Top Workplaces 2010

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Sunday, June 20, 2010

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Top 60 Work Places Page 3 in the Bay Area Companies and employees give back to their communities ■ Page 10

Improv skills Celebrating can helpdiversity at work in the workforce ■ Page 2 Empowering Employees ■ Page 29

2 in 5

workers say it takes at least 6 months to find a job. Source: Yahoo! HotJobs site poll, Dec. 2009

Speed up your job search at

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The Bay Area News Group partnered with Workplace Dynamics to present the Top WorkPlaces 2010. Workplace Dynamics has conducted similar surveys in major cities and regions throughout the U.S. Over 1,200 companies of 50 or more employees in the Bay Area were invited to participate in this survey. Employees in those companies were invited to respond to a series of 18 statements about their company. Their responses were used to gauge how employees feel about their company. Examples are: I believe this organization is going in the right direction. I feel genuinely appreciated at this organization. I have many opportunities to learn and grow at this organization. My manager listens to me. My pay is fair for the work I do. For employers with between 100 and 400 employees, Workplace Dynamics required a response rate of at least 30 percent. For employers with more than 400 employees, they required at least 120 responders. Workplace Dynamics encouraged employers to survey all employees. Workplace Dynamics categorized the employers into size bands because smaller employers tend to score higher than midsize employers, and midsize employers tend to score higher than large employers. The firm then ranked the employers within their size band based solely on the employee responses to the survey statements.



Bay Area companies encourage dialogue and respect for all By Linnea Smith Jessup





Several Top Workplaces companies mentioned their diverse employee base and are proud of the ways in which they have encouraged and supported good communication among staff. This positive practice benefits both the employees and the greater society. James McManis of McManis Faulkner, Law Offices, in San Jose, proudly said, “We have one of the most diverse law offices in the Bay Area.� More than 60 percent of the attorneys are women and more than 45 percent of attorneys and staff are ethnic/religious minorities. The Diversity Committee of the Santa Clara County Bar Association recently presented McManis Faulkner with the Unsung Hero Award for their efforts and practices in this area. Some have networks within their organizations which cover ethnic/religious groups, age and specific interests. At Intuit, there are now 10 employee networks, from Asian/Pacific Islander to Indian, Latino, Military, Gen Y, Muslim, Christian and GLTG (Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual Transgender). The company is quick to point out that all networks are inclusive; anyone with an interest in that group is welcome to join. Networks build community, promote service and provide leadership opportunities and offer both social and work related benefits.

See DIVERSITY, Page 33

Rank 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35

Company Sereno Group Real Estate McManis Faulkner Blach Construction Company Clearwell Systems Inc. iD Tech Camps Medallia Inc. APN Software Services Inc. Bailard, Inc. Alliance Manufactured Homes A10 Networks Integrated Archive Systems, Inc. Pacific Service Credit Union Alameda County Community Food Bank

Encore Industries Inc Hillbrook School Merced Systems Easter Seals Bay Area The Cooper Companies, Inc. Abbott Stringham & Lynch Finelite Starlight Community Services San Carlos Elms Simply Hired, Inc. Toyota Sunnyvale Crossing Automation Edelman Satellite Laboratory Services Playworks AREVA Rimini Street Inc Sharon Heights Golf & Country Club West County Wastewater District T.Y. Lin International G2 Technology Inc. Blackhawk Country Club

Founded 2006 1971 1970 2004 1999 2000 1996 1969 2006 2004 1994 1936 1985 1997 1935 2001 1927 1980 1977 1991 2000 1996 2005 2003 2003 1952 2000 1996 2001 2005 1961 1921 1954 2002 1982

Ownership Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Partnership Private Private Cooperative/Mutual

Non-profit Private Non-profit Private Non-profit Parent company

Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Non-profit Private Private Non-profit Public Private Private Private

Sector Residential Law Construction Enterprise Software Summer Technology Programs Enterprise Software Engineering consultancy Investment Management Residential Networking and Application Delivery Data Management Solution Provider Credit Union Anti-Hunger Services and Education Outreach

Metal Products Independent Elementary Schools Enterprise Software Human services Medical Devices & Products Accountancy Manufacture - Lighting Mental Health Services Healthcare facilities (e.g. nursing, hospice)

Internet Auto Dealership & Auto Parts Semiconductor Equipment PR and Communications Diagnostics, Imaging, & Laboratories Educational Support Energy Business Services Hospitality / Food & Beverage Utilities Design/Engineering consultants Inventory Lifecycle Management Services


Š 2010 WorkplaceDynamics

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Locations 4 1 3 1 6 1 1 1 4 1 2 6 1 2 1 1 6 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 3 2 1 1 2 4 1 1

Employees 131 52 112 51 63 60 56 50 50 67 56 88 54 77 55 136 83 51 50 103 96 70 57 94 63 134 113 139 66 78 112 51 63 99 139


35 Top Small WorkPlaces in the Bay Area


Top Small WorkPlaces


S U N D A Y, J U N E 2 0 , 2 0 1 0

}~. p_PMURYQ McQ aR_cP_` PU QUXN_ bOQ[V_QQ TRUbX_WQ P\RUO]\ P\_ [VVUNcP[N_ OQ_ U^ WU`_RV V_PMURY[V] cV` Q_aOR[PK P_a\VUXU][_Q, g[P\ P\_ RcT[` QT__` U^ UVX[V_ aUWWOV[acP[UV PU`cKE aOQPUW_RQ cR_ a\UUQ[V] }~.CQ flagship AX Series Application Delivery Controllers to \_XT P\_[R V_PMURYQ cV` bOQ[V_QQ Y__T Tca_,

AX Series Benefits • State of the art scalability • High performance protection against Users

g[P\ P\_ bUUW [V N[`_U P_a\VUXU]KE Q\cR[V] U^ XcR]_ files, eCommerce applications, social networking, email traffic, wireless devices, smartphones and many more, Internet traffic is predicted to grow 40 percent year over year. A10’s AX Series are new genera9 P[UV Q_RN_R XUc` bcXcVa_RQ M[P\ P\_ [V`OQPRKCQ \[]\_QP T_R^URWcVa_ cV` QacXcb[X[PK PU c``R_QQ UR]cV[JcP[UVQC V_PMURY V__`Q PU _VQOR_ ^cQP cV` Q_aOR_ g_b UR UP\_R cTTX[acP[UVQ ^UR _V` OQ_RQE PU`cK cV` [V P\_ ^OPOR_,

The AX Series is a high-performance, scalable platform cV` P\_ P_a\VUXU]K X_c`_R [V P\R__ Y_K c``R_QQcbX_ markets. The first is our core market for Advanced Application Delivery Controllers and new genera9 P[UV Q_RN_R XUc` bcXcVa_R ^OVaP[UVcX[PK, j\_ Q_aUV` [Q unN- W[]RcP[UVE M\[a\ [Q cV _cRXK QPc]_ WcRY_P M[P\ significant growth potential. The third is Cloud Comput9 [V] cV` h[RPOcX[JcP[UV M\_R_bK h[RPOcX[JcP[UV [Q cP P\_ Center of Cloud Computing and the AX Series delivers P\_ M[`_QP RcV]_ U^ UTP[UVQ,


xcQP_R – Speed and capacity: According to per9 formance metrics including Layer 4, Layer 7 and throughput, AX Series delivers the industry’s best TR[a_HT_R^URWcVa_ RcP[U, }Ra\[P_aP_` ^UR QacXcb[X[PKE the compact 2U AX 5200 can achieve over 3 million L4 connections per second (CPS), which exceeds competitors’ chassis systems by up to 3X. The innovative 64-bit AX Series overcomes the 32bit, 4 GB memory limitation, increasing addressable W_WURK ^UR P\_ [V`OQPRKCQ \[]\_QP T_R^URWcVa_ cV` QacXcb[X[PK,


• Web application acceleration and optiInternet

mization • Server and application high-availability • Faster user experience • Best in class price/performance ADC

solution • Simple deployment and ease of

management Data Center Server Resources

AX Series Solutions


malicious attacks

Advanced Application Delivery Controller (ADC)


|_PP_R – Flexible platform, advanced features, dis9 ruptive price and world-class support: The AX platform [Q `_Q[]V_` PU W__P aOQPUW_RQC aORR_VP cV` ^OPOR_ V__`Q M[P\ \_c`RUUW PU ]RUM, xUR UR]cV[JcP[UVQ MURY[V] UV [V[P[cP[N_Q ^UR `cPca_VP_R aUVQUX[`cP[UVE virtualization, software as a service (SaaS), cloud computing, IPv6 and more, AX dramatically lowers the PUPcX aUQP U^ `_TXUKW_VP cQ cXX ^_cPOR_Q cR_ [VaXO`_` without additional licensing fees. AX Series delivers P\_ WUQP R_QTUVQ[N_ QOTTURP [V P\_ WcRY_PE ]OcRcVP__9 [V] aOQPUW_R QcP[Q^caP[UV,

About A10 Networks

wR__V_R – Industry’s most energy efficient platform: The scalable Advanced Core Operating System (ACOS) architecture, with shared memory, provides the foundation for the industry’s most energy-efficient ADC. The high-end "supercomputer class" AX 5200 Q_PQ c V_M ]R__V QPcV`cR` [V c aUWTcaP /i cTTX[cVa_ with 3X the performance, 1/3 the size and 1/6 less TUM_R PU ROV N_RQOQ aUWT_P[V] a\cQQ[Q QUXOP[UVQ, }XX AX models deliver the highest performance per Watt (PPW) than competing solutions.

A10 Networks was founded in 2004 with a mission to povide innovative networking and security solutions. }~. p_PMURYQ WcY_Q \[]\9T_R^URWcVa_ TRU`OaPQ P\cP \_XT UR]cV[JcP[UVQ caa_X_RcP_E UTP[W[J_ cV` Q_aOR_ their applications. A10 Networks is headquartered in Silicon Valley with offices in the United States and centers of excellence around the globe. For more information, visit

2309 Bering Drive, San Jose, CA 95131 |

k_RN_R rUc` |cXcVa[V]

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We’re Hiring software engineers in the following areas:

h[RPOcX[JcP[UV cV` {XUO` {UWTOP[V] • yLT_R[_Va_ [V iV[L Y_RV_XE `R[N_RQ cV` R_cX9P[W_ _W9 b_``_` QKQP_WQ • sVUMX_`]_ cV` bcaY]RUOV` [V \[]\ T_R^URWcVa_ POV9 [V] cV` c`NcVa_` cX]UR[P\WQ • h[RPOcX[JcP[UV P_a\VUXU]K UR `[QPR[bOP_` XcR]_ QacX_ QU^PMcR_ QKQP_WQ bcaY]RUOV` [Q c TXOQ

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All positions require the following qualiÿcations: • q[V[WOW |k [V {kE {y UR yy • k_V[UR TUQ[P[UVQ R_SO[R_ qk [V {kH{y UR _SO[NcX_VP cV` W[VO9 WOW Q_N_V K_cRQ U^ R_X_NcVP _LT_R[_Va_ Dn\z c TXOQ' • wUU` N_RbcX cV` MR[PP_V aUW9 WOV[acP[UV QY[XXQ • Proficient in C programming XcV]Oc]_ ^UR `_N_XUTW_VP TUQ[P[UVQ



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Top Medium WorkPlaces 15 Top Medium WorkPlaces in the Bay Area Rank Company





Financial Advisory Firm



Federal Government










Opes Advisors




National Park Service, Pacific West Regional Office




ArcSight, Inc.



Network Security


Barcelon Management Co.



Property Management


City of San Ramon




RPM Mortgage, Inc.



Mortgage Banker and Broker




Pet Food Express



Pets & Pet Supplies




Qualcomm MEMS Technologies



Manufacture - High Tech




Celestica Inc. (San Jose)



EMS Service Provider




Armanino McKenna LLP



Professional Services




Synaptics, Incorporated



High Technology Human Interface




Contra Costa County Community Services Bureau






California Transplant Donor Network



Healthcare - Hospitals




Finisar Corporation



Technology product sales and service




OSIsoft, LLC



Infrastructure Software







Local Government


Š 2010 WorkplaceDynamics




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S U N D A Y, J U N E 2 0 , 2 0 1 0

Get to Know Qualcomm MEMS Technologies, Inc. Qualcomm’s mirasol® displays are a technology breakthrough that deliver substantial performance benefits over competing display technologies.

The New 5.7” Color Display Display image simulated.

Key Benefits of mirasol® Displays • A wholly owned subsidiary of Qualcomm Incorporated • Offices in San Diego and San Jose, California, USA, and Hsinchu and Longtan, Taiwan

The reflective displays, based on interferometric modulation (IMOD) technology, offer a significant reduction in power consumption as compared to other display technologies, while extending device battery life and enabling new features. Moreover, these displays require no backlighting and can be viewed in bright sunlight and in a wide range of environments. • Qualcomm MEMS Technologies, Inc. designs, manufactures, and sells mirasol display modules to mobile and consumer device makers

Inspired by the simplicity of natural iridescent colors, the mirasol display physically manipulates light using micron and sub-micron sized mechanical elements. These simple, elegant structures result in a display that is:

The nature-inspired method of color creation in mirasol displays is nothing short of genius. Put simply, they use microscopic mirrors to bounce light back to the viewer at the desired color.


Consumers have always had to bear the burden of the gap between what their device’s battery can do and their desires. No more.


Humans are used to seeing the world through reflected light. Step out of the shadows and let the sun shine in.


A display shouldn’t slow you down. mirasol displays deliver a rapid refresh rate that supports video ad intuitive functions like touch.


Provides consistent viewing quality in varied environments ranging from dim indoor lighting to the brightest outdoor sunlight


Dramatically reduces the energy consumption from the display resulting in increased usage time across every usage model





Enables increasingly diverse industrial designs and applications while greatly enhancing the potential for carrier revenue


Fabrication Facility in Longtan, Taiwan

More information about mirasol displays can be found at © Copyright, 2010, Qualcomm MEMS Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved.


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Qualcomm MEMS Technologies, Inc.

Come work for a company recognized as a Top Workplace in the Bay Area Qualcomm MEMS Technologies, Inc. is a wholly owned subsidiary of Qualcomm, a FORTUNE 500® company. Qualcomm has developed mirasol displays, a true technological innovation. Qualcomm’s mirasol display technology was developed by observing nature, a process called biomimicry. The phenomenon that make butterfly wing’s colorful shimmer is the same utilized to create color in a mirasol display. Qualcomm is focused on bringing this next generation display technology to market and is targeting the burgeoning e-reader/mobile display space. Qualcomm’s mirasol displays are, quite simply, everything a display should be: color, low power, sunlight readable and with rapid refresh rates that support video and multimedia.

See mirasol displays in action at

© Copyright, 2010, Qualcomm MEMS Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved.



Qualcomm’s success is a direct result of its people. Our high energy company is filled with bright, creative minds working together. We are looking for motivated individuals to help drive the display revolution. If this sounds like the right place for you, visit Qualcomm MEMS Technologies, Inc. has offices in San Diego, California; San Jose, California; Hsinchu, Taiwan and the Longtan Science Park in Taiwan.


S U N D A Y, J U N E 2 0 , 2 0 1 0



Support of community charities a priority of many companies and their employees By Linnea Smith Jessup SECTION EDITOR

The Bay Area New Group’s Top WorkPlaces 2010 recognizes the many facets of what make companies particularly appealing to their employees. One aspect noted by several of the corporate winners was the phenomenal effort expended by the companies and the employees in giving back to their local communities and even the wider world. From comments gathered through interviews with corporate staff, and from photos shared by employees with their corporate leaders, it’s clear that employees fully appreciate their companies’ leadership in helping others and in improving many lives. This survey found that many corporations have established substantial programs to support a variety of organizations and causes, while also working directly with employees to benefit local programs and people. For example, Pacific Service Credit Union, with corporate offices in Walnut Creek, has a community involvement committee that meets monthly and researches various organizations — determining who they serve and what their needs are. The group makes recommendations to the CEO and the Board of Directors, keeping the emphasis on health, safety, well being and education. The company provides funds as well as equipment and food to several charities. In the educational field, the company provided computers for The Bread Project’s training facility, plus funds for Oakland East Bay Symphony’s music program in Oakland schools and for the Silicon Valley Education Foundations Stepping up to Algebra program for eighth graders. If an employee volunteers time at a specific organization, the credit union may make a donation in the employee’s name to the organization, noted Noelle FischerHerbert, vice president of corporate development. Many employees have joined in fund-raising walks, worked at the Food Bank and Marine Mammal Center, to name just a few of the beneficiaries.


Top Large WorkPlaces 10 Top Large WorkPlaces in the Bay Area



Rank Company










Lucky/Save Mart Supermarkets





Informatica Corporation










Auto/Truck & Auto Parts




SVB Financial Group - Silicon Valley Bank



Financial Services




Quest Diagnostics



Diagnostics Imaging & Laboratories




Palo Alto Medical Foundation






Citrix Systems Inc.



Enterprise Software




Intuit Inc.







Cypress Semiconductor Corporation








Medical Repair Business



10 Olympus America Inc.

© 2010 WorkplaceDynamics

Healthcare & Research

McManis Faulkner, Law Office in San Jose emphasizes community involvement throughout the company, with each of the lawyers selecting a “cause” or a non-profit with they will support through such help as serving on that group’s board. Other staff join in to support local programs, such as the recent Third Annual Open Your Heart Pajama Drive which collects books and new pajamas for children who are foster children awaiting adoption. At RPM Mortgage, Walnut Creek, the owners Rob and Tracey Hirt select agencies or programs to which they make substantial donations, and the employees are encourage to join in support of this cause. A recent example was the setting up a fund by the Hirts to support local high school baseball player Gunnar Sandberg, who was critically injured in a baseball game but is now making a great recovery. The funds are being used to help with his medical and recovery therapy costs. Many of the loan officers and other employees at the Walnut Creek-based company then made donations of their own to this cause. Providing used equipment and volunteer hours to many local organizations, Qualcomm MEMS Technologies “thinks of ourselves as citizens of where we live and work,” according to Amanda Zeidman, human resources representative at the San Jose-based office. The company matches grants to employees’ donations and in the past year employees have participated in a blood drive with Stanford Blood Center, the Step Out for Diabetes Walk in San Jose and a day of sorting food at the local food bank, the latter part of a team-building exercise for company engineers. The company has also provided grants to Habitat for Humanity, the Morgan Autism Center and the MS Waves to Wine fund-raising bike ride from San Francisco to Healdsburg. OSIsoft, LLC, of San Leandro, gives time and money to several local organizations, including Alameda County Food Bank, Davis Street Family Resource Center and San Leandro Toys for Tots, foregoing a holiday party to use those funds instead to help others, noted Dorothy Jones, director of human resources. She added that the company frequently participates in on-site blood drives as well. Effective this year, after input from employees, the company established a new Policy for Community Outreach – employees can take up to 24 hours of paid time off per year to participate in local charity work “to better the communities were we live and work.” Give once and the recipient is twice rewarded through the efforts of Silicon Valley Bank based in Santa Clara Any employee who is actively involved in an organization can apply once a year for a grant request from SVB to that organization. Carrie Merritt, director of public relations, notes that about $140,000 is distributed through these grants from the bank’s foundation, and that an additional $500,000 is donated to groups and charities decided upon by management. Among two organizations that have received help are Save the Bay and BUILD, she said. Adopta-Soldier is a new program this year where employees can have a pen pal in the service and send them goodies while they are overseas. “We Care and Give Back” is one of Intuit Inc. company’s six values, “not just a plan,” explained Terilyn Monroe, a company director and responsible for employee engagement and experience, with headquarters in Mountain View. She said Intuit provides 32 hours annually of paid time off for volunteer work and offers grant requests and donation matching. This year the company held a worldwide We Care and Give Back week and estimated that 1,000 employees volunteered that week, while others made charitable donations or wrote letters to U.S. troops, among other efforts.

