Riverside Margazine August 1, 2011

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RIVERSIDE m ag a z i n e | a u g u s t- s e p t e m b e r 2 011

medical update

IE striving to meet health-care needs our town

Arlington Heights’ big appeal outdoors

Slide along the treetops Climbing Everest FOOD

Getcha’ grill on! — with Allan Borgen Table for Two

t r As

Riverside has a ball


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You’ve got things to do. People to see. What you don’t need are a bunch of  trips all over town, seeing to your family’s health needs. That’s why, for 75 years, busy moms have always counted on Riverside Medical Clinic. ?PMZM aW]ÂźTT Ă… VL R][\ IJW]\ M^MZa\PQVO I J][a UWU IVL PMZ NIUQTa VMML ]VLMZ WVM ZWWN )VL VW\ R][\ JWIZL KMZ\QĂ… ML XPa[QKQIV[ QV M^MZa\PQVO NZWU 7* /A6 IVL XMLQI\ZQK[ \W KIZLQWTWOa IVL OI[\ZWMV\MZWTWOa *]\ ITT \PM ` ZIa[ IVL \M[\[ IVL TIJ _WZS I[ _MTT <PI\ [I^M[ MVMZOa <PI\ [I^M[ \QUM )VL _M JW\P SVW_ PW_ QUXWZ\IV\ [I^QVO \QUM Q[ NWZ aW] ;W OQ^M ][ I KITT IVL [I^M aW]Z PIZL MIZVML PW]Z[ NWZ UWZM QUXWZ\IV\ \PQVO[ 4QSM VIX[ IVL QKM KZMIU :Q^MZ[QLM5MLQKIT+TQVQK KWU ÂŒ !









a u g u s t- s e p t e m b e r 2 011  •   VO L UME 4 , I SSUE 4




The Mayor’s Ball for the Ar ts unites the ar ts community and suppor ters for an evening of fun, and an oppor tunity to help.

20 50 66



Meet Kira Klatchko, a rising star at Best Best & Krieger.


medical update

In Arlington Heights, orange trees are the main attraction.

Hospitals, universities and developers in and around Riverside face changing health-care needs in a fast-growing community.




Benedict Castle, Canyon Crest Country Club and the Mission Inn Hotel & Spa are wonderful locations for both ceremony and reception.



where to tie the knot



It’s summer, a great time to invite friends and family for a meal. Allan Borgen has five suggestions for your next barbecue par ty.

DEPARTMENTS From the editor 6; Mission & Market 8; Hot list and calendar 16; Dining guide 72; Seens 76, 78-81; Nonprofit calendar 80

Ride through the treetops during an exhilarating zip-line adventure. Veteran mountain climber makes it to the top of the world. Three sisters have created a unique dining experience at Table for Two.


Customers come from far and wide for a pie from Mommie Helen’s Bakery.

On the cover Joseph Moore and Shanti Ryle Photo by Gabriel Luis Acosta Makeup by Dani Tygr





Start your weekend off the right way with Morongo’s Fantastic Fridays! Great deals throughout the entire resort like $5 appetizers* and $5 Happy Hour drinks!** Morongo is a 4-Diamond Resort, Spa & Casino with over 2,000 slot machines and 100 Vegas style table games. Morongo has everything you need for a perfect escape! It’s always a good time at Morongo!







from the editor

Since last we met …


ummers. I thought they were supposed to be laid-back — you know, afternoons at the park, Saturdays at the beach, and a week-long vacation get-away sometime between Memorial Day and Labor Day. Not this summer. Sure, work and/or summer school always have been big parts of the schedule. After all, this isn’t one of those European countries with a reputation for shutting down for an entire month. But in 2011, if you’re fortunate enough to have a job, productivity expectations are up. What was good enough last year won’t cut it now. And if you’re looking for a job, you’re likely working longer hours than ever trying to find that next position. The result: We’re just too busy to really enjoy the summer. The late, great Nat King Cole in 1963 sang a rousing tune about “Those Lazy Hazy Crazy Days of Summer” — perfect for the time, but I’m not so sure that applies anymore. Unemployment is edging up again, as are gas prices. Lockouts were called in the NFL and the NBA. There’s more discord than there has been in a long time in Washington, D.C. And while we witnessed less of a ruckus in Sacramento than we’ve seen in years during the state budget negotiations, the result was a plan in which higher education suffered a huge hit. That’s never a smart idea. So here we are, in the dog days of summer leading into the early days of fall. A time of transition. From kids enjoying their break from homework to getting ready to go back to school. From baseball to football. From hot to ... well, less hot. In this issue, we’ve assembled several options for fun late-summer outings. The California Citrus State Historic Park is a wonderful place to spend an afternoon, walking among the citrus trees and learning about Riverside’s heritage. Adventurous types may satisfy their need for thrills by gliding through the treetops on a new zip-line experience in Wrightwood. And for those who want to stay home and entertain guests, some barbecue tips from restaurant writer Allan Borgen. There’s plenty more inside, and we invite you to explore it all. While the times today may not be like “those days of soda and pretzels and beer” that Cole sang about, it is still summer. Slow down just a little. There’s plenty to enjoy.

Jerry Rice jerry.rice@riversidethemag.com, 909-386-3015 www.facebook.com/riversidemagazine

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Fred H. Hamilton PUBLISHER & CEO

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6 | riversidethemag.com | august-september 2011


v o l u m e 4 , iss u e 4 b r o u g ht t o y o u b y :


FOX Performing Arts Center

Riverside, California

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mission&market Ta l e s o f t h e c i t y b r i e f ly t o l d

YWCA’s Nautilus has special meaning Written by Amy Bentley

The nautilus is a beautiful creature with a multi-chambered coiled shell. It’s also the symbol of an award given to outstanding local women by the YWCA of Riverside County. The organization’s 28th annual Women of Achievement awards luncheon, set for Sept. 15 at the Riverside Convention Center, will recognize seven women: Beverly Bailey, CEO of Stronghold Engineering in Riverside; Donna Dahl, assistant director of programs for the Riverside County Mental Health Department; Cyndi Monroe, founder and artistic director of Christian Arts and Theatre in Corona; Dr. Sandra W. Paniagua, a pediatrician with Kaiser Permanente/Riverside Medical Center; Lea Petersen, public affairs manager with the Southern California Gas Company; Karin Roberts, director of the Riverside chapter of Habitat for Humanity; and Ruth Wier Prystash, a special education teacher with the Riverside County Office of Education. Dr. Pamela Clute Dr. Pamela Clute, a past award recipient who is UC Riverside’s assistant vice provost, came up with the idea for the award to be a nautilus shell. Clute chaired the Women of Achievement steering committee 27 years ago when the nautilus was selected as the symbol. Nautilus means “sailor” in Latin. It’s a mollusk that has adapted to the powerful, changing sea for 450 million years, protected by a complex shell. When the shell is split in half, “it reveals characteristics symbolic of women who achieve,” said Clute. “The spiral symbolizes the constant growing, evolving and renewing of women who achieve. “The multiple chambers inside the shell provide a home and a transportation system for the animal. These chambers symbolize the many dimensions and many talents of women who achieve. The nautilus adds new chambers throughout its lifetime to accommodate growth. Women who achieve add new dimensions and talents throughout their lifetimes as they strive for their goals.” Information: 951-687-9922, www.ywcariverside.org


| riversidethemag.com | august-september 2011

Food on wheels The food trucks are coming! On Sept. 3, up to 12,000 foodies, friends and families are expected to attend the inaugural Riverside Food Truck Festival. It will be a rare treat, considering food trucks are normally banned in Riverside County. Riverside Councilman Paul Davis got the wheels rolling on the festival after he attended a similar event in June at Citizens Business Bank Arena in Ontario with other government officials. Forty to 50 trucks will be serving a variety of foods, from gourmet and fusion to comfort foods. There also will be a sports zone with former and current NFL players signing autographs plus three live bands. Davis hopes the festival will become a Labor Day weekend tradition. He is sponsoring it as a private resident, not a politician, with support from county Supervisor Bob Buster. The festival will be a fundraiser for three local nonprofits: the Asian Pacific Lunar Festival, Riverside County Prevent Child Abuse and the Riverside Arts Council. Riverside Food Truck Festival Downtown Riverside, along Third Street between Market and Orange Sept. 3, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. (general admission at 11 a.m.) $25 for VIP tickets (with early admission at 10 a.m. and a special tent with goodies), general admission $8 in advance or $10 at the door. Food sold separately. 951-453-3548, www.riversidefoodfest.com

Big appetite, big heart A Great Dane affectionately known as Queen Anne was spared from euthanization a year ago, and later gave

birth to 10 puppies at the Mary S. Roberts Pet Adoption Center. All of the pups were adopted by loving families, and many of them returned recently for a first birthday party. The celebration got us thinking about the breed, known to eat 40 pounds of dog food a month. At the pet adoption center, 16 purebred Danes have been adopted out during the last two years. Ten of those were Queen Anne’s puppies. The biggest misconception is that they are aggressive. While some of them may be,

Back to school tips Summer vacation is winding down to a precious few days. Since high school can be intimidating for freshmen, we asked for some suggestions for students and parents. Wade Coe, the principal at Poly High School; Susan Mills, the principal at Ramona High School; and Gabrielle Zlaket, a counselor at Arlington High School; answered the call: • Freshmen students and their parents should attend registration together to get the right information regarding school policies, such as the dress code and the use of electronics. • Students who belong to a club or sport are more successful. Find one that appeals to you and join. • Students should come to school prepared to learn, with a notebook, all other necessary materials and a positive attitude. • Every successful student needs help at some time, so be sure to ask for it when you need it. Teachers, counselors and administrators are all ready to help.

that’s generally not the case, according to our friends at the nonprofit center. “They are referred to as gentle giants as they are very large dogs with a very loving disposition,” says Aimee Hoesman, operations manager. “The benefits of owning this breed is that they are normally considered kid-friendly if raised with children properly. You have what most people consider a guard dog, but you know you own a giant ‘love bug.’” For photos from the birthday party, turn to Page 79. For more information, visit www.petsadoption.com.

Photo by Al Cuizon

august-september 2011 | riversidethemag.com | 9

the arts

Winning combination At the Mayor’s Ball for the Arts, guests enjoy a night of fun and also help the community Wr it te n by Lu a nne J . H unt Photos by G a br iel Luis Acost a a nd K ha i Lee


T’S AMAZING how one night of fun and festivities can do so much good in the community, says Patrick Brien, executive director of the Riverside Arts Council. He’s referring to the 33rd Mayor’s Ball for the Arts, a celebration returning Sept. 17 to historic White Park in downtown Riverside. Since its humble beginnings in 1977, the Mayor’s Ball has helped hundreds of arts and communitybased organizations, and tens of thousands of Riverside residents have been the beneficiaries. “It brings all of the major arts groups and supporters to one place at one time — and that doesn’t happen anywhere else,” said Riverside Mayor Ron Loveridge, who has attended every ball, including the ones before he became mayor in 1994. “You’re celebrating Riverside as the city of arts and innovation, and it’s really a fun evening.” The theme this year is “Nightlife — Beyond the Velvet Rope,” and Brien promises a “very classy and stylish” evening. White Park will be sectioned into four areas that resemble

famous nightclubs: the Cotton Club, Rainbow Room, The Sands and Studio 54. Guests are invited to come in attire that corresponds to the various themes of the nightclubs, but it’s OK if they don’t. “In the past, participants were asked to come in costume and decorate their tables to compete for prizes,” Brien said. “From the feedback we received, some people thought that was too much work. Now they can come and just enjoy all the wonderful things we have to offer.” Along with free hors d’oeuvres and food samplings from local restaurants, there will be a big band, as well as a solo vocalist and DJ. “People are extremely excited about what we’ve got planned,” Brien said. “And we’re really hoping that in changing things up, we will gather more funds to support an even greater number of programs.” Mayor’s Ball for the Arts White Park, Riverside 5-10 p.m. Sept. 17 $50 per person; $500 for a group of 10; $550 for reserved tables for 10 951-680-1345, www.riversidear tscouncil.com

On the cover Joseph Moore and Shanti Ryle, who recently spent an afternoon helping us illustrate a preview for the 33rd Mayor’s Ball for the Ar ts, have compiled some impressive credits during their young careers. Last summer, Moore was par t of the pre-opening celebration of the Culver Center of the Ar ts when he performed in the 3 Theatre Group production of “The Merchant of Venice,” directed by UC Riverside professor Robin Russin. Ryle, who performs in community theater productions in her hometown of Temecula, appeared in the independent film “Jack the Reaper,” which was named best horror/sci-fi film at the Cannes Independent Film Festival in May. She was named Teen Miss Temecula in 2008, and this fall will attend Southern Oregon University in Ashland, where she will major in theater.

RIVERSIDE • LONG BEACH and SAN DIEGO august-september 2011 | riversidethemag.com | 11

MAYOR’S BALL BENEFITS PACKAGE The Mayor’s Ball for the Arts lived up to its name once again last year, raising funds to help arts and other local organizations through the Community Arts Partnership grant program. More than 40,000 Riverside residents have enjoyed amenities at least partially paid for by proceeds from the Mayor’s Ball. Here’s a sampling from the 2010-11 CAP program: Riverside Community Players At a glance: RCP has been serving the community and providing quality, affordable theater every season since 1925, making it one of the oldest continually operating community theaters in the United States. CAP grant funds were used to provide reimbursement for transpor tation costs incurred when schools bring students to the Family Series School Shows at the theater. Mitigating these costs makes it easier, and in some cases even possible, for the schools to provide students the oppor tunity to see live theater. Benefit amount: $1,500

Art Works at Jefferson Transitional Programs At a glance: The mission of Ar t Works is to educate and empower individuals who carry a mental health diagnosis through the use of creative ar ts for wellness and recovery, vocational suppor t, peer-driven wellness and anti-stigma outreach. The project for which JTP received funding is Peers + Plus, a lecture and exhibition series that showcases contemporary ar t and culture projects in collaboration with peer ar tists from the Inland Empire. Benefit amount: $1,500

Riverside Dickens Festival At a glance: The Dickens Festival is a series of literary events and performances, as well as workshops, lectures, exhibits, a street bazaar and costume ball all designed to celebrate the life and work of Charles Dickens. The festival’s proposal centered around funding for the continuation of “Oliver’s Alley.” The highly successful festival component offers children a unique entry into the Dickensian world, featuring games of that era, a nationally renowned storyteller and special performances, all free of charge. Benefit amount: $1,500


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| riversidethemag.com | august-september 2011

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Riverside Community Arts Association At a glance: RCAA is a membership gallery open to ar tists from throughout the Inland Empire. It promotes the ar ts through exhibits and educational projects in schools, libraries and other cultural organizations. The project for which they requested funding is a cultural exchange with Jiangmen, China, featuring work by that city’s professional ar tists, as well as children. Benefit amount: $1,000

Riverside Museum Associates At a glance: The Riverside Metropolitan Museum is a center for learning and a community museum that collects, exhibits and interprets cultural and natural history, offering an understanding and appreciation of the region’s legacy. The Riverside Museum Associates is the nonprofit wing of this municipal entity. First Sundays is a series of programs providing families with free oppor tunities to par ticipate in hands-on ar t activities. The grant focused on the museum’s First Sundays programming. Benefit amount: $1,500

UCR ARTSblock At a glance: Composed of the UCR/ California Museum of Photography, Sweeney Ar t Gallery and Culver Center of the Ar ts, UCR ARTSblock works to bring ambitious ar t exhibits and events to not only Riverside, but Southern California. Funding was requested for suppor t of the podcast series, showcasing current exhibitions, collections and educational programming. Benefit amount: $1,000 — Patrick Brien

The Riverside County Philharmonic and Music Director Tomasz Golka Present



Musical Explorations 2011-2012 Season ~ Fox Performing Arts Center

October 15, 2011 ~ 7:30pm “La mer, la valse, la passion!”

