
Page 1


Northern California

Right on Schedule Early child development

Baby Rooms on a Budget Creative but inexpensive suggestions

The Phantom Menace


MySpace: A caution for parents with kids using the internet

a Directory of Children & Family Resources




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Table of Contents Right on Schedule...............8 Some of the guidelines from age one to age three.

Reading to Children.........................10 You can’t go wrong reading to your children

Budget Baby Bedroom..................18 Create a wonderful baby room without breaking the bank

Independent dependents........20 Why your teens need you even if they act otherwise

Phantom Menace................22 - What parents need to know

Resource Directories Day Care Facilities....................6 Extracurricular Activities........14 Dance, Music, Theater .................. 12 Butte County Schools K-12................. 24



Publisher: Carol Peterson General Manager: Jerry Urban

Northern California Parenthood is published by Northern California Publications distributed free throughout Northern California Production/Graphics Manager: Jeri Luce 5399 Clark Road, P.O. Drawer 70, Paradise, CA 95967 Production: Glenn Harrington, Christie Lefforge, Cassie McCampbell

Advertising/Sales: Jerry Urban Advertising Assistant: Linda Hood For advertising information call Jerry Urban 879-7815

Phone: (530) 879-7815, FAX (530) 877-1326 Northern California Parenthood emphasizes that our directory resources are listings not recommendations and researched to the best of our ability. NORTHERN CALIFORNIA


Copyright 2010 • Printed by Paradise Post Printing

Day Care / Preschool


ay Care • East of Eden (3-5 years)

Chico Area Bidwell Academy for Young Children (2-5 years)

120 Mission Ranch Blvd. Chico • 345-2292

Chico Child Development Center 2550 Hwy 32, Ste. A Chico • 894-1778

1577 E. Lassen Ave. Chico • 891-0101 Mariposa (3-5 years) 2603 Mariposa, Chico • 343-0633/343-0968 Rosedale (3-5 years) 100 Oak Street Chico • 342-3607

Innovative Preschool Inc. (2-5 years) 2404 Marigold Ave. Chico • 343-2028

KidsPark (2-12 years) Chico Community Children’s Center Office: 2224 Elm Chico • 891-5363 • After-School Program • Infant Program • Preschool-Age Program • Toddler Program

Chico Montessori Children’s House (3-5 years)

814 Glenn St. Chico • 342-5518

(2-4 years)

2845 Esplanade Chico • 342-5433

Chico Oaks Adventist Pre-School (2-5 years) 1859 Hooker Oak Ave. Chico • 342-4813

(2-5 years & 5-12 years)

1137 Arbutus Ave. Chico • 345-3100

3056 Snowbird Dr. Chico • 342-9141

475 E 5th Ave. Chico • 343-1516

Little Discoveries (0-12 years)

460 W. East Ave. #210 Chico • 342-7758

Forever Young Learning Center

Little Folks Preschool

(2-12 years)

(2-6 years)

291 E. Lassen Ave. Chico • 345-4858

2855 Burnap Ave. Chico • 894-5437

Community Action Agency of Butte County, Inc.

Head Start Preschool Boucher (0-5 years) 1312 Boucher St., Chico • 345-5496

Oak Street Children’s Center 115 Oak St. Chico • 879-7515

Peanut Butter Palace (2-6 years)

3524 Hicks Lane Chico • 899-0222

The Enchanted Kingdom (0-12 years) 4 Creative Lane Chico • 891-4654

2400 Notre Dame Blvd. Chico • 345-5665

Storybrook (0-12 years)

794 East 3rd Ave. Chico • 895-8793

Super Luper Kids (0-12 years)

1450 Springfield Dr. #219 Chico • 895-8796

Gridley Community Action Agency of

(1-4 years)

295 Washington St. Gridley • 846-3123

Gridley State Preschool (3-5 years)

1567 Booth Dr. Gridley • 846-3850

Kids Castle (18mos.-12 years)

585 Magnolia St. Gridley • 846-3199

(0-12 years)

2010 Notre Dame Blvd. Chico • 345-3415



(0-2 ye

615 P Orovi


645 P Orovi

Calvar Childr


10 Co Orovi

Commu Butte Co



(1-4 ye

675 M Orovi

Butte Regio

(1-4 ye



(1-4 ye

Partnering with Parents in Addressing the Needs of the Whole Child

(1-4 ye

• Preschool - 8th grade • Small class sizes • Credentialed teachers • 32 acre pristine campus • Organized sports program


2075 Orovi


2900 Orovi

South Childr

Intentional programs designed to meet each child’s spiritual, social and emotional, academic and physical needs.

(1-4 ye

We also offer electives classes such as chess, self defense, Meet the Masters Art Program, drama, hip hop dance, cooking etc.*

1650 Orov

2959 Orov Table

(1-4 ye

Just K Day C

(0-12 ye

955 T Orovi

*classes are subject to change

Little Treasures Preschool & Infant Care


(2-10 y

Progressive Schoolhouse Butte County, Inc. Head Start Preschool (5-15 years)

King’s Christian Children’s Center

Laura’s Daycare Center & Preschool (2-6 years)

1190 E. 1st Ave. Chico • 891-1723

Northern California

Kinder Kids (2-6 years)

Koala-Tee Family Child Care (0-12 years)

Chico Nursery School


2483 Notre Dame Blvd. Suite 110 Chico • 894-6800





Oakda Childr

2255 Orovi

cy of





DP $"


Barton’s Infant Center

Community Action Agency of Butte County, Inc.

(4-12 years)

Head Start Preschool

3785 Olive Hwy. Oroville • 533-2888

(0-2 years)

615 Pomona Ave. Oroville • 533-2434

Barton’s Nursery School (2-10 years)

645 Pomona Ave Oroville • 533-0573

Calvary Lutheran Childrens Center (2-5yrs & 6-12 yrs)

10 Concordia Oroville • 534-7082 Community Action Agency of Butte County, Inc.

Head Start Preschool

Oroville Gymnastics Center & Kids Club (18mos.-12 years)

675 Mitchell Ave. Oroville • 538-8330 Butte County Head Start Regional Office (1-4 years)

(5 -12 years)

6722 Clark Road Paradise • 877-8155

Pee Wee Preschool

6722 Clark Rd. Paradise • 872-3415

(2 -12 years)

7196 Skyway Paradise • 877-0633

Kids Tyme (0-5 years)

1875 Feather River Blvd. Oroville • 533-1043

6491 Clark Road Paradise • 877-7069

Small World Child Care & Learning Center

Kreative Beginnings

Our Savior Lutheran Day Care & Preschool (1 - 4 years)

(0-2 years)

1295 Pomona Ave. Oroville • 533-0189

(6 wks-12 years)

810 College Hill Rd. Paradise • 876-0494

Small Folks Montessori

Operation Vacation Latch-Key

(3-5 years)

(after school kids)

150 Oroview Dr. Oroville • 532-0682

Boulder Creek (1-4 years)

(0-5 years)

Paradise Preschool Inc.

