Parenthood, Northern California

Page 1

E E FR Northern


Peer Pressure Tips to teach your kids Siblings! Supporting sibling friendships Handle With Care Nine things to do instead of spanking

A Directory of Children & Family Resources 2009-2010

Sustaining Their Future “All the local baby resources in one place.”

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Table of Contents Handle with Care.........................8 9 Things to Do Instead of Spanking

Siblings!..................................11 Supporting Sibling Friendships

Peer Pressure...........18 3 Parenting Tips to Teach Your Kids

Boys and Girls Club................20 of the North Valley

Resource Directories Day Care Facilities . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 Extracurricular Activities . . . . 14 Dance, Music, Theater . . . . . . . 24 Butte County Schools K-12 . . . .30 Index of Advertisers . . . . . . . . . . 34


Publisher: Carol Peterson Advertising Director: Jerry Urban


Northern California Parenthood is published semi-annually by Post Publications and distributed free throughout Northern California

Project Coordinator: Ella Eagar Post Publications 5399 Clark Road, P.O. Drawer 70, Paradise, CA 95967

Production/Graphics Manager: Jeri Luce Production: Glenn Harrington, Christie Lefforge, Cassie McCampbell

Phone: (530) 877-4413, FAX (530) 877-1326

Advertising/Sales: Ella Eagar, Sharon Gingerich, Jerry Urban Advertising Assistant: Linda Hood For advertising information call Ella Eagar 877-4413, ext. 3012

Northern California Parenthood emphasizes that our directory resources are listings not recommendations and researched to the best of our ability.

Copyright 2009/10 • Printed by Paradise Post Printing

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Chico Area


Community Action Agency of Butte County, Inc.

Head Start Preschool Bidwell Academy for Young Children 120 Mission Ranch Blvd. Chico • 345-2292

Castles Day Care & Preschool 1885 E. 8th Street Chico • 899-7777

Castles Day Care 55 Jan Ct. Chico • 892-2273

Chico Child Development Center 255 Hwy 32, Ste. A Chico • 894-1778

Chico Community Children’s Center Office: 2224 Elm Chico • 891-5363 • After-School Program 345-6480 • Infant Program 345-7492 • Preschool-Age Program 345-3493 • Toddler Program 345-3532

Chico Montessori Children’s House 814 Glenn St. Chico • 342-5518

Boucher 1312 Boucher St., Chico • 345-5496 East of Eden

1577 E. Lassen Ave. Chico • 891-0101 Mariposa 2603 Mariposa, Chico • 343-0633/343-0968 Rosedale 100 Oak Street Chico • 342-3607

Innovative Preschool Inc. 2404 Marigold Ave. Chico • 343-2028

KidsPark 2483 Notre Dame Blvd. Suite 110 Chico • 894-6800

Kinder Kids 2845 Esplanade Chico • 342-5433 15 Overland Ct. Chico • 342-5435

King’s Christian Children’s Center 1137 Arbutus Ave. Chico • 345-3100

Koala-Tee Family Child Care 3056 Snowbird Dr. Chico • 342-9141

Kristi’s Kids Chico Nursery School 1190 E. 1st Ave. Chico • 891-1723

Chico Oaks Adventist Pre-School 1859 Hooker Oak Ave. Chico • 342-5043

Forever Young Learning Center 291 E. Lassen Ave. Chico • 345-4858

Durham • 343-2542

Laura’s Daycare Center & Preschool 475 E 5th Ave. Chico • 343-1516

Little Discoveries 460 W. East Ave. #210 Chico • 342-7758

Little Folks Preschool 2855 Burnap Ave. Chico • 894-5437

Little Treasures Preschool & Infant Care 2010 Notre Dame Blvd. Chico • 345-3415

The Lyon’s Den Daycare Chico • 892-8721

Migrant Headstart Preschool 2205 Elm Chico • 895-3629

Oak Street Children’s Center 115 Oak St. Chico • 879-7515

Peanut Butter Palace 3524 Hicks Lane Chico • 899-0222

Storybrook 794 East 3rd Ave. Chico • 895-8793

Super Luper Kids 1450 Springfield Dr. #219 Chico • 895-8796

The Enchanted Kingdom 4 Creative Lane Chico • 891-4654

Valley Oaks Children ’s Service Free referral service 287 Rio Lindo Ave. Chico • 895-3572


Butte County Progressive Schoolhouse Office of Education 2400 Notre Dame Blvd. Chico • 345-5665

1567 Booth Rd. Gridley • 532-5643

continues next page

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Parenthood 5

Day CAre / Preschool


ay care

Day CAre / Preschool

Community Action Agency of Butte County, Inc.

Head Start Preschool 295 Washington St. Gridley • 846-3123

Gridley State Preschool 1567 Booth Dr. Gridley • 532-5643

Kids Castle 585 Magnolia St. Gridley • 846-3199

La Escuelita Child Care 1567 Booth Dr. Gridley • 532-5643

Oroville Barton’s Infant Center 615 Pomona Ave. Oroville • 533-2434

Barton’s Nursery School 645 Pomona Ave Oroville • 533-0573

South Oroville Children’s Center 2959 Lower Wyandotte Oroville • 538-6546 Table Mt. Children’s Ctr. 1650 Robinson St. Oroville • 533-6650


Calvary Lutheran Childrens Center 10 Concordia Oroville • 534-7082

Gracie’s Little School 5387 Farley Oroville • 533-3760 Community Action Agency of Butte County, Inc.

5699 Academy Paradise • 877-6540

Discovery Club

Paradise Preschool Inc.

Contact PRPD • 872-6393

6722 Clark Road Paradise • 877-8155

Just Kiddin’Around Day Care

Community Action Agency of Butte County, Inc.

955 Thermolito Ave. Oroville • 533-7638

Head Start Preschool

Oakdale Heights Children’s Center 2255 Las Plumas Ave. Oroville • 532-5890

Oroville Christian School 3785 Olive Hwy. Oroville • 533-2888

Oroville Gymnastics Center & Kids Club 1875 Feather River Blvd. Oroville • 533-1043

6722 Clark Rd. Paradise • 872-3415

7196 Skyway Paradise • 877-0633

6404 Pentz Rd. Paradise • 877-4447

6491 Clark Road Paradise • 877-7069

Rainbow Friends

Kreative Beginnings 810 College Hill Rd. Paradise • 876-0494

5995 Almond St. Paradise • 876-8907

Tiny Tots

Operation Vacation Latch-Key 7196 Skyway Paradise • 872-3151

Pee Wee Preschool

Our Savior Lutheran Day Care & Preschool

Kids Tyme

Busy Bee 5 Coventry Ct. Oroville • 533-1139 or 370-4016

Paradise Adventist Academy

PRPD-6626 Skyway Paradise • 872-6393

Vista Children’s Center 581 Pearson Rd. Paradise • 872-6240

Small World Child Care & Learning Center 1295 Pomona Ave. Oroville • 533-0188

Small Folks Montessori 150 Oroview Dr. Oroville • 532-0682

First United Methodist Church State Pre-School 45 Acacia Ave. Oroville • 533-7321