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Charitable organizations from page 10

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QUALCOMM MEMS TECHNOLOGIES EMPLOYEES participated in the Step Out for Diabetes Walk in San Jose.



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makes all the difference in the world when it comes to our continued success. I would like to salute the employees of SVB for their dedication to our clients, and applaud their ongoing commitment to our culture. It is their enthusiasm that truly makes SVB a ‘Top Workplace’.”



- Ken Wilcox, President and CEO


©2010 SVB Financial Group. ® All rights reserved. Member Federal Reserve System. SVB, SVB> and SVB>Find a way are all trademarks of SVB Financial Group. Rev. 06-15-10.

“I believe the culture we have built at SVB Financial Group

S U N D A Y, J U N E 2 0 , 2 0 1 0

Silicon Valley Bank.

We’re honored to be recognized as one of the

Top Workplaces

in the Bay Area. We thank our employees for sharing with our clients a spirit for getting things done, a

3003 Tasman Drive Santa Clara, California 95054 U.S.A. Phone 408.654.7400


Silicon Valley Bank Headquarters


penchant for making opportunities out of obstacles and enjoying it every inch of the way.


S U N D A Y, J U N E 2 0 , 2 0 1 0

Within every ArcSight employee beats the heart of a Cyberhero. Every day ArcSight employees work to protect the universe from cyber threats and risks and keep industry-leading companies and government agencies safe with the most advanced security and compliance management solutions available.

Thank you to our employees for all you do and for voting us as one of the TopWork Places 2010. At ArcSight, we have a unique environment in which people from diverse backgrounds, styles, cultures and functions all work together and where everyone

• feels valued, trusted and respected, • makes a difference and are acknowledged and rewarded for results, • honors innovation and supports customer success. "Knowing that our products and technology are recognized regularly by the industry is important to ArcSight. Just as important, however, is this award that recognizes our company culture and unique environment, and is a reflection of all of our employees, not just our senior management," said Gail Boddy, Vice President of Human Resources at ArcSight. "Our employees are proud of where they work and this award is a reflection of that."



ArcSight is honored to work with the greatest cyberheros on the planet.


To apply, please visit us at

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ArcSight, Inc. has been named one of the Top Employers in the Bay Area. To apply, please visit us at ENGINEERING • Security Information Analysts • Senior Technical Writer • Senior Software Engineers • Senior Java Server Engineers • Director of Engineering • Principal Performance Engineer • Senior Linux Administrators • Senior QA Engineers • Technical Support Engineers SALES • Regional Sales Manager – Federal • Sales Systems Engineer – Federal • Account Development Rep – Inside Sales • Install Sales Rep – Inside Sales • Strategic Account Manager – NY • Sales Systems Engineer – So. California SERVICES • Security Consultants • ArcSight Security Engineers • Federal SOC Engineers • Solutions Architects


ArcSight helps protect enterprises and government agencies by providing complete visibility and critical insights into their IT infrastructure across all users, networks, datacenters and applications. The market-leading ArcSight platform enables organizations to proactively safeguard their digital assets, control the risks associated with cybertheft, cyberfraud, cyberwarfare and cyberespionage and comply with corporate and regulatory policy.

We are hiring!!

To apply, please visit us at TEXT ArcSightJobs to 22345


ArcSight (NASDAQ: ARST) is a leading global provider of security and compliance management solutions that intelligently identify and mitigate cyber threat and risk for businesses and government agencies.





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SEVERAL TEAMS WITHIN INTUIT INC. also do volunteer work as a group effort; one group has worked together at a Habitat for Humanity project, for example.

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Pre-School & Infant Toddler Teachers Contra Costa County Community Services Bureau

Come join our dynamic organization dedicated to nurturing children 0-5 years old and enhancing the lives of families!

Several teams within the company also do volunteer work as a group effort; one group has worked together at a Habitat for Humanity project, for example. In addition, Intuit conducts free tax preparation assistance events in many low-income areas, teaching residents how to use tax software to complete their forms. Many of their bi-lingual staff participate in this outreach. Established in 2006, Sereno Group Real Estate in Saratoga is finalizing its charitable foundation structure this year, with employees participating in that effort. The foundation will match some funds of individual givers and employees will determine where foundation funds should be distributed. Last year 25 Sereno Group members participated as a team in their local American Cancer Society Relay for Life and led group fundraising with a total of $30,000. The company is also a sponsor of the Great Race in Saratoga, providing funding of $15,000 to the Rotary-organized community event. Among the charitable organizations supported by employees of Bailard, Inc., in Foster City are Community Gatepath, which provides support and employment to people with disabilities, the Peninsula Boys and Girls Club and the Run4NF (neurofibromatosis) half marathon; 14 employees — nearly one-third of the company — participated in the run, raising $25,000 to help develop a cure for neurofibromatosis (NF). Almost everyone at Bailard is involved in one or more charities, said Diana Dessonville, director of business development, and employees are encouraged to rally support for their particular passion or organization, she added. Founder Tom Bailard also has a foundation which supports expansion of affordable housing in the Bay Area. At SimplyHired, Mountain View, the small and “very competitive” company noted that employees enjoy creative challenges and even integrate that into their giving. A backpack drive organized by their lunch teams drew a large response as each team tried to outdo others with fully stocked backbacks and distinctive school supplies. They also participate in an annual food drive and the March of Dimes. Finisar also ramps up the competition to encourage contributions to the Second Harvest Food Drive. Building wings in both Sunnyvale and Fremont team up to see which can collect the most for this annual drive. At the holiday season, the company decorates a large tree and encourages employees to place wrapped gifts for children here; last year the company provided 150 such gifts to two organizations. Similarly, San Jose-based Abbott Stringham & Lynch supports Second Harvest Food Bank and does a gift drive with Family Giving Tree, providing gifts to both children and adults each December. To raise funds for Ju. Achievement, an organization dedicated to teaching students


Preschool & Infant/ Toddler Teacher • Child Development Teacher’s Permit • Infant/Toddler Teacher require three (3) Infant Toddler units Preschool & Infant/ Toddler Associate Teacher • Child Development Associate Teacher’s Permit • Infant/Toddler Teachers require three (3) Infant Toddler units Site Supervisor I • Child Development Site Supervisor Permit • Two (2) years of full time or its equivalent exp. as a Teacher in a publicly funded pre-school or child development program Site Supervisor II • Child Development Site Supervisor Permit • Two (2) years of full time or its equivalent exp. as a Site Supervisor in a publicly funded pre-school or child development program Staff Supervisor III • Child Development Staff Supervisor Permit • Four (4) years of full time or its equivalent exp. as a Staff Supervisor in a publicly funded pre-school or child development program

For information on available management positions and to apply: Call (925) 313-1777, Visit or Text CCCJOBS to 22345 on your mobile phone.


Charitable organizations from page 11



Preschool Master Teacher • Child Development Master Teacher’s Permit • AA Degree with twenty-four - (24) Early Childhood Education/Child Development - (16) general education - (6) specialization - (2) adult supervision units


S U N D A Y, J U N E 2 0 , 2 0 1 0

Cultivating a culture of performance Bailard, Inc. believes that, in addition to traditional measures of investment performance, two key measures signal the company’s success. First is client retention, which remains at 98% for the past five years ending in 2009.* The second indicator is employee tenure, which averages over 13 years. Our company





our success not only by the quality of our investments but also bytheenduring nature of our relationships.Two key measures believed to be linked are employee tenure (averaging over 13 years) and client retention (98% for Bailard Advisory Service clientsforthe past five years ending in 2009).*

Proudly serving institutions and private investors for 40 years, Bailard is an employee-owned wealth and asset manager located in Foster City. Open communication, a passion for excellence and a ubiquitous focus on doing what’s right for our clients are proud hallmarks of Bailard’s culture. In our Pursuit of the Perfect Portfolio, Bailard has Our performance demonstrated a long history of innovation and passion for Our performance is inseparable from our practices. We make no bones about what we’re after: solid returns, intelligently-designed investment products. consistent results and exceptional personal service.That we succeed on so many of these fronts tell us that our broader An open,collaborative environment Bailard encourages an open environment, where transpar- definition of performance is the right one. It explains the ency and open dialogue result in employee and client re- unusually long tenure of so many of our professionals. It’s lationships built on trust. This collaborative environment why some of our client relationships span more than three also enhances our ability to innovate.Teamwork and a spir- decades and as many as four generations. it of cooperation are evident throughout the organization, ranging from our approach to hiring,to client service, asset Talk to us.Talk to our clients. management and new product development. Ultimately, Both conversations can be arranged by calling Erin Klaesius those who thrive at Bailard have or develop a strong team- at 800.BAILARD or emailing work orientation. * OurBailard Advisory Service client retention rate in 2009 was 97%;this percentage does not reflect estate settlements or accounts terminated Pride in delivering excellent customer service at the advisor’s discretion due to account size. Our 3- and 5-year client Welisten to the market and we listen to our clients.We judge retention rates ending in 2009 are 98% and 98%, respectively.

S U N D A Y, J U N E 2 0 , 2 0 1 0

ABOVE:Working with Community Gatepath, Dana M. Scheer, CFA, CFP® (SVP, Investment Counselor) volunteers in a classroom disability awareness program. BELOW: Romy S. Pavolotsky, CFP® (SVP, Investment Counselor) lends a hand to Rebuilding Together, Peninsula.


Bailard, Inc. is exceptionally proud of its employees and their tremendous commitment to the community.




S U N D A Y, J U N E 2 0 , 2 0 1 0

Employment ACCOUNTANT PricewaterhouseCoo pers, LLP has an opportunity for the following position in San Jose, CA.


Check out the new mobile site for company! Text MEDACADEMY to 22345 Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts

Check out the new mobile site for company! Text CENTRALTRUCK to 22345 Central Truck Driving School

Employ. domestic CAREGIVER exp’d live in FT Incl . Fri-Sun Cindy at 408-888-0098 CAREGIVER or CNA. Exp’d only. Excl eng skills. SSN req’d. 925-479-0999 HANDYMAN Couple wanted P/T in exchange for pvt. secluded housing on ranch property plus utils pd. Must be physically fit, have an outside income, (social security, retirement & so forth). Background check & refs. req. Write to Caretaker PO Box 67309 Scotts Valley, CA 95066.

M a n a g e r . Reqs. recent exp w/in the following: exp w/a nat’l, regional or Big 4 acct firm; exp advising multi-nat’l, publicly-traded companies & private equity firms on a broad range of tech acct & financial reporting topics; knowledge of US GAAP, SEC reporting, IFRS & related financial reporting concepts and rules; CPA or equivalent, CFA or ASA. Travel req. Reqs. incl. Master’s deg in Acct & 3 yrs recent exp or Bache lor’s deg & 5 yrs recent exp.


Check out the new mobile site for this employer! Text CareersAtBAR to 22345 State of California Dept. of Consumer Affairs Bureau of Automotive Repair AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE ADVISOR . Lg GM auto dealer ship on the Peninsu la seeking prof. service advisor w/ proven cust. svc. & CSI exp. Candidate must have Reynolds /Reynolds & GM writing service exp. Exp. only need apply Call Jorge Rodriguez at 650-642-6841.

Mail resume to Attn: HR SSC/Talent Mgt, 3109 W. MLK Jr. Blvd., Tampa, FL 33607, Ref #SJADE. Must be legally au- Biostatistician, Sr for thorized to work in p h a r m a c e u t i c a l the U.S. w/out spon- company. Resume to Teikoku Pharma sorship. EOE USA, Attn: Okada, 1718 Ringwood Ave., San Jose, CA 95131 ADMINISTRATIVE BUSINESS Cisco Systems, Inc. is accept ing resumes for the following positions in San Jose/Milpitas /Santa Clara, CA: Project Manager (Ref#: SJ18): Manages small, medium, large/complex and multiple projects throughout the project lifecycle (initiate, plan, execute, control, close) or a portion of a larger, more complex project. Business Analyst (Ref#: SJ31): Use Case/Business case development skills by 10-15 people. No interfacing with subexp. Will train. Ad ject matter experts in vancement opptys. business operations, avail. 408-642-1563. business process, Org Adoption and IT team members. ALARM INSTALLER Exp’d. Alarm Tech Please mail resumes needed for Bay Area, with reference nummostly wireless, plen - ber to Cisco Systems, ty of work. Must have Inc., Attn: J51W, 170 own tools and vehi W. Tasman Drive, cle. Call 310-242-3572 Mail Stop: SJC 5/1/4, San Jose, CA 95134. No phone calls please. Must be legally authorized to work in the U.S. without sponsorship. EOE.

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Text CHABOTJOBS to 22345 CHABOT-LAS POSITAS Community College District

Administrative / Office Work

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COMPUTERS: CORE COMPUTER CKR Interactive has Projects and Technol opening for Sr. Com- ogy, Santa Clara, CA has multiple open puter Systems Analyst (CSA-CA) re- ings: 1) Programmer Analyst to design & sponsible for leading implement SAP efforts in analyzing technology-enabled all data processing business solutions, issues and setup for etc. (Code PA2) AND internal and client web applications. 2) Computer Systems Some position may Analyst/Programmer to facilitate applica require travel. Edu and exp require - tion integration with identity and access ments may depend management infra on position level/ type. Submit resume structure, etc. (Code to CKR Interactive, CSAP4) Job Site: San399 N. 3Rd Street, ta Clara, CA and vari Campbell, CA 95008, ous unanticipated cli ent locations in USA. ATTN: Skye Callan/ CSA-CA. Must refer Resumes (with code #) to HR, 3350 Scott job code in order to Blvd., Bldg, 34A, Santa be considered. Clara, CA 95054. Details at COMPUTER Dolby Laboratories Inc currently has openings in San Jose, CA for C O M P U T E R . Sr. E A S DSP Engineer. Imple- Analyst: Lead the ment assembly soft- delivery of SAP Projware for Bluetooth ect Sys solutions. chipsets. Apply on- R e s p o n s i b i l i t i e s line at http: .incl. aligning with // the bus on scope & detail.asp?jobid=dolb deliverables; gather y1794 indicating job ing user reqs; drivref # 645.121. EOE ing des, develop ment, testing & delivery of solutions COMPUTER Hewlettalong with postPackard Company is implementation supaccepting resumes port; leading & trainfor Software Designer ing peer EAS anapositions in lysts, especially durCupertino, CA. ing period end closing; performing full Reqs: exp in appl life-cycle SAP impledvlpmt w/hands on mentations; underexp in wrkng standing and w/databases, out of leveraging SAP projwhich at least 2 yrs. ect sys and its inteshould be in Bus. In- gration with other telligence Applctns modules (incl. SD, Implmntn (eg. Busi- VC, FI/CO and ness Objects, Siebel COPA). Send resume Analytics/OBIEE); exp to Attn: Req#2110BR, w/ database query Varian Medical Systools & proven capa- tems, Inc., 3100 Hanbility to understand & sen Way, Palo Alto, optimize database CA 94304, or fax to query plans; Exp. in- 650.842.5020 stalling & tuning database connectivity tchnlgy (eg. ODBC, Computer JDBC); Exp. Inc., a w/building Data Synopsys, Warehouse(s), port- leader in the EDA ining schemas & data dustry, has the folin from one Data Ware- lowing openings house platform to an- Mountain View, CA: other; Exp. w/ETL & Sr. I: BI applctns; Exp w/BI IT Architect, Applctns dvlpmt & Admin, support & deof internal implmntn exp in a sign infrapartner /cust situa- SharePoint tion; knwldg of SW structure for intranet dvlpmt processes; & collaboration runExp performing test- ning on MOSS 2007 & ing, Data Warehouse exterbldg & tuning, Data nal site. Req BS in InWarehouse porting fo Sys Eng, CS, CE or from one platform to rel & 5 yrs exp in another; Extensive SharePoint admin & knwldg of UNIX, Win- custom dvpmt based dows & Linux operat - on .NET technology + ing systems; Systems bkgd in SharePoint lvl knwldg of data- admin, customization bases & OS, & dvpmt; MS Office troubleshooting of BI dvpmt; .NET & Web Win Server & ETL tools perform - dvpmt; SQL ance issues. Also administration; reqs: Masters in CS, Server admin & Bus CE, SW Engnrg or rel. Intell tools; Agile SW project mgmt & 3 yrs exp in job of- & fered or rel. In lieu of m e t h o d o l o g i e s . Masters + 3yrs., ER AD/SJMN/68BR. will accept Bachelors Consultant, in CS, CE, SW Engnrg Design or rel & 5 yrs exp in Sr. II: Assist or direct job offered or rel. customer in use of List full name, ad- Synopsys EDA tools & dress & email ad- methodologies to dedress on resume. sign & develop inteSend resume & refer grated circuits. Req MS in CE, EE or to Job# CUPCBH2. rel/equiv & 2 yrs exp Please send resumes in IC design & implewith job number to mentation consulting H e w l e t t - P a c k a r d + bkgd in EDA tools Company, 19483 (Primetime, ICC, DeForPruneridge Ave., MS sign Compiler, 4206, Cupertino, CA mality); writing static constraints 95014. No phone calls timing please. Must be le- from specs & timing top-/blockgally authorized to closure; work in the U.S. with- level floor planning; design; out sponsorship. hierarchical equivalence check EOE. ing, DRC design rule checking, LVS; signal COMPUTERS E l e c - integrity issues; low tronics for Imaging, power implementa Inc. (EFI) has an tion; Verilog & VHDL; opening for a Sr. SAP TCL & Perl scripting. ABAP Developer in AD/SJMN/552BR. Foster City, CA. Participate in application To apply, please send development for new resume, indicating projects and trouble - position of interest & shoot problems with applicable Ad Code, existing code in SAP to: printads@ FI, CO, MM, PP, SD (ASCII and HR modules. text only, no attach Please send resume ments please). to 303 Velocity Way, EOE/AA. Foster City, CA 94404, Attn: May Muhawieh. %12#!*,"6#$2&$+2 PLEASE REFERENCE 0&5 3,'6 6& 1."2 Job Code 139 when "2,4#612#/2"(5"0#-23!) submitting resume