First United Methodist Church State Pre-School (3-5 years)

45 Acacia Ave. Oroville • 533-7321

7196 Skyway Paradise • 872-3151

Paradise Adventist Academy (K-12 years)

5699 Academy Paradise • 877-6540

6404 Pentz Rd. Paradise • 877-4447

Rainbow Friends (1 -4 years)

5995 Almond St. Paradise • 876-8907

Tiny Tots (0 -5 years)

PRPD-5600 Recreation Dr. Paradise • 872-6393

Vista Children’s Center (3-5 years)

581 Pearson Rd. Paradise • 872-6240

2167-B Montgomery St. Oroville • 532-7564 Poplar (1-4 years)

2075 Poplar Avenue Oroville • 532-1912 Sierra Del Oro (1-4 years)

2900 Wyandotte Ave. Oroville • 533-7528 South Oroville Children’s Center (1-4 years)

2959 Lower Wyandotte Oroville • 538-4074 Table Mt. Children’s Ctr. (1-4 years)

Palermo Palermo Children’s Center (3-5 years)

5737 Autrey Lane Oroville • 533-1560

Palermo State Preschool (3-5 years)

7390 Bulldog Way Palermo • 533-4730

1650 Robinson St. Oroville • 533-6650

Just Kiddin’Around Day Care (0-12 years)

955 Thermolito Ave. Oroville • 533-7638

Oakdale Heights Children’s Center 2255 Las Plumas Ave. Oroville • 532-5643


We care for infants, too!

Discovery Club (6-12 years)

Contact PRPD 5600 Recreation Dr. 872-6393

Infant Lic.#045404903

“Where Children are accepted and loved.” Kathy Best, M.A. - Director

876-0494 810 College Hill Rd. Paradise, Ca 95969

Pre-School Lic.#045404901 Northern California

School Age Lic.#045404902 Parenthood 7

Day Care / Preschool



Oroville Christian School

As a spee • Re • Rea • Pla • Tal • He ing • Lis sta • Pra • As wit

Right On

Schedule By Ronda Addy

ROM THE MOMENT A CHILD IS BORN, they are developing their cognitive skills. Scientists have discovered that a child’s brain can acquire a tremendous amount of information about language in their first year of life, even before they learn to talk. By the time a baby learns to talk, they know the sounds of their language and the sounds combined to create words. A child’s development early in life is strongly tied to their success later in life. There are guidelines available that help parents know if their child is on the right track, but it is important to realize that every child will develop at their own pace. Let’s take a look at some of the guidelines from age one to age three.



Most children by their birthday should be able to: • Crawl, maybe even walk • Wave goodbye and play patty cake • Sit up on their own and pull themselves into a standing position • Recognize their name • Understand the word “no” and simple instructions • Show interest in other children • Imitate familiar words • Discriminate between many sounds • Give a toy on request • Show affection • Identify and react to others’ emotions • Feed themselves small pieces of food • Put a cube in a cup when told

one-year old’s

As a parent, you can stimulate your speech and language skills by: • Reading colorful books to them • Reciting nursery rhymes to them • Playing games like peek-a-boo with them • Taking to them using short words 8

Northern California


• Imitating their movements and vocalizations • Encouraging and rewarding them for any efforts using new words • Talking to them about what you are doing while they are with you


Most children by their birthday should be able to: • Identify body parts • Understand simple questions and commands • Name pictures • Refer to themselves by name • Build a tower using eight blocks • Carry on a conversation with their dolls or themselves • Ask “What’s this?” “What's that?” and “Where‘s mine?” • Use two-word negative phrases • Ask for a drink, food or to go to the toilet • Stay with one activity for six to seven minutes • Use a sentence of two to three words • Have a speaking vocabulary of 300 words

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As a spee • Let • Rea • Tal • Us • Te and • Enc • Pay

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-year-old’s As a parent, you can stimulate your speech and language skills by: • Repeating new words to them • Reading books with simple colorful pictures to them • Playing records with them • Talking to them about what you are doing • Helping them listen to and follow instructions when playing games with them • Listening to them-don't ever tell them you don't understand them • Praising them for telling you what they are doing • Asking them questions and carrying on a conversation with them

Mom’s Day Out everyday! Open days, evenings and weekends. 2 – 12 years old Art, games, stories, play, friends... fun!

Run errands, doctor appointment, lunch with friends.… maybe a date night this weekend...


using ey are

Most children by their birthday should be able to: • Begin to play with other children • Speak in short sentences • Match primary colors and name one color • Tell a short story or repeat a short nursery rhyme • Learn to share and wait their turn • Obey prepositional phrases • Know their last name, the name of the street they live on and their sex • Wash and dry their hands and face and show improved motor skills • Express fatigue verbally • Stay with one activity for eight to nine minutes • Have a vocabulary of almost 1,000 words

Morning preschool program. Fun parties also available.

Come for a tour!

In Chico


Ross Shopping Center s 530.894.6800 2483 Notre Dame Blvd. Lic. #045404701/045404702

We Care For What Matters Most.


As a parent, you can stimulate your -year-old’s speech and language skills by: • Letting your child play with other children • Reading them longer stories • Talking to them about how things are different and alike • Using words they have trouble with when you talk • Teaching them the relationship between words, ideas and objects • Encouraging them to tell stories using pictures and books • Paying attention to them when they talk Children develop at their own pace, so these guidelines are just that, guidelines. However, if you have a reason to believe that your child is not developing as they should, you should contact your pediatrician and let them know your concerns.


No Appointments Necessary.

376 Vallombrosa Ave. (530) 891-1676 7am-11pm Everyday

5875 Clark Rd. (530) 877-5433 M-F 7am-7pm • Sat & Sun 8am-4pm Northern California

Parenthood 9

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You Can’t Go Wrong Reading To Your Children By Doris A. Black ET’S FACE IT. Parenting is tough and you’re not likely to get immediate feedback on the decisions you make and the attitudes you adopt. It will be years before you see the results of your parenting skills, good or bad. But there is one area where experts say you can’t go wrong—reading to your kids.