Head Start Preschool Boulder Creek 675 Mitchell Ave. Oroville • 538-8330 Butte County Head Start Regional Office 2167-B Montgomery St. Oroville • 532-7564 Poplar 2075 Poplar Avenue Oroville • 533-5673 Sierra Del Oro 2900 Wyandotte Ave. Oroville • 533-7528 6



“Where Children are accepted and loved”

Palermo Palermo Children’s Center 5737 Autrey Lane Oroville • 533-1560

Palermo State Preschool 7390 Bulldog Way Palermo • 533-4730

Kathy Best, M.A. - Director

876-0494 810 College Hill Rd. Paradise, Ca 95969 Infant Lic.#045404903

Pre-School Lic.#045404901

School Age Lic.#045404902

e l d n a H 9



anking p S f o d a e nst Things to Do I

By Kathryn Kvols esearch confirms what many parents instinctively feel when they don’t like to spank their child, but they don’t know what else to do. The latest research from Dr. Murray Strauss at the Family Research Laboratory affirms that spanking teaches children to use acts of aggression and violence to solve their problems. It only teaches and perpetuates more violence, the very thing our society is so concerned about. This research further shows that children who have been spanked are more prone to low self-esteem, depression and accept lower paying jobs as adults. So, what do you do instead?


1 - Get Calm First, if you feel angry and out of control and you want to spank or slap your child, leave the situation if you can. Calm down and get quiet. In that quiet time you will often find an alternative or solution to the problem. Sometimes parents lose it because they are under a lot of stress. Dinner is boiling over, the kids are fighting, the phone is ringing and your child drops the can of peas and you lose it. If you can’t leave the situation, then mentally step back and count to ten.

2 - Take Time for Yourself Parents are more prone to use spanking when they haven’t had any time to themselves and they feel depleted and hurried.

So, it is important for parents to take some time for themselves to exercise, read, take a walk or pray.

3 - Be Kind but Firm Another frustrating situation where parents tend to spank is when your child hasn’t listened to your repeated requests to behave. Finally, you spank to get your child to act appropriately. Another solution in these situations is to get down on your child’s level, make eye contact, touch him gently and tell him, in a short, kind but firm phrase, what it is you want him to do. For example, “I want you to play quietly.

9 THINGS continued on page 8

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Parenthood 7



9 THINGS from page 7

4 - Give Choices Giving your child a choice is an effective alternative to spanking. If she is playing with her food at the table ask, Would you like to stop playing with your food or would you like to leave the table?” If the child continues to play with her food,

y o u use kind but firm action by helping her down from the table. Then tell her that she can return to the table when she is ready to eat her food without playing in it.

Consequences that are logically related to the behavior help teach children responsibility. For example, your child breaks a neighbor’s window and you punish him by spanking him. What does he learn about the situation? He may learn to never do that again, but he also learns that he needs to hide his mistakes, blame it on someone else, lie, or simply not get caught. He may decide that he is bad or feel anger and revenge toward the parent who spanked him. When you spank a child, he may behave because he is afraid to get hit again. However, do you want your child to behave because he is afraid of you or because he respects you? Compare that situation to a child who breaks a neighbor’s window and his parent says, “I see you’ve broken the window, what will you do to repair it?” using a kind but firm tone of voice. The child decides to mow the neighbor’s lawn and wash his car several times to repay the cost of breaking the window. What does the BUTTE COUNTY


father needed to have cut in their backyard. The boys became excited and enthusiastic about the project and later kept their word on future sleep-overs.

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5 - Use Logical Consequences


child learn in this situation? That mistakes are an inevitable part of life and it isn’t so important that he made the mistake but that he takes responsibilty to repair the mistake. The focus is taken off the mistake and put on taking responsibility for repairing it. The child feels no anger or revenge toward his parent. And most importantly the child’s self-esteem is not damaged.

6 - Do Make Ups

When children break agreements, parents tend to want to punish them An alternative is to have your child do a make-up. A make-up is something that people do to put themselves back into integrity with the person they broke the agreement with. For example, several boys were at a sleep-over at Larry’s home. His father requested that they not leave the house after midnight. The boys broke their agreement. The father was angry and punished them by telling them they couldn’t have a sleepover for two months. Larry and his friends became angry, sullen and uncooperative as a result of the punishment. The father realized what he had done. He apologized for punishing them and told them how betrayed he felt and discussed the importance of keeping their word. He then asked the boys for a make-up. They decided to cut the lumber that the

7 - Withdraw from Conflict

Children who sass back at parents may provoke a parent to slap. In this situation, it is best if you withdraw from the situation immediately. Do not leave the room in anger or defeat. Calmly say, “I’ll be in the next room when you want to talk more respectfully.

8 - Use Kind but Firm Action

Instead of smacking an infant’s hand or bottom when she touches something she isn’t supposed to, kindly but firmly pick her up and take her to the next room. Offer her a toy or another item to distract her and say, “You can try again later.” You may have to take her out several times if she is persistent.

9 - Inform Children Ahead of Time

A child’s temper tantrum can easily set a parent off. Children frequently throw tantrums when they feel uninformed or powerless in a situation. Instead of telling your child he has to leave his friend’s house at a moment’s notice, tell him that you will be leaving in five minutes. This allows the child to complete what he was in the process of doing. Aggression is an obvious form of perpetuating violence in society. A more subtle form of this is spanking because it takes it’s toll on a child’s self-esteem, dampening his enthusiasm and causing him to be rebellious and uncooperative. Consider for a moment the vision of a family that knows how to win cooperation and creatively solve their problems without using force or violence. The alternatives are limitless and the results are calmer parents who feel more supported. Article Copyright © 1995 INCAF

Kathryn Kvols is the president of the International Network for Children and Families and the author of Redirecting Children’s Behavior. She is also a national speaker and workshop leader.

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Parenthood 9






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Supporting Sibling Friendships

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By Patty Wipfler

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Some overall assumptions Children are naturally deeply interested in other children, and are drawn to each other. They want to love and be loved by each other. Children have giant-sized needs for warm, relaxed attention from adults. They legitimately need our availability, our direct attention, and our ability to think about their needs.

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When children don’t get the attention they require, it creates an emotional hurt. Every child has been hurt in this way—we don’t have enough resource around young children to prevent them from feeling disappointed and rebuffed. Often, children store these feelings up, because there’s no one available to listen to how they feel. Then, when a parent pays obvious attention to a sibling, another adult, or on the telephone, the child with stored hurts notices the attention going to someone other than him. This restimulates his feelings of need—which feel urgent even if he has had lots of attention. The feeling of need is “frozen” into the child because the stored hurt hasn’t yet been released.

