K MD 24 Hanover Ln Ste A Chc ....................895-0428 Stewart Thomas A MD Inc 6161 Clark Rd Pdse ............................877-9925 2767 Olive Hwy Orvl ............................589-0561 Stokmanis Eric R MD 5734 Canyon View Dr Pdse ................872-2000 Stone R Dudley MD 85 Declaration Dr Chc ........................895-3884 Sullivan Donald E MD 405 Sycamore Grdly ............................846-4756 Sullivan Kathleen T MD FAAP 194 Cohasset Rd Chc ........................893-2303

Tanabe Jenine L MD 947 Magnolia Grd ................................846-6210 Tedford Patrick MD 643 W East Av Chc ..............................342-0502 Thomas Daniel S MD FACS 619 W East Av Chc ..............................891-4391 Thomson Rodney L MD 145 Mission Ranch Bl Ste 115 Chc ........................................................898-1105 Thorp Richard E MD 6470 Pentz Rd Ste G Pdse ................877-7200 Trenner Dennis DPM 2760 Oro Dam Bl Ste A Orvl ..............534-0601 Turner Richard B MD 771 Buschmann Rd Pdse ....................877-4911 Udom Nikom MD 145 Spruce Grdly ................................846-3604 Unterseher Raleigh J MD 1315 Esplanade Chc ..........................332-9288 Valcarenghi Gerard MD 130 Independence Cir Chc ................343-5864 Valcarenghi Maurice MD 635 W East Av Chc ..............................343-2024 Vance Jason MD 771 Buschmann Rd Pdse ....................877-9326 Van Dolson Leo R Jr MD ..................877-0700 Vannucci Stephen A MD 251 Cohasset Rd Ste 230 Chc ..........342-3686 Verma Dinesh MD Northstate Pulmonary Asscociates 130 Independence Cir Chc ................343-5864 Vertolli Sally FNP 572 Rio Lindo Av Chc ..........................899-1627




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B u t t e C o u n t y M e d i c a l D i r e ctory





Wahlen Steven MD 265 Cohasset Rd Chc ..........................332-3917 Wainschel Larry MD 251 Cohasset Rd Chc ..........................895-3333 Wassermann Paul F MD 1430 Esplanade Chc ..........................891-0553 Waters Jerry D MD 2809 Olive Hwy Ste 260 Orvl ............538-3020 Watson Bill P MD 1600 Esplanade Chc ..........................897-4500 Weeber Mark K MD 1425 Magnolia Av Chc ........................894-7356 Westcott James MD 114 Mission Ranch Bl Chc ................894-0500 Westphal Denis MD 111 Raley Bl Chc ..................................345-9455 Whinnery Randolph MD 771 Buschmann Rd Pdse ....................877-0230 Wilhite Charles E MD Inc 111 Raley Bl Chc ..................................891-6375 Williams Randall S MD 1040 Mangrove Av Chc ......................345-0064 Wilms Dale J MD 130 Independence Cir Chc ................343-5864 or call ....................................................343-5865 Wolk Peter J MD Inc 198 Cohasset Rd Chc ........................342-0123 2721 Olive Hwy Orvl ............................534-6517 Wood James B MD FAAP 194 Cohasset Rd Chc ........................342-4860 Wooding L Gretchen MD Inc 254 Cohasset Rd Ste 10 Chc ............566-9461 Yhip James P A MD 198 Cohasset Rd Chc ........................342-0123 Zak Richard A MD Inc 8 Governors Ln Chc..............................894-8800 Zener Julian C MD 198 Cohasset Rd Chc ........................342-0123 Zumwalt Richard D MD 6283 Clark Rd Pdse ............................872-0617


Afrasiabi Rahmat MD FAAAAI 95 Declaration Dr Chc ........................896-7450 Allergy Associates 145 Mission Ranch Bl Chc ................896-2200 Giammarise Patrick DC, IHS 2639 Forest Av Ste 100 Chc ..............899-8741 McCann Norman MD 669 Palmetto Av Chc ..........................891-4811 North Valley Allergy & Asthma Medical Center 95 Declaration Dr Chc ........................896-7450 Wooding L Gretchen MD Inc 254 Cohasset Rd Ste 10 Chc ..............566-9461


Caviness Dewayne E MD Mangrove Medical Group 1040 Mangrove Av Chc ......................345-0064


Anderson Douglas E MD FACC 6009 Pentz Rd Pdse ..........................872-1578 32

B u t t e C o u n t y M e d i c a l D i r e ctory

Cardiovascular Consultants 1601 Esplanade Chc ..........................343-5006 Chico Cardiology Associates 185 E 7th Av Chc ................................343-0200 Heckman Ted MD 5974 Pentz Rd Pdse ............................876-3141 Kusumoto Walter MD 1430 Esplanade Chc ..........................893-8806 Main Ronald H MD 198 Cohasset Rd Chc ........................342-0123 Massa Christopher S MD Chico Cardiology Associates 185 E 7th Av Chc ................................343-5828 Moffett Eugene V MD Inc Chico Cardiology Associates 185 E 7th Av Chc ................................343-0200 Moore Marcia A MD FACC 1601 Esplanade Chc ..........................343-5006 More Gary D MD 198 Cohasset Rd Chc ........................342-0123 Northstate Cardiology Consultants 2721 Olive Hwy Ste 11 Orvl ................534-6517 198 Cohasset Rd Chc ........................342-0123 Pearson Jack A MD Feather River Health Center 5125 Skyway Pdse ..............................872-2000 Schwartz Steven A MD 198 Cohasset Rd Chc ........................342-0123 2721 Olive Hwy Orvl ............................534-6517 Silverstein J Arthur DO Feather River Health Center 5125 Skyway Pdse ..............................872-2000 Singh D J MD 2721 Olive Hwy Ste 12-B Orvl ............532-8609 Wolk Peter J MD Inc Northstate Cardiology Consultants 198 Cohasset Rd Chc ........................342-0123 2721 Olive Hwy Orvl ............................534-6517 Yhip James P A MD Northstate Cardiology Consultants 198 Cohasset Rd Chc ........................342-0123 Zener Julian C MD Northstate Cardiology Consultants 198 Cohasset Rd Chc ........................342-0123