Endless fantasies, boundless adventures, foreign worlds and sympathizing with the kid next door are all part of the excitement we can share with our kids by reading to them. In addition, by reading to our children when they’re young, we can give them a jump-start on intellectual development and academic achievement. What parent doesn’t want to help their children excel? I certainly did. From the time my son was old enough to sit on my lap, I read books to him—not just one, but four, five or six picture books each evening before bedtime. According to professionals in the field of brain development, even toddlers benefit from the mental stimulation associated with listening 10

Northern California


to stories. Of course, reading more than one or two books takes time and requires starting for bed extra early, not always an easy feat when it’s still light outside during the long days of summer. Young children tend to latch on to one or two favorite books that they could listen to every day. But after reading them a few hundred times, you may feel compelled to hide them. Instead, why not go to the library and open up a whole new world of wonder for your child? My son and I got hooked on going to the library and checking out 20 books at a time. We came to know the librarians well and they watched my son grow as each year passed. To make story time special, don’t allow interruptions. If the phone rings, ignore it. Jumping up to answer it may send the message that the phone is more important than your children, so let the answering machine get the calls each evening. You can always listen to the messages later. As your children get older and progress from picture books to first reader books, you may want to let them read part of the story. You can read the left-hand page, for example, while

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they read the right-hand page. Later, your child will move to chapter books. I remember being so proud the first time my son read a chapter book all by himself. After all, those books have very few pictures and lots of text. One of the first chapter books he read was one of a series of books featuring a character called, “Captain Underpants” (the story of a principal who unwittingly turns into a superhero, clad only in underwear—just the type of thing that would appeal to a first-grade boy). Even I enjoyed reading the clever, though somewhat crass, story.

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By reading with your children, not only can you instill a love of books in them but you can enhance their brain development. According to experts, the brain is not fully developed at birth, and it is the experiences of life and the attachments babies make that allow the neurons in the brain to complete the connection process. As these connections are reinforced, they become permanent. This is why stimulation is crucial when children are very young. Even just looking at picture books stimulates the brain. Reading to young children also helps them discover the relationship between objects and words and words and sentences. As your children get older, you may also have the opportunity to explain difficult situations, answer their questions and discuss their reactions to the story. Numerous studies have shown that children two to three years old who were read to everyday were more likely to be at the top of their kindergarten class in learning and communication skills. They were also consistently better at mathematics, while their classmates who were only read to a few times a week scored lower in all of these areas. There are other benefits to reading together each night. Right before bedtime, when you’re both relaxed, is the perfect time to talk. Kids tend to open up, and if you’re willing to listen, you can use that opportunity to form a close bond of love and trust with your children. Now that my son is eight years old, he reads by himself each night after we share a story together. I can honestly say

Now that my son is eight years old, he reads by himself each night after we share a story together.

I have gained as much by reading to him every day as he has. I think we’ve both come out winners. So invest a little time in your children every day. Open up the world of books to them and let their imaginations be inspired.


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Parenthood 11

Dance • Music • Theater

Dance • Music • Theater Music Broadway Music Center 534 Broadway Chico • 345-4222


Chico School of Rock Chico Creek Dance Centre Chico Community Ballet Full Force Hip Hop Company

1144 W First St. Chico • 893-9028

Creative Arts Center Oroville • 532-0436

Dance America Studios 520 W. 12th Ave. Chico • 342-9933

HYPE Dance Studio 1033 Mangrove Ave. Chico • 898-8789

Kinetics-Academy of Dance 72155 Park Ave. Chico • 345-2505

PO Box 448 Chico • 894-2526

Frank Dodini Voice and Music Instruction 7060 Skyway Paradise • 872-4250

Herreid Music 824 Oroville Ave. Chico • 894-7777

Houser’s Music 1944 Bird St. Oroville • 533-9336

Jerry’s Accordion 701 E. Lassen Ave. Chico • 342-0242


Lynn’s Dance Arts 495 Sycamore Gridley • 846-1019

Northern California Ballet 5794 Clark Rd. Paradise • 872-1719

Paradise Dancers

Chico • 892-2359

Matt Savage Music & DJ Service • 876-0148

Music Express Inn/ Suzuki Music School 1145 El Monte Ave. Chico • 891-9833

5905 D Clark Rd., Ste 135 Paradise • 877-9771

Music Logic Chico

Stamp Your Feet Performing Arts Center

Music Connection

1559 1/2 Myers St. Oroville • 534-6233

Paradise Symphony Society Paradise • 877-8042

Robert Speegle Music Instruction Paradise • 877-5902

Ruhnke Piano & Organ Co. 3130 Hwy 32 Chico • 891-488


SERVICE & REPAIR Dave’s Excellent Guitar Repair 5462 Foster Rd., By Appt. Paradise • 876-3245

North Woodwinds Repairs for All Brass & Woodwinds 820 E 5th Ave. Chico • 891-6877

Rainey Music 2835 San Verbena Way Chico • 343-6276

Roche Piano Service 1469 Filbert Street Chico • 345-0524

Stringed Instrument Works 1636 Davis St. Chico • 896-0612

13 Arbour Dr. Chico • 891-5232 973 East Ave., Suite 2 Chico • 898-0110

Celebration Concerts 2947 Jolyn Way Chico • 624-5873

Chico Cabaret 2201 Pillsbury Rd. Ste C1 Chico • 895-0245

Chico Theater Company 166 Eaton Rd. Ste. F Chico • 894-3282

Harlan Adams Theatre CSUC Public Events, Chico • 898-5791

Laxson Auditorium 2nd & Normal St. Chico • 898-5791

Maple Creek Presents P.O. Box 3339 Chico • 891-4098

Oroville State Theater 1489 Myers St. Oroville • 538-2470

Paradise Performing Arts Center 777 Nunneley Rd. Paradise • 872-8454

Blue Room Theater Company 139 W. 1st St. Chico • 895-3749

Bright Lights Children’s Theatre PRPD - 6626 Skyway Paradise • 872-6393

Theater/ Performing Arts

Theatre etc. 14 Hillary Lane Chico • 895-8382

Studio One 1144 W. 1st St. Chico • 345-9465 12

Northern California

Musician’s Exchange 6025 Skyway Paradise • 877-1996 Parenthood

Birdcage 1740 Bird St. Oroville • 533-2473

Theatre on the Ridge 3735 Neal Road Paradise • 877-5760

North Woodwinds SALES & REPAIRS for all

Brass & Woodwind Instruments Since 1981

Certified Straubinger™ Pad Technician - Ed Luce

820 E. 5th Ave. Chico

891-6877 Open Mon-Fri 10am-5:30pm For information and a current list of instruments for sale visit


northwoodwinds .com



Extracurricular Activities


xtracurricular 4-H Clubs Butte County


2279 Del Oro Ave. #B Oroville • 538-7201

AMF Orchard Lanes 2397 Esplanade Chico • 895-3257

Girl Scouts of Northern California

Tall Pines Entertainment Center 5445 Clark Rd. Paradise • 872-2695

Children’s Clubs AWANAS 6491 Clark Road Paradise • 877-7069

Boy Scouts of America— Golden Empire Council 561 East Lindo Ave. #5 Chico • 342-7460