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The way children naturally, but highly inconveniently, release their feelings of hurt and regain their sense of satisfaction with their lives is through laughter, crying, tantrums, raging, perspiring, and trembling. When they are upset, they gravitate toward showing feelings, either directly, or by pursuing behavior that you must stop, creating a trigger, or pretext, that opens their feelings up with you close by.

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Listening to a child’s feelings without judgment, lecture, or blame is a great way to help your child recover from his upset with you or with a sibling. At the end of a good cry, a child has much more room for love and cooperation, because his upset has been heard and dissolved. Our children’s squabbles restimulate lots of old feelings in us, so that it’s often hard for us to intervene without causing more hurt. We need listening time to help us work through our frus-

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SIBLINGS continued on page 12 BUTTE COUNTY

Parenthood 11



SIBLINGS from page 11

Take it slow. Ask them in turn what the matter is, and listen back and forth. The release of feelings is the most important thing. Give the situation time. A hurried solution won’t stick well.

trations and our fears about their upsets they have. We need a chance to release the feelings that rise in us when the fighting starts.

Some reassurances Every child has feelings of jealousy and anger toward siblings. These are never the only feelings a child has, although they are often the major feelings we, the parents, notice.

Usually, the aggressor child feels guilty, and looks like he couldn’t care less about his sibling.

Don’t be fooled.

Most children spend lots of time loving and cooperating with their siblings and the needs of their siblings. We parents tend not to notice this. When the children are getting along fine, we often have our attention directed on other tasks—cleaning, cooking, doing laundry, or working all day.

Practices that will help keep you in good contact with each child Regular Special Time with each child helps keep children’s sense of your caring for them intact. When times get hard they are able to work through their feelings more easily because you’ve “been there” for them recently. Intervene with your attention, or with five minutes of Special Time at the first hint that one child is going “off track.” Catching a difficulty early gives you a chance to connect with your child before your upsets have brewed, and before someone has been hurt or insulted. It’s always easier to connect with a child before any upsets have been acted out at a sibling. Apologize when you didn’t get there in time to prevent a fight. “I’m sorry I didn’t notice how upset you were! I didn’t get here in time to keep hard things from happening! Tell me what went on.” Your children will be able to like each other more easily after the fight if neither is blamed for the upset. They also will be better able to release their feelings of hurt if you take responsibility for keeping things safe in the family. When you’ve arrived at a fight scene, keep the children from hurting each other. Allow all the crying and raging you can stand. Try to have gentle physical contact with both children or firm contact (if you’re keeping them from hurting each other). 12



You will have many times when one child has hurt another and run away. Vary your response, sometimes spending only a minute with the victim, and going to pay attention to the aggressor, other times, spending time with the victim first. Both children need your help. Usually, the aggressor child feels guilty, and looks like he couldn’t care less about his sibling. Don’t be fooled. This child has “gone remote” and can’t show feelings. He didn’t want to get lost in upset, and needs your love to get back to himself again. Visit




with with

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Parenthood 13

Extracurricular Activities

Extracurricular Activities Bowling AMF Orchard Lanes 2397 Esplanade Chico • 895-3257

Tall Pines Entertainment Center 5445 Clark Rd. Paradise • 872-2695

Children’s Clubs

4-H Clubs Butte County

Girl Scouts of Northern California 50 Landing Circle Chico • 343-1904

Rainbow Girls Paradise Kathy Hafer • 877-2508

Pine Ridge 6th-8th Grade • 873-6592 14



Golf Private Butte Creek Country Club

999 Yosemite Dr. Chico • 343-2582 Pro-Shop • 343-1116

Boys & Girls Club of the North Valley

Ponderosa Elementary Ages 6-12 • 872-1502

3880 Benatar Way #8 Chico • 899-8355

Canyon Oaks Country Club

561 East Lindo Ave. #5 Chico • 342-7460

During School Year-Paradise Ponderosa Elementary Ages 6-12 • 872-0562

Chico Creek Fencing Center

175 Estates Dr. Chico • 343-7979 Pro-Shop • 343-8292

Boy Scouts of America— Golden Empire Council

Paradise Teen Center 6241 Skyway Paradise • 872-3662


YMCA - Oroville

6491 Clark Road Paradise • 877-7069

Admin. & Clubhouse 601 Wall St. Chico • 899-0335 Chico Teen Center 628 Wall St. Chico • 879-5653

5131 Royal Oaks Dr. Oroville Pro Shop • 589-0777

2279 Del Oro Ave. #B Oroville • 538-7201

1684 Robinson St. Oroville • 533-9622


Kelly Ridge Golf Course

Golf Public Diving Paradise Dive Center 5757 Skyway Paradise • 872-7707

Valley Scuba 455 E. 20th Ave. Ste. 40 Chico • 891-5041

Bidwell Park Golf Course 3199 Golf Course Rd. Bidwell Park Chico • 891-8417

Dingerville USA 5813 Pacific Heights Rd. Oroville • 533-9343

Funland Putt • Skate • Golf

2465 Carmichael Drive Chico • 343-1601

Lava Creek Golf Course 5325 Clark Rd. Paradise • 872-4653

Paradise Pines Golf Course 13917 S. Park Dr. Magalia • 873-1111

Skyway Golf Park 1 Longest Dr. Chico • 899-8108

Sunset Hills Golf Course Inc. 13301 Garner Ln. Chico • 342-4600

Table Mountain Golf Course 2700 Oro Dam Blvd. West Oroville • 533-3924 Pro Shop • 533-3922


Almo Riding



3544 Chico

Butte Horse


Butte Riding

2008 Durh 864-0


1610 Maga

Hidde Eques

1008 Durh

Horse Eques


Spring Tuscan Ridge Golf Course 3100 Skyway • 624-7006 (between Paradise & Chico)