PHYSICIANS & SURGEONS MDCOSMETIC & RECONSTRUCTIVE SURGERY Carden Michael MD Inc 6585 Clark Rd Pdse ............................872-9977 Morgan L Richard MD 18 Williamsburg Ln Chc ......................891-1311 Myers Kevin D MD 9 Governors Ln Chc..............................345-5900 Thomas Daniel S MD FACS 619 W East Av Chc ..............................891-4391


Abildgaard William H MD 2780 Oro Dam Bl East Orvl ..............533-3571 Chiao Nor MD North Valley Dermatology 251 Cohasset Rd Ste 240 Chc ..........342-3686 Davis-Reed Linda MD 270 Cohasset Rd Chc ........................895-1396

Northern California Publications

North Valley Dermatology Center 251 Cohasset Rd Chc ........................342-3686 Pardini Daniel MD 270 Cohasset Rd Chc ........................895-1396 Rejuvené 251 Cohasset Rd Chc ........................342-8295 Sajben F Paul MD 251 Cohasset Rd Ste 240 Chc ..........342-3686 Zumwalt Richard D MD 6283 Clark Rd Pdse ............................872-0617

PHYSICIANS & SURGEONS MD-DIABETES Illa Roberto MD 1601 Esplanade Chc ..........................345-1157 Smith J Philip MD 670 Rio Lindo Av Chc ..........................899-7120

PHYSICIANS & SURGEONS MD-ENDOCRINOLOGY (INTERNAL SECRETION GLANDS) Meyer Edward MD 100 Independence Cir Chc ................899-9112 Harchetan Leena Singh MD 1488 East Ave Ste 130 Chc .............. 342-1310

PHYSICIANS & SURGEONS MDFAMILY & GENERAL PRACTICE Argyll Medical Group 100 Independence Cir Chc ................899-0295 Billing ....................................................899-0142 Bishop Roy L MD 100 Independence Cir Chc ................899-0130 Brown Kevin MD 100 Independence Cir Chc ................899-2107 Carlson Rhonda MD 670 Rio Lindo Av Ste 700 Chc ..........899-3575 Casey Kirk MD 100 Independence Cir Chc ................899-0134 Caviness Dewayne E MD Mangrove Medical Group 1040 Mangrove Av Chc ......................345-0064 Chico Womens Health & Wellness Center 670 Rio Lindo Av Chc ..............899-7120 Comprehensive Care Family Practice Associates 1611 Feather River Bl Orvl ..................534-4530 Convenient Care Health Center 670 Rio Lindo Av Chc ..........................899-7120 Walk-In Urgent Care ..........................342-2273 Darwin Amy MD 6480 Pentz Rd Ste C Pdse ..................877-8855 Foster Terrance MD 670 Rio Lindo Av Chc ..........................899-7120 Garrison Douglas DO 1025 Village Ln Chc ............................566-0132 Gehrmann Pauline FNP 670 Rio Lindo Av Chc ..........................899-7120 Hahn David DO 100 Independence Cir Chc ................899-2106 Immediate Care Medical Center Inc 5875 Clark Rd Pdse ............................877-5433 376 Vallombrosa Av Chc ....................891-1676 Johnson Kurt E MD Mangrove Medical Group 1040 Mangrove Av Chc ......................345-0064 Kong-Sibal Jeannette MD 100 Independence Cir Chc ................899-0143

Layne T 270 Coh Leon Hu Mangro 1040 M Lim Her 114 Mis Magalia 14662 S or call .. Mangrov 1040 M McLaug 5796 Cl Miller L 6585 Cl Mission 114 Mis Nayduc 114 Mis Nelson 114 Mis Oroville 2809 Ol Paradise 7321 Sk Peterso 185 E 7 Reed Ra 5125 Sk Rey Arn 114 Mis Ricci M 774 Eas Roth Tho 114 Mis Schroll 100 Ind Smith D Mangro 1040 M Sullivan 405 Syc Wagner 114 Mis Walker J 145 Mis Waters 2809 Ol Westco 114 Mis Whitake 5730 Ca Wilde Ba Mangrov 1040 M William Mangrov 1040 M


Boswell 1704 Es









9-0295 9-0142






9-7120 sociates 4-4530

9-7120 2-2273






7-5433 1-1676



PHYSICIANS & SURGEONS MDGASTROENTEROLOGY (STOMACH, INTESTINES & LIVER) Boswell Brian MD 1704 Esplanade Chc ..........................891-1177

Ford Eric A MD 8 Governors Ln Chc..............................894-8800 Howard Nathaniel Jr MD 2721 Olive Hwy Orvl ............................534-6517 Khorsandi Marc MD 111 Raley Bl Chc ..................................895-8600 153 Pearson Rd Pdse ........................877-0400 Kretschmar Joseph M MD 153 Pearson Rd Pdse ........................877-0400 111 Raley Bl Ste #120 Chc ................895-8600 Mansell Donald E MD 153 Pearson Rd Pdse ........................877-0400 111 Raley Bl Ste #120 Chc ................895-8600 Pearce Stephen F MD Inc 8 Governors Ln Chc..............................894-8800 Thomson Rodney L MD 145 Mission Ranch Bl Ste 115 Chc ........................................................898-1105 Zak Richard A MD Inc 8 Governors Ln Chc..............................894-8800


McLaughlin Barbara E MD 5796 Clark Rd Pdse ............................877-2281 Mundorff Thomas N MD 2721 Olive Hwy Orvl ............................533-1554


Howard John R Jr MD 265 Cohasset Rd Chc Keech John A Jr DO 265 Cohasset Rd Chc Mazj Sam MD 265 Cohasset Rd Chc Potter David C MD 265 Cohasset Rd Chc

........................893-2323 ........................899-8000 ........................893-2323 ........................893-2323