Boys & Girls Club of the North Valley Admin. & Clubhouse 601 Wall St. Chico • 899-0335 Chico Teen Center 628 Wall St. Chico • 879-5653 Paradise Teen Center 6241 Skyway Paradise • 872-3662 During School Year-Paradise Ponderosa Elementary Ages 6-12 • 872-0562 Ponderosa Elementary Ages 6-12 • 872-1502 Pine Ridge 6th-8th Grade • 873-6592 14

Northern California

50 Landing Circle Chico • 343-1904

Rainbow Girls Paradise Kathy Hafer • 877-2508

YMCA - Oroville 1684 Robinson St. Oroville • 533-9622

Diving Paradise Dive Center 5757 Skyway Paradise • 872-7707

Valley Scuba 455 E. 20th Ave. Ste. 40 Chico • 891-5041



Golf Private Butte Creek Country Club 175 Estates Dr. Chico • 343-7979 Pro-Shop • 343-8292

Canyon Oaks Country Club 999 Yosemite Dr. Chico • 343-2582 Pro-Shop • 343-1116

Golf Public Bidwell Park Golf Course 3199 Golf Course Rd. Bidwell Park Chico • 891-8417

Dingerville USA 5813 Pacific Heights Rd. Oroville • 533-9343

Funland Putt • Skate • Golf

Fencing Chico Creek Fencing Center 3880 Benatar Way #8 Chico • 899-8355

Gems & Rocks Annual Gem and Jewelry Show April 10 & 11, 2010 Elks Lodge 6309 Clark Rd. 343-0894 or 872-1983


2465 Carmichael Drive Chico • 343-1601

Kelly Ridge Golf Course 5131 Royal Oaks Dr. Oroville Pro Shop • 589-0777

Lava Creek Golf Course 5325 Clark Rd. Paradise • 872-4653

Paradise Pines Golf Course 13917 S. Park Dr. Magalia • 873-1111

Butte Riding

2008 Durh

Doon Skyway Golf Park 1 Longest Dr. Chico • 899-8108

Sunset Hills Golf Course Inc. 13301 Garner Ln. Chico • 342-4600

Table Mountain Golf Course 2700 Oro Dam Blvd. West Oroville • 533-3924 Pro Shop • 533-3922

Tuscan Ridge Golf Course 3100 Skyway • 624-7006

1610 Maga


3900 990-3

Hidde Eques

1008 Durh

Horse Eques



3900 Butte

(between Paradise & Chico)

Hoc Gymnastics


2465 Chico

Athletic Horizons 220 Meyers Chico • 893-4967

Oroville Gymnastics Sports Academy 1875 Feather River Blvd. Oroville • 533-1043

Horsemanship Almond Creek Riding Club Chico • 891-3314

Almond Tree Farms 3544 Elk Ave. Chico • 343-5011

Butte Creek Horse Club Durham • 893-3380


Chico Little

328 S Chico


196 W Gridle

Lake O Leagu 1890 Orov


Carla • 877

. West



2008 Oro-Chico Hwy. Durham • 864-0472

Doon Grade Ranch 16101 Doon Grade Rd. Magalia • 873-8132



e Club

313 Walnut St. Chico • 896-0777

Bushido Center, The

3900 Doubletree Rd. 990-3201

805 Cedar St. Paradise • 877-8100

Hidden Treasure Equestrian Farm 10082 Jones Ave. Durham • 892-2532

Paradise Recreation and Park District

169 Cohasset Rd. Ste. 2 Chico • 899-1789

Paradise KarateKickboxing

1684 Robinson St. Oroville • 533-9622

6017 Skyway Paradise • 872-9590

Seishindo Karate 1108 Mangrove Ave. Chico • 345-7112


Chico Dojo 483 East Ave. Chico • 898-9753

254 E. First St. Chico • 343-6551

Chico 892-8900

Chico Kuk Sul Do Spring Valley Ranch 3900 Doubletree Rd. Butte Valley • 891-8493

Hockey Cal-Skate 2465 Carmichael Chico • 343-1601

Smith’s Kenpo Karate 1222 Esplanade Chico • 345-7117

609 Entler Chico • 343-8966

Downham’s Universal Karate Academy 6149 Skyway Paradise • 872-4291

Epperson Brothers Kenpo Karate Dojo

Chico Eastside Little League 328 Southgate Chico • 343-1779

Haley’s Martial Arts Center 265 Cohasset Rd. Chico • 895-3114

Inayon Eskrima Contact: Cory Hanosh 877-1625

Gridley Little League 196 Washington Gridley • 846-3890

Lake Oroville Little League Brandt Field 1890 3rd Ave. Oroville • 533-5563

Paradise Little League Carla Rynbrand • 877-3267

Nibukikan Martial Arts Studio 636 Nord Ave. #A Chico • 342-1275

NorCal Martial Arts Academy 2954 Highway 32, #900 Chico • 321-1753

Cal-Skate 2465 Carmichael Chico • 343-1601

Sternet’s Martial Arts 2420 Park Ave. Chico • 896-0766


Ten Shin Dojo School of Aikido

Butte United Soccer Club • 343-4822

3028 Esplanade, Ste. C Chico • 893-5821

Twin Cities Martial Arts Academy 559 Kentucky Gridley • 846-5995

Chico Rooks 5 Kingston Chico • 343-7665

Chico Youth Soccer 545 Vallombrosa Ave. Chico • 894-1088 894-8889

977 East Ave. Chico • 895-8257

Little League

6626 Skyway Paradise • 872-6393

YMCA Oroville

Chico Kodenkan Horse Run Equestrian Center



Azad’s Martial Arts Academy

Firefox Horse Shows



Martial Arts

OC’s Tae Kwon Do Center

Recreation Durham Recreation and Park District 9447 Midway Durham • 345-1921

Feather River Recreation and Park District 1200 Myers St. Oroville • 533-2011

Oroville Parks and Trees Department 1735 Montgomery St. Oroville • 538-2415

North Valley Soccer 1090 E. 20th St. Chico • 898-8166 Off The Wall Soccer 1090 E. 20th St. Chico • 879-0894

Oroville Youth Soccer League 106 Morningstar Ave. Oroville • 532-1789

Paradise Ridge Youth Soccer Club • 895-2031

continues next page Northern California

Parenthood 15

Extracurricular Activities


Butte Creek Riding Club

Extracurricular Activities

continued from page 15


Piranhas Swim Team PO Box 193 Paradise


Chico Aqua Jets PO Box 1131 Chico North Valley Swim School 1293 E. First Ave. Chico • 345-6707

Barry R. Kirshner’s Wildlife Foundation Education and Conservation By appointment only • 345-1700