January 7, 2012 ~ 7:30pm “All Aboard the Orient Express”

March 10, 2012 ~ 7:30pm “Long Live Romanticism!”

May 19, 2012 ~ 7:30pm “Heroes of the People”

Guest Artist Peter Soave, bandoneón

Featuring Stars of the Riverside County Philharmonic

Guest Artist Gary Hoffman, cello

Guest Artist Roman Rabinovich, piano

Kilstofte, Piazzolla, Debussy, Ravel

Bartok, Haydn, Weber, J. Strauss, Offenbach/Binder

Brahms, Schoenberg, Dvorak

Wagner, Prokofiev, Sibelius

For season ticket information please contact the Riverside County Philharmonic at 951-787-0251. Dates, times, locations, artists and programs are subject to change. august-september 2011 | riversidethemag.com | 13



Brava & Riverside Ballet Arts October: Ballet Theater, Aurea Vista Hotel and Grand Ballroom Dec. 16: “Ar t for the Hear t,” children’s outreach performance, Emerson and Bryant elementary schools Dec. 17-18: “David Allan’s The Nutcracker,” Landis Performing Ar ts Center, 4800 Magnolia Ave., Riverside; 800-870-6069, www.brava-ar ts.org California Riverside Ballet Dec. 8-11: “The Nutcracker,” Fox Performing Ar ts Center, 951-787-7850, www.crballet.com Performance Riverside Sept. 23-Oct. 2: “Oklahoma!” Rodgers & Hammerstein’s first collaboration remains, in many ways, their most innovative, having set the standards and established rules of musical theatre still being followed today. Nov. 4-13: Broadway on Tour Jan. 27-Feb. 5: “My Fair Lady” April 13-22: Show TBA June 1-10: “Chicago” Landis Performing Ar ts Center; 951-222-8100, www.performanceriverside.org Riverside Children’s Theatre Oct. 1: “Annie” preview performance, Riverside Plaza Oct. 14-15, 21-22: “Annie,” Ramona High School, www.riversidechildrenstheatre.org Riverside Community Players Sept. 9-25: “Moon over Buffalo” Nov. 11-27: “Same Time, Next Year” Jan. 20-Feb. 5: “Doubt, A Parable”

March 23-April 8: “Cliffhanger” May 11-27: “Machiavelli” July 6-22: “Something’s Afoot” Riverside Community Players Theater, 4026 14th St., Riverside; 951-686-4030, www.riversidecommunityplayers.com Riverside Concert Band Sept. 10: Richard M. Nixon Presidential Library & Museum, 12:30 p.m. Oct. 9: The Meadows Mobile Home Park, 2:30 p.m. Nov. 11: Riverside National Cemetery, 9:30 a.m. Dec. 3: Colton Seventh Day Adventist Church, 6 p.m. Dec. 6: La Sierra Senior Center, 7 p.m. www.riversideconcer tband.org Riverside County Philharmonic Oct. 15: Season opener, “La mer, la valse, la passion!” featuring guest ar tist Peter Soave Jan. 7: All Aboard the Orient Express March 10: Long Live Romanticism! May 19: Heroes of the People Fox Theater, Riverside; 7:30 p.m., 951-787-0251, www.thephilharmonic.org. Riverside Dickens Festival Sept. 10: Dressing for Dickens workshop, Barnes & Noble, 1 p.m. Oct. 8: We’re Having A Ball at the Dickens Festival workshop and demonstrations, Barnes & Noble, 1 p.m. Oct. 12-Jan. 4: Victorian dance lessons, All Saints Episcopal Church Nov. 12: A Visit With Mr. Dickens and Mr. Pickwick, plus a book fair,

Barnes & Noble, 1 p.m. Dec. 10: A Visit With Queen Victoria, Barnes & Noble, 1 p.m. Dec. 19: “A Christmas Carol,” with Gerald Dickens, Charles Dickens’ great, great grandson, 2 p.m. at the Riverside Marriott, 8 p.m. at Riverside Community Players Theater Jan. 6: Mr. Pickwick’s Pub Night, dinner and enter tainment Jan. 7: Mr. Fezziwig’s Ball, Riverside Convention Center Jan. 7-8: 19th annual Riverside Dickens Festival, 951-781-3168, www.dickensfest.com Riverside Lyric Opera Nov. 11, 13: “A Flowering Tree,” based on a folktale from the Kannada language of southern India, Culver Center of the Ar ts, 951-781-9561, www.riversidelyricopera.org Riverside Master Chorale Dec. 3-4: Carmina Burana (location and time TBA) May 5: Temecula Chorale Festival (location and time TBA) May 6: Mostly Mozar t, Eden Lutheran Church, 4 p.m., 951-784-3604, www.riversidemasterchorale.com. Riverside Youth Theatre Nov. 11-20: “Into the Woods” March 2-11: “Bring on the Contemporary: Sondheim, Fosse & Brown” July 19-29: “West Side Story” CrossWinds Theater, 29263 Ironwood Ave., Moreno Valley 951-756-4240, www.riversideyouththeatre.org


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hot list

DOWNTOWN FARMERS MARKET ONGOING  –  Fresh fruits, vegetables, flowers and more. Downtown, Main Street between Fifth and Sixth streets, Riverside; 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturdays; 951-826-2434. BRAD STANDLEY AND THE FOXLIES AUG. 5  –  Opening of the Riverside Ar t Museum’s Rooftop Club, where Broadway-style talent and SoCal musicians will perform. Dine on selections from Phood on Main (extra charge). Riverside Ar t Museum, 3425 Mission Inn Ave.; 8 p.m.; $25 at the door, $20 in advance; 951-684-7111, www.riversidear tmuseum.org/rooftop. Also: Movie Soundtrack Cabaret, Aug. 12; The Young Guns (1980s music), Aug. 19; Live jazz, Aug. 26. MOVIES ON MAIN AUG. 11  –  “Toy Story 3” projected on a large outdoor screen. Bring your chair and enjoy a free movie. Music by Cadillac Phil. Main Street, between University and Mission Inn Avenue; 7 p.m. live enter tainment, 8 p.m. movie screening; free; www.riversidedowntown.org. Also: “Nanny McPhee Returns,” Aug. 18; “Tangled,” Aug. 25.


“Rainbow Spiral” THROUGH SEPT. 19  –  New York-based curator Margaret Mathews-Berenson presents a treasure trove of works from RAM’s permanent collection, celebrating the California landscape through images. Riverside Art Museum, 3425 Mission Inn Ave.; 951-684-7111, www.riversideartmuseum.org. Also: “Washes and Layers: The Life and Art of Don O’Neill,” through Sept. 19; Roger White and Josh Blackwell, two emerging contemporary artists with works that deal with the artistic transformation of common objects, through Sept. 22; “Zoom,” featuring works by Riverside native and contemporary artist Angela Beloian, through Sept. 30.

CHINESE MOON FESTIVAL SEPT. 11  –  Eighth annual event will feature a lion dance performance, games, crafts, storytelling and more. Heritage House, 8193 Magnolia Ave., Riverside; 6 p.m.; free; 951-826-5124.

calendar ‘TWISTED SELVES’ THROUGH AUG. 27  –  Works by contemporary ar tists who depict the human body in altered, unexpected and disorienting ways. UCR/California Museum of Photography, 3824 Main St., Riverside; 951-827-4787, http://cmp.ucr.edu. Also: “River Run,” photographs from Sant Khalsa’s 20-year journey with the Santa Ana River, through Aug. 13. ‘THE GREAT PICTURE’ THROUGH OCT. 8  –  The world’s largest photograph and The Legacy Project, an exhibition that tells the tale of the successful campaign to make the world’s largest camera and photograph. Panel discussion with Tyler 16

| riversidethemag.com | august-september 2011

Stallings and others on the making of “The Great Picture,” Oct. 8. Culver Center of the Ar ts, 3834 Main St., Riverside; 951-827-4290, http://culvercenter.ucr.edu. Also: Film screenings, “Another Year,” Aug. 5-6; “My Winnipeg,” Aug. 12-13; “Sweetie,” Aug. 19-20; “Last Train Home,” Aug. 26-27; “The Woodmans,” Sept. 2-3; “Even the Rain,” Sept. 9-10; “A Screaming Man,” Sept. 16-17. Exhibits, “Jeff & Gordon, Automatic Dialogue Replacement,” Oct. 29-Dec. 11.

‘BEYOND CRAFT’ THROUGH NOV. 13  –  Basketry, beadwork, quilts and ceramics — created by American Indian women ar tists — have been transformed from functional uses into works of ar t while retaining tribal traditions. 3580 Mission Inn Ave.; 951-826-5273, www.riversideca.gov/museum.

THE PROMENADE SHOPS THROUGH OCT. 25  –  Surfin’ Safari Beach Boys tribute, Aug. 6; Tuesday Farm & Ar tisan Market, through Oct. 25. The Promenade Shops at Dos Lagos, 2780 Cabot Drive,

RIVERSIDE PLAZA ONGOING  CONCERTS–  Riverside Plaza, Central and Riverside avenues; most concer ts 7-9 p.m.; 951-683-1066, ext. 113, www.shopriversideplaza.com.

Corona; 951-277-7601, www.promenadeshopsatdoslagos.com.

CANYON CREST TOWNE CENTRE AUGUST  –  Eddie Would Tow (surf music), Aug. 2; Factory Tuned, Aug. 9; The Night Tides (surf ), Aug. 16; Common Ground (Gospel), Aug. 23; The Relics (rock ’n’ roll), Aug. 30. Canyon Crest Towne Centre, 5225 Canyon Crest Drive, Riverside; 951-686-1222, www.cctownecentre.com. LAKE ALICE TRADING COMPANY AUGUST  –  Natural Heights, Aug. 3; A Little On the Side, Aug. 5; 90 Proof, Aug. 6; Coleslaw, Aug. 10; ’80s Rewind, Aug. 12-13; Skin Trade, Aug. 17; Rotus, Aug. 19; Woody & The Harrelsons, Aug. 20; Science Fiction Jazz, Aug. 24; Little George & The Big Time, Aug. 26; Lollapaloozers, Aug. 27; Natural Heights, Aug. 31. 3616 University Ave., Riverside; 951-686-7343, www.lakealicetradingco.com. RHYTHM OF RIVERSIDE AUG. 3  –  La Internacional Sonora Show. Also, four par ticipants from the Riverside Sings! competition will perform, and audience members decide who moves on to the final concer t on Aug. 10. Fairmount Park band shell, 2601 Fairmount Blvd., Riverside; free; 6 p.m.; www.riversideca.gov/park_rec. Also: Red Carpet Riot (Top 40 music), Aug. 10. FINDING YOUR WAY IN THE SKY AUG. 5  –  An introduction to the patterns and history of the constellations. Learn to navigate your way through the sky. Dixon Planetarium, Riverside City College, 4800 Magnolia Ave.; 7 p.m.; $2.50-$5; 951-222-8090. CHELSEA HANDLER AUG. 6  –  Stand-up comedy from the humorist, TV host, and best-selling author. Pechanga Resor t & Casino, 45000 Pechanga Parkway, near Temecula; 877-711-2946, www.pechanga.com. Also: Go Go’s, Berlin, Aug. 20; Alan Jackson, Aug. 25; Daughtry, Sept. 2; Diana Ross, Sept. 11; Merle Haggard and Kris Kristofferson, Oct. 8-9; Bowzer’s Ultimate Doo Wop Par ty Volume II, Oct. 15. BILLY RAY CYRUS AUG. 6  –  In concer t to suppor t his new CD, “I’m American.” Par ty following the show. Agua Caliente Casino Resor t Spa, 32-250 Bob Hope Drive, Rancho Mirage; 888-999-1995, www.hotwatercasino.com. Also: Miranda Lamber t, Aug. 21; Train, Sept. 16. ULTIMATE JAZZ FESTIVAL AUG. 6-7  –  Third annual event, this time at a new location. Saturday: Tony! Toni! Tone!, saxophonist Shilts, Urban Jazz Coalition, guitarist Nick Colionne, R&B group Pieces of a Dream with Ramona Dunlap, and old school funkateers Cameo. Sunday: flutist Althea Rene, saxophonist Jessy J, guitarist

‘MATERIAL, ETHEREAL’ THROUGH OCT. 10  –  Ar tists Cheryl Nickel and May-ling Mar tinez explore the relationship with science, technology, the immaterial and the spiritual. Opening reception, 6:30 p.m. Aug. 17. Brandstater Gallery, La Sierra University, 4500 Riverwalk Parkway, Riverside; free; 951-785-2959.