Gymnastics Athletic Horizons 220 Meyers Chico • 893-4967

Oroville Gymnastics Sports Academy 1875 Feather River Blvd. Oroville • 533-1043

3900 Butte

Almond Creek Riding Club


Chico • 891-3314

Little League Chico Eastside Little League 328 Southgate Chico • 343-1779

Almond Tree Farms



3544 Elk Ave. Chico • 343-5011

Butte Creek Horse Club Durham • 893-3380

Butte Creek Riding Club 2008 Oro-Chico Hwy. Durham 864-0472 or 893-3380

Gridley Little League 196 Washington Gridley • 846-3890

Lake Oroville Little League Brandt Field 1890 3rd Ave. Oroville • 533-5563

Paradise Little League Carla Rynbrand • 877-3267

Hidden Treasure Equestrian Farm 10082 Jones Ave. Durham • 892-2532


Horse Run Equestrian Center Chico 892-8900



Spring Valley Ranch 3900 Doubletree Rd. Butte Valley • 891-8493

6149 Skyway Paradise • 872-4291

Epperson Brothers Kenpo Karate Dojo 977 East Ave. Chico • 895-8257

Haley’s Martial Arts Center 265 Cohasset Rd. Chico • 895-3114

Nibukikan Martial Arts Studio 636 Nord Ave. #A Chico • 342-1275

NorCal Martial Arts Academy

Doon Grade Ranch 16101 Doon Grade Rd. Magalia • 873-8132

Downham’s Universal Karate Academy

Martial Arts Azad’s Martial Arts Academy 313 Walnut St. Chico • 896-0777

Bushido Center, The 805 Cedar St. Paradise • 877-8100

Chico Dojo 483 East Ave. Chico • 898-9753

2954 Highway 32, #900 Chico • 893-4620

OC’s Tae Kwon Do Center 169 Cohasset Rd. Ste. 2 Chico • 899-1789

Paradise KarateKickboxing 6017 Skyway Paradise • 872-9590

Seishindo Karate 1108 Mangrove Ave. Chico • 345-7112

Sternet’s Martial Arts 2420 Park Ave. Chico • 896-0766

Ten Shin Dojo School of Aikido 3028 Esplanade, Ste. C Chico • 893-5821

Twin Cities Martial Arts Academy 559 Kentucky Gridley • 846-5995

Recreation Durham Recreation and Park District 9447 Midway Durham • 345-1921

Feather River Recreation and Park District 1200 Myers St. Oroville • 533-2011

Oroville Parks and Trees Department 1735 Montgomery St. Oroville • 538-2415

Paradise Recreation and Park District 6626 Skyway Paradise • 872-6393


Chico Kodenkan 254 E. First St. Chico • 343-6551

Chico Kuk Sul Do 609 Entler Chico • 343-8966

Smith’s Kenpo Karate 1222 Esplanade Chico • 345-7117

YMCA Oroville 1684 Robinson St. Oroville • 533-9622

continues next page




Parenthood 15

Extracurricular Activities


Extracurricular Activities

continued from page 15

Soccer Butte United Soccer Club • 343-4822 Chico Youth Soccer


545 Vallombrosa Ave. Chico • 894-1088 894-8889

Cal-Skate 2465 Carmichael Chico • 343-1601

North Valley Soccer 1090 E. 20th St. Chico • 898-8166 Off The Wall Soccer 1090 E. 20th St. Chico • 879-0894

Oroville Youth Soccer League


106 Morningstar Ave. Oroville • 532-1789

Paradise Ridge Youth Soccer Club • 895-2031

Barry R. Kirshner’s Wildlife Foundation Education and Conservation By appointment only • 345-1700

Swimming Chico Aqua Jets PO Box 1131 Chico North Valley Swim School 1293 E. First Ave. Chico • 345-6707

Piranhas Swim Team PO Box 193 Paradise

ADOPTION Open Your Heart To A Waiting Child Please Call (530) 895-6143

California Department of Social Services 520 Cohasset Rd., Suite 140 • Chico, CA 95926 Serving Residents of Butte, Colusa, Glenn, Lassen, Modoc, Plumas, Sierra, Siskiyou, & Tehama 16



Morning preschool program. Fun parties also available.

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6616-G Clark Road Paradise Plaza • 872-0310

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Parenthood 17


PRESSURE 3 By Jean Tracy, MSS

Parenting Tips to Teach Your Kids

Peer Pressure Statistics:

Time/Nickelodeon surveyed of 991 kids ages nine to fourteen about peer pressure. 36 percent felt pressure to smoke marijuana, 40 percent felt pressure to have sex, 36 percent felt pressure to shoplift, and four out of ten felt pressure to drink. - from Michele Borba, Ed.D. ikes! What can you do to help your child buck peer pressure and act with character? Prepare your child by teaching assertiveness, choosing good friends, and listening to his inner voice.


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First Character Building Tip –

Teach Assertiveness Imagine you and your child are discussing refusal skills. Pretend your child is being pressured to smoke. Ask your child to give 3 reasons why smoking is a bad idea. Write them down. Then act as if you are his peer and pressure him to smoke. Tell your child to give you the 3 reasons why he won't smoke. Make sure he uses a firm voice, looks you in the eye, and uses few words with no excuses. Use this with each of the Time/Nickelodeon survey topics above.

Second Character Building Tip–

Choose Great Friends Ask your child to name some kids who wouldn't pressure her to do the wrong thing. How are they

PRESSURE continues next page 18






different from the kids who would? Ask your child if kids who choose to do the right things like tell the truth, do their schoolwork, play fair, and don't smoke make good friends. Then ask your child “Would choosing these kids to be your friends make life easier for you to make good decisions? Why or why not?”

Third Character Building Tip–

Listen to Their Inner Voice Discuss how we all have an inner voice. Some experience it as a nudge that something is not right. In the heat of the peer pressure moment it's easy to reject that voice or feeling. Suggest using the motto, “When in doubt, think it out.” This helps your child slow down long enough to decide what to do.

“When in

doubt , think it


Act out peer pressure situations like shoplifting, lying, and hurting others. Tell him to repeat that motto quietly inside his head during the role-play. Then ask him how he felt using it. Finally, ask him to let you know when he practices it in real life. One more thing, post the words “When in doubt, think it out,” on the refrigerator as a reminder.

Peer Pressure Summary: Bucking negative peer pressure is easier for children when you teach assertiveness, promote their choice of great friends, and show how to pay attention to their inner voice. With these 3 parenting tips they are less likely to get into trouble and more likely to become people of character.

If you liked these parenting tips, pick up our Dilemma Discussion Kit and guide your kids with great discussions.


Jean Tracy, MSS publishes a Free Parenting Newsletter. Subscribe at and receive 80 fun activities to share with your kids.

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Corner of 10th Street & Esplanade BUTTE COUNTY

Parenthood 19

G & i s r l s C y lubs o B of the North Valley

By Debbie LaPlant-Moseley pen the doors of any one of the eight sites of the Boys & Girls Clubs (B&GC) of the North Valley around 3pm on weekdays and you will experience the energy, excitement, and passion of the youth, staff, and volunteers. Members range in age from 6-12 at the Clubhouse sites and 13-18 at the Club’s Teen Centers. There is an electricity of youthful activity at each of our sites with kids working on their homework, computer time, preparing snacks for peers, dancing, or socializing and recapping the day’s events. There is the sound of young voices everywhere.