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Northern California


At Paradise Hearing & Balance Center, we provide professional, friendly and affordable hearing health care through education, solutions and support to help our patients improve communication with the people in their lives. No other hearing aid center in the entire North Valley can match our education, credentials, expertise and state-of-the-art diagnostic equipment. Deborah Touchette, Au.D., CCC-A Doctor of Audiology

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side effects) can often be eliminated.” We have found a natural supplement that takes these concepts and combines them with other well-researched nutrients — a supplement that goes far beyond our expectations. It’s called ATTEND, and it has over 70 natural ingredients combined specifically to address the root causes of ADD/ADHD symptoms and correct them. ATTEND is just $39.99 for one month’s supply

Rodney Clay, Pharm. Dr. 14137 Lakeridge Circle



Mon-Fri 9-6

“When you absolutely, positively, want to feel better!” Northern California

Parenthood 17

Baby Rooms

on a Budget

By Tresa Erickson

Remember, this is area the baby will see the most in the beginning when they are lying on their backs.

F YOU HAVE EVER WANDERED through the infant’s section of a particular store, you know how much stuff is out there for decorating a baby’s room. From wallpaper to furniture to bedding, you can find all kinds of products to decorate a baby’s bedroom, and if you don’t watch it, you can wind up spending a fortune. If you have just found out that you’re pregnant and you’re concerned about the cost of decorating your baby’s room, don’t despair. You can still create a wonderful room for your baby without breaking the bank.


Paint is the one of the easiest and most inexpensive ways to transform a room. If you have the skills, you can draw a mural on one or all four walls. If that’s not your style, you can use stencils, stamps and paint pens to create a happy room. You can paint the walls light yellow, for example, and add some happy faces with a black paint pen or stamp on handprints in various colors. Numerous faux painting techniques are available that will allow you to create any number of textures and designs from puffy clouds to paint splatters. While you’re working on the walls, don’t neglect the ceiling. 18

Northern California


If you don’t like paint, you can try wallpaper. Keep in mind, though, that wallpaper will probably cost more than paint, and if you don’t apply it well, you may find your little one picking it off when they get older. If you go this route, select a wallpaper pattern that will grow with your child and make sure the wallpaper can be scrubbed for those inevitable sticky handprints, stray crayon marks and more. For inexpensive wall hangings, you have numerous options. You can hang up special baby blankets or quilts that you receive, or shop around for inexpensive prints and frame them for instant art. If you have kids already, you can have them draw pictures for the baby that you can frame and hang up. If not, you can use kid’s placemats, baby cards and even family photos for art. Inexpensive wooden shelves with old baby shoes and bottles are another idea. Whatever wall hangings you create, make sure you don’t hang anything above the baby’s crib. There’s too much of a risk that something could fall on the baby or the baby could pull down something on themselves when they get older.

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With floors and windows, you have several options. If you can afford it, you may want to put down stain-resistant carpeting or laminate flooring. Babies tend to spit up, and the older they get, the messier they are likely to be. Instead of traditional carpeting, consider putting down carpet tiles, which you can easily change out should they get terribly stained. If you already have carpet and can’t afford to replace it, consider adding an inexpensive rug to protect the carpet from stains, or make a ...You do not want a floor cloth out of canvas. With window coverings, room full of furniture you can keep it simple that you will have to and top inexpensive minior shutters with a change out within a blinds corniceboard or valance, few years. While your or you can go all out and or make drapes. child may adore their purchase Whatever you do, keep in white dresser with the mind that the more light heart-shaped mirror the window coverings block out, the better your when they are little, baby may sleep.

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When choosing furniture for your baby’s room, think sturdy and try to buy pieces that will grow with your child. As your child learns to walk, they will start to climb and you do not want them climbing onto a rickety chair or table that could break and injure them. You also do not want a room full of furniture that you will have to change out within a few years. While your child may adore their white dresser with the heart-shaped mirror when they are little, they might not like it so well when they turn five or six and are into sports. Look for furniture pieces that will appeal to your child throughout their life. As for bedding, the choice is yours. You can buy or make a layette set, complete with bed ruffle and bumper pad, or you can pick up some inexpensive sheets and add a nice quilt. Whatever you select, keep in mind that it will be some time before your baby is actually old enough to use all of the bedding and enjoy it. Experts recommend that newborns be placed into a crib with as little bedding as possible to protect them from accidental suffocation. Remember, your baby will not be able to tell the difference between a rug that cost $1 or one that cost $50, so don’t sweat the price of the stuff you use to decorate their room. Stick to your budget and create a design that will appeal to your baby. A room filled with inexpensive tactile objects will appeal more to a baby than a room draped in silk and other expensive fabrics. Let your imagination run wild and have fun! ~

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Northern California

B allet C laBssailcleatl


Beginning through 872-1 1719 Professional Trudi Angel

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Trudi Angel,

5794 ClaArkrtiR stoicad Director Paradise

872-11719 5794 Clark Road, Paradise Northern California

Parenthood 19

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Why Your Teens Need You Even If They Act Otherwise By Christina Botto few weeks ago a Mom touched on a very interesting subject - our teens are growing up and leave us wondering if we are doing enough for them. “My older son (16) is hardly home between school and his job,” she said. ”And my younger son, 13, is always on the computer. I feel I should be doing something for them - I feel so useless.”


Teenagers are not clinging onto our shirttails as they did when they were little. They used to be around us, needing things all day long. Now everything revolves around school and friends, and we are pushed to the sidelines. No wonder parents feel that their teen does not need them anymore. Teens are learning how to become self-sufficient, responsible adults. It is natural that teens start to pull away from parents and family and begin to build their own circle of friends and activities. Even with parents stepping into the background, our teen 20

Northern California


could not possibly become self-sufficient and confident without our emotional support. Teens are conquering new territory; they are trying to make decisions about their daily lives, without having any experience or knowledge of how to. Sure, they have their friends - but their friends don’t have experience either. Some teens are masking their insecurity better than others. Although not sure about anything, they portray some level of assurance and conviction, so their peers don’t make fun of them. Parents can misunderstand this false self-confidence as their teen not needing them anymore. Don’t let their attitude fool you - they need you now just as much as when they were learning how to walk, but their need for physical assistance has been replaced with the need for emotional assistance. Teens need their parents’ stability, advice, and support. To be able to give your teen the support he needs, to have your teen tell you when he’s in trouble, and to have him come to you with questions, you need to keep an emotionally close relationship with your teen. This does not mean that you

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have to spend a lot of time together, but that you have to trust and respect each other. To be able to build this mutual trust and respect, stay active in your teen’s life. Take your daughter shopping, discuss styles and fashion, and look at fashion magazines together. Plan a beauty treatment, go to a spa, massage, or get your nails done.