Employment CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION FOREMAN . Min 5 yrs. exp. Must read plans Clean DMV. Full bnft. Call 408-937-0510 or fax res. 408-937-0845

CONSTRUCTION: Accepting applica tions for journeymen metal stud framers, sheet rockers and drywall finishers. Proper employment eligibility documents req’d. Please fax resume 408-374-4627

Corporate Information Officer Prepare/edit compa ny English publica tions, internal & ex ternal, for both print & digital media; Confer/coord. with support staff in the company promo / mrktg campaign to develop print & digi tal material; Confer / consult department managers, such as acctng, production, R& D, for info accura cy; Translate & revise Chinese publications into English version for both print & digi tal media. Req: Bach elor in Communica tion or Public Rela tions. Job site/send resume to Foxlink In ternational, Inc. attn: L Wang., 2700 Zanker Rd., Ste. 150, San Jose, CA 95134. CUSTOMER SERVICE

Check out the new mobile site for this employer! Text SUMMERJOBS to 22345 CUSTOMER SERVICE

Check out the new mobile site for this employer! Text verizonjobs to 22345

Verizon Wireless CUSTOMER SERVICE Engineer needed SAN storage server, RAID systems experience to provide on-site installation, diag-nostics and hardware re-pair. 2 year degree, 3-5 yrs experience, A+, Net+ cer-tifications, good customer service re quired. Apply to CUSTOMER SERVICE MANAGER Quantel USA North America Supervise service employees; manage customer care, re pair services and parts supply of all Quantel SA products sold in North Ameri ca. Quantel SA is a premier supplier of scien-tific, industrial and medical laser products. Submit cover letter/ resumes to Wage DOE. EOE/AA

Employment DESIGN Engineer Sys test & failure analysis; test automation des using Verilog & Perl; system-level configuration in fullchip environment, incl. verification, & writing scripts & behavioral models; use C & C++ languages, Unix & Cadence operating systems, & HDL & Hspice simulation tools; CMOS digital circuits des, & memory des. Submit resume to: ISSI, San Jose, CA 95112, fax# 408-969-7800, attn: Job# 004. DESIGNER: IDEO seeks Sr. Industrial Designers & Industri al Designers (AJ10PA01/02/05), Interac tion Designer (AJ10PA06) & Sr. Designer (AJ10-PA07) in Palo Alto to design/ develop new products. Mail resume to: IDEO Attn: HR Dept, 100 Forest Ave. Palo Alto CA 94301 . Must refer ence job code. EOE. Door to Door Canvassers & Sales People needed for home improvement company upto $20 per hr. Call James 510-760-8144


Check out the new mobile site for this employer! Text KnightDriver to 22345

Knight Intermodal DRIVER. Roy Miller Freight Lines has immed. pos. avail. for Cl. ATH Drivers w/ 2yrs exp & a good driving record. Bring current 10yr DMV to 1621 S. 10th St. San Jose. Apply M-F after 10am. DRIVER

SCHOOL BUS DRIVERS MOVE THAT BUS FREE TRAINING STARTS SOON. Bnfts. avail. Split shift M-F. Apply in person: 9-3. Bring your DMV H-6, SS card & DL. 1025 Shary Cir, Concord 925-686-3391


ELECTRICAL Engineering Project Manager Windtronics, LLC (Winner of Gold Edi son Award & Popu lar Mechanics top ten technologies) is seeking an electri cal engineer with emphasis & experi ence in both analog & digital circuits / associated software programming. Salary: competitive & negotiable. ( ELECTRICAL TECH

Check out the new mobile site for this employer! Text CCCSDjobs to 22345 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District ENGINEER: AlcatelLucent USA Inc., Mountain View, CA seeks 1) Senior Test Eng. (64501), Req BS in Electrical Eng., Electronics Eng., or related & 7 yrs exp. 2) Software Test Eng. (63564), Req BS in Electrical Eng., Com puter Science or re lated & 7 yrs exp. 3) System Quality As surance Eng. Special ist (64102), Req MS in Electrical Eng., or re lated and 1 yr exp. Equal Opportunity Employer. Resume: 7C-401A, 600 Moun tain Ave., Murray Hill, NJ 07974. Include job code in reply.




DENTAL: Experienced Dental Lab Techs: Immediate Openings in Waxing, Finishing, Implants & Ceramics 3-5 years experience pref’d. 408-255-1020.

EDUCATION Instructors needed for LVN Programs. Director needed for School of Asian Medical Course. Degree & exp. pref. Send resume to OikosUniversity@ or call 510-639-7557

E N G I N E E R ASIC Design Engineer. Design & integrate IPs for SoC solutions using IC dsgn methodologies & dsgn flows. Requires Bachelor’s DRIVERS WANTED in Comp Eng, Electri cal Eng or related tech field & 5 yrs progressive, post-bacc ASIC dsgn eng exp. Experience must include Verilog hardware description lanU.S. Xpress is now guage, VCS, NChiring for an Verilog, Debussy/ expanding dedicated Verdi Debug Systems, account. Synopsys Design *Coast to coast lanes & Prime*Great Pay & Benefits Compiler, Time. Must pass co’s review. Requires CDL A and 6 technical Send resumes to K. months OTR TT exper Quach, Job Ref 335, Marvell Semiconduc Don’t miss out! tor, Inc. 5488 Marvell Call Today! Lane, Santa Clara, CA 95054.

CUSTOMER Svc/Sales $16.75 Guar. Base/appt. Students/all ages 17+ Part-time/Full-time. Flex schedules, hsewares, Conditions apply. No exper. nec. West SJ 408 866-1100 South SJ 408 363-8610 Mt View 650-940-9400



Check out the new mobile site for this employer! Text CHABOTJOBS to 22345 CHABOT-LAS POSITAS Community College District

ENGINEER Bristlecone Inc. has openings for following positions at its office in Mountain View, CA: Engineering Managers: Client Engagement, Oversee Project Delivery & Maintaining Client Relationships; Reqd. Bachelor or foreign equi plus relev. Exp. Reqd. Travel/ Reloca tion. Mail Resume: Attn: HR Manager, 488 Ellis Street Mountain View, CA

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Employment E N G I N E E R ASIC Design Engineer. Develop mobile disk drive controller SOC. Reqs bachelor’s in comp sci, elec eng or related tech field & 7 yrs progressive, post-bac exp. Exp must include: large-scale (78M+ Gate) mobile Disk Drive Controller SOC, ARM CPU SOC design, Verilog, SPEC, DFT, ATPG, TC, TMAX, Synopsys ICC, Cadence SOC Encoun ter, Calibre LVS/DRC, RTL, Synopsys DC, PC, PT, Verplex LEC, BIST Compiler, Verdi, VCS, N C - V e r i l o g , Simvision, Synopsys Astro, Nano Route, Voltage Storm, Signal Storm, Star RCXT, atspeed scan & OCC. Must pass co tech review. Send resume to K. Quach, Job Ref #433, Marvell Semiconductor, Inc., 5488 Marvell Lane, Santa Clara, CA 95054. ENGINEER Cenzic, Inc. seeks Techn. Spprt Engr to respond to all issues escalated from spprt team. Mail: HR, Cenzic, Inc. 455 El Camino Real, Ste 100, Santa Clara, CA 95050. ENGINEER

Check out the new mobile site for this employer! Text USPIPEJOBS to 22345 U.S. Pipe & Foundry Company ENGINEER

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Check out the new mobile site for this employer! Text BestBuyjobs to 22345

BEST BUY ENGINEER Crocus in Sunnyvale, CA seeks MRAM Design Engnr Fax res. 408-732-8250

ENGINEER FPGA Engineers Work and play in beautiful New Mexico, The Land of Enchant ment . Electrical Engineers needed to design circuits for state-of-the-art ruggedized solid state recorders. CALCULEX, Inc. PO Box 339 Attn: MN610 Las Cruces, NM 88004 EOE - Principals Only US Citizens Only

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Citrix Systems was born from the idea of unlocking applications from datacenters, and employees from the office—changing the way IT and people work. Today, this is the promise of virtual computing, and Citrix is at the epicenter.

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Citrix simplifies computing. By applying our virtual computing vision to everything from meetings to desktops, networks and clouds, computing can be far simpler. Our belief in the power of simplicity becomes more market-relevant every day and is the basis for how Citrix will continue to drive long-term value for shareholders, employees, customers and partners. Citrix desktop virtualization, application virtualization, server virtualization, application networking, cloud computing and Software as a Service offerings radically simplify computing for millions of users, delivering applications as an on-demand service to any user, in any location on any device. More than 230,000 organizations worldwide rely on Citrix to help them build simpler and morecost-effective IT environments enabling virtual workstyles for users and virtual datacenters for IT. Citrix partners with over 10,000 companies worldwide in more than 100 countries. Founded in 1989, annual revenue in 2009 was $1.61 billion.

©2010 Citrix Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Citrix is a registered trademark of Citrix Systems, Inc. and/or one or more of its subsidiaries, and may be registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office and in other countries. All other trademarks and registered trademarks are property of their respective owners.

Citrix: One of the Bay Area’s Top Workplaces in 2010 WorkPlaceDynamics named Citrix “one of San Francisco Bay Area’s Top Workplaces” based on a survey of its employees.

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Fetch the purrfect job with a Bay Area Top Work Place! We’re growing fast! Are you a pet lover open to a retail career? Pet Food Express is the nation’s retail leader in holistic pet nutrition. We are dedicated to pet health & welfare and to pet rescue & adoptions. In fact, we provide more support to adoption groups than any other retailer in the Bay Area! We succeed through education, earning trust, putting the needs of others before our own, and offering the highest quality pet foods and supplies. If you love pets, doing what is right, and being your best, you might be a great fit! We offer: •

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As it turns out, they also think pretty highly of us.

Quest Diagnostics was recently named to the Bay Area News Group’s Top Places to Work list. Being ranked a top place to work is always impressive, but we are especially proud when that ranking is determined by the responses of our employees. Much more than an award, Quest Diagnostics considers our Our Top Places to Work ranking proof that our people believe in us as much as we believe in them.

We are honored to receive this recognition as a Top Workplace 2010, and I personally wish to extend my congratulations and heartfelt thanks to our employees. I consider it an honor and privilege to be part of this wonderful team here at The Cooper Companies. Thank you Bay Area News Group and Workplace Dynamics, LLC for this wonderful recognition.

Our success is clear: • One of FORTUNE magazine’s Most Admired Companies • Member of the S&P 500 • One of InformationWeek’s Top 500 Innovators of Business Technology • Ranked #79 on Corporate Responsibility magazine’s 11th Annual 100 Best Corporate Citizens list


Robert S. Weiss The Cooper Companies, President & CEO


or text “QUESTJOBS” to 22345 on your mobile phone for more information.


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Headquartered in Redwood City, CA with sales offices nationwide, Satellite Laboratory Services is the fastest growing renal testing, software and clinical services company in the US. Privately held since 1984, we offer a stable environment in a rapidly growing industry. We strive for excellence, encourage a collaborative environment, and offer a comprehensive benefits package with one of the nation’s most highly-ranked 401(k) plans. If you are a dedicated professional, feel you could be more productive, or could learn more if only you had greater responsibility and better access to the experts in a company, we’d like to hear from you. Position Applications Architect Business Analysts Clinical Laboratory Scientists Developers/Programmers Field Service Representative Regional Sales Manager

Location TBD Various Redwood City, CA Various Texas Southeast

Apply online under Employment.



Olympus America Inc. has been named one of the Top Workplaces in the Bay Area for 2010.


More than half a century ago, a young doctor posed a simple question: "Can't a camera manufacturer come up with a gastro camera?" He came to Olympus with a mission to save as many people as possible from stomach cancer. By 1950, our engineers had completed a gastro camera through trial and error to help this young doctor realize his dream.The idea behind the slogan "Your Vision, Our Future" is to thoroughly understand the dreams and wishes of our customers, and to create products through ongoing research and innovation. This is the fundamental spirit of Olympus that has endured since our founding in 1919. From endoscopes that help doctors save lives, to digital cameras that capture it all and microscope systems that enable researchers to expand the frontiers of scientific exploration, Olympus continues R&D activities under an integrated global structure. Not content to let dreams remain only a dream, Olympus believes that its mission is to take on challenges and create new value in the world. We would like to thank our employees for their exceptional performance and dedication in keeping Olympus customers at the center of everything we do and for having us become one of the Top Workplaces in the Bay Area.

Text: OLYMPUS 22345 for more information on your mobile phone.

ENGINEER: Dyyno, Inc. seeks VP of En gineer to research & develop networking and multimedia technology. Reqs. PhD/equiv. or MS/equiv. + 3 yrs. exp. Mail resumes to worksite:Dyyno Inc. 2100 Geng Rd.#103, Palo Alto, CA 94303 ENGINEERING:

Engineering Hermes Microvision Inc. in San Jose has Scien tist & Elec. Engr. openings ?&$- 20%+)-",7=7.+0!0'&014 6.&4#+#)2772"#,%)#.& /2"'5"0#-23!#$*+!!.1.24( ENGINEERING Apple is looking for qualified individuals for following 40/hr/wk position. To apply, mail your resume to 1 Infinite Loop 84-REL, Attn: AEC Staffing, Cupertino, CA 95014 with Ref # and copy of ad. Job site & interview, Cupertino, CA. Principals only. EOE.

Telephony Test Engineer [Req. # 5266397/LJ] Support execution of test cases in the baseband test lab. Requires Master’s degree, or foreign equivalent, in Electrical Engineering, or related degree and 2 yrs prof. exp. in job offered or in a related occupation, incl. GSM, EDGE and 3G Cellular protocols message flows and inter layer interactions; development cycle of IOT; carrier approval process and protocol stack architecture; GSM call failure investigation; WCDMA and HSDPA fundamentals and functionalities; telecommunication systems and wireless and cellular propagation; and RF Circuit Design. Software Development Engineer [Req. # 5299147/LJ] Maintain and develop new features for Apple’s video playback, capture, and editing pipeline for embedded products. Requires Master’s degree, or foreign equivalent, in Information Systems Engineering, or related and 2 yrs prof. exp. in job offered or in a related occupation, incl. C/C++; ObjectiveC; Xcode; Linux develop ment; MaxOsX; developing and maintaining API’s for media playback and capture; implementing streaming solutions for video/audio playback using HTTP, RTP/RTSP, H264, and AAC; common image processing and filtering algorithms incl. denoising for image improvement; and common container formats including MP4, MOV, MP2TS, and AVI.

Broadcom seeks all levels of Engineers / Scientists (SW, HW, Senior Protocol Development Engineer [Req. FW, Systems, De- # 5253047/SB] Support the development of sign, Layout, QA, the next generation of iPhone products. ReConfiguration/Relea quires Master’s degree, or foreign equiva lent, in Electrical Engineering, or related dese, Test, Field Apps, and others) in Sili- gree and 3 yrs prof. exp. in job offered or in con Valley, CA. Edu- a related occupation, incl. wireless commu nication theory, cellular protocol stacks laycation / experience requirements will er 1-3, cellular phone development, embed ded RTOS software development, inter provary by position cessor communication, wireless test equiplevel/type. Must ment. have unrestricted U.S. work authoriza tion. Mail resumes iPhone Modem DSP Firmware Engineer [Req. to HR Operations Co- # 5294705/SB] Support the development of ordinator, 5300 Cali- the next generation of iPhone products. Refornia Avenue, Bldg. quires Master’s degree, or foreign equiva 4, #42069, Irvine, CA lent, in Electrical and Computer Engineer 92617. Must refer- ing, or related degree and 3 yrs prof. exp. in job offered or in a related occupation, incl. ence job code ENG4DSP and wireless communication; UMTS; SVCA. HSPA; HSPA+; physical layer algorithms with hands-on implementation and debugging; C; low level and system level debugENGINEERING ging; lab instruments such as signal analyzers; and RTOS embedded develop ment.

Check out the new mobile site for company! Text WDJobs to 22345

WESTERN DIGITAL ENGINEERING: CTO: oversee tech growth & manage R&D. Apply to Cellixis, Inc., 825 E. Middlefield Rd, Mtn. View, CA 94043

ENGINEERING Project Engineers Campbell, CA area. Plan & des grading plans, surface improvement plans & utility plans for transp projs. Send res. to: Transmetrics, Inc. 2155 S. Bascom Ave. Ste. 214, Campbell, CA 95008.

Senior Software Developer, Technical Lead [Req. # 5294831/SB] Create functional and technical specifications and lead and perform research in innovative fields. Requires Ph.D. degree, or foreign equivalent, in Computer Science or related and 3 yrs prof. exp. in job offered or in a related position, incl. commercial software engineering; software design and architecture; project manage ment; agile development process/SCRUM; real-time computer graphics; graphics hardware programming; image, video, and audio processing; peer-to-peer technology; audio and video streaming; video game development; and network design and development. Server Security Software Developer [Req. # 5252903/SB] Build, enhance and support key initiatives around security on Apple Products. Requires Bachelor’s degree, or foreign equivalent, in Mechanical Engineering, or related and 5 yrs. prof. exp. in job offered or in a related occupation. Prof. exp. must be post-baccalaureate and progressive in nature. Exp must include Java/J2EE with application servers incl. JBoss; Building Java native applications with C/C++; Enterprise Java Technologies in the Web Tier and Business Logic Tier; Relational database design and development with MySQL or Oracle; UNIX environments incl. MacOS and Linux; and Public key cryptography.


Employment E N G I N E E R LSI Corp seeks a Sr. Firmware Dev. Eng. For its Milpitas, CA office. Firmware dev. on new gen. of host based SAS/SATA RAID controllers. Participate in all aspects of design & product dev. through intro. & release. BS in CS, EE or Math.. 6 yrs of progressive post bache lors exp w/storage firmware dev. Mail resume to: LSI Corp, Attn: V. Kashyap, 1621 Barber Lane, Milpitas, CA 95035. Must ref. 2010CARC.