Lazaro Steve MD 1665 Esplanade Chc ..........................895-0423

PHYSICIANS & SURGEONS MDINFORMATION & REFERRAL SERVICES Butte-Glenn Medical Society 85 Declaration Dr Chc ........................342-4296


An Hyung W MD PO Box 4033 Pdse ..............................872-8684 Aung, Kae T MD 6470 Pentz Rd Ste B Pdse ..................876-7820 Bowen Aaron R MD 2721 Olive Hwy Orvl ............................533-1554 Brinckerhoff Arthur 6470 Pentz Rd Ste B Pdse ..................876-7800 Carter James MD 1560 Humboldt Rd Ste 5 Chc ............891-6331 Fine Matthew MD 2809 Olive Hwy Ste 350 Orvl ............532-8654 Foltz Sally J MD 1166 Esplanade Chc ..........................894-0200 Furst Barry MD CSUC Student Health Chc ..................898-5241

Howard Nathaniel Jr MD 2721 Olive Hwy Orvl ............................534-6517 Hsu Larry MD Inc 254 Cohasset Rd Chc ........................893-9244 Krone Louise MD 100 Independence Cir Chc ................899-0143 Licuanan Rhea Y MD 6470 Pentz Rd Ste BPdse ..................877-7606 Light Mark W MD 1560 Humboldt Rd Chc ......................899-7300 McLaughlin Barbara MD 5796 Clark Rd Ste 12 Pdse ................877-2281 Mendoza Linda L MD 251 Cohasset Rd Chc ........................893-4965 Oroville Internal Medicine-Medical Group Inc Garretson Charles A MD Mundorff Thomas N MD Shannon Roy C MD Singh Narinder MD 2721 Olive Hwy Orvl ............................533-1554 Paul Vimali MD 85 Declaration Dr #110 Chc ..............894-6600 Smith J Philip MD 670 Rio Lindo Av Chc ..........................899-7120 Thomson Rodney L MD 145 Mission Ranch Bl Chc ................898-1105 Thorp Richard MD 6470 Pentz Rd Ste B Pdse ................877-7200 Weeber Mark MD 1425 Magnolia Ave Chc ......................894-7356 Whinnery Randolph MD 771 Buschmann Rd Pdse ....................877-0230


Comprehensive Renal Care Group Bashir Muhammad T MD 285 Cohasset Rd Chc ........................892-2300 Sanchez-Palacios Manuel E MD 3012 Olive Hwy Orvl ............................533-6800


Brasch Andrew MD 6283 Clark Rd Pdse ............................877-2578 Forner Stephen D MD 1405 Magnolia Av Chc ........................894-3330 Rana Mohammad MD 165 Rio Lindo Ste 120 Chc ................892-9991 Rothfeld Joel M PhD MD 120 Independence Cir Chc ................342-2091


Northstate Neurosurgical Associates Burke Bruce MD Lobosky Jeffrey MD Mimbs Jeffrey DO Whitlatch Lyman MD 251 Cohasset Rd Chc ........................895-3333


Ainsworth Ronald E MD 771 Buschmann Rd Pdse ....................877-8640 Anderson Deborah MD 771 Buschmann Rd Pdse ....................877-2243

Northern California Publications

B u t t e C o u n t y M e d i c a l D i r e ctory




Layne T E MD 270 Cohasset Rd Chc ........................893-4200 Leon Hugo A MD Mangrove Medical Group 1040 Mangrove Av Chc ......................345-0064 Lim Herbert H MD 114 Mission Ranch Bl Chc ................894-0500 Magalia-Pines Family Practice Medical Clinic 14662 Skyway Mgla ............................873-1676 or call ....................................................873-4285 Mangrove Medical Group 1040 Mangrove Av Chc ......................345-0064 McLaughlin Barbara E MD 5796 Clark Rd Pdse ............................877-2281 Miller Larry D MD FABFP 6585 Clark Rd Pdse ............................877-4465 Mission Ranch Primary Care 114 Mission Ranch Bl Chc ................894-0500 Nayduch J Ross MD 114 Mission Ranch Bl Chc ................894-0500 Nelson Marcia F M D 114 Mission Ranch Bl Chc ................894-0500 Oroville Family Practice Medical Group 2809 Olive Hwy Ste 320 Orvl ............532-8687 Paradise Walk In Medical Clinic 7321 Skyway Pdse ..............................876-8120 Peterson Stephen D MD 185 E 7th Av Chc ................................342-7564 Reed Randall D MD 5125 Skyway Pdse ..............................872-2000 Rey Arnold M Corky MD 114 Mission Ranch Bl Chc ................894-0500 Ricci Michael J MD 774 East Av Chc ..................................894-0311 Roth Thomas L MD 114 Mission Ranch Bl Chc ................894-0500 Schroll Aldebra MD 100 Independence Cir Chc ................899-2126 Smith Dean P MD Inc Mangrove Medical Group 1040 Mangrove Av Chc ......................345-0064 Sullivan Donald E MD 405 Sycamore Grdly ............................846-4756 Wagner Daniel DO 114 Mission Ranch Bl Chc ................894-0500 Walker Jim PA-C 145 Mission Ranch Bl Ste 115 Chc ..898-1105 Waters Jerry D MD 2809 Olive Hwy Ste 260 Orvl ............538-3020 Westcott James MD 114 Mission Ranch Bl Chc ................894-0500 Whitaker David DO 5730 Canyon View Dr Pdse ................872-1618 Wilde Barbara RN FNP Mangrove Medical Group 1040 Mangrove Av Chc ......................345-0064 Williams Randall S MD Mangrove Medical Group 1040 Mangrove Av Chc ......................345-0064




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(530) 532-7650 FAX 532-7653 Ballard Leslie Jeanne MD 1315 Esplanade Chc ..........................332-9288 Bippart Peter MD 2809 Olive Hwy Ste 220-240 Orvl ....532-8636 Brooks Joseph T MD 1430 Esplanade Chc ..........................345-5278 Davis Gregory L MD FACOG Inc 111 Raley Bl Chc ..................................332-9703 Dixon Whitney MD Inc 1307 Esplanade Chc ..........................899-9616 Dovré Per A MD Inc 6283 Clark Rd Ste 8 Pdse ..................872-2229 Freistadt Hans MD FACOG 2809 Olive Hwy Orvl ............................533-0773 Gutierrez Rigoberto O MD 2809 Olive Hwy Ste 370 Orvl ............538-9410 B u t t e C o u n t y M e d i c a l D i r e ctory

PHYSICIANS & SURGEONS MDOCCUPATIONAL & PREVENTIVE MEDICINE Convenient Care Health Center 670 Rio Lindo Av Chc ..........................899-7120 Walk-In Urgent Care ............................342-2273 Enloe Occupational Health Services 888 Lakeside Village Commons Chc 332-6890


Charlene Chang, M.D.