Teens need their parents’ stability, advice, and support. To be able to give your teen the support he needs, to have your teen tell you when he’s in trouble, and to have him come to you with questions, you need to keep an emotionally close relationship with your teen.

Take your son to places that fascinate boys - Motocross, Stock-car racing, paint-ball, even the local fun center. Allow him to take a couple of friends along, and he’ll boast: “Guess what! My dad is taking us to….” Your teenager might not want to do the same things he enjoyed as a child, but that does not mean he does not want to spend any time with you at all. It might be challenging to find time to fit your teen into your day, but it is necessary in order to stay an active part in your teen’s life.


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Finding new ways of staying active in your teen’s life will strengthen your bond and give you the opportunity to listen and to learn about your teen’s opinions. You also will have the chance to reinforce moral standards while creating memories that may last a lifetime. Christina Botto, author of “Help Me With My Teenager!” has been involved with helping parents and teenagers resolve complicated issues for more than 14 years. Her website offers a variety of tools and resources to help parents of teenagers. ~

2525 Dominic Drive, Chico 342-7771

Open 7 days, 6am-10pm

2234 The Esplanade, Chico 343-7000

Open 7 days, 6am-11pm Northern California

Parenthood 21


PHANTOM MENACE What Parents Need To Know MySpace and other similar social networking sites.

By Don Schnure YSPACE is a website that was designed for social networking. While it is intended for individuals 18 years of age and older, the truth is the majority (at least at this point) of people with MySpace profiles are those under 18. Teenagers in particular have flocked to MySpace and are predominately responsible for it’s success.


However there is a downside here. Often, there is talk of teen sex, drug use and other situations; adult situations many parents would prefer their children not read about or be exposed to. What shocks parents the most is to find that their children post their own comments and experiences without any regard to the repercussions of such self exposure. One of the most common problems with teenagers (and younger children as well) is their inability to connect what they do today, they also do to their life in the future. It’s extremely difficult for teens to see that there are often consequences to their actions or pictures that they post on 22

Northern California


But for many parents, the largest concern is the ‘profiles’ kids create for themselves are not always used for the innocent purposes that the children intend. The internet allows individuals to pretend to be anyone they want. This anonymity becomes a problem when it’s used by sexual predators and other dangerous individuals that use MySpace in order to find potential victims. Teenagers are especially vulnerable when it comes to society and peer pressure. This is the age during which many children think that they are invulnerable and will live forever. But the fact is that it’s those types of thoughts that force teenagers in particular to be the most vulnerable. Social networking sites like can be used that do in fact help friends to stay connected and help fulfill the socialization issues teens go through, but the fact is that they are also used in a more sinister manner by those internet predators that use sites like MySpace as a hunting ground. In May of 2007 officials confirmed over 30,000

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registered sex offenders had their own profiles on MySpace. And many of these individuals are pretending to be teens themselves in an effort to ‘groom’ an unsuspecting child for later molestation or worse.

ents would disapprove.

When parents understand more about MySpace and what opportunities there are through MySpace, the good and the bad, it is easier to understand how to protect children and teenagers from dangers and threats that they may end up facing. The sad truth is that sometimes websites are not as harmless as parents innocently believe them to be. This problem is made worse because teenagers do not fully explain the type of sites they visit and in the way that they hide their social networking activities because they know that their par-

Of course there are dangers on the Internet, and there will always be. The trick for parents is learning how to adapt your child to using the internet in academic and social ways without putting themselves in any type of real and immediate danger. A long time Internet safety for children advocate, Don Schnure is president and CEO of Parental Control Products, LLC, the makers of and


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Instead, children may just tell their parents that they do not understand ‘social networking’, and blow off their parents concern. But by being proactive, staying informed and staying on top of their teen’s online activity, parents are more likely to be able to keep their children safe.

By staying informed and staying on top of their child’s online activity, parents are more likely to be able to keep their children safe

California Department of Social Services

876-0494 810 College Hill Rd. Paradise, Ca 95969

520 Cohasset Rd., Suite 140 • Chico, CA 95926 Serving Residents of Butte, Colusa, Glenn, Lassen, Modoc, Plumas, Sierra, Siskiyou, & Tehama

Infant Lic.#045404903

Pre-School Lic.#045404901 Northern California

School Age Lic.#045404902 Parenthood 23

Schools: Kindergarten-College


chools Kindergarten-College

Chico Area 13539 Garner Ln. Chico, CA 95973 (530) 343-2949

1530 W. 8th Ave. Chico, CA 95926 (530) 891-3297

Bidwell Junior High 2376 North Ave. Chico, CA 95926 (530) 891-3080

Fair View High School 290 East Avenue Chico, CA 95926 (530) 891-3092

Champion Christian 1184 East Ave. Chico, CA 95926 (530) 345-8008

Forest Ranch Elementary 15815 Cedar Creek Rd. P.O. Box 300

Chapman Elementary 1071 E. 16th Street Chico, CA 95928 (530) 891-3100

Chico Christian 2801 Notre Dame Blvd. Chico, CA 95928 (530) 879-8989

Chico Country Day School 102 W. 11th Street Chico, CA 95928 (530) 895-2650

Chico Junior High 280 Memorial Way Chico, CA 95926 (530) 891-3066

Chico High School 901 Esplanade Chico, CA 95926 (530) 891-3031

Citrus Elementary 1350 Citrus Ave. Chico, CA 95926 (530) 891-3107

Forest Ranch, CA 95942 (530) 891-3154

Hooker Oak Elementary 1238 Arbutus Ave. Chico, CA 95926 (530) 891-3119

John McManus Elementary 988 East Ave. Chico, CA 95926 (530) 891-3128

King’s Christian School 1137 Arbutus Ave. Chico, CA 95926 (530) 345-1377

Little Chico Creek Elementary 2090 Amanda Way Chico, CA 95928 (530) 891-3285

9932 Cohasset Rd. Chico, CA 95973 (530) 891-3223

Marsh Jr. High School 2253 Humboldt Rd. Chico, CA 95928 (530) 895-4115

Neal Dow Elementary 1420 Neal Dow Ave. Chico, CA 95926 (530) 891-3110

Nord Country School 5554 California St. Chico, CA 95973 (530) 891-3138

Oakdale School - Home Study K-6 100 Oak St. , Rm. 12 Chico, CA 95928 (530) 895-4192

Parkview Elementary 1770 East Eighth St. Chico, CA 95928 (530) 891-3114

Pleasant Valley High 1475 East Ave. Chico, CA 95926 (530) 879-5100

Progressive Schoolhouse

Marigold Elementary 2446 Marigold Ave. Chico, CA 95926 (530) 891-3121


Durham Durham Elementary 9421 Putney Dr. Durham, CA 95938 (530) 895-4697

Durham High School 9455 Putney Dr. Durham, CA 95938 (530) 895-4680

300 B Biggs (530)


300 B Biggs (530)

Biggs Schoo

996 S Gridl (530)

Esper Conti

581 B Gridl (530)

Durham Independent Study 9420 Putney Dr. Durham, CA 95938 (530) 895-4683, ext. 245

Durham Intermediate 9421 Putney Dr. Durham, CA 95938 (530) 895-4690

Mission High School 9420 Putney Dr. Durham, CA 95938 (530) 895-4685 ext. 257

Montessori Elem.