Jeff Golub, saxophonist Euge Groove and the soulful sounds of Keith Sweat. Guasti Regional Park, 800 N. Archibald Ave., Ontario; $45 general admission, $160 VIP; 800-595-4849, www.theultimatejazzfestival.com. CONCERTS ON THE CASTLE GREEN AUG. 7-28  –  Concer ts every Sunday during the month. Band of Brothers (classic rock) and car show, Aug. 7; Imisi (a touch of the islands), Aug. 14; Sozo (jazz orchestra), Aug. 21; Vanessa Jourdan, Aug. 28. Teen Challenge, 5445 Chicago Ave., Riverside; 6 p.m.; 951-682-8990. Also: Top sirloin barbecue, Sept. 24. MY PLAY CLUB AUG. 20  –  A play date on the third Saturday of each month for children with and without disabilities, designed to promote inclusion and break down barriers. The day’s activities will include enter tainment, face-painting and refreshments. Free registration. Hosted by The Arc of Riverside County. Fairmount Park, Riverside; 10:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.; 951-688-5141, ext. 225, or email mbaldwin@arcriverside.org. TANK AUG. 20  –  Concer t featuring the modern R&B ar tist, known for vivid storytelling and sensual love songs. Avant, the acclaimed singer/songwriter who has been dubbed “the new voice of ghetto soul,” also performs. Fox Performing Ar ts Center, 3801 Mission Inn Ave., 951-779-9800, www.foxriversidelive.com. Also: Peter Frampton’s “Frampton Comes

Alive!” Aug. 3; Kenny Loggins, Sept. 17; Jon Secada, Sept. 24; Leon Russell, Sept. 29; “Forever Plaid,” Oct. 7-8; Anjelah Johnson, Oct. 14; Riverside County Philharmonic, Oct. 15; Howie Mandell, Nov. 11; “Smokey Joe’s Cafe,” Nov. 18-19; Masters of Harmony, Dec. 4. RIVERSIDE MASTER CHORALE AUG. 25-27  –  New member auditions. Riverside City College, Music Room 105, 4800 Magnolia Ave.; 951-784-3604, www.riversidemasterchorale.com. THE THRILL LIVES ON AUG. 27  –  California Riverside Ballet commemorates the song “Thriller” by Michael Jackson. Location TBA; 951-787-7850, www.crballet.com. FASHION’S NIGHT OUT SEPT. 8  –  Third annual fashion and shopping extravaganza, presented by the Ar t Institute of California Inland Empire. Event features fashion, beauty and cultural ar ts from downtown Riverside retailers. Local restaurants and ar t galleries also will join the celebration with event specials and guest designer appearances. Downtown Riverside; 5-11 p.m.; www.fashionsnightout.com. RIVERSIDE MARIACHI FESTIVAL SEPT. 24  –  Festival celebrating Hispanic culture and Mariachi music. Fairmount Park, 2601 Fairmount Blvd., Riverside; 3 p.m.; free; 951-826-2000, www.riversideca.gov/park_rec. august-september 2011 | riversidethemag.com | 17

Pharaoh’s Adventure Park 1101 N. California Street, Redlands 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. Daily • 909-335-7275 www.pharaohsadventurepark.com

Splash into fun


hrill-seekers of all ages are in for unlimited fun this summer now that Pharaoh’s Adventure Park in Redlands has fully re-opened for business. The water and amusement park that opened in 1996 closed in 2006 for a re-organization and only briefly re-opened in 2010 for a limited season.

The park’s president, Dave Simon, says the entire entertainment park is better than ever and IS BACK to its original focus of bringing wholesome, family entertainment to the Inland Empire. It offers everything from The IE’s Only waterpark, Splash Kingdom, to a Fun park that includes go-karts, mini-golf, water bumper boats and the all new inflatable fun town for kids of all ages! “We just couldn’t be happier to provide this type of entertainment to families again,” said Simon. “And there’s literally something here for everyone. It’s really a great value all the way around.” While there’s much to enjoy at Pharaoh’s Adventure Park, the water attractions in Splash Kingdom are by far the most popular attraction during the warmer weather.

Those who truly love adventure won’t want to miss Pharaoh’s Revenge, a two-person, inline tube ride that reaches speeds of 40 mph and concludes with a 20-foot splash down run out. If that’s not enough to send one’s heart racing, there’s always Pharaoh’s Falls Free Fall, a single-person body slide that takes the rider through a tunnel leading to a 70-foot free fall. Other water slide attractions include: The Nile River, The Riptide Surf Pool, The Flusher, Fantasy Island, The Tower of Kings, The aNILEator, The Wrath of Ra, Ramses Rocket-Speed Slide, The Lost Galaxy, The Sphinx Express, and The Forgotten Lagoon. “Moms really love the splash pool areas like Fantasy Island because they can sit in the lounge chairs and keep an eye on their kids,” said Simon. “The Nile River is popular, too. It’s a great attraction that the whole family can float on at the same time.” In between water slide rides, sports fans can take a break in the Upperdeck Lounge. According to Simon, it is one of the biggest and best sports lounges in the Inland Empire. Fans can watch everything from pro football games to Major League Baseball to Nascar and the NBA. The action is seen on five,

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15-foot HD projection screens, and one 35-foot screen. “The great thing about the sports lounge is that it has leather couch premium seating along with table and stool seating throughout,” said Simon. “That makes it possible to see all the screens from just about anywhere you sit. It’s a phenomenal viewing experience and everyone who comes in for the first time says it’s like something out of Vegas.” Beyond the sports lounge the waterpark and the family fun park, Pharaoh’s Adventure Park boasts a large video arcade with air hockey, games of chance and redemption and other competitive games. There’s also token gaming that allows customers to win great prizes.

The buffet and park facilities also host a great many Birthday parties. “We believe we have the best birthday entertainment facility anywhere with the multiple attractions, Arcade and the all new grand pizza buffet. We have special birthday party rooms, additional large HD screens for all the family and kids to view in the main dining room. Birthday packages start at an affordable $14.99 per person,” says Simon. Inside and upstairs of the of the main building Pharaoh’s has available large banquet rooms that can seat up to 400 people for groups, corporations, chamber mixers, proms, reunions, meetings and other events. Season passes to Pharaoh’s Adventure Park are available and include unlimited access to the water park, mini-golf and bumper boat rides. Simon says rates may vary and can be found at the park’s website, www.pharaohsadventurepark.com Splash down to unlimited family fun…at the ultimate water playground and the IE’s greatest summer destination!

While Simon says patrons will never run out of fun at the park, they will most likely need to rest and refuel on some fine food at the Grand Pizza Buffet. The buffet is stocked daily with a number of fresh salads, soups, potato bar, pasta, nachos, and 10 varieties of pizza. For dessert, there are cakes, cookies, soft serve ice cream and other sweet treats. The cost is $9.99 for General Admission and $6.99 for junior admission, 48 inches tall and under. p r o m o t i o n

WE are Back!!

Riverside Community Hospital



Riverside County Regional Medical Center


| riversidethemag.com | august-september 2011

Wr it te n by J er r y R ice


Kaiser Permanente Riverside Medical Center

Riverside Medical Clinic

Nearly a million new residents are stretching medical providers … Prescriptions that may lead to a cure are already being written

he Inland Empire’s health-care system is ailing. It’s a diagnosis made after consulting many specialists, even for second opinions. The condition was reached after years of growth — the two-county area added 970,000 residents in the past decade — while not enough has been done to meet increasing medical needs, observers say. “There’s a general shortage of health care in the region,” said David Stewart, dean of the School of Business Administration and the A. Gary Anderson Graduate School of Management at UC Riverside. “There’s a huge, huge shortage of primary-care physicians, and a shortage of many of the specialties as well. “And when you don’t have the physicians, you don’t have the pressure being placed on agencies, private companies — what have you — to build more facilities.” Some of the potential pressure on local hospitals and health-care providers has been alleviated by the transient nature of IE residents. Tens of thousands fill the 91, 60 and 10 freeways every weekday en route to job sites in Orange and Los Angeles counties, making it much more convenient for them to schedule medical appointments in offices closer to the workplace. Stewart has heard estimates that as many as four in 10 IE residents who have medical insurance or the means to pay for their own health care see doctors out of the area. “That means the dollars that might otherwise stay in the region and go toward building more facilities are in fact leaving and going elsewhere,” he said. “We tend to treat more of the indigent and uninsured here, and they’re simply unable to pay what’s necessary to facilitate the building of additional facilities.” august-september 2011 | riversidethemag.com | 21

Better-connected to good health


ith more people online and electronically connected than ever before, Riverside Medical Clinic is taking advantage by launching My Healthy Connection, a software program that creates a seamless link between doctors, nurses, staffers and patients — and key health-care information. Patients may check test results from home or review a bill at anytime of the day or night. Physicians may send prescription orders to pharmacies or remotely check patient chart information. “It gives patients the tools to better manage their own health care,” said Craig Hunter, vice president of information technology for Riverside Medical Clinic and the program’s co-sponsor with Lynette Anthony,

vice president of business operations. “We try to have one-stop shopping for our patients,” Anthony said. “We want to make sure we have all the bells and whistles we need to provide the kind of care they need.” The integrated software system was scheduled to go live Aug. 1 on the clinic’s website, riversidemedicalclinic.com. It is expected to enhance physicians’ ability to provide quality care by having information immediately available to them and allowing them to connect patient health information to other providers electronically. The project started in 2008 when RMC started researching software vendors, eventually choosing Wisconsin-based EPIC Computer Systems. The goal

New and improved To be sure, new hospitals and medical offices are opening all over the IE. Loma Linda University Medical Center in February started welcoming patients to its new 256,000-square-foot hospital in Murrieta, Kaiser Permanente is set to open a 386,000-square-foot medical center in Ontario on Nov. 1, and the company is on track to replace its existing Fontana hospital with a 490,000-square-foot facility in 2014. And that’s not all. Perhaps most notable is March LifeCare, a health and wellness destination planned for 150 acres near the intersection of the 215 and 60 freeways. The project is envisioned as “the Mayo Clinic of the West,” with


| riversidethemag.com | august-september 2011

Ph o t o by G a b r i e l L u i s Ac o s t a

Craig Hunter, left, Lynette Anthony and Anna Redell are part of the team that established the My Healthy Connection computer system.

was to meet Affordable Care Act requirements for an integrated system for seamless communication. Using My Healthy Connection, doctors and nurses can access patient information immediately and remotely by computer, cellphone, iPad or other mobile devices.

Patients may see lab or test results, view immunization summaries, make appointments, review statements, ask their doctor questions, and receive emailed notifications of new test results or appointment reminders, among other things. — Amy Bentley

a 550-bed hospital, cancer center and continuing care retirement community included in its combined building space of 3.55 million square feet. A final map showing where all of the buildings and infrastructure will go recently won unanimous The Stereotaxis magnetic robot at Riverside approval from Community Hospital will benefit heart patients. the March Joint Powers Authority, the board that is Aug. 3 for consideration. Also in the overseeing use of the land that works for this fall, a design summit previously was part of an Air Force base. facilitated by former San Francisco March LifeCare developer Don Ecker Mayor Willie Brown will include key will next take the specific plan stakeholders and partners in the project. amendment to the JPA’s meeting on A short distance away, there’s a plan



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.BHOPMJB "WFOVF t 3JWFSTJEF $" t t www.riversidecommunityhospital.com ER wait times are approximate and provided for informational purposes only. If you are having a medical emergency CALL 9-1-1. august-september 2011 | riversidethemag.com | 23

Ph o t o by Pe t e r Ph u n

A three-story medical research building will be part of the planned UC Riverside School of Medicine.

that’s gaining support to create a healthcare campus on 200 acres near the Riverside County Regional Medical Center in Moreno Valley. Coupled with Kaiser’s Moreno Valley Community Hospital adjacent to the property, Kaiser’s plan to open a 74,000-square-foot medical office building nearby plus the county facility, the new campus would create a second expansive medical corridor in the city. Existing structures also are undergoing extensive work to better handle growing health-care needs and improve patient experiences. Kaiser, for example, has invested heavily in its 101-bed Moreno Valley hospital since acquiring it in 2008. The company has purchased new medical equipment, converted the facility to its electronic medical records program and completed cosmetic upgrades throughout. At Kaiser’s Riverside campus on Magnolia Avenue, an 11-bed labordelivery-recovery-postpartum expansion was recently completed, and a neo-natal 24

| riversidethemag.com | august-september 2011

intensive care unit expansion is planned for this fall, at a combined cost of about $10 million. This year and next, another $34 million is being spent on a variety of maintenance projects including replacing the telemetry patient monitoring equipment and nurse-call system, upgrading the emergency power system and installing new air-handling equipment. “Kaiser is not-for-profit, so we always try to re-invest back in our facilities, making sure we have the right level of technology and the right buildings to meet our members’ needs,” said Vita M. Willett, executive director of the Kaiser Foundation. “We make capital investments every year. We don’t want our equipment and systems to fail, so the maintenance of our buildings has always been a priority.” Riverside Community Hospital also is making significant investments in both the facility and new medical technology. A helicopter landing pad opened in December, providing quicker access to the hospital during emergencies; the

latest generation of robotic surgical systems, the da Vinci Si, was recently purchased to treat patients with prostate cancer or who need hysterectomies; and in late September or early October a Stereotaxis magnetic robot was expected to make its debut. After the arrival of the Stereotaxis unit, which will mostly be used for patients with atrial fibrillation, RCH will have the most technologically advanced electrophysiology lab in Southern California, says Cherie Russell, hospital spokeswoman. “A lot of people drive to Los Angeles because they think that’s where the latest state-of-the-art technology is,” she said. “But really, Riverside Community Hospital has it right here in their backyard. They no longer have to travel far distances for those kinds of procedures. They can have it done right here.” Riverside Medical Clinic also is moving forward, launching an initiative that will better connect patients with their doctors. (Continues on Page 26)

At Cal Baptist, a new College of Allied Health


f you have a heart for service and a head for details, you may be a perfect candidate for starting a career in the allied health field, according to Dr. Charles D. Sands, dean of the College of Allied Health at California Baptist University in Riverside. Seven baccalaureate-level degrees in the field of allied health from the departments of Kinesiology (the study of human anatomy, physiology and body movements) and Health Science are offered at CBU. The degrees in Health Science are Charles D. Sands health education, communication disorders, health-care administration, pre-physical therapy, health science and clinical health science. The Department of Kinesiology offers bachelor’s and master’s degrees in kinesiology and a master’s degree in athletic training. Graduates from both programs also will have the chance to pursue graduatelevel studies and master’s or doctoral programs in medicine, dental, public health, physical therapy, health-care administration, optometry, speech pathology, gerontology and other fields. “There is a significant shortage of health-care providers in the Inland Empire,” said Sands, who was appointed last year to his position. “We hope to create more jobs and teach students at the highest level whether they’re on the bed side or the business side. This is the hallmark that drives us forward.” More than 340 students are enrolled for the fall semester, and Sands anticipates that number will increase by the start of the term on Sept. 7. Three

CBU’s College of Allied Health welcomes new students this fall.

new scholarships are available. “We are very excited about our potential to have a positive impact on local health care,” said Sands, who holds a Ph.D. in public health from the University of Alabama at Birmingham. “That means offering excellent training with a new way of looking at how illnesses are treated. It takes a team of

health-care professionals — doctors, nurses, therapists, technicians — to provide for the physical, emotional and spiritual needs of the community.” — Luanne J. Hunt College of Allied Health California Baptist University, 8432 Magnolia Ave., Riverside 951-343-4619, www.calbaptist.edu/alliedhealth

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Taking the next step (Continued from Page 24)

While investments in new structures and equipment are important, UCR’s Stewart says that alone won’t be enough to declare a recovery for the IE’s healthcare needs. “Just building the facilities without having health-care providers is not a full solution,” he said, adding that what also matters is the number of doctors — and the IE doesn’t have enough of them. The appropriate number of primary care physicians is 60 to 80 per 100,000 people, according to Dr. G. Richard Olds, founding dean of the proposed medical school at UC Riverside. While the state of California has 59 doctors per 100,000 residents, Inland Southern California has an average of about 40. “When you get into that kind of shortage, the quality of your health care goes down, and the costs go up,” Olds said. “Patients don’t get their medical problems taken care of, and they end up

landing in emergency rooms where they get expensive and not very good maintenance care.” One solution for alleviating the doctor shortage is opening the UCR medical school, which will keep highly qualified medical students here in the community, plus attract top-notch students from elsewhere, Olds says. “The two drivers of where doctors practice are where they come from and where they finish their training.” The medical school suffered a setback in the 2011-12 state budget. It was denied $10 million in funding to open, which led to accreditation by the national Liaison Committee on Medical Education being put on hold. The result: a planned opening for summer 2012 will be delayed at least a year. “I’ve already started trying to develop non-state support for the medical school,” Olds said. “We’ve received significant support from the county, and it’s going to need significant support

from other entities. But we need to keep pressing the state, because the state really needs to support this.” Stewart suggested another way to work toward reducing the shortage of doctors. “If we really get serious about solving the problem, we would actually be creating incentives for physicians to relocate to the region,” he said. “There are many different kinds of incentives that you could offer — direct compensation, start-up bonuses. “In addition to economic incentives, we need to do a better job of telling our story about why this region is an attractive place to live and work,” he continued. “A physician isn’t coming just because they’re highly compensated. They’re likely relocating their family here. They want to know about the schools and the cultural amenities. I actually think we have a pretty good story to tell, but we haven’t done a particularly good job of telling it.”