Over the years, the B&GC has evolved into one of the few refuges for children following the last school bell ring of the day. The mission of the B&GC of the North Valley is to inspire and enable all young people who need us most to reach their full potential as caring, productive, and responsible citizens. The Boys & Girls Clubs of America got its start in 1860 in Hanford, Connecticut, through the efforts of four women concerned that the boys in their neighborhood were spending their time in the streets with no safe place

to go. Generously, they opened their homes to those boys each afternoon and became the basis for the formation of the first Boys Club. Over the years, more Clubs opened, and in September 1990, became known as the Boys & Girls Clubs of America, headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia. Recognizing a need for this type of community organization in Butte County, the Boys & Girls Clubs of Chico opened its doors July 5, 1995, through a coordinated effort of several prominent and concerned citizens. Over time, grants and donors were secured affording the Club the opportunity to hire staff and develop and implement programs for the members. In 2000, the Boys & Girls Club of Chico merged with the Boys & Girls Club of Paradise to form the Boys & Girls Clubs of the North Valley. The Club’s goal is to provide a safe and healthy environment where children can learn, grow and have fun. Often the children of our communities go without, have no place to go after school, no strong support system, or simply aren’t given the chance to be a kid: and that is where the Boys & Girls Club impact is realized. Currently there are eight Club sites throughout Butte County with four dedicated Teen Centers, one of which is located within Butte County’s Juvenile Hall facility. This site is one of thirteen in the nation, and one of two in

CLUB continues next page 20



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California. This led to interest from Oroville to have its own Boys & Girls Club and their new Teen Center opened on September 15, 2008. The Oroville Teen Center began with only three youth and now boasts a membership of over 125. As the only B&GC serving the far North Valley of California, we pride ourselves on facilitating quality programs in the areas of Character & Leadership Development, Education & Career Development, Health & Life Skills, the Arts, Sports, Fitness & Recreation. The B&GC of the North Valley staff are trained youth development professionals. Our members have the opportunity to participate in a variety of programs and activities that are not only fun, but teach them valuable life skills such as job readiness, cooking, civic engagement, financial responsibility, social awareness/acceptance, as well as to increase their academic success. Staff members develop strong working relationships with the teachers, parents/guardians, and counselors of the members, resulting in consistent and increased attention to school work and participation. The Club works in tandem with state educational standards to boost the students’ chance to be better prepared for the future. Activities and groups such as Leaders in Training, Eco Team, Americorp, job shadowing, kids in the kitchen, and more, assist in developing the whole individual. The Club’s development and growth has significantly improved access to those children who need the Club the most and now reaches youths from schools in Chico, Paradise and Magalia. The Juvenile Hall site and Oroville Teen Center have already seen significant results in reduced recidivism and increased participation in positive activities. Serving over 4,000 youth annually, and approximately 700 youth every day (ages 6-18), the Club is deepening its impact in our four communities:

Chico, Magalia, Paradise, and Oroville. The B&GC of the North Valley is committed to combating the problems of poverty, drugs, alcohol, teen suicide and gang activity by giving kids a safe place to go to escape some of the harsh realities found in their daily struggle while providing them with opportunities to grow and learn. It is a priority of the B&GC of the North Valley to never deny a child access to the Clubs due to financial constraints. Annual memberships are only $10 per child, although the actual cost of having a child in the Club for one year is $1,200. In the incidence of a family not being able to afford the $10, scholarships and/or fee waivers are provided to them. Our board and staff are committed to raising our budgetary needs each year and guarantees that all monies raised in the community stays in the community. Boys & Girls Clubs’ nurture young people’s self-esteem by instilling in them a sense of belonging, usefulness, influence and competence. The B&GC of the North Valley is truly making an impact on the lives of countless young people, their families and our community: Changing lives …. changing our community.

Administration (Mon-Fri 8 am-5pm)

Chico Clubhouse (Mon-Fri 2 pm -6 pm)

601 Wall Street Chico, CA 95928 530-899-0335

Chico Teen Center (Mon 3-6pm; Tu -Thur 3-9:30 pm; Fri 3-10pm)

628 Wall Street Chico, CA 95928 530-879-5653

Paradise Teen Center (Mon-Tues 3-6pm; Wed-Fri 3-9:30pm)

6241 Skyway Paradise, CA 96959 530-872-3662

Paradise Elementary Site (Mon-Fri 2-6pm)

588 Pearson Road 530-872-1502

Ponderosa Elementary Site (Mon-Fri 2-6pm)

6593 Pentz Road 530-872-0562

Pines Elementary Site (Mon-Fri 3-6:10pm) 13878 Compton Drive 530-872-6422

Juvenile Hall 41 County Center Drive Oroville, CA 95965 530-538-6114

Oroville Teen Center (Mon 3 – 6pm; Tues-Fri 3-8pm)

2959 Lower Wyandotte Road Oroville, CA 95965 530-533-3067

For more information, please contact 530-899-0335 or visit BUTTE COUNTY

Parenthood 21

Paradise Midwifery

Northern California

B allet



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Paradise & Magalia


Annie’s Country Café 5522 Skyway 877-22418 ____________________ Black Bear Diner 5791 Clark Road 877-00877 ____________________ Casa De Paradiso 5667 Clark Road 877-44107 ____________________ Comeback Diner 6053 Clark Road 877-99466 ____________________ Cozy Diner 6371 Skyway 872-77008

The Italian Garden 6929 Skyway 876-99988 ____________________

Kalico Kitchen 7099 Skyway 877-11255 ____________________ Mountain Mike’s Pizza 6626 K Clark Road 872-11991 ____________________ Papa Murphy’s Take-n n-B Bake Pizza 6026 Clark Road 872-88998

Round Table Pizza 6038 Clark Rd 872-22233 ____________________ Smokie Mountain

Steakhouse & Lounge

7039 Skyway 872-33323 ____________________ Subway 6616 Clark Road 872-33323 ____________________ Tall Pines Entertainment 5445 Clark Road 872-22695 BUTTE COUNTY

Parenthood 23



Dance • Music • Theater

Dance • Music • Theatre Magalia Academy of Ballet 14211 Wycliff Way Magalia • 873-8066

Northern California Ballet 5794 Clark Rd. Paradise • 872-1719

Paradise Dancers

Dance Instruction Chico Creek Dance Centre Chico Community Ballet Full Force Hip Hop Company

1144 W First St. Chico • 893-9028

5905 D Clark Rd., Ste 135 Paradise • 877-9771

Stamp Your Feet Performing Arts Center 1559 1/2 Myers St. Oroville • 534-6233

Studio One 1144 W. 1st St. Chico • 345-9465

Creative Arts Center Oroville • 532-0436

Dance America Studios 520 W. 12th Ave. Chico • 342-9933

HYPE Dance Studio 1033 Mangrove Ave. Chico • 898-8789

Lynn’s Dance Arts 495 Sycamore Gridley • 846-1019

Dance Wear Danceaway 225 Main St. Chico • 891-0672

Heel and Sole Shoes 708 Mangrove Ave. Chico • 899-0725

2ND TIME AROUND Children’s Consignment Boutique

new inventory daily! gently used items for premies to juniors

• STROLLERS • TOYS • BOOKS • VIDEOS • CLOTHING & ACCESSORIES 6848-B Skyway Paradise • 877-1524 Open: M-F 10-5