300 E Gridl (530)


627 E Gridl (530)


1045 Gridl (530)

2400 Notre Dame Blvd. Chico, CA 95928 (530) 345-5665

3105 Esplanade Chico, CA 95973 (530) 343-4308

Migra Office

Rosedale Elementary

Notre Dame Catholic School


100 Oak St. Chico, CA 95928 (530) 891-3104

435 Hazel Chico, CA 95928 (530) 342-2502

Shasta Elementary 169 Leora Court Chico, CA 95973 (530) 891-3141

Loma Vista 2404 Marigold Ave. Chico, CA 95928 (530) 879-7400

Cohasset Elementary

Northern California

1859 Hooker Oak Ave. Chico, CA 95926 (530) 342-5043

Emma Wilson Elementary

Baptist School


Chico Oaks Adventist School


Sierra View Elem. 1598 Hooker Oak Ave. Chico, CA 95926 (530) 891-3117


5236 Biggs (530)

Sycam Schoo

Gridley/ Biggs Biggs Elementary 100 B St Biggs, CA 95917 (530) 868-5870

1125 Gridl (530)

Wood Eleme

409 M Gridl (530)

300 B St Biggs, CA 95917 (530) 868-5825

Biggs Middle School 300 B St Biggs, CA 95917 (530) 868-5870


Biggs Public Charter School 996 Spruce/199 E. Hazel Gridley, CA 95917 (530) 846-4333


Esperanza Continuation High 581 B Jackson St. Gridley, CA 95948 (530) 846-4383

ent Gridley High School 300 E Spruce Gridley, CA 95948 (530) 846-4791




Manzanita Elem. K-8 627 E. Evans-Reimer Rd. Gridley, CA 95948 (530) 846-5594

McKinley Elementary 1045 Sycamore St. Gridley, CA 95948 (530) 846-5686

Migrant Education Office @ Gridley High

Oroville Bird Street Elementary 1421 Bird St. Oroville, CA 95965 (530) 532-3001

Butte College 3536 Butte Campus Dr. Oroville, CA 95965 (530) 895-2511

Central Middle School 2565 Mesa Ave. Oroville, CA 95966 (530) 532-3002

Challenge Charter High School 2425 Myers Street Oroville, CA 95965 (530) 538-2359

Small Schools. Big Results. At Paradise Unified, we believe that a public school education is not simply your basic right. It’s the right choice for your child. Discover all that our outstanding family of K-12 schools has to offer your child.

Concow Elementary 11679 Nelson Bar Rd. Oroville, CA 95965 (530) 533-6033

Eastside School 2775 Yard St. Oroville, CA 95965 (530) 532-3003

Feather Falls Elementary 2651 Lumpkin Rd. Oroville, CA 95966 (530) 589-1810

• Highly qualified, caring and experienced teachers • Rigorous math, science and language arts curriculum • Warm and friendly small school atmosphere • Music, art & physical fitness curriculum • Active, involved parent community • California Distinguished Schools and Title I Academic Achievement recognitions

(530) 846-2651

Richvale Elementary 5236 Church St Biggs CA 95917 (530) 882-4273

Sycamore Middle School 1125 Sycamore St. Gridley, CA 95948 (530) 846-3636

Woodrow Wilson Elementary 409 Magnolia Gridley, CA 95948 (530) 846-3675

Feather River Adventist School 27 Cox Lane Oroville, CA 95965 (530) 533-8848

Helen Wilcox Elementary 5737 Autrey Lane Oroville, CA 95966 (530) 533-7626

Ishi Hills Middle School 2255 Foothill Blvd. Oroville, CA 95966 (530) 532-3078

Trust your family to our family. Become part of our educational community of excellence.

For more information, visit our website: (530) 872-6400

continues next page Northern California

Parenthood 25

Schools: Kindergarten-College


Biggs High School

Schools: Kindergarten-College

Schools continued from page 25

St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic School 1380 Bird St. Oroville, CA 95965 (530) 534-6969

Las Plumas High 2380 Las Plumas Ave. Oroville, CA 95965 (530) 538-2310

Stanford Avenue Elementary 1801 Stanford Ave. Oroville. CA 95966 (530) 532-3006

Nelson Avenue School 2255 6th St. Oroville, CA 95965 (530) 538-2940

Wyandotte Ave Elementary School

Oakdale Heights Elementary School

2800 Wyandotte Ave. Oroville, CA 95965 (530) 532-3007

2255 Las Plumas Ave. Oroville, CA 95966 (530) 532-3004

Ophir Elementary 210 Oakvale Ave. Oroville, CA 95966 (530) 532-3005

Oroville Adult School

Palermo Independent Home Study Program 7350 Bulldog Way Palermo, CA 95968 (530) 533-5608

Palermo Community Day School 2775 Yard St. Palermo, CA 95968 (530) 538-4708

3785 Olive Hwy Oroville, CA 95966 (530) 533-2888

Oroville High School 1535 Bridge Street Oroville, CA 95966 (530) 538-2320

Poplar Avenue School 2075 Poplar Oroville, CA 95965 (530) 538-2910

Palermo Union Elementary/Middle 7350 Bulldog Way Palermo, CA 95968 (530) 533-4708

Honcut Elementary 68 School St. Palermo, CA 95968 (530) 742-5284

Prospect High School 2060 Second Street Oroville, CA 95965 (530) 538-2330

Sierra Avenue School 1050 Sierra Ave. Oroville, CA 95965 (530) 538-2920

Paradise Area Achieve Charter K-5

2771 Pentz Rd. Oroville, CA 95965 (530) 533-3258 Northern California

Children’s Community Charter School K-8 6830 Pentz Rd. Paradise, CA 95969 (530) 877-2227


771 Elliott Rd. Paradise, CA 95969 (530) 872-4100

Paradise High School 5911 Maxwell Dr. Paradise, CA 95969 (530) 872-6425

Paradise Intermediate 6-8 5657 Recreation Drive Paradise, CA 95969 (530) 872-6465

Pines Academy Cornerstone Christian School 6500 Clark Rd. Paradise, CA 95969 (530) 877-3532

6445 Skyway Paradise, CA 95969 (530) 872-1171

Paradise Adult School 622 Pearson Rd. Paradise, CA 95969 (530) 872-6424/872-9708

Lighthouse Christian School 1573 Bille Rd. Paradise, CA 95969 (530) 872-9029

Magalia Adventist School 15204 Skyway Magalia, CA 95954 (530)873-9168 or 877-9405

Paradise Adventist Academy 5699 Academy Dr. Paradise, CA 95969 (530) 877-6540

Paradise Charter Middle School

Spring Valley Elem.