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A higher bar Born to a legal family, appellate specialist prizes helping clients in complex cases

Wr it te n by Lu a nne J . H unt Photo by G a br iel Luis Acost a


lthough she is only 30, Riverside County attorney Kira Klatchko has the experience, credentials and accolades of someone twice her age. Along with being a senior associate and appellate law specialist for Best Best & Krieger in Indian Wells, she has served three terms as chair of the Riverside County Bar Association Appellate Section and was named to the 2009 and 2010 list of Super Lawyers Rising Stars for Southern California. And she is the only certified appellate law specialist in Riverside County, a distinction reserved for a select group of attorneys. “In my opinion, Kira was born to be a lawyer,” said Justice Manuel Ramirez, who works closely with Klatchko at the Riverside Court of Appeal. “She is the consummate attorney and professional and gifted on every level.” While Klatchko is grateful for her success, there is something far greater about what she does that makes her feel like the luckiest person on the planet. “Every day, I have the opportunity to help our clients solve extremely complex problems when the deck is stacked against them,” she said.


| riversidethemag.com | august-september 2011

Attorney Kira Klatchko stands outside the Fourth District Court of Appeal in Riverside. Klatchko is a senior associate at Best Best & Krieger and an appelate law specialist.

“And we give them a chance to be heard, which is so important for anyone who goes to court. That is why I signed up for this and why I love what I do.” Klatchko was born and raised in Palm Springs, where her parents practiced law for 37 years at their firm, Klatchko & Klatchko. She learned a lot about the legal system simply by listening closely to dinner-table conversations. As a teen, she worked her parents’ office after school, organizing books in their law library. Over time, Klatchko grew more and more interested in pursuing law as a career. After high school, she earned her bachelor’s in political science at UC Berkeley and went on to earn her juris doctorate at UC Davis, where she served as editor-in-chief of the university’s Journal of Juvenile Law

& Policy. She also acted as a teaching assistant in legal research and civil procedure. After law school, Klatchko began practicing law in the family firm. She took a position with Best Best & Krieger in 2004. In addition to her work as an appellate attorney, Klatchko is a volunteer mediator at the Fourth Appellate District, Division Two, and conducts private mediations as part of the Riverside County Court’s Civil Mediation Panel. She serves as an adjunct professor at La Verne College of Law, where she teaches legal writing. Klatchko also enjoys cooking, reading and traveling in her spare time. “As a mediator, it’s very satisfying to facilitate an agreement between two opposing parties,” she said. “There was one case that I was

involved in where two siblings were fighting over their deceased parent’s estate. They hadn’t spoken in years, but I was able to help them come to a reconciliation and agree to start communicating again. That was amazing.” With all that Klatchko has accomplished, she says there is still much to do. Not only is she looking to expand her practice by taking on new and different kinds of cases, but she also will continue to look for opportunities to impact her community in positive, exciting and challenging ways. “I have already accomplished so many things that I wanted to,” said Klatchko, a volunteer for the Angel View Crippled Children’s Foundation in Desert Hot Springs. “So truthfully, if I can keep doing what I’m doing, I won’t have any complaints.”


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Riverside Medical Clinic

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                                                                                                                                                            

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Special Advertising Feature

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Bicyclists enjoy a ride along historic Victoria Avenue, which is lined with trees, roses and orange groves and dates back to 1892. It also is listed on the National Register of Historic Places.


squeeze Orange trees have an important role in Arlington Heights’ past, present and — hopefully — future Wr it te n by A my Be nt ley Photos by G a br iel Luis Acost a


n Arlington Heights, orange trees are the stars of the neighborhood. The sweet-smelling orchards that blanket many fertile acres in this historic agricultural area have come to symbolize Riverside’s beginnings, and are well-loved today.


| riversidethemag.com | august-september 2011

“Arlington Heights is the meeting place for the Riverside of yesterday and the Riverside of today,” states the city’s website in a description of the neighborhood. That couldn’t be more true. Housing tracts and commercial nurseries have popped up in and around Arlington Heights, but Riverside’s residents have preserved the area’s semi-rural way of life from days gone by, leading a successful effort to keep housing density low and developers at bay. Only one house can be built on a lot of five acres or more in most of Arlington Heights. And you can still buy a bag of fresh, locally grown oranges or lemons from a few corner stands. Councilman Chris Mac Arthur, who represents Ward 5, which includes Arlington Heights, fully appreciates the area’s citrus heritage. Actually, he lives in the midst of it — on five acres in a house that was built in 1897, and he grows juicy navels on another 10 acres. “It was the orange that made Riverside famous,” he said.

10 Years of Tree Power

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trees 10 years 100,000 t By 2006 RPU had given away more than 41,000 trees 10 years 100,000 trees 10 years 100,000 trees 10 years 100,000 trees 10 years 100,000 trees 1 RPU received a 2006 Golden Tree Award from the American Public Power Association for the Tree Power program 10 years 100,000 trees 10 years 10 Trees can cut heating bills by $50 each year 10 years 100,000 trees 10 years 100,000 trees 10 years 100,000 trees 10 years 100,000 trees 10 years 1 City of Riverside named a Champion in Urban Forestry by America in Bloom in 2005 10 years 100,000 trees 10 years 100,000 trees 10 years 100,000 tr The Tree Power program pays you $25 towards the purchase of any tree except palms and dwarfs 10 years 100,000 trees 10 years 100,000 trees 10 RPU gave away 12,744 trees in 2009 10 years 100,000 trees 10 years 100,000 trees 10 years 100,000 trees 10 years 100,000 trees 10 years 100,000 By 2010 RPU had given away more than 87,000 trees 10 years 100,000 trees 10 years 100,000 trees 10 years 100,000 trees 10 years 100,000 trees 1 RPU gave away 14,081 trees in 2010 10 years 100,000 trees 10 years 100,000 trees 10 years 100,000 trees 10 years 100,000 trees 10 years 100,000 Trees replenish the ground with vital nutrients 10 years 100,000 trees 10 years 100,000 trees 10 years 100,000 trees 10 years 100,000 trees 10 years Over their lifetime, Tree Power trees will absorb 100,000 tons of carbon dioxide 10 years 100,000 trees 10 years 100,000 trees 10 years 100,000 tre Riverside has more than 100,000 street trees and more than 50,000 park trees 10 years 100,000 trees 10 years 100,000 trees 10 years 100,000 trees Trees provide privacy around homes 10 years 100,000 trees 10 years 100,000 trees 10 years 100,000 trees 10 years 100,000 trees 10 years 100,000 t Trees can create jobs associated with tree care 10 years 100,000 trees 10 years 100,000 trees 10 years 100,000 trees 10 years 100,000 trees 10 year 2011 is the 10th anniversary for the RPU’s Tree Power 10 years 100,000 trees 10 years 100,000 trees 10 years 100,000 trees 10 years 100,000 trees Trees reduce cooling costs 10 years 100,000 trees 10 years 100,000 trees 10 years 100,000 trees 10 years 100,000 trees 10 years 100,000 trees 10 y Since 2001, the Tree Power program has put $3.6 million back into Riverside’s economy 10 years 100,000 trees 10 years 100,000 trees 10 years 100 Trees reduce heating and air conditioning costs 10 years 100,000 trees 10 years 100,000 trees 10 years 100,000 trees 10 years 100,000 trees 10 year Trees planted in the right place, can make buildings up to 20 degrees cooler in summer 10 years 100,000 trees 10 years 100,000 trees 10 years 100,0 Trees help maintain a healthy of ecosystem 10 years 100,000 trees 10 years 100,000 trees 10 years 100,000 trees 10 years 100,000 trees 10 years 10 In 2001, the first year of Tree Power, RPU gave away 3,700 trees 10 years 100,000 trees 10 years 100,000 trees 10 years 100,000 trees 10 years 10 Trees beautify our city 10 years 100,000 trees 10 years 100,000 trees 10 years 100,000 trees 10 years 100,000 trees 10 years 100,000 trees 10 years Trees lower the air temperature 10 years 100,000 trees 10 years 100,000 trees 10 years 100,000 trees 10 years 100,000 trees 10 years 100,000 trees The Tree Power program supports local nurseries, accounting for millions of dollars in tree sales each year 10 years 100,000 trees 10 years 100,000 t Trees can increase home value by up to 20% 10 years 100,000 trees 10 years 100,000 trees 10 years 100,000 trees 10 years 100,000 trees 10 years 1 Riverside’s trees are valued at more than $332 million 10 years 100,000 trees 10 years 100,000 trees 10 years 100,000 trees 10 years 100,000 trees 1 In 2002, when RPU put Tree Power Coupons on the back of the March bill, we gave away twice as many trees 10 years 100,000 trees 10 years 100,0 Trees combat the greenhouse gas effect 10 years 100,000 trees 10 years 100,000 trees 10 years 100,000 trees 10 years 100,000 trees 10 years 100, Trees support local wildlife 10 years 100,000 trees 10 years 100,000 trees 10 years 100,000 trees 10 years 100,000 trees 10 years 100,000 trees 10 y Trees filter water runoff, protecting streams 10 years 100,000 trees 10 years 100,000 trees 10 years 100,000 trees 10 years 100,000 trees 10 years 1 Tree Power trees produce 26 million pounds of oxygen each year 10 years 100,000 trees 10 years 100,000 trees 10 years 100,000 trees 10 years 10 By 2003 RPU had given away more than 19,000 trees 10 years 100,000 trees 10 years 100,000 trees 10 years 100,000 trees 10 years 100,000 trees 1 Trees reduce noise pollution 10 years 100,000 trees 10 years 100,000 trees 10 years 100,000 trees 10 years 100,000 trees 10 years 100,000 trees 10 One local nursery has distributed more than 50,000 Tree Power trees through the program 10 years 100,000 trees 10 years 100,000 trees 10 years 1 RPU gave away 7,950 trees in 2004 10 years 100,000 trees 10 years 100,000 trees 10 years 100,000 trees 10 years 100,000 trees 10 years 100,000 t Trees conserve water by slowing evaporation 10 years 100,000 trees 10 years 100,000 trees 10 years 100,000 trees 10 years 100,000 trees 10 years RPU gave away 9,183 trees in 2007 10 years 100,000 trees 10 years 100,000 trees 10 years 100,000 trees 10 years 100,000 trees 10 years 100,000 t Since 1987, Riverside has been recognized as a “Tree City, USA” by The National Arbor Day Foundation 10 years 100,000 trees 10 years 100,000 trees Tree Power trees remove approximately 800,000 pounds of Riverside’s air pollution each year 10 years 100,000 trees 10 years 100,000 trees 10 year RPU gave away 9,625 trees in 2008 10 years 100,000 trees 10 years 100,000 trees 10 years 100,000 trees 10 years 100,000 trees 10 years 100,000 t By 2009 RPU had given away more than 73,000 trees 10 years 100,000 trees 10 years 100,000 trees 10 years 100,000 trees 10 years 100,000 trees 1 Residential tree planting accounts for 42% of all trees planted in the United States 10 years 100,000 trees 10 years 100,000 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100,000 TREES


Mac Arthur and his family still enjoy the lifestyle, but others couldn’t make a go of it and let their orchards die off, leaving a smattering of vacant lots. “It’s tough being a citrus farmer; you’ve got to have another source of income,� he said. Mac Arthur’s 96-year-old father, M. Hebbard Mac Arthur, is a retired dentist who bought his first grove in 1946 and has been in the citrus business for 65 years. To this day, he enjoys driving a small pickup truck around to inspect the orchards. Preserving the agricultural heritage is important to many people in Riverside, not just Arlington Heights growers and residents. Retired Riverside County Judge Dallas Holmes was a

STOP! t t t t t t

co-creator of Proposition R, a measure city voters passed in 1979 to save scenic Victoria Avenue from development. As a bonus, the measure also limited growth and housing density in Arlington Heights. Prop. R essentially was a rezoning measure for Victoria Avenue and Arlington Heights from Washington Street to the city limits with Corona, a large area that today still has about 5,000 acres of active citrus orchards. “There’s nothing like that in the country today, in any city,� Holmes said. “It’s a unique amenity for Riverside, and it’s unequalled anywhere else in the country.� Victoria Avenue, a nearly ninemile scenic parkway created in 1892, is perhaps the best-known




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M. Hebbard Mac Arthur with his son, Riverside Councilman Chris Mac Arthur

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Hosted by

august-september 2011 | riversidethemag.com | 35

icon specific to the neighborhood, and is cherished by many. The lushly landscaped, two-lane divided roadway is a popular place for locals to take a bike ride or leisurely stroll. “I walk my dogs down Victoria Avenue, and I usually take a visiting judge or somebody down from town to see it when we have guests,” Holmes said. Victoria Avenue is a city Cultural Heritage Landmark and also is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. The landmark portion runs from the Tequesquite Arroyo to La Sierra Avenue. Visitors pass thousands of trees, special gardens with ornamental plantings, rose bushes and an information kiosk. Trees include citrus, palms of different varieties, eucalyptus from Australia, flowering jacaranda, pepper and magnolia. Many are more than 200 feet tall and tower over the street, shading the road and the front yards of homes that flank its sides.