Music Chico School of Rock PO Box 448 Chico • 894-2526

Demian Meng's Music Instruction 135 Main Street Chico • 892-8413

Epicenter Music Shop 1237 Main Street Chico • 892-8413

Frank Dodini Voice and Music Instruction 7060 Skyway Paradise • 872-4250

Herreid Music 824 Oroville Ave. Chico • 894-7777

Houser’s Music 1944 Bird St. Oroville • 533-9336

Jerry’s Accordion 701 E. Lassen Ave. Chico • 342-0242

Kindermusik Chico • 892-2359

Matt Savage Music & DJ Service • 876-0148

Music Express Inn/ Suzuki Music School 1145 El Monte Ave. Chico • 891-9833


13 Ar Chico


973 E Chico


6025 Parad

Parad Socie


Rober Speeg Music Instru

Parad • 877

Ruhn Organ

3130 Chico • 891

13 Arbour Dr. Chico • 891-5232

Music Connection 973 East Ave., Suite 2 Chico • 898-0110

Musician’s Exchange 6025 Skyway Paradise • 877-1996


Paradise Symphony Society Paradise • 877-8042

Robert Speegle Music Instruction c

/ ool

P.O. Box 3339 Chico • 891-4098

Oroville State Theater 1489 Myers St. Oroville • 538-2470

Birdcage Dave’s Excellent Guitar Repair 5462 Foster Rd., By Appt. Paradise • 876-3245

North Woodwinds Repairs for All Brass & Woodwinds 820 E 5th Ave. Chico • 891-6877

1469 Filbert Street Chico • 345-0524

Ruhnke Piano & Organ Co.

Maple Creek Presents

Theatre/ Performing Arts


Roche Piano Service

Paradise • 877-5902

3130 Hwy 32 Chico • 891-488

Musical Instruments

Stringed Instrument Works 1636 Davis St. Chico • 896-0612

1740 Bird St. Oroville • 533-2473

Paradise Performing Arts Center

Celebration Concerts

777 Nunneley Rd. Paradise • 872-8454

2947 Jolyn Way Chico • 624-5873

Blue Room Theater Company

Chico Cabaret 2201 Pillsbury Rd. Ste C1 Chico • 895-0245

139 W. 1st St. Chico • 895-3749

Chico Theater Company 166 Eaton Rd. Ste. F Chico • 894-3282

Harlan Adams Theatre CSUC Public Events, Chico • 898-5791

Laxson Auditorium 2nd & Normal St. Chico • 898-5791

Bright Lights Children’s Theatre PRPD - 6626 Skyway Paradise • 872-6393

Theatre etc. 14 Hillary Lane Chico • 895-8382

Theatre on the Ridge 3735 Neal Road Paradise • 877-5760


Flexible childcare. Childcare by the hour. Available when you need us: days, evenings and weekends. [ 2 to 12 years old ]


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Parenthood 25

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Parenthood 27

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RE is F

bsites WeWorth A L K! Hand in hand provides support and helpful information for new moms and dads.

Group and family-based nutrition education classes.

Friends Forever. we feature Fuzzi Bunz...good for your baby, good for your pocket book and good for your planet!

Syndicated columnist Jodie Lynn offers tips and suggestions for effective parenting! A site dedicated to bringing people and services together in Butte County

Non-profit, member-run organization that supports mothers of young children by organizing activities, playgroups, community involvement and much more. The most comprehensive maternity program in the region.

What would childhood be without the love of a good pet? Weren’t they always the ones that listened to your problems, never told your secrets and were always willing to play? Not to mention all the lessons you learned—about love, how to approach animals safely, responsibility, loyalty and sometimes even loss. If you feel these experiences enriched the adult you are today, why not take your children to the Paradise Animal Shelter to pick out a new family member?

Find your best friend at the

Paradise Animal Shelter Take Clark Road, toward 70, left on American Way. Open Mon-Sat 11am-3:30pm BUTTE COUNTY

Parenthood 29

S chools: Kindergarten-College

Schools K


indergarten- ollege


Forest Ranch Elementary


15815 Cedar Creek Rd. P.O. Box 300

Forest Ranch, CA 95942 (530) 891-3154

Chico Area Bidwell Junior High 2376 North Ave. Chico, CA 95926 (530) 891-3080

Chapman Elementary 1071 E. 16th Street Chico, CA 95928 (530) 891-3100

Chico Country Day School 102 W. 11th Street Chico, CA 95928 (530) 895-2650

Hooker Oak Elementary 1238 Arbutus Ave. Chico, CA 95926 (530) 891-3119

John McManus Elementary 988 East Ave. Chico, CA 95926 (530) 891-3128

Little Chico Creek Elementary 2090 Amanda Way Chico, CA 95928 (530) 891-3285

Parkview Elementary 1770 East Eighth St. Chico, CA 95928 (530) 891-3114

Pleasant Valley High 1475 East Ave. Chico, CA 95926 (530) 879-5100

Rosedale Elementary 100 Oak St. Chico, CA 95928 (530) 891-3104

Shasta Elementary 169 Leora Court Chico, CA 95973 (530) 891-3141

Sierra View Elem. 1598 Hooker Oak Ave. Chico, CA 95926 (530) 891-3117

Loma Vista Chico Junior High 280 Memorial Way Chico, CA 95926 (530) 891-3066

Chico High School 901 Esplanade Chico, CA 95926 (530) 891-3026

Citrus Elementary 1350 Citrus Ave. Chico, CA 95926 (530) 891-3107

Cohasset Elementary 9932 Cohasset Rd. Chico, CA 95973 (530) 891-3223

Emma Wilson Elementary 1530 W. 8th Ave. Chico, CA 95926 (530) 891-3297

Fair View High School 290 East Avenue Chico, CA 95926 (530) 891-3092 30



2404 Marigold Ave. Chico, CA 95928 (530) 879-7400

Marigold Elementary 2446 Marigold Ave. Chico, CA 95926 (530) 891-3121

Marsh Jr. High School 2253 Humboldt Rd. Chico, CA 95928 (530) 895-4110

Neal Dow Elementary 1420 Neal Dow Ave. Chico, CA 95926 (530) 891-3110

Nord Country School 5554 California St. Chico, CA 95973 (530) 891-3138

Oakdale School - Home Study K-6 100 Oak St. , Rm. 12 Chico, CA 95928 (530) 895-4192


Durham Intermediate 9421 Putney Dr. Durham, CA 95938 (530) 895-4690

Mission High School 9420 Putney Dr. Durham, CA 95938 (530) 895-4685 ext. 257

Gridley/ Biggs

Durham High School 9455 Putney Dr. Durham, CA 95938 (530) 895-4680

Durham Independent Study 9420 Putney Dr. Durham, CA 95938 (530) 895-4683, ext. 245

300 E Gridl (530)


627 E Gridl (530)


1045 Gridl (530)

Migra Office


Richv Biggs Elementary 100 B St Biggs, CA 95917 (530) 868-5870

Biggs High School 300 B St Biggs, CA 95917 (530) 868-5825

Biggs Middle School 300 B St Biggs, CA 95917 (530) 868-5870

Durham Elementary 9421 Putney Dr. Durham, CA 95938 (530) 895-4695


Biggs Public Charter School 996 Spruce/199 E. Hazel Gridley, CA 95917 (530) 846-4333