KLA-Tencor currently Some of the tiniest has openings in our products require the biggest thinking... Milpitas, CA location and that’s what we for: at SanDisk do best. * Mechanical Design Engineer: Code: This is where techni cal brilliance comes ST01R, Design, build, test, integrate wire- to advance our flash memory industry less sensing wafer, precision opto- leadership. We have mechanical compo - opportunities at our nents & systems for Milpitas, CA location next generation sili- for qualified & interested individuals in con wafer inspection & metrology prod- the following areas: ucts; and Design Engi* Information Sys- ASIC Business tems Analyst: Code: neers, Operations ST01L, Analyze user Product requirements, proce- Manager, CAD EngiCompensa dures, & problems to neers, tion / HRIS Analyst, ENGINEER Member of improve computer Design Engineers, Tech. Staff (Defect system capabilities. Eng.) Develop web apps & Principal Design En- Reduction support software de- gineer, Process Engi- (Infinera – Sunnyvale, neers, Product De- CA) Req.’s a Ph. D. in velopment activities. velopment Engi- Physics or Eng. w/ Apply online at neers, Product Engi- emphasis in area of & /careers or mail neers, Quality Engi- semiconductors résumé to: One neer, Reliability En- exp. in material flow gineers, Sr. Design & processes used for Technology Drive, Engineers, Sr. Device manufacture of III-V Milpitas, CA 95035, Engineers, Staff photonic integrated ATTN: HR Staffing, Systems circuits. Exp. must indicating corre- Business Staff Fi- incl. the following: sponding code. EOE Analysts, nancial Analyst, inspecting the comM/F/D/V. Staff Firmware Engi- ponents of the circuit neers, System De- (laser, detector, ENGINEERING: sign Engineers, Veri- waveguides, multiQUALITY ASSURANCE plexor, et al); identification Engineers ENGINEERS (Senior) fying the effects of Develop & execute & various We offer competitive epitaxial test plans that certify salaries and gener- chemical depositions, critical elements of ous benefits, includ - wet & dry etching, & ShoreTel’s apps and ing stock options. To handling on wafer/ platforms. Write apply online, visit: device appearance; & structured test cases using defect identifi using TCL/PERL areers, or fax re- cation tools for descripting language & sumes to (408) 801- fect source analysis test scripts that auto - 8632. Please indicate & line yield surveil mate these cases. Must also applicable title on all lance. Conduct the tests & correspondence. An have exp. in the relatroubleshoot scenar tionships between EOE. ios to determine device failure signaproblems and solu ture & physical causENGINEERING tions. Report bugs es & in defect charac TeleNav is accepting thru the bug tracking resumes for the fol- terization (SEM, FIB, system. Set up test lowing positions in et. al.). Resp/ for usenvironments in the our Sunnyvale, CA ing understanding of test lab & set up au defect morphology to office: tomation test system reduce / eliminate to further leverage yield limiting defects Quality Assurance the QA test cycle in Apply Engineer. Conduct in materials. ShoreTel. Maintain resume to feature, functional, w/ the automation test system & compati library for future bility testing, regres- Reference job code project usage. Per sion testing, & User INF-14. form liaison b/t the Acceptance testing QA eng. team & the in mobile handsets & E N G I N E E R : Network automation team. Perapplications. Req. BS Test Engineer: Coordinate & review in CS & 3 yrs. Will ac- form & lead in-house the Automation Test & sys cept 5 yrs of experi- functional effort and strategy to ence in lieu of BS CS tests for Wan optivalidate regression degree and 3 yrs. Re- mization prods; test coverage in a SW/HW & generate test resume to TeleNav, multi-platform envi ports on perform Inc. via http://hire. ronment. Requires & scalability ance post baccalaureate for TCP connections; PjVfwG&s=SJMN adv. degree in C.S., build sys test lab inC.E., Electrical/ Elec volving routers, L3 ENGINEERING tronic Engnr., Com switches, Linux servVolterra Semiconducmunications Engnr, ers, Wan emulators, tor Corp. is seeking a Math or related tech & traffic generators qualified Corporate field & at least 3 yrs (incl. Spirent, Spirent Applications Managof exp. in structured ThreatX, & Ixia); test automation testing of er and Sr. Systems automation des ussoftware apps. & em - Design Engineer for ing TCL/TK lanour office in Fremont. bed software. Exp. guage; review feaPositions require an must include: VoIP ture des; provide MSEE + exp. Send testing (SIP/MGCP) feedback on netresume to: for client-server work des flaws. apps. involving SoftSubmit resume to: Switch, Gateway & Infineta Systems, endpoints; Gray Box Inc., San Jose, CA, by testing; TCL scripting. Engineer in Mountain fax# 408.922.0482 View, CA – Design Send resume to and develop firmShoreTel, Inc., 960 ware for our net- ENGINEER Phase MaStewart Dr., Sunny working stack Reqs: trix Inc. has openings vale, CA 94085. Pls RF/Microwave BS + 2 yrs., or MS + 0 for ref to Job # QA52610. yrs. Apply by mail to R&D Engineer at San QLogic Corporation, Jose, CA. Will design, ENGINEERING Attn: Janice Gill- test and transfer MiSoftware Engineer; Hester, 26650 Aliso crowave Components Sr. Software Engi Viejo Pkwy, Aliso and sub-systems to neer; Sr. Technical Develop Viejo, CA 92656. Must production. Support Engineer; Reference Job Code: test procedures and Software QA Engi optimize prototype #0210TN. neer; Quality Assur circuits. Direct techance Engineer Staff. nicians on testing, SonicWALL, Inc. (San ENGINEER tuning, and troubleIntelleflex Corpora - s h o o t i n g . Jose, CA) multiple Require tion seeks Sr. Hardopenings. Fax reM.S.E.E./equiv. Travel ware Design Engi- required. Please send sume to Sarah Chap neer to develop ad- resume man at 408.668.0943 to 109 vanced RFID readers. and reference job Bonaventura Dr., San Reqs. MSEE + 3yrs Jose, CA 95134, Attn: title and job code: exp. Mail resumes to H.R. Manager. TECH2010 work site: 2465 Augustine Dr., Santa ENGINEERING Clara, CA 95054 ENGINEERS St. Jude Medical, Cardiac Rhythm E N G I N E E R Intersil Management Div., a ENGINEER Communications Inc., developer of medical leader in the design Sr. Technology Dedevices has opening and manufacture of velopment Engineer for Software Engi Monolithic Power high performance anneer send resume to alog semiconductors, Systems, Inc., a powSt. Jude Medical er mgmt. IC design has openings in Dept. HR 701 E. Eve - Milpitas, CA for Sr. company, has openlyn Ave, Sunnyvale ings for: Sr. Technol Design Engineer, Sr. CA 94086, ATTN: HRogy Development Applications EngiSoftware Eng. Engineer, Req. neer, Lead CAD EngiMSEE/CE/CS. Job loneer, Sr. Product Encation: San Jose, CA. gineer, and InterPls refer to company mediate CAE Engiwebsite: http:// neer. Mail resume to: www.monolithicpow Intersil, 1001 Murphy 81-7;"=))&,&-/7=/7&)7#0+'( for detailed Ranch Road, Milpitas, job descriptions and CA 95035 (Attn: C. 55<6333 (-".7#=1'-/7)&*1)4 /2"'5"0#-23!#$*+!!.1.24( /2"'5"0#-23!#$*+!!.1.24( requirements. Aguirre).

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3,20#-&4"!0*/# + $"&)&5,&'(

Text Headwayjobs to 22345 HEADWAY TECHNOLOGIES


E N G I N E E R RFIC De- ENGINEER. Sr. M E M S Engineer: Des sign Engineer. Dsgn microelectromechan RF/Analog circuits used in CMOS RF ical systems, especially microtransceiver products. fabriRequires Master’s in resonators; microElectrical Eng or re- cate lated tech field & 3 mechanical devices using microyrs exp in RF circuit fabrication facilities; dsgn for transceiver des & analyze device ICs. Will accept Ph.D. fabrication process w/ focus in RF circuit es; characterize dsgn for transceiver micromechanical ICs in lieu of stated exp. Must have fol- devices using measlowing (evidenced by urement & analysis tools (incl. network exp or grad-level analyzers, vacuum coursework): deep test chamber, semisub-micron CMOS parame tech, IC dsgn CAD conductor ter analyzers, & tools, digital signal Minitab); use s/w processing, physical (incl. MATLAB & layout requirements, to analyze critical layout, evalu- ADS) measurement data & ation of prototype model MEMS deviunits, translation of system-level require - ces. Submit resume to Integrated Device ments into circuitlevel specifications, & Technology, Inc., San Jose, CA fax#408design of LNA, Mixer, 284-1442, attn: StaffRF, VGAs, PA, VCO, ing, Job# I-019. fractional-N PLL, Sigma-Delta ADC, & low-noise bias cir- ENGINEER cuits. Must pass co’s Sr S/W Engr - Design tech review. Send re- & architect S/W for HD video encoding/ sumes to K. Quach, decoding sys. Build Job Ref 413, Marvell Semiconductor, Inc. & manage s/w releases. Reqs: MEE + 5488 Marvell Lane, Santa Clara, CA 3 yrs expr or equiv. Send apps to XVD 95054. Technology Holdings (USA), Inc., 1003 Engineer: Risk Man Elwell Court, Palo Alagement Solutions, to, CA 94303. Inc. seeks Software Enginee r to design & ENGINEERS: Sr. Soft implement catastro ware Engineers in phe models. Reqs. Milpitas, CA (multiple MS/equiv.+1 yr. exp. openings). Mail re Mail resumes to sume with Job# ADworksite: 7015 0001 to Kineto Wire Gateway Blvd. , less, Inc., Attn: HR, Newark, CA 94560 1601 McCarthy Blvd., Milpitas, CA 95035 ENGINEER: San Jose ENGINEERS Water Co., a water WOW! Immed open utility Co, located in ings w/ global digi San Jose, CA, has tal media co. for mult. openings for ORACLE/ SQLServer Lead S/W Engr. Database engineers. Resp. incl. opera tions of all modules of Oracle Enterprise E N G I N E E R . Systems One (E1) ERP Sys. Engineer. Interra Send resume: Systems, Inc. has the HR.LeadEngineer@ following opening in Cupertino, CA. Travel fax: 408-279-7892. required. Provide technical support to ENGINEER: Senior customers of Interra Field Applications Systems’ products Engineer. Virage including Baton Logic Corporation (Content Verifica has an opening at its tion) and Vega (MeFremont, CA office. dia Analyzers). ReResponsible for work - sume to Interra Sysing closely w/sales tems, Inc., 20195 Steteam to demonstrate vens Creek Blvd., technical capabilities #250, Cupertino, CA & performance of 95014 Attn: HR job circuit IP products & code SE. tools. Email resume: En gin ee r, Technical asik.hagopian@ Support or at Provide guidelines for H/W & S/W Refer to job #FAE1209 specs. & interfacing, system capacity, ENGINEER, Sr. Cus compatibility & pertomer S/W Support. formance; test & reAdv. tech support pair computer sysfor learning mngmnt tems & components s/w, & liaise w/ cus & solve technical tomers & s/w dev problems for cusgroups. Mentor oth tomers. Req. BSEE/ er support engi CE/CS or related. neers. Java/J2EE, Send resume to: RDBMS, SQL on Unix Wintec Industries, & Windows. Job Inc. 675 Sycamore site: Redwood Dr. Milpitas, CA Shores. Mail resume 95035 to Saba Software, Inc., attn: LA (re: SK), ENGINEER: Tech Sup 2400 Bridge Pkwy. port Engr - Provides Bldg. 12, Redwood support for ESM s/w Shores, CA 94065. & hardware products to customers across E N G IN E E R , Sr. Hardthe world. Req. incl: ware: Rsp for leading Master’s Deg Comp design work on core Sci & Apps or rel. + 1 configuration logic yr exp. Req exp or used in company’s knowledge of TCP/IP, FPGAs. Job Site: San Firewall, Routing, Jose, CA Mail resume Network Admin. work to: Job #018, c/o HR site: Cupertino, CA Dept., Achronix SemiMail resume to: conductor Corpora ArcSight, Inc., Attn: tion, 333 W. San CarOK/FM, 5 Results los St., Ste. 1050, San Way, Cupertino, CA Jose, CA 95110 95014. No calls. EXTRUSION Technician/Engineer for medi-cal tubing manufacturer. Send resumes to or fax (209) 462-0257

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Employment FACULTY

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F I N A N C I A L Analyst(s): Financial analysis activities for internet search company projects. Job Site: Mountain View, CA. Interested candidates send resume to Job #2794, Google Inc., PO Box 391078, Mt. View, CA 94039-1078 FINANCIAL Apple is looking for qualified individuals for following 40/hr/wk positions. To apply, mail your resume to 1 Infinite Loop 84-REL, Attn: AEC Staffing-LJ, Cupertino, CA 95014 with Req # and copy of ad. Job site & interview, Cupertino, CA. Principals only. EOE. Senior Financial Analyst [Req. #5299205] Support sales and sales management by providing detailed analysis and reporting to the highest level of management. Requires Master’s degree, or foreign equivalent, in Business Adminis tration, or related and 2 years professional experience in job offered or in a related occupation, including board and management presentation, financial analysis, account ing, advanced modeling, debt securities and credit, enterprise information systems, project and team management. FOREIGN LANGUAGE

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Check out the new mobile site for this employer! Text CCCSDjobs to 22345 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District GOVERNMENT

Check out the new mobile site for this employer! Text CareersAtBAR to 22345 State of California Dept. of Consumer Affairs Bureau of Automotive Repair >(-7)!=+'7.-0."20% #=1' '0 (&++-=/7'(-7:-+;%+279-#)4


ENGINEER, Design of digital/analog cir cuit for non volatile NOR flash memory. Send resume to Chingis Tech, 1350 Ridder Park Dr., San Jose, CA 95131.

Employment ENGINEERING Design Engineer. Develop digital comm ASIC’s. Req Master’s in Electrical Eng, Communi cations Eng, or related tech field & 4 yrs exp in research or devlpmt of DSP algorithms. Will accept PhD in stated field in lieu of 3 yrs of exp as stated. Exp must include DSP, digital comm, analog modules in comm sys, ASIC dsgn, C/C++ & MATLAB. Must pass co’s tech review. Send resumes to K. Quach, Job Ref 36, Marvell Semiconduc tor, Inc. 5488 Marvell Lane, Santa Clara, CA 95054.


Employment ENGINEER Cypress Semiconductor Corporation, leading provider of highperformance, mixedsignal, programma ble solutions, has employment opportunities in San Jose, CA for Applications Engineer Sr.(AE04): Develop firmware and perform system level functional tests for Cypress’ embed ded USB controllers.; Applications Engineer Sr. (AE05): Engage in the develop ment of specifica tions for state of the art analog power controllers in cooperation with custom ers, IC designers and Marketing (position requires 5% international/domes tic travel); Quality Assurance Engineer Senior (QAE01): Develop, implement, and maintain techni cal quality assurance and control systems and activi ties; and Marketing Manager Senior (MM01): Drive continuous process improvements by leveraging cross functional resour ces, across various levels of the organi zation. Send your resume (must reference job code) to: Cypress Semicon ductor Corp, Attn: AMMO, 198 Champion Court, M.S. 6.1, San Jose, CA 95134.


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Employment Info Tech Sales- HCL America Inc. has multiple openings (entry /mid/Sr.) at its office in Sunnyvale, CA: *Sales Engineer (marketing & sales of the various Engineering services) Job Code CASE0510 *Sales Manager (Plan, coordinate & supervise sales services & achieve targets) Job Code CASM0510 *Business Dev. Manager (Develop Business; analysis & prepare business proposals) Job Code CABDM0510 *General & Operations Manager (Devise marketing strategy, sales plan & account management) CAGOM0510 Reqd. min. Master’s/ Bachelor’s degree or foreign equivalent plus relevant work exp. Require travel/ relocation through out US. Apply against the specific job code: Attn: ISG Department, HCL America Inc., 330 Potrero Avenue, Sunnyvale, CA 94085

INFO TECH HCL America Inc. has multiple openings (entry/mid/Sr.) for the following positions at its office in Sunnyvale, CA *Software Engineer (analyze, design, develop & maintain software applica tions) Job Code CASE 0510 *Systems Analyst (analysis, feasibility & design studies, evaluate & recommend processes) Job Code CASA 0510 *Business Analyst (analysis of business HEALTHCARE and operating procedures) Job Code IT: San Mateo IT firm seeks Snr Programm CABA 0510 *Project Managers er / Snr Syst Eng. MS. (Plan, coordinate and for details. Fax to direct projects) Job 800-851 -6536. Ref# 2368 Code CAPM0510 *Programmer Analyst LAB TECH: Cirexx Intl (Dev., test and mainseeks Chemical Lab tain computer proTech. Degree in grams) Job Code chemistry + exp in CAPA0510 pcb industry w/a *Database Adminis - the strong QC &/or Proc trator (test, modify, ess Eng background installation & mainte in a pcb facility. nance of database) Fax or email resume Job Code CADA0510 to: 408-986-0307 *Network Administra tor (Analysis, trouble HOME Improvement Company has immed. shoot, implement & LANDSCAPE management of netopening for Sales Be part of a fast work) Job Code Trainor. Must have growing Landscape CANA0510 previous exp. selling Company!!! Looking Require min. Master’s windows, painting or for Landscape Main roofing. 510-760-8144 D e g r e e / B a c h e l o r ’ s tenance Supervidegree or foreign sor/Area Manager 5 equivalent plus releyrs. exp. currently INFORMATION Anavant work exp. All poemployed, clean lyst II I Sutter Support sitions require prior driving record, reServices in Sacra IT experience. Responsible, hard mento, CA. Job quire travel / reloca worker. location: Sunnyvale, tion throughout US. English/Spanish CA. Design, develop, Apply against the giuseppe.petrillo@dimplement, and specific job code: maintain systems. BS Attn: ISG Department, or 408-422-7543 or equ in CS or rel + 3 HCL America Inc., 330 yrs exp in Info Manage- Potrero Avenue SunMACHINE SHOP ment or rel. Fax resume to nyvale, CA 94085 helper needed. HR at (916)503-6767 or Deburr, etc. Clean, email: BurrN@ package parts, inven tory control. Exp. Ref#SHSS7309. req’d. Santa Clara. Fax: 408-844-8269 INTERPRETERS MACHINIST HEALTHCARE

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Check out the new mobile site for this employer! Text northbayjobs to 22345 NORTHBAY HEALTHCARE

Hiring Dual Role Interpreters A new kind of interpreting position is now available to interpreters living in Contra Costa County! Dual Role Interpreters are based out of the comfort of their own homes and also travel to nearby onsite interpreting appointments. Interpreters of Spanish, Mandarin, Cantonese, Vietnamese, Russian, or Farsi are encouraged to apply.





• Native fluency in English and the other language • 2 years of onsite interpreting experience • Knowledge of the Code of Ethics & Standards of Practice for onsite interpreters • Ability to communicate with individuals from diverse backgrounds • Awareness of cultural factors that may affect communication • Strong interpersonal skills • Excellent customer service skills • Professional demeanor and appearance • Must have U.S. citizenship or possess a valid work permit • Must pass a criminal background check prior to hiring • Must pass an over-the phone interpreting assessment

Employment MANAGER - ON-SITE for large SJ mobile home park. Exp. req. Good salary & bnfts. Send res.: Joan at PO Box 23200 PMB 1535 San Jose, CA 95153.