Ob-Gyn Associates Nurse Mid Wives 1617 Esplanade Chc ..........................345-4471 Ob-Gyn Associates Of Chico Lazaro Steven MD Mazen Jr. Walter MD 1665 Esplanade Chc ..........................895-0423 Oroville Women’s Health 2809 Olive Hwy Ste 220/240 ............532-8636 Scwabe Mark MD FACOG 631 W East Av Chc ..............................342-0595 Unterseher Raleigh J MD 1315 Esplanade Chc ..........................332-9288 Valcarenghi Maurice MD 635 W East Av Chc ..............................343-2024

Breast & Cervical Cancer Partnership Of Northern California 25 Jan Ct Chc ......................................345-2483 Feather River Hospital Cancer Center 5629 Canyon View Dr Pdse Medical Oncology ................................876-3141 Radiation Oncology ..............................876-3144 Howard John R Jr MD 265 Cohasset Rd Chc ........................893-2323 Keech John A Jr DO 265 Cohasset Rd Chc ........................899-8000 Mazj Sam MD 265 Cohasset Rd Chc ........................893-2323 North Valley Radiation Oncology 265 Cohasset Rd Chc ........................332-3917 2809 Olive Hwy Orvl ............................532-9644 Billing ....................................................891-8787 Potter David C MD 265 Cohasset Rd Chc ........................893-2323

PHYSICIANS & SURGEONS MDOPHTHALMOLOGY (EYE DISEASES & SURGERY) Associated Chico Eye Specialists Stone R Dudley MD 85 Declaration Dr Chc ........................895-3884 Boutros George MD 7068 Skyway Pdse ..............................877-2323 Chang Smith Medical Associates Inc Charlene Chang MD 2809 Olive Hwy Ste 250 Orvl ............532-7650 Chico Eye Center Liston Sean MD 605 W East Av Chc ..............................895-1727 6585 Clark Rd #340 Pdse ................872-3519 Chico Retina Center Inc 19 Ilahee Ln Chc ................................899-2251 Cochrane Ophthalmology Associates Joanne Cochrane 2981 Olive Hwy Orvl ............................533-4500

Northern California Publications

Eye Life Institute Niswonger Jerome MD 111 Raley Bl Ste 240 Chc ..................892-2020 6283 Clark Rd Ste 10 Pdse ................877-2020 Johansson John O MD PhD 2809 Olive Hwy Orvl ............................534-1400 North Valley Eyecare 114 Mission Ranch Bl Chc ................891-1900 Retina Center Of Chico 19 Ilahee Ln Chc ................................899-2251 Shaw Val MD 114 Mission Ranch Bl Chc ................891-1900 Sonntag-Reeve Eye Center Reeve Robert B MD Woods David MD 460 W East Av Chc ..............................899-2244 6009 Pentz Rd Pdse ..........................877-6583 Stabel Eye Clinic John Stabel MD 2109 Forest Av Ste 20 Chc..................892-4815




Chico Orthopaedic Surg & Sports Medicine Komas Nicholas M MD Inc Wilhite Charles E MD Inc 111 Raley Bl Chc ..................................891-6375 Ching Brian MD 2809 Olive Hwy Orvl ............................533-5044 Ching M Robert MD Inc 2809 Olive Hwy Orvl ............................533-5044 Cummings Brock MD 6283 Clark Rd Pdse ............................876-0410 Doherty William P PhD MD 1307 Esplanade Chc ..........................899-9616 Jones Helmuth MD 6127 Clark Rd Pdse ............................872-1745 Nickel Lowell D MD 2809 Olive Hwy Orvl ............................533-5044 Orthopedic Associates Of No. California Azevedo Alan J MD Brazil Leonard J MD Castro David M MD Konkin Taylor MD Granlund Kirk F MD Landaker Stephen D MD Morris Stephen G MD Inc Watson Bill P MD 1600 Esplanade Chc ..........................897-4500 Orthopedic Specialty Practice 2767 Olive Hwy Orvl ............................532-8132


Hayes Williston S MD 2780 Oroville Dam Bl E Orvl ..............533-7727 Chico Otolaryngology Heithecker Donald H MD Inc Lacey James P MD MPH FACS Sprague Monroe A MD FACS 135 Mission Ranch Bl Chc ................342-2411 Stewart Thomas A MD Inc 6161 Clark Rd Pdse ............................877-9925 2767 Olive Hwy Orvl ............................589-0561

Cullen P PO Box 4 Lal Mun 274 Coh


Patholo Boice J Carter Chang Kaneis Nasr A Wold R Wong 183 E 8

Resk Th PO Box 3

Alino Al 2809 Ol Bidwell Dolina 1601 Es Chico P Asaria 10 Gove


Cullen Phyllis MD PO Box 429 Chc ..................................891-0325 Lal Munish MD 274 Cohasset Rd Ste 110 Chc ..........891-0325





9-2244 7-6583






Resk Thomas K MD PO Box 3215 Chc ................................343-9816


Alino Alice MD 2809 Olive Hwy Orvl ............................533-4422 Bidwell Pediatrics Dolinar Amy MD 1601 Esplanade Chc ..........................895-8101 Chico Pediatric Medical Group Inc Asarian John MD 10 Governors Ln Chc............................343-8522