Ph o t o by Fr a n k Pe r e z

Frank Heyming and Lori Yates, both with the preservation group Victoria Avenue Forever

Victoria Avenue was created by Mathew Gage, a jeweler from Ireland who moved to Riverside in 1881 and developed the Gage Canal, which allowed for the Arlington Heights citrus groves to be planted.


Gage wanted to create a showcase parkway named for Britain’s Queen Victoria, to help promote land sales in the newly formed Arlington Heights, according to the preservation group Victoria Avenue Forever. He modeled



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| riversidethemag.com | august-september 2011


Youth soccer teams square off at Arlington Heights Sports Park.









Riverside Renaissance funds. Keep Riverside Clean and Beautiful, another volunteer group, helped do the planting and residents donated money to buy trees. New roses were planted too, and students, Scouts and volunteers pitched in to plant. “Keeping a grove on the avenue is an act of love,” Yates said. “We should be very grateful to everyone who still does have a grove. You pray every spring you’ll see that grove harvested. As long as it’s irrigated, you know it will be there for another year.” Holmes also hopes the Arlington Heights groves will grow forever, so future generations will be able to experience the living history. Otherwise, he says, “There will be a time when people will ask, ‘Where do oranges come from?’”


this two-way horse-and-buggy road after Riverside’s landmark Magnolia Avenue. Grading and planting began in 1892. In June 1902, Victoria Avenue was deeded to the city of Riverside. Victoria Avenue Forever formed 20 years ago to help maintain and restore the avenue and its gardens, says Lori Yates, a retired master gardener and 15-year board member who has lived in Arlington Heights for 34 years. Before Victoria Avenue Forever was organized, she adds, there had been several efforts to protect the avenue because members felt the city’s efforts were lacking and trees were dying from neglect. City fathers are now on board, and, during the past few years, irrigation systems have been upgraded and 800 new orange trees have been planted along the avenue with

More Arlington Heights highlights • The California Citrus State Historic Park, a citrus preserve with active groves and a visitor’s center outlining the history of citrus globally, also tells the story of Riverside’s citrus history. (Story on Page 39.) • The attractive Arlington Heights Spor ts Park, which opened in August 2010, pays homage to the area’s agricultural history. Interpretive panels at the park tell the story. A water feature that looks like an orange and a blue line at the park that imitates the Gage Canal are two of the features. Shade structures are named after Riverside places or pioneers, including John Gage, and lampposts are vintage-style. Three rows of orange trees line the park’s perimeter, and interior buildings appear as if they came from a working citrus ranch circa 1880 or 1890. Storage containers near the baseball fields look like packing containers.

august-september 2011 | riversidethemag.com | 37

california citrus state historic park

A giant orange and old-style citrus stand mark the entrance to the California Citrus State Historic Park.

Peeling back history Wr it te n by A my Be nt ley Photos by G reg Vojt ko


| riversidethemag.com | august-september 2011


orget school. If you or your kids want to learn about local history and the industry that put Riverside on the world map, visit the California Citrus State Historic Park, a unique park with a museum and working citrus groves that is literally in Riverside’s backyard. Many people never seem to find the time to visit the museums or historic places in their own cities, figuring they’ll get there someday, right? This park is one gem Riversiders don’t want to miss. It’s also a frequent field trip destination for school children from Los Angeles and Orange counties, as well as adult visitors from the Inland Empire. On a recent day, a group of 24 people from San Bernardino County visited with their church group. Dwight Flater of Redlands was among the visitors and was delighted to tour the park’s quaint history museum for the first time. “They have a nice museum and a good tour. The docent was knowledgeable,” Flater said. “We need to learn about our cities. This is a good outing, and it’s interesting.

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Smudge pots dot the landscape at the California Citrus State Historic Park.

“Unfortunately the orange groves are disappearing. The land is all being bought by developers for houses.” That won’t happen at this park, as long as the state of California owns this property, which includes about 300 acres with healthy groves that are home to about 70 varieties of citrus, including oranges, grapefruit, lemons and limes. This state park is not among those slated for closure due to budget cuts, although the hours here were scaled back a few years ago temporarily due to the budget deficit. The park is again open seven days a week, and the museum is open on Wednesdays, Saturdays and Sundays from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. California Citrus State Historic Park opened in 1993 as a living historical museum showcasing Riverside’s citrus industry heritage. The groves are managed by a nonprofit corporation in partnership with the Gless Ranch. 40

| riversidethemag.com | august-september 2011

Timelines and artifacts trace Riverside’s citrus history at the park’s museum.

About 60 percent of the revenues from the sale of the citrus go back to the nonprofit and the park. “A lot of it goes to the water bill,” said Shera McDonald, park ranger. Visitors can walk the grounds, see the orchards, enjoy a picnic and see an

old-fashioned grower’s house on the property. The well-landscaped Sunkist Center on the grounds is available for wedding, party and special event rentals. Between January and May, guests can also enjoy bird watching with a park guide on the third Sunday of the month.

“The trees are bare so you can really see the birds,” McDonald said. Another fun event held at the park twice each year, usually in February and March, is citrus sampling. Rangers and docents prepare about 30 different types of citrus samples for guests, many of whom like what they taste so much that they go out Manny and Vivian Hernandez visit with Jacki Brown and her dogs, and buy a new citrus tree to plant Ginger and Cali, at the California Citrus State Historic Park. at home, McDonald says. A key educational feature at the park is in Southern China and Myanmar to the Americas the museum, which presents the history of citrus and Riverside, where Eliza Tibbets founded globally and locally along a timeline with interesting the Riverside citrus industry when she planted exhibits and murals. the first Washington navel orange trees in The first thing visitors see when they enter Riverside in 1873. is a display of large, historic photos of citrus California Citrus State Historic Park workers and local landowners. Workers were 9400 Dufferin Ave., Riverside of many ethnicities, from Chinese to Japanese to 951-780-6222, www.parks.ca.gov Latino. Also on display are old smudge pots that Cost: Free entry; parking $5, senior parking $4 were used in the early 1900s to heat the air in the Hours: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday; groves when temperatures dipped below freezing. 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. weekends; visitor center 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Wednesdays and weekends Exhibits trace citrus from its beginnings



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Soaring adventure magine zipping from tree to tree on a mountain, high off the ground and speeding along at 50 mph. Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! It’s only one aspect of the thrill ride that is Navitat Canopy Adventures, in Wrightwood next to the Mountain High ski and snowboard resort. Another part of the exhilarating zip-line tour is an educational excursion that offers a bird’s eye view of the world. “If we can get people into a spectacular environmental setting, we’ve got an opportunity to maybe change their perspective of the natural environment around them,” said Ken Stamps, Navitat’s managing partner. “We want to tell them about the importance of the trees and the significance of the San Gabriel Mountains.” Each tour accommodates up to eight people, who are accompanied by two trained canopy guides who handle all of the equipment. Before starting, each guest dons a hard hat, harness

Wr it te n by J er r y R ice

Photos by E r ic Reed

Chris Gearhart, a Navitat Canopy Adventures guide, demonstrates a maneuver as he leads visitors during an outing through the treetops via a fast-moving zip-line experience.

Gearhart crosses a suspended sky bridge.

and other necessary gear, then learns the basics of gliding on a wire — how to steer and brake — so they can come to a gentle stop at each platform. The course starts relatively slow and only about 15 feet in the air. “The first two or three zips are what we call ‘ground school,’ where you really get comfortable with the sensation of zip-lining,” Stamps said. It ramps up from there, with one of the 10 lines extending 1,500 feet and more than 250 feet off the ground. Guests also cross three sky bridges and go down three rappels, including one through a pine tree. In addition to the thrills and 360-degree views, guides will pause the tour to talk about the natural habitat — the towering white fir, Ponderosa, Jeffrey and sugar pine, and the wildlife that includes black bear, mule deer, bobcat, mountain lion and a variety of birds.

The experience lasts four to four and a half hours, and is situated on part of a 300-acre retreat near the Angeles National Forest. The property is an amazing place for a zip line, Stamps says. “It has about 1,200 feet of vertical elevation, and there are absolutely gigantic pine trees, some in excess of 100 feet tall. When you get up to the top of the mountain, you’ve got long-range views of the Mojave Desert and the very southern extent of the Sierra Nevada.” The canopy tours — which started July 1 — are running daily about every hour from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. As the experience is fine-tuned, tours may be able to start as often as every 20 minutes, accommodating many more adventure-seekers. Saturday and Sunday slots tend to fill up faster than those during the week, but no matter when


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you go, reservations are advised. Navitat also operates a zip line in the Blue Ridge Mountains near Asheville, N.C. Last year, USA Today called it one of the top 10 zip lines in the country. Wrightwood deserves serious consideration for the next survey. “It is a spectacular, epic canopy tour,� Stamps said. “In terms of the ruggedness of the territory, the design of the platforms, the size of the trees, and the length and height of the zip line, this is probably one of the biggest, if not the biggest tour in North America. I hate to say something like that because I can’t back it up with any kind of empirical knowledge, but intuitively I think it’s one of the biggest in the country.� Navitat Canopy Adventures 6047 Park Drive, Wrightwood 855-628-4828, www.navitat.com/wrightwood

Gearhart, left, talks with guests on a platform high in the trees.

More adventures Action Zipline Tours has guests gliding through the treetops in Big Bear Lake, where an outing consists of nine zip lines — ranging from 120 to 900 feet — and a suspension

bridge about midway through the course. Action Zipline Tours 41647 Big Bear Blvd., Big Bear Lake 909-866-0390, www.actionziplinetours.com


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above the clouds Wr it te n by A my Be nt ley

Mount Everest

Ph ot o by S t eve R e n e ke r


| riversidethemag.com | june-july 2011

‘On top is a view that is out of this world. You can see the curvature of the world and look deep inside India, China and Nepal. You are up so high, most clouds are thousands of feet below you.’


ountain climbing has been an exhilarating and, on occasion, a bittersweet passion for Steve Reneker. In 1995, the veteran climber achieved a dream when he and a group of fellow climbers reached the top of Mount Everest, the world’s highest peak. “On top is a view that is out of this world,” Reneker said. “You can see the curvature of the world and look deep inside India, China and Nepal. You are up so high, most clouds are thousands of feet below you.” Reneker experienced the thrill of the climb again last year through a family friend, Jordan Romero of Big Bear Lake, who at age 13 became the youngest person to reach the Everest summit. Reneker has known Jordan for years, and worked with his parents on the National Ski Patrol, a volunteer mountain rescue group for which Reneker runs a mountaineering program. To help Jordan, Reneker shared details of his own Everest climb. He gave Jordan advice and daily weather reports, and loaned his group some gear. Reneker also provided encouragement as others questioned whether a 13-year-old should even be making such a dangerous climb. “Even though you are young, you can do this,” Reneker told Jordan.

Steve Reneker

“He’s got his dad as a mentor; he’s an ultra athlete.” For his part, Reneker has reached the tallest peaks on five of the seven continents, but has no immediate plans to climb the last two: Vinson Massif in Antarctica and Carstensz Pyramid in Indonesia. Today, he favors climbing “the big three” closer to home — the tallest peaks in the local mountains, each over 10,000 feet in elevation. They are San Gorgonio Mountain, Mount Baldy and San Jacinto Peak. Mountaineering is a passion for Reneker, 50, the chief information officer for the city of Riverside and the executive director for SmartRiverside, a nonprofit organization that provides free wireless Internet connections in Riverside and provides low-income families with free personal computers and Internet service. Climbing the world’s tallest peaks

Wongchu Sherpa climbs the northeast face of Everest ahead of Reneker.

is not for the physically or mentally weak. Dozens of climbers have died along the way, their remains left on the mountains, some in plain view of future climbers. One of those who perished was Reneker’s close friend, Dave Tollakson of Studio City, a veteran climber who accidentally fell to his death during a 1994 training climb on Mount San Jacinto. Reneker was with Tollakson that day, and found august-september 2011 | riversidethemag.com | 47

Reneker on the summit of Mount Everest, May 16, 1995

his friend mortally injured. A year later, Reneker carried Tollakson’s ashes to Mount Everest so Tollakson could complete the climb. With so much danger and hard work, what’s the reward for Reneker? “The reason for me to climb Everest is the challenge — it’s the highest point on Earth,” he said. “When I graduated from

Ramona High School, a friend gave me a book called, ‘Everest the Hard Way.’ I never thought about it for real until about 10 years later, after I actually did some rock and ice climbing, then the story didn’t seem like a stretch. “In any sport, there is always a goal of reaching the championship. For climbers, this is the ultimate climb.”

Training for high places It takes years of training and a serious commitment to summit tall mountain peaks and condition the body to handle oxygen-poor high altitudes. To prepare for a 1995 climb up Mount Everest, Steve Reneker trained for two years. He jogged every morning; in the afternoons, he hit the gym and the Stairmaster at level 10 for 45 minutes with a heavy pack on his back to strengthen his legs and calves. Also, he often went climbing in the Sierras, reaching a 14,000-foot peak for practice. Reneker’s advice to anyone considering a major climb: Complete other big climbs first, hike on the ice, learn to use mountaineering equipment and camp in the snow to get accustomed to the cold. “Choose a team you can be compatible with,” he added. “You have to be in the best shape of your life, and you have to be mentally prepared for it.”



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Planning for

The Big Day


Wr it te n by Lu a nne J . H unt Photos by G a br iel Luis Acost a

hen an engagement’s sealed and wedding preparations begin, it’s an exciting time. But the stress that comes with planning The Big Day can be discouraging. There are so many choices to make, including where to hold the ceremony and reception. But Riverside has wonderful locations to consider, and there is at least one sure to please every couple and their invited guests. They include Benedict Castle, Canyon Crest Country Club and the Mission Inn Hotel & Spa. Here’s a closer look at each:

Mission Inn Hotel & Spa Ph o t o c o u r t e s y C e a n O n e Ph o t og r a p hy

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Benedict Castle

Designated a historic landmark by the city of Riverside, Benedict Castle has been a popular place for couples to get hitched since 1971. The castle’s combination of Spanish-Moorish and Mission Revival architecture was created by Charles Benedict, who was inspired

by many of the castles he had seen in Europe. Benedict Castle, which opened in 1931, is a one-of-a-kind destination that offers a variety of wedding packages for every budget, says event coordinator Ardee Kowalski. The castle’s auditorium seats up to 180 guests, and the outside

Ph o t o c o u r t e s y B e n e d i c t C a s t l e

The historic Benedict Castle is a great place to have a wedding, anniversary or banquet.

