Head To Toe Program

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Bling It On!

Plan a day with your girlfriend brigade

October 9, 10, 11 Pasadena Convention Center Come Early! Complimentary Gift Bags for the ďŹ rst 100 women each day!

Friday - 10 am to 5 pm | Saturday - 10 am to 6 pm | Sunday - 10 am to 5 pm

Tickets at the door: $8 adults, $6 for seniors, children under 12 free $2 off coupon available at 877-491-0677. http://www.headtotoewomensexpo.com.

2 ❘ HEAD to TOE Women’s Expo ❘ October 2009

HEAD to TOE Women’s Expo ❘ October 2009 ❘ 3

Thank You Dear Attendees~ Thank you for taking time out of your busy life to come play at the Head to Toe Women’s Expo! The world is fast paced and in these trying times, we hope you enjoy a much needed day out with your girlfriend brigade. Head to Toe is a chance for mothers, daughters and girlfriends to reconnect during a weekend of shopping, pampering, makeovers, inspirational speakers and more. And no show would be complete without fabulous giveaways! Attendees are invited to play “Treasure Hunt” with a bingo like card that they receive as they enter the show. As attendees shop the show, they can get there cards stamped at designated booths and enter them to win in the box at the Style Stage. Plan to spend some time at the Style Stage. Esteemed professionals from television, authors and chefs offer inspiration and expertise on everything from interior design to creating an edible garden for the winter. You may also enjoy learning how to make a perfect pie for the holidays. On Saturday, models take to the runway in apparel and accessories from the Head to Toe vendors. You’ll see fashions you’ll love, that can be purchased at the show, and worn Saturday evening! We hope you have a great day out with your girlfriend brigade!

Rose & Deb Promoters of the

877.491.0677 | www.headtotoewomensexpo.com 4 ❘ HEAD to TOE Women’s Expo ❘ October 2009

Plan a Day with Your Girlfriend Brigade! The Head to Toe Women’s Expo is coming to the Pasadena Convention Center, October 9, 10 & 11, 2009. With an emphasis on health, happiness, style and a balanced life, Head to Toe offers something for every woman. Enjoy a stroll through our village bursting with gal gear from local and regional vendors in categories that include: s Body & Soul City, see the latest salon and spa services, skin care, make-up and health management. Visit the Soy Joy exhibit, sample one of the six flavors, learn about the benefits of cooking with soy, receive a consultation with a nutrition consultant and relax in the Soy Joy lounge. s Glitter Sector, sparkling displays of fine and costume jewelry. s Fashion Metropolis, all things fashion, from handbags to shoes. s Home & Hearth Quarters, everything under your rooftop including home improvement and home décor. s Culinary Capital, masterful tips and recipes from local chefs on the stage. New products and gourmet food items too. s Experience the Wii Fit Plus Spa Lounge. Experience the enhanced version of the original Wii Fit Software in addition to new exercises, balance games and tools to personalize exercise routines.

Thank you to all our partners

HEAD to TOE Women’s Expo ❘ October 2009 ❘ 5

Friday & Saturday Friday, October 9 - 11:30 Story time with Author Lisze Bechtold Author, illustrator and the Los Angeles Times’ bestselling children’s author will read her latest book, Edna’s Tale. Friday, October 9 - 1:00 Chef Michelle Della Penna founder of Fork in the Roads Foods A howto demonstration tips for making delicious, healthy treats for on the go. Friday, October 9 - 2:00 Godiva’s Secret Hair Transformations-Mission Possible Saturday, October 10 - 11:30 Story time with Author June Sobel She is the author of three picture books: B is For Bulldozer, Shiver Me Letters and The Goodnight Train. Saturday, October 10 - 12:30 Penny Keaton, Penny’s Pies Just in time for holiday baking. Penny Keaton pie baking seminar offers tips to techniques and baking shortcuts to making perfect pies. Saturday, October 10 - 1:30 Head to Toe Fashion Show. A fun filled presentation you won’t want to miss! See the latest fashions from our fabulous exhibitors. Saturday, October 10 - 2:30 Judy Steinberg, author of Fabulous After 50 and Sexy at 60. A salute to the new generation of vital, successful and gorgeous older women a grown- up women’s guide to a new life and feeling your best. Get inspiration to shape up your body and wardrobe. Find the glamorous new you! Saturday, October 10 - 3:30 Top Secret Haircessory Fabulous Fast! Hairmake-over 6 ❘ HEAD to TOE Women’s Expo ❘ October 2009

Sunday Event Schedule Sunday, October 11 11:30 Story time with author Sam X Renick A nationally recognized financial education innovator, author of two children stories and work books, author of It’s a Habit. Sammy Rabbit! Sunday, October 11 - 12:30 Jen Guerin from HGTV Design Star Behind the Scenes of Color and TV Jen will be discussing how to bring more color into your life and behind the scenes stories from the show. She describes her style as Bohemian and Baroque, with touches of 1960’s-inspired modern. Very Eco-conscious, Jen says that it’s important to always “save it, re-use it or paint it.” Sunday, October 11 - 1:30 Chef Elizabeth Podsiadlo Owner of Elizabeth’s Kitchen Catering Company Ever see a singing chef? Come see operasinging Chef E, as she is affectionately called, create delicious food and great music. This is a cooking demonstration and sample you’ll never forget! Sunday, October 11 - 2:30 John Lyons, Landscape designer Woven Garden Every woman’s dream garden! John Lyons offers a how-to demonstration for making an edible kitchen garden this winter. An avid practitioner of organic garden cultivation, he has a reputation for his passion and zeal which produces spectacular results.