Esperanza Continuation High 581 B Jackson St. Gridley, CA 95948 (530) 846-4383

5236 Biggs (530)

Sycam Schoo

1125 Gridl (530)

Wood Eleme

409 M Gridl (530)


Bird S

1421 Orov (530)


3536 Orov (530)


2565 Orov (530)

Challe High S

2425 Orov (530)


300 E Spruce Gridley, CA 95948 (530) 846-4791

Manzanita Elem. K-8


627 E. Evans-Reimer Rd. Gridley, CA 95948 (530) 846-5594

McKinley Elementary



1045 Sycamore St. Gridley, CA 95948 (530) 846-5686

Migrant Education Office @ Gridley High (530) 846-2651

Richvale Elementary 5236 Church St Biggs CA 95917 (530) 882-4273

Sycamore Middle School 1125 Sycamore St. Gridley, CA 95948 (530) 846-3636


Woodrow Wilson Elementary 409 Magnolia Gridley, CA 95948 (530) 846-3675



Oroville Bird Street Elementary 1421 Bird St. Oroville, CA 95965 (530) 532-3001

Butte College 3536 Bute Campus Dr. Oroville, CA 95965 (530) 895-2511

Central Middle School 2565 Mesa Ave. Oroville, CA 95966 (530) 532-3002

Challenge Charter High School 2425 Myers Street Oroville, CA 95965 (530) 538-2359

Concow Elementary 11679 Nelson Bar Rd. Oroville, CA 95965 (530) 533-6033

Eastside School 2775 Yard St. Oroville, CA 95965 (530) 532-3003

Feather Falls Elementary 2651 Lumpkin Rd. Oroville, CA 95966 (530) 589-1810

Helen Wilcox Elementary 5737 Autrey Lane Oroville, CA 95966 (530) 533-7626

Ishi Hills Middle School 2255 Foothill Blvd. Oroville, CA 95966 (530) 532-3078

Las Plumas High 2380 Las Plumas Ave. Oroville, CA 95965 (530) 538-2310

Nelson Avenue School 2255 6th St. Oroville, CA 95965 (530) 538-2940

Oakdale Heights Elementary School 2255 Las Plumas Ave. Oroville, CA 95966 (530) 532-3004

Ophir Elementary 210 Oakvale Ave. Oroville, CA 95966 (530) 532-3005

Oroville Adult School 78 Table Mountain Oroville, CA 95965 (530) 538-5350

Oroville High School 1535 Bridge Street Oroville, CA 95966 (530) 538-2320

Small Schools. Big Results. At Paradise Unified, we believe that a public school education is not simply your basic right. It’s the right choice for your child. Discover all that our outstanding family of K-12 schools has to offer your child. • Highly qualified, caring and experienced teachers • Rigorous math, science and language arts curriculum • Warm and friendly small school atmosphere • Music, art & physical fitness curriculum • Active, involved parent community • California Distinguished Schools and Title I Academic Achievement recognitions

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For more information, visit our website: (530) 872-6400

continues next page BUTTE COUNTY

Parenthood 31

S chools: Kindergarten-College

Gridley High School

S chools: Kindergarten-College

Public Schools continued from page 31

Poplar Avenue School 2075 Poplar Oroville, CA 95965 (530) 538-2910

Prospect High School 2060 Second Street Oroville, CA 95965 (530) 538-2330


Palermo Union Elementary/Middle 7350 Bulldog Way Palermo, CA 95968 (530) 533-4708


Honcut Elementary


68 School St. Palermo, CA 95968 (530) 742-5284


1184 Chico (530)

Sierra Avenue School 1050 Sierra Ave. Oroville, CA 95965 (530) 538-2920

HomeTech Charter School K-12 6445 Skyway Paradise, CA 95969 (530) 872-1171

Spring Valley Elem. 2771 Pentz Rd. Oroville, CA 95965 (530) 533-3258

Wyandotte Ave Elementary School 2800 Wyandotte Ave. Oroville, CA 95965 (530) 532-3007

Palermo Independent Home Study Program 7350 Bulldog Way Palermo, CA 95968 (530) 533-5608

Palermo Community Day School 2775 Yard St. Palermo, CA 95968 (530) 538-4708

Independent Learning Center

Paradise Area Achieve Charter K-5 771 Elliott Rd. Paradise, CA 95969 (530) 872-4100

Cedarwood Elementary 6400 Columbine Rd. Magalia, CA 95954 (530) 873-3785

Children’s Community Charter School 6830 Pentz Rd. Paradise, CA 95969 (530) 877-2227

Evergreen 6 6th grade alternative 5665 Recreation Dr. Paradise, CA 95969 (530) 872-6370

622 Pearson Rd. Paradise, CA 95969 (530) 872-6440/872-6461

Pine Ridge School K-8

Paradise Charter Middle School 6473 Clark Rd. Paradise, CA 95969 (530) 877-7277

Paradise Elementary 588 Pearson Road Paradise, CA 95969 (530) 872-6415

Paradise High School 5911 Maxwell Dr. Paradise, CA 95969 (530) 872-6425

Paradise Intermediate

Pines Elementary 13878 Compton Dr. Magalia, CA 95954 (530) 873-3800 BUTTE COUNTY


13665 Old Skyway Magalia, CA 95954 (530) 872-6478

Special Services 6696 Clark Rd. Paradise, CA 95969 (530) 872-6400, Ext. 244

13835 W. Park Drive Magalia, CA 95954 (530) 873-3864

5657 Recreation Drive Paradise, CA 95969 (530) 872-6465


6593 Pentz Rd. Paradise, CA 95969 (530) 872-6470

Ridgeview High School

Stanford Avenue Elementary 1801 Stanford Ave. Oroville. CA 95966 (530) 532-3006

Ponderosa Elementary


2801 Chico (530)

Chico Adve

1859 Chico (530)


1137 Chico (530)


Outlying Area Bangor Elementary 7549 Oro Bangor Hwy. Bangor, CA 95914 (530) 679-2434

Berry Creek Elementary 286 Rockefeller Rd. Berry Creek, CA 95916 (530) 589-1633 ***

Contact your local school district office concerning special programs such as Charter, Magnet and home study.