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courtyard seats up to 220. A typical wedding for 150-200 people at Benedict Castle costs $5,000 to $6,000, which includes the ceremony. The catering menu includes everything from prime rib to filet mignon, and chicken to salmon. “The standout feature about us is our incredible service,” Kowalski said. “Our staff truly has servants’ hearts, and people are just amazed at that.” Benedict Castle hosts about 30 weddings per year. Packages include catering and use of the venue. For additional services, couples will be given a list of vendors, who handle everything from planning to officiating, and flowers to music. “We prohibit alcoholic beverages, and our dance floor is limited,” Kowalski said. “However, we are happy to host any size wedding under 220 people — and smaller seems to be the trend right now.” Information: 951-683-4241, www.benedictcastle.com

Ph o t o c o u r t e s y I m ag e r y C o n c e p t s Ph o t og r a p hy

Canyon Crest Country Club

Canyon Crest Country Club

For those looking for a one-stop shop when planning a wedding, Canyon Crest Country Club is a Riverside venue worth considering. The club offers a private events director who can help couples plan the ideal wedding with menu selection, entertainment, audiovisual equipment, flowers and more.

“We have a beautiful view of the golf course and club house, which makes for a wonderful backdrop,” said Natalie Childers, private events director. “Our staff is very accommodating, and they always do everything they can to make sure the bride and groom have a perfect day,” she added. Canyon Crest offers a variety of

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august-september 2011 | riversidethemag.com | 53

wedding packages. For those looking strictly for a place to hold the ceremony, select from the Lily, Rose and Daisy packages, which range in price from $875 to $1,475. Included is the use of the bridal dressing room, cheese or fruit displays, sound system, and a professional ceremony coordinator. Four catering packages are available for receptions, ranging from $33.50 to $93.95 per person. Two of those, the Pinot Noir and the Cabernet, include a hosted bar. Enhancements such as a punch fountain, chair covers, and no-host bars can be added to the other two packages. Additionally, Canyon Crest has a list of vendors for everything from bridal attire to DJs to videographers. “People like the fact they can hold their ceremony and reception at the same place,� Childers said. “It’s a lot less stress for couples, and they can just relax and enjoy their day.� Information: 951-289-5964, www.clubcorp.com


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| riversidethemag.com | august-september 2011

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Mission Inn Hotel & Spa

When the likes of Ronald and Nancy Reagan and screen legends Bette Davis and Humphrey Bogart get married at a venue, you can be sure it’s a very classy and stylish place. Such is true of the historic Mission Inn Hotel & Spa, site of nearly 400 weddings per year. Packages include everything from a special dressing room to a hotel room. Prices range from $1,200 to $3,000 for a wedding in the St. Francis of Assisi Chapel. Also available are add-on services, such as a sound system, dressing room enhancements with candles and rose petals, and a rehearsal dinner. “Weddings at the Mission Inn have been a part of our heritage and culture for generations, and we work to accommodate every budget to the very best of our ability,” said Sharon Luengas, director of social catering and weddings. “If the customer is flexible with dates and timing, we can almost always assist them in creating cherished memories of their special day.” Besides the St. Francis chapel, couples can opt to wed in the Inn’s Oriental Courtyard or in the St. Celia Chapel. Pricing for these locations starts at $1,000. “The dramatic backdrops are oneof-a-kind, and the vast collection of art is imported from Europe,” Luengas said. “You will feel as though you were married in Italy or France.” The Inn, which is considered the largest Mission-Revival style building in the United States, started as a twostory, 12-room adobe boarding house called the Glenwood Cottage. It was constructed in 1876 by civil engineer Christopher Columbus Miller. His son, Frank, changed the name to the Mission Inn in 1902.

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Breaking Thai restaurant traditions Creative combinations, generous portions set Table for Two apart Wr it te n by A lla n Borge n Photos by G a br iel Luis Acost a

Garlic pork


| riversidethemag.com | june-july 2011

The Surachutikarn family owns and operates Table For Two Thai restaurant in Riverside. From left are Vantanee, Alexis and Jenny

Patrons enjoy lunch at Table For Two Thai restaurant.

When Table for Two restaurant opened some 14 years ago, the whole face of Thai cuisine in the Inland Empire changed. Until then, all of the other Thai restaurants served pretty much the same traditional dishes. Here’s what makes this restaurant so unique: the delicious creative combinations of spices and ingredients, beautiful plate presentations and bigger than average portions. Under the guidance of sisters Alexis, Jenny and Vantanee Surachutikarn, this popular restaurant offers diners a multitude of delicious Thai dishes in a “hip,” classy and relaxing environment that adds to the dining experience. The “Bangkok style” dishes also include popular family recipes that their mother and brother contributed, along with creative additions from Jenny who oversees the kitchen. Jenny was a former food and beverage secretary at the Royal Bangkok Sports Club for nine years and learned a lot about food, service and catering. When talking to the sisters, it is apparent that they strive for perfection in the food, service and consistency, and expect each dish to be beautifully plated to dazzle the senses. All of the items are made fresh

on the premises with no shortcuts taken. For starters, I recommend the winter shrimp ($10.50), which offers a great example of the creativity found with each dish. It consists of five large shrimp placed in the center of a wonton skin, squeezed into a small pocket to gently hold them in place, deep fried until crisp, and topped with diced green onion, red onion and a light sweet and sour sauce and garnished with pineapple. New York steak and shrimp

The wontons are not folded up like most, but are presented as large squares giving this dish a special visual appeal. Another distinctive dish is the pumpkin curry ($11.95), which has large chunks of Japanese pumpkin with chicken and shrimp happily swimming in a delicious robust red curry chili sauce made with coconut milk and fish sauce, onions and garlic. It is absolutely delicious and goes well with the brown rice. Diners also may request steamed Jasmine rice. Next came the delightful fusion of a popular American dish, New York steak and shrimp ($16.95). This dish features a nice grilled 7-ounce New York steak served on a bed of shredded cabbage and topped with a red wine ginger sauce and a skewer with three large

Winter Shrimp

Ground Chicken Salad

Ingredients 12 large raw, peeled and deveined shrimp 12 large wonton wraps 1 tablespoon fish sauce ½ teaspoon sugar ½ teaspoon black pepper Oil for frying

Ingredients 1 pound lean ground chicken ½ ounce ginger, shredded or minced 6 ounces sliced red onions 2 ounces green onion, chopped 4 ounces fish sauce 4 ounces lime or lemon juice 3 ounces dry roasted peanuts 6 pieces chopped fresh chili (only if you like it spicy) 1 sprig cilantro Several lettuce leaves or shredded cabbage

Dipping sauce 1 teaspoon red pepper flakes (optional) ¼ cup distilled white vinegar ¼ cup fresh lime juice 2 tablespoons fish sauce 1/3 cup granulated sugar Mix all ingredients well and serve with fried wontons. Topping ¼ cup diced red onions ¼ cup diced green onions ¼ cup diced cucumbers Add equal parts as desired.

Winter shrimp Directions Mix shrimp, fish sauce, sugar and pepper. Allow to marinate for 5 minutes. Place one shrimp in the middle of the wonton wrap and gently wrap the shrimp making a pocket for the shrimp to rest in. Lay the wonton wrap gently into the hot oil and fry until the wonton wrap is golden brown and crispy. Remove and lay on paper towels to drain excess oil. Repeat process until all of the wonton skins are fried. Place on plate and add toppings over wontons. Serve as appetizer.

succulent shrimp with red and green bell peppers, eggplant and pineapple. It tastes as good as it looks. The chef ’s special ground chicken ($12.99) and garlic pepper pork ($16.95) were in the next flight of dishes that I sampled. The chef ’s special chicken is presented on a long plate with three compartments that are filled with a fantastic tasting North Thai herbed chicken in a sweet chili paste sauce served with brown rice and a deep-fried hardboiled egg. The chicken is excellent and marries well with the brown rice, while the hardboiled egg adds a touch of authenticity to this traditional Thai dish. The garlic pepper pork features lots of deep-fried crispy pork with a marvelous pungent garlicky black pepper sauce, four crispy fried wontons, 58

| riversidethemag.com | august-september 2011

a skewer of chicken satay with two dipping sauces and two fried shrimp. I loved this dish as well as the other goodies added to it. Rounding out my sampling of food was the unique pungent steamed ginger chicken ($12.95), with slices of steamed chicken breast served with a soy and ginger chili dipping sauce with garlic and ginger rice and a cup of a delicate fresh spinach soup. This is a perfect dish for those wanting a light and healthy entree. Other dishes that I’ve had in the past and are worth ordering include the stir-fried snow peas with cabbage, bean sprouts, beef and scallops ($12.95); the spicy bamboo chicken ($10.95); and the always popular pad Thai noodles with chicken and shrimp ($10.75).

Directions Boil the ground chicken in water until chicken is cooked all the way through. Drain chicken and let cool. In a large mixing bowl, place the chicken, red onions, chili, ginger, fish sauce and lemon juice. Toss together well. Add the peanuts and green onions. Place the lettuce greens or shredded cabbage on a serving plate and place the chicken mixture on top. Garnish with cilantro and serve. Serve as an entrée or appetizer.

For dessert, be sure to order the fresh mango with sticky rice when it’s available. This dish epitomizes what Thai cuisine is all about. Table for Two is without a doubt one of the premier Thai restaurants in the area, and one restaurant that should not be overlooked. Allan Borgen can be heard Saturday afternoons from 3 to 5 p.m. on the “Let’s Dine Out” radio show on KTIE-AM 590. Email allan@feedme411.com, or call 909-910-3463. Be sure to visit his new website, FeedMe411.com. Table for Two 3600 Central Ave., Riverside Hours: 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. Sunday-Thursday, 11 a.m. to 10 p.m. Friday-Saturday Prices: $8.95 to $17.50 951-683-3648, www.tablefor2thai.com

just desserts




little bit of start-up money and a big dream were all it took for Dorothy Pryor Rose to become more famous than she ever imagined. The 65-year-old has made quite a name for herself with the homemade pies and desserts she bakes in her Colton shop, Mommie Helen’s Bakery. Rose started the bakery on a modest budget in 1999 in a 900-square-foot space. Her idea was inspired by the rave reviews she received for the peach cobbler she

Wr it te n by Lu a nne J . H unt

Dorothy Pryor Rose


| riversidethemag.com | august-september 2011

frequently took to potluck gatherings. It didn’t take long for word to get around town after she opened for business. To this day, long lines of hungry customers form in front of Mommie Helen’s Bakery, which moved to a 2,600-square-foot building in 2006. Patrons are more than happy to pay $13.50 to $14.50 for one of the delicious pies. “We make our pies completely from scratch,” Rose said. “We cut up our apples, roll out our dough and use 100 percent fresh ingredients. So many customers tell Photos by A l Cuizon

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Pastry chef Martha Godinec prepares a large apple cobbler.

us that our pies are almost exactly like the pies their mothers or grandmothers used to make. We’re very proud of that.� Before opening Mommie Helen’s Bakery, Rose worked at Pacific Bell for 30 years. It took a leap of faith to give up her stable income, but the calling to open the pie shop was undeniable. “God gave me the vision to do this, so I let Him take the lead,� Rose said. According to Rose, divine intervention paved the way in 2000 for her to send some pies to an event that former Lakers star Shaquille O’Neal was involved with. After Shaq tasted her sweet potato pie, he became her biggest fan — telling his friends and colleagues about Rose’s pies, and soon orders were pouring in from everywhere. Rose’s most famous clients include Oprah Winfrey, Stevie Wonder, Mariah Carey, James Worthy, Magic Johnson, Penny Marshall and Kathy Ireland. “Our shop has been featured in the Wall Street Journal, on CNN and on all the local news

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| riversidethemag.com | august-september 2011

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stations,� Rose said. “In 2009, my berry cobbler made it into Oprah Winfrey’s magazine. People started calling and ordering pies from all around the world.� Rose and her staff of five family members (including her husband Robbie) bake about 500 pies a day — and that is still not enough to keep up with the growing demand. She is considering another expansion, but is afraid of losing quality control where recipes are concerned. Rose is trusting a higher power to let her know when, and if, the time is right. “I would very much like to expand and turn this into an empire,� Rose said. “But there’s still a lot to learn as far as the business side of things is concerned. When I feel that God is telling me to take the next step, I will. Ultimately, things have to be done right.� While it’s difficult for Rose to pinpoint exactly what makes her desserts so popular, she does say they are baked with lots of love and care. Her mother, Helen, who gave Rose most of her recipes, wouldn’t have it any other way. “My mom sampled the pies every week, and she loved all of them,� said Rose, whose mother died in 2007. “Although the sweet

potato pie was her favorite and she was eating so much of it, I wouldn’t let her have it anymore. After that, she would call on the phone and try to disguise her voice and order a pie. It was really funny.� Along with sweet potato and fruit pies, Mommie Helen’s Bakery offers everything from cakes to cupcakes to cookies. Her shop also features a variety of sugar-free items. Pies can be shipped anywhere in the United States for about $50. Mommie Helen’s Bakery 1220 E. Washington St., No. A2, Colton 909-783-8012, www.mommiehelensbakery.com Hours: 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday, 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. Tuesday through Saturday, noon to 5 p.m. Sunday

The sweet potato pie is a favorite at Mommie Helen’s.


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summer entertaining


Photo by Frank Perez

... to better barbecue

Wr it te n by A lla n Borge n


rills and smokers are an important part of the Inland Empire landscape — especially during the summer. As a way to celebrate the outdoor season, Jeff Williams, my co-host on the “Let’s Dine Out” radio show on KTIE-AM 590, and I recently invited some lucky listeners to join us for the third annual Let’s Dine Out BBQ Bash. As avid foodies — I have more than 1,000 cookbooks and nearly every cooking gadget available — we go allout for these events. For the appetizer, we made stuffed cheese smoked jalapeño peppers wrapped in bacon. The entrees were two racks of hickory-smoked spareribs, 12 special hot dogs, freshly made Polish sausages and some huge stuffed turkey burgers. Side dishes included wonderful sweet and spicy “doctored” beans, burnt buttered corn and for dessert, baked peach cobbler. Of all the smokers and grills that I own, my favorite is the Big Green Egg. This cult-like appliance does an outstanding job of smoking, grilling, barbecuing and baking, using lump charcoal as its fuel. Shaped like an egg, the thick ceramic interior is the perfect medium to reflect heat and create a steady temperature from 200 degrees up to 700 degrees. I got my “Egg” from Outdoor Kitchen Creations in


| riversidethemag.com | august-september 2011

Smoked spare ribs, steak-and-pork dogs, jalapeño sausage and baked beans

Upland. Besides being a Big Green Egg distributor, the store sells lots of neat accessories including a variety of bulk wood chips or chunks that may be custom-mixed. Outdoor Kitchen Creations also sells a new gadget that I enjoy using — the Stuf Z burger stuffer, which I use to make gigantic and delicious stuffed turkey burgers. Preparing for a barbecue party can be as easy or as

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complicated as you want it to be. Either way, it does take some planning. Here are five of my sure-fire barbecue party tips. 1. It’s all about the guests and not about you. Ask in advance whether your guests have food allergies, special dietary needs (like being vegetarian), and likes and dislikes (such as spicy foods), and whether they eat pork, etc. It’s a nice and classy gesture, and shows your guests that you appreciate them. If there are only a few people who have special needs, it’s no big deal to cook a few extra things just for them. 2. Make sure there’s more than enough food. Running out can really put a damper on any party. I always double or even triple the recipes, so guests can take extra food home with them, or freeze the leftovers and enjoy them a few more times. This applies to both small and large parties. 3. Not all recipes have to be

with the guests. To be honest, I don’t always follow that advice myself, but as I get older, I really want to sit as much as I can with my guests to enjoy the food and conversation. 5. It’s not necessary to serve only expensive items. Just make sure what you do serve tastes great and is exciting.