HEAD to TOE Women’s Expo ❘ October 2009 ❘ 7

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HEAD to TOE Women’s Expo � October 2009 � 9

Exhibitor List Accessories Accessory Eyes Accessory Trends AK Brushes Inc. American Laser Centers Amoun’s Wholesale Fine Jewelry Arbonne Ardyss - Learn How to Shape your Body Avon Biosphere Medical Bistro Blends Bring It Up Corium 21 Creation Therapy Cutco Cutlery Dermasurface Divat Enzo Milano Soy Joy Family Clothing Fluid Essentials, Inc. Ford Fun Files Global Source Godiva’s Secret Wigs Golden Girls LLC Gourmet Blends Gourmet Garden Grand Pacific Resorts Granite Transformations Guy and Eva Hairdiamond Inc. Hammie Downz Hansens Brand Beverage Innovations -Bedding IT Works! JG Color Joanna’s Rules JP Designs 10 ❘ HEAD to TOE Women’s Expo ❘ October 2009

Lia Sophia Life Source Water Systems Inc. Lipsense-Sengence International Mary Kay Meltology Miche Bags Micro Derma Mitt Momlounge.Com Morphi Make-up My Radiant Face Naturalook Medical NUSKIN OMG Vision One World Vegitarian Cuisine Ovations Hair Therapy Party Gals San Gabriel Valley News Group Passion Parties Perfect Hair / IJA Sales PJ Creations Rosny & Company Inc. Sashay-Elegant Fashion Accessories Scentsy Shell Vacations Club Silpada Soy Terrific Stella & Dot Storyopolis TC Leary Company The Passionate Collector Top Secret HAIRCESSORY TouchStone Crystal Two Martini Minimum Uniquely Yours WII FIT PLUS Welk Resort Group Wyndham Yana Psychic Consultations

Supermodel Beverly Johnson Speaks Out To Help Women NAPS)—Beverly Johnson, the first African-American model to grace the cover of Vogue magazine, is speaking out to help women seek treatment for a common and often painful condition: uterine fibroids. Although up to 75 percent of all women in the U.S. are affected by uterine fibroids, non-cancerous tumors that grow in or on the walls of the uterus, many women remain uninformed about this condition and wait up to a year before finding treatment, often despite heavy bleeding, pain, weight gain and other symptoms. Johnson is sharing her story to ensure that other women not only avoid silent suffering, but actively speak with other women and their health care provider about suitable treatment options. Women can read Johnson’s story and learn more about uterine fibroids and their treatment at www. Ask4Tell4.com. “When I was diagnosed with uterine fibroids, I didn’t know a lot about the condition, and as a result I suffered for a long time, both physically and emotionally,” said Johnson. “Ask 4 Tell 4 is about educating women about the condition so they will not be embarrassed to talk about their symptoms or be afraid to discuss treatment options with their doctors.” “Physicians should discuss all available options to treat fibroids with their patients,” said George J. So, M.D., an Interventional Radiologist at Torrance Memorial Medical Center in Torrance. “These days, in addition to hysterectomy, there are nonsurgical options that offer effective relief from debilitating symptoms but have fewer side effects and shorter recovery periods.” One such treatment is uterine fibroid embolization (UFE), a nonsurgical procedure that usually takes less than one hour. An interventional radiologist inserts a catheter through a tiny nick in the skin to deliver microspheres (sand-sized particles) that block the blood supply to the fibroids, causing them to shrink. While a hysterectomy may require a six to-eight-week recovery period, UFE patients typically return to work and can resume normal activities within one week. UFE is covered by most insurance plans. “UFE is revolutionizing the way in which women with fibroids are being treated. For many women, it’s been a welcome alternative to hysterectomy,” says Cheryl H. Hoffman, M.D., an Interventional Radiologist at Santa Monica - UCLA Orthopedic Hospital. “Unfortunately many women still don’t know about UFE,” said Richard A. Reed, M.D., an Interventional Radiologist at Huntington Hospital in Pasadena. “There are many women who undergo hysterectomies never knowing they had an option. That is why we are committed to getting the word out.” Beverly Johnson’s new Web site, www.Ask4Tell4.com, features the four questions she thinks all women should ask themselves and their health care provider about uterine fi broids, whether they currently have them or not. The site also includes the answers to these questions and information about a variety of treatment options. Additionally, women can join Johnson’s cause by sharing the information with four or more of their friends or family members through an instant e-mail message sent from the Web site. “I hope that women across the country will join me in breaking the silence about uterine fibroids. I’m sharing my story so that others will be more confident and empowered to speak up,” added Johnson. “Many women are looking for minimally invasive treatment options because they don’t want to undergo major surgery,” said Marc L. Friedman, M.D., an Interventional Radiologist at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles. “The best way for a woman with fibroids to determine if she is a candidate for UFE is to consult with an Interventional Radiologist.” Women can learn more about fibroid treatment options by calling to request a FREE information package or to get a referral to a Southern California physician who specializes in Uterine Fibroid Embolization: 800-409-4165 Supermodel Beverly Johnson Speaks Out To Help Women.


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12 ❘ HEAD to TOE Women’s Expo ❘ October 2009

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HEAD to TOE Women’s Expo ❘ October 2009 ❘ 17

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18 � HEAD to TOE Women’s Expo � October 2009

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