MANAGER: Samsung Telecommunications America seeks Sr. Mgr, Developer Pro grams in San Jose, CA to lead crossfunctional team to develop 3rd party apps for mobile phones. BS in Bus. Admin, Mgmt, Mktg, or related and 10 yrs exp in tech mgmt & mktg OR 12 yrs exp in lieu of BS & 10. Apply at www. Job 103814. No calls. Principals only. EOE. MANUFACTURING

Check out the new mobile site for this employer! Text USPIPEJOBS to 22345 U.S. Pipe & Foundry Company MANUFACTURING

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Check out the new mobile site for this employer! Text HitachiGST to 22345 Hitachi Global Storage Technologies MANUFACTURING

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FM INDUSTRIES Check out the new mobile site for this employer! Text SUMMERJOBS to 22345 MANAGEMENT

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Employment Market Res Anlyst Ma Labs, Inc. of San Jose CA needs Mkt Res Analyst to analyze PC market

Mechanical Engineer (Computational Fluid Dynamics Engineer) Develop computa tional fluid dynamics / combustion/ thermo-acoustic tools / advance tur bulence models. Apply to: Cascade Technologies, Inc., 2445 Faber Pl, Ste 100, Palo Alto, CA 94303. Ref. Job ME04 MECHANICAL ENGINEER, Sr: Biomedical Devices; lead team for microwave based plasma & re lated technologies. BSME plus sig exp. Amarante Tech, San ta Clara; resume or fax 408-980 5126

MEDICAL ASSISTANT Back office. Busy cardiology practice. Experience required. Full-time. Benefits. Fax 408-558-6928


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Text northbayjobs to 22345 NORTHBAY HEALTHCARE

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After selecting "United States" as the region, search for the job listing "Onsite and Over-the-Phone Dual Role Interpreters in Contra Costa County, CA"

Management – see Cellixis ad under Engineering

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Press Operators Journey Level Bay Area News Group - East Bay is currently seek ing full time Press Operators for our Walnut Creek and Concord locations. Previous newspa per printing experience is preferred. Responsibilities include printing our daily publications and commercial print work. Must be available to work a flexible schedule including weekends and holidays. If interested, please submit a resume to: Contra Costa Newspapers Attn: Human Resources 2640 Shadelands Drive, Walnut Creek, CA 94598 or fax to: 925-977-8444 or email to: eastbayjobs @bayareanews


PRODUCT MANAGER Develop sleep/ bedding prod. BS+2yr Fax Zinus, Pleasanton 925.417.6958

Professional NURSES

Check out the new mobile site for this employer! Text sjhealthjobs to 22345 REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER GOOD SAMARITAN HOSPITAL OFFICE Worker Need ed Good typing and math skills required; 32-40 Hours/Week @ $16-20 per hour; Send resume or letter with contact information to: DBS, Inc. 2135 Landings Drive Mountain View, CA 94043 OPERATIONS



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WESTERN DIGITAL OUTSIDE SALES ASST. Must have valid CDL, own vehicle & car ins. $9/hr. Knowledge of Bay Area helpful. Immed. opening. James 510-760-8144

Physicist to research ultrafast & low-temp devices for high power & ultrashort pulsed laser sys tems. Send resume to Calmar Optcom, 755 N. Pastoria Ave., Sunnyvale, CA 94085. PLUMBER or Drain Tech 408-472-6729 Fax 408-987-9901.

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Senior Software Engineer-qa (Akamai Technologies, Inc.; San Mateo, CA) will validate quality of software compo nents, design tools & develop Perl modules for verification; a creative thinker with advanced technical expertise in UNIX / Linux operating systems & HTTP, DNS & TCP/IP technologies as well as proxy servers, web servers& caching technologies. Min req’s: MS in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Electrical Engineering or a related equiva lent degree. Send resume: Rhea Mae Eddy, Human Resour ces, Akamai Technol ogies, Inc., 3125 Clearview Way, San Mateo, California 94402. Ref. SL-RMESSEQA-0610. RETAIL

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SECURITY Engrs: De- SOFTWARE RN sign, engineer and Design, develop, and implement infra- test software used structure to protect in the data storage network boundaries, industry. Multiple keep computer sys- positions available, tems and network including Member devices hardened Technical Staff, Softagainst attack, and ware and Member provide security Technical Staff, services to protect Quality Assurance. highly-sensitive data Education and expefor internet search rience requirements company projects. vary depending on Job Site: Mt. View, position type and CA. Interested candi - level of responsibili dates send resume ty. Must pass comto Job #2526, Google pany’s technical reInc., PO Box 391078, view. Please referRN MANAGER Need Mt. View, CA 94039-1078 ence desired posied for Work Comp tion and send reCM dept. Exp. in WC SENIOR Software Eng. sumes to: P. Reed, or similar re-q’d. RN, MS in CS or ME +2 NetApp, Inc, 495 East or DC, MS pref’d. yrs exp. or BS in CS Java Dr., Sunnyvale, Send resume to or ME +5 yrs in SaaS CA 94089. jschrader@ SCM using EA & Java, J2EE, JDK, EJB, SOFTWARE ENGINEER Oracle, Weblogic & 3 /SENIOR: Analysis, yrs XML, SQL, JBOSS. design, Supervise Agisitx, Redwood testing of Software City, CA email: Systems. Send res. to TekReliance, LLC, SENIOR SOLAR device 1866 Clayton Rd #210, Concord, CA 94520. physicist with a Ph.D. in physicSOFTWARE QA s/materials and 15 ENGINEERS: Develop yrs exp. in CdTe & execute software solar and known test plans to identify reputation in solar software problems community. for video-based prod Solexant Corp.2329 ucts. Job site: Fre Zanker Road, San SALES mont, CA. Interested Jose, CA 95131 Accurate Molded candidate clip ad & Plastics seeks Sales send res: Job #1 (SA), SHEETMETAL SHOP Rep for N.CA. Ten Excelfore Corp., 43255 SEEKS QUALIFIED years exp req’d Mission Blvd., Ste 204, CANDIDATES FOR prefer in plastics. Fremont, CA 94539 VARIOUS SHIFTS. Emphasis on new DAY:BLUE PRINT business. SOFTWARE: Sr. QA WELDERS FOR martin.amp@ Analyst (Fremont, CA PRODCTN PROTO openings, but must BUILDS & CNC LATHE be willing to relocate OPERTR PROGRMR. to unanticipated lo NIGHT: AMADA JOUR SALES cations across the NEY LVL BRAKE country per contract OPERTR & CNC HAAS requirement): Main MILL OPERTRS EMAIL: tain, enhance, build productionMANAGER and test new and ex isting software appli SOFTWARE. Aster cations in Java, C ++, Data Systems has javascript, Lawson opening(s) in San financials, Oracle GL, Carlos, CA for S/wE etc. Send resume to: (# SWE0410) to de President, DEW Soft sign & impl. data ware, Inc., 983 Corpo transport features in rate Way, Fremont, distributed cluster. CA 94539. Duties & reqmts vary by position, but may STATISTICIAN(S): Perincld Ph.D. Send re form statistical analsume to employer, ysis activities for in959 Skyway Road, ternet search comSALES Suite 100, San Carlos pany projects. Job CA 94070 , attn: HR or Site: Mountain View, Georgie.Gildea@aster CA. Interested candi . Must refer dates send resume to job ID # SWE0410 to Job #2171, Google when applying. Inc., PO Box 391078, Mt. View, CA 94039-1078 SOFTWARE: Blade Network Technolo gies, Inc. seeks Sr. SW S T A T I S T I C I A N S (Quantitative AnaEngineer (Netwrk lysts): Conduct statVirtualization) for istical analyses on Santa Clara, CA . internet search projReq’s: MS in CS, EE, ects. Job Site: Mt. Electronics Eng’ing or View, CA. Interested related (or equiv.) & 2 candidates send reyrs. of exp.; or BS & 5 sume to Job #360A, yrs. exp.; must incl. Google Inc., PO Box SALES exp. in Layer 2 & 3 391078, Mt. View, CA netwrking protocols. 94039-1078 Email resumes & ref. job code SSWEng2 to SU PPLY Chain Managers San Jose, CA SOFTWARE: Blade area. Supply chain Network Technolo planning, exec & gies, Inc. seeks Sr. mgmt; Manage s/w Software Engineer for syst & Gen Ledger, Santa Clara, CA . A/R, & A/P; Prep Req’s: MS in CS, EE, or fnctl des docs; Perf related (or equiv.) & 2 documentation of yrs. of exp.; or BS & 5 bus reqs. Work w/ yrs. exp.; must incl. ERP, MS Project, exp. in C/C++. Email SQL, PL/SQL, Shell resumes & ref. job Scripts, C, C++, VB, code SSEng2010 to HTML, Java. Some jobs@bladenetwork .net int travel reqd. Send SALES F/T employ res to: Green Chain, ment Bottle Water LLC, 1395 Trailside SOFTWARE del res./comm’l acct Lane, San Jose, CA, Fax res. 415-821-1539 95138.

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Verizon Wireless

SALES Representative - Independent Mitchell 1, THE leader in providing business software solutions for the auto repair industry, seeks an in dependent contractor to sell/support our products in the San Jose area. Candidate Should possess a solution based selling approach & Windows -based software skills. Exp. in the auto repair industry &/or strong understanding of business mgmt is a plus. We offer a lucrative commission structure. Send res: or fax 858-746-8910. For more info visit EOE

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WESTERN DIGITAL Software Engineer. J2EE technologies, Java, JSP, Jakarta Struts, Oracle RDBMS, Oracle Application Servers. May travel to client sites through out U.S. Res: Glodyne Technoserve East, Inc, 2700 Augustine Dr, # 190, Santa Clara, CA 95054


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DLIFLC TEACHER. F/T, Native Eng. spkr., motivated & enthusiastic for ages 2-4, w/3 yrs exp. 12+ ECE units. Call 408-910-0715 408-705-3158

S U N D A Y, J U N E 2 0 , 2 0 1 0

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Text: IME to 22345

Institute of Medical Education

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IME is seeking accreditation by the Commission on Accreditation in Physical Therapy Education of the American Physical Therapy Association (1111 North Fairfax Street, Alexandria, VA 22314; phone 703-706-3245; The program will submit an Application for Candidacy on March 1, 2010, which is the formal application required in the pre-accreditation stage. Submission of this document does not assure that the program will be granted Candidate for Accreditation status nor does it assure that the program will be granted Accreditation.


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S U N D A Y, J U N E 2 0 , 2 0 1 0

The Defense Language Institute supports freedom through language training With the recent global conflict that has made “The War on Terror” a household name in the U.S., language trained and culturally astute U.S. servicemembers have been a vital resource for support to national security. The Defense Language Institute Foreign Language Center in Monterey, Calif., which is the world’s largest language school, has been the main academic hub responsible for providing this training. “The military duties that our students perform after learning at DLIFLC, do the country a great service. They help keep Americans safe from potential enemies,” said Natela Cutter, the Institute’s communication’s director. DLIFLC is home to language training for 24 different languages. Arabic is the largest language program at the Institute, but language programs like Urdu, Dari, Pashto and Farsi are continually growing to meet demands of the Department of Defense.



The courses range from 27-64 weeks depending on the language. The Institute has a large student body of about 3,500 resident students each year. The classes are enrolled on a rotating schedule. Each Thursday a class graduates and either goes to perform their military duties or they go on to more advanced training. Also, each Thursday a new class begins language instruction.


Since 9/11 more than 1,000 new staff and faculty have been hired to keep up with the language training demands of this era of constant conflict. Currently, DLIFLC employs around 1,700 staff and faculty, which not only provide language training, but also curriculum development, classroom technology integration and faculty development. “The Defense Language Institute’s classrooms are some of the most technology advanced language learning environments available,” said Cutter.

While textbooks are still important, the Institute benefits from the use of sophisticated technology to teach students. All students are given tablet PCs and video iPods. The classrooms are fitted with interactive whiteboards that are linked into internet sites like the international rebroadcasting channel SCOLA, YouTube and foreign news service sites where students can see and hear real time videos and audio in their learned language. DLIFLC’s campus is also a wireless network enabled, making it the largest wireless entity within the Department of Defense. Language instructors are provided professional development by being indoctrinated into the Institute with a four-week long instructor training course where new instructors are tutored in the use of technologically enhanced curriculum. Language instructors are also given opportunities for further professional development throughout their career by receiving funding for graduate coursework in language education. “The Defense Language Institute’s remarkable language training program helps increase the security of our nation, without a doubt,” said Cutter.

S U N D A Y, J U N E 2 0 , 2 0 1 0

Empowered employees = committed employees By Linnea Smith Jessup Companies with strong education and empowerment focus report low staff turnover and great engagement of their employees, according to the responses of several Top WorkPlaces in the Bay Area winners. Employees who are valued and whose input is encouraged also work harder and are more dedicated, often working in teams to accomplish more in less time. Particularly in Silicon Valley industries that are rapidly changing, including many areas of technology, employees who can vision and create new products, enhancements and procedures with the benefit of their colleagues are valuable — and valued, affirm their employers. As Carolyn Moore, senior director of Human Resources at Informatica in Redwood City, noted, and many of the other workplaces affirmed in the context of their companies, “Teamwork and collaboration are key here. We’re all in this together, we all share the same goals (see additional information on Informatica below). And teams are not limited to a particular department or skill, reported several companies who support internal networks for various ethnic or religious groups as well as special interests such as sports or hobbies such as wine or cooking. Many of the companies named in the Top Workplaces keep up constant communication with their employees. Bailard, Inc. in Foster City holds a Monday meeting, called “The 9:05” which is a review and catch-up of company news. They use the time to celebrate anniversaries as well as share updates on investment research, clients, marketing, with different people presenting the information. Also on a Monday morning schedule, Silicon Valley Bank, headquartered in Santa Clara, has a company-wide call at 8:15 a.m. Pacific time where all 1,200 employees in California and in international locations can listen to a 15-minute call with company news, management updates, guest speakers, employee award recognitions and client successes. The audio meeting can also be accessed later via the company’s internal website. OSIsoft of San Leandro has companywide meetings via video and web and their internal website has a wealth of information for its employees. New employee orientation for people who have been with the company three to six months means being invited to the company headquarters of Informatica, meetings all the executives and experiencing the company’s products. Helping reinforce the learning of the international group, the quarterly event includes a video filming contest on site with fun awards. “It’s great education and empowerment, no matter what department you are in,” noted Carolyn Moore, senior director of Human Resources. Fostering personal development, Sereno Group Real Estate in Saratoga has a book club where staff can discuss a particular book. A Social Networking book author led one meeting, and a customer service book author joined in a discussion of the topic specific to the real estate industry. Finisar of Sunnyvale also has a book club, which meets quarterly. Once the book is announced and employees sign up, they are provided with a free copy and then the group meets. They did a Culture Shock series of books and then employees were encouraged to choose a book from any of the countries where they do business, including Malaysia, China, India, Israel Singapore and Australia. In addition, Finisar hosts a Take Your Child To Work Day and provides children of employees a chance to see the workplace, interact with each other and with some of the employees and observe that the company values their parents. One of the most notable ways of empowering employees was established at Mountain Viewbased Intuit in 2008 as Brainstorm, as user-friendly program where employees across the company can share ideas and information. Instead of trying to locate someone with information that can make something happen, an employee can seek help and others can provide input. The employee who came up with the idea, Tad Milbourn, noted that by the end of the first summer over 2,800 ideas had been generated and more than 200 were pegged as potential or pending releases. In a typical month, 15 to 20 percent of the vast workforce participates. Next week: Learn how one Bay Area company has literally changed their employees’ lives through better health practices.




Below text is an Urdu translation.


S U N D A Y, J U N E 2 0 , 2 0 1 0 001



Employment TEACHER/ Principal K-8 Rural School Jef ferson Elementary School, a one room rural school in San Benito County serving diverse K-8 student pop, avg enrollment 18-23 stu dents, seeks lead teacher/principal. Free housing and generous medical benefits. 831-389-4593

TECHNICAL Cisco Systems, Inc. is accepting resumes for the following positions in San Jose/Milpitas /Santa Clara, CA: Customer Support Engineer (Ref#: SJ3): Responsible for providing technical support regarding the company’s propriet ary systems and software. Hardware Engineer (Ref# SJ5): Responsible for the specification, design, development, test, enhancement, and sustaining of networking hardware. IT Engineer (Ref#:SJ7): Respon sible for develop ment, support and implementation of major system functionality. Software Engineer (Ref# SJ10): Responsible for the definition, design, develop ment, test, debugging, release, enhancement and maintenance of networking software. Software QA/ Engineer (Ref# SJ11): Debug software products through the use of systematic tests to develop, apply, and maintain quality standards for company products. Systems Engineer (Ref# SJ13): Provide presales technical and sales support for account(s) in assigned territory. Technical Leader (Ref# SJ14): Leads engineering groups on projects to design, develop or test hardware or software products. Technical Marketing Engineer (Ref # SJ15): Responsible for enlarging compa ny’s market and increasing revenue by marketing, support ing, and promoting company’s technolo gy to customers. Product Manager (Ref#: SJ 17): Create high level marketing strategies and concepts for company solutions for markets and segments worldwide. Program Manager (Ref# SJ22): Manage and develop large engineering programs from concept to delivery. Product Engineer (Ref#: SJ40): Support company products throughout the NPI (New Product Introduction) stage to production, which includes failure analysis, bringup and debugging, assisting CAD engineers with layouts, and qualification and release for production. Mechanical Engineer (Ref#: SJ75): Provide mechanical support to engineering teams. Commodity Manager (Ref#: SJ86): Drive the implementation of Pb-free (lead free) in company supply chain for a specific c o m m o d i t y group/technology. Please mail resumes with reference number to Cisco Systems, Inc., Attn: J51W, 170 W. Tasman Drive, Mail Stop: SJC 5/1/4, San Jose, CA 95134. No phone calls please. Must be legally authorized to work in the U.S. without sponsor ship. EOE.