PHYSICIANS & SURGEONS MDPEDIATRICS ALLERGY Afrasiabi Rahmat MD FAAAAI 95 Declaration Dr Chc ........................896-7450 Allergy Associates 145 Mission Ranch Bl Chc ................896-2200 McCann Norman MD 669 Palmetto Av Chc ..........................891-4811

PHYSICIANS & SURGEONS MD -PODIATRISTS-DPM (FOOT SURGEONS) Christensen Lenore DPM 6283 Clark Rd Pdse ............................872-2436 Neuman Lance DPM 6585 Clark Rd Ste 320 Pdse ..............877-3338 Paradise Podiatry Group 6585 Clark Rd Ste 120 Pdse .............877-6221 Smith Chelsea A DPM 2760 Oro Dam Bl Ste A Orvl ................534-0601

PHYSICIANS & SURGEONS MDPSYCHIATRY Abouesh Ahmed MD 3255 Esplanade Chc ..........................899-3160 Schlaff Frederick MD 1660 Humboldt Rd #3 Chc ................894-2570 Soofi Jin MD 1660 Humboldt Rd Chc ......................899-3370 Weiner Jerrold DO MSW 2571 California Park Dr Chc ..............345-9777

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876-7820 Northern California Publications

B u t t e C o u n t y M e d i c a l D i r e ctory




Pathology Sciences Medical Group Boice James B MD Carter Mark MD Chang Priscilla MD Kaneishi Nelson MD Nasr Anthony PhD, MD Wold Rebekah MD Wong Lester MD 183 E 8th Ave Chc ..............................891-6244

Demetry Charlotte S MD 2809 Olive Hwy Orvl ............................533-7401 Logan James MD 4225 Pentz Rd Pdse ..........................877-5437 Mallory Susan MD Pediatrics 5125 Skyway Pdse ..............................872-2000 5910 Clark Rd Pdse ............................877-5437 Morcos-Gannon Daniela MD 643 W East Av Chc ..............................899-2981 Ndulue Chuk MD 135 Spruce Grdly ................................846-1400 Neal Eric MD 2809 Olive Hwy Orvl ............................533-0774 North Valley Pediatric Associates Brown Elisa C MD FAAP Corp Craig C MD 194 Cohasset Rd Chc ........................893-2303 Pediatric Clinic 135 Spruce St ......................................846-1400 Perinatel & Pediatric Specialists 1627 Esplanade Chc ..........................895-0210 Stanley Robert MD 1427 Magnolia Av Chc ........................896-1446 Sullivan Kathleen T MD FAAP 194 Cohasset Rd Chc ........................893-2303 Tedford Patrick MD 643 W East Av Chc ..............................342-0502 Wassermann Paul F MD 1430 Esplanade Chc ..........................891-0553 Wood James B MD FAAP 194 Cohasset Rd Chc ........................342-4860


2-2020 7-2020





Batin Ronald MD 6460 Pentz Rd Ste B Pdse ................872-3175 Fine Matthew MD 2809 Olive Hwy Ste 350 Orvl ............532-8654 Garretson Charles A MD 2721 Olive Hwy Orvl ............................533-1554 Wilms Dale MD 130 Independence Cir #1 Chc ..........343-5864

Dorsey-Tyler Kevin MD 2 Governors Ln Chc..............................891-4523 Matthews Joseph M MD Inc 2 Governors Ln Chc..............................891-4523 McLarty M Ruth MD FACS 6283 Clark Rd Pdse ............................877-5400


Collins F David MD FACS 647 W East Av Chc ..............................894-7552 Dorsey-Tyler Kevin MD 2 Governors Ln Chc..............................891-4523 Fletcher Steven F MD 2809 Olive Hwy Ste 310 Orvl ..............532-8161 Hunt Lyle B MD Inc 771 Buschmann Rd Pdse ....................877-4983 Ludington Lance MD 5730 Canyon View Dr Pdse ................877-9301 Matthews Joseph M MD Inc 2 Governors Ln Chc..............................891-4523 McLarty M Ruth MD FACS 6283 Clark Rd Pdse ............................877-5400 North Valley Surgical Associates 251 Cohasset Rd Ste 120 Chc ..........891-1651 Schneider Scott MD FACS 135 Mission Ranch Bl Chc ................342-2411 Simchuk Erik MD 251 Cohasset Ste 120 Chc ................891-1651 Skau Randell MD 2809 Olive Hwy Ste 310 Orvl ..............532-8161 Skyway Surgery Center LP 121 Raley Bl Chc ..................................230-2000

Diagnostic Imaging Center 178 E 7th Av Chc ................................893-5611

North State Radiology Lauten Gregory MD Nash Kevin MD Warren James MD


Alijani Ata MD Brandon Frederick MD Burnham John MD Cannon Benjamin MD Decker Donald MD Gregory Garth MD Huberman Robert MD Hughes Douglas MD Letner Craig MD Noyes A Elton MD Petty Kenneth MD Rawley George MD Schlund James MD Schrader Mauricio T. MD Singh Harkiran MD Stromberg Gary MD Business Office ..................................898-0504 Imaging 1702 Esplanade Chc ........................898-0500 MRI & CT 1638 Esplanade Chc ..........................894-6200 Oroville Radiation Center 2809 Olive Hwy Orvl ............................523-9644

PHYSICIANS & SURGEONS MDRHEUMATOLOGY (ARTHRITIS) Sandhu S Harchetan MD 1488 East Ave Ste 130 Chc .............. 342-1310

PHYSICIANS & SURGEONS MDSLEEP DISORDERS MEDICINE Northstate Sleep Lab Valcarenghi Gerard MD 130 Independence Cir Chc ................343-5864 Northstate Pulmonary Associates Verma Dinesh MD Wilms Dale J MD 130 Independence Cir Chc ................343-5864 or call ....................................................343-5865 Windsong Wellness Alliance Chc ........................................................895-0781