6400 Columbine Rd. Magalia, CA 95954 (530) 873-3785

HomeTech Charter School K-12

78 Table Mountain Oroville, CA 95965 (530) 538-5350

Oroville Christian School

Cedarwood Elementary K-5

6473 Clark Rd. Paradise, CA 95969 (530) 877-7277

Paradise Elementary K-5 588 Pearson Road Paradise, CA 95969 (530) 872-6415

14098 Skyway Magalia, CA 95954 (530) 873-1412

Edu P

Butte Litera

1820 Orov (530)

Brisla Pine Ridge School K-8 13878 Compton Dr. Magalia, CA 95954 (530) 873-3800

Ponderosa Elementary 6593 Pentz Rd. Paradise, CA 95969 (530) 872-6470

Ridgeview High School 13665 Old Skyway Magalia, CA 95954 (530) 872-6478

Special Services PUSD District Office 6696 Clark Rd. Paradise, CA 95969 (530) 872-6411, Ext. 244

2545 Chico (530)


3536 Orov (530)

Butte Deve

3536 Orov (530)

Butte Moth

Tina (530) www.b

Butte of Edu

Outlying Area Bangor Elementary 7549 Oro Bangor Hwy. Bangor, CA 95914 (530) 679-2434

Berry Creek Elementary 286 Rockefeller Rd. Berry Creek, CA 95916 (530) 589-1633

1859 Orov (530)

(CAVE Actio Educa

BMU Chico (530)

Chico Langu

2627 Chico (530)


Educational & Parenting Resources


Butte County Library Literacy Services 1820 Mitchell Ave. Oroville, CA 95966 (530) 538-7198

Brislain Learning Center 2545 Ceanothus Ave. Chico, CA 95928 (530) 342-2567

Butte College tary


ce 244




3536 Butte Campus Dr. Oroville, CA 95965 (530) 895-2511

Butte College Child Development Center

Child Development Classes (530) 895-2542

Corporate Training Group 2261 St. George Ln. Chico, CA 95926 (530) 342-2500

BMU 309 at CSU Chico Chico, CA 95929-0750 (530) 898-5817

Chico Speech and Language Center 2627 Forest Avenue Chico, CA 95928 (530) 894-0702

Youth for ChangeEducational Services 7204 Skyway Paradise, CA 95969 (530) 872-2103

121 W. 5th Street Chico, CA 95928 (530) 891-3338

M.O.P.S. - Moms of Pre-Schoolers 6491 Clark Road Paradise, CA 95969 (530) 877-7069

Paradise Ridge Family Resource Ctr.

(CAVE) Community Action Volunteers in Education, CSU Chico

1038 Esplanade Chico, CA 95928 (530) 342-0444

Lyon Books & Learning Center

Butte County Mothers of Multiples

1859 Bird Street Oroville, CA 95965 (530) 532-5763

Wise Owl

2201 Pillsbury Rd., Ste 170 Chico, CA 95926 (530) 345-0122

Marriage and Family Therapist

Butte County Office of Education

290 East Ave. Chico, CA 95926 (530) 891-3094

Creative Apple

3536 Butte Campus Dr. Oroville, CA 95965 (530) 895-2865

Tina Dewey (530) 894-5123

Young Parent Program

(530) 345-7562

6249 Skyway Paradise, CA 95969 (530) 872-3896

Parent Education Network (PEN) 2070 Talbert Dr. Chico, CA 95928 (530) 893-0391

Stillworks Teaching Essential Life Skills 4 White Hall Pl. Chico, CA 95928 (530) 879-9126

Sylvan Learning Ctr. 1058 Mangrove Ave., #1 Chico, CA 95926 (530) 891-1115

Teen Parent Services 10 Independent Circle Chico, CA 95973 (530) 345-1600

Butte County

L ibraries Biggs 464 A B Street (530) 868-5724

Chico 1108 Sherman Ave. Corner of East First Ave.

(530) 891-2761

Durham 2545 Durham Dayton Hwy (530) 879-3835

Gridley 299 Spruce Street (530) 846-3323

Oroville 1820 Mitchell Ave. (530) 538-7641

Paradise 5922 Clark Road (530) 872-6319 Northern California

Parenthood 27

Schools: Kindergarten-College


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except school holidays Expires 12/30/10




Hwy. 99 & Park Ave. Chico

One FREE Skating Admission


3 Birthdays 3 Private Groups 3 Family Fun

For information and advertising opportunities call

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The Essential Source for New Parents

bsites WeWorth A L K! Hand in hand provides support and helpful information for new moms and dads.

Group and family-based nutrition education classes. we feature Fuzzi Bunz...good for your baby, good for your pocket book and good for your planet! Syndicated columnist Jodie Lynn offers tips and suggestions for effective parenting! A site dedicated to bringing people and services together in Butte County Non-profit, member-run organization that supports mothers of young children by organizing activities, playgroups, community involvement and much more. The most comprehensive maternity program in the region.

Nursing Bras & Fashions Breast Pumps & Accessories Pregnancy Belly Cast Kits Cloth Diapers Sophie the Giraffe & Zoobies Soft Baby Carriers Gift Registry Home or Office Lactation Support “Milky Way Café” Fridays @ 10

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Pillsbury Road

Clark Rd.

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Paradise Adventist Academy A K-12 School of Academic Excellence

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Call us today (530) 877-6540

Paradise Adventist Academy is accredited by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges and is open to children of all faiths.

The Butte College Foster/Kinship Care Education Program Offers

Year Round Parent Education For the most up-to-date information, workshop schedules will be provided on our website. Hard copy workshop schedules are always available on site at:

The Butte College Foster/Kinship Care Education Training Center Program Director: Kathy Lovelace 2491 Carmichael Dr. Suite 300 Chico, CA 95928 (Off Park Ave. and behind “Original Pete’s Pizza-Pasta-Grill”)

All Trainings are FREE and Open to Anyone!!

Phone: 530-897-6235 Fax: 530-897-6242

For convenient access to the most current workshop information please bookmark or save to favorites the web page and check back often for updates and class schedules.

“The more we know, the more they grow”

☺☺☺ Choose Your Attitude AND Make It A Great Day!! ☺☺☺

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