TECHNICAL M a r k e t - TELEMARKETER -clear ing Engineer. Study voice. $10-$12 /hr. P/T current & nextCall 510-623-6810 generation wireless technologies & use THEATER cases to explore stra- Theater Manager tegic opportunities in (#2CHU05) – Chabot various market seg- College in Hayward, ments & help secure CA. Full-time, 40 wireless design wins. hrs/wk; days and Requires Master’s in times may vary deelectrical eng, com- pending on program puter eng or related needs; $5,726.25tech field. Must have $6,959.00/mo. Closfollowing skill set ing date: 07/12/10. (evidenced by exp or To apply for this pograduate-level sition, visit us online coursework): wire- at www.clpccd less networking tech- .org/hr. EOE. nologies, simulation models for digital & RF performance, TRANSPORTATION WLAN, & Bluetooth. Must pass co’s tech review. Send resumes to K. Quach, Job Ref 369, Marvell Semiconductor, Inc. 5488 Marvell Lane, Santa Clara, CA 95054

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Check out the new mobile site for this employer! Text Headwayjobs to 22345 HEADWAY TECHNOLOGIES TECHNOLOGY HP Enterprise Services, LLC (a Hewlett-Packard Company) is accept ing resumes for a Services Information Developer in Mountain View, CA. (Ref. #HPESMVSID11). Conceptualize, design, develop, unittest, configure, & implement portions of new or enhanced (upgrades or conver sions) business & technical SW solutions through application of appropriate standard SW devlpmt life cycle methodologies & processes. Mail resumes with reference # to: Ref. # HPESMVSID11, HP Enterprise Services, LLC; 19483 Pruneridge Avenue, MS 4206, Cupertino, CA 95014. No phone calls please. Must be legally authorized to work in the U.S. without sponsorship. EOE. TELECOMM

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Text KnightDriver to 22345

Knight Intermodal VOLUNTEER ASIAN AMERICAN DONOR PROGRAM (AADP) needs volunteers to register donors all over the East Bay. Spanish speakers also welcome for our Hispanic community drives. K A I S E R PERMANENTE MEDICAL CENTER seeks help for its ambula tory surgery centers in Livermore, Pleasanton and Park Shadelands in Walnut Creek. RICHMOND MAIN STREET INITIATIVE presents concerts the 4th Wednesday of each month. Volunteers are wanted for a number of positions. WE CARE SERVICES FOR CHILDREN in Concord seeks classroom aides, party planners, board members and resource develop ment. BIG BROTHERS BIG SISTERS OF THE BAY A R E A matches screened adult mentors (Bigs) with enrolled children (Littles) ages 6-18 on a one-to-one basis. Training and guidance are provided. FOR THESE AND OTHER VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES, CALL THE VOLUNTEER CENTER OF THE EAST BAY (925) 472-5760 (510) 232-0163 (925) 778-0165 or visit our website at WELDER

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Verizon Wireless

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Domestics CAREGIVER - Fem for disabled woman. 4+ yrs exp. 925-914-1869 FEMALE, Cantonese speaking , care for a 68 year lady . Walnut Creek 925-939-6186 HOUSE Cleaner Needed. Car & exp req. Spk Eng/Span. 925-570-3137

Employment ACCOUNTANT PricewaterhouseCoo pers, LLP has an opportunity for the following position in San Jose, CA. M a n a g e r . Reqs. recent exp w/in the following: exp w/a nat’l, regional or Big 4 acct firm; exp advising multi-nat’l, publicly-traded companies & private equity firms on a broad range of tech acct & financial reporting topics; knowledge of US GAAP, SEC reporting, IFRS & related financial reporting concepts and rules; CPA or equivalent, CFA or ASA. Travel req. Reqs. incl. Master’s deg in Acct & 3 yrs recent exp or Bachelor’s deg & 5 yrs recent exp. Mail resume to Attn: HR SSC/Talent Mgt, 3109 W. MLK Jr. Blvd., Tampa, FL 33607, Ref #SJADE. Must be legally authorized to work in the U.S. w/out sponsorship. EOE


AUDIT-FSO - Assur- COMPUTER ance Manager - CKR Interactive has Banking and Capital opening for Sr. ComMarkets, Ernst & puter Systems AnaYoung LLP in San lyst (CSA-CA) reJose, CA office to sponsible for leading manage the engage - efforts in analyzing ment team in per- all data processing forming audit proce- issues and setup for dures, especially fo- internal and client cusing on complex web applications. and/or specialized 10-15 people. No Some position may issues for Japaneseexp. Will train. Ad require travel. Edu based corporations. vancement opptys. and exp require To apply, please visit ments may depend avail. 408-642-1563. on position level/ h, search for Job type. Submit resume Number SAN000JE to CKR Interactive, ALARM INSTALLER and apply online. 399 N. 3Rd Street, Exp’d. Alarm Tech Campbell, CA 95008, needed for Bay Area, ATTN: Skye Callan/ AUTOMOTIVE mostly wireless, plen CSA-CA. Must refer SERVICE ADVISOR . ty of work. Must have job code in order to Lg GM auto dealer own tools and vehi be considered. ship on the Peninsu cle. Call 310-242-3572 la seeking prof. service advisor w/ proven cust. svc. & COMPUTER HewlettCSI exp. Candidate Packard Company is must have Reynolds accepting resumes /Reynolds & GM for Software Designer writing service exp. positions in Exp. only need apply Cupertino, CA. Call Jorge Rodriguez at 650-642-6841. Reqs: exp in appl Are Cooking Up dvlpmt w/hands on Fabulous New Career in wrkng Biostatistician, Sr for exp Opportunities In the w/databases, out of p h a r m a c e u t i c a l San Jose Area! ALL which at least 2 yrs. company. Resume to RESTAURANTS! Teikoku Pharma should be in Bus. InCome Sample One Applctns USA, Attn: Okada, telligence Today! NOW HIRING 1718 Ringwood Ave., Implmntn (eg. BusiEXPERIENCED: ness Objects, Siebel San Jose, CA 95131 • Servers, Hosts Analytics/OBIEE); exp • Cooks (Line & Prep) BUSINESS Cisco Sys- w/ database query • Bakers tools & proven capatems, Inc. is accept • Buspersons, ing resumes for the bility to understand & Dishwashers database following positions in optimize • Team Leaders San Jose/Milpitas query plans; Exp. in• Sr. Team Leaders /Santa Clara, CA: stalling & tuning daIf you’re ready to be connectivity Project Manager tabase part of something (eg. ODBC, SJ18): Man- tchnlgy GREAT, Apply in per - (Ref#: Exp. ages small, medium, JDBC); son at our Carrows w/building Data large/complex and Restaurant located portprojects Warehouse(s), at 910 Saratoga Ave - multiple throughout the proj- ing schemas & data nue, San Jose, CA from one Data Ware95129 for ANY Coco’s ect lifecycle (initiate, house platform to anplan, execute, conBakery Restaurants other; Exp. w/ETL & trol, close) or a poror Carrows Restau BI applctns; Exp w/BI rants in the San Jose tion of a larger, more Applctns dvlpmt & complex project. Area! We Offer Flexi implmntn exp in a Business Analyst ble Schedules, & SJ31): Use partner /cust situaCompetitive Wages! (Ref#: case tion; knwldg of SW Can’t stop by?? Then Case/Business processes; development skills by dvlpmt email us a copy of interfacing with sub- Exp performing testyour resume to ing, Data Warehouse ject matter experts in or business operations, bldg & tuning, Data Fax: (661)-872-2631. porting business process, Warehouse Org Adoption and IT from one platform to another; Extensive team members. knwldg of UNIX, WinPlease mail resumes dows & Linux operatwith reference num- ing systems; Systems ber to Cisco Systems, lvl knwldg of data& OS, Inc., Attn: J51W, 170 bases W. Tasman Drive, troubleshooting of BI Mail Stop: SJC 5/1/4, & ETL tools perform Also San Jose, CA 95134. ance issues. No phone calls reqs: Masters in CS, please. Must be le- CE, SW Engnrg or rel. gally authorized to & 3 yrs exp in job ofwork in the U.S. with- fered or rel. In lieu of out sponsorship. Masters + 3yrs., ER will accept Bachelors EOE. in CS, CE, SW Engnrg Business Intelligence or rel & 5 yrs exp in Analyst . BIS in Alviso, job offered or rel. List full name, adCA seeks candidates with qlf’d degree. See dress & email address on resume. Send resume & refer for details. Email to Job# CUPCBH2. resume to resumes@ bizintelsolutions .com Please send resumes with job number to Hewlett-Packard CABLE TV Company, 19483 Pruneridge Ave., MS Needed in Fremont. 4206, Cupertino, CA Earn $11 p/hr. 5 days 95014. No phone calls p/wk. Dispatching & please. Must be lelight admin. Must be gally authorized to organized. Dispatch work in the U.S. withexp a must. Cable out sponsorship. exp or CSG a +. EOE. Strong Microsoft Excel skills, organized, ability to multi-task. COMPUTER Kompsoft Reliable Vehicle. Inc Seeks Oracle DBA Must Pass BackMin Qual: MS or BS ground & Drug test. w/5yr Prior work exp No Felonies. in RAC 10g & Linux Call: 510-440-1231 env. ETL exp pref. Req. Extensive travel w/in US. Email res at 3 CAREGIVERS $ Visiting Angels Seeks Exp Hrly Caregivers COMPUTERS Elec$ Bonus Available $ tronics for Imaging, San Ramon 925-552-6500 Inc. (EFI) has an Marin 415-499-1200 opening for a Sr. SAP ABAP Developer in COMPUTER: Acxiom Foster City, CA. ParCorp. - Foster City ticipate in application Research Analyst development for new (#5329) Master deg. + 1 yr exp . Apply on - projects and trouble line w/job code above shoot problems with existing code in SAP FI, CO, MM, PP, SD EOE/AA and HR modules. Please send resume to 303 Velocity Way, Foster City, CA 94404, Attn: May Muhawieh. PLEASE REFERENCE Job Code 139 when submitting resume ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT City of Lafayette Parks & Rec PT w/Benefits $22.17-$28.82/hr

Administrative / Office Work

Dispatcher/Admin - PT



COMPUTERS: CORE CONCRETE Projects and Technol CONSTRUCTION ogy, Santa Clara, CA FOREMAN . Min 5 yrs. has multiple open exp. Must read plans ings: 1) Programmer Clean DMV. Full bnft. Analyst to design & Call 408-937-0510 or implement SAP fax res. 408-937-0845 technology-enabled CONSTRUCTION: business solutions, Accepting applica etc. (Code PA2) AND tions for journeymen 2) Computer Systems metal stud framers, Analyst/Programmer sheet rockers and to facilitate applica drywall finishers. tion integration with Proper employment identity and access eligibility documents management infra req’d. Please fax structure, etc. (Code resume 408-374-4627 CSAP4) Job Site: Santa Clara, CA and vari ous unanticipated cli ent locations in USA. Prepare/edit compa Resumes (with code ny English publica #) to HR, 3350 Scott tions, internal & ex Blvd., Bldg, 34A, Santa ternal, for both print Clara, CA 95054. & digital media; Details at Confer/coord. with support staff in the company promo / mrktg campaign to develop print & digi C O M P U T E R . Sr. E A S Analyst: Lead the tal material; Confer / consult department delivery of SAP Projmanagers, such as ect Sys solutions. acctng, production, Responsibilities .incl. aligning with R& D, for info accura the bus on scope & cy; Translate & revise deliverables; gather - Chinese publications into English version ing user reqs; driving des, develop - for both print & digi ment, testing & de- tal media. Req: Bach elor in Communica livery of solutions tion or Public Rela along with posttions. Job site/send implementation supresume to Foxlink In port; leading & training peer EAS ana- ternational, Inc. attn: L Wang., 2700 Zanker lysts, especially durRd., Ste. 150, San ing period end closJose, CA 95134. ing; performing full life-cycle SAP implementations; under- DENTAL: Experienced Dental Lab Techs: standing and Immediate Openings leveraging SAP projin Waxing, Finishing, ect sys and its inteImplants & Ceramics gration with other 3-5 years experience modules (incl. SD, pref’d. 408-255-1020. VC, FI/CO and COPA). Send resume to Attn: Req#2110BR, DESIGN Engineer Sys Varian Medical Sys- test & failure analytems, Inc., 3100 Han- sis; test automation sen Way, Palo Alto, des using Verilog & system-level CA 94304, or fax to Perl; configuration in full650.842.5020 chip environment, incl. verification, & writing scripts & beComputer havioral models; use C & C++ languages, Synopsys, Inc., a Unix & Cadence opleader in the EDA in- erating systems, & dustry, has the fol- HDL & Hspice simulowing openings in lation tools; CMOS Mountain View, CA: digital circuits des, & memory des. SubIT Architect, Sr. I: mit resume to: ISSI, Admin, support & de- San Jose, CA 95112, sign of internal fax# 408-969-7800, SharePoint infra- attn: Job# 004. structure for intranet & collaboration runDoor to Door ning on MOSS 2007 & Canvassers & Sales exterPeople needed for nal site. Req BS in Inhome improvement fo Sys Eng, CS, CE or company upto $20 rel & 5 yrs exp in per hr. Call James SharePoint admin & 510-760-8144 custom dvpmt based on .NET technology + Door to Door bkgd in SharePoint Canvassers & Sales admin, customization People needed for & dvpmt; MS Office home improvement dvpmt; .NET & Web company upto $20 dvpmt; Win Server per hr. Call James administration; SQL 510-760-8144 Server admin & Bus Intell tools; Agile SW DRIVER / MOVER & project mgmt Min. 4Yr Pro Move methodologies. Exp req Gd DMV. AD/SJMN/68BR. Gd Pay 925-876-9436

Corporate Information Officer


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EDUCATION Instructors needed for LVN Programs. Director needed for School of Asian Medical Course. Degree & exp. pref. Send resume to OikosUniversity@ or call 510-639-7557

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Design Consultant, DRIVER Sr. II: Assist or direct customer in use of Synopsys EDA tools & methodologies to design & develop integrated circuits. Req Bnfts. avail. Split MS in CE, EE or shift M-F. Apply rel/equiv & 2 yrs exp in person: 9-3. Bring in IC design & impleyour DMV H-6, SS mentation consulting card & DL. 1025 + bkgd in EDA tools Shary Cir, Concord (Primetime, ICC, De925-686-3391 sign Compiler, Formality); writing static timing constraints from specs & timing closure; top-/blocklevel floor planning; hierarchical design; equivalence check ing, DRC design rule checking, LVS; signal integrity issues; low power implementa tion; Verilog & VHDL; TCL & Perl scripting. AD/SJMN/552BR.


To apply, please send resume, indicating position of interest & applicable Ad Code, to: printads@ (ASCII text only, no attach ments please). EOE/AA.

ENGINEERING Apple is looking for qualified individuals for following 40/hr/wk position. To apply, mail your resume to 1 Infinite Loop 84-REL, Attn: AEC Staffing, Cupertino, CA 95014 with Ref # and copy of ad. Job site & interview, Cupertino, CA. Principals only. EOE. Telephony Test Engineer [Req. # 5266397/LJ] Support execution of test cases in the baseband test lab. Requires Master’s degree, or foreign equivalent, in Electrical Engineering, or related degree and 2 yrs prof. exp. in job offered or in a related occupation, incl. GSM, EDGE and 3G Cellular protocols message flows and inter layer interactions; development cycle of IOT; carrier approval process and protocol stack architecture; GSM call failure investigation; WCDMA and HSDPA fundamentals and functionalities; telecommunication systems and wireless and cellular propagation; and RF Circuit Design.

Employment ELECTRICAL Engineering Project Manager Windtronics, LLC (Winner of Gold Edi son Award & Popu lar Mechanics top ten technologies) is seeking an electri cal engineer with emphasis & experi ence in both analog & digital circuits / associated software programming. Salary: competitive & negotiable. (

S U N D A Y, J U N E 2 0 , 2 0 1 0


ENGINEER: AlcatelLucent USA Inc., Mountain View, CA seeks 1) Senior Test Eng. (64501), Req BS in Electrical Eng., Electronics Eng., or related & 7 yrs exp. 2) Software Test Eng. (63564), Req BS in Electrical Eng., Com puter Science or re lated & 7 yrs exp. 3) System Quality As surance Eng. Special ist (64102), Req MS in Electrical Eng., or re lated and 1 yr exp. Equal Opportunity Employer. Resume: 7C-401A, 600 Moun tain Ave., Murray Hill, NJ 07974. Include job code in reply. E N G I N E E R ASIC Design Engineer. Design & integrate IPs for SoC solutions using IC dsgn methodologies & dsgn flows. Requires Bachelor’s in Comp Eng, Electri cal Eng or related tech field & 5 yrs progressive, post-bacc ASIC dsgn eng exp. Experience must include Verilog hardware description language, VCS, NCVerilog, Debussy/ Verdi Debug Systems, Synopsys Design Compiler, & PrimeTime. Must pass co’s technical review. Send resumes to K. Quach, Job Ref 335, Marvell Semiconduc tor, Inc. 5488 Marvell Lane, Santa Clara, CA 95054.

Software Development Engineer [Req. # 5299147/LJ] Maintain and develop new features for Apple’s video playback, capture, and editing pipeline for embedded products. Requires Master’s degree, or foreign equivalent, in Information Systems Engineering, or related and 2 yrs prof. exp. in job offered or in a related occupation, incl. C/C++; ObjectiveC; Xcode; Linux develop ment; MaxOsX; developing and maintaining API’s for media playback and capture; implementing streaming solutions for video/audio playback using HTTP, RTP/RTSP, H264, and AAC; common image processing and filtering algorithms incl. denoising for image improvement; and common container formats including MP4, E N G I N E E R ASIC DeMOV, MP2TS, and AVI. sign Engineer. Develop mobile disk drive Senior Protocol Development Engineer [Req. controller SOC. Reqs # 5253047/SB] Support the development of bachelor’s in comp the next generation of iPhone products. Re- sci, elec eng or relatquires Master’s degree, or foreign equiva - ed tech field & 7 yrs lent, in Electrical Engineering, or related de- progressive, post-bac gree and 3 yrs prof. exp. in job offered or in exp. Exp must ina related occupation, incl. wireless commu - clude: large-scale (7nication theory, cellular protocol stacks lay- 8M+ Gate) mobile er 1-3, cellular phone development, embed - Disk Drive Controller ded RTOS software development, inter pro- SOC, ARM CPU SOC cessor communication, wireless test equip- design, Verilog, SPEC, ment. DFT, ATPG, TC, TMAX, Synopsys ICC, CaiPhone Modem DSP Firmware Engineer [Req. dence SOC Encoun # 5294705/SB] Support the development of ter, Calibre LVS/DRC, the next generation of iPhone products. Re- RTL, Synopsys DC, PC, quires Master’s degree, or foreign equiva - PT, Verplex LEC, BIST lent, in Electrical and Computer Engineer - Compiler, Verdi, VCS, ing, or related degree and 3 yrs prof. exp. in N C - V e r i l o g , job offered or in a related occupation, incl. Simvision, Synopsys DSP and wireless communication; UMTS; Astro, Nano Route, HSPA; HSPA+; physical layer algorithms Voltage Storm, Signal with hands-on implementation and debug- Storm, Star RCXT, atging; C; low level and system level debug- speed scan & OCC. ging; lab instruments such as signal Must pass co tech reanalyzers; and RTOS embedded develop - view. Send resume to ment. K. Quach, Job Ref #433, Marvell SemiSenior Software Developer, Technical Lead conductor, Inc., 5488 [Req. # 5294831/SB] Create functional and Marvell Lane, Santa technical specifications and lead and per- Clara, CA 95054. form research in innovative fields. Requires Ph.D. degree, or foreign equivalent, in Computer Science or related and 3 yrs prof. exp. ENGINEER Bristlecone in job offered or in a related position, incl. Inc. has openings for commercial software engineering; software following positions at design and architecture; project manage - its office in Mountain ment; agile development process/SCRUM; View, CA: Engineering real-time computer graphics; graphics Managers: Client EnOversee hardware programming; image, video, and gagement, Delivery & audio processing; peer-to-peer technology; Project Client audio and video streaming; video game de- Maintaining Reqd. velopment; and network design and devel- Relationships; Bachelor or foreign opment. equi plus relev. Exp. Server Security Software Developer [Req. # Reqd. Travel/ Reloca Mail Resume: 5252903/SB] Build, enhance and support key tion. HR Manager, initiatives around security on Apple Prod- Attn: ucts. Requires Bachelor’s degree, or foreign 488 Ellis Street Mounequivalent, in Mechanical Engineering, or tain View, CA related and 5 yrs. prof. exp. in job offered or in a related occupation. Prof. exp. must be ENGINEER post-baccalaureate and progressive in na- Cenzic, Inc. seeks ture. Exp must include Java/J2EE with ap- Techn. Spprt Engr to plication servers incl. JBoss; Building Java respond to all issues native applications with C/C++; Enterprise escalated from spprt Java Technologies in the Web Tier and Busi- team. Mail: HR, ness Logic Tier; Relational database design Cenzic, Inc. 455 El and development with MySQL or Oracle; Camino Real, Ste UNIX environments incl. MacOS and Linux; 100, Santa Clara, CA and Public key cryptography. 95050.