3105 Chico (530)

Notre Catho

435 H Chico (530)

Schools Chico Champion Christian 1184 East Ave. Chico, CA 95926 (530) 345-8008



2801 Notre Dame Blvd. Chico, CA 95928 (530) 879-8989

Chico Oaks Adventist School

King’s Christian School




school ng spech as home

Progressive Schoolhouse 2400 Notre Dame Blvd. Chico, CA 95928 (530) 345-5665

Chico Christian

1859 Hooker Oak Ave. Chico, CA 95926 (530) 342-5043


13539 Garner Ln. Chico, CA 95973 (530) 343-2949

1137 Arbutus Ave. Chico, CA 95926 (530) 345-1377

Montessori Elem. 3105 Esplanade Chico, CA 95973 (530) 343-4308

Notre Dame Catholic School 435 Hazel Chico, CA 95928 (530) 342-2502


Paradise/ Magalia Cornerstone Christian School 6500 Clark Rd. Paradise, CA 95969 (530) 877-3532

Lighthouse Christian School

Butte College Child Development Center 3536 Butte Campus Dr. Oroville, CA 95965 (530) 895-2865

Butte County Mothers of Multiples Tina Dewey (530) 894-5123

1573 Bille Rd. Paradise, CA 95969 (530) 872-9029

Magalia Adventist School Feather River Adventist School 27 Cox Lane Oroville, CA 95965 (530) 533-8848

Oroville Christian School 3785 Olive Hwy Oroville, CA 95966 (530) 533-2888

St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic School 1380 Bird St. Oroville, CA 95965 (530) 534-6969

15204 Skyway Magalia, CA 95954 (530)873-9168 or 877-9405

Pines Academy 14098 Skyway Magalia, CA 95954 (530) 873-1412

Paradise Adventist Academy 5699 Academy Dr. Paradise, CA 95969 (530) 877-6540

Educational & Parenting Resources Butte County Library Literacy Services 1820 Mitchell Ave. Oroville, CA 95966 (530) 538-7198

Brislain Learning Center 2545 Ceanothus Ave. Chico, CA 95928 (530) 342-2567

Butte College 3536 Butte Campus Dr. Oroville, CA 95965 (530) 895-2511

Butte County Office of Education 1859 Bird Street Oroville, CA 95965 (530) 532-5763

(CAVE) Community Action Volunteers in Education, CSU Chico BMU 309 at CSU Chico Chico, CA 95929-0750 (530) 898-5817

Chico Speech and Language Center 2627 Forest Avenue Chico, CA 95928 (530) 894-0702

Child Development Classes (530) 895-2542

Corporate Training Group 2261 St. George Ln. Chico, CA 95926 (530) 342-2500 continues next page BUTTE COUNTY

Parenthood 33

S chools: Kindergarten-College


Pleasant Valley Baptist School

S chools: Kindergarten-College

Parenting & educational resources continued from page 33

Creative Apple 2201 Pillsbury Rd., Ste 170 Chico, CA 95926 (530) 345-0122

Kristin Leatherman, MS Raising Millionaire Babies 4 White Hall Pl. Chico, CA 95928 (530) 879-9126

Lyon Books & Learning Center 121 W. 5th Street Chico, CA 95928 (530) 891-3338

M.O.P.S. - Moms of Pre-Schoolers


Paradise Ridge Family Resource Ctr. 6249 Skyway Paradise, CA 95969 (530) 872-3896

Teen Parent Services 10 Independent Circle Chico, CA 95973 (530) 345-1600

Young Parent Program 290 East Ave. Chico, CA 95926 (530) 891-3094

Youth for ChangeEducational Services 7204 Skyway Paradise, CA 95969 (530) 872-2103

6491 Clark Road Paradise, CA 95969 (530) 877-7069

Marriage and Family Therapist

Wise Owl

(530) 345-7562

1038 Esplanade Chico, CA 95928 (530) 342-0444

Butte County Biggs 464 A B Street (530) 868-5724

Chico 1108 Sherman Ave. Corner of East First Ave.

(530) 891-2761

Durham 2545 Durham Dayton Hwy (530) 879-3835

Gridley 299 Spruce Street (530) 846-3323

Oroville 1820 Mitchell Ave. (530) 538-7641

Paradise 5922 Clark Road (530) 872-6319 34





Index of Advertisers Advantage Mobile Live Scan ..................19 Angel Baby ........................................19 Annie’s Country Cafe ..........................23 Baskin Robbins Ice Cream ....................17 Black Bear Diner..................................23 Borg, N. Michelle, DDS ........................29 Butte College Foster/Kinship..................36 CA Dept. of Social Services ..................16 Cal-Skate/Funland ..............................22 Casa de Paradiso ................................23 Champion Christian School ..................17 Chico Christian School ........................25 Comeback Diner ..................................23 Cozy Diner..........................................23 Feather River Hospital ..........................13 Frank Dodini Music Instruction ..............24 Green Baby Expo ..................................2 Immediate Care ..................................27 Italian Garden Restaurant ....................23 Joy Lyn’s Candies ................................27 Kalico Kitchen ....................................23 Kid’s Park ....................................16, 25 Kreative Beginnings ..............................6 Mountain Mike’s Pizza ..........................23 Nord Country School..............................5 North Woodwinds ................................28 Northern California Ballet ....................22 Oroville Adult Education ......................23 Papa Murphy ’s Pizza ............................23 Paradise Adventist Academy ....................9 Paradise Animal Shelter ........................29 Paradise Chamber of Commerce............13 Paradise Hearing & Balance ..................26 Paradise Midwifery ..............................22 P.U.S.D. ..............................................31 Ridge Physical Therapy .......................... 4 Round Table Pizza ..........................13, 23 Sacred Beginnings ..............................28 Second Time Around ............................24 Smokie Mtn. Restaurant ........................23 Subway Sandwiches..............................23 Tall Pines Entertainment Center ............23 Tomatis Photography ............................10 Triad ....................................................7 Valley Oak Children’s Services...............35 Youth & Family ....................................27 Youth 4 Change ..................................12

Paren Netwo

2070 Chico (530)

Sylvan Cente

1058 Chico (530)

•Call for a personalized list of childcare referrals •Enhanced child care referrals for children with special needs •Receive a Choosing Quality Child Care information brochure •Resources & referrals to other family— related services •Find out about State funded childcare services •Workshops & trainings for parents and child care professionals •Support & assistance for child care business start-up •A public toy, book, and activity Library •Child Care Food Program reimburses family child care providers for nutritious meals served. •Parent Voices a grassroots parent-led group advocating for improved quality and access to child care for all parents.

The Butte College Foster/Kinship Care Education Program Offers

Year Round Parent Education For the most up-to-date information, workshop schedules will be provided on our website. Hard copy workshop schedules are always available on site at:

The Butte College Foster/Kinship Care Education Training Center Program Director: Kathy Lovelace 2491 Carmichael Dr. Suite 300 Chico, CA 95928 (Off Park Ave. and behind “Original Pete’s Pizza-Pasta-Grill”)

All Trainings are FREE and Open to Anyone!!

Phone: 530-897-6235 Fax: 530-897-6242

For convenient access to the most current workshop information please bookmark or save to favorites the web page and check back often for updates and class schedules.

“The more we know, the more they grow”

☺☺☺ Choose Your Attitude AND Make It A Great Day!! ☺☺☺


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