Puig Miguel MD 1430 Esplanade Chc ..........................894-3278 36

B u t t e C o u n t y M e d i c a l D i r e ctory


PHYSICIANS & SURGEONS MD-SURGERY-HAND Morgan L Richard MD 18 Williamsburg Ln Chc ......................891-1311 Myers Kevin D MD 9 Governors Ln Chc..............................345-5900


Fletcher Steven F MD 2809 Olive Hwy Ste 310 Orvl ............532-8161


North State Vascular Specialists Eddlemon Eugene MD Westphal Denis R MD 111 Raley Bl Ste 140 Chc ..................345-9455


Davis Gregory L MD FACOG Inc 111 Raley Bl Chc ..................................332-9703 Fritzler Mark D MD 645 W East Av Chc ..............................898-8405 Hadley Dean MD 6283 Clark Rd Pdse ............................872-0220 Hagewood Jack D MD 578 Rio Lindo Av Chc ..........................891-4255

Northern California Publications

Lang Gregory S MD 2971 Olive Hwy Orvl ............................534-6300 Selby Tadd L MD 1166 Esplanade Ste 3 Chc ................893-0771 Sterzer Steven K MD 24 Hanover Ln Ste A Chc ....................895-0428


Chico Podiatry Group Brown Michael N DPM Caviness Daniel D DPM Pasamonte Chandra M DPM Inc Wilson Michael L DPM 2103 Forest Av Chc ............................895-3668 Hawkley Redge M DPM 225 Spruce St Grdly 7062 Skyway Pdse ..............................872-3038 Neuman Lance DPM 6585 Clark Rd Ste 320 Pdse ..............877-3338 North Valley Foot Clinic 2630 Olive Hwy Orvl ............................533-5450 Paradise Podiatry Group 6585 Clark Rd Ste 120 Pdse ............877-6221 Prado Michael S Dr 676 E 1st Av Chc ..................................342-5621 Smith Chelsea A DPM 2760 Oro Dam Bl Ste A Orvl ..............534-0601 Taylor Dennis L DPM 578 Rio Lindo Av Chc ..........................894-6195 Trenner Dennis DPM 2760 Oro Dam Bl Ste A Orvl ..............534-0601 Truong Thong V DPM 670 Rio Lindo Av Chc ..........................343-1666

PREGNANCY INFORMATION & SERVICES Adoption Choices Of Northern California 1469 Humboldt Rd Chc ......................891-0302 Better Babies Chico 578 Rio Lindo Av Chc ..........................894-5585 Better Babies Prenatal Center 2809 Olive Hwy Ste 240 Orvl ............538-8500 Birthright 778 East Av Chc ..................................345-9711 Care Net Pregnancy Center Of Paradise 6189 Clark Rd Pdse ............................876-1113 Caring For Women Pregnancy Resource Center 2309 Lincoln Orvl ....................532-9362 Feminist Women’s Health Center 1469 Humboldt Rd Chc ......................891-1911 Ob-Gyn Associates Nurse Mid Wives 1617 Esplanade Chc ..........................345-4471 Planned Parenthood 556 Vallombrosa Av Chc ....................342-8367 Women’s Health Specialists of Calif 1469 Humboldt Rd Ste 200 Chc ......891-1911 Women’s Resource Clinic 115 W 2nd Av Chc................................897-6100


Azevedo 3120 Co Bisaga J 1430 Ea Clarke M 4 William Diggs St 574 Man Fields C 15 Jan C Haapane 5910 Cl Hitchko Kennelly 2571 Ca Letner R 319 Orie Lopez Ed 75 Decla Mahurin 2535 Fo Maltby G 100 Am Megibow 1660 Hu Park Jam 1430 Ea Patterso Quaytma 1216 Sh




AA Oma

PSYCHIATRY Community Psychiatry Associates 3 Governors Ln Chc..............................342-2359














Rose Jeff PhD 686 Rio Lindo Av Chc ..........................893-0554 Shuell Michael PhD 630 Salem Chc ....................................891-6292 Streets Mark L PhD 1660 Humboldt Rd Ste 3 Chc ............891-6521 Sullivan Maura T PhD 344 Flume Chc ....................................892-1352 Terran Eileen M PhD 2064 Talbert Dr Ste 302 Chc ............895-3279 Tobin Susan PhD 100 Amber Grove Ste 100 Chc ..........898-8446

PSYCHOTHERAPY A Child At Heart Family Counseling Services 6076 Pentz Rd Pdse ............................877-5377 A Fresh New Choice 2059 Forest Av Chc ............................343-4247 Akimoto Martin LCSW 2571 California Park Dr Chc ..............345-4600 Allport Mary V MFT 5 Governors Ln Chc..............................894-8841 Anderson Melodie MFT 60 Landing Cir Chc ..............................894-6722 Bartel Juliet MA MFT 1458 Esplanade Chc ..........................345-5057 Bugnacki Paul LCSW 1430 East Av Chc ................................342-1211 Butte Center For Personal Growth 1440 Lincoln Orvl ................................533-6031













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Buuck Diane MS MFT 5910 Clark Rd Pdse ............................877-6937 Cameron Carolyn RN MFT 1430 East Av Chc .................................345-3386 Chavez-Humble Benita MA LMFT 1216 Sheridan Av Chc ........................894-1646 Chico Christian Counseling 1430 East Av Chc ................................893-8380 Coffman Jann M MA LMFT 568 Manzanita Av Chc ........................894-2426 Conger Ginny MFT 2571 California Park Dr Chc ..............899-1005 Counseling Solutions 130 Yellowstone Dr Chc ......................879-5991 Dahlmeier Laurie MFT 100 Amber Grove Dr Chc ....................898-8446 Danial Ria MA MFT ..............................345-9371 DeDeaux Amyre LMFT 22 Williamsburg Ln Chc ......................566-1458 Dossey Virginia MFT 1351 Esplanade Chc ..........................342-1061 Droescher Shelley LCSW 5848 Skyway Pdse ..............................877-2519 Dukes Suzie J MFT ..............................343-5225 Elliott’s Place 5848 Skyway Pdse ..............................877-2519 Flores Daniel MFT 5910 Clark Rd Pdse ............................877-2769 Flowers Steve MFT 6 Governors Ln Chc..............................898-1495 Gagerman Janice PhD LCSW BCD 1430 Esplanade Chc ..........................898-1952

John Warwick C.S.A. L.P.R.T.