Job offers, employment agencies, jobs wanted.





S U N D A Y, J U N E 2 0 , 2 0 1 0



ENGINEER Cypress Semiconductor Corporation, leading provider of highperformance, mixedsignal, programma ble solutions, has employment opportunities in San Jose, CA for Applications Engineer Sr.(AE04): Develop firmware and perform system level functional tests for Cypress’ embed ded USB controllers.; Applications Engineer Sr. (AE05): Engage in the develop ment of specifica tions for state of the art analog power controllers in cooperation with custom ers, IC designers and Marketing (position requires 5% international/domes tic travel); Quality Assurance Engineer Senior (QAE01): Develop, implement, and maintain techni cal quality assurance and control systems and activities; and Marketing Manager Senior (MM01): Drive continuous process improvements by leveraging cross functional resour ces, across various levels of the organi zation. Send your resume (must reference job code) to: Cypress Semicon ductor Corp, Attn: AMMO, 198 Champion Court, M.S. 6.1, San Jose, CA 95134. ENGINEER, Design of digital/analog cir cuit for non volatile NOR flash memory. Send resume to Chingis Tech, 1350 Ridder Park Dr., San Jose, CA 95131. Engineering Hermes Microvision Inc. in San Jose has Scien tist & Elec. Engr. openings



Dual Role Interpreters are based out of the comfort of their own homes and also travel to nearby onsite interpreting appointments. Interpreters of Spanish, Mandarin, Cantonese, Vietnamese, Russian, or Farsi are encouraged to apply.





Broadcom seeks all KLA-Tencor currently levels of Engineers / has openings in our Scientists (SW, HW, Milpitas, CA location FW, Systems, De- for: sign, Layout, QA, * Mechanical Design Configuration/Relea Engineer: Code: se, Test, Field Apps, ST01R, Design, build, and others) in Sili- test, integrate wirecon Valley, CA. Edu- less sensing wafer, cation / experience precision optorequirements will mechanical compo vary by position nents & systems for level/type. Must next generation silihave unrestricted con wafer inspection U.S. work authoriza - & metrology prodtion. Mail resumes ucts; and to HR Operations Co- * Information Sysordinator, 5300 Cali- tems Analyst: Code: fornia Avenue, Bldg. ST01L, Analyze user 4, #42069, Irvine, CA requirements, proce92617. Must refer- dures, & problems to ence job code ENG4improve computer SVCA. system capabilities. Develop web apps & support software development activities. ENGINEERING Design online at Engineer. Develop Apply digital comm ASIC’s. /careers or mail Req Master’s in Electo: One trical Eng, Communi - résumé Drive, cations Eng, or relat- Technology ed tech field & 4 yrs Milpitas, CA 95035, exp in research or ATTN: HR Staffing, corredevlpmt of DSP algo- indicating sponding code. EOE rithms. Will accept PhD in stated field in M/F/D/V. lieu of 3 yrs of exp as stated. Exp must in- ENGINEERING Engineers clude DSP, digital Project comm, analog mod- Campbell, CA area. ules in comm sys, Plan & des grading surface imASIC dsgn, C/C++ & plans, MATLAB. Must pass provement plans & utility plans for co’s tech review. projs. Send Send resumes to K. transp to: TransQuach, Job Ref 36, res. Marvell Semiconduc - metrics, Inc. 2155 S. tor, Inc. 5488 Marvell Bascom Ave. Ste. 214, Lane, Santa Clara, CA Campbell, CA 95008. 95054. ENGINEERING Software Engineer; Sr. Software Engi ENGINEERING: neer; Sr. Technical Pixar currently has Support Engineer; openings in our Software QA Engi Emeryville, California neer; Quality Assur location for ance Engineer Staff. Software Engineers SonicWALL, Inc. (San responsible for Jose, CA) multiple designing, develop openings. Fax reing, implementing sume to Sarah Chap and testing computer man at 408.668.0943 software for anima and reference job tion production. title and job code: Please mail resume TECH2010 to 1200 Park Avenue, Emeryville, CA 94608 ENGINEERING indicating job reference number Some of the tiniest #355.167. EOE. products require the biggest thinking... and that’s what we at SanDisk do best. This is where techni cal brilliance comes to advance our flash memory industry leadership. We have opportunities at our Milpitas, CA location for qualified & interested individuals in the following areas:

Hiring Dual Role Interpreters A new kind of interpreting position is now available to interpreters living in Contra Costa County!



• Native fluency in English and the other language • 2 years of onsite interpreting experience • Knowledge of the Code of Ethics & Standards of Practice for onsite interpreters • Ability to communicate with individuals from diverse backgrounds • Awareness of cultural factors that may affect communication • Strong interpersonal skills • Excellent customer service skills • Professional demeanor and appearance • Must have U.S. citizenship or possess a valid work permit • Must pass a criminal background check prior to hiring • Must pass an over-the phone interpreting assessment

Apply at: After selecting "United States" as the region, search for the job listing "Onsite and Over-the-Phone Dual Role Interpreters in Contra Costa County, CA" EOE/AA

ASIC Design Engineers, Business Product Operations Manager, CAD Engineers, Compensa tion / HRIS Analyst, Design Engineers, Principal Design Engineer, Process Engineers, Product Development Engineers, Product Engineers, Quality Engineer, Reliability Engineers, Sr. Design Engineers, Sr. Device Engineers, Staff Business Systems Analysts, Staff Financial Analyst, Staff Firmware Engineers, System Design Engineers, Verification Engineers We offer competitive salaries and generous benefits, includ ing stock options. To apply online, visit: areers, or fax resumes to (408) 8018632. Please indicate applicable title on all correspondence. An EOE. ENGINEERING St. Jude Medical, Cardiac Rhythm Management Div., a developer of medical devices has opening for Software Engi neer send resume to St. Jude Medical Dept. HR 701 E. Eve lyn Ave, Sunnyvale CA 94086, ATTN: HRSoftware Eng.

Employment ENGINEERING TeleNav is accepting resumes for the following positions in our Sunnyvale, CA office: Quality Assurance Engineer. Conduct feature, functional, system & compati bility testing, regression testing, & User Acceptance testing in mobile handsets & applications. Req. BS in CS & 3 yrs. Will accept 5 yrs of experience in lieu of BS CS degree and 3 yrs. Resume to TeleNav, Inc. via http://hire. PjVfwG&s=SJMN ENGINEERING Volterra Semiconductor Corp. is seeking a qualified Corporate Applications Manager and Sr. Systems Design Engineer for our office in Fremont. Positions require an MSEE + exp. Send resume to: ENGINEERING: Wind River Systems, Inc. in Alameda, CA seeks Software Engineer (Member of Technical Staff) (req#1704) to design & implement features for real-time embedded operating systems. To apply for this and other current positions available, please visit: Wind River’s careers site at https://windriver.tms. cgi-bin/a/ searchjobs_ quick. cgi. EOE Engineer in Mountain View, CA – Design and develop firmware for our networking stack Reqs: BS + 2 yrs., or MS + 0 yrs. Apply by mail to QLogic Corporation, Attn: Janice GillHester, 26650 Aliso Viejo Pkwy, Aliso Viejo, CA 92656. Must Reference Job Code: #0210TN. ENGINEER Intelleflex Corpora tion seeks Sr. Hardware Design Engineer to develop advanced RFID readers. Reqs. MSEE + 3yrs exp. Mail resumes to work site: 2465 Augustine Dr., Santa Clara, CA 95054 E N G I N E E R Intersil Communications Inc., leader in the design and manufacture of high performance analog semiconductors, has openings in Milpitas, CA for Sr. Design Engineer, Sr. Applications Engineer, Lead CAD Engineer, Sr. Product Engineer, and Intermediate CAE Engineer. Mail resume to: Intersil, 1001 Murphy Ranch Road, Milpitas, CA 95035 (Attn: C. Aguirre).

Employment ENGINEER Member of Tech. Staff (Defect Reduction Eng.) (Infinera – Sunnyvale, CA) Req.’s a Ph. D. in Physics or Eng. w/ emphasis in area of semiconductors & exp. in material flow & processes used for manufacture of III-V photonic integrated circuits. Exp. must incl. the following: inspecting the components of the circuit (laser, detector, waveguides, multiplexor, et al); identifying the effects of epitaxial & various chemical depositions, wet & dry etching, & handling on wafer/ device appearance; & using defect identifi cation tools for defect source analysis & line yield surveil lance. Must also have exp. in the relationships between device failure signature & physical causes & in defect charac terization (SEM, FIB, et. al.). Resp/ for using understanding of defect morphology to reduce / eliminate yield limiting defects in materials. Apply w/ resume to Reference job code INF-14. E N G I N E E R : Network Test Engineer: Perform & lead in-house functional & sys tests for Wan optimization prods; test & generate test reports on perform ance & scalability for TCP connections; build sys test lab involving routers, L3 switches, Linux servers, Wan emulators, & traffic generators (incl. Spirent, Spirent ThreatX, & Ixia); test automation des using TCL/TK language; review feature des; provide feedback on network des flaws. Submit resume to: Infineta Systems, Inc., San Jose, CA, by fax# 408.922.0482 E N G I N E E R RFIC Design Engineer. Dsgn RF/Analog circuits used in CMOS RF transceiver products. Requires Master’s in Electrical Eng or related tech field & 3 yrs exp in RF circuit dsgn for transceiver ICs. Will accept Ph.D. w/ focus in RF circuit dsgn for transceiver ICs in lieu of stated exp. Must have following (evidenced by exp or grad-level coursework): deep sub-micron CMOS tech, IC dsgn CAD tools, digital signal processing, physical layout requirements, critical layout, evaluation of prototype units, translation of system-level require ments into circuitlevel specifications, & design of LNA, Mixer, RF, VGAs, PA, VCO, fractional-N PLL, Sigma-Delta ADC, & low-noise bias circuits. Must pass co’s tech review. Send resumes to K. Quach, Job Ref 413, Marvell Semiconductor, Inc. 5488 Marvell Lane, Santa Clara, CA 95054.

E N G I N E E R LSI Corp seeks a Sr. Firmware Dev. Eng. For its Milpitas, CA office. Firmware dev. on new gen. of host based SAS/SATA RAID controllers. Participate in all aspects of design & product dev. through intro. & release. BS in CS, EE or Math.. 6 yrs of proENGINEER: Senior gressive post bache Field Applications lors exp w/storage Engineer. Virage firmware dev. Mail Logic Corporation resume to: LSI Corp, has an opening at its Attn: V. Kashyap, Fremont, CA office. 1621 Barber Lane, Responsible for work Milpitas, CA 95035. ing closely w/sales Must ref. 2010CARC. team to demonstrate technical capabilities & performance of circuit IP products & tools. Email resume: asik.hagopian@ or at Refer to job #FAE1209

Employment ENGINEER, Sr. Cus tomer S/W Support. Adv. tech support for learning mngmnt s/w, & liaise w/ cus tomers & s/w dev groups. Mentor oth er support engi neers. Java/J2EE, RDBMS, SQL on Unix & Windows. Job site: Redwood Shores. Mail resume to Saba Software, Inc., attn: LA (re: SK), 2400 Bridge Pkwy. Bldg. 12, Redwood Shores, CA 94065.

Employment F I N A N C I A L Analyst(s): Financial analysis activities for internet search company projects. Job Site: Mountain View, CA. Interested candidates send resume to Job #2794, Google Inc., PO Box 391078, Mt. View, CA 94039-1078 FINANCIAL Apple is looking for qualified individuals for following 40/hr/wk positions. To apply, mail your resume to 1 Infinite Loop 84-REL, Attn: AEC Staffing-LJ, Cupertino, CA 95014 with Req # and copy of ad. Job site & interview, Cupertino, CA. Principals only. EOE.

Employment INFO TECH HCL America Inc. has multiple openings (entry/mid/Sr.) for the following positions at its office in Sunnyvale, CA *Software Engineer (analyze, design, develop & maintain software applica tions) Job Code CASE 0510 *Systems Analyst (analysis, feasibility & design studies, evaluate & recommend processes) Job Code CASA 0510 *Business Analyst (analysis of business and operating procedures) Job Code CABA 0510 *Project Managers (Plan, coordinate and direct projects) Job Code CAPM0510 *Programmer Analyst (Dev., test and maintain computer programs) Job Code CAPA0510 *Database Adminis trator (test, modify, installation & mainte nance of database) Job Code CADA0510 *Network Administra tor (Analysis, trouble shoot, implement & management of network) Job Code CANA0510 Require min. Master’s Degree/Bachelor’s degree or foreign equivalent plus relevant work exp. All positions require prior IT experience. Require travel / reloca tion throughout US. Apply against the specific job code: Attn: ISG Department, HCL America Inc., 330 Potrero Avenue Sunnyvale, CA 94085

Employment MAINTENANCE PLANNER Rhodia, Inc . is a global specialty chemicals manufac turer and holds lead ership positions in key technologies in cluding acid regen eration. Rhodia em ploys 20,000 people worldwide. Rhodia offers competitive benefits, including health, dental, and vision plans, incen tive bonuses, and 401k. Rhodia is cur rently hiring a Main tenance Planner for our facility located in Martinez, Califor nia. The ideal candi date must be fluent in computerized maintenance man agement systems. Act as a liaison be tween maintenance and production. Pro vide back up for Maintenance Super visor who conducts daily supervision to the mechanical, electrical and instru mentation functions for the maintenance group. Plan and schedule mainte nance activities for maintenance per sonnel and contrac tors. Develop long term and shutdown plans and schedules. Write job proce dures. Assist engi neering and perform project work. Per form administrative duties (i.e. time cards, vacation scheduling, disci pline, etc.). Provide off hours supervi sion as required(oncall duty supervi sor). Requirements include: excellent computer skills - fa miliar with CMMS such as SAP or equivalent. Have previous planning experience, ability to plan a job from esti mating to schedul ing, and hands on mechanical and/or industrial electrical experience. 3+ years previous experience as planner or equiv. required. Please fax your resume to: (925)228-7636, Attn: Human Resources

E N G IN E E R , Sr. Hardware: Rsp for leading design work on core configuration logic used in company’s FPGAs. Job Site: San Jose, CA Mail resume to: Job #018, c/o HR Dept., Achronix Semiconductor Corpora tion, 333 W. San Car- Senior Financial Analos St., Ste. 1050, San lyst [Req. #5299205] Support sales and Jose, CA 95110 sales management by providing deENGINEER. Sr. M E M S tailed analysis and Engineer: Des reporting to the microelectromechan highest level of manical systems, espe- agement. Requires cially microMaster’s degree, or resonators; fabri- foreign equivalent, cate microin Business Adminis mechanical devices tration, or related using microand 2 years profesfabrication facilities; sional experience in des & analyze device job offered or in a refabrication process - lated occupation, ines; characterize cluding board and micromechanical management predevices using meas- sentation, financial urement & analysis analysis, account tools (incl. network ing, advanced modanalyzers, vacuum eling, debt securities test chamber, semi- and credit, enterconductor parame - prise information ter analyzers, & systems, project and Minitab); use s/w team management. (incl. MATLAB & ADS) to analyze GLAZIER - Exp. shop measurement data & person. Apply in model MEMS deviperson at 2211-A ces. Submit resume San Ramon Valley LAB TECH: Cirexx Intl to Integrated Device Blvd., San Ramon. seeks Chemical Lab Technology, Inc., San For directions call Tech. Degree in Jose, CA fax#408925-820-1748 chemistry + exp in 284-1442, attn: Staffthe pcb industry w/a ing, Job# I-019. GRAPHIC DESIGNER strong QC &/or Proc /ARTIST: Pixar cur ess Eng background rently has openings ENGINEER in a pcb facility. in our Emeryville, Sr. Technology DeFax or email resume velopment Engineer California location for to: 408-986-0307 Technical Directors Monolithic Power responsible for Systems, Inc., a powtechnical aspects of er mgmt. IC design producing threeLEAN BUSINESS company, has openANALYST ings for: Sr. Technol - dimensional comput er animated films. E & J Gallo Winery is ogy Development Please mail resume seeking a Lean Engineer, Req. Business Analyst 3 MSEE/CE/CS. Job lo- to: 1200 Park Avenue, for Spirits division. cation: San Jose, CA. Emeryville, California 94608 indicating job Please visit Pls refer to company reference number for a website: http:// MAINTENANCE Work #355.139 EOE. complete job de www.monolithicpow er, Antioch, CA: Per scription and to ap for detailed form support service HOME Improvement ply. Reference job descriptions and maintenance work. Company has immed. Job ID 2501. requirements. Installation of new opening for Sales hardware. Develop Trainor. Must have MACHINE SHOP ENGINEERS servicing schedule previous exp. selling helper needed. WOW! Immed open - windows, painting or and issue reports to Deburr, etc. Clean, ings w/ global digi manager. Keep ma roofing. 510-760-8144 package parts, inven - chines and mechani tal media co. for tory control. Exp. ORACLE/ SQLServer cal equipment in HOME Improvement req’d. Santa Clara. Database engineers. repair and working Company has immed. Fax: 408-844-8269 order. Change parts opening for Sales and perform routine Trainor. Must have maintenance. Must E N G I N E E R . Systems previous exp. selling have a BSc. and six Engineer. Interra windows, painting or months experience. Systems, Inc. has the roofing. 510-760-8144 Resumes to: Celina following opening in Camillo, First Call Cupertino, CA. Travel Info Tech Sales- HCL Nursing Services Inc., required. Provide America Inc. has mul1136 Cadillac Court, technical support to tiple openings (entry Milpitas, CA 95035. customers of Interra /mid/Sr.) at its office Systems’ products in Sunnyvale, CA: including Baton *Sales Engineer (mar(Content Verifica - keting & sales of the Engineering tion) and Vega (Me- various Job Code dia Analyzers). Re- services) sume to Interra Sys- CASE0510 Manager tems, Inc., 20195 Ste- *Sales vens Creek Blvd., (Plan, coordinate & MANUFACTURING #250, Cupertino, CA supervise sales serv95014 Attn: HR job ices & achieve tarIntegrated Manufacturing Group a world gets) Job Code code SE. class Precision machining & Fabrication CASM0510 facility in Livermore California has the *Business Dev. Manfollowing immediate opening available En gin eer, Technical ager (Develop Busifor qualified candidates: Support Provide guidelines ness; analysis & prepro• CNC and Manual machinsts at all levels for H/W & S/W pare business Job Code of skills specs. & interfacing, posals) • Equipment and Facilities Maintenance system capacity, CABDM0510 & Opera• Detailers compatibility & per- *General • Welders formance; test & re- tions Manager (Depair computer sys- vise marketing stratMust have 2-10 years experience. tems & components egy, sales plan & acDay shift M-Th & solve technical count management) Weekend shift F-Sun, 6:00AM to 6:30pm problems for cus- CAGOM0510 tomers. Req. BSEE/ Reqd. min. Master’s/ Bachelor’s degree or Compensation: Full benefit packages for CE/CS or related. equivalent each position. Compensation will be de Send resume to: foreign work termined based on skill set & experience. Wintec Industries, plus relevant Inc. 675 Sycamore exp. Require travel/ through • Principals only. Recruiters please don’t Dr. Milpitas, CA relocation out US. Apply against contact this job poster. 95035 the specific job code: • Please, no phone calls about this job! Attn: ISG Department, HCL America Inc., 330 Email resume to Potrero Avenue, Sunor fax resume to 925-273-1111. nyvale, CA 94085

about workforce readiness, the firm has a Bowl-a-thon during which teams within the company solicit sponsors to donate to the cause. Several executives serve on boards in the community, including Cambrian Park Little League, Planned Giving Council for Hospice of the Valley and Hope Services, among others. The Cooper Companies, headquartered in Pleasanton, lets different office locations choose their own charities. They support the Adopt a Family program in December and make a dollar for dollar match to the employees contributions to other charities including Haiti Relief, Grace Oughton Cancer Foundation and First Tee.