StufZ burger stuffer Photo by Rick Sforza

Worth visiting

complicated. There is nothing wrong with purchasing your favorite barbecue sauce, baked beans and other items, then adding favorite spices, condiments or other items to make something new and special. Be creative and don’t be afraid to experiment. 4. Prepare as much food as possible in advance. Leaving everything for the big day can be stressful and often leads to the host not spending much time

The Corner Butcher Shop 2359 Foothill Blvd., La Verne 909-596-6345, www.cornerbutchershop.com Outdoor Kitchen Creations 1306 Monte Vista Ave., No. 4, Upland 909-920-0963, www.outdoorkitchencreations.net

Allan Borgen can be heard Saturday afternoons from 3 to 5 p.m. on the “Let’s Dine Out� radio show on KTIE-AM 590. Email allan@feedme411.com, or call 909-910-3463. Visit his new website, FeedMe411.com.





| riversidethemag.com | august-september 2011

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| riversidethemag.com | august-september 2011

stuffed bacon-wrapped jalapeño peppers Ingredients 24 jalapeño or small sweet Italian peppers 16 ounces cream cheese 1-2 packages bacon (1 slice per pepper) 4 ounces shredded cheddar cheese 4 ounces shredded pepper jack cheese ¾ cup chopped green onions (Consider adding chipotle powder or cayenne to the cheese mixture for an extra spicy kick.) Directions Cut jalapeño peppers in half lengthwise. Seed and remove ribs with a strawberry corer. (You may want to wear some food handler gloves.) Mix the cream cheese, cheddar cheese, pepper jack cheeses, and the green onions. Fill both sides of the jalapeño with the cheese mixture and then place both sides together. Wrap the peppers with a strip of bacon, starting on the narrow end, and secure with 1 or 2 toothpicks. Bring the barbecue or oven to 325 degrees. Place a drip pan on the grill, and a raised grid/grill on top of that to avoid flare-ups from the bacon grease if cooking over charcoal. Cook approximately 45 minutes to an hour until the bacon is crisp, turning once 30 minutes into cooking. You may lose some of the cheese mixture but don’t fret, they still are terrific. You also can brush the outside of the bacon with a touch of honey for a touch of sweetness.

‘Doctored’ barbecue beans

1 medium onion, chopped 1 green bell pepper, chopped

Ingredients 3 24-ounce cans of Bush’s beans (remember, buying more than you need is OK) ¼ cup yellow mustard ¼ cup molasses ¼ cup chili sauce (add more or less depending on your desired level of spiciness) ¼ cup brown sugar 2 packages brown-and-serve breakfast sausages, chopped or cut into small pieces

Directions In a large pot, add a little oil, chopped onions, bell peppers and sausage. Sauté until the sausage and other ingredients are slightly brown. Add the beans, and stir. Add the mustard, molasses and chili sauce. Mix well and put on low heat. Do not cover. Stir every 5 minutes so the beans won’t burn. Taste often and add more sugar, mustard, molasses or chili sauce, if needed. Serve beans when they are warm.

Peach cobbler a la Borgen

constantly. Add the peaches and pour into a 1½ quart (9-by-13-inch) baking dish. Dot with butter, sprinkle with cinnamon.

Ingredients For the filling 1 29-ounce can sliced peaches 2⁄ 3 to 1 cup sugar 2 tablespoons corn starch 2 tablespoons butter ½ tablespoon cinnamon ¼ cup rum (optional) Directions Heat the oven to 400 degrees. Drain fruit and reserve liquid. Mix sugar and corn starch in saucepan. Stir in fruit juice gradually, then bring to boil. Boil 1 minute, stirring

For the topping 1 cup self-rising flour 1 tablespoon sugar 3 tablespoons shortening ½ cup milk Mix flour and sugar, cut in shortening. Add milk. Stir until ingredients are blended. Spoon the dough onto the peaches. Bake 25-30 minutes. Serve warm.

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dining out W H E R E TO E AT


ere are some notewor thy restaurants selected from our rotating list. We suggest before going out that you confirm information, and we solicit your help in correcting errors. We also invite your feedback on dining experiences.

Abbreviations & pricing RS, reservations suggested. (While some restaurants suggest reservations, others request them only for par ties of five or more.) FB, full bar. $ mostly under $15, $$ mostly under $20, $$$ mostly under $50, $$$$ above $50


951-369-7447, www.applebees.com • Steaks, ribs, chicken, fajitas and burgers, with combo specials for lunch. Lunch and dinner daily.  FB, $ Bella Trattoria  At the Mission Inn, 3649 Mission Inn Ave.; 951-784-0300, www.missioninn.com • Sidewalk dining featuring Southern Italian cuisine. Lunch and dinner Tu.-Sa.  $$ Ciao Bella Ristorante

1630 Spruce St.; 951-781-8840, www.ciaobellariverside.com • Casual fine dining indoors or on the patio. Robert Ciresi on guitar Wednesday nights. Wine classes are available. Lunch M-F, dinner M-Sa.  RS, FB, $$ CRESCENT JEWELL  3597 Main St.; 951-684-1000, www.crescentjewell.com • New Orleans style restaurant and lounge serving a full menu of Cajun and Creole fusion dishes. Entertainment nightly.  FB, $$ Daphne’s Greek Cafe & Catering  Riverside Plaza, 3540

Riverside Plaza Drive; 951-781-8690, www.daphnesgreekcafe.com • Flamebroiled gyros, kabobs, chicken, pita sandwiches and vegetarian plates. Lunch and dinner daily.  FB, $ Duane’s  At the Mission Inn, 3649 Mission Inn Ave.; 951-341-6767, www.missioninn.com • Premier steakhouse and seafood restaurant, which has a top-shelf wine list and has received the AAA Four Diamond award every year since 1996. Dinner M-Sa., brunch Su.  $$$ Farfalla’s Cucina Italiana

5250 Arlington Ave.; 951-354-5100, www.farfallasrestaurants.com • Pizza, pasta and calzones, with specialty items like eggplant, chicken and veal parmigiana. Lunch and dinner daily, except Saturday when only dinner is served.  $ THE GOURMET DETECTIVE

Avila Terrace Theatre, 3663 Main St. (above the Tamale Factory); 866-992-5424,


Ph o t o by G a b r i e l L u i s Ac o s t a

The indoor dining area of the Mission Inn Restaurant www.gourmetdetective.com • “Murder at the Cafe Noir,” a murder mystery dinner theater with limited menu that features tri-tip, chicken breast and grilled salmon. Show and dinner included in the price.  RS, $$$$ Gram’s Mission Bar-B-Que Palace  3527 Main

St.; 951-782-8219, www.gramsbbq.org • An assortment of barbecue items, plus jambalaya, creole chicken, meat loaf, pork chops and more have been served at this Riverside institution for the past two decades.  $ ISLANDS  3645 Central Ave.; 951-782-7471, www.islandsrestaurants.com • Burgers, sandwiches, tacos, salads and more.  FB, $ JOE'S SUSHI  9555 Magnolia Ave.; 951-353-1929, www.joesushi.net • This pioneer of the all-you-can eat sushi concept in Riverside also specializes in teriyaki, teppan and tempura dishes.  RS $$ Killarney’s Restaurant & Irish Pub  Riverside Plaza,

3639 Riverside Plaza Drive, Suite 532; 951-682-2933, www.killarneys.com • Visit Dublin without leaving the States at Killarney’s, where you can enjoy a glass of Guinness in a pub that was built in Ireland and reconstructed at Riverside Plaza. Irish fare, includes

| riversidethemag.com | august-september 2011

bangers and mash and Harp beerbattered fish and chips; American favorites also on menu.  FB, $ Las Campanas  At the Mission Inn, 3649 Mission Inn Ave.; 951-341-6767, www.missioninn.com • Authentic Mexican cuisine served in a beautifully landscaped outdoor garden. Lunch M-Sa., brunch Su., dinner nightly.  $ Lounge 33  Riverside Plaza, 3639 Riverside Plaza Drive; 951-784-4433, www.loungethirtythree.com • More than 30 creative cocktails are on the drink menu, and friendly bartenders are always coming up with new concoctions. Several large appetizer platters — perfect for sharing — are served.  FB, $ Mario’s Place  3646 Mission Inn Ave.; 951-684-7755, www.mariosplace.com • Chef Leone Palagi’s take on northern Italian cuisine has been praised far and wide, and his creativity and attention to detail shows in every dish. Live contemporary jazz performers Friday and Saturday nights. No cover charge. Dinner M-Sa., lunch Fri.  RS, FB, $$$

Market Broiler  3525 Merrill

Ave.; 951-276-9007, www.marketbroiler.com • More than a dozen varieties of fresh fish, steak, pasta, wood-fired oven pizza and

more. Lunch and dinner daily.  FB, $ MASA'S PLACE  5228 Arlington Ave.; 951-689-8054, www.masasplace.com • Traditional Japanese sushi prepared by a head chef who started his career more than 30 years ago in Japan.  RS $$ Mission Inn Restaurant

3649 Mission Inn Ave.; 951-341-6767, www.missioninn.com • Signature “comfort foods” prepared in a new state-of-the-art display kitchen. Breakfast and dinner daily, lunch M-Sa.  $ The Old Spaghetti Factory  3191 Mission Inn Ave.;

951-784-4417, www.osf.com • Several varieties of pasta dishes (mostly spaghetti, of course), salads and desserts that include decadent chocolate mousse cake and mud pie. The restaurant is in a building that served as a citrus packinghouse in the early 1900s. Lunch and dinner daily.  FB, $ PANERA BREAD  Riverside Plaza, 3560 Riverside Plaza Drive; 951-369-8855, www.panerabread.com • Freshly baked breads, bagels, pastries and sweets, plus sandwiches, soups and hand-tossed salads. Breakfast, lunch and dinner daily.  $ PEPITOS  6539 Magnolia Ave.; 951-788-2652 • Traditional Mexican fare including carnitas, chile verde,

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ASAHI  2955 Van Buren Blvd.,

Lunch Buffet


fajitas and steak picado. Lunch and dinner daily; breakfast items also served.  FB, $ PHOOD ON MAIN  3737 Main St., Suite, 100; 951-276-7111, www.phoodforthought.com • Billed as a hip, creative eaterie, Phood offers diners choices of mix-andmatch menu items akin to tapas and dim sum including the whimsically named Duck, Duck … No Goose and I Don’t Eat Meat sandwiches as well as full-sized-plate fare such as Drunken Shrimp, Portabella ravioli and steaks.  FB $ RELISH  3535 University Ave., Riverside; 951-682-7011, www.relishdelis.net • A wide variety of sandwiches, from traditional favorites such as roast beef, salami and smoked turkey, to Relish signature selections. Breakfast and lunch M-Sa.  $ Sevilla  3252 Mission Inn Ave.; 951-778-0611, www.cafesevilla.com • Casually elegant dining experience featuring Spanish and coastal cuisine. Nightclub with live music and dancing every night, plus a flamenco dinner show weekly. Lunch and dinner daily.  FB, RS, $$$ TABLE FOR TWO  3600 Central Ave., Riverside; 951-683-3648, www.tablefor2restaurant.com • The flavors of Thailand, with everything from Thai style barbecue beef, chicken and pork, to shrimp and other seafood dishes. Nearly 30 entree selections available. Lunch and dinner daily.  $

Dine in only • Drink Extra Monday - Friday 11am-2:30pm

Dine-in. No personal size. At participating locations, with this coupon for a limited time. Not valid with other offers or discounts. Void where prohibited. Tax not included.


Riverside; 951-637-1313, • All-youcan-eat for one price, or individual orders. Lunch M-Sa., dinner daily.  $$ The Cheesecake Factory

Galleria at Tyler, 3525 Tyler St.; 951-352-4600, www.thecheesecakefactory.com • Steaks, chops, seafood, pizza, sandwiches and, of course, more

than 30 varieties of cheesecake. Two TVs in the bar. Lunch and dinner daily, brunch Sunday.  RS, FB, $$ EVENTS SPORTS GRILL

10560 Magnolia Ave., Suite A; 951-352-2693, www.eventssportsgrill.com • Burgers, sandwiches and pizza. Tacos $1 each on Tuesdays; beer and pool specials on Wednesdays. Four large projection-screen TVs, plus more than a dozen smaller TVs spread throughout. Lunch and dinner daily  FB, $ Elephant Bar  Galleria at Tyler, 3775 Tyler St., Suite A; 951-353-2200, www.elephantbar.com • Specialties include Pacific Rim and wok-fired recipes, plus favorites such as fire-grilled fish, steaks, chicken, sandwiches and salads. Lunch and dinner daily.  RS, FB, $ Olivia’s  9447 Magnolia Ave.; 951-689-2131 • Traditional Mexican fare, including burritos, tacos and chile relleno. Breakfast, lunch and dinner daily.  $ PF Chang's China Bistro

Galleria at Tyler, 3475 Tyler St.; 951-689-4020, www.pfchangs.com • Soups and salads, plus traditional Chinese favorites. Grill menu includes marinated New York strip steak, salmon and ahi tuna. Lunch and dinner daily.  FB, $ PUNJAB PALACE  10359 Magnolia Ave.; 951-351-8968, www.punjabpalacecuisineofindia.com • Indian tapestries and music set the mood for a vast offering of Punjabi delicacies, which include both meat and vegetarian dishes. The buffet is available for both lunch and dinner.  $ T.G.I. Friday’s  Galleria at Tyler, 3487 Tyler St.; 951-354-8400, www.tgifridays.com • Casual dining chain featuring burgers and sandwiches, sliders, chicken, ribs and steaks. Five TVs in the bar. Lunch and dinner daily.  FB, $

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e nu ve aA oli gn a M

ue en Av rra Sie La


y Fw ide ers Riv

Duck, Duck...No Goose, below left, and I Don't Eat Meat sandwiches from Phood on Main


Ph o t o by G a b r i e l L u i s Ac o s t a

California sushi rolls at Masa’s Place THE YARD HOUSE Galleria at Tyler, 3775 Tyler St., Space 1A; 951-688-9273, www.yardhouse.com UÊUpscale-casual eatery with a menu that includes pastas, sandwiches, seafood, steaks, ribs and chops. Keg room visible from the dining area and 130 beers on tap are available at the bar. Lunch, dinner and late-night dining daily. RS, FB, $

UNIVERSITY & EAST CHILI’S 499 Alessandro Blvd.;

951-776-0952, www.chilis.com UÊBurgers, chicken, fajitas, sandwiches, steaks and more. Guiltless Grill menu has six items that are less than 750 calories each, including carne asada steak, grilled salmon and a black bean burger. Four TVs in the bar and lounge area. Lunch and dinner daily. FB, $ CREOLA’S 1015 E. Alessandro Blvd.; 951-653-8150, www.creolasrestaurant.com UÊChicken, filet mignon, lamb, meat loaf, pork and several varieties of fish. Dinner W-Su. $$ CREST CAFE 5225 Canyon Crest Drive; 951-784-2233 UÊBurgers, pasta, salads and other American and Italian favorites. Traditional breakfast menu includes omelettes, pancakes and waffles. Breakfast, lunch and dinner daily. $ GERARD’S EVE BISTRO

9814 Magnolia Ave.; 951-687-4882, www.gerardsevebistro.com UÊFrench cuisine in an intimate bistro atmosphere. Dinner entrees include boeuf bourguignon, duck confit and veal milanese. Dinner W-Su., Sunday brunch. $$$

The BEST New York Style Deli in Downtown Riverside!