Leading Producer Round Table Certified Senior Advisor Since 1956

CA LIC. #0294-026 Northern California Publications

B u t t e C o u n t y M e d i c a l D i r e ctory




Azevedo Joe M PhD 3120 Cohasset Rd Chc ......................342-1243 Bisaga Jeff PhD 1430 East Av Chc ................................342-3377 Clarke Michael W PhD 4 Williamsburg Ln Chc ........................345-3952 Diggs Stephen M PhD 574 Manzanita Av Chc ........................891-4400 Fields Claire DeWitt EdD MPH 15 Jan Ct Chc ......................................891-4225 Haapanen Randy M PhD 5910 Clark Rd Pdse ............................877-2730 Hitchko Michael J PhD ........................893-0174 Kennelly Jennifer PhD 2571 California Park Dr Chc ..............899-1005 Letner Rod Ed D 319 Orient Chc ....................................345-4489 Lopez Edith M PhD 75 Declaration Dr Ste 4 Chc ..............899-0964 Mahurin Kathleen A PhD 2535 Forest Av Chc ............................898-8608 Maltby Georgina PhD 100 Amber Grove Dr Chc ....................898-8446 Megibow Marvin M PhD 1660 Humboldt Rd Ste 3 Chc ............343-2075 Park James J PhD 1430 East Av Chc ................................894-7275 Patterson Aldrich M Jr PhD ................898-1312 Quaytman J A PhD 1216 Sheridan Av Chc ........................893-9241





Giel Anne MFT 341 Broadway Chc ..............................893-1795 5910 Clark Rd Pdse ............................872-7035 Gjestson Sally Crawford 1430 East Av Chc ................................893-3002 Hancock Lisa MS MFTI Chc ................892-1879 Hansen Russ MFT Chc ........................891-8876 Harlan Timothy M PhD 465 Pomona Av Orl ............................534-6934 Hawkley Jeaneese MA LMFT 1660 Humboldt Rd Chc ......................894-7272 Horwitz-Person Dawn LMFT ................891-4421 Hyde Dennis MFT 270 E 4th St Chc ................................342-7049 Kenney Michael MFT 319 Orient Chc ....................................893-4419 Leahy Maureen LCSW 1430 East Av Chc ................................894-0225 Lenahan Rebecca LMFT 344 Flume Chc ....................................680-1067 Letner Rod Ed D 319 Orient Chc ....................................345-4489 Levin Larry LCSW 100 Amber Grove Dr Ste 100 Chc ....898-9801 Lewman Diane L Psy D LMFT 344 Flume St Chc ..............................591-3477 Luvaas Tanha MFT 341 Broadway Chc ..............................893-8305 Malone Nicholas MFT 1530 Humboldt Rd Ste 4 Chc ............896-9577 Markell Penni MFCC ............................345-9152 Markey-Dow Patricia LCSW RPT-S 6076 Pentz Rd Pdse ............................877-5377 Megibow Marvin M PhD 1660 Humboldt Rd Chc ......................343-2075 Mott Dean T MA MFT 1430 Esplanade Chc ..........................342-9326 North Ritch C MFT 1664 Montgomery Orvl........................533-8120 Palmer Amber MFT 1430 Esplanade Chc............................899-8401 Parker Christopher J MA MFT 1660 Humboldt Rd Chc ......................894-7116 Pearson Sally MFT & CCHT ..................520-4763 Perske Chris MFCC 344 Flume Chc ....................................894-7209 Proctor Patrick MFT 21 Hanover Ln Chc ..............................898-1865 St John Pamela MFT 1430 Esplanade Chc ..........................898-0219 Salz Sharon Hilger MFT 1430 East Av Chc ................................892-1876 Scherba Don MFT 1351 Esplanade Chc ..........................896-1479 Sheridan Shannon MFT 341 Broadway Chc ..............................343-9446 Snow Bonnie RN LCSW ......................877-0372 Terran Eileen M PhD 2064 Talbert Dr Chc ............................895-3279 Tobin Susan PhD ................................898-8446 Varlinsky Ray MA MFT ........................872-9602 or call ....................................................894-3330 Warner Anne RN MFT 1430 Esplanade Chc ..........................894-6704 38

B u t t e C o u n t y M e d i c a l D i r e ctory

Welsh Lise MA MFT 341 Broadway Chc ..............................343-4891 Whitegiver Janelle MFT 562 Manzanita Av Chc ........................893-9077 Winslow Lisa LCSW 2220 Saint George Ln Chc ................899-2800 Winton Rebecca W PsyD 1550 Humboldt Rd Chc ......................566-9500 Wyman Scott MFT 344 Flume Chc ....................................345-0253


Dawson Anne MD 265 Cohasset Rd #140 Chc ..............332-3917 Wahlen Steven MD 265 Cohasset Rd Ste 140 Chc ..........332-3917 Yuh Grace MD 1720 Esplanade Chc ..........................332-3917