S U N D A Y, J U N E 2 0 , 2 0 1 0

Charitable organizations from page 11


MORE THAN 60 PERCENT of the attorneys at McManis Faulkner law offices are women and more than 45 percent of attorneys and staff are ethnic/religious minorities.

Diversity from page 2


FINISAR RAMPS UP the competition to encourage contributions to the Second Harvest Food Drive.

AREVA will begin hiring experienced professionals immediately to support the ramp up for U.S. renewable energy projects. Join us and you can look forward to the finest training and the greatest career opportunities. With offices and manufacturing facilities in more than 34 countries, AREVA is a rapidly expanding global energy business and a world leader in developing technological solutions for CO2-free power generation. TEXT ArevaJobs to 22345



We’re helping to reduce CO2 emissions. And expanding your career opportunities.

Illustrations: H5

For instance, the Latino group came up with an idea of how to better reach the Hispanic market, noted Terilyn Monroe, a company director. Several other companies have networks, or informal groups, who may all appreciate wine tasting, cooking or other hobbies. Many companies also said they have holiday potlucks during the year to which employees are encouraged to bring foods reflecting their cultural heritage. Potlucks on cultural holidays are one way Finisar promotes and focuses on diversity of its employees, encouraging them to share their foods, customs and other traditions, according to Katherine Watt, vice president of employee services. Iranian employees celebrated Iranian New Years with a special lunch and Diwali, and the Indian festival of Lights were two such occasions with all employees invited to participate. As part of its quarterly book club, employees were invited to choose a book from one or more of the countries where Finisar does business: Malaysia, China, India, Israel, Singapore and Australia. Informatica’s CEO Sohaib Abbasi personally endowed an Islamic Studies chair at Stanford and a professorship at the University of Illinois, believing that these would provide great opportunities for more people to learn about and appreciate the value of this culture.


S U N D A Y, J U N E 2 0 , 2 0 1 0

JOB FAIR SEEKING QUALIFIED SALES ASSOCIATES July 1st at The Hilton Hotel At The Club (Pleasanton, CA) 10:00AM - 2:00PM Invitation Only Sales hunters needed for the following locations:

Synaptics is a leading worldwide developer of human interface solutions for mobile computing, communications, and entertainment devices. As a global company in a rapidly expanding marketplace, we put strong emphasis on our corporate values while maintaining a fast-paced and energetic workplace.

• • • • • •

Livermore Martinez San Jose San Carlos Sacramento Central Valley


Being nominated and ranked in the TOP WORK PLACES 2010 in the Bay Area lets us know that we can take the Company to the next level of growth.

• • • • •

3+ years B2B outside sales experience Strong customer service and computer skills Self motivated, competitive and results driven ‘Service firm’ selling experience Bachelor’s degree preferred

Registration Required: Submit your resume to Job ID 1037 at

We would like to thank our wonderful employees for making us one of the TOP 60 WORK PLACES in the Bay Area! Because of you we are a success! Synaptics is a unique company. We engage employees, but we don’t stop innovation. We like gadgets, but like the humans that use them even more. And while we expect a lot of ourselves and our colleagues, we go out of our way to help each other. It’s the kind of place where very smart people spend the day exploring human interface concepts — concepts that may wind up in millions of devices — with the same enthusiasm and excitement as kids with new toys.



In short, it’s a great place to work. And you’ll think so too, when you join us.


Visit online @ or text “SYNAPTICS” to 22345 on your mobile phone to see our available positions

If you meet the requirements for the position, you will receive an an invitation to attend.

Drug free and an EOE by choice.

MANAGER - ON-SITE for large SJ mobile home park. Exp. req. Good salary & bnfts. Send res.: Joan at PO Box 23200 PMB 1535 San Jose, CA 95153.

MANAGER: Samsung Telecommunications America seeks Sr. Mgr, Developer Pro grams in San Jose, CA to lead crossfunctional team to develop 3rd party apps for mobile phones. BS in Bus. Admin, Mgmt, Mktg, or related and 10 yrs exp in tech mgmt & mktg OR 12 yrs exp in lieu of BS & 10. Apply at www. Job 103814. No calls. Principals only. EOE. Mechanical Engineer (Computational Fluid Dynamics Engineer) Develop computa tional fluid dynamics / combustion/ thermo-acoustic tools / advance tur bulence models. Apply to: Cascade Technologies, Inc., 2445 Faber Pl, Ste 100, Palo Alto, CA 94303. Ref. Job ME04

MEDICAL ASSISTANT Back office. Busy cardiology practice. Experience required. Full-time. Benefits. Fax 408-558-6928 OFFICE ASSISTANT Computer literate. Must know excel. Pay DOE. M-F. Apply in person. ABC Security. 1840 Embarcadero Oakland 94606 OUTSIDE SALES ASST. Must have valid CDL, own vehicle & car ins. $9/hr. Knowledge of Bay Area helpful. Immed. opening. James 510-760-8144 OUTSIDE SALES ASST. Must have valid CDL, own vehicle & car ins. $9/hr. Knowledge of Bay Area helpful. Immed. opening. James 510-760-8144

Physicist to research ultrafast & low-temp devices for high power & ultrashort pulsed laser sys tems. Send resume to Calmar Optcom, 755 N. Pastoria Ave., Sunnyvale, CA 94085. PLUMBER or Drain Tech 408-472-6729 Fax 408-987-9901.

Press Operators Journey Level Bay Area News Group - East Bay is currently seek ing full time Press Operators for our Walnut Creek and Concord locations. Previous newspa per printing experience is preferred. Responsibilities include printing our daily publications and commercial print work. Must be available to work a flexible schedule including weekends and holidays. If interested, please submit a resume to: Contra Costa Newspapers Attn: Human Resources 2640 Shadelands Drive, Walnut Creek, CA 94598 or fax to: 925-977-8444 or email to: eastbayjobs @bayareanews


PRODUCT MANAGER Develop sleep/ bedding prod. BS+2yr Fax Zinus, Pleasanton 925.417.6958

Professional Senior Software Engineer-qa (Akamai Technologies, Inc.; San Mateo, CA) will validate quality of software compo nents, design tools & develop Perl modules for verification; a creative thinker with advanced technical expertise in UNIX / Linux operating systems & HTTP, DNS & TCP/IP technologies as well as proxy servers, web servers& caching technologies. Min req’s: MS in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Electrical Engineering or a related equiva lent degree. Send resume: Rhea Mae Eddy, Human Resour ces, Akamai Technol ogies, Inc., 3125 Clearview Way, San Mateo, California 94402. Ref. SL-RMESSEQA-0610. RESTAURANT Exp’d Baker, Counter Help & Sandwich Maker for Old Town Pastry, 765 Railroad Ave, Pittsburg. Call 925-698-2659

SALES Representative - Independent Mitchell 1, THE leader in providing business software solutions for the auto repair industry, seeks an in dependent contractor to sell/support our products in the San Jose area. Candidate Should possess a solution based selling approach & Windows -based software skills. Exp. in the auto repair industry &/or strong understanding of business mgmt is a plus. We offer a lucrative commission structure. Send res: or fax 858-746-8910. For more info visit EOE

SMOG TECH/LEAD AUTO MECH . 10yrs min exp. Good pay & comm. Manage 3 bay garage in Union City. 925-984-6862 or email

SOFTWARE: Blade Network Technolo gies, Inc. seeks Sr. SW Engineer (Netwrk Virtualization) for Santa Clara, CA . Req’s: MS in CS, EE, Electronics Eng’ing or related (or equiv.) & 2 yrs. of exp.; or BS & 5 yrs. exp.; must incl. exp. in Layer 2 & 3 netwrking protocols. Email resumes & ref. job code SSWEng2 to SOFTWARE Design, develop, and test software used in the data storage industry. Multiple positions available, including Member Technical Staff, Software and Member Technical Staff, Quality Assurance. Education and experience requirements vary depending on position type and level of responsibili ty. Must pass company’s technical review. Please reference desired position and send resumes to: P. Reed, NetApp, Inc, 495 East Java Dr., Sunnyvale, CA 94089. Software Engineer. J2EE technologies, Java, JSP, Jakarta Struts, Oracle RDBMS, Oracle Application Servers. May travel to client sites through out U.S. Res: Glodyne Technoserve East, Inc, 2700 Augustine Dr, # 190, Santa Clara, CA 95054 SOFTWARE ENGINEER /SENIOR: Analysis, design, Supervise testing of Software Systems. Send res. to TekReliance, LLC, 1866 Clayton Rd #210, Concord, CA 94520. SOFTWARE QA ENGINEERS: Develop & execute software test plans to identify software problems for video-based prod ucts. Job site: Fre mont, CA. Interested candidate clip ad & send res: Job #1 (SA), Excelfore Corp., 43255 Mission Blvd., Ste 204, Fremont, CA 94539 SOFTWARE: Sr. QA Analyst (Fremont, CA openings, but must be willing to relocate to unanticipated lo cations across the country per contract requirement): Main tain, enhance, build and test new and ex isting software appli cations in Java, C ++, javascript, Lawson financials, Oracle GL, etc. Send resume to: President, DEW Soft ware, Inc., 983 Corpo rate Way, Fremont, CA 94539. STATISTICIAN(S): Perform statistical analysis activities for internet search company projects. Job Site: Mountain View, CA. Interested candidates send resume to Job #2171, Google Inc., PO Box 391078, Mt. View, CA 94039-1078





TECHNICAL M a r k e t - VOLUNTEER ing Engineer. Study ASIAN AMERICAN current & next- DONOR PROGRAM generation wireless (AADP) needs voluntechnologies & use teers to register docases to explore stra- nors all over the East tegic opportunities in Bay. Spanish speakvarious market seg- ers also welcome for ments & help secure our Hispanic comwireless design wins. munity drives. Requires Master’s in K A I S E R electrical eng, com- PERMANENTE MEDIputer eng or related CAL CENTER seeks tech field. Must have help for its ambula following skill set tory surgery centers (evidenced by exp or in Livermore, Pleasgraduate-level anton and Park coursework): wire- Shadelands in Walless networking tech- nut Creek. nologies, simulation RICHMOND MAIN models for digital & STREET INITIATIVE RF performance, presents concerts WLAN, & Bluetooth. the 4th Wednesday Must pass co’s tech of each month. Volreview. Send re- unteers are wanted sumes to K. Quach, for a number of posiJob Ref 369, Marvell tions. Semiconductor, Inc. WE CARE SERVICES 5488 Marvell Lane, FOR CHILDREN in Santa Clara, CA 95054 Concord seeks classroom aides, TECHNOLOGY HP En- party planners, terprise Services, LLC board members and (a Hewlett-Packard resource develop Company) is accept - ment. ing resumes for a BIG BROTHERS BIG Services Information SISTERS OF THE BAY Developer in Moun- A R E A matches tain View, CA. (Ref. screened adult men#HPESMVSID11). tors (Bigs) with enConceptualize, de- rolled children sign, develop, unit- (Littles) ages 6-18 on test, configure, & im- a one-to-one basis. plement portions of Training and guidnew or enhanced (up- ance are provided. grades or conver FOR THESE AND sions) business & OTHER VOLUNTEER technical SW soluOPPORTUNITIES, tions through appliCALL cation of appropriate THE VOLUNTEER standard SW devlpmt CENTER OF life cycle THE EAST BAY methodologies & (925) 472-5760 processes. Mail re(510) 232-0163 sumes with reference (925) 778-0165 # to: Ref. # or visit our website HPESMVSID11, HP En- at terprise Services, LLC; 19483 Pruneridge Warehouse Position Avenue, MS 4206, Fulltime Day/Swing Cupertino, CA 95014. Shift. 2-3 Yr Experi No phone calls ence in Warehouseplease. Must be leManufacturing In gally authorized to dustry. Apply in per work in the U.S. withson at 33210 Central out sponsorship. EOE. Ave. Union City, CA 94587. Hourly rates TELEMARKETER -clear DOE. E-Verify voice. $10-$12 /hr. P/T Call 510-623-6810

S T A T I S T I C I A N S TECHNICAL (Quantitative Ana- Cisco Systems, Inc. lysts): Conduct stat- is accepting reistical analyses on sumes for the folinternet search proj- lowing positions in ects. Job Site: Mt. San Jose/Milpitas View, CA. Interested /Santa Clara, CA: candidates send re- Customer Support sume to Job #360A, Engineer (Ref#: SJ3): Google Inc., PO Box Responsible for pro391078, Mt. View, CA viding technical sup94039-1078 port regarding the company’s propriet ary systems and software. Hardware • Chemisty/Physics Engineer (Ref# SJ5): • Spanish Teacher Responsible for the EL Sobrante Christian specification, deH.S. 510-223-2242 sign, development, test, enhancement, and sustaining of TECHNICIAN, CAnetworking hardBLING AMS.NET, Inc. ware. IT Engineer has immediate open Respon ings for Cabling Tech - (Ref#:SJ7): sible for develop nician positions. The ment, support and ideal candidate will implementation of possess a minimum major system funcof 3-5 years experi tionality. Software ence in Low Voltage Engineer (Ref# Cabling Installation SJ10): Responsible and Maintenance. for the definition, Successful candidate design, develop will possess knowl ment, test, debugedge of Fiber and ging, release, enCATV installation as hancement and well at Category 5 maintenance of netData Wiring. Strong working software. communication skills Software QA/ Engia must! Some North neer (Ref# SJ11): Deern CA travel will be bug software prodrequired. We are an ucts through the use EOE offering a com of systematic tests petitive benefits to develop, apply, package and salary. and maintain quality All applicants are standards for comrequired to have a pany products. Sysclean Background/ tems Engineer (Ref# DMV record. Interest SJ13): Provide preed applicants should sales technical and forward their re sales support for sumes to: email account(s) in signed territory. or Diana Monaghan, Technical Leader AMS.NET, Inc, 502 (Ref# SJ14): Leads Commerce Way, Liv engineering groups ermore, CA 94551. No on projects to dephone calls please. sign, develop or test hardware or software products. Technical Marketing Engineer (Ref # SJ15): Responsible for enlarging compa ny’s market and increasing revenue by marketing, support ing, and promoting company’s technolo gy to customers. Product Manager (Ref#: SJ 17): Create Certified. Pay high level marketing depending on exp. strategies and concepts for company The Bay Area News solutions for marGroup-East Bay kets and segments is seeking a worldwide. Program Telemarketer Manager (Ref# for its SJ22): Manage and Walnut Creek develop large engilocation. neering programs from concept to deADULT /AideCaregiver If you enjoy speaklivery. Product EngiLive in/out 24/7 510ing with the public, neer (Ref#: SJ40): 938-2736 ; 925-705-2371 have sales experiSupport company ence then join the products throughout CAREGIVER: Univer telephone sales the NPI (New Prodsity educ. Honest & team. This position uct Introduction) reliable. Lt. hskpng, solicits customers stage to production, cooking. No agcy. for newspaper subwhich includes failfee. 925-300-6730. scriptions. Evening ure analysis, bringand weekend CERTIFIED Nurse Aide up and debugging, shifts available. 30 yrs. exp. Caring. assisting CAD engiBase Salary plus 925-727-8513 after 3. neers with layouts, commission on evand qualification ery subscription and release for prosold. Basic comput duction. Mechanical er skills required Engineer (Ref#: and excellent SJ75): Provide mephone skills. chanical support to engineering teams. For immediate Commodity Manager consideration you (Ref#: SJ86): Drive may go to: the implementation 2640 Shadelands of Pb-free (lead free) Drive,Walnut Creek in company supply to complete an ap chain for a specific plication or you c o m m o d i t y may send a group/technology. resume with Please mail resumes Telemarketer with reference numin the subject line ber to Cisco Systo: eastbayjobs tems, Inc., Attn: @bayareanews J51W, 170 W. Tasman Drive, Mail Stop: SJC 5/1/4, San Jose, CA 95134. No phone EOE calls please. Must be legally authorized to work in the U.S. without sponsor ship. EOE. THEATER Theater Manager (#2CHU05) – Chabot College in Hayward, CA. Full-time, 40 hrs/wk; days and times may vary depending on program needs; $5,726.25$6,959.00/mo. Closing date: 07/12/10. To apply for this position, visit us online at www.clpccd .org/hr. EOE.

Teachers - P/T



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SUMMER WORK $16.75 Guar. Base/appt. Students/all ages 17+ Part-time/Full-time. Flex schedules, Conditions apply. No experience nec. Walnut Crk 925-939-4636 E. County 925-778-9675 W. County 510-222-4998

Employment SECURITY Engrs: Design, engineer and implement infrastructure to protect network boundaries, keep computer systems and network devices hardened against attack, and provide security services to protect highly-sensitive data for internet search company projects. Job Site: Mt. View, CA. Interested candidates send resume to Job #2526, Google Inc., PO Box 391078, Mt. View, CA 94039-1078

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