GRA-POW 497 Alessandro Blvd.

Suite. D; 951-780-1132, www.grapow.net UÊThai food with California and Pacific Rim accents. Dishes include cashew chicken, pad gra pow, roasted curry stir fried with a choice of meats, and chicken with Thai barbecue sauce. Beer and wine available. Lunch and dinner daily. $


5225 Canyon Crest Drive, Suite 64; 951-683-1073, www.monarkasianbistro.com r 4FSWJOH B SBOHF PG DMBTTJD $IJOFTF and Thai dishes, as well as contemporary Asian-inspired fusion dishes, some of them created by the owner, Karen Chen, a native of Taiwan. Lunch and dinner daily. $ SMOKEY CANYON BBQ

5225 Canyon Crest Drive, Suite 9; 951-782-8808, www.smokeycanyon.com UÊBurgers, sandwiches, catfish, chicken, ribs and more. Bar area has two TVs. Lunch M, lunch and dinner Tu.-Su. FB, $ TACO STATION 5225 Canyon Crest Drive, Suite 57; 951-787-8226, www.tacostation.com U Fill up on a nice selection of Mexican favorites (burritos, gorditas, tacos, tortas and more) at a new location. Same menu as the landmark Station on Mission Inn Avenue. Breakfast, lunch and dinner daily. $ UNIVERSITY CAFE INC.

1400 University Ave., No. A109; 951-686-6338 UÊChinese cuisine, including sweet and sour pork, Cantonese soy and curry chicken. Combo meals for $6.45 include a drink. Lunch and dinner daily. $


3535 UNIVERSITY AVENUE RIVERSIDE, CA 92501 951.682.7011 MON-SAT 8-6 august-september 2011 | riversidethemag.com | 75


Assistance League Riverside 3



Celebrating 45 years of community service, more than 200 members and supporters of Assistance League Riverside gathered recently for “Casino for Kids ... Betting on Our Future� at the Riverside Convention Center. The local Assistance League chapter was chartered in 1966, and remains dedicated to clothing, comforting and educating children in the community. 5










(1) Judy Huffman and Tom Dosier (2) Kaitlin Traver, left, and Dana Traver (3) Nicki Lodi, left, Sue Nicolaisen and Nancy Phillips (4) Dee Maynor, left, Myra Hinton and Marie Fritts (5) Nancy and Mel Dittemore, left, and Carrie and Ken Crowl (6) Tom and Marcia Evans (7) Harrison Heublein, left, and Tom Evans (8) Jacquie and Dr. Don Childs (9) Hannah Webster and Steven Heublein (10) Kim Fasching, left, and Jean Leuenberger (11) Charlene Biber, left, and Josephine Heers (12) Sue Simonin, left, and G.L. Gray (13) Alison and Tim Wills Ph o t o s by M e l i s s a H i r s c h


| riversidethemag.com | august-september 2011

TAKE THE CHALLENGE OF A LIFETIME THE CHALLENGE WILL CHANGE YOU. Join hundreds of people uniting to walk to create a world free of multiple sclerosis. Challenge Walk MS is an inspiring three-day, fifty-mile journey down the beautiful Southern California coastline, September 23-25. Participants enjoy an all-inclusive weekend with two nights stay at the Del Mar Marriott while walking to create a world free of MS. You meet more than new friends; you’ll make new family.

Learn more at

myMSchallenge.com i 10th Ann


Southern California 2011

3 days. 50 miles. A world free of MS. ® ®


American Heart Association


Hundreds of women and supporters of women’s health recently attended the American Heart Association’s Go Red For Women luncheon at The Victoria Club in Riverside. Highlights included a fashion show featuring local heart disease and stroke survivors, health screenings and an educational session.








(1) Hannah Ginnan (2) Susan Atkinson, left, Theresa Latosh and Kenya Gray (3) Aimmee Vonzup, left, Allison Vonzup, Tamre Garcia and Savahha Garcia (4) Susan Krider, left, Linda Feenstra, Donna Bennett, Anthony Hilliard and Janelle Guerrero (5) Nolyn Ragsdale (6) Nancy Cisneros (7) Linda Ricci, left, Nancy Sinclair and Lavon Shor t (8) Savannah Greer, left, daughter Kailee, Nikole Shumaker and Ronna Kratzer Ph o t o s by G a b r i e l L u i s Ac o s t a


| riversidethemag.com | august-september 2011


Mary S. Roberts Pet Adoption Center

More than a year ago, a Great Dane was brought into the Mary S. Roberts Pet Adoption Center, and on July 3, 2010, it gave birth to 10 pups — all of them adopted by loving families. Most of the dogs and their new owners got together recently at the facility, where they celebrated with a birthday party complete with a special bone-shaped cake for the dogs as well as party hats and games. 3

Photos by Al Cuizon

Gourmet Burgers




3597 Main Street Riverside

(1) Erin Whiting pets Rober t Morris’ Great Dane, Sedona. (2) Alicia Ward with Dudley (3) The Knapp family, from left, Ben, Doug, Dara and Lily, with Ger tie (4) Patti Plymate and her daughter, Allison, with Harley (5) Rober t Morris with Sedona. (6) David and Linda Toburen with Bear.




Happy Hour Specials

Thursday - Sunday 4-7pm Half Off drinks

New Summer Operation Hours Monday - Wednesday 11am - 4pm Thursday & Friday 11:30am - 9pm Saturday 9am - 9pm Sunday 10am - 3pm Sunday Brunch 10am - 2pm

Breakfast Served Saturday 9am til Noon WE HAVE CHANGED OUR MENU Specializing in Gourmet Burgers

Every Thursday Nite

local bands perform and local DJs (indie rock, hip hop, pop) 1/2 Off Well Drinks & Domestic Beer until Midnight. No Cover, 21+

Every Friday Nite

R&B Band and DJ (9:30pm until close) $10 cover, 21+

Saturday Nite Entertainment DJ (9:30pm until close) $10 cover, 21+

august-september 2011 | riversidethemag.com | 79


American Cancer Society


The Loma Linda University Cancer Institute and American Cancer Society recently welcomed more than 150 survivors and their families to the 20th annual Celebration of Life. Throughout the country, similar events honored more than 12 million cancer survivors. 2


sav e th e date Aug. 4 — Dining in the dark, a fundraiser for Blindness Suppor t Services. Riverside Convention Center, 3443 Orange St.; 6 p.m.; $125; 951-341-6334. Aug. 6 — Passpor t to End Hunger, a benefit for the Second Harvest Food Bank, serving Riverside and San Bernardino counties. National Orange Show Events Center, 689 S. E St., San Bernardino; 6 p.m.; 951-359-4757, 951-236-3499.


Aug. 7, 14, 21, 28 — Concer t on the Green, hosted by Teen Challenge. 951-683-4241, www.teenchallenge.org


Aug. 20 — Imagine More Bir thdays Gala, a benefit for the American Cancer Society. Riverside Convention Center, 3443 Orange St.; 6 p.m.; $100; 951-300-1206, http://gala.acsevents.org


Aug. 27 — United Way Day of Caring, with volunteers working in the community on various projects. Meet at the City Hall breezeway, 3900 Main St., Riverside; 7 a.m.; www.uwiv.org



(1) Tammie Vasquez, left, Vicky Ramirez and Connie Haglund (2) Elizabeth Rendon, left, Dr. Stewar t Rendon and Irlanda Rendon (3) Judy Chatigny and Dr. Mark Reeves (4) Delores and Edwin Riech (5) Samantha Lawhead, left, Les Lawhead, Jeannette Lawhead, Sean Lawhead and Rich Lawhead (6) Jim and Karen Moynihan (7) James Ramos and Mindy Silva Ph o t o s by J a m e s C a r b o n e


| riversidethemag.com | august-september 2011

Sept. 15 — Women of Achievement, the 27th annual event honoring extraordinary women who exemplify the ideals of the YWCA’s organizational mission. Riverside Convention Center, 3443 Orange St.; 11:30 a.m.; $65 and up; 951-687-9922, www.ywca.org Sept. 16 — Business Explosion Hair Show. The Riverside County Black Chamber of Commerce will donate 10 percent of net proceeds from the

show to a benefit, and will have a stylist on site to take hair donations for Locks of Love. Eagle Glen Golf Course, 1800 Eagle Glen Parkway, Corona; 10 a.m.; 888-736-0661, ext. 1, riversidecountybcc.org Sept. 17 — Tradition of Caring, an evening reception with wine and appetizers on the roof of the Riverside Ar t Museum. Proceeds benefit the community service programs of the Visiting Nurse Association of the Inland Counties. Riverside Ar t Museum, 3425 Mission Inn Ave.; 5:30 p.m.; $50 a person, $90 a couple; 760-773-6260 Sept. 24 — City Nights … City Lights, Riverside Community Health Foundation’s annual celebration. The RCHF par tners with Path of Life Ministries to provide health services to the homeless. On the rooftop of the Porsche Audi building at Walter’s Automotive, 3210 Adams St., Riverside; 6 p.m.; $100; 951-788-3471, www.rchf.org. Sept. 25 — Third annual Breast Cancer Awareness Fashion Show, presented by the Loma Linda University Depar tment of Plastic Surgery. Proceeds will benefit research effor ts in the Cancer Center and the Center for Breast Reconstruction at Loma Linda University Medical Center. Riverside Convention Center, 3443 Orange St.; 909-558-2344, www.thepinkrunway.com.


Riverside Area Rape Crisis Center


Nearly 300 supporters attended the Riverside Area Rape Crisis Center’s 30th annual fundraiser gala, held recently at the Victoria Club. Lauren Potter, who plays Becky Jackson on the hit Fox show “Glee,” started the live auction. The organization’s mission is to assist victims of sexual assault, and it offers workshops, community outreach programs and other resources. For information, visit www.rarcc.org.






(1) Colleen Williams, left, and Paul and Mary Anne Gill (2) Dr. Paul Sinkhorn, left, Lauren Potter and Robin Sinkhorn (3) Soboba Chairman Scott Cozart and Dee Cozart (4) Janis Tucker and Dr. Wendel Tucker (5) Phil and Ethel Rizzo (6) Nina Reynolds, left, and Tracey Vackar Ph o t o s by B i l l N i c o l l e t t i

Marriott Riverside Hotel & Resorts

We have a new look coming soon…

Special Events bar & grille | riverside | marriott

Riverside’s First “Private Chef’s Table”

and Business Meetings

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Now booking intimate parties of up to 12 guests.

Come enjoy all we have to offer. 3400 Market Street, Riverside, California 92501 951.786.7147 ~ 951.786.7157 ~ www.riverside .com august-september 2011 | riversidethemag.com | 81

n o n pro f it s

Victoria Hecht at U.S. Figure Skating’s 2011 Southwestern Regional Championships Ph o t o by G e o r g e R o s s a n o, C y n t h i a S l aw t e r Ph o t og r a p hy

Off the ice,

a walk in the park Wr it te n by A my Be nt ley


eart health is an issue that’s literally near and dear to the heart of Victoria Hecht. The award-winning competitive ice skater from Riverside was born with a hole in her heart and a second condition in which her pulmonary vein was backing up into her heart instead of her lung, reducing her heart’s ability to pump blood by half. When Victoria was 6, a routine check-up revealed the problems that earlier had been misdiagnosed as asthma, so she had immediate surgery to fix both conditions. She has been fine ever since — and breathing much easier. On Sept. 10, she’ll swap her ice skates for a pair of walking shoes and join others at Fairmount Park for


| riversidethemag.com | june-july 2011

the 2011 Inland Empire Heart Walk, an American Heart Association benefit. “I’m a heart surgery survivor, and have always enjoyed helping the Heart Association with their events and walks,” said Victoria, 18, an American Heart Association Junior Ambassador. “I tell people my story and hope to inspire them. I’m very lucky.” A 2010-11 Hungarian champion in pairs skating who now represents the United States in qualifying competitions for singles and pairs at the senior level, Victoria started ice skating when she was 5 as therapy. “She couldn’t do any outdoor sports. She struggled with it because she was medicated,” and she also had trouble breathing, said Yolanda Hecht, her mother. Hecht added that her daughter never could have come so far in skating without the procedure to correct her heart defects. After the surgery, Victoria’s stamina increased, and she could breathe easier. She also stays Inland Empire fit and eats well. Heart Walk Victoria says taking part in the Heart Walk was Fairmount Park, Riverside an easy choice. “It’s a great event for everyone Sept. 10; registration opens at 7 a.m.; the walk starts because anyone can participate. It’s a great cause.” at 8:30 a.m. 310-424-4162, The walk is the American Heart Association’s www.ieheartwalk.org premier event for raising funds to fight America’s No. 1 and No. 3 killers — heart disease and stroke, which claim an estimated 865,000 Americans every year.

1 in 4 adults face mental health challenges. Just one person reaching out can make a difference. Every day people recover from mental illness such as depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder and others. Learn to recognize the signs and don’t be afraid to talk about them. Getting help with your friend or family member is the first step to a healthy future.

Offer support to a friend or family member in need. Link up for more information and local resources:

Up2Riverside.org Or Call (800) 706-7500 Sponsored by the Riverside County Department of Mental Health in Collaboration with the County of San Diego.

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