REHABILITATION SERVICES-HEALTH Access Plus 825 Main Chc ......................................343-4472 Avail Physical Therapy 2555 Ceanothus Av Chc ......................892-2810 Bidwell Physical Therapy 670 Rio Lindo Av Chc ..........................896-1216 Chico Physical Therapy Associates Inc 260 Cohasset Rd Chc ..........................891-1366 Chico Rehabilitation Services Vocational Counsel ..............................342-3118 Egert Robert MD Physical Rehabilitation 552 Vallombrosa Av Chc ......................343-8438 Enloe Rehabilitation Center 340 W East Av Chc ..............................332-6138 Feather River Home Health Agency 6626 Clark Rd Ste P Pdse ..................872-3378 Feather River Hospital Rehabilitation Therapeutic Massage & Physical Therapy Lymphedema Therapy Occupational Therapy Physical Therapy Speech Therapy 6283 Clark Rd Ste 1 Pdse ..................872-2003 Golden Valley Outpatient Services 2767 Olive Hwy Ste 15 Orvl ................538-8700 Gridley Physical Therapy & Sports Medicine 1516 Hwy 99 Grdly ..............................846-8018 Jobs Plus 825-A Main Chc....................................343-4472 Nelson Valerie Wuchenich 2224 5th Av Orvl ..................................534-5452 Olive Ridge Care Center 1000 Executive Pkwy Orvl....................533-7335 Pillsbury Physical Therapy Christopher Pillsbury MPT OCS Will Wilbur MSPT OCS Kelly Guinane DPT Scott Deadmond MPT Travis Retzer DPT Kristin Smith PT Cindy Arrington PTA 2623 Forest Av #120 Chc ..................343-2778 14144 Lakeridge Ct Ste 5 Mgla ..........873-2818 2721 Olive Hwy Ste 1 Orvl ..................533-4199 7224 Skyway Pdse ..............................876-1006

Northern California Publications

RP Rehab & Physical Therapy 3100 Oro Dam Bl Orvl ..........................534-4568 South Pacific Rehabilitation Services 188 Cohasset Ln Chc ..........................345-1068 587 Rio Lindo Av Chc ..........................343-1063 Speech Language & Learning 15 Jan Ct Chc........................................893-3931 Well Ministry Of Rescue ......................345-6935

REHABILITATION SERVICES-VOCATIONAL Northern California Adaptive Living Center 3028 Esplanade Chc............................894-2726 2455 Durham-Dayton Hwy Drhm........894-0198 Work Training Center Inc & Affiliated Programs 2255 Fair Chc......................343-7994 Bear Mountain Production 2145 Park Av Chc ................................343-8221 Community Employment Services ......343-7994 Creative Learning Center 1080 Ewald Ct Pdse ............................877-1366 Do-It Leisure 3760 Morrow Ln Chc ............................343-6055 Feather River Industries 1811 Kusel Rd Orvl ..............................534-1112 FROC 2905 Lincoln Bl Orvl ............................534-8922 Joe McGie Center 2812 Hegan Ln Chc ............................343-3406 Prestige Landscape Services ..............343-7615 Sierra Center 1276 Feather River Bl Orvl ................533-7008 Transportation Services ......................343-5706

SPEECH & LANGUAGE PATHOLOGISTS Chico Speech & Language CenterPaula Kokal 2627 Forest Av Chc ..............................894-0702 Enloe Outpatient Rehabilitation Services 340 W East Av Chc ..............................332-6138 Golden Valley Outpatient Services 2767 Olive Hwy Ste 15 Orvl ................538-8700 Lee Speech & Language Center 1980 Bidwell Av Chc ............................879-9507 Speech Language & Learning 15 Jan Ct Chc........................................893-3931 The Speech Path ..................................893-5827

X-RAY LABORATORIES-SERVICES Chico Spine & Vascular 251 Cohasset Rd Chc ..........................898-0520 Enloe Radiology X-Ray 1531 Esplanade Chc............................332-7378 888 Lakeside Village Commons Chc ..332-6446 Mangrove Lab & X-Ray 1040 Mangrove Av Chc........................343-7441 North State Radiology-Imaging 1702 Esplanade Chc............................898-0500 Business Office ....................................898-0504 MRI & CT 1638 Esplanade Chc............................894-6200 North Valley Portable X-Ray 2095 Renz Rd Drhm ............................895-3178 If you are a medical professional who would like to be included in the next edition, please call (530) 879-7815 or fax to (530) 877-1326 attn: Jerry Urban, General Manager.

General Information.......................................(530) 877-9361 Behavioral Health Services .......... (530) 872-2000 (ext.2647) Birth Day Place ............................................ (530) 876-BABY Cancer Center Medical Oncology .....................................(530) 876-3141 Radiation Oncology ...................................(530) 877-9361

Laboratory Services 5974 Pentz Rd., Paradise ...........................(530) 876-7909 6283 Clark Rd., Paradise ..........................(530) 872-2436 5125 Skyway, Paradise ......... .....................(530) 876-2530 14137 Lakeridge Ct., Magalia ...................(530) 873-4623 Lifeline Personal Emergency Response ....................................(530) 876-2145 Outpatient Center ...........................................(530) 872-2436

Cardiology Services ........................................(530) 876-7907 Patient Access (admitting) ...............................(530) 877-9361 Chaplain...........................................................(530) 876-7102 Patient Financial Services (billing) ................(530) 876-7910 Communication and Marketing ....................(530) 876-7208 Physician Referral...........................................(530) 876-7243 Diabetes Education Program .........................(530) 876-7297 Public Information..........................................(530) 876-7283 Emergency Services ........................................(530) 877-9361 Patient Rights ................................... (530) 877-9361 ext 2125 Feather River Health Center..........................(530) 872-2000 5125 Skyway, Paradise

Pulmonary Services ........................................(530) 876-7234 Smoking Cessation ....................................(530) 876-7242

Feather River Outpatient Center ..................(530) 872-2436 6283 Clark Rd., Ste. #4, Paradise

Radiation Oncology ........................................(530) 877-9361

Health Information Management..................(530) 876-7950

Radiology Services ..........................................(530) 876-7908

Home Health ....................................................(530) 872-3378

Rehabilitation Services ...................................(530) 872-3378

Home Oxygen & Home Medical Equipment .............................(530) 872-0872

Sleep Medicine.................................................(530) 876-7242

Hospice ............................................................(530) 877-8755

Social Services Organization Meals on Wheels........................................(530) 877-8707

Human Resources ...........................................(530) 876-7966

Volunteer Services...........................................(530) 876-2134

(530) 877 -9361

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Corner of Clark & Pearson • 877